THE ED MYLETT SHOW - Innovative Strategies To Build Self-Confidence

Episode Date: May 18, 2023

This week, I'm diving deep into the topic of developing greater SELF-CONFIDENCE—the number one challenge I observe so many people struggling with in their lives and the number 1 requested topic.In j...ust 20 minutes, I will equip you with powerful strategies to OVERCOME DOUBT and CRUSH those destructive negative voices that hold you back.During our time together, we cover a lot of ground, including:The significance of KEEPING PROMISES to yourselfHow even the smallest actions can stack up and elevate your self-worthShifting your focus towards PROCESSES and STANDARDS for lasting confidenceCelebrating your BEST EFFORTS and INTENTIONS rather than solely focusing on outcomesThe impact of VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCIES and rhythms on your self-confidenceEmbracing self-confidence as an EMOTIONI also delve into the profound role that FAITH plays in building self-confidence. Few things are as empowering as knowing that you have God on your side. When you prioritize serving others based on faith-based principles, you'll discover a deep sense of PEACE and self-confidence.The key to unlocking greater self-confidence lies in transforming your self-perception.Get ready to unlock a treasure trove of tactical strategies that will help you make those necessary changes and become a more confident individual in all areas of your life!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is the Ed Milach Show. Hey everybody, welcome back to the show. I'm so excited this week we're going to get a chance to talk about something that I know is on the minds of so many of you, which is how to increase your self-confidence. And you know, there's so many things on social media and in the personal development self-help space about how to do that. And I really feel like it's become sort of an echo chamber of the same exact things being said over and over again.
Starting point is 00:00:30 But for the last 30 years of my life, this has been a core topic for me to create new and innovative content on because I needed it so much myself. And so as we dive into this conversation, they just realized something. I'm with you on this. I struggle with self-confidence,
Starting point is 00:00:44 a better part of my entire life until I really started to work on these tools and resources that I'm gonna share with you here briefly today. And so it became out of a necessity for me and it's changed my life. It's changed the internal part of my life and obviously the external things I've achieved in my life are directly correlated to the confidence level
Starting point is 00:01:03 that I believe in myself that I can do it because in our lives, our external results are never going to exceed our internal identity. We're never going to consistently do more than we believe we're worth or that we deserve. And I know you deserve the best in your life. You deserve more. You deserve abundance. You deserve increase. And I think my conversation today with my friend, Brennan Bouchard, that you'll hear here
Starting point is 00:01:26 is gonna give you some insights and some ideas and just some tactics that maybe you've not heard phrased the way that we phrased it here today. And by the way, if you enjoyed the conversation, he's got an amazing app. And I always promote forum called GrowthDay. If you go to forward slash ed, you could get more of the types of content
Starting point is 00:01:44 like what he and I are talking about here today. But this one today is just for you on the Ed Mylett show. So I hope you enjoy this conversation on self confidence. Here we go. Ed, good seeing you brother. Love you brother. Good to be with you Brennan. because every time I do, I get fired up. And if I think of something you're known for, especially when we see you on stage or you're on your podcast, you have a certain kind of confidence and energy and presence
Starting point is 00:02:15 that I think draws people in but also builds that kind of trust and assurance that you kind of have it, you know. And I'm gonna guide you, I'm gonna help you through this. You have it, too. We both reflected a little bit differently. But even when we started the day when you came on the camera, I said, I'm instantly smiling when I'm with you.
