THE ED MYLETT SHOW - The Success Blueprint w/ Bethenny Frankel

Episode Date: December 6, 2022

What does it take to be one of the SHARPEST ENTREPRENEURS in the world?How can you apply proven PRACTICAL and TACTICAL business lessons from a person like this to your own start-up ventures?  This we...ek, you’re going to get answers to these questions and more from my guest BETHENNY FRANKEL.  You probably already know Bethanny through her work as a serial entrepreneur, reality television star, podcaster, and best-selling author.  Bethenny is going to give you an insider’s take on how she applied insights and knowledge to grow several businesses, including the phenomenally successful SKINNY GIRL MARGARITA.One of her foundational beliefs is that success is the interaction of INTENTION and LUCK at the same time.  Bethenny explains why that involves WORKING SMART instead of just WORKING HARD, and why EMOTIONAL CONTROL is one of the most important keys to business success.You’ll learn how SOCIAL MEDIA plays a key role in building an IDENTITY and a BRAND that adds value to your business.  Bethanny also explains why paying attention to the SMALLEST DETAILS, and having CONFIDENCE, DECISIVENESS, and PREPARATION are important elements to business success.Our conversation is an INTENSE hour based on the REALITY of what it takes to win in business. Pay attention and PREPARE TO PROSPER. 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is the end my let's show. Welcome back to the show everybody. I'm really excited to have this lady on the show. I've been trying to get her on for probably about eight months. We've got a bunch of almost near hits, but finally we're getting it done today because she's got a big TV show coming out that we'll talk about. You know who she is, but what you might not know is like in 1992, I'm reading about her.
Starting point is 00:00:27 She goes out to Hollywood to be an actress. She ends up being Paris Hilton's nanny for a while. And then she starts into all these different ventures, which were really interesting for me to learn about her stuff like Shatter on Baking Business. She had an event business. She had a scarf business. Some of them did pretty well. Some of them didn't do so well. And she keeps trying these different businesses. And then she hit. She does the apprentice, almost wins the apprentice. Then she gets the real housewives
Starting point is 00:00:53 of New York. And then then then I'm fast forwarding Skinny Girl Margarita. And bam, here we are. She's like an entrepreneurial guru. And I'm really interested in picking her brain. And my audience is excited that you're here today as well. She's got a book out called Businesses Personal. What you're going to talk about. New show with Kevin O'Leary on CNBC, which comes out Wednesdays at 10 PM called Money Court. Bethany Frankel, good to finally have you here.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Thank you so much, you're having me. Yeah, I love the show, by the way. I watched the preview show that y'all sent me. And it's really good. It's not easy to match O'Leary's intensity level, but somehow in the show, I think that the combination of the two of you, it's like really kind of gripping debate television watching the two of you going back and forth. What's it like working with him?
Starting point is 00:01:41 I'm curious. It's the biggest surprise of my career, to be honest with you, uh, is the way that he and I play tennis and hit the ball back to each other and elevate each other's game. The sum is definitely greater than its parts. And I don't, you know, I'm the type of person who knows when I'm carrying something and I'm carrying everybody else on my back. And it's not that case at all. It you literally need both of us because we have
Starting point is 00:02:05 such different perspectives. And for the entrepreneur, whose cases that we are are binding arbitration, it's entrepreneurs that are at an impasse, they cannot move forward. And it could be a million dollar business. It could be a hundred million dollar business. They need not only just a verdict, but they need practical advice points of exactly what they have to do.
Starting point is 00:02:33 And you know, Kevin would say something. And I'd say I see that and I raised that because of this. And I'd say the same thing. And it was really extraordinary. And we both surprised each other measurably. It was it was phenomenal chemistry. It is, but the book, the business is personal book. Guys, I just want to tell you all this.
Starting point is 00:02:51 I read a lot of BS on business books. I'm like, this person is not built any businesses. And then I read your book. I read the whole book and I'm like, now this is legit. And there's things in there you say, I just want you to elaborate on. So I want you to give some of that master class to my audience today as well. You said something in the book, I just want you to elaborate on it. So I want you to give some of that masterclass to my audience today as well.
