THE ED MYLETT SHOW - Stop Delaying Your Dreams: Time to Take Action!

Episode Date: August 10, 2024

Get ready to ignite your passion and kick-start your dreams into high gear! In this electrifying episode, we're diving deep into the heart of what it takes to stop delaying your dreams and take massiv...e action. You know that moment when everything clicks, and you're ready to make a change? This is it! I'm revealing the ultimate blueprint for mastering your time and amplifying your productivity. Discover the power of "mini days" and how redefining your relationship with time can give you the edge over everyone else. Lewis Howes joins the conversation, sharing insights on the art of enrollment—how to enroll yourself and others in a vision so compelling it pulls you towards success. We explore the concept of equanimity—staying calm under pressure, just like top athletes, and how this can transform your performance in every aspect of life. This episode isn't just about inspiration; it's packed with actionable strategies to help you eliminate excuses, break through barriers, and turn your dreams into reality. We're talking about a mindset shift so profound, it can change your life.  Get ready to learn how to create a compelling future that makes your past irrelevant, how to survive temporary setbacks, and why chasing inconvenience is the key to unlocking your best self. Stop sitting on the sidelines of your own life. It's time to step up, take control, and start living the life you were meant to live. Tune in and discover how to stop delaying your dreams and make them happen NOW! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So hey guys, listen, we're all trying to get more productive and the question is how do you find a way to get an edge? I'm a big believer that if you're getting mentoring or you're in an environment that causes growth, a growth-based environment, that you're much more likely to grow and you're going to grow faster. And that's why I love Growth Day. Growth Day is an app that my friend Brendan Rushard has created that I'm a big fan of. Write this down forward slash ed. So if you want to be more productive, by the way, he's asked me, I post videos in there every single Monday that gets your day off to the right start. He's got about $5,000, $10,000 worth of courses that are in there that come with the app. Also, some of the top
Starting point is 00:00:34 influencers in the world are all posting content in there on a regular basis, like having the Avengers of personal development and business in one app. And I'm honored that he asked me to be a part of it as well and contribute on a weekly basis, and I do. So go over there and get signed up. You're going to get a free, tuition free voucher to go to an event with Brendan and myself and a bunch of other influencers as well so you get a free event out of it also. So go to forward slash ed.
Starting point is 00:00:57 That's forward slash ed. My dad works in B2B marketing. He came by my school for career day and said he was a big row as man. Then he told everyone how much he loved calculating his return on ad spend. My friend's still laughing at me to this day. Not everyone gets B2B, but with LinkedIn, you'll be able to reach people who do. Get a $100 credit on your next ad campaign. Go to slash results to claim your credit. That's slash results.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Terms and conditions apply. LinkedIn, the place to be, to be. This is The Ed Mylet Show. Hey everyone, welcome to my weekend special. I hope you enjoy the show. Be sure to follow The Ed Mylett show on Apple and Spotify. Links are in the show notes. You'll never miss an episode that way.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Here's a clip of Ed Mylett appearing on the podcast, The School of Greatness, with host Louis Howes. What do you think is the biggest thing that holds all of us back from achieving our dreams faster? Three biggest things. Well one is the proximity to it. We really do believe it's further away. We honestly believe this thing is like a 20-year thing.
Starting point is 00:02:09 And so because we believe that, we keep it there and we miss out on these possibilities in our life. The second one is I have a chapter in the book called on equanimity. I say one more level of equanimity. Equanimity is our ability to be calm under duress. So I said earlier slow things down the greatest athletes that we admire can slow things down under pressure They're calm if you think of a Tom Brady who's everybody's example in this age is that when it's the noisiest in the crowds the craziest And it's the playoffs. That's the highest stakes for the average person everything speeds up
Starting point is 00:02:41 And they lose control good friend of both of ours, Michael Chandler, fought this last weekend. It's a great win. Great win. And normally Michael, he's one of the greatest fighters in the world. But when he has been in duress in some of his fights, things speed up and he starts to do this brawl mode. And I watched him in this fight,
Starting point is 00:02:58 things started to not go his way. And he slowed things down and he started to show some equanimity under duress. And that's when things slow down and we can perform at our best. So the second thing I would say is equanimity. The third thing is I have a whole chapter in the book on the way you manage time.
Starting point is 00:03:14 And this is just, there's so many heavy things in the book, but the idea that still people manage a day in 24 hours is hilarious to me. That this archaic concept that a day is 24 hours is bananas, like the 24 hour day was just made up by somebody about the sun and the earth going around each other, building, you know, 100 million years ago or whatever it was.
Starting point is 00:03:33 And this is before there was electricity, there were cars, there was the internet, there was a smartphone. So you're gonna tell me I should measure my day the same duration of time, I calibrate time, when the same dude didn't have the internet. Well, I used to have to do a project in high school, we'd have to go to the encyclopedia,
Starting point is 00:03:48 go down to the library and research for hours. My kids can Google something in 10 seconds now, I can text message you instead of mailing you something, it takes a month to get to you. So I've shrunk my days, my days now are from, my first day is from 6 a.m. to noon. In that day, it's called a mini day. 6 a.m. to noon, I get into that day whatever I want.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Some days are chill, some days are faith, some days are working out. But we've all had that morning where we go, I got done more this morning than I have in three weeks. So why can't that be every day? And it is, I can tell you. So my first day is 6 a.m. to noon. At noon, the clock goes off, we're in day two.
Starting point is 00:04:21 And I reevaluate really quickly for five seconds. What just happened? What did I do? What do I need to do more of? Next day is noon to 6 p.m. I reevaluate really quickly for five seconds, what just happened? What did I do? What do I need to do more of? Next day is noon to 6 p.m. I'm gonna get the same amount of business, contacts, faith, fun, whatever it is, in that ecstasy, in that day.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Third day is 6 p.m. to midnight. It's a third day. This gives me three days in one day. I get 21 days a week. If I get 21 days a week, you get seven. Stack that up over a month, a year, five, 10 years, I'm going to smoke you in life, right? And I've bended and manipulated time
Starting point is 00:04:50 so that my accountability is different. It's not the end of a day or end of a week or end of a month, it's at the end of a basically a six or eight hour window. That's interesting. And other people respond to you differently. Because what is scarce is valuable. People begin to respond to you differently
Starting point is 00:05:03 when your time is more scarce, when it's more precious. And so it's completely changed my life the last 25 years running many days as opposed to 24 hour days. Huge. Yeah, so those three things. You're probably one of the best enrollers I've ever met. Enrollment for me is the key to really accomplishing your dreams.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Enrolling yourself that you're confident enough and have the skills and the tools to develop what you need to, to have what you want, the relationship, the career, the business, the life, the health, but also enrolling others in your vision, in your dreams. Where did you learn this skill of enrollment? Of saying, I've got this idea, it's in the future. Most people think it's 30 years away. I think it's three months away, which seems impossible. And I'm going to call these five people and convince them essentially,
Starting point is 00:05:52 but enroll them in a vision that they didn't even know was a possibility in their mind. You're going to speak this vision into them, into their souls, and then they're going to say, yes, vote for you, sign up for something, listen to something, interview with you, sign up for something, listen to something, interview with you, pay to speak or whatever it might be, give you lots of money, all these different things. How did you learn the art of enrollment? Okay, that's a great question and
Starting point is 00:06:15 in the book I have this whole chapter on leadership and vision but like you ask the best questions, bro. I love you. So two ways, one, a couple very special coaches that I had in my life that were great visionaries. And for some reason I've always been fascinated with great orators, so I did my dissertation in college on Dr. King. Whatever your politics are, I think two of the great orators of all time are Ronald Reagan and John F. Kennedy, both of the different parties.
Starting point is 00:06:39 I just think they're tremendous orators. And they were great at painting these big visions. And then I read a book called Selling the Dream a long time ago written by a guy named Guy Kawasaki. And he's the guy that basically helped like Apple with Macintosh. Selling the dream? Selling the dream.
Starting point is 00:06:54 And he's a really unique dude. Yeah, I've met him a few times. Yeah, and so what the book's premise was this is that great leaders are evangelical about their cause. They're evangelists. And they do that through public preaching, but they sell a big enough dream so that the dreams of all the people within their stewardship can fit inside the one they're selling.
Starting point is 00:07:11 So even for you with this whole media empire you're building, one of your big roles, man, is to sell a big enough dream for everybody that gets around you. Guests, vendors, advertisers, the guys that work with you, the ladies that work with you, that it is so big and so compelling that all of their dreams and visions for their life can fit inside that one. And then the key thing is to repeat it over and over and over.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Most leaders get tired of hearing themselves talk. And by the way, this is true as being a mother or a father. As a father, my job is still a being, we're gonna do something awesome as a family. I know, Dad, no, we're gonna do something awesome. You're amazing, you're a superstar. I know, Dad, No, we're going to do something awesome. You're amazing. You're a superstar. I know, Dad.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Doesn't matter. I'm telling them over and over and over again. Most leaders think, I've got to say something new to these old people. But the truth is you need to say something old to new people. Keep saying it over and over and over again. Sell it big. Look at all the people you admire in your life. They're visionaries who are evangelical
Starting point is 00:08:05 about their mission and their cause. Not necessarily the money or the cause. What's the cause? Think about Oprah Winfrey. Think about Martha Stewart. Think about Dr. King. Think about Mother Teresa. Think about any leader.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Think about Steve Jobs. You watch old videos of Steve Jobs. He wasn't selling megabytes. I've asked Wozniak several times, tell me about Steve, what was he like? I said, by the way, why did you name the thing Apple? Just curious, man, what a weird name for a company. Back when companies weren't, he goes,
Starting point is 00:08:33 well, and Wozniak's is almost like a savant. He goes, oh, well, really two reasons, Ed. A came early in the phone book, so we wanted people to find us early. And Steve said, Apple apples made him happy. And so great evangelists learned to link their cause and their mission to people's bliss. You go look at an old YouTube video of Steve Jobs
Starting point is 00:08:52 and he's rolling out a Mac. He's not like, here's the speed. He's like, isn't she beautiful? Wouldn't you like look at her curves? Wouldn't she make you happy to take her home? He's selling happiness in an inanimate object. McDonald's, number one seller of food in the history of planet Earth.
Starting point is 00:09:07 The Happy Meal. Happy Meal, number one, the older real estate. They don't sell food, they sell happiness. Right. Their number one meal's a Happy Meal. Their mascot's a clown. It has nothing to do with food. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:19 But they're in the evangelical dream selling happiness business. What's the number one thing they sell in there? Coca-Cola. You get a Coke and a smile. Happiness. So great entrepreneurs, great parents, great people have this energy where they're selling you a dream
Starting point is 00:09:35 that's big enough that you can fit inside it and the dream at the end is happiness. That's the formula. Oh man. So why do you think people are stuck on I'll never be able to be good enough to accomplish what I want, the dreams are not possible for me. What keeps them stuck though?
