THE ED MYLETT SHOW - The Bella Twins - WWE Superstars Nikki and Brie Bella

Episode Date: April 4, 2018

WWE Superstars Nikki Bella and Brie Bella discuss their path to fame. The Bella Twins are a professional wrestling tag team who perform on WWE and consist of real-life twin sisters Brie Bella and Nikk...i Bella. They are both former Divas Champions, with Nikki having held the divas championship for 301 days, being the longest reigning Divas Champion in WWE history. On November 1, 2017, Nikki and Brie launched Birdiebee, a lifestyle intimates and activewear brand. The line includes transitional intimates, activewear, and loungewear aimed at “empowering and educating women through mirroring the twins’ passion for life, strength, women’s health and wellness, and fun.” They are also the stars of the E! Channel's very popular shows: "Total Divas" and "Total Bellas". We discuss their incredible rise to WWE fame, their personal stories, along with their business branding and marketing strategies. We also touch base on entrepreneurial best practices, with an emphasis on young aspiring female entrepreneurs.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This podcast is for those who want to do more see more and be more lead Compete and check some ads Welcome back to max out with Ed my let so excited about today's program. Yeah, thank you for having us Good, I don't think these ladies need much of an introduction But in case you don't know if you've been living under a rock and don't watch any TV or WWE or you don't drink wine or you're not on the internet and any way you may not know them but if you are you know who these two ladies are so I have next to me Bri and Nikki Bella the Bella twins. Hello. From everywhere.
Starting point is 00:00:35 From Total Divas, Total Bellas now, WWE, all kinds of brands we're going to talk about all that today so. Yes. Thanks for being here ladies. Thank you for having us. I mean the VL. The VL is pretty good. Wow. for being here, ladies. Thank you for having us. I mean, the VL. The VL is pretty good. I could like look at this all day. We're hoping for Wales.
Starting point is 00:00:49 We're hoping for Wales. It's a goal by the end of it. We hope we buy the end of the day. Maybe some sunlight too. I love you to see that. So let's start. Everybody knows the after product. So when I have people on that are so successful,
Starting point is 00:01:01 we guys have built these amazing brands and of the two of you and businesses too, which we'll get to. but can we go back just like a little bit like before because it's a trip. The two of you become really the most two well-known certainly women but people in the history of your entire business and the WWE and so and I told you earlier one thing that impresses me about you is I don't think fainse altered you. Yeah. No. I mean it really hasn't. I think you're comfortable with your fame like it's it suit, like you're almost born for it. Some people were.
Starting point is 00:01:27 That's very sweet. Thank you. But I bet if we watched from your birth to about 18, we wouldn't predict this. Speaking of it. Well, not at all. Actually, no. I mean, granted, did we like to lip sync to the spice girls
Starting point is 00:01:37 for my parents and all their friends? Did we learn from her? We learned from her, and we were, you know, we traveled on a competitive soccer team. Right. And, you know, we traveled on a competitive soccer team and, you know, we learned athletics at a very young age and really spent a natural ability for it. But if you only told me that I was going to see the East Coast in middle school, I would have been like, wait, what?
Starting point is 00:01:55 I could have seen New York sometimes in my life. I would have been born in America. There is, in Tokyo. And Russell and Japan, Italy, all these places. Unbelievable. So, did you wrestle, though, growing up, like, were you wrestling with them? I, Italy, all these places. Unbelievable. So did you wrestle though, growing up? Like, were you wrestling with him? I mean, each other.
Starting point is 00:02:08 Yeah. But there's a constant battle. Our brother was a collegiate wrestler. OK. And so he would always want to practice moves on his. But we were just, I know. It was so obnoxious. I was like, can he just quit the wrestling team?
Starting point is 00:02:20 Because it was like, we couldn't walk in the house without getting tackled. Well, then he got really into the rock. And then that took everything to a whole different level. So when he was into the rock, were you at least watching WWE back in those days? Nicole and I were into dynasty. Oh yeah, we never did.
Starting point is 00:02:33 We never did. And when we get night, like, Friday nights, we'd watch the fogs. We loved all the old school days. We did. Nicole and I were really outdoorsy girls. Like, we were building forts. We were outside with all of our farm animals.
Starting point is 00:02:47 We weren't really into TV and soccer took so much time. Yeah, that we- Is it travel soccer like every little one? Yeah, okay. And so, for us, it was like any free moment we had, it was like, we wanted to be outside. Like, it wasn't about being inside and watching TV and to be honest, our parents didn't watch wrestling.
Starting point is 00:03:04 And I think that happens a lot when you're younger, is your parents might be fans and put you in front of watching TV and to be honest our parents didn't watch wrestling. And I think that happens a lot when you're younger is your parents might be fans and put you in front of the TV and watch or your friends might watch it and we were never surrounded by it. That's crazy. And that's crazy. So how does it happen? How do you end up becoming this? What were you doing right before this?
Starting point is 00:03:19 We were. We were. We were a hooter girl. So, yeah. So we were looking for a job at 18 and we just heard like, wait you're seeing to make a lot of money and in high school. And it was in California, in California, in Arizona. In high school, which we went to in Arizona, Nicole was working at a health fitness place
Starting point is 00:03:41 and I was working for my mom. And so we wanted to go to college, at Grossmont Community College, and dormant San Diego State, but mom's like, we're gonna have to work. And so we were like, okay, well, what can we make the most money at? And who will hire us?
Starting point is 00:03:55 And we're like, who does? You can be 18. We hear the cash is amazing. We can't help one yet. If a restaurant had a hard alcohol, you or spirits, you could have, you had to be 21 or over to waitress. So, but not even readers. So, buters was just beer and wine.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Oh, it was a great, okay. So, then we started showing the WWE paper views. They were kind of, were they once a month or every couple months. Oh, at the hooters, the paper views would be on. So, that's how we started to become really familiar with WWE. I know, is that a word? It's a tough word. And so then there was a program that WWE used to have called Diva Search.
Starting point is 00:04:31 And so they were always on a search for like new at the time they'd called when wrestlers Diva's. They were always on a search like looking for them. So Nicole and I, I begged her to come with me to Diva Search. And I actually, I told them, I have a twin sister, but at the time Nicole was looking to play Pro Soccer in Italy. And so because she had broken her leg our senior year of high school, and then after it healed, she really
Starting point is 00:04:54 want to make a comeback to soccer. So you were really, really good at soccer. Yeah, I mean, she did always get first place with a lot in soccer, and I was right behind her, but I was like, the thing I was more artistic than her and I shared that part of the women. Yeah, you got the creative side.
Starting point is 00:05:13 I got more the creative side. Yeah, but you were just the free bird at that time. You wanted to follow the musicians. Yeah, so Nicole, I did my 20s. So then Nicole, I just told her, like just come with me, let's check it out. And if you don't like it, go to Italy, play soccer. If you do, then we'll become wrestlers.
Starting point is 00:05:33 So her and I showed up and we showed up in like sneakers, ripped up jeans, and we made these shirts that said breezy for she's in a cool for show. And we had bandanas, because we wanted to be coming as like a coolest nickname ever. But we were kind of shocked at what all the women were wearing. And we're vandanas because we wanted to be women as like the coolest nicknames ever. But we were kind of shocked at what all the women were wearing and we're like oh, what really were? It just, they look like dogo dancers, I guess you could say a lot of sparkles and
Starting point is 00:05:53 like those kind of skirts, like the two two-feel skirts and so she was so mad. I was so mad at her. But like when you're driving there are you thinking like I don't wrestle? Yeah, we just thought they were gonna like test our like athletic ability and we're like word naturally athletic I thought like you've a search. I was like running around the track like doing the mile Like we literally wrapped a gym Like Brie tells me yeah, we're gonna go to see the search with like wrestling and I'm like, okay
Starting point is 00:06:23 I'll go go to see people, sure. I mean, that's awesome. Kind of like how you need to glow now when the girls get in the ring and they're like, ah, and you see them like pushing and doing weird stuff, I figured maybe something like that was gonna happen. Like I didn't know. Yes.
