THE ED MYLETT SHOW - Stop Hiding and Reach Your DREAMS

Episode Date: August 22, 2024

Are you ready to shatter the invisible barriers that keep you from your biggest dreams? Today, we’re tackling a crucial topic that resonates deeply with me personally: the myriad ways we hide ourse...lves and, by doing so, hold ourselves back from achieving our most ambitious dreams—those God-sized dreams. We often don't even realize we're HIDING in plain sight... But in this episode, I'm going to show you how hidden habits are keeping you from the life you deserve. Whether you're hiding in the shadows of past stories, the distractions of sports, or the comfort of routine, it's time to step out into the light and chase your God-sized dreams. Join me as we uncover the secrets to unlocking your full potential and truly maximizing your life! This episode is all about confronting the invisible barriers we erect in our lives, whether it’s through clinging to past stories, immersing ourselves in sports or reality TV, or even over-preparing without taking action. We’re diving into the importance of visibility, of stepping out from the shadows to truly pursue what we're capable of achieving including: Identify Your Hiding Spots: We’ll explore the common areas where you might be hiding—sports, past successes or traumas, even through your kids or societal roles—and how these can subconsciously hold you back. Embrace Self-Awareness: Learn to recognize and admit where you're diminishing your own potential, making it the first step towards transformative growth. Actionable Steps to Unhide: I’ll share strategies to stop hiding, step up, and fully engage with your ambitions, including how to shift focus from preparation to execution. Maximizing Potential: Discover how to stop the cycle of hiding and start living a life that’s not just about surviving, but thriving and reaching those peak potentials. Join me for a powerful discussion that’s designed not just to inspire but to provoke action and real change. Let’s shed the comforts of hiding and step boldly towards our dreams. Tune in and let's get ready to maximize your life, no holds barred! #MAXOUT! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So hey guys, listen, we're all trying to get more productive and the question is, how do you find a way to get an edge? I'm a big believer that if you're getting mentoring or you're in an environment that causes growth, a growth based environment, that you're much more likely to grow and you're going to grow faster. And that's why I love Growth Day. Growth Day is an app that my friend Brendan Burchard has created that I'm a big fan of. Write this down, forward slash ed. So if you want to be more productive, by the way the way he's asked me I post videos in there every single Monday that gets your day off to the right start he's got about five thousand ten thousand dollars worth of courses that are in there that come with the app also some of the top influencers in the world are all posting content and they're
Starting point is 00:00:37 on a regular basis like having the Avengers of personal development and business in one app and I'm honored that he asked me to be a part of it as well and contribute on a weekly basis, and I do. So go over there and get signed up. You're gonna get a free, tuition-free voucher to go to an event with Brendan and myself and a bunch of other influencers as well. So you get a free event out of it also.
Starting point is 00:00:53 So go to forward slash ed. That's forward slash ed. My dad works in B2B marketing. He came by my school for career day and said he was a big Ro-az man. Then he told everyone how much he loved calculating his return on ad spend. My friend's still laughing at me to this day. Not everyone gets B2B, but with LinkedIn, you'll be able to reach people who do. Get $100 credit on your next ad campaign. Go to slash results to claim your credit. That's slash results.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Terms and conditions apply. LinkedIn. The place to be, to be. This is The Admiring Show. Alright, welcome back to the show everybody. So great to have you with me this week and let me say this first, I see you and I think that's important because the topic of this week's show is stop hiding. So many of us, including me in my past, we find ways to hide in our life and that ability to hide, to stay hidden, to stay invisible, to stay small, is what keeps us from reaching our biggest dreams in our life, our God-sized dreams I call them. And so many of us, and I'd like you to take an inventory today as I go through some of the places people hide, because let's just be honest, making your biggest dreams come true in your life, you know, I know there's this stuff on social
