THE ED MYLETT SHOW - How To Live Your Dream / Jason Derulo

Episode Date: August 29, 2023

Superstar JASON DERULO is revealing his SECRETS on how to LIVE YOUR DREAMS!This man needs no introduction! You know him well as a musical icon, selling over 250 MILLION singles worldwide and writing s...ongs for Diddy, Sean Kingston, Lil Wayne and other HUGE names in the industry. He’s been dropping HITS and topping the music charts consistently since 2009…And like I always tell you, SUCCESS is no accident!This week, Jason Derulo is getting REAL, pulling back the curtain, and sharing his formula to turning your DREAMS into REALITY. He's sharing his real life GRIND on how he became a GLOBAL SENSATION, and how he continuing his journey to becoming one of the BEST EVER.You’ll learn:How to bridge the gap between PASSION and PROFESSIONHow to harness SOCIAL MEDIAHow to find the path of least resistanceWhy success is always on LEASE and how to always make your RENT on timeHow to stick to NON-NEGOTIABLE ROUTINES (Jason's secret weapon!)How to know if it’s all WORTH ITAnd how to SILENCE the HATERS!This isn't just another interview; it's a playbook, a masterclass, and a rare peek into the mindset of a global sensation!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is the Edmila Show. Welcome back to the show everybody. I'm so excited to have this man here today. He doesn't need an introduction. He's one of the most famous people in the world. But what I was just telling him off camera, one of the things I admire most about him is he's a very unique combination in one human being because he's got an incredible track record. Most of you may not know about as an entrepreneur built a hundred million dollar way past that net worth.
Starting point is 00:00:31 He's only sold about 250 million records. So he's got kind of that going for him. He's also, you know, one of the most 20 most follow people in the world on social media over a hundred million combined followers. But he's written a book. I told him, I read it in two days, and the first thing I told him is you need to do another one and you keep doing this, because it's outstanding. Very rarely does someone who's achieved this level of success take the time to write a book to teach you how they did it, because they're too busy doing it.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Yeah. Most people the right books about how to do it, haven't done it. Yeah. And he's done it, so Jason Derillo, welcome to the show. Thank you, man. Thanks so much for that intro, especially coming from you. It means a lot, haven't done it. And he's done it, so Jason Derillo, welcome to the show. Thank you, man. Thanks so much for that intro, especially coming from you and me as a lot, man. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:01:09 There's 15 points in the book. It's called Sing Your Name Out Loud. 15 rules for living your dream. That's right up my alley. We're not gonna cover all 15, so I want to get the book. Right, but there's a few I want to cover because they're like really good and rare advice.
Starting point is 00:01:25 So one of the things you say, it's like 14 in the book or something, is you say, you're gonna create content. And I think most people think content creation is for you and me. Like, you know, you got 100 million followers. I'm small compared to you, but I've got millions of followers. I go, yeah, for you, that makes sense, but I've got 1100. Why would I do that? So speak to that to begin with because you're a hundred percent right?
Starting point is 00:01:45 Yeah, so the time the day and age that we live in is it's pretty crazy because at a literally a click of a button you can get access to people random people and There's literally no Barrier of entry, right? You can do it for free and it doesn't cost anything. Right. So you'll be doing yourself a disservice by not doing it, right? Whether you are somebody that has a business and you're trying to get your business off the ground or you're a lawyer, if you work in the sewers, if you save the bees, like whatever your profession is or whatever your passion is, I would encourage you to make content because it'll just make what you do just that much bigger.
Starting point is 00:02:32 It amplifies what you're already doing. Even if what you're doing is absolutely nothing, because that is also a thing. Tell people your opinions, like be very vocal about what you think, Tell people your opinions, like be very vocal about what you think. Because it's crazy. Nobody cares about somebody's opinion until they care about somebody's opinion. That's so true. Yeah. I mean, so you have to get out there and put yourself out there. And every shot that you don't take is a shot that is definitely not going to go on.
Starting point is 00:03:01 I think it's easier to be successful now than ever. Back in the day, if you didn't have any connections or you couldn't get a record deal, if you couldn't get Jay-Z to listen to your stuff or whatever, right? Like, you're not getting a deal. Now, it seems to me anyway, anybody at any point in time can pop off in any career
Starting point is 00:03:17 if they're creating content, if they're willing to, and by the way, the other thing you say in the book is you don't know what sucks at first, right? Like, you tell me the song, wiggle, or whatever,, right? Like you don't know what the good stuff is. You just got to put some stuff out, right? Tell me that story by the way. It's pretty good. For sure. So, uh, don't you read the book? Yeah, I appreciate it, man. Thank you so much. Yeah, so in writing wiggle, um, I really liked the beat. I really liked the vibe of the track that wallpaper made. And the melody that I created, I liked it as well, but I couldn't figure out what the tagline was.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Like, what was the big like, it needed some sort of moment that was going to be like, like, holy shit, like, this is different or holy shit, like, that's pulverizing. It needed something like that because that's what the track felt like to me. And without that, I just didn't think that it was going to be worth anything. So the first lyric that I came up with was, you know what, do it that big black truck. Now, that lyric sucks. I'm sure. And when I went home that day, I was like, damn, I mean, I don't really know.
Starting point is 00:04:25 I don't know if this song's ever gonna make it. But it wasn't until we figured out the lyric, you know what to do with that big fat button that I felt like the record had a chance. But still, very, very left the center. It's not a typical song. It's not a song that you would hear every single day. It's like, something that's very left the center. You know, it's not, it's not a typical song. You know, it's not a song that you would hear every single day. It's like a very, very, something that's very left to center. So I took a risk and I put it out to see what people would think.
Starting point is 00:04:53 You know, it was either going to be the biggest flop in the world. Or it was going to be the biggest song in the world. But, you know, if you, if you don't take the shot, then, you know, you're just going to miss every single time. Well, I found that on my social. There's stuff I put out. I'm like, even some of the podcasts that I've done, I'm like, I don't think that one. There's been a few I won't see who they are. We're like, we recorded them. I'm like, I don't even know how we're gonna put this out.
