THE ED MYLETT SHOW - How To Live Life Without Limits w/ Tom McCarthy

Episode Date: August 23, 2022

The BIGGEST BATTLES we fight on our way to SUCCESS are often the ones inside our own heads.  This week, I’m going to ask you to LOOK INWARD and FACE THOSE LIMITATIONS with the help of my guest, TOM... MCCARTHY.  You are the product of the STORIES YOU TELL YOURSELF.  As you’ll hear Tom explain, don’t underestimate the impact of those stories and how they affect you.  If you’re not careful, the wrong stories lead to CONFORMITY and BEING AVERAGE which are your enemies if you want to lead an extraordinary life.In addition to those stories, you must learn how ENERGY and EMOTIONS impact you as well.  They live in your conscious and your subconscious mind.  Or as Tom calls it, your SUPER CONSCIOUS MIND because of how fast this part of your brain processes incoming information.  Here’s the cool part.  Tom is going to teach you how to PROGRAM your super conscious mind so you can start living better TODAY!We also get into FOCUS and how you can use your own ENERGY and ELECTRICITY to turn your THOUGHTS into ACTIONABLE RESULTS. When you apply these things properly, you’ll learn how to CHANGE YOUR STORY.  And that’s where we go next.   You’re going to get a great download on how to change the NARRATIVE OF YOUR LIFE.  Tom and I also go deep on CONFIDENCE and IDENTITY, which are common problems that lots of people struggle with.  You’ll get some great info on those areas that you can use as well.This week is all about giving you the tools you need for your personal brand of PEAK PERFORMANCE.   Tom and I spend a lot of our lives in this space, so get ready for our PEAK ADVICE over the next hour. 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is the Ed Milett Show. Okay guys, welcome back to the show. You know the reason I do this show, by the way, it's precious to me because we only do one a week, or the number one show in the world. And that is not easy to do when you do one a week and you're sort of ranked up against shows that come out every day or three or four days a week. And so that seat that this man is sitting in means the world to me because I only get to share one person a week with each of you.
Starting point is 00:00:28 And so I take it as a great responsibility to make this time we have together every week so profound and so valuable in your lives. And I know so many of you get value out of it. And that's why you share the show. So I wanted to thank you today. In particular, there's really an honor for me because I'm going to introduce somebody to you that some of you will know, but many of you will not know. And I wanted him on the show today solely because of how good his work is, how solid his content
Starting point is 00:00:53 is in helping people change their lives and perform at a higher level. I'd call them like a peak performance expert. There's all kinds of different terms I could come up to describe this man, but he's got a book called The Breakthrough Code that is outstanding. And I like the way it's written. He was a Wall Street guy for a while, then went to work to train in Tony Robbins companies. He's been training top athletes and corporations for many years. And he's just great at changing people's lives. And so Tom McCarthy, welcome to the show today.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Yeah, it's an honor to be with you, Ed. And I'm just amazed at what you've done in such a short period of time. It's incredible. Well, thank you. Well, you help people do that in their own lives. You help people do great things in their lives and sometimes in short periods of time. So let's talk about this a little bit. There's all these things I want to get into with you because your work is unique. It's different. But you talk a lot about reality and the story somebody tells themselves as well, right? That there's this sort of story we tell ourselves and we sort of build our own reality to some extent or the reality our parents give us or society gives us.
Starting point is 00:01:50 So just your thoughts on that overall. I love the way you phrase and word this. Yeah. So this is fun to talk with you about it because I know your work is all about this too. But what is reality? Like, you know, people say I'm a realist. What does that really mean?
Starting point is 00:02:04 And I think every single day we wake up, there's a set of possibilities that are more likely to happen just based upon who we've been up to than and now. But then there's also these other possibilities that are really cool that we could make happen. And so what I love, what I really love is helping people shift reality. And we were talking about a quote I have that the average person is going to conform just whatever everyone else is doing.
Starting point is 00:02:30 They get sick, they go to the internet, they look up, okay, what's my prognosis and they'll pretty much go along with that. Seven years ago, I got chronic fatigue. And I remember a doctor saying, you know, it takes years and years and I go to alternative doctors and some people never get over it. I'm like screw that, like I'm getting over this thing quick. So I went to the internet and I found a guy that got over it really quick. And he was in London and I connected with him. And I was able to shift my reality from having this, you know, not a death sentence,
Starting point is 00:02:59 but a long time with this condition to getting over it relatively quickly. And greatness, the second part of the quote, so average conforms reality, greatness expands reality. It creates a whole new reality. A great example recently, I think, is in Ukraine with President Zelensky there. What was the most likely thing that was going to happen when the Russian army attacks a smaller country, right? You surrender, you give up.
Starting point is 00:03:25 You know, I think we said, we'll fly out. Yeah. He goes, I don't need a ride. He goes, I need bullets. Right, right. And he shifted reality. Like you and I and all of us were rooting for him, right? Because he shifted reality and the face of, of just conforming.
Starting point is 00:03:42 He's said, no, I'm not going to do that. And it was an uphill battle. And we still don't know how it's going to end, but I love it when people do that. And they, it's interesting, you say that. I want to just say something about that. I have something that I say often that I think conformity is a form of cowardice.
Starting point is 00:03:55 And it's interesting that you use that example because I think one of the easiest things in life to do is just conform. The other thing about the internet, and you solving your disease too, and I'll let you speak to it, but, or this diagnosis you had is is the culture is going to push you to the average. The average diagnosis, right? The average doctor, the average performance,
Starting point is 00:04:13 with the average person thinks. And unknowingly, if we're not careful about how culture, or the people around us push us, we just end up moving towards the average. Do you agree with that? Absolutely. 100%. Yeah. And even peak performers, I coached an athlete, and I knew you'd coach a lot of athletes, but this one athlete was a Richard Marriott's daughter, and she was training for, it was kind of a form of water skiing, but they do these big jumps, and it wasn't a typical water skater like this like this extension and a fan so it like raised up above the water. She was number two in the world and she was getting ready for the world championships and the family called me up and said,
Starting point is 00:04:52 can you help her out? Because mostly I work with corporations and I don't do a lot of athletes. I've worked with some gold medalists but it's not really things that I'm pushing but they called me up and they said, can you work with her? And I said, you know, I don't know anything about that sport, but I can work with her mindset.
Starting point is 00:05:08 And I came in and I said, you know, hey, what's going on? And she said, nothing's working. You know, she had the story in her head, which we'll talk about later. And I said, what do you mean? She goes, well, I'm ranked number two, but and as she said, I'll never beat the number one person in the sport. That's the Michael Jordan of our sport. So she already had a limitation there. So her average was not, you know, the typical average, but still she was averaging in. And then and then she said the people that I normally beat, they're beating me. I'm finishing like fifth and sixth and seventh. And and I said, well, what's happening? It's just like if I'm just so nervous, right? And I don't want them to call my name.
