THE ED MYLETT SHOW - Overcome Fear & Build Confidence w/ Tony Robbins

Episode Date: January 17, 2023

I know many of you are dealing with unprecedented levels of FEAR in your life & are worried about this coming year. You're concerned about how to best SURVIVE in the short term until the economy recov...ers.That's why I've invited TONY ROBBINS back for the THIRD time on my show. He has helped more people lead HAPPIER & SUCCESSFUL lives than any other person in this world… including ME.🚨 You don’t want to miss this!! Tony Robbins has an upcoming FREE total immersion event, UNSHAKABLE, taking place over five days on January 24-28, 2023 which teaches you these EXACT STRATEGIES you need to become confident in uncertainty. Get your spot NOW at🚨Tony has got a lot of wisdom on how to use FAITH to overcome the crippling emotion of FEAR. In this episode, he explains why downtimes may be the BEST TIMES to invest in yourself & start something new that ADDS VALUE to other people’s lives.Tony and I are big proponents of society’s seasons, and we’re sharing our thoughts on the challenges of being in an UNCERTAIN, LONG, & COLD WINTER.In this episode you’ll learn:💢 how to master PATTERN RECOGNITION & how to use those patterns to create a MORE COMPELLING FUTURE for yourself.💢 the importance of BIO-CHEMICAL CHANGES & how you can use PEAK PHYSIOLOGY to deal with depression & negative thinking as you go💢 how GRATITUDE destroys the destructive emotions of fear💢 how to create perceived value in YOURSELFI tell people to take notes, but this week, don’t bother because EVERYTHING is worth writing down.My hour with Tony Robbins is that damn good!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is The Ed Millet Show. Hey, welcome back to the show, everybody. So listen. If you listen to this show, you listen to this show because you want to have a happier, more fulfilling, more successful life, more than likely. And I have as a guest here today for the third time on my show I'm so honored.
Starting point is 00:00:23 The living of all the living people on the planet, the person who's helped the most people do that. But the billions of people on this planet and that have lived for the last 60 years, this man's helped more people have happy and fulfilling and successful lives than any other person, including me. And I'm honored to call on the friend.
Starting point is 00:00:42 So welcome back. We're gonna do that together today, Mr. Tony Robbins. Welcome back to the show. Thanks for the good to see you, Ed. You too, man. So you're doing something. I just got to start out. It blows my mind because your events have changed my life.
Starting point is 00:00:54 And you're doing something coming up that's called unshakable, become unshakable. And it's going to be the 24th of the 28th of January. I can't believe you're doing this. It's like a free four days with Tony Robbins for two hours a day. You're actually doing actually five. Yeah, what I, you know, it started to add because, you know, when, when all of a sudden we have the COVID situation happened, I had the governor, California call me, he says, by the way, you're seven, our next week in San Jose for 15,000 people, you can put a hundred people in the stadium. And I'm like, you like, what are you talking about? But then all of a sudden, everything melted down around the world. And it's like, how do I help people when they need it most?
Starting point is 00:01:29 I have more than a hundred companies. So I wasn't hurting financially. But it's like, this isn't my mission. And so I thought, OK, what can I do? And I first moved to Vegas. If we're going to Vegas, then never shut down Vegas. Of course, they shut it down Vegas a week out, right? Move to Texas.
Starting point is 00:01:43 They shut down Texas. I was going to do it in all these 1500 movie theaters with 10 people each in a movie theater I remember it down the movie theaters you know so I finally went and saw this guy do this webinar And I was like I'll cut my throat first before I have two 52 inch screens. I just do a stadium rocking But what we did is I built this incredible studio with 50 foot high ceilings a 20 foot high lead screens I can see everybody around the world. And I said, let's do an event for free for people all over the earth. So I've done it for three years and a row now. I do it only one like this a year. And as you said, 24 through the
Starting point is 00:02:13 28th of January here, and there's no charge for whatsoever. It's total immersion. And it's, you know, when you talk about unshakable, think about people that you know that no matter what hell breaks loose, it's not like they're fearless, but they find they still have their center. They figure out how to take advantage of the situation. And most people today are hoping things are going to get better. And it's going to get worse before it gets better at least financially. And so we've got to really prepare ourselves and get yourself unshakeable,
Starting point is 00:02:38 but by having a plan for your body and your relationship and your business and your career. So we're going to do, I say two hours a day, usually goes two and a half or three, because I want to add as much value. But we're going to do total immersion for five days. Anyone can participate. There's no charge. It's not partially free. It's totally free.
Starting point is 00:02:53 And you've got a website. I think that they can go to there and just register themselves. They bring their friends or family as well. I think it's, is it I think that's it. Yes, it's, the number 100. So guys, it's join Tony 100 calm the number 100 so join Tony 100 calm guys It's just insane you have the goat and he's gonna be able to have five days with you and Tony's two hours And ever two hours and so you're gonna get absolutely
Starting point is 00:03:14 Transformed over these days and I'm grateful that you're doing it because it's his mission and it's my mission as well So it's why when the two of us get together on the show the internet kind of breaks most times because I have to tell you I I'm curious as a friend to ask you this too. Where are we? Like let's just start with the premise where you think we are in the world right now. I've always, I respect people that can win in spring
Starting point is 00:03:34 and summer. There's a lot of admiration for that. But I really respect people can win during the winter or prevail during the winter. Do you feel like we're in that? Are we in winter? The media's telling us we're in the winter. Where are we? Are we in the winter? How long do you think it's going to last? What's your overall sense of things right now? Yeah. Well, you know, I'm lucky to have guys like Ray Dalio and Paulter Jones has been my, you know, coached him for 25 years.
Starting point is 00:03:56 And so I've got access to some of the smartest minds in the world, not my view. And if you study history, we run in cycles. And right now, you know, if you think about times, you and I've talked about this in the past, generation that grew up in 1910, these guys by the time they're 20, it's world war, you know, it's first of all, it's depression and then 10 years later, it's World War II.
Starting point is 00:04:15 And so a generation that was really weak, they're called flappers. How do I like a lot of millennials who are originally labeled as e-generation, became one of the strongest generations in history. And when they go through that winter, we all go through winter at some time in our life. originally labeled as e-generation became one of the strongest generations in history. And when they go through that winter, we all go through winter at some time in our life. Some people do it zero to 20.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Some people it's 20 to 40, 40 to 60, 60 to 80. If you live long enough, you're going to live through this time. And winter just means that things are not optimistic. It's like winter can be a beautiful time. But overall, the theme is more fear. And that's where we are right now. And it's garnered usually by great economic challenges and then usually a big war, an international war, not a little war, like a world type of war.
Starting point is 00:04:53 This kind of thing that we'll probably see with China. And we're about halfway through that right now. Because if you think about, think about what happened in the winter of, let's say, the Depression and World War II, that 20 years, then these people come back as the heroes and have a spring time where from the 1945, the end of the war until about 1963, when candy was shot, it was a very optimistic time for America. Then you go through the summertime,
Starting point is 00:05:16 that's when there's internal strife. Young people and old people fight over values. That's the 60s and 70s. And then you think about the 80s, 90s, 2000s, more pragmatic, more about economics. So, but now we're in winter. So we probably got eight or nine more years of this. That's not something we're bad to because if you do well in winter, you'll do well for the rest of your life of the Fortune 1000 companies, the biggest companies on earth. They could have been
Starting point is 00:05:40 started in any season, right? A recession or depression is a winter to give you an idea. Yeah. And 60% plus, we're started in a winter time. So if you go to Disney, it was depression. If you go to Hyatt, it was a depression. If you go to Chevron, it was a depression. If you go to Microsoft or Apple or FedExpress, all of those were during a recession.