Starting point is 00:03:05 You said something in the book, I'll probably mess it up, but you said success is the interaction. I think you said of intention and luck at the same time. What is what does that mean? It means that you have to be completely prepared on that boat with everything with your net, with your fishing rod, with the right boat vessel. I don't fish because I'm allergic to fish.
Starting point is 00:03:26 But and then the luck is if you can find the fish, where the fish are. But if all the fish come and that's the luck and you're not prepared, then, then you've lost that opportunity. And I just think that, and I see this with jobs, I see this with the way people work. I mean, it's, it's amazing. People are giving amazing opportunities and they don't set themselves up for success and really be prepared and go that extra mile. So that's, it's funny because in retrospect,
Starting point is 00:03:53 when I think about that, get off your ass comment that was so controversial, and I commented on it that someone made, it's not that most people don't work hard because people are working multiple jobs. It's that you have to work smart. You have to really figure out how to utilize your time wisely and how to set yourself up for success. You have to be prepared in anything that you do. Yeah, I think it was Kim, my neighbor who said that. And you commented on something.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Kim's up too lately too. I might get into that. I don't know. But I it was Kim Kardashian, but I, I think within your case, see, I think I coach athletes and one of the things I can major league baseball, I know you're in New York. So Isaiah Kiner actually, the Yankees is a guy that I work with a little bit. And in any given major league at bat,
Starting point is 00:04:45 they'll tell you they usually get one pitch to hit. So maybe there's three, four, five, eight pitches, but you're gonna get one pitch to hit and a big league hitter has to hit that pitch or they're gonna get out. And I really feel like in business, if you work hard, if you don't work hard, you may never get any opportunities. But if you're busing your ass in business,
Starting point is 00:05:02 you're gonna get a pitch to hit or two in your life. And that's really what you mean here. When those opportunities arise, you better be ready. That's the separator, right? Like you get that one pitch to hit. If you're not prepped, you're screwed. And I think so many people don't put in the work. For you, I want to go to the skinny girl margarita. Yeah, that's what you said. Yes. But if you're over, like not to be too intense about it, meaning, you know, surf first, too. you brought up the baseball doing another metaphor. You got to watch the ocean, you know, that you're getting like banged up, you're getting hit, you're in the rip,
Starting point is 00:05:32 you're in that impact zone. And sometimes you could just step off, stand at the beach, wait til you're not going to be in that. Sometimes people just want to get in there right now. Then they got to get beaten up, get into the impact zone, then get out there, then you're not going to get that many, but you got to be, you know, if you get one, you better get them all. Like that's when the set comes.
Starting point is 00:05:50 And then you got to really be prepared because that's what I've always been good at is I can feel the energy. I can feel you know, the wolves are always at the end of the bed and you know when like going to go sideways and things are going to go bad or something,. You gotta always be prepared for both for the good and the bad. So not that you're negative, but you just think like, things are going too well right now. I gotta calm down because, you know, that's when you're skiing really hard or whatever you're doing.
Starting point is 00:06:16 That's when mistakes happen. So sometimes when things are going really well, I don't want everyone so excited. I want everyone to not talk nicely about me so much. Like everyone calm down and just get it to 55 miles an hour. Yeah. You know, so when things are going really well, you got to know that the pendulum will swing you have to find that balance and understand the Temperature the room but be able to feel when things are going to pop off and beep that's when you be prepared like You got to you things are about to pop off. Let's all get like
Starting point is 00:06:42 Get humble and get organized. That's so funny. That's because that's exactly, that's so interesting because most people are the opposite. So when things are going really bad, is when they're really humble or they're really down or really hard on the people that work with them. And then when things start to go good, their humility disappears and they're not as demanding or as intentional or paying attention like they need to.