Starting point is 00:06:35 But it turned, it was way different than what we thought. And kind of at the time they weren't prepared for twins, so to think of twins going through, and to the top 10, they just were like, oh, we don't know if we're ready, but actually Kristen Proudi who you know she she pulled aside and was like we're really interested in you guys and we're like we want to do this but we were kind of like a little down from that day just because like we knew twins couldn't go through and we felt like they didn't really like us right they could have picked one or the other.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Yeah, I mean, I'll be honest, like a lot of the girls were extremely sexy and the call I just never knew our sexiness. Like we kind of were in the heenies with like, what was it? Yeah, but it hooters. It was like, I think we're when you're with the San Diego girls and you probably know living in California. It was like, we met actually our best friends in the whole world. We're still this strong group and people always be like,
Starting point is 00:07:25 we're doing this, we're like, college, but we are gonna do that. Yeah, college college. We're just university. We're just doing that for now and they all kind of, like, we're drawn there in the same way. And we are just the girls that like, watching football and having a year.
Starting point is 00:07:39 We're just, we weren't, I don't know, like, very natural. Yeah. But, Kristen Proudi just told us like like all these great things that we could do at WWE and They offered us to go to Macdenna, Georgia, which they call the deep South get get in the ring and kind of try it Yeah, so we flew to Macdenna, Georgia We got in the ring and we fell in love. We were like you loved it. Yeah, you know what it was is in a corner We're kind of like a little confused what we wanted to do in life. Nothing felt right.
Starting point is 00:08:05 We got a lot of people in life to that, by the way, the ones that's true. And the minute we got in the ring, it's something we never knew growing up. It was nothing that was ever introduced to us. It was something we found and we instantly connected with. And her and I looked at each other and we go, whoa, this is what, and it gives me goosebumps.
Starting point is 00:08:19 This is literally what we have been searching for. See, I think that's how it works, by the way. I don't think most of your dreams in life show up in the package you expect them to be. Right, no, how do you agree? Or even your spouse, in many cases, right? Maybe I do. It's totally.
Starting point is 00:08:32 But once they do show up, there's this instant intuition you have, almost like I belong here. Yeah, that's what it's about. Like this person, there's like a belonging that you feel, I think, when you find something. That's sort of a trip, I mean, let's be honest. You work at a hooters, you go, they don't want you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Right? And then you still pursue it, though. So that's the other thing, too, that people need to learn, especially young people to watch this. That dream may not just reveal itself to you in ease, like it's just automatic. Things don't just fall right into place easily. You have to push through some of these walls and barriers, right? And you guys are obviously pointed out.
Starting point is 00:09:02 Yeah, and take those chances. I think sometimes people are so afraid to step outside of the box. Or, I mean, did I ever think I was beginning to become a professional wrestler not that time? Like, if I was to tell anyone, they're like, wait, what are you going to do? Right. But I didn't have that fear of like, no, yeah, that's what I'm going to go do. And I'm going to try it out.
Starting point is 00:09:18 And even when my mom was like, no, my grandfather was like, no, we're like, yes, no, we're going to do it. Huge, because not those two things, by the way, when I interview people, no, we are grandma. Yes, no, we're gonna do it. Huge, because not those two things, by the way, when I interview people, those two things are what stop everybody. It's the initial family actually. People that love you going, you're not stop it. Don't chase that, be normal, like conform, right?
Starting point is 00:09:35 So you didn't listen to those things, that's huge. Yeah, and we were in serious relationships at the time. And we were 22 years old at the time. Yeah, we were 22 years old at the time. Yeah, yeah, we are 22 years old at time, both dating older men who we went and told like we want to be professional wrestlers and we are going to move to Tampa, Florida. They were like no. And I don't know forget I was with my boyfriend at the time for two years and he looked at me and goes you're just all of a sudden you're gonna pick up your stuff and
Starting point is 00:10:03 move away from me. And across country, I mean, you're just all of a sudden you're gonna pick up your stuff and move away from me. And across country, I mean, moving from Don L.A. to Tampa, Florida. Yeah. And so, I was like, in my heart, I feel like I need to do this. And I just want you to support me on this. And even though I was 22, so in love, I told myself I'd never let a man hold me down.
Starting point is 00:10:21 And I wasn't gonna make a decision based on him. And we packed up, was it Nissan Centra? Yeah, Nissan Centra. Nice ride. Yeah, that was it in Malibu. No, it was a Centra. It was a Centra. I think it was a Centra.
Starting point is 00:10:34 But we, her and I were like, we sold one car, we packed dollars up and went, and then we drove to Tampa. I gotta tell you, no matter what it is, such a trip, man. Cause your career's like totally unique, right? But no matter what it is, such a trip man, because your career's like totally unique, right? Right. But like no matter what it is, when I interview people,
Starting point is 00:10:47 they've become really successful, there's these threads. And like a lot of them is, it didn't show up like what I thought. Right. I kind of took this risk, my family didn't want me to do it. Yeah. I sacrifice, I can't tell you how many people have loaded up cars or moved into apartments or like step, I guess what I'm saying is they step way back first.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Yeah. Like you're a gooters, you're probably doing pretty good, drink a beer on the weekend, have some good boyfriends, life wasn't that bad. Now you're in a car, I'm gonna stand there, I can picture you too. Going out there, that's crazy. And we're both saying we're crazy or you're both like we're gonna try this, we're gonna do this. Well there was like an excitement.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Yeah, I think it was, and we thought there was, because as waitresses, we were making good money and then it went from what we make in one night Tell us what we were gonna make in a week. So we were even taking a big Yeah, with our finances in but her and I It was just that connection we had with WWE that was so instant that Even though if we fail we were like we have to do this We have to do it and her and I were never the thing about Nicole and I is we don't have ego So we're never scared to fail.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Cause for me, like my mom told us growing up, you can't live with no regrets. Like my mom's like, you wake up in the morning and you regret something, you will hate yourself. So my mom always embedded that in us and Nicole and I've always lived like that with no regrets. Even if we fail, it's like, well we tried it. We just sucked at it.
Starting point is 00:12:01 So. It's such huge, like things that you do really naturally, the two of you are like huge lessons for other people. Like, all this stuff, especially the young people who fight, they need to hear this stuff. Like, you don't want to have regressory. I'm old now, man, I'm 47, and I'm so glad I took risks when I was younger, and I'm not sitting here now lamenting things I didn't try, because I did fail at other things, right?
Starting point is 00:12:20 So, I totally want to acknowledge the power when you just said it's awesome. So you go there, obviously something clicks your in Tampa. I push you at what's that first night was it do you say it was a money night rather you know so Friday night smackdown we're in Pittsburgh what was that like was it I mean obviously I wanted to know I was so blurry going down but you know like you were blurry I'll never forget because so they're like, you guys are gonna come up next Friday, we're gonna debut. One twins gonna be under the ring,
Starting point is 00:12:49 the other one will have the match, and we're gonna do a twin switch. Austin, she breaks her nose, the next side of FC Devil. Oh my gosh. I mean, like so bad, you could barely see my eyes. Yeah. I look like a dinosaur, like it was, I didn't even look human.
