THE ED MYLETT SHOW - Rise to Any Challenge w/ Patrick Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver

Episode Date: March 31, 2020

The COVID-19 MINDSET BLUEPRINT This video has been HIGHLY requested, and I thought no better time to sit down with my friends Patrick Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver. It was my privilege to have this... conversation with them. Patrick is such a unique young man. Not only is he a successful actor and model... But he’s a successful young entrepreneur who has incredible business insight and vision. Maria is such a special soul. Her humility, generosity, and kindness is an example I admire so much. She is a powerful leader in women's empowerment, a journalist, author, and founder of the nonprofit organization The Women's Alzheimer's Movement. I want to be candid….I know people are genuinely suffering right now and have urgent needs…. I know so many are scared and having so many negative thoughts. I understand... HOWEVER, I encourage you to question your thoughts as you don’t have to BELIEVE everything you think!! We dive deep into the choices that are staring us in the face during this time and how we often find our greatest GIFTS in our hardships… Perhaps these gifts are finding out what is really IMPORTANT, what makes us HAPPY, and what we truly DESIRE for our lives. This struggle you are going through could be the VERY thing that leads you to your greatest success if you use this time to your ADVANTAGE! Some of the biggest companies in the world started their business during personal or economic down cycles: Gates started Microsoft in ’75 Jobs started Apple in ’76 Uber started in ’09 Venmo started in ’09 We talk about why STRUCTURE is KEY during these times of being at home…. What my MINI DAYS look like and how they will drastically change the way you perceive time. We dive deep into understanding the MINDSET of HAPPINESS, the link between PHYSICAL MOVEMENT and mental health and most importantly, FAMILY. I even share a personal story about my biggest regret with my family. This is the time to be RESOURCEFUL, COLLABORATE, and REEVALUATE….. I believe this conversation can help you. I love you guys! God bless

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is the admiral show. Everyone needs help right now. I hate to see so many people suffering and I've been on almost every one of these lives you guys have been doing this week with Tom Bill you and Mel Robbins and all the other people you've had on and it's just wonderful that you're doing it so I'm glad to help anyway I can. Yeah of course we've been we've my mom actually is the one who started it and she was kind of having to evolve her her work life and what she was doing that she couldn't do at her office any longer and that's what she started and which kind of brings me to my first question with you. Your last post
Starting point is 00:00:47 In a time of change in a time of evolving and that we really needed to look at this kind of opportunity right now So I wanted to to hear from you. How are you kind of evolving? What do you what do you mean by that in this time of change? Well, you know, by the way, I don't mean it in a poly an away I know that people are really suffering right now. There's some people with some really urgent needs and they're worried about eating in a few weeks. And so I don't mean it in the way that, you know, just, you know, some concept of a thought.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Having said that though, you know, you don't have to believe everything you think. And just because you think something doesn't mean it's true. And so one of the ways we can evolve is we can begin to think right now, let's question our own thoughts because Dr. Daniel Aiman has been on my show and I've worked with Dr. Aiman quite a bit and he's really got me to be that way in my life. We're not everything I think is true.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Yet we sort of operate that way and then we take actions on it. These thoughts give us emotions and all of a sudden you're spiraling in a different direction that you don't want to be. And so I feel like right now, you could take this as an opportunity to be training, preparing, and growing in a way that you never would have been able to have this gift before. In some ways, it's a tremendous gift, even though it's a hardship. This puts the test, everything we say on social media or personal development itself help. I'm known for saying everything happens for you, not to you. And this is a difficult time to really believe that, but you have to look for those things.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Those are the thoughts you have to be looking for. And for me, it's almost, this is the one shot our culture consciousness is going to have to evolve. Perhaps the gift here is, we're all going to come out of this thinking just some slightly different thoughts. You know, what really is important to us? What matters to us? Who are we? What do we really want in our lives? What really makes us happy, right?
Starting point is 00:02:31 And for me, I'm looking at this like almost like an athlete preparing for a season I know is coming. I'm training. I'm growing. I'm expanding. I don't want to be the same person at the end of this. I want to get something for all this pain. If you're going to go through pain, you should get something for it.