Starting point is 00:07:08 And that's why success is hard for people. It's actually the reverse. When you're down is when you need to be showing the most enthusiasm, the most excitement and when things are difficult, not cynical or skeptical, but concerned or hyperfocus when things go well. That's why most people don't ride long waves in business because when things get going good They believe their own press. They believe that balance yoga. It's a perfect example of Getting all big and now it's show because you can you get sloppy
Starting point is 00:07:35 You got to you first of all you can't believe you're on both You cannot drink your own cool. It and that is the biggest mistake the people make But yeah, it's about checking yourself. It's about realizing that what's really important. And you know, you just want to keep like you don't need anything to be blazing hot or cold. You just want to keep things nice and you pull back. We had so many metaphors, but I grew up with the racetrack. You pull back the horse one. It's like getting away from you. That's not good either. You got to be in control. Yeah, you got to have emotional control. It's one of the, it's interesting that we're going there.
Starting point is 00:08:10 I didn't know that we were going to go there today, but that is the main trait of successful people is emotional control. Athletes, uh, politicians that are good governors or whatever, they don't get super high and they don't get crazy low. They find a way to maintain. I'm surprised to hear you say that just because my observations of you, I think have been that you appear to me to be really an intense person. Very intense. So that's an accurate thing. And I wrote a book called
Starting point is 00:08:39 The Power of One More. It's actually the number one business book in the world this year. And I'm reading your book and you're like, there's a chapter called Make the Call. Then you have this thing called stacking. And you say, why waste an opportunity? There is always time for one more question. And you appear to me to have, I don't know if you were grew up this way, but you have that thing where like, you're not concerned about inconveniencing somebody else to get to your own success or to help them. Whereas most people like, all right, I've pushed this far enough and they stop. How do you nuance that?
Starting point is 00:09:11 Make that one more call, especially. I'm not pushy in that way, I'm fair. I mean, I know where the line is, I don't cross the line. And I know I don't, I pick my spots. You have to pick your spots for arguments, you have to pick your spots for asking for raises, you have to pick your spots for blowing everything up. I mean, I don't do that all the time. Basically, what I'll do is, like, I have a podcast rewives on on on I heart, for example, and they're an amazing partner. Like really, I don't have that many partners that are this good.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Just let me do whatever I want in their fair and their great, but there'll be there's. One real email and one and a half emails that I wrote. I'm like, this is the email when you're just like, look, I don't say things a lot. I'm saying it now. I'm saying these five things. And then the course gets corrected. If you're if you're doing that every day, people don't hear you anymore. But when you want, when you have something to say, you come in tight, right, and organized and say it. And you'll,
Starting point is 00:10:13 you'll get what you want more than just being that like whiner all the time. You're so right. It's an, it's an energy to you, isn't it? You should be sensing energy. Like, that's the point. The whole thing is them reading the room. That's what I was saying about when you can feel the success. Exactly. And so I'm friends with some major people in the world. Like, I, I, that's the point. The whole thing is them reading the room. That's what I was saying about when you can feel the success. Yeah. Exactly. And so I'm friends with some major people in the world. Like, and that's not a name drop. It's just saying for the story, like, let's say I wanted to ask Mark Cuban for something. Sometimes it'll be something comical and stupid to do because he's just as funny. But if I had to ask him a real favor, which I haven't, that's why I don't, I wouldn't ask him something. Because
Starting point is 00:10:44 if I were going to ask someone who already knows that everyone's grabbing at them, I would come in with something real. Yeah. You know, like Mark reached out to me because he heard I was something going through something medical. He reached out to me. He doesn't reach out to me every other day about bulls**t I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:10:57 That was something that made me think, oh, well, that's that, I just won't forget that. But I have certain people that are at a certain level and I won't ask them, but I have certain people that are at a certain level. And I won't ask them, they'll get, you know, do you want to do my podcast? But only like, only if you want no problem, someone else asks them. This isn't my ask. I very rarely ask anyone for anything.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Most people, I don't ask people for things. It's strategic. I just bought a company. And the first day, the first day, I haven't even been, I'd even own the company announced that I own the company for about two hours. And this man walked in and asked me for a raise. And I'm like, could you have picked a worse spot? First off, it's a Monday. I just bought a company. Can you imagine what's, don't you also, as people that send you the long text message on a Monday morning? I'm like, dude, it's Monday
Starting point is 00:11:43 morning. The whole world blows up on Mondays. This guy strategically did not understand the timing of when to ask the question, read the room, feel the energy, right? It's the same thing in business and in life. So I totally agree with that. How did, how did the, tell me the story of skinny girl, Margarita, like, how did you even come with the idea of it? I don't know. I just read that it was successful. I read about what I've heard you sold it for, but how did the original idea, the impetus for it happen? This is the thing that entrepreneurs need to hear from me most of my successes have not been from any sort of big grand amazing idea. It's just a practice in my life, something I was doing that people were like, whoa, so I was playing games of makeup on the worldwide interwebs. I was playing, you know, on the social media. And people went crazy. And it went viral many times. And that became a small like, I became a beauty influencer. And I didn't know how to do my own makeup.
