THE ED MYLETT SHOW - Nick Santonastasso - Zero Excuses

Episode Date: August 1, 2018

Nick Santonastasso personifies the concept of inspiration. Nick was born with a very rare condition called Hanhart Syndrome, only 3 out of 12 others Born with this condition are alive . Although he s...urvived, Nick was born legless and with only a portion of one of his arms. Nick has not allowed any of those challenges to stop him from achieving his biggest dreams. He doesn't use prosthetics to get around—he is pictured usually standing upright on what is left of his legs, rarely without a massive grin. Santonastasso gained fame as a teenager with his prank videos—notably, one where  he dressed up as a zombie and scared Walking Dead actor Norman Reedus. Today, he spends most of his time in the gym and doing motivational speaking.  I am rarely speechless in any interview and don’t lose my composure or control of my emotions. However , there is a moment in this interview of such incredible emotion inspiration that I couldn’t quite pull it together. I know you will feel the same. This interview will change your life, PERIOD. Your life and the lives of your family, friends and colleagues will never be the same again.I’m humbled, privileged and honored to share this inspiring conversation with you.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Ed Milach show the place for leaders dreams and champions Welcome back to max out with Ed Milett this man to my left I think is one of the most inspiring people on planet earth today Thank you, and an unbelievable public speaker for the record that you're going to hear about in a minute But this is Nick Sanitistaso. And as you can tell, Nick and I have been friends now for a while, but Nick has a story to tell as you can tell is probably different
Starting point is 00:00:34 than anyone you've ever heard before. And so I'm excited to have you here today, brother. I feel for the opportunity, brother. You know how much I've wanted you here, and we've been connecting through social media for a while, and I consider you a friend. I appreciate that. And I'm so excited that I'm going to help even get you further exposure to the world. I'm excited. I'm excited. I am too. And so they need to know more about you. So let's get right into your story, man. Let's get into it because I know
Starting point is 00:00:57 there are people watching this. You know it's interesting, man. People are listening to this podcast or watching it on YouTube and they find us in different conditions in their life. Some of them are rocking right now and they want an edge to go to the next level. Some people are sort of trying to find their why. And then there's people that are watching this today that are not where they want to be. They feel like they're falling behind. They're hurting. You know, they're just hurting emotionally, physically, financially, spiritually, they're
Starting point is 00:01:22 hurting. And I think it's the third group, although I think you reach the first two. I think it's the third group that you reach in a way that nobody I know can reach. And so I'm hoping to reach those of you today that are in that category in a very deep way. Those of you that are in the other two,
Starting point is 00:01:37 I think you're gonna take it a notch higher after you here this, but let's talk about you for a second and not them. Okay, do it. So you were born with something called hand heart syndrome. Yeah. Right? And take them through sort of what that is and then sort of what it can really mean for the other people that were diagnosed with it.
Starting point is 00:01:54 1996, you were born. Yes. And so there were 12 people born with it at that time, right? That was 12. You were the 12th and so talk about that. Yeah, so I was the baby of the family. I was the last kid my mom was pregnant with. And you know, the pregnancy was going fine
Starting point is 00:02:07 until my mom, we went in, well, they went in for an ultrasound. And basically, they sat my parents down and pulled up, you know, the baby on the screen. And the doctors are like looking at each other and saying, there's something wrong. My parents are like, what do you mean there's something wrong? And it says, well, from the looks of it,
Starting point is 00:02:21 it doesn't look like some of his limbs are being developed. It looks like he's missing his legs and his one arm. And, you know, after that, they finally diagnosed me with hand heart syndrome. In womb. Was that in the womb they did? Yes or after, okay. Yeah, so they said I had a bunch,
Starting point is 00:02:36 they said like my face was messed up, cleft, like cleft lip, they said a bunch of things to my parents before the birth. Well, that wasn't true, right? Yeah, okay. Yeah, okay. And so my parents looked at each other and said, we're going to see where life takes this. You know, we're going to just have this kid born
Starting point is 00:02:49 and see what he's capable of doing. Thank God because some people might have reacted differently than he is. Absolutely. Thank God, right? Yeah, so I was born. And but before that, they said he's going to be the 12th baby born and out of the 12, eight of them
Starting point is 00:03:00 have passed away due to undeveloped organs. Oh, boy. So what that means is, you know, the baby's born and can't breathe on its own, or it's can't eat on its own, and later passes away. So they gave me a 30% chance. And when I was born, you know, the first thing they did was do test my organs. And my mom, I remember, my mom saying the first thing she remembers is I had a full head of hair and a big smile
Starting point is 00:03:17 and she's like, oh my god, this baby's gorgeous. And yeah, I can remember that. And she, they did test my organs, and it came back 100% healthy, that the only thing were effective with my limbs, all my organs were 100% healthy. Thank God. And so, you know, that's why, that's one of the reasons why living in a state of gratitude,
Starting point is 00:03:33 you know, it's so important. And I shouldn't be here. So like every day, you know, every day we live, every day we're alive, is an amazing day. God bless your mom though. So of the 12 that were born eight didn't make it. Eight of past.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Yeah. And bless your mom. You imagine the the 12 that were born eight didn't make it. Eight of past. Yeah. And bless your mom. You imagine the anxiety of even going into labor that day. You mothers out there, imagine how difficult labor was for you. But also on top of that, knowing that there was this gigantic percentage chance that the baby wasn't going to make it anyway. Your parents are amazing, man. Yeah, I always thank them for that. They made me who I am.
Starting point is 00:04:02 You know, my mindset. Yeah. You're amazing, by the way. I appreciate that. You are. So I'm fascinated by this. When did you figure out you were different than other people? Was there an age that you remember going, hey, I'm different?
Starting point is 00:04:15 Or did you like to never think you were? Well, from the earliest of ages, my parents basically sat me down from when I can remember and said, Nick, the world's not going to stop for you because they're born like this. You know, the world's not going to stop for you because they're born like this. You know, the world's not going to stop and you're basically going to have to figure out how to do each and every thing your way.
Starting point is 00:04:28 You know, Nick, getting on, getting on a chair is going to be a little bit harder, feeding yourself. So basically, in the most polite and nice way, my parents would put food in front of me and say, Nick, figure it out. Seriously. Yeah, or put my clothes in front of me and say, Nick, just figure it out, like, try your way. And that's all they wanted me to do was try my best to figure it out.
Starting point is 00:04:47 And what that did was it got my mindset in the earliest of ages, got my mindset of the rhythm of okay, it's not can't, but it's how. And that's like taking different approaches and that's for everyone, we're gonna have challenges in our life. And they might scare us, they might freak us out, we might be like oh my god, but if you sit back and be like, okay, how? How am I going to do this? How am I going to approach this? So basically throwing reality at me at early age because mom and dad are not going to be around all the time. You're going to have to figure out how to dress yourself and feed yourself.
Starting point is 00:05:15 Because when I was born, the doctors basically handed over a list of my parents and were like, here's all the things you're someone will be able to do. You're someone will be able to feed themselves. You're someone who will be able to dress himself, you know, walk. Your someone will, you'll, your someone will basically be a big baby for the rest of their life. And that's what I tell people.
Starting point is 00:05:29 I said, you know, we have that same choice that my parents had in a different situation. And that is, we can either let other people dictate what we're capable of doing or go out and see what you're capable of doing. Oh my God. And that's the choice. That's the choice we all have.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Yeah, you know, you also give a lesson. Your parents give a lesson. This is going to be unreal all have. Yeah, you know, you also give a lesson, your parents give a lesson. This is gonna be unreal, everyone, just so you know, get ready. You also give a lesson, though, in building a child or building a team. It's like you can't do everything for them, right? They've got to, you need to be willing
Starting point is 00:05:56 to let people figure things out for themselves, so they build that resiliency, I think, in life. I think as a parent, too often, we're trying to do everything for them. Or even as a leader in business, we try to provide every perfect thing for them. Let people figure things out for themselves and build that sort of resiliency amongst themselves. How will we, by the way, when you could do those things? Like I'm curious, where you're certain age you're like, I can dress myself. I mean things like that.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Yeah. Most people take for granted. I think it was probably like, I don't know if it was like three or four, but they threw me into a bunch of things. And the one thing that I always tie into life is skateboarding. That was the one thing. You skateboarded? Yeah, so it was the one thing. My parents were my brother, and not sure who put me on first.