Starting point is 00:02:47 And Andrew Cuomo said yesterday in his press conference that this is a moment for the entire country, right, for the world, but for the country. And it forges character. It's a moment to forge character, to talk to your kids about. How is it changing your character and what advice do you have for people out there who feel like completely helpless in this moment? Like I can't build my character, I can't even force food. Yes, one of the things you can do when you feel helpless is to become helpful. It'll
Starting point is 00:03:18 completely change your state. And so, you know, you both receive messages from me this week. One of the things I've tried to do this week, I've consciously taken time to just, how can I serve? I'm asking myself, what can I learn from this? What is this trying to teach me? Everything's a teacher. What is this trying to teach me? And perhaps one of the things for me was maybe slow down a little bit and let the people
Starting point is 00:03:43 around you know how much you love and care about them. I feel helpless. Today, this is a gift for me because I hopefully were being helpful. And so all of you that are listening to this were born to do something great with your life. Big ways and small ways. All of you were every human being was born to do something great with your life. And perhaps this is a moment. If you haven't felt that way about yourself in a long time, that you could begin to act greatly in kind, small ways that maybe nobody's going to know about. And it might be as small as, what if you decided every day you're going to write down a list of five or ten people that you're just going to reach
Starting point is 00:04:15 out to and say, I'm here for you. Can I help you? I might not have a lot to offer you, but I'm a list, I got a listening ear here. We can talk. I'm here for you. You'd be surprised in those moments how one of them needed you in that very moment. And you've done something great. And so you're not helpless and you certainly are helpful. And you can make a difference in other people's lives and just getting out of your space because perhaps what's going on around you is so stressful and causes you such anxiety. If you could get out of you and into someone else's spirit and serve them and help them, at least in that moment, I promise you,
Starting point is 00:04:50 you'll not feel helpless, you'll feel helpful, and it'll transition that feeling you've got right now. And I've been doing a lot of that. And by the way, when this is all over, I think many of us are gonna remember those people that reached out to us. I know I'm not going to forget. There's some people that I was very surprised, and sincerely said,
Starting point is 00:05:11 I love you, I care about you, everything okay with your family. People I hadn't talked to in quite a while, and I'm not going to forget it. So you could be that person that someone's life who needs you right now. Today, they need a call from you, they need a text, they need a video. I love you, I miss you, I'm here for you and reach out. I promise you that would change your state in the moment you do it. That's so good. I think that's been a big proponent of what you have talked about is, you know, every
Starting point is 00:05:35 day, hey, let's think of who's single, who's alone, who's living alone, who's parents we can reach out to and just, you know, reach out and say, hi, we're thinking of you, is anything we can do for you. I think that one of the things that I've learned during this time is how impactful we can all be. Just by reaching out to people, by reaching out to small businesses, I mean, I've reached out to a bunch of different companies
Starting point is 00:05:55 that have just been like, wow, man, thank you for checking it on me. It's been a whirlwind recently. And I'm sure you're dealing with that as well. And what's kind of, is why we wanted to do this today was to really help small businesses and entrepreneurs. And one of the things that you've really talked about is not being scared of being prepared. And you really just, you talked a little bit
Starting point is 00:06:16 about that in the beginning. But if you could talk to these young entrepreneurs that are on here today, what would you tell them? How? And all this. I'm an older entrepreneur. Well, here's some good news. Let's get some perspective on this. Here's the irony.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Do you know that most successful entrepreneurs, if you look at the data, most successful entrepreneurs started their businesses in either personal or economic down cycles, not up cycles. Up cycles are for the big dudes. Up cycles are for the big boys. They all flourish during this time. Ironically, almost all successful entrepreneurs started or restarted in a personal
Starting point is 00:06:52 financial crisis or in an economic crisis. I'll give you some examples. Gate starts Microsoft in 1975. Terrible economy. They got worse and worse and worse job starts in 76 Zuckerberg starts Facebook and oh four four years later. They're just getting their steam up Oh eight hits right and so you could look at all of these different companies and Netflix starts in 97 right The 97 they just get a little steam up. They're just finally starting to catch maybe get on blockbuster 9-11 hits. And so, and most of these people started when they were broke, when they were down. And so, ironically, and this is going to happen to many of you. There are going to be many millionaires, many ultra-successor entrepreneurs, whose businesses are born over the next several weeks,
Starting point is 00:07:41 or were recalibrated and restarted. They're not started in up cycles. They're started in down cycles. Almost every single one of the mind was as well. And so I've been reminding myself of that not because it makes me feel good, but because it's a fact. And so I think that, you know, I just want to pause with what he just said and have people really let that sink in. Because what you just said is incredibly inspiring to everybody who feels like this is a catastrophic moment. You're saying this actually is the moment. It's the moment of change. I'll give you an example, Maria, and you know
Starting point is 00:08:17 this better than I do. But in, in, in, so do you Patrick and Patrick and I talk about this stuff very often like business cycles, ideas, trends, the moment. But if you really think about it, you guys, this is when real change is going to occur, culturally, economically. And if you haven't been successful yet, it deals new cards to you. It deals new cards. And so, give you an example. During a moment like this is when complete innovation is going to happen.
Starting point is 00:08:43 It's when the Barnes andbles start to disappear, right? And the Amazon's emerge. Right. And these types of cycles, it's when the IBMs shrink and the Microsoft's emerge. It's when the blockbusters have a difficult time and the new entrepreneurs emerge like the Netflix, the Mark Cubans, and all the small entrepreneurs that are out there. And so, and one of the things I think I would just say to everybody is you have to act like businesses open.
Starting point is 00:09:09 And so, this is really important. You have to create more structure right now, not less. So, I'm forcing more structure on myself. I'm getting up 30 minutes earlier than I normally do. Why? Because everybody's getting up an hour later, right? The second day that this was going, Patrick, you texted me and it's funny, when you texted me, I looked down, I had some sweatpants on.
