THE ED MYLETT SHOW - Sarah Centrella - Hustle Believe Receive

Episode Date: February 13, 2018

Master life coach, manifesting expert and best-selling author Sara Centrella joins Ed this week with a profound message. Sarah’s life dramatically changed after she found out her husband and high sc...hool sweetheart was having an affair. She became a broke, single mother living on welfare in 2009 and realized she needed to recreate her life. Within 18 months she manifested her first vision board and created a whole new life for her family. Her personal blog Thoughts. Stories. Life. began to gain international recognition in 2011 and she began coaching others. She has worked with NBA and NFL players, their wives and thousands of others to help them turn around their world and manifest their greatest desire. In 2016 her book Hustle Believe Receive An 8-Step to Changing Your Life and Living Your Dream became a #1 best-seller in the self-help, happiness and personal transformation vertical. This podcast is sure to leave you feeling motivated and inspired to get the most out of your life!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is the Ed Mylet's Show. Complete, lead, and win. Welcome back to Max Out with Ed Mylet, and I am fired up today because the lady that I have on the program, I have been chasing to get on this program now, for the better part of about three months after I began reading her book. The name of her book, by the way, is Hustle Believe Receive, and she's incredible. And so, for so many of her book, by the way, is Hustle Believe Receive. And she's incredible.
Starting point is 00:00:26 And so for so many of you, you've been saying, would you please have more women on the program? And I am dying to have more women on the program, particularly this woman. And so I want to welcome to the show one of my favorite people I've met in this whole life strategy, personal development space, Sarah Centrella. So Sarah, welcome to the show. Well dang it. I don't know if I can even live up to that. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. I'm equally as excited to be having this chat with you today. We've had so many, I wish you guys could be on the phone with us on the other phone calls we've had even before this because if we just recorded those, it would be an incredible podcast and that's true. we did. I remember getting off her first phone call and thinking, ah, that's a conversation
Starting point is 00:01:10 I'm not going to forget. Me too. I thought. I love it when you meet someone you're like, I'm going to remember that forever. We connected immediately and I thought I just met a sister. I mean like literally, I mean just she's so you guys, you're going to love this. This lady has such great information and her spirit and her delivery is just beautiful. I think you're gonna enjoy this journey. I think when we're done, you're gonna hope we could continue. And that way, maybe I'll get you some access to Sarah so you can't continue with her.
Starting point is 00:01:35 So let's get into that. Let's roll. Like there's so much here. And I usually start out, how were you raised all that stuff? But today, because there's so much stuff once you were a grownup, I kind of want to start there a little bit, but you can fill in any spaces you want to. So Sarah, tell us about, I how a text message changed your life. Let's just set the tone. Let's start right there with the text message. Tell us about that.
Starting point is 00:02:11 I'm telling you guys, it was September 7th and it was 2008. It was a normal day. You know, I had twins. They were just over a year old. My son was five, I was a stay at home mom, so I was in the middle of cooking dinner. My husband comes home, everything seems normal. We eat dinner, he goes in the shower, and all of a sudden, I have this kind of like out of body moment where I literally am hearing Oprah's voice in the back of my head, because during the earlier part of that day, I'd been watching the Oprah show, I'm not going to be able to get into the story. I'm not going to be able to
Starting point is 00:02:46 get into the story. I'm not going to be able to see the story. I'm not going to be able to see the story. I'm not going to be able to see the story. I'm not going to be able to see
Starting point is 00:03:02 the story. I'm not going to be able to see the story. gut reaction. And I remember her saying, you should take notice if they're hiding their phone. I'm like, God, my husband never rides his phone, you know. And then all of a sudden, I was like, well, wait, but where is it? You know, and then it was in that exact same moment that I knew I can't even explain it other than it was like a five second thing where it was like, where's his phone? and instantly I knew. And I remember just walking in, he was literally in the shower, sunsing all up,
Starting point is 00:03:30 walked in, grabbed the phone, opened it up and the first thing I saw was, I can't wait till you're all mine. No more sharing. And it was from a coworker of his and I thought, holy shit, like holy shit. I literally turned off the water in the shower, pulled the shower curtain back and said,
Starting point is 00:03:51 get the fuck out of my house and don't ever come back. Whoa, whoa. Yup. And we were high school sweethearts. We'd been married eight years at the time, been together for 16 years and it ended in five minutes. And people are always like, is that really, I'm like, it's really outed. It shows a little bit about, I mean, that's, it's gripping. Like, it's in the beginning of the book,
Starting point is 00:04:14 and I told you, even right now, you just said it, I'm losing my breath a little bit. Like, it just, I just picture that, because I know you know, you're such a beautiful person, so that for you to have this just almost premonition, I got to check his phone and the first message on there. I mean, you're whole world. I mean, that message everything. Yeah, that's just a me and it's so funny. People have asked me like, you know, if it said something different and I don't
Starting point is 00:04:37 know, but to me like reading that it was beginning, middle and end. You know, I mean, it was like, it was the perfect message to send, to end America, truly, because it was like, it told me it had been going on for a long time, told me they were in love, told me it was still, told me she had just seen it. You know what I mean? That little bit was really, and for me, I just, I never had another reaction. I didn't even question my reaction. Yeah, when I read the books there, I wondered that too. Like I think other people might have less bold reactions because when I read that, I was thinking if I ever reverse and I read that one of the first things I thought of was How much you would affect my own self-esteem? Isn't that a weird thing to think but like I did that's one of the things I reflected on I thought I'd be mad I'd be devastated I'd be shocked and then some reason I don't know it's the way I'm wired
Starting point is 00:05:25 I'd be mad. I'd be devastated. I'd be shocked and then some reason. I don't know. It's the way I'm wired You totally think what's wrong with me? Yeah, of course. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. I think for me And I I didn't ever question it. I didn't even honestly I didn't question it until people started asking me about it a couple years later. They were like really? You fucking did that? What do you mean people don't do that? But for me, it was just like, if the person I've been with since I was 16 years old
Starting point is 00:05:52 is in love with someone else, how is this a conversation? I don't know, it just didn't even, it was, it was very surprising. Literally did, there was no conversation. You're like, dry off, get out. Get the fuck out, he did, it's gotten five minutes. dry off, get out. Get the fuck out. He's gotten five minutes.
Starting point is 00:06:06 It shows, it does go to the strength of your spirit, by the way, it does show strength of spirit that you did that. But so that's the beginning of this journey that's led you to your world ending. Your world ending, but also like most things in life. And clearly, life happens for us, not to us. That's corny, but like in hindsight,
Starting point is 00:06:24 it was one of the best things that ever happened to you, right? But it wasn't one of the best things that happened to you right away And so talk a little bit about from the heat you get the F out he suds up in bales Now you're there, right? And so talk to because there's a lot of women listening to this A lot of people but particularly women that might, it might not have been as dramatic as that, but they find themselves right now supporting their family, or they find themselves right now wondering where the future is going to take them. They wonder how do they navigate through a very dark time, manner woman people are listening
Starting point is 00:06:59 to this, and that's about as dark a time in someone's life as they could get. And so take us through a little bit of that journey of the darkness. So he walks out and there's got to be this revelation or a curse to you like, okay, he just drove away. Now where were you? Oh my God. What is the situation?