Starting point is 00:06:35 But I compare skateboarding life is because I started off like a surfboard. They put me on my stomach, and it was a cool way for me to get around. I loved it. My brother skateboarded. So, I realized, okay, laying on my belly, I'm not going fast enough. I want more. So then Nick realized that if he sit up like this
Starting point is 00:06:49 and got his balance, and I could really get some speed. And then I, you know, through falling on my face and getting back up and figuring out, you know, what I can do, I wanted more. And one day I said, mom and dad, you know, come outside to learn a trick. And they were like, oh God, you know, what is Nick about to do?
Starting point is 00:07:04 I'll do it here real quick. And so I went up to the top of the hill and like, mom and dad, you ready? And they're like, what is this kid going about to do? And I'm coming down, I'm coming down so fast. And I go by them and I go by them like this. And you know, Fyone, Nick's going by in a handstand. And my face is like two inches from the pavement. And my mom's like, oh my God. And I'm like, you know, did you see that? And the message that I always tell people with that is they saw, you know, when I posted that, people saw the handstand,
Starting point is 00:07:32 but they didn't see how many times I fell in my face. They didn't see the journey. They didn't see how many times that, you know, I scraped myself up and got back up again. And that's the same thing for everyone. We look up to these people. We look up to artists. We look up to DJs, whatever it may be.
Starting point is 00:07:44 We look up to all these people. But what you see currently is where they are at now. You didn't see how many times they got denied, how many times they said they weren't pretty enough, good enough strong enough, whatever may be, they didn't see that. So, you know, documenting the journey is so important is just seeing the grind.
Starting point is 00:07:57 I have to be honest with you, that's the first time since we've talked today. I'm not kidding you, by the way. That's the first time since we've talked today that I sort of, this is gonna sound so weird for everybody, I'm gonna tell you how really the truth. That was the first time since we've talked today that I was conscious of the fact that you did lack limbs.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Do you know that? Like the whole time we've been talking, I haven't really been conscious of that since we've known each other because I don't know why that is. I mean, I just think it's that your spirit so infectious you're just I that was the first time I went, oh yeah, that's right. By the way, that interesting. Yeah, it's really interesting, bro. Like that so you knew you were different. I interviewed I interviewed a guy that's a great friend of mine. Now in his mom's been a friend of mine for and his mom's been a friend of mine for, gosh, 30 years, Cody McCaslin, Cody's missing,
Starting point is 00:08:46 or he's had both legs amputated, and he told me, I just want to know if the lesson's true for you, he knew he was different when he was young, and he said, one of the things that's most difficult when you're in a situation like that is people not asking you about. He says, you know, they just stare at you, right? And he said to me, he goes, you know what, my advice is,
Starting point is 00:09:03 if you see someone who's different than you, by the way, I think this is even true culturally yeah you're mean like if you grew up Jewish and there's someone Muslim that you meet I think they prefer you say hey how did you grow up what's it like right so you see someone different than you and so is that true even as you were growing up would it be easier for you if someone's came and go hey man what's the deal absolutely yeah absolutely and when I got in middle school I say that was a big slap in the face for me. Because before that, honestly, I didn't realize.
Starting point is 00:09:28 I was just going through the motions. I had, I have to say, I was blessed with a great school system, a great set of friends. And I never ran into bullying too much. But when I got to middle school, I realized that since I had an aid in school, that people thought I was mentally slow, just because I had an aid in school. And that I was getting pushed around. that people thought I was mentally slow just because I had an eight in school. And then I was getting pushed around and I realized I was getting different treatment. And I always say middle school in high school
Starting point is 00:09:50 we can all agree that that's the most judgmental time of kids life going to that. And that's when I did realize the kids were pointing or whispering. And growing up, like being like this, you always realize in public, people looking at you. Like it's just a sense you have because I just feel like you're different,
Starting point is 00:10:05 so people are gonna look. So definitely it is better for people to be like, hey, what's going on or what happened? What's up? And I get a lot of people come up and say, oh, thank you for your service. I'm like, oh no, I'm not that type of people. So they thought it was an IUD or something like that.
Starting point is 00:10:17 And I'm like, because I got the tattoos and everything. And I'm like, no, no, no, I'm not that type of hero. I'm not that hero, I was born like this. And it's a lot better when people ask you. Because would you rather someone stare at you and be like, hey, who are you? 100%. By the way, speaking of tattoos, I think you have a bunch of
Starting point is 00:10:33 really unique ones. But I like this one. Tell them what this says right here. If everybody see this, by the way, I don't think the camera can get in there on that or not, Nico. Tell them what that says. So this says, do laugh at me because I'm different and I laugh at you because you're all the same.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Oh my God. And I'm pretty sure it's a Kurt Cobain quote but yeah. That's what everyone's trying to do is try to fit in and try to you know, especially like I said in middle school in high school you're sitting with your little groups and your clicks but like wouldn't you rather the people that organically flock to you because those are your tribe that's your group because those are the people that love you for your authentic you rather than wearing this mask you know. So so that's not like, hey, like, oh, I'm way different than you, I'm better than you know, that's like, you'll be yourself, you know, because you are going to organically attract the right things in your life, the
Starting point is 00:11:13 right people in your life, because you're being who you are. Oh, bro, come on man, that's good. Thank you. That's good. And so I'm curious, you did sort of get into this sort of, you know, you said those the hardest time in your life was middle school and high school, at least beginning a high school. Did you kind of go into a little bit of a depression, sort of down on yourself and then if you did how'd you get out of it? Yeah, so middle school, high school, I was at a all time low for me, you know, and my big question was why, you know, I realized I was different and I realized, you know, some of the negativity of kids there and I mean, I was just like, why, you know, there's billions
Starting point is 00:11:44 of people, why do I have to be on this earth with no legs and one arm, these kids don't know what I'm going through, why? I was pissed off, you know, the universe God, whatever it may be, I was just pissed off that I was in the situation. And when I got into high school, I realized, you know, that I was in the slump, and I realized that, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:00 confidence is a skill, it's not just something that you wake up with, and that's what I thought. When I thought in middle school in high school, I was like, well, I guess I'm just not born a confidence. You know, I thought you either had it or you didn't, but to show people that's a skill and you gradually work on it. So I need to work on myself.
Starting point is 00:12:14 And I'm lucky that I realize that the only person that's gonna make a drastic change in your life, you know, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, like you were talking about is you. You know, you have to take control of yourself. And I realized I was like, man, like one choice, you have one choice. I can either look at all the negative I have in my life
Starting point is 00:12:28 and focus on that, which won't propel me. It will dig me to a hole. Or I can focus on all the good and all I'm capable of doing and that will elevate me. So when I was freshman year, it was funny. My best friend was still best friends to this day. And all my wrestler best friends are, you know, we're so best friends.
Starting point is 00:12:43 But he was a boulder. And in my high school, you know, I was like, man, if I could be part best friends are, you know, we're so best friends, but He was a boulder and in my high school, you know, I was like, man if I could be part of a team, you know Just like a group something a support system. I'll feel better about myself I'll be labeled as you know an athlete if it's a boulder whatever it may be right, you know, I'm an athlete mix it athlete So I that fired me up. So I remember our varsity team was super good and our JV bowling team was undefeated until I joined the team Our varsity team was super good and our JV bowling team was undefeated until I joined the team. And I joined the JV team and I remember, I totally remember, they didn't even have the correct like jersey for me. I had an older jersey so like it's me and like people are like, how's this kid gonna bowl? And I was just like throwing a ball down the lane. And I realized that I wanted much more that it just, it wasn't challenging me enough.
Starting point is 00:13:22 And I wanted something more physical. And so I got my, I got into my sophomore year and all my best friends. I wanted much more that it wasn't challenging me enough and I wanted something more physical. And so I got into my sophomore year and all my best friends. So that best friend wrestled his younger years in like Matt Ratz when he was younger. And so sophomore year they all were on the wrestling team. They all were like all stud wrestlers for my high school.