Starting point is 00:05:45 And literally she was averaging down, even though she was like a peak performer. So I think, you know, your book, I love the title of your book, right? You know, about, you know, the power of one more, right? Because even when we get to these levels that you're at, that I'm at, that other people are at, we still potentially can average out
Starting point is 00:06:04 versus continuing pushing forward. By the way, so true. We're going to tell all this in a minute, but it's for me, I'm really conscious of the story. I'm telling myself all the time. I think the stories we tell ourselves really dictate our life. And the higher you climb, the more common of is upon you to create a new story.
Starting point is 00:06:21 It's easy to start pouting yourself on the back too. Or start talking about your old story. This is what I used to do. But for you, I think it's important to get context because I'm looking at your work because you know, a lot of people submit to come on the show and I'm like, well, how do I, you know, for me, when I delineate, am I okay, is this work unique? Will it be profound? Will my audience be changed by it? And two things, one, your work moved me, two, your story moved me. You could have easily, as a young man, used the story of your upbringing, which is a real one, to go in a particular direction.
Starting point is 00:06:53 And I think a lot of people are like, yeah, this thing about story you guys are gonna get into, that's great, but I actually have a real story. You know, and they think this in their mind, well, my story is my parents got divorced, or Ed's story is his dad's an alcoholic. Your story is really interesting because, you know, you're this little boy I'll let you tell it.
Starting point is 00:07:08 But when I'm watching you work, I watch some of your talks and I get emotional with humans because I love humans, but I pictured this little boy. I pictured you as the, I think three or four year old little boy. Yeah. So tell, tell my audience about where your story began. I don't usually do this on the show. Usually get into the work, but I think your story is so fascinating to me.
Starting point is 00:07:31 And I just did this part of thing. I just honor your dad who you didn't get to know very well also. So just share with them that part of the story. Yeah, I grew up in a military family. My dad went to West Point, Young Army officer. I was the first born. We lived at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. And he got sent to Vietnam in 1963.
Starting point is 00:07:49 So early in the war, before there was a lot of US troops over there. And I had a brother one year younger that was already born in my dad left. And then a brother that was born while my dad was over here, that didn't meet my dad before he's over. And I still remember,
Starting point is 00:08:03 so there's three of us, my mom, you know, they're taking care of us, and I remember waking up one morning, and my dad was gonna come home in like a month, right? So it was almost time for my dad to come home, and I know we were talking about it in the family, and I remember looking out the window and a taxi cab pulled up. And Army Officer got out, I'm thinking it's my dad,
Starting point is 00:08:24 I'm all excited, my mom obviously knew what was happening. And so she made us stay in the room and went down. And I hear like a scream and then all of a sudden people are coming into our house neighbors and I'm getting a little emotional thinking about it. But when you have something like that happen and everybody has something in their life like this, but when you have something like that happen, particularly when you're young,
Starting point is 00:08:51 life is not black and white anymore. You know, you don't have a stable foundation like I thought I was gonna have. And so it made me search. It made me want to grow. It was actually a gift. It was a hard gift. And I know you write and talk a lot about this too,
Starting point is 00:09:05 but I look back now. It made me who I am, right? It made me more curious. I don't know who I would have been. I mean, I wish my dad would have come back because my dad was this amazing man that everybody loved. By the way, everyone, his father was killed in Vietnam. Yeah, my dad was killed in Vietnam,
Starting point is 00:09:20 one of the probably the 100th person US soldier killed there so very early. But there was a lot of pain. There was a lot of grief, sadness, uncertainty, lack of confidence. My mom never fully recovered. Unfortunately, she never remarried. Right. She never remarried. She had three little boys. She committed her life to us. And I think when we got out and started doing things, I think it was almost like her purpose on this planet was done. She retired it, she was a nurse, she went back to work, but passed away relatively young, like 67 years old.
Starting point is 00:09:54 But that sadness, that grief was with her that whole time. And I'm sure, and I know you talk about this, we inherit in those first seven years, a lot of our parents believe. So I had to get over all that stuff. Yeah. And really you start to carve out who I wanted to be once I saw that we have the possibility not to
Starting point is 00:10:14 just live up to our past, but far exceed what velocity or path that our past was gonna take us on. I'm really glad that you shared that. I wanna know how you did it. And I've heard some different things in my life. I do a lot of work with the conscious and the subconscious mind. But you really do.
Starting point is 00:10:33 And I want to know if that was part of your work. You call it the super conscious and I've never heard this before but I'd like you to share with them. So how did you start to tell this new story? I picture this little boy, you lose your dad, you're the oldest boy. There's just got to tell this new story? I picture this little boy, you lose your dad, you're the oldest boy. There's just gotta be this anxiety, this fear.
Starting point is 00:10:47 We do adapt our parents' emotions. I believe we accept some of those emotions from our parents that we see them living with, whether it's just be even me and Melon Cully, or down, or just, or the absence of bliss, right? The absence of something is, like the invisible emotions we don't pick up. There's not a lot of bliss in our house growing up.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Yeah, unfortunately. I imagine, yeah, I imagine. Yet, I think those things typically become gifts because that allows you to connect with people. I've had someone on my show recently say this, but I've said it for a long time that I think we are most qualified and equipped to help the person we used to be.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Mm-hmm. And so many people are struggling with grief or anxiety or fear. And I really do believe that if you come from an environment like that, that that is a gift to help you connect with someone like that you used to be. But talk a little bit about how you've programmed your mind. And what you do with the subconscious mind.
Starting point is 00:11:37 And I didn't know this, frankly, the data about the different bits of information that the subconscious can hold compared to the conscious mind. Yeah. I mean, it's been a process. And I don't know how the heck I even got my mom to her credit. I mean, she was a really, really amazing mom. She loved us.
Starting point is 00:11:57 She just, she had limitations, right? In her thinking because of this tragedy and her parents had been divorced and her dad was an alcoholic. So there was some things there, but she was really a really incredible mom. And she started, she started thinking beyond the norm. And so, you know, there was little books on healing and really energy healing and things like that that I would pick up. And I thought it was really weird at first, like, well, what the heck's wrong with you? And then I got curious and I started reading, I don't know if you read the book, illusions,
Starting point is 00:12:32 way back when. And that book pissed me off it because the guy dies and they're like, what? Yes, yes. But then it made me think, right? And so I, and then I was reading Wayne Dyer's books at a much younger age than most people because of the pain, right, and me wanting to grow out of it.
Starting point is 00:12:49 So it was a huge gift. And yeah, the conscious mind is what most people think they have, right? This thing I'm thinking with, I'm observing with, I'm making decisions with. And you're right, right? You know, we have a conscious mind. It processes 40 bits of information per second. That's pretty cool. But down below the subconscious, I call it the super conscious, because it's a million times more powerful. We've got this part of our mind that can process
Starting point is 00:13:14 40 million bits of information per second. And I believe the mind actually extends outside of the body. I don't believe it's like located in the body. I believe the mind, like you've probably have had this happen dozens of times where you're thinking of somebody and then all of a sudden they call you up. Like, well, how the heck did that happen? And someone you haven't heard from in two or three months. Like, where did that come from? Like, we take for granted that we can get on a cell phone and call somebody, but also our
Starting point is 00:13:39 energy, right? All we are is energy. Energy follows thought. You think of somebody. Energy is going out. Your mind is sending that out. It's extending beyond your body. And I've got some really cool story.