Starting point is 00:06:00 And so if you do well this time, you will do well for the rest of your life. And the thing I want people to realize is, it sounds like a long time, but winter's not forever. And always after winter is an incredible springtime of optimism and change and ease. But if you're going to hope you're going to get there in the next year or two or three, you're going to probably be disappointed. So you have to figure out how to get stronger doing winter. That's what I'm talking about being unshakable. If you've got a plan, you've got a tool. When everybody else is freaking, you'll do well. In the depression, more people became millionaires as a percentage any time in history. Most people think of John F. Kennedy as the president, but as dad Joe Kennedy who funded his campaign, he had $3 million in 1929
Starting point is 00:06:38 when the stock market crashed. He had $62 million three years later, which is equivalent of $3 billion today. Because the opportunities when people get scared think of this when the markets going great real estate not long ago What do people want for the house what it was worth less or more? More right people selling their houses with four offers and they're all higher and everything else right? But when all hell breaks loose and all said it looks like the world's coming to an end What do people want for their house or their business? Whatever they can get, right? And business is even more so.
Starting point is 00:07:10 The greatest opportunity of your life will happen over the next probably five years to six years because baby boomers are all getting older and retiring. And about 87% of businesses never get sold. They never go public. They thought their kids are gonna take it over, but their kids don't wanna run the underwear company, right? So it's like a different situation. There's opportunity, if you know how to run a business to take on multiple businesses for a song,
Starting point is 00:07:36 and really have market share. So whether you own a business or not, this is the opportunity for you to grow and expand. It's like winter, you can freeze the death, or you can snowboard and ski, and build your next business, and be calm with your family and have a great time. So, I'm made for winter,
Starting point is 00:07:51 and my whole thing is help other people prepare for it, because ignoring it or pretending it's not there is not going to work. Hoping is not a strategy. You've got to have tools and strategy, and you've got to make yourself better. I mean, everybody talks about inflation. But right now it's the worst it's been in 40 years. But it's about 7.5% roughly. I mean, the numbers get fudge. Some things are more summer-last-right. But so how do you deal with it? You
Starting point is 00:08:15 don't hope the government's going to turn around. You got to participate in your own rescue. Right. You have to say to yourself, I got to be more productive. It's not simple. And anybody can be 10% more productive than you'd be out of inflation But you know when I'm at Jim Rowland my original teacher I have four different fathers and I remember asking him We had no money at food and Thanksgiving. You know, that's why I feed a hundred million people a year By the way, we're almost to a billion meals 950 million meals in eight years I said I feel a billion people in ten years. So we're gonna do it by February I'm doing a new one for 100 billion meals.
Starting point is 00:08:45 You crane wars the bread basket, and then you know, fertilizer produces 50% of the food in the world, and the WF doesn't want people using it. And Russia's got most of it. I've raised six billion meals already in the first month, but I tell you all this simply because you have to just become more productive. I never go into gym room.
Starting point is 00:09:03 I remember saying to him, you know, I have four fathers, you're all good people. We have no money for food and thanksgiving. It's what changed my life. But like why? And I remember him saying Tony, we're all equals as souls, but we're not equal in the marketplace. And he said, you know, if you work at McDonald's, he said, I'm not being disrespectful. And he goes, you don't. But if you did, and I forget what it was in those days, let's say today it's eight bucks an hour, he goes, you can't live on that, but it's not designed to be your long-term job.
Starting point is 00:09:32 It's designed to be the entry job. And the reason it's eight bucks an hour is because it's not supposed to be a great job. It's a place for you to learn. Now, anyone can learn those skills in an hour today, especially to use pictures now. And soon it'll be robots, right? We want to have anybody doing it. So those jobs are going to go away. There isn't enough added value. But I said, you know, why is it a teacher only makes X 40,000 a year, let's say? And you know, you got guy like, you know, one of the big hedge fund guys at the time I was talking about me to
Starting point is 00:10:02 billion dollars that year. And he goes, Tony, he got a 40% return for all of the investors. These are people whose money instead of three or four percent needing to go 20 years, the double is doubling every two years. He's worth that. He brought this much more value. The teacher is a great teacher, but it's not a place you're usually rewarded for performance. There's no competition for it. And it's a small number of students. So he said, if you can find a way to do more for others than anybody else, if you can find a way to add more value, he said, could you earn twice as much money in the same amount of time?
Starting point is 00:10:34 And I said, yeah, he goes 10 times as much money. I said, there are people that do it 20 times, yes. But you have to become more valuable. So everybody, I think, has to say, what skills are needed today? Right. Do you think about it 125 years ago 80% of America was farmers. Now it's 4% of our population and we feed the world, right? Because of technology.
Starting point is 00:10:54 But that created all these new opportunities, but it took a hundred years for that transfer to jobs like Webmaster, right? Right. Or SEO type of person. Those jobs didn't exist. What's happening now is the tempo is going to be much faster and people are not prepared for it. So I'm sure you've read
Starting point is 00:11:09 like Oxford and all these studies that show 40% of the current jobs will be gone over the next 10 or 15 years. Well, if you let's just take truck drivers, Uber drivers, taxi drivers. Okay. Who's going to hire a truck driver who can work only eight hours a day, got a pay for insurance, complains about things, and versus a truck that can drive 24 hours a day without the mistakes, and I get to write down, you know, the depreciation over time. There's five million people in the United States that drive trucks or ubers or taxis. It's only a matter of time, five or ten years. Those jobs are all gone.
Starting point is 00:11:45 Now, what are those people going to do? And I can show you four or five of them. Those five million jobs, that's the equivalent of what happened in 2008. That's just one category. So we have to retool ourselves and say, what's needed and what's needed is labor today is not valuable. Right?
Starting point is 00:12:00 What's valuable is your mind, your creativity. Someone who has tech ability, somebody has creativity ability, someone who can, has cognitive capacity, will run these AIs and direct where things are going, whether it's manufacturing or anything else. So today is the time to start retooling, rather than saying, waiting for the government to rescue you, they're not gonna rescue you,
Starting point is 00:12:18 there is no rescue you gotta participate in your own rescue. And Warren Buffett talked about this. He said, look, if you're worried about inflation this year, they was didn't interview with him. He said, look, you're worried about inflation this year. They didn't interview with him. He said, here's what you got to think about. If you become investing yourself, and why you interviewed him, I said,
Starting point is 00:12:32 what's the best investment you ever made? And I thought he was going to say Coca-Cola or Geico. He goes, what you do? And I said, well, I do a lot of things. What's that? He goes, well, I want to deal Carnegie. And they taught me how to communicate. Without that, all my other skills
Starting point is 00:12:44 would have gone out the window. That's that ability has made me who I am. And he said, and when you invest in yourself, there's no depreciation, you know, you just create some multiplied returns. And he said, so if you become the best lawyer or best doctor or best whatever podcaster, if they change to shackles, if they got rid of dollars, you will still get the maximum out because people need and what that. So he said, that's what you really want to do. And if you own your own business, you want a business with small cap-backs.
Starting point is 00:13:12 If you have a business that, let's say, you rent people, giant moving materials for construction, where you buy one of these things for $2 million and five years later, you got to buy another one. Well, now with inflation, it won't beat $2 million five years later. That's the wrong business. But if you have business with low cap ex low overhead expense, you're in a place where all you got to do is get better and better, and you'll do well no matter what happens financially in this world. I was thinking about when you were talking there, two things occurred to me.
Starting point is 00:13:46 One, that you believe the winter could be eight to nine years. Most people aren't honest enough to say that. I think that's longer than most people are hearing because politically, everybody's going to save us. So if one guy stays and he'll fix it in his next two years, the other guy gets it and he'll fix it in two years. And so one, I think that's a huge insight for everybody to hear from someone who's got, you know, his hands on the most information, probably anybody on the planet. The second thing,
Starting point is 00:14:07 though, for me, it was interesting is when you were sharing with the deaths, the people that are starving, what's gone on in Africa, that it gives you perspective on what your version of winter really is. That's exactly right, brother. And you think about it, you know, still about two-thirds of the planet lives on less than $3.50 a day. And so Americans who think they're really stressed, and I don't want anybody to be stressed. You know, that's why I provide all these meals, and as well as how people change their lives, you know, their idea, your worst nightmare
Starting point is 00:14:34 is most of the world's greatest dream. So we've lost perspective to a great extent to where that is. And I think sometimes that's important, Tony, because you're playing with house money, most of you listening to this. You're playing with house money compared to most of the world. And I want you to speak to, because you're playing with house money. Most of you listening to this, you're playing with house money compared to most of the world.