Starting point is 00:07:19 It literally like, think that I had the presence of mine. I ran across the street to my neighbor and I just said, you got someone's got to come watch the kids, because I just was out of my mind. I don't remember much else about that. I think in a traumatic situation, we all have this wonderful little mechanism that kind of just shuts us down a little bit.
Starting point is 00:07:39 But I was like, I definitely can't be solely responsible for three babies at this moment. Someone watched them. And then I literally remember just laying on the floor. We had my hardwoods in our living room, and I must have laid on that floor for four or five hours. My bones hurt. You know, my ribs were stuck to the floor.
Starting point is 00:07:59 I had cried to the point where I didn't have any moisture left to cry. And I just remember laying there and literally the only thing that kept going through my mind, just like this huge like neon sign, flashing flashing flashing was like, you can't do this, how can you do this? Like how can you live? How can you survive? How can you, you know, do the most basic things and a little bit of the back story there, the year leading up to this, we had had just a terrible year. I mean, we lost our home in the housing bubble. We had literally just filed bankruptcy. The twins were a year old. I was so you had twins that were a year old and how old was your other child?
Starting point is 00:08:40 And then my son was five. Oh my gosh. So yeah, and I had taken, I couldn't afford nannies or whatever. So I'd been a stay at home moms. We were really struggling. I mean, barely paycheck to paycheck with his income. So here, I'm thinking, laying on the floor going, holy shit, we're about to get our lights turned off. And that's with an income. What am I supposed to do now?
Starting point is 00:09:03 I hadn't had a job in two years. It was the recession. What do you do? And that was just the only thing I kept thinking is just basic survival stuff. How am I going to get the girls diapers? How am I going to get formula? What do I do?
Starting point is 00:09:16 And through all of those what ifs and I can'ts and whatever, there was this tiny little thing and it must have been whatever you believe in, you know, universe God, whatever. But for me, it was hope. And it was just this little thing in me that was like questioning myself, saying, but what if you could?
Starting point is 00:09:37 You know, like, what if you could? And then I allowed that thought to remain. You know what I mean? And then the next day I started marinating on it a little bit more and then the next day and the next day. And literally those first two weeks were just a blur. We sold everything we owned. I moved into shitty little apartment
Starting point is 00:09:56 and just trying to get on my feet, trying to get a job, whatever. But then when I finally did get a job about three months later, that little thought had really grown, you know, like any thought, if you feed it and water it, it will grow. And I thought, for some reason, I don't know why this is happening to me, but this is the start to a new life. And it's gonna be a totally fucking different life.
Starting point is 00:10:19 Yeah, so did you like, so just, I've just, I read some of this, now I'm hearing it And it's to be honest it still takes my breath away probably well much more hearing it than even reading it even though It's so powerful to read this but like so you're on your on the floor You're I mean obviously I would do the same thing. I just be immobilized. I'm sure right just you just gotta Just gotta process it so like did you say you sold everything? I mean are you talking like
Starting point is 00:10:45 ever did you not? Maybe I'm wrong. Did you sell even you're like your wedding ring? I did you? Yeah, no, we sold everything and I mean there's some stuff I wish I hadn't. You know, I just even some keepsakes and stuff, but I was literally trying to sell anything that could pay for me to move into a apartment because I didn't have a job, right? So I had to do first and last and I didn't have a dime to my name. So, you know, we sold anything that I could sell on Craig's list. And I remember probably maybe two or three weeks into getting finally finding an apartment that would actually run to me, you know, whatever. And we're in our little apartment and I put the ring up on Craig's list.
Starting point is 00:11:23 And this woman comes by and she comes to look at it. And I started to like say something about it, you know, or whatever and she just looks at me and she goes, please don't tell me, just don't tell me. And I was like, wow, she does not want my badger you on her new web page. But she just sensed the turmoil you were in though, right? Totally was just like, do not tell me the story.
Starting point is 00:11:44 It's like, wow. Well, that's when you know that things are in bad shape when someone doesn't even want to hear what it is. It's like, please God, I don't, I can't buy these rings if you tell me this story. I'm sure when you walk into someone's apartment and there's three children, little babies in there and they're selling their wedding ring.
Starting point is 00:11:59 I mean, I'm sure that's just got to be a scenario. And it's interesting. When you hear these stories, everybody, so many of you on some level at some time and maybe now relate to something similar, just an incredibly dark time, right? And one lesson I took from you in the book was you didn't even have a perfect plan necessarily,
Starting point is 00:12:17 but you immediately took some actions. You're like, I gotta move, right? I gotta get off this floor and take some actions. And so you get into the apartment, what started the turnaround and what took place? Because now the hope was there, and you said that hope things started to grow. And you know, one thing all of you,
Starting point is 00:12:36 I just wanna acknowledge what you said there. Everybody listening to this, no matter how dark it gets, no matter how difficult it gets, no matter how much your backs up against the wall, you also have that hope thing. It's called your soul. Amen. It's called your spirit, so you have it.
Starting point is 00:12:50 So, if you're wondering if it exists in you, it 100% does. Yep. So, just acknowledging that it exists will allow its presence to grow in you. The hope gene, if you will, the hope thought. So, just know, and Sarah's living proof of this, that it exists in you, okay. And so just the acknowledgments of existence is more likely for it to reveal itself to you, okay. So Sarah's proof of this.
Starting point is 00:13:17 And so, Sarah, you're there, you're, you've got, I think, I don't know, did you get the dream job? I doubt you went out, I got the dream job. Oh, God no. Okay, I doubt you went out. Oh God. No. I doubt you got the perfect job So no, I mean I think and just to piggy back up for what you're just saying real quick too I think you know my mom used to call it the still small voice or whatever And I think we absolutely all have it just I think a lot of us shut it up
Starting point is 00:13:40 You know because we want to have that conversation With hope and say no no no everything's against us. There's no way you know, because we want to have that conversation with hope and say, no, no, no, everything's against us. There's no way, you know, we're trying to fight it. But if you're just quiet and you just let it be and let it do its thing, then it has a chance to grow and it has a chance to inspire action in you. And for me, you know, like I'm telling you, when I was trying to find a job, we had the worst unemployment rate. Yeah. Probably ever in the history of our state. It was no one was hiring.