Starting point is 00:13:03 Oh my gosh. It was so bad. So, a lot of makeup. I was like, or I could punch you in the face. I mean, I was like a dinosaur like it was I didn't even look human. Oh my god. It was so bad So on a lot of makeup as like or I could punch you in the face She they ended up having me it'd be my name Bri Bella coming down the ramp and she Nikki it wasn't debuted. Yeah Manicky hadn't debuted yet, so we did the whole twin switch, but on their forget we FCW didn't have TV at the time like there's NXT now so nobody knew who we were so we were gonna be able to get away with it But we were semi-main event when they announced my name the crowd went dead Say everything before with our outfit. Well, so the outfits that we had and then we spent my name
Starting point is 00:13:44 We came bring and I always wanted to be prepared. So we ever got called up on the road. We went and had like these three beautiful outfits, very Britney Spears inspired because we loved her at the time. And we just wanted to have gorgeous TV outfits made. And so if we ever got the call, we're going to be like, look so well put together. But the girls didn't allow us to wear. Which I understand it's been new girl, and you have to deal with the veterans.
Starting point is 00:14:09 And at the time, like, WWE isn't like that anymore. And I think it's because a lot of us where now the veterans went through it. And I feel like there's no reason to put someone through that. But they just had a lot of roles. It was like, sworety. We walked in, nope, nope, nope.
Starting point is 00:14:23 We're like, okay, and we actually got dressed. Change, yeah, you changed way down. We walked in. Nope, nope, nope. We're like, okay. And we actually got changed. Yeah, you changed way down. Change in the public bathroom, down the hall. So we had no idea what to do. And we weren't about to like rock the boat with the other girls. So the seamstress at the time were like, what do you have in your bag? We're like, we have a teeny and our workout pants from earlier. They're like, so they cut our day keeni, they sew it on, workout pants that we wore earlier that day, and that's how we did do it. No way.
Starting point is 00:14:48 Yeah, I look back at those pictures, and I'm like, oh, geez, but it worked. It worked, yeah. And so they call your name, you went bluerita. I did. I remember I was like in gorilla, and everyone was like staring at me like, you got this, you got this. And then I hear my music, and they announce me,
Starting point is 00:15:02 and then I hear the crowd go dead quiet. Like, who's that? And I think they're all like a she local and I come out and like smiling around and I'm just like my heart was about to explode. I was underneath the ring watching on the monitor and I'm like okay what's the spot? What am I doing? Like this is my nerves were like so bad and I had to get loaded under so they put me in like sweatpants and a sweatshirt. And then I go out with the crew and I'm hiding.
Starting point is 00:15:28 But I was so nervous. I'm like, I can't even get this sweat out. Oh my gosh, the way you're under the hood. And it has more trend. She's nervous for me too. Yeah. Because if I don't perform good, it's on her as well. And I heard the crowd get dead quiet.
Starting point is 00:15:40 I'm like, oh no. Don't mess that up. But it pulled off though. It worked. Did you know what worked? Actually, when you were done, you're like, we did it. Oh yeah mess that up. But it pulled off though. It worked. Did you know what worked when you were done? You were like, we did it. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:48 And the crowd actually got into the match. OK. So I actually was like, and I was lucky to work with Victoria, who honestly, like, I was, like, should have been there for so long. And when they're like, you have to beat her. Her and Nicole and I were like, wait, we have to beat Victoria. But she was so cool. She was so cool about it.
Starting point is 00:16:03 She was so about me. And she helped me out so much in that match. And we got the crowd into it. And when I went under the ring, the crowd loved it. They loved it. And then also, Victoria went under, then she pulled Nicole out, but the crowd didn't know. The crowd loved that.
Starting point is 00:16:19 They just loved that Victoria reached under and nanked the crowd. She was the perfect person to do it, because not only was she like this powerhouse, but she was so animated. Yeah. So she really sold the whole like twin thing going under the rain.
Starting point is 00:16:31 And I think that also helped people believe in it so much. Yeah, I think also like what you're doing, also people, there's lines that run through other things. I think when you prepare and you prepare there are points in your life where like you have to hit that moment. Like there's a moment and you've got to deliver right and like you guys
Starting point is 00:16:46 prepared and prepared and prepared to prepare that. You don't deliver that night you may ever get any heat again right. You might be gone forever. So it's so good. It's so true. Yeah you've got to hit your moment. That one moment and we would we had those actually and then being like a month straight because of insulin the joints which and so he would work with us and rehearsals. Like this is the timing you have to get. And I'd be like,
Starting point is 00:17:08 breathe! You know, like balance, go to rehearsal. Did you say Vince's work? Oh, yeah. Really directly with all our twin switches, which was almost like more nerve-wracking than performing. Sure, sure. Because I wanted to make them so happy.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Of course you want to make them proud, exactly. And so why does it work though? Like why did it work? What do you think it is about you too, that's work? Do you know what I, what's the question? I think for Nicole and I, I think as we're twins. And I think for us, the one thing we've noticed, and you can say your part like add on to it.
Starting point is 00:17:38 But as little girls, people would grab us and go, like they're like, you guys twins you look like, maybe they're like, no, her nose is this and her eyes are that and this, and that, they, every day, what happened to us. And they're like, but you're all the time getting, we'd get compared and then picked apart, every day. So it made us very like confident
Starting point is 00:17:59 because it was like, we couldn't never get insecure because it just happened, we got used to it. So I felt like we never were in competition, because I always read her on and myself on. So then we never got in competition with other people. So don't have that normal rivalry that you would think siblings have? No.
Starting point is 00:18:14 So we never waste our energy, I feel, on going against the break against other people. We only use our energy to help each other out and push forward. And I think that's how we made it work backstage. But I think how we made it work as our characters and people getting behind us on one match was, for you and I have this, I think, natural ability to connect with the audience. And I think sometimes that's what some of our superstars forget is, you can't be a superstar on the WWE if you don't connect to the audience.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Because our WWE universe, they make up all of WWE. So our shows would mean nothing without our crowd, right? We'd have no one disbue us or cheer us or say this is awesome or they make our stories happen. And I think for you and I just realized that early on, we just had that instant crowd connection. And then we realized like, this is about the fans. This isn't even about us.
Starting point is 00:19:07 And I think they felt that, like, I think they felt the respect that we were giving to them, making them a part of the show. Yeah, so I see that with you guys. Tell me about that. Like, what's this Bella Army whole thing, you guys? Ernie. They're amazing. And they started it, by the way.
Starting point is 00:19:19 They did. They did. I was so very early on, so we had this crowd connection. And Bri and I just started to learn, like, I was like, okay, so you mean something here of the crowd bullies in you. And it could be booing or cheering, but if they don't make noise, then no one cares. So you need to make them care. And so Bri and I just became very interactive with our fans.
Starting point is 00:19:43 We'd always think about them. We'd put matches together. We, at that day and age, it wasn't about like how big your moves are. I still feel it isn't about that now. It's about like what's gonna draw them in and meet them, but like believe this story. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:57 And so then social media came out. And I think Bri and I were just some of the first that were very interactive with our fans online. Like people like Tig Noor played the two cool, but we're like, I'm not too cool. Like these people are the reason why I am cool. And so all of a sudden we are so interactive with them, they start to call themselves the Bell Army. So we embraced it. And then they were giving each other position, I'm the leader of this.
Starting point is 00:20:20 And then we acknowledge the positions. And I think, like I'm gonna forget when we were at the state fair and we saw Reba McIntyre perform and we sprinted to the way back and when she was walking on her bus, there was a crowd of us. She waved and I swore she waved at me. And I was so young, but that wave made me as a little kid. So excited to go to school and tell people all this and I'll never forget that because I want to do that for my fans.