Starting point is 00:09:28 So I say this guy's out of making him a six. I'm not a good, okay, I'm an average ordinary person who makes some mistakes, but I learned from after almost 50 years, I learned from a few. It was the second day you texted me and I looked at my phone and I had these Adidas sweatpants on and there was a toothpaste stain It was like eight o'clock in the morning on my sweats and I went oh I I spilled some toothpaste on my sweats
Starting point is 00:09:50 And I went no no that's impossible because I haven't brushed my teeth yet and it was 8 a.m And I went oh that's yesterday's toothpaste. I've been wearing these sweatpants for two damn days Right and there's there's a lot of people listening this and in that moment I went that's it. I got up, I showered, I put a suit on. And so I'm getting dressed every day. Look at me today. It's a Saturday, right? Every day. And I've noticed that in Patrick, I'll give you a pass because it's a Saturday. But Monday, Monday through Friday, get up, get
Starting point is 00:10:19 dressed like you're going to work. Get off the couch, get somewhere in your apartment or your home where you're working like you normally work. You know what it's like? We all have those Netflix Sundays in our sweats and we're laying around. Too many entrepreneurs are taking every day to be dressed like that, and you're seeing them on social. Get dressed, clean up, perform like you normally would,
Starting point is 00:10:38 even if you can't go somewhere, you gotta act like it. You gotta model that behavior. That's so good. I mean, I'm just seeing so many people in the comments saying, wow, structure, structure, structure. And I think that's so important. Something that I've learned so much from you is that routine. You know, I've always been a big believer in my morning routines
Starting point is 00:10:56 and something I was struggling with in January was when I had my shoulder surgery. And I felt like, you know what, I don't need to get up early anymore. I don't need to do this because I can't work out. I can't. And I texted him and I said, man, I'm really struggling with my routine.
Starting point is 00:11:09 And you said, how lucky are you that you still get to wake up every morning that early. And now you can focus on things that you weren't able to focus on. Now you get to read more. Now you get to listen to more podcasts and get more advice, get smarter, learn from this time. You know, it's not always that we get to be off the field and see what kind of a perspective of the
Starting point is 00:11:29 people that are on the field. And I felt like, wow, that was so true. Don't use this time to slack off. But just continue that routine, continue that structure, and find ways to learn in other ways. And I think that's such great advice to a lot of these young entrepreneurs that are maybe working from home now, who are dealing with a shift or a change, make sure you keep that structure, make sure you're waking up early still, make sure you're doing something a little bit active, make sure you're, you
Starting point is 00:11:52 know, checking it on people. I think that is, that's really great advice. I think there's so many people, it is great. And I've been dressing up every day, putting on brushing my hair, putting on makeup as if I had somewhere to go, right? Yeah. That's super important. But what do you say to, because I have so many friends who are kind of primary breadwinners in their families, their women's small business owners, they've spent their whole life building
Starting point is 00:12:15 a hair salon, a home goods store, they're firing people, they really don't, they want to dress up, but they have nowhere to go and they don't even know how to shift their retail business, which might be brick and mortar into something else. What's the best advice you can give people like that? Yeah, I wish that it was more pure, perfect advice because it's so difficult when you can't open the door of your business to earn revenue. And I worry about that. I feel like entrepreneurs right now you have a moral choice and a financial choice, but you keep your people on board and for how long.
Starting point is 00:12:53 And I worry about that for people. I would say this, the routines that Patrick is discussing have to evolve when you can't go to the places you normally do them. And so part of the routines that I've been doing, for example, I have every intention of, like, again, example, a couple of my business are completely shut down. So my speaking business, all that stuff, that's shut down. My, I'm worried about my investments in real estate right now, but my financial business, WFG, that's flourishing.
Starting point is 00:13:22 People are recruiting. They want to help with their money. That stuff's been working well, my pick out chips business, but the ones that are shut down, what I'm doing is I'm communicating with my clients, even though I'm not seeing them, keeping that connection so that when we come back, I'm booking appointments for May. Under the assumption, I'm going to be allowed to get back to work, and if we're not, I'll move them in May. So one of the things you should be doing is an entrepreneur, still booking the appointments, because here's the thing, we're gonna get let back to work sometime.
Starting point is 00:13:52 We don't know when it is, but we can make some predictive guess of when it is. And you wanna be full speed because you're gonna need to make up all that revenue immediately. A huge mistake would be having nothing booked because you don't know when you're going back. Pick a window where you think you're gonna be going back,
Starting point is 00:14:06 even though it's a variable, and keep booking appointments with your clients that are going to be seeing you, providing they feel like they'll have the money at that time to see you. The second thing I'm doing is I've evolved my routine where I'm not, you know, you go to the gym for an hour every day, I'm not doing that now.
