THE ED MYLETT SHOW - The Identity Shift You Must Make

Episode Date: October 5, 2023

Today, I WANT YOU TO FOCUS ON YOU.Many people overlook it, but the truth is you can't figure out your place in the world until you figure out who you are.This 1:1 episode is all about your IDENTITY an...d how you can use a razor-sharp understanding of yourself to…🔥 ACCOMPLISH the big-ticket goals in your life🔥 Enjoy healthier and more LOVING RELATIONSHIPS🔥 Consistently live in your peak FINANCIAL, PHYSICAL and MENTAL statesWhether you want to hear it or not, if you’re not checking all these boxes, the only person responsible for that is YOU and your perception of who you are.IDENTITY is the most important foundational building block that affects every other part of your life.It’s what you believe is the TRUTH about yourself.When those truths serve you well, you’ll lead a great life. When they don’t, you’ve got work to do to change your thoughts about who you are and what you deserve by changing your INTERNAL THERMOSTAT.Listen closely as I explain how you can tap into that identity thermostat using FAITH, INTENTION, and ASSOCIATION.This episode is a wake-up call for you to LOOK IN THE MIRROR and decide who you are and that you’re worthy of the best that life has to offer.The only way to do that is to work on your IDENTITY.Because who you believe who you are is eventually the person you will become. 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is The Edmila Show. Hi, it's Ed Mylett, and I'm going to give you a strategy today that's going to help you be more positive and contribute in the lives of other people. See, here's the thing. If you're feeling helpless, one of the antidotes to feeling helpless is to get more helpful. And one of the ways you can be most helpful is to raise your own identity. Our identity is the core part of our lives. We're not going to outperform our identity.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Our identity best set is it's the thoughts, concepts, and beliefs we hold to be the most true about ourselves. It's really the invisible force in all of our lives that holds us back or can accelerate our success, our bliss, our achievements to whole new levels. If you look at identity, if you think about it, it's almost like it's a life thermostat. See, in this room right now, there's a thermostat sitting on that wall right now. And if it's set at 75 degrees, this room is going to be regulated to 75 degrees. No matter what the external conditions are, it could be 100 degrees outside.
Starting point is 00:01:00 The external factors do not impact the internal thermostat in this room. It's 75 degrees. Consequently, also if it was 40 degrees outside, the heater will come on. It'll heat this room to 75 degrees. That's how your identity works. It's the internal thermostat of your life. That's why very often, let's say that relationships or financially, you're a 75 degreeer. If you ever notice in your life, as you start to heat life up a little bit, it starts to go pretty well. Maybe relationships blissful and loving
Starting point is 00:01:26 and incredible or financially, you've increased your results. You're at 80, 85, 90, 100 degrees of success financially or in business. And then it just seems coincidental, but somehow some way the air conditioner kicks on in our lives, you know, a car breaks down and event happens. We lose an account. Something takes place and all of a sudden we look up and boom, life's back at 75 degrees of relationship, of money, of business. That wasn't by coincidence.
Starting point is 00:01:53 It is the regulator of your life is your identity. And so if you can do all the right things, all the activities, all of the thinking, all of the execution part, but if you don't increase what you believe you're worth, if you don't increase that identity, that thermostat of your life, you will find a way to cool your life back down to what you believe you deserve. And so one of the keys for me in my life is not just getting better at the mindset of
Starting point is 00:02:14 life and the execution of business or strategy, but raising that identity so that I'm at 85, 90, 100, 120 degrees, so that I believe I'm worthy of, as my execution and my thinking reaches the same level, that thermostat setting, that life-studying will change. It's not the external conditions of our life that dictate the terms, it's that identity, it's that thermostat setting. So, we gotta get more helpful if we feel helpless. And the way we do that is by increasing our own identity
Starting point is 00:02:43 that thermostat setting. That sounds great, doesn't it? So how do you do that? Well, I call it the holy trilogy of shifting one's identity and that is faith, intention, and association. That's the three things you must work on in order to increase your thermostat setting. Number one faith, for me, it's the center part of my life, is that I have a God who loves me, that believes in me, that wants to see me successful,
Starting point is 00:03:05 wants to see me prosper, wants to have favor in my life, wants me to feel comfort and peace. And so I find oftentimes it's interesting people of faith sometimes, they're, they're, God's in their life, Sunday at church when they're worshiping or they're in Bible study or when they're eating a meal, they'll pray over it.
Starting point is 00:03:22 But somehow when they walk into a business meeting, a speech, a boardroom, a client environment, they leave God at the door and they think they're on their own. So for me, if you're a person of faith and God is with you all the time, and He loves you all the time, and He comforts you all the time, that includes business, that includes every area of your life,
Starting point is 00:03:40 and includes Him wanting to bless you with a great relationship, bless you financially, bless you to the best of your abilities in business. And then whatever the other, if you're an athlete watching this, bless you in that ad bat over that pot, catching that football, hitting that shot. And so number one source of shifting your thermostat setting is reconnecting again with your faith and allowing yourself to feel it inside all the other environments that exist. Then there's number two, there's your intentions.
Starting point is 00:04:06 See I don't think enough people give themselves credit for having great intention. There's a power to intention in our lives. And so what most of us think is, I'll feel better about myself or I'll be more confident when I get that job, when I get that relationship, when I get this amount of money, when I get that house, when I get that home run, when I'm hitting a certain average, right? And so you're always chasing your tail. If your identity and your confidence is contingent upon producing a result that has not yet existed, it's pretty difficult to catch it isn't if you have to have it to get it in the first place. Instead of saying, maybe I ought to get credit and I ought to be worthy of more because I intend to do well. As a young man in business,
