THE ED MYLETT SHOW - How To Respect & Protect Your Time w/ Rob Dyrdek

Episode Date: December 13, 2022

“Life is about the pursuit of the PERFECT VERSION of yourself…but what happens when you reach that version?”We all DREAM about what we think our lives should be, and some of us are fortunate eno...ugh to realize those dreams. But what’s that JOURNEY like? And what happens when you get there?This week, my good friend ROB DYRDEK and I are going to give you answers to those questions and a lot more.Rob has grown far beyond the initial fame he enjoyed as a professional skateboarder.  Since that time, he’s become a SERIAL ENTREPRENEUR, ACTOR, and PRODUCER who has been involved in dozens of projects over the years.You’ll learn how he has continually reinvented himself over the years using a unique philosophy that combines the VALUE of optimizing intentional TIME MANAGEMENT, finding JOY in every part of your life, and what he calls the RHYTHM OF EXISTENCE.We’re going to reveal a single tip on how to MANAGE MEETINGS that will save you hundreds of hours over a year…creating time better spent doing MORE IMPORTANT and LUCRATIVE things. Also, listen to Rob’s take on how everything you do is INTERCONNECTED and why that matters so much. His insights on how to BUILD A BUSINESS using a system based on HARMONY are some of the best advice you’ll ever hear. You’ll gain a better understanding of why it’s sometimes better to pass on deals when they don’t fit the life you’ve designed for yourself.Rob also offers some great ideas for building a BETTER RELATIONSHIP with your spouse and family members. It’s BRILLIANT. It’s EASY and it can improve the quality of your home life immeasurably.There’s so much to unpack in this hour that flies by.Trust me, you won’t want to skate past this one…

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is The End My Let's Show. Welcome back everybody. Today's going to be amazing. I have a really good friend here today. One of the most downloaded shows you've ever done before because he'll surprise you. You know him from television. He's an incredible television personality with ridiculousness and a million other projects that he's done.
Starting point is 00:00:24 But I don't know him from that. I know him from his brilliance as an entrepreneur. And as a human optimizer of himself, of time, and everything connected to him. And he's a very, very good friend of mine. And I love my conversations with him. He's one of my favorite people I've ever met in my life to talk with, if not my favorite. And I thought today I just let you sit in and I'm one with him. He's one of my favorite people I've ever met in my life to talk with, if not my favorite. And I thought today I just let you sit in and I'm one with us. We're going to talk today with the great Rob Deardick. Welcome to the show, brother. Hey, thank you for having me. It's nice to go from
Starting point is 00:00:56 Laguna's a beautiful place to do a show, but it's nice to come to Hollywood into the fancy studio as well. This is more your like comfort level, isn't it like this Hollywood thing? So you were saying, no, it's not. I stay away from this area of the city, you know what I'm saying? When I'm driving over here, I'm like, man, I've been here forever. Look at this place. I think that when it gets, it certainly has changed over the years
Starting point is 00:01:15 and it hasn't improved, but that's probably a whole other conversation. But we are going to dinner down the street from here. So you have to make sure I stay safe. Yeah, and again, I am a brain star dinner on the other side as we enter Beverly Hills. Okay. Much wider, peaceful location. Thank you, sir. More on your level. You were saying before we started, though, it was four years ago that we did our show. And that at the time when we were doing the show, there were a lot of
Starting point is 00:01:40 theoretical things that you talked about on that show that you believed in that you were implementing into your life. And now you're like, now I have some data to really validate some of the stuff that I believe in. So what are some of those things that like you said on the show and you're like, and now I'm seeing in real life the results from those things. Yeah. I think the most profound one was really about sort of what I really discovered and talked a lot about in 2018. We did the show was that life is about this pursuit of the ideal version of yourself, right? And there's been something you've talked about forever
Starting point is 00:02:13 where it's this idea of putting out into the future, what you wanna become and then building a plan and strategy and put in all the energy and effort to go and achieve it, right? And you will grow into that person over time. And so that pursuit we talked a lot about as being really important and and I was talking a lot about it from the business lens and and doing it from a balanced perspective. Yeah, and what happened for me in that conversation is it led to what happens when you reach that person. And I made the comment of I think like when you eventually get to the ideal version of yourself that you sort of settle in to sort of a rhythm and
Starting point is 00:03:01 your pursuit wouldn't quite be the same. And within four years, I achieved all of the goals that I set in 2016 and became the ideal version of myself. So I actually rather than guest at what would happen to me when I finally reached the ideal version of myself, I actually experienced it. And what was so profound for me is, since you grow into your ideal self, you're growing along the way. And as you learn more and see, you begin to see further.
Starting point is 00:03:38 So the ideal version of yourself is always off in the distance. And it's not about ever ending the game and that you're there. It's actually the pleasure and the actual joy that you get from living is in that pursuit. The difference was, is I learned to control that pursuit and grew in a systematic harmonious way and then grew beyond what my ideal version at that time would become because I grew into a completely different person by the time I got there. You guys all get it now.
Starting point is 00:04:16 See what I'm talking about? It took four minutes and there you get it. So as wise my dude to talk to, he is special. The success that he's had in his life is in by mistake. And I'm not just talking about his financial or television success. I'm talking about kind of father he is, kind of friend he is,
Starting point is 00:04:34 kind of husband he is, none of this is by mistake. In my life, I have some really brilliant entrepreneur friends and I have some really brilliant personal development friends. I don't know anybody with a combination of both like you. I don't. One of the things I'm learning from you, I want to go right to some of your stuff. I'm a work, lots of hours guy. I'm a pound it. Let's go grind bingo. And you're like, hey, it's not exactly how it works, bro. Hey, there's a better way. And so why don't you share with us the better way? What your theory about hours and time and also the value of a minute,
Starting point is 00:05:15 the value of time. Yeah, it's funny because you know, I sometimes saw you know, I'll watch your stories and it's like, I don't feel like going today, but I gotta get up and I gotta make it happen. And I'm like, man, why are you putting yourself in a position where you don't feel like going today? You know what I mean? That's fair.