Starting point is 00:20:44 I love that. I want them to know, like, I see you. I because I wanna do that for my fans. I love that. I want them to know, I see you, I see what you're saying, I see the help you need, I see the encouragement you give me and I wanna acknowledge that because I want them to feel good. It's just real with you though, now that I've met you, it's how you are, so it's not some strategy. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:21:00 That's what I love. That's so important. I think the whole, even with me, with my group that, you know, that I work with or follow me on social media, this whole, like, old school thing of, like, you're better or above the group of people is like, you know, age or old school unless you really think that way, which means you're twisted, right? Yeah, really. But like, the two of you really are real.
Starting point is 00:21:16 I said this earlier, like, very few people I meet are really comfortable with fame. Yeah. Like, they're really didn't alter you all that much. It magnified you. Yeah. Made you even better, which is awesome. It's kind of like alcohol, right? Or money. Money, alcohol and fame are the same things. They're magnifiers. They make you more of what you already are. So if you give a really good person a whole bunch of money, they're typically more generous and more philanthropic and
Starting point is 00:21:37 better. You have a cramudge in a bunch of money. They're cheaper and more me, right? You give a good person fame and they they magnify themselves. They magnify the people and you guys really really do exemplify that's why you're so big. Thank you. That means a lot. It's true. So like there's all this stuff to talk about so you you
Starting point is 00:21:53 obviously dominate on that the show is incredibly popular and then you've split off now and there's now total bellas right so now you've got your show house. What's it like having it's got to be different you're working at hooters you grow up kind of on a kind of a farm kind of environment, right? You told me about your mom who we'll talk about in a minute. What's it like having fame though? Having cameras around you a lot all the time. Is that natural for you? Is there an adjustment that you had to make? Yeah, for a big adjustment. I mean, it's definitely, yeah, it's definitely become natural now, but in the beginning,
Starting point is 00:22:24 like when the opportunity came to the brain, I, we definitely had to sit, it wasn't an immediate guess. And I think it's why it wasn't for us is, brain, I never craved to be famous. So it was like, oh, they're gonna put me on TV. We both, like, let's talk about this. This is our life. This is gonna be our relationships.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Do we want this stuff out there? But then we said, if we say yes, we have to put everything out there. Like we can't if we say yes, we have to put everything out there. Yeah, we have to be an open book. And so it took us like two weeks to like disguise and I'm sure. And then I told my husband, well at the time we were just boy from girlfriend, he's like, I don't think we're entertaining. I'm like, I think you're right. I don't think we are.
Starting point is 00:22:58 I don't think we're entertaining. I don't think anybody thinks they're entertaining. Obviously, obviously you are. There's something to it. So you're willing to put it all out there, which is really interesting. Yeah, totally. And I think that's why we got the spin-off total bellies and why total divas did become such a massive success.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Not only because I think the whole world wanted to see behind the scenes of one of these wrestling, but Green, I was so organic. We were just us. And I think the world was craving realness because so many people go to front street and they're just, they act like there's something they're not supposed to be.
Starting point is 00:23:32 But smokey mirrors. Right. 100% And we're like, no, we're these normal people that live like this and we do this and we really like to drink and we don't have filters. Yeah. And we say what's on our mind.
Starting point is 00:23:44 Like people laugh and some people be like, I can't believe you said that. I'm like, wait, what? I don't know. I don't know. I got to say this to you. What is on people's minds is they watch me and you. Like they would want me to ask you a couple of these things.
Starting point is 00:23:57 So I need to do that. So both of your husbands are part of the show too. From time to time. They're interesting dudes. They are. I'm sure. And your future husband, your, I was sure. Well, I was sure. The future husband, your husband. And so, for you, I'm curious.
Starting point is 00:24:08 So, you've had a lot of change the last few years. Oh my gosh. So, you've had a baby, so talk a little bit about what... I don't know. The easy question is like, how's it have been a mom? That's like a generic. Right. What surprised you about it?
Starting point is 00:24:21 I want to know that. And then secondly, your husband, Brian or Daniel Brian, he's coming back, right? And so there's been this three-year really struggle in your family between his injury and being out of the business. You being in the business, having a baby. Tell us about that. And then the baby part, what surprised you about it? Yeah, you know, it's crazy with the baby part. I think especially being a new mom. Before having birdie, I thought, birdie comes, she's gonna walk into my life. I'm still gonna do everything, all these type of stuff.
Starting point is 00:24:49 But what I didn't know is the love that you would feel and that all of a sudden, everything that was important to you just took notches down, and birdie all of a sudden is number one. And we were traveling like for the Royal Rumble and it was right when birdie first started TV And then she got a fever got sick and I all sent that she was getting RSV and we went to the hospital And I remember seeing the hospital with her and she was on my chest sleep being and I was kind of like
Starting point is 00:25:16 What the hell am I doing like my babies number one and in that moment? I was willing to almost drop everything and that I was not I had no idea what that kind of love felt like. Like I love my husband and I love my sister and everything. Your child is that love is the most condition. I have a condition. That's no that's the difference though. I don't think I think you love your spouse condition. They got they can't cheat. They can't do this right? Your baby could do whatever. I know. They can they can they can kill somebody you love your baby right do whatever. I know. They can kill somebody who love your baby. It's unconditional. It's totally different. I just was not expecting that kind of love.
Starting point is 00:25:49 I just never knew it. And it's crazy because it will make you change your whole life. That's wonderful. And with my husband, I think it was one of the best things for him because when Brian had to retire a couple years ago from WWE, he had a major breakdown. And the one thing he's been fighting, kind of his whole life is depression
Starting point is 00:26:11 and not really amplified it. And in our marriage, it was hard because I have a lot of energy, I'm a very positive person, but the doctors kept telling me, you can't change him. Like, you can't say, but all these other things are so great, because to someone who deals with depression, it's not.
Starting point is 00:26:28 And so, you've got to take a step back. You've got to give him space. You need to let him breathe. He has to find it himself, happiness. And that was really hard on me, because I'm like, I want to nurture and help everyone. And, but, you know, like my husband even said in his speech, I kind of was like listen
Starting point is 00:26:48 You want a wrestle figure it out and if W.W. Want to allow it? Maybe someone else will but go to all the doctors like they had one doctor say no Go see the NFL doctor see this doctor and that and he did he paid for his own flights to Denver to New York to Jupiter, Florida We were like enough in Phoenix to have the NFL doctor there. Every single doctor was like, you're healthy. You are healthy. Yeah, you can perform. But every time you go to, you know, WWE, they're just like, you know, and I will say, not only was it protocol, but the WWE cares about Brian.
Starting point is 00:27:16 What the hell is gonna say? And they kept trying Brian, we're looking at your next 20 years. We're not looking at your next two years in the ring. We care about your well-being, which, as a wife, I was like, I do too, but I'm also looking at my husband who wants to wrestle. And that's the only thing that makes him happy and life's too short. So wonderful.
Starting point is 00:27:31 There's a video that y'all can watch on YouTube of when he got back in the ring. And he was in character, but he gets back in the ring and he decides to talk about his comeback. And instantly he leaves character and just starts talking about you and what you did for him. And by the way, that is a great thing about WWE because because I work with a lot of NFL guys, and then doctors, the reverse, all you're fine, you're fine, you're fine. Because they just want that product out there.