Starting point is 00:13:51 I'll tell you about my son later on that too. But tell me now, what is that? Well, so my son was an athlete and he played College of basketball. He got hurt one year, had a concussion, playing at Harvard. So he had a fifth year. And so he goes to school called Rice to play his fifth year. And he's, he's not feeling good.
Starting point is 00:14:09 His hips hurting, his knees hurting. And then his back goes out. He like a 20, you know, two, 23 year old kid. They take him in. They tell him, you know, you've got the largest hernated disc we've ever seen in a kid your age. You know, we're going to have to injectated disc we've ever seen in a kid your age, you know, we're gonna have to inject you so they put them under inject them and it didn't work. And I told him, I said, look, a lot of pain in your body is mind-body pain. It's repressing emotions, not letting them flow through, you know, being a perfectionist, people-pleaser, anger, a lot of the ones I've had over my life that I've had to get beyond. And I said, read this book, The Mind Body Prescription by Dr. John Sarno.
Starting point is 00:14:47 He listened to it three times. They wanted to get him back in, talk about surgery, everything else. His pain went away and it's never returned since. So he's a big believer in the mind. So anyways, it takes me to this story. He was working on a deal to buy a company. He doesn't want me to tell the name of the company,
Starting point is 00:15:04 but it's a company everyone would recognize. And he had some senior partners and so they're gonna buy this company and they're raising some capital to do the transaction. And I told my son, I said, look, program your mind, you're super conscious mind that you're always in the right place at the right time. And he's a big believer in the mind.
Starting point is 00:15:23 He did it, right? And he didn't say no a big believer in the mind. He did it, right? And he didn't say, no, that's not gonna work. He did it. He calls me up a week later, he goes, Dad, you're never gonna believe what happened. I'm like, what? He said, why I'm walking down the street and it isn't West Hollywood.
Starting point is 00:15:33 This guy's jogging towards me. And all of a sudden, this guy stops right in front of me and he goes, the guy told him, he goes, I don't know why I'm stopping right in front of you, but something tells me I need to talk to you. So they get in this conversation. And my son didn't learn a lot about him, but the guy, you know, he asked my son, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:15:52 He goes, you know, my son said, I'm an investor. He goes, look, if we ever need to talk, let me know. He gave him some information. My son goes back and looks him up. The guy is a billionaire. And he also runs a $4 billion private equity fund. They have lunch a few days later, and then they have dinner a couple days later, and the guy ends up, unfortunately,
Starting point is 00:16:12 to deal and go through, but the guy ends up committing like $100 million of the deal, and brings in a friend that commits $100 million. Crazy. Being in the right place of the right time. Now, how did that happen? Like, was that just coincidence? On the spinning earth.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Yeah, on all the streets of all the humans, they run into each other. And the guy said, I never even run this way, right? You know, he goes, he goes, I don't even know why I'm stopping. So I think, and listen, is that gonna happen?
Starting point is 00:16:35 You, I'm always in the right place, right time, right? Where's my opportunity? It doesn't happen like that. You and I know, that's what everyone wants. Yes. But it does happen. And we have so many of these instances. And with your work and what I'm trying It doesn't happen like that. You and I know. That's what everyone wants. Yes. But it does happen.
Starting point is 00:16:45 And we have so many of these instances. And with your work and what I'm trying to help people do, we can help people create more of these great shifts in reality. You're right down the alley. I want to go in this interview. So I want to stay on super conscious mind and energy just for a little bit. Stay on that zone because you have a bunch of other stuff I want to get into as well. About practical application.
Starting point is 00:17:03 So how does one begin to program their sub or super conscious mind? What does that look like? Is it repetitive thought? Is it writing things down? Do you believe in visualizations? What would be a strategy you would give everybody here to say, this is a step to begin to program this part of your brain that's a million times more powerful than your conscious mind?
Starting point is 00:17:23 Yeah. Yeah. First thing you've got to do is you've got to get into a relaxed state, an alpha brain wave state, which is almost, you know, a meditative state, but you can get there really quickly. Like literally you can just look up. Like if you look up, like, you know, keep your head facing forward, but you just raise your eyes up. That'll put you into an alpha state fairly quickly. And but you can't the way that most people try
Starting point is 00:17:47 to do it in the past when I was older than you, but you might have seen this too as they said, you know, affirmations and you would say these affirmations, but there would be no emotion involved with it. There's no real energy. And then they go, it didn't work. Well, of course, it didn't work. Like if you say something like, I'm always in the right place at the right time, like that did nothing to my super conscious mind. So what is a super conscious looking for? It's looking for pictures, it's looking for feelings, right?
Starting point is 00:18:13 And so one of the habits, I've got three big ideas in the book. The first one is focus on less and then obsess, but the obsess part is not a, you know, every single second I've got to be thinking about it. That's actually detrimental because it means you're not trusting the super conscious in the process. And I think a couple of times a day you've got to work with your super conscious, get in a relaxed state. Best times are right when you wake up, right? You're already relaxed, right? For you go to bed, maybe another time during the day, few minutes, but you've got to, and again, this is stuff I'm sure they've heard a million times from you because I know that you do it too, but you've got to see it,
Starting point is 00:18:49 you've got to feel it, and you've got to believe it. And then you can let it go. Now, we need repetition, I'm not saying do it once, and that's all you do, but a couple of times a day is fine. It's not like every single minute. If you want to do it more, that's fine. If you do it more, do it not out of fear, oh my God, I better do it again. So do it out of just confidence, do it out of joy, do it out of fun. And the super conscious will start to accept that. Yes.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Now, there is another thing that people have to do though. And again, this is part of what you talk about too. You do have to let go of old baggage because when we're trying to put new great stuff into our mind, but we put it on a crappy foundation, it's not as powerful. How does one do that? Let go of old baggage. Yeah. Lots of ways. I just did on Instagram. I did seven different ways you could do it. But if there's a lot of energy psychology techniques you can use. One that I have in the book, I was just a total mind game, but I call it the shredder. And so you picture and people might think this is silly.
Starting point is 00:19:54 This is crazy. But life is a mind game. Life is a mind game. What you think your life is is a total mind game you're playing. There's a. So if if a memory keeps coming up and keeps bugging you and makes you feel less confident than you want, like rather than just let that rattle around in your head, let's do something with it. Let's teach the mind. We don't want it anymore. And so the shredder, you literally
Starting point is 00:20:18 just picture a paper shredder. You know, you know, the shredders. So you literally just picture a paper shredder and imagine this event, right? Where maybe you failed or you got embarrassed or you couldn't figure something out or whatever it was. And just run it mentally in your imagination, totally in your imagination, run it through the shredder. And then run it through like three or four times. And now the mind goes, because remember, it likes pictures and feelings.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Now the mind goes, oh, you don't want us to bring that up anymore. Yes. Yeah. Okay. Everybody, I want to go back. So all of this is gold. It's, Tom, it's more gold than you realize it is because you teach it every day. Okay. So I want to go back. Number one, this shredder concept. People can go back and listen to old stuff I have. I talk about how you're picturing it and it's like a CD, like a DVD. And if you ever had a DVD skip and you can't watch it anymore, but if you're old enough to remember DVDs, right, I used to say scratch it, scratch it, scratch it. And it literally will scratch it where I can't play the damn DVD of this video anymore. You're putting it into a shredder.