Starting point is 00:13:38 My older brother was a wrestler for that same high school, but I never got to go to high school with them. So like the coaches knew me. They knew your family. And so I was like man, I thought wrestlers were the coolest thing. You know, the hardest physical sport, like physically and mentally, I want to be a wrestler. So at the time, this arm was about five inches longer than it is now. And my bone was growing faster than my skin. So it was like your finger but super pointy. So I couldn't really touch it on
Starting point is 00:14:00 things. It was super sensitive. It's painful, too. So, yeah, it's painful. So I used to tuck it because if I would have hit my arm hard enough, my bone would have came through. That's how like, yeah, sorry, but that's how like, you know, light it is. And so I made that decision to myself. I said, if I could become a wrestler, you know, if I could be with my friends, you just get after it in the room, you know, it would make me feel so much better about myself and just lift me up. And so I came home one day and I said, mom and dad, I wanna be a wrestler. And I remember I waited for my dad to be home.
Starting point is 00:14:28 And my parents supported me in everything and anything throughout my life. As long Nick, as long as you're happy, we want you to do it. Well, this was a little bit different. I said, mom and dad, I wanna be a wrestler. My mom's like, oh my God, Nick, wrestling's the most physical sport.
Starting point is 00:14:41 If you're out there, you hit your arm. And I was like, I was a 17-18-year-old kid. I looked at him and I said, can we cut it off? Oh my gosh, bro. You did. And they were like, what? And I'm like, can we take care of this? Like, it's not helping.
Starting point is 00:14:54 And it took me a couple of hours, but I persuaded my parents to schedule an amputation. So we found the best doctor. And they basically labored, lasered, five inches of my arm off and did a skin graft. So they pulled extra skin and pulled it over my bone. So I'd have, you know, padding. And I always tell people the only little mountain,
Starting point is 00:15:13 the only little challenge that I saw that was stopping me from wrestling was the fact that my arm hurt. It wasn't the fact that I was born with no legs of arm because I knew that my hard work and dedication, if I worked harder than the able body, it would make up for my lack of limbs. If I put the work and work my butt off,
Starting point is 00:15:29 that this wouldn't matter, it wouldn't matter. So I made that decision and so in my sophomore year, I always say I was the happiest kid to cut his arm off. I was a small bro. So we infuriated my arm in my sophomore year and remember I love food, we're Italian. And I missed Halloween that year because I was in a cast.
Starting point is 00:15:47 I had like, you know, 17 stitches in my arm. And I remember going back to school and I was so happy. Like I said, happy as a kid, just cut his arm off. And people like, dude, what did you just do? And I'm like, oh, you infuriated my arm. I'm going to be a wrestler. And it was the same old, it was the same cycle. It was people, dude, you can't wrestle.
Starting point is 00:16:02 You know, it was, dude, how are you going to be a wrestler? You have no legs in one arm. Like, dude, let's be real. Right. You know, it was, dude, how you can be arrested, you have no legs and one arm, like, dude, let's be real. You know, the outside noise, the naysayers, the haters. And I looked, I said, you're right, I'm not gonna become a wrestler. I'm gonna become a varsity wrestler. And, you know, I think, I think, from the earliest of ages, from, you know, my parents telling me
Starting point is 00:16:17 what the doctors told me and all this, I always cared a little bit of chip on my shoulder to show people what I'm truly capable of doing. Bro, can we just stop for a second here? We just stop. You to go to go wrestle. So there's all these, by the way, a lot of you are parents or you're a young athlete watching this, you go, man, I'm wrestling, man, it's so hard to cut weight.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Or I gotta go to the gym or man, I gotta miss my party on the weekend to go to practice. This guy cut his arm off to go wrestle, right? And by the way, that's going into it, knowing, I don't actually have every other thing going for me to go dominate in this sport. It's actually after bowling, which, by the way, I would love to see you bowl. That this to me is like the coolest visual in the world.
Starting point is 00:16:56 But the fact that you go for bowling just to belong to a team, you know what, screw it, I'm going to a next standard, a next level, I want to go wrestle. Then have your parents kind of still back it, though, man, and do you go to that extreme? Like, what are you willing to do to chase your dream? This guy's willing to cut his arm off, right? Part of it. I mean, what are you willing to do to chase your dream?
Starting point is 00:17:15 What's the sacrifice you're willing to make? And how's it compared to that, right? And with no guarantee, he makes a team. And then to up the end, he goes, you're right, I'm not going to wrestle. I'm going to varsity wrestle. I don't know this, the way did that actually happen? So my junior year I remember getting in the room and I said to my to my buddies because
Starting point is 00:17:30 most of my buddies they're all my buddies now you know like beat me up. I said beat me up slam my face in the mat as hard as you can you know do whatever you need to do because if you hold back on me I'm not going to know how to become the best wrestler I could possibly be and that's the same thing for my parents. If my parents held back and gave me everything, you know, I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't have the mindset I have. I wouldn't be the man I am today if people held back on me. So that was my first thing, my message to everyone, you know, beat me up. Like don't feel bad.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Like I'm here. I'm here for me. Like beat me up. So my junior year, what I was doing was basically just trying to figure out where my strengths were, like what I was good at. And with wrestling, if you go to your back, if you both your shoulder blades touch, it's a pin at six points,
Starting point is 00:18:09 and that's the most amount of points you can give up. So I knew that I needed to work on staying off my back. Even if I couldn't win, if they could techfall me and get a lesser amount of points at a pin, I'm winning. So my junior year, I was like, like I said, I was like one in 20, but my coach threw me out for a four-fit win to get my varsity jacket. And I came off, I was like, I want it.
Starting point is 00:18:32 I never even got my varsity jacket. I never got it. And because to me, I didn't earn it. It was given to me. And I didn't want to wear something that it was just given to me. So my junior year got my butt kicked, big learning learning experience in between the summer of junior year and senior year I kind of got in the weight room a little bit not too much but my senior year I came out as Central Regionals 106 pound varsity wrestler from high school.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Come on dude! Come on! And you know like I said we talk about moments of confirmation and moments of reassurance it was just like this is what you're, you know, regardless of, you know, how I got to 106 pound varsity wrestler, it was, you know, I stuck through the journey and I made it. So at that point, I'm still trying to find my why, you know, Nick's confidence is, you know, I got a little bit, you know, I'm part of the wrestling, I'm hanging with the wrestlers, I'm a senior wrestler, you know, I'm a varsity wrestler. But I would go out and there would be gymnasiums packed to watch me wrestle.
Starting point is 00:19:26 There would be standing on vacations when I lost, and I hated it. I was like, why are you clapping for me if I just got my butt kicked? I did give it my all, I always gave it my all, but why are you clapping for me? I'm not supposed to applaud losing, I'm a competitor. And I came off the mat one day,
Starting point is 00:19:40 and this lady came up to me, and she was crying, and I'm like, oh my God, you know, what did I do wrong? Yeah. And she said, Nick, I want to thank you. I said, for what? You know, 17 or 18 year old kid, what? And she said, my son or daughter never wanted to do a sport. My son or daughter never wanted to do an extra-curricular activity.
Starting point is 00:19:57 They want to try all these things. They saw you on the mat and they're like, oh my God, I want to try this mom. I want to try that. And that was my quantum moment of I was just trying to live my life to the fullest. I was trying to find my purpose, and I was motivating and passively. I was motivating and changing lives passively on the sideline.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Imagine how many people I could change for the better, how many perspectives I can change for the better, and motivate people if I focus my energy and helping people. And that's when I realized that I, boom, here's your why Nick, you are, Nick. You are an example. You are an example. You know, like, you accepted this life before you even were
Starting point is 00:20:30 in here and you are here to be an example for those that think they don't can't. A lantern, a lantern for others. To spread light. Dude, you are that. And I told everybody when we started, you would inspire. I'm trying right now not to tackle you myself because I'm so freaking fired up.