Starting point is 00:14:46 And I want you to speak to this because you do it better than anybody. But one of the things that happens when you lose perspective or don't quite have it, where you hear, oh my gosh, there's winter or my skills may be moved out of the marketplace here soon. And by the way, COVID was even an accelerator on all these things, Tony's talking about. It's sped things up pretty quickly. Beer is a big deal for people. And you and I, you could ask this all the time. I do as well. So someone's listening to like, okay, I'm inspired. I've got some perspective, but I'm afraid.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Well, I've got real fear. What techniques or strategies would you say to somebody? If they're being honest, anybody hears this? Winner's going to be five years, seven years, eight years. That's a scary thing for anybody to hear. And so what would you say to someone with fear? Well, you don't have to manage, you gotta stop thinking of yourself as managing your circumstances and remind yourself that you're a crater of your life experience. And so when it's winter, first of all, it doesn't mean every night's a bad day, every day's a bad day, every dark day, if you're in Florida, it's 78 degrees and it's, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:42 winter, right? It's really nice. So where you are, what you decide to do, you, it's all varying in terms of the levels of winter as we just talked about. If you're in Africa right now without food, it's a very different experience. But I think the other part for people really is, you got to understand there's two choices. There's fear and there's faith.
Starting point is 00:15:59 And simplistic as that sound, I ask people, what's the difference? They get confused. And I said, it's really simple. They're both made up. No one knows for sure what the future looks like. And when I say the seven or eight years, it's not all just tough economic times. There's going to be a confrontation with China.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Maybe it'll be a cyber war. Maybe some will turn off your electricity. But there's zero question. We're on target for that. If anybody wants to get a better understanding, they can read some of Ray Dallue's work on the changing world order and understanding what's happened over a thousand years of history. But the point of the matter is, If anybody wants to get a better understanding, they can read some of Ray Dallio's work on the changing world order and understanding
Starting point is 00:16:25 what's happened over a thousand years of history. But the point of the matter is, it's not all dark. That's number one. But number two is, what's the difference in fear and faith? They're both imagination. But fear is imagination undirected. It's like weeds just grows automatically. Faith is you decide to be certain, you take action,
Starting point is 00:16:44 you follow through. There's no guarantee of anything. There's no guarantee of me being running around with a mask and then walk outside and get hit by a truck. Right. You know, it's just like we think somehow that we have a way to bulletproof ourselves. What we do is increase our probability. And what you really want to do is so you have no fear of the future, is you want to add to your skills and your ability, including your emotional fitness. I don't mean intellectual fitness. I don't mean, you know, when people talk emotional intelligence, it's a nice thing.
Starting point is 00:17:12 But the reason I use fitness is you can be a smart person and not be smart, right? You can have great capacity and not use it. So emotional intelligence is a capacity. But fitness is a state of readiness. You and I are both fitness buffs, right? So it's like we train ourselves. So when the challenge happens, we've got the strength and the power to deal with that challenge, whether it be psychological, physical, or anything else.
Starting point is 00:17:34 So you've got to learn to direct yourself and train yourself to have certainty. And not the huge part, as you know, that I do with all my seminars because most people are living in uncertainty. What makes somebody a leader? Is they find certainty in a world that's uncertain? Yes. Even if they're not smart, some people follow somebody just because they're certain. They're like, they know what's going on. When people are uncertain, they look for somebody as certain.
Starting point is 00:17:55 Well, if you can develop that certainty not based on enthusiasm, but based on a clear plan of how you can take advantage of winter, where winter becomes your best season, then the fear will disappear. But you've got to train your nervous system on a daily basis, because here's the problem today. The media are not bad people. They're good people. But they're doing their job.
Starting point is 00:18:14 And what are they rewarded for? Catching eyeballs. Because people say we're an information society. I always tell people, that's such bullshit. Information society died a decade ago. There's too much information. We're drowning in information. We're starving for wisdom. And we all know when it comes to the media, they get paid by getting your attention. And so if there's commercial comes on, your child may die of drinking water, film at 11, you
Starting point is 00:18:37 know, people tend to look in because of the negative bias, the survival bias of the human brain, or clickbait. What is clickbait? You click on it. You know, the article doesn't even match it, but once you clickbait, get paid. So today, the media is not designed to inform or educate you. It's designed to startle you. If I startle you, you respond. Well, most people that follows and it's in their pockets around them all the time. Now, after COVID, where people thought they're going to die by breathing and now we're finding out a lot of different truths that we didn't know back then.
Starting point is 00:19:07 And then you throw on top of that an economy that looks incredibly difficult. People most people live don't remember or never experienced inflation. I started my business when interest rates were 18%. It was 18% right now people be marching on the White House. You know what I mean? They're like freaking out because it's seven.
Starting point is 00:19:23 So we're in a place where people have so much unknowns. So we want to, they're, it's take chaos and understand what's really going on. You and I've talked about this before. You know, I've got five kids and five grandkids. I think about these jobs disappearing next 15 years and how do I prepare my kids and grandkids? You do it by understanding those three skills
Starting point is 00:19:44 you and I've talked about. One, anybody that's the best in the world is something that's pattern recognition power. They see things other people see as chaos and they go, no, no, this has happened before. This is how it works. And they're allowed to anticipate where it's going instead of reacting.
Starting point is 00:19:59 It's like playing a video game against the child. The child always wins. It's not because they're younger or faster. It's because they go boom, boom, boom, boom, because they played this game so many times. You shoot and you're dead in 10 seconds. Then your next turns after 30 minutes of their play. Right? We know we're all the bad guys that they can anticipate, not react.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Well, losers react leaders anticipate. So if I can recognize patterns, if I'm good at investment, I recognize investment patterns. If I'm good in business, I know business patterns. And I'm good in my own life. I start realizing, how? There's patterns that get me angry and patterns that get me excited. And I learn to direct my own patterns.
Starting point is 00:20:32 The second step is learning to use those patterns in the third step of mastery as you start creating them. That's what a great musician, that's what a great business person does. They recognize patterns, so they're not reacting. They use them and then they start creating their own and Those three skills very good. Well, if you get those three skills, it won't matter what jobs change You'll be a dominant player because you'll see what other people don't see. It's the fear comes from the unknown
Starting point is 00:20:57 So that's why I'm a student of history. We need study history You can say what's happening right now happens about every 80 years like clockwork. Yeah. And it's the path you can read thousand years of Roman history and see about every century the same cycle. And once you know that, it gives you an unshakable feeling. You go, okay, I know what this is. And I know how to take advantage of this.
Starting point is 00:21:18 And I don't need to be fearful of this. But then you still have to manage your mind. And you still have to make sure you cut off the media's influence because some people are saturated in that and you know, whatever you feed in your brain is what you're going to experience. I want to ask you about that too. By the way, you just want to remind everybody because you can be at any point in the podcast. If you go to, you can get five free days with Tony. I came to him saying that out loud. Five free days with Tony. I was, that would be, you know, 25 years ago, I wish you were doing that for me back in those days. It's just unbelievable that you're doing this.
Starting point is 00:21:48 But, but, why should you open your home? You have to travel, do anything else. Thanks, I'm zoom in everything. It's pretty awesome. It's so awesome. Now, I want to go to something you said, use the word imagination earlier. And in my book, I wrote about this. I'm just curious is to, I don't want this to be polyanna either because I know you and I are both very tactical and strategic, but I want to go to that for a minute So I have this theory that you know, I think children are happier than adults for the most part because they operate out of imagination vision dreams That's their prism and at some age it could even be very young for if you go through childhood trauma or whatever it might be But at some age almost all people 99% start to operate out of history and memory. And that's sort of their filter or their pattern
Starting point is 00:22:25 of their life, it's history and memory. And I am asked often, how do I break that pattern? I think this all begins when you have fear, you go to history and memory and then they're telling you what to believe. How does one begin to operate out of their imagination? Imagine new skills, imagine a new life, uncover their version of their own genius.
