THE ED MYLETT SHOW - Life After Death w/ David Ditchfield

Episode Date: October 27, 2020

Is there life after death? This is life’s greatest question. I hope to give you hope in this interview and perhaps comfort that there is good news. This week on The Ed Mylett show, my next guest is ...the awe-inspiring David Ditchfield. Whether you are a person of faith, a person of science, or somewhere in between, every single one of us has wondered, “what will happen to me after I die?” David Ditchfield was tragically dragged under a speeding train which left him in a critical fight for his life. While doctors fought to save him, David had a vivid near-death-experience and a rare glimpse of what happens to us when our lives are coming to an end. In this interview, David describes his miraculous experience from start to finish in vivid details laying on a huge rock surrounded by beings (I believe angels ) as he gets a momentary glimpse at God. My favorite part of the story is that it leaves mystery and leaves room for anybody of faith to continue to believe what they hold to be true… That’s the beautiful part of this conversation As a Christian, it’s just reaffirmed many of the things that I believe to be true. Regardless of your religion, there is enough to let you know that there is a God and not enough to get so specific that it would violate any religious traditions. The only reason we get to hear this story is because David lived! He returned from the afterlife with unbelievable new talents, and a new perspective on his once, out-of-place life. David is living proof that although our bodies may be finite, our spirit is eternal. Regardless of your religious beliefs, this interview will move you to your core. You can’t afford to miss this soul-shaking interview!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is the Edmmerlich show. Welcome back to Max out everybody. Today's show is special. It's unique. It was a very unique man with me today that I sought out after reading his book, Shine On. And what we're going to talk about today, everybody is death and life after death. And I know that that's a topic that we think of,
Starting point is 00:00:33 even more than we realize we think of. It's something that every human being is fascinated with. And you all know that I have, before we do this, I know many of you come to the show today with, you know, very deeply held religious beliefs, including myself. Today is not an any way to change those beliefs. It's just to give you the insight into David's story and to see what insights and breakthroughs that it might give you that might even strengthen your current faith. So my guess today is David Ditchfield and David welcome to max out. Thanks Ed. It's great to be here.
Starting point is 00:01:07 I'm curious, it's so great to have you because I read the book. Who were you before this? So who is David Ditchfield before he ends up getting dragged by a train, which you'll all hear about in a minute. That's a teaser. One of the most amazing stories you're ever going to hear in your life. But who were you before that? Okay, well, I'd basically, I'd left school without any qualifications because I'm dyslexic and so I moved to London and I was just hoping to sort of just cut my way through life there. And mainly I was picking up blue collar work so I was doing working on construction sites and I was speaking up at Blue Colourwork, so I was doing working on construction sites and day-to-day manual working. Living in London, obviously, like all capital cities, is very competitive, expensive place to live. So Tom got tough for me to say the least.
Starting point is 00:01:58 I didn't really, you know what, I was doing all these manual jobs and I didn't really fit in, I didn't, I'm not, I didn't fit in. I couldn't do them as well. I used to look at these guys plastering a ceiling and I said, wow, that's the work of art. How'd you do that? So life just felt like the gears were grinding all the time. So it's like, yeah, so. Did you grow up with any religious beliefs in particular before this experience?
Starting point is 00:02:20 Did you believe in God? Didn't believe in God? Did you subscribe to a particular faith? I didn't actually know. Interestingly enough, my parents are both Christians. So they used to take us all to church as a family. And I rejected the idea. I didn't feel comfortable with church.
Starting point is 00:02:37 I wasn't an atheist, but I just didn't like the whole idea of church. I've got nothing against any faiths, but as a kid. So my parents were really liberal and they said, that's cool, you can stay at home. So I kind of faked an all-religion, kind of went out of my life, really.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Okay. And that's interesting to me, because I'm going to be interested in your take, post this experience. So take everybody through, look, all of us have defining moments in our lives. They can be big and small, right? That, you know, a defining moment can just be meeting somebody,
Starting point is 00:03:09 defining moment can be leaving a career and starting a business. It could be deciding you're going to lose a bunch of weight. You, my friend, had a real defining moment in one's life to the extreme. And it's one that most of us dream of maybe even have nightmares about, fantasize about, wonder about. You got to experience something that very few people that come back ever have a chance to experience. So take us through what happened first and then the experience post if you would. Of course, yeah. Basically, I was seeing a friend off at the rail station in Cambridge. And I was helping her on to the train with her bags and stuff, you know, and I gave seeing a friend off at the rail station in Cambridge. And I was helping her on to the train
Starting point is 00:03:46 with her bags and stuff. And I gave her a kiss and a hug goodbye and probably didn't leave quick enough because we heard the emergency buzzers going. And as I stepped back, the bottom part of my coat was like a thick sheepskin coat got trapped in the clothing doors as I slammed to. Now, I couldn't pull it out.
