THE ED MYLETT SHOW - How To Thrive In An Economic Winter w/ Dean Graziosi

Episode Date: July 19, 2022

This week I’ve invited DEAN GRAZIOSI back to talk about a different kind of HEALTH PROBLEM facing every single person in this country right now.There’s UNCERTAINTY with the ECONOMY right now and w...e are in a RECESSION, what should you be thinking and doing?I’ve had a ton of people reach out to me about this in recent months, and it’s time to DIG DEEPER, get some ANSWERS, and give you STRATEGIES you can put into action to lessen the impacts of what’s happening now and what’s to come.Every news outlet is stoking fears about inflation, a looming recession, and a global economy fighting to maintain strength during serious worldwide issues and so many polarized camps in America.WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN?You’re about to find out…Dean has been through times like these before. He is in constant contact with some of the other BRIGHTEST MINDS on these subjects, and that’s why you need to listen to what he’s got to say.You’ll get a download about how to PROTECT yourself and SURVIVE through what’s to come and how you can go on offense and THRIVE amidst all the chaos.Dean is also going to give you real ACTIONABLE ADVICE about how to INVEST IN YOURSELF and level up on your MENTAL TOUGHNESS by shifting to an OPPORTUNITY MINDSET.Dean pulls no punches by telling you how you can UNFREEZE YOURSELF, overcome fears and feelings that you’re not worthy of success, and how you can USE YOUR PAIN to change your story.You’ll hear some important thoughts about POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE ENERGY and how you should channel each of them. I can’t stress enough how important our discussion is about this.To wrap things up, Dean talks about the differences between his first and second marriage and what he’s done to improve THE MOST IMPORTANT RELATIONSHIP in his life.We cover a lot of ground this week, and every minute of it will HELP YOU, no matter what’s to come…Go to to sign up for the Time To Thrive Challenge! 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is the Ed Milach Show. Welcome back to the show everybody. I have a man here who's become such a dear friend of mine and a trusted advisor. I've only had one other person on the show three times, so you are now breaking a record brother. You are a ratings machine. But more importantly, you bring such value every time you're here. And when we're done talking, every single time we've done this,
Starting point is 00:00:29 I go, oh my gosh, this is going to get millions of downloads because it made me better. And every time I'm with you, I feel better. I smile more. I feel better about myself. And I learn things about how to win, how to succeed, how to persevere. So Dean Grasio, see, welcome back to the show, my brother. It's so good to be here. And I have to tell you see, welcome back to the show, my brother. So good to be here. And I have to tell you, you're the most gracious host ever.
Starting point is 00:00:48 And to this day, still, are two podcasts. Yep. Every day, I send you some of them. Every day, I'm like best podcast ever, best podcast. And I've been on a lot. And it's because you're so gracious, because you care so much. And the reason people are following you and listening,
Starting point is 00:01:03 and I know I'm speaking for the people listening is because they know you care. Thank you. They know that you have me here for a third time, not for any other reason, except you think it will bring more value. And I hope I don't let everybody down, and you got a lot of options, you're here with us.
Starting point is 00:01:17 It'll bring more value to them. And that's why I love your success. I love how your book is crushing it. Thank you. The world needs more it. Yeah, well, by the way, you helped me crush that book, and most people may not know this, but you know, one of the reasons the book did well is we decided to donate all the profits to the shooting victims in Texas, and you immediately stepped up and said, you were throwing
Starting point is 00:01:36 $50,000 in on that as well. And I just want to thank you for that. You're a remarkable man. My book launch event, he comes out, flies out of his own expense, brings his entire family gets on the stage and decides to donate $50,000 in addition to giving me his time and helping promote the book. So that just gives you an idea right out of the gate who we're talking about here. And I'm excited about things you're doing right now with Tony Robbins, aren't we going
Starting point is 00:01:57 to talk about in a few minutes that you can help a bunch of other people with? But let's just start out with where you see the world right now. I brought you back mainly because the impact of those two shows was so huge. And one of them was three or four years ago, and we still keep hearing about it. And so what's your view? I have a lot of people messaging me right now, kind of scared, a little bit concerned. Like are we in a recession? What does it mean if we are in one?
Starting point is 00:02:22 And so what's your take on things? Where do you see the world right now? The economic environment, the business environment, I'll let you kind of describe it. I mean, I mean, if you just look at the outside world, it's a fact that we have inflation, right? It's a fact if you follow numbers, we're in a recession.
Starting point is 00:02:36 If you follow how a recession is determined, people are uncertain, but if you really think about this, because I've spent a lot of time, and I really want you to hear this, because going into a recession, some people might say, what's that mean? Gas prices are higher,
Starting point is 00:02:48 and the interest rates go up. No big deal, right? Other people are freaked out. Should I take my money out of crypto? Is it going to go to nothing? Should I take my money out of the stock market? Do I hold? Do I invest?
Starting point is 00:02:56 Should I try to sell and get money so I can invest? Should I buy new house? Should I, like, there's so much uncertainty, but really think about it. If you're feeling uncertain, if you're feeling a little scared right now, it doesn't matter what level of wealth you have. Congratulations for being human.
Starting point is 00:03:09 I mean, think about it. Two years ago, we had uncertainty of COVID. What does that mean? Our home, our shifting. If you own a business, you went virtual. If you work in a business, you went virtual. A lot of you realize when you stayed home, it's like, this isn't the job for me. I'm not wasting my life.
Starting point is 00:03:22 I'm going to pursue my next level. So you get this uncertainty for two years and then separation like we've never had in this country of vaxers, no vaxers, masks, no masks, super left, super right. So you compound that with uncertainty, with the news, the news polarizing us more than ever before and then all of a sudden recession comes, right? it's on the back of two years of uncertainty. So I don't wanna be a naysayer ed because I hope we wake up tomorrow and it's shifted and it's gone.
Starting point is 00:03:53 So I'm not the, I'm not the, it's Doomsday and I wanna, but- You're the antithesis of that, mostly. But you're also a truth teller. And yes, and the truth that I'd say, when most people ask what to do, I think we should talk about the, there's tactical things
Starting point is 00:04:05 You should do right the the quote that's worn out, but I love it is is Wayne Gretsky said I'm a great hockey player because why? Skate to where the puck is going you need to investigate and see where is the world going during a shift so you can get out in front of it But the best advice I would say is It is way better to anticipate and prepare than it is to react. So true. And I think that's what we could talk about a little bit. It's like, let's, what did Winston Churchill say?
Starting point is 00:04:34 Those that don't understand the past, it's bound to repeat itself, right? He said it more elegantly, but basically, you don't look backwards. You don't know what's happening in the future. So what I'd say is understand that the average recession lasts 18 months. There's been like 20 of them since the beginning of America. They last 18 months. So don't make it worse than it is, but you don't have to make it better than it is, right? But prepare, anticipate things are going to get different.
Starting point is 00:04:57 There are going to be layoffs if we follow the housing market. It wasn't a bubble and it did bust. And if you're a real estate agent, if you're in the mortgage business, you're in a title company, all those things are gonna be effective. There is no question about it. It's coming, like ask an agent right now, like, now this is temporary. That's what happened in 07 and 99.