Starting point is 00:20:43 And I'm afraid you might rustle me back to the ground. I don't want to be pinned. But I'll be freaking fired up and I'm afraid you might rustle me back to the ground. I don't want to be pinned. But I'll be honest with you, brother, like there's so much here. Usually in interviews, I want to jump in and add, but this is too good. And so I do want to say one thing to you,
Starting point is 00:20:54 that part about letting the tone of the guys to beat you up is such a great lesson for everybody watching this because you wanted to go through the real deal. And I'm thinking about all the things that people use to, they use as an excuse to stop, they use as an excuse to hold back, right? And you've just never done that before. And it's sort of just crazy to me.
Starting point is 00:21:16 And one of the things I found out about you, obviously your competitor, right? But you're also real grateful. And I think that was a surprise a lot of people that someone who got a little bit bullied and teased as a young guy, nothing came out perfect, nothing's easy for you, right? But yet you're really a grateful dude to talk about how important gratitude is for you in addition to all of this intense competition you've been through, how important is gratitude?
Starting point is 00:21:43 I feel like gratitude, if a person can just live and say to gratitude, he could change their whole entire life. And I can make this quick and simple and easy for everyone to comprehend. Me, a man with no legs and one arm, there are millions of people as we sit in this couch that would switch places with me in an instant because they just
Starting point is 00:22:00 don't have it like me. There are kids and adults that are confining wheelchair beds. There are kids and adults that are confined in wheelchair beds. There are kids and adults that are paralyzed in wheelchairs that look outside and say, man, I wish I could just go outside and breathe the fresh air. I wish I could just listen to the birds.
Starting point is 00:22:13 I wish I could get out of this hospital bed. Like it gives me chills. That's all the motivation I need because I know that my situation isn't bad. And the sad thing is that there's people in full bodies that say, oh man, his life's bad. No, it's not. You know, the biggest disability is a bad mindset. It's not this. It is not this. It's people don't have their mind right, Ed. It's people are just
Starting point is 00:22:34 like, oh my God, I can't do this. I can't do that. No, you're truly capable of anything. You put limits on yourself. The only limits you have are the ones you put on yourself. So to go back to gratitude, like, I'm start being grateful for that you woke up today. Start being grateful that you were in a bed. There's people sleeping, you can go outside, there's people sleeping on the sidewalk. Like, how can you not be grateful?
Starting point is 00:22:56 So living in a state of gratitude and waking up and starting your day off with gratitude, you know, listening five things you're grateful for, thinking about five things you're grateful for, you'll notice that your mind gets in a rhythm and at first it may be big things like, oh, my family, my house, whatever it may be, but then your mind will get in the rhythm
Starting point is 00:23:12 and start thinking about the little things. The little things you're grateful for, like, man, I got good health or man, I got food in the refrigerator or, you know, I got friends, you know, the little things, your mind starts to just become grateful for the things around you and you realize that the things you complain about on a day-to-day basis and the grand
Starting point is 00:23:27 seem of life, they're not problems. Bro. We don't have problems. Like, man, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, I do, but you live it. And I think there's something powerful about people who are authentic, who actually walk the walk, to do the things they say they're going to do, which is what you do.
Starting point is 00:23:46 And like, you're walking the walk isn't the same as other people, because you have to walk differently. Are there days you're down? Are there days you're like, hey, man, even today? Are there days now? This, look, you're accomplished. You're now a sought after speaker, right? You inspire people like me, who,
Starting point is 00:24:04 and ain't easy to always inspire me, right? Like, there's gotta be something special about someone to inspire me, like sitting here with you. I can feel my emotions, I'm trying to hold them, right? Like my intensity, my passion, my tears for some reason, like I'm holding it in because I wanna have a good interview with you, right? But like, you induce that in people you're special.
Starting point is 00:24:22 But are there days you're down? Absolutely, and I always tell people, I'm not the energizer bunny all the time. You know, I do have the low days. Yeah. And I actually had a low day. I'll be honest, I had a low day. It was my birthday at the May 20th. And that weekend, we went to Miami.
Starting point is 00:24:37 And I had a low day because I went out in public and just trying to mingle and talk to girls. And maybe the one interaction when a girl didn't go the way I wanted to. And all these thoughts going in my head, oh my god, she thinks you're disgusting. It's because you have no legs when arm. And these are the things that you go through. Those moments of down and I was down. Like, those guys, they were like, do you want to go out? And I'm like, no, I'm good.
Starting point is 00:25:03 I'm due to your birthday weekend. No, I'm good. Because like one moment, it's important to know that one moment can induce those toxic thoughts in your head. But the important thing about that is when I'm in those low moments, and this is for everyone needs to do this, when you're in those low moments, embrace it. What are you feeling?
Starting point is 00:25:18 How are you breathing? How do you feel and realize that this is not a state I want to be in? So embrace that low time. I'm like, oh my god, I feel like poop. You know, I don't feel good. This is not a state I want to be in. So embrace that low time, be like, oh my God, I feel like, I feel like poop, you know, I don't feel good. This is my low state. You know, these are all the things that I don't want to go through and the thoughts that I don't want to think about.
Starting point is 00:25:33 And that's the thing, you know, embrace that time, embrace that state and realize that, oh my God, I don't want to feel like this and then get out of it. And the way to get out of it is start thinking positive affirmations you know start thinking about because your mind can only think about one thought so if you're thinking about something negative you know change that thought so I start to think to myself I am beautiful I am confident I am an athlete I if that girl doesn't want to talk to me that it's an organic filter and that's the type of people that I don't want to be around Nick Nick it was it was helping you she's not the girl you want to be around she's looking at you for this helping you. She's not the girl you want to be around. She's looking at you for this.
Starting point is 00:26:06 Right. So that's one of the things that helped me so much because not gonna lie, girls is still a part for me. You know, and you know, especially as a 22 year old guy, you know, it's a low point for me, but to realize that me being in the situation, like we said about the tribes, it organically attracts the right people you want to be with.
Starting point is 00:26:26 So if a girl is going to not talk to me, or just not even respect me for the my lack of limbs, okay, fine, take a hike, because you are not the person that I want to be around. Bro, remind yourself of that, please. Absolutely. That's, shoot, this is good. Like, it's so true because there's all guys 22 years old
Starting point is 00:26:44 or have these diffuses. By the way, why does she like you? Just because you're good looking? That's the reverse. You got a couple bucks. Just because you're an athlete. Then you end up, it's an odd filter for you that's actually to your benefit. Absolutely. It is because eventually you're going to find a woman who loves you for you. As you're blowing up, you are now, she's actually pretty happy for you, if you do have money, like you are now, she's actually going to love you for you, where it's like, if you do have money,
Starting point is 00:27:06 if you are successful, if you are like, someone's mind's perfect looking or whatever, right? Like, you'll never know if they love the you that you. So you actually have this, it's bizarre that you're right about that, and I want to acknowledge it, you're right about that. And thank you for being honest about it too. I've got it.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Because I have down days too all the time, and I'm curious that how you would advise somebody though that faces their own adversity. Like, hey man, I'm facing my own adversity right now. I'm looking at you man, I'm like, okay, this dude goes after bowling. Then he goes for wrestling. We're talking a minute of the, by the way, that's not the end of this guy's athletic career. Okay, it ends up getting even better if you're wondering if that was like the end of it.
Starting point is 00:27:43 No, by the way, was he a dominant wrestler. I think the most inspiring thing is you didn't win all the time. I can't win my senior. By the way, that's massive, right? Because those two wins are more inspiring. See, I think the 14 or 15 not wins makes you more inspired. Well, I was 17 and one to you like, all right, so you just crushed everything, whatever. I think it's more inspiring. I told you that beforehand. But I'm curious, curious what would you say to somebody's going through their own adversity right now They could get advice they get to sit here with you go hey man. I'm going through some crap right now What would you say to him? I'm going through adversity. I would say you know realize that
Starting point is 00:28:17 For the things that you may think you're discussing right or may think are bad about you are probably your biggest strengths and your biggest Influences because that was that was the case for me. When I was at that low point, I was like, I'm disgusting, I don't wanna go in public, I hate the fact that I'm born with no legs in one arm. It turned out the things that were, I thought were the most negative about myself,
Starting point is 00:28:36 the most unattractive disgusting, became my biggest empowerment and biggest influences. So people who, they're going through adversity, embrace your difference, it stands out, you know, they're going through adversity, you know, embrace your difference, you know, it stands out, embrace you. You know, embrace what you struggle with and what you're good at and focus on what you're good at. And, you know, I think it's about working on yourself.