Starting point is 00:27:50 So I think it's, I oddly, it's wonderful that they care about his life. Exactly. The other piece too that's interesting to watch, and this is for all of you that struggle with depression too, because a lot of people I work with do, one of the things that's a catalyst in causing it to exaggerate itself is lack of physical activity. So like when you already struggle with that, you've the things that's a catalyst in causing it to exaggerate itself is lack of physical activity. So like when you already struggle with that,
Starting point is 00:28:08 you've got to move your body regularly. You've got to work out regularly because depression is actually a physical move too. And so it can be triggered by lack of physical activity. So he had like the double whammy going to some extent where he struggled with it a little bit and then he's probably not as athletic anymore as he once was when he was first.
Starting point is 00:28:23 And that'll make it flare. So one of the triggers out is actually working out and moving your body just so you all know that it's a trigger to get out. So. Yeah, well you know what's crazy is he, I know he needs workout because the doctor's told me that too.
Starting point is 00:28:36 But when birdie first came, I complained to him, I'm like, Brian's at the gym every day for three hours and now I can't get mad. But yeah, I'm like, I'm here with an infant. But it is crazy how workout makes them change your state. It's like a major, major trigger for most people. So, you got good things going, girl. You got the baby. You're coming back too, right? You're going to be back soon. I had a match at Royal Rumble and that kind of made me think I need
Starting point is 00:29:01 to rethink my comeback. And I just want to wait a little longer until I feel really settled with Bertie and that I can do stuff. It was funny because I told Brian I'm like, well, the mix match challenge sounds really interesting. And I'm like, maybe I can come back and do a fun story with you on that. So it's definitely in my future. I'm just trying to pick, I thought I could do it quickly.
Starting point is 00:29:22 We've gotten back in shape quickly. Oh, thank you. You know, obviously, you don't look like you've had a baby 11 months ago. But so you're in a great season in your life though. So you've got the programs cranking, you've got, you're kind of coming back, he's come back, the baby, such a great time in your life.
Starting point is 00:29:37 And I'm happy for you by the way. Thank you. That means a lot. And then for you. You, your deal is interesting too. So those of you that don't know, Nikki is getting married too. Can't tell you when, but getting married to John Cena.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Yeah, yeah. And so it's a great time for you too. And so tell me a little bit about that. What's it like for you? I'm curious because now there's, you know, you have this tube and now there's two super well-known people, your travel schedules are bananas, right? So how do you navigate all that stuff?
Starting point is 00:30:02 I'm curious. It's a very difficult, it's taken some therapy therapy I'm not gonna lie yeah I'm like so forth therapy I think it's just it's nice to have that neutral person because sometimes when our communication can just get a little lost because someone mainly may want to hear one thing in a moment but John and I have made it work we've been together five and a half years there'll be six years in August and I will say that since we got engaged in April, I mean it's been almost a year. We have barely seen each other. I want to say we have recently shared our bed 40 days. Yeah, maybe a little more. He says a
Starting point is 00:30:40 little more. I'm like, I feel like I can count them all, but we've both been so busy but I think why we worked so well with both of us so supportive of our two years and like John who will be like should I say no to this movie like I have to be on set this song and I'm like absolutely not because I don't want you to ever take an opportunity for me and I will never take one for you but you have to make those sacrifices like okay I know I could be at home these three days but I should go go to Seccans and John or John's. Like, these three days I could be in Tama, but I know I should go all the way to West Coast and see Nicole on her set.
Starting point is 00:31:11 And so we both have been really great about that. And I have to say that, his health, especially because I still agree we're older and like, we've been together a while. So our wedding, like, wedding playing bliss is a little different. I think when you're in that first two years of being together It's like whoa, we're getting closer to the seven-year itch. Yeah, so there's certain things
Starting point is 00:31:31 So it's fast and I'll be like we've been together a really long time Because I think you know there's a way to do it. Really have Thank goodness have figured out a way because I'm off in the light. It gets really tough when you're waiting your partner For so long. Oh, yeah, a lot of people really do it gets really tough when you're away from your partner for so long. A lot of people are like, they have a busy spouse when you have two. That's magnified. The show is interesting because at least it appears as if you've been real about that dynamic
Starting point is 00:31:53 too on the show. You're a relationship with them, like marriage, the whole thing, like whether it was going to happen, whether he wanted to have more of that kind of stuff, has the show helped hurt or neutral the relationship? I, at times it's definitely hurt because you have to relive those real tough moments and I, because I am such an open book, John, it's not an open book.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Yes, that's it, that's it. He is extremely private. So, then you put that in the mix and he'll be like, I can't believe you talked about that. And I'm like, well, we, I was in a normal conversation with my sister, he goes, but the cameras are rolling. And I'm like, I don't know what they're rolling or not. I'm so beyond that. And that, that's the stuff that will like start an argument when it wouldn't have been an argument. But then there are times where I feel like it's helped because I have a hard time communicating. Like,
Starting point is 00:32:40 I'm just such a pleaser of my nature. So it is forced me to talk about things. And John will be like, I mean, I guess I have to give a whole world involved to really know how you feel. But so those are times where I'm like, okay, it's been a plus, it's forced me to communicate with my significant other. But then it's just hard to relive this moment.
Starting point is 00:32:59 And it was hard to be the girl that like, yeah, hey, I'm that girl that the guy doesn't want to marry or have baby babies with me. That was like really tough. When I would like see him talk about it too in the media I'd be like saying like today show and talk about that. Right this topic right. But so now I'm loving all his media lately because he's like just. Love you Debbie. Yeah. Yeah I noticed that. So love you Debbie and talking about this and that so now I'm like oh I like how this. Because I saw him saying an interview that one of the things on the show that was good for him
Starting point is 00:33:25 was watching himself back a little bit too though, right? Like what struck me about it was I'm from the wing, I'm from Massachusetts, also originally. Oh, I'm very cool. So I relate to being one way like on, and then privately I'm really introverted. And when we come from that part of the country, there's this sort of buttoned up in this that we have. You guys have that, it's so true. And I've noticed that in him, he's got this persona, and then he's got this other side that he's private, and he's introverted. And I think part of that is our personality, but also where we grew up, I'm from the same area of the country. It's true.
Starting point is 00:33:52 So there's an element of that that someone from San Diego, or you know, you're a very... We're like, we're a little bit different. It's a little bit different. I just noticed that that's different, so that's cool. That's actually, it's so true. And was like you get so corporate Yes, yes, yes, you guys that I get to see it's like well, no, I mean I am Your face changing But I watched that dynamic and I have other friends that are on some reality shows and one of my buddies He's telling me goes well, they just edit me that way. I'm like no dude. You're that way Yeah, that's natural camera and you actually said those things. I go, you're all gay.
Starting point is 00:34:26 I'm like, you get so stirred. I'm like, believe me, I'm in trouble by you. But it is oftentimes for the male. It is like snippets of moments, whereas it's more a breadth of content with you. So my buddy struggles that and they usually keep catching and catch him and they catch my buddy sort of in these buttoned up cold moments.
Starting point is 00:34:43 And I'm like, you're way warmer and you know and I bet you he is too. So, and he's showing that more in the interviews. Totally, in the interviews and even in his movies, you see like John's doing improv but he's so good at it because that's who he is. He's hilarious and hilarious. We weird and funny, his Instagram feed is weird and funny.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Like you want to go check out a, you want to check out a, dude has way more followers than me and you should go check out seen as Instagram. It's crazy. It's kind of crazy. It's, there's not a lot of them like it. I just saw the other day.
