THE ED MYLETT SHOW - The Hidden Power of Meaning and Perspective

Episode Date: October 17, 2024

What if I told you the key to changing your life is changing the meaning you attach to it? In this episode, I’m breaking down one of the most critical skills you can master to truly transform your l...ife—attaching meaning to the events that happen to you. It’s not what happens that defines us, it’s how we frame it. The meaning you attach to the successes, failures, and everything in between, shapes your entire reality. This isn’t just a mindset shift; it’s how you reclaim control over your life. Think about the events in your life—trauma, missed opportunities, or even victories. What meaning have you attached to them? Have those meanings served you, or have they held you back? It’s time to take back the narrative. In today’s episode, I share personal stories, including how my dad reframed my losses in sports and taught me how to look for the good even in failure. That practice of finding the right meaning has been the key to much of my success. I’m also challenging you to reflect on how you’re framing meaning for others—your kids, your team, or even your spouse. Are you planting seeds of belief, or are you unintentionally teaching them to settle? Leaders and parents, the invisible ways you frame the world for others can have lifelong effects. It’s time to take this seriously. In moments of pressure, like making a crucial business decision or performing under stress, the meaning you attach to that moment determines how you perform. Attach the right meaning, and you reduce pressure. Attach the wrong one, and the weight can crush you. I coach top athletes and high performers on this, and today I’m giving you the same strategies. If you only take one thing from this episode, let it be this: Your obsessions become your possessions. What you focus on and how you frame it will determine what you manifest in your life. If you want better results, it’s time to start attaching better meanings. Key takeaways: How to reframe failure and setbacks into valuable lessons The importance of framing meaning for the people you lead How to reduce pressure by attaching the right meaning to high-stakes moments Questions to ask yourself to reframe events so they serve you Why your worldview and self-belief dictate what the world gives you This episode is about taking control of the stories you tell yourself and others. By mastering how you attach meaning to life’s events, you’ll unlock the power to shape your future, reduce stress, and lead with intention, whether in your business, family, or personal growth. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So hey guys, listen, we're all trying to get more productive and the question is, how do you find a way to get an edge? I'm a big believer that if you're getting mentoring or you're in an environment that causes growth, a growth based environment, that you're much more likely to grow and you're going to grow faster. And that's why I love Growth Day. Growth Day is an app that my friend Brendan Burchard has created that I'm a big fan of. Write this down, forward slash ed. So if you want to be more productive, by the way the way he's asked me I post videos in there every single Monday that gets your day off to the right start he's got about five thousand ten thousand dollars worth of courses that are in there that come with the app also some of the top influencers in the world are all posting content and they're
Starting point is 00:00:37 on a regular basis like having the Avengers of personal development and business in one app and I'm honored that he asked me to be a part of it as well and contribute on a weekly basis, and I do. So go over there and get signed up. You're gonna get a free, tuition-free voucher to go to an event with Brendan and myself and a bunch of other influencers as well. So you get a free event out of it also.
Starting point is 00:00:53 So go to forward slash ed. That's forward slash ed. Metrolinx and CrossLinks are reminding everyone to be careful as Eglinton Crosstown LRT train testing is in progress. Please be alert as trains can pass at any time on the tracks. Remember to follow all traffic signals. Be careful along our tracks and only make left turns where it's safe to do so. Be alert, be aware, and stay safe.
Starting point is 00:01:29 This is The Admired Show. Welcome back to the show, everybody. This week's podcast is potentially a game-altering one for many of you. But if you can really understand what I'm gonna cover today and spend some time really processing the information and then taking action on it. You know, knowledge is not power unless it's applied.