Starting point is 00:21:19 This is incredibly important stuff, guys, to reprogram the way you think. And again, it's not that sophisticated, it's just a matter of doing it repetitiously on a regular basis. So whether it's shredder or scratching the old DVD, or you can picture if you're watching Netflix, your internet breaks down and it gets all scrambled. It's picture getting scrambled,
Starting point is 00:21:36 picture getting scrambled. This tells your mind you don't want it anymore. So that's really, really important. The other thing you can do is you can play goofy music over it. Yeah. You start watching this stupid video of this thing you're afraid of and you're start going, I used to play the theme song from Sanford and Son. Now I'm really dating myself. You and I know the show everybody else, go Google it right now. But I would watch
Starting point is 00:21:56 these videos of things I feared and I go, right, but it scrambles. It tells the mind, don't pull this file up anymore. So that's huge, you guys. Shredder, DVD, internet breaks down, funny music over it. The second thing he said that I want to go back and just reinforce is that when you are programming your mind typically for most people, there's visual, the feeling, kinesthetic, and then auditory.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Okay, affirmations are the least effective for most people because it's auditory and your body rejects it when you say it. They don't believe it so your body doesn't feel it. I'm a winner. I'm a winner. But if you don't believe that your body rejects it, it doesn't feel it. It can't see it. So this is important. The most powerful is a visual picture. And then if you can give yourself the gift of what it would feel like to be in that moment and you feel it in your body Part of your subconscious mind is located in your body
Starting point is 00:22:48 Tom's work says it's not just located there But when you feel something your body begins to own it. That's why for example There's triggers in your life and then we'll move on to the next thing But I just want to give everybody the gift to this is why I wanted you here today is us going back and forth on this stuff Because I think we're two and the best on the planet about it. You ever had food poisoning before? I got food poisoning like three years ago on a tuna melt. And I love tuna, right?
Starting point is 00:23:11 But I like protein, it's one, I cannot smell a tuna melt now. Just the smell of one gets you sick again. Why? Because it gave me all three. It gave me the visual of the sandwich, the feeling of being sick, right? And then obviously what I was saying when I was being sick,
Starting point is 00:23:25 that trilogy, all I got to do is see one and I go into that state. So this is how we program our mind. You already do it, folks. It's a matter of taking control of it and doing it repetitiously. Okay, by the way, last thing, the gaze, where he said how to get into your subconscious mind,
Starting point is 00:23:38 I'll often teach my athletes, even in the middle of a game when they're in a big crowd, gaze off into the distance and nothing, it puts you into that state, and now you're in your, you can get into your mind, okay? So all huge stuff right there. I'm here when everybody writes stuff down. I want to go back to big idea number one, because I just want to make sure we've exhausted the thought on it.
Starting point is 00:23:54 I wrote it down here. This is one of the things I want to ask you about. Focus on less than obsess. And now you said earlier, you said a few minutes ago, that doesn't mean to do it all the time, but do you mean there's an overall life strategy as well? Do you think people are doing too many things? Or do you mean that just in the sense
Starting point is 00:24:09 of programming one's mind? Are you a great, I know you're a very good golfer. Are you a great dancer? No. Okay, do you wanna be? I could care less. Yeah, so you're not focused on that. So there's lots of things that we do,
Starting point is 00:24:21 but occasionally you're gonna go and maybe dance, I'm a dance in luck, don't I. I didn't call it everybody. Don't go to YouTube. But my point is because the book is called the breakthrough code. Like where you want to have a breakthrough, like a really dramatic, exciting breakthrough. You're not going to have 50 of them in over the course of the next week. You're going to have to apply some focus and, and, you know, what's the difference between a light bulb and a laser? Just focus, right? A light bulb will light up a room. A laser will cut through something. So you've got to laser in on the breakthrough. My, the subtitle of my book is, is living a life without limits, right? I
Starting point is 00:25:01 don't like limits. I don't like people saying you can't do this or this can't be done. I just that pisses me off and it motivates the heck. I'm sure it motivates you to do right? Absolutely. Yeah. And so, but to really get the power to create a breakthrough in an area, maybe it's your health, maybe it's financially or in your business or in a relationship, you got to focus in. And you've got to make it a priority. And that's all I'm talking about. You've got to tell the mind, look, I know you got a lot going on, but this is really important. And I think you can have maybe three of those going at any point in time. Totally agree with you, by the way. I think you got to pick an area and laser in on it to use your terminology.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Why? It's connected to the second thing we're going to talk about, which is energy. When you're focused on a lot of different things, you've depleted the energy, right? And you say in the book, you say, or you're one of the talks too, is that Einstein says, everything is energy. Not some things,
Starting point is 00:25:54 everything is energy. Driving here to do the interview today, I've had a little bit of rest lately. And I knew today was gonna be awesome because I was coming in, I'm vibrating at a high frequency today. I know what it feels like to be vibrating at a high enough frequency where I'm going to produce a great result.
Starting point is 00:26:09 And I know what it feels like oftentimes where I am not. And the last few weeks, frankly, just between my new TV show on Nozy, everybody goes, you know, Nozy starts August 22nd. The different things I've had in my life, my new book, all this other stuff. I've just not been vibrating at quite the energy level that I know is the success level that I need to be at. So talk a little bit about this. You said something in this, I've never heard someone say
Starting point is 00:26:32 about cells and volts of energy, and like you can actually prove almost with neuroscience or chemistry or math why this is actually true. So let's go to the energy thing for a second and how one might direct it. Yeah, so everything is energy and not just us, right? You know, the cells and atoms and our body,
Starting point is 00:26:52 but everything, like this table that were, it's just condensed energy, this table right in front of us here, everything's energy, and everything's created twice. First inside, then outside, right? This table was an idea in somebody's head at 1.9. And then they, you know, threw work, they formed energy and now we've got a table that we can put our hands on and microphones and everything. So everything's energy. And Einstein also, he was a big believer in the imagination and that energy follows thought. And so when we think of thought, energy follows that.
Starting point is 00:27:27 When the president of the Ukraine was thinking, hey, we need help here. Like energy was behind that thought and that thought came to you. You heard it and I heard it and all of a sudden, like we're rooting for him, right? We're rallying for them. So when you understand the challenge, I think
Starting point is 00:27:46 most people have that is they live so firmly planted in this physical world of the only thing that exists is what I can touch, what I can see, what I can feel, but everything's created twice. So there's things you can't touch, see, and feel that are being created now. They're not in physical reality yet. They're in the non-physical, but that's where all the greatness starts. And when someone's struggling, all they can see is what is already there for them and they get stuck and then they conform,
Starting point is 00:28:16 what I think we as human beings ideally should do, and this is hard, because it's fun to live in the physical world. You got all these great houses. We have different toys and fun things, because it's fun to live in the physical world. I mean, you got all these great houses. You know, we have, I have different toys and fun things and, and it's fun. And that's why we're here. So I like doing that. But we also have to have, ideally, a foot in the non-physical, where there are no boundaries.