Starting point is 00:05:15 There's been a couple. And they've been like, one of them was one of the top five ones ever. And I think every day, people just underestimate themselves. You don't know what's gonna hit. You need one thing, my book, I think every day, you know, people just underestimate themselves. You don't know what's gonna hit. You need one thing, my book, the power of one, where you need one piece of content to hit. That's for sure.
Starting point is 00:05:31 One thing, and you've done that, you know. And it propels everything, right? If you have one thing to hit, then you get like new confidence, then like things start to fall into place. You really just need one for yourself and for, you know, opening doors. But it's crazy, because I found the same thing with social media.
Starting point is 00:05:48 I was not a social media head at all. That's crazy to me. That's the biggest you are now. My, the beginning of my career, I had all of these songs, I had sold 200 million something records, but I could not figure out how to connect the dots. For some reason,
Starting point is 00:06:04 people knew my songs, but they didn't know the person. Like they couldn't connect the dots. For some reason, people knew my songs, but they didn't know the person. Like they couldn't connect the two. I think that's true. You know, it was the weirdest thing. And then during the pandemic, I was like, this is a down moment, I'm gonna figure this shit out. Like by any means necessary, I'm going to figure out
Starting point is 00:06:18 what makes people tick. For me, it's just different for everybody. And in doing that, I decided to post six times a day, whether I thought the content was great, whether I thought it was kind of mediocre, I was gonna post every single kind of content, not just one specific thing. So that I could learn myself,
Starting point is 00:06:37 I could learn my audience, and learn what made people tick. Like, what were the things that were gonna go, and what were the things that I was doing? Would you find out? What surprised you that hit? So go and what you find out? What surprised you that hit? So I was able to figure out that you got to stop people from scrolling, which is a hard
Starting point is 00:06:51 thing to do, because as a viewer, we all are very selfish viewers, we want to get something out of it. Like what is this video going to give me? Am I going to learn something? Am I going to be entertained? Am I going to laugh? Am I going to fall in love from it? Am I gonna learn something? Am I gonna be entertained? Am I gonna laugh? Am I gonna, when I fall in love from it?
Starting point is 00:07:07 Am I gonna be envious? It just needs to give me something as a viewer. So, in that first little bit, you wanna just stop people in their tracks and then let them know what they'll be getting for the rest of the video. And that has been like an extreme game- game changer for me. Stop people in attracts. You always been like this. I'm just watching you. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:07:29 this dude's obsessed. Or if you've grown into this person, or if I met the 18 year old you, because I've read about the 18 year old, you write about it in the book. I'm just, I think people, here's what I don't like, success can be something that creates an obstruction between us and people. And the reason I'm so glad you wrote the book And I want to get into some of the other keys though, but it's almost like hey, let me just let you inside here a little bit Right here's my little world. These are the things I believe which are profound all 15 of them are which we're gonna cover in a minute but I think
Starting point is 00:07:58 people believe they're just not like us and maybe they're not like you. I don't know. So like, if you've been this obsessed all your life or have you kind of grown into having these real deep belief systems that you have. I gotta say, I've always been obsessed. Obsessed part you've always been. I've always been very obsessive in general. I was lucky to find my passion early. So that was a, that's a head start.
Starting point is 00:08:28 You know, I always tell people I wasn't born the most talented person, but what I was born with is the gift that I was given was the obsession, yes, but also the kind of path for myself, you know, I loved music and that was it for me. But if it was something else, I think I would be just as obsessive, because I am obsessive about everything that I do. Right? So if I put my mind to something, I'm really going to put my mind to it and try to really conquer it. But that's, it's that obsessive nature that ends up doing it, right?
Starting point is 00:08:59 It's putting in the hours, the actual hours, that is the difference making a lot of times. And it's just way easier to put in the hours, the actual hours, that is the difference maker a lot of times. And it's just way easier to put in the hours on something as you love. I'm obsessive too. I honestly think like, and by the way, he talks in the book he has a whole thing about how talent's overrated, right?
Starting point is 00:09:15 But like in my case, I think I just directed my obsession at something relatively healthy. Like I could have easily been an alcoholic or a drug addict. If I would have pointed it at that, I just became obsessed with growth, force, whatever success is. But I think that's why I use the word obsessed.
Starting point is 00:09:33 There's a, like if I could replace it and Kobe Bryant were sitting there, there's a lot of similarities, right? If I replaced it and it's, I don't care what political thing you're on, Barack Obama or Donald Trump, you, people, they love or hate, hate either one of them, but they're both obsessed people, right?
Starting point is 00:09:49 You have that thing about you. You give real good stuff in this book. So, a couple of things you say in the book, I want you to elaborate on this, which is so good. You say, start with what comes easy. So this is a huge thing. I think people are constantly trying to work from the very beginning on all their weaknesses and the things that don't come easy to them.
Starting point is 00:10:08 So elaborate on that a little bit because for all of us, there's something that comes easy to us that we just take for granted sometimes. Like what came easy to you, let's say it was music. Well, that's a good, but for an average everyday human being who may not have this extraordinary artistic gift, maybe what comes easy to them is like nurturing people.
Starting point is 00:10:25 Yeah. Being kind and they go, well, everybody has that. No, they don't. And if you leveraged it the right way, you could become immensely successful in some way. So you wrote about it. I wish people understood the magnitude of what you're saying because everybody has a gift.
Starting point is 00:10:43 And you need to just find out what that thing is. What's the thing that comes easiest to you that you'd notice that is a little different than everybody else's because it could literally be anything. You can monetize anything in 2023. Not to say that's what life is about obviously, but money is freedom. But in speaking about do what comes easiest. So, so true. To speak about my craft, since we're, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:10 I'm a musician that'll probably be easier for you to relate to what I'm speaking of. So, I have grown my singing voice and I was able to grow year after year after year, after year, to just, you know, to have a gracing of voice. But I knew what my strength was and my strength was my falsetto.
Starting point is 00:11:32 That was the one thing that I felt like came a little easier than everything else. I've always been somebody that was good at like doing runs and stuff like that, but other people were good at doing runs. I was good at pitch, but other people were good at pitch. But my falsetto, I was like, oh, my falsetto is a little different than everybody else's falsetto.