Starting point is 00:05:35 You know, because I almost like to look at myself, I've evolved into like a blend of sad guru, Ray Dalio and who's the great, the good doctor that's tapped into the quantum field or dispenser. Dispenser. I'm basically a combination of all three of those right. Whoa, Dalio, dispenser, and Sad Guru. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Like that. Right. Like that's, that's me. Like the best combo ever. Look, when I think about what's intersected through me, it's the best combo ever. Look, when I think about what's intersected through me, it's that analytical, like, data-driven side of Dalio. It's the tap into the quantum field of the Spenza,
Starting point is 00:06:13 and it's the, hey, the reality you experience today is based off of every action decision that you have made in the past, that is the sad guru sort of karma concept, right? And to me, you know, if you want to have a truly rich fulfilling life, you have to find joy in every part of it. And in order to do that, you have got to use your time with absolute intention. And so for me, it's everybody knows that. It's the only resource you got. It's the only resource that's a limited man. You're locked up. And for me, is there a pressure of me?
Starting point is 00:06:51 No, that was like a middle ground for me. You know what I'm saying? But it's, I was halfway in it. I was halfway in it. You know, I push you towards like a wrestler voice. You know what I mean? But I'm when I started tracking all of my time, my life changed, right? Because it's like I used to design what I call the rhythm of existence, right? So I built the rhythm of existence in 2015, which was essentially the operating system for my life. And so it had all these these principles and had all these things that I would do with my time and then I would Create a rhythm of the year like when sort of all the constants were and when the variables would happen
Starting point is 00:07:31 You know because your life flows around Weekends and holidays and birthdays. It has this cadence that you can build Sort of your time around that you can get better and better at predicting how to use your time more efficiently But boy I started tracking all of it that you can get better and better at predicting how to use your time more efficiently. But boy, I started tracking all of it. I would just, you know, I'd plan a lot of it and then I would be highly adaptive and adjusted, but the thing that I started doing every day is just tagging every hour and what did I do?
Starting point is 00:07:59 And I eventually found somebody in 2020 that heard me talk about it and came in and wrote a script that went into my Google calendar that pumped that thing out into a dashboard. And now I could see how I used my time on a weekly, monthly, yearly basis by hour and by percentage. And so that began to create this really interesting clarity as it related to like the time matrix from a percentage standpoint, right? If you have, you know, 8,760 hours in the year and you do something for 365 days a year for one hour, it's 4% of your life, right?
Starting point is 00:08:45 If you, you know, sleep seven hours, it's like, you know, 28% of your life. You know, if you work a 40 out of a week, it's 23% of your life. So I began to see the structure of this time. And as you begin to understand and design it against how you want to use it, you begin to question, question its efficacy. How high of efficacy are you using with this actual time? And then when you decide to do something, you start thinking about it in second, third,
Starting point is 00:09:13 order consequences, right? Because we'll get excited about an idea that we want to do. And we just think about the idea, all of the way to this, we don't think about the time, energy, and mental capacity that it'll take from, and then the long tail of that, because once we commit to something, what happens? We could be trapped by it, right? And if it ends up taking way more time,
Starting point is 00:09:36 like it could end up being detrimental to your overall well-being and your balance in your mind, right? So for me, as I began to do all that and really look at the time matrix, I began to put value on on every bit of that time. And then I began to assess that time by how did it make me feel qualitatively. And that then began to make me continually adjust how I designed the time. Because what I realized is what's happening, the world's changing,
Starting point is 00:10:07 you're changing at all times. You're evolving, everything around you's evolving. So you can't just make one great schedule, and there you go. You did it. You have a perfect time, time management skills. Like you're constantly need to be adjusting how you use time and the value of that time and how you see you should spend that on an ongoing basis or on an ad hoc basis like and you have to continually design it better And better over time and what I did was grow the skill set of
Starting point is 00:10:38 continually Optimizing time and assessing it and redesigning it that allowed me to get more and more efficient so I could go from and assessing it and redesigning it that allowed me to get more and more efficient. So I could go from, you know, doing 250 episodes of the television, doing, you know, 52 podcasts, managing, you know, if I have core six companies that I have to be actively managing inside it to go along with all my other pursuits and still do that with only 23% of my time. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:11:07 Like that is in where you now have gotten so efficient that you choose efficiency over anything else that you might give them an example because I know it. Like for example, like when I've come to you with different things like, hey, I got this TV show idea like, well, how much of your time is it going to take? How does it make you feel? What's it going to cost you somewhere else? You know, what percentage of it is for you? Even when we first started here, even this podcast, I'm like, it's this percentage of my time.
Starting point is 00:11:30 It's this percentage of my income. However, it's a big percentage of joy for me. Yeah. But in your case, if you don't mind, you don't, it's okay. But like, even the way you shoot your show, one of the things when you hear this man talk, um, he has this big of life is about anybody that I know. I mean, he's got a show reshoete of bazillion episodes. He's in production side. He's on the talent side. He's got the deer Dick machine. He's got his investments. He's got different businesses.
Starting point is 00:11:54 He's got a core and he's got he's a very, very active father, very, very active husband. He's got a public persona to keep up. He's got a social media. He's got a podcast and that's just like some of it. Yet I don't know anyone who navigates their life more seamlessly and beautifully than you do. I don't. But you'd make it. It wouldn't seem that way. So give us a practical example for you like on the way that you scale time like for your show. What you did in the way that you shoot it and the gaps in between shows. Is that too personal?