Starting point is 00:14:21 So what I'm giving myself the gift of is like five, 15 minute workouts throughout the day. So I'm keeping my state higher. You can't possibly move your body and have anxiety and fear and depression. It's impossible. Because your body is your unconscious mind, truthfully.
Starting point is 00:14:36 So your body tells your mind what to be thinking. So I've actually got a gift. This is funny. I've got a gift now, four, five, little 15 minute jumping jack, push ups, yoga workouts throughout the day. And it's funny. I've got a gift now, four or five little 15 minute jumping jack, push ups, yoga workouts throughout the day. It's funny. In the, what is a crisis, I'm ending days.
Starting point is 00:14:50 I'm like, I'm not that tired. I've been working all day. And I didn't have a lot of anxiety. Even though I have thousands of people depending upon me, how I is that. I haven't allowed my mind to rest because I'm moving my body every hour for 15 minutes. And then one more little gift I'll give to is there's a thing I run called mini days structurally that maybe you could consider doing. This happened way before this. 24 hour days were created by somebody a long time ago that before the internet, when everything was slow, I don't believe
Starting point is 00:15:21 in 24 hour days. I think that's just a made up number. So I just started to make my days into six hour days. So we've all had a day, we're in six hours, we got more done than we did in the full day. Everybody's had that morning or like, it's 11 o'clock, I've crushed my whole day. I'm like, well, why can't I do that every day? When I got 24 hours, I pace myself like I got all day to do it.
Starting point is 00:15:41 But what if a day was six hours? What if a day was six hours? You bend time. So for me, my first day, 6 a.m. the noon. That's a full day. I want to get a full day's activities done, calls, contacts done in that six hours that most people take a full 24 hour day to do. Then day two starts at noon to 6 p.m. Same thing, full day of activity, full day of appointments, full day of talking to people, full day of listening to podcasts, full day of reading, full day of growth, full day of improving myself. The next day from 6 p.m. to midnight, same thing. So what if you could get 21 days a week right now? What if you could get 21 days of growth in
Starting point is 00:16:19 7? 21 days of reading in 7. 21 days of calling people in seven. You could come out of this in four or five weeks having invested 50 something days in yourself when everybody else only got the 21 or 28 days. So I'm running these many days and it's completely bending my concept of what time is. And I know Patrick, you and I have talked about this, but more than ever, if you're gonna grow, don't take 24 hours, that's not one day, one day, six hours.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Six hours. You can get your reading done, your growth, your calls, all done in those six hours, and start again the next six hours. Right. I think that, first of all, I want to say hi to Marcus and Mona, who keeps commenting. I just saw, and he said, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:59 some of my brothers looked up to for a while, and he helped so many small businesses. So shout out to Marcus. I think one of the things that I love about you and I love talking with people about is not just businesses and just about business. It's really about the leading and something that you talk about so much as the mindset, kind of the inspiration, the motivation and the mindset. What is something that you can tell a lot of these business, you know, men and women leaders about how to really kind of hack their mindset right now?
Starting point is 00:17:29 You talk so much about happiness, being happy with yourself, being fulfilled. How can we talk to people right now during this time to really pack that mindset? Well, a couple good questions. Couple of things on mindset that I would tell you as Patrick's 100% right, that what everybody wants is happiness. So one way to remake your company right now, your hair salon, your engineering firm, your sandwich shop, hopefully that gets to get re-opened, is that you could get better at your business right now.
Starting point is 00:17:58 And Patrick just gave you the key. You got to understand what you're selling once and for all and what you're selling people ultimately at the end if you ran it out to It's logical conclusion what everybody's buying from you is it slice a happy That's what they want from you and not enough entrepreneurs slowed down to sell happiness So my product no matter what it is because I sell happy now obviously there's wine behind me We know that makes people happy so people so I know see there's wine behind me. We know that makes people happy. So people are so wide now that you have that. I'll be on that later. I'm trying to avoid this room except for Zoom calls. But you'd say that's what if you got more evangelical about your cause. Let me tell you what's coming out of this time. Young entrepreneurs particularly, you do
Starting point is 00:18:40 surveys of young entrepreneurs. They want to be a part of something that's crusade and cause oriented. They want to do good work. If more important than money is making a difference. Guess what? That's not just young people. That's everybody. They want to make a difference. Great entrepreneurs are evangelical almost about their cause.
Starting point is 00:18:56 They're evangelists. They sell happiness. You say, that's just ridiculous. I put a post out about this the other day. The number one food seller and real estate holder on Planet Earth is this man named Ray Croc. I'm not knocking McDonald's it's a wonderful company. One of my good friends owns a whole bunch of them but I don't think any of us would argue that it's not the healthiest food in the world nor probably the best food in the world yet he sold the most food in the history of
Starting point is 00:19:18 the world right and owns more residential or commercial real estate than about anybody that organization. How'd they do it? They did it because they sell happiness. They somehow got you to connect me happy to their hamburger. Their mascot is a clown. Their mascot is a clown. Their number one meal is called a happy meal. They connected happiness to their product. That's the mindset of all entrepreneurs going forward. Ray Crab, Sam Walton, it was just another retail store. What separated it from K-Mart and these other stores? You entrepreneurs thinking about this. They put greeners in front of the store.