Starting point is 00:09:54 What keeps them stuck is this false belief system that their past is their future, so they're operating out of an operating system of their memory and their past. So how do we let go of the past? Well, we have to create a compelling future. In other words, you're not going to let go of one thing until you've grabbed onto the next. we have to create a compelling future. In other words you're not gonna let go of one thing until you've grabbed on to the next. You have to create a new future. You have to create a future in it and by
Starting point is 00:10:09 the way it's okay that you don't believe all of it initially as long as it becomes repetitive and we begin to take steps towards it right? So it's it's for me I still have stuff from my past that's there but this future is so big and by the way some things are okay. People go, why do you still work so hard? Well, I want to create, there's still a little part of me that doesn't want to be broke. There's still a little bit of fear.
Starting point is 00:10:31 It's only, I've said. But you're not broke. Yeah, but you've interviewed some of the most successful actors and entertainers, so have I. And you get them privately and sometimes on your show, they go, you afraid it's going to go away? They go, yeah, I am. That's why I work so hard.
Starting point is 00:10:41 So there's an element of that that's okay. It's creating this vision for your life that's compelling. But there's this other thing, I love Think and Grow Rich, it's one of my favorite books of all time. Next to my scripture is my favorite book. But you don't just think and get rich, you have to do things.
Starting point is 00:10:56 And by the way, rich can mean more bliss, more happiness, more peace. But you don't just get those things by thinking, there's some things you have to do. But the most powerful part of thinking, grow rich man, is he has this part he says, can you survive the temporary? And if you can survive the temporary, he says on the other side of temporary pain,
Starting point is 00:11:14 you get introduced to your other self. And that other self, he doesn't say this, but that other self produces that other life. And so here's what happens for most of us. We think everything's permanent. And because we think it's permanent, we make permanent decisions based on temporary conditions. Even our bodies, other than our souls, are temporary.
Starting point is 00:11:32 I was with my dad holding his hand when his body ceased to exist anymore. His soul exists still. But if your body isn't permanent, your problem isn't, your pain isn't, you need to create a different relationship with pain in your life The idea that you're going to avoid pain I have a chapter in the book called one more inconvenience chase difficult inconvenient things like what like what is something you're chasing That's in given a given day the phone call you don't want to make the meeting you don't want to have
Starting point is 00:11:59 Driving out here. There's a friend of mine who I'd like to help me with the book. It's incredibly uncomfortable phone call for me. It's the thing I don't want to do today. I don't want to bother them. It's inconvenient. And for me in my life, the inconvenient thing on the page is the one that now jumps off the screen at me that I must do. For most people, their relationship with the pain and the inconvenience is to avoid it. Avoid is most possible.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Yeah, but if you could say to yourself, on the other side of this is this other self. And so whatever your pain is right now, relationships has ended financially, something that's difficult for you to do. Maybe you're trying to lose weight, whatever it might be. On the other side of that temporary pain is the other self. I have a thing I got to say to you last minute on this topic. In the book, I have this part about pinata.
Starting point is 00:12:43 And what most of us as humans don't do is we don't understand compound pounding, the relentless pursuit of something. You're making what I call invisible progress in your life. Like your show has gone, boom! Everyone goes, wow, Louis went from 400,000 to millions of subscribers. He's the number one guy.
Starting point is 00:12:59 That didn't just happen this year. This is our 10th year. You were compound pounding on this sucker when no one was doing this. Exactly. But here's the piñata thing. I go to this on this sucker when no one was doing this. Exactly. But here's the pinata thing. I go to this party, it's five year olds. I didn't even want to go to the party.
Starting point is 00:13:08 It's five year old kids. Like, what am I doing here? But as a good friend, they have a pinata, we've all been to them. First kid gets up, hits the heck out of the pinata like a hundred times. Nothing happens. No candy comes up.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Next kid gets up, whack, whack, whack. Nothing. Next kid, whack, whack, whack. These three now quit. They're gone, another part of the party. There's three or four kids left. Everyone's losing interest Everyone's pounding on this thing what they didn't know is each of those blows was breaking down the pinata Although there was no evidence. It was true. The last boy gets up
Starting point is 00:13:33 I swear to actually it's a little girl last girl gets up. She was wham hits it one time Bam all the candy comes out and everyone celebrates in people's lives. So was it her blow that broke the pan? No, it was the cumulative shots. Most people don't wait around for the candy. They quit before the candy comes out of their relationship, of their body, of their business, of their bliss, of their meditation. It takes time, but you're making invisible progress.
Starting point is 00:14:00 If you ever start to get down or know what to do, give yourself credit for the compound pounding you're doing. You're not sticking around long enough for the candy to come out. And that's what you need to be doing if you're gonna change things. What's the most inconvenient thing you had to do in the last, I don't know, 10 years that was like,
Starting point is 00:14:16 uh, that created the biggest breakthrough in your business or life? This. Being a public person. Really? Yeah. Speaking about... Because you didn't do this for a long person. Really? Yeah, speaking about- Because you didn't do this for a long time. Never.
Starting point is 00:14:27 You resisted it for, until like five years ago. Yeah, about five, six years ago. This, when you're so insecure and you're so shy, which I know is still weird for people to know because I can be, when I'm with a friend, you get this. But I'm really introverted and like I'm on the road, I get room service. You know, I stay in. If I was at a mall and we went to high school together, I would love to say hello to you.
Starting point is 00:14:52 I'm probably gonna duck into a store and hide, just because I don't know. It's not that I don't love it, I do. I remember, I was just saying this to someone coming out here today. Oh, Rob Dyrdek and I were talking. Rob driving out here. And he goes, man, it's a lot of work having a book.
Starting point is 00:15:04 And I said, yeah. And I go, but you know what, bro? I remember when no one wanted toek and I were talking, Rob driving out here and he goes, man, it's a lot of work having a book. And I said, yeah. And I go, but you know what, bro? I remember when no one wanted to read what I had to write. So I'm really, really grateful for it. At the same time, that part of expressing myself and being open and being vulnerable. And by the way, I do it in droves now. I fully embrace, if you watch my social media, me,
Starting point is 00:15:20 I'm like, hey man, I'm having a bad day. This is not one of these, this is a day I'm not doing crap that's in my book. I didn not doing crap that's in my book. I didn't do anything that's in the book today. And so I've embraced it fully and I love it, but the most difficult thing for sure was expressing myself publicly and public speaking, anything public, public, public.
Starting point is 00:15:39 And yet I'm, you know. You're an incredible public speaker. Thank you. One of the best. Thank you. Thank you. I thank you. And it was usually on the most inconvenient thing. On the other side of it is not just your other self, but your greatest gift is revealed to you.
Starting point is 00:15:52 And so for me, most of my greatest gifts have been revealed of me doing the really uncomfortable, inconvenient thing. On the other side of it, I meet this version of me. I'm like, the whole time I could have been a been really good speaker this thing I was the most afraid of that I thought I sucked the most at might be one of my greatest gifts right and it's nuts I've watched people get very close to winning and it's that one little thing they miss that invisible thing that separates the winners from the losers it truly is a
Starting point is 00:16:19 game of inches and millimeters when it comes to winning in business winning in sports winning in life winning in our, winning in sports, winning in life, winning in our body, winning in our emotions. It's the small things I found. And I think most people want to believe that there's all of these secrets to winning because as long as it's secretive and they don't do it, then they've got an excuse as to why they haven't won. But what if the truth is there really aren't any secrets?
Starting point is 00:16:44 There just really aren't any secrets? There just really aren't. That we all sort of really know what we need to do to win, but what it comes down to, that little thing, that separator that's too scary to talk about, is our willingness to do those things and the consistency with which we do them. Here's what I found. The people that are average and ordinary in most endeavors in life do the things they need to do occasionally. And the people that win and dominate do them every day. They just do it more consistently.
Starting point is 00:17:14 They do the things that the average do once in a while. They do all the time. And that's the separator. You can't do something when you feel like it. You can't do things on the days that you feel great. The separator isn't who's more motivated, right? Motivation is important, inspiration is important, but the truth is, it's what do you do on the days that you are not motivated, that you are not inspired?
Starting point is 00:17:35 Do you have the habits and rituals and disciplines, the guts, the grit, frankly, to step up and do the things that you know you need to do all the time, not some of the time. And when you stack up those all the times, those are the inches that you fight for that separate the greats from the average. The ones that become the best ever, the goats in their industry, the best moms, the best dads, the multi-illionaire entrepreneur compared to the ones that just do okay. It's interesting, you know, there's a rhythm and a pace to success that I think most people
Starting point is 00:18:11 aren't familiar with. But I can promise you right now that if you spend a day with some of the top entrepreneurs in the world, there's a rhythm and a pace that you probably aren't used to. It's faster, it's quicker, they talk faster, they walk faster, they think faster, they make decisions faster. And it's just a hair, like if you watch an average ordinary entrepreneur, they look like they're working hard, they look like they do things most days, but it's a little slower. The cadence, the rhythm isn't quite what it is for those that dominate.
Starting point is 00:18:40 I could tell you there's a rhythm to success and once you understand that rhythm, which I'm trying to explain to you It's 15% faster. It's 20% faster. It's not a hundred times. They don't do a million things better They do a few things better and they do those things consistently and they do them faster and more repetitiously You know really the best ability in life is Availability the best ability is availability. It's showing up and doing things consistently on a regular basis that most people just can't have the discipline to do. They get what I call leadership fatigue or they get routine fatigue. They
Starting point is 00:19:16 just get tired of saying the same things over and over again, of doing the same things over and over again. And that's what discipline is. Discipline is the ability to do things when you don't feel like it, and when you're tired of doing it, when you're fatigued, when you're bored with doing it. Most winning is not beautiful. It's a grind. And remember this, when you're making history,
Starting point is 00:19:39 it very rarely feels like it. It rarely feels like it. What it feels like is work. What it feels like is work. What it feels like is lonely. What it feels like is you're the only one doing it. And that's because you probably are. But what you need to know is that when you're laying those bricks every day and the person that you're competing against is laying them every third day, eventually, even if they're
Starting point is 00:20:01 better at laying the bricks, even if they have some magic brick, which there's no such thing, eventually it's the person who can do it over and over and over again that separates themselves. And the truth is, why don't people do things consistently? Because it's not sexy, it's not exciting, right? You think about the best, if you had a great mom, right? What does she do? She just shows up quietly every day and does the things that make a difference
Starting point is 00:20:31 that aren't beautiful, but they matter. If you have one, like a mom like I had, it was, she was there every morning. She made my lunch every day on the days when she was sick and the days when she didn't feel like it. She picked me up every day from school. I never needed to wonder whether mom was going to show up to pick me up from school.
Starting point is 00:20:49 You all know what I mean, right? Can you imagine if you were raised, not knowing whether or not your parent was going to get you from school, not knowing whether you're going to have lunch every day. And I know a lot of you had to grow up that way, but the truth is like my mom just did the quiet things that great people do every single day. She did her homework with me every single day.
Starting point is 00:21:09 And I did well in school because of that. Whereas some parents did it only when grades were bad, only when they had to, only when there was a problem, only when they felt like it, only when their schedule permitted it. So my mom was a great mom and some moms are average moms, right? That's what separates you is doing those small things every single day. You know, it's like getting up earlier. In my first book I talk about, you know, successful people get up earlier. They just simply get up earlier.
