THE ED MYLETT SHOW - Teddi Mellencamp & Edwin Arroyave - The REAL Accountability & Business Couple

Episode Date: July 25, 2018

Teddi Mellencamp Arroyave and Edwin Arroyave!  Had such a great interview with the couple that puts true power behind accountability, discipline and balance   You might recognize this couple from BR...AVO’s "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" Or perhaps you recognize Teddi’s last name — which yes, she got from her Rock Star father, John Mellencamp. Teddi grew up as a competitive horse back rider. After winning on a national level, Teddi started to realize she hit her maximum capability. Years later, Teddi which is now balancing her roles as a wife, mother and entertainer, struggled to control her weight. Seeing the importance of accountability, she was able to make a massive physical transformation. Inspired by her results, Teddi is now a World Class Accountability Coach.   On the contrary, her Husband Edwin was not as fortunate to have the same type of upbringing. Within months of arriving to the United States, Edwin's home was raided. Subsequently, his father was incarcerated. With his father gone, Edwin had to become the man of the house at a very young age. Along the way he found himself making a leap of faith and investing very early on into the home security business. Since then Edwin has been able to utilize this adversity to transform himself into a world class entrepreneur.   Combining their unique experiences and strengths, Edwin and Teddi are what I call a power couple!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is the Ed Milett Show. Come feet, lead and win. Hi, welcome back to Max Out with Ed Milett. And today I'm excited because we're bringing you a power couple edition. And these two people right here are the definition of a power couple. So let me introduce them.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Most of you know who they are, but this is Edwin Aureave and Teddy Melon Camp. And so you probably recognize both of them from the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, but you're gonna recognize them from their success in business and from accountability coaching and a whole bunch of other things by the time we're done today because these aren't
Starting point is 00:00:34 just pretty faces and these aren't just really well-known people, but these are people of faith, they're people of family, they're people of substance, and they're successful people in business as well, and they've helped other people become successful in business, and that's why I've sought them out to be on the program today. Well, thank you for having us. Thanks for having us.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Really great to have you. So I want to start out because I always think people see celebrities, they see people that are well known, and they see the after product all the time, right? I want them to see the before product, and then the keys in getting you to the after, it's sort of the way that I look at the time, right? I want them to see the before product and then the keys in getting you to the after. It's sort of the way that I look at the program, right? I bring people that have sort of maxed out life and then we talk about how great it is to max it out and what they did to get there. So in both your cases, it's interesting. First, even for me knowing the story, how the two of you met. It's like, you know what I mean? It's not the sweetest.
Starting point is 00:01:25 It's not the fairy tale that you sometimes think. It is. So tell the audience how this power couple came to be, because here's why I asked the question too. I have this theory that most of our dreams in our life, the great things that happen, they don't show up the way we would picture them too. They don't show up and they don't even look the way we would think sometimes and they certainly don't always show up in the sequ don't even look the way we would think sometimes and they certainly don't always show up in the
Starting point is 00:01:46 sequencer order the perfect way we visualize it of course they don't show up necessarily that way and I don't think you both dreamed getting together necessarily the way that you did so one of the two of you or both of you how tell everybody how you met well first of all I had a friend that came down from Vegas and it was December 26th and he wanted to go out and I'm like who goes out the day of Christmas? The last thing I thought was that I was going to meet the girl in my dreams that day. And so I knew as we go out to this club and as you can expect it was a slow night you
Starting point is 00:02:15 know who me who goes out to at 12 o'clock we decided to go home and as I'm leaving the club I see this beautiful blonde coming in who doesn't pay any attention. And then of course I did a complete 180 and went to chase her down and I'll let her tell that what happened after Well, none of that I actually remember I was I was with my girlfriend at a restaurant next door and we were just kind of like having champagne I mean I was pretty much in pajamas. That's the level. I was in right, and you know It was not they kind of drug me out. They mean, I was pretty much in pajamas. That's the level I was in, right? And you know, it was not, they kind of drug me out.
Starting point is 00:02:47 They're like, oh, you just got a divorce. Let's go have some fun. I wasn't very much fun. I was like, okay, whatever. I was more fun after a couple of drinks. We get into the club, even though I'm in pajamas, because I'm with twins and twins always get in.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Yeah. Right. So I kind of remember meeting Edward Edward you're going to me Edward in the morning and she basically was kicking me out of the house Okay, so we they need to know you end up together in the morning so they can kind of visualize that other part of the night so So something happened, it was before Ubers, we took a taxi. Yeah, it worked out with people. I know, they're really good Christian people, so you know. But then, uh, yeah, then my alarm went off at 5.50 in the morning to go to work and I was like,
Starting point is 00:03:37 I worked at a barn, so I was like putting my riding clothes on and I'm like, hey, I had work. And then Hanuk came because I saw the pony tail. Well, that had a long hair. Oh, yeah. Just covering it that night. Yeah. And she saw it in the morning. And of course, she's like, I don't think we hooked up because I'm not into guys with long hair. I only did guys with blue eyes. So you're not my type. So then what I told her was, well, it's funny you say that because the whole night you were coming to meet. And I was me. She didn't remember. And it wasn't until six months later that her friends met me.
Starting point is 00:04:11 And they're like, oh my god, you're with the stalker from that. Come on, are you serious? Oh, it's so serious. Come on, man, that's awesome. And didn't you, like, you were already a closer then, though, right? Like, because a lot of the theme here today's gonna be about closing and selling and so Didn't she kind of want to get Edward which is really Ed wind out of the house that morning and you're like hey I'll take you to work or something didn't you say somehow convinced her to lend me her car and drive her home and then
Starting point is 00:04:37 No drive me to work drive you to work. Yeah, and then and then you and then pick you up right and take you know Yeah, he was like well, how about this, you know I you know, it's such a pain to get a taxi to where I live and blah, blah, blah. How about I just drive you to work? So we go pick up my coworker. But it was his best move because he was able to take my like constant criticism and making fun of him.
Starting point is 00:04:58 And he was like laughing at himself. Because the way he looked, you would have thought, this guy can't take a joke. Yeah, right. He takes himself very seriously. Very seriously. Yeah. But then he was like, I have like a flowery sweater. Yeah, he had like leather pants.
Starting point is 00:05:09 And I, I don't have another pants. It all boots. In 1999, I did one of the pants, but not, not, not, not, it was a look. Yeah, it was a look. No, it was a look. Yeah. Yeah. It was a look.
Starting point is 00:05:22 And that, that's amazing. And so like literally, so what, there's no important because all these things are shown different like one of the more featured couples, not that many couples featured on television, period. You really think about it. So there's, there's like sitcoms, but like when you go real couples the United States, what are they? Like 40, 50. And so one of the 40 or 50 most featured couples on television today met this way, and then from there, like two and a half years later, you're married, right?
Starting point is 00:05:47 Yeah. And the story of your wedding is even a little bit unique, too, like you didn't just do a normal wedding, just to at least share with them the couple minutes on that. Yeah, you know, I always thought if I ever got married, it was probably gonna be last minute. I didn't want a big wedding. And we just, we were engaged, but we didn't have a date.
Starting point is 00:06:04 And then of course, Teddy would always say to me, we need a date because everybody keeps asking me about a date, and I feel pretty sleep about not having a date. And then we had this opportunity. Her dad was touring all over Europe, and she says, we should just get married in Europe. And I'm like, it actually sounds pretty good. That is cool.