Starting point is 00:01:52 That's when it becomes powerful. So I'm gonna give you a bunch of knowledge today, a bunch of information. But it's your ability to apply these things that I teach every Thursday here. And by the way, Thursday episodes are the most downloaded episodes we put out on the podcast every month. They're the ones where I'm talking directly with you. And of course, on Tuesdays, we do interviews that so many of you love as well. Saturdays, we do mashup episodes. So this week's topic, by the way, is about meaning and how it alters our life in every single way possible. The meaning we attach to events. Remember this, it's not the events of our life that define us. It's the meaning we attach to events. Remember this, it's not the events of our life that define us, it's the meaning we attach to the event. And when you learn to control meaning in your life,
Starting point is 00:02:31 you control your life to some extent, far greater than you do if you don't have that. And even as a parent or as a leader, I want you to listen today about whether or not you're correctly framing meaning to the people that you lead in your company, in your business, whether you're framing, I call it, and attaching the right meaning to the people that you lead in your company in your business whether you're framing I call it and and attaching the right meaning to your children for the events they're going through in their lives and then in your own life how good are you at attaching meaning I believe this is one of the secret skills that happy and successful people both possess you can become successful and produce a bunch of external results often in life and not be happy. And what we really want in life is both. That's
Starting point is 00:03:09 the ultimate in life is to be fulfilled, to be contributing to other people, to be winning, but to be fulfilled in our lives. Meaning drives everything. I want you to write this down. Meaning drives memory. Meaning drives the story in your life and the story you tell yourself you live up to. So meaning in life when an event happens, whether it could be childhood trauma, a sale that you just missed, a fight you've had with somebody, a failure, a perceived failure, anything in life, meaning drives a memory in your life and meaning drives a story. And what we do as human beings is we try to live up to and be consistent with the stories we tell ourselves.
Starting point is 00:03:48 So I want to talk today a little bit about learning to frame things so that they serve you in your life. But also if you have a family, serve your children, serve your spouse. If you have a business, serve the people in your business by learning to frame and attach the right meaning to what's going on in the world, in your life, in your company. Remember this, I'm giving you a bunch of sayings in the beginning and then we'll teach it. Perspective drives performance and meaning attaches memory.
Starting point is 00:04:18 As I've said, so like for example, if you had childhood trauma in your life and you're still sort of working through it, you can't, it's not the trauma or the event that took place, the divorce, a form of abuse. As many of you know, my dad was an alcoholic. And what comes with an alcoholic father is certain events and moments in your life that aren't very pleasant, that aren't very pleasing. And it's not those events that define you.
Starting point is 00:04:42 It's the meaning you attach to those events, not the event itself. And so if we can learn in our lives going forward, that's true when you're a child. It's true in everything in your life. Oh, interest rates are being cut or interest rates are going up or there's strife in the world or there's an election. I got all that. The meaning you attach to these things is going to dictate everything in your life. So also in life, perceived worry and pressure is all meaning. You're worried about an event or something happening because of what you think it will
Starting point is 00:05:13 mean to you, because what you think it will mean to you. Pressure comes from what it means. Athletes that I work with all the time, many of you know I coach some of the top athletes in the world. And one of the things I do when I first start working with them is I listen to them. I want to understand what questions they ask themselves but I also want to listen. I'm listening very closely even though they don't know it, for their meanings that they attach to different things. I mean if you're over a putt to
Starting point is 00:05:40 win a golf tournament and you attach the wrong meaning to that, if I miss this putt, what will it mean? People will make fun of me, I won't get sponsored. You start running this crazy meaning that elevates the pressure. But if you could be over that same putt and be asking yourself the question, what will it mean when I make this? Right? That changes your physiology. In fact, sometimes the best thing to have happen when you're under pressure is to realize that it's not gonna mean that much one way or the other. And then that reduces the pressure. But in every single case, meaning is truth.
Starting point is 00:06:13 It's your truth. And then the last thing that I always look at when I visit with people, coach them, mentor them, is their overall worldview meaning. This drives almost everything. It's the narrative of your life. So if you're a victim, you will find evidence to prove and be consistent with that story. If the world's out to get you, if you always get a bad break, if you never win, if everything always doesn't go your way, whatever that might
Starting point is 00:06:37 be. People don't believe in me, people don't like me, people don't trust me, people don't think I'm smart, people dismiss me, people don't think I'm attractive, whatever it might be, you're right because meaning drives everything. So if you want to change your life, you will change your ability to frame meaning. So I want you to watch a clip because I think this is very illustrative that I've selected from the great Tom Brady, arguably the greatest football player of all time, some people believe the greatest athlete of all time, certainly the greatest quarterback of all time.