Starting point is 00:05:14 I said, it's so true. Right, because it's hard for your brain to say, could this be over? Right. And it is over for a little bit of time. For a little bit. Right. Let's unpack a couple things.
Starting point is 00:05:23 One, the Greski quote, so profound. Don't put, he didn't skate where the puck was. He puked, he skated where the puck was going. This anticipation thing, I have to tell you, when my kids were little, I've heard Tony talk about this two year partner in your program that we're gonna talk about in a minute. I would play video games with Max, we'd play Madden,
Starting point is 00:05:39 and I would be down 45 to nothing in the first quarter. I'm like, how in the heck is this kid this good at this game? He's not this good at real football. It's because he had experience in doing it, right? So he was going where the ball was going. I'm reacting all the time. I'm down 45 to Zillie. I play baseball with my son, MLB.
Starting point is 00:05:56 I get destroyed. You get destroyed, right? And it's because we're reacting. And I think there's this fine line right now that we're entering this window. The last many years, you could actually react and still do well. If you're gonna react now, you're toast, you're down 45 to nothing.
Starting point is 00:06:09 You've gotta begin to anticipate and see what's around the corner. So, no one thing about you and I, by the way, if those of you, almost everybody here knows Dean, but if you didn't know him and you're listening to the audio, if you're on video, you go, I recognize that face. Because Dean has been in the public sphere in business
Starting point is 00:06:25 in all different businesses. One thing you and I have that is unique in this personal development, thought leader, business entrepreneur space, is the diversity of things we've done. And so you've been on TV back in the infomercial days, you know, in the real estate space in different business environments.
Starting point is 00:06:40 So you've seen this movie before, or one like it before. So what do you think? What do you see right now? What do you, where do you think the puck's going? What's your, what's your expectation? I can only, I can only say that I'm fortunate to surround myself with people smarter than me. And most people, you ask people that are managing $50 billion, and you know, especially being partners with Tony, I get access to a lot of great people. And they feel this is going to be a longer, this is there. Again, not giving you advice. Don't change your financial situation based
Starting point is 00:07:08 on Dean Graziozi. But they feel this is going to be a longer downturn than we've experienced in a long time. They're thinking three to five years because it went too long. It went too long of printing money. It went too long with interest rates. It's basically zero. It went through long of trying to keep the economy going, whether that was political or not, that's above my pay grade, but it went too long. So the best explanation, I could say is I had somebody that I won't share, but he said, think about if you push down a trampoline, right? You know, the analogy you push down an inch, it comes back an inch.
Starting point is 00:07:40 He said, man, we've been pushing down the trampoline for five, six years extra. It's so far that when you let it go, it's got to rebound in the same way. So I'm going to prepare for three to five year shift mentally first, right? Because you know better. That's why you wrote the amazing book, by the way. I listened to it with my family and I ride the juice. I'm my wife to a amazing book. Congratulations.
Starting point is 00:08:03 You did a bang up incredible job. Thank you. But that's your life. You get it. If we don't work on that, it doesn't matter if you have the right business, if you know where the puck is going, if mentally you're sitting on your hands, right? And mentally you're freezing.
Starting point is 00:08:16 You're going to be left behind. So I would say work on the mindset of thinking it's going to go sideways, but I could figure this out. I could get ahead of it. And think about it. I mean, this is all the cliches. I hate being cliché, but I could figure this out. I could get ahead of it and think about it I mean This is all the cliches and I hate being cliche, but I want to be I want to scream from mountain tops If you google when the most successful businesses are started and the most money is made it's always in a down market
Starting point is 00:08:36 So the way I look is most people sit on their hands Mm-hmm and the ones that don't that investigate take. Step into the pain, step into the fear, are the ones that have no competition. So this might be a time for you to go, I'm gonna wait or say, no, I'm gonna wait for nothing. Yes. And the last thing I'll say about it is there, and we know this, and I'm sorry if I'm,
Starting point is 00:08:57 I've sound again, to cliche, but there is no one coming to save us. Whether you like the last president or the current. I don't care. But neither one of to save us. Whether you like the last president or the current, I don't care. But neither one of them saved you. Neither one of them waved a magic wand to make things better. And the next one is not gonna.
Starting point is 00:09:13 So if there is a time to take uncomfortable action, if there is a time to say, let me stick my chest out a little bit further than ever before. Let me protect my family more than I ever did before. Let me be the one, and I read this in your book, and I love it. I've heard you say it live. I love that in the book. Let me be the one that changes the destiny of my family and let me do it when no one else has the, I don't want to say the nerve. I'll say nerve. The nerve to do it.
Starting point is 00:09:37 I know you're totally right. I built my first big business during what everyone thought was a downturn. Here's why. You really shrink the competition level. When things aren't going well and everyone's panicking or going out of business are doing so, there's this massive opportunity for those of us that are not yet successful to get innovative, to capitalize on it. You have nothing to lose.
Starting point is 00:09:54 You have nothing to lose. You can get into a lose, you can get into a space because the lanes open up that weren't there prior. And you can just, you're absolutely right. Look at Bezos, look at Cuban, look at Zuckerberg, look at Musk, and our ways in our own way. It was all done during what kind of looks like this time. There's no quantitative easing to bail out
Starting point is 00:10:16 this recession this time. We can't reduce rates much lower. In fact, they're going the other way because of inflation. And so we're probably entering that season. This is a great time, I think, personally, to invest in oneself as well. And you were just, you were talking about right before we started, Warren Buffett and Munger just did their deal. That they do every single year. And I think sharing some of those thoughts that you shared with me would really help the audience.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Yeah. So first off, I really believe whatever it takes for you before I dare I thought what monger and and and buffet did Was so good. I love those two guys. Yeah, but before we get that like whatever it takes I'm just going to share if you take nothing else from this podcast today take this whatever it takes if it's Listening to Ed Myletz book or Tony Robbins or something from yourself or something else if there's Something you read if something it's feel if you pray if you talk to God if you go to church If there's something you read, if something is, if you pray, if you talk to God, if you go to church, It's different from everybody, but whatever it takes to keep you in a space of I'm gonna live into my inner purpose I'm gonna tap into my full potential rather than playing small and playing scared. You figure out This isn't a show about personal development. You can read Ed's book and lots of other things
Starting point is 00:11:20 But do something to keep you focusing on where you can go and not sit on your hands I was with Tom Billiou two weeks ago and he said, during times like this people talk about fight or flight, he goes, that's not what happens here. It's the third F. They all freeze. So true. And I was like, wow, I got goose, I was like, that's right. So unfreeze yourself.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Whatever it takes. Second one. Very good. So the second thing, once you start realizing that we're not giving you that answer to him, say go find that answer But the other thing I love what what Buffett said he said during a recession during inflation Invest in yourself get get better at what you decide to do than anybody else because if it's he said right marks or seashells You'll just get more the pie
Starting point is 00:12:00 So if it's a deflated dollar when you used to get, go get six because you're better at what you do. So true. I know it sounds so simple, but it's like duh. It doesn't. Let me stop staring at the competition. Let me stop talking to my friends about how things go bad. You know the conversation at your dinner tables are getting different.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Be the only one that's saying to me, no, I'm gonna find the goal in this downtime. Can I say something on that? I just wanna play off that with you. I'm big on this quote of separation season, where I was like, hey, it's the summertime. Everyone's flinching. This is where you hit the accelerator.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Yeah. You don't catch people in front of you when they're at full speed. It's harder. You can, but it's harder. You catch them when they flinch. They relax. They freeze.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Yep. And that's their seasons. And usually it's seasonal, meaning like, okay, August, right? People start to freeze or July. They're gone. They're flinching', or Christmas time. Everyone takes time off. Then there are economic cycles that are separation seasons.