Starting point is 00:19:52 They made people happy, retired folks are a store. Welcome, have a great day. You immediately walked in and got a slice of happy. So the separator is, can you become so even, joy, about your cause, your mission, that people think, if I get that insurance, or I get that product, or I get recruited, or I go and get this piece of this yogurt, or I interact with this engineering firm, I'm an architect.
Starting point is 00:20:13 How do I sell happiness? You've got to begin to sell the end result of how happy they'll be when they get this home. Everyone wants more happiness. Great entrepreneurs link their product or what they do ultimately to getting happy. Steve Jobs would roll out a Mac, a computer and go, isn't it beautiful? Isn't it beautiful? You're like, no, right? Isn't it beautiful? She'll make you so happy. All great entrepreneurs link it. Average entrepreneurs don't get that. They just sell the product or the money or what it could physically do for you. Facts tell story sell. So you can have all the facts in
Starting point is 00:20:52 the world. Stories sell people. And so maybe this is a time I'll come up for air here. Maybe this is the time for you to remake your story. And maybe that story needs to be linked to happiness so that you come out of this a completely different entrepreneur, a completely different business person, maybe a completely different mother, maybe a completely different father. We need to come evangelical about your family right now. We're going to do something awesome. We're going to do something great. We're special. We make a difference in the world. What if you just got a little bit more evangelical about the cause of your family, that would make a difference in your home. So sorry for going so long.
Starting point is 00:21:27 No, I love that. And you know, for me, I always supported McDonald's because actually the work they did with the money they made, Joe. They were a huge philanthropist. So I always felt like if the kids wanted to go to McDonald's, I was like, we'll do that because Joe Croc is actually using that money to support salvation army special Olympics. Special Olympics. But she did so much with that money. So I think having a purpose to your company,
Starting point is 00:21:57 like you're saying, happiness, but also like, we're using this company to also support autism, Alzheimer's, different organizations. But let me digress one second one of the things I loved about Ed I love about you is that you talk about family and that you talk about being successful professionally and personally and I think this is such an important message particularly coming from a man. So yeah, no, I really do because so often people say like, well, you know, my everything fell apart because I was being successful professionally and I talk to a lot of women right now who say,
Starting point is 00:22:36 you know, my partner, my husband, or whatever is at home working and like, whoa, I, you know, it's a whole new dynamic. So I want to know how it is for you at home. And how can people be successful personally and professionally like you were just saying? Well, I certainly, and by the way, I talk about it because it's things I've struggled with from time to time, too, as a busy person, right? So one, I could tell you, and I was just talking to somebody who just
Starting point is 00:23:06 had a young child and they were asking me about any regrets I had. And I said, yeah, too many times when Christiana will say to me, do you remember when Max, you know, when he was three or four, and I say, I don't remember that. And I figured this out, oh, my kids were young, but not super young. I was, one thing I would just say to all of you is that be present where you are. You're going to be so busy with work that when you come home be with them even if it's just for that first hour or two. Put your phone away. I struggle with this so much Maria that I have I've been doing something for a long time. I leave my phone in the car the first hour when I get home. I can't even see it or touch it.
Starting point is 00:23:45 I know Patrick has this deal now where he doesn't look at his phone during meals. I don't do it when I come home. So for me, it's being present where I am. And I can tell you as somebody who's had the great blessings of some financial success in my life, that nothing financially comes remotely close to having a wonderful, beautiful, loving family.
Starting point is 00:24:05 It's got to be your number one priority in your life and you can have it all. You can have all of those things. I'm going to tell you something that may seem very contrived, but it's what I do. For too many years, I scheduled all my business and then when there was an opening, I'd go, oh, family time. That's what most entrepreneurs do. And I changed it maybe 15 years ago. And what I did when I plan my week is I go, okay, family time, first, soccer, volleyball, date night, whatever it was, then the rest of my world gets planned around that. And so it's my first planning.
Starting point is 00:24:39 It may seem strategic. Last thing I'll give you, a little tip, especially for some of the men since Maria had pointed that out one thing I just want to say to all you guys Write down notes because you're gonna get busy. It's not contrived. It's love Write down notes in your calendar call my daughter Text my son call my wife call my dad call my mom too many of you at the end of the week go my gosh I didn't even call my mom and
Starting point is 00:25:03 So I actually schedule reminders in my calendar and that's the most loving thing you could do is make them a priority on your calendar. I just want to say one thing that about you guys because people might not know this but one of the things I admired the most about Patrick. In fact it's the thing I admire the most is how much he loves and cares for his family and and he's there for Sunday dinner, as you guys know. And it's the thing that when we met, I went, I want to, whatever I can do to be his friend
Starting point is 00:25:32 and both of us, and by the way, Patrick and I help each other. He helps me, I help him, but I know what a wonderful son he is and brother, and I also know what an incredible husband and father he will be someday. And so I try to surround myself with people like that. And you know that's true Patrick. I'm wonderful. You are with your mom and your siblings and your dad. And that's a culture in your family that I kind of have a hunch that Maria has a lot to do with that. But I but I something that I really admire. And
Starting point is 00:26:02 my other advice to you is what I just said, entrepreneurs, you men, you better have three or four men in your life that are good dads. And there's a power to association and winning. And there's a power to association and being a parent and a loved one as well. So hope that helps a little bit. Thank you so much. That was, you know, it was great. I definitely am very fortunate to have such a great mom, but I appreciate that compliment.