Starting point is 00:04:05 I took this hard as I could. Yeah, I yelled at the top of my voice for help, hoping that a guard would turn up, but nobody did. Um, so yeah, yeah, emergency buttons on the side. I whacked those. They didn't work. So I did the engine started to rev up and I was looking into the eyes of my friend Anna and I just saw
Starting point is 00:04:25 sheer terror looking back at me. So I thought, this is it, I'm going to die, you know, because the engines were just ready to go. And the train pulled out and it pulled out a tremendous speed. I heard every gear shifting, you know, and I lost my footing eventually. I got dragged along the platform and then I got sucked between the platform. And then I got sucked between the edge of the platform and the speeding train itself. And down I went, you know. And it's really strange because it's like time it's a stretch because I remember as I went down, I remember seeing the sides of the carriage almost disappear into the sky and I heard this tremendous rip. And then Dan, I went and I was just pulled down into the gates of hell.
Starting point is 00:05:09 It was into this dark, aggressive machine. And I was just tossed around relentlessly like a rag doll. And I was fully conscious throughout the whole ordeal. But I was thrown eventually down to the ground in between the tracks as the train was still continuing on at fast speed above my head. So I just kept my face down into the gravel. Because I knew it wasn't all over yet. I thought part of the undercarriage could just whack me over the back of the head and that would be it. So it's interesting because I was in survival mode basically and so I suddenly
Starting point is 00:05:41 thought to myself remember the James Bond films of 007, you know, all those adventure films, what he would do now He would just put his head down and keep it in a lay flat. So that's what I did You literally have that conscious thought that James Bond in that moment really? I did do yeah I thought a lots of things So actually just as the train was about to leave I suddenly have this thought came into my head I'd seen a news article about two or three weeks earlier where a small child had been thrown from a burning apartment block from the second or third floor and had landed without any injuries.
Starting point is 00:06:15 And they said that's because children infants don't tense up as we do as adults and they just kind of relaxed. So I relaxed my whole body as I as I always drags and pull them to serve. You know, did you feel physical pain? Could you were you experiencing physical pain at the time? I was, but it's interesting. It's like, I thought about it when I was at school and I was a kid, I remember having my first fight in the playground. You know, I remember the first punt really hurt. Then the ones after that didn't hurt so much. So it was a bit like that, if you like, it was very painful, but you kind of like went into this kind of like sort of like, well, it's happening, and it's happening so quick that he didn't really have time to absorb, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:58 the full entity of the pain until the train had moved on, and then I felt it, you know, big time, you know, I was going on. The train actually physically dragged you though, correct? You were dragged by the train. That's right. Yeah, because my coach was still trapped in the doors and it was only the sheer force of me being pulled between the platform edge and the speeding train itself that released me and then then pulled me right under, you know. So when we die, did you have a moment before this and I'll let you please elaborate, don't feel like you need to be brief. But did you have a thought I'm dying right now? Did that happen prior and what goes through one's mind in those final seconds, if anything?
Starting point is 00:07:40 Interestingly enough, it was terrifying, but nowhere near as terrifying as the anticipation, if you like. If somebody said to me like two minutes before, you're going to get pulled along by a train and you're going to get pulled under, I would have just freaked out. But when it actually happened, I dealt with it. My mind went into survival mode rather than what's it called, fly to or fight. So I went into fight mode and decided that I was going to beat this thing. It felt like this speeding train suddenly turned into this big mechanical monster and I felt like it was just me against this huge machine. Yeah, okay, when I got pulled under, I did, I was aware, I certainly felt like I'm just flesh and bones,
Starting point is 00:08:27 and this is a huge chunk of metal going at high speed. It's probably gonna kill me. But as I say, I just kept fighting and I just kept my head together as much as I possibly could. And... Is there a point, David, where you have a thought and then you're no longer in thought? What took place? Do you vividly remember the moment?
Starting point is 00:08:48 Yeah, when you I guess did die or do you not remember that when it happens? Oh, right. Well, I didn't actually die when I went under the train. Okay. So I mean, I survived it and then they took me to the hospital, but yes, you know, clearly I was very near to death. But it's interesting because I saw a documentary with a guy, a US doctor called David Eagleman recently, and he was talking about this. And he said that it often happens that when people are facing death like me and they're in danger, that the mind, the conscious mind sort of leaves and you're able to just go into the state like I was, thinking it through. For example, the rail please timed it on. I said, how long did it take before the moment I got pulled up and then pulled under? They said 13 and a half seconds. To me, it felt like minutes, time has stretched out. It was like I could see everything as well.