Starting point is 00:02:30 And that's because you radiate that type of confidence as well. So it's such a great topic because even when I work with athletes, you know, like when we're done today, I'm working with one of my U.S. C fighters and people say, what do you really work with? Is it their visualizations? Is it? And I do do those things. But even with the top of the top athletes that I work with,
Starting point is 00:02:47 the number one thing they struggle with is their confidence level. And it's building, building it back, gaining the momentum of it again, remembering where it came from initially. And I think one of the reasons so many people, and even myself, to some extent, the last couple of years lost a little bit of it is,
Starting point is 00:03:04 our promises we were capable of keeping to ourselves were taken from us. So I see self confidence almost like it's a reputation that you have with yourself. And if you have a reputation with yourself where you keep the promises that you make to you, you begin to stack those promises on top of each other, you develop what we call self confidence. those promises on top of each other, you develop what we call self-confidence. When I have not held self-confidence, if I looked back 90 days or 120 days or even a year, at some point I stopped keeping the promises
Starting point is 00:03:33 I made to myself and they can be small things. Like what time I get up in the morning? How much water am I gonna drink every day? How many contacts am I gonna make in my business? How many pages of a book am I going to read? And those things seem very small, even making my bed. They seem very small. But when you start stacking up these little things,
Starting point is 00:03:50 they're like, oh, I do the things I tell myself I'm going to do. And when the stuff happened the last couple of years, our opportunities to deliver on promises you made to ourselves were for the most part taken away from us. The normal routines and habits we had about going to a gym even as simple as things like that or even contact in business, going to an office
Starting point is 00:04:09 every day. And so these things changed. And then we wake up 90 days or a year later and we go, I don't really feel like I've got what I had before. And so I always go back even with the athletes I work with or even myself, where can I begin to build baseline self confidence? Baseline self confidence is keeping these promises. Superhuman self confidence, no pun intended is right behind me if they're watching the
Starting point is 00:04:32 video. It's keeping the promises you make to yourself and then doing one more. So I say I'm going to make 10 contacts in a day. I make my 10. I do it one more. Now I've not just kept the promises. I've elevated the standard because in our life, you know this, I believe we don't get our goals most of the time.
Starting point is 00:04:49 What delivers on our goals are the standards we've set. And so the higher the standard, the deeper our self-confidence goes. So one of the keys for me has been rebuilding the structures around which I keep the promises I make to me. And the duration in which I keep the promises I make to me. And the duration in which I do it is causing the depth of the self-confidence level that I have. So for me, it starts with basic habits and routines and things that I, this means seem really
Starting point is 00:05:15 small. My daughter, by the commitment I've made to myself is, I will talk to my daughter every day. She's a way at Clemson in college. You think, what does this have to do with business? It has everything to do because I'm a really busy dude. It's easy for me to just text her. I actually call her, hey, Belabo, it's daddy. I did it this morning, except now I do it and I do it one more time a day. Now I'm like a super human confident dad
Starting point is 00:05:37 because how many dads are doing that, right? And I also, and I'm not gonna let you jump in because I'm curious for you, I actually believe there's a part of us that goes, I'm getting what I deserve. I'm getting what I deserve. The external results I'm producing have a lot to do with internally what I believe I'm worth. What I believe I deserve. And if you're like me, I don't naturally have a perclivity to believe I'm worth a lot.
Starting point is 00:06:01 I wasn't raised with a bunch of praise and belief being poured into me. I'm very self-critical. When I make a mistake on my own worst critic, even to this day, I have to really battle that. And even when I'm winning sometimes, candidly, I'll be vulnerable. Is this a fluke? You know, like am I fooling everybody right now?
Starting point is 00:06:20 And so this stuff we're talking about has been fundamental in my life to changing my life is me believing, man, I'm doing things. Most people aren't willing to do. I deserve to get stuff. Most people end up getting it. So for me, it's the it's the beginning of keeping those promises you make yourself. And then I've got some other stuff too. And we come back to it. But do you relate to that? Is that part of your recipe too? That was in percent. That was. And I think researchers find that like they might use other language. They might be, Hey, that's keeping personal commitment.
Starting point is 00:06:51 Same thing. Hey, that's integrity. That's self trust. And the language I use for that, that's just congruence. Yeah. I say I'm going to do it. I do it. I was congruent. Yes. If I say I'm going to do it and I don't do it, I break that congruence. And the more breaks, then the more breaks in my psyche, the more breaks in my identity, the more breaks in my rhythm. And I am billion percent agree with you on that. There is a rhythm, you know, some might call it a vibrational frequency or a rhythm to success. There's a rhythm to confidence. And when you're in that rhythm,
Starting point is 00:07:25 the words flow a little bit different. Yes. Places and things flow to you a little bit differently. And you have a rapport with yourself and with other people when you're in that rhythm. It's funny that you say it because my son had to take a bunch of time off from golf. He had a knee injury and he lost that confidence in that rhythm. And even myself when I've lost it, it's almost like, you can be so close to the way you were before, but it's just not what it was. It's almost like, you ever be in a wedding and you watch that dude and he's got the moves, right?