Starting point is 00:28:36 And we're energy is waiting. It's just literally saying, what do you want, Ed? And what do you want? Like, everything you have, you're telling me about your, you know, beautiful homes. Those all came from first you directing energy inside you to go out and make those opportunities real. Okay, brother. No one's ever said that on the show before and it's so true.
Starting point is 00:28:56 One, I talk a lot about, I think 99% of people operate out of a pattern of thinking that is history and memory. One percent of humans have worked to the extent that they operate of imagination and vision. They actually have that as their operating platform. The people that I naturally enjoy their energy to quote you are people who operate out of imagination. And by the way, you can just take an inventory of yourself and the people around you.
Starting point is 00:29:16 How many of your conversations your thoughts are about imagining and visioning and how many of them are about history and memory. And in my life, I've just sort of, as I've gotten older, gravitated, but I'm telling you, almost everything I accomplish or that I do, I consciously begin to think about it. That's what out of the physical. I've never heard someone phrase it that way before. It's exactly what I do. I'm working on a few things right now.
Starting point is 00:29:38 My process unconsciously, now that I'm 51 years old and has repeated it over 30 years, my process is to actually sit, get in a quiet meditative state to some extent. And I'm talking about holding my hands and praying. I'm talking about just getting alone almost for me as a state. And it is to have a thought and then I am actually literally intentionally pouring energy into the thought. I'm trying to pour more and more and more energy into the thought. And then I actually separate from it and I get away from it for a while.
Starting point is 00:30:04 And I let it just sit with its energy and then I pour more and more and more energy into that vision and that Imagination and it amazes me how the world begins to conspire to help me make it true Yes, whether it's that running on the street. Yeah, or a conversation today or something. I then read and I'm like What in the why is this pop up? Yeah. Right? So this is the process of creativity. It's thinking and then flooding it with energy. And the more successful you become,
Starting point is 00:30:32 the more you have some wins, the more you begin to understand what that feels like when you're actually doing it. And it's liberating because now you know there's nothing that can stop you. Right. And that's what most people don't have. They literally think there's lots of things out there that can stop them. And they're not willing
Starting point is 00:30:49 to take that leap of faith. And you got to take the leap of faith in the beginning. Like people that are listening to this that haven't that, you know, that are not at Ed's level yet. Just know at one, at one point, he was at your level, right? But he just outgrew that. Of course. And it wasn't because, you know, he or me or anyone else is better than anybody else. It's just we're using the tools that everyone's using as a matter of fact, people that are struggling, the reason they're struggling is because their subconscious is so powerful that it's taking all this information that they've put in that life's a struggle, life's hard, you can never get ahead. And it's making it absolutely true for them. Yeah, so I so know that it's not that I'm different, which is why I'm in this space.
Starting point is 00:31:33 I know humans can change. I know the reality can change because I'm so aware of my own limitations. I'm so aware of how many things I am either average at or sub-average at that if I can produce certain things in my life Because I this is not even humility. I just realize my own limitations in terms of my intellect or my strength or my upbringing or my Experiences that if I can produce these things in my life I absolutely one million percent sure know you listening to this or watching this can as well.
Starting point is 00:32:05 And there is a process. It is both art and science. The art part, you're going to figure out as you go. The science part, which is what we're talking about today, is absolutely a replicable process that you can start with. So let's start with a few of what those things are. I want to go back one thing because you just use a term I've not heard before, which is use your own electricity. And so just I want to just like, thing, because you just use a term I've not heard before, which is use your own electricity.
Starting point is 00:32:25 And so just I want to just like, what does that mean to you? Because people say energy. I think a lot of people have heard the term energy before and like, look, I just don't get it, you know, but electricity. Yeah. I don't think most people look at themselves as electric. And they are. And it's almost like you use the example of a light, everyone. God bless you. But if you really are an electrical being, it's so sad to dim your light over time.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Great. And all knowledge. Me too. And just reading your work and you've reduced your electrical charge and the external evidence of that is the lights dimming in your life. The cool part is that at any given time, you can start to take control and charge of your electricity. I just like that term better than energy. So, are we electric actually as human beings? And maybe like one thought or concept about how one begins to up their amp level,
Starting point is 00:33:17 so to speak. So, Bruce Lipton, who you're probably familiar with, biology, believe, he's the one that I got the data from on each cell has a certain charge. And we've got, I can't even remember what since I wrote it, but we have billions or trillions of cells in our body. So yeah, we got a lot of electricity. Like we could light up a city if we used it effectively.
Starting point is 00:33:41 I really love what you just said though, like, because I've never thought of it like someone dimming their light. Because I think that really is what's happening or what's happened to a lot of people. It's not like they don't have the charge available, but they've got it on the dimmer, right? And they're just so used to having it dimmed out that they think that's all there is. You and I, the reason we do this, and I've been doing this a long time, and, you know, don't necessarily have to do it anymore, but I really feel like my purpose, and I know your purpose is to help people understand. They can do so much more. And it's not about
Starting point is 00:34:17 doing more. It's about really expressing themselves and living their purpose and do the work that they came here to do. And I think a lot of people have lost sight of that or they're not even clear what that is. Well, part of it's that story, don't you think? And I think we have lots of stories we tell ourselves. And most of them we've told us ourselves so many times. And we've gathered so much evidence in our life to prove our story true, that we're so buried in it that we're not even really aware that we are actually living a story we've told ourselves. And if we're both right about that, and we are right about that, how does it keep the thing begin to change the narrative of their life? Do they just sit down and say, I'm going to write a new chapter in my book and I'm a new
Starting point is 00:35:03 character, or what would you recommend somebody do to start to say, look, I do need to, I'm not even aware of all the stories I'm telling myself. But I do want to tell myself a new one. Where would they begin? Well, the first thing is dig into the pain and let go of start letting go of that. Like really, and that's, I mean, I, I'll probably do that to the day I die, right? You know, I'm not feeling good, not that motivated. I'm not just gonna go, you know, I feel great,
Starting point is 00:35:28 I feel great, I feel great. I mean, that can work short term, but I really wanna go, what the heck's behind this? Like, what is dragging me down? What am I thinking? What, what's popping up? Where's that coming from? And then, you know, I shred it or whatever.
Starting point is 00:35:41 There's tons of different things about yours too. Yeah. Lots of different things you can do, but that's the first thing. Is it really free up? Because, and people probably can't see, but if I'm holding this bottle in my hand, and then I'm trying to put another bottle in, you know, a better bottle like I can't do it.