Starting point is 00:11:52 I feel like this is kind of coming a little easier for me. So I decided to really put my energy into my falsetto, like how can I take what I'm already kind of good at and just kind of like make that my thing? So that's how I can relate it to what I do for a living. But like you said, for anybody, whatever it is that comes easy for you, do that. Yes. I'm blown away by, so I don't know, hundreds and hundreds of people sitting at
Starting point is 00:12:18 seat. Lots of people have written books on it, not one person's ever said that before. And it's a hundred percent true. Is that success is a really difficult thing, but in some ways it's not. Once you figure out what your gift is, like your truth is, I don't have a whole bunch of gifts, but I did figure out what the few of them were and I have worked the hell out of them all my life, right? Like, and so it looks easy because I'm doing things that relatively, that doesn't mean it'll
Starting point is 00:12:46 work really hard to get better at them. But when you're giving a gift, man, you should refine it. And the other thing you've done, it's just like we're flying through things here because it's so good. But I also admire not one hit wonders in everything. I'm not just music. Music is a great example because you're in music. But what you've also done
Starting point is 00:13:05 for longevity is very rare. So I think of like JLo, she's been a friend for a while. Jen, I think even Jen would say, her strength is that she's not got Adele's voice or Aretha Franklin's voice, right, but she figured out what she was great at, she was a great dancer, She's an incredible performer. She's beautiful. She will outwork everybody in the damn business.
Starting point is 00:13:29 So she's built this incredible career of longevity that way. And you've done it your way, having the longevity thing. And the thing you say is you say success is rented. It's not owned. So what does that mean when you say that? Because this is huge. People get a little bit of success and then they cool it and everything. You know this. I make a little bit of money. I'm making a hundred grand a year. I'm rich now. Right. I bought my house. I'm rich now. I did something for my sister. I'm rich now.
Starting point is 00:13:55 But they they actually think they own it instead of rent it. Yeah, the thing is you gotta The rent is always gonna come. You know There's always going to be a younger, more hungrier version of you that's coming next. It's a little daunting to kind of hear about it because that just means that there's no ending, right? There's no end goal. So it's a little scary. You're right about that. Because as you achieve your goals, as you start to live your different dreams,
Starting point is 00:14:31 you have to kind of be onto the next one and kind of just go further and further and further and further and then there's just no ending. So it's never like one day I'm just going to be like, I'm cool right here. Right. No, so I'm always thinking about how do I get to the next level, how do I get to the next level. And I think you have to be able to humble yourself enough to bring yourself down enough to realize that there's always room to grow.
Starting point is 00:14:56 Even where I'm at in my life today, I'm trying to figure out how do I get better, how do I become the best version of myself, how do I become a better performer, how do I become a better songwriter, how do I become the best version of myself? How do I become a better performer? How do I become a better songwriter? How do I become a better businessman? I'm always learning and I learn from anybody and everybody. You don't have to have all of the accolades for me
Starting point is 00:15:17 to listen to your opinion. Because I think everybody has opinions. And sometimes you can get some really valid points from people that don't really have the accolades even from comments you know sometimes you know people can say some really hurtful things but damn if you like take a look at it you can be like damn I can actually I could actually listen to that and kind of you know implement that within my life and it'll probably be good for me so but going back to the point though success success is never owned. You can only rent success because if you don't keep paying that rent, it can easily be gone tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:15:55 I think it is scary for people to hear like, because even when I started out in business or whatever, I'm like, when I get to that point, then I'm sitting on the beach. Then I'm golfing. And even right now, I'm like, maybe I should, sometimes you're like, should I be? Mm-hmm. And you're right, it can be like, that doesn't even sound enjoyable to some people. But the truth is, tell me if you feel this way,
Starting point is 00:16:14 and I'm just thinking when you're talking, but like, I think I'm like, I've used this term before, but I think it's a hell, I'm addicted to my own expansion as a man, as a soul, as a spirit. More than I, more than like when I started, it was about I want to get this amount of this or that or this. It's morphed a little bit over time to, I'm curious as to who I could become, what I
Starting point is 00:16:38 could feel, what I could experience, what kind of wisdom I could accumulate, who I could help, and the other stuff. But that one, I don't wanna get off that train. The achievement train, like the accumulation of awards or stuff, there was a point where I was like, this doesn't quite juice me like it did, and I'm not even sure it's healthy. But I kind of morphed at some point into,
Starting point is 00:17:02 who could I become? You said the best version of you But that one doesn't tire me out and doesn't feel nearly as daunting as the Former does that sound right to you 100% I'm the same exact way and So much so is like when I was a kid I would have like this Lamborghini on my wall And I'm like I'm gonna have that Lamborghini one day. And it was about stuff. My parents would argue about money
Starting point is 00:17:28 and I'd be like, I'm gonna fix that. When I get money, my parents are no longer gonna argue. And I thought that stuff and just owning things would make me happy. But my happiest moments have always been in the grind. It's the journey that I've enjoyed the most. It's looking back at those 2am, those 3am, those 4am, like, oh, I was in the grind, I was doing my thing,
Starting point is 00:17:53 I was trying to make it. Those are my favorite moments. And even today, I love just being in my zone. And my favorite thing to do in the world is to be in my own world and create. Whether it's creating a business, whether it's creating a song, whether it's creating content,
Starting point is 00:18:11 but just building something from nothing. I just love that. Whatever that is, that's what I'm obsessed with. You're also obsessed with your routine, another one of the tips in the book. And I'm like, with my kids, I'm like, listen, I just did a Rick podcast on this before you came in here. I'm like, talk is so cheap.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Show me what you do. Like, I tell people, I tell my, I like, I watch people like they're a silent movie. I kind of turn the sound off. I'm just watching you. Too many people have deceived me in my life, misled me, like I love you, and then they don't treat you that way.