Starting point is 00:21:37 But how do you get up early? You say, Ed, I get up at seven o'clock, I'd really like to get up at 5.30. Well you don't all of a sudden start getting up at 5.30. If you got up an hour and a half earlier, this is what most people try, they try to change everything all at once. Right? Let me tell you what's going to happen. By about noon you're going to be tired and you're not going to be your best. The way you get up earlier every day is the way you change everything in life incrementally. So right now if you get up at 7 and you want to eventually get up at 530, do you know what you do? You get up 15 minutes earlier. You won't miss those 15 minutes of sleep. Now you're up at 645. And you do that for a month.
Starting point is 00:22:11 For a month you get up 15 minutes earlier. You won't even feel the change. It doesn't even seem like a big deal. It's a drop in the bucket, right? It's 15 more minutes. But then the next month you get up 15 minutes earlier. Now you're up at 6 30. You're up at 6 30 and you do that for a month. You won't miss those 15 minutes from 6 45. It doesn't even feel like you've changed anything. But consistently now you're up 15 minutes earlier. And then the next month you get up at 6 15. And all of a sudden you went from 7 to 6 45 to 6 30. Now it's 6 15. And before you know it a month after that it's 6 a.m. you can reverse engineer it all the way back several months later you're waking up at 530
Starting point is 00:22:52 but you do it incrementally and it doesn't seem like a big change but it's huge because it's consistent same thing in business if you want to start doing it it's it's not making a hundred times more contacts every day it's increasing your productivity by 15 to 20 percent and doing it every single day. It's not massive changes. Most of you, if you're an engine, don't need a major engine overhaul. You need a small fine-tuning type adjustment. The old days a carburetor type adjustment. That's the difference. It's these small things. It's doing it consistently and it's this belief system, listen to me, that you're gonna become relentless and obsessed with what you're doing. You know what the great ones do?
Starting point is 00:23:34 They do the needle moving things. The things that move the needle. They don't just do the routine every day. They do something in their life as a parent as an entrepreneur as a leader That moves the needle stuff that can make quantum leaps the hard stuff the difficult stuff I teach in my scheduling that I don't do first things first every day. I do feared things first Feared things first get the thing you're most afraid of out of the way. You know you do something consistently? You build the habit of doing the feared things first in your day. If early in your day if you've got a call you don't want to make do that call first. If you've got a meeting you don't want schedule it first. I try to schedule all my difficult meetings on Mondays early in the day too
Starting point is 00:24:21 because I want to create momentum. If I can do that one I don't want to do. If I can make that call I don't want to make. I can make That call I don't want to make the rest of my day is like downhill It's like momentum going down the hill as opposed to if you've got that hard meeting or that one call or that Contact you need to make and you just haven't made it all day and you make the other ones You know, you're climbing uphill all day till you got to do that one But if you just knock the feared things first off, then it's like cruising downhill all day. It's much easier when you create momentum. These are the things. It's the pace, it's the rhythm, it's the consistency, it's the availability, it's the game of inches that separate people.
Starting point is 00:24:56 It's doing the things every day that the average do some days. It's doing it on the days you don't feel like it compared to those who just do it when they're pumped up and excited and they've heard the right podcast or they got the right Instagram message today. These are the separators. And when it comes down to truthfully, is this belief system. And here's what I've always said. And I mean this, I think you got to evaluate this truly. If you believe you're far away from something, you will pace yourself that way.
Starting point is 00:25:29 I've always heard people say, well, business is a marathon. Life's a marathon. Life is really long. Life can be short if it's miserable. I can tell you that. Life can be short if it's not going very well. And although it's a marathon, the great ones sprint the whole race. That's not that they don't rest. You know what I mean. What I'm saying is there's a pace.
Starting point is 00:25:53 If you think something's far away, you act like it. See, most people don't lack vision. They have a vision. If you asked them, hey, do you want to be rich or poor? The average person would probably say rich. Do you want to make a big difference in the world or make none? I'd like to make a difference. You want to contribute or not contribute? I want to contribute. Do you want to laugh or cry more? I want to laugh more. I want to be happy or sad. I want to be happy. You want to go see things and create memories in your life or basically do the same thing over and over again. Most people say I want memories in my life. So it's not that you don't have a vision, it's that you have a depth perception problem. You have a pacing problem. See, you think your dreams, those feelings, those memories, that change, that body, that relationship, that amount
Starting point is 00:26:38 of money is really far away. And because you believe it's that far away, you've created patterns, belief systems, thought processes in your life that perpetually keep it that far away. You are jogging in the marathon of life where the winners are running 15 to 20% faster than you. They're up 15 minutes before you. They're making 15 to 20% more context. They're doing every day what you do some days because they believe that they're one decision, one meeting, one new contact, one new relationship, one new thought, maybe one podcast away from completely changing their life. I'm not suggesting to you that it's going to be easy and that's going to happen like
Starting point is 00:27:23 that. What I am suggesting to you is that if you think it's really far away and you pace yourself and you do things occasionally It'll always stay that far away It'll always be there. It'll always be a mystery and here's the truth. You and I both know it There's no mystery to what makes a great mom or a great dad. You know exactly what it is. There's no mystery of what makes a great athlete. You know exactly what that looks like. There's no mystery would make a great entrepreneur.
Starting point is 00:27:53 There's no mystery that would make you happier. There's no mystery. The mystery is you. The mystery is are you willing to do the things every day to be relentless, to be obsessed, to get out of balance? This notion of balance is a fallacy if you're gonna do anything great in your life Some things are gonna be popping at a given time when others aren't But what if this entire notion that your life is a finite kind of pie?
Starting point is 00:28:21 That if you take a big slice out of the business pie your family's gonna suffer If you really focus on your family family then you're gonna suffer in your fitness. What if the truth is that you're an expanding being that vibrates at a very high frequency and that when you magnify one area of your life if you do it correctly it'll magnify and expand the others not take from it. See all these questions about what it takes to win or am I gonna be out of balance are from a completely flawed belief system.
Starting point is 00:28:50 Two beliefs, one is that it's further away than it really is and two is that if I'm killing it in one area of my life, another area has to suffer. What if that's one of the great lies of life? What if one of the great lies of life is that your dreams are for other people? That it's for people not like you? That they're doing extraordinary things that you're incapable of doing? As opposed to the truth is, they're just doing things every day that you only do occasionally. They have availability all the time. What if the truth
Starting point is 00:29:19 is that the great lie is that it's far away, and the truth is that it's one decision, one new thought, one meeting, one connection away. What if that's the great lie of life? What if the great lie of life is that this is for other people and not you? Because I can tell you that that's a lie. The truth is, is that it's very close. And the truth is, is that it's these small decisions that alter our lives.
Starting point is 00:29:45 I can tell you straight up, you're a lot closer than you think you are. And what if the third great lie is that, oh, if I'm really expanding one area of my life, another area has to suffer, that I'll become out of balance. I don't even know what balance means, but what I've found in my life, and here's the truth, that's a lie. It's a flawed belief system that's been mind-virus throughout our culture and our society for years where we have these concepts of balance. Let me tell you what I found. That when I am killing it in the gym and
Starting point is 00:30:13 I'm a business athlete and I'm strong and I'm spending time in there training my body, that I'm a better businessman. That's what I found. That my gym life, my fitness life, expands my business life. You know what I've also my gym life my fitness life expands my business life You know what? I've also found that when I'm killing it at work, and I'm giving it everything I've got Then when I come home, I'm a better dad. I'm a better friend I've got more insights more energy to give to other people when I'm suffering at work I usually suffer at home when I'm suffering in the gym. I'm suffering at work I usually suffer at home. When I'm suffering in the gym, I'm suffering at work. So when one area expands, it magnifies
Starting point is 00:30:47 the other areas of life. The reason that we believe it takes from one another and we feed that belief system is we've been programmed into our minds to believe it. I'm not saying that you not need to be careful, that you don't need to be careful about your allocation of time and making sure everybody gets something. But I can tell you straight up, the fitter I've gotten and the harder I've worked out in the gym and the more time I put in there the better businessman that I've been
Starting point is 00:31:09 the better businessman I've been when I'm making a difference in my work and I'm growing and expanding the more I bring to my family and friends The more value I have the more insights I have the more love I have the bigger and better version of me I have to share with my family. You remember this. If you're doing a great job as a mother or a father, you're going to bring that love and that comfort and that security and that faith into your work life and it's going to expand your work life, not take from it.
Starting point is 00:31:39 And when you're crushing it at work, you're going to be a better mom and a better dad and a better friend because you're a better you and you're more proud of you and you respect you more and because when you come from that place, you've got more to give other people. And when you're nailing it in your fitness and you're crushing it and you're fitter and stronger, those aren't hours you're taking from other places. Those are investments you're making in your strength and your vitality and your mental well-being so that you are better at work and that you are better in your family. One of those areas expands the others as long as you believe it does. Those are the three lies of life.
Starting point is 00:32:16 And today I cleared it up for you. I told you the truth. And so although there are no secrets to winning, there are lies, there are flawed belief systems that take from winning. And what I have found is that if you do the things that I've described today, you put yourself in a position to win where the probability of you winning is increased. There's no guarantees in life. There's no promises.
Starting point is 00:32:39 What we're trying to do is increase the probability and the possibility of our winning. And what starts to happen is you become an impossibility thinker into a possibility achiever. All your life, you've had this secret notion about you. Deep in your heart, you were known, you were born to do something great with your life. When you were a little boy or a little girl, you just knew it. Maybe even had a family member who made you feel that way. They saw the special in you, didn't they? I'm here to just remind you today. They were right. You were right.
Starting point is 00:33:17 You were born to do something great with your life. And I mean, yes, you, sister. Yes, you, my brother. Maybe no one's told you in a while. Maybe no one's reminded you in a while. But I want you to know God made you to do something great. He made you in his image and likeness with a big plan. And you're going to make a difference in people's lives in what seem to be small ways that end up being huge ways down the line in their life. And some of the things when you're doing it's going to feel really big when you're doing
Starting point is 00:33:45 it. But remember what I said earlier, when you're making history in your life, most of the time it doesn't feel like it because you're in the midst of the work, you're in the midst of the fog, you're on that lonely road to success that I've described in other podcasts. If you've not heard those shows, listen to them. It seems lonely. It seems dark. It doesn't seem like you're getting there, but meanwhile you're making deposits in the bank account of success every single day. The
Starting point is 00:34:10 truth is the people that win, that become the goats, that are the great ones, they've just made more deposits in the success account than those that haven't and they make those deposits because they do needle-moving things, they get up a little bit earlier, they do it more consistently. They believe they're closer than they are. They know that when they're crushing into one area, they're expanding in others. They know it's a game of inches.
Starting point is 00:34:31 They know it's almost too scary to talk about. But the thing they really know is that they were born to do it. That they were born to do something great with their life. So I'm here to remind you, it's closer than you think. You're closer than you think. There are no secrets, but there are secrets. There are lies. There are flawed belief systems and hopefully today we've rid you of a few of them.