Starting point is 00:02:18 media and Instagram that makes entrepreneurship or dreaming or achievement look glamorous and fun and easy. But if you talk to anybody who's actually done it, they will tell you it's extremely difficult. Winning is not easy. Winning is a grind. Winning is a fight. Winning is a battle. Winning is about growing. Winning is about mental toughness. And I don't think most people have an appreciation of really how much work and really how mentally tough you have to be to make your biggest dreams come true, whether that dream is a big business you want to build or something philanthropic you want to do or that relationship you want to find. You've got to work on yourself and dig deep to do that. To become a
Starting point is 00:02:53 multi-millionaire or billionaire in your life. Whatever those goals are, it's by the way to create something that solves a problem or cures an illness or fixes something or to correct an injustice in the world. This stuff's hard. This is not for the faint of heart. That's why very few people do it. And in my opinion, most people, the vast majority of people, never become who they could, never reach their potential, never achieve their God-sized dream, never become the person they're proud of because they hide. And there's lots of ways to hide. And the only reason I know that there's lots of ways to hide and the only reason I know that there's lots of ways to hide is many of these I've hidden in and so when I create content and I share this is not from some soapboxes some guys got
Starting point is 00:03:33 it all figured out or perfect I'm just maybe a little bit further down the road there's this great Chinese proverb I quote often that says if you want to know the road ahead ask those coming back and so if I'm anything for you on this show I hope I'm maybe just a guy coming back I've been down the road ahead, ask those coming back. And so if I'm anything for you on this show, I hope I'm maybe just a guy coming back. I've been down the road. And so when I talk about the mistakes that people make, I'm familiar with them because I've made most of them. And so, but hiding throughout life is so sad. And when we get to the end of our lives, I believe our regrets are not the things we attempted to do and fail that
Starting point is 00:04:05 or even hardships or painful times. I think regrets are acts of omission, meaning things we never tried, things we didn't go for, the times we didn't speak up, the times we didn't take a stand, the time we didn't start the business, we didn't buy the property, we didn't ask the person out for the date, whatever it is, I think it's acts of omission. It's hiding in life. And never before in the history of our time, is it easier to hide than it is now with all of distractions that we have. And so as I go through this today,
Starting point is 00:04:36 if you're thinking of yourself or someone that you love, think about what it's costing you to play small, what's costing you to hide and maybe where you hide. And even as I open up the show you may say I'm not hiding I'm after it. Are you sure? Could you be even more after it? Could you be more focused? Giving more, growing more, working harder, enjoying it more, celebrating it more, getting all the juice of life and your emotions more? My guess is because you listen to me or you're watching me
Starting point is 00:05:04 you're a lot like me and we're crazy people. We're crazy because the status quo is not good enough for us and when I say the status quo, I don't mean necessarily just stuff or wealth or building or creating, although that can be part of it. It may be just the status quo of us. You know, we want to grow, we want to give more, we want to contribute. I say often I'm addicted to the expansion of my being and I don't think that process is ever going to stop for me. I sure hope it does and I think you're either growing or dying in life and I want to keep growing. You know, that might be growing spiritually at this stage of my life more than when I was younger, maybe I want to grow financially. I want to grow my body physically. So there's different stages of life where we want to grow,
Starting point is 00:05:46 but I know what stops growth, I know what holds us back from our dreams, I know what causes us to play small, I could tell you right now, it's hiding. So let's look at some of the places that you or someone you love may be hiding so that we can just identify, because once you acknowledge something,
Starting point is 00:06:00 once you have self-awareness over it, you can fix it. It's not even difficult. It's just a matter of acknowledging it, admitting it, stepping up to the next level and going. So where do people hide? First place, most people hide the past. They love to tell the story of their past. And that past could be a good story, a win, something they've achieved, or it could be a story them telling themselves that was something painful or harmful.