Starting point is 00:35:11 I just saw them and be like, are you okay? It's like what, I'm like your Instagram host because you always, I was trying to figure it out. I was thinking to this. Yeah, this is like what it means. And I'm like, okay, just making sure like we're all okay.
Starting point is 00:35:23 It takes me a while when I watch I have to like process what the heck he's doing there. Yeah. I'm like, okay, just making sure we're all okay. It takes me a while when I watch, I have to like process what the heck he's doing there. Yeah, oh my goodness. So cool, congratulations to you too. Thank you. On the wedding, whenever it ends up happening, we want to talk about it later. Yes, soon.
Starting point is 00:35:34 So let's segue a little bit into Bizz because the two of you are, the reason I wanted you on the show is actually not WWE. It was, I think, I wanna feature people, but particularly women, that I think are branding, marketing, and business experts that come from, wherever they come from. And so, you two exemplify that.
Starting point is 00:35:53 I think you're exemplary business women, and even our conversations off camera, it's obvious to me what you're gonna do. Your career's gonna have legs even beyond this, right? Because you're branding yourself. So, let's talk about that just for a second. Just branding in general. Are you guys conscious of a brand that you have?
Starting point is 00:36:09 I know the answer to that, but do you think about that? Do you ever talk about like you or brand, you know, protecting it and that sort of thing? So talk about that for a minute. Oh, yeah, I'm wondering if I'm sharing. We do want to start. We, Breneick constantly talk about that. And I feel like we did in the beginning.
Starting point is 00:36:26 We, we wanted to be this brand that, no matter where it was going or how it was going or where you would see, you'd always recognize it. You'd always know it was Bella Twins. But we also wanted to have this brand that had meaning and had passion, like just how Breonnait lived life. And something that can make a great change. And so that's like when the brand started as these wrestling girls, we knew that a key to growing our brand was always adapting.
Starting point is 00:36:50 So always seeing the change of the audience, but then becoming these characters that how kids look at like wonder woman are Superman. That when they see a Bella to when they're like that's Bri Bella that's sneaky Bella. And so I feel like our characters were first how we branded So when I do an appearance anytime I I'm in my niki bella outfit because that is a mediates kid when they see me they're like We've got sneaky bella like the snapback and the shoes and the socks and the jersey and so that was like my first our first way Yeah, and it was interesting Oh, man, yeah, he never leaves without his cape
Starting point is 00:37:25 or one of them without a crown. And well, that's one. Yeah, let's not back his like my crown. Yeah, and the one thing that Nikki and I wanted is for so long in WWE, we did have to be twins twins and dressed identical, but because of total divas, it saw how different we were. And he was like, you guys, we asked, we go, you know, now
Starting point is 00:37:45 Total Divas really showcasing that I'm more earthy and the cold is more glam. Can we bring that to the ring? And he was very like open to it. And we were lucky that Total Divas was so successful, you know, in the first season. And so the minute we did that and we branded ourselves like, not only are we the Bellatwins, but Bree is this way and Nikki's this way I felt like it made like a bigger connection with the audience and her fans. Because they got to know who we were. Yeah. They sort of just these two girls that did everything they did. I mean they make us talk identical backstage. It was like the word. Yeah. And we were grateful for those times.
Starting point is 00:38:19 But so I that was definitely our first way branding and then it was just being a really listening to our fans So the Bella Army was created so when I started when we started to look at that here We were like okay these are Niki and Bri these characters and now they have this army and that's a part of our brand What makes our brand is the Bella Army and so that started so when we acknowledge the Bella Army I was getting beat up on TV every week because this one got fired by the boss, Story Landwires. And they started calling me Fearless Sneaky. The fans started calling it out so I was like, you know what? That means to be my name. So I went to WD Shock and I was like, hey guys,
Starting point is 00:38:59 should I talk to you about branding myself as Fearless Sneaky? And they're like, oh wow, we never thought of someone like having, you know, their name. And I'm like, I want this because that's what my fans call me. So all of a sudden, you made a logo and here's fearless Nikki. And I thanks the fans and I kept them a part of it, which started to make the brand bigger. The naturally this one gets buzzed on TV on total divas and I think it's high school of called it Bremode. I should say college. So Bremaud became a huge deal on the reality show.
Starting point is 00:39:30 So we all know it's wide, the nice thing. But then I noticed the WWE fans would chanit or say stuff, but I was like, I cared a lot about my younger audience. So I was like with wrestling. How can I make Bremaud stand out because the fans love it, but it means something to an adult ticket. So I would start screaming it before I do a missile drop kick or my big-running knee. So I kind of started doing Bremot activated, like also I would fire up, so as a good guy, get beat up, and then all of a sudden I start coming up coming up and then the minute I scream Bremot, the crowd knew, like, okay, you just hit the
Starting point is 00:40:01 wrong button with Brem, and then I would do my comeback. And then it started meaning something to the little kids and meant like, that's when I get amped. But then to the mom, they come up and go, I was in Bremau last night and I'm filling it. And- That's brilliant, but like honestly, that's brilliant. I did that.
Starting point is 00:40:18 So- When we came up with the shirt designs, the first they're thinking, girl, and I go, no, no, no. It just needs to be we knew to set she knew she would have two different type of customers I knew I'd have the one to wanted to wear it to get drunk and then the ones who wear it because they love
Starting point is 00:40:34 my wrestling and would come and like so we made just the red with the big black letters Bremaud and anyone can wear it and it means something different that's brilliant by the way I'm so stupid. I actually thought that storyline was true where you were fired.
Starting point is 00:40:47 I was actually gonna ask you about the real deal. So believable when you were fired. They did it very well. I had so much fun working with Stephanie. Oh, it's so fun. That's so funny. So then we have that brand. Here we now have branded names and we have our branded looks
Starting point is 00:41:01 and we have this amazing fandom, the Bella Army. And Bri and I wanted to continue to grow it. I mean, since day one, we've wanted to break barriers as women in this country. And total, thank you. Total Divas started to help give us that power of really breaking barriers, because more women and middle girls were coming to the shows to watch the total divas.
Starting point is 00:41:21 So it started to give women more time on TV, and a lot more people depreciate women's wrestling. And then triple-H just took a huge investment in the women down at NXT. So with the power of Total Divas on the main roster and then the power of what the NXT women were doing, it was like women were just dominating. And so to continue our brand,
Starting point is 00:41:41 Bri and I always wanted our brand to have passion and meaning and to continue to grow, Bri and I always wanted our brand to have passion and meaning and to continue to grow it and adapt with it, and nothing was more perfect than being a part of this amazing women's revolution. And Bri and I truly have passion and just a big part of our hearts is to even now continue to help the women like break barriers, whether it's promoting them or giving them advice or just helping them to fix the next level, because there's still so much more we could do as women there. Oh yeah. But then that's how we come up with Buriede. I love it.
Starting point is 00:42:08 Is we're like how can we branch off and still like have the Bella Twins brand and have these branded superheroes. Yeah. But then also continue to reach women in a different way and then how are them. And so we're sitting on a plane and we're like okay so how can we do this without taking bumps? Because we're going to hit a certain age and we were like, okay, so how can we do this without taking bumps? Because we're gonna hit a certain age and we're not gonna be able to be in that ring as much. Or the little kids might not think we're that cool, but everyone thinks Superman's so cool.
Starting point is 00:42:32 So I don't know, maybe they'll still think we're cool and wonder woman, but we came up with Verdi B and what was crazy was we came up with, we're just like looking online about stuff. Well, because at first I said, I don't wanna make just any type of products. I want something that's in need because I am happy and I get anxiety when I see so much stuff out there.