Starting point is 00:34:52 I really believe in you. And I don't believe in you because I've met you because millions of you I haven't met. I believe in you because I believe in God. I believe it doesn't make any mistakes and even if you don't believe in God that's okay. I got enough belief for both of us and I know that you were born to do something awesome, that you're not here by mistake. I know there's a purpose to you in your life and I know the more that you do these things I've described that purpose will be revealed to you even if it's not clear to you now. Over time it will be revealed. Over time those deposits you're making, millions of other
Starting point is 00:35:30 people in your life and maybe just a few of them will be the benefactors of making the withdrawals because you did all of the work. The people that you love will thank you someday for doing all of the work you've done. Just right now they can't see it. Right now maybe they don't even believe it for you But I believe it and I know you're gonna do something great I hope today helped you hope every week when we come back on these solo episodes that you I picked up another thing I'm more inspired. I learned something. This is something I'm gonna shift. I Know for me it was valuable today. I feel like I was talking to me. I
Starting point is 00:36:03 Feel like I was talking to me. We're all in this together. We're all brothers and sisters None of us are better than anybody else, you know The world is gonna try to convince you that we're all separated that we are all at each other's throats right now We're all in this together. And although we may have different opinions and belief systems about different things We're brothers and sisters nonetheless and And we were put here and born to make each other's lives better. And that includes you. You are uniquely qualified to change other people's lives.
Starting point is 00:36:35 You're the only person on earth right now with your experiences, your personality, your background, your heart, your mind, all combined into one human being. This show is sponsored by Airbnb. My next door neighbor in Florida, every time they leave, they've been turning their house into an Airbnb and it's become a good side income for them. And it's finally got me thinking about doing exactly the same thing. You know what, when you leave your house, use it for an Airbnb, generate revenue.
Starting point is 00:37:03 So that that thing becomes an asset and not just a liability. I love doing it and I'm excited about the start of it. Your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at So are you like me? I just cleaned out my closet. Have you ever looked in your closet and you're like, what in the world did I buy that for? It's crazy, right? All this stuff in there I never wear. Like what was I doing? That's why I'm so glad? It's crazy, right? All this stuff in there I never wear. Like, what was I doing? That's why I'm so glad that Quince approached me to sponsor the show.
Starting point is 00:37:28 So they sent me some shirts that I've been wearing recently. Love them. These polo shirts that I got and some of these t-shirts that I'm wearing. They're 100% European linen. They're so nice that I'm like, hey, this is stuff I want in my closet. Here's the crazy thing about Quince.
Starting point is 00:37:40 They get like 50 to 80% off similar brands from Quince because what they do is they partner directly with the top factories. So Quince cuts out all the middlemen. They go right from the factory to delivering it to you. I love it. So fill your closet with stuff that you'll be wearing for summers to come that's going to last a long time that you're proud to wear and getting it half to better off is awesome. So go to slash ed for free shipping on your order and 365 day returns if you don't like it. That's quince slash ed to get free shipping and a
Starting point is 00:38:12 365 day return policy slash ed Very short intermission here folks. I'm glad you're enjoying the show so far Don't forget to follow the show on Apple and Spotify links are in the show so far. Don't forget to follow the show on Apple and Spotify. Links are in the show notes. You'll never miss an episode that way. Today what I wanna talk about is qualifications for your dreams. You know, most times in life, we do everything we can to disqualify ourselves from our dreams and our potential.
Starting point is 00:38:38 And I want you to think about this just for a minute. I really believe, and I wanna make a bold statement in the beginning, that you were born to do something great with your life and that you're not disqualified. No matter what's happened in your life, good, bad, or indifferent, or maybe it's just been average and ordinary the entire time, you are not disqualified from making your dreams, your purpose, your vision a reality in your life.
Starting point is 00:38:58 But what we do often, and I've done it many times, is I think my past disqualifies me or some mistake I've made. So we hold ourselves, it's almost like a weapon we use against ourselves, is we hold our past mistakes, our past failures, our past setback, our past average performance and behavior as if it's a predictor of what our future is. We think we're disqualified. So I'm here to tell you that the things that maybe that are the biggest setbacks of your life, the things you might be most ashamed of, the biggest disappointments, the biggest what you might call failures
Starting point is 00:39:32 where people have hurt you or maybe you even hurt others, sins you've had, mistakes. I've had a divorce so I'm disqualified from winning. Not true. Or I've had this setback. No, you're not disqualified. Well, I've had a bankruptcy or I had a business failure or I've just always been invisible on average, so I'm disqualified. Remember doing something great in my life.
Starting point is 00:39:50 And nothing could be further from the truth. It's the great lie of life. The great lie of our lives is we begin to stack things that didn't work out as evidence that we can't win in the future, as evidence it's not gonna work. We actually also literally think it disqualifies us somehow from winning. And I'm here to tell you that is a great lie that millions of people around the world are telling themselves.
Starting point is 00:40:15 And what if I was to tell you that I think those same divorces, setbacks, failures, sins, mistakes, the average performance of your past are the very things that do qualify you to change other people's lives and fulfill your destiny. That's what I actually believe. See in life if you really want to impress people, show them how perfect you are, show them your best Instagram photo,
Starting point is 00:40:38 your biggest achievement, the best things you've done in your life, how happy and smart and amazing you are. You really impress people. And you'll connect with nobody. And you will change nobody's life. But on the other hand, if your ambition is to change other people's lives, is to make a difference with your own life,
Starting point is 00:41:00 to make an impact on people's lives, then show them your imperfections. If you show them your imperfections, you will connect with them. Let me give you the best example in the world. Someone said this on my show many times, I've said it before. You are most qualified to help the person
Starting point is 00:41:14 or people you used to be. Say that to you again. You are most qualified in your life to help the person or people you used to be. Rory Vaden said that on my show. I've said that back since 1997, a version of that. I just didn't know how true it was until recently. So as you all know, I wrote the number one
Starting point is 00:41:33 bestselling non-fiction book in the world this year called The Power of One More. If you haven't got that book, I would recommend you go get that book. I believe it'll change your life. But after I wrote that book and it became a bestseller, I woke up one night and the book is really about the lessons I learned from my dad.
Starting point is 00:41:48 As many of you know, but some may not, my dad was an alcoholic and a drug addict for the first 15 years of my life. And then he got sober when I was 15, and he made one decision to do that, and stayed sober one day at a time for the rest of his life. And I'm in the personal development,
Starting point is 00:42:06 the change your life space, because I believe human beings can change. In fact, I don't believe it. I know it. And the reason that I know it is because my own hero did it. I watched my dad live a particular way that wasn't great the first 15 years of my life. And then the next 35 years of my life, I watched him live as a completely different man.
Starting point is 00:42:26 A magnificent life, a giving life, a kind life, a beautiful life. A heavenly life. So I know humans can change, because I watched my hero do it. But what's most amazing about my dad's sobriety is I woke up one night many months ago crying in my sleep, and I woke up and I said to my wife,
Starting point is 00:42:46 she goes, what's wrong? And I said, well, you're not gonna believe this, but I just realized something. Someone helped daddy. Someone helped my dad. She goes, what are you talking about? And I said, well, when dad got sober, someone helped my dad change his life.
Starting point is 00:43:01 Some precious human being stepped forward and said, I can help you. See, we're born in our life to do great things in our life, big and small, but we don't know when we're doing them, whether they're big or small. We don't know the ripple effects. And I said, someone helped my father in the worst moment of his life. My dad was either going to take his own life or lose his family. And in that terrible moment, I don't even know where it was. Was it a bar somewhere, an alley? I don't know who they are or where it happened, but what I know is some human being changed
Starting point is 00:43:31 my dad's life, which then changed my life, and I've changed millions of people's lives. This precious human being has no idea that that one act, that one generosity, that one helping one person is impacted millions of people because they helped my father in that alley or that bar somewhere. Is that not remarkable? That one act, the ripple effect has affected millions of people's lives. And that's not the most remarkable part of it. Even though that's crazy to think that as a human, you have that power.
Starting point is 00:44:02 You have one person, the ripple effects are unknown That's not the most amazing part The most amazing part is what was it that qualified that precious human to help my father? What were their qualifications? The very things that most people would think disqualified them. The things that that person was most ashamed of, their biggest failures, their biggest sins. You know what qualified that person to help my dad? They were also an alcoholic at one time.
Starting point is 00:44:33 They were also a drug addict at one time. They also lied and cheated and stole money and lived in the shadows. The things that person would think, my gosh, my alcoholism, my drug addiction, my lying, my theft, my shadowy life, all those things, the worst things about me. I'm totally disqualified from having a great life, from living a dream, from helping other people.
Starting point is 00:44:52 If anyone's disqualified, it's me. Wrong. Actually, those were the very things God was using, the universe was using to qualify that person to meet the moment to help my dad when he was going to take his life or lose his family. I want you to understand and think about the power of that. The very thing that human being probably walked around most of their life thinking, now that's the weapon I use against me, why I can't win, why I can't be happy, why I can't help people,
Starting point is 00:45:17 why I can't you. Other people could win, just not someone like me, not someone where I come from, not with my family, not with my background, not with my mistakes, not with the fact that I've always been average and ordinary, not the fact that I'm invisible. No, no, no, no. Sorry. Guess what? Those very things that you use as a weapon against you that you think disqualify you
Starting point is 00:45:36 are the very things that do qualify you. That person didn't know all those years they were using drugs and suffering, all those years they were drinking alcohol and making mistakes and hurting other people and probably lying and probably stealing and probably living in the shadows. Every single one of those things was preparing them for that moment to help somebody who was the person they used to be. My dad, you are most qualified to help somebody who was the person they used to be, my dad. You are most qualified to help the person you used to be in your life. I'm a living proof of it. By the way, so are you. As you're listening to this or you're watching this, you are part of the ripple effect of that one act, that human being who helped my dad, who helped me, who's now helping you.
Starting point is 00:46:26 What I hope you do today is, by the way, you share this episode with somebody so that ripple continues. I want the world to understand one thing. You are not disqualified for making your dreams come true. I don't care. Some people think, well, that's what I look like. It's where I come from. It's the mistake I made. It's none of that crap.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Those are the very things that are qualifying you right now because you are most qualified to help the person you used to be. And by the way, that's why growing matters. Because every time you grow into a new version of you, you are most qualified to help the people who you used to be. And then you grow up.
Starting point is 00:47:00 People, why do you still grow and read and expand? Because I know every time I grow and change, I now can help that person I used to be, those people that I used to be. If you were once broke and now have figured out how to make money, you can help broke people. If you were once overweight and now are fit, you can help all those people.
Starting point is 00:47:17 If you were once broke in, and now are a little bit less broken, you can help broken people. If you were once invisible and average and ordinary and in despair, you can help broken people. If you were once invisible and average and ordinary and in despair, you can help people who feel average and ordinary and invisible and in despair. If you were once insecure and shy, and maybe you are right now, and lack self-confidence
Starting point is 00:47:36 or lack direction or lack purpose, and then now you find it and discover it, you can help all those people in the world who currently lack purpose, lack confidence, lack inspiration. We are most qualified in our life to help the person or people we used to be and never underestimate the ripple effect of you just saying, Hey, I'm imperfect too. But this is what I've learned. And I'm here for you. And I love you. And I believe in you. I honestly believe that if this one message reached millions of people, we would have a different world.
Starting point is 00:48:08 We'd be a little bit less judgmental. We'd give each other a little bit more grace. We'd have way more people pursuing their potential and their dreams. See, I have an addiction, I have a lot of them, but my main addiction is I'm addicted to the expansion of my being. I'm curious and fascinated by what my being. I'm curious and
Starting point is 00:48:25 fascinated by what my capacity can be to do different things in my life and that constant pursuit of potential, that constant pursuit of growth, that lack of judging myself, that lack of assessment of negative thoughts about myself and giving myself grace of knowing yeah I just made just made a mistake, but guess what? I've learned from that mistake. I've grown from it. And now I'm qualified to help the people who may make those same mistakes. The reason I do the show is because I just have a lot of experience with failure.