Starting point is 00:09:46 I took everything in, like I got this 35 mil wide screen that's suddenly camera being fitted to me, you know. And that is quite regular. That happens to be. I was probably moving you forward a little bit. And I don't want to make sure that I do that. But I'm referring to the moment in the hospital when you, and by the way, if I miss something significant,
Starting point is 00:10:06 there go back because I don't want anybody to miss anything, but I'm sort of thinking, the train incident is taking place, you're now at the hospital. I'm wondering in that moment, and please fill in the blanks in between. Is there something, is there a thought that you now know, you've slipped through the other side or through the veil or Was there a conscious thought this was happening if you would take us through all of those that moment in the hospital If there's anything prior to that please fill it in as well though. No, that's fine I mean basically they got they got me off the rail tracks some out into an ambulance And I was in in the emergency department and I was losing
Starting point is 00:10:43 Chiapu's amounts of blood at this point and the doctors were frantically running around and I was I the emergency department, and I was losing co-op, he's an answer-blood at this point. And the doctors were frantically running around, and I thought, this is it, I'm scared that I'm still gonna go, because I just sound as scared. And I went from that high anxiety and the sheer pain that I was in,
Starting point is 00:10:57 to suddenly I slipped into another place altogether, and the moment of transition was quick, but it was very calm. And I was suddenly in what I felt was like a dark and room and when I say dark it wasn't a foreboding dark it was actually a very comfortable place. And I kind of looked around me to see what was going on. And when I looked around I saw like these beautiful orbs of colours that were like slowly pulsating all around me. And it kept me calm, you know, I felt very relaxed, but I figured at that point that I had died, I thought, right, I didn't make
Starting point is 00:11:34 it. This is it. This is the other side, you know. And I didn't fight it. I didn't resist it. It's not like I wanted to die, you know, I wanted to live, but I was so comfortable with where I was after the extreme horror that I just been through that I just kind of went with it. So I kind of got my bearings as you would do and I looked around and I realized that I was no longer late on the hospital trolley, but I was on a huge rock. It was like a big sort of medieval altar, if you like, and it was made of slate. And I felt very comfortable on lying on this slate, which is odd, because you wouldn't do normally. And I realized I was no longer clothed,
Starting point is 00:12:12 but I was covered in a blue sort of satin sort of sheets, which was very comfortable, really cooling. And I laid my head back and I just kind of went with the flow. And then as I looked up, there were like these three ribs of white light slowly closed in on me. And as I looked up into this light, I couldn't take my gaze away because the purity of this light was just so wonderful.
Starting point is 00:12:37 And it was like, I felt like it was healing me as well. And it was so bright that I wouldn't be able to look into it, you know, if it was electric or sunlight normally, but I just couldn't take my gaze away. So as I lay there looking into this light, I was there and then for some time, I suddenly felt the presence of somebody had arrived, somebody with me.
Starting point is 00:12:58 So I lifted my head and there was, and there was this person stood just at my feet, like an undrodod genus being, you know, like near the mouth or female with this pure white blonde hair and the skin that was glowing from within, it was like this light coming from this being. And it was interesting because he or she was just wearing like a very contemporary black t-shirt like you and I would be wearing, you know, and nothing to a theory at all and I felt like I knew I'd known this being for a long time. I thought who are you? I know you don't I just knew
Starting point is 00:13:31 I just knew that face but I don't know why but I did and he or she just gets smiley back at me and I felt like I was safe and I was being protected by this being so I you So I just laid my head back again and I just kind of figured this is really, this is really, really lovely. This is amazing. And then I felt the presence of that there was other people around me. And so I looked and the wash was either side of me, there was two female forms. Again, the girl to my right was wearing a good contemporary brand dress, long brand hair, kind of European looking. And the girl to my left was more American Indian or Asian Indian appearance and wearing like a more of a traditional dress. And they had their hands just kind of like slowly hovering over my body, almost like sort of
Starting point is 00:14:25 raky healing or something like that, you know, and the energy that was coming from their hands which is so powerful, they didn't touch me but they just kind of hovered over. And to me it felt like they were healing my soul, you know, they weren't just healing the wounds to my body because interestingly enough I checked my wounds because my left arm had been saided in the accident from the elbow down, but as I looked, everything was back in place, everything was fixed, not even a scratch, you know.
Starting point is 00:14:53 So I realized that this healing that was going on was just kind of like healing all the, you know, all the kind of past wounds in my life. It was all that gone because like I said to before, before I didn't feel like I fitted in anywhere in life and I felt like I was struggling. So I felt like a failure basically. But in this place, I didn't feel any of those things. Everything like that had gone, you know, all things of guilt or have you completely dispersed. So I want to stay with you and interject. What's interesting to me is what you're not
Starting point is 00:15:28 feeling to some extent. Meaning it sounds to me as if it's not occurred to you that you have left earth and have died and that's would be a scary and sad thing. It occurs to me. You're not thinking of at least at this moment yet missing friends or family or situations or really even wanting to process everything that's going on that it seems like it's so beautiful and joyous that you're just sort of enjoying it and that override any things I would think logically you would be thinking about in that moment. True or false? Absolutely true, yeah. Yeah. And which is very unlike me up until that point, because I was a very conscious person, and I carried a lot of guilt.