Starting point is 00:14:08 Not to mention I had been out of work for two years. So by the time I finally got my first job, like I said, I was close to three months, I just remember walking in there and just thinking, I have to do this really well. You know what I mean? This little chance has been given to me and I was an inside sales rep
Starting point is 00:14:30 for a little software consulting company and my quote office was a closet with no windows. And I thought, well, if I have to be here on the phone all day long, then I want something pretty to look at. It doesn't remind me of my life, right? So I literally when the boss was gone, I went online and I found all these pictures of Hawaii and New York and Italy and all these places I wanted to go
Starting point is 00:14:56 like Disneyland with my kids and stuff and I just plastered the walls with them. And I thought at least, you know, now I'm sitting here, I can stare off at a picture of, you know, someone laying in a hammock on a beach and I can imagine that's me. And that way I don't have to think about the fact that I hope I can afford groceries this month, you know.
Starting point is 00:15:17 So that was kind of your version of a dream board without did you know that's what you were doing or you didn't know, it was kind of a dream board, right? Yeah, it totally was. It absolutely was. I had made a vision board right before my twins were born when Oprah had it on her show. Okay. And I just remember then my husband had come home and he was like, what are you doing? Like our house is for closing. This is so stupid. And I hit it.
Starting point is 00:15:38 I had hit it. I'd put it away because I was like, yeah, you're right. This is kind of stupid. But in this moment when I was recreating my life, I went, I still had that board. So I brought that board into work and then plastered everything else. And I thought, you know what? No one's here to tell me that I'm stupid anymore. No one's here to tell me this is a bad idea.
Starting point is 00:15:55 So guess what, I can do whatever I want. And it was really that, I think, you know, looking back that was such a magical thing for me because it meant that eight hours a day I was envisioning my life in a different way instead of focusing on all the crap that was my reality and that is now What I coach, you know, people to do if you can just do that if you can just stop thinking about What you don't like about your career and your reality and take all that energy and focus it on the life you want,
Starting point is 00:16:27 low and behold, it shows up. It's unbelievable. That's exactly what happened. It's one of my, your journey is one of my favorite stories. I've read, it's why you're on the show. And because of, I also love it because Sarah, that you're down the road, you've turned the corner, you've done amazing things with other people that we're gonna talk about in a minute too. But one of the things I do love it because Sarah, that you're down the road. You've turned the corner. You've done amazing things with other people
Starting point is 00:16:46 that we're gonna talk about in a minute too. But one of the things I do love about you is I think you think you got a long way to go. And I love it. I know I love it. I love it. I love it. And I love that because I think I think I have a long way to go.
Starting point is 00:17:01 And one thing that Sarah's an example of, and I don't like like acronyms and sayings, I don't care for those things, but truly Sarah's test has become her testimony. It's actually a fact, right? And so this test you're going through and she's given you a couple of the keys. One, she took some action in spite of the fact of not having a perfect plan. Second thing she did is she surrounded herself with her dreams and her visions, which a lot of people go, F that because, man, I'm trying to get formed.
Starting point is 00:17:29 I mean, you have to understand, guys, one thing, you read this book. I mean, Sarah had to go all the way in between there. That three month gap met, she needed all kinds of food stamps. Food stamps, right? I mean, she had to take advantage of the things that are appropriate in our society
Starting point is 00:17:43 when someone goes through a tragic time like this. And so imagine you're on food stamps, and you've got a dream board, you've dusted off at your first job. I mean, that's amazing to me and proof it works. Oh my gosh, it really, really is. And I'm telling you, and then a year later, so when I finally got a little better job,
Starting point is 00:18:03 I was slowly making my way up And I went to my new job and I was like, well, damn, I'm taking all this stuff with me So I did the same thing plastered my whole cube and everyone used to come by and kind of give me a little bit shit about it Or just be like, hey, what do you know, and I was like, hey, that's that's fine. I'm you know Say what you will it makes me happy It helps my day go by faster. And then I got to tell you there was this one particular day, about 18 months after he left. And it was my first, I just got a promotion.
Starting point is 00:18:35 And so I was, you know, starting to get my feet a little bit, starting to get excited about life, really seeing the hard work I was putting in, starting to pay off. And my boss says, hey, I need you to be in New York next week. We're in a lot of this big product. I want you to come with me, all this stuff. And I was freaking out, right?
Starting point is 00:18:52 My first business trip ever. And so I remember just packing up my cube and getting my laptop, getting everything. And then I just paused for a second and looked around my cube to make sure I had everything. And that's when I saw the picture that I had put on my everything and then I just paused for a second and looked around my cube to make sure I had everything. And that's when I saw the picture that I had put on my very first vision board. This one I've been packing around. And it was of time square.
Starting point is 00:19:14 And above it, I had written New York City baby in my handwriting, you know. And I sat there and I was like looking in my hands because I just pulled off the printer, my itinerary for JFK. Oh my God. And you're, and I remember just standing there and just having like full body chills, I'm getting chills even saying it right now. I am too. And just looking at that picture
Starting point is 00:19:36 and that was a very first time. I literally just looked at the thing, looked at the picture, looked at the thing, and I was like, did I do this? Ha ha, I thought. Like, you shit, did I do this? Ha, like, you shit, did I do this? Haha. I didn't know how and I didn't know for sure that I did, but I thought this cannot be
Starting point is 00:19:51 random. Like this can't be random. And you know, I was still living paycheck to this page. I'm still trying to get on my feet, but here I was a whole week in New York. All expenses paid. Had the company amix card, you know, like living this totally alternate universe life and the whole time just going, oh my God!
Starting point is 00:20:10 I can't wait to see my life, no. It's so awesome because like, I have this thing, I say, I'll tell you, belong in your dreams and what you did is you stepped into one of your dreams and like, what happens is, because this happened for you, now that's a catalyst, you're like, wait a second,
Starting point is 00:20:24 I touched one of these dreams, right? That's like a drug. Yeah, there's a great book. I forget the author's name called The Dream Catcher that I loved when it first came out. And that's really what starts to happen is you build momentum in your life towards catching these dreams.
Starting point is 00:20:36 I love the visual of that. Have you looking at the board and seeing your eye tenure? I'm literally just like mouth on the floor. Like, what is this? Like, and then like the whole time I remember writing like a blog post on the plane just going, I'm going to figure this out because I know somehow there's you know it was like a puzzle. Somehow some way you know me putting that on my board before I was even divorced.
Starting point is 00:20:57 It had to you know and then it was like boom boom boom boom boom just like what you said just in that six month period I had some of the biggest manifestations of my life that poured came to life within six months. And by the way, part of that coming to life, I just want you all to know this that one of the things that I think makes Sarah magic and I try to have this too, and I, but I know you have it, is you're real. If people can hear from talking to you, some people in the life strategy or personal development space
Starting point is 00:21:25 are all, you know, they'd have you believe that they're almost a robot or they're, you know, they have no weaknesses or they don't come from the same place. Sarah's in Portland, Oregon, by the way, when she makes that trip to New York. And so that's a long trip, number one. And number two, she's a real person. You can tell how she phrases it like,
Starting point is 00:21:43 I still get excited when my dreams happen too. It's like, wow, can you believe this? I live on the beach. This is nuts. Sometimes I'll say, is this crazy? You know, like, it's like, and yet, and yet, I'm, and yet, I expect dreams to happen now. Totally.