Starting point is 00:18:44 I mean, I'm so fired up about this business and three weeks later they're walking at 11 a.m. You know, when you're getting there, it's five. So, routine. Like, what I love about you is like, you're this immensely talented man, but like the keys in the book transcend talent. Like, you could not have talent
Starting point is 00:19:02 and do the things you describe in the book and you're gonna to produce results. So what is your talk about why routine matters and like is there a day in your life that is routine or like there are non-negotiables for you in your daily routine? Thank you for pointing out, you know, the fact that the book has keys in there, like there's's a matter of your talent set or not, because I think that's really important for people to know. Because if you want something, if you really, really want something and you're really trying to go out and get it, you should pick up the book. Absolutely. You really should because I think far too often, dreams are shut down by what someone has said to us, whether it's somebody close to
Starting point is 00:19:47 us or not. Words are really painful. They're very limiting. They can limit your life if you hear the wrong words. But if you really, really want something really bad and you have a passion and you think that you would be happiest doing that thing, I want you to do that thing with everything that you've got. But really try to, even if it's not this particular book, pick up something that you feel like is going to energize you to start.
Starting point is 00:20:17 Because starting sometimes is the hardest thing to do in the world. But when you just say that on tomorrow, not next week, not next month, I'm going to start tomorrow and then walk as if you are starting that journey and the camera crews are coming and they're going to start filming you tomorrow and just start. Just start. So routine for me is really important and the only reason I know this is because I had to try to Take apart my life and try to figure out what it was that works certain things take it like work And routine is definitely one of them and that's one of my other obsessive ticks so in my most successful moments,
Starting point is 00:21:10 my talk dirty album, five platinum songs, multi platinum songs, one of the biggest albums of all time because it was, you know, it was a lot of hits on that particular album, yeah. When I was writing that album, that was right after I broke my C2 vertebrae. I can't believe this. Yeah, and it was a very dark moment for me, right? So I couldn't time my own shoe, I couldn't shower myself, I couldn't dress myself, I had to learn how to sleep on my back.
Starting point is 00:21:39 This is what you're doing back flips on concrete or something, right? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, terrible idea from the coach. But yeah, so it was a very dark moment, what could have been a very dark moment in my life, and I turned to my routine. So woke up at the same time every single day, ate at the same time, ate a very similar thing every single day, worked on my craft for a specific amount of hours, and it didn't matter if what I thought was writing,
Starting point is 00:22:09 what I thought I was writing with shit or not, I was gonna work for a certain amount of hours, and I wasn't gonna stop writing until that time, that time, and then I would go to bed, and then redo it all over again, every single day, every single day, and when I looked up, and finally took a breath, I noticed like I have some incredible works, like this is, you know, I'm in a totally different place.
Starting point is 00:22:35 That could have went the totally opposite direction, you know, I could have just been consumed by the darkness that was around my life. But within that darkness, I was just able to turn to routine. So it didn't matter if I was feeling down, it didn't matter whether I felt like I could be a very creative that day. It didn't matter if I was tired, it didn't matter if I was in pain.
Starting point is 00:22:57 I had to do those hours. It was non-negotiable. And the non-negotiable, I think, is the difference maker. I agree. I, the term non-negotiable I think is the difference maker. I agree I The term non-negotiable. Let's not glaze over that. That's what most people do They get up and they start to negotiate with themselves on the day they don't feel like it. Yeah, they negotiate That's exactly what you do. I've done it when I'm wrong. I've negotiated. I'm like well, tell you what I'm gonna get after this double tomorrow Yeah, you make a negotiation with yourself. This morning I woke up and this is super random.
Starting point is 00:23:28 I woke up this morning, my family was gone. I go down to my home gym, one of my dogs crapped all over my gym, my little palm rainians. I immediately started to negotiate. I'm like, you know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna clean this up right now. Then I'm gonna go eat breakfast.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Then if I got time before the podcast, I'll go do it. But if I don't get it done, tell you what you'll do. When you get home tonight after the podcast, then you'll work out. I immediately tried to negotiate my way out of it. But if it's a non-negotiable, that's a powerful term. It's just, it's what you do. And you do it on the days you don't feel like it.
Starting point is 00:23:58 This is what separates you. 100%. And you stack up, you see this man, like obviously he's incredibly talented. But you aren't his age this freaking wealthy and he's had multiple Generations of himself over and over. He's remade himself. That's because of routines Yeah, and I don't want people to slough it off because you're good looking or fit or whatever or talented It's this stuff that he's describing that has separated him
Starting point is 00:24:24 I want to ask you this question and I always ask it at the end when someone that's had this much success, but I want you to be really honest. I want to do it in the middle. Is it worth it? Truthfully. Has this been worth it? What you thought all of it would be becoming a success, or is it just totally different than you thought it would be? Meaning being you, you walk in here today, you got your beautiful little guy with you,
Starting point is 00:24:51 but there's also stuff that comes with it. You've lost your privacy, you've got security, you've got people with you, you have the pressure of being you. You've accumulated a bunch of money, and I know very well, it's so much better to have money than to not have money, but it's not quite as good as you think it is when you get it. True. Right? So what's the answer to that?
Starting point is 00:25:09 Or is it even better than you thought? Um, I think life is, it's kind of a sum of good things and bad things. You know, just like everybody else, I have silver linings, It's kind of a sum of good things and bad things. Just like everybody else, I have silver linings, I have moments that I feel stressed, I have moments that I feel like why me? I still have those, right?
Starting point is 00:25:34 So those kinds of things don't disappear, right? I just think my life is just different. Where I say that my life is better for it is because I'm able to live my passion. And I can't think of a better life than being able to wake up in the morning and do the thing that I wanna do. So when I can't necessarily go to dinner,
Starting point is 00:25:58 like for instance, if I'm just like in a random place, and like I wanna just go out to dinner, I could do that, but I mean, like in a random place, right? And like I want to just go out to dinner. Like I could do that, but I mean, it's a risk, be it could be a hassle. I can't just be like, I'ma go to dinner. Like it has to be like a setup, right? Like I have to contact this person, and this person so that I make sure
Starting point is 00:26:18 that I got my guys with me, boom, boom. It's like a, or a deal. That part is unfortunate, you know what I'm saying? Like the average person, they're hungry. Oh, you want to go to the boom. It's, it's a lot more simple. The upside though, some people that are hungry can't even go get the food in the first of that. So yeah, but you're right. That's why I ask everybody has the thing, the thing, you know, the ups and downs. But what I will say is I am a very happy, like, very positive person in part of it is because I really get to live what I'd love to do. I love getting on stage.
