THE ED MYLETT SHOW - Let your Effort Compound - with Ed Mylett

Episode Date: September 24, 2019

Life is like a PIÑATA! Yep you heard me right! A PIÑATA What if everything you needed to WIN and be totally FULFILLED was already within you NOW?! The ONE main difference between successful people a...nd non-successful people is that mega-achievers stay in the game LONG enough to COLLECT LIFES CANDY! We’ve talked about this before, the best ABILITY you can have is AVAILABILITY. In this video, we dive deeper into WHY this matters, and why it’s the MOST important piece. A lot of you message me saying you don’t have the skills or the resources but the TRUTH is you have the #1 talent necessary to WIN and that’s RESILIENCE. Life is like a Piñata in that way, you want the reward inside but you have to continue to pound away at it until it breaks. Some of you give up RIGHT before the candy falls out.   So many people in life give up right before the candy is getting ready to pour out! Candy in life can be our dream, goal, money, etc. In this solo video, I further explain this analogy to prove to you why it’s okay to feel disoriented, lost, and so many other things when you are working towards your DREAMS and how the most critical piece is holding your ground and being AVAILABLE for when the candy does fall.   The second piece is to take advantage of “COMPOUND POUNDING “ Often times hitting “life’s piñata“ over and over again looks like we’re making no dent, making no progress.....but we are! Every single swing is getting us closer to the candy! But we can’t see it, it’s an invisible force. My prayer for you is that when you feel the urge to walk away from your dreams because it’s taking too long, you use that as an INDICATOR you are exactly where you need to be. SUCCESS is coming, but are you COURAGEOUS enough to stay AVAILABLE?  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is the Edmmerm show. Welcome back to Max out everybody. I'm fired up about today's topic because we're going to talk about one of the things that I think is the most important things as it relates to winning. And it's one of the things that you can decide you're going to do without any natural giftedness because it's the number one talent you must develop in order to win. And it's not talked about on social media, you're not going to get it in a personal development tape and a peak performance program, self-help and any of it.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Remember this, the best ability is availability. Did you hear that? The best ability is availability that you are available to win. Not enough people understand that this is an actual skill in talent. Most people in business or in life, whether it be relationships or the financial part of their life, they're always looking for these little tips and skills that you should develop. How to communicate better. How to be a better listener.
Starting point is 00:01:02 How to suppress your ego. How to influence people. How to transfer energy. All these things that I teach, how to deal with failure. But I believe the greatest talent that you can draw a line through all the people who have won, not all the people that went in business or life, are unbelievable transfers of energy, not all of them can close, not all of them can persuade, not all of them are great listeners, not all of them even dealt well with adversity. They did that the majority of the time,
Starting point is 00:01:25 but all of them have in common. They develop the talent, and yes, it is a talent. It is a skill of not quitting. I don't think most of you right now that are struggling in your business life right now are giving yourself enough credit for this incredible talent you're developing, which is resiliency, which is the ability not to quit.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Listen to what I'm telling you, if somebody has built multiple different companies, I've coached some of the top athletes, entertainers, business people, and politicians in the world. And I'm telling you that even in my own team when I hire people, I look for resiliency and I'm not above that is the talent is the skill of not quitting as the number one thing that I look for. And many of you right now listening to this possess the number one skill that I look for. And many of you right now listening to this, possess the number one skill necessary to win and don't give yourself any credit for it,
Starting point is 00:02:10 which means it's not helping build your confidence. It's not going to the bank of crediting for your identity. And so although you possess this incredible ability that so many people in the world don't have and don't possess, you have it and you don't value it. You don't prize it. You don't give yourself credit for having it.
Starting point is 00:02:26 It ought to be where you draw the majority of your confidence from. The ability to say, I don't quit. I'm resilient. I own the number one skill. The number one talent required to eventually win. I already have. I can't quit. You'd have to kill me to get me out of chase in my dream, right?
Starting point is 00:02:42 So number one, I want to point it out as the number one gift. The best ability is availability. Do you have it? Have you decided to have it? Is it something you're going to possess the rest of your life? And those of you that do have it already, I need you to take an inventory, be aware of it and be intentional with crediting yourself as you're listening to this or watching it today, into the bank of your self-confidence, into the bank, into the deposits you make in your identity, because it has everything to do with winning. Every guest you've seen on my show, all the people that I've coached,
Starting point is 00:03:14 all have different talent skills and abilities. What's the one they all have? The ability to stay present, the ability to stay in the fight, to have not quit. You think, well, that's not a big deal, really? Because as I've been talking millions of people made the decision to quit on their dream just as I've been talking to you.