Starting point is 00:06:22 And I figured I'd fly down my family, so I flew down my siblings, my mom, my dad couldn't show up, unfortunately. And we ended up getting married, and she brought down her family. Pretty cool. It's not everybody that's married in Paris, dude. I mean, that's pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Now it was great. I mean, you can see the Eiffel Tower in the background. And then we are honeymoon. We just traveled around Europe. With your dad. It's pretty cool. let's do that let's this is weaving perfectly actually as we're doing this so unusual meeting let's just chalk that up right the dream the dream spousal the dream person it's not so exactly we say it doesn't matter what you do or you say to the person that you're with if you
Starting point is 00:07:01 really like each other it's gonna work out no games, nothing you're gonna do to manipulate the situation. They don't care. Yeah. If they like you, they like you. That's so true. If not, they're just not that end to you. That's so true. I think that's by the way true,
Starting point is 00:07:14 and I get every single thing in life too. So we're talking dads, and I think your story's so compelling because they both become so successful in their own right. And I think the story of both of your upbringings to meet the two of you is unique too. Because so we just said,
Starting point is 00:07:30 let's talk about both your dads, for example. So just for a second, those of you that don't know, they said they were following Teddy's dad, Teddy's dad's John Mellon camp. And so you bet your upbringing wasn't perfect either. Your dad's is very well known, obviously famous guy. But tell him a little bit about your upbringing because the thing I want to hone in on,
Starting point is 00:07:48 it's not even so much your dad, but that's part of the story. But it's that you had dysfunction in your family. There was a divorce when you were young. You had to come back from that and then you really focused into the horse stuff too. So tell them a little bit about that and you're upbringing.
Starting point is 00:08:02 So when I was born in Indiana and my parents were married in diana and then around the second or third grade they they split up and most people i know that come our product of divorce parents they have all these stories from the divorce i really don't because the second that we move to south carolina that i remember i remember this one moment like my mom packing and listening to tracy chatman but i'm not that that's really my only memory of any sort of end of our family being together. But the second we got to South Carolina
Starting point is 00:08:33 everything that I cared about was involving horses. I started riding nonstop, I'd go to the barn all the time, I started competing, I started traveling, I lived with my coaches, I'd wake up at five in the morning and ride the horses before in the morning, then I'd ride all day, I'd go to these tutors, like it was my whole life. Wow, and you got really good though. Wow. So, so, no, hold on, I don't, I mean, what did you or did you, right? Well, my, by my last year I was World Champion Hunter Rider and then I won some big classes and the crazy
Starting point is 00:09:10 thing you would think at that point I'd be like okay now next level but I was 100% burned out. What do you think burned you out? I think it was I didn't have any balance. It was I woke up every single day and lived and breathed only that. Okay. And then there was a moment that if I didn't win, I didn't have a good day. Ah, okay.
Starting point is 00:09:33 So all of your identity, all your success was tied up in the achievement piece only. It got into that point. And I felt really good. And I was like, you know what, I'm going to just end on that note and I'll come back to it if it's meant to be. But he obviously learned and you didn't come back. We'll talk about too. But like you learned a ton of lessons that serve you now from that, right? I mean, I mean, I'm so disciplined. I'm very organized because I was taking care myself, you know, like I had to organize the rental car and get myself to the show and, you know, kind of figure it out. I'm picturing you doing that as a little girl and like I I.
Starting point is 00:10:08 You know you're being humble about it but like the discipline to do as a young girl to get to that level nationally at something is it's even something I was I guess on I was really successful people are even unaware of things they do great sometimes. Yeah, even when they were little kids like that's not normal like lots of little girls were riding horses. Lots of little girls went through divorces in their family. You were the one who ended up on this national level, right?
Starting point is 00:10:33 So there's all these lessons. That's what you want. You can't obsess for. I always say that riding horses is what saved me because I could have been really wild. I was already kind of wild doing that. But I still cared more about how I would ride the next day than to go out and party too hard
Starting point is 00:10:50 or do something too bad because I knew the next day I would have to get up at 5 a.m. and I had to deliver. And if I didn't, it's a little girl. I just knew from the beginning. I mean, I would choose going to a horse over going to prom. Like those, it just, there was a non-negotiable for me. And that's going to lead to what one of the things Teddy does
Starting point is 00:11:07 that we're going to talk about in the minute, but I just want to weave the story is that she's an accountability coach. And I think one of the things I would say this, I don't like to go to a gym. If I'm going to go to a gym on a trainer, they better be fit. If I want to be coached by a business person,
Starting point is 00:11:20 they better have been successful, right? Like what? I don't understand unfit trainers. Like you should be the product. And so your life, your story of, you know, They better have been successful, right? Like what? I don't understand unfit trainers. You should be the product. And so, your life, your story of achieving when you were young, then kind of going through this transitional period. And now putting yourself on the map again on TV, it's like there's a track record you
Starting point is 00:11:36 have of setting goals and making them happen. That's what would make you a good accountability coach because you have a track record, right? So, we're going to talk about that in a minute. So while you got the rock star dad, the borers, like John Melon can, everybody knows him. Old Ed went over here. Who's going to be your dream man? You're going to be at the club someday. His story is why I fell in love with him because one, it was so different from mine.
Starting point is 00:12:01 And two, I was like, if he can do that, he could do anything. I agree, by the way, that's how I fell in love with this great bearded man over here, right? So I do too. Oh, now he's gonna wanna die. No, which is what I do, it's why I finally shaved it, but I heard the story and the reason you're on the show, you're amazing, your story's amazing
Starting point is 00:12:20 and you're on the program, but the thing that drew me to you was this story, this part of the story by the way too. And so tell them about your perfect upbringing. Let's hear about that. Yeah, so I was born in Bogota, Colombia, and from when I was a little boy, my parents would come to the US for work. And then finally, when I was six years old, they decided to bring my sister and I to the US so we could have a better opportunity. And when I first came to the U.S. it was exactly how I saw in the movies. It was a total dream. My dad picked this up and this brand new 1984 Green Mustang GTX
Starting point is 00:12:55 they're remember to today. Well, drove us to this amazing house out in Glendora, California had a great pool. And I remember thinking that day, man, I was just so happy, like we were here. And unfortunately, that didn't last too long. About two weeks after being in the US, our house gets rated by law enforcement. And it's for suspicion of drug trafficking. That day they arrested my mother and my dad. Mom gets acquitted after three months. Mom gets acquitted after three months.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Dad gets acquitted after eight months. But after that, our home would get rated once a year. And it's exactly like you see in the movies. Probably works. They come in and they just turn that house upside down. The three times that they rated, those first three times my dad wasn't there. So I could just hear the helicopter looking for him. And I remember that sound to this day.
Starting point is 00:13:49 And finally on the fourth time, they did catch him. And this time they did put him away for a while. And I was lucky enough to speak to him before we left. He said, son, you need to be the man of the house now. And that was a big blow to me, because my dad was my hero. How old were you, Edwin? I was 10. Good.
Starting point is 00:14:09 And even though I didn't know what he did for a living, I just admired how he always took care of everyone. And he always came through on his word and showed me a lot of love. So the big blow, and so when he said, take care of the family, you're the man of the house, it's something that stood with me. And then about two years after that, we ran out of money. So we were so broke that we had to move to Southeast LA to City called Honeynam Park.
Starting point is 00:14:38 It's a city that borders walks out to give you an idea where it is. And we were so broke that we couldn't afford rent. So my mom had to rent out two of the rooms that we had. It was a three bedroom apartment. She rented out two rooms. My siblings and I and my mom stayed in one room. It was just us four. And then we had about eight other people living
Starting point is 00:14:57 in the apartment. So it was very crammed. And I just remember Roach is waking me up every night. You really? Yeah, I mean, it was, even though it wasn't the best upbringing, my mom was, one thing I give her credit for is she always gave me love, always would remind me, son, yeah, greatness in you, one day you're gonna be something all the time. I mean, she reminded me every day.