Starting point is 00:21:57 It's that interesting. Yeah, isn't it? It's kind of that 50. But when you're first starting, you don't, you don't really know. Not at all. It happens. You can kind of see the pattern.
Starting point is 00:22:05 Yeah, you start to, don't you think you start to build kind of, and this is what I want to lead into your book, you kind of start to build your recipe. I have a thing I call your success code in one of my audios. You start to figure out sort of your code or recipe or formula. And in Sarah's book, you guys, she teaches basically eight steps to manifest, to hustle, believe, and receive in your life. That's eight steps in here.
Starting point is 00:22:25 And so she calls it an eight step plan to changing your life and living your dream. I mean, how much better can you say that? And it's not the normal stuff. In other words, Sarah doesn't just take the normal stuff you hear from the other four billion people in this space and just sort of regurgitate it. It's her stuff that she's lived.
Starting point is 00:22:44 And so there's stories behind each one of them. She's interviewed people in the book that prove the point of that step. And so her book is interesting. It's her journey and the journey of other people that Sarah either coaches or knows or most of them she mentors and coaches herself. And so it's a conglomeration of stories.
Starting point is 00:23:02 It's so inspiring. And so let's, let me just ask you real quickly, I don't want to get into conglomeration of stories. It's so inspiring. And so let's let me just ask you real quickly. I don't want to get into the book. A couple of steps. But when did you, so you had this progress happen at what point did you say to yourself? You know, I'd like to teach this to people or I could be a catalyst for where you thinking this the whole time like, hey, oh my god, no. So like, so what, what spurred all this? Like how do you? No, it's so funny because my goal was to move up the corporate ladder. I thought that was the only path that there is in life, right? You get a job and then you're supposed to just keep moving up in your job and then you
Starting point is 00:23:34 die and that's what you're supposed to do. So I was like, on my vision board was this business woman and you know, I thought, okay, this is what I want to be. But somewhere in the long the line, I was really pretty isolated in my day-to-day life. And someone said, you have the best stories. No one knows what's really going on in your life. Why don't you just blog? You can do it anonymously.
Starting point is 00:23:54 No one has to know. And so that, okay, that's perfect. So I started blogging and started getting a following, but I was anonymous. So I'm like, this is fine. And then I wrote my story kind of explaining like where I started from and what I was anonymous. I'm like, this is fine. And then I wrote my story, kind of explaining where I started from and what I was starting to manifest. And I sent it to the secret, this website, and they published it with my name on it. And I remember just
Starting point is 00:24:14 panicking. I was like, oh my god, it's on Google. My clients are going to know I'm a single mom and I was on welfare. And I was just having this complete panic attack. And I remember sitting down with a client of mine that I just so respected. And he just looked at me and he said, holy shit, first of all, that's your story. Oh my god, how have I known you for two years? And I had no idea this is what you were going through.
Starting point is 00:24:41 And he's like, I never would have known. And secondly, you better step up and own that. And I just remember, talk about conversations you never forget, right? In that moment, I knew it was a conversation I would never forget because I thought, oh God, I really have to. And it was doing that, which was honestly one of the hardest things I've ever done. It's like being naked in front of the world. You know, and as soon as I did, just letters and emails and stuff from the around, the world just kept flooding in and people were like,
Starting point is 00:25:13 hey, I've been trying the love attraction. It doesn't work for me, but it's working for you. What are you doing different? And so it's very de facto. And then as soon as I realized like people were actually taking my advice and getting results, I was like, oh God, I'm not a guru. No, no, no, no, no. I really like to. So uncomfortable, so uncomfortable with it.
Starting point is 00:25:34 And it was funny when you're talking about the book, I sat down and I thought by then I had, you know, 30 or 40 just undeniable crazy things I'd manifested. And so many people that had been doing what I was doing or taking the advice for getting the same results. And so I thought, okay, you know, I need to write a book or whatever. But I was like, no one's going to listen to a single mom from Oregon. I got to get some real people in this book. So even then that's why you have other people in the book. That's so interesting. That was literally the reason why I was like, I got to get someone in here who someone's going to listen to, but it, you know, it's so interesting. That was literally the reason why I was like, I gotta get someone in here who's someone's gonna listen to. But it's so funny because people just want to hear what's real. They don't want the BS, they wanna know what works.
Starting point is 00:26:14 And if you have a formula and it works, you'd be stupid not to do it. Yeah, and that's why I think the book's so good because there's a formula, right? It's like it's not just here's my story. I made a lot of people, honestly. There are people that I know in my life that if you put a gun to their head and said,
Starting point is 00:26:28 tell me how you did it. How did you become successful, right? They don't know. And it surprises me. It's like, sometimes you meet successful people, you're going, my gosh, this formula, they're so detailed, they're so precise. I meet some people, and that's not the case.
Starting point is 00:26:43 And so in your case, I want, because the story, the book is loaded with incredible stories, but I must tell you, my favorite story in the book is yours. It's just the standout story of the, it just, it just is, at least for me. Yeah. And I think for most people that read the book,
Starting point is 00:26:57 there's unbelievable stories in there. But then it's backed up with, here's how you do it. I love that. Right. Like, that's how I am. I don't ever want to, I meet some fact that happened at this, the gym this morning, had a, you know, every once in a while people start figuring out who you are. And so, I went to the gym at a different time,
Starting point is 00:27:14 which is always a mistake, because then you got all new people, right? New people. So this group comes up to me in this, in the older gentleman introduced me to the, everybody else is a motivational speaker. Oh, God. I'm like, and I know what he meant, Bless his heart. That's probably one of the worst things
Starting point is 00:27:27 you could ever say of somewhere you were. I because I don't want to motivate you. I hope that I give you strategies, right? I hope I give you a, I want to inspire you. No question. Exactly. And that's what you do. You give strategies. And so I want to go through a couple of the steps in a second, but you touched on something. I can't move off of it because there's another story in the book to me that like they need to hear Okay, and I don't want to give away the whole book, but it's so darn good So you said you ended up having about 30 of these occurrences take place where you sort of manifested a dream You also manifested the dreams what starts to happen when you start catching your dreams people as you start catching the dreams of the people you love as well
Starting point is 00:28:02 Yes, people around you so tell them a little bit about just for a second, just indulge me on this, that it's so good on the Michael Orr story. And so what's the name of the movie? I don't know. Blindside. Blindside. So most of you have seen the blindside.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Yeah, it's with Sandra Blocke. You must have seen that movie. If you haven't, it's a great family movie and it's a great move for you to see. But take them through that just for a second because this is amazing right here. Tell them that story. Yeah, so it had been about the 18 months.