Starting point is 00:07:56 But he's dancing to the lyrics, not the beat of the music. So it's just me. Yeah, well, that's just what I've heard, okay? But it's that lack, And that's why you can say, man, I'm saying the same things I was saying six months ago, but I'm not producing the same result. It's that rhythm is off your, your dancing to the lyric, not the beat of the music. And there's a beat to it. And I think you're a million percent right about that, Brennan. And I think once you find that groove, it's like, you know, momentum is a magnifier.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Momentum is a rhythm. Momentum can take a person who's pretty average and ordinary like me. And you start getting enough momentum on enough rhythm. You're like, whoa, you have these superhuman things you begin to achieve. What's important about what you're also saying is that here's what's really important Both of us are saying this is an internal game It's not contingent on the external praise Or even producing the result to generate confidence in other words the game I've set up isn't outcome driven its process driven. Did you engage the process today as a win?
Starting point is 00:09:02 Yes, that's the for me. It's like all I can control, I can control my attitude, my activity. Everybody knows that, but I'm linking that to my confidence, not the production of the result. If your confidence is constantly contingent on the result, you'll be chasing your tail most of the time. Be chasing your tail. So it's an internal game. It's also not, I don't need the affirmation of another person to get self-confidence.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Self-confidence means it has to do with one's self. I'll give you another big key for me. And this really flipped things. I've talked about these conversations I had with Wayne Dyer. And a lot of times my confidence is not even predicated on my ability. Because there may be somebody smarter than me, or better than me, a better speaker, a better than me, a better speaker, a better marketer, a better whatever. So when I walk into, even today, I'm confident today, at least I tell you why, I give myself credit for my intentions. So my confidence, I've linked to my intent
Starting point is 00:09:59 to serve, my intent to do good. And not necessarily my ability to. So even when I speak, I mean, I pretty good speaker, right? But it's not, I'm not out there, but I'm the world's greatest speaker. My confidence comes from, I've prepared, I've kept the promises of you to myself and my intentions. Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Not enough precious human being say, I'm a good woman. I'm a good man. I deserve to be successful. I'm walking into this business meeting and I intend to do good. I intend to help these people. I should be confident. Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:32 They think they've conflated. No, no, no, but I'm not as good as I need to be. That's not where your confidence should be linked to or even the outcome. Link it to your intentions because that's something you know to be true about you. I could always go back, but no matter where I am in the world no matter what I'm doing The one thing I do believe about me is I'm a good man. I intend to serve. I intend to contribute Yes, I generate a tremendous amount of confidence in my intentions not necessarily my ability or the result And I think this is something that's never taught in a self-confidence world.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Yeah. Listen, your intent matters. You should generate tremendous strength from your intentions. Yet most good people just sort of, they sluff it off. They don't get themselves any credit for their intent. And others, they think, oh, everybody intends to serve. Everybody's good. Nah!
Starting point is 00:11:24 Right. That's so fast. And worse, you lose it. You lose it sometimes, meaning people lose the time or the practice of setting the intention. So even if they are good, they don't even set the intention so they can't give themselves credit for it. So you'll love this little psychological trick.
Starting point is 00:11:41 We call it a doorway trigger. Doorway trigger is anytime you enter a doorway, you say something to yourself. So mine is when I walk through a door, I always say, I enter this room, a happy man, ready to serve. Either way, the trigger thing is huge. We should talk a little bit more about that too, but because you can make deposits when you are confident
Starting point is 00:12:03 that you can make withdrawals from later. So let's talk about that in a second. But like, for example, this fight that I'm going to work with later today, she has a very major fight coming up. And one of the things I just wanted to have a simple self talk that gives her confidence. And actually, we've been working on it now for three months leading up to this fight. And here's what it is. I find a way to win.
Starting point is 00:12:22 I find a way to win. I find a way to win. I make a way to win. I find a way to win. I make her repeat it to me with different emphasis. So she'll say things like, I find a way to win. I find a way to win. She'll say, I find a way to win. And then other time I have her say, I find a way to win.
Starting point is 00:12:39 And we emphasize this over and over and over and it becomes like an embedded command. If anybody knows any NLP stuff, right? No. It's just self talk that's repeated over and over and over and it becomes like an embedded command if anybody knows any NLP stuff, right? No. It's just self talk that's repeated over and over again. And it's funny how the mind works. We're going to repeat this over and over again. It becomes a believable belief and our mind moves towards what we're most familiar with.