Starting point is 00:26:50 I love writing songs. Those are some of my favorite things to do in the world. So when I have to do things that I don't necessarily want to do, I'm cool with that, because that's just like a, just like a small part of what the main thing is, I still live a very, very comfortable, happy life. You have a high degree of humility, combined with a great deal of confidence.
Starting point is 00:27:14 Appreciate it. And that's a great combo. My favorite people have that. I say all the time, someone with a whole bunch of confidence and no humility, they're eventually gonna flame out and they're just a pain in the ass to be around. For sure.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Yeah, I know way too many of those. So do we, we both do, right? They're in your business, they're in gonna flame out and they're just a pain in the ass to be around. For sure. Right? I know way too many of those. So do we. We both do, right? They're in your business, they're in my business. The other part, though, is people with a ton of humility with no confidence, they're gonna wear you out, too, because you're dragging them through life. You're constantly trying to pick them up.
Starting point is 00:27:36 You have a really great nuance of someone who will last a long time, which is one of the reasons you have. Okay, another part of the brilliant book, and by the way, the name of the book guys, sing your name out loud, 15 rules for Living Your Dream, and they're all 15 super valid rules. But you talk about collaborating, which is easy to say in music, but it's totally true in every other area of life that if you, the power of collaboration with other people can actually accelerate the pace of your dream happening, right? So why is it matter? I want to be sure that everybody understands that The rules have come from
Starting point is 00:28:12 A place where I was able to succeed within music utilizing that rule then succeed within business utilizing that rule and And social media so like each rule had to have had a major part and become who I am as an entrepreneur, as a musician and as a creator. So each rule has those underlying, it's like the bullet point. Well, when people collaborate overall, this is really good.
Starting point is 00:28:43 Collaboration. But don't say one thing to it. You and I are doing it right now. Yeah, we're collaborating I'm helping you sell books and you're helping me build my brand at the same time We're also learning from one another one hundred percent, but when someone's small in Social media or in there's just starting in business one of the quickest ways to accelerate get four five six of you together And say look, I'll share your stuff you share my stuff. Mm-hmm. You post mine. I'll post yours These are things that you can do in business
Starting point is 00:29:06 or in social at any given time, but you talk about it in the book. And what's happening is, I'll ask you a question, and then you're making a super good point related to it. And then you don't remember the question, but there's nothing wrong with that, because you actually made a point that was unrelated, correlated to it.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Sure, yeah. And then sometimes I'll remember something. I was like, I really want people to get that nugget right there. Yeah, so collaboration has been a huge part of who I am Sometimes I'll remember something. I was like, I really want people to get that nugget right there. Yeah, so collaboration has been a huge part of who I am as a musician from collaborating with different producers and songwriters. So much so that I've just been kind of a, just kind of like a vessel for creativity. So it doesn't matter how many hits you had if you have some sort of name, I was down to
Starting point is 00:29:51 work with kind of anybody. And some of my biggest songs have been with people who have never had a hit before. Interesting. And I've always just been kind of like an equal opportunity kind of person, you know, because I think creativity is kind of just in the air and you just got to you just you know, who's going to grab it? I don't know. Sometimes you'll be in a room with somebody and then all of a sudden they say the idea that you were thinking, you know, it's just like like who got to it first? Yes. So talk dirty. That was a song from a guy named wallpaper who had never had a hit before. I took a chance on it and you know,
Starting point is 00:30:25 it became one of the biggest songs in the world. Something that I have married me, Jonas J. Berg, that was his first hit ever hit. Came a big producer after that. Trumpets, John Belian, that was John Belian's first hit. And he went on to produce for Eminem and Rihanna. And it was just like taking a chance on people. And I've been doing that for a very long time.
Starting point is 00:30:46 I mean, even Savage Love was from a kid from New Zealand who had this popping sound on social media, but it was just like, oh, I like this sound. I think it's really creative in a very left field. I think it's a brilliant idea. Let's make a song to it, you know. By the way, all these songs, she's when you start listing them all. Like, you write what you said earlier. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Like, I know all these songs, but sometimes I forget they're all you. Yeah. You also though have collaborated in business. Yeah. So like, I'm thinking about, tell them about the, I think, Danny White and the car washes,
Starting point is 00:31:21 right? I can see, I told you. So, but you've done this to become wealthy, to like flat out, really wealthy young man, part of that stew collaborating, and more people should be doing this in business. Absolutely, man. I mean, whenever you can find someone
Starting point is 00:31:37 that you can learn from, but also give something back to, I'm a true believer in, don't pick your friends because you feel like they are way smarter, way better. I think you need to find a balance because you don't wanna have a friend that's just, all the relationship is them giving, giving, giving to you and you have nothing to give back.
Starting point is 00:31:59 I don't think that's a good relationship because it's gonna fizz a lot and it's not gonna be great. I think you need to find friends that you feel like they can give you something and you can give them something back. Reciproxy. Yeah, and you guys can kind of grow, continue to grow, grow, grow together. You know, whether it's information, whether it's funds, whether it's ideas, like whatever it is, make sure that the relationship has some sort of give and take.
Starting point is 00:32:27 But for me, I was able to find someone that is very like-minded, comes from a totally different world than I come from. He's a business, a business mogul who has created amazing things for himself. And I'm a musician first and have been investing in a lot of companies, but never creating the companies myself. And the two companies that I tried to create myself were a vodka line, which ended up failing, and a clothing line, which also ended up failing. But I've had successful businesses that I've invested in that don you know, catch LA and rumble boxing, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:09 ventures that have, you know, hundreds of facilities now. But I never created something that was like mine, you know, and I can create and like kind of build up, you know, tooth and nail. Yeah. So this is the first time I found someone that was like minded that we could create something together and just kind of like take over the world. And I learned a lot from him and vice versa. He learned a lot from me. I added the marketing side and he added the business side.