Starting point is 00:35:59 As a matter of fact, do this is a funny way to exercise. So start, take your right foot and just start doing it clockwise and every, so just kind of spending clockwise and now while you're doing that, I want you to take your hand and do the letter six. So tips, put your hand up, letter six, but don't take your right hand. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So letter six and is what's happening to your foot?
Starting point is 00:36:22 My foot, what the other way? Yeah, because you can only do one thing at one time. You sucker. That just happened. Yeah. Yeah. You're starting to spend the other way, right? Yeah, it's starting going the other way. Because your mind is like, Hey, wait a minute. It's very powerful, but it can only really do focus on one thing at one time. So we've got to, we've got to get the garbage out, the old baggage out. And it's a continual process because stuff, it reminds me of, like at college when you went to the cafeteria and you took a plate and then another plate pops up. And that's what's going to happen in your life.
Starting point is 00:36:54 So you're never going to be done. Like, you know, people look at, oh my God, Ed's so successfully, so amazing. Hey, he's still working on himself. I bet. I know I am 100% and I'm older than you. Yeah. So it's really good to have% and I'm older than you. Yeah. So it's really good to have someone on the show older than me, but it was also.
Starting point is 00:37:08 So I'd have, yeah. What about old patterns? So you got a story and then you get patterns, right? And I have friends, I know you do this, one of the downsides, if you're a movie, I have movie producer friends. And one of the things that just sucks for them is they can't watch a movie the same way anymore.
Starting point is 00:37:23 Yeah. Because they're like, oh, the editing this, the lighting that, they can't watch a movie the same way anymore Yeah, because they're like oh the editing this the lighting that they can't actually enjoy the movie Right, yeah, and for me and you because we're in sort of the part of what we both do is the human behavior business Sometimes it's hard for me even with my friends to watch them because I'm I'm like God are doing their pattern thing right now, you know because I notice patterns and people yet most people are a right now, you know, because I notice patterns in people. Yet most people are oblivious of their patterns. So you have a pattern of thinking, you have a pattern of emotions,
Starting point is 00:37:49 you have the story you're telling yourself. But just discuss a little bit like old patterns and replacing those patterns and how important that is in our life because this pattern produces the emotion, produces a behavior, produces a result, and it just keeps happening over and over again with our patterns. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:04 A couple things pop in my mind. Like the pattern that got me in trouble with chronic fatigue was like not resting and thinking I always need to be on, I always have my mind working. I was traveling all over the world, not sleeping. I had to change that pattern, right? That pattern would have, I mean, the chronic fatigue was a gift. It was terrible. And I felt like a 95 year old man,
Starting point is 00:38:25 but it was a real gift for me, but I had to shift that pattern. It wasn't just taking a medication. It wasn't just, and I did all sorts of alternative things, but what really had, what I really found that worked from this guy that got over quick,
Starting point is 00:38:38 I had to reset my myggdala. You know, I was in fight or flight, like all the time. I had that pattern. I had to basically reset my MIGDLE up. You know, I was in fight or flight, like all the time. I had that pattern. I had to fix that pattern, then my health returned. When I was working with the, the water's here going back to that story. So she said, you know,
Starting point is 00:38:55 this person could never be beat. I'm really struggling. I'm really nervous. When I get there, I don't wanna go. When I look at the back of the boat, I look at the judges and I'm thinking, oh my God, I'm gonna make a huge mistake. And this is, she look at the back of the boat. I look at the judges and I'm thinking, oh my God, I'm going to make a huge mistake.
Starting point is 00:39:06 And this is, she was ranked number two in the world. But we got rid of that stuff. All those old memories shredded that, got rid of that. And then I said, all right, if you, because the world championships, she was getting ready for, I said, if you could have anything happen in the world championships, what would you want?
Starting point is 00:39:21 What do you think she said? I hope she says you want to win a gold medal. I thought she was gonna say that, but she didn't say that. She said something actually even cooler. She said, you know what? I want to nail my routine. I'm working on this routine.
Starting point is 00:39:31 I want to nail it. And whatever happens, if I nail it, that's all I need to do. I said, I like that. And I said, and this is what you do. And so then you work backwards, right? That's the result you want.
Starting point is 00:39:42 And I only say goal. Goals to me. Like when I think of goals, it's like, oh, it's going one. I might get there. Result is like, you got it. It's nailed. So I said, what, what result do you want? And she said, I want to nail my routine. Is it right? If you knew you're going to nail your routine, what would you be thinking when you were waiting there for them to call your name? She said, I'd be thinking, let's go, baby. Call my name. You don't call my name.
Starting point is 00:40:06 Call my name. I forgot who's saying that. And I said, when you get in the water and you look at the judges on the back of the boat, what would you be thinking? If you knew you're gonna nail it, like you're absolutely certain you're gonna nail it. She said, well, look at him and I'd be thinking,
Starting point is 00:40:19 you're in for a treat. I said, don't say that out loud, but I like that. And she had like a series of things, a new story that she was gonna tell herself. I remember leaving though, and this is interesting because this is what happens with pretty much everybody. I remember leaving there and she had come up with this great story and she was so excited about it.
Starting point is 00:40:37 I'm getting ready to leave, she goes, stop, stop! I said, what? She goes, it doesn't feel real. I go, of course not. You just came up with it. I said, so what you have to do is every practice with your coach. Imagine it's the world championships. And even have your coach go, you know, sand, you're up next and feel that, right? You know, yeah, it's my turn. Let's go get in the boat, get in the water, hold the, the, whatever thing you hold, like the toe rope,
Starting point is 00:41:06 right? And look at the empty boat or maybe it's just your coach, but imagine those judges there and look at them and say, you're in for a treat today. I got this. And she did the overtime. And I, I worked with her one more time. She goes into the world championships with this incredible story. And she finishes eighth.
Starting point is 00:41:23 I'm just kidding. That would be a terrible story. That's not true. Like what? Yeah, no, get out of the studio right now. That's guys, good eight. All right. She won the world championship.
Starting point is 00:41:33 That's freaking awesome. And she beat this person that had never been beaten for, but not only that, just sometimes someone would have a bad day. She set the world record. Oh my gosh. And then she came back the next year just to prove it wasn't a fluke and won again.
Starting point is 00:41:44 Oh, that's so good. But, and that wasn't me. That was just her changing her story. Yeah. That's when you help someone is not you. I'm telling it's I didn't do anything. Of course. I just helped you kind of figure out what your story needs to be. 100%. And you said something so huge there, which is that when you first begin this picture or a new story, I don't believe it's real. It's not supposed to, but eventually, stay with this everybody. This is why you have to keep doing it.
Starting point is 00:42:12 Eventually our minds always move towards what it's familiar with. So right now, you keep moving towards your old story because it's so familiar. So the first time you tell the new story, it doesn't feel real. Second time, the third time. But somewhere along the line, all of a sudden it feels 40% real. Then it feels 70% real. And then eventually, like any thought you've ever had, it eventually becomes familiar to you.
Starting point is 00:42:35 And familiarity is where our mind is going to move. And so if you continue to repeat that story to yourself, there will be a point where it is real. And then you begin to gather evidence from your life. Oh, this is right, this happened, this happened, this happened, and then you become superhuman in regards to that one vision you have for your life. So you'll always move towards what you're most familiar with.