Starting point is 00:12:42 So I just was making margaritas. And I love margaritas. And I just wanted to make one that was slightly sweet, but that was not overly sugary that I could still trust and that I was very drinkable. I wanted to have a signature drink. So I just ordered it at a restaurant. It was made fun of for drinking tequila because before me, women didn't drink tequila, unless they
Starting point is 00:13:05 were in college drinking dark tequila. It wasn't like the tequila soda lifestyle of women are living now. And I was sort of being made funnab for ordering tequila and explained the name of what I called this drink, but it wasn't formal. I was just saying, it's a skinny girl's margarita. I had an S, which felt like Facebook when he said remove the the. Yeah. But, uh, and it was a massive question on the housewives in the reunion by viewers. What is in that?
Starting point is 00:13:34 And that's the point. That's the literal example of the interaction between luck and hard work or being prepared because Sarah Jessica Barker knew everybody was talking about the cosmopolitan on sex in the city. She could have done SJP Cosmo. You know, she that was jumping off the page to us or, you know, um, and she later did shoes, which was very on brand. But for some reason, I would walk up to bartenders and I would order it by
Starting point is 00:14:02 ingredients. And they'd say, everyone's ordering this thing now. And I thought to myself, bartenders and I would order it by ingredients. And they'd say, everyone's ordering this thing now. And I thought to myself, how do I get in there? And everybody said, no, every major liquor company said, no, I ended up finding a partner. I did it myself. And then the major liquor companies came to buy, to buy it. So that is a perfect example of, you know, pushing, pushing, pushing, keep going. Did it happen without your brand, though?
Starting point is 00:14:25 What brand? You bethany your brand, though? What brand? You, Bethany's brand, her social media, I was nothing. There was no social media back then. There was very, it was just Twitter. And, and, um, did it happen without the bravo? Uh, yes, much more slowly now with social media. The way it is now, maybe back then there was, when I started the house, was there was no Twitter back.
Starting point is 00:14:44 I'm, I, there was, there was no Twitter. I was in that day. I know that there was no Twitter when we started. So later Twitter was there and I was one of the first one. I was the first one on it from that genre. But um, no, many things had to happen to make that escalate. The television show popped that off for sure. But, but the television showed into anything. They don't want to cover that. I was jamming it through by being entertaining with my content and, and making sure that that content was entertaining to self-deprecating about the logo being honest. I mean, there are many things that contributed to that. What about someone listen to this? And so they're not on the real house while I was, but now social media is an individual's reality show if they choose it to be. And for me, I was a successful entrepreneur
Starting point is 00:15:27 way before social media, but I feel like business lately is no longer who you know, but it's more who knows you. A lot of it is who knows you. And for me, unbelievable of opportunities have come my way because I decided to get, you use the word attention and intention in the book, but I've intentionally
Starting point is 00:15:47 paid my attention to expanding my, call it my notoriety, my expansion of people hearing about me. It makes all my businesses operate much easier. I do. Via what? Yeah, but via what I above it because the publicists are all social media and are you spending money on it? Yeah. Yeah. My, my Instagram's got, you know, I've got two and a half million followers on Instagram. I've got 10 million total. My podcast is a top five podcast. But I in seven years ago,
Starting point is 00:16:14 I literally had no accounts. I didn't. Wow. That's crazy. And so you spent, did you spend a lot of money on that or not as much as I think? No, like I had my son was my guy. a lot of money on that or not as much as I think. No, like I had my son was my guy, but what I did is I made, I think there's a few ways to get big on social, ones to be entertaining. And another way is to be valuable. And I knew a lot. So I was valuable in the beginning. I gave great content for free, something other people charged for, right?
