THE ED MYLETT SHOW - The Secret To Fulfillment

Episode Date: June 22, 2023

Get ready for a game-changing episode that puts YOU in the spotlight as I answer your burning questions! This week it’s just me and YOU 1:1.This week’s question is: Do you have any strategies I ca...n use to IMPROVE THE OVERALL QUALITY OF MY LIFE?Get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and experience the sweetest moments of gratitude and fulfillment. I’m sharing powerful strategies that will transform the way you experience and appreciate every moment including:How to unleashing the incredible power of observationThe art of practicing respect for others and its profound impactRecognizing and embracing the influence of a higher power in your journeyFinding joy and gratitude in life's smallest and often overlooked detailsHarnessing the transformative power of conscious breathingThe art of people watching and gaining valuable insights from those around youImmersing yourself in the awe-inspiring beauty of nature's wondersEmbracing the profound connection found in physical touchThese may seem like simple actions, but they hold the potential to create a seismic shift in your life!Don't miss this episode that has the power to revolutionize the way you perceive and engage with the world around you and witness the remarkable transformation that unfolds!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right. Welcome back to the show. Everybody. As you know, I'm now starting to answer questions on our Thursday releases that you can submit on Instagram at Ed Mylet. And I'm going to answer your questions on topics you would like me to cover on the show. These shows on Thursdays. You'll hear them whenever you know, but they come out on Thursdays 15 to 25, 30 minutes every single week. In addition to the interviews, the conversations that I do on Tuesdays that are about an hour long, we're now releasing these in addition, fastest growing show in the world because it changes people's lives. And so this week, I, one of the questions that I got was, Ed, do you have any strategies that you can suggest to me on how I can improve
Starting point is 00:00:42 the overall quality of my life, including gratitude. And by the way, everyone's asking these things that I don't hear from everybody else. And so I want to give you some things that you're not going to hear from everybody else. So listen, I want you to write this topic down. I want you to write this word down, observer. The quality of your life will increase dramatically if you begin to believe and act like an observer in your life. I want you to think about that just for a second.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Observer really means to notice or perceive. One of the reasons we lack such gratitude or even happiness in our life is it's all happening so fast. And so we've lost sensory acuity in our life. What means is that there's just information and stuff happening all the time. We're busy our phone, our laptop, our computer, our TV, our Netflix, the meetings we have, the calls we have, our family, the obligations,
Starting point is 00:01:32 the travel, whatever it might be, work. We just don't have time to observe. And so everything just happens quickly. And we don't get any of the juice out of our life. And as a result, that's very difficult to be grateful. One of the ways that I define myself now is I'm an observer. What I mean by that is I'm an observation. I'm in my life as a participant. It's gonna get pretty deep.
Starting point is 00:01:55 I'm in my life as a participant every single day. I'm in my meetings. I have my phone calls. I have my family. I have my workouts. I have my dreams and the things I'm achieving. But if you're not careful, all the speed of that, all the busyness of that, you don't see anything, you don't feel anything, you don't experience anything in any depth, the depth of experience is the
Starting point is 00:02:18 quality of our life. And so maybe about a decade ago, and probably a lot more about five years ago, I started to call myself to myself, I'm an observer of my own life. I'm an observer of humanity. I'm an observer of other people's lives. And so the more I started to condition myself to be more observational, to notice more, to perceive more,
Starting point is 00:02:50 maybe I even slowed down just a little bit. The depth of the gratitude in my life, the depth of my ability to make decisions, my discernment, my intuition, frankly my intellect, I have tapped into a superpower by becoming more observational. tapped into a superpower by becoming more observational. It's all my TV examples and the teachings in a second. It's also caused me to be more grateful, more present, more peaceful, yet at the same time, what I need to be even more intense and competitive than I've ever been before. That's because I'm in my life. Most people are just in their life. And they never are aware of it. They never observe it.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Observation causes awareness. The happiest people. And by the way, the people that I love to be around the most in my life are the most self-aware. I think it's one of the reasons I love stand-up comedians so much, so many other than my friends, because they're so funny, because they're so self-aware. They also many of them use observational comedy.