Starting point is 00:16:12 And I always felt like I was the one that was messing up in the family, you know. I remember, because my parents, my family had arrived in the hospital just before I'd left my body, and my mother was in tears, you know. And I was going, I was apologizing back in hospital saying, Mommy, so he's me bringing all these dramas and troubles to the family. I'm so sorry. And she said it's not your fault, which of course it wasn't.
Starting point is 00:16:34 But when I was in this space and in this place, all that gone, I remember actually thinking about my family. Yeah, I thought, ah, I better check on my family because they're going to be pretty cut up now because clearly I'm dead. But it wasn't like a sort of like a sort of, oh my goodness, my family, you know, it wasn't that kind of response. It was like a very calm sort of, right? So I tried to look over the edge of this huge rock that I was on, hoping to see them. And as I did look down, I couldn't see them at all. But what I saw was this amazing size. It was just beautiful, like a huge waterfall of stars that was like that curved around, you know, the size of Niagara, whatever.
Starting point is 00:17:15 But it was just instead of water cascading over the edge, it was just millions of stars disbarquing and just, it was a beautiful sight. And I just thought, wow, this is awesome. I'm not in a small dark room at all. I'm actually in the universe itself, you know? And so I looked up and there were stars all around. And I just thought, and I saw shooting stars
Starting point is 00:17:33 falling through the middle of this. And I looked down to see how far I could see. And I saw what looked like one galaxy then disappearing into another. Then I could see it was like an abyss and then into different colours, into different galaxies and so by now I'm just kind of like feeling this is just amazing, you know. I turned over, this was the moment of truth, I guess, where I did,
Starting point is 00:18:02 when I turned over I felt this energy that I was feeling, when I talked about this energy that was coming from the hands of the healers, it was like an energy of love, you know. And this suddenly that energy had been turned up like a dial. And what had happened was I looked and there was a huge tunnel of white light that was closing in on me. And this tunnel of white light was just surrounded by dramatic flames that were slowly rotating around. And again, I felt no fear. I just felt excitement because it looks so awesome.
Starting point is 00:18:34 And the energy that was coming from this white light was just so powerful that it felt like every molecule of my body was almost like vibrating with this feeling of love that was coming. And when I talk about this love, it's like all the different expressions I'd love. I'd had in my life where there was through my parents, my siblings, all my lovers, or even my pet cat. You know, it was all those different types of love condensed into the one. And it was just like, it's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:19:03 And I just knew at this point that what I was staring at was the source of all creation. You know, this was God. It's actually this tunnel of white light. And that was the source of all creation that I was now looking right at. Are there times where you look back on this event and wonder what was this?
Starting point is 00:19:24 Could I have been under, you been under severe medication and anesthesia and I'm sort of transcending these two places and these are the people that were working on me. I'm wondering if those thoughts have occurred to you post as either viewed this scene, millions of times probably in your mind. It's never occurred to me and that's the truth. in your mind. It's never occurred to me, and that's the truth. As far as I'm concerned, it happened. And it wasn't, there's a difference between an hallucination and a dream.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Dream state and hallucination is a more chaotic and bizarre. And they're also prone to change as well. It's like, if you have a dream, after a bit, if you forget it, or the bandry shift, whereas with a near death experience, you know, it stays with you because it's ultra real, you know, it's as real as I'm sat here now, you know, chatting with you.
Starting point is 00:20:14 And it's, you know, so you can't really escape it personally when you've had any of death experience. Of course, I'm fully aware that I've been, you know, questioned before the, you questioned before the scientific take on it, which is great because without science, I wouldn't be here. It's the least facing in the science, it saves me. Interestingly enough, when I started writing my book, I spoke to a friend of mine who was lecturing in nursing, and I said, would you look at my medical records if I'd get them from
Starting point is 00:20:43 the hospital and see what kind of drugs I was on, and if they were mind bending at the time, and so she did. And I was given some medication when I was on the track, which she said could have had an effect, but by the time, judging by all the timing when I was in the hospital itself and in the emergency department before, you know, I have my NDE at that point, it wouldn't have been in my system enough to have been hallucogenic. If at all, if at all, because it wasn't a strong drug because they were getting me ready to go into theatre. So they had to watch just how much stuff they were putting in my system. Yeah, these beings that were around you, they were human form though in your mind. They were, they're human form in your experience. That's right. Yeah. And, um, you said earlier that that light was the source of the universe and it was comforting and beautiful and I think that gives people great comfort. Then you said, but it wasn't this person in the sky or Allah or one of
Starting point is 00:21:43 these other things. One of the things that is in scriptures that multiple different scriptures, but I'm a Christian, is that that process between here and heaven and the process in getting there is not described, or heaven is, but that transition to getting there for the thousands of words and scriptures is not a highly detailed and documented or described experience. And so I think just for people that have a particular faith because we're not done yet with the story, but I hope you would be too. I hope that there's an opening that could be on the other side of that that you didn't ultimately end up getting to, could be revealed to them in the way that they believe
Starting point is 00:22:24 it currently here on earth, right? So what happens after this comforting, light experience that's so beautiful, what takes place next? Well, I don't know that is the answer to that because we might need a death experience. It wasn't too long after I'd seen the huge time I did it. And I gained that knowledge of what I'd seen was what it was that I came back, crushing back to work. One thing I felt throughout the whole experience was that I felt like I was being prepared for something.
