THE ED MYLETT SHOW - How To Master Success

Episode Date: April 20, 2023

Listen to the FULL EPISODE of The Ed Mylett Show 2.0 with just me SOLO speaking directly to you! This week I’m answering a burning question I get asked ALL the time.“How do I MASTER a new skill?�...��Here’s a secret, there are NO FANCY STRATEGIES or long-winded answers. In fact, achieving MASTERY is exactly the opposite or complicated. You don’t need to be exceptionally talented, smart or anything special to become a NATURAL at anything…I’m an average guy with an average IQ and I’ve STILL been able to MASTER new skills throughout my life and in THIS EPISODE I’m sharing my exact process.I’ll make it easy so you too can keep GROWING and adding NEW EXPERIENCES and JOY to your life!In fact, if you’ve seen me learning how to RIDE A HORSE recently, you’re seeing me trying to master something new in real time. (Check out my stories!)All the candy you desire out of life is A LOT CLOSER THAN YOU THINK, and this week I’m taking you through the process of mastery.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is the Ed Milach Show. Welcome back everybody. I love doing the Max Out program 2.0 and today I can't wait to share with you what I call the three steps of mastery. See there's three stages that you have to go through in order to master something in life. And often times we quit in the first stage because we don't realize it's just a natural progression to getting good at something.
Starting point is 00:00:27 And so, and any pursuit you have, if you wanna start a new business, a new career, you wanna learn to swim. Like right now I'm picked up the hobby of writing horses. That's a unique thing to do at 50 years old. And so I'm addicted to it, but so it's kind of a new pursuit of mine. So whether you started a new business,
Starting point is 00:00:44 or you're in the middle of a business you've got, or you've got people in your business who are newer, or you're trying something new, it's very easy to beat ourselves up or really not understand that there are three stages of mastery, and it's just mandatory. You're gonna go through them. You can't cheat the system.
Starting point is 00:01:00 And so in the three stages of mastery, let me tell you what they are, then I'll break them down for you. There's the awkward stage at anything you begin to do, the awkward stage. And if you do enough repetitions, you can move to what I call the mechanical stage. And then from the mechanical stage,
Starting point is 00:01:15 eventually you move to what I call the natural stage. Everybody looks at you and goes, ah, man, you're incredible, you're a natural. Like whatever you do for a living right now, if you've been doing it for a long time, the first day on your job, I guarantee you you were awkward. I guarantee you everything about it was awkward, where to go with the people's names, what to call things, all of it was completely awkward, wasn't you?
Starting point is 00:01:32 Probably even a lot of people, the first night of their job, all the nightmare of that night. I remember my first job was I was a bus boy at the whole enchilada restaurant and I didn't know my banged job at the inch of Lada was really simple. I cleaned up your table and I brought you your chips and salsa. That's really the whole job. And for some reason, it's 17 years old. It freaked me out.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Cause I had to walk up to people's tables and say hello and I'm a super introvert and I remember going home that first and I go, I can't do this. It's just too much for me. Chips and salsa. Clean enough their table. It just overwhelmed me, which is pretty hilarious.
Starting point is 00:02:10 And I had a nightmare that night, like a nightmare of the job. Like everyone wanted new chips. We need more salsa. We need more chips. And I got to clean up our table. You live. And I have this horrible nightmare of this very pretty simple job that I had. And so what I was, I was in the awkward stage of that job.
Starting point is 00:02:28 And if you'd come back about six weeks later, I'd bust a bunch of tables. Now I know where the salsa is, I know where to go in the back and get the chips, I know where they warmed them. I kinda got my little, how are you guys this evening? I'm Eddie, you know, I got my little wrap down.
Starting point is 00:02:41 It was mechanical, I knew the mechanics of it, but still I was slower than most. I couldn't carry the drinks and the chips on the plate the right way, but you know what I mean? Like, it was mechanical. I knew the mechanics. I knew where to clock in and we came back a year later, man. I was natural. I'm flipping chips. I'm spinning them on my head. I'm the difference. You know what I mean? Like the salsa. Hey, good morning. Good to see you good evening Hey, Mr. Jones welcome back. I'd seen all the I was natural So you walked in there's like this guy's a natural bus boy Well, the truth is that's true in everything right now. I started to learn to ride horses, right?
Starting point is 00:03:16 First day out there I you don't think about these things. I'm like what type of horses it? I didn't even know the breed I didn't know there were what do you call a female horse? What's a bridle? What's a halter? How do you put a saddle know there were, what do you call a female horse? What's a bridal? What's a halter? How do you put a saddle on them? What side do you get on the horse, the left of the right? How do you get off the reins?