Starting point is 00:07:06 And him talking about his childhood and the framing that his parents did for him around certain events or around practice, around his dreams, and how critical he believes now later in life, the framing and meaning that his parents gave him. Take a listen to this. I always tell this story about my parents. When I had these dreams of being a professional quarterback,
Starting point is 00:07:28 you know, or even go to college to play, my parents were there to say, go for it. Like, there was no, hey, maybe you should think about, you know, let's have Plan B or, I don't know, that's really hard or, you know, I don't know. There's a lot of people that want to do those things, and you should really try something that's, you know, maybe really hard or you know I don't know there's a lot of people that want to do those things and you should really try something that's You know, maybe less risky, you know, I was all in on on that
Starting point is 00:07:50 maybe that was a little bit naive, but there was no plan B for me and I had parents that fully supported that so when I wanted to go to batting cages at night because I wasn't hitting the ball The way I wanted to in baseball. My dad was there rolled up his sleeves took me there You know We hit took batting cracks for 30 minutes and we drove home and we talked the whole way home about did you see that dad? to in baseball. My dad was there, rolled up his sleeves, took me there. You know, we took batting cracks for 30 minutes and we drove home and we talked the whole way home about, did you see that dad? And they hit that one great. And then when I wanted to go learn to be a better quarterback, we'd go to a football camp and he'd track down there with me and he was saying, go for
Starting point is 00:08:16 it son. You got this. You know, you're going to be in there. And my mom, God bless her. You know, I was like the slowest player that ever ran at the combine, like ever in history. You can look it up. And my mom would be like, honey, you're so fast. You're so fast, honey. And I'm like the slowest player that ever ran at the combine like ever in history You can look it up and my mom would be like honey. You're so fast. You're so fast, honey I'm like mom. I'm slow. It's okay. No, no, no, you're just you're trust me. You're fine out there So that's just what unconditional love and support can do for you as a child that don't ever you know I always tell parents don't ever tell your kids they can't do something Yeah Don't ever, you know, I always tell parents, don't ever tell your kids they can't do something. Just go on and do it. You don't know what they can do. Yeah. So isn't that incredible when you hear that about not only the meaning of having his dad be present,
Starting point is 00:08:52 say at the batting cage or whatever, but to go for his dreams, not to say things like, well, everybody wants that or not everybody can do it. When you start sowing that into people as a child, they begin to live consistently with it. They begin to settle. They begin to become average and ordinary. So sometimes as a parent, as a leader, it's the invisible things we we don't even know what we're doing with our children that are attaching belief systems and
Starting point is 00:09:14 meanings in their minds that they carry with them their entire life. They're like mind viruses that were installed by our family when we were young or we are installing in our children and we don't even realize we're doing it in these subtle things we Do or do not say to people I got to also tell you this we do it with ourselves By the the conclusion we reach by what an event meant I'll give an example with my dad because I think this has something to do with Many of the blessings and good fortune that's happened in my life. I'm not an extraordinarily talented person. I don't have a particularly high IQ.
Starting point is 00:09:48 In fact, I think it's actually, in some cases, a little bit low. You know, I'm a motivated person, but I don't know that I'm more motivated than other people. But I have been raised in a way where meaning was framed well for me. And let me give you an example of this because it's been invisible to me until I was about 50 years old but My dad even though he was an alcoholic and a drinker and used drugs as well was incredible at Framing meaning for me. I'll give you a great example When I would play baseball and I ended up playing at a division 1 college level I was fortunate that I was a pretty good player and
Starting point is 00:10:22 I'd have a game. I went over four with two two ground outs, a strike out and a fly out. I'm walking off that field going, I failed today. I failed today. What most parents would do is they get in the car and go, so what happened on that curveball? Why'd you move your hands over like that? Next time get your hands up or that's why we got to do batting practice. That would be their frame and you would think, well that's a valuable lesson. It isn't initially because what you've done is you framed the meaning. So what we always wanna do in our lives is go,