Starting point is 00:12:52 And I think that's where we are now. They're going to freeze, they're going to panic, they're gonna buy into the collective group think of the world, which is this isn't the time to accelerate, this isn't the time to do it. And when they're going that way, you go the other way. The other thing that happens during these times, if you find your lane,
Starting point is 00:13:08 you and I have both will tremendous wealth buying assets in those times that were massively on sale. And so you have the accelerator of both your brand, your business doing well, and you acquiring things at super discounted prices potentially. So you have this double multiplier. Okay, so let me ask you something. You had so much incredible success.
Starting point is 00:13:28 If we laugh at each other where we came from, similar backgrounds. Very similar. A dad, everything. At this point, I feel beyond blessed with the success I've had, I know you do too. Yes. And amazing.
Starting point is 00:13:38 The interview you just did, I hope it's your number. I hope the interview before me is your number one interview in history, right? Thank you. But I have a desire to work even harder right now because I know the opportunities that are coming. It's a mental, like I wish I could give it to everyone. Like I'm like, how do I grind? How do I make another X, X, Y and Z?
Starting point is 00:13:58 Because I know that everything is on sale and everything's gonna be even more deeply discounted. So whatever it takes to motivate you when everybody's sitting down freezing, having negative conversations, you should be investigating, look where the puck is going, say, how do I accumulate more cash so I can buy things at a discount because when it shifts, that multiplier is unlike anything you could imagine. 100%. You go from doing okay to when people say, how you doing, you get that smile, like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:14:24 pretty much okay. What's that how you doing you get that smile like, yeah, pretty okay. What's that look like for you right now? Like are you do you read certain things? Do you journal or you visualizing? Are you looking for problems to solve? Like what's that look like for you? All the above. I've been geeking out on books, different books than I ever had before because listen, we
Starting point is 00:14:39 all like to learn, right? We all grow. I'm keeping my mindset super strong. But I think the opportunities are going to come so strong. And we have to be mentally prepared. I think in times like these, you do need to invest in yourself and grow yourself. If you to told me back in 1987 or whenever the heck it was that I got my personal power tapes and I read unlimited power by waking the giant with wind and Tony's books, if you to told me limited power by waking the giant with Wynn and Tony's books. If you told me some of like Dean Grazi OC or Tony Robbins would give me their time for free where I can learn
Starting point is 00:15:11 from them, I'd have thought you were absolutely out of your damn mind. And so a couple things that I think you have to do during this window is you got to invest in yourself and if you can surround and change your peer group instantly with the best in the world you should do it. You and I were talking off camera. You and I are working on right now me and you to spend a full day together to strategize about our lives and our businesses. There's a bunch of things that I want to learn from you
Starting point is 00:15:32 that you and I have talked about. And so if someone can actually get that time with you for free and with Tony Robbins, that is a monster win. I live the thing I'll say is this, great people want to accept challenges, great people want to be challenged even in their most difficult times. In fact, at this stage in my life,
Starting point is 00:15:54 one of the frustrating things for me, Dean, is that, you know, it is a smaller circle. There's very few people who challenge me. So I love when I work out with a training partner, they challenge me. Three more, three more, I'm like, all right, you did three, I'm doing one more, the power of one more, right? To be challenged.
Starting point is 00:16:08 So what you're doing with this challenge, just tell us what it is and how they go get part of the challenge, because at a minimum what they're gonna get, this is what I'm fired up about. They're gonna get fed. Yeah. That's time when you need it.
Starting point is 00:16:21 It's amazing to me that in this day and age, you can get access. People pay a guy like Robbins, millions and millions and millions of dollars to be coached to get a session. They pay me this, they pay you this. Yet the everyday person right now that's out there every day trying to change their life can get access to this stuff for nothing. Initially, so tell us about it. So we launched about four years ago to let everybody know. And it was the biggest online event in history. We had 250,000 people show up. We're unbelievable. And it started a movement. This year, we're doing the time to thrive challenge. And I'll tell you what that is. This is probably the last year we're doing it because it is a lot of
Starting point is 00:17:02 work. It is five days with Tony and I about three two to three hours a day. I'd like to say 90 minutes, but Tony goes long. We have amazing guests like our friend Jenna Kutcher and Brennan Bershard and other amazing, even Matthew McConaughey's coming to because he wrote green lights. So over five days, we're doing a time to thrive. We're calling it time to thrive because it's not a time to sit on your hands. It's not a time to freeze. It's time to thrive. We're calling it a challenge because we're challenging people to take action,
Starting point is 00:17:25 challenging them to think differently, challenging the play full out and see for themselves that they could be a part of this industry and it's happening on August 2nd. And over five days, literally show people how to be in this industry and it's not kind of free, it's completely free. And if you know Tony, what you do,
Starting point is 00:17:42 you guys are friends, you've done a million, you've done podcasts and you've had deep conversations. Last year Tony said, if we're going to go out and go out with a bang, let's go five days and let's deliver time, let's deliver value in a time when people need it. So what I challenge you to do is just come to the challenge, hang out with us for five days and see if this is fun. How do they get there? Okay. My team just sent me the URL.
Starting point is 00:18:06 It's Thrive, Register for free, not kind of free. It's totally free. But here's what I'd encourage you to do. Don't dabble. Just be, sometimes when it's free, people, it's like, ah, it's free, maybe I'll go. I pretend you paid five grand.
Starting point is 00:18:21 You know, you just said this. I'm not saying two weeks ago on a Saturday, I spent one full day with a guy in his company, pay me 250 grand for the day. Right? I'm not saying that to brag. I'm just giving you a point of reference. Tony's got a waiting list of people
Starting point is 00:18:34 want to give him a million dollars a year to be his coach. Yep. This is free and it is designed for those to thrive in this shifting world. Okay, thrive Okay, so guys go, why do you think people are that way about themselves? Let's shift a little bit and stay on this topic though.
Starting point is 00:18:50 What is it about most of us that makes us think we're not worthy of being successful? Because it ties into this, right? I mean, if we can unpack that, I'm gonna go do this. If I don't unpack that, maybe I don't. I've been struck all my life by people that just, like, in my case, I'm critical of myself, I'm hard on myself, but I've never had this belief,
Starting point is 00:19:07 like I don't deserve to win. I may not thought I could. I don't know how I'm going to, but I've not had it so all the way back there. I'm like, I just don't deserve to win. Someone like me can't win. I've not ever had that. I've had all the other stuff.
Starting point is 00:19:23 But what is it? Wow, that's such a good, as you say that, I've never felt that, I always felt the cards might be stacked against me, this one's gonna be rough, not sure I can get through it. Me too. I've had sleepless nights a lot of them. I've gone, I've gone six months would sleep
Starting point is 00:19:35 in two, three hours a night cause I'm stressed and you know, my wake up and my brains think and think and think. And I like to share that with people because I think when they see success, they think man, that was just probably a harmonious ride for you, right? I went through a divorce in the middle of it like I've been through a lot of the things on the opposite side, right?