Starting point is 00:12:26 No, no, no, no, no, because I want people to think, okay, that sounds really good theoretically. But like I'm trying to get my startup off the ground. My kids are in soccer, you know, I've got the gym I got to get to. So what does that look like practically? How do I actually begin to navigate it? Yeah, look, I think, you know, like it's every bit of your life has the ability to be designed into time. You know what I mean? And yes, things are going to come at you that you need to change. And then everything
Starting point is 00:12:52 you want to drive the automation, right? Everything in my life, I try to drive the automation. And then when I feel friction, I try to I go to optimize it. When I feel friction, I apply a system or a solution And I just keep doing that over and over and over To reduce all friction and drive everything to a much higher state of efficiency, right? And the show itself is this beautiful example of I used to shoot
Starting point is 00:13:19 60 episodes a year and it would tear the soul out of me Mm-hmm. It would tear the soul out of me I wouldn't I didn't even want to shoot the show anymore 60 episodes a year and it would tear the soul out of me. It would tear the soul out of me. I didn't even want to shoot the show anymore. I didn't want to shoot the show anymore because it just took too much energy. It would be five weeks straight where I would shoot like four days a week
Starting point is 00:13:35 and it would just like, I would be, at the end of it, I would be so exhausted and be like, I don't even like enjoy doing this. Like, I don't care what it pays me. It's like, it's too much of my energy and well-being right and and so I began to just look at ways to make it more and more efficient and look at the things that bother me because we used to shoot a two a day and then we would you know shoot for an hour do all these pickups in between then I would stay for an hour and then do voice over on the stage for an hour and Then we would break for an hour then I would do the whole thing again
Starting point is 00:14:12 I would get there at like 9 30 10 and leave it like six right and then that would be a five-week stretch of like four days a Week and just just terrorize me then I'd have to drive out to Glendale To get prepped for the shows and spend three or four hours going through all the shows. And I just slowly kept looking at every possible thing that I could optimize. And it started first with how they built the shows and presented them to me.
Starting point is 00:14:39 And I got to instead of driving out to Glendale to look at them, hey, let's start doing it online. Send them to me. And then it's like start pretending to them to me in this structure. And then it got to the point where I stopped even talking to them. They just would send them to me. I would review them. And it went from three hours round trip to do it to 15 minutes. This is Rob right here.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. This is the stuff. Yeah. And then actually shooting the show, then it was like, how can we make it more and more efficient? All right. I'm not, I'm just going to, to fire off a lot more off the cuff stuff that you can edit in instead of doing the voiceover.
Starting point is 00:15:18 And then I took, you know, shooting the show for an hour, hour plus, and then doing an hour of voiceover, I drove that all the way down to about 35 minutes. Then I said, hey, how do we take, can we take one clip out of every single one of these? Because we're only, we're shooting with six clips, but we're only editing four and five. And so we took a clip out of everything, drove the time down to 29 minutes, right? And so then it became okay, you shoot to a day, let's shoot to a day before lunch. Then it was like, okay, let's shoot three a day before lunch. Then it was like, all right, let's shoot six a day, three before lunch, three after.
Starting point is 00:15:59 And then now I could get six done in a day. And then I could spread out when I shoot where I only shoot a couple times a month. Then boy, now I feel like it's back in my life. It's back in my rhythm. It's no longer taking energy. It's much more efficient to get prep for. It's easier to shoot. I should the energy is not gone because I shoot it so quickly that it that the energy is good. Pop into the next one, but I just kept looking at way after all these different ways that I continue to optimize and optimize, and then now going into next year, I'm going to start shooting 336, okay, and I'm going to shoot A today.
Starting point is 00:16:38 And so I was like, I don't want to give up any more time. Where can I save time? We have 15 minutes between the shows to change wardrobe. So if I eliminate two wardrobe changes and in between the shows and 15 minutes at lunch, I get back that hour and now I can shoot, um, 336 in the same 42 days, five hours a day, uh, as I did to shoot the 252 with prep time the night before and drive time there and back. That is 4% of my life. See, you guys, this is, um, why I want to run me. Let me give you, let me interrupt you. I want to give you guys the easy application for me.
Starting point is 00:17:29 This hyper obsession with optimization of time and oneself, when you're around somebody, they become a friend of yours. Some of it rubs off on you. So I don't have the types of show that he has. I don't shoot 350 episodes, I don't have that But it has caused me to begin to evaluate where am I just pissing time away? Where is it causing me more stress? What are the different things I do? I'll give you one small thing That's a massive thing after I met you I started looking at just meetings that I take and I'm like why are all my meetings one hour long?
Starting point is 00:18:02 Why is it blocked from you think about all of you do is you're like, that's right. Why is it from four to five o'clock? How do I know this thing's in the last an hour? And because it lasts an hour, because we've blocked an hour, we take up the hour. But perhaps this is a 20 minute meeting, right? Perhaps this is a 14 minute meeting. Why is everything four to four 30, five, 30 to six, five? Why are they all these round number blocks of time that we've all accepted need to be blocks of time? And because that's the block, that's how long the meeting takes, right? You're nodding when I say this. So I've gotten with my team now, and now they know, let's find out how long this meeting is required to happen. The most efficient time for the meeting, not where I'm dismissive of people or don't give them the adequate amount of time
Starting point is 00:18:46 or the emotional connection, but you'll find everybody, most meetings don't need to be an hour. They don't. They don't. They don't need to be a half an hour. And so when I started to get those things done, I have a lot of 15 minute meetings now. And my whole life opened up because of it.
Starting point is 00:19:03 And here's the other thing. I bring better energy to those meetings. So you're so right. Like when you first say I'm like, this is really good in theory, dude, because you got this big old life. But for the beginner, they just got to go. Yeah. But the truth is, when you're just going, I want you to speak to this. So let's, let's now get the guy goes, that's great. I don't have 350 of anything. I don't have 64 of that. Yeah. I got a job. I've got a side hustle. I got a family. I'm trying to get this going, so I'm throwing a bunch of time at it. But my thing I want you to speak to is your lack of valuing time is impacting not only your fatigue, your energy, your performance, but it's impacting every part of you because other people don't value your time or you when you don't.
Starting point is 00:19:46 And when you begin to take control, which I'm even as a beginner, my belief is other people value you more. You agree with that? Yeah, and look, I think the other thing is it, you end up creating sort of your system that also allows you to be available a lot more than you should be.