Starting point is 00:28:55 And people, I feel like people don't work on themselves enough. And if that's just like, hey, I'm gonna wake up a little 30 minutes earlier, a little bit, you know, this week, you know, impact yourself on the back or I'm gonna eat healthy, you know, just up a little 30 minutes earlier a little bit, you know, this week, you know, impact yourself on the back, or I'm gonna eat healthy, you know, just working yourself a little bit, a little bit, a little bit, and it's like you talk about
Starting point is 00:29:09 the relationship you build within yourself. Yeah, right. You know, people may not have that relationship with themselves, and they're looking to try to build relationships with other people, you need to start with you. You need to start with your relationship. So it's just like little microsteps, little stepping stones to becoming a better you.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Yeah. And that's what I say, as long as we're moving forward, a little bit of a time progression is winning. And as long as you're not going backwards, I always tell people, you're the growing or you're dying. Pick one. And as humans, we love the feeling of progression. We love the feeling of growth and moving forward.
Starting point is 00:29:41 So if you just take those little steps of moving forward, you'll start to, you know, you're like, oh, I feel good, you know? Bro, it's so true. And like, you, let me tell you one thing, you have your, I'd have to go back and look at you, you've used the word disgusting five or six times. Just want to point out something to you right now.
Starting point is 00:29:55 And you said it, or you said embrace the state you're in. One of the reasons you need to embrace the pain of where you're at is it's a catalyst to change. And by the way, it's okay to have down days. It's okay to feel pain because I want to say this to you, too, because it's the contrast of life that give us our richness, because it's on the days when you feel the most studly, the most fit, the most strong, which is what we're
Starting point is 00:30:17 going to talk about. I have a major story for that too. It's okay. I want to hear it because the contrast between those two is what gives you the juice in life. It's okay to embrace those days. I'm like, I don't feel like I look good. I don't feel strong today. So give me your story on that though.
Starting point is 00:30:29 I want to hear it. We wouldn't know what the winds feel like if we'd never lost. So we need to embrace that hard time. I totally believe that by the way. And yeah, so one of the things that I talk about is the meaning you attach behind things, right? Because I can have an event that you may think's tragic,
Starting point is 00:30:42 but I see all the good in it. And I always, for the kids, I like to break it down and be cultured with the kids. I'm like, have an event that you may think's tragic, but I see all the good in it. And you know, I always, for the kids, you know, I like to break it down and be cultured with the kids. I'm like, take an L that you think an L, extract all the good from it and turn it to a W because it's a learning experience. Everything's a learning experience. You can pull a good thing from every negative event, whatever negative event that you think's negative. It's good. It happened, you know, it happened for you. Yes. And so, for example, I mean, we're jumping around, but for example, Oh, no one I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:31:07 The meaning you attached behind things, this was in a perfect example, how I took, you know, a negative moment, and, you know, I can't snap my finger, but in a snap of finger, you know, took it to a good. So, I was, I had the opportunity to work a UFC event in Madison Square Garden, and so I got to work the red carpet, interview some of the fighters, celebrities. Yeah. Nick was feeling like the man on top of the world. Okay. You know, nothing could stop me.
Starting point is 00:31:27 I'm rolling. Yeah. And it was time for me to go home. I was traveling alone. So I got to the airport. And with flights, it's either, you know, you have sign seating or it's first come for a serve. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:37 And I'm going to wheel it here so your boy gets to skip the line. Yeah, right. So I get there and I get in the best seat of the plane and I sit towards the window. So there's two seats here, you know, and best seat in the plane. And I remember the flight attendant. She said this is going to be a full flight. I'm like, sure, you know, I already got my seat like, you know, and the plane started to fill in and people were like, looking at me and looking away or they were like, hey, look at this guy or, you know, and I see that stuff. And so, you know, the plane started
Starting point is 00:32:01 to fill in every seat is getting taken except these two and I'm looking at the window and I'm starting to cry. You know, I'm starting to tear down and, you know, the planes started filling every seat getting taken except these two. And I'm looking at the window and I'm starting to cry. You know, I'm starting to tear down and, you know, like I said, I was on top of the world dead. And I'm looking at the window and it brought me back to that time in middle school. You know, when people were just like, freak, you know, all those little voices came over my head and I started crying. And finally, you know, the plane filled in and two gentlemen had to sit down and they're here. And I'm looking at the window and you gentlemen had to sit down and they're here.
Starting point is 00:32:25 And I'm looking at the window, I'm trying not to let myself cry. And I said, Nick, what would you tell the kids? You know, in this situation, but kid was in this situation, what would you tell them? If an adult was in this situation, what would you tell the people you speak to? I said, it's a meaning I attached behind it. You know, it's a meaning I put behind this event. So I told myself, I can either let this, I could be so upset this whole right home, cry home. I could cry that day, let it affect me for a week, a month, you know, we stack things. So I could let this affect me for, you know, however long, or Nick
Starting point is 00:32:52 could be so pumped up about the fact that he is the most legroom in this plane. And that in that second, I was like, oh my God, I'm grateful. Like, oh my God, you know, look at all this space. And I needed to take myself to that negative spot, but like say, OK, and then switch it and say, you have the most leg room in this plane. That's what you need to be happy about. Not the fact that these two people don't want to sit next. You're so spacious, pulling the good from a situation. And that is the importance behind the meeting
Starting point is 00:33:18 you attach behind things. Because we all have low events. We all have events where we just think it's bad, but in the end, it's working towards us. I'll never forget that story, bro. Thank you. Bro. Woo.
Starting point is 00:33:36 I never stop interviewing someone. I can stop. I will never forget that story. Thank you. Wow. I'm glad I got to share it with you, bro. I've never been quiet on one of these. Wow. I'm glad I got to share it with you, bro. I've never been quiet on one of these. Wow.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Can you tell me? Dude, it's so good. Thank you for sharing that. Thank you, man. Yeah, man, I think you're amazing, brother. I just think you're amazing. That got me. I wanna talk a little bit about some of the things
Starting point is 00:34:01 you've achieved. That's just, that story is just, wow. Beyond just wrestling, the sky ends up, I've watched this by the will of feeding some B-rolls, you guys are watching this, Sky's a weightlifter and a bodybuilder and a really good one. We're talking off camera about our diets and training
Starting point is 00:34:17 and the pros and cons of doing that. And it's interesting, right? Just keep flashing back, I said I keep wanna say this to you, but it's only when you tell me a story like that, or when you make that move that I think about you like, oh, he does have a case your spirits so massive. Thank you. I just don't think about it. It takes me back that I don't, frankly, right? Like, you're stud in every sense, man, like a massive freaking champion in every sense man, like a massive, fricking champion in every sense. By the way, the Lord also wired you with this unbelievable ability to communicate your thoughts in a really
Starting point is 00:34:50 passionate, intense, emotional way, which is why he's such a sought after speaker, because it's one thing to live what you're living and to achieve what you've achieved. It's another thing to be able to articulate it where people can actually picture it and see it emotionally. Like, I'm picturing you on that airplane. That's a gift. So God also wired you with the gift to speak. And so if you have an organization everybody, right? And you want somebody to come in and inspire them and teach them, take their excuses away,
Starting point is 00:35:17 give them the tips and strategies that does it. This man has just got the example beyond belief, but also the ability to communicate it. And so before we move into the body building, stuff we might as well tell them in the middle, because you always don't want to wait to the end. So how do they find you? Do they go to your social media? If they do, how do they find you there? And how do they find you to speak?
Starting point is 00:35:35 Because I know people watching this are like, okay, I want more of this dude. More of it, I'm even getting the time with my let. How do they find you? So on all my platforms, it's at Nick Santas-Taso, my Instagram. If you type in Nick No Legs, you know, your boy pops up.