Starting point is 00:19:50 But you've also worked with millions of people and you know that a lot of them suffer from this. Yeah, they do, but you just said that I've never felt I didn't deserve it. Mm-hmm. And I would say it's I think it's society and especially we live in a society right now where when you're successful there's a lot of people that look at it as a negative, right? So we almost have this negative association to sales. We have a negative association to success. But I always, here's the last thing I'll say about it.
Starting point is 00:20:15 I always, I said this one time on stage randomly and the audience went nuts, but I just said when it comes to money and success, it's like you're out of therapists, money's on one chair, you're on the other, therapists is in the middle and you go, I hate that money. If I get that money, I might change, I might be a horrible person. And then in the other part, you're like, but I need that money so I can have freedom and take care of my family and I need control. And I don't want to work in this horrible job anymore. Could you imagine a therapist say, well, we got to get this straight.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Do you hate money in that chair? Or do you love money? I'm really unsure. And I think that's the conflict. I think the conflict is we think, I think money and alcohol just expose and compound who you are. You're a jerk sober. You're a real jerk drunk, right?
Starting point is 00:20:57 You're violent. Sober. You're very violent, right? Same with money. And I think, I think if you're listening to Ed Mylett, you have to realize that money is a byproduct of service. And what money can do is listen, when people say to me, money doesn't buy happiness, I say, you haven't given enough away. Right? When I was on your stage, I was compelled. I was compelled by you. I watched your emotions behind camera
Starting point is 00:21:19 when you were talking about the families in Texas. I was compelled. Do you know how great? You're thanking me. What? Like, you're thanking me for families in Texas, I was compelled. Do you know how great? You're thanking me. What, like, you're thanking me for something that filled my heart. You know how great. You know what, $50,000 was to me at 18. I thought if I could make that a year, I'd be the richest man alive.
Starting point is 00:21:34 And to be able to sit on stage and say, hey, Ed, let me give you another 50 grand. But at the same time, I built two schools in Africa. I've fed seven million people, right? I donated $600,000 last year to Operation Underground Railroad. How blessed are we that we get to do those things, right? So I don't know. You know, earlier I said, you know, Tony, I like when he says, get leverage.
Starting point is 00:21:57 I said, get in the right mindset. If you feel that being successful, that you don't deserve it or that money is bad, I'm going to tell you to dig into that. Find out where that is. Ask yourself. One of the simplest ways I always do is ask yourself why seven times. Why do I think I don't deserve it? I'm not that smart. Well, why do I think not being smart has anything to do with being successful? And just keep asking why over and over again and you'll get to a point where you'll start getting emotional and be like, everything I just shared is really, really good. Cause it's a story we, you're the best at talking about the story we tell ourselves.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Let's stay on this just for a second because I feel like all of this is tied together in order to participate in the challenge. And also every story, I want people on here to change their life every single week. It's why I do this show. You know, like I said, there's only been two humans come back here three times. You and Dr. Joe dispens it. And because I just think that you you work on this story thing so well with people. So I have this new show as you know coming out. I can't say a lot about it, but it's I can't wait. It's a show where I intervene in people's lives. It'll be out the end of August beginning of September.
Starting point is 00:23:00 And one of the ladies on the show had gained a bunch of weight, like 180 pounds, and then had lost like 90 of it, gained it back and did that a couple times. And in the middle of it, I said, let me, why do you have all this weight on your body? And I said, there's two things. I said, one, you have the identity. She adopted the identity of a heavy person who happened to have lost weight. And in that case, she's going to get back to that identity. So she was a heavy person who lost weight. I said, I won't say her name, but I said, we have to adopt that you're a healthy, beautiful, vibrant woman who's gained weight.
Starting point is 00:23:32 You have a great switch. You can switch this identity. Switch that narrative. Like you did in chapter two, I think you're about to thermostat. The thermostat. The thermostat. You shifted her thermostat. Shifting this story.
Starting point is 00:23:41 And then later, I said, listen, we don't do anything in our life that there's not some benefit for it, even if the majority of it is detrimental. shifting this story. And then later I said, listen, we don't do anything in our life that there's not some benefit for. Even if the majority of it is detrimental. So this story, you're all telling yourself, those of you that suffer from it, you don't deserve it. You're doing that for a reason that you get something for doing it.
Starting point is 00:23:57 And in her case, she said, I think I hide in my weight. That as I start to lose the weight, maybe people are gonna see other things in me that I don't think I can handle. And it was really this very emotional breakthrough. I want people to lose the weight, maybe people are going to see other things in me that I don't think I can handle and it was really this very emotional breakthrough. I want people to watch the show. So I'm like, there's a there's 10 of them, but what about that? That this story we tell ourselves, Dean, even though it may not serve us, there's some service in it that we can hide in it. Yeah. That it masks other things in our lives. And I think for everyone listening
Starting point is 00:24:22 to this right now, this could be the breakthrough moment of your life as we just talk about this concept. This thing you keep telling you about you that holds you back from jumping into a challenge. Hold you back from starting a business. Hold you back from getting into that relationship or getting fit like you know you should or asking yourself the right questions. You're getting something from it. Even if massive it meant most of it's negative for you. How does one, just in general, start to change the story they tell themselves about their life? Because you're the master of this. Yes, and I know if you're listening to Ed Myle,
Starting point is 00:24:51 you've heard this before, you've had other people talk about it. But I think it's, maybe this is the first time you get to really feel it, or maybe this silly version that I'm going to give you sticks with you. And if this is why you're here today, this why you're here, here's the way I look at it. We need pain sometimes to disconnect from a story. You know, somebody asks me about success once,
Starting point is 00:25:11 and I would love to say I was always aspirational. I wanted more. I didn't want to be like my dad and struggle and be like my mom who worked three jobs to make 90 bucks. And I had this vision of something bigger and better and and being in control of my life and all those things sound good at this phase. Sometimes you got to go to the dark side. Yes. I just didn't want to be them. My father was miserable and fought with everyone and he'd be in love for six months and be divorced within three and always mad.