Starting point is 00:15:22 And then I just remember going to bed every night saying, I don't know how I'm gonna do this, but I'm gonna make a hundred grand a year. Like I became obsessed with the number 100 grand. I just 100 grand a year, 100 grand. You don't know why you picked that number, but that was a big number. So my sister was dating this car salesman. And who, she ended up marrying,
Starting point is 00:15:40 unfortunately they got divorced, but he was making about a hundred grand. And he was the only successful person I knew. So I'm like, worse comes worse, I'm up marrying, unfortunately, they got divorced, but he was making about 100 grand. And he was the only successful person I knew. So I'm like, worse comes worse, I'm selling cars, but I'm making a hundred grand a year period. And I was lucky enough to get a job at the age of 15 doing telemarketing, something long distance. And at that point, I was just so grateful to have a job
Starting point is 00:16:02 and so fearful to lose it, that I just worked my butt off. I sort of had a chip on my shoulder because I was the youngest grateful to have a job and so fearful to lose it that I just worked my butt off. I sort of had a chip on my shoulder because I was the youngest guy they hired. And then by the time I was 16, I became the manager, I mean that supervisor of five people. It's 16. At 16. By the time I became eight, by the time I was 18, I became manager of a 40 people. And I started making about $1,000 a week, but more importantly, I became the right hand of the BP
Starting point is 00:16:30 of sales. And then fast forward to three years after that, that same BP of sales comes into my office. And he says, I'm going to resign. And I'm going to go start this alarm company. And I want you to come with me. And he says, I can't guarantee you the 60, 70 grand a year that you make here, this is back in 1999.
Starting point is 00:16:51 It's a lot of money. It's a lot of money back then, 21 year old. And he says, but if you can make this work, you can possibly double triple quadruple your income. But I always tell people, a lot of my success comes from common sense and drive. And the first thing I thought was, well, this guy is making 250 grand a year.
Starting point is 00:17:08 He's risking, right? Yeah, and he's risking. So he must be pretty serious. Second thing I thought was, if he's willing to teach me how to start a company from the ground up, this is my short click to college, because I never went to college. In fact, I graduated with a 1.8 GPA, not something I'm very proud of, but unfortunately, schooling just wasn't my thing.
Starting point is 00:17:26 That back then. And then the third thing, I was always just a big dreamer. I was that kid that at 16 years old, I would ditch school, and I would go to a rodeo drive, I would window shop. And after that, I would go to the homes in Beverly Hills, and I would say one day, I'm going to be here. I love that, brother. Let's pause. Let's stay on there for a minute. I want to to the homes in Beverly Hills and I would say one day I'm going to be here. I love that brother. Let's pause.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Let's stay on there for a minute. I want to give the lessons. I want to step back because there's so much in there and I want people that are driving their car right now that heard it and are like, I want to go back for a second. I want you to understand what you just heard. You just heard that this boy comes here from a foreign country. His dream seems to be realized immediately within a couple weeks it's taken away. Then he lives in anxiety for years. Is there rating his home? I want you to picture
Starting point is 00:18:09 this everyone. This little boy. Okay. Do you see this grown man that's successful? I come from a family that there were some dysfunction in it. I know the anxiety that a little dude like you felt. I can see it right now on you. Okay. And I know what it's like to try to feel like you're the man of the house. We weren't ever really little boys after that point. We were like men in little boys' bodies, right? And so a lot of the people that are listening to this right now, you can relate to that.
Starting point is 00:18:35 There's something in your family or your situation. Maybe you're a little girl watching this and it's happening to you, or maybe you're someone like Edwin and I, and you're a little bit grown and you didn't have that full childhood experience either, right? Both of us went through something like that. Then he loses his father to prison and what connected with that is not only losing your father
Starting point is 00:18:54 but there's some shame, I'm sure attached to that. And some stress attached to that. It gets a job as barely a teenager, works his way up. I want you to hear all these things that he's telling you and chases this opportunity. These are the things that successful people do that unsuccessful people don't do. That's how you end up who the two of these people are. Edwin ends up eventually this leads to him starting his company which is Skyline Security. There's a lot of ways to make millions of dollars folks. So on
Starting point is 00:19:22 social media you're going to see us all that are speakers or real estate or the financial services business like myself. But let me just tell you something, there are lots of millionaires in businesses. You might not think there are millionaires from that have become very, very successful. These guys own a home right down the street for me. They've got another home they own that's spectacular
Starting point is 00:19:43 up in the 90210 zone area, okay? So, and this didn't come from selling real estate or from the financial business or social media. It came from the security business. And so, and so part of that is you're closing ability too. So, why did you get into that industry? Was that from this guy? Is that what led you into the industry?
Starting point is 00:20:03 Yeah, so obviously I had to make the calculus. I took a risk. And that risk was to go after my dreams. Everyone told me, there's no way you're going to leave a $70,000 a year job. That young for the unknown. Yeah. But the few people I knew at the time,
Starting point is 00:20:17 they always said, if you're going to make it big and you want to change the game, you got to put it all in. And I figured this was it for me. And I thought, worse comes to worse. At the time, I lived in Southgate, which is a better, sort of an upgrade from where I lived. But it was still only a mile away from Watts.
Starting point is 00:20:34 So I said, worse comes to worse, if I fail, I end up in Watts. But if I make it, I end up where I've always wanted to be. I end up in Hollywood Hills. And anyway, but more importantly, I wanted to take care of my mom. Her dream was always to have a house. And the argument that I always heard my parents arguing about, my mom would say, why can't we buy a house?
Starting point is 00:20:55 Well, my dad can never prove the income. So my not, my mom was never able to get her house. So I'm like, the only way I'm gonna be able to take care of my mom is if I take this risk So and at the time it was I'm not saying just take a risk and it's gonna happen. It was a calculated risk Yeah, so we have an expert closer sales trainer scale of a business person here Then we have somebody that I think's the other piece in business, which is accountability, right? And so you can't pick this from looking at this gorgeous woman, but this woman weighed
Starting point is 00:21:24 Just tell them what did you have one point like I fluctuated throughout my from being an adult, uh, 200 pounds multiple times. It's just couldn't really get a handle on it. And I I kept having excuses. You know, so first it was I moved to LA. I don't know anybody. I have this job. I don't have any friends and I'm just going to eat away any of my worries. I gained a bunch of weight, and then it naturally, 20, it naturally fell off when I started riding again, and I kind of found myself again that way.
Starting point is 00:21:54 But then after I had kids, it just wasn't happening. Like I wasn't dropping the weight. I wasn't like the girls and the, you know, on the TV, you know, the movie stars who six weeks after having a baby looked better than they did before getting pregnant. And there was a big piece of the puzzle that was missing and it was, I wasn't holding myself accountable for me. I was a good wife, I was a good mother, but I wasn't taking care of myself. And once I realized that I was missing that piece, and once I started holding myself accountable, I mean, I didn't even know what I was doing.
Starting point is 00:22:30 I mean, he didn't even understand it at first. I just said, I'm going to open my own Instagram account. And I was like, I'm going to just open it. I'm going to name it something and I'm going to post my workout to every single day. I'm going to do that. Was this when you were heavier? This is when I was heavier. And I posted it, it was me and my kids and it was a selfie and I just said, hi, I'm Teddy Malinkampari Aave.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Follow me if you're lost in your journey and you're trying to figure out what to do. I am trying to lose weight from having a baby and getting the best shape of my life. No, I didn't know that. So let's see what happens. And then, you know, at this point, this was when we were in our hardest part of our marriage, I think.
Starting point is 00:23:10 We're going through some trouble times. Because he would come home and I looked to him for validation. Like, me feel good for how good of a mom I am or whatever it is. But I had, you know, my whole life, I either had a great job or I was riding horses. I had something to validate me. And having asking my kids and my husband to do that, isn't fair.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Whoa. Okay. So I had to find a purpose, something I could do, and this was giving it to me. And at first it was the workouts, and then I realized, oh wow, 80% of it's actually food. And then once I tied the two together, I just had this huge transformation.
Starting point is 00:23:48 And everybody saw it over the course of a year on the internet. And so I had a huge, you know, at that point it was huge. 10,000 people were following me. Thank you. People were messaging me all the time. And then I started, I realized, all my friends were like, what is going on?