Starting point is 00:03:50 They observe things about life that we miss every single day. And then when they pointed out, it's funny. Am I right? That's the only thing. We really have most comedy. A lot of comedy is observational. It's like, well, we just miss it, but it's there. And so when a comedian tells us a joke about something,
Starting point is 00:04:05 we go, that one, or even take, don't take a comedian, take in your religious services, any of you that practice your pastor, a priest, or rabbi, or whatever it might be, we'll point something out and it's something that you, you should be seeing and observing everything in your life, but you just miss and then when they point it out, you go, yeah, that's obvious.
Starting point is 00:04:22 So I'm gonna talk to you a little bit about this for a minute. Number one, start to show more respect for people. What do I mean by that? What I mean by that is put your phone down. When someone walks in a room, put your phone down. When you go to dinner or lunch with them, don't put it on the table, put it in your bag, put it in your purse, put it in your lap,
Starting point is 00:04:44 leave it in the car. This it in your bag, put it in your purse, put it in your lap. Leave it in the car. This forces you to become more observational and present with people. And when you do that, it changes your life. So I become observational of these various things. I'm gonna teach you how to do it. God's stuff. I observe God's stuff more.
Starting point is 00:05:02 Into a level of depth that I never did. And this is gonna sound hokey, but I'm gonna give you some insights in it. I spend more time when I go outside and I hold my gaze at God's beauty longer. It's not that you don't walk outside and see a beautiful field or a stream or even a building that one of God's creatures
Starting point is 00:05:19 was an architect created, but you hold it quickly. I've started to observe, this may sound really weird, but I did this this morning. I walked out behind my house, there's an ocean out there which I can observe God's beauty there, but I did something much more simple. There's a, I wish I could show you. I kind of could, I don't know if you guys can see that right out there, if you're watching on YouTube, there's like a garden above my water feature there. And I just walked out there and I sat there for a few minutes and I just stared at one leaf on one tree. And I kind of forced myself to observe it longer than I might.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Just one leaf. I narrowed my focus down to one leaf and the nuances of it and the crevices and I started to notice the different color in it. And where it was cracked in one place. And I held that gaze for a good minute. Very different than orange. Oh, there's tree. And then I moved to another one, another tree with a different leaf on it. I spent some time observing it. I was much more present with myself, much more present.
Starting point is 00:06:23 I then walked back in the house and my family was having breakfast instantaneously. I was more present and when I walked in I paused for a second and I held the gaze and I watched my family in the beauty of them. My precious son's home from college, so as my daughter, they were both actually in the kitchen at the same time. They said, Hey, what's going on guys? I stopped. I just held a gaze. It's my only son. It's my only little girl. And I watched him for a little bit. And I appreciated them for a little bit. I let myself feel love for them just for a little bit.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Just for a little bit. Just for a little bit. It filled me with gratitude. So I'm grateful for that. There's all these things around us all the time that if we just held the gaze a little longer and stopped looking around, not just put our phone down, that's basic, but just became fully present with a leaf, with a building, with a water feature, with a piece of, you ever, I do this lately where I stare at my hand, and I just notice things about me that I've never noticed before. You know most of you aren't familiar with your own hand. If I showed you your hand in a picture of the inside of your hand, you're probably not even familiar with where the lines are.
Starting point is 00:07:51 I think that's my hand. I'm not sure it's my hand. If I don't even know that about me, what else don't I know about me? That's a pretty basic thing. I've been so busy, man, my gosh, I went decades, never looked at my own hand. I mean, I see I have a hand, but you know what I mean? That depth of observation causes you, by the way, to vibrate much faster in higher frequency. It causes you to have more gratitude and appreciation. It causes you to be more present with other people. I'm going to tell you right now, your decision making, your thought processes,
Starting point is 00:08:22 your ability to control your emotions are exponentially connected to your ability to be observed and be present. And this is a skill, it is a talent and it is not easy. I want to also tell you what I observe that's changed my life. I take time every day now to observe my breathing. You take for granted your breathing every single day. But if it stopped right now, you end. It's probably something to pay attention to. So if I can get quiet and just pay attention to my breathing and hear myself and feel myself breathe, I'm much more self-connected. I'm much more grateful. I'm much more centered. I'm much smarter instantly. Instantly, I'm stronger and smarter and more present. If you can't be present with yourself,
Starting point is 00:09:09 you have no way in the world of being present with other people. You're like, man, I'm busy. Number one thing, in business, the ability to build rapport and connect with people. If you can't connect and build rapport and connect with yourself, you can't do it with other people.