Starting point is 00:42:56 That's why the first time, that's why most people quit on it. It didn't work, I tried your thing. I tried that thing for like how long? Well, two weeks. Really, two weeks, how many times do you want a three? Yeah. Okay, well yeah, come see times do you have a three? Yeah. Okay, well, yeah, come see me in nine months, come see me in 18 months, see me in 24 months,
Starting point is 00:43:10 when not only your subconscious is doing it, but now your conscious is picking up actual evidence of your life that this is true. And eventually it is, it does become who you are. By the way, that's how you got where you are now. That's right. You are where you are now because at first it was just some stupid thought you had, but then you had it again and then you had it again and then you proved it and then you proved it again and then you had it again. And now you're familiar with it and you live it. And
Starting point is 00:43:33 so that's how you change it as well. Now there are things you can do immediately. We're going to talk about in a second. Okay. Next thing that I love that you write about. This is so good, by the way, brother. I told you we're going to go a certain amount of time. I probably have a little bit longer because it's so good. Identity. We both talk about identity, a great deal. And I think it's almost invisible to most people. So, you know, when you really listen to someone or you watch them, you can begin to hear their identity. I'm working with a couple new athletes right now. And people ask me all the time, what do you work with when you're with athletes? Or what do you work with when you're with a CEO of a company or an entertainer or whatever?
Starting point is 00:44:07 It might be say my name, say my name, which I think might be Beyonce. I'm not completely right. Am I right about that? Probably. I am right about that. The fact that I know that it's pretty bizarre. And if I'm wrong, it's close enough everybody. But it was rattling in my head. So, um, anyway, I might be right. It's good. It's close. But what I work with what usually when I'm talking with athletes or working with them, there's all kinds of different techniques, but at the end of the day, if I distilled it down, it's both their confidence and their identity.
Starting point is 00:44:31 At the top levels, people still struggle with confidence. When you see an athlete go in a slump, is it they don't know how to hit anymore? Yeah. No. A couple negative results happen. They started to move towards that story, and all of a sudden they're lacking confidence.
Starting point is 00:44:45 So if you have to work on yourself confident to your identity, welcome to being a human. I'm talking about people that have led big countries, run big companies, are the top athletes in the world. I think a lot of people think, well, I struggle with my confidence, so I'm not like these other people. It's natural to them. Yeah, right. Until they have a big setback. And then it's not so natural. Or they just have this amazing identity. And they just have more, yeah, until they don't anymore, until the success is stripped of them. So how does one begin to build a new identity
Starting point is 00:45:19 and how important is it? It's everything. You know, your identity is your most critical story that's inside of you that shapes everything you see. We see the world with our eyes, right? We think we hear things with our ears, but you really don't. You hear with your story, right? You see with your story. And identity is like your truest, most precious part of your story, the one that you're gonna stand up for day after day. And a lot of people do have identities that are not supporting them.
Starting point is 00:45:53 They have identities or belief systems around, like I've written a couple books on speaking, public speaking, right? I've been speaking all around the world for years and years and years. And so we'll train somebody and they'll go, you know, I always get nervous right before I speak. And I, and what I try and do is like, that can't be the way you think about this. And they go, no, they get over and I go, yeah, but nervousness, you're either in one of two emotional states,
Starting point is 00:46:23 I'm going to generalize you a little bit when you do anything. You're either in one of two emotional states, I'm gonna generalize here a little bit, when you do anything, you're either in a protective state, you're walking in, like if I come in here and I'm like, all right, I don't know this guy, what's he gonna ask me? I'm gonna protect a state, I'm not gonna be as good, words aren't gonna flow, the mind's not gonna work, or I'm in a growth state, right?
Starting point is 00:46:40 I've already flubbed some words, made some mistakes, I'm even worried about that when I'm speaking. I don't even worry about that when I'm speaking. I don't even worry about that. I've probably made like 84 mistakes already. I don't think so. Right? If we've been counting, yeah. I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:46:52 I've been counting. But it doesn't bother me, right? Because I'm not worried about that. My identity is not that I've got to be perfect every single time. My identity is just, I give everything I've got. I'm going to just pour everything I have into this and we're going to have some fun. But my identity, and I'm sure yours has shifted a lot, you know, from childhood. I was that person that thought life was hard. I thought I was that person that thought life wasn't freaking fair.
Starting point is 00:47:15 Man, why don't, how come I don't have a debt? I just shift that. I just shift that. And at the core of who we are is our identity. And when you really get clear on what that is, you can, and if you don't like it, you don't have to stick with it, right? You can shift it and change it. I love what you were saying earlier. It's, to me, it's like carving away at something. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:37 So I don't look at it as like one and not, right? You know, I know there's some lag time, but I'm just gonna carve away today. Carve away, carve away, carve away. And then it does start feeling more and more real and then you're living it. And then life is so much easier because you're not even seeing the same world used to see. So true. It's a completely different world you're experiencing. And that may be hard for people to imagine like what do you mean it's a different world? Like everyone sees the same thing. No, they don't. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:01 I had a friend I was in a car accident. It wasn't bad, but we were in Hawaii. This friend of mine, CEO of a company was driving. His daughter was in the back. She was like six years old and somebody hit him in from behind. So his experience was he just pissed off. Like, it's out. You know, he's kind of angry. And I'm sitting in the car.