Starting point is 00:48:55 I have a lot of experience with setbacks and frustrations. I know what it's like to live scared. I know what it's like to live with negative emotions. I know what it's like to live afraid. I know what it's like to live with negative emotions. I know what it's like to live afraid, to live angry, to be depressed. I know what it's like to be broken. I know what it's like to be broke. I know what it's like to not have electricity in my house.
Starting point is 00:49:19 I know what it's like to not have running water. I know what it's like to beg for money at a gas station so that I could get to my house now that I think about it. I know what it's like. And you know what? That's what qualifies me to help people. See, it takes leaders with vision to help people with dreams.
Starting point is 00:49:43 Not perfect people. None of us are perfect. I get emotional when I share this with you. Not for me, but for you. I want you to make your life something awesome. I want you to change other people's lives. And I know most of the time you feel disqualified to do it. And I hope today maybe you get a little bit of a glimpse of exactly how qualified you are.
Starting point is 00:50:08 I think God's a really interesting dude. And I think he sits there and goes, if I could just get my children to understand, I'm preparing you every day to make a difference in the world. I'm preparing you every day to change your own life, to change other people's lives, and that you're immensely qualified,
Starting point is 00:50:26 that the DNA of the King of Kings runs through your bloodstream. I just wanna remind you today, as you're listening to this, that you're born to do something awesome with your life. And I'm here to help you every step of the way, along the way. But you gotta take the first step today.
Starting point is 00:50:44 And that step today is just to believe that you're qualified. You're immensely to take the first step today. And that step today is just to believe that you're qualified. You're immensely qualified. You're immensely capable. You're awesome. With all your mistakes, all your weaknesses, all your sins, all the things you're not so good at, all the things that you wish you were better at, that you see other people have, you wish you looked this way or talked that way or thought that way or had that family, you're perfectly you. You're perfectly you in this moment. And the minute you accept that, you understand how qualified you are to change your own life and to change other people's lives. And I think one of the things you could do today that would qualify you is to share my message,
Starting point is 00:51:19 is to share these thoughts with people so that people maybe today get a little bit of a glimpse into what's possible. Today's topic, let's get into it, are secrets. I've been asked, Ed, what's a secret that we don't hear anywhere else that can help me achieve my vision and my dreams for my life? Because there's all these checkmark things you'll hear on podcasts or social media that are wonderful tactics. But Ed, do you have something you could share with us that's almost like a secret of yours that no one else covers? And so I'm going to do that with you today. See, one of the things I'm a big believer in is that you must touch your dreams before you have them in order to make them a reality. You have to touch them. You have to become in proximity to them. You have to become
Starting point is 00:51:56 familiar with them. See, in life, we will never exceed what we believe we're worth or we deserve. We'll never get more than we believe we deserve. We will also never acquire or be somewhere we don't believe we belong. And if you're like me, I was raised where when I would see affluent or rich people in their homes or their mansions or their nice cars or even a nice restaurant, heck even a nice hotel, I don't know really why it was felt in my family that way, but I always had this sense we don't belong there. We don't belong there. And then even when I would see super happy families, because many of you know that I grew up with an alcoholic father who eventually got sober, but I remember as a little boy sometimes wishing I was in another family because they seemed happy and joyous and I knew the strife and anxiety and tension that was going on in my home. And I remember thinking even as a
Starting point is 00:52:45 little boy, I really don't belong in those happy houses. And I certainly don't belong in those rich hotels or mansions. You'll never end up anywhere you don't believe you belong. And so what I had to do, and I think you're going to need to do, and I think this will be special for you today, is you have to begin to condition your brain and condition your spirit into believing you belong in these places. So I want you to write this down, touch your dreams. condition your spirit into believing you belong in these places. So I want you to write this down. Touch your dreams. It's so important that you touch your dreams because what that does in your life, think about it this way. Think of someone who's a professional athlete right now, pick anybody that you admire, LeBron James or, you know, Aaron Judge in baseball or a great golfer like Brooks Koepka, whoever it might be, pick the sport.
Starting point is 00:53:23 One of the things they had the benefit of is playing that sport as a young boy or Serena Williams in tennis, right? Or as a young girl. And what happens is they become familiar in those environments. And so as they go through the ranks and climb and acquire more and more talents and skills, they believe they belong there because they've been on a tennis court a thousand times. They've been on a golf course a thousand times. They've been on a golf course a thousand times.
Starting point is 00:53:46 They've been on a baseball diamond a thousand times or a basketball court. So they didn't have to worry about whether they belonged or whether they touched the dream they touched every day as they caught a ball, hit it through it, dunked it, right? Hit a driver. So they actually over time spent time in their dream. And as they acquired more talents and skills,
Starting point is 00:54:06 it naturally perpetuated them. But most of us, the career we're in or the mansion we want to get to or the home we want or the relationship we want or the emotions we want to feel, we haven't had the benefit of spending time in those environments. And because we haven't had any time in those environments, even if we acquire the skills and the talents and the opportunities to get there, if we don't believe we belong there, or we're not familiar with it, we don't end up there. And so what I had to do, and I started doing it pretty young, is I had to begin to condition myself to believe I belonged there by touching my dreams. And so I'm going to talk to you about a couple of different strategies on this that I think are a very, very big deal. See, your mind moves towards, gravitates towards what it's most familiar with. So if it's most familiar with your current environment all the time, it's
Starting point is 00:54:54 going to continue to gravitate and attract that environment because you're vibrating at that frequency. It's your most dominant thought. It's your most common circumstance. And so if you don't do anything to shake that up, to shake the visual picture of your life, what you're touching, feeling, smelling, you end up just sort of acquiring skills and you never move out of that environment and get to the dream. So I knew I had to start touching my dreams.
Starting point is 00:55:17 And what I did is I would do those, I had to create strategies and I recommend you do. Some of them cost money and some of them are completely free. So I know some of your listeners are going to listen, I have no money, Some of them cost money and some of them are completely free. So I know some of your listeners are going to listen, I have no money. You don't understand my situation. I'm in debt. I can't do a few of the things you're going to recommend. Don't worry. I'm going to get to some things for you in a minute as well. And then those of you on a limited budget like me, I'm going to talk about spending just a little bit. Okay. Just a little bit.
Starting point is 00:55:40 Nothing I'm going to talk about is mega expensive. Okay. So what I did was I was coming up in business. I was used to, I guess what you would probably call a lower middle class lifestyle. Okay. And I would see, like I said, these mansions and hotels and cars and happiness even, and think I didn't belong there. And I became very uncomfortable even thinking about those environments. So I had to start putting myself in those environments on very short term basis. So what I would do is I was in the sales business. I would create incentives with myself. Stay with
Starting point is 00:56:12 me. This is very important in your life. I would create incentives with myself where I would say, Hey, okay, Ed, if you make 10 sales this month, whatever it was 10 sales, or you make $5,000, you make $10,000, or you do X or Y. If you do this at the end of the month, you're going to take a one-day break and you're going to go touch your dream. So for example, I lived in Southern California. There was a Ritz Carlton Hotel in Laguna Beach, Dana Point, California. And I used to set these contests up. I couldn't afford to live in the Ritz Carlton or where those people go. But what I would do is I said, okay, I'm making $7,000 a month. If this month I make 12 sales and I make an extra $2,000 back in that time, I'm going to take that extra $300 and I'm going to go spend one night on Saturday night at the
Starting point is 00:56:55 Ritz-Carlton Hotel. I would leave my environment. My wife and I would get in our car. We would drive down to the Ritz-Carlton. And I remember the first time I got there, not knowing how to even tip the valet and not even wanting to park my car and bring my car to the front of the hotel because it was a Honda CRX. But I did. And I rolled up to the Ritz-Carlton and my Honda CRX and the valet, I didn't know, do you tip them now?
Starting point is 00:57:19 Do you tip them when you come back? So I just tipped them both. I gave him the tip. And I remember the first time I watched my wife get out of the car and I went to grab my bag. He said, no, Mr. Mylet, we've got your bag. No one had ever done that for me before. It was very awkward for me. I was afraid they're going to take my bag. And then I remember we walked into the lobby and I saw this marble on the floor and the chandelier. And I'm like, my gosh, it was overwhelming. And then checking in, giving him
Starting point is 00:57:43 my credit card and hoping I had enough of my credit card for the incidentals on top of the room. And the first time it was a little bit awkward, we stayed there and we were laying out the pool with all these very wealthy people. And we had dinner that night, a decent bottle of wine. And during the daytime, I went and played golf and I'll talk about that in a minute.
Starting point is 00:57:59 My wife went and got a massage and the whole thing cost me, I don't know, at that time, like seven, $800, which was a lot of money to me but I touched my dream and then I went back and it's just different you drove back my ideas my thinking my vibrational frequency was just slightly different and I remember thinking I want to get back there I can't live where they live I can't wait to get back there and then the next month I said if I do x or y we'll go back for one night just one night we're going to taste it just a bite I can't eat the whole steak I said, if I do X or Y, we'll go back for one night, just one night. We're going to taste it. Just a bite. I can't eat the whole steak. I can't afford that. I certainly can't have the whole meal. I certainly can't have the rest, but I can have a bite of my dream.
Starting point is 00:58:32 And that's what I'm encouraging you to. I had a bite of my dream. And I'll give you other strategies in a minute that aren't anywhere near that expensive. But I had a bite and it tasted good. And the next month I said, if I do six or eight more of these sales, I'm going to go there. We're going to do one of those. And I didn't do it. And so I didn't go because I didn't want to train my brain that we just go. I had to earn it. I had to do something exceptional to get the reward. I did not want to do it if I, so there were many times I set up these contests myself. I didn't hit them. We didn't go. I went out to my wife,
Starting point is 00:58:58 start shopping for deals, look for discounts, look for places to go that aren't that are expensive, but we can get on the cheap. But then I remember about four months later, I hit my number again and we went down there again. Same routine, except this time I kind of knew how to handle the valet. And when I walked in, it's a little bit different. Still a little bit awkward, a little uncomfortable. But now laying out at the pool, I kind of knew where the towels were. I knew what drink to get. You know, my wife knew where the spa was.
Starting point is 00:59:25 We didn't have to ask. I knew where the golf course was. And by the way, while I was playing golf, I had a mentor tell me, Ed, rich men play golf. And I remember thinking to myself, I don't even like golf. It's five, six hours. It's boring. I'm not any good.
Starting point is 00:59:39 I'm a baseball player. I want some action. Ed, rich men play golf. And I figured out what that really meant. That was a chance for me to get on a golf course with three or four other guys who were already living like I wanted to go. Ed, rich men play golf. And I figured out what that really meant. That was a chance for me to get on a golf course with three or four other guys who were already living like I wanted to live.
Starting point is 00:59:51 And I get to spend four or five hours with these people. And if I didn't know them, like how'd they walk? How'd they talk? How'd they think? What are their problems? What kind of vocabulary do they use? So I would go play golf and she would go to the spa. And then we'd have that dinner.