Starting point is 00:22:56 I felt like they were going to send me on somewhere next to the next level, the next stage. I didn't actually feel right. I mean, heaven, you know, I just felt like I'd reached a beautiful, almost like a departure land, if you like. And that's where I thought I was. So I can't answer that and say what happens next. Some people have, some people go into more detail and go on to, you know, and see different things than I do. But I felt that I was, they'd equipped me with enough knowledge to come back and say, and basically try my best to get the message over through different forms, creative forms.
Starting point is 00:23:32 I started painting and started writing music and then I had a lot of fun. Thank you, Peter. Beautifully, by the way, when you go to David's website, everybody, beautiful work. But I want to say something to everybody, to everybody listening because I just think it's such a beautiful experience that there's some confirmation that people like yourself of experience in these NDEs, that my gosh, there is something after this. And for those of you that hold to a particular faith,
Starting point is 00:23:56 I love David's story. It's why I want to David on above everybody else because we don't know what happens at the end of that light. Perhaps the things that you strongly believe in your faith is where you're going to meet your angels or your family members. Other people have said, the met family members on that other side, you meet your Savior, whatever that means to you. But what's most beautiful about this experience is that there was something real that took place in this beautiful, comforting place, that there wasn't misery and sadness and these tremendous emotions of loss. And then the other great news place that there wasn't misery and sadness and these tremendous
Starting point is 00:24:25 emotions of loss. And then the other great news is that there wasn't nothing that it didn't just end. That's it. So I think it's so beautiful. But I want to stay with you and thank you, by the way, too. And I think everyone that's watching this, you can see David's just, these is the beautiful soul. And there's a piece about you that I wish I could have met you prior that I bet I wouldn't experience just in your, your energy and on your face and et cetera. You look like a man at peace. And it's okay.
Starting point is 00:24:54 So this takes place and then what? Because we know you're back. So we know you're here talking to us. So what took place from where we left off? Yeah, so, yeah. So I came back crashing back to my home into my body and all the pain came rushing through and all the, the, the, the sort of high pness of the hospital was there. But interestingly enough, a lot of people said, oh, you must have been disappointed that you came back.
Starting point is 00:25:19 But I wasn't because I was so charged with all this energy that I've just been given from the other side that I felt connected to it. And I just thought, why have they sent me back? What's my mission? And so they rushed me into the fish at that point. And I remember I woke up in the middle of the night after eight hours of being operated on. And I was just in this room on my own with this little R2D2 machine bleeping. And I could think about what had just happened. And I just thought, how am I going to tell the world about this? And I was scared at that point.
Starting point is 00:25:50 I was going to forget it all because I knew nothing about near-death experiences. So I thought it was just me who'd had it. And I thought, I've got to tell the world. And so I decided there and then I'm going to do a painting. And I thought, it's going to be huge. I've never done anything like this before. But I thought, I'm going to do a big rena thought it's going to be huge. I've never done anything like this before, but I thought I'm going to do a big Renaissance style painting, like you see Michael Angelo has done, you know, these big, big scenes, you know. So I thought that's the way I'm going to tell it. So I decided straight from the office,
Starting point is 00:26:16 I was going to do that. And yeah, so once... Was there a point, David, when you were on the other side that you made a conscious choice to come back, that you said I'm coming back or just, you were back. Yeah, no, they made that decision for me. I didn't have any choice. And I'm sure I've been quite.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Who is, who is Dave? Who made that decision? Well, you know, it's, it's, for me, it's, it's, it's the energy of the universe and, and my guides and God. So that decision was made there. It felt like a group thing. It didn't feel like it was just God. It felt like, because my guides that were there, have worked with me still, they're with me. And that first being of that I talked about, I feel like that was my soulkeeper
Starting point is 00:27:06 You know, that was like my you know my my high consciousness if you like they made the decision that you're back Was there a point when you were did someone pronounce you dead in the hospital at one point? What did your heart stop? What do you think caused you to go to that other side? Yeah, I didn't actually die clinically. Some people do, but obviously I've looked into near-death疫s, there's a lot now. And it's a case of when you actually very close to it,
Starting point is 00:27:36 when you're facing death, I was losing so much blood at that point, that I was in danger of just going. So yeah, so they didn't actually pronounce me dead. But, yeah, it's amazing that I survived, basically. So you end up, you come back, you make the painting, you start, you know, sort of expressing yourself this way. I'm sure that when you tell a story like this, that you have tons of support
Starting point is 00:28:07 where people are like, thank you for having the courage to share this, thank you for changing my life. And then I'll bet on the other side you have people going, why should I believe you? Right? And what would you say to somebody listening to this? There's several million people who will hear this today. And they want to believe you.