Starting point is 00:12:56 So for familiar with that thought, I tell you right now in this fight, when it gets down to crunch time and she's in that what I they call it deep water, which is sticking out to the deep water. She might be getting submitted and she's tired and she's going to come back to this. I find a way to win. And I believe what we believe to be most true, we end up producing long-term in our life. I just hope it shows up in the fight. But you're exactly right with the self-tuck. I'm curious, do you do anything because I do when you to anchor a state when you have confidence so that you can make the withdrawal later? Do you do that? Like when you're really feeling it, do you do anything to create that trigger of that anchor? Yeah. Mine's dorky and self-reflective.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Like when I capture, I go, oh, I got it. And I'd write it down. And I tell myself, write it down. And let's go, because I know I'll forget that state or that moment, or even if I do myself physically anchoring, you know, 10 minutes later, the emotion's gone. So I want to know, what was the aha, what was the breakthrough?
Starting point is 00:13:58 Oh, I got it, and I write it down. So it's almost like a reward or a celebration or a reflection. And to me, I have to write it down. Partially because I had a brain injury way back in the day. So my memory and my cues aren't as easy to reflect, like consciously, I remember it, I have to write it down. The other thing I just want to say, and reflect, that coaching you're giving her is so great,
Starting point is 00:14:20 because I've always defined confidence as the belief in one's ability to figure things out. My confidence is, I believe I can figure this out, which is another way of saying, I will find a way. It's literally the same thing, right? I will find a way to win is I believe I can figure this out. I like yours better because the deeper level of commitment and adding the wind to it. I think that's so important, but you mentioned you have something that you do. Well, when I really feel something, this is maybe a little bit technical, but I think it's worth sharing for those
Starting point is 00:14:55 that want to experience it. What I'm feeling, I think confidence is an emotion also. It's not only a thought, it's not only a state of being, but it's an emotion. And there is a neurochemistry to all of our emotions. And so when I am feeling particularly confident, this is just what most people don't ever do in their life, they don't take advantage of states they find themselves in so they can go back to them later to your point about the trigger and the anchor. So when I am in a state of achievement, let's just say, or confidence, I like to just do something very simple physically that anchors
Starting point is 00:15:31 that state in my body. It's not really dramatic either. It's kind of nerdy and nerdy and dorky also. But for example, if I'm on the stage and I'm just being crushed or I'm just feeling the flow in a podcast or I'm in a beautiful moment with my daughter where I'm feeling particularly confident as a father, whatever it is. My daughter this morning when I called she called me back, Brenn she's like she had a major test today. Her in the roommate called say, Dad, they're going to the test. Dad, we need words of wisdom. We need some motivation. My daughter, by the way, it's bizarre to me at the stage of my life, real that my daughter now seeks this from me because I got eye rolls or entire teenage years, when I'm doing things
Starting point is 00:16:09 right. Right. Right there. Absolutely. So, so I started out and what I she called me off guard. So the first thing I said was like, okay, dad, thanks. You know, I was like, but then I kind of crushed a couple of other recommendations that I gave her, right? And I when we were done, I'm like, that was a good dad moment right there. I crushed that as a dad. And so when I'm feeling a particular level of confidence,
Starting point is 00:16:30 I'll anchor it with just some type of physical move. So like it might be, for me, it's a lot, it's like a finger snap. I'm on the stage, I'm crushing, boom, and what I'm doing is I'm depositing that confidence state into my neurochemistry. I'm making a deposit. And so when I'm feeling it, I deposit it with my athletes, you just hit a home run, you
Starting point is 00:16:48 better when you're running around those bases, give me the fingers now or slap your chest or pull on your ear or tug on the helmet. You better anchor this amazing state. Now it's anchored. And the more we repeatedly do the same physical, simple move in a particular state, those are deposits. Then what I need to make it withdrawal. And I'm feeling a bit insecure when I'm about to walk out on stage. Bam, fingers now. I'll put my neurochemistry back in that state again. You can even tell us I'm saying
Starting point is 00:17:14 this to you now, my energy levels, right? You're opening. Yeah. I'm opening. And so this, for some people, that's too much. But for a lot of people, it's like, that's it. When I'm feeling good and do something and do the same thing repeatedly, whatever it might be, that's too much. But for a lot of people, it's like, that's it. When I'm feeling good and do the same thing repeatedly, whatever it might be, that's why you'll watch a lot. You can learn so much from an athlete. You watch an athlete get out of the batter's box and adjust their batting gloves, or they tap home plate the same two times, right?