Starting point is 01:00:02 And at the dinner, we would dream about what our life would look like and where we were gonna to go and I'd say babe someday we'll live down here you know that Ritz Cove that's connected that community that's where we're going to live someday right down here in Laguna Beach there's a community right next to it and that's a little bit more familiar and then about four months after that we did it again except this time I remember walking in there going I kind of feel like I belong here. And then I snuck into the gated community and we just drove around. I couldn't get past the guard gate the first time, then I found a way in. We just walked around and drove around and looked at the homes. And what I was happening is I was just touching my dream
Starting point is 01:00:37 and becoming more familiar with it. And as I did this over time, as I did this over time, I started to believe I belonged there. And as I was acquiring more skills, more abilities, more opportunities, this started to happen as well because I belonged there. I was conditioning myself. I was giving myself a mental rehearsal of what my potential life would look like. And then I remember one time I said, hey, if I hit my numbers this month, let's go out to the desert, to Palm Springs area,
Starting point is 01:01:07 La Quinta, California. Let's go out to the La Quinta Resort. We went out to the La Quinta Resort, I'll never forget it. Same routine. I played golf, she went to the massage, we sat around the pool. Do you know to this day that my two main homes are in Laguna Beach and La Quinta, California?
Starting point is 01:01:26 You think that's by coincidence? See, over time of touching my dream and getting a bite of it, I became familiar with it. Your mind moves towards what you're most familiar with, what you gravitate towards. Now, I think you need to set up incentives to do it, but I'm going to tell you this changed my life. Now, let's step back and you say, Ed, I don't have the money to do that. Great. Here's what I want you to do. Whatever your dream is. Let's say your dream is something material. Go to a watch store and try on those watches once a month. Go do that. Go to the suit place and put the suits on, but don't buy them. Rent a car for a day. Rent a Lambo for a day. Rent
Starting point is 01:02:02 a Rolls Royce for a day, something for a day. I'm gonna give you stuff in a minute that costs nothing, just so you know, I'm going from the expensive thing to the nothing thing. Start to touch your dream. Those of you that are doing a little bit better, one time save up for a year, rent a jet. Instead of taking, by the way, this is the thing I would not do, is when I see people with success doing all the time, they take these long vacations. I've never taken a long vacation. I would take one and two day vacations, Cabo, Laguna beach, wherever one and two day vacations. Why? I didn't want to lose the momentum in my business, but what would happen, listen
Starting point is 01:02:34 to me when I would get away for a day or two, my environment dictated my thinking. When I got into these other environments, that's when I would dream bigger. That's when I think about my new vision, where I was going, what I wanted to do, what my idea was, what my plan was. People always say, I have a hard time getting my plan together. That's because you're in the same environment. Get out of your environment, go somewhere for a day or two. And by the way, those of you that are trying to climb to success, what are you doing taking one and two and three week long vacations ever? I'm 52 years old. You know how many week long vacations I've taken in my lifetime? Less than I can count on both hands.
Starting point is 01:03:08 Maybe less than I can count on one hand. I don't take week and two weeks away. My businesses need me, but I've taken a lot of one in two days, three days because it's the same juice. I can get the same juice without ringing out the dang orange all the way coming back and there's all these problems, right? So don't take long breaks. You're trying to climb to the top.
Starting point is 01:03:28 Let me just let you in on it. Those of us that have climbed to the top, there weren't long vacations. I know you see people on Instagram when they're European trip. I don't even know how these people got their money. I don't get all that. That's something you do after you're really wealthy.
Starting point is 01:03:41 And even after I got really wealthy, I just have no stomach for it. I don't like being in a way. I love business. I love my bed. I love my life. I live on vacation. Now you want to build a great life, build and have homes where everybody else's vacation someday. And the way you do that is go touch those dreams one bite at a time. Every couple months, if you gave yourself the gift a couple times a month, excuse me, a couple times a year, three times a year, six times a year of touching your dream, renting the car, renting the
Starting point is 01:04:08 house, right, for a week, for, excuse me, for a day, go into the hotel for a, your dream will think, you'll meet people, you'll vibrate differently, your big thinking comes out. You have a very difficult time changing your thinking in the same environment. It's very difficult to do. So what happened was I was able to change my environment for just 24 or 48 hours. And that's where I would do my big dream and my big thinking, my big strategizing. Plus I'm becoming familiar with the dream. Plus I'm moving towards it. Plus I believe I belong there and your mind moves towards what it's most familiar with.
Starting point is 01:04:41 So now I'm becoming a little bit more familiar with this stuff. You starting to get this now you say, Ed, my dreams, not material at all. I get it. Most of mine aren't either. So what if once a month or once a quarter, let's say your dream is to serve in your church, have you ever just taken a Wednesday off on a vacation day and served at your church, your mosque, your temple or your synagogue? Do you know what that would do for your spirit and your soul to touch that dream? Do you ever just taken a day off and spent it doing something that's your dream? Just the day off, you just unplug,
Starting point is 01:05:12 you just sit on the beach, right? If your dream is service, what if you took a day and served at a homeless shelter or a soup kitchen, right? Or anywhere like that, or a women's shelter, whatever it might be, right? Or you wanna get, or a women's shelter, whatever it might be. Right? Or you want to get involved in helping people with cancer, or there's a charity or something you want to get behind. Take a day and touch that dream. It costs nothing. If you have no money, but it's material, drive into the nice neighborhoods, get out and walk around, go to open houses.
Starting point is 01:05:42 Touch these things. If it's, you wish you could be a trainer full time, there's a career you want to do, but you got to pay the bills the other day. Take one day and go do that career. Ask someone if you can, for one day, get mentored by them. Follow them around the gym if that's what you want to do. Follow them around the lab. Follow them around the business office. Touch your dream.
Starting point is 01:06:02 Now, these things in my life have changed me. Why there's also proximity to power There's proximity to being around power and power is your dream power is the people who have those dreams Those people have the answers the thoughts the vocabulary the vibrational frequency the relationships I remember watching these guys playing golf and just how they walked was different than me What they talked about was different than me. And not all of them had it, but some of them did. I remember the first one of the first times we were laying out the pool going, wow, people just lay like this and relax.
Starting point is 01:06:34 I've never done this in my damn life. I wonder if there's some correlation between this relaxation and being successful. And so do you understand what I'm telling you? That an element that's missing in your life. listen to me, is you touching your dream. And then here's the free one of all of them. Mental rehearsal, just visualization of the dream, giving yourself the gift of picturing yourself driving that car, picturing yourself in that church, picturing yourself with that body, picturing yourself in that relationship, picturing yourself with that emotion. Mental rehearsal causes you to believe you belong in the dream.
Starting point is 01:07:10 Do you mentally rehearse? How often do you mentally rehearse? Because what's really happening is your visual sphere, your auditory fear, your kinesthetic fear, the things you touch on a regular basis, fear, the things you touch on a regular basis, hear and see are mentally rehearsing the rest of your life for you. So at some point you have to take control of that, override it, and actually force yourself to mentally rehearse the things you want in your life. That's a form of touching your dream. It's the lowest vibrational frequency is picturing it, but it's better than not. The lowest vibrational frequency is picturing it, but it's better than not. And if you do it enough times, because dreaming is free, you could do this daily and repeat it.
Starting point is 01:07:51 And if you stack up that enough times, it can be more powerful than touching it for one day a quarter. But imagine if you combine the two, the mental rehearsal in your life of whatever the emotion, the dream, the car, the house, the relationship, the service, the dream, the car, the house, the relationship, the service, the contribution, the memory, the rapid, the repetitious
Starting point is 01:08:09 mental rehearsal and then once or twice a year, four or five times a year, you go touch your dream on a budget or even not on a budget, you drive the neighborhood, you try on the watch, you try on the shoes, you try on listen to me, these things matter, you put yourself in these environments, You go have dinner at, you know, a lot of people go, we go out to dinner every single week, once a week. Let's just say you do that. Okay. What if you just went once a month,
Starting point is 01:08:33 but you went to the place you'd like to go the rest of your life. So you saved the money from those three meals that you don't go. And on the fourth one, you go to the place you'd like to be and get to touch the dream. You starting to see what I'm saying? So I'm either a little bit further along, you'll give yourself a gift, you got a couple of bucks,
Starting point is 01:08:48 have a night where you don't go out and you have a chef come cook for you. And I know that some of these things are things that not so many of you are nowhere near ready to do. Remember what I just said, I started out by driving the neighborhoods for free, just getting into the neighborhood. I couldn't even get into the houses. I couldn't even get through the gates. And then that graduated to one night at a hotel near those neighborhoods. But where it really started was the mental rehearsal. Ed Mylet had to convince himself. He belonged in his dreams.
Starting point is 01:09:17 Ed Mylet had to become familiar with these dreams by touching them mentally physically and actually auditory as well. I remember the first time we didn't get when we would go to the Ritz Carlton, we would always get the cheap garden room. And I remember about two years into doing it. I go, we're going to get the ocean front. And I'll never forget the first time when I woke up and I could hear the waves crashing, actually I went to sleep.
Starting point is 01:09:41 Frankly, the waves were so foreign to me that I had a hard time sleeping with the noise. But I remember waking up and I opened the door on our balcony. This is two years into doing this. I opened the door on our balcony and I went, Oh, wow, this is a different morning. You wake up here in the ocean waves and feeling that breeze and that smell of the salt water, I belong here. I want this. And it incentivized me to work a thousand times harder had I not experienced it. Somehow this starts to change our desire level as well. And so you start mixing all
Starting point is 01:10:19 this together, you got a little bit of a recipe. So let me ask you today, doesn't cost you anything to dream and mentally rehearse. Are you willing to do that? Number one, whatever it is, material or not material. Number two, are you willing to start setting up some incentives with yourself or just start saving for that once a quarter, once a month, twice a year experience for a day or two, where you touch your dream? Third, if it's service oriented, are you willing to take off a day, a quarter and go serve in your church or your synagogue or your temple? Whatever it might be. Are you willing to go try these things on? Maybe rent a car for a day? Are you willing
Starting point is 01:10:58 to do that? Are you willing to touch your dream? To some extent, you have to bite the steak before you can eat the whole thing. And this is an element not talked about. Now, if you have the opportunity, you acquire the talents and the skills. I'm telling you, become an unstoppable force. So my challenge to you today is, are you willing to make any of these adjustments to your life game? Worst case scenario, drive your car somewhere.
Starting point is 01:11:23 It's free and walk around where your dream exists. Walk where it exists. Maybe your dream is to live in New York City, right? You live in the suburbs of New Jersey, get in your dad gum car, or take a cab and get over there and just walk around and touch it, see it, smell it. And what starts to happen is you build something called sensory acuity. This sensory acuity makes your senses more acute.
Starting point is 01:11:50 And then in your everyday life, you begin to see people, places, and things that deliver on that dream that you're now familiar with. Here's the truth. Last thing I'll tell you. If you continue to live unfamiliar with your dream, you will die unfamiliar with it. But if you begin to familiarize yourself with your dream, with mental rehearsal, or physical touch, or the actual experience of doing it on short-term basis, there's a high probability that when you are at the end of your life, you will have lived that dream. Why is it so important to achieve your dreams? Because your dreams are not a joke. Your dreams are not a hallucination.