Starting point is 00:24:03 How is this happening? Like, we're watching it happen. I said, can I just use you as tests? Like my four best girlfriends, that my mom besties, they said, we just do this program with me. I'm gonna just take you through an accountability program. You're gonna send me your morning weight,
Starting point is 00:24:18 your workouts, and what you're eating for two weeks, and let's see what happens. And their transformations were incredible. Faster than mine because I was able to actually respond and I realized it was that human interaction and that's how the business was born. That's crazy. So what courage it took to post pictures of you
Starting point is 00:24:37 not looking so hot in the beginning though, right? Like, I mean, it was, you know, it kind of got me to that place, which I share because it's where I was feeling my weakest. I had taken a picture with like, by all, the same girlfriends, and it was right before I started. And there was this app called FaceTune. And it's where you can manipulate how your body looks. And I took a picture with all of them.
Starting point is 00:25:01 And my first thought wasn't even to look at how we all looked. It was, oh my gosh, I have to face to myself to make myself look thinner. And I was like, that is something is wrong here. And it was in that moment that I was willing to not look at the bigger picture in this great moment we just had to focus on something so superficial that I was like, I have to change something in me. That was the moment. That was the shift moment. That was the shift moment. And then I realized in doing this and making it my profession, everything in your life changes. Everything. When you feel good about yourself, you ask for that race. You require more from your spouse. You're a better mom. You feel proud.
Starting point is 00:25:42 You feel you want to help others instead of drag them down. Oh man. I like, to me, it's like I saw a different person. She have life again. Yeah. And I just fell in love with her again. That's, that's, no, no, no, that's amazing. That's one of my favorite things I've heard
Starting point is 00:25:58 on the show right there. I can tell you right now because I think, first off, the courage of like, hey, I'm going to take you on this journey with me, right? And to be that vulnerable, that honest. And see, I think like most businesses, like most successes come down to what you talked about first, which is this dream touching your dream chasing it.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Then I think you have to have the next piece. This is why you two just are awesome for me. Then you have to have this piece where you're like, let me admit where I really am. Let's be totally real with myself. This is where I am, right? This is what I look like, is what you just said. This is where I'm at, and I've lost my purpose.
Starting point is 00:26:34 I've lost what I want. Then there has to be that catalyst moment. Then you have to have somebody you're accountable to. You have to have somebody you're accountable to. We're gonna talk about that piece of your business in a minute, like you have to have that. And then I think the other thing you have to be able to do in business, you have to persuade. Like, you're not on the show because you can't persuade people either like you or buy the storyline or whatever it is. And you can't scale your business.
Starting point is 00:26:59 It may be great that you just want to have this dream and you're traveling road-dare drive and you're accountable. and there's this transfer moment. You can have all of that in place, but if you can't persuade people in almost every business now, you're going to lose, right? So I think you're an expert on persuasion and on teaching persuasion.
Starting point is 00:27:16 So how important has been closing, persuading people, believe transferring that for you in your business? So I want to start off by saying, so when I made the, when I quit the job, what most people don't know is that for the first 10 days, I didn't sell anything. And a lot of that had to do with me not learning the product. I was a little arrogant in that I did very well
Starting point is 00:27:41 at the phone company and I thought that would just transmit to success at the snooge I thought that would just transmit to success at this new gig. And it wasn't until I learned everything and I spent the time that I felt confidence because knowledge gives you confidence, fear, ignorance gives you fear. So the first 10 days I did it because I was scared. Every time I'd go to the door I was scared because I didn't know I was going to come out of my mouth because I was so scared of what I was going to say.
Starting point is 00:28:06 But I think the real piece that made me successful was, I had, so the first 10 days, I was still working at the phone company. So I hadn't fully committed. So your necessity goes out. Your urgency level picks up, right? So you sort of commit. So I can give you examples. When I first started, the first thing I, well, when I finally committed, I bought a van
Starting point is 00:28:29 even though I didn't have a team. With that, I committed, brought my necessity level up. Now I went out there to recruit because I'm like, I just spent six grand on this freaking van, I need to fill it up. Most people, what they do is they're like, I'm going to get a team, team But they I'll buy the van once I get the team. Yeah, so the necessity level never goes out They may just he doesn't go out. They never get the team fast forward to 10 and not 10 years after I say I'm gonna go from Six office employees to 50. I'm gonna grow this company from 250 a month to a thousand a month Yeah, I hired a CFO
Starting point is 00:29:03 150 grand investment I in a month, I hired a CFO, 150 grand investment. In the years span, I brought in 50 employees. Well, guess what? Now you better go get the sales to make sure you do it. And that's what I did. And then 2014, I bought a building, spent two million on it, spent another probably million with the decor. And now it's like, you got to fill this thing up.
Starting point is 00:29:23 But those commitments brought my urgency level up and it just made me go. And then the last one, gold gold. And the last one I'll give you, which is my biggest one, I started doing pretty well. And the first weekend I go to an open house, I fell in love with this house, I go back home, I tell my mom I'm going to buy you this home, I drove her and I said in 90 days, this house is yours. She starts crying, I start crying and my necessity level again picks up, there's no way I'm gonna let my mom down. I just start thinking of her knocking doors, she used to knock doors and sell Stanley products. She was a very good at it. That's just she did. Working for your family.
Starting point is 00:30:05 And she used to clean offices, man. And she'd come home sweating because her card didn't have air conditioning. And I remember the fights of her and my dad, why can't we have a house? And there's no way I was going to let her down. So there was so many times that I wanted to quit at eight o'clock. I didn't have a deal.
Starting point is 00:30:22 You go six hours without getting the deal. It's a long time. But I would remember that vision that I had of her, and it just gave me this extra energy to go. And then bam, I would land one at 1030, got my confidence level up. You know, and if I didn't have that goal that I was working for, I would have quit at eight.
Starting point is 00:30:43 Okay, stay there. Every entrepreneur listening to this, we just got into like the real, okay, like the real. This formula of, you're in a, I never heard someone say it that way before, you're in a necessity level goes up so does your urgency. Yeah. And then what you did and you know you did this. It's like your life depends on it. You attack, like you need oxygen. Yeah, you need it to breathe. Yeah. And you'd probably rather buy that house for your mom than you would breathe. And so the other thing you did, everyone talks a good game.
Starting point is 00:31:08 So I want to buy my mom a house. Go freaking tell your mom you're buying the house. And tell her when you're buying the house. Now you're accountable to your mom and to your word. And you just shift it. It's almost impossible to lose when you do it. But no one has the guts to take the risk, to buy the van, to then get the team,
Starting point is 00:31:28 to buy the building, to then fill it up, to go to mom and say, I'm buying you this house, both of you crying, loaded with the, because here's the truth. People say, what do you win with in business? Your head or your heart? Both. You have to have your head knowing the product,
Starting point is 00:31:41 you gotta know how to close, but the driving force is your heart. Your why is always gonna be other people or your dreams. What's my why? Who do you love and what's your dream? That'll pretty much just still down your walk, right? Yours was the rodeo drive, the dreams. But the way bigger one, dude, is mom.
Starting point is 00:31:59 It's on your face when you frickin' say it, right? It's on your face when you say it, it's your mom. And the formula goes, first you gotta become, which is you declare. So the first thing I said is, I'm a homeowner, right? And you believe that you're a homeowner, and even though you don't have the money, you take action and you go to an open house,
Starting point is 00:32:16 and then when you go to the open house, they give you a roadmap on how to get it. And then that's taking action. And then the last part is you have, and where this is the part people miss, is you have, and this is the part that people miss, when you have, you have to give it a date. Because if you don't give it a date, it just becomes a dream. But that date you go after it like your life depends on it.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Most people have it the opposite, which is have, let me wait till I have 20 grand or now 80 grand, then I'll go take action and then I become a homeowner. It doesn't work that way. First, you say, I'm not a fricking renter, I'm a homeowner, and part of it is faith. For me, I always believed that God was with me. You know, and that's why I took that action.