Starting point is 00:10:50 what's this mean? And then take the instructions of what we need to do next. This is something that's probably never been taught to you before. My dad didn't even know he was doing this. But I'm not exaggerating this when I would tell you that he's done this hundreds of times for me. I'm walking off that field, I'm not very good, you know, 0 for 4.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Joey on our team had three home runs. He's so much better than me. Whatever it is that I was thinking as a young man. And by the way, this is from Little League all the way through college. And I'd get in the car and my dad would go, hey, so I got to tell you something. I don't know if you could hear the other dads in the stands, but that ground ball you hit to short, my youth flew down that line. You almost beat that thing out. It was incredible how fast you got down line goes Eddie The other dads were saying I don't I don't think there's a kid faster than little Eddie Mylet in the entire league
Starting point is 00:11:34 They were blown away by how quick you got down the line. It was awesome And I'd say really dad. It was like a blur And all of a sudden he took this ground out that took place and he's got it framed for me where we're focusing on the thing that I did which was bust my tail even though I knew I was gonna get thrown out. Blew down the line. My dad would go, you know what, a lot of guys, man, they just jog that thing out because they know they're gonna ground out.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Not you. You hustled all the way through. And people noticed that stuff, Eddie. Dads were talking about it. By the time we would get home, I felt great about myself. I took the right meetings with, and then he could say, by the way, let's take some extra batting practice this week. See if we can get your hands up a little bit,
Starting point is 00:12:13 drive through the ball. So do you understand the difference? The meaning of when I did the batting practice was completely different than it would have been had he not framed that event. And none of it that he told me was untrue he picked apart the things that served me to believe it didn't lie because when you if you're doing that if you're telling somebody something they know isn't true about that they didn't run
Starting point is 00:12:36 down the line or they weren't fast it's finding the evidence of the good in it finding the lesson in it first the other the other games were, you know, maybe I didn't have a very good game as well, but I'd make a great catch. My dad would go, I watched you before that guy got up, Eddie. I watched you move over two steps to your left. You didn't because you read the scouting report. You knew he likes to pull the ball in the right center field gap. They go, yeah, dad, I knew right.
Starting point is 00:12:59 He goes, man, the jump you got on that you did everything right. Right leg back first, first step back as an outfielder, that step was back, busted your tail the way you got up. I didn't think you were going to get to it because I, by the way, people are saying it, you can't get to it. When they got shocked, what a great play. That was awesome way to contribute to the team. That's the first thing he would do when I, and it became where I got addicted to hearing my dad's meaning about what my games looked like.
Starting point is 00:13:27 And then it built a pattern in me where I looked for the good meanings in things first, then I made adjustments. So let's just be clear here. That's everything in life. You miss a sales call, it's what did you do well? What went well? What are you going to do again? What was great?
Starting point is 00:13:45 Pull the right meaning from it. And then this is a learning experience. What do I need to learn to get better? And then you go, you're a learner, you're a grower. And so by the time that's done, you're going to get through all the things you need to do, but the meaning surge you not. I suck. I can't close.
Starting point is 00:14:01 I'm in a slump going into a sales meeting, right? Going into that meeting. You attaching the shoe. If I don't get this sale, it's going to be blah, blah. Now you've changed the wrong meeting because nothing's life or death like that. You've attached the wrong meeting to it. Now you've increased the pressure because you've attached a wrong meeting and now you don't perform to your best because the pressure's elevated. But if you attach the right meaning to the meeting I may change these people's lives today this is gonna go great if it doesn't go great I'm gonna get another one right there'll be other sales in my life it's not life or
Starting point is 00:14:33 death I know a lot's on the line but everything's gonna be okay and I'm gonna help these people today then you go into that meeting excited about what that meeting is pressure reduced worries, worries reduced, performance increases. for that is it's just healthy to be able to talk out loud about the problems you have in your life or to work on solutions. Whether or not you've got like trauma from your childhood that's pretty severe that you need to work through or maybe you're just feeling some emotions that don't serve you right now and you want to change them. Maybe it's none of that stuff and you just want to kind of get some more clarity and focus in your life and talk with somebody about where you want to go or what you want to accomplish or even what's holding you