Starting point is 00:26:25 And I think it brings me to another little point, or pointer for a lot of people that are here, is kind of show me your friends, and I'll show you your future. Really surround yourself with the right team, the right friends, the right other husbands, or people that are promoting that lifestyle that you're wanting to get to. People that are building you up
Starting point is 00:26:46 and something that I love about you is you push me. I mean, when I meet with you or I talk with you, you're like, all right, get your iPad out and write this down. This is what you're gonna do. You know, next time I see you on this, on this, on this, on this, on this, on everything, and it's making me go past what I thought I was capable of doing. And surround yourself with those kind of people is essential.
Starting point is 00:27:05 And I think that's great. I'm going to open, I'm going to go to the little question thing down here and just press a few of these questions that we can answer for people. I think one of us, this is good here. Do you think that this will change companies' perspectives on remote work and at the same time optimizing their real-time offices? So I guess it's a question of maybe you can talk if you're in your business. Are you seeing this as actually finding
Starting point is 00:27:38 ways to utilize this from now on? Doing more Zoom calls, not paying rent for retail? Yes. And and by the way I want to hear this from you guys too but my quick answer is what a great question absolutely yes this is a couple of especially in WFG for example it's been such a revelation how we have not been evolving and utilizing technology and the ease of which the ease of which you can reach people in their homes and in their offices. And you know, the other thing, we've sort of built this, when I was a little guy, if someone knocked on our door, you'd be like, oh, who's at the door?
Starting point is 00:28:14 You know, you wanted someone to come in your house nowadays, like, who's at the door? You know, there's this people, a lot of times in a lot of businesses, people would rather interact this way than even in person all the time, even though I think it's more effective in person. So 100% yes, and I do think it is absolutely making companies rethink. And by the way, some companies have been great about this, like the Googles of the world for many years, but the rest of the world's lag behind. We still all think we have to get in the car, drive to a brick and mortar building, and the truth is there are businesses where you can't cut someone's hair through Zoom. Somebody has pointed earlier, right?
Starting point is 00:28:49 But many businesses can be faster, more efficient, into your point, Patrick, far less capital to be doing business to some extent this way. I will say that I have found that doing business this way is faster, but typically in business the faster we go, our efficiencies drop. And so for all of you, this may seem like a broad concept. It's something I'm learning. Is that although this is much faster and easier, I can't support a more technology driven business with the old systems I had in brick and mortar.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Meaning you better be evolving the support systems as you begin to do businesses way more because the last three or four weeks we're rocking but I'm still supporting it with all the old systems and strategies. So you have to be rethinking also the support systems you have for your business as well but one million percent this is going to change many many industries and companies. What do you do in New York's Patrick? Well, it's been a big, big shift. I mean, for our pizza shop to blaze, we've gone to full delivery, you know, doing free delivery for people. But it's a, you know, they've shifted their model from a lot of the kind of walk-in, create your pizza to the delivery
Starting point is 00:30:03 model last year. So it was a great prep for them, but now this is a full-blown scaling that delivery side, the gyms, a lot of them are doing now free Instagram lives. So people can go and still build that community and create that branding, but to give people their workouts and everything from home. And then a lot of the ones that are in the grocery stores and stuff, unfortunately,
Starting point is 00:30:28 but fortunately are doing well because people are just towarding the grocery stores right now. But I think that you're right. I think that a bunch of these companies are going to evolve and see, okay, maybe I'm not going to have as much square footage. I don't need this much space, this much overhead. I can have people meeting through these virtual conference rooms and everything. So it's definitely, you know, if people take a second and reflect on this time and evolve, then they're going to progress with their businesses, I think.