Starting point is 00:16:41 But my point, and this isn't about me necessarily. But my point, I think what I'm asking you is, and this is, you know, you're one of the most, let's take the last 10 years. You're one of the more iconic brands of a female entrepreneur slash entertainment person. I don't even know what that means, but you know what I mean.
Starting point is 00:17:00 No, I do. I know because I get, because there aren't that many women in business that are also humorous and entertaining, that are, I know because I get because there aren't that many women in business that are also humorous and entertaining that are you know, you could be entertaining while also being intelligent about business and I'm finding because of all the offers I get for TV shows and different opportunities in the business space. There aren't that women many women to go to. Yeah, and by the way, opportunities keep coming your way. Even if you haven't been successful at every single one of them, you had a talk show, you talked publicly about it.
Starting point is 00:17:26 I didn't like doing it. It didn't work. Bam, now you got another show. You got a best selling book. And I have to believe, I know you are because you went to LA and then you were, you were on save by the bell like you were a, you know, but working on that show. Are you intentional about Bethany Inc. Her notoriety, her brand? And would you say to
Starting point is 00:17:48 a young woman right now, who's listening to this goes, I'm going to have a, I'm like the two ladies that were on your show with Kevin, I'm going to create a cookie business, a baking business. Would part of your advice be go build your brand also? I just don't think that way because yes, and you have thought that way and it doesn't mean there's a right or wrong. I go from the inside out, not the outside in. So the way you just described it is like, build your brand. That's very big. I come the way I came up. There was no word brand. There was no word entrepreneur. I wasn't an entrepreneur. I, you know, liked. I liked healthy food. So I went to school for food and healing and became a natural food chef. I liked past me. I'm sorry, I found a past me.
Starting point is 00:18:28 I liked it and saw a hole in the market. So I ended up selling them, you know, hundreds of thousands of them. I go from the inside out, but that's not that it's right. I sit on Instagram by accident looking at blush and then say, oh, wait, the people are listening. I drink a drink, talk about it, and then here, wait, the people are like, I feel the connection. It's like two people, you're rubbing two sticks together, unintentionally, like, whoa, that was something. So for me, I realize what's resonating and what's true to me, they have to, they have to align. So if I'm talking about what's going on with my
Starting point is 00:19:04 medical health and saying, I'm so sick of people preaching about non or vaccine or everything being political or if I decide to say a rant on Balenciaga, that's part of my brand in that I'm a person who's known to be truthful like me or hate me. So that translates into the beauty. It means you're being truthful about products. And it translates on television to Kevin O'Leary and people's businesses. So my brand ultimately is truth and just straight up no chaser. But I didn't decide to make that. It's just what's authentically inside me. And then I decide that we have to protect the realm and align with that. So no, I'm not doing that opportunity. And I'm not talking about that because it doesn't align with who I am.
Starting point is 00:19:48 And it's who I am. And then who I've also mandated with everybody around me that we have to stay to be. Don't stray. And if you're going to stray, you're mentioning this is an outlier. And sometimes I don't even know it's an outlier. I grew up at the race track
Starting point is 00:20:03 and I posted something about draft kings and I was like trolled and I thought Wait a second people spend money on plastic surgery and whatever, but they can't on gambling like my audience doesn't want to see that So I'll either not do that again because I don't want because I understand their perspective or I say this is my this is where the rubber meets the road between us You know, why do you do all this Bethany? I you interest me so much because I read how you grew up. And then I'm like, so did she become an entrepreneur? Because she just wanted to be like independent and free. Because you didn't start as an entrepreneur.