Starting point is 01:12:27 See, I believe God gives you your dreams as a preview as to what's possible in your life. These are the possibilities. That's why these dreams are in your heart. This is what's possible for you. It doesn't mean it's going to happen. It doesn't even mean it's probable. Here's what's possible.
Starting point is 01:12:42 And what I believe is you take possibility to probability by repetition, mental rehearsal, and conditioning. All I did is have dreams of what was possible. The difference with me, I believe, now that I'm 52 years old on the other side of it, obviously with all the hard work. But you know what spurred the hard work? Belief I belong there. At some point, if you don't believe you belong there, you stop catching those ground balls. You stop hitting those home runs. You stop swinging those golf clubs in practice. At some point, you got to believe you belong there to make those phone calls, eat the right diet, make the contacts, whatever that thing is in your life.
Starting point is 01:13:15 You have to have the desire level and the hard work. And I believe the hard work only long term comes from believing you belong there. And when your entire environment and all the people around you on a daily basis, don't reinforce that and don't condition it, you must override it in short-term bites. But if you do, these things that God's given you as possibilities of your life become probabilities, and then you become what I call an impossibility achiever. And in my life, I feel like I've become an impossibility achiever. What most people think is impossible, I got the recipe for. I start envisioning it, then I start touching it, then I start experiencing it, then I start believing I belong there, then I become familiar with it, and then I have it.
Starting point is 01:13:56 That's the deal. That's the deal. This show is sponsored by BetterHelp, everybody, and I'm so grateful that we are because, you know, I really believe in therapy and so many people ask me, what have all the people on your show have in common because I've had athletes entertainers, you know, scientists, political figures, business leaders, self-improvement folks and what do they all have in common? The vast majority of them have been to therapy and it's helped them and so therapy can help you in a lot of different ways. It could be that you just really need to work through a challenge or a problem you've got right now.
Starting point is 01:14:24 Maybe you just need somebody to talk to but maybe you're going through a really difficult dark time and you need some professional help to work your way through it and that's why I love therapy but especially BetterHelp because you can do it online and if you don't vibe with your therapist they'll switch you out and get you somebody that you click with instantly. It can make a big difference in your life so whether you're going through just kind of a difficult time and want to talk out loud about it, therapy is the way to go and I love BetterHelp. So never skip therapy day with BetterHelp.
Starting point is 01:14:50 Visit slash EdShow today to get 10% off your first month. That's BetterHelp. H-E-L-P dot com slash EdShow. If you've been listening or watching the show for a long time, you know what a big believer in NetSuite I am. I've been talking about them now for years. NetSuite is the number one cloud financial system, bringing accounting, financial management, inventory, HR into one platform and one source of truth. With NetSuite, you reduce IT costs because NetSuite lives in the cloud with no hardware required, access from anywhere.
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Starting point is 01:16:08 You'll never miss an episode that way. Today's question was very simple. Ed, how do I change my present right now? By the way, if you have a question you want answered on the show, you can submit it on my Instagram, at Ed Mylett, E-D-M-Y-L-E-T-T. You submit it there, we get thousands of them, but there's a chance your question
Starting point is 01:16:26 will get answered on the show. And so today is all about leadership and vision and dreams because I've been asked about this topic a lot. And don't discount yourself. If you have a child, if you have a company, a business, if you are a human being, you're a leader in the context that I'm gonna cover today, okay?
Starting point is 01:16:43 So today's topic is this, I want you to write this down. Here's the title. It takes leaders with vision to help people with dreams. Let me say it to you again. This is big stuff. It takes leaders with vision to help people with dreams. That's not my saying. I heard it somewhere many, many years ago, but I've lived by it. It takes leaders with vision to help people with dreams. What does that mean, Ed? Well, here's what it means. The first thing is it's a reminder that everybody you meet has a dream. Everybody's born with a dream. There's a heart that dreams. So we get older, those dreams can change, they can evolve, they can even die and get buried. But every human being has a dream. That dream could be to be a multimillionaire
Starting point is 01:17:24 billionaire. That dream could be to lead millions of people. That dream could be to be a multimillionaire billionaire. That dream could be to lead millions of people. That dream could be to be a mother or a father. That dream could be a particular career. That dream could have a particular body. That dream could be to live with this particular set of emotions. For some of you, your dreams as simple as, my dream is to begin to be happy.
Starting point is 01:17:40 I'm tired of living sad or down or worried or angry. But remember this, every human being you meet has a dream. It might be a big one that's long term and it might be just a short one. Their dream might just be, man, can I get through today with a little bit of peace, with a little bit of bliss, but everybody's got a dream. And I reminded myself of that when I meet humans, that they have dreams. Every precious person has one. And like I said, there's millions of them and there's varieties of them. And some people have lots of different dreams. But this is a context and a syntax that
Starting point is 01:18:15 you begin to see your brothers and sisters differently. That server at the restaurant that's serving you, that you don't make eye contact with when they ask you, how's the food, or what would you like to order? That person's got a dream. That dream might be just that you don't make eye contact with when they ask you, how's the food or what would you like to order? That person's got a dream. That dream might be just that you acknowledge them. That dream might be that they want to be the best server that's ever lived. That dream might be that, you know, they want to have a big YouTube channel someday. That dream might be they want to write a book. That dream might be that they want to meet the love of their life, but that person's got a dream. That's why they were born. You were born to live a dream. You were born to make your dreams come true. And I
Starting point is 01:18:50 know this. And so what those people are looking for is a leader. And all a leader means is I can help you. I see something that you don't see. I see a potential. So as a leader in a company, many of you run companies or businesses, remember this, it takes leaders with vision to help people with dreams. What does that mean? That means that you need to begin to work on your vision because everybody you meet has got a dream. If you're a mother, what's the vision for your family? What's your vision for your children? Are you sowing seeds in them of vision and visionary leadership in them? I read a book a long time ago that really changed my life. It's an old
Starting point is 01:19:31 book. It's written by a guy named Guy Kawasaki and it's called Selling the Dream. And what he was really writing about was Apple. He was the guy that kind of marketed the old Macintosh for Apple. But the entire book is the context of what Apple was doing to become a great company. And if you really understand and study that company, Steve Jobs was a great dream seller. See, selling the dream is a skill and a talent you build. Listen to me, but most people are oblivious that it's important. Most people think that's only for the Steve Jobs of the world or the Ed Milets of the world. You want to be a great father? You get great at selling a dream to your children and your family and your spouse. You want to be a great business person entrepreneur?
Starting point is 01:20:11 You get great at selling the dream and having a vision for where you want to go. You want to be a great anything. You want to lead yourself in life. You better have a big time vision. You'd be able to sell yourself on that dream. Life's about vision. That's why the Bible talks about where there is no vision, the people will perish. They will literally die. You're a dead human without a dream. You're a dead human without a dream. So you should constantly be working on your dream muscle, your vision muscle, and your ability to sell yourself and other people on that vision. I am talking to you today because I had a dream and a vision that I could help millions of people, that I could use an ability I thought I might have
Starting point is 01:20:51 to communicate to reach people. Remember this, we constantly move in our life towards what we're most familiar with. We move to the familiar, we gravitate to the familiar, we develop patterns and behaviors that are familiar. That's why when you drive home, usually from wherever you work, you don't even have to consciously think about how you're getting there. You just kind of pull right off the freeway when it happens, don't you? You're not even thinking about it because it's familiar to you. You get in the shower, you don't think, you know what?
Starting point is 01:21:18 Today I'm going to soap here first and then shampoo. You got a route. You just do it unconsciously. Your life, most of it is unconscious because your brain is trying to save energy by creating habits that are repetitive and that are familiar. Well, if you're only familiar with the tasks you have to do, or as a mom or a dad familiar with,
Starting point is 01:21:37 I gotta cook them lunch, I gotta get dinner, I gotta pick them up for school, and you just do the monotonous stuff and you never have a family that's loaded with a vision or a dream of where they're going or for each individual child you have or for your spouse that you're selling them a dream and a vision of who they could be and how much you believe in them. Of all the things I'm not very good at, I'm amazing at selling people on themselves. I'll tell people that all the time. Server in a restaurant is a great example. If I see, I say, man, you're awesome.
Starting point is 01:22:05 You are awesome. You're amazing. Thank you. Man, you're not even going to be here someday, are you? You want to do something out of here. I could see you. I could see you out of here doing more. Or if they do want to be there, I'll say, I could see you running this place someday. With my kids, since they were little, I was selling them a dream and a vision. I just assumed that my let's are going to do something awesome. I'm telling you, hey, listen to me. The my let's are doing something awesome. They still get text messages from me. Hey, let's do something great today.
Starting point is 01:22:29 We're going to do something freaking great as a family. Woo. We kick some butt today, making a difference. The my let's are leaders. We got a vision and I'll sell them that dream over and over again. Think about all the people you admire in your life. Think about them. What's one thing they all have in common? They had a big old dream, a vision, and a dream that they sold either themselves or you. Let's go through a few. And by the way, when I'm saying this, what about you?
Starting point is 01:22:57 What vision are you constantly selling yourself on? What vision are you selling your colleagues on? What vision are you selling your spouse or boyfriend or girlfriend on? Your children on? Your parents on? Do you do that? Are you conscious of it? Because that's called being alive. The ability to grab a vision and develop it is a muscle. And to do it repetitively, even when people are rolling their eyes at you going, I heard this before. And here's the kicker. Get at selling it that's a second step think about who you admire let's just go through a few people let's say you're a follower of Jesus just curious did he have any dream he sold do you have any vision his vision his dream was everlasting life for you
Starting point is 01:23:43 that's about as big as it gets. You bought the dream in the vision if you're a believer. Whatever your faith is, you've bought the vision and the dream of this person that is your deity. In my case, I'm a Christian. And then what did he do? He sold the dream. He cast the vision and he sold the dream over and over and over and over and over again. And then he built a team of people that sold it and it's become the biggest movement in the history of mankind. Maybe you're not religious. How about Martin Luther King? Do you admire him?
Starting point is 01:24:14 Wow, that's interesting because his most famous speech is, I have a dream and he sold the dream. He did it with his oratory skills. He did it with his physical labor in the marches and the standing in the difficult times up against adversity. And then he had other people who caught that dream like the Rosa Parks of the world who started to carry that dream and that vision. Okay, maybe you're into politics. Who do you like Trump or Obama? Because you don't like them both. What did Obama have hope and change? If you loved Obama, you were all about hope and change. And he embodied that hope and that change that you
Starting point is 01:24:57 love. Maybe you didn't like Obama. Maybe you're a Trump or you love Donald Trump. Did he have a vision? Does he have a vision? Make America great again. That's the vision. And he sold the dream on it. Now, it's even more powerful when you embody that dream. So let me give you some steps. You got to get great at seeing a vision for yourself and other people. Then you got to sell a big enough dream that the dream of everybody within your stewardship can fit inside the one you're selling. So if you're a business leader, you got to sell it big. Here's your number one problem. If you're running a business right now, you ain't selling it big enough.
Starting point is 01:25:33 You got to see it bigger. Ready for this? Get in the big man. Sell it bigger. Get in the big. When Apple was just a board company, jobs was about being talking about being the most transformative company of all time. That was crazy.