Starting point is 00:25:38 And sometimes you got to give your permission, give yourself permission. When I went in my toughest thing, when I needed the extra boost, the turbo boost to get off the ground, I'm like, you're going to end up like your dad. You're going to end up broke. You're going to end up alone. You're going to end up not in control of your life. Someone else is going to tell you how to raise your kids
Starting point is 00:25:54 and how to dress and when to go to work. I would push myself. So sometimes you got to go to the dark side to get the momentum. And I'm telling you to use that to shift your story. Very good. So Tony always says, to get the rocket off the ground, all the energies in the first couple of feet, and then once it gets in space, you hit the button, you're a thousand miles
Starting point is 00:26:15 an hour, right? Do whatever it takes to get the rocket off the ground. To start the new business, to say I'm worthy, to shift the story, if it's pain that'll drive you, then use the pain because half of us run away from pain, half of us run towards pleasure. We know that you use the one that you're accustomed to and amplify it. So amplify the pain. Yeah. Most people, Joe dispensable, probably tell you not to do that and I love that guy. And I'm glad you had him three times. But I needed that. Secondly, you know the story if you think back, I could have made it, but, or I would do it, or,
Starting point is 00:26:49 that's how you find this, the number one thing, yeah, I'm, you know, I don't have the money, I don't have the time, my family thinks I'm nuts, I could never do something like this, I'm an introvert, I don't have a following, I don't know what that is, but here's the way I look at it. If you spend enough time today, and this is my quick hack on stories, if you spend enough
Starting point is 00:27:06 time today, you can find the one thing. There's lots of them, but you can find the one that's probably held you back the most. So the two things I would say is, go look at what it's already cost you. Again, this is personal development 101. I don't want to act like I made this up, but I want to remind you today, we all need reminder services. This story, this thing, this two young two old, not money, it's already cost you pain. You already missed opportunities, you already let the ship go down the track, the train go
Starting point is 00:27:34 down the tracks, you didn't start the business, you didn't go for the relationship, you didn't fix that thing, and it's already cost you a lot. So what I say, here's a cool way to look at. It'd be like two armies. You already know the story that will come up when you decide to go all in. When you say, you know, I don't care about, I'm going, I'm starting the business. I'm scaling the business. I'm not going to, you already know the army that's coming. You already know the story that's going to go at little Eddie, you know, come on, Ed, you know, you know where you came, you know what your house looked like
Starting point is 00:28:06 when you were little. You know, you weren't that good school. You know you cheated in ninth grade. You know you cheated your way through. I'm making this up. I'm just saying close, but it's biology. Yeah. Yeah. Accounting. So if you use the dark or the light, whatever you need to get the engine going, if you identify the story that's already cost you and you really think about it, it comes painful. But here's a thing. As you think about this next thing you want to do, you want to thrive in a shifting economy. If that story's coming, it's like you're going to war, but the scout went out and you know that the other army is two days away. You know what
Starting point is 00:28:41 kind of guns they have. You know how it kind of horses you have. You're already here's the thing. You already know your of guns they have? You know how it kind of horses you have. You already know, here's the thing. You already know your enemy. So if you're not preparing and fortifying and creating the things that block the enemy, then you're kind of inviting the story back. So you could be, you know, how many Uber drivers have you had? I haven't been in Uber in a while,
Starting point is 00:28:59 but before COVID when you're in Uber, how many Uber drivers did you say, oh man, I was out my way, Dean. I love your books and oh, seven in the market shifted. I lost my business, and I'm just said the hell with, you know what,
Starting point is 00:29:10 those stories I've heard, what they've done is they let that army come in, that story come in because at least they have something. And what I want to tell you is if you really want more, you know your enemy, the number one enemy is that story that tells you back. You can fortify the gates. You can decide to turn that story around and you can not let it in. Yep. By the way, let's stay on this. Everyone, this is like kind of breakthrough stuff,
Starting point is 00:29:34 even though you want to hear me on this. There's a lot of talk in person about breaking patterns. I talk about all the time you do. Tony does. There's also a lot of power in leveraging them. And this idea, there's two things that are gonna move every human being deans told you. It's either to avoid paying, moving from pain or to gain pleasure. And usually most human beings, I think in general, pain avoidance is the stronger of the mechanism,
Starting point is 00:29:59 but it works for both people. You need to know which one moves you. So you've already said, yours is pain avoidance, right, so is mine. The truth is, I've become a. So you've already said, yours is pain avoidance, right? So is mine. The truth is, I've become a pretty big dreamer visionary guy, but I wasn't. Yeah, it took me a long time to get there.
Starting point is 00:30:10 A long time to get there. And the fact is, I only really got really good at that after certain dreams were achieved. But why? I had to figure out which one moves me more. Okay, avoiding pain moves me more, even to this day. Why?
Starting point is 00:30:23 It's more familiar to me. I grew up in pain. So go take a look at the video of your life. Did you grow up in a really beautiful environment with lots of love and dreams and bliss and all this great stuff? Maybe your mover is more dreams and bliss. If you grew up in some pain, chaos, angst, fear, anxiety, stress, that's probably your pattern.
Starting point is 00:30:41 And instead of trying to spend all your life breaking that pattern, there's parts of it you need to break, your behavior from it. But the mechanism itself for change for me is pain. And pain avoidance, I'm familiar with lots of pain. And so, to this day, why do I prepare for speeches or podcasts or things so bad? Is it because I want the pleasure of a great podcast? Yeah, that's there. You don't want to screw up?
Starting point is 00:31:01 I don't want to screw up. Yeah. I don't want to make a mistake. I don't want it not to be good. Why do I work so hard is to make difference in the world? Okay, so you I don't think anybody listening would know the kind of work you put in it Seriously, I don't think they know that you started at 3 30 gonna do four podcasts They're gonna jump you're gonna go take a suit you're gonna go do an event tonight You're gonna get up in the morning fly someplace. I don't think anybody realize it
Starting point is 00:31:22 Are you doing that because you want to sell more books? Are you doing it because you don't want to sell just one? I'm doing it because I don't want to just sell one. Right. And now you've evolved because you know every time a book gets in someone hand, you get to change their lives. So you're just nailed. I was just going to say the other part of it is impact for right. So you know the impact. Yep. But you're not saying, but I know for a fact, you're getting up tomorrow morning subconsciously. Yes. I'm not saying I'm getting up tomorrow because I don't wanna say, you're getting up subconsciously because you don't wanna fail. Does that pain hurt?
Starting point is 00:31:47 It's a major, and everybody told us we weren't gonna make it and our parents probably thought we weren't gonna make it and all that kind of stuff. It's a major driver. And by the way, my impact, stay with me on this because I know you're this way too because you grew up in pain.
Starting point is 00:31:57 The impact I make still comes from pain, meaning this. I know so many people are in pain and because I connect with their pain, their lack of belief in themselves, they're feeling invisible, they're hurting right now. They want to be happier. That connection of pain is still the impact I want to make. So a lot of it is connected somehow to pain in my life. And it is for you too. It's like, one is avoiding the pain of failing or not being successful or not ending up in heaven, which is that picture of who I'm capable of becoming. Like, do I really want to just get to heaven? Or is it the pain of not becoming that man? It's both, but also even the impact part where I go, I want to make an impact in people's lives is because I
Starting point is 00:32:34 connect with pain, I connect with the discomfort. And you want to get it out of that. I want to get out of them. Yeah. So that's a major driver for me as pain. And I know my map and I know my pattern. And that's why so many athletes, by the way, when their career is over, they have a very difficult time. One, their identity was tied to their athleticism, but also there's no pain to avoid anymore. Now they're getting pat on the back. You were great. I loved your games.
Starting point is 00:32:54 There's no pain to avoid. There's nothing to feel. So I got to think you're that way too. I am. And the only reason I share that is because I hope you don't use pain to be successful for the rest of your life. But you can use it as that launching pad. And you can use it as a launching pad
Starting point is 00:33:09 to start the business to show up for the challenge, to play full out, to do something uncomfortable, right? The term I've been using since COVID is, we all need to take more uncomfortable action. Did it surprise you that I said I don't want to just sell one book, or did you think that's what I was gonna say? I knew that so you're gonna say. Yeah, because that's me, right?