Starting point is 00:20:36 You started out with like, with jobs, but like, no, I didn't want to be an entrepreneur. I didn't know there was such a thing to be an entrepreneur. I totally overshot the mark. I sort of sang like I know, have any plans ironically. I wanted to cook on television. I wanted to be on the food network and the head of the food network at the time said to me it will never happen. So then the housewives showed up and I was you know bake and cookies and doing all my stuff and and I didn't want to do it at first and then I thought it's not that easy to get on television and I could promote being a natural food chef., and then I thought, it's not that easy to get on television,
Starting point is 00:21:05 and I could promote being a natural food chef. I wanted to be some sort of an entertainer, but be myself. I had no idea that I would be an entrepreneur. Not even close, but I thought about all the jobs I had and all the money I made, not a lot of money. I just mean the different things that I did from sound-on-pass meaners to doing events.
Starting point is 00:21:24 So if you look back, it sounds entrepreneurial, past me and us to doing events. So if you look back, it sounds entrepreneurial, but I never wanted to be an entrepreneur. Don't be humble. What's your special? What is what is don't be humble? What is what is your thing? What is what is your special? Is it your grind? Is it your personality? Is it your intensity? Is it your I miss nothing? I miss nothing. You can't I miss not I don't I don't I don't miss I don't like I Don't forget I don't I'm on it. I'm juggling 7,000 things in my head. I've kept capturing them all I
Starting point is 00:21:59 Don't stop thinking which is not fun for me. mean, I make sleep a discipline and I do it and I do relax and I do vacation, but my brain, it's very hard for me to take it down. And that's the discipline that I have to have. Like Kevin loves being like running around doing this, doing that, be here, be that traveling more. That's not good for me. I would be good at that, but that's not good for me. So I value the taking it down a notch. but yeah, I'm not, it's like I'd be great Gordon Gecko, money never sleeps. I don't wanna be that, and I don't want that life, but like, you know, if money never sleeps
Starting point is 00:22:35 then I'm in the right business. Are you happy? Yeah, I'm really, I think peace is happiness and I'm very at peace right now. Yeah, I am happy. So it's been, I asked really I think peace is happiness and I'm very at peace right now. Yes, I am happy So it's been I asked this to anyone ever said you know, I'm not happy when you've asked that question They've hesitated. Yeah, they've hesitated and I've had some people I mean even if you ask me that you It would depend on the week you asked me and I have a blessed life
Starting point is 00:22:59 I've you know, I've got beautiful children. I've been married to a girl. went to high school with. I've got hundreds of millions of dollars. My health is great. I should be happy every day, but I'm not. And I get asked often if it was worth it. Like, I wasn't in clubs. I didn't travel a lot. I sacrificed a lot of things to probably even my health to some extent. I'm not saying you have to do those things to win in fact, I now know you don't have to. But I've had a lot of light nights. I didn't sleep just like you've had a lot of waking up with stress. I've had a lot of that.
Starting point is 00:23:37 I'm curious with you. I'm thrilled to hear that you're happy. That's wonderful. Well, I, it's the discipline I talked about. I have had higher highs and lower lows, but I don't even like the higher highs because it's just, it's activation. And I'm, I can sometimes be bored in my life because of the discipline of it and because I'm a very much ironically an introvert. I don't like to go out of my, I don't like to leave my house. I really don't, unless I'm, have to be somewhere. I don't just like, go out of my house. I really don't. Unless I'm have to be somewhere. I don't just like.