Starting point is 00:28:23 And by the way, there's hundreds of NDE's that are out there. The reason I chose David's was one the way that he expresses himself. I think he does it in the most respectful way. And I like that there's some mystery left to it that allows people to continue to hold on to beliefs that they, or knowledge, faith that they have to be held dear themselves, including somebody like myself, because of when it stopped, that's my favorite part of this, is that there's still some requisite of faith and frankly mystery to some of this that allows us to hold on to things that we hold to be true.
Starting point is 00:28:59 So what would you say to somebody who just says, you know, you were a guy who hadn't found his way in life, and this is your way now of finding significance in your life. You would say what to somebody who asks you that? Well, I'd say that, you know, the absolute contrast in my life from where I was up before and where I'm at now is just like quite a remarkable change, you know. You know, writing, doing the paintings is one thing, but writing classical music with no formal training at all to this day, and I can't even read or write any single notes of notation, but I'm writing for orchestras, you know, which even
Starting point is 00:29:37 people conductors or orchestras are these top guys, so I'm going to say, I would never be able to do what you're doing. And you do it? You know, so it is crazy. So I was given the, you know, this energy to be able to do this. So that's one thing. But, you know, it's like all I want to do is, you know, it's safe to people that, you know, we never, we don't really talk about death in Western civilization, do we? You know, we haven't done since the days of the plague or what have you.
Starting point is 00:30:06 I'm not saying we should be discussing it every day over our morning conflict, but I mean, we address everything else. Don't be like birth and marriage and taking our driving test. So we should at least stop and never think about what's going to happen because it's going to happen to us all at some point. Well, David, I have this philosophy that we don't talk about it. I agree with you completely yet. I believe we're almost in constant thought about it.
Starting point is 00:30:29 And the reason that I believe that is because I have a belief that our soul is being called in a particular direction all the time. So I actually believe that people who live what I call consciously or intentional lives, I think, is the majority of my audience. They do think about, there's two things they're constantly thinking about that they're unaware of. One is their childhood, and one is their death. And those are the things that cause these emotions that we feel so strongly throughout our lives. I think is because we are constantly being called to these places. To be honest with you,
Starting point is 00:30:57 my childhood and my death someday and where I go after this are the most important things in my life, you know, including my family. It's the most important thing. The most important thing to anybody driving in their car on the treadmill or watching this on YouTube right now is what does happen to me someday? Who am I? Am I a body or am I a spirit? And so I think these are the most important things.
Starting point is 00:31:23 I'm curious. One, it's obviously cause you to live to express yourself very differently. But what about just your attitudes about life? So every day people listening to this right now that struggle with, I've got an electric bill to pay, or I'm going to disagreement with my spouse. I imagine the perspective change has to be dramatic for someone like yourself. And do you ever slip back into being that other guy where things that shouldn't that are pretty trivial end up seeming huge to you on a daily basis?
Starting point is 00:31:52 Yeah, of course. I mean, you know, you don't come back superhuman. So you've got all those things that still stick with you. But you do come back with an, an knowledge of like, well, how I'm gonna say, you know, when I was in that place as I discussed earlier you know all those feelings of anxiety and guilt are gone so I try to go back and remember that um you know in terms of the soul the way that as you beautifully described it
Starting point is 00:32:17 that's great I agree with you on that because I mean that's one of my takes on it all then that is that the soul is far too powerful of thing just to suddenly switch off like a light when we die. Yeah, the bodies do, the bodies stop and then they decay, but I just believe that the soul is so powerful that it continues on. And, you know, the other thing is as well, is like, you know, it's when with scientists and what, have you, that, yeah, scientists are the great, but they haven't got all the answers. We're still, we're not really just touching what's the, you know, the knowledge of the universe, for example, itself. And I kind of figure this is what I always say, and that is, a, say, for example, love, we never question that to eat. Like, scientists are never looking for an answer for that. There's no scientific equation for why we fall in love with another person,
Starting point is 00:33:02 and they do with us. And. But we just let that go. We accept it. So why not accept the fact that as I'm saying that the soul lives on and you know, it's a beautiful thing. If I've ever done a show where I want people to feel more comforted and blessed in their life and also maybe change your perspective too. Like I assume now maybe before you were, but by assume you're not afraid to die. No, I'm not at all. Yeah. And so that's quite a big thing to say isn't it? You know, I'm not going to just come on and say that. So now I don't feel a death at all. So it's it's how does that change things? Do you ever do you wake up some mornings? Like I don't know. There's do you wake wake up somebody's going, did that happen really?