Starting point is 00:28:28 So I started manifesting quite a few things, starting to feel pretty good, you know, getting a little bit of a pay raise, start it, whatever. And then the bottom dropped out. Then I lost my job and my house flooded. And we were literally homeless for three weeks. Well, the house is getting fit just like literally anything that could go wrong went wrong. Does everybody hear this by the way? Everyone catches so the first dream she got
Starting point is 00:28:49 momentum. Listen everyone because you're gonna you can have this. She had her momentum and then massive setback. So entrepreneurialism or winning or catching dreams is riddled with false starts and setbacks and so that was part of her journey too. It wasn't just on the floor, it wasn't just the text, then another one hits, which is now. So take us from there. Yeah, and to me, that's so important. And when I wrote the book, I told everyone's bottom moment.
Starting point is 00:29:15 I call them earthquake moments because I didn't see that out there, for example. I didn't see people falling on their face and talking about it. I saw people just living in an Instagram high life. You know what I mean? So for me, I've always been really real about the shit, too. You know, like there is a lot of really great stuff, but that was the first time I had gone through that cycle. And I just remember thinking, why?
Starting point is 00:29:37 What happened? How could this be? I'd spent two years rebuilding. Everything was great. And then I'm not joking you. We were homeless for three weeks. The Red Cross put us up in a hotel. I spent two years rebuilding, everything was great, and then I'm not joking you. We were homeless for three weeks. The Red Cross put us up in a hotel.
Starting point is 00:29:49 And I remember I just started forming the dream of I wanted to be a speaker and share my story and all this other stuff right before all this happened. And the whole time I just thought, I'm not gonna lose hope because that's all I got. So I refused to lose hope, but I thought somehow this is all going to pan out, and I'm going to figure out why later. So fast forward to finally get back in her house, I'm still trying to find a job, whatever. And then I kind of started coaching, and I had sat down with
Starting point is 00:30:19 my son a couple of months before, and I'd said, I am making a new vision board because I've manifested everything off the last one. Why don't you pick something that you want to do and I will put it on my board. And I said, if there's anything out there that you could do, anything in the world, what would it be? And we had just seen the blind side and we were Raven's fans already.
Starting point is 00:30:41 And so he looks at me and he goes, mama, I want to go to a Ravens game in Baltimore. And I want to meet my co-or. I was like, damn it, kid. I eat more with me like, it's all fun. Like, give me some realistic, right? Although, you know, I preach, don't be realistic. But anyway, so about six months goes by
Starting point is 00:31:01 and all this horrible stuff has happened, right? So I'm thinking, well, so much for that dream because right now I just need a job and a place to live. So I get back on my feet, I get another job, and then I meet a former player for the Ravens, and I started coaching him, and he mentions in passing, it's like, hey, if you're ever in Baltimore, let me know, and I'll get you tickets to a game. And one thing I want to tell your listeners about manifesting is, in my experience, it is always an opportunity. So manifesting shows up in the form of an opportunity.
Starting point is 00:31:35 And if you have envisioned it and surrounded yourself with your dreams, you're going to recognize it instantly. You're like, oh, ding, ding, ding. These two things must be related, right? But it wasn't without the ability for me to take action. You know what I mean? So I still had to get to Baltimore. And I live in Oregon. So I thought, well, let me see this through. So I check and I've been flying a lot the previous year. I had exactly literally to the mile enough miles for both of us to get our flight.
Starting point is 00:32:07 So I'm like, this is meant to be, right? So I take my son, we go to Baltimore. And that morning, we go to pick up the tickets in Wilco and we're totally shocked because he had surprised us and he gave us field passes. So this meant that my son and I got to walk out the team's tunnel onto the field and we walk out there and they're all practicing and they're warming up for the game or whatever and my son is just obviously just jaws open. You know, all the videos are on YouTube by the way if anyone wants to see it. But so we're just,
Starting point is 00:32:43 we're just saying they're trying to take it all in. And all of a sudden, he's like, patting my arm. He's like, mama, mama. And I'm like, what? He's like, there's Michael or. And Michael's clear across the field. He's stretching whatever. And so we're like, OK, cool.
Starting point is 00:32:56 We'll take a picture. Yeah, he had it. And then we look up. And Michael's like walking across the field. And he's like, walking closer and closer and closer. And he walked right up to my son. And he put his his hand out and he said, so I heard you've been looking for me. Oh my gosh. I kid you not. I can't make this stuff up. Come on. Oh yeah. That is probably my favorite and there's been a lot sense but come on girl. That's bananas. I mean
Starting point is 00:33:27 Different saying I can't lie. Let's go back. Let's go back everybody So I mean, do you know how many kids want to meet Michael or get down on the field, right? And if you had to make a list of all the people all the people with connections think about this all the people who are are our family members of NFL players all the people who are affluent all the people who are Celebrities all the people who have proximity to the team or live in Baltimore or whatever it is They couldn't hook that up. They didn't hook that up and Unemployed mother from Oregon at the time hooked it up right and so and the way this dream happened This is what I love it wasn't just that it was on the board. This is so huge everyone you got to go back
Starting point is 00:34:04 Okay, this woman started coaching and she was in a position of scarcity. So she's struggling She's she's bouncing around trying to find a place to live having the red cross put her up And she's still out offering value to people see a Lot of us maybe you're in a business where you recruit people or you coach people or you train people You're in the gym business or recruiting business and you're in a business where you recruit people or you coach people or you train people, you're in the gym business or recruiting business. And you think in your head, there's no way anybody's going to listen to me or follow me because I'm not successful yet. And that is a load. God. So true. It's true. And it's a load of BS. You feed yourself because Sarah is living
Starting point is 00:34:39 proof. This wasn't a woman collecting multiple seven figures at the time. She's coaching some of them professional athletes, some of them making six and seven figures in the business world, and she's being put up by the Red Cross time because your value is not tied to your net worth. Your value is tied to your ability to serve. Your value is tied to what you have to offer people, your energy, your passion, your belief, your strategies, your product, your company, your service. And so this dream happened because this woman
Starting point is 00:35:07 was still taking action from a place of scarcity and it was a dream. The combination of those two is what made this a reality. It's like, it's such an unbelievable story, right? And it also goes to your resiliency. You came back again off the dad gum mat and turned your life around. That's why I love you and I love this story.
Starting point is 00:35:24 So guys, we only have limited time. I'm not going to give away the whole book because I want you to get the book. And we're going to talk about her next book, which I can't wait for. Yes. And I'll have you back to promote that when it's out. But there's eight steps. You've kind of covered this already, but I want you to just cover one of the steps with with us, just one of them. And then as this, you talk about thinking it. So step two is think it. I think you've covered that a little bit so far. But you do talk a little bit about getting grateful, changing the voices in your head, the model for your life, those kinds of things.