Starting point is 00:03:32 Are you riding Western or English? I'm like, I have no idea, I guess Western. I was totally awkward. And people that are horse people, there's like, it's all natural to them, right? They get on the horse, they ride, they saddle it up. How do you back it up? How do you stop it? Like, it's crazy, right? They get on the horse, they ride, they saddle it up. How do you back it up? How do you stop it?
Starting point is 00:03:45 Like, it's crazy, right? But now I've been doing it for like, I don't know, six months, I've ridden quite a bit and now I'm kind of mechanical. I know how to put the bridal on, I don't walk it with the halter, I know how to put the bridal on the horse, I know how to put the saddle on,
Starting point is 00:03:58 I know where to get on, I know how to ride. And I'm pretty good, but if you watch me and you were really experienced in riding horses, you go, he kind of gets it. He's mechanical. The mechanical stage is like this. You ever go to like a wedding or you're at a club or something and the person's got the dance moves down,
Starting point is 00:04:15 but they kind of dance to the lyrics and not the beat. You know what I mean? Like, you're like, the guys got the moves, but it's just, there's something. He's got the mechanics, but I think he's dancing to the words and not the beat. You know what I mean? That's the mechanical stage. But eventually you see somebody that like, oh, they got the rhythm and the beat. That's the natural stage. So the question is, how do you move from awkward to mechanical? You
Starting point is 00:04:37 ready? Repetitions and awareness. Repetitions and awareness. So no matter what you do, you gotta do more and more reps at it, more and more experience. And as you're getting that experience, being aware of the things that worked and didn't, getting coaching, getting feedback, course correcting, and improving, success is not complicated. So no matter what it is you're doing, if you're an athlete and you're listening
Starting point is 00:05:05 and you've had to switch positions, you were on the offensive side now, you're on the defensive side. It's not to play a defense isn't for you. It's that you better do a lot of reps. You better have a lot of awareness. You better watch a lot of film. You better do a course correction. So you do it through repetitions, awkward enough reps, an awareness and course corrections. You'll move to mechanical. And then from the mechanical phase, it's the same process, more and more and more repetitions, more and more course correction and awareness until you become natural. And in business, all the money is made at the natural phase. Often times in business, the money is predicated upon your ability to get natural
Starting point is 00:05:41 and your ability to train other people at their jobs or crafts to become natural as well. What's most incredible to me, if I can be candid with you, is there's an art and a science to being successful at anything. And most people love the art, the mindset, the thinking, the thought processes. They love the art form. But what do I need to think? What do I need to vision?
Starting point is 00:06:03 What do I need to dream? Subconscious I need to vision? What do I need to dream? Subconscious mind, meditation, blah, blah, blah. Most people don't have a tolerance for the science part. The science part's real simple. It's math. You got to do more reps. If you're in business, you got to do more calls, more emails, more appointments, more meetings, more setbacks.
Starting point is 00:06:21 You got to do the reps to move out of that awkward stage. The awareness, the course correction, now you're mechanical. You want to get from mechanical, if you're in business, you want to get great at business, you want to become the best ever, more reps, more course correction, more awareness. You become natural. You pick up golf. You want to play a great golf game, you better get out on the driving range, you hit a bunch of balls and you better have someone video in you and you better get course correction and have awareness. if you do enough reps hit enough balls with enough correction with enough awareness You'll become mechanical when you start playing golf. It's real simple
Starting point is 00:06:53 How do you hold the club you baseball grip overlap grip? What's the grip? Right how long should your clubs be where's your backswing? What's a swing plane? How do you come through the ball? What's your right hand do your left hand? You're look there's a lot to it You watch someone start to play golf. It's crazy to watch, isn't it? But if they do enough reps, they do enough learning, they learn, they get enough coaching and correction, they can become mechanical. Then you watch people play mechanical golf. They got a good golf swing, but it's then eventually they become natural and they play their game. If you're going to play the game, you have to have a tolerance for the repetitions. So one of the reasons
Starting point is 00:07:23 that we don't do the reps is we stop is because we don't give ourselves credit for what I call invisible progress. Invisible progress means this. There's such a thing as what I call compound pounding. Compounding means basically this that as you're hitting an object over and over again and you compound the hitting of that object over time, you break it down, right? But what most of that progress is invisible. We don't see it. So as we're in the awkward stage and we're doing the reps, we're
Starting point is 00:07:51 making progress, but it's usually not visible to us. Or if we're in the mechanical stage, we're doing the reps, the compound pounding of doing it over and over again is happening, but we can't see the progress. So what most people do is they quit before they get natural at anything because there doesn't appear to be physical, visible progress. Most of us want to see progress to believe it's happening. But the truth is in life, in most things, even in a loving relationship, a lot of the progress is happening invisibly, certainly true in business. So let me give you the best example of it. I wrote about this in my first book But long time ago I was at a I'm going to invite a do a birthday party for a young person And I didn't really want to go to it because they were so young and my kids were grown
Starting point is 00:08:33 But I went to the birthday party because of a friend of mine and they had a pinata for the birthday boy And so if you all know what a pinata is it's very interesting, but like basically kids hitting a pinata with a bat, right? And so it reminded me of business so much because you get there, what do they do? They blindfold this poor little kid and then spin him around and hand him a bat, like a weapon, right? So the kid spun around, he has no idea where he's going,
Starting point is 00:08:55 he's just kind of flailing away, can't even find the pinata. That's how most people that start out in business feel, by the way. They're just flailing away, they're even aware that Target is, they're just swinging, right? Just like this little guy.