Starting point is 00:32:57 All my friends were like, why are you gonna go look for a house, dude? You don't even, you just started your business. What makes you think that you can pay a house for 30 years. You don't even have to. Because you always knew you were worth it. Yeah. You know, if you know you are worth it,
Starting point is 00:33:11 you will fight for your worth. And I'm glad you said that because I felt like I was worth 100 grand a year. Oh boy, this is good. It didn't matter if I lost my business because no matter what I did at the time in 1999, I felt like I was worth a hundred grand a year I don't know that's why I was no matter what I do I know I could make a hundred
Starting point is 00:33:30 grand a year that's back in 99 obviously I love it but let me ask you question how how important is faith to the two of you? It's huge you know before before we went on the show you know obviously the person that came to me was was fear because fear of the unknown that fear of the unknown, that discomfort of the unknown. And to this day, I remember we prayed about it, and we thought, this is God putting this opportunity for us to show our faith and give them glory
Starting point is 00:33:59 for everything that he's done. Are you listening, everybody? Are you listening? And there was just this piece about it. Like I knew everything was gonna be okay. Everyone told me not to do this so. Tell you I've not to do this show, you shouldn't do it, your life's gonna be over.
Starting point is 00:34:11 You would worry a little bit, and I was like, I felt from day one. Now we'll be fine. You told me off camera, how long those same lines that you've learned even through doing the show to trust the Bible talks a lot about the power of discernment. I have this theory that women have a little bit more discernment than men.
Starting point is 00:34:26 It's probably a sexist thing, you might. But you also just known to kind of trust your heart and your life, haven't you? I think that your first gut instinct is right. There's a reason your body is telling you to feel a certain way. And I looked at him and I said, this is going to be hard. We're going to go through some ups and downs
Starting point is 00:34:48 and you're going to see it. We're going to have to watch it back. But I'm telling you, this is right. And the only thing that I ask of you, the only thing I ask of you, which is like what I prayed about and why we, you know, what we've talked to our kids about is we have to just be ourselves. Yeah. The good, the bad and kids about is we have to just be ourselves. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:05 The good, the bad, and the ugly, we have to be ourselves because the second that we try to be somebody that we're not, we will fail. And we have to practice what we preach. And you know, I put on social media, I mean, it's much, but like, I, with our worship songs or whatever it is. And, you know, I'll get 100 DMs of people. Why would you post that? Why don't put your religion on us.
Starting point is 00:35:26 But then I get thousands of people saying, thank you for shedding light to this. You don't have to be perfect and still have faith. We're not perfect people. I mean, we met on a one night stand. But you know what? God's not judgmental. That's right.
Starting point is 00:35:41 I just think you hand to yourself elegantly. Thank you. In other words, I think you represent your, I got chills right there. I think you represent Your selves and your faith and your children and an elegant first-class way in some very uncomfortable situations and I want to encourage you to Both continue to do that because I think that's I find myself rooting for you. Meeting that I want more of you. I want you to return, I want examples like you. When you watch that show or any show that's on the real whatever's and we have other friends on other shows and some of them have worked so hard to get where
Starting point is 00:36:14 they are. The stories are unbelievable. There's guys on your show that you and I both know that work super hard but when you learn this story like this one you're like I'm rooting for this, I'm rooting for this dude. I'm rooting for this woman because they are you in many ways. And I'm curious, let's help people a little more. Let's just dig a little bit deeper, okay? And I want to ask you about accountability a little bit. By the way, wouldn't it be cool
Starting point is 00:36:37 to be held accountable by you right now? You're gonna have to scale that business by the way, because I can't all be you. I have, I mean, I have 18 coaches now that work for me. Do you really have that many? But every, my rule is if you're going to work for me you have to go through the program. So, they're all, so we can only grow as fast as people are graduating. Wow.
Starting point is 00:36:56 And they have to be people that I believe actually fully have changed their life. I am not one of those people that is, if I'm in a bad mood, you're going to know I'm in a bad mood. I'm not going to be like yeah right right now it's not going to happen I want you to be authentic to who you are but I also want you to practice what you preach if you say workout if you better be working out yeah like they do the tough left thing are you pretty hard on them I read my each client for what they need yeah you, some people can't take it at first. Yes, that's right.
Starting point is 00:37:27 And they'll blame you, but every Tuesday, I send a message to, every morning, I send a text to everybody, but every Tuesday, I say, hey, everyone, I know we all respond best to high fives and thumbs up. But let's remember why you joined this program. You hired us to hold you accountable. It's not our fault if you
Starting point is 00:37:45 want to fail. Yeah. It's not our fault when we text you and say hey you said you're working out at three. I didn't get that picture of the workout. Yep. You coming at us and attacking us. Yeah. That's you. I want you to remember that. And the way you speak to your coach is how you're going to treat your whole life. So true. So you remember this Tuesday because come Thursday, if I see that tone, do your coach, you're out. I love it. You are out.
Starting point is 00:38:10 I watch this thing on the show, Teddy, you're like, hey, what's an accountability coach? And I'm like, well, that's just everybody and every business who ever helps anyone is an accountability coach. You're the friend that doesn't be asked. You got it. So you say, I'm going to do this at 6 o'clock.
Starting point is 00:38:23 I'm going to text you at six and be like, hey, did it happen yet? Yes. And you're going to say, I'm tired. I'm going to go, OK, well, then you're out of the program. When you have skin in the game, it doesn't matter how rich you are. It doesn't matter if I charge you $5. If you're 100% all-in, if you're committed,
Starting point is 00:38:40 you're going to have 100% success rate. Yep. I agree with it. You cannot lose. Yeah, and you gotta have somebody that you account to, or that even for me. You can do it yourself. Right, and for me, I'm always trying to find someone else to account to. Now I call them mentors now, but I'm always, I know you're doing this.
Starting point is 00:38:56 One of the reasons you're here, like I'm not stupid, right? Like, I want to meet my let and like maybe me and him can have a deal, right? Of course. And because I'm doing that too in my way, it's like if I've met certain guys, like I wanna know what they know, I wanna think like they think, but I say guys, I mean people, men and women.
Starting point is 00:39:15 And I want them to know I'm doing the things I say and I'm authentic, I'm congruent. So I'm accountable to my friends, like we're going to dinner after this, you're gonna meet a couple of my buddies, right? Like they know stuff I'm authentic, I'm congruent. So I'm accountable to my friends. Like we're going to dinner after this. You're going to meet a couple of my buddies, right? They know stuff I'm working on. One of the first things they're going to ask me is, hey, what are you going on?
Starting point is 00:39:31 I'm going to account to them. There's a part of that. I think about that when I'm not doing stuff where I am doing stuff. So 100% advocate, I think the two of you are very unique couple because you have the total accountability piece. You have the total persuasions piece
Starting point is 00:39:45 and then you come together. Go ahead. Something you mentioned just resonated. So I've always said life is a game. And you got to play to win. Life consists of three things. It consists of purposes, problems, and freedom of this. Right?
Starting point is 00:40:03 You can't have one out of the three or two out of the three. It's got to be a balance of all three. The first thing you have to understand is life is filled with problems, and they're going to come at you. And as long as you understand that, when a problem comes, it's no longer a big deal, because you realize that is life. Second thing you got to understand is purposes come with problems. And our job in life is to solve those problems.
Starting point is 00:40:31 And when we solve those problems, we feel accomplished. And then we get freedom to celebrate, to rejoice, and to feel accomplished. However, that freedom is temporary. There's this falsely, falsely belief that our end goes to have endless freedom. And that's the worst thing you can have because if you have endless freedom, you're no longer producing and you're no longer productive, right?