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Starting point is 00:16:25 Element came up with a fantastic offer for us. Just go to slash my let to get a free sample pack with any purchase. That's slash my let. These statements and products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. So what this needs to become for you is habitual and intentional about attaching the right meanings. What this has done for me in my life habitually is that I don't have the regression or the up-and-down momentum in my life that most people have because when you're somebody who doesn't learn how to attach
Starting point is 00:17:03 the right meaning to an event, you have an up-and-down life emotionally basically the events of your life dictate your life don't they and for most people they go well of course they do it so everybody lives no they don't the events of their lives don't dictate their lives but if it's all if you're at the whim of the external things that happen if I close the sale I'll be happy if I don't I'm gonna attach the wrong meaning and be sad or angry or think I'm a loser. If I get this person to go out with me on a date
Starting point is 00:17:31 or I get this relationship, then I'll be happy. But if I don't, I have to not be happy and I'm not attractive and nobody wants me. Or very few people want me. Or that person's out of my league, right? I hear people say these things all the time and they wonder why they can't consistently find the emotions they want in their life because they've not learned to frame and attach meaning. And by the way, this isn't
Starting point is 00:17:50 Pollyanna. If I did something intentionally wrong on the field, my old man would let me know. I remember one time in college I got into this habit of arguing with umpires and whether there's balls and strikes or close plays at first base or if I'm stealing second and then when I wouldn't get the call I wanted it affected my body language And I remember after a game and the way he framed it was right though. I remember after a game in college We went out to dinner My dad was being quiet. I said, what's up? And he goes
Starting point is 00:18:20 I'm kind of embarrassed. I said why he goes you're so much better than how you're playing. And he goes, it's not even how you're playing because I'm gonna love you whether you get a hit or you don't get a hit. You know that. But I have to tell you, it's embarrassing to watch you argue with these umpires. And then after that, your shoulders are shrugged over, you're over on the side of the dugout by yourself, you're throwing your bat, your other teammates are distracted now, because you're just way better than that Way better than that and I said well, it's hard. It kind of you know, this matters now dad. It's college My dad goes it matters really compared to what? You know, you know our friend Barry Barry's got stage four chemo and every single day Barry goes in there whether that chemo works means he's gonna live or die
Starting point is 00:19:04 You know that little girl that's down the street. Don't forget about that Barry goes in there whether that chemo works means he's gonna live or die. You know that little girl that's down the street don't forget about that. She's got that heart issue Eddie and you imagine being a parent and having a three-year old little girl who every day is life and death and she's fighting for her life. He goes that's a big deal. Whether you get a hit in this game is it really that big of a deal? Let's just be honest. 30 years from now you're gonna be okay and what it did is it changed the meaning, it changed the perspective, and perspective and oftentimes in life drives your performance. Because I had the right meaning and the right
Starting point is 00:19:34 frame around it, it reduced my pressure, but it also still sewed into me the meaning that I was better than this. That's the right thing. Mother Teresa, for example, has this thing that I was reading about her where, and I've said this one other time on the show, I think, but the event does matter, but the meaning is everything. So for me and you, more than likely, if we saw somebody die, it would be tragic, cause trauma for us, we'd have nightmares about it. I mean, if we were physically there when somebody passed away, right?
Starting point is 00:20:03 Like say in an accident, and certainly wouldn't be a good day, right? So this is an extreme example and I'm not saying that it should be this way all the time because there just are things that aren't good in life. But even when those things happen, it's your ability to frame it correctly and learn something from it that changes it from just a disaster and your failure. In any event, Mother Teresa said that it was the honor of her life and what she was born to do when she was with somebody as they passed away. And the way she framed it, and I believe, was it's the honor of my life to be with a human being as their soul goes to heaven and leaves their body. And so the same exact event, we would have two different meanings.