Starting point is 01:25:48 How about me? Some guy that's just plugging away as an entrepreneur 25 years ago, a dream of being worth hundreds of millions of dollars of influence and millions of people of using my story to change. You'd have laughed your ass off at me back in those days. Well, people aren't laughing anymore. Are they? Because I got a big old vision.
Starting point is 01:26:04 I started selling myself to dream. And when you sell it, and then you embody it. So that's step one, get a vision. Step two, start selling that dream. Step three, make it repetitive. Being in business or being a mom or being a dad or being a leader is not coming up with new things you say to old people. It's saying old things to new people. Let me say that to you again, too many of you are trying to create some new thing. You're saying to the old team, what you need to be doing is saying the old things to new people. So I've said it over and over and over. So you got to sell it big enough that everybody's dream is fits inside of it.
Starting point is 01:26:38 So the my let's are gonna do something awesome. Max, you can play on the PGA tour. Bella boo, you can have your own business and run for president someday. It fits inside the dream that I'm selling. If you run in a company, you got to get the dreams of everybody to fit inside that. The third thing is you got to back it up with massive action. It can't just be words. People got to watch you go, oh, she means it now. You get good at selling that dream and you do it repetitively. You don't end up suffering from what I call leadership fatigue, where you get tired of hearing from yourself. You don't end up suffering from what I call leadership fatigue
Starting point is 01:27:05 where you get tired of hearing from yourself. You get tired of saying it. Most businesses fail because the leader gets tired of selling the dream and acting like it. Most parents fail because they get tired if they ever sold a dream. They get tired of selling it because the kids don't behave, they don't act like it and they finally just quit. The more you sell the dream and sell the vision, I'm convinced the problem for most kids is they're being raised by parents who don't sell a big vision and a big dream and tell them how amazing it's gonna be. When you're a leader that's a position that means you have a viewpoint the people behind you can't see. You have a job as a leader, as a mom, as a dad, as a business leader, as a coach to say hey let me tell you what I
Starting point is 01:27:44 see because you can't see it. let me tell you what I see because you can't see it. Let me tell you all, it's amazing it's going to be when we get there, how worth it it's going to be to go through the trials and tribulations, how worth it is to go through the ups and downs and put the work in. Let me say it to you again, because this is going quick. Okay? You got to see something they don't see because of your position as leader. And you got to be able to say, let me tell you what I see. see and You tell them over and over and over and you tell them in different ways until they get it But you say the same thing and you tell them how amazing it's gonna be when we get there go all the way back to Jesus Let me tell you what I see. I
Starting point is 01:28:16 See you in heaven someday. Let me tell amazing heaven's gonna be let me tell you how amazing it is Right over and over and over Then you tell them how to get there over and over and over again. It's got to be big. It's got to be bold. It's got to capture people's hearts and they've got to see themselves fitting inside the one you're selling can't be a selfish dream. Unless you're just leading you then you got to do the hard one.
Starting point is 01:28:40 You got to validate it with your action. They got to see you go, wow, she's serious. She's in here two hours earlier than she used to be. Oh my gosh, she's got this dream of doing this bodybuilding contest she's doing. Look how disciplined she is with her diet. My gosh, you know, she takes off on lunch and works out in addition to her morning workout.
Starting point is 01:28:58 They start seeing it. Man, he's talking big stuff for the company right now. He's talking major plans, major vision, unbelievable stuff. Have you seen how he's working right now? This dude's a maniac. He means it. You validate the dream with your actions. You tell your kid they're going to play high school basketball. How often are you getting out there shooting with them? How often are you getting up early? How many videos are you sending them on shooting stuff? How many articles? What the coach are you trying to get work to get them with? Validate it with your actions. You become a
Starting point is 01:29:28 powerhouse and then it starts to get momentum. This is what happens in life. You got to learn to do this. If I was to tell you one thing about your life I would wish for you is that you would get a bigger vision for you. If there's one thing I would wish for your company is that you get a bigger vision for your company. If there's one thing I'd wish for your company, is that you get a bigger vision for your company. If there's one thing I'd wish for your family, is that you get a bigger vision. And after you have those things, then what I would wish for you is that you work on the development of selling that dream and getting better at selling yourself and others on that dream.
Starting point is 01:30:02 Then I'd wish you'd repeat it almost to the point of people thinking you're crazy. And then what I would wish is that everybody can fit inside the one you're selling. And then what I'd wish is that you'd validate it by taking massive action. You start doing that, your life changes. The reason your life is not changing if you want it to is you don't have a compelling vision that's greater than your fears. And the way you make a dream happen, by the way, you might say, I don't know what my dream and my vision is. Let me tell you what it is. Your dreams, what will move you in your life always is either the future you want or other
Starting point is 01:30:38 people. You'll never do anything for yourself, but you'll do stuff to achieve your vision and you'll do stuff to make other people happy. What I recommend you do is once you get that vision is you link your love for other people to that vision and dream because as long as you tell yourself I love these people more than I'm afraid that this dream won't happen. I love these people more than I'm worried about the obstacles and the roadblocks. I love my family. I love my whatever it is more than I'm scared, more than the adversity. My love is greater than anything that will get in the way. Most of you are afraid to get a big vision because you think you're going to miss it. And then you're afraid to really pursue it and
Starting point is 01:31:16 chase it because you're afraid you'll fail. Many, many times I wanted to quit and I would remind myself I love my family more than this obstacle. I love my family more than I'm afraid. I love my family more than this adversity. I will love my family longer and it will endure far past this problem. And once I attached my love to the dream, the people I love to the dream, I became a pretty unstoppable force because there was no cop out. And by the way, if you know someone who's quit on their dream, you know the hard reality. The adversity was greater than their love. The adversity was greater than their love for their family.
Starting point is 01:32:04 They sold their family out. That's the hard truth. I can sell out my family. There ain't any word game, any adversity, any obstacle. Anything you're going to put in front of me is going to get me to sell my family up the river. And that's exactly what you're doing when you quit. Let me ask you this.
Starting point is 01:32:23 Let's just get this straight. Is there anything bigger than your love for these other people? Is there anything that would come in your way that would be bigger than your love? Maybe your love for your Lord, your love for your family. Anything bigger than that? Good. I hope the answer was no. Because if there's nothing bigger than that, you're going to win. Unless, of course, you renegotiate that at some point, which a lot of people do.
Starting point is 01:32:49 You ever seen someone who's been defeated in their dream? Quietly, they might blame someone else. They might have their excuse, but deep in their soul, deep in their intuition, deep inside them, they know they sold out. They sold out. Here's the great news. I've quit many things before. But I got back up again. It's not too late.
Starting point is 01:33:13 You can decide right now. That's it. He's right. I'm going to start attaching my vision and my dreams to my love for these other people. And I'm getting up. I'm going to be a different force now. May I ask you this question, any of you that have kids and if you don't have kids just pick somebody you love. Let's say you were sitting in a meeting right now, someone walked up to
Starting point is 01:33:33 you and handed you a note and said that person was in a serious car accident. Picture your children if you have children or your grandchildren. If you don't have children, your mom or your dad, your boyfriend or your girlfriend, you're in a very big meeting room and You got handed a note so-and-so has been in an accident. It's serious. You need to come now What would you do? You'd get right up and run out of that room wouldn't you in a minute wouldn't you? Would you stop and go? Well, wait a minute. I don't want to be rude to the speaker
Starting point is 01:34:02 I don't want to get up and bother the other people in the room. What's everyone gonna think about me when I get up? Is everyone gonna say wouldn't occur to you at all that stupid stuff of what other people are gonna think? Because you got to get to this person you love, right? Because your love is greater than that moment. And when you got up, if you started to run out of the room and someone started to go, hey, someone started, what are you doing? You can't get up in the middle of the meeting. There's no way you can do this. That's rude.
Starting point is 01:34:26 Sit your butt back down. Would you go, oh, OK, I I don't want to be rude. Would you do that? Or would you go, get out of my way? My baby, my child, my girlfriend, my mom has been in an accident. Get out of here. And you steamroll. And when you got to the door, they said, hey, you need to get back in there.
Starting point is 01:34:43 This door is locked. There's no way out. What would door, they said, hey, you need to get back in there. This door is locked. There's no way out. What would you do? Go, well, I guess that's a sign. I'm not supposed to get to my dream. It's God giving me a sign. Too much adversity. Is that what you say?
Starting point is 01:34:55 It's a sign. Nah. You know what I bet you do? I bet you'd kick the door down, wouldn't you? You sure would. You'd kick that door down. Bam. No obstacle. When you got out to your
Starting point is 01:35:05 car and it didn't start and it wouldn't go, you're like, well, I guess that means I'm not supposed to get there. Man, one thing after the other, guess I'll just lay down here. Another obstacle, another sign, just not meant to be. I just don't have what it takes to get to my child. Would you do that? Heck no. You'd go carjack a dad gum car if you had to, wouldn't you? You'd ask him, I need your car. I need your car. I need your car. I need to get take me right now.
Starting point is 01:35:29 You'd get a new you do whatever you could. You get a new regatta. You'd run and get anything took when you got to the hospital. If you got to the door, they go, hey, slow down. There's procedure here. You got to sign in. Are you family? You got to be like, hey, I got to get to my family.
Starting point is 01:35:44 No obstacle. Well, hey, we need these. You know, you would you say, well, man, I gotta get to my family. No obstacle. Well, hey, we need these that you would you say, well, man, I, if before I do it, I need to know the exact words I'm supposed to say, I need to be totally prepared for when I get to the I need total preparation before I can get to the screw preparation. You're never going to be totally prepared for that moment. You have to have the perfect words or the perfect moment or the perfect knowledge or understand everything.
Starting point is 01:36:06 That's all out the damn window. When you want something to get somebody that bad, you'd get to your baby. Wouldn't you? You would need the perfect words. You wouldn't need to know everything. You wouldn't wait to get started for the right timing. None of that crap would matter, would it? Because you're going to get there because you love them so much.
Starting point is 01:36:25 That's how your dream has to be. And by the way, that's the truth of how people make their dreams come true. And here's the truth about the people that don't. They don't attach that love, that urgency, that obsession. And so little stupid things start to seem big. What are these people going to think? Oh my gosh, someone rejected me and told me to sit back down. The doors are closed. There's no way to get in that room and make it happen. You'd find a way to get that door knocked down, wouldn't you? There's no door closed. Oh, it didn't start. There's a setback
Starting point is 01:36:55 my car. No, wouldn't matter. When you got there. They said, Hey, we need this information. We need to hear the right words from you. You wouldn't wait around and go, well, let me sit in the parking lot and prepare for another three weeks before I get started. So the timing's better. And I know everything I need to know when I get in that hospital. No, you know enough. And you'd get going.
Starting point is 01:37:15 What you would say is I'll figure it out when I get in there. Isn't it trivial and isn't it silly when you put it in that context? What we let stop us? And why we lay down after a while. Ed, how do I get back up in my life? I'm telling you how. You get back up by getting a new vision, by repeatedly selling yourself this dream and by attaching your love like that precious child or loved one who was in an accident, that type of urgency, that type of love, that type of obsession towards chasing it. And now you're up and when those obstacles do come, they may rattle you,
Starting point is 01:37:48 they may stagger you, but they won't stop you. This is the Ed Myron Show.

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