Starting point is 00:33:37 So it was just like a board business. It's a car wash. It's called rocket car wash. Rocket car wash, that's what it was. And it is kind of like the talk of the town. Now every time people see me and other, kind of like, hey, how can I get in on that rocket car wash? Yeah, it's blown up.
Starting point is 00:33:53 Yeah, right. Yeah, by the way, Sasha, my producer, Torpedoed your rocket company, because she endorsed it. And so it's Sasha's fault. By the way, it was a good product, and a good company in the marketing was really good too. Oh, thank you, man.
Starting point is 00:34:03 I thought it was really good as well, but I also think it's important who you get into business with as well. You know, because a product is one thing, but like, you know, who was manning the company? I think it's 1 million percent. I think it's more important than the actual product. Well, so do I. Like, I'm not going to knock any, but I have a buddy of mine, well, friend,
Starting point is 00:34:27 I'd say a friend who sold a tequila company with a couple other dudes, that I, it's good tequila, but it ain't the best tequila of all time and they exited for a billion dollars after this thing. It's like, it's good, but it ain't a billion. It helped a Randy Gerber and George Clooney were his partners. Right?
Starting point is 00:34:43 You know, Cosomego's did okay. I don't think anybody would say it's the best to kill an offense, but it was good enough to sell for a billion dollars because they had the right people manning the company, the right marketing, so you're totally right about that. Which goes to the next point. Man, I'm telling you, we'll go a couple more points because I want them to get the book,
Starting point is 00:35:00 but you talk about choosing your competition. And this is huge. Like, I think what you really mean in the book is like, don't pick something too small, right? But talk about what you meant in the book when you said this. This is another super big key to success in making your dream come true. Yeah, so the average thing for somebody to do is
Starting point is 00:35:20 pick like a young kid, pick somebody in their class and be like, okay, I want to be a come a basketball player and so does he. Okay, I got to make sure that I'm better than him. Wow, this is good. But the fact of the matter is he's not going to the NBA. Yes. And if that's your competition, neither are you. Yes. You have to pick somebody in your mind that is, this is huge.
Starting point is 00:35:41 That is like way beyond what you can imagine within your own circle. Because chances are the people in your circle are not going to make it. And for me, I picked Michael Jackson. That's what I want to be. That's what I want to do. And if I was looking at the people that are around me, I would have thought I was the best thing since sliced bread. Because I was better than those guys, but I mean, the likelihood of them becoming a successful
Starting point is 00:36:10 musician is less than a percent, right? It's not even a- Plus and a millionth of a person, you know what I'm saying? You know, you look at how many slots there are, right? Of valuable young male artists in today's music industry. I mean, can you count on more than to end? No. Like people that are able to, you know, stand the test of time.
Starting point is 00:36:35 Yes. So if there's only that many slots, if you look to your left and you look to the right, chances are those people are not gonna make it. So I think it's important to choose your competition. So don't try to compete against the people around you compete against the person that is already Doing the thing that you want to do at the highest highest level and then how do you how can you become? What they are but more like try try to want up them. So if they are doing if they're posting Two videos a day, you know you got to post three videos a day.
Starting point is 00:37:05 Yes. Yes. Because who are you not to? Who are you not to? This is one of the all-time best pieces of advice ever given on the show, for real legit. Because it's, you want to be the hardest working out lady at your gym, at your gym,
Starting point is 00:37:23 but you're going to go win a fitness competition worldwide. You're gonna be the hardest working person in your office. Really? Or you're gonna make the most content of your six buddies. Come on, who are you really competing against? Who are you really going after? The lower you set that standard too early, my son's a golfer. The first thing I said to him, I went to college.
Starting point is 00:37:43 I said, hey man, I love you. Do you want to play professional golf? Because I want to play professional golf. I said, first things first, you are not competing against these dudes on your team. Or in your conference, there's dudes all over the country. Actually, not true. There's some dude in Ireland working his ass off right now. There's a dude in South Africa, who's banging balls into the dark every single day, that's your competition don't reduce the standard Adjust what you could see and what happens is I think we go they we just want to feel good about ourselves I'm doing better than Sam
Starting point is 00:38:14 You know I'm out working Sarah. That's not how life works the standard in the threshold. There's only so many spots Yep, you got to work your ass off. You got to have these routines. You got to do what he's talking about. Like, it's interesting because we're talking back and forth, but what's on the line is your damn life and your family. So you need to do these things. And when someone who's achieved, what he's achieved is on a damn podcast, pull over and write some notes,
Starting point is 00:38:42 listen to it twice. It's a big deal that someone worth hundreds of millions of dollars, 100 million followers has been relevant for decade is telling you what to do. It's a big deal. So, I mean, I'm just fired up about it because this is the real stuff. It really is, man. It really is. And I'm glad that it's really hitting home because these are ideals that I picked apart from my own life, like literally picked it up from my own life. And the only reason I wanted to say it is so that people could know, like, it doesn't matter about how talented
Starting point is 00:39:18 you are, it doesn't matter what you are given in life. The cards you were dealt were the cards that you were dealt. That doesn't mean that should define you at all. But hopefully, you know, these anecdotes can continue to inspire some people. They do. Flip it for me, man. This is not in the book. Guys you've watched fail, or people.
Starting point is 00:39:39 Maybe in your industry, in business, guys you grew up with who were as talented as you, or close, or whatever it might be. What did they do that you should not do? This isn't in the book, but I want to push you a little bit beyond the book on it. What do you see even in your industry? You see these guys, they get that one hit, they sell a bunch of music and they're touring now.
Starting point is 00:40:00 And then three years from now, you're like, who, what was his name? What did they, and it, by the way the way could be business or music or whatever? What do the people that don't make it end up doing? so It's interesting that you say that because I talk about it all the time the It's really been a crazy ride right because and within my personal career. I have been on this kind of underdog trajectory my whole career. What do you mean? So like it was kind of like I was I was never the guy right like I I was never the main guy, but I've watched people that were the guy or were the girl at a specific
Starting point is 00:40:50 time fall at the waistside. As time progressed, and I keep kind of having this precipitous rise, very slow though, I've watched people just fall, like flies around me, like they'll have a moment and they're the bigger moment at that time But then they then they fall and they disappear and then they fall and they disappear but I've I've The difference I think for me was I was always humble enough to know that I had to I still had to grow I still had to become somebody else. I still have to I still had to grow. I still had to become somebody else.