Starting point is 00:20:02 You know what I mean? And then people rely on that availability to then have a more scattered erratic schedule that you've got to be fit into. And they pull the energy from you because you're essentially operating that way. And that scatteredness becomes how the people operate around you, right? Which almost never allows you to get there, right? And to me, which almost never allows you to get there, right? And to me, when you start thinking about your whole life, forget about just time as because time's just one sort of piece of what you need to have high energy and have a great life. And so it's if you don't design time to meditate, to free think, to get to the gym, to do all these things that you know you need to do that make you the better version of you and make you feel more balanced in your mind that allows
Starting point is 00:20:50 you to have better energy and more clarity at that meeting. And you just continually go from thing to thing to thing because all I have to go from thing to thing to thing, then you are never gonna have the time to do the things that you wanna do, because you're too busy doing the things you have to do on an ongoing basis as a way of life. Man. You are the machine and you design the machine to go from thing to thing to thing to thing
Starting point is 00:21:20 to your exhausted, then you complain, then you over-correct and try to get rid of all these things to get it back. When in fact, it is the way that you have built your system that has bound you to this habitual way of not having time rather than designing your whole system around using time the right way. I think it's the most breakthrough stuff anyone's talking about right now, particularly designed for this time. I mean it. I think it speaks to everybody at every stage, no matter if they have a big huge life and all the things you have going or I have going, or they're beginning to build
Starting point is 00:21:53 their dream life. If you don't get intentional about this, that's the micro. But let me say this to that, right? Everybody's got a big life. Because everybody, I have the same got a big life. Because everybody, I have the same time, energy and capacity as you. Like anyone listening to this, we all are in the same construct of time. We all, we all, yes, our energy may vary, but we all have control to take care of ourselves, to do more things that we like to begin to evolve our life in a way, to where we have higher energy, but we all have a limit, a human physical and mental capacity. And if we go over it, we collapse in even me, right? Like I have completely organized, perfectly designed time, beautiful rhythm, clear vision
Starting point is 00:22:37 and goals and executing everything within this beautiful matrix. I'm highly optimized. Why am I overwhelmed? Why am I overwhelmed? Why am I overwhelmed? Because I went past capacity, right? And that's sort of the second edge is understanding your physical and mental capacity and being able to manage that inside the way
Starting point is 00:22:56 that you design your time. Because when you become overwhelmed, your decision's like degenerate, and then you ultimately start overcorrecting. By the way, how brilliant you are about that. I make the worst decisions when I'm fatigued and typically what I'm doing when I'm fatigued is the overcorrection that I'm like over scheduling. Then once my energy comes back, I look at a day or a week and I'm like, oh my gosh, what
Starting point is 00:23:18 was I thinking when I agreed to all of this stuff? And a lot of it isn't productive stuff. And then I don't have time for the things that would move the needle in my fitness, in my mental health, in my financial life. And all of a sudden, lots of stuff is in a schedule that doesn't necessarily move the needle in my life in the areas that I want the needle to move to. Speaking of life and needle moving, I don't know if you texted me this or you posted it. So probably doesn't matter. But that's the micro stuff. The macro is you're so obsessed with it that you look at like duration of time on the planet. And it was something about, you just realized,
Starting point is 00:23:53 you read something on your laughing, but did you text me this or did you post it? I just posted that I wanted to live one million hours. That's exactly right. So you read something that convinced you that you could live to a particular age and you deduced how many hours there. So I actually think this is brilliant because this type of focus causes us to live with intention and attention and the lack of I think all the time.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Do you know when I pray at night, you're gonna laugh at this. Never said this out loud, not even in my wife. I'm gonna tell you in about 70 billion people right now. When I pray at night, one of my last prayers is that I'm gonna live to 128 years old. Okay, and I really believe, now again, someone will listen to this in three years, wow, it's so sad, he passed away. But I have that prayer and that intention, and I've repeated it over and over and over and over again, because I believe if I don't pick a number, if I don't pick a time, if I don't set a goal, if I don't, then it'll be up to the whims of whatever else comes my way.
Starting point is 00:24:52 And I really believe that you create a space when you set something like that that didn't exist before you did it, and then you find the behaviors, the people, the things, the thoughts, the technology, the nutrition, to fill it up. What I didn't do was calculate the amount of hours that it gives me to then optimize that time. So speak to that whole thing. Yeah, and look, I'm, you know, it makes it really makes me happy. That means we're gonna, we're literally, we're gonna be friends deep into our hundreds. I love it. We're gonna be having these conversations about what do you think? You think you're going to 120, hey, you think you're good. I don't know how push. I'm feeling pretty good right now. to one twenty eight, you think you're good. I don't know. I'm feeling pretty good right now.
Starting point is 00:25:32 But I think about it more from a, this is what I'm big on. This is your existence, right? And this is, this is the framework of the, the experience, the human experience, right? You only truly can judge anything, your energy, how well you're using time, everything that's happened in your past, how you actually feel in the present moment. You can only do it in the present moment, and you only experience it in your mind, right? And then you have to make a decision of like, I want to change all of these things. So I'm going to create a better future experience. That is the human experience. And I realized that it that I wanted to make it last to 112. I initially wanted to live to 104 and be shot in a rocket into space and explore the universe without the light pollution from planet earth. The last year
Starting point is 00:26:21 before I died and then floated out into the cosmos. Now that was before I had a wife and kids. So it's like now the audacity of don't worry about me and then like I'm up there for like 24 more years. So that changed. And then when I read the book Iki guy, right, the Japanese long life and happiness book, they talked about super centurions. And I'm like, oh, like that brand, I, they talked about super centurions. And I'm like, oh, like that brand, I wanna be a super centurion. So then I made it at,
Starting point is 00:26:52 then I made it that I would wanna live to 112. And then as I started getting deeper into, okay, how many days is that? All right, okay, that's how many days I have. This is how many days that I've done so far. Then when I was going through my time matrix and looking at all these different things where I spend time of like, wow, I spend nearly
Starting point is 00:27:13 as much time shooting a television show as I will picking up my kids and taking them to school for the year. Right, and to me, as I just started looking at these hours, and then where am I losing a lot of time on the couch watching Netflix? You know what I mean? It's me and the wife on there watching our favorite show. But boy, when you start looking at what that is, man, you're letting the heart eight to nine percent go on the couch. You know what I mean? It's cold, hard reality, but as I looked at that,
Starting point is 00:27:45 you know, I then was like, you know, what is like, what's a round number of time? And like, wow, 1 million hours is 114 years and 54 days. I'm gonna experience a million hours on this earth, right? And so, of course, a lot of people push back on like, oh, it's good. Yeah, you're like, I'm vegetable. What are you gonna do?