Starting point is 00:35:47 That's all right. Yeah, Nick No Legs. So keyword is Ed. Nick No Legs, okay. It's good enough. It's my, for booking, it's booking at Okay. But, you know, that email is linked to my Instagram.
Starting point is 00:35:58 And my Instagram is at Nick Santa Nostasso. Okay. And so they can find me there, but I'm on YouTube and everything. It's everywhere, which by the way, Wes will do that before bodybuilding. Let me go there first. So one thing you may not know about him But let's do blew up on vine, right? And doing I love that you took
Starting point is 00:36:11 Your gift, right? Because I actually consider this now your gift Amazingly, it's your gift and you're what you've done with it is magnified it, right? And so You've taken that gift and you used it for like humor and pranks and stuff So a lot of them may not know this but like also social media is a place where they can be entertained and informed and inspired, which they can through with you. And some of these videos are out there still YouTube and stuff. So tell them a little bit about what you did. Because it's like, man, you talk about parlaying something like taking something.
Starting point is 00:36:39 Some of my things are deficient. You go, nope, flip it this into a massive strength. You did that on Vine with these pranks and stuff, so tell them about that. So when I was a senior, when all that wrestling stuff, and you know, I was gaining that confidence, the ad Vine came out and the hell was like, oh, I'm going to put myself on the internet, you know. And my thing was, okay, if I can motivate and inspire people, that's great, but I also want to make them laugh because I love making people laugh.
Starting point is 00:36:59 And so, you know, I had a mastermind, a little like group session with my friends, and I'm like, what has never been done before? What has never been done? Because of a post-up thing that's never been done, it's got to go viral. And I'm like, guys, is there any legless guys crawling around Walmart pretending to be a zombie? No.
Starting point is 00:37:14 And they're like, exactly. They're like, no, let's go. So I lived in New Jersey. I was in regular clothes, and I put fake blood on my face, fake blood on my clothes. I said, let's go to Jersey, which that Walmart had been kicked out like three times. Like, dude, just don't come back anymore. You start doing much trouble.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Did they really? Yeah, yeah. I've been kicked out of that Walmart for Franken. And so we were looking for a victim and there was a, we, we go down the aisle and this guy's looking at paper towels and I'm like, yo, pull out the camera. And so I come around this corner like, and and throws the paper towel at my face. And I'm like, was it six seconds? And like, dude, we got it in six seconds.
Starting point is 00:37:49 You got him six seconds on mine. Yeah, six seconds. So be creative as you kind of six seconds. Oh my god. And so I'm on my way home, still in school. And on the way home, I told myself, I said, if this reaches 500 kids, 500 kids and adults, and they could just see, they could see,
Starting point is 00:38:02 look how happy Nick is. Yeah. Look how happy Nick is joking around. Maybe I could be a little bit happier in my situation. That's all I wanted. I woke up the next day, had over 80,000 likes and over 80,000 revimes. And it went internationally viral. And news articles from all over the world.
Starting point is 00:38:16 But Ed, the one that stood out to me the most, the title was NJ Teen, born with disability, turned it to a positive. And that's all I wanted from people. That's all I wanted people to say, well, look at him making the best of a situation, because life hands you one hand, one hand, and you gotta make the best of that hand.
Starting point is 00:38:34 You gotta play it to the best of your ability. So I wanted people to show, oh, maybe my situation's not that bad, or maybe I could play my hand a little bit better. That's all I wanted for people. So, you know, that picked up, and I posted a bunch. Now it was just funny.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Now it was just posting funny videos. I'm zombie pranks, some other things. And I gained a million followers in under a year doing that and created this outlet. And that led me to Fox International hiring me to scare Norman Reedus, the main actor, the Walking Dead in Tokyo, Japan. Yes.
Starting point is 00:38:58 Which, you know, I always tell people the meaning, the meaning behind all this is, when you start to focus your energy on serving others and helping others, the universe comes back with amazing opportunities, amazing opportunities. And it's not some voodoo stuff, that's real. The energy you put out, it comes back 10 fold when you try to help people. So that's all I want to do is help people. And so yeah, you think you can make people laugh?
Starting point is 00:39:20 No, but seriously, you fully embrace the noise in that to me. It's hilarious, it's funny, but you're like, hey dude, but seriously, like you chute, you like fully embraced the noise in that to me. Like it's hilarious, it's funny, but you're like, hey dude, it's like you just say, look, I know you're thinking this about me, I'm gonna make it hilarious, right? And I gotta tell you, like I'm picturing this dude in middle school, starting to get pointed at and made fun of, and then he finds himself
Starting point is 00:39:39 just a few short years later in Tokyo, Japan, million views, doing something that high profile. It's this freaking unbelievable. I appreciate that. You've also, though, I talk about earlier, I don't want to just tease it, because you don't have an athlete, or I used to be, or I think I am.
Starting point is 00:39:52 I still think I'm an athlete. You've turned this thing into now, like, you look real weight-spirer. Like, it's not like, oh, you look sweet, isn't that neat? I'm like, watching your stuff. I'm like, you have found, like, you just won't be stopped.
Starting point is 00:40:04 It's like, okay, I'm going to do bench press. You think I can't do bench press, I'm going to do it, and you, I'm watching neat? I'm like watching your stuff. I'm like, you have found, you just won't be stopped. It's like, okay, I'm gonna do bench press. You think I can't do bench press, I'm gonna do it. And you, I'm watching your, I'm like, what the heck, this dude's unreal. So, you ended up going, nah, I don't wanna just lift weights. I wanna do some bodybuilding.
Starting point is 00:40:16 Well, yeah, so, from the bossy. Yeah, so I was posting the pranks, and I actually moved out to LA. I was supposed to be a core cast member of an impractical yoga show. Yeah. I feel like a disabled cast, so you could pull some pretty cool pranks. Oh gosh, yeah, that would be great idea. I moved out there to LA. I was supposed to be a core cast member of an impractical yoga show with a disabled cast. So you could pull some pretty cool pranks. Oh, gosh, yeah, that would be great.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Yeah, I moved out there. I was 18. I moved out there with a roommate, just me and my roommate, and 18-year-old kid LA is expensive to live in. And I was living, it was paying $2,000 a month for a little shack of a loft. And two weeks after I saw my lease, they canceled the show. And I didn't have any income. I went broke. And talk about how I saw my lease, they canceled the show and I didn't have any income.
Starting point is 00:40:45 I went broke. And you know, talk about how my mom was like, as long as you're happy, we love you, my dad was like, well you're happy, but you need to be independent, you need to make money. So that was always in my head. I was scared. I didn't know how to be financially independent.
Starting point is 00:40:58 I didn't know that I can't work with some regular job like people. Oh my God, like what am I gonna do? So I'm sitting in LA and I'm broke and I refuse to tell my dad I'm broke. I mean, I'm eating like peanut butter and tortillas, like, you know, low point for me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:11 But like, I'm grateful for that experience. I'm grateful because I live like that. I know that I can live like that if I ever went, you know. Yeah. So I moved home, I moved home back to my parents in Jersey and I said, Nick, what's next? And I said, that could have been a low point.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Yeah. Yeah, but I was like, you need to said, Nick what's next? And I said, that could have been a low point. Yeah, yeah. But I was like, you need to stay on, what's next? And the kid I wrestled, one of my best friends, Josh that I wrestled with, you know, we're still best friends at his day, he was always a big dude, he was always lifting. And I thought to myself, I said, well,
Starting point is 00:41:36 if I get in super good shape, which, I don't know how to do it yet, but if I get in super good shape, love that. If I get in super good shape, how marketable is that? Because you can't buy a fit body. They can't take away from me my shape. I put, you know, put my blood, sweat, and tears in this. They can't, it's very marketable too.
Starting point is 00:41:50 So from a business standpoint too, but I did, I did want to look good naked, you know, I wanted to look good. I'm a good store. And, and I knew that would, that wouldn't still more confidence in me. I'd be more comfortable with my body because I was at a shape doing pranks.