Starting point is 00:09:22 People say to me all the time, your interviews are just different. In fact, I see some guests on one show I see them on years, it's a completely different conversation. Why is that? I think it's my ability to be present with them and connect with them because I'm connected with myself. So I ask a smarter question in the moment. I can feel something and energy from them that others don't feel and they feel from me. Now that makes a good podcast but it also makes a good salesperson, it also makes a good mother, it also makes a good everything. And so it's something that I really work on. So I perceive God's
Starting point is 00:09:59 stuff, art, I perceive architecture, my breathing is a huge one. Just for today, give yourself a gift. Just for a second right now. Give yourself breath. Remember that guy? Remember her? She's been there all the time. You. Busy you. Distracted you. She's been there all the time.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Pay a little more attention to her. Pay a little bit more attention to him. It'll help you pay attention to everybody else. She's with you all the time. He's always been there. There's only been two constants in your entire life. God and you. How much attention do you pay to each of you? You ought to give yourself that gift. It's why you're not happy. It's why you're not more productive. It's why you're not more influential. It's why you're not richer. It's why you don't have the emotions you want. It's why you don't have the body you want. It's why you don't have the things you want. Whatever the things are that you're lacking, it comes down to self-awareness,
Starting point is 00:11:20 presence, and connection with oneself and one's maker. I pay attention to humanity. One thing I do a little bit more of than I've ever done in my life is when I walk into places, I observe people. I observe people. I walk into a restaurant. I'll watch until they come up to me. I watch people. And even when they do come up to me, while they're talking, I observe them. I'm present with them and look at their face. I wonder what their story is. I wonder what their history is. I love to people watch when I'm not noticed and I'm alone in an airport or somewhere. And I love just to
Starting point is 00:11:54 watch God's creations, these precious humans. I know this may sound hokey, but I do it a lot. And I pray for them. I'll people walk by me on the street. They don't recognize me. I'll piece me with you. I just have that thought. This connects me to people. This gives me gratitude and depth. I don't want to be a one dimensional human being. I want to have multiple dimensions and experience multiple emotions. The way I do that is I observe. Sounds corny, but I love if there's stars out at night just to observe and take the time and notice them. You've all done this once or twice in your life and it's just felt good.
Starting point is 00:12:30 You can give yourself the gift of that every single day. Something I do kinda, say my regularly, is I just look at me in the mirror and notice things about me that are aging or that have changed. But I like being present with me. It makes me more comfortable with me. I never liked myself before. I never liked myself. I built muscles on my body and made millions of dollars and new, famous people and did all these things to
Starting point is 00:12:58 sort of hide from me. That's not a way to live. Pay attention to your breathing. Pay attention to people. Pay attention to humanity. Pay attention to God's stuff. Pay attention to people. Give them the respect. Show up on time. Show up early.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Hold your gaze with someone longer. When you see a man, how are you? You do? Hey man. How are you? You know, you do. Hey man, how are you? And hold the gaze a little longer. High sister. I love you. When you walk into your office, just hold the gaze a little longer. Ask the question and listen just another tick. How are you? No, man, how are you?