Starting point is 00:33:24 I play like I'm 10 points down. Tony and I are doing this challenge, right? We're gonna put a million people in it. That's the goal. Last year we put 900,000 in, right? And it changed a million people's lives, right? This year, I attacked this head as if two people are gonna show up.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Because I know if you show up, I know the end result. I saw hundreds of thousands of comments a day of like, oh my God, I didn't know it was going to be like this. Oh my God, I love you, Tony. I love you, Dean. I love you. Thank you, thank you. And you know that driver, just like the comment, I see the comments coming in for your book. You want to sell another 200,000 copies in the next two weeks so you can help people. I will play like I'm 10 points down through this entire challenge. I will rehearse. I've already watched the last two years that we did this. I watch what Tony did. I watch what
Starting point is 00:34:10 I did. He's doing the same thing. We're prepping. If people are going to show up, even we want to deliver something that's transformational, but I'm going to look through the lens of not wanting to fail still because that's how that's the I'm avoiding the pain of it not working at the level of the impact that I want to make, right? And I know we went down a couple different rabbit holes, but I just want to give people permission today heading into a recession, heading into a shifting world.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Again, I hope it doesn't, but it looks like an economic winters here. I'm going to tell you, use whatever leverage you can use to move, just move in a direction, investigate, look where the puck is going, look for something different, explore, question every story that comes into your head, know your enemy, that story that's already screwed you over
Starting point is 00:34:55 and cost you too much, you know that, how do you shift that story, how do you barricade it, how do you not let it in, how do you talk to someone, like whatever you gotta do, I just believe this is an accrucial time I do too and people's lives. I think that what you do the next There's this analogy and anti-aging David Sinclair Dr. David Sinclair's been on my show a few times and he goes hey If you can get to like
Starting point is 00:35:19 75 in this day and age you're probably gonna live into 100 if you can get to 75. Wow. And in the world today, I really believe that if you can get this next two years nailed, you've got 20 year type multipliers of wealth, bliss, and happiness in your life, if you can get the, but if you don't these next two years, I think the difficulty of getting there is magnified by a huge factor. I think right now is a chance to get way ahead.
Starting point is 00:35:44 That same analogy to get to 75 gets you to 100. Think if you can get these next two years, just momentum. It'll make millions of dollars, but you just get momentum. You get in your groove, you get moving, but if you stay stagnant, another couple years, you don't get something going. The longer you do that, it's harder to get
Starting point is 00:36:00 that sucker going again. And I feel like it'll be much harder. Those people that get moving now, they get, and by the way, it might evolve. You may start marketing one thing right now and it evolves into something else over time, but you've got to get in motion right now. Do you agree with that?
Starting point is 00:36:11 Oh, true story. I heard somebody say it's a strategic byproduct. How many times in life have we had a goal? And when we have the nerve to go after the goal, we find something that's a strategic byproduct, the goal that's way bigger. Way bigger. You never thought you'd have one of the top podcasts in the world, one of the top books in the world.
Starting point is 00:36:27 It's a strategic byproduct of you going all in on your businesses wanting to impact other. Great point. That's a great point. So know that when, whether it's God, the universe, reward you for just having them there to go after it. And usually your goal, you're something so much bigger or something different that actually aligns with you. There's a couple of things I think as we, as we're at this point in the podcast, I want to say this is a couple of things. If you're going to protect yourself, build a mode, build a mode on your emotions and what I'd say is the news is going to get worse. That's a fact.
Starting point is 00:37:00 Conversations with your negative friends is going to get worse. That's a fact. I would say if you really want to stop Dabbling, you know, it's somebody who said they want to lose weight, but when no one's watching They're eating the wrong food or someone says they want to start the business But when no one's watching they're binging out on Netflix. You know if you're that person and I'm not knocking it If that's who you are enjoy it, live it But don't say you want it. Don't talk out of two sides of your mouth Like either go all in burn the boats and do it,
Starting point is 00:37:25 or just accept the life that you have. Like, I hate to be real, but you can't lose weight and not work out and eat bad. Like it just doesn't, where you can't make more money, have edged life or someone else's life that you see, you can't have that without putting the work in. So if you're gonna put the work in,
Starting point is 00:37:40 you have to have the mindset to be committed and dedicated to it, right? We have to be disciplined. What Rob's discipline is lack of confidence, insecurity, uncertainty, whatever word you want to use. So here's what I'm going to share. What are the things that make you uncertain or lack of confidence? I would build a moat around those things. If there's certain people in your life that are going to make you feel insecure,
Starting point is 00:37:59 believe me, it's going to feel worse during a recession and tough time. Spend less time with them or find a way to be a mirror or be a teflon. If watching the news, whether it's CNN, MSNBC or Fox, whatever one you wanna watch, if when you watch the news, you get frustrated, you get scared, you get uncertain, you get pissed off. Stop watching the news, you need that energy for you. So what I'd say is I would figure out the things
Starting point is 00:38:22 that rob your confidence and rob your certainty. And this is going to sound like, oh, Dean's really smart. Is do less of those. Like, especially over this next year, you want to, like, you want to take a challenge, go on a 30 day news diet. Don't talk about it. Don't watch the news. Don't talk and spend 100% of that energy on you, 2.0. Spent, take the next 30 days and do not surf the internet.
Starting point is 00:38:43 All of you are getting sucked into. Let me just see what Edmila did. And an hour later, like, oh my God, I just burned an hour online, right? I would say just find the things, avoid the things that rob your confidence. Don't talk to the negative people that are hurting you. Don't focus on your weaknesses. Identify who your villain is, who that inner, that inner story that's already cost you too much and protect yourself against it. Investigate to where the puck is going. You do those things in this time,
Starting point is 00:39:09 you're ahead of 95% of the world and they're simple. That's not, I didn't give you a business plan. I gave you just the foundation of what can make you thrive in this shifting time. When I hear you say all those things, I think about energy. I think about do things that preserve and increase your energy and don't deplete them. So if there's people around you that rob your energy,
Starting point is 00:39:27 you gotta reduce it. If there's things you're doing that take your energy, whether it's worry, fear, surfing the internet, watching news, those other things. Energy, you know, and we all talk about it. I don't know who's first at it or whatever, but energy is influence. We've talked about this a lot. Tony talks about it a lot. You do, I do. And energy is also the most important commodity you can possibly have in your life. And you're gonna watch a bunch of people, whether you call it words, thoughts, et cetera. You're gonna watch a lot of people starting now
Starting point is 00:39:54 through the next two or three years of their lives. You're gonna watch their energy change. You're gonna watch their vibrational frequency shrink. You're gonna watch them shrink. And that's incumbent upon you to feed your energy right now. That's podcast, that's books, that's events, that's a challenge like what you're doing right now, with Tony, you got to feed your energy.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Highest energy wins. Highest energy will win. And those. Amen to that. And I'm going to tell you, everyone's energy is going to evolve and change. It is difficult when everyone's thriving. Why?
Starting point is 00:40:21 Everyone's energy is pretty damn good. High energy will stand out now. Why? Everyone's energy is pretty damn good. High energy will stand out now. Positive energy, optimistic energy, movement energy, momentum energy is going to stand out more than ever. And you're going to see energy change in your investments, in your mindset, in your businesses, all over the place. So I want one shift at the end because it's for me. And I told you, when we were getting ready to do this, I said, I want to ask you, this seems uncorrelated, but it's not. It's totally correlated because it comes from a pain point from you.