Starting point is 00:22:44 How does somebody do that, Tony? What's a skill or a strategy that you would recommend to somebody says, I need to flip from this history and memory, these patterns I have to creating new ones. And I think that starts in your imagination. How does somebody do that? You have to shift your physiology first. If you try to paint a compelling future, you know, why are people depressed? One of the main reasons people depressed is they don't have a compelling future. In other words, you can deal with any tough today if you have a compelling tomorrow. Anybody can do that. But today people think, oh my God, I can't go outside. Oh my God. Oh my choices are taken away. Oh my God, we're all going to die in 12 years because of an environmental
Starting point is 00:23:20 crisis, which is total bullshit. But there are people that have been taught this and their kids today, they're saying, I'm not gonna have children because this is the world I'm entered into because they have no compelling future. But if you try to paint a compelling future when a person is in a lowered energy state, it won't work. They'll just reject it because in a lowered state,
Starting point is 00:23:41 your brain goes into survival mechanisms and the survival mechanism, you're always looking for what's wrong Would I have to fight or would I have to fly from or what I have to freeze and hope it don't hurt us? That's the part of your brain that's 2 million years old and it's well-wired But we don't have a saber to tiger to deal with so now we worry about what people say to us or will we have enough money or What's going to write about you in social media? And we have a similar reaction the way you overcome that is the way you drive
Starting point is 00:24:06 your nervous system. So I'll give you an example. When I was at my worst, and I was in a place where I'd gain 38 pounds, and I was feeling sorry for myself, and I come home one night. Literally, I ran out of gas, Pacific Coast Highway in Venice, I had a little apartment down there,
Starting point is 00:24:21 and I didn't run a gas because, you know, I forgot to fill the tank. I literally had no money. I pulled over a locker car and pray that it didn't get towed because it's told to be 50 bucks. I didn't have 50 bucks. And then I walked a couple miles home and I lived there on Pacific Avenue, 25, 16 Pacific Avenue, part and three. If you ever want to go by, I did recently, you're funny. But anyway, I walk up the stairs as a sunsetting and there's a note typed and stapled on my door. And I don't know if you've ever had the joy of having one of these experiences in your
Starting point is 00:24:49 youth. But it basically says, you've not paid your rent, remove yourself and your things if you don't pay within three days a share full, take your stuff, and you will lose everything, right? So I open the door, I go into this place, and I lit a candle. And I didn't light it because I was spiritual, I lit it because I also not paid my electribil. It's a true story.
Starting point is 00:25:08 I'm reading by candle like my eviction note. This is how low I got. And then if that wasn't enough, I give this banging on the door and I got three locks because I haven't paid anybody, right? I'm looking through and it's a friend I've not seen in a couple of years. And I got a beer belly on me.
Starting point is 00:25:21 I've grown out this shaggy little beard and I was just in the worst shape. Open the door partially. What do you want? He's like, Tony beer belly on me. I grown out, you know, this jagged little beard. And I was just in the worst shape. I opened the door partially. What do you want? He's like, Tony, it's me, you know? I let him in. He goes in my house, which is this little Fordescorpic bachelor apartment.
Starting point is 00:25:34 He came turn around. I'm cooking on a hot plate on the trash can. I'm washing my dishes in the bathtub. And so after he left, I was so humiliated. The whole thing, it's just, I like, I got to do something. I didn't know what I was doing there, but now I understand what he did. I hit rock bottom and it was like,
Starting point is 00:25:48 who I am is more than what I'm living spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically. So I'm old enough to have had a walk, man. I think you might have had one of those. Absolutely. And you gotta really love your music in those days, right? Could you have had one cassette in there? So I took this group called Heart,
Starting point is 00:26:02 and it put in this song, go Baracudas. I'm gonna run this beach till I spit up blood. I'm just, and I did, I ran as hard as I could and when I thought I couldn't do anymore, I ran harder. And I got through the end of it. And I had left this journal of the ground. I drew a line down the middle. I wrote everything on that list that I really hated that was in my life, which was most of my life. And then everything I was committed in changing. And I didn't have all the skills and tools I had today, but I had changed the ignition. It's like, you got the greatest computer in the world. There's not enough electricity. Your screen's going to
Starting point is 00:26:31 be messed up. Without that energy change, you're really not going to make the change. That's why everyone who comes to one of my seminars, you know, it's a physical experience. You're not sitting on your ass for, you know, 12 hours. You're going 12 hours a day for three or four days. Now people are at home in a hundred countries and they're going full tilt like they're in a stadium for full time and all of a sudden their energy changes will in that place. Now we can start to create this compelling future. Now we can start to make the end of your nervous system says I'm ready. You know, Stanford did a study. They came to me during the pandemic. That's fascinating. They said, Tony, we had two people go through your date with Destiny and little six day seminar I do. And they said they're both clinically
Starting point is 00:27:11 depressed and they have no symptoms of depression. We never say anything like it. You know, what data you have on this? I said, well, I have thousands and thousands, tens of thousands of testimonials. You go, no, but like scientific data. I said, that's not my focus. They said, you might have if we did a study. And then they showed me something fascinating. 40% of the people, they get treatment for depression. And by the way, depression has gone through the roof since COVID and since all those limitations, I know you know,
Starting point is 00:27:35 suicide's gone through the roof. And it's horrific, but only 40% get better through treatment of drugs and therapy, right? SSRI, you know, pro-Zaxle off all these things, right? 60% don't get announced better. Of the 40% they get better on average across the meta studies. They find they get about 50% better. They're half as depressed as they were. Now, some people get totally better, some not at all, but that's the average. I said, that's not much better than a placebo. They said, you're right. I said, well, what's the best you've ever seen? They said two years ago, Johns Hopkins did a study
Starting point is 00:28:06 where they took people for 30 days of psilocybin magic mushrooms and therapy for 30 straight days. They got results that were four times greater than they've ever seen in history. 53% of the people 30 days later had no symptoms. Never seen anything alike it, but psilocybin's illegal is not really duplicatable.
Starting point is 00:28:23 So they said, what if we model their study? We'll use the exact same criteria, but we'll have you with no drugs and have your people go through the seminar We'll send people in that are clinically depressed and so forth. And so they did it and the study with the results were so profound They sent the data out to two different organizations blinded to get the data back because they wanted to make sure it was accurate before they reported it. 100% of the people 30 days later after date with Destiny had no symptoms of depression, but even better, 19% of those people had suicidal ideation, non-hid suicidal ideation, 11 months later,
Starting point is 00:28:58 11 months after one week, they changed so much. There are negative emotions that dropped 72% their positive emotions up 51%. And now this last week, two weeks go out to another day at Widescene, and they did a study with 750 people, the largest study of its type. Well, why does it work?
Starting point is 00:29:14 Because we're not only helping people shift the way they perceive the world, like you don't experience life. You experience the life you focus on. If you're focused on things that piss you off, you have to be deleting the things you could be grateful for. If you're grateful, you're deleting things that can piss you off, right? So by changing their beliefs and values, they do this, not me. There's a huge shift, but it's also the biochemical change. So they
Starting point is 00:29:37 track my body for three years, and they found crazy shit. Like, you know, because you're an athlete, but I jump a thousand times in an average program on one day. And I wait, you know, 285 pounds. So every time I come down, it's four times your body weight. So imagine a thousand pounds, times a thousand jumps, it's a million pounds of pressure. So I did my bone density and they go, these are humans. You know, this is great athletes.