Starting point is 00:30:57 I think one thing that I worry about as I'm a journalist, right? And I, so I've been okay putting out my Sunday paper or doing these, but I also run a nonprofit, the Women's Alzheimer's Movement, and there's so many nonprofit leaders who are struggling to think about how can we keep a nonprofit alive? How can we are we can't do events? How can we raise money in this time? What's going to happen? I so many nonprofits laying people off thinking they can't raise money because everybody's raising money for COVID. Yes, okay. Well, that's a good point Maria, but I will tell you I'm involved in a nonprofit and we have an event that we were going to do live. Not I here's I think I think it's very important
Starting point is 00:31:46 Not, here's what I think, I think it's very important not to assume something that's not improving yet. Although people are giving a lot of money to COVID and it is a very, very important, obviously it's, I think we would all agree it's the most urgent cause in the world right now. But I will tell you, and I'm not going to get into my philanthropic activity, but all my normal giving happened in the last few weeks. And my nonprofit that I'm involved with, we are moving from our live event to a Zoom event. And we're having the same speakers, the same communicators, the same folks. You don't get that kind of peer pressure that's good at fundraisers,
Starting point is 00:32:22 where everyone's in the room together. But everyone's on the screen together. And so, for example, I was talking to Rachel Hollis, who's an influencer in the inspiration space. And Rachel basically does live event. She's moving her event to Zoom. She's probably going to reduce the ticket price. The good news is far more people will be on that Zoom meeting than could have flown to where the event was, paid for a hotel room. And so many of these things in your nonprofits or your businesses, there's some windows here that are pretty special because some of the money that you have to spend to get there or timing in a calendar where
Starting point is 00:32:56 you know what it's like in real, you have an event and you go, it's March 6th and there's so many people, they can't fly or get there March 6th where they can get on a Zoom event and hear a speaker and be moved. I have a couple of events coming up with some very, you know, very higher-end former leader speakers politically. And I can tell you that more people are excited about seeing them through this venue than they would be to have to find a get there. So let's not make all these assumptions. Those of you who run nonprofits. Listen, you got to get resourceful. Right. And there's a lot of power. And I'm not just giving any of the mindset stuff here. There's a lot of power to what you believe. There's a lot of power to what you think. And if you have a limiting belief that you can't raise money right now
Starting point is 00:33:37 or that people won't gather and listen to speakers, there's someone proving you wrong. There's someone doing it. And so if someone's doing it, you can do it in the speaking space. All the folks that are speakers like, hey, I can't do my event, I can't do this. Well, there's people doing them. And guess what? The more of you that think that, there's more and less and less competition for them
Starting point is 00:33:56 to get to your audience, to your customers. And so it's better be very careful. You run it on profit, you think you can't raise money right now? And someone else does. And now they've got someone connected to your cause. So I don't think that's the case. I do think what is obviously true is people are concerned about their money right now more than ever. Yeah. And maybe they're not quite as willing to part with it as they once were. But I don't believe that that's the case overall, everyone. I'm telling you
Starting point is 00:34:22 right now, there's a lot of upside to where we are right now and I think you just need to look for get resourceful and by the way collaborate who should you be collaborating with you never have before that's what I'd be thinking about we don't want to take too much time we'll do maybe one or two more of these questions one of these that I saw which is I thought was really great because it's something that I know our our companies are really struggling with. I'm trying to find where it went now. So I'm going to, while Patrick tries to find this question, I'm going to start summarizing many of the things you said here, which I think are so extraordinary about putting your family first on your calendar as opposed to last.
Starting point is 00:35:07 That's a real takeaway to me. Having many days in your one day, I think that's a real takeaway for a mindset takeaway there. I think that's really to reflect surrounding yourself with people who have the same values. If you have a company infusing values into your company, values of happiness, values of purpose, you think maybe how you're presenting,
Starting point is 00:35:33 re-evaluating the story of your company. Okay, now go ahead, Patrick. Yeah, this is, I just want to take away some. So excited. I just thought that this one was actually really great because it's something that, you know, I've been struggling with and I'm sure tons of people out there have been struggling with, which is kind of talking about morals with financial choice and how you really balance those.
Starting point is 00:35:56 I think that a lot of people right now have been in companies that they've worked with other people for 10, 20 years, 30 years, whatever, and they're doing everything they can to keep these doors open or alive. And I don't know if you really have a recommendation for this, because it's really business to business and really tough, but the decisions between having moral and the right financial choice. And I know for myself, I think that a lot of things
Starting point is 00:36:23 are waiting to see what happens with the government and loans and paybacks and everything, but I didn't know if you had any advice for that. I do, and it's easy for me to say, because I'm in a good financial situation, but for me, there is no choice between moral and financial. I have a moral obligation. And now that's different if you have no financial means. But I've been quite frankly disappointed.
Starting point is 00:36:47 I mean, we're going to be candid. I've been quite frankly very disappointed and hurt by so many entrepreneurs that I know could be writing this out a little more with the people that have been dedicated to them for five and 10 and 15 years. And they just immediately cut. And I know they don't have to. And it's been really, it's hurt my heart to see it. Some of them are friends of mine. And maybe they won't be long-term. Because Maria mentioned Governor Cuomo earlier.
Starting point is 00:37:12 One of the things I really admired watching him is, and this is a couple of tips I would give on this topic for you on Span Wars. Gotta be candid. We just lost Jack Welsh recently. One of the great executives in the history of the country. And Jack, did you really? Well, then, I'm going to pretend to know him, and you do know him.