Starting point is 00:41:02 So you're not happy. So what happens is you'll get bored, you'll start feeling with the arctic, you'll eventually end up sort of depressed. So for me, so the key is once you find your purpose, once you have your purpose, you solve it, then you have that freedom, it's restricted, because then you have to find a new purpose, you have to find a new game. Yes. If you'd stay playing the same game, you're going to be bored. Yes. So an example of that for me was when I first started in 1999, my purpose, one of my purposes, was to be the number one authorized dealer for the program that I was with. Within three years I made it.
Starting point is 00:41:40 And then after that, I stayed as the number one authorized dealer. But I didn't grow. Yes, and that is true. So nothing ever stays the same. You're right, baby. It's either getting better or it's getting worse. Nothing stays the same. So because I wasn't trying to get better, I started to decline. But then because I didn't have a new game, I started to get bored.
Starting point is 00:42:05 And because I started to get bored, I started to not want to be in the alarm industry. And I would focus on other things and try to invest in other businesses and I'd lose my butt off. Finally, because of this one, she says to me one day, she's like, hey, I see you investing in things and I see you keep losing money. Why don't you ever invest in the one thing that you do know about, which is the alarm industry? And they hit me like a ton of bricks, because I'm like, you know what, she is right.
Starting point is 00:42:31 And then I had to confront the fact of, do I really want to do this or not? Yes. And when I finally made a decision that this is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, and I want to make a career in this industry, then the game started. Again, and the game went, I don't want to make a career in this industry than the game started. Again, and the game went, I don't want to do 250 accounts a month,
Starting point is 00:42:49 I want to do a thousand, I don't want to be in one state, I want to be in ten states. I don't want to have just six office employees, I want to have 50. And then that came with a bunch of problems. The bigger the goal, the bigger the problems here. You solve it, you feel accomplished. Boom, what's my next purpose? What's my next purpose? And that happens to you in all parts of my life.
Starting point is 00:43:12 I call my four pillars, which is I got my spiritual, I got my family, I got my business, and I got my body in mind. You could be great in business, and could be accomplishing, accomplishing, accomplishing, accomplishing. You could be here, but in your personal life, if that thing, if you stop working on your marriage, right, again, nothing stays the same, it gets worse or better. So if you stop working on it's going to get worse. And if that problem, that could bring down everything. So true brother. Right. For me, another example, the one thing I wasn't working on was my mind. So true brother. For me another example the one thing I wasn't working on was my mind. So for 19 years I did not do any personal development. What happens is when you don't do something for a long time you start to dislike
Starting point is 00:43:56 it. Up until this year I hated podcasts, I hated books, I hated study, even in high squat hate it. And this year I was like, I started beginning to doubt. I got my company to a certain level. And then the doubt started, you're not good enough, you're not smart enough, you're not going to be able to influence people because you're getting to a point where your own employees are probably smarter than you. And then I was just like, I know that's a lie. Let me attack what I've been procrastinating on.
Starting point is 00:44:28 Right, the reason you worry about things is because you're procrastinating on things. You're not attacking it, you're not tackling it. And finally, I was just like, screw it. I'm gonna make some time. Good, baby. And now since February, I put an hour of study, the same way I work on my fitness.
Starting point is 00:44:44 Like cast books, whatever. Everything for an hour, I don't miss it. I've been on fire since then. Yeah. And it's interesting, can I say something about that? I want to jump in on that. You know that I coach a lot of athletes and stuff. There was someone here yesterday, I won't say who it was, but they're one of the top people in the athlete's space. And I asked her, I said, okay, it's great you're doing what you're doing, and now what's next? And she went blank, And she goes, this is what I'm struggling with constantly. I don't know what's next. And I said, let me just be very clear with you. This
Starting point is 00:45:11 isn't going to stay the way it is. So if you don't grow it, it's going to start to die. Exactly what you just said. And I said, and here's your issue. And this is the thing for you too. It's what you change. I said, babe, here's your deal. You've not changed your identity. Your results have started to exceed your identity. You've started to produce results outside of your identity. Your identity is this thermostat sitting on the wall in that room and you were going to start to unconsciously cool it back down. That's starting to invest in crap.
Starting point is 00:45:37 You know nothing about starting to spend money, starting to get bored. And you don't know you're doing it. But what you do is you just unconsciously cool life back to right where you are comfortable because you're only going to get out of life this identity. It's the most powerful force in the world is to be consistent with your worth and the ideas you hold about yourself. You will somehow cool this bad boy back down. So in regards to what you were saying about her yesterday, she's at the beginning because she just said she
Starting point is 00:46:04 was vulnerable to you and that's how she's able to get help. Yes, you're not vulnerable and you can't ever talk about what you're struggling with. Yes, you can't grow. Yes, if he never came to me and he was just venting. I don't know about the alarm business home security. I don't know. He was just venting. Yeah, I was making great money. Yes, but I was just born. You're ready to blow your life up because you exceeded your identity as well.
Starting point is 00:46:27 You're gonna do it. I mean, even something in my business, I could just casually mention it to him and have be like, oh, I know someone's so involved and it's just effortless. But if you stay inside of yourself and you only internalize every single feeling, you can't grow.
Starting point is 00:46:42 Even if you're trying super hard. That's so good. that is so good. And you know the other, oh man, this is good. And the other thing that I see with entrepreneurs that you have is they're aware. And so some of their awareness may not come from the sums, it comes from their spouse. They're like, hey, wake up dude, like,
Starting point is 00:46:59 hey, I kind of see you good at this security thing. Shouldn't we kind of grow that thing you know, right? So they're awareness level. Man, there's so many things to cover kind of grow that thing you know, right? So, they're awareness level. Man, there's so many things to cover and we're like, you know, time wise. But let me ask you a question about the two of you. Let's get real for a moment. What's the thing that's in your marriage? What's the hard part?
Starting point is 00:47:19 Right now, you got more fame, you're on TV, you're growing this business. What's the hard part? We know the good part. What's the hard part? Well, one of the things that she's been very, very supportive with, the last three years is I'm still working a lot of hours, and it's that balance, right? And for a long time, she used to get on me like, you need to be home by 5.30. So you can spend time with the kids.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Everyone's relating, go. Right now. Everyone's relating. I would ride him like it would. It would be like calling me. And then, you know, it sort of takes away because then you start feeling bad. The very person you're doing it for.
Starting point is 00:47:56 But then it becomes home and I'm out of it anyway because it's 5.45. Yeah. So then I have a conversation with I said, baby, for even though I'm here at six o'clock, I'm not present, because I'm thinking of all the things that I haven't done. But then we learned to compromise.
Starting point is 00:48:12 And then we negotiated. We negotiated. I said, OK, here, as long as you're home by the time I put the kids to sleep, so you're home by 7.30, you kiss them good night. So Saturday and Sunday, it's us. It's either we're doing a date, which do day dates not night night not night dates because day dates we don't dread we were realizing we were going out at night we'd be
Starting point is 00:48:33 we spent all day with the kids. Are you dreading going out with me tonight? No because we're that we have this you know momentum but normally you're spending a full Saturday with your kids and at 730 a babysitter comes you have to get ready You got to dinner and then you're like Hey So we switched it so we were like okay, we're instead of getting a babysitter Saturday night We're gonna get one Saturday morning. We're gonna work out together to our favorite class Compete at it like where we kind of push each other have go to brunch
Starting point is 00:49:01 Maybe have a mimosa laugh have, then go home and be good parents. Good idea. But like that shift. Wow, what a, we're killer tip. But like once we made the ship, I was like, listen, Monday through Friday, I will not bug you once. But if you come to me and you tell me you're going to Vegas for the weekend with your friends, it's not happening.