Starting point is 00:35:54 So talk us through just step two for a second. Because I think you think it may be the most critical one. I do. I really do. I think for me, it was a game changer. Still is a game changer. It is the one that I go back to. I'm not kidding you. I practice what I preach every day and not every day is great. And so when it's not, I check my thoughts. And I think where have I been thinking?
Starting point is 00:36:14 You know, and when I wrote the book, I didn't see anyone else telling me how to change my thoughts. Everyone says do it. And, you know, just think positive. And I was like, maybe I'm stupid, but I don't understand that. Oh my God. I don't know how to like get this higher mind thing. So for me, I wanted something very basic and very simple that teaches you literally how to recognize what you're thinking, then how to change it into an outcome that you want. Very, very basic.
Starting point is 00:36:41 And there's three really simple tools for doing that. One is a power motto that you can use to give yourself power and get you out of a downward spiral and change your thinking. Can you give me an example of what something like that is? What's a power? Yes. Yeah. So for me, the one that got me through those first really tough four or five years was, I can do it. I am strong. Okay. So you want to motto that literally, if you say it to yourself or out loud, 10 times in a row can change how you're physically feeling in that moment.
Starting point is 00:37:10 Got it. So let's say, you know, everything's falling apart, you've got all the worst news possible, and you take 10 minutes and you say, I can do it, I am strong. You know, that can get you through a spin class, you don't want to be at. So good.
Starting point is 00:37:23 That's for me, you know, we can get you through anything spin class you don't want to be at. So good. For me, you know, we can get you through anything. And so that's one of the ways that you can literally stop a spiral. You can stop anxiety. You can stop just about anything. You know what? I don't do that, Sarah. I don't do that. And I'm going to start doing that like right there.
Starting point is 00:37:37 That was gold for me. I don't do that. And that's I'm always I add something to my game. I'm adding that to my game. So I love it. Okay. You're going to love it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:44 It's clutch of playing it. Okay, you're gonna love it. Yeah, it's clutch, it's fun. That's one, give me the other two. Yeah, and so the other one, I call it mental tennis. So when you have one of those negative thoughts, they're really reliable bastards. They come all the time, right? And I think of them as standing on a tennis court and having one of those automatic machines
Starting point is 00:38:01 just spit balls at you all day, right? And what are you gonna do? You're not just gonna stand there and let it happen. You gotta run your ass spit balls at you all day, right? And what are you going to do? You're not just going to stand there and let it happen. You got to run your ass around the court and return it, right? So when you get these negative thoughts, oh, I don't have any money or OMFAT or whatever, you are instantly returning it. Nope, everything's fine. Everything's going to be okay.
Starting point is 00:38:19 I'm beautiful just the way I am, whatever. And what it does over time when you're diligent is it actually changes your story. And because our brain doesn't know the difference between truth and a lie, your brain begins to believe your new story. So those thoughts start to disappear over time. And that will change your freaking life. Just that. That's gold. That's like money, money, gold, and totally true. Dang. Okay. What's the third? That was two. Third one is Power of Paws. So this one I absolutely love for anyone who is dealing with money stuff or anxiety. So it is, it's the best solver for either of these. The Power
Starting point is 00:38:59 of Paws is the idea of when you're at work, let's say you're stressing out because you don't have money or you don't have rent and that's in two work, let's say you're stressing out because you don't have money or you don't have rent and that's in two weeks, let's say as an example. But I'm not, I'm gonna pretend like I haven't been there but I have. Right. Right. So while you're at work all day long
Starting point is 00:39:14 when you're supposed to be productive and focusing on work, what do you think you about? Oh my God, I gotta get this right. Oh my God, I gotta get this. You know, and it's all day long and it leaves you really stressed out. So my thought is ask ask yourself this question. Can I solve it in this moment?
Starting point is 00:39:29 Am I going to get rent in this moment by obsessing about it, yes or no? The answer's no, right? So therefore, all that energy I'm putting into it is actually asking the universe to bring me less money. Do I want that? Probably not. So I better shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:39:44 I'm just thinking, oh, fuck. me less money. Do I want that? Probably not. So I better shut the fuck up. So if what you're trying to accomplish is getting more wealth in your life, but all you're doing is stressing out 24, 7 about what you don't have, think about it. That's sending in an invitation for less. So you tell your brain, Sunday morning is budget day. Sunday morning I'm going to get my coffee, I'm going to sit down and I'm going to write out a plan and I'm going to sit down and I'm going to write out a plan and I'm going to solve this and I'm going to figure it out. So therefore every time it comes up throughout the day, you say Sunday morning at nine, Sunday morning at nine.
Starting point is 00:40:12 And then you switch it just as fast as something that you want to think about. So for me, I was, you know, imagining myself on a beach. So you play these little tricks with your brain, then over time it gets less and less. And then Sunday morning and I you better sit down and solve that problem. You have to keep your promise yourself And I think you were talking about that the other day and one of your videos keep your promise yourself
Starting point is 00:40:32 Because when you do the anxiety goes away. So you're you're See when I listen to strategies here's how I measure them. This is why this is you're so good and we're gonna talk about how people get access to you in a minute Like that's so good and the reason is this always talk about how people get access to you in a minute. That's so good. And the reason is this, I hear all kinds of stuff on Instagram, right? And I always wonder, where did this guy get this stuff? He's just because you say it over and over again, dude, does not make it work or be true, right? And it drives me nuts sometimes.
Starting point is 00:41:00 And so I always measure when I hear a strategy. Does that strategy give me strength or comfort? One of the two things. And all three of those things either gave me comfort or strength. And strength means it works. Comfort means it just sets me at peace. It puts me in a better state. All three of those.
Starting point is 00:41:17 And the book and the things you teach, I just went, wow, that one gave me comfort. This one gives me strength because I know it works. They both work, but sometimes it's a thought instead of an action. And so if it's a thought that gives me comfort or an action that gives me strength, then I apply them. And so, you need different things for different situations too. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:41:36 I think like an anxiety is such a huge thing nowadays. You know, I was really suffering from it. I was starting to be a terrified flyer. I was like, where is this coming from? It's coming from my thoughts, right? So if it's coming from my thoughts, I control those. I'm the one that's in charge. So I need to use the tools.
Starting point is 00:41:52 And depending on the day and how I'm feeling, maybe mental tennis isn't going to work. Maybe I can't just say, oh, everything's going to be fine. Maybe I need to get my power back. And so all of them have a huge believer on owning our shit, getting our power back, not giving our power away to anything, whether it's anxiety, stress, other people. And all three of those do that.
Starting point is 00:42:13 They all teach you how to control what is within your power. And then they teach you how to let the rest go. So good. So you're, I was thinking about you, there's women in my company that, some of them that you remind me of and I'm so attracted to in the business sense. Women who have their femininity and their sweet and nurturing and kind like you are, but there's this flip side of them. They are bad ass and tense.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Because I can say they're sorry. And you're both of those things. I think it's magnificent. I want women to know that you can be both. You can be feminine and beautiful and perfect as you are. And still be a bad ass and be intense. Be yourself. I get the feeling that when you coach people
Starting point is 00:42:57 and we're going to talk about that next, like there's no BS. It's like, this girl's going to knock you around a little bit, right? Her stuff is real, okay? And there's no like fluffy, lovey-dovey, cuddly, bubblegums and rainbows, right? Like you get to it and I love that about you.