Starting point is 00:28:09 And it's like, like, I didn't even contemplate that. And it's because you live in two different mindsets. There's, I live in a mindset that I just keep getting healthier and happier, more balanced, lighter. Life is more effortless. My system, that is my entire body is more efficient. And I can show you in blood work, I can show you in net worth, I can show you in time,
Starting point is 00:28:33 and I can show you in qualitative data that I have collected about how I feel about my life work and health that I am in healthier, better physical condition, wealthier, more balanced, and happier in the data, which only proves to me, there's no reason why you can't keep getting healthier, happier, and wealthier for the remainder of your life. And then, I'll just fall right off a cliff. You know what I mean? Whatever it ends up ending.
Starting point is 00:29:03 But again, what's it go back to? I want to live with absolute intention. And I want to experience every moment that I get into and feel the vividness and the richness and the beauty that is the human experience and life. You know, you don't want to be so future focused and trying to create a better future that you never feel the present. And so for me, I really began to understand what state my mind is at all the times and how do I learn to control that and begin to put in systems and solutions that keep my mind in a balanced state is really one of the bigger things that I've learned to do over the last year or so. Sure, that's one of those systems.
Starting point is 00:29:53 If you can imagine this, your mind is balanced in this way. It's past, present, and future. And so there's sort of five sections as I see it. And on one end, it's dwelling in the past. You ain't doing nothing. You want to sit and dwell about something you did, you ain't doing nothing. Then the next level up is rectify. Right? You are problem solving, taking action, something that happened in the past. So now you're in the present past where, okay, I'm dealing with something that happened. Now I'm problem solving, taking action to make a better future, right? You sit right in the middle and you experience it, or you go to the next level is creating, right? And so now you're in this future present, right? Where you're experiencing the present while creating the future, that's where you want to toggle, right? Because what goes beyond creating the future is wishing, right? Because then if you're sitting there
Starting point is 00:30:50 wishing the future was better and wishing like this will be like this or you're dwelling, you're not moving, right? And so you want to be either experiencing the moment or handling something that happened in the past present or creating something in the future present state and Swing between that right and so if you can imagine that's your mind What you what you think about on an ongoing basis is ranges between all of that. That's where the action lives now It's the quality of your mind and your mind's quality is either in a proactive state a reactive state,
Starting point is 00:31:27 an inactive state, or a magnetic state, right? And for me, when I, when all aspects of my life are in order, meaning I'm eating super clean, everything, all, all my goals and visions and everything is, is running smooth. I'm, I'm spending very little time rectifying the past because I've designed my present future experience with such intention. I'm dealing with very little disruption that then I eventually go beyond just being proactive
Starting point is 00:31:56 to this magnetic state. And I know you've experienced this before because this is when you're everything is going at operating at such a level that answers start coming to you without you asking the questions. It is the law of attraction that that's the unexplainable force that lives in the quantum field where your energy is at such a high level. You are so clear of not only being present and experiencing, but creating your better future and you rise to this, you vibrate to this level to where the
Starting point is 00:32:27 answers show up and you never asked the questions, right? And for me, I'm trying to master all aspects of my existence to where I basically sit in that state of toggling between future present and proactive and magnetic at all times. Oh my God. It's a deep one. It's a deep one. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Okay, that's an all-timer. Right? Deep one. I want everyone to go back the last five or six minutes there. That's an all-timer. When we talk, always filter it through my life and my perspective. I just realized something because I do know what that vibrational frequency feels like. When I am getting answers, the questions I haven't even asked. It's not frequent enough.
Starting point is 00:33:16 And the reason it's not frequent enough is I'm depleting my energy reserves to not put myself in a state where I can have that type of energy and what I call vibrate at that frequency. to not put myself in a state where I can have that type of energy and what I call vibrate at that frequency. Yep. And you're exactly right. And that's the other reason why rest, recovery, being present matters. I just really pulled something here. I just really did.
Starting point is 00:33:35 But let me say this. Every single thing matters. Every thought, every action, every decision, every single thing that you do is interconnected to get you to that space. And for me, it's like, I think, I'll have a glass of wine. I'll have a couple of chips. It will pull it will pull away from that. I'll make it. I'll make one bad decision from eating bad. That will then cause me to be short with my wife that leads to this entire end pulls me right out of the magnetic state, right?