Starting point is 00:48:21 His daughter in the back, you know, she called me uncle T. She goes, Uncle T, goes because can we go out and look? She goes, this is so exciting, right? I've never been in an accident before. So people don't see the same thing. They do not. Yeah, brother, that is such a good example. On identity, there's little pieces of ourselves that we begin to realize, like I used to
Starting point is 00:48:43 care people say, here's one little subtle thing that might help everybody. I was just thinking of it when you said, why here, and I say this often too, like a lot of my, the separation is in the preparation, I say, or like, you know, a lot of my confidence comes from how prepared I am. Yeah. So real fine line with that though,
Starting point is 00:48:58 because years ago, it drifted into something dangerous for me. So yeah, I do think you need to be prepared. But I think a lot of people would hold them back is the threshold of what they think they need to know before they act. You agree with that? Absolutely. So like they get this preparation thing conflated where they go, yeah, and so I'm just preparing. And if I just knew a little bit more about it, if I was a little bit more prepared, if
Starting point is 00:49:20 I had a little bit more knowledge, if I went to one more seminar, if I read one more book, if I just had one more seminar, if I read one more book, if I just had one more exercise, then I take action. What I find is the identity level of people that do find bliss, do find successes. They're threshold for what they think they need to know before they leap is lower. And the people that struggle,
Starting point is 00:49:40 the threshold of what they think they need to know or be prepared or capable of is so high that they never quite meet that threshold to take a leap. That was just a subtle thing. That was a great point. Because there's people in life that whatever they do, they just seem to get the ball in the end zone.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Yes. And where they more prepared, well maybe, but a lot of times they weren't. And then there's people that, and they're good people, but they always need that extra little thing and that, you know, they're never quite ready and everything looks good and then it doesn't work out. I do a little test with this stuff on me and I'm sure you do it on you too, but I do some crazy things, right? Like I was asked years ago,
Starting point is 00:50:21 actually it's 2005. So as many years ago, I was asked to play in this poker tournament now I'd played poker exactly one time in my life and it was back in college so it was 20 years before Yeah, and and these guys are saying you know come on. It's gonna be great. There's gonna be some world series of poker Players that play in the world championships that are gonna be there. Oh my guys. I don't even know how to play I don't even remember anything they go. Oh, yeah, come on, you're gonna be fine. So I said, all right, I'll do it. And I said, you gotta spend, I told one of the guys, you gotta spend 10 minutes with me and just show me the hands,
Starting point is 00:50:52 like, and remind me of the rules, things like that. Yeah, exactly, exactly. But I didn't watch, and, you know, because I'm not, I don't play poker, I've played since, but I didn't watch tutorials, I didn't read books, I only had like a week to prepare, but here's what I did, every time, because my identity was, at first it was like,
Starting point is 00:51:12 I'm gonna suck at this, I'm gonna embarrass myself, I'm gonna lose early and I'm like, no, stop that, stop! I said put a new thought process in, put a new belief system in, and literally this is crazy, but I told myself over and over again that I made great decisions and I found a way to win and every time I thought of it and I didn't you know I didn't proactively think of a lot but every time I thought about all that things coming up. Yep. I made great decisions found a way to win. Now when I said it though, I was like in a confident state right, I made sure I matched what I wanted to
Starting point is 00:51:41 confidence state, right? I made sure I matched what I wanted to, the emotional state that I wanted to have. And I literally believe that I was going to win the damn thing, right? And so I remember I'm getting ready to leave. And my wife knew I'd never played before or played once. And I said, hey, I'm getting ready to leave. Go to that poker term. She goes, what times it start?
Starting point is 00:52:01 I said 630. She goes, I'll see you at seven. And so anyways, I didn't even let that right because you have the naysayers. She was just playing with me. We've married 30 years, you just met her. But I went and I just, you know, I had this confidence like an uner-en-confident. Yeah. Totally uner-en-confident. But people are making mistakes and I'm, I win my table and then I get, then I get finally the championship table. And now I have one guy left.
Starting point is 00:52:27 I had this huge pile of chips and he didn't have as many, but he was like, one of these really good players. And people are saying, this guy's beating you, does you know how to play? And the guy's getting pissed off. And he goes all in, I go all in and I win. And my friends are picking me up. And I got this big huge trophy and bracelet and all this
Starting point is 00:52:44 kind of stuff. And so I come back. It's like two in the morning. I open the door of the bedroom. My wife's long asleep, turn the light on. Guess who you're sleeping with. And now that I'm not saying I could have done that 10 times in a row. But literally I consciously burned all the boats.
Starting point is 00:53:02 I did not allow a thought that was going to lower my confidence in any way. And I did it for about a week, right? So, yeah, but that's what happens, right? You know that you in it, even if I wouldn't have won, I know I would have played a heck of a lot better because I had done that. That's the thing that most people don't get. Why didn't win? Well, were you better? Yeah. okay, then do it. That's the whole point. By the way, I love that term unearned confidence. Obviously, the highest form of confidence is something you've earned,
Starting point is 00:53:30 but I'm gonna tell you some unearned confidence is a pretty damn good substitute. And it's a whole lot better. When you gotta go, you should. And by the way, what most people think, this is what they say to themselves, I've earned lack of confidence. And so you think you have to earn this confidence thing
Starting point is 00:53:43 all the time. It is absolutely not true, and not enough of you give yourself credit for your intentions, either. You don't give yourself enough credit just for your intentions to serve your intentions to contribute. And it's a huge, huge thing. I love that story because, you know, for me, I, where's it come from for me often? I had two friends the last week say something. I have a couple of things I'm ill prepared for. I have no life experience with me for a couple things. I was kind of like poker tournament for you. Really good friend of mine, John Gordon said, and by the way, I've talked a lot about energy today. I'm also a Christian.
Starting point is 00:54:14 So I've both and John's and he's a good Christian friend of mine. He goes, Ed, faith over fear. Choose faith over fear. I'm like, that feels good, man. And then like three days later, my next door neighbor at the beach, Jerry, Jerry, if you're listening to this, thank you for this gift. He's like, Hey, man, I've just all my life. I've chosen faith over fear. Yeah. And it's just I was like, wow, now that's that vibrational frequency thing, right? Like like all of a sudden, both of these messages were being directed to me. For me, that applies to my Christian faith. But for some of you, it might be, I'm going to have faith in the work I've put in. I'm going to have faith that, you know, that everything always works out for me. But sometimes just
Starting point is 00:54:44 a matter of taking a leap and going, I'm going to choose faith over fear. Because what is holding you back is the fear. So I just wanted to share that with everybody. One thing on that, on Toued, is turn fear into faith. Because fear is energy, but use that energy, shift that energy and turn into faith. I used to sometimes, you know, way back in the past, be a little bit jealous. Hey, how that person, you know, accomplished that or do that. And I'm like, hey, that's not a good use of energy. And I turned jealous, jealousy into prosperity, right? I just, whatever
Starting point is 00:55:17 I will, you know, see someone doing well. I'm like, whoa, great. Hey, this is proving that I can do even more too. So good. And literally just shifting energy into another form. Man, I've enjoyed the day so much. It bums me out. No, it's too hot. We have to finish. I could go two more hours with you. I can feel this.
Starting point is 00:55:34 Just our, frankly, our energy. Yeah. Our frequency is so similar. You do help people change, by the way. A couple of things I want to say to everyone. They fall you on social media, right? Where do they go to on social? And I'll tell them about the book again.
Starting point is 00:55:45 Instagram at the Tom McCarthy. There's already Tom McCarthy. So I had to add the, not out of ego. It's emphasis. And then I am, I'm on LinkedIn. We're doing quite a post on LinkedIn also. Yeah. By the way, the breakthrough code is interesting, guys, because the way it's written, it's not just like an instruction, it's a story. And I love, it just was easier to read. It was more enjoyable to read. And I love, it just was easier to read. It was more enjoyable to read. And I actually think the way you wrote it, retention's higher of the points that are in the book.
Starting point is 00:56:11 And there are three main points in the book and we've covered two of the three today. I left the third one out so that people need to still go get the book. And so, so I would just recommend everybody go do that. I think it's one of these shows I know, y'all are gonna wanna go share, so please do that. Go get Tom Stuff, go get the power of one more. And by more and by the way everybody's want to say again I've got a show coming out August 22nd depending on when you listen to this before or after that it's it's called
Starting point is 00:56:32 change with ed my let it's a like a doctor filled type format but with me involved where we change people's lives and I think if you go watch it it'll change your life as well you can get it on nosy or samsung tv or roku or anywhere like that. So please go do that. Please share today's show everybody. I want to say God bless you and continue to max out your life. This is the end my let's show. you

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