Starting point is 00:06:24 And so we live in our stories. See, people that are growing and expanding and giving and living life all out and getting the emotions and the wealth and the contribution and the memories that they want, whatever those things are, they very rarely live in the past. I say all the time. You guys have heard this in my book, The Power of One More. There's two points of references in life. There's people that operate out of history and memory. Everything's history and memory. So everything that comes to their present awareness reminds them of something in the past or a memory of theirs. There's history and memory. That's most people. Very few people operate out of a different operating system, which is vision and dreams. The future. We're both in the present, but how do we process the present? Most people process the present through a story that they tell themselves about the past. Other people, extraordinary people, happier people, process the present, okay? And they've got vision
Starting point is 00:07:17 and dreams to look forward to. And so the past, are you hiding in the past? Let's look at two ways that people do it. Number one, it's some story about something that happened. I often talk an awful lot about my dad being an alcoholic when I was a young man. And as I was doing that and as I was writing the book and as I've given those talks, I've had to be very careful not to live there, but actually tell that story about the past
Starting point is 00:07:41 to forecast the future. But I don't live in that story. I'm no longer living with my dad. My dad's passed away. My dad is no longer an alcoholic. He quit drinking for 35 years and he's gone now. That story's the past. Now the memories, the lessons, all of that I use in the present and the future, but many people will tell that type of a story the rest of their life. So something, a divorce you've had, are you still telling that story? By the way, telling it doesn't mean you're verbally saying it all the time. Stay with me. It should be you think about it.
Starting point is 00:08:12 It's where you live. We live in our thoughts. So when I say, you know, talk about it, it may not be verbal. It may just be your thought process. How often do you think about a relationship from the past, right? Or a failure from the past or where you were a victim in the past or where someone harmed you in the past or a previous career or you look back at a time in your life with reverence like I wish I looked like I used to look or felt like I used to feel. Right? And so or a stage of your life. Man, I wish I was back where my kids were little again or I wish I was younger again or stage of your life. Man, I wish I was back where my kids were little again, or I wish I was younger again, or I wish I was back in school, whatever it is, you're telling yourself a story about the past. Now, and usually they're sad stories. Then there's other people who they tell stories about wins
Starting point is 00:08:56 they've had. They've been living off that story for way too long. You know, the old adage of the guy who talks about he's 30 years old, he's still talking about high school football. That's one version that's obvious. But some of you are still talking about some sale you closed six months ago, right? Some business win you had a year and a half ago and you're still living in it, you're still basking in the glow. It's still something you focus on. I could tell you, the most successful people I know, on to the next. That doesn't mean they don't celebrate their wins, they do. I talk a lot about this in my content. I talk about the concept of blissful dissatisfaction. Learning to live blissfully, simultaneously dissatisfied. Concept of blissful dissatisfaction most people don't get. You can
Starting point is 00:09:34 live in bliss and still not be satisfied and want to grow. People conflate satisfaction and happiness. They're totally different things. You can be extremely happy and still have this internal dissatisfaction that you want to grow and expand and get better. But a lot of people tell winds of the past, stories of the past and it could be 10 years ago, 15 years ago, it could be last month. Let's just be serious. If you're in sales, last month's ancient history, you still tell me last month, you still some of some award you won a year ago. So I'm being direct with you today but you have to really look at it. How much of the time are you spending in the past, right?