Starting point is 00:34:10 Because it's like, even when you're there, it's really sensitive. And you could just get one thought that could rip you out of that. You could look at one text that could rip you out of that, right? It's like, and so that requires really, really understanding every single bit of you and then giving value to everything you do rather than trying to like pocket your values. Oh, if I eat healthy, oh, if I'm stay focused, oh, if I clear out this stuff, oh, if I rest or recover it versus like, no, it is all works together to make the best version of you. How committed are you? How disciplined are you to live it at the level that you know you have to live at? At a consistent enough basis that it becomes to compound effortlessly and become a way of life rather than getting disciplined again.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Hmm. That's really what it is, you know. Well, for me, I burn myself out going from those states to the good state back to the bad state. I'm still having wine with you at dinner tonight, but I know exactly what you're talking about. And everybody, y'all hear the show every single week. It's pretty rare that I'm this quiet, because I just, I really process a lot of information
Starting point is 00:35:26 when you and I go like this. It's good for me. I'm already thinking of stuff. I'm going to say it. I'm going to teach that I'm going to steal, but I'm going to make mine. One of the things, in addition to all of this, that we talked about when we were down in Mexico, was this notion of momentum. Here's what I do. I'm going to tell you what I do. I go, I got all that and I'm going to get to it. But right now I got momentum. And so I'm going to flow through fuel on the fire. And I think this is what burnout is. So I've got momentum. You've had momentum in your career for freaking 25 years, maybe more, right? So and by the way, that's the other lesson from Rob. he's had sustainability and consistency in the public world or in the entrepreneurial space. It is extremely rare to have duration of success or expansion of success like what you've had. And I was telling you, maybe we were both talking about like, yeah, but I got momentum. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:36:19 but I got this. Yeah, but I got that. Yeah, so I'm going to get to this, but that'll be like, I see it and you're right. And I'm going to do some of it. But what I'm realizing is that momentum was generated from a space of creativity, of rest, of a particular vibrational frequency. And I'm almost running on the fumes of it now, rather than, and it, so it will run out if I don't get back to this creative state where I'm in that Presence problem solving or present creativity state. So what would you say to someone who's listening to going I got all that but I'm finally got my business moving. I'm finally we were scaling We're finally getting this and the economy is changing and I got these other things coming and so man for me to think about this
Starting point is 00:37:02 Theoretical stuff you're talking about is really good. But, man, you know, like supply chains going on, interest rates are going up. You know, unemployment may start to good higher again. They're national debt. And I just getting it going. So this is really good. And I'm going to remember this podcast for three years from now. What would you say to them? It'll always be like that. It's never not going to be like that. It was never not going to be like that. It was the startup version, it was a startup. Oh, now it's working, and there's more to even worry about. Oh, now it's like, and it's even, guess what? It's always like that. So if you don't build
Starting point is 00:37:38 a harmonious system, your goal is to lead with harmony. If you don't build harmony in your system from the very beginning, you won't have harmony when you find the success, right? And this is why I preach designing life and business at the same time. So when you find success in your business, you find success in your life. And to me, in 2016, when I designed the plan for the way that I wanted to live, I designed a balanced life that would make me healthy first, and then I fit work into it. I created hundreds of millions of dollars with using a small percentage of my time, living a fully balanced, harmonious life, all of the success that I have created since we sat down in 2018 was done from this beautiful, peaceful place.
Starting point is 00:38:33 I got better and better and better at being more efficient with my time and my energy and got healthier and healthier and my output got higher and higher and higher and like all of the things that you can worry about that drive you down, you continue to clear them out to where you're only dealing with incoming stress rather than all these things that come in and then break you, right? Then you got to reevaluate all this stuff and do all this stuff again. But you know, that's my passion for harmony over hustle. I mean, build a harmonious existence and then get better and better at living in a harmonious way.
Starting point is 00:39:15 But I wanna say this to momentum, right? It is why it was so profound when we were in Mexico because I am, it's the pursuit, right? Like I look at you as like, this is the ideal way of life, man, you want your island, you want to be good, fine on your jet, you want to get out to the golf course, you want to go to the beach house, like it's really like, you know, and now I look at the world through how I look at how much travel time it's involved in that, right? Forget about like, how could you possibly, you know,
Starting point is 00:39:47 do the show, do the book, do the podcast, and then still have time to get there. Oh, the kids are going to college, like I can, I see the strain and sort of the use of time just in the structure. And so then I know you have more than enough money to live Peacefully and happily I know that your mission is is really more on like how can I reach people and impact people and
Starting point is 00:40:13 When you say momentum, it's like man, you know, I as the world was changing Then I as I was changing I saw an opportunity to share my voice on social media Then I saw an opportunity to share my voice on social media Then I saw an opportunity to share my voice on a podcast then now I got momentum now It's like now I'm like so many more people want to talk to me so many more opportunities. I got momentum now It's like I want to make a book that impacts people and what it is. Oh now I got even more momentum like Oh, what about this television shit like I saw that as like man. I know what that's like. Right? And to me, I also know that, boy, man, you can get caught up in that and trapped by that momentum. Listen, close everyone. Yeah. If you don't understand sort of the second and third order
Starting point is 00:41:00 consequences of capturing that momentum, yeah. Let's stay on this. I won't say what it is with you, but you, because we don't want that, but there's been some significant opportunities come your way. Some things that could have been, you think your brand's big now, you're like really different. I'm talking about a public brand.
Starting point is 00:41:20 And when those things came your way, you declined. And you know what I'm talking about, right? We won't get into what those things were, but you have learned to say no, because your decision-making process has a process. And I think one thing I want to say to everybody that I think Rob has that I don't, that I'm developing because I know him is a, is a process and a philosophy through which I make decisions rather than just emotionally.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Because if you let me, I'll just keep helping more and more and more people with no process to make the decision, no evaluation with the consequences are, and no evaluation of what maybe looks like I'll help more people will cost me to complete the energy that could have done it in a more efficient and productive way. So you have also learned to decline, to say no to different things in your life. And I think that's probably something
Starting point is 00:42:09 everyone should know. Yeah. And look, it's, it's one of those things that you could read it in every single personal development book. Got to learn, say no. You know, I mean, and we know it as, as, as guys who lived our, uh, lived out on the on the edges of saying yes to everything. Because the early process for me is like, oh man, this might be the one. Oh, this might be the one. Oh wow, this might be the one. The problem was, is I hadn't defined what is the whole.