Starting point is 00:13:47 See the difference? How you doing, buddy? All right, my man. It's supposed to be, man. How are you? Hold the gaze and listen. Whoo, it's good stuff. Tell I sold so much, tell I got so rich,
Starting point is 00:14:03 it's not why I did it. Why I got the biggest podcast, it's why people think I'm the best or one of the best speakers in the world. So if you're thinking, hey man, this is Spoofoo, this is business too. How are you? You okay? What's going on? What do you got that you're excited about? And listen, and here's a biggie
Starting point is 00:14:26 This was a hard one for me Hold the hug longer when you see somebody hold the hug and give you some data After a six seconds in a hug the brain starts to release oxytocin and serotonin Before that it doesn't so if I hug you, hey, what's up? Right? All right. It's nothing. If you hold a hug for six seconds, your brain now floods, starts to release, by the way, serotonin and oxytocin into both of you. Oxytocin, you know, you're getting pleasure from that, people get addicted to this. You're getting pleasure from that. It also increases your immune system and reduces depression. If you can hold the hug for 10 seconds, you get what they call a serotonin oxy-flud. A flood. So you're not only giving yourself that gift if you can do it,
Starting point is 00:15:17 but you're giving yourself the gift of other people. What I'm basically saying here on everything is, if you could just hold the gaze a little longer, if you could pay attention to your breathing a little more, if you could just take a flower or a book or your hand or something and just get present with it and notice the different things, become an observer and notice or of things. If when you hug somebody, all the data tells us, hug it for six seconds, you both get the gift. You wait, if you do four seconds, you don't get any of it. Hold it it for six seconds. You both get the gift. You wait, you do four seconds. You don't get any hold it for two more seconds. And you get this flood of oxytocin and serotonin.
Starting point is 00:15:50 That's just one of the guys greatest gift is basically the gratitude chemical. If you want more gratitude. And so I know this is not stuff you think, my man, my tattoo, jacked up, you know, super rich guy that's podcasting. Let's do it now. He's talking about holding hugs longer and looking at flowers and staring at his hand and paying attention to his breathing. And yeah, because the question was, Ed, what is something that I can do to have more happiness, success and gratitude that most people never talk about? So I could give you the normal list that everybody else talks about, that I've talked about, or I could start on Thursdays to give you stuff you don't hear anywhere
Starting point is 00:16:29 in the world. And it's this. And so, and that's why right now I can shift gears and get super intense because I'm fully present. I'm fully self-aware in the moment. Doesn't mean I always am. But it's helped me control my emotions. It's helped me control my thinking my intellect my relationships all of it and overall Be a more blissful peaceful human being a more connected one if you really want to know the truth It's since it's it's so many of you pray every single day But you're just checking the box. Can you be present in that moment and have an appreciation and gratitude for this beautiful time you're connecting with your maker? In my case, my savior. Can you just get a little bit more of the juice? Because here's what you're thinking. I'll get around to that, man. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:17:16 I'll get around to that once I'm successful. I'm telling you, you won't be successful if you don't. You won't be. These are the things that have taken an average ordinary man like me have built a pretty good life. I've got bad days. I have ups and downs. I have emotions. I'm human. I think I pretty much share that on Instagram all the time.
Starting point is 00:17:36 I want to experience the bad emotions. Whatever you think is bad. I don't think they're a good or bad emotion. They're just our emotions, right? I want to have all of them. I want to be present for them. I want to emotions, right? I wanna have all of them. I wanna be present for them. I wanna observe them. I wanna be aware of them.
Starting point is 00:17:49 I don't wanna just go through my life, busy grabbing, accumulating stuff and thinking someday when I'm old, I'll get around to it. And what I found out was I started doing this young and that's how I got all the stuff. But at the same time, you can't love yourself if you don't know yourself and you can't know yourself
Starting point is 00:18:11 if you don't spend any time with yourself. And so you gotta spend some time. Man, it's such a great gift just to walk outside and go, what can I observe? Or even in your office, what can I observe? You know that before I started this Zoom, I'm like, I want to make sure the backgrounds together. This is a true thing.
Starting point is 00:18:29 I want to make sure the backgrounds together. I've done a million zooms from where I am. Can I tell you something? I started this and I went, what is that belt buckle if you're on audio, it doesn't matter, but there's a, what is that belt buckle? Oh my gosh! That's when I won that golf tournament with Mill Walker. Do you know how many zooms I've done? And that thing's been there the whole time. I've never noticed it once. Oh my gosh, that's when I won that golf tournament with Mill Walker.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Do you know how many zooms I've done? And that thing's been there the whole time. I've never noticed it once. It's right in my spatial awareness. And I haven't noticed it. What does that say? Right? So then I got up and before this, we started. I'm like, I stared at the belt buckle.