Starting point is 00:30:01 This is you, never anything like it. It's like I'm a gorilla from just a demand, right? If you've been running with a friend and you can't talk anymore, it's because your lactate is at 4. I'm an 18 and still speaking. Here's the most interesting thing. They track my audience and me and they found something really fascinating. There's a group that does studies on like Tom Brady on the Tampa Bay Lightning that's won multiple times, you know, the what he called
Starting point is 00:30:27 Stanley Cup. And they found there's a place biochemically that people who are under stress perform at the highest level, to why they win. And they call it the championship bloodstream. And what happens is your testosterone surges. You have this incredible drive, but your cortisol, which is the stress hormone drops to the ground. So you think so clearly. That's why Tom Brady's down by 14 with two minutes left and he comes back to win, right? Well, I produced that in my body, but what's even more fascinating, if you know about mirror neurons, everybody in
Starting point is 00:30:58 the seminar literally, because they did it in people around the world at home. And they mirror neurons exactly the same biochemical change. That's why a year later, the change is there. If I said where were you on 9, 11, everybody knows, even if foreign countries, they'll remember who they were with, what they saw. But if I say where you on 8, 11, most people don't know because information without emotion is barely remembered.
Starting point is 00:31:21 So I make sure those are merged, and that's why we get these lasting changes. So it's not enough to just understand what to get that out of my mind. I'm not going to be able to get that out of my mind. I'm not going to be able to get that out of my mind. I'm not going to be able to get that out of my mind.
Starting point is 00:31:36 I'm not going to be able to get that out of my mind. I'm not going to be able to get that out of my mind. I'm not going to be able purposely adopted that identity at something you did. And I was an athlete. I was a college athlete, as you know, but then I sort of, I gained weight too. And people ask me a little time, you know, because I have been through several of these winners like you have as well. I'm fit. I'm sure there's a vanity aspect to it, a wellness, a health aspect to
Starting point is 00:32:03 it. But for me, it's my, it's, it's my neurochemistry being where I want it there's a vanity aspect to it, a wellness, a health aspect to it. But for me, it's my, it's, it's my neurochemistry being where I want it to be so I can make choices. My imagination is open. I am in flow state. This has been the most critical thing. And for years, it was really just fitness people that were fit, not business people. But you at an event, I don't, you, you don't do this anymore. You probably can in culture today. But I don't know if you remember, but I was very young. I got in a little bit out of shape. And back we're in Maui at one of your events. And you and I didn't know each other then.
Starting point is 00:32:30 And you did this thing where I've never said this before, but I want you to know this. You did this thing where you basically had the women in the room sort of ranked or lined up by their financial status. Do you remember this? Yes, I do. The dudes, the dudes, it was their fitness. And
Starting point is 00:32:46 do you remember doing this? Of course, because guys think they're hot when they're like a bit silly. So did I. You can be totally beautiful. They're hard on themselves. But it changed my freaking life. I'm on this call with you. We're doing a podcast because of this moment. So he has the women sort of say which guys are fit. And then the fittest dudes get to walk up on the stage. Well, I'm young. I should be crushing this room at the time, right? There's a bunch of dudes in there that are in there 40s and 50s. I'm like, I don't know mid 20s, early 20s. And I don't get picked. And then you're going to start the dude and watch the ladies in the room share for the hot guys. And I wasn't big. And I remember going,
Starting point is 00:33:25 this is never gonna happen to me again. And it wasn't just that I wasn't picked. It's like you aren't living the things he's teaching. And you need to change your physiology on a regular. This was an indication that my physiology wasn't being shifted on a regular basis. And it wasn't one of my patterns to shift my physiology. I want everyone listening to this.
Starting point is 00:33:48 You have to have a pattern of shifting your physiology. That's right. And it's in those moments, your genius flows, your imagination flows. These skills and tactics start to happen. And also, I want you to speak to this. I just want you to know that. I credit that with you, with that experience.
Starting point is 00:34:02 That's awesome. That's awesome. And I want everyone to know this, but I also want people to hear this. I want you to speak to this if you would. I think the other thing that you and I with the people that we see that are higher level achievers, their preparation freaks, you and I are prepared today, you're prepared,
Starting point is 00:34:19 but they have a lower threshold of what they think they need to know in order to step into action. That's true. Right. And so how does one build back? Because there's a lot of people going, okay, I got over my fear, I got to move my physiology, I've got to anchor the right emotional state in. But man, I'm just ill prepared.
Starting point is 00:34:36 And you may be, that may be true. Yeah. But you think you have to be so prepared that you never move. You never take action. And now it'll be 2024. And we'll be on another call. And you're going to want to get going to get. So how does one build that resourceful, aggressive,
Starting point is 00:34:50 whatever you want to call it, nature to go when they don't know everything? Well, you've got to first see what's preventing it. What's preventing it is everyone has the same two deepest fears. All humans, I don't care. I've dealt with the greatest athletes in the world, multi-billionaires, you know, guys in prison. You name it kids. We all are afraid we're not enough at some point. If you feel like you-billionaires, you know, guys in prison, you name it kids.
Starting point is 00:35:05 We all are afraid we're not enough at some point. If you feel like you're not young enough, strong enough, old enough, mature enough, funny enough, rich enough, something enough for someone who you really want to be enough for, it brings up an even deeper fear, which is if I'm not enough, I won't be loved. And love is the oxygen of the soul.
Starting point is 00:35:22 You know, if a baby is not kinesthetically loved, they develop what's called failure to thrive syndrome. We are a unique species in that love is the oxygen of the soul. You know, if a baby is not kinesthetically love, they develop what's called failure to thrive syndrome. We are a unique species in that love is our competitive advantage. If you're born as a baby and there's no mother or father there, you're a lizard you live, but if you're a child, you die. We need each other. We have a long dependency on each other. You know, you know, some of the longest animals
Starting point is 00:35:41 other than primates are like whales that are dependent for a year, but five years, 10 years, these years, 35 years, some people are still dependent right on other parents to make sure things work for them. The great fear of my kids. But the point is that those, that fear that we're not enough is what's getting in the way. And you don't get over it, you got beyond it. And the way you get beyond it is you just train yourself. And as you just said, that's why in the seminars, it isn't just the content. It's putting you in a state where the content can land. And when you put yourself in that state on a regular basis,
Starting point is 00:36:14 those flows happen. Now you want daily practices as well. So, you know, every day, I've got a variety of daily practices, but one of those things I jump in freezing cold water every day, I think you know, but I don't do it because I like it Or I want it. There's every day. I look forward to it But I don't hesitate. I don't negotiate with myself. It's both physically great because it flushes your blood and your lymph system completely And you feel like a million bucks coming out of it going in it is painful as hell But it's like I don't say in a minute when I'm ready or maybe tomorrow It's like I say go we go so it's when I'm ready, or maybe tomorrow, it's like, I say go, we go.
Starting point is 00:36:45 So it's a mental training as well as it's a physical training, right? And when you do that over and over, and then you say, I'm going to do this, your brain doesn't negotiate. You've trained your own mind. A lot of people, these discussions in their own head back and forth, and that's just a habit.
Starting point is 00:36:58 All these things are patterns. You know, I get up and I do my priming, which is putting myself in a state for just 10 minutes, a form of meditation, but it's a directed meditation. I think of three things I'm grateful for about a minute each and I live them. I don't remember it over there. I get in the roller coaster as it's going down and feel it. And I get associated to what I'm most grateful for because gratitude destroys the two
Starting point is 00:37:21 emotions that mess up your life, which are fear and anger. You can't be angry and grateful simultaneously. attitude destroys the two emotions that mess up your life, which are fear and anger. You can't be angry and grateful simultaneously. You can't be fearful and grateful. So I train my nervous system every day to start with that. Then I do this form of a prayer blessing. Then I do this three to thrive, which is a minute each on what I really want to make happen.