Starting point is 00:10:09 And that is a place to hide. Hide in your victim's story, hide in a true story that was painful or harmful. Either way, it doesn't exist anymore. This is what's crazy about telling stories or living or thinking in the past. It doesn't exist anymore. It's to some extent a figment of our past. It doesn't exist anymore. It's to some extent a figment of our imagination. You can't change it. There's no way to go back to it. You can reprocess what it means, which I've talked a lot about in my content, but a lot of people hide in their story of the past, both defeats, victories, great memories, and not so good ones. A lot of you achievers that are
Starting point is 00:10:44 listening to me, you spend a lot of your time dwelling on wins you've had in the past and you allow those wins to comfort you from doing the real hard work now because things aren't as bad in your life as they used to be. You know, I worked the hardest in my life. Many people tell me and I know this was true for me when I was young, when I was the most broke, when I was working to eat, working to pay rent. And then what happens is, in life as we climb a little higher, our comfort level gets greater. And we just don't quite have that edge. And I think all of you that have won at some level know
Starting point is 00:11:21 what I mean, that edge. you lose that edge because you focus a little bit and take comfort and solace in wins that don't even exist anymore they were last month last week last year I love when I watch a champion win and I study them when they win an NBA title or a golf tournament you can tell some of them are like well this is the pinnacle this is it I've made the top you could tell other ones are like this is awesome awesome. I'm gonna celebrate this. This is tremendous but I want another one. I want to climb higher and so are you hiding in the past? That's number one. This show is sponsored by Airbnb. My next door neighbor in Florida,
Starting point is 00:12:00 every time they leave, they've been turning their house into an Airbnb and and it's become a good side income for them. And it's finally got me thinking about doing exactly the same thing. You know what? When you leave your house, use it for an airbnb, generate revenue. So that that thing becomes an asset and not just a liability. I love doing it and I'm excited about the start of it. Your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at Slash post. eBay Motors is here for the ride. Remember when you first saw the potential
Starting point is 00:12:33 and then through some elbow grease, fresh installs and a whole lot of love, you transformed 100,000 miles and a body full of rust into a drive that's all your own with over 122 million parts for your number one ride or die, you can make sure your ride stays running smoothly. Brake kits, LED headlights, exhaust kits, turbo chargers, bumpers, whatever your baby needs, eBay Motors has it. And with eBay guaranteed fit,
Starting point is 00:13:01 it's guaranteed to fit your ride the first time every time or your money back. Plus at these prices you're burning rubber not cash. Keep your ride or die alive at Eligible items only, exclusions apply. See Number two, do you hide in sports? A lot of male friends of mine spend a lot of time hiding in sports. I'm a fan. I'm a sports fan. I was an athlete at a pretty high level in college and I'm a Boston Red Sox fan. Many of you see me with my Red Sox hat on and from time to time, I'm a fan of the team. I cheer for it. I love watching sports because I love watching greatness. I love watching competition, but I don't hide there. I'm under no illusion that whether they win or lose, it impacts my life.
Starting point is 00:13:55 But you all know a lot of men in your life, let's just be honest, they wear a jersey with another man's name on the back. That's weird, right? You all know that guy. Some of you are that guy watching right now. You're a grown man and you're wearing the jersey that says Kobe Bryant on the back or Lebron or Gretzky or whoever.
Starting point is 00:14:15 You ought to just evaluate that. I mean that as a friend. Should you really wearing another grown man's name on your family's back? Are you hiding a little bit? Do you get a little bit too connected? Have you ever caught yourself saying, we won Sunday, we won last night, we... that's hiding. You don't play for that team. You don't play. On your tombstone, they're not going to list any of the wins of some sports team you're a spectator for. Who by the way, you pay the salaries of the people you're cheering for with your ticket prices and TV watching.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Oh and but that jersey you bought. So it's worth watching. A lot of you, I can hear it right now, a lot of you have friends like that, you're gonna send this to your friend. And by the way brother or sister that wears those uniforms. I don't mean that as a criticism. I just think you need to know that's odd and it's it's it's it's something to evaluate. I love sports. Am I happy when the Red Sox win? Sure. Do I lose any sleep when they lose? No. And if you do, that's strange. If you say we or us, you don't play for that team. You don't play for that team. By the way, nowadays it's so silly players switch teams all the time. Most part they just take where the money's. They're free agents, right? They just go. So your self-worth, your life, how much time you spending on other