Starting point is 00:20:43 If I rolled up to a car accident and there's someone there on the side of the road, God forbid, and they passed away in my arms in a horrific way, and they were, let's say, young, 30-year-old person, I would say I've just witnessed the greatest tragedy of my life. I can't get the visual out of my mind, etc., etc. I'm using an extreme example for a reason. You wouldn't say there's anything wrong with that, but I'm just telling you that exact same event, Mother Teresa would say, I had an honor today. I was with the passing of a soul that went to heaven. And she was so focused on heaven and how blissful it was to get there that she attached a totally different meaning to that event. And of course, I'm using an extreme example here just to illustrate that the emotions in her body during that moment would have been gratitude, faith, prayer, and comfort. Emotions in my body would be completely different. My experience would
Starting point is 00:21:31 be different by the meaning. And of course, that's an extreme example. My point is it illustrates, if you can get good at framing and meaning things and telling yourself the truth about it, your life is literally going to change. So what you have to start to do is the way you frame meaning is the questions you ask yourself about something. So what would I need to believe about this event so that it served me? What did I learn from this example? What did I do well and what can I build from? Nothing's always completely wrong. And then from there, what do I need to get better at? And if you don't learn to control this part of your life, this narrative, these questions that you ask yourself, right? You're
Starting point is 00:22:10 gonna have a very difficult time sustaining success because events go up and down, right? I'm concerned about what's going on in the world as much as anybody, but I don't let myself believe it means the end of the world necessarily, the end of my life or that I'm powerless Over all of those things because those are things that just don't serve me emotionally So I ask myself is there a meaning I can attach to this that serves me are there better questions I can ask myself About what's happening right now to reframe my perspective on it I really believe that framing is everything in life, like the Brady's did for their son, like my dad did for me,
Starting point is 00:22:47 like you should be doing for the people you lead, your children, your friends, and also yourself. So people ask me oftentimes, so how do I know if I've attached the right meaning? Well, you won't for a long time. But what you can ask yourself is this question, and it's a powerful one. Does this meaning I've attached this event serve me?
Starting point is 00:23:06 And if the answer to that is I don't think it serves me, it gives me pain, it gives me agony, it gives me stress, it gives me worry, it gives me angst, it makes me lose my confidence or my belief in myself. The first question you ask yourself is what meaning have I attached to this? Because oftentimes that's unconscious and we're oblivious and it's invisible and we just go about our lives. The first question is what meaning did I attach to this because oftentimes that's unconscious and we're oblivious and it's invisible. And we just go about our lives. The first question is, what meaning did I attach to this? Second question is, does this meaning serve me?
Starting point is 00:23:33 Right? And if the answer to that is no, here's a powerful question, believe it or not. What would I need to believe about this so that it would serve me? And begin to craft that meaning. Fourth question you could ask yourself is, what would so-and-so believe about this so that it would serve me." And begin to craft that meaning. Fourth question you could ask yourself is, what would so-and-so believe about this event if it happened to them? And model it. Because sometimes we think so little of
Starting point is 00:23:55 ourselves because of all these years of attaching the wrong meaning, that when we go to ask ourselves what would I need to believe about this, we can't find the answer. But immediately when we pick somebody we admire or we look up to we immediately find the right answer. Isn't that interesting? What would I need to believe and if that doesn't work what would so-and-so believe about this event? And then the last one which is the most powerful one is what does God want me to believe about this event so that it serves me, so that I can serve his kingdom and his children even better than I am currently? And somewhere in those questions you'll begin to find the
Starting point is 00:24:33 meanings that serve you. You know there's a great saying going around that several influencers say but Jamie Kern-Lemus says it the most which is that rejection is God's protection. What a great frame and what a great meaning to attach when rejection happens. That really, this wasn't for you, this wasn't meant for you, and even though you want it so badly, I'm protecting you by not giving you this relationship, protecting you by not getting that job you wanted,
Starting point is 00:24:55 that sale that you had. And I have to tell you, when I look back in my life, now 53 years into my life, all the rejection that took place was God's protection. And I actually attached the meaning from that. So what if you went in knowing that there's a hand on your life and that it's always guiding you and that you're in the palm of his hand and that you have the blood of the King of Kings running through your DNA, that you're capable of anything in your life.
Starting point is 00:25:22 That doesn't mean you're not going to make mistakes. It doesn't mean you don't have to apologize for things. But what it does mean in life is that your life beliefs matter. And the big one that matters is your world view beliefs about who you are in the world. And if you can begin to attach that, I believe the world conforms
Starting point is 00:25:37 to what you believe about yourself. Let me say that to you again. The world conforms to what you believe about yourself. And if you don't attach the right beliefs to that, I am telling you, you're going to think it's crazy when I tell you this and I'm going to have a few of you really think I'm not. So that's okay. But I really believe, you know, that I'm a faith-based person. I'm a Christian. I also, though, believe in vibration, in frequency. Everything is energy. And when you can get yourself to vibrate at the highest possible frequency, and by the way, the highest vibrational frequency is truth. And so when you're speaking truth to yourself, you're vibrating at the highest possible frequency.