Starting point is 00:42:42 Once I finally defined what the whole was, and now I'm like, and I refer to every to it as like the human why, where we all have the same why. We want to live a harmonious high quality life, right? And so you have to define what that is for you. And for me, that was how I used my time, the type of things that I did. And ultimately, the amount of money I had, where I invested that money and what that money did for me, and the lifestyle that I lived. I had a certain way of living that I wanted, that I connected to my identity, that I needed
Starting point is 00:43:16 to create enough wealth that would provide me that lifestyle in a sustained manner forever, before I would be truly harmonious, right? And when I, when I finally did that, right? And I defined it and I built the plan backwards. And, and when I finally got to there, I changed, I changed because I now have this extraordinary security, right? And, and that security now allowed me to get even more efficient with my time, make even more decisions that are based on, is this going to affect my energy? Like, and continuing to build my life around what gives me energy and anything that takes energy, anything that slightly takes it, address it and get rid of it, create a system or a solution
Starting point is 00:44:05 to solve it or just completely get it out of your life. And now you will never compromise, especially doing something that's just for money or some higher level of fame, if you will, because I don't want to disrupt the harmony that I've created because it's unnecessary. I am as happy And balanced as a human being could be I am excited to continually Evolve into my limitless potential in a controlled manner that is done on a Consistent basis of joy because what I realized is well,, man, what is happiness? Well, happiness is really just consistent joy. And when you go from day after day after day, where thing after thing after
Starting point is 00:44:53 thing is filled with joy and an extended period of time, that's when you're feeling what it feels like to be truly happy all the time. When you listen to him, everybody, this is a dude from Ohio was a skateboarder. And now look at this. I mean, I quit high school. Yeah, right. Look, you keep in mind this. I didn't even understand personal development
Starting point is 00:45:18 or even read until I met my wife, who was in, who was like a super into personal development. And like, I read Thinking Grow Rich back then, and it was like, whoa, like, I had read it when I was younger, but it was like the beginning of unlocking, like, what is the human potential? And then my mind thinks in this sort of systems way, and I just keep, as I'm living it,
Starting point is 00:45:43 and finding the success in life that I envisioned and planned, you know, five years earlier and are realizing it, I'm doing it while I'm thinking about how one day I can share it. So it's almost like this meta process of your learning lessons, thinking of how they integrate together. And then how you can articulate this in an easy to understand the way that you can share with people one day It's an interesting process. I've been it. It's really deep what you just said. So one thing I've Begin to do I did a lot in my entrepreneurial life But I didn't do it in my personal life. So my entrepreneur life
Starting point is 00:46:18 I was always like well, we need a processor assistant for that Because nothing can be related just to personality or emotion. So in all my entrepreneurial ventures We need a processor assistant for that because nothing can be related just to personality or emotion. So in all my entrepreneurial ventures, we need a processor system for that. It wasn't until really you and I connected that like you're like, that's what my life is. So everybody listening to this or watching it, you got to ask yourself this, do you have a processor system for that? Because if it's not a processor system, it's probably not going to be sustainable over a duration.
Starting point is 00:46:40 You have to have a processor system. You are a, you probably could have been some type of engineer in another lifetime, I think, because you do think systematically and process wise. But I think all of you, if you're trying to pull, extract things you need to ask yourself is, do you have a process and a system for it? Is there one? Because if there isn't, you need one from your time, from your family stuff, from your entrepreneurial, your part of your life, energy depletion, one other place, because you mentioned Brianna, and that is, what about
Starting point is 00:47:09 humans who drain your energy? Have you had to sort of, I don't cut people out, or like, are you cognizant of the humans you associate with from an energy depletion or giving you energy standpoint? Is that something that's also part of this formula for you? Yeah, I want to give you two versions of it, right? Because I think the getting rid of the bad energy is an easy one to talk through, but it's how do you optimize with those that you love? That's what I think is a lot more evolved
Starting point is 00:47:40 and sort of what I've grown into. But I first started by you know, by just asking myself every single day and rating qualitatively, how do I feel about my life, my work, and my health zero to 10? And with it's low, you think about why it's low, and you make a note of it. And you'll find that the people that bring you down
Starting point is 00:48:04 start popping up. And then it becomes so obvious, right? Like I had people that worked for me that were really truly disrupting the quality of my life on a consistent basis that I didn't I didn't have clarity on until I was asking myself, how did you feel about work yesterday, zero to 10? And then it was like a four because I was fighting with one of my executives for like three hours and had to change my entire vision for it
Starting point is 00:48:34 because it's not what they wanted to do. Like I began to see that and then eventually cleared every single person that brought me down out. All of them, every single one of them, right? And including in that same process, then there's certain parts of the business that that drained me that I had to either learn or stop being involved in, right? Like it was very informative from a qualitative standpoint. Now I go to the most important relationship that is
Starting point is 00:49:06 my wife. And it is, I am just, it is system after system after system on system on system on system on system, strictly releasing and relieving any friction in our relationship. And it sounds like, oh, well, like, what could that possibly be well, you know first it starts with the age old date night right and so oh like schedule the date night, you know what I'm saying it wasn't enough to keep us balanced and happy so the schedule is you know a Monday night talk night a Thursday night movie night a Wednesday morning breakfast, a Friday night sushi. Like it's it's having a rhythm of dates and times that we spent in the week. Now it's it's not a matter of like, oh, you made one hour available. You you've integrated your wife into your life.
Starting point is 00:49:58 Now that was essential to begin to stop that friction. Then she started hearing me telling stories of stuff that I was working on and be like, I didn't even hear that. So, okay, how do I solve that? Then I started sending her an email every single morning of everything that I was doing in the day and what it meant to me with a love quote so that she got that every single day
Starting point is 00:50:19 and was completely informed at what I was doing. So, now, how do I automate that? I have my assistant scrape my my calendar and put it into an email and put it in my email that I can look in the morning, I go and find the love quote depending on the energy of the the the season and then I send it to her every single day, right? And so okay, that seems like you look at that alone, like look at you guys like in your rhythm, like you go with her every day to drop the kids off
Starting point is 00:50:48 and pick them up for most days, like you have this balanced rhythm with everything and now she's completely informed, but getting friction on how complex our life was and all these big projects moving on, then we move to a Thursday family sink where we get all the executive or existence and executive assistance together. And then we go through everything
Starting point is 00:51:12 going on with the family and get organized and everything that needs to get done. Now we have the Thursday family sink to eliminate that in the middle of that like stuffs popping up in the schedule. she's seeing it in that email in the morning and be like, what is this? You're going to do Ed's podcast today. So what do we do? We added a new system to the family sink where I go through the calendar and then, like, say everything that I'm doing, hey, the UFC fight in two weeks on Saturday night, I'm
Starting point is 00:51:40 going to want to watch that. Anything that might be disruptive, and again, keeping our energy, our communication, and our flow, then like, okay, there's certain things where we'll get stuck on and not wanna talk about. We started bringing it there, it's to the house every other Tuesday at four o'clock. So now, now we have this neutral ground, that's basically, I akin it to tuning a Ferrari
Starting point is 00:52:07 where you already have this highly, but another friction is like these issues that you may not want to discuss even in this sort of flow that you're in. Here's this sort of neutral ground that you really don't have unless you bring somebody in and you just begin to see all of these things layering on top of of of of the goal of having the the happiest amazing relationship that you could possibly have. So good. You know, I I I knew about the email in which by the way I started to do myself because you told me about that. By the way, everybody, you listened to my show so that somehow every week you become inspired or learn how to improve your life. If that is not happening for you right now, if there's not been something said here today by this man that is causing you to go, whoa, by the way, you're on the inside of what people that have blissful and happy
Starting point is 00:52:57 and successful lives talk about and think about. These are the conversations that they have. One, so I got one more question for you. By the way, is that the fastest hour in the history of the world? By the way, thank you. Number one, thank you. I just love you. And I'm grateful for you. Yeah, I'm grateful for you. Last thing, because this will be...