Starting point is 00:17:36 Or they go for it as the same two practice. I don't have a rhythm, yeah. Or Tom Brady, let's go. Or Peyton Manning. Oh my, huh. You know, whatever it might be, these are verbal or physical triggers that are from previous self-competent peak performance states that they're now calling on now
Starting point is 00:17:54 when they need the most. Right. So that's the sort of the, that's the science part of self-confidence, the other stuff is sort of the art form of it. One of the things that I'm still sort of surprised by when I work with people or they come to events is lack of clarity and if I would add on top of that is a lack of specificity. So you say, well, I want to lose weight. You're not going to get a lot of
Starting point is 00:18:20 self-confidence coming from that statement. Specifically, what does that mean? Is it about, is it pounds? Is it body fat? Is it a percentage? So clarity is specificity. And so I want to, you know, I want to have a good year in business. I want to have my best month. What exactly specifically does that mean? So that when you look at that board, it's, there's specificity all over it.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Almost think sometimes that building the muscle of setting specific outcomes and specific visual things is something people need to work on. For whatever reason of all the things I'm not good at, that has never been a struggle of mine. I've never been vague. I've always really been very specific because I wanna know whether I hit it or not, but that's what creates clarity.
Starting point is 00:19:01 It's like, if I'm looking at a golf hole, like we're talking about golf earlier you and I off camera If I you know am I average player? So what I'm really trying to do I was just talking about this this weekend in a golf tournament I'm trying to hit it on the green Old 60 foot green right yeah, and that's why I'm an amateur and that's why I lack confidence. Yes, it's true It is a professional players trying to hit it to a spot on the green that's about six inches wide.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Right. Right. And that specificity creates clarity for them in the shot. It's harder. It's harder. It's harder for better than me because the target is so specific. Yes. And even if they were to miss, they're going to be much closer than me because
Starting point is 00:19:45 they were so much more specific in their focus than I was with my wide focus. Yes. Or lack of focus. Some people that are worse than me, a golf aren't even trying to hit the green. They're just trying to hit the ball, right? And that's some, and that's a metaphor for life. And so, yeah, you're 100% and one other thing that also creates clarity is this notion that I've been here before, meaning you were like, take a speech. You're exactly right. And I know you're one of the greats of all time. You've walked out there in your mind before you've gone there. You walked out for this podcast before you've gone there. You project yourself into that space and see it happening. To the point even when I was in
Starting point is 00:20:26 when I'm selling, I even picture them hugging me at the end and thanking me. It's that level of specificity. It's that level of so that when I get there and that rhythm starts to happen, it's familiar. See, I don't want to end up in, if I can help it, I want to minimize the unfamiliar. And so if I projected, I prepared, I projected a lot of myself confidence comes from the fact that I prepared and I've been there in my mind. I've been there before. So you're, that helps create clarity for me. And I'll give you one more thing to pick around.
Starting point is 00:21:01 You know, it's, it's surprising to me me no matter what your faith is. So if you're a Christian or a Muslim or Jew or Hindu or you practice Buddhism or maybe you believe, like I do in a Christian, but also I believe in energy. I believe in the quantum, right? And people say to me, I believe there's an all powerful source or I'm a follower of Jesus. And it's interesting to me me whatever their belief system is
Starting point is 00:21:26 that they don't drive any self confidence personally from it. Interesting, right? Would you not link your faith, whatever faith it is you practice, who your confidence, like as a Christian, if you're a Christian, like I'm the son of the King of Kings, his DNA is running through my veins. Why in the world would that not Not give me some dad gum confidence. Right. The quantum and you can plug into an all knowing knowledge field. Shouldn't you get a little confidence from that? Interesting to me how people go, I have a lot of faith. I'm in the synagogue or the mosque or on a church on Sunday,
Starting point is 00:21:59 but somehow Monday morning when business starts, I'm alone now. Right. Right. Oh, now You're not alone now. Your faith tells you and informs you otherwise. And so you start having the combination of anchors and triggers, keeping the promises you make to yourself, your intentions, your clarity, all these things we're talking about. And then you stack on top of that. I have a faith in something bigger than me.
Starting point is 00:22:20 That's with me all the time. I ought to have some boldness and confidence solely stemming from that. So so many of you that have faith, why are you checking that at the door when it comes to your relationships, your body, your business, your money that should be centerpiece of your self confidence, should be the most important piece of your self confidence. And I know what it is for you. I love it. My favorite words in my faith in terms of Christianity is he precedes me. He precedes me like this. Everett, this has already worked out. Yes. Somebody already worked it out. Now, I need to find my way through. I need to figure out a way to win.