Starting point is 00:26:11 And people that are successful or are on a roll, if you've ever had momentum, you know exactly what I'm talking about. You can get to the point where you're vibrating so high, you're bringing things into your life left and right through what you're thinking about. And by the way, if you're a successful person, you have to be really careful what you think about because you think about your problems or you think about some drug or alcohol, you'll bring them into your life and you know exactly what I'm talking about. Well, I can get in states now at 53 years old and have learned all these tactics and skills. Crazy things happen. And I know you've all had this experience before where you thought about somebody that you haven't
Starting point is 00:26:44 talked to in 10 years and the next day they call you, right? Or they pop up on your Facebook page. I have to tell you that there are runs in my life like recently where it's crazy how often I am talking about somebody in the next day they message me or the same day. I had an experience last week where I was coaching somebody and I brought a random name up of somebody that was in my business 25 years ago that I don't talk to anymore. Don't I don't have any contact with them. I don't even know where they are and randomly the next day they take a picture of themselves and Send me it with another friend of mine ago. Hey man thinking about you out of the blue this morning I was just coaching someone yesterday and I said, I think you should
Starting point is 00:27:25 copy so-and-so's content. That person messaged me, have you ever had that happen? That's when you're vibrating at a high frequency. And what if you believed that the world conforms to what you believe? What if you've actually adopted that as your meaning? And what if that started to reframe your entire world? And if I'm right about that, if it bends and conforms to what you believe about yourself, truly, if the conforms to what you believe about yourself truly,
Starting point is 00:27:45 if the world gives you what you believe you think you deserve long-term, not in your time, in God's time, maybe not in a week, maybe not in a month, maybe not in a year, maybe not even in a decade, but at some point you get the amount, and by the way, it may show up in a package that you don't expect. Hey everyone, Dave Meyer here to tell you about Laurel Road.
Starting point is 00:28:04 Laurel Road. Laurel Road is a digital banking platform and brand of KeyBank that provides tailored solutions to support the financial wellbeing of healthcare and business professionals. In April 2019, Laurel Road became part of KeyBank, which is one of the nation's largest bank-based financial service companies
Starting point is 00:28:19 and a member of the FDIC. Laurel Road's banking and lending solutions include student loan refinancing, mortgages, personal loans, student loan cash back credit cards, tailored savings accounts, and more. And right now, for just a limited time, Laurel Rhodes high yield savings account has an annual percentage yield greater than 4%. That's up to 10 times the national savings rate. And the nice part about this digital account is that it features zero monthly service fees, no minimum balance requirement, and costs zero dollars to open. With perks like that, you'll be seeing results and better buying power for your buck in no
Starting point is 00:28:51 time. Visit slash pockets to learn more and see other ways they can benefit you. Tell them bigger pockets in you. Laurel Road, your partner on the road to financial peace of mind, equal housing lender, member FDIC. This person you're dreaming of being in a relationship with, right? It's not the person necessarily. It's how you think you'll feel if you were with someone like that.
Starting point is 00:29:13 It might, it's not the jet that you want. It's how you think the jet will make you feel. It's not the house or the watch. It's how you think those things will make you feel ultimately, or being able to serve full time on a mission or in your church. It's the, it's how you think it'll make you feel that you really want. You really want is the feeling and the emotion. Well, here's what's crazy.
Starting point is 00:29:34 Eventually, I believe God delivers that to you. That's my phraseology, your phraseology, the world conforms, but eventually it shows up. Here's what's ironic. Oftentimes it'll show up in a package that you didn't visualize, but it will give you the same emotion you so desired. So a lot of times your dream will end up happening, but not exactly the way that you saw it, but it'll make you feel the way you hoped it would, or even the
Starting point is 00:29:59 relation, heck, some of you are married to somebody right now you're so in love. It's amazing, but that would never have been the person you were picturing in your dreams. It shows up oftentimes in a package that is unexpected or doesn't look or feel or seem like what you wanted, but it'll make you feel like you want. But if you don't control the meaning, so your obsessions become your possessions.