Starting point is 00:37:40 But I don't think about making an happen. I see it as done and complete. And I train my brain to feel celebratory in that area. And in 10 minutes, I've changed my body, I've changed my mind, and then my third discipline is I usually text or call someone to leave a message of sincere acknowledgement. Because I like to start my day to brighten somebody else's day, but I don't ever bullshit. I don't go, oh, you're cool. I'll go, yes, I saw last Thursday, you know, in the meeting, you did this and this and this. I just thought that was so amazing. I just want to thank you for being that kind of person. And so it starts my day with momentum,
Starting point is 00:38:12 physical momentum, mental momentum, relationship momentum. So there's disciplines like that. Then there's my workout just like you, right? And if you have your workout that you look great, by the way. That's a problem. I make sure in that workout, I do something that's incredibly difficult so that I'm always pushing a little bit stronger,
Starting point is 00:38:29 getting a little bit better in some area. And then what that does is it creates a foundation that when winters here, you go, give me winter bitch, you know, bastard. I'll rip through this shit. I don't care what it is you want to do. I'm ready. But most people, you know,
Starting point is 00:38:43 they're living their life in front of a screen a lot of people today. They're living at home, right? Their shoulders are down, they're breathing like this, they get distracted by all the things around them. There's no energy really on a vital level. And then so what happened, there's no stimulus from being at the office for some people anymore. And so what happens is people's lives have gotten down to a low level of energy. If you forgot everything else that I teach you skill wise, financially, emotionally, business, all those tools, but all you did was constantly increase the strength and energy in your body as a resilient source.
Starting point is 00:39:16 You're going to find the answers whether I taught them to or somebody else. You're going to make up the answers. Guys, this is a fun year. Yeah, I get so I interrupt you, but I have to say this. It's so, this is a hundred. Yeah, I get sorry to interrupt you, but I have to say this. It's so, this is true. What he's telling you. Okay, not that you need me to second something Tony Robbins is saying, but he's right. I've lived it. He's a thousand percent right. Do the things we're talking about. These will make changes for you. The other thing he added to that that I must say that is brilliance is that when you are feeling helpless,
Starting point is 00:39:42 get help full. Help people. He had a video out recently that you recorded you about the feeding the families this year. You were so emotional. It moved me because I know, I know how this is the richness of your life, it's helping other people. It's the same in mind. And I think people think, well, once I get over the stuff I need, then I'll do these things.
Starting point is 00:40:02 That's what they think. They think, once I get my own stuff handled, then I'll be that person. That's what they think. They think once I get my own stuff handled, then I'll be that person. No, you, you get that stuff handled when you're that person. And I'm writing, I just want to say one thing about you with that morning message. The FBI did this study recently. I know you know about it where they're talking about the releasing of hostages. And how do you get a hostage release? And is it, when someone's taken a hostage, is it, is it the fact that you meet their demands? That actually, you get the hostages back?
Starting point is 00:40:26 Actually, it's about the same. Whether you meet the demand or you don't. Believe it or not, there's a 2,000 times greater likelihood of the hostage being released. If the person who took the hostage just believes you understand why they did it. That's right. That they feel seen.
Starting point is 00:40:39 And one of the things when, if you want to be seen as a person, see other people. I have this thing I do, Tony, I'm writing a book about it right now. Let me tell you about you. I love doing that with friends with let me tell you about you, but something, you said, not your awesome or your cool or your, something really true that they go, that is true. I did do that. I do have that. So I just want to acknowledge the brilliance of what he's sharing with all of you. I'll tell you to say, I'll tell you a two second story about that.
Starting point is 00:41:05 It's interesting. I remember when I was going to my 10-year high school reunion. When I was in school, I was really a driven kid. And I was not popular. I was popular with certain girls, more like more friend girls than anything else. I had all the cheerleaders on my side and became student body president.
Starting point is 00:41:20 But I ran in like a real thing. I went to all the different groups and said, what do you want to do? And I went to the principal and I said, I don't think this will work, but I think in like a real thing. I went to all the different groups and said, what do you want to do? And I went to the principal and I said, I don't think this will work, but I think I can make this happen. So it taught me that if you're sincere, even if you are popular, that you could have the kind of impact it was, it was a real shaping experience for me. And so, but I remember I had some guys specifically that were older than I was, that were competitive with me. And we're really brutal. I was five, one, they were like, my head nose guard was six, six,
Starting point is 00:41:46 and he just would brutalize me, come and pour milk over my head. And so now my 10 year high school year comes up. And so I'm gonna be about 28 years old. You know, I've become pretty successful. I got books and I'm having impact around the world. And you know, I've been seeing all over the world. So I'm getting ready to go.
Starting point is 00:42:03 And I got kind of, I don't know, I got really uncomfortable. And part of it was I realized like, I don't know, like I don't know if I even relate to any of these people. I don't know if they'll even remember me or anything else. And I remember calling my mom. And my mom was an interesting character. And rarely did she have advice, but she,
Starting point is 00:42:20 I was talking to her, I was driving in the car up there. And I always imagined I'd go up there in my limousine and I'd have the three women in my life that would be there, whatever that was. You know, I was like, make sure it's a stupid boy, right? And you know, I had a limousine at that point, it was funny as hell, but I didn't take it. I took the least expensive car, I drove myself.
Starting point is 00:42:38 And I'm talking to my mom on the phone, and I said, she goes, I said, what are you doing? I said, I'm going up my 10 year high school reunion. And she goes, wow, she goes, you feel funny. It's something funny about you right now. That's what he mean funny. And she goes, I know what it is. You were so different in high school.
Starting point is 00:42:54 And you're thinking about, you're not one of them. And you're going up there. She was so intuitive. And I said, well, I guess, yeah, I think you're right. She goes, honey, you know, one seminar, you touch more lives with people than your entire high school of a couple of thousand people. She goes, you know, look what being different got you. And I remember after you hung up the phone, I realized, you know, I'm so focused on, well, how will I connect and all this bullshit, which I never would think
Starting point is 00:43:18 normally, because normally I'm thinking about how to give. I'm not like, how do I receive? And so I started thinking I was driving up there about the people I might bump into and some of them that actually kind of tortured me at the time. And I thought, you know, I'm gonna get fascinated by their lives. I'm not here to talk about mine or tell them how great it is. I'm not gonna do that. And I remember you know you get your high school or you know, I don't know if you did this, but they have the old picture of you when you're in high school and I had you know, hair down beyond my shoulders and you know, and I was this little guy and so I walk in and I ever forget the first guy that comes up to me. He didn't recognize who I was and he looks,
Starting point is 00:43:50 his eyes were at the level of my chest here with my, and he goes, Tony, he looks like this. And it was the guy that used to torture me, right? It was the guy. I was kind of hard on you. I was kind of rough and I said, you know, what I deserved that, I had a really bad mouth. I had an end much respect.
Starting point is 00:44:05 And I was telling me about you and I spent the whole night going around talking to people about them, nothing about me, and I had the best night. Because it's like, if you really focus on others, you disappear. It's like, I used to have these long mission statements and change the earth and all that. Now my mission state's really simple, how can I help?
Starting point is 00:44:22 It's like every day I get phone calls from people. Somebody's got cancer, somebody's got, I've learned so much in the health area, somebody's got something in their business, somebody knows somebody's got a challenge. It's like, how can I help? And nothing makes me more grateful. So I think people, as you grow,
Starting point is 00:44:38 hopefully you and I are at a stage of life where we can mentor people because we've been through so much crap, right? You know, overcome so much. And my hope is that the people that listen to you, that listen to Ed personally, I endorse Ed as a friend because Ed lives this stuff. I mean, there's very few people that live it. And it's one of the things I love you and respect you.