Starting point is 00:22:57 I need to, you know, hopefully figure it out. Yeah. But where it's going to go? I have trust since we're being completely real, you know, Mike, people that see me speaks back sage like, so I saw you do your mood where you're snapping your fingers. But what's the last thing you'll see me do? I actually get on my knees and I pray very quickly, because that's where my real confidence comes from. It's the it's, you know, here's what it's done for me. I've never said this to somebody and maybe you and can kick this around the last few minutes. I think also we put a pressure on ourselves like, am I going to make the right decision or the wrong one? Am I going to say the right
Starting point is 00:23:34 thing or the wrong thing? And I have found in my life, and I have this rooted in my belief system that when I've come to a place where I have to yield or make a decision, I don't necessarily think most of the time. Now, there is right and wrong in life. We all know that. I'm not talking about ethics or morals. I'm not referring to that. I'm talking about if something goes one way or the other, I've really built this belief system that I'll make either one work. So if I decide this way and I might be wrong, I'll find a way to make that work. And if I go that way and I was gonna be right, I'll make that one work.
Starting point is 00:24:09 There's this notion that sort of put into us when we're children like, good or bad, right or wrong, and we start filling this pressure like, what if I don't say the right thing? What if I don't do the right thing? It should do this in life. Most of the time that path, that journey, both can lead to bliss, both can lead to success.
Starting point is 00:24:26 It might be a different path, it might not be to your point on your schedule, it might be on God's schedule. And if you have a God that's a pro that created the entire universe, you're probably going to be okay no matter which turn you take. And that gives you a confidence to go. I'm going to call the shot with the most information with the best of confidence to go. I'm going to call the shot with the most information with the best of my ability, but I'm going to make either one of these work. That's real confidence. Oh, I love it. I'm going to make either one of these works because the truth is whichever one you take, path, air, bee, turns out good or bad, most people go, well, one's going to be good and one's going to be catastrophic and it's's gonna be terrible. Right. And I go, well, the truth is, right or wrong, the next step actually is exactly the same.
Starting point is 00:25:11 If you fail, the next step demands that you summon the best of who you are to handle it. If you win, guess what? The next step is gonna demand that you summon the best of who you are no matter what. So I always tell people, you want confidence? It's easy. Know your job. You have one job every day, summon the best of who you are to really work life. And at the same time, trust life or God, I think is one of the
Starting point is 00:25:37 ultimate secrets of the most successful people I've ever met. All right, a million percent agree. And I think actually today's conversation is sort of evidence of everything we've said. We both set out with an intention to serve today. There's been this incredible rhythm between the different things that we've, you know, said here together. And if I'd add one last thing to it, it's also that you could take on an identity of yourself too, which is that I'm kind of a learner. Like I'm curious. I was curious where this was going to go today and I learned.
Starting point is 00:26:04 And when I come to these decisions or these experiences I'm curious. I was curious where this was going to go today and I learned. And when I come to these decisions or these experiences I'm going to have, you know, at a minimum, I'm going to learn something about myself, about how to do it better. You know, even with an athlete, I keep going back to these examples, but like, I'll tell them that it back. Yeah, you ground it out, but you learned this guy's curveball does this. You look, so the next it back, you're more prepared for what he's going to bring to you.
Starting point is 00:26:27 Yes. This notion of I'm learning, um, I don't know, for me, it reduces the pressure. It increases the curiosity. And it also, I'm almost always winning if I'm learning. Yes. I'm almost always winning if I'm learning. And so I've sort of adopted in my life, this notion that I'm curious and I'm going to learn. It's going to be an experience I'm going to learn.
Starting point is 00:26:50 I found that I actually produced the outcome that I actually had on my board to your point for clarity, far more regularly when I'm not so addicted to the outcome and everything I want to do because addiction to outcome can rob you of confidence. No, I am committed to the process that you've described earlier and also this notion that I'm going to gather a better me at the other side of this because I will have learned something about me, the circumstances, the environment, how to do it better the next time, whatever that might be, get a lot of confidence when I approach things that way. Ed, it's been a pleasure, and I hope that you'll find confidence in your growth today.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Thank you, Ed. Thank you. I want to hear it back, too. Let's go. This is The Ed Milach Show. [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ you

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