Starting point is 00:30:19 What you obsess about and think about regularly, you eventually attract into your life. That's why an alcoholic or a drug addict can get their drugs with no resources, live it on the street, no money, no budget, no house. Somehow they find a way to get their drugs, don't they? Their alcohol. Have you ever been with somebody who's gotten addiction like that? They fly into a city and within an hour they know where to get it. Because you become resourceful when you attach the right meaning and become obsessed with what you want. You vibrate at a high enough
Starting point is 00:30:43 frequency, you draw it into your life. Well, you can't get to that frequency or that level of clarity or that level of prayer without getting control of what the events of your life mean to you. It may be one of, if not the most important thing I've taught you is that you are, if I'm right, okay, you are not cognizant, conscious of getting better at framing the events of your world to you, to your children. And for your children, things are caught, not taught. If you're not really careful about this, your children will end up having to overcome you someday and you don't want that.
Starting point is 00:31:26 If you don't heal your wounds, if you don't start learning to attach the right meaning to your life, your children catch some of this. And then when they're an adult, they're trying to overcome what you gave them in the mind virus. And by the way, you love them too much for that. And none of this is intentional.
Starting point is 00:31:43 You're not intending to give them these things or to frame things slightly, or to just not frame them at all. Can you imagine a poor child who goes through their entire childhood and they were raised by a parent who didn't frame things correctly or maybe just framed it for them till they were like five or six years old and then started be careful not everybody can have those things. Well, families like ours, you know, or your victim thing starts to leak out a little bit, you know, that's for other people and this or that.
Starting point is 00:32:13 And by the way, you're right. You actually literally may be right, but every day there's someone just like you proving you wrong. Not because necessarily from a factual standpoint you were wrong, but because they decided to take a different meaning in a different frame to their life and overcome those facts, overcome those odds. And winning when you have to overcome something is a million times sweeter than when you don't. You find
Starting point is 00:32:40 somebody who's become wealthy who was raised with it compared to somebody who had to earn it and comes from poverty I can tell you the person who had to earn it and comes from poverty and had to overcome There are a million times more grateful and blissful for that part of their life You come from somebody who comes from a broken family or a broken marriage and they build a stable one They're so grateful and so in love But when someone comes from a great family and everything was cozy and comfy the whole time they're happy about it but not like the person who comes from a broken place and so meaning is truth and
Starting point is 00:33:14 I'm speaking truth to you today and I just want you to know that you're capable of changing your life and these are some of the steps required to do it when I say max out your life I mean that very seriously you were born to do something great with your life and if you get to the end of your life and what if when you pass away at the end of your life God shows you a video of your life of everything that happened the traumatic things the wins the failures the setbacks and Then during that entire video, he says, this is what that was supposed to mean. This is what that was supposed to mean. This is what that
Starting point is 00:33:49 one meant. Don't you realize you're my child? Don't you realize I hold you in the palm of my hand? Don't you realize that rejection was protection? I hid that person from you. I hid that from you so that it could protect you. I didn't give you that sale because you were gonna take that money and buy a car that you could have been killed in. Who knows? But didn't you understand this entire time I had my hand on your life?
Starting point is 00:34:14 That's what each of these things meant. Or you could decide to go through your life starting today and go, I'm gonna try to start attaching the meanings to things that serve me. And the number one thing and go, I'm going to try to start attaching the meanings to things that serve me. And the number one thing that you need to attach a meaning to is you. Who you are, how special you are, how amazing you are. If you can attach the right meaning to your value, you'll try to live up to it by working
Starting point is 00:34:41 harder. You'll try to, see, if I think I'm the greatest baseball player in the world I don't have to argue with the umpire. I don't have to throw my bat. That came because I didn't believe in me. So when you attach the meaning to you your life starts changing and the world begins to conform eventually to what you truly believe about you. All right, it's pretty good, huh? I hope you enjoyed today on many different levels and I hope that it's served you because I really do this just hoping that in that your life and the beach of your life I'm a speck of sand of hope and strategy and tactics and belief and some inspiration too so that the end of your life is the magnificent
Starting point is 00:35:24 masterpiece you've always dreamed it would be. You're capable of it, you're worth it, you deserve it some inspiration too, so that the end of your life is the magnificent masterpiece you've always dreamed it would be. You're capable of it, you're worth it, you deserve it, and if you really begin to attach the right meaning to your life, I think you'll get it on God's time. Max Outt! This is The Ed Mylan Show.

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