Starting point is 00:43:13 So let's talk a little bit about this. So good, Sarah. And in the middle end here, I already want to thank you because I've gotten things from this and I already had read the book, right? This is literally the best conversation I've had about the book just so you know, ever, so far. So I'm so grateful for the opportunity
Starting point is 00:43:28 because I love seeing you talking with like-minded people. So do I, and we are, you and I talked about that and what's happening right now is that people are talking about your book more and more. There are people that already stopped this and are telling people about this and are going to get back on. I'm telling you. And it works.
Starting point is 00:43:44 It works, people. That's all I want to say is just I, I'm not wanting to pitch my own stuff like that, but just or read what other people say about it. Go read how their stories change because the homework is in the book. So let's talk about that. So where do they, how do they, let's start with first, then we'll get to what you do. But like, now I know what people are thinking, right? Okay, how do I like interact or find this woman, right? So where should they go to find you?
Starting point is 00:44:07 Number one. Yeah. So everything about both my workshops, the book and coaching and all of that, you can find at Sarah Centrella and it's with the My name is also my Instagram handle, my Twitter handle and Facebook and all that kind of good stuff too. If you reach out, I will promise that I will respond.
Starting point is 00:44:28 So I would love to hear from you guys. You're probably fixing to get flooded here. And it's centrally, by the way, is C-E-N-T-R-E-L-L-A. So you all know, you'll see that on the links here. But also Sarah. So then Sarah, you can go find her. And then Sarah sort of specializes in, we're going to tell you your book, their new book in a minute, but specializes in coaching. And also you put on sort of these workshops that you've taken me through that are powerful. And
Starting point is 00:44:53 tell them a little bit about what you do coaching and workshop wise. How these, you have these these dinners that you do as well, right? Can you talk about that? Yeah, absolutely. So last year I just started doing a empowerment dinner is what I call it and I really want to get a conversation started around these topics that isn't your standard quote motivational event. For me you might have noticed already I'm not the average guru. It was, you know, so I want to always remain who I am. I want to remain my personality. I want to be around people who think the way that I do. And I didn't see any of that happening
Starting point is 00:45:33 really with events, at least not in my town, which is in Portland, we did it with last year. And this year we're going to be doing them in all the major markets. So I'm very excited about that. But it is a way to meet other people who are in your own community, which I love so much because I'm all about creating mentorships and introducing people who can be mentors to each other.
Starting point is 00:45:57 And then I usually get local speakers as well. So of course, I'm sharing my story, but I want the community to hear from their own community. I want them to be inspired by people in their own community as well. So, and of course, like, I'm a girly girl. So, you know, we got the good drinks. We got the good food.
Starting point is 00:46:15 We got the bar. We have the red carpet. You know, we do it good. We do it right. So they could find this at your website, right? They can see these things there. It's funny because I was thinking about, you know, I was thinking, what do I want to do for Sarah?
Starting point is 00:46:26 And I thought, it's interesting because, you know, that I coach a lot of athletes too, and you do. And the first thought I had was, my gosh, this woman with women's groups coming in to speak to women about women's, I'm thinking, oh my gosh, because you... I know, we need to have an event in LA.
Starting point is 00:46:40 We do, and we will. I guarantee it. And it's like you have this. I like I think almost an every woman cow thing about you yet you're so unique and special. It's like that's such a difficult rope to sort of toe right to be so special and unique and intense and beautifully articulate you are, yet still relate to everybody. And that's what I mean by the every woman line. It's like people can relate to you, yet you're special. It's such a cool thing.
Starting point is 00:47:12 It's like I love that about you. So I thought, wow, unbelievable with women's groups. But then there's this other part of you. It's like I know how many men you coach, right? I know how many athletes you coach. I know how many high testosterone masculine people you coach too. So I don't want to put you. And you know why? Because I don't take their shit. I know. many high testosterone masculine people you coach too, so I don't want to put you and you know why?
Starting point is 00:47:26 Because I don't take their shit. I know that is that is why that is why Because they trust me. They're like you're not gonna fluff it. You're not gonna make it pretty You're not gonna stroke my ego. You're gonna tell me exactly what's up So there's all kinds of people that I think Sarah can up and I wanted to bring Sarah's already very successful And already has a very large following but I wanted to Bring Sarah to the world. I want millions of people to know about this lady and I also want to know about your next book too. So which I love this title for a white girl from a white girl from Portland, Oregon.
Starting point is 00:47:54 Okay. Everyone's like, what? No, I love it. It's you, right? So. Yeah. So the title of the new book is manifesting gangster, which I love. So what the heck is that? What is that one about? Like just give us a little preview about it. Oh, it's so funny. I like told my kids my sons in a freshman in high school and I was like, so I came up with the title for the new book. And they're like, oh, what is it? What is it? I'm like, Manifesting Gangsta. And they were like, oh, hell no. But I was like, listen, it's me, like, what can you do? Yeah, I love it. This is what comes into package.
Starting point is 00:48:27 But so no, I mean, truly what has given me a voice, if I can put it that way, has been the Vision boards because I started doing YouTube videos a long time ago about them, started it on my blog long before I ever had a book. And they're just undeniable. I mean, I look back at them and think, this is insane. So what I do is I actually put side-by-side pictures
Starting point is 00:48:52 of when I put up a vision board and what is on it so that when I live that moment, I can literally do a side-by-side comparison. This was my board, this is me in the moment. And they're just undeniable. And after several years of coaching people and seeing it be undeniable in their life in the same way, I really wanted to do a book that just focuses on manifesting and how to build a board. I really believe the way I build boards is different than anyone
Starting point is 00:49:21 else out there doing it. That's why they work so well. So it's going to be all focused around that a little bit more specifically. I'll have lots of other people's wins stories in there too. Cool. I've never had I've never had somebody teach me how to do that. So that's that's going to be good for me too. That's what you meant by manifesting. So that makes sense to me. Okay. When's it coming out? Do you know? Yeah. So it should be out this time next year. So winter. Cool. Yeah. Oh, I would definitely a perfect timing. We'll have you back on too So so a couple last things here at the end of the book you said something I was telling you before we went on air here that like it just struck me No one ever said this to me before yet. I so agree with it
Starting point is 00:49:56 So take up that advice towards the very end you say one last thing tell them what that one last thing was that you recommend everybody It's so simple everyone should do it yet Yet it's never told anybody to go do it. So what's that one last thing? If you don't mind, I know we're covering a lot of a book, but I get absolutely. I have seven steps out. We didn't come to the other step. But so what's that one last thing? And it's so funny because it is the one thing that is the hardest for me to get my clients to actually do. So they'll do all the homework. They'll put it all the work and they'll get to this last one They'll be like I can't do this. So the homework for the live it step which is teaching you how to live this life from here forever That's the last step everybody is Is to go interview the most successful person you personally now
Starting point is 00:50:38 Yeah, and it's it's amazing how no one is really ever thought about it But for me when I looked at what had got me to where I am now, and like you mentioned before, I don't even think I've scratched the surface of where I want to be. So I'm right there with all of you, wrestlers and struggles, because I'm the same mindset. I've got a long way to go. But for me, what has helped me so much and actually
Starting point is 00:51:02 taught me all these steps in various ways was talking to people I admire. People who were living their dreams, people who were, you know, focused either entrepreneurs or I was lucky enough to know some amazing athletes in the beginning of my journey. And I just want to shout out one of them, Kenyan Barner, who just won a freaking Super Bowl! I know, I saw that you beat my team, you beat the Patriots, but I'm still happy for him and you. Oh my gosh. Could not be more.