Starting point is 00:03:31 The rest of the day, millions more will, tomorrow, millions more. Every day, literally millions of people quit on one of their dreams, their dream relationship, their dream business, their dream body. So quitting has become the number one habit in the world by people that end up losing. And I'm telling you what happens every day, every second, everywhere, just the fact that while I've been speaking, you're still after your dream,
Starting point is 00:03:53 you're ahead of them. You don't give yourself enough credit because eventually what I found, it looks like winnings this huge competition. But every day, every week, every year, every decade as time goes by, you're going to find that you're competing with a smaller and smaller and smaller group of people for your dream. Because so many of them will just quit. And by the way, many of them that quit will possess talents, maybe even gifts you don't have. They're incredible ability with people, they're incredible strength, they're incredible
Starting point is 00:04:21 brain, and they'll quit with all this giftedness, but you've got the talent. You have to learn to distinguish between something that is a talent and a gift. You can develop skills, you can develop talents, gifts are something you're born with, but the people that I see that win long-term are the ones who develop the talents and skills required to win.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Business and life's a lot like a pinata. You know, I was at a barbecue, a birthday party for a five-year-old a while back and they did a piñata. I've seen the piñata before. And it's an unbelievable metaphor for life. In fact, out of it, we ought to call today the life is like a piñata because it really is.
Starting point is 00:04:56 If you look at these kids at these parties, any of you that have ever been to a piñata, you can picture it. They got the piñata up there. What do they do? It's just like in business and life when you start something new, a new relationship, a new body, a new pursuit, a new business, right? What do they do. It's just like in business and life when you start something new, a new relationship, a new body, a new pursuit, a new business, right? What do they do? They take this little five-year-old and they blindfold them. They blindfold this little guy, right? And he can't see. He doesn't know where he's going. And then they spin him around. He gets completely
Starting point is 00:05:17 disoriented, right? And then they hand him a bat. It's scary when you watch it. Don't you picture these little kids, right? You blindfold them. They spin them around. They become disoriented. Does that sound familiar to any of you that are trying to build a business right now? You're completely disoriented. You're blind.
Starting point is 00:05:32 You don't know where to go. They spin this little guy around. They hand them a bat and they go, hit the piñata. And the piñata's over to the right. They're swinging to the left. They're just whiffing, right? They're not even in the right direction.
Starting point is 00:05:41 And then finally, what do you do? You grab the little guy or the little girl and you turn them and you haven't faced the piñata. They were completely disoriented. In fact, they were doing more damage to the people around them in the beginning with that darn bat you gave them because they're so disoriented. A lot of damage was done before they even faced the actual piñata. They've been blindfolded and spun around, right? They're completely disoriented. Doesn't that sound familiar? It's just like building your new business. It's just like trying to transform your body.
Starting point is 00:06:08 It might be just like this brand new relationship you've got. And in fact, the people around them are in danger in the beginning when you give these little guys this bat. Maybe that sounds familiar. Maybe right now you're at this stage in your business or you've been there before where there's been more damage done than there's been progress. You know what I'm talking about? The people around you have been more hurt
Starting point is 00:06:26 by your new venture than benefited from it. Your relationship with them is not as good. Maybe financially you've hurt them or feel like you have. There's been a lot of damage. But what do we do with these little guys? We eventually take the little girl or little boy and we point them in the right direction at the piñata.
Starting point is 00:06:41 That's when you find Ed Mylet's podcast. You find his teachings, you find his YouTube channel or someone like me and I can point you in the right direction. And then one of these guys, they take the bat and they're hitting the Pignata as hard as they can and they're hitting it and they're hitting it and no candy comes out and they get tired, don't they? And they just, they can't go anymore.
Starting point is 00:07:00 So what do you do? You get help and you add a teammate, you add a friend, you take the blindfold off of you and you get a little help. That help could be a new recruit in your business, a new employee, a new vendor. It might be a new mentor and we put the blindfold on them. We spin them around and then they're disoriented. They're swinging and they're not even hitting the piñata yet. They're hurting the people around them. Then what do you do? We take them. We point them in the right direction. Now they're following my show or great teachings and they hit the piñata as hard as they can No candy comes out
Starting point is 00:07:29 You take another child new teammate new recruit in life, right? But in the piñata says another child you put a blindfold spin them around and they hit the piñata and they're hitting it as hard as they can and it feels like no progress is being made No candies coming out, right? And then eventually they're getting it and they get tired. And you think, man, how often that thing is pinata? What happens is sometimes the first few kids who hit the pinata, they kind of disappear from the party and start playing somewhere else.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Maybe if I had that experience in your business, some of the people you start with, they may not finish before the candy comes out. They may not be there, may not be there to celebrate, right? Some of the initial people disappear. and that could cause you to want to quit. But eventually what happens with that piñata. Even though these kids are hitting the piñata and they're teaming up, they're all working together to try to make this candy come out, it doesn't look like it, but each shot on that piñata is putting them closer to the candy. Even though it doesn't
Starting point is 00:08:22 seem like it, even though you can't see the candy, every blow is like a compound pounding effect. That pounding, compounded by multiple people, eventually can create a breakthrough. But what most people do is they leave the party before the candy comes out. That's true in business. Most people quit before the candy comes out. They don't stick around long enough.