Starting point is 00:33:45 Or is it just such a part of you now? It's a call of the day, yeah. Is it really? Yeah. Sorry, Karyon, yeah. No, no, no, no, no, you answered it. I would think that if I went through an experience like that, I would be so happy. I mean, you basically, for you, answered the biggest question of life. I mean, that's a pretty big deal, brother, you know?
Starting point is 00:34:08 It is a big deal. I mean, I'm going to be honest with you as well. And that is that when I first came back from all experience, when I was just so charged with all this love and this energy that all I wanted us to do is give this love back to everyone. And when I was in hospital, my parents, my family, and friends, same, they used to come in and say, you're amazing, you know, you've been under a train, you can hardly move, you've got all these wires and tubes, but you've got this energy
Starting point is 00:34:33 glowing from you, you know, so I figured, right, I'm going to get outside, yeah, I just can't wait, you know, but the reality is, I was, you know, I came crashing down afterwards because the world is a lot tougher than that, you know, to me, you know, I came crashing down afterwards because the world is a lot tougher than that, you know, to me, I had to go to all sorts of stuff like legalities and things like that. And of course, that's a tough, tough arena in itself. And me coming out, I wasn't armed, I wasn't sort of protecting myself at all, you know, so, so yeah, so there was, it was tough at first just to just sort of think that you can go through your life living off the back of this experience. You still have stress, you still have problems,
Starting point is 00:35:10 but there's greater perspective. It sounds like do you have any practices now that you utilize to enhance your spirituality, your energy, anything like that on a daily basis or on a consistent basis? Yeah, I do actually. I discovered spiritual healing, which I started going to pretty soon after my accident. And that's great. That's brilliant. I mean, it's like not many people seem to know about it
Starting point is 00:35:37 or even take part in it, because it's almost like going to meditation or raky healing as I discussed earlier, because it's just kind of hands on. But I just feel very connected. I go there, for many, that's, I don't just go there now to be healed physically or emotionally. I go there to sort of touch base, if you like. It's like my my church now. So I go there, well, at the moment, it's not happening because of the pandemic, but up to that point, I was going a lot. And I just used to, for example, like, I'd be sat there and the building where we do the hearing is in a, like, an alleyway that goes down to the river. And there's a boxing gym right opposite.
Starting point is 00:36:16 So when you sat there, you go into the silence and you hear these guys laying into a punchback. And normally you'd be thinking, I can't do this, but you know what, I just think immediately I start thinking, well it's a young guy who wants to learn to box, you know, that's great, that's his night, this is mine. And I go into that silence, to that peace, and that sound just goes, and it just disappears, and it's an amazing feeling, and I feel connected, I feel connected with where, with that other side, and I feel the energy through. And it's not just me who feels it's the healers as well who are working with me because they just say, I say, God, you guys are amazing and they say, no, we're not. We're just conducting the energy through and then it goes into you. But they feel it as well.
Starting point is 00:36:58 Do you, what's the picture behind you? Oh, yeah, that's one of my paintings, that is, yeah. That's actually an image that I saw when I first started having spiritual healing. I was, because some of the healers, you know, they're clairvoyant and they would just give you like a little message at the end sometimes, and it's just very short. And one week I was being healed and I saw an image
Starting point is 00:37:17 of Christ right in front of me when I was being in this healing, you know, and I came through or came whatever you call it afterwards, you know, we finished. And we just sat there for a bit and then the heud of turn around to me to tell you know you had Jesus with you to stuck right by you. I was going no way. I said, like I just saw him as well. So of course I had to paint him. So that's him there. He's floating above the river which is right where I was. And I find it fascinating that you keep that picture of Jesus very close to you, by the way, as well. I mean, there's looks like there's some family
Starting point is 00:37:50 and some other work in that picture. What did your Christian parents think of this whole experience? I'm curious. Yeah, that's a good one because it took me about a week to say to tell them, because I thought, they're not gonna get this, because I thought it was just gonna, you know, it's not going to be part of their teachings, it's not going to be you know, in the church. And I wanted them to believe it. So anyway, so when they sat down,
Starting point is 00:38:11 it was in the hospital. I said, I've got to tell you something, this is something really important. So I talked the whole story through as I just told you. And my mom just turned around after was, she said, we know. And I said, you know, how do you know? She said, David, we come in here and you're just, like I said earlier, you got this light that was glowing from it in, you're just glowing with all this beautiful energy. And it's like you're giving out this care to everyone around you, including the nurses.