Starting point is 00:49:22 Yeah. So there was a dot. I was wearing a 16, so in my thing is like okay I can't spend the two hours a day with them on the weekday but if I can make up 16 hours and you press it. Yeah because I know I took care of everything at work. It sounds funny but I just want to say
Starting point is 00:49:36 this I've said this before but I love that you talk about this though you didn't argue about like this is my position this is yours. That's why we have couple on right. Yeah it right yeah, let's meet somewhere on this but I mean it took us I'm not going to lie it took us a while to get there it took to the place I want to go play ball for four hours and I had so much
Starting point is 00:49:55 resentment but it wasn't until I found what made me happy with inside inside of myself where I was able to communicate my needs well so I don't want to feel like I'm having to ask you to be with us. Yeah, yeah. That feels gross to me. Yeah, you're right. And on the other side of it, so on the side of the driver's side, you're both drivers, but on this driver's side, this sounds odd,
Starting point is 00:50:16 but it's OK. So I want to say this because you said, you don't want to feel obligated. Some of the people could be the woman that's the one that's out longer, not in the man. You need to make these appointments with your family and it may sound contrived, but to them now you're present. It's better to be present with them when you're with them,
Starting point is 00:50:36 as you said. And for me, that means it's an appointment. You've made an appointment with Teddy and appointment with your family for Saturdays and Sundays. And that may seem like cool and disconnected, but what it really is is you're saying they're my highest priority and that's why I'm scheduling them. So scheduling an appointment with your family isn't cold. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:56 No, it's commitment. It's love commitment. It's love commitment. Like, we, in five in the morning, we get up and we talk about our days, we have our thing because I know that I'm a morning person. He's morning person but like he comes home and he's tired I'm tired we both worked I've put the kids to that and like we're not going to have that moment. Yeah I love that daytime date. Yeah really morning. We go for it. So cool. Okay so that was the issue was the time management piece
Starting point is 00:51:20 which I knew because we had talked off camera and the fact that all achiever couples struggle with this one topic. It's the balance. And by the way, there's no balance necessarily, but you should seek it. Like, balance is boredom. There's something beautiful about one area of your life spiking and fixing the other area
Starting point is 00:51:37 that I want to acknowledge. You have this thing that goes again, problem solutions, right? That keeps it exciting. You gotta tell them about to become an action piece that you exciting. You gotta tell them about the become an action piece that you teach. Can you tell them about this? Just I don't wanna leave today without them
Starting point is 00:51:50 hearing this piece that you also teach. Yeah, so I'll give you another good story for those of you that love sports cars. In 2006, I made a decision that I wanted to buy a Lamborghini, right? I didn't have the money for it. I go to the dealership and I realized that it's $300,000. And then I realized that by the time you finance it, it's about $500,000.
Starting point is 00:52:12 So there's no way I'm going to drop 500 grand on this car. And then I thought I got to buy a cash. So I gave myself a two year commitment. I wasn't happy by my 32nd birthday. And because I felt bad about it, I couldn't use the income that was coming in. I needed to find a new source of income. So I went, by now, I had my business for seven years. I wasn't knocking on doors anymore. I already had a team. So I decided to go back and start knocking on doors. Doing the ugly. Doing the ugly. So I'd get off at work at 6 and from 6 to 10,
Starting point is 00:52:48 I would go knock doors and I'd save money. So a year and 10 months pass. This is after you're an achiever, after you're successful. Yeah, we were already together, yeah. You went back and did it. A year and 10 months into it, I'm knocking doors. I save about $155,000. And I remember looking at the money and saying,
Starting point is 00:53:06 damn, I only got two more months to save another 145. And the first thing I thought was, well, that seems a little impossible. And I remember saying, I don't know how I'm going to do this, but I know what I can control, which is I can keep knocking, and I'm going to just push to the end. And I know I'm going to come through because I always come through and God will put the right people in front of me to make this happen but I am not going to say I can't. So I get a call two weeks later and it's my broker and he says to me, hey I found your car and he describes it to me and I said, hey why don't have the money yet?
Starting point is 00:53:40 And he says, well that's what I'm calling you. The guy that wants to sell it has four Lamborghinis. He just bought one for his wife. His wife doesn't want to drive it because she's pregnant and he wants to sell it for 150. And I was like, what? And the next day I go to the bank with him. I write a check for 150.
Starting point is 00:53:59 He writes a check for 110. They do it all. To get rid of it. Bank gives me the pink slits. But the point of the story is, I'm a big believer and be careful with what you declare with your tongue. If I would have said, there's no way I'm gonna be able to do this.
Starting point is 00:54:17 You wouldn't have. I would have never gotten that call, right? I'm also a big believer that when you're going after your dream, you're going to get a big problem right before you're going to get your blessing. It's going to fricking knock you to the ground. At that point, are you going to get up and just smash that wall and continue to go through or are you going to go back to the person that you were and quit? And I've always just focused on the things that I can control.
Starting point is 00:54:51 And I just kept going. And I think that's when God gives you that blessing. Because that's where faith comes in. And what I always tell people is no matter how impossible something seems, control what you could control, and just believe that God will put the right people in front of you to make the impossible possible. And it's happening to me. Along with believing in yourself.
Starting point is 00:55:19 You gotta believe in yourself. You gotta. Yeah, so part of believing in myself was, you know, I think I didn't mention this earlier, but one of the great things that my mom did is she had me playing sports at a young age. And that taught me how to compete, that taught me how to deal with adversity,
Starting point is 00:55:36 that taught me to, I didn't want to sit on the bench. I'm like, no matter what, I'm gonna be a first stringer. And even though I didn't have the talent, I somehow ended be a first-stringer. And even though I didn't have the talent, I somehow ended up as first-stringing. And all these little results, built confidence. And you do something over and over and over. You start believing in yourself, right? And I started believing in myself.
Starting point is 00:55:56 I started believing that it's because God's always with me. And bro, and that's huge. But against that declaring, I'm going to have a Lamborghini, even though I don't have the money, because you believe it, you still go to the dealership and you take action, and then you give yourself a date on when you're going to do a bike. And part of that, again, is you're committing, right?
Starting point is 00:56:20 You're saying, it comes with problems. So my purpose, I get the Lamborghini, I want a Lamborghini, here comes these problems. Well, how are you gonna afford it? You gotta find new income, because you can't just use your income now. These are solve problems that I had to solve. So I'm not into, I love material things.
Starting point is 00:56:41 But it's not to show off. It's what they represent. You got it, right? It's, I think we desire to achieve and accomplish. The more money you make, and as you become successful, it's not what you buy that gives you joy. It's the accomplishment. It's the reasons of how. How you did it. How you did it. It's who you're becoming. Right. It's the accomplishment. It's the reasons of how.
Starting point is 00:57:05 How you did it. How you did it. It's who you're becoming. It's who you're becoming to attract those things in your life. And I got to tell you, you're sitting here at win and Torello and sat right up there. Marshall Fox sat right up there.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Dominic Cruz sat in there. Page half the way sat up there. We could name the people, right? Robert O'Neill sat in there, the man who killed Osama Bin Laden. We could go through whoever you want. There's a common thread, man. They just have the heart of a champion.
Starting point is 00:57:30 They'll do the unique things. You got to a high level, you're a kickin' butt, you're making a bunch of money, you went back and did the grind of the things that got you there in the first place. The beauty of what you just said though, is that right before you're blessing a major problem's gonna hit you.
Starting point is 00:57:45 And that is something that is so powerful for people to hear, brother, because they don't know that. They don't get it this problem. They think this problem is a sign from above that it's not meant to be. And in fact, it's the reverse. That major adversity, the adversary sent you,
Starting point is 00:58:00 is actually an indication it's on the other side. Yeah. It's just great parable in the Bible. The parable of the Sower is, you know, because Teddy said something really important. You still need to do the work. You still need to believe in yourself. Parable of the Sower is, it's both of you.
Starting point is 00:58:14 You're planting these seeds, right? And the wind's gonna get some. The rain's gonna get some. The birds are gonna get some. But the Lord eventually provides a harvest if you'll have the faith to keep plowing, the field to keep planting the seeds, right? And that's exactly what you've just described.