Starting point is 00:42:53 We're so impressed by tons. Yeah, but I was kind of like, why don't we get into feminine hygiene? Because everyone needs feminine hygiene. Well women need feminine hygiene. Yes, well women, yeah. I'm like everyone. I mean, maybe I need it, but I'm like everyone. And then the cold. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:06 And then Nicole was kind of like, well we could create a whole big brand around it. Like it doesn't a community, like it doesn't have to just be those products. And then we started doing some research on the plane. It's like, well what's kind of in me? Because you feel like everything, all the markets are like just oversaturated, like every, they're stuff everywhere, right? But I really was like, not a lot of people are doing like panties where it's like healthy for you. And I'm like, there's nothing direct at the time when we have this idea. There was nothing really then directed towards working out
Starting point is 00:43:35 that this is the right fabric I should wear working out or I should wear during the day or do I wear panties? And I started to research what doctors were saying. And I was like, Breen, did you know that we were supposed to be doing this? Yeah. And that, I'm like, how am I, I think we're 31 at the time. I'm like, how am I 31 years old? And I'm just learning about all this. And what's the rise of all the different, like,
Starting point is 00:43:56 cervical cancer and breast cancer? And the corner, like, is it because the fabrics close to your body are so cheaply made that we don't realize it. So hard and I really like start investigating so much. And that's a birdie these birds in the beans. That's how we like we just like it's together. It's brilliant. And by the way for the man who do this, this is a brand like I already just did this. So this is a brand man should be engaged with on behalf of their women and behalf of their daughters too, right? We should be consuming this too because I what I love about it is,
Starting point is 00:44:25 and I wanna say this to everybody, the reason I love you too is like, I love how your brand was acquired. In other words, I don't mean to demean anybody else, but like if you're looking for women to believe in, to be something that your daughters or you can be proud of, to support their brand, you've heard how they've acquired their fame,
Starting point is 00:44:40 how they've acquired their success, it's the right way, right? There's no, and I don't mean this's any other, anyway, but there's not a tape floating around or some sensational thing that took place. These are women who acquired their fame the right way and you leverage it the right way. And the brand is awesome because I was looking through everything, it's a really combo of both of you. No, that's true, it's really earthy, yet it's, it's, and, and important for their health,
Starting point is 00:45:04 et cetera, but it's important for their health, etc. But it's glamorous too. It's really sexiness to it. It really is. So it's really awesome. I want to support this brand. I want the men that are watching this program to understand that the females in your life need to be engaged with them.
Starting point is 00:45:17 The ladies, this is obvious to you. This is something you can be proud of. It's healthy for you and it's good for you. It's going to grow. It's great. How do they find birdie bee? They'll just make sure they know that. They can bring grow. It's just gonna be big too. How do they find birdie bee though? Let's just make sure they know that, or they can bring it up.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Oh yeah, go to Yes, Make sure y'all go there. And so I'm super impressed with the way y'all are branding yourself. Like, this is how you're supposed to do it, and this is gonna get bigger and bigger and bigger, and I wanna help you with it too. Oh, thank you, that means so much. We need to do that, we need to promote the brand on the show a little bit more too.
Starting point is 00:45:43 And also, what I love, an addition edition of birdie B is you guys like wine Some super super fired up cuz we really got that We feel like we should be the mayor's of Napa Valley They were killing their vineyards like my mouth was like I saw it open one model it was it was green I were going there so much we mean like set what we've made such great friends yeah and on the show we are starting to really get known as winos and this is an amazing that was the dolphin sorry there a dolphin. Sorry. There they are. I told you. Oh wow.
Starting point is 00:46:26 I told you. That is amazing. So I got you dolphins. Hopefully I'll get you a whale too. Yeah. A couple minutes. I told you. I love animals.
Starting point is 00:46:34 And there's two Nicole. There they are. Two dolphins. And at least two. The next one. I love that. So yeah, we were just going to Napa Valley a lot and Everyone knew us as winos. I've said in all our gifts from our Bella Army. We're turning to wine bottles Yeah
Starting point is 00:46:51 It was amazing. I was like this is awesome And so finally it was some of the wine makers that were like do you guys want to get into the business? And we're like we thought you never What? It was also dream like we're like we're really like us and then like not the wine snob but the the women that appreciate wine I was like well it means in the middle is cheap wine that we're just gonna feel like those ones on it because I don't want to do that yeah we don't want to just sell stuff
Starting point is 00:47:16 like I want to have a great wine and they're like do you think we want to do that yeah we appreciate one and it's like a good point and then next thing you knew we're working with the son of his family, St. Ryan Hill, and then I don't know if you know Tuscacate. Yes. Tim Martin, Tuscacate. That's another partner, and then his business partner,
Starting point is 00:47:36 Mark, who own Gage Branding, all five of us, just we're like, okay, we're gonna do this, and we're all gonna invest some money, we know where to get grapes, and then we're taking it. We're small, okay, we're gonna do this, and we're all gonna invest some money. We know where to get grapes. And then we're boutique, we're small. But now it's- I love the cases here, do you know how many you're gonna do? Well, it's crazy because we've had three test runs
Starting point is 00:47:53 and we've sold out our red wine sold out within a $38. $38. Yeah, our white- White, the salveon block was $12. And our rosé was a minute and 30 seconds. Get out of here. And so, yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:09 Did you guys buy it all or did other people buy it? No, I actually didn't even get a bottle of rosé. I was like, exactly. I'm like, the computer says, it's a morning shutdown. So we oversold by so much because so many people had it. So cool. And it over, we all weren't like,
Starting point is 00:48:23 we were thinking because the other one was 13 dollars and 38 or whatever. So we were prepped for like all of us were off doing our own thing and they were trying to get a hold of us. Like you guys, this is someone shut down the lady who was running it was freaking out. So we are, we're like, wait, what happened?
Starting point is 00:48:39 They're like, we just oversold her. I'm like, it's, we went on sale at 9 AM. I'm like, it's 905. That's crazy. That is crazy. That was easy. That is crazy. We were just like oh and it's funny because the corn I feel so bad for because there was a lot upset fans so we yeah so we printed out like all the stuff and we're signing the stuff to send them like just like sorry and so tell me what the name of the wine is. The name of the name of the salad, which is beautiful roots in Italian and the reason why we came up with that name is all of us have some farming root
Starting point is 00:49:10 and all of us partners so we and some of us are Italians but we all were like we have these beautiful roots and wine brings beautiful conversations and brings up the roots and that like, why we wanted to have a name that captured people that gave a good conversation, a good topic. We wanted good art for our bottle. And in our label, we know how many people love labels. And when you talk, you like to hold it and show it. So we wanted something that had more high fashion film. So we got this artist from Paris.
Starting point is 00:49:41 And she does like all high fashion. And so she had brand-ized inspiration, but we don't want it to be like us, but I think that's what's so cool about our label is, you're like, is that the Bella's? Or are these two women I know? It takes you back, so. Yeah, I'm so excited to be here.
Starting point is 00:49:55 Yeah, thank you. We don't have that much time left, unfortunately, but one of the things, probably my favorite thing about your brand isn't even all of this, and I love all of this. I love watching young, strong business women build their brands build their companies and have business lines like the two you have. But one of the things that I love about WWE particularly because I've watched the McMahon's do this
Starting point is 00:50:15 for years and now you guys do it and John is the number one giver of Make a Wish France and it's the philanthropic it choked up on that. Oh I love that. So it's the philanthropic it choked up on that. Sorry. Oh, I love that. So it's the charitable stuff that you all do that WW does and he does as well, John does, and Michael wishes Mike I'm involved as well. Oh, I love that. So for fiancee is the number one giver of wishes to children. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:39 Ever. And so I love that. I know me too. I love the philanthropic piece that you all give back. So just talk a second about how important that is to you. I know, right? Talk about that just for a second why that's so important to you guys.