Starting point is 00:04:45 I started to figure out, you know, I may not have all the answers. I may not be the smartest, the best-looking, the most articulate my IQ isn't 250, but I intend to serve. I intend to make a difference. I make mistakes, but overall, I'm a good person who wants to do good in the world, and I should be favored because of that. Not enough of you are giving yourself credit for your intentions. You want to shift your identity overnight, connect with your faith. You want to double shift it, connect with your intentions. So when I go into a business meeting or I go into a lunch or I'm going into any type of encounter, even in my golf life, in my sport, I play, I remind myself that I've got a
Starting point is 00:05:21 God who loves me, who wants me to win, who wants me to be blessed, who wants me to be favored, who wants me to feel peace. Number two, I intend to do good. I'm a decent human being. And you know what? Good things ought to happen to good people. And then third is association. You are who you hang around. So if you're a 85 degree or 75 degree or financially, but you start hanging around someone, say like myself, who lives at a hundred to forty, a hundred and fifty degrees of finances and wealth and abundance. You will get heated up by proximity to somewhere in between the two of us and a lot closer to where I am than where you are. Same thing in relationships.
Starting point is 00:05:55 If you want to have a great loving relationship in your life, but you're living at 75 degrees in your relationships, you start hanging around people who are in loving, beautiful relationships. Your thermostat setting will increase, same within your faith life. If you want to start walking with more faith in your 75 degrees of faith, if you start hanging around people who walk their faith life at 150 degrees, you'll be heated up through proximity. And so these are the three things we do in order to shift our lives. Our identity is the governor on our life.
Starting point is 00:06:22 It is the most powerful force in the world. It's the invisible force that governs everything is that thermostat setting. And then if that's true, the way we shift it is always going to be our faith, our intentions, and our associations. And that those associations are so huge. I know you've all heard you're, you know, you're the product of who you hang around the most often. But look at the last 90 days of your life. Okay, and ask yourself this question. Other than say your spouse or children, who are the two or three or four people you've spent the most time with? Picture their faces and their lives right now. And then I want you to measure one thing.
Starting point is 00:06:53 What's their emotional maturity like? See, what I find with all successful people is they have a degree of emotional maturity that other people are absent of. So I always measure, what's their emotional maturity? How do they handle success? How do they handle failure? How do they handle their lives? Then ask yourself this, these three or four people you've been around. Can you immediately name two or three things
Starting point is 00:07:14 that they have in their life in an area that matters? Do you let's say it's money, let's just say it was money, that they have that you don't have that you wish you did have, or in relationships. Do you, can you name two or three things in their relationships that they have that you wish you had, or in business, or in their physical body? And if you can't immediately go, yeah, they got two, three, four things, man, I would love to have that in my life.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Then I'm not so sure that that's the person you ought to spend the most time with. The reverse question is also, hey, can you name two or three things they have that you definitely don't want? When you look at their financial life, if finances are important to you, or do they have two or three things going on in their life financially, you definitely want no part of, or in their relationship life. You know, if you want a better relationship, if you look at their relationship, there are two or three things like, I wouldn't want that relationship. I don't like the way here she treats them, or they get treated. You can look at that, or their physical body. You want to be in really great shape.
Starting point is 00:08:05 You look at them, do they have two or three things about their health or wellness that you don't think are really great? Well, that's an immediate sign. Maybe they're the wrong people. And so taking an evaluation of who your associations are, are they emotionally mature? Do they have the two or three things
Starting point is 00:08:18 you would like to have in your life? They have in theirs that you'd like to get heated up and get, or do they have two or three things you want to avoid? These are signs that you should be away from them. So the way we get more helpful is we increase our identity and we increase our identity by working on our faith, our intention and our associations.
Starting point is 00:08:36 If you do those three things, I believe you're gonna live happier, you're gonna help other people become happier, you're gonna make a contribution in people's lives that's deeper and more meaningful than you've ever made before. And by the way, lastly, that's what you were put here to do. You were put here.
Starting point is 00:08:48 You were born to do something great with your life. In small ways and big ways, you were made to do something awesome with your life. Maybe not all of it's going to get line lighter and notoriety, but you were born to make a difference in the world. And the more you realize that, the more you step into your intention, the more you step into the person your cable will be coming, the more you just decide on raising that thermostat setting.
Starting point is 00:09:11 I'm no longer this other character I was playing at any point, you and God are the authors of your life. You can grab the pen and start to write a new chapter and say, I'm stepping into this new character, their identities higher, they're more faithful, their focus on their intentions more often. They improve their associations and they help people. Well, I hope I'm doing that for you, right, quite frankly. That's why I exist.
Starting point is 00:09:31 And so, if you're not following me on Instagram, or my podcast on iTunes, or Spotify, or one of those platforms, or YouTube channel subscribed to all of those, and follow me every day, I create content that I hope improves your life, helps you max out your life. And today is one of those little snippets for just a few minutes that I hope helps you
Starting point is 00:09:48 help more people. God bless you, max out. This is The End My Let's Show. you

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