Starting point is 00:42:01 So I'm like, Josh, you know, Josh, and I had another buddy, Ryan, that helped me right in the beginning, and I said, you know, this is what I wanna do, I wanna take over the fitness industry because there's no one like me. I'm a unicorn, you know? So if you put me in the industry and I excel, it's gonna catch.
Starting point is 00:42:13 Yes. So for the first year, I posted, you know, these lifting videos, I had no idea what I was doing. And that's what I always tell people, we are the architects of our life. And even to every day, we have the ability to learn what everyone will learn and implement it. You know, if you don't know it, learn it and implement it.
Starting point is 00:42:26 But that's the thing. Maybe people are just learning things and not taking action, but you know, you got to implement it. So I'm posting these fitness videos for a year and, you know, I told people, I told all my following from, you know, pranking, I said, guys, this doesn't make me happy anymore. This doesn't fulfill me and, you know, when I have kids, I want them to know me for much more than crawling around Walmart.
Starting point is 00:42:44 So I was like, I want to become a fitness. I'm going to become a bodybuilder. I want to become a keynote speaker and I want to break into the mainstream modeling industry. I put out all my goals. I put out all the things that I wanted to accomplish. I said these are the things I want to want to accomplish. I don't know how I'm going to do them. You either support me or not but this is what I want to do. So for the first year I was posting these lifting videos with you know my buddies and I was getting on follow. You know, hated on. you do, we love your pranks, you know, why are you doing this, you know, how you can become a bodybuilder, you have no legs, one arm, like all this stuff, the same cycle, you know, when I wanted to be a restless
Starting point is 00:43:14 same cycle, so I was used to it. I've used to the people. You've seen this show before. I was like, you, I was like, you guys are thinking, this is a phase for Nick, but this is going to be a lifestyle. I'm going to, I'm'm gonna crush this. So that's what I tell people. I was going into the gym and it was just trial and error. And that's life. Falling in your face and figuring out which approach works for you. Because I couldn't go in the library and say,
Starting point is 00:43:32 oh, no legs in one arm, this is how you lift. You know, it wasn't there for me. So we would go into the gym and figure out, you know, how to work. Well, actually the first six months, I wasn't even working this side. I was like, oh, I don't need this side. You know, I'm just gonna bench press on this side,
Starting point is 00:43:44 work this side. And then I fell in love with bodybuilding. I fell in love with the way it felt, I wasn't even working this side. I was like, I don't need this side. I'm just gonna bench press on this side, work this side. And then I fell in love with bodybuilding. I fell in love with the way it felt therapy. You know, the iron, this is a therapy. And so I was like, this is something that I really want to do. And I don't want to do it half-ass. I want to do 100%. So I need to figure out this side.
Starting point is 00:44:00 So basically, it was just like going in there, which micro-moomance can hit this, with the bands or with resistance and how I'm gonna activate that latch, just going in and figuring out different ways. And my knowledge in nutrition got better, my knowledge in training got better, my physique started to change.
Starting point is 00:44:12 So people are like, uh-oh, this... It changed big time though, what ended up happening? Tell them what happened. I mean, one of the things that happened is you ended up being competitive in shows, right? So I wanted to, you know, immersion. I wanted to basically just get in a better environment. And New Jersey, there wasn't much of a bodybuilding environment.
Starting point is 00:44:28 Okay. So I moved to Tampa about nine months ago. I moved to Tampa nine months ago. And when I moved, I promised myself, I promised my family, my friends and my supporters. I said, guys, I'm going to step on the stage. The competitive bodybuilding stage for Men's To Zeke before 2017 was over.
Starting point is 00:44:44 So not only was that holding me accountable, but that was basically throwing myself in an uncomfortable situation, it forced me to level up. And that's what people need to realize is, if you don't think you're ready for something, jump into it. Just because it's going to force yourself to learn what you need to learn to excel.
Starting point is 00:44:59 And so embrace the uncomfortable time. So I'm like, Nick, you don't know it, but you'll learn on the way. And so I did a 12 week prep, and my best friend to the stay Cody, Cody and Mitch, Cody trained me, basically dedicated my whole 12 weeks to the prep to training me. And I gave everything to that prep
Starting point is 00:45:17 because I was basically making history. No one stepped on the stage looking like this. And the thing is, people would have gave me an applaud if I stepped out at 12% body fat. But that wasn't me, no way. I'm like, people clap anyway. I'm coming out shredded. Just like the wrestling, same thing.
Starting point is 00:45:34 Don't grab it when I lose. I'm going to go in. Yeah, exactly. So I was like, I'm going to come out like the best I could possibly be. How shredded were you? It was pretty shredded. I was probably like five or six percent.
Starting point is 00:45:44 And so 12 week prep, and actually 10 weeks into my prep, I went out to Mr. Olympia to because I had a big, I have a big following in fitness, you know, bodybuilder. People know me all over for bodybuilding. So I wanted to go there and that's a recharge for me for people saying, you know, oh my God, you motivate me, you know, that's where I get my fulfillment is, you know, people telling me how I impacted them. Yes. So I'm going there and recharging and, you know, we talk about like we talk about moments where guided, moments that were just like, oh my god, this
Starting point is 00:46:08 happened for a reason. The Friday, I went to the expo. Saturday, I went to the expo. Sunday, I was chilling, I was like, I'm not going to go to the expo, I'm just going to hang. I was in a hotel room and I'm like, you guys want to go to the gym? And they're like, yes. So we went to City Athletic Club, which is a super famous gym in Las Vegas.
Starting point is 00:46:22 And I remember my boy, Casey Mitchell, right when I walked in, he was like, do the rock, the rock is upstairs lifting. I'm like, really? And I'm like, he's like, yeah, I'm like, well, I need to still get a lift in, you know, I'm on prep, like I still lift. And he's like, yeah, so I go up there and here, here Dwayne was, you know, with the security guards. And prior to that, he had retweeted one of my bodybuilding videos on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:46:42 So just like, Nick, much respect, love what you're doing. So I was like, I told my guys, I'm like, here I do know who I am. We don't need a bug in. I don't, I wouldn't want to be bugged in the gym, you know, if I was him. So let's just like chill. So like we're lifting, we're lifting and he was in the corner and he pulled off his headphones and then you know everybody but barbed with pictures and you know everyone's taking pictures. CT Fletcher was there, Ky Green was there, a bunch of studs.
Starting point is 00:47:02 And then you know, yeah, that is a stud gym. And you know, I'm sitting there and I'm posing in the mirror, you know, I'm like two weeks out just like doing me. And the security arc comes up and he's like, can Duane meet you? I'm like, yeah, I'm the police. And he's like, well, Escort you so you can probably meet him. And so they put me in a corner, I have it all filmed. And you know, we dabbing me up and he's like,
Starting point is 00:47:21 Hey man, how you doing? You know, I love your stuff. And he's like, I'm a big fan and I'm like, dude, I'm a big fan of you. And I was like, I'm gonna do what you did. And he's like, what do you mean by that? And I'm like, dude, you're the rock. People knew you were for college football,
Starting point is 00:47:33 flag football, and then you went into the WWE. And then you just took over every industry, bro. You're like crushing everything. I said, I'm gonna do what you did. And he said, Nick, you're right. Because people like me and you, they put us in any industry and we adapt. We adapt and we overcome and he's like
Starting point is 00:47:45 I you're gonna do it and talk about a moment of confirmation for me that I was doing the right thing and After that is it can I grab a picture and you know another fan girl mom? I'm like, dude, of course I can grab a picture. I love you, right? So you know we took a picture and I told him about my competition You know he's like dude you shredded. I'm like I'm two weeks out. It's the only reason I'm shredded. And so I told him about my competition and everything. You know, flew home and two weeks later, I'm backstage and I'm pumping up. I'm pumping up for my show and Cody comes over.
Starting point is 00:48:12 He's like, dude, the rock just posts you do on his Instagram. I'm like, I'm like, really? And he wrote this really heartfelt message is still there if you scroll down and you know, very heartwarming message. And at the end, he said, Nick, I wanna thank you for sharpening, sculpting my perspective, a little bit more on life.