Starting point is 00:08:43 They got spun around. They get disoriented. They might hurt the people around. They don't stick around long enough. They got spun around. They get disoriented. They might hurt the people around. They get pointed in the right direction. They think they're making progress. Then they don't. They think they're making progress. Then they don't.
Starting point is 00:08:53 And eventually because no candy's coming out. No money, no change body, no amazing relationship. They stop swinging the bat at the piñata. But if you stick around for the party long enough, you know what always happens with a piñata? Eventually someone hits it and bam, the candy comes out everywhere and everyone celebrates and gets all the candy
Starting point is 00:09:13 and dives on it and celebrates. Here's what I'm here to remind you of today. You gotta stick around long enough for the candy to come out. You gotta wait for the candy to come out of that piñata called your life, called your business, called your body body called your relationships The vast majority of people in life don't stick around for the candy Because they think as they're hitting the pinata of their life
Starting point is 00:09:33 They don't think they're making progress. It doesn't feel like progress But I'm telling you the number one ability is availability and if you keep swinging away every day Even though it doesn't feel like it, you are getting closer to the candy. You're getting closer, it just doesn't feel like it. You know what I had? I had the ability to keep hitting the piñata in my life to stick around long enough.
Starting point is 00:09:56 And by the way, when you eventually win, it's not just you that gets all the candy, that gets all the victory, that gets all the money. Lots of people around you, many of which which who you were hurting originally with that bat, many of them who were trying to talk you out of it, they get to celebrate in the candy too. My prayer for you is that you begin to think about this analogy, the pinata of your life, the pinata of your business, the pinata of your body, as you're swinging away.
Starting point is 00:10:23 I'm here to tell you, even though it doesn't feel like it, you're getting closer to the candy. And if you can add more people to celebrate, it's okay that you feel disoriented. It's okay that it feels blinding and you don't know exactly what direction to go, just like these precious babies with the pignata. It's okay that you miss it once in a while. It's okay that you get tired once in a while. But as long as you keep after it,
Starting point is 00:10:45 you keep pounding away that compound effort of your pounding, I can promise you there's candy someday. And everybody around you will jump on it and celebrate. That's my wish for you. Today, as you listen to me of all the skills I'm gonna teach you that I've taught you, and if you've not listened to my other shows, I teach about listening, transfer energy,
Starting point is 00:11:04 how to close, how to change your identity, how to live blissfully to satisfy, how to unlock your success code, all of the very detailed things I teach. Today is the most important thing, is that as you learn all these skills, it'll help you with the blindness. Every single skill you learn, you'll see clearer and clearer and clearer. But if you don't develop the talent, the number one skill in the world, which is to keep hitting the pinata and to stick around until the candy comes out. Because here's the deal. Someone's going to get the candy in life. There's always candy in life.
Starting point is 00:11:36 That pinata eventually always breaks down. Do you want to be the person who was there in the beginning, hitting as hard as you could and sacrifice it and maybe hurting the people around you and never get the candy? Or are you going to get something for your pain? Or are you going to get something for your effort? Are you going to get something for this sacrifice you're making? You've got to get something for this pain. You've got to stick in the game until the candy comes out and then we all get to celebrate.
Starting point is 00:12:00 That's what I want you focused on today. I promise you there's a pinata in your life and And right now many of you feel blind and disoriented, maybe even hurting the people around you. Some of you are past that phase and you're hitting your thing hard every day, but there's no candy yet. I promise you there's gonna be a payoff for you. And that's my message for you today.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Hope today helped you. Hope it gave you perspective. Hope it gave you hope. I hope you give yourself credit if you're not a quitter. Credit for you already possessing the number one skill for you to get the candy. Isn't all these other things I teach you? Not all the other things you're gonna hear
Starting point is 00:12:32 on social media, not all the other things you're gonna hear on a podcast, although you need those things, the number one thing is you gotta be there to collect the candy. You gotta not quit, you gotta possess that ability. So hopefully that helped you today. And if this video or this audio did help you, I wanna challenge you to listen to another quit. You got to possess that ability. So hopefully that helps you today. And if this video or this audio did help you,
Starting point is 00:12:47 I want to challenge you to listen another one I've got called, how to turn your distraction into success. The reason I recommend this one next is because one of the things that will get you to miss that piñata and not take shots at your dream. That thing you're breaking down to get you your candy, to get to your dream is distraction.
Starting point is 00:13:05 And in that audio and video, I teach you the steps to eliminate distractions so that you're getting more shots on the piñata and less whiffs every single day in your life. So I recommend you go to that audio or that video next. God bless you and max out. This is the end of my journey.

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