Starting point is 00:15:32 people's lives, just fantasizing and dreaming that you play for that team and somehow if they win, here's what happens. If you can focus on them, maybe nobody will pay attention to you. If you can focus on that sports team, maybe no one is really going to pay attention to what you're doing. Or maybe you don't have to. Maybe somehow in some bizarre way, you think if nine strangers on a baseball field win a baseball game, somehow that will comfort you in your life. Even though you don't play on that team, they don't pay you to play there. But you getting it? Are you doing any hiding in sports? Are you? Okay. Or do you know anybody
Starting point is 00:16:12 who's hiding in sports? And let's just be honest, if you're a grown man over 18 years old, probably got to stop wearing another man's uniform. Okay. Now by the way, that's one place to hide. I think I want you to make sure I finish this. I love sports. I love, the minute I start to make money, I want to sit behind home plate. I want to do that. I've been to World Series. I've been to Super Bowls. I've been to NBA Finals. There's a TV to my left with four screens on it. In fact, I'll show you if I could show it. Everybody see that? There's a TV right there. If you're on audio, it doesn't matter. Four screens on it. The mirror behind me, everybody, turns into a TV. You know what I watch on that? Sports. I love
Starting point is 00:16:49 sports. I love cheering. I love celebrating when they hit a home run. But that's it. It's not my self-worth. It's not my dream. It's their dream. And I love watching people make their dreams come true. But I'm under no illusion that my dream's coming true when they hit a home run. You follow what I'm saying? So just full balance. I'm a sports fanatic because I played and I wasn't good enough to play at the level that I watch on TV and I love greatness. I love watching hard work pay off all of that kind of stuff but it does not let me out of my life. I'm living my life. they're living theirs. Hopefully if you win really big, they'd clap and cheer for you. Third place that
Starting point is 00:17:30 people hide in their life. Reality TV. Reality TV. And I'll put them together. Slash politics. Politics has become a bit of reality TV hasn't it? And we sort of pick our team and route for them. But these reality TV shows, we kind of live through their lives. Oh, did you see what she said to her? And isn't that just silly? Can it be entertaining? Yes. If you take it anywhere past that,
Starting point is 00:17:57 you are living in their lives because you're not living yours. You got it? And so this is just something to evaluate. I say this as a friend because remember, all of these things, when I was a young man, by the way, go to this worst thing. I remember when I was a young man, the Red Sox lost to the Mets in the World Series. I believe it's 1986. I must have cried for a week. I thought my life was over. But I was also a 16 year old boy then. And I've watched games before where I'm throwing things at a TV and I'm like I don't even play for this team so I relate to all of that I have many friends who were on reality television I love them but I don't I
Starting point is 00:18:34 don't think you should be living your life and paying such close attention to their life that you miss paying attention to your life and are you hiding a bit in their lives because yours isn't interesting enough? You're not challenging yourself. You're not growing. You're not expanding. You're not willing to fail. You're a little bit afraid
Starting point is 00:18:53 of not going forward in your life. You just have to be honest. Maybe that's not true for you, but if the shoe fits, it's worth asking yourself. That's why you listen to content like this, right? Politics. I think it's important to be informed. know what's going on in the world, take a stand on things that you believe in to create change in the world,
Starting point is 00:19:11 your country, your community, et cetera. And then I think we all know that we can start to take it a little too far, can't we? And we begin to just obsess about these people and what they're doing and what they're saying and who said this press conference today and what said that and these guys are dummies were the smart ones you're the dumb one I'm blue you're red I'm this blah blah blah blah and oh my gosh it becomes an obsession and we wake up and we haven't paid attention to our own lives we have attention to our own
Starting point is 00:19:38 dreams our own emotions and by the way many people including me can tell you I've gotten so deep into that that hole a few times, it's affected my own mental health. Getting so sad or angry or upset. And so do I think it's great to be informed? Yes. Do I think you should take a stand? Do you think you should be well read? Do I think you should speak up when appropriate if you choose to and you're educated about it? your passion about it? Absolutely. Do I think you should spend your entire life, unless that's your career, obsessing about it, thinking about it all the time, turning the tv on, spending hours and hours and hours, then your instagram feed, then your twitter feed, and your tick tock, and all of a sudden it's like wow, I went the whole day and didn't focus on my life. This is pretty convenient, isn't it? I can get mad at this politician or excited about this person,