Starting point is 00:44:57 You work out, you train, you do this stuff. You're not somebody just interviewing other people. You're somebody who lives it. And that unfortunately is rare. But when you find those rare people, you want to learn lives it. And that unfortunately is rare. But when you find those rare people, you want to learn from them because we all become like who we spend time with and the good thing about a podcast, you get to spend time with somebody like Adam and it's fantastic. Thank you. Well, to get to spend time with you today, which is the reason they're here, but thank
Starting point is 00:45:20 you for that. You could have just stayed in your lane, so to speak. And you, you know, you are the person in person. People ask me, what have all the people on your show having common? I was just saying this to someone last night because they knew you and I were going to be talking. I went in this restaurant, sit down, the guy had just listened to my interview with Rob Deerdick, and he goes, I just love your show. I love the people. He's such a great guy. He loves you. And we were, you know, commiserating back and forth. And he goes, what's one of the common things? I said, well, I'll tell you one of the odd things. I said, I'm actually interviewing Tony again tomorrow,
Starting point is 00:45:50 and I said, one of the things that they all have in common, because some of them are smart, some are so smart. Some of them are disciplined, some of them are other athletes, entertainers, business people, people every day, and their life that have changed your life. I said, most of them have been impacted by Tony Robbins one way or the other, almost all every single one of them. And so you have helped so many people. But a few years back, you decided, Hey, I'm going to grow me and you really invested a lot of yourself into you
Starting point is 00:46:14 would coach. I know you'd raise been a friend and you'd coached a tutor Jones for a while, but you it went to the financial space. Yeah. And I thought that took some guts quite frankly, because you could have just stayed where you were known. I know in your businesses you've done a things but the public you is the stuff we've talked about so far. But now based on this winter we're in, I'm so grateful you went there on, you know, how to protect or grow your money financially. So I think I'd mess today's podcast up if I didn't ask you that about this time as well. People wondering what you would tell them to do in terms of their finances right now. You have any advice for that for people? Well, yeah, I think the biggest mistake is to pull back right now.
Starting point is 00:46:52 That doesn't mean that you put all your money in the stock market. You know, you really, I'm not gonna tell people what their asset allocation should look like. They really want to do their homework. I hope you'll read maybe Money Master the Game or Unshakeable. I wrote two books where I interviewed 50 of the smartest people in the world. The right value is the Carl Iconz, the Warren Buffett's, Paul Tudors.
Starting point is 00:47:08 And I've coached Paul Tudor for almost 30 years. So these are the most successful people in history. That's who you want to learn from. And what I want to see is they're all different, but what were the common patterns of what they did? And even though they had different approaches, those common patterns were there. That's why those books became so successful.
Starting point is 00:47:24 But I think what you have to look at today is number one, you got to invest yourself just like we talked about earlier. You got to make you more skilled and more powerful and more effective so that you can command more going forward economically. So whether it's inflation or not, it doesn't affect you. And because there's going to be inflation for probably a period of time here, we're going to see a tough environment. The second thing is to keep feeding your mind
Starting point is 00:47:46 and your emotions so that you don't freak out like everybody else. Then the third thing is you do have to get in the game. You know, it's like the first thing you should do is stop being a consumer and become an owner. I mean, you and I both know that's not what most people are. If you own an Apple phone or you don't know an Apple, that's a giant mistake.
Starting point is 00:48:02 I'm not saying with an Apple, this price or that price or just over time If you're a consumer you lose there's so many kids today that think socialism is gonna be a really cool thing And it's because they've never been to Venezuela which I have or I was there in the Soviet Union when it was still the Soviet Union I was invited over during that time is spent almost a month in the Soviet Union. It made me a capitalist because everybody was supposed to be equal. Comrades, it's total bullshit. I'm on this train with all these scientists. They brought me because of the firewalk and things they wanted to study what I was doing.
Starting point is 00:48:35 And I'm watching us every city we land in and we get off the train because I went literally from Moscow to Siberia and back, the entire country. And we're having on the train, all the Soviets fit her with us. We're having caviar and champagne. And then we stop in every city, and there's a main area where people got their milk in their bread.
Starting point is 00:48:55 And it's got lines literally for almost a mile, people standing in the frigid cold, so they could get a quarter of a loaf of bread and a half a quart of milk. And I was like, it made me angry to hear these bullshit stories about equality. Because it never works that way. What happens? There's a power structure.
Starting point is 00:49:13 And so people today, kids, it's our fault because they don't participate in free enterprise. They had someone else take care of them in some cases for a certain period of time. And they gone to school. And so they don't understand that life is calling you to find a way to add value, to do something better for people than anybody else is doing. And if you figure out how to do that, whether you work for yourself or you have your own business, you're going to prosper.
Starting point is 00:49:36 But most people don't have that psychology. They're missing it. So you've got to become an owner and then people are like, well, what I invest in, how do I invest? Well, make it you a clue. The stock market has been through World War One, World War Two, every kind of financial crisis, the depression, COVID, everything we can imagine. It's like Warren Buffett would say to you,
Starting point is 00:49:56 you don't want to bet against American business. Over time, it's going to do well. But here's what's crazy. The average return over the last 20 years has been 8.2%. And so you're multiplying your money over a short period of time by that because of the compounding that occurs. But what most people don't know is if you just tried to time the market
Starting point is 00:50:15 and you were out of the market just 10 days, 10 of the best trading days, in 20 years, instead of 8.4, you're at 4.2. That's insane. You missed 20 days out of 20 years when that was happening that we're some of the best trading days. Just miss those 20 days. You got a 2% return. If you miss 30 days, you're in the hole.
Starting point is 00:50:37 And so and what's crazy is six out of the 10 best trading days in any history are usually within a week of the worst trading days. And most people are freaked out, right? That's when the opportunity is there. So when you see things melting down, you go, well, when do I get in? Well, you know, there's a great study that the Schwab group did. I thought it was fantastic.
Starting point is 00:50:55 They did all the ways you could do this. Like, could you perfectly market time? And what would you return on $2,000 be over 20, 20 years? It was $87,000. What if you just got in whatever time you got the money you put it in? And what would you return on $2,000 be over 20, 20 years? It was $87,000. What if you just got in, whatever time you got the money you put it in, it was $83,000. It's a $4,000 difference.
Starting point is 00:51:12 And then what if you dollar cost average? It was a thousand less. It was 82. So you put in the same amount of money and the market goes up and down. The only thing that lost money was not getting in the game, right? Because then cash went down.
Starting point is 00:51:24 The value of the cash went down. Wow. And so you got to get in the game. Right? Because then cash went down. The value of the cash went down. Wow. And so you got to get in the game. And you got to know what you're doing. And, you know, please pick up. I don't need all the money from money master the game and unshakable. It's part of how I fed people.
Starting point is 00:51:34 It's not enough for myself. As far as I've had so many people. So please go pick them up. It'll guide you step by step. And you will. You'll stop being the chess piece and you'll become the chess player. Got it. Or understand become the chess player.
Starting point is 00:51:45 Yeah, Lee. Or to understand how the game works. But if you don't study it, then you're, again, you're reacting to the environment and you're going to find yourself in a tough place. Become an owner. Don't just be a consumer. Yeah, there's a running theme here through a lot of things Tony said today, which is just, you know, so many people are going through their lives reacting to the media, reacting to their
Starting point is 00:52:04 phone, reacting to the markets, reacting to what everybody's telling them to do, instead of being a creator of their own destiny. And that's what you're going to get if you go January 24th or the 25th, which I'm going to go, by the way, I'm going to be there. Join Tony. I don't want people to know what we're going to do is each day, I'll have you for two hours, there's no cost, you'll do it on Zoom and so forth. You can attend with your family, your friends, your coworkers if you want.
Starting point is 00:52:23 And we're going to take about two hours, sometimes it goes two and a half and three, because I wanna add as much value, there's no charge for it. And we're gonna take, look at, what are you gonna do for this next year to prepare yourself so that you have a plan? You're not hoping 2023 is gonna work out.