Starting point is 00:41:23 I still have to wake up and put the same work ethic that I had when I was hungry. Now, just because I have accomplished some things in my life, doesn't mean that I can now rest. I need to have that same fire that when I was actually hungry and I couldn't get something to eat when I wanted to get something to eat when I wanted to get something to eat I need to always remember who that person is and keep that same fire
Starting point is 00:41:50 But I've seen other artists once they make it they feel like they've made it and they stopped to smell the roses There's just not enough time There's not enough time in the day to stop and smell the roses because if somebody on your ass, all the time, like there's always somebody younger, more hungry, like putting in more hours, there's always that somebody on your tail, so you just gotta keep pushing with that same intensity so that you can't let people catch up. So for me, I've always felt like I'm just trying
Starting point is 00:42:25 to like prove myself to myself always. Yeah. So I'm always trying to, you know, you're pretty good at it. You're pretty good at it. You're pretty good at it. I am. I still let myself be afraid of being broke.
Starting point is 00:42:37 Now, I mean, maybe it's not healthy. People, there's no way you could be broke. Yeah, I could. I've seen Richard Dudes in me go broke. You know, I'm, I'm, I'm, I live with, I think, a relatively healthy fear. It could go not just wealth, but just impact or growth or my life or, I don't know, I, I think if you asked me, honestly, I'm, I'm a little afraid it could go away still. And I don't know that that's necessarily. I'm afraid someone's going to take, like he said, someone's trying to take your spot all
Starting point is 00:43:02 the time. Yeah. Would you describe it that you live in a little fear that it could go away or do you? I think part of it is that. I think part of it is that. But I think the, on the front end, the bigger voice in the room, I think, is reaching my full potential. This is, I just got chills thinking about it, but I can see it on your own. What is, what thought is in my mind is, I've come so far within
Starting point is 00:43:37 my life. And I am closer to being one of the best ever then Where I started to where I am now So the journey from the beginning to where I am now was a very daunting one and I and it's crazy that I made it here So why not chase being the best ever? That's really good like why like why stop here and that thought is what always gets like, like, because I've been in a place where, at the beginning of the pandemic, it was a thought that kind of creeped in my mind and it was just like, you've done enough, man. Like you, like you, you, you did a good job, Bravo.
Starting point is 00:44:16 You know, standing ovation for you, you did a great job. Now I just enjoy life a little more. Like enjoy it, you know, coast was the word that I used to myself. You know, now you can just coast. You know, you can still put out things here and there, but just like, write it out.
Starting point is 00:44:32 But then, as time progressed, I was like, what the hell are you thinking? Like, you are way closer to that other end than you were ever when you started. Why stop here? Bro, that's good. That's really good. you started, why stop here? Bro, that's good. That's really good.
Starting point is 00:44:48 Any of you listen to this, your version of that's true. Look how far you've already come. From where you come from, just to where you are. Maybe I'll give you some of a little bit more credit for her. Just the fact that you're listening to this type of show separates you from millions and millions of people that you're just trying. You've come this far. By the way, do you read, do you listen to stuff?
Starting point is 00:45:11 I do. I listen to your stuff. I think you are amazing. The people that you bring on, I think are really impressive people. I think you do a great job of finding really, really impressive people. I think you do a great job of finding really, really impressive people. And when you speak, I listen, you know, and I think that's a very unique quality that you have. You have a lot of information and you've sat down with so many incredible people that I think you are, you're like a sponge.
Starting point is 00:45:40 So you didn't take all of that all of that information as well. I could tell you that I'm listening to you. Oh, thank you, brother. I am. I'm listening to you. A couple more things I want to ask you about. Critics, you got a lot. Yeah. I got them too.
Starting point is 00:45:55 But every day, someone's criticizing someone somewhere. And you have a chapter in the book. I'll let you give the title if you remember the what you call critics in the book. You'll let you give the title if you remember what you call critics in the book. You basically said something about how those that can do and those that can't are critics. Are critics right? How does it affect you?
Starting point is 00:46:16 You said earlier you read some of them and they can help you. But what advice would you give to somebody who's maybe not that far down the road and they're like, I'm in this stuff. Some of these criticisms you've all received were installed in you when you were a child and you were defenseless. You don't even remember hearing them, but your parents gave them to you or whatever.
Starting point is 00:46:31 But what would you say to people who are concerned about criticism? Because I always say all the time, you want to do something great with your life, you're gonna be controversial. Period. Yeah, that's for sure. I mean, if you look at the biggest people
Starting point is 00:46:42 on the planet, the most popular people in the world, they are critiqued the most, right? And they have the most negative critiques that you can imagine. You know, you look at somebody with a following like Kim Kardashian. I mean, you go down her page, it's just like criticism, after criticism, after criticism, even when she's like getting people out of jail and like, she's like doing humanitarian, you know, doing amazing things. People still criticize, you know, Justin Bieber, one of the our greatest talents that we've had, you know, very long time, young phenom,
Starting point is 00:47:17 you know, just get so much criticism. You know, so you just look at those kinds of people and know that you're not alone, you know? So like it happens to everybody. But if you if you can have the The strength to take a look at some comments or critiques and actually Try to find Some kind of light within it. it. I think that's healthy.
Starting point is 00:47:46 I've taken criticism that I've seen online and implemented in my life and it's been great. So for instance, when I put out my first record, what you say, it had auto-tune on it, right? And people are like, oh, he can't sing, and I was like, well, damn, maybe I need to show them the other side, maybe I need to not put so much auto tune on it so that they know that I can actually sing.
Starting point is 00:48:15 So instead of like being down on myself, like why me, why me, I listened. I was like, okay, that's what it is. All right, how about now? Like, all right. What do you think now? What's up now? Yep. And I think that's healthy.