Starting point is 00:53:20 This episode, by the way, is timeless. What I love about this episode is someone can watch this right now, listen to it in a year, listen to it in four or five years, you'll be deeper and be further down this road, but the things that are said in here are timeless. But for the most part, people will get this right before the new year at some point. And so what are they doing?
Starting point is 00:53:41 They're gonna be setting goals. They're gonna be thinking about the next year. Can you give us some advice or your system or parts of your strategy for the way that you set goals and your vision up? Is there a, I know there is, but what is part of your system and strategy for doing it? You know, I have, I have big what I like to call evolution goals that anchor the four core systems of my life, right? And you know, that's my health, my life, my wealth, and my life, right? And, you know, that's my health, my life, my wealth, and my work, right?
Starting point is 00:54:09 And an evolution goal is essentially sort of, you know, the finite goal or the infinite goal, right? We're having an extraordinary relationship of your wife is an evolution goal, whereas you continue to grow and evolve like what it means to have that amazing relationship is going to continue to evolve and grow over time. So having those big anchors on those parts of your life are essential, then having the finite or quantifiable goals that you can measure that will lead you towards that evolution goal is sort of the goal stack
Starting point is 00:54:48 that I use, right? Because it's like you, this is going to go on forever and continually change. But man, the more things that you can quantify and put a number to and then create that goal is the more motivated you're going to be. And the more clear it's going to be for you to continue on the path. And especially if, you know, for those that are going to fire up this year and this is going to be the year they get healthy, you know what I mean? Like decide all the things that you have to do that are going to make you
Starting point is 00:55:20 healthy against a number. So let's just say, okay, I want to be 150 pounds. Okay, well, what are all the things that you would need to do to do that? Why I'd have to clean diet. And I've got to get in the gym and I want to do yoga and meditate whatever it is, map, design that into your rhythm and then track how often you do it and gamify your discipline by trying to beat your numbers. Because if you beat your numbers, then you're going to find your discipline by trying to beat your numbers because if you beat your numbers, then you're going to reach your quantifiable goal of your weight goal. And then your quantifiable weight goal is going to lead to your health goal, which is
Starting point is 00:55:52 really, I just want a fully healthy and vitality in my life is my evolution goal. And part of that is getting to 150 pounds. And these five things, if I do them every day, will get me to that. And if I track that, my goal isn't to do it every day. But if I could do it at least 75% of the time, now I've gamified it and can push my numbers to keep me more motivated and excited to reach the number which ultimately leads to my bigger goal. And then you grow over time.
Starting point is 00:56:24 And your standards grow. Eventually, you'll just be at the weight you want and then you'll be wanting it for a healthier, more limber system. Now I'm gonna add yoga to it because I wanna be flexible and be able to like jog again. Like it'll keep evolving. What vitality means to you will keep evolving,
Starting point is 00:56:43 but that's how you stack an evolution goal to a quantifiable goal and then create a gamified system to achieve it. I love that. I love that. I love the idea of like just going with some deep well but could barely hold back the laughter to like, so good. Like I'm just, I don't, I just think, I just think it's so good. It's like, we could go six hours. I can't wait for dinner. But I'm glad everybody got to have this hour with us today. It's as good as it gets. Rob, I mean, this is first cabin world class all time.
Starting point is 00:57:19 Or as good as it gets. And like, this will be just another one of these that people will like, man, you better have him back on. I just got to thank you. This was probably the fastest hour ever. I mean, like, I'm just so thankful for you and our friendship because you are completely aspirational to me as a man and a human being in a way of life. And I am thankful to be here today to even share my latest and my personal evolution and look forward to dinner tonight. Me too. Gosh darn it everybody. You're welcome. That's all I can say. You're welcome.
Starting point is 00:57:57 I usually at the end of the show say, you should share this. I don't need to tell you to do that today. I know you're doing that. This is an all-timer. And all-timer. This is an all-timer and all-timer. This is one for the ages. And I just hope that maybe this is one the only thing I would say.
Starting point is 00:58:11 Maybe you should hear more than once. Maybe this is one of these. You go, you know what tomorrow I'm going to do this one again because you will have missed stuff. There was so much here. The I'm being really serious with everybody. I can't wait to hear this back myself and I will listen to this multiple times Because there was so much depth to this there was not one wasted second of this conversation today
Starting point is 00:58:32 So Rob dared to everybody follow him on social media You probably already see him on TV all the time so follow him on social media You'll keep getting updates like this and he's got more and more stuff coming what you're really gonna be excited about is at some point you'll keep getting updates like this. And he's got more and more stuff coming. What you're really gonna be excited about is at some point, this book project he's told me about privately will come out and that's gonna blow the planet up.
Starting point is 00:58:50 It's gonna be so good. It's not out yet, but it'll be forthcoming and the more I say that into a microphone, the more likely it is to happen sooner. So that's why I say it. All right, everybody, God bless you. Max out your life, take care. This is the endm Mylich Show.

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