Starting point is 00:52:36 And it's gonna be based on facing the reality of more inflation and more challenges, probably a more challenging marketplace. What are you gonna do with your body? So you know that energy that we've talked about. What are you gonna do to with your body? So we know about energy that we've talked about. What are you going to do to enhance your relationship? So there's a closed harbor here for you. When all hell's breaking this, we still enjoy your life
Starting point is 00:52:51 for yourself and your family. What are we going to make sure? And I'm also bringing in people that have done it as well. Besides myself, you don't just go, oh, this is Tony and these tools. So I'm bringing Sarah Blakely, as a good friend of mine, is the owner of this email billionaire Payed it's makes and you see what she started from what she did
Starting point is 00:53:08 I'm bringing the lady to started it cosmetics She was listening to my stuff in Denny's working as a waitress. She's made a billion dollars, right? And she is not what most people would think about people said we can never have a makeup line aligned with you because you're not like Super thin and all this bullshit, right? And she just blew through all that and connected with women in a way that's never been done before. So I'm bringing Matthew McConaughey's a good friend of mine because Matthews, you know, want a great, you know, one great actress this generation, but the matter of rejection, the amount of failure that people go through to get in that position and how he managed that.
Starting point is 00:53:42 So you're going to get my insights and their insights over those five days, and I promise you'll be spiritual, I'll forget. And it's my way of investing back in you so that you can have the best year possible. I've been doing it, it's my third year doing this. So I'm real excited for the impact. We had a million people the last two years
Starting point is 00:53:57 participate just for those five days. I'm gonna be unbelievable. My audience is very familiar. Jamie Kernley was one of my dearest friends. That's right. You're gonna get access to Jamie. You know that we're so close and Sarah and Jesse both her husband are just amazing people. And I'd love to hear from Matthew as well.
Starting point is 00:54:12 So I'm excited about it. Let me ask you one last question. Thank you for the time today, by the way. Thank you. I just know this is one of these things is being shared all over the planet after we're about five minutes into this. So the last question I was, I guess it's about expectations and managing them, I guess to some extent, you say this more eloquently than anybody that I know,
Starting point is 00:54:30 but I was doing an event here, actually in my home, last week, very successful people, all multiple seven figure earners, eight figure earners, some nine figure net worth people. And we did like a day to get 2023 going, sort of many version of what you're doing. And one of the people there, there's a running theme. But one of the ladies there at the end was like, you know, I have this.
Starting point is 00:54:50 I've got beautiful children. I've got an amazing husband. My career is flourished. I'm making some contribution. I feel good about why am I not happier? You know, and I said to her, I said, well, how often do you feel like unhappiness? Oh, you know, I don't know, 15, 20% of the time. I said, do you think maybe that you just expect
Starting point is 00:55:08 that you're supposed to be too happy too much of the time? There is a human experience we're going through here that there are ups and downs of our emotions and the breadth of emotions actually can create a very rich life. So I guess the last thing is we go into this winter season and all the tools and resources
Starting point is 00:55:25 that you and I both want to give to people all the time. I think there's just a level of expectation that needs to people need to be aware of as well. And you speak so well about this. I want to finish with that. Yeah. Well, I think expectation is usually every all of expectation. You're not going to get rid of expectation. But what you can do is you can balance it with appreciation. I always say trade your expectations for appreciation and your whole life changes in that moment. Now, I think last time we were together, I shared with you this story, it was on this airline, you know, fried my own plane. And, you know, I was just being so stressed because it was flying to Australia.
Starting point is 00:55:55 It's, you know, I moved to Florida. So, you know, it's like 20 hour travel time to get there one way. And I remember they announced there was finally this internet, you know, international internet. We were also excited. Everybody opened up their iPads and their computers and their phones and stuff and started doing their slacks and their social media. And it lasted nine minutes and at the end of that People were pissed because after nine minutes they didn't work for the rest of the entire trip I don't get still works for them and people are like, so nine minutes earlier people are celebrating like it was God come down into the airplane, right? It was like this miracle. Nine minutes later, it was an expectation that people are pissed about that wasn't met.
Starting point is 00:56:31 And that's what technology has done to us. If we let it, technology starts using you instead of you using technology. We start thinking human beings are like pushing buttons where we get where we want instantly and human beings aren't. And so we have to take back control of those expectations. But I think it's more than expectations as well. When you find something to appreciate your disastrous moment disappears. There's always something you can appreciate or be grateful for. And I've trained myself to have this 90-second rule.
Starting point is 00:57:02 It's not always 90 seconds. I want to know how it gets me and it feels more like 90 minutes. But most of the time within 90 seconds, I've trained my nervous system. It's like, I use the thing I get angry and then my brain gets really sharp. Well, when I'm in a great place, my brain gets really sharp
Starting point is 00:57:16 and the people around me have a better experience. And so I think it's also just deciding you're gonna enjoy your life no matter what. Billionaires are a dime a dozen. What's not a dime a dozen is people that thoroughly enjoy their life even when things don't go their way. And how often in life is not gonna go your way?
Starting point is 00:57:31 How often in life, if you're happy, and it depends on other people behaving the way you think they should, you're gonna be a very unhappy person, a good period of the time, or you're gonna have to have a very small group of people around you that you somehow control, and then you'll be miserable because you won't grow.
Starting point is 00:57:45 You know, it's like we all need the stimulation of all the emotions we describe, but I also believe you don't need to stay there. It's like everyone's going to have pains. You've all heard sufferings of choice, but it's a decision to say, I'm going to find the good and whatever happens, not because I'm a positive thinker, because that's the only intelligent thing to do. You know, five minutes of anger and your immune system gets suppressed for about three hours. Five minutes of pure joy or pleasure or stacking of great moments,
Starting point is 00:58:14 and your immune system is stimulated in a healthy way for three hours. So it's like our entire survival actually depends on us if we want longevity and equality of life on our ability to find what's right. And most of us have been trained to find what's wrong because that's what the survival brain does. Your survival brain runs you. You're not going to be happy. I always tell people, you know, your brain is not made to make you happy. That's your job. But the way you get happy is progress. If you grow, if you expand, if you find something that's more meaningful, you're able to share whether the people becomes more than just you and you're going to be happy. But if you don't make progress, if you don't grow in your relationship or your business, it's not about the money, it's not about the business, it's about growth.
Starting point is 00:58:56 We all grow or we die. And all relationships grow or die. All businesses grow or die. There's no plateau. And when people start, I think it was John Wooden when I was interviewing once he said, it's what you learn after you know everything that really counts. You know, he was the most successful college basketball coach in history. So I think the mindset of saying young and continuing to grow, but also demanding. But I'm not going to settle for life like the average person who, when it doesn't go their way, they get all pissy. It doesn't mean I won't feel that I'm human but I'm not gonna stay there. I'm gonna do it out of it quickly and I'm gonna find what's good and I'm gonna go to work on it.
Starting point is 00:59:31 I'm gonna use what life has given me even if it's not what I want and then I'm gonna do what I can to change or improve it but I'm gonna enjoy the process instead of only when it goes my way. When I ask people, you achieve the goal that you wanted for years. A lot of people achieve it then they go this all there is of people achieve it than they go this all there is. Or they achieve it and I go, how long were you happy? For six months, a year, six weeks, six days, six hours, most people somewhere, two and six hours and six weeks. Because when I'm supposed to sit at the table, success
Starting point is 01:00:00 too long, you get bored and fat. We're designed to grow, we're designed to progress. That's what makes us feel alive. And when we progress, we have something to give. And when we give, our life is meaningful beyond ourselves. Ah! Just so good today. I appreciate you. I do.
Starting point is 01:00:16 I just appreciate you. I love you. You've been such a blessing in my life. I get emotional if I go any further than that. And I just feel just so honored that millions of people share the seat with me all the time and that they got to share it with you today again, brother. You're so remarkable.
Starting point is 01:00:31 Thank you. We know much, I respect you. Thanks for sharing that story about back in Maui. That really makes me smile. Especially since you've maintained it all these years. You've ever went back. That was a deeply emotional trigger for me. And it's been anchored in there ever since.
Starting point is 01:00:44 So and by the way, you can learn how to do that. And not exactly the same way I did it at Become Unshakeable with Tony. So go to You guys, Tony Robbins, thank you so much for today, brother. Thanks, dad. Have a beautiful day, brother.
Starting point is 01:00:57 YouTube, have max out everybody. Take care. This is the At and My Let's Show.

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