Starting point is 00:20:23 and isn't this this notion of this person's going to change my life? Has any politician ever changed your life and what is it that you've surrendered control of your entire life to some person you see on tv that they're going to change your life? With all due respect you need to change your life right? So it's just I know this is uncomfortable I don't want to make sure I'm not offending anybody but it's worth looking at yourself. Am I a little bit too far down the road? Am I out over the edge on this stuff? Am I waiting for them to change my life? Because I get, you know, if you're 30 years old, you've been alive through a whole bunch of these people that told you they were going to change your life. None of
Starting point is 00:20:53 them did. Both political parties, right? And so does that mean that you shouldn't have an opinion about Ukraine? Of course you should. Does that mean you shouldn't be passionate about your position on things in the Middle East or the economy or taxes or life or social issues or civil rights issues? Of course you should. Of course you should. Of course you should. But unless it's your career, should it be all-consuming like it's become for so many where it actually affects your mental health and the way you look at your fellow Americans if you're in the country or people in your community worth evaluating are you doing too much hiding there here's a big one your kids do you hide in your kids are you
Starting point is 00:21:40 starting to live your life through them? Are you taking their sports a little too seriously? Their grades a little too seriously? Is it convenient to spend all of your time projecting your dreams because you're playing small to get them to play big? And are you putting undue pressure on them subconsciously, unconsciously? I've watched a lot of my really good friends who are very successful people and really charging hard and really making a difference and you can take everything to an extreme. Should your life be dedicated to your children? Should they be your first priority? Should you sacrifice for your children? One million
Starting point is 00:22:14 percent. There's a line there I think you'd agree though where you're no longer just sacrificing. You're living vicariously through them and we hide in our own children or we use our children as an excuse not to go win and so sacrifice giving focus contribution love all-consuming unconditional love total support giving up on some things short-term while your children are a certain age love all of it but there's also a point like anything where you are starting to hide there and you have a life as well.
Starting point is 00:22:46 You have dreams as well. And so that's a place to evaluate. If you've been listening or watching the show for a long time, you know what a big believer in NetSuite I am. I've been talking about them now for years. NetSuite is the number one cloud financial system, bringing accounting, financial management, inventory, HR into one platform and one source of truth. With NetSuite, you reduce IT costs
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Starting point is 00:23:26 for five years myself. Over 37,000 other companies have as well. They've made the moves to do the math. Now you'll see profit with NetSuite. By popular demand, NetSuite has extended its one-of-a-kind flexible financing program for a few more weeks. Head to slash my let. slash my let slash my let
Starting point is 00:23:46 Mylett slash my let And then a couple other places alcohol drugs Gambling, whatever that might be a vice. Are you spending too much time? In that area where you kind of hide there you hide in in the alcohol, you hide in the drug, you hide in the gambling, you hide in whatever it is, you hide in pornography, you hide in, you know, like I said earlier, TV or social, but are you hiding in these substances is more the point on this one, the alcohol and drugs. Are you hiding there? Is it an escape for you? Has it become a place you escape to because of pressure or anxiety or fears or just not feeling good about yourself? Worth evaluating that other place that people hide. I'll give you another place people hide. They hide in their preparation. They're constantly getting ready to do something. I'm preparing. I'm reading.
Starting point is 00:24:38 Preparation slash education. I'm going to get this degree. I'm going to get this. I'm preparing myself. There's a point in life where you just have to do it. Like you're not going to be completely prepared, right? But some people tend to hide, you know, in their education or their preparation or the event they go to or the book they're reading. I'm getting ready to get ready. I'm getting ready to get ready. I'm hiding. They hide in the preparation because the preparation looks like work, right? The preparation is some form of work, but they actually never leave preparation. They never go to execute. They're always being educated. They're always learning. They're always preparing. They're always
Starting point is 00:25:11 strategizing, but they never go execute. They hide in the education and the preparation. This is a dream stealer. It's insidious. What's crazy about all these things, if you think about what I've listed, all of them in moderation and the appropriate dose are okay. There's nothing wrong with being, you know, loving a sports team. There's nothing wrong with looking at your past and evaluating it and taking the lessons from it. There's nothing wrong with, you know, supporting your children.