Starting point is 00:40:53 And it comes from a place of a sanctuary that can preserve and increase energy, which is personal relationships. And so particularly your marriage to Lisa. So you've been honest on my show before. And by the way, this is completely correlated to everything we said. Because you said on the show before in the past, hey man, first time around, probably didn't have
Starting point is 00:41:13 that thing wired the right way. At some point, I knew I wasn't probably with the right person. For me, wonderful person, not the right person. For me, I wasn't a world class husband. You've said this before. And you are a world class husband to Yep. You've said this before. And you are a world-class husband to Lisa. In fact, it is. When I think of you, by the way,
Starting point is 00:41:30 you're easily one of the most brilliant business minds I've ever met. You are probably the best marketing mind I know. And you're a very diverse man between your understanding of real estate, human dynamics, interpersonal relationships, energy, influence, I mean, all the different business markets that you're in. You're a very unique man. And I, you know, I hold you in the highest regard.
Starting point is 00:41:52 You're one of the few people on the earth that I call for council in certain areas. So obviously, same to you, brother. Thank you. And of all that, I don't admire you anywhere nearly as much for those things as I do for the kind of husband and father that you are. And I think one of the, I think you show me the quality of your relationships. I think Tony was the first to say that I'll show you the quality of your life. You have such a massive high quality of life.
Starting point is 00:42:15 And I believe that's because of your relationship with Lisa and your children. Why is it so good? In other words, what's been the key from you going to be in it? Not very good husband the first time around. Why is it so good? In other words, what's been the key from you going to be in, not very good husband the first time around? To like, if I think of the list of the best husbands I know that have the best real intimate loving, real, not perfect relationships with people,
Starting point is 00:42:37 I don't know that you don't occur first on my list. Maybe there's two or three people that all come up at the same time, but you come up on that list. What's been the key for that and how important is it to your, your outward success in business? Because it's a correlation from when you met her to millions and millions more dollars in your bank account too.
Starting point is 00:42:53 It is. And I have to thank you for saying that and you're so kind. That's why your podcast does so great to you truly serve from your heart. And thank you for the kind words. My wife's going to listen to this podcast. It's not on the year of your. She loves you, brother. She's been jeering on your podcast right now. I'll tell you, first, first thing I'll share, just like a business, is if you have the nerve
Starting point is 00:43:15 to recognize that the reason your business might not have worked or your marriage might not have worked or your relationship might work, if you're, if you have the self-awareness and the nerve to look in the mirror and say, it was probably you. Even if it wasn't all you, but if you have the nerve to say that, and I remember going through a divorce and freaking out because I won't go deep on this because I think I shared it on previous one, but I was freaking out for my kids because I was a child of divorce and I didn't want them to feel you know you know you get it right.
Starting point is 00:43:43 So I was freaking out about that. And then I remember thinking myself I wrote down a list of what was unacceptable in a new relationship. What could not be and what could be and I'm like on my could list Ed was I need someone that that loves a crazy entrepreneur that's into health, that's in the personal growth, someone who will love my children as if they're their own. That's a task for a step person, step out, right? And I broke down this long list
Starting point is 00:44:14 of all the things that were a must and it's something hit me in that list and I'm like, damn, I have nerve to ask for that, right? And in a moment, I recognized that for me to attract that, I had to become a better man. It had nothing to do with finding the perfect woman. I had to be the better man to attract that type of woman. And I worked on me. I got a love coach.
Starting point is 00:44:36 I unlocked the, you know, holding back the full extent of love and all the things we could share. But here's what I would say when it comes to relationships. Just this, you know, advice only for a guy that knows he messed up in the past, but I am in the greatest relationship in my life is, imagine, never keeping, the couple of things that came out of what I realized. Imagine never keeping score in a relationship. Imagine having the nerve and the confidence to just go, I'm going to be the best version of me and I hope I get it back. And not say, you know, I've been doing, I watch relationships unravel when someone says,
Starting point is 00:45:13 the husband says, I work my tail off, I provide for her. She doesn't have to worry about anything. She doesn't have to pay the bill. She has someone to clean her house. She does all this. And I come home and she's, you know, no dinner. Keeping score, right? you're keeping score. And when you start keeping score,
Starting point is 00:45:28 soon as you start keeping score and it's not even, how do you go to bed that night and be intimate? How do you have passionate connection if you're keeping score and thinking, I'm doing more than her or, or I'm taking care of the house, he has no idea what it's like to juggle two kids and take care of all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:45:45 And he's out flying around having fun, do it, you know, he's working, but at least he gets to be out. I'm stuck in the house. Man, there's the intimacy's gone, right? And then once the intimacy's gone, then people start thinking, man, someone else would love the way I work.
Starting point is 00:45:57 Someone else the way I take care of things, right? So one is not keeping score. Here's the toughest one. That's big. Here's the toughest one. Imagine, I know this is gonna sound crazy and and something you're going to be like, yeah, whatever, dreamer. Imagine feeling love when you give it, rather than when you receive it.
Starting point is 00:46:14 I fell in love with making my wife feel loved. I love for that woman to look at me and she, like, there's five people in the room and she looks over and I'm staring at her. Like, I just saw her for the first time and she looks over and I'm staring at her like she's like I just saw her for the first time and she catches me and I watch her flake We've been together five and a half years I could stare at my wife when she doesn't realize that if she catches me her cheeks will get red Like she gets nervous even to it and she's like like what are you looking at? What do you look at and show come on?
Starting point is 00:46:38 She's like you right I Foundo I took me years. I found a way to feel love when I make her feel loved So I don't need her to love me back, but the but here's the thing right Because I don't keep score my wife tries to outdo me because I give I feel love when I give her love She tries to give me more love right and I know Maybe that takes the right partner and you might be thinking yourself. Yeah, Dean you found the right partner I would say I have an amazing woman,
Starting point is 00:47:05 but also know that I did all the opposite crap and the previous one. And this is, I'm gonna steal this from Tony, one of the best advice I ever heard was, imagine if you treated the end of relationship like the beginning, would there actually be an end? You remember in the beginning of a relationship, you're like everything's bliss and you're all in and you're listening eye contact and you wouldn't dare look at
Starting point is 00:47:27 your phone at dinner. And now you're three years in and at dinner she wants to tell you about what happened with the kids thing. And you're like, yeah, let me just, what was that? Hold on, babe, let me just look at my phone one second. Would you have ever done that in the first week of your relationship around a first date? And that just, that hit me and people a lot of times will ask me is like, I don't know where my relationship is. I'm'm like what if for the next 90 days you just went all in and pretended like you guys just met and you were dating again Do you know 90 days you might have a completely different situation? Yeah, it's so good. You're so good. I was not bad your business life having that part of it Not even a question like the funny part is so many people say to me,
Starting point is 00:48:05 what happened to you like four years ago, man, you just got more dynamic, you're more confident on stage, it was definitely that because the last thing I'll say is on this is I had more success than I could have ever dreamed possible. Good zillion times more than what my dreams were. I have two, I now have three and a fourth on the way but I had two amazing children
Starting point is 00:48:26 that were just humble and sweet and kind. And my business is thriving and good friends, but I didn't have love in my life and I didn't have connection. And I wasn't a good husband, right? Because I wasn't happy. And I probably, when you're incongruent, when not all things in your life are lined up, I never could have understood the power
Starting point is 00:48:46 that while I was in it. I just said, no, I should be happy. No, my relationship isn't great, but we co-parent good and we got great kids and the business is good and we got the great house. I just wasn't in alignment. I was kind of living a lie. And when I finally shed that, and now I get to be the man,
Starting point is 00:49:02 like, and I know you know me, but, man, imagine the wish that if anybody put a hidden camera on you for a week, and then your wife, your friends, and the world could watch and go, wow, same guy on camera, same guy on a podcast, same guy when no one was watching. That congruency has taken the restrictions off. My business has doubled. My life has doubled. My happiness has doubled. I've attracted dear people in my life like you and other people because I think that I just get to be me at all times. Beautiful, brother. Gosh, it's so good. I got one last question for you. And I want you to answer this in an all sincerity. I know you always do, but this is a biggie.