Starting point is 00:51:28 He's such a great example of how all this works. He's the big inspiration for the book. But that's literally what I did. I sat down and I said, hey, Kenyan, can you tell me? How are you? How are you always positive? How are you positive when you get injured? And if you ask the most successful person you know, these questions,
Starting point is 00:51:45 they're going to open right up to you. They're going to share their knowledge happily. And you are going to be blown away by their story. It's like best advice. I'm just telling you, it's so simple. It's like, how come no one ever told me to do that? Because it's sort of what I've done in my life. It's like I end up meeting these people. And through our relationship, it's kind of an interview, right? Now, one thing I do want to warn everybody about because I know what's gonna happen She said the most important the most successful person you know not who you know on social media I don't need I don't I can't do you know 800,000 DM interviews with you So please pick someone that you know in your space in your circle. Yes, and that's that's the important part of it is because
Starting point is 00:52:27 Everybody has someone that they know right who either owns Or in your circle, yes. And that's the important part of it, is because everybody has someone that they know, right, who either owns a business or whatever, but they think, oh, they wouldn't talk to me about stuff like that. So what I want you to do is get out of your comfort zone because it is an uncomfortable thing to do. And that's why most of my clients try to skip it. But I'm like, no, you gotta step up and do it because once you do, you're gonna be blown away
Starting point is 00:52:43 by what they have to say and how accessible they were at sharing their knowledge. I got to tell you because in my life, I get asked that obviously by my nephews or family members or friends. And let me just tell you something. It's an honor to be asked. And it's not as difficult a question ask somebody as you would think because people that have won,
Starting point is 00:53:01 that if they're especially if they already love you and care about you, they'd love to share that side of themselves. And by the way, in some of your cases, it might even be a parent. It actually, it might even be your parent and you just never had that detailed conversation before or an uncle or an auntie or a teacher. So it could be your pastor. So it's such a wonderful recommendation. So all the things in the book, it's like they're so practical practical. And it's why it's why I wanted you here today.
Starting point is 00:53:26 So this has been so good, but before we so fun, so before we finish, I'm gonna get one more nugget of gold from you. So I'm a listener, I've heard this entire conversation today, and I obviously know there's tons of value coming from you. And I want to turn my life around. I'm gonna go get this eight-step plan to changing my life, and I want to turn my life around. I'm going to go get this eight-step plan to changing my life, and I want to live my dream. Is there any other thing we haven't said today that you would want to at least get out to somebody by saying, listen, here's just a thing I want to tell you. Here's a strategy, a thought, a concept.
Starting point is 00:53:58 Whatever it would be, is there any other thing you'd want to leave somebody with today, Sarah, that you think they need to hear from you in order to make their journey, because your journey's just so incredible. What would you tell them? Absolutely. The first thing that comes to mind is stop bitching. Stop complaining about your life. Just shut up.
Starting point is 00:54:17 Stop speaking negativity into your life. Stop complaining about whatever it is that you don't like, about yourself, about your situation, about what you're going through, do not verbalize it. Because when you verbalize it, you are literally sending it out. I'm a girl, so I think about it as little fairy wings. They're like fluttering around. They're going to look for how to bring more of that shit
Starting point is 00:54:40 to your life, so don't do that. Please don't do that. So that's the number one thing that everybody can do. I mean, it's the first thing that I did. I did not know how to control my thoughts, and it took me a long time to figure that out, but I did know that I could at least stop speaking negativity into my life. So if you don't have something nice to say, just like your parents told you, don't say it. Well, you crushed this because you just crushed this because you're, by the way, and I struggle with that too words are magnifiers
Starting point is 00:55:05 you're exactly right I didn't quite picture the fairy thing you said but I understand the man the other guy and you're exact when I say that as a man I understood it wouldn't with the thought I have but you're so right because all it does is magnify it there's no service no service to you whatsoever and speaking the negative things in your life out loud into existence. There's just, there's no upside for you to do it. So wonderful. Like you slayed this and. Thank you. That was so much fun.
Starting point is 00:55:30 I guess we have to do a live event. Oh my gosh. We're going to and I kind of knew this was going to happen today. I just had this sense from our other conversations that this was just going to be magnificent. And you're up. Let me tell you something. You're a beautiful soul. You're doing exactly what you're supposed to be doing in the world. This is your destiny, what you're doing.
Starting point is 00:55:52 Thank you so much. I want to acknowledge that with you. I think you're magnificent. And I like, I got to tell you something. I knew this in the beginning. I told you, I wish we were going longer and And that's why we will do some events together. We will do this again. Everybody, I want you to go find Sarah.
Starting point is 00:56:08 Follow her on social media. Become a part of her community and her website as well. Consider getting coach from her, attending some of these meetings or putting one on and bringing her in as she's described with you. And obviously go get hostile believe, receive. And we'll get manifesting gangsta as well. But Sarah, honestly, sincerely, thank you so much. This was so fun.
Starting point is 00:56:27 At the best, best time, I can't wait to meet all your fans, because I know you have some just amazing people who are on their hustle and getting their life maxed out. Right? That's so you're crushing. Yeah, you know, they're all here. They're not going to want to hear anything I say anymore. They're going to be following you. But so everybody, if you enjoyed today, you enjoyed today, because I know I did. All I asked for you in return is that whatever platform you're watching or listening this on, that you make a comment, you give me a like or a wink on there and you give it
Starting point is 00:56:55 a rank and a review. So it moves up some more people around the world get exposed to our max out universe and our message so I can continue to bring you incredible people. I don't know how we're going to top Sarah, but we will certainly try. So Sarah, thank you so much. Max out universe and our message so I can continue to bring you incredible people. I don't know how we're going to top Sarah, but we will certainly try. So Sarah, thank you so much. Max out everybody. Thanks, Ed.

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