Starting point is 00:58:27 And the thing that you didn't even mention when you went back to the field and started knocking doors again, I don't even know if you consciously thought about it at that time, you realize you need to redo your pitch. You realize that what you were giving your door knockers could be updated. You changed your sales, you changed everything. And you wouldn't have known that if you didn't go do it yourself. And realize, okay, this is a little dated.
Starting point is 00:58:56 I can update this, I needed to say this, I needed to do this. And I mean, that's when everything transitioned. Yeah, I gotta tell you, it's almost like God sent you to me because I'm thinking of my own business. It's sent you to me because I'm thinking of my own business. It's rare in my podcast that I'm thinking of my own business. Everything you're saying applies. There's people here from my business today.
Starting point is 00:59:12 And everything you're saying applies so specifically and perfectly to my business, it's unreal, which means I know it's true. Just so you know, right? Because I've lived these things. And so like just amazing stuff. So we're out of time, but I want to ask you a couple more things. Like I've thoroughly enjoyed this.
Starting point is 00:59:27 And I love that you only see the surface in a 30 minute or an hour long show on television. We've done a real deep dive into the two of you. And we only just scratched the surface, obviously. But Teddy, for you, there's people out there that want to make a transformation. Okay, and they're like, they want to lose weight. They want to find their dream relationship. They want to make the relationship they're in better. They've got some achievement they want to have.
Starting point is 00:59:51 They want to live oceanfront somewhere. They want to pay by their mama house. Whatever it is. What advice would you give somebody out there? It's just, I'm a regular person like you, Teddy. I want to make my dream happen. And if I was in lunch with you, we're having this glass of wine together. You'd say, hey, girl, or dude,. And if I was in lunch with you, we're having
Starting point is 01:00:05 this glass of wine together, you'd say, Hey, girl, or dude, this is what I tell you. What would you say? My first piece of advice is don't sit in your discomfort. Don't sit in it. Force yourself to change something. It could be anything. A small thing. Force yourself to say, I'm going to go and walk for 30 minutes a day or I'm going to send these emails or even if you don't know why you're doing it. Do change something. Be open. Ask for help. Show your weakness because people confuse weakness and this is something I've learned on the show. I cried on the show and everybody's like, don't cry, you should rise up.
Starting point is 01:00:40 For me, I wasn't embarrassed that I cried. I was proud. I have feelings and I have emotion if you hurt me out of pride. But I'll learn my lesson. But I think it's okay to have feelings. If you think that you have to be a certain way all of the time to show face, you're never going to grow. So no matter what it is, if it's in business, if it's in weight loss, if it's in parenting, seek help, ask questions, change something, don't just sit there and feel like a victim. Because if you're a victim, you're always a victim. Wow. I'm like, I look at her, like our camera dudes are like, whoa, right? Like I, I knew today was going to be good, but I did not, like I have notes here, right?
Starting point is 01:01:26 I didn't know all this was gonna come my own way. And like, just for me, because I interview a lot of people, and you know, if things gone okay for me so far. And I learned things today. Like you say things differently than I'd say it. And even for me to see the success you both had and to have it reinforce like, nah, there's a real mindset behind this. There's real things
Starting point is 01:01:49 that have happened. And like I like the two of you, too. Like I'm excited about our friendship. Can I say one last thing? I think a big thing that's been confused on the show. You know, people say she's John Mellon-Camp's daughter, so she you know She she grew up this way she should feel this way blah blah blah. Why is she trying to pretend? She doesn't care about materialistic things or why why is this happening? Something that I want to say is Because of the way I was brought up with my mom with my dad whether who I was with yes We had nice things, but we didn't talk about it. we didn't focus on it, it was something they worked for. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:26 And I knew that, and I knew it was something that I would be given. Mm-hmm. And we're giving it, you've worked for your piece of it. Yeah, so I think that's what everybody kind of, regardless of your upbringing, his upbringing, my upbringing, as long as you are given, you give yourself the tools to know
Starting point is 01:02:42 that you can continue to work on yourself. Yes. And be better. It doesn't matter. I'm really glad you said that because the truth of the matter is that I know the two of you and I know that like some of you they inherited all this stuff like you all have worked for all of this right and the fact that you had some good examples in your life is totally wonderful then you met this beast of a dude right like? Like, you know, I love that champion show up just different, man.
Starting point is 01:03:08 I mean, some champions that were raised in a really comfortable middle class environment, right? I mean, other ones that their dad went away for some time because they committed a crime. It's like, but they all have these common threads. And I love that each program, a little other piece of the puzzle is revealed to me. And you revealed more of the pieces today, brother.
Starting point is 01:03:29 And I keep picturing this little boy when I look at you. Like it's happened to me now, and I'm proud of you. That's how I feel when I look at you. That's why I fell for him, you know? Yeah, I could see that. And it's not the great beard, that's for damn sure. There's a whole lot more than that. I really, really, really enjoyed today.
Starting point is 01:03:47 And I just have a feeling it's the beginning of a great friendship. I really, really do. So I know you all feel this way too. Thank you. Everyone. Thank you, Teddy. And everybody, I want you to do me a favor
Starting point is 01:03:57 and I want you to follow both of these folks. And so Edwin, where can they find you so they can follow you and stay connected to you? So at Ted Winator and at JoinSkyline. So at first we used to share our Instagram. Because I don't think a man should have their own Instagram. You don't? No.
Starting point is 01:04:14 You don't think a man should have their own Instagram? No. Okay, the whole interview's deleted now. We're not doing the entire interview. Why can a man not have their Instagram? Well, they should have it, but it needs to be, we share it. I had an old Myspace account where... Okay, that shows why you're a beard's gray.
Starting point is 01:04:30 It was Myspace account. I was pretty popular, I think. Yeah, I'm sure you were a big time on Myspace. That's what it was pretty good about. But anyway, it seems all proud. It was like, I was Myspace man in here. And that's the way. Not that way.
Starting point is 01:04:41 Man in the way. But at that point, I'm like, we'll have a shared Instagram. You will be yours. So how did you break that? Like I'm curious how do you get the Ted Winator? But they're always shading for many years. 10 years in the Ted Winator. Oh, Ted Win.
Starting point is 01:04:55 But somebody took Ted Win, so we went with Ted Winator. And then finally after four years of begging, she finally said, all right, you can have it. It's kind of your account, I've watched it. It's my account now. Okay, so. I'm making it our family account. And there's a lot of family stuff on there.
Starting point is 01:05:14 Okay, so they find you a Ted Winninger, what's the other one? At Join Skyline. Okay, join Skyline to get recruited, become a part of your firm. Yeah. Okay, in your case, we're looking for managers. Go get it. And in your case, you're a female, so you're allowed to have your own Instagram account. Right, but he could, I mean, we case, we're looking for managers go get it and in your case You're a female so you're allowed to have your own Instagram account, right? But he could I mean we could you want to share?
Starting point is 01:05:31 How many find your hers is blowing up already says, you know, I'm Teddy Melling count. Okay, at Teddy Mellon Kim so you can find both of them You know where to find me because you're already watching this here's all I ask with me is that I bring you these incredible people I bring you people who are maxing out their lives in some area. These folks are maxing out multiple areas. And I bring that to you for free. All I ask in return is that more people around the world see this because the more it moves up the rankings, the more impact this makes for other people in their lives.
Starting point is 01:05:59 So if you're on iTunes, please write a review. Please share the podcast. If it's YouTube, like it or comment or say something nice to me on YouTube and remember on Instagram everybody max out drill every day two minute drill first two minutes after I make a post Everybody makes a comment you win something in a drawing every single day We draw somebody can be geared coaching call with me an introduction to one of my guests as a surprise or something like that So Edwin and Teddy, thank you for today. Awesome.
Starting point is 01:06:26 Great job. We had a blast. I know. We really did. That was so, so damn good. Yeah. And everybody out there max out your lives and God bless you.

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