Starting point is 00:48:31 It is a very, very tricky thing for a lot of people. And I am, I can't speak for everybody because everybody can't necessarily do that. But just know that at the end of the day everybody gets critiqued. Everybody is going to have negativity. Everybody is going to have some sort of hate happen to them. So don't let that stop you. Million percent. You're going to have a dream stealer. And are you alive? And there's these, there's this, their role in life as a try to steal your dream. That's what they're
Starting point is 00:49:01 their role in life is. And by the way, if some critic or dream stealer can get you out this early, something would have got you out eventually anyway. Fish on. Because the other stuff is way harder than that. So you got to, this is just a mini test for you, survive it because there's going to be bigger tests than that coming your way. All right, I think you are extraordinary. And before we started, I told you, please stay doing this.
Starting point is 00:49:24 Like your content is incredible. Because it's based in real stuff. And it seems to me like you were called to do this as a part of your life now for the next 30, 40, 50 years is to teach people what's being revealed to you because you're further down the road. And the way that you articulate it, the cadence that you have when you communicate it is just it's second to none. I think you're awesome. Wow, thank you, man. And I was really looking forward to the day and then it exceeded my expectations. I appreciate that, man. Yeah, I was telling you earlier how my agent asked me, would you be willing to speak? And I was like, speak, no, like I was not me. But in writing this book, man, I discovered a lot about myself.
Starting point is 00:50:12 And I discovered a lot about what it takes. And so many different avenues in life. It's crazy how some things relate to other things so well and some things are kind of like interchangeable. You take a role from here and then you can implement it over here. Like when I started to utilize the same kind of things that I was doing within music and then I implemented that into socials, socials, flu, implemented into business, business, flu, it's like the same kinds of things just like work everywhere. They do.
Starting point is 00:50:48 Principles apply everywhere. You know, the way you may do it, the technique may be different based on the industry But what this book is is 15 principles. Truthfully that you can apply it any year. If you're like by the way, it makes you better dad Yeah, you're a better mom. That's for sure. You'd be a better leader. By the way, man I'm such a huge fan of this show. And so much so that you were a huge part of inspiring fasting for me. And kind of regenerating my life and kind of, what do you call it? kind of aging backwards. Yeah. And the power of fasting. Great. And I've seen the difference that is made in my life, in my skin.
Starting point is 00:51:28 I just have to take acutane because I would get, you know, bumps and stuff on my face, but like that problem has gone away, and I stopped taking acutane and I'm all good. That's awesome. Thank you. I'm able to balance my social and diet life much better because I feel like I can enjoy my meals a lot better So like I dinner is sacred to me, you know, because I'm fasting all day
Starting point is 00:51:56 Yeah, I can't wait, I can't wait for that dinner But then I can also have more calories in that dinner and kind of eat a little more freely You know what I'm saying? That's awesome. But so great man. Thank you for telling me that. What's the first thing I said when you walked in today? I said, dude, you are sexy and jack.
Starting point is 00:52:11 It's the first thing I said to you. No, I'm free, so I was evidence on your body. Yeah. But it's working. I got to tell you something so funny. You know, criticism and stuff. When I was really big and huge, this guy's on steroids, you know? And now that I'm much thinner and I've lost weight,
Starting point is 00:52:27 there's comments this week, he's okay, is he dying? He looks emaciated, he's very frail. I got some messages this week, praying for you. Oh no way. Oh my God, now I'm just a little bit more shredded. It's okay, I'm not caring for the muscle. But I appreciate you saying that
Starting point is 00:52:42 because right when you walked in, I mean you just, you look great. Thank you. The evidence is very obvious. Thank you for telling me that. Absolutely. Last question. Some guy runs into you at Starbucks.
Starting point is 00:52:53 Some person. I shouldn't make that gender specific. Some human being runs into you at Starbucks and says, hey, man, I've got a dream. And I'm getting clearer and clearer on what it is. I'm not sure where to really begin. And that's a generic question because their dream could be to become a carpenter, all the way to be an actor, right?
Starting point is 00:53:12 But what would you say to that person if they got time with you? I want them to be able to feel like, my audience is able to feel like, I just switched seats, I'm an ed seat now. And it's just me and Jason. What would you say to that person if they were looking into your eyes
Starting point is 00:53:24 and that an opportunity to get two minutes with you. What would you say to that person if they were looking into your eyes and that an opportunity to get two minutes with you? What would you say to them? That's a very easy question. I would say find the person that is closest to who you want to become and study that person and what they did, what they do, what routes they took and implement those within your life but also try to run up it. So if I tell one of my nephews, he wants to be a basketball player and I said listen He cuz he asked me to buy him a
Starting point is 00:54:09 one of those Rims that the ball comes back and I was like how many jump shots are you taking now? and he said I'm taking my like a hundred shots a day and I said I do you think that's a lot? Mm-hmm, and he was like whoa that's a lot. It takes me like takes me like an hour to do that and I said Look up how many curry takes Look up how many shots curry takes and I think it was something crazy like a thousand or something I was like way more and
Starting point is 00:54:42 He was just shocked by it and I was like so do you think that you're taking enough shots? And he was like, no. And I was like, okay, you're still in school, all right? I give you that. But if you shoot at least 500 shots every single day, I will buy you this basketball hoop. Because I think there's a reason to do it. So I don't want to buy you this hoop and like,
Starting point is 00:55:06 we're buying it for no reason. So like if you're going to actually put in the work and look at the people that you want to become one day and actually try to implement those things, then I can get behind you and like really push this thing forward. But if you're not willing to do the bare minimum, like, you know, we're just
Starting point is 00:55:25 wasting our time. Take a look at the person that is doing it the best. And I'm gonna have to pick your competition. Guys, Jason Derulo, sing your name out loud, 15 rules for living your dream, and they're just really great. I would tell you to follow him on social media, but I think every human being in the world already does. If you don't, you get him on TikTok, get him on Instagram, and follow this man's work. You can not only be entertained, but now you can be inspired and learn at the same time.
Starting point is 00:55:53 Very grateful for our time today. Yeah, likewise, man. Thanks so much. Yeah, I loved it. Everybody, God bless you. Max out your life. Share today's episode with anybody that you love and you care about, and make sure you're subscribed
Starting point is 00:56:03 to the show because of the fast-strength showing the planet for that reason. Take care everybody. This is The End My Let's Show.

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