Starting point is 00:25:41 There's all kinds of great things about that. Nothing wrong with really being into politics. There's nothing wrong with watching reality TV as entertainment. There's nothing wrong with preparation. But when we take them to an extent where we begin to hide in it, that's when it's unhealthy. Drugs and alcohol, same thing. If you, you know, you can drink alcohol in moderation and it's okay for you, great. I do. In fact, there's bottles of alcohol right behind me right now. But if I start to escape there, and I gotta be honest with you, I said this in a podcast a few weeks ago. I had a little phase there for six weeks. I'm like, am I escaping in this stuff a little bit? Like, this isn't like me. And I do evaluate it. So I just want you playing your game. I want you playing your big game in your life. You were born to do something great with your life. Some people hide in their spouse. They just support their spouse. That's all. By the way, that's a beautiful thing. It's like anything. But if you just give, if you lose everything in that, everything in that, you know, I don't know
Starting point is 00:26:35 that that's healthy. So the most beautiful thing you can do is support your children, support your spouse, of course. And to the depth that you do it is probably the type of mother or wife or husband or father you are. You should do this in droves, but we all know when I just when I said earlier that crazy sports parent you thought of somebody, didn't you? You know who I'm talking about? You thought about this person your kid played soccer with or little league with you're like yeah, they're just a little over the line and it's unhealthy. When I was talking about the person who's too addicted to politics you thought about somebody when I talked about the person who's too
Starting point is 00:27:08 addicted to reality TV the sports guy you thought about somebody so these are real things yet all of them are some of the great things like we don't hide in bad things we hide in great things so we hide in alcohol because it feels good to drink it we hide in going too deep into politics because we can create change and so we should. We hide in sports because it's enjoyable. We hide in our past story because we're familiar with it and we can go there. We hide in all of these things. We hide a little bit in our kids because it's so beautiful to support your kids. Everybody's going to celebrate that and
Starting point is 00:27:42 everyone's going, what a great mom or dad. And you should, but then there's a point where you're like, my gosh, I'm getting all of my pleasure and joy, all of it through their achievement and their work and not mine. That's not healthy, right? It's good to prepare, but there's a point where like you're gonna stop preparing. You got to go execute and lose and take some shots and get knocked down and do the hard work that comes with winning. Because as I said in the beginning winning isn't glamorous it's not pretty it's not easy it's a fight it's a battle it's a grind yet it's worth it and we don't want to
Starting point is 00:28:12 get to the end of our life and have all these acts of omission where like I hid my whole life in plain sight I hid my entire life I hid in sports I hidden this I hid my kids I hid in policy in sports. I hid in this. I hid my kids. I hid in politics. I heard reality TV. I hid in alcohol. I hit.
Starting point is 00:28:30 Come on. Here's the other place people hide their fears. They hide in their fears and their worries and their anxiety. And as a consequence, they play small. And that's another place to hide. It just scares you. So you hide in them and you repeat them over and over again. And let me be the last one.
Starting point is 00:28:44 And they're their brother and sister comparison and gossip. We hide in talking about other people being critical of other people spreading information about other people or comparing ourselves to other people. We hide in the car. Well, I'm doing better than him. So I'm doing okay. I'm doing better than her. So I'm all right, man.
Starting point is 00:29:02 They're going through a divorce. At least we're not getting divorced or you know, man, they lost their house. I still have my house. So we do that. We comfort ourselves by picking people who are doing worse or suffering more than us or aren't in the emotional place they need to be. Or we do the reverse. Man, they're just so great. I'd never be like them before. They're intimidating. Man, look how confident they are, good looking they are, or successful they are, or the momentum they've got, or all the support and help they have. I don't have that support and help at home. He's winning because his wife's so supportive, or she's winning because her husband's so supportive. I don't have that kind of support, so that's why I'm losing, and you hide in that
Starting point is 00:29:39 excuse. So today is all about evaluating, am I hiding it it all and is any of this hidden stuff I'm doing impacting my life? And so all of these things are really great in the right moderation. Some of them you should do a ton of. Is there can you really love your spouse or support your children too much? Probably not. But can you begin to hide there? Yes. Yep. You can. Can you take a stand too much for something you believe in? No. But can you allow it to affect your mental health and begin to hide there a little bit so you don't? Yes. So what I wanted to do today was because I think oftentimes winning is not just adding new things that you need to do.