Starting point is 00:38:37 And so it's like they got it straight away. So that's lovely. So it's interesting because I said to them, I said, do you, does this ever get taught about insurance? And they said, no, it's never really in our favour, it's never really, apart from the resurrection of Christ, you know, it's never really, really disgusting. In fact, I spoke to, because we had like, there was a, a, a vicar or a priest working in the hospital, and I asked if I could see him, he was one of the first guys I wanted to tell. And it was interesting because he was a lovely guy. But I
Starting point is 00:39:09 could see that for him, well, it's like, well, this isn't something that he's been educating sort of, you know, do his role. So it was kind of interesting that he couldn't sort of shift. He couldn't go, all right, you know, he's just. I must tell you, and I know my some of my Christian followers would say, this is an interesting topic because I don't think David said anything. By the way, it doesn't fit into your faith. By the way, if you're a Christian, I don't, I've not heard anything that doesn't. But one of the things I've always, I'm a detail guy.
Starting point is 00:39:36 So as an entrepreneur, I always like, you know, specific details and steps. And so I've talked with at least 30 pastor friends of mine about what do you think the actual process from the moment your light clicks out to when you're in heaven is and that is an Undescribed process heaven is described and some of the transition to there is and there's a few things you said there today that's like that my my Mormon friends believe in celestial levels of heaven And so these things in most faiths are under described when compared to the other elements of detail about how to live our lives better in. The works of Jesus, for example, in the Christian faith and his teachings, this process is one of the least detailed in description. I know a lot of my listeners say they'll begin to send me descriptions, but I'm talking about in comparison to other things. So this entire
Starting point is 00:40:30 story fascinates me and it's extremely interesting to me. Let me ask you this, David, a couple more things. Most people that listen to my show, I think live intentionally, meaning they want to live a better life. They're not sort of just, you know, unconsciously zombie-ing through their lives. They feel emotions deeply, they want to win, they want to dream, they want to achieve, they want to contribute, they want to make a difference. You wouldn't even be listening to something like this, you wouldn't be taking the time, you're listening to music only if you weren't one of those types of people. music only if you weren't one of those types of people. What would you, just life lessen overall,
Starting point is 00:41:07 perspective, life lessen about, you know, the time they all have left, if they're 20 and they've got 80 years left or they're 60 and they've got 30, whatever it is, what would you just say about what you've just covered about life and it's meaning to you and maybe that you would share with them? meaning to you and maybe that you would share with them.
Starting point is 00:41:29 What I would say is be authentic to yourself. Self love, that's why I learnt from the other side, I didn't have that throughout my whole life. You know, and once I'd learnt self love, then I got self confidence and self belief. And then I realised it was just whatever I'd do now is completely authenticate to me. It's like my pathway that I'm taking, you know, all when I started doing the paintings and writing the music, I didn't think right, I'm going to get, you know, I'm going to get a record deal with this. I want to get it out. You know, it just, it things started to doors open of the round of chord because I just focused on what was there in front of me.
Starting point is 00:42:03 So, you know, it's just kind of like, being in the moment, if you like, as well, that's another thing, is just like, try and stop and be in the moment and just, you know, just relax and just focus on what feels right for you. Don't try to aspire and put doors open that don't actually belong to you
Starting point is 00:42:20 because that's never gonna work out, you know. I'm just curious, did you ever have an experience where you saw yourself in the hospital, where you looked down and saw you? I didn't do. No, no. Yeah. I know that I know there's quite a few accounts where people do.
Starting point is 00:42:33 They see themselves, you know, down, but I didn't actually see myself. Okay. I'm just curious about that because that is a consistent theme that I've heard with other people that have gone through this. I wanted to do today and you've done it brother is I wanted people to just hear your story and feel your spirit and I'm hoping that whatever faith you came to this program with today that it strengthened that there's some comfort in knowing that something happened after this man's body stopped working
Starting point is 00:42:59 and and it was beautiful and it was so beautiful that he wasn't even feeling the normal emotions of I better go back, I'm in pain, all of these beautiful things. And so I hope that everybody felt that today. And also your wisdom post, you know, coming back about, you know, life and what it really means to be here. And I just think you're wonderful. And if they want, by the way, if they want more of you, it's actually shine on the Okay. So you want to be the book, shine on the story of you, it's actually shine on the Okay. So you want to be the book shine on the story.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Shine on the story. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So guys, I recommend you get it. There's a little bit more detail than obviously that we've covered today and all the way from what is it probably eight o'clock where you are in the UK, right? You're in the UK.
Starting point is 00:43:39 Well, yeah, roughly around that now. Yeah. Okay. So thank you. Do it an evening interview. We're mourning here in the United States. So it's a pleasure. Yeah, I loved it. I enjoyed it very much today.
Starting point is 00:43:49 I let everybody draw their own conclusions, make their own decisions. And I look forward to talking with you more in the future, David. Everybody else, make sure you follow me on Instagram. We do the max out two minute drill every day on Instagram. I make a post 730 Pacific time. If you make a comment on my post in the first couple minutes or you just comment on every
Starting point is 00:44:06 post every day, you're in a drawing to win all kinds of stuff. Max out gear, right on the plane, tickets to a bench. You meet my guests, you get coached by me, all kinds of cool winners. We pick them every day every week. So God bless everybody, Max out. This is the end of my life, shall we?

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