Starting point is 00:19:01 And I'm like, oh, why it herb? I remember that term. And then there's a sign that we won it. And they put this thing on our locker. And I remember the shot I hit to the 18th green. There was a crazy good seven iron. I hit. And then Milthy had to make the putt from like six, eight feet and he drained the putt. And we jumped up and down and hugged everyone's sheared and we won this golf tournament. It took me all the way back to that moment of total bliss and it's only because I noticed it finally, but guess what that did for me? Then I'm like,
Starting point is 00:19:30 crap, man, that was a victory. I win stuff. I'm a winner. Forgot we won that sucker. Man, I've been winning stuff forever. Right? And it changed my state. And remind of me, I win. It remind me I'm supposed to win. It reminds me good things happen to me. It's quite frankly this morning, a bunch of bad things happened. And I had to record two podcasts today. And I sat in here for like an hour before I recorded the first one. They can, how can I deliver it? Man, I just thought I'm not the juice today. I don't know that I want to do it.
Starting point is 00:19:59 Someone wants me to talk about gratitude on a day where my day just started out crappy. And it was one small observation of the belt buckle over my head on Zoom that I didn't just take note of. I got up and looked at it. And it took me into that moment and it completely shifted me, something that simple. So observation changes everything in your life. And let's go back to that golf shot I hit.
Starting point is 00:20:31 You know, it required me to hit that golf shot at that time. And I'm not a great golfer. This is just a golf tournament. But you know why I had the capacity to hit that golf shot? My best golf shot under that most pressure. Because I was fully in that moment. I had fully appreciated that moment. I had fully appreciated that moment. And I took it all in. By the way, I can tell you, because I remember before I hit the shot, I was debating,
Starting point is 00:20:49 is it a 6 or 7, I threw the grass up in the air. And I can tell you right now, I can see that grass kind of just dropped down right onto my shirt and didn't blow over me. I can see those blades of grass right now. I'm going, now the wind's not blowing that bad. I think I can hit 7. And I remember I stepped back. I of grass right now. I'm going, now the wind's not blowing that bad. I think I can hit seven. And I remember I stepped back. I took one practice swing.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Said a bad back. Then I go, my back feels pretty good. And I got over that shot fully present, fully in the moment. My golf ball says max out on it. And the M was facing me. And I remember just keep your eye on the M, hit the M. I noticed the smallest possible observation and right when I hit that thing I knew It was clear and he had a good gosh. I want to give that compression sound
Starting point is 00:21:34 I'm like as a good one as a good one and there was about a hundred people 150 people gathered around the green I remember when it landed And she's like that must have been a good one mil te my god, must have been a good one. Militials. I have as a good one. Right. You were all the way back to that moment. That moment and just the nothing golf tournament. It's just a simple example of observation being fully present, controlling and being paying attention to my breathing,
Starting point is 00:22:00 by the way, in that moment too. And then executing all the way back. I don't know that was 15 years ago. I've done probably 2,000 zooms in this seat and never noticed that bell buckle sitting right up there until today. Because I'm an observer and I wasn't having a great day, I turn and look, there's the bell buckle and I'm like, I'm going to go observe more of it. I'm going to take the nuance in the detail, not a glance. I'm going to hold the gaze a little longer. And as I held that belt buckle up to me and I looked at it, it took me right back into that moment of when we would completely change my state. That's why this stuff matters. So hold the hug a little longer,
Starting point is 00:22:43 give people the respect is showing up Notice and perceive a little bit more pay attention to your breathing notice God's stuff Notice architecture notice people notice humanity Hold the gaze take in more detail get more of the juice and all of the juice you want in your life of the other things Are much more likely to happen as a result. So I hope this helped you today. Went a little longer than I intended to. I really care about you. I probably don't say that enough. I care about your life. I care about you making a difference. I care about you being blissful. I want your family to be happy and successful. And I want you to live your dreams. And if I have any role in that, one millionth of one percent, it's the honor of my lifetime. That's why I do this work. That's why I'm here with you today.
Starting point is 00:23:28 If you want to pay me back, share this episode with somebody. That's all I ask. Pay it forward. Let's spread the word. I'll see you next week, everybody. God bless you. Max out. This is The End My Let's Show. you

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