Starting point is 00:30:26 It's removing the obstacles. It's removing the things that are harming you and getting real and doing the real work of life of saying, who do I really want to be and currently who am I right now and what am I hiding in? What is holding me back? What are the places I take comfort or waste time in or get so obsessed with that it becomes an unhealthy obsession as opposed to something that fuels my dreams and my goals? And I think if you do the hard work, the honest work, here's what's great about today's show, this is just you. You need to yell this out loud, you need to admit this to anybody, this is just your own work, you know the
Starting point is 00:31:01 sports thing, not that into it. Maybe that's you right politics Yeah, we've got some stands passionate, but I think it's healthy for me But that comparison gossip thing not the gossip but the comparison I definitely do that one Or you know what? Maybe I am spending too much time on social maybe I am a little bit Wigged out over my Paul my politics stuff and it's getting a little unhealthy for me And then the very change I want to make I'm not capable of making because I can't communicate my best or think my clear is because I've gone over this line. Or you know what man, you're right. I'm spending way too much time caring about whether the
Starting point is 00:31:32 Yankees or Cowboys or Lakers or Celtics or Edmonton Oilers win. Yeah I should be entertained. I should root for my team. Pride of where we come from. But yeah man, you're right. I kind of hang out and hide there a little bit because that way I don't have to look at what I did last week or Last month or last year or where I am and Even if where you are is winning. Could you win more if that were moderated correctly? Right. How about your fears? What's crazy about this list is I got to be honest with you. I think I've actually Suffered from every one of
Starting point is 00:32:05 these personally at some point to some extent where it little got a little unhealthy and I think that's why I've made the list. And by the way there's lots of other places people can hide. That story of the past good or bad, I've used the bad one for sure where hey I come from this, my family that, we didn't have any resources, my dad was an alcoholic, I've used that one and I've also sort of used some of my wins to validate and justify my slowing down before. And that was a BS story, that was BS. And so all of these are things and I hope you understand the spirit in which I did this today is because I love you and I believe in you and I believe the world becomes better when good people reach their God- potential. I believe your family's better when you reach your God given potential. I believe
Starting point is 00:32:50 your community's better. I believe you're better. I believe you serve God more when you just reach your potential and we do the hard work not just the motivational work where you know hey we feel great we feel great okay what's stopping me what's holding me back am I hiding where Am I hiding? Where am I hiding? I don't wanna get out of this life having hidden. I don't wanna get out of this life being invisible, right? People ask me all the time,
Starting point is 00:33:14 what do you wanna be remembered by? I don't need to be remembered. I would love for my children or grandchildren, my family to remember me. But I want my life to echo through eternity that I made some difference in someone else's life. That's what you can leave here. You can't take any of this stuff with you. You can't take this bar with me or my house or my car or money or this shirt. You can't take any of this with me. This microphone's not going anywhere
Starting point is 00:33:37 with me, but I can leave something here and I want you to leave your mark here. I want you to live your best life. I want you to max out your life. People forget my tagline for years is max out. And it's what eliminates it. It's if you're looking at a bench press and you're maxing out. Right. What extra weights are on that bench that's making it harder for you in your life to lift it. And what I did today is I listed some of those extra weights that may be holding you back from maxing out. And so we talked about them, sports, gossip, comparison, TV, social media, reality TV, politics, kids, you know, fears, spouse, alcohol, preparation, the story you're telling yourself, all of it. Maybe it's a little bit of a weight and if we removed it or modulated it or moderated it,
Starting point is 00:34:25 we could max out. Alright everybody, if you resonated with today's show or think somebody needs to hear it, please send them in the spirit of a brother to them from me, not a critic. I love you all. Max out.

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