Starting point is 00:48:27 And I tell the guys, I tell my buddies, when I'm up on stage, it's really hard for me to, it's still hard for me to realize the impact I have on people because it's Nick, just Nick. Like I forget to tell people that I drive a car, but I drive a car. It's just me doing me. So for someone like that to be like, dude, you are moving people. It was just like, oh my god, like I'm like I'm going the right way. I'm going. How did you do in the show? I took. So I I placed third in Mensphus Aignavis. So it was my first competition. So the like the amateur. I took third and I beat
Starting point is 00:48:56 and able, but I beat some able-bodied guys. Yeah. Yeah. You crushed. Thank you. How cool is it by the way? Because by the way, all of you should know this too. You can someday inspire your own heroes, which is what you did with D is it, by the way? Because by the way, all of you should know this too. You can someday inspire your own heroes, which is what you did with Dwayne. You can someday your example can inspire heroes. You said a couple things that I just want to go back to, because we're like, here we go, flying out of time again, right?
Starting point is 00:49:13 Because this is unreal. Number one, several times you said, I don't know how I'm going to do it, but I'm going to do it. So many people are stopped by thinking they need to know how to do something without chasing it. More important is why in your passion for it. The how will reveal itself in the chase. So many people are held back by, I don't know how, right?
Starting point is 00:49:31 Get your butt in there, start chasing it. The how begins to get revealed. Also I think Dwayne used an unbelievable word for you, which is adapt. He said, guys like you and I adapt, if you think about it, your life because of the way that you were born, you've had to adapt all of your life. And champions in anything, yeah, they have drive, yes, they have goals, they have their incantations, they have the gratitude, they have all that, they also have the ability to adapt. It's one of the things not covered on my show often enough, or any shows that I see like this, is adaptation, adapting to your environment,
Starting point is 00:50:02 adapting to conditions, adapting to circumstances that happened to you, and I agree with him. Guys like you, me and him, and I have to say you, specifically, we adapt and we become great at whatever we do. You're about adapting your entire life and so stud story, dude. Like now you go dominate, because it's interesting. You did a bowling thing, not real good at that.
Starting point is 00:50:22 Wrestling, you got even better. And you've taken the fitness and the bodybuilding to like a legitimate world-class level now, brother. It's like, I want to acknowledge that. I think it's freaking awesome. So we are almost out of time. And I do, I feel like there's something special about you for every audience.
Starting point is 00:50:37 You obviously know why you should book Nick to go speak. Let's be real here, OK? You're not going to have somebody like him ever come into your life, come speak to your organization, your school, or your company, who's literally, I mean his example's unreal, but his ability to put these words together is unheard of in the space. I mean like, you're going to come speak to my company. I can tell you that for sure. I told you that even before we went on air. But I also think you have a special gift with young people because you
Starting point is 00:50:59 are young. There's big age difference even though you can't tell from looking at us. Right everybody, between Nick and I. Why are you all laughing, by the way? I don't understand that. But what would you say there's young people watching this. And I think a lot of you parents that have this, this is the part where you want to send them to this. So you get to speak to a lot of schools, you spoke to one yesterday, as a matter of fact. But if you could give a message to just young people about their life, maybe they're going through something there, they feel awkward or self-conscious. They're being bullied.
Starting point is 00:51:28 Maybe they've got dreams and goals. Whatever it is that you could say, particularly to the younger group of people watching this, what would you say to that group of people? I would say, you know, it's great to have other people believing you, but it starts within. Like, you need to be your biggest freerlater. You need to believe in yourself.
Starting point is 00:51:46 And that's, whether that's, like I said, we said before, working on yourself a little bit, you have to do that for yourself. And that's the beauty behind it. The only person that needs to believe in you is you. The only person that needs to believe that you can obtain your vision, obtain your goal is you. No one else is going to do it for you. So be your biggest cheerleader and embrace being different.
Starting point is 00:52:04 The sexiest thing you and embrace being different. You know, the sexiest thing you could be is different. You know, whether that's, you know, personally, professionally in business, whatever it may be, being different stands out. So, you know, that and follow what you love. You know, because I say the majority of people are on earth dying. They're not living. They're working jobs they don't like, or they're doing things that they just don't enjoy. But you have one life. So I would much rather fail and fall on my face at something that I enjoy, that something that I'm pursuing that I love, then trying to work a job that I don't enjoy or living a life that I don't enjoy.
Starting point is 00:52:33 I'd much rather keep failing and working on something that I love and something that I hate. And that's what I tell people, live on this or don't die, be you, follow what you want to do. And forget the outside noise. Use it as jet fuel, use it as motivation and elevate yourself because everything around us, whether it's negative or bad, you can use it in a good way.
Starting point is 00:52:54 And mostly the negative stuff, because these kids have so much going on in their life, whether it's social at home, I know it's not on sunshine and rainbows, but use that as drive, switch that energy because life gives us energy. We dictate whether it's not on sunshine and rainbows but use that as drive. Switch that energy because life gives us energy. We dictate whether it's negative energy or good energy. We have that choice. So for them to realize that you were the architect of your life. You sculpt your life so just follow your dreams, follow your passion.
Starting point is 00:53:19 Like you said, it sounds so cliche but you're never working a day if you truly love what you're doing. And that'll drive you more than anything. That why we'll get you out of bed on those hard days. Why that's ridiculously awesome, what you just said is I'm listening to you, and I'm like, I'm 47, that applies to me. And so the best advice isn't age-centric. It's not religious-centric, right? It's not specific just to an ethnicity.
Starting point is 00:53:42 The best advice applies to everybody, which you just said is true for everybody. There wasn't a 60-year-old person listening to this that shouldn't take that advice or a 16-year-old person. I think you're special. Thank you. And you inspire me. And I know that today you just started the journey
Starting point is 00:53:59 of inspiring even millions more people, bro. And I'm so excited to watch your future. I'm here to help you with it. Thank you. I'm here to collaborate with you. I'm here to support you. I believe in you. You affected me today.
Starting point is 00:54:13 I'm really grateful you came here. Thank you for coming to my home. We've got a nice view for you today too. We're grateful for the opportunity. And I'd go anywhere in the world to listen to you. Because you're the real deal brother. So thank you so much for today. I want to hug you. I'm going to hug you. I'll give you a hug. I real deal brother. So thank you so much today man. I'm gonna hug you.
Starting point is 00:54:25 I'll give you a hug. I'll give you a finger brother. I appreciate it. I'm man, you're saying you know. I appreciate you so much brother. Did you enjoy that everyone? Yeah, I know. I know I can already feel it.
Starting point is 00:54:35 Now here's what I want you to do. I want you to give him some love on his social media and I'd like some love back too for bringing him to you. You know that's what we do on max out. You know this program is called max out. Let me ask you a question. Does Nick exemplify maxing out life or what? I don't know that we've had anybody sitting there in in the kind of posture at your age, bro, there's maxing out life at the pace that you are. I'm so proud of you. And if you enjoyed today, follow this man on social media. I know you know where to follow me because
Starting point is 00:55:05 you're here. And so what I ask you to do, we were number one in the world last month on all podcasts in the business space. I'd ask you to keep that up by going on iTunes and writing a review. If you're on YouTube, give it a like or a comment. That helps it move up to and spread the word to your friends. More people need to know about this. Again, there's a two-minute drill on max out every single day. Everybody, when I make a post, if you make a comment within the first two minutes with hashtag max out every day, we draw a winner. And you get access to gear from me or a coaching call with me.
Starting point is 00:55:32 But I'm also starting to weave in our guests where you get a surprise coaching call with one of them. Would you agree to do one of those for? I'm in. So you could get a call with Nick if you're posting as well. That's huge, brother. So thank you for that. So make those comments on Instagram, everybody.
Starting point is 00:55:44 Follow me on all social media. And I hope you enjoyed today like I do. I'm grateful for you, that's huge brother. So thank you for that. So make those comments on Instagram everybody. Follow me on all social media. I hope you enjoyed today like I do. I'm grateful for you, bro. Thank you. Such a great experience. Max out everybody and God bless you.

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