Starting point is 00:37:33 But one of the things I know, you know this, Maria, is that he was such a big believer in candor, and he wrote about it in many of his books. He's a very candid person. Now, I can just tell you that I think you need to be candid with people. I don't feel like it's fair to not be straightforward with people. So, for example, in one of my companies, I've let them know, listen, I'm riding this out with you. I'm also going to let you know as long as I can, I will, but when I can't, I'll give you notice enough time to let you know if I couldn't anymore. And so for me, it's a moral choice. If I have to mortgage a home, which I won't have to, but if I had't anymore. And so for me, it's a moral choice. If I have to mortgage a home, which I won't have to, but if I had to, I would do that to
Starting point is 00:38:09 make sure these people that have been so good to me. And I understand some of you are like, I can't mortgage a home. I'm running out of cash. Then you need to be candid. You need to be truthful with them. You need to be upfront. And so this section difficult time. Now, one thing I think we would all three agree with.
Starting point is 00:38:27 I feel like we're all, and we all have these friends and we're this person too. Our ego, we wanna let everybody know we know what's going on, and we can forecast what's gonna happen. The truth is, nobody knows. And that's one of the things I respect about Governor Cuomo, he's kinda let you know, he doesn't know. We're doing everything we can every day.
Starting point is 00:38:42 Having said that, I think, in my opinion, this has almost been like playing poker, like seven card poker, stud or something, and two cards have been dealt if you're an entrepreneur. So you don't know, right? And is it five more weeks, three more weeks, 12 more weeks, nine months? In my opinion, in my opinion, another card or two
Starting point is 00:39:03 will be pretty revealed in the next week or two. Right. One way or the other. I think of the another card or two will be pretty revealed in the next week or two. One way or the other. I think of the next week or two we're going to know most of us but I do think if you can hold on another week to 10 days to two weeks I think we're not going to have all the cards. We won't know all seven cards but we may have another card or two dealt where we know three more weeks we're back two more weeks some of us are back, six more weeks were back, or not. And so I think if you can hang on another week to two weeks, you're gonna know a little bit more what hands you're playing,
Starting point is 00:39:33 so to speak. That's so good. I just wanna say, Ed, that you've been so inspirational today. You've given us so many really practical takeaways which I really love that I can go and actually implement not only in my business but on behalf of my nonprofit you helped me shift my thinking regarding the nonprofit that I work with and I think there's so many people out there that are saying the same thing that we can read through these questions I don't know if you can see all that anyway.
Starting point is 00:40:08 So I don't want to keep him because it's Saturday morning and he has a family there. But I just also, even though he's in a wine cellar, he's not. I just want to say that also, I just want people to know that you're a really helpful person and you give back and with your time, your energy and your commitment. And I know that firsthand. So I just wanted to say that. I do too. I know that firsthand. And it's been so helpful for me. And I think that, you know, one of the things we've talked about is how do I in turn help other people and take the things that I've gotten to learn from you and really go out there and motivate people,
Starting point is 00:40:49 inspire people, help young businesses. So I really appreciate you doing this with me today. I know I've reached out to you and said, man, we really gotta do something together to help these young businesses that are struggling so many people are messaging me and you said, done, tell me when and we made it work. So we're really appreciative.
Starting point is 00:41:06 I'm going to say one thing about you. So then we'll finish. So everybody, I love Maria and she's incredible and I'm so grateful you connected Patrick and I. But everybody that's there's a couple of 2500 people or so on this call here. Many of which follow me. Many of which follow you. But if you follow me, you need to be following Patrick Schwarzenegger, you guys.
Starting point is 00:41:25 He's, there's a, he is a really special young man. And then there is an entrepreneurial spirit in there, and honestly, a brilliance of the way he thinks about business and entrepreneurship. And he's an emerging thought leader in this space. And I'm not just saying that's why I did this. I've only done two of these. I've done it with my best friend of business partner, Andy and you and obviously Maria. And so if you're following, oh, I did it with Matthew Hussie because I love Matthew too. That's one of my best friends. Wow. We're so, we're so honored. That's so cool.
Starting point is 00:42:01 Oh, stop it. You know, you know that it's been my honor today. You just stop. But I want everybody to go on his page. I couldn't do it on my page. It was on his page. I asked him that last night I said I know what you're doing. You're picking up followers right now. I know you're picking up followers right now. And on my page. You can do that. Go follow Maria and go follow Patrick.
Starting point is 00:42:23 And where and you know we didn't get to say in the beginning, but I mean, you have an amazing podcast. You're a top-selling author. You have a great page. Where can people find more about you or learn more about you or watch? Yeah, right here, all my stuff's free. You just go on Instagram, you click the link in my bio.
Starting point is 00:42:40 You'll find all my podcasts and YouTube and all that stuff. You can go go follow. Awesome. I love you guys. Thank Awesome. Thank you guys. Thank you. You're welcome. You have a great evening for family. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:42:49 This is the end of my show. you

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