Starting point is 00:09:06 And I'm watching him going, there's an analogy here for sure. So finally, there's a course correction and an awareness. And the dad points the little guy at the pinnacle even though the blindfold's still on. So he still can't see it, but now he's at least pointed in the right direction. That's what that awkward phase is like.
Starting point is 00:09:22 And now he's wailing on the pinnacle, hitting it and hitting it and hitting it. He's getting more and more tired. This piñata is not breaking, right? So finally he goes, ah, quit. Why? There was no visible progress.
Starting point is 00:09:34 So then what they do, they take the blindfold off. And he goes and plays on the swing set. They grab the next little kid, it was a little girl. Same thing, they blindfold her. She's like a new person in business. She's flailing away, not even hitting the piñata. She's like a new person in business. She's flailing away, not even hitting the piñata. She's even know where the target is, right? Finally, she gets course correction, makes an adjustment, some awareness, and she's wailing on this
Starting point is 00:09:53 piñata. No candy comes out. There's no progress. So she quits. You could picture it. You've seen this before. Next little guy gets up. He hits it five, six, ten times. He quits. Next person gets up. she quits. After about seven kids have hit in this pinata, the only person left is the little, young, little four year old little boy. And everyone's quick because there was no progress. But what was happening was all the reps were happening, even though there was no visible progress. So all the reps were happening. So this little four year old gets up, they put the blindfold on him, spin them around and he takes one swing. Bam hits the piñata.
Starting point is 00:10:32 All the candy comes out and all the kids come running from the swing set back and everyone celebrating and getting all the candy. Let me ask you a question. Who broke the piñata? Was it the final blow by the four year old, the one shot? Or was it the cumulative blows that everybody took hitting the piñata along the way that ended up eventually breaking it down? We all know the answer. It was the cumulative blows to that piñata, the cumulative repetitions that were breaking it down over and over, even though you couldn't visibly see the progress.
Starting point is 00:11:08 And see, in life, most people will quit in their pursuit of their dream before the candy comes out because they don't see visible progress. Even though the whole time compound pounding is happening as you're moving from the awkward stage, you're doing the reps, you're course correcting, you're aware, now you're in the mechanical stage, and you're course correcting and you're aware, and you keep hitting the pinata doing the reps of your life of your dream. And then the natural stage, most people will quit on their dream before the candy comes out, even though progress is being made. Most people quit one blow away from getting all the candy in life.
Starting point is 00:11:45 My recommendation to you is life is a lot like that piñata. You're making more progress than you think you are. Keep hitting the piñata of your life and know that as you do this, you're moving from stage to stage to stage. If you do it long enough, the metaphorical candy of whatever that candy is for you, the money, the success, the award, the recognition, for you, the money, the success, the award, the recognition, the acknowledgement, the emotion, the relationship, the candy eventually comes out.
Starting point is 00:12:11 The question is, will you keep hitting the piñata of your life, doing the reps until the candies there, and will you be there to collect the candy and celebrate? From now on, whatever you're doing, this is okay. It's where I'm supposed to be. I've only done 10 of these. Of course, I'm still awkward. I've only done 10 of these. Of course, I'm still awkward. Or I've only done 45 of these. Hey Ed, how many does it take?
Starting point is 00:12:28 It's different for different people. The question is, do you have the determination, the relentlessness, the resiliency, to stay long enough to move through all three stages until you get paid? So the question just becomes this, are you determined enough to do the reps? Are you determined enough through the course correction?
Starting point is 00:12:44 And have the awareness to move through the different stages? And my wish for you is that you become natural as soon as possible. The sooner you do the reps, the sooner you do the course corrections, the sooner you have the self-awareness, the sooner you become natural, and we're off to the races and having blissful success in our life.
Starting point is 00:13:00 So I hope this helped you today. This is the maxout 2.0. Please share this episode with anybody that you think it would be valuable for. If you need help with any of the stuff that I'm teaching, go to forward slash Ed. There's a great app there. My friend Brendan Brewshard has, which I think could definitely help you in your life. It's just a recommendation for me. Just want to say God bless you.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Please subscribe and share the show. Take care. This is the Ed and and share the show. Take care. This is The End My Let's Show.

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