Starting point is 00:49:40 Is it all it's cracked up to be? Let me tell you what I mean by it. You know, having a loving relationship, becoming a wealthy man, you know, making the contribution you make, is a tremendous amount of work. And there's gonna be a season in one's life where it's not all those things, and you're gonna be working, and working, and working. And there's this part when you're doing it,
Starting point is 00:50:02 you're like, is it even really worth it? Is it even really worth it? Is it even really worth it? Because I think oftentimes, we've all met that one rich person who's also miserable, which there's a lot of them. They get a lot of money and you're like, I don't even wanna be like them.
Starting point is 00:50:16 I was a server as a bus boy at the whole in Chalada in Diamond Bar when I was in high school in college. And it seemed like a lot of the guys with money that came in were the bigger jerks. And it started to make me think, I don't even know if that's worth it, you know? And the reason that it seemed like, because the real rich guys didn't act like rich guys.
Starting point is 00:50:37 So when they'd come in, I didn't know it was that guy. But I went through a phase of my life that I think because you're on the other side, it's easy to forget. But I think there's a lot of people that are considering coming to this challenge, considering changing their life, they're considering it. And then there is a part of them where they're like, I don't know if it's worth it.
Starting point is 00:50:54 So I'm being, I'm going to say this honestly, is it, or is it different than you thought it would be, getting to this other side, you're on the other side, you don't feel like you are, but you are. You're very wealthy, you've got but you are. You're very wealthy. You've got a beautiful family. You make a difference. The world, you've got rich friendships.
Starting point is 00:51:08 Your life's not perfect. Every day, the day of life can be really difficult for all of us, but was it worth it? And what's it feel like to get to the other side? Sell us the dream or the nightmare of it. Yeah. Beyond worth it, but questioning it. I've questioned it on and off since the beginning.
Starting point is 00:51:26 And there are only moments of questioning it. And then you get clarity and realize the other side. So here's what I'd say, is if someone's listening to you, Ed, what you've done, and I want to say this publicly, what you've done so elegantly to help the world see, is that your visibility, your notoriety, your podcast being the top podcast, your book, people get to see someone who's been wealthy or is wealthy and also an amazing human being. And success without fulfillment, success without joy, success without balance is probably the broken you could be.
Starting point is 00:52:02 So here's what I'd say, where I'm fortunate, is I started working on me at the same time I was working on making money. And I think that is the gift I would love to share with all of you. I believe all of you, every single one of you has the opportunity to make unlimited amount of money. I know that sounds, it's easy,
Starting point is 00:52:23 like it's easy for you to say now, Dean, but believe me, if Ed can make it, Dean can make it, we all have this amazing opportunity. But I'd say work on you as much as you work on marketing, as much as you work on sales, because when you find that harmonious balance, and you know, we both, I, you probably too, I've been off, I've had more money
Starting point is 00:52:41 than emotional intelligence. And right, and that's not a cool thing. And there's some people have great emotional intelligence, but they can't make any choices. No, if they want to do more, they want to donate more, they want to travel more, they want to retire their husband. So they, yes, they stop working this crappy job. So they have the emotional intelligence,
Starting point is 00:52:55 but they don't have the money to give them the freedom. That harmonious balance of two, I mean, it's the greatest gift you could give anyone. It's why we're doing a free challenge. It's why Tony, listen, you don't have to work. Tony doesn't have to work. I'm blessed. I know it sounds like, hey, we're a bunch of rich people.
Starting point is 00:53:10 It's not that. I'm working harder now than I've ever worked in my life. And I have more now than I've ever had in my life because I want other people to see that you can have this rich balance where you can have, I mean, I just got here. I don't want to get a spoiler alert, but I just got to meet your kids for the first time. Right? I met your wife a bunch of times,
Starting point is 00:53:28 I got to see your kids, and watching that you get to bring this family that you shifted this generation, you have two humble children. It will, you will always question it. Problems will never go away. One thing I want to say, you will just get better at handling bigger problems. You want to make more handled bigger problems, right? So you will handle problems more, you will say, you will just get better at handling bigger problems. You want to make more handled bigger problems, right? So you will handle problems more. You will get, you will turn into someone who wants the bigger problems, because you know there's a bigger paycheck on the other side of bigger, you solve a bigger problem, you get paid more, right?
Starting point is 00:53:56 So problems won't go away. I'll tell you that. You'll just handle more. Like you said in your book and like Jim Rohn said, for things to get better, you got to get better, right? So you'll get better at doing those things. You will have times where you question it, but every day in my life I wake up and I'm so effing grateful that I get the freedom to do what I want to do to coach Little League,
Starting point is 00:54:18 to drive my kids to school, to do what I want when I want to do it. And that's the ultimate freedom and I would die for it. I had great answer. I'm so proud of you. Where did I get the challenge again? Tell me one more time. And here's what I'd say, don't mess around.
Starting point is 00:54:33 I know we didn't talk about it much. And Ed and I, we haven't seen each other in a long time, so we covered everything in this podcast. But if there's one thing I really want you to hear is we do five days. We may never do it again. I promise you the byproduct of these five days. We may never do it again. I promise you the byproduct of these five days is that you will feel different and you will be ready to thrive in this
Starting point is 00:54:51 shifting world. We will address all of it. We got some amazing special guests. Tony's fired up. It's going to be spectacular. It's August 2nd. It's about 90 minutes to three hours a day. Go to and reserve a spot. All right, guys, Dean, thank you. Today was unbelievable. You can go back for the fourth time anytime you want to. I love you. I love you, man. I'm so proud of you.
Starting point is 00:55:11 I'm so grateful that we're friends. All right, everybody. Hey, listen, I hope you enjoyed today's show. You should share this with anybody whose life you would like to make better. We would like to be happier, more successful. Share today's show with them. Number one, show them the world for a reason.
Starting point is 00:55:24 Make sure you get the power of one more. Get an extra one, get an extra copy, get the audio book. You can listen to me do it on audio. You can listen to my voice. Probably sick of it by now, but get some more of this voice you're sick of. All right, guys, God bless you, max out.
Starting point is 00:55:37 This is the Aton Milach Show. [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪

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