Starting point is 00:50:50 Well, you know, it's crazy because my husband, WWE works with Conor's Cure. And I was lucky enough to be really close with Conor because he was such a huge fan of my husband. But to see how all that went down, it was a YouTube video and people kept tweeting Brian about it. And then finally Justin, he was a re-announcer at Dive-Divey, he was like, hey, have you seen this? He's like, I have. He's like, I got in touch with the dad. Can you do something? And so Brian showed up and surprised him. And I'll never forget
Starting point is 00:51:21 Connor's face being able to put him in a headlock and it was this whole or deal and you know Brian I always talked about this in Nicole and I too when we are connected with that those fans and those people it makes you go this is all everything else can go but this I will do the rest of my life because it's the energy energy, it's the way you feel, and it's the way they make me feel. Like, you know, while we say we put smiles on kids' faces, but they don't realize they put a smile in our face. And there's times you do walk away and you get upset. And like so many times when you're leaving the hospital, especially now that I'm a mom.
Starting point is 00:51:57 But I also think like I needed that. I needed just such an innocent soul to just refresh my life and make me realize what's truly important in my life. And I just love giving back because they give so much to us. Yeah, anything for me and I know brief is the same, but I do all this because I want to have a purpose. I have to have a purpose when I'm putting so much passion with things and at the end of the day for me, it's to make some type of change in this world for the better. It's either to change one person's life, like the day I leave here that someone's like she really helped me.
Starting point is 00:52:31 That's why I do reality. Reality can be tough at times, but I can't tell you how many women come up to and go, can you say no to me for like so many years of shaping? You give me hope. The Cogans more hugs in the Starbucks line than ever. I'm right there with you girl, let's hug it out. Yeah, but I always think like if I didn't have a purpose, there'd be no reason. I'm like I love the life I live and I'm so grateful for it. And I think that's it at the end of the day is especially when I see the Make-A-Wish kids. I'm more grateful for my health and happiness.
Starting point is 00:53:01 You could take everything else away, but I'm so grateful for that. And they remind me of that, but I also want to give them and happiness. You could take everything else away but I'm so grateful for that and they remind me of that but I also want to give them that happiness and I just want to change things because why are we here for them? I know what I mean and that's what I'm so grateful to have such an amazing soon-to-be spouse like John because we both keep each other in check like we call our like fake life and so we'll set it down like here's this fake life. And then we'll like talk about things of this is real life. And I love it. Yeah, it's so amazing.
Starting point is 00:53:32 Like, and we just keep each other like we do those checks and balances, but like John, we're at the house. And he had literally five hours, so he had a week for the airport. He was home for I think a day and a half. And there was a man that was diagnosed with cancer that lived an hour away and they're like he's your biggest fan. Our neighbor just came over and she's like I don't expect you to go see him but they give him like four weeks and his world got robbed. He had a headache and then they're like you have brain cancer in
Starting point is 00:53:57 here four weeks and he drove an hour and spent an hour with him and hung out with him and then yeah came back packed his bags And he was off and I just then like that's why we do it. I love that by the way I know you mean it like it's interesting people talk about making their dreams come true talk about chasing things talk about giving to other people But you actually do it like that's the difference like you do it. No, and I want everyone to listen talk is kind of cheap Like you got to do it right and the reason you feel this to listen. Talk is kind of cheap. Like you gotta do it, right? And the reason you feel this emotion when they're talking is because they're doing it.
Starting point is 00:54:28 There's a power to actually doing it. And so I got one more question. I got 50 more. I got the like three of them. But I'm curious for women, maybe even young women that are watching this. What advice would you give them about their lives, about chasing their dreams?
Starting point is 00:54:43 And you can talk directly to them if you want. I'm just curious what you would say to these young ladies who follow you. When I say young, that's all women, frankly, right? And I mean, you know, there's the women, the Bella Army, but all the people, they may be watching you guys for the first time today. They've never seen you before.
Starting point is 00:54:57 What advice would you give to young women? Well, Nicole and I always have a thing we always say. And it's, you know, we always turn our negatives into positives. We always turn known to yeses. And it's, you know, we always turn our negatives into positives, we always turn them into yeses. And through our blood, sweat, and tears, we realized anything was possible. And, you know, where we're at today, it didn't happen overnight, took us a little over a decade. And I think now, sometimes we expect things to happen fast. We expect to wake up in the morning, have an idea, give a little effort, and think, boom, I should be successful. But you have to enjoy the journey because the journey helped us grow as
Starting point is 00:55:29 women. The mistakes we made made me realize that, whoa, I just learned something. My mom always say that, like, isn't it fun learning business? And I'm like, it is because there's so many times I failed. And when I failed, I was like, okay, never doing that again. Now I know it's this way. And I just never give up and it's so important to like just take that leap of faith and just go for it. I agree. And I also, you know, I love being called fearless Nikki, but I represent it so much because I truly feel you have to live your life fearlessly.
Starting point is 00:56:02 Yeah. And everything that comes your way, just stay so fearless. And you don't wanna have the regrets. And I think also the best advice I could give is use your voice. Yes. If you feel a certain way, express it. And don't be afraid of it. There are times that I wish I communicated better
Starting point is 00:56:20 with people or I stood up for myself. And it took me years to learn it. And I was like, oh, I wish I learned this earlier, but I'm happy that I know it now. Right. And that is just such, I think that's the best advice I've ever given. It's just use your voice and use it so strong and so fearlessly. This was such a dad-gun good conversation today. I didn't want it to end. Oh no. You're really unique. Oh thank you. No you are, you're unique like, or if anybody liked the two of you before, so that was a lot.
Starting point is 00:56:46 Wow. Thank you so much. Oh, thank you. Oh, really? Thank you for this view. Yeah. Oh, wait, Nikoi, saw a little blue thing. No, you've got it.
Starting point is 00:56:54 You can make it up. It's probably another bird. Look it. Way back there. I am not even kidding. They're imagining well, you guys. Oh, it's a bird. It's a bird.
Starting point is 00:57:03 I told you it was a bird. That bird just messed up the whole well. It was an office. I mean, before your advice, you guys. Oh, it's a bird. It's a bird. I told you it was a bird. That bird just messed up the whole way. I did it all. And then you probably your advice. Yeah, I think you're one. It's nice to meet people like you too, because I feel like it helps our energy and our excitement keep growing when we meet people like you.
Starting point is 00:57:17 It's just like, you need a coach. I'm here for you. Absolutely. I'm going to start growing your coach. I'm going to start growing your coach. I'm going to start growing your coach. Hey, listen, everybody. One thing you can find them on Instagram. You can find them on their YouTube coach. I'm going to coach. Yeah. Coach, listen, everybody.
Starting point is 00:57:25 One thing you can find them on Instagram, you can find them on their YouTube channel is awesome as well. Oh, yeah. Also, go look for the WWE YouTube channel. And for those of you that are watching this, you know, as usual, I did not charge you for this today. I brought you these amazing women for free. So all I ask for you is some support, is to give a review on iTunes if you're listening
Starting point is 00:57:42 to it. So it moves up around the world. More people get access to hear this story and to make a nice like or on iTunes if you're listening to it so it moves up around the world more people get access to hear this story and to make a nice like or a comment if you're watching on YouTube or something like that so thank you ladies very much today. Thank you! Alright everybody, back's out, God bless you.

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