Starting point is 00:24:07 Go out to lunch or just like walk around dressed up in the day. It's just not. So for me, happiness is that balance and that peace and that not the drastic highs and the lows, which I'm used to from growing up in a very crazy household and life. So that is the whole thing I was saying
Starting point is 00:24:23 with the discipline about the sleep and the peace and crazy household and life. So that is the whole thing I was saying with the discipline about the sleep and the peace and the health and the, you know, I'm, yeah, of course, let's go there. Let's go on that trip. It sounds great. Let's book that trip and then you get there and then you've done three trips and you're exhausted and you strip. I'm trying to avoid that overall in my whole life, the, the, the, the role of poster. Do you have a ton of confidence? And if you do, how'd you build it? I do have a ton of confidence. Yeah, I see that arrogance. They're not the same.
Starting point is 00:24:51 I'm not arrogant. I'm confident. And I don't know. It's upsetting and it's such a waste for people to not be because it's based on something inside of their head, their psyche their psyche their emotions and it's it's I know because I've noise about different things but Not about confidence like about am I good enough can I get that? I just like plow through Everything just like walk into it. Oh, I didn't you know walk through the liquor business when it was back then all about men
Starting point is 00:25:23 Like walk through didn't even know it was all about men didn't realize it was run by men for marketed to men no idea boom. Um, podcast space never listen to a podcast of my life to this day. Walk in, put the microphone on. I think, you know, I'll be decent at this. Boom three podcast. I just walk through. If you stop, if you think when when you stop and you hesitate, that's a lack of confidence. And that will get you stuck. What's going to happen? You know, I say to my daughter, she wanted to meet friends this summer and, you know, she doesn't go to camp and there was a girl on the beach. And I was frustrated that she wouldn't walk up to her. And I said, let's to go to the beach and meet a friend. I said, you walk up. She says, you're disgusting. I never want to see you again. I don't want you to ever come up to me. I hope I never run into you again. She says that what happened? You didn't know her.
Starting point is 00:26:11 You lost nothing. You never see her again. You don't know who, like, there's nothing. You don't walk up, you know, but what happens if she wants to be your best friend? And she's the best friend for the rest of your life. You know, you didn't walk up to her. Did nothing, definitely nothing's going to happen if you just sit and don't walk up to her. Nothing's definitely nothing's going to happen if you just sit and don't walk up to her.
Starting point is 00:26:27 See, I love that. You have this thing. Why don't you talk about this for a minute? Because we're not gonna have a lot of time left. But I just think you're so, I don't think you realize how profound some of the things are that you think and do. Like, you're like, yeah, of course I do. But that's not normal.
Starting point is 00:26:41 That's why we're talking to each other. Right? And I don't think that I love when people that have great things about them, kind of aren't aware of it. And I think most times when you're really great at something, you're like, it's no big deal because it's something you already own. But you do have that. And you say some brilliant things in your book.
Starting point is 00:27:01 Like, I just want to acknowledge you because like, you know, famous person, I'll crank out this book. Now, that's a good book. Thank you. And there's one little nuance in the book that I'll say at my way, but then I want you to say it your way, which will be better, which is that like, I'm a preparation freak. Like, I know a lot about you, right?
Starting point is 00:27:18 I worked hard to get ready for this thing today, which I appreciate, which I, by the way, I had a very famous person recently interview and didn't know like the basic, like the most recent basic thing. Yeah. Like literally was probably like, Oh, how's it doing the housewives? It's like, what? Hello, where have you been? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:34 Yeah. I know, I know what you mean. When I get interviewed, I feel like the highest form of respect is that they, they've prepared even a very good interview. Yeah. They made a mistake, but sometimes they've also as prepared, I'll say, oh, you have a sister named Joanne, or like somehow was printed wrong in the article.
Starting point is 00:27:50 They at least know that you've done the research. You've done the digging. Yet at the same time, I think people take that to an extreme, because then they use lack of preparedness to take lack of action. And in the book, you're kind of like, hey, trust the process a little bit, but also like I don't,
Starting point is 00:28:08 there's been almost nothing I've ever done that I want at I was completely prepared for. But I've been willing to step into it the unknown and kind of have that internal confidence of, I'll figure it out when I get there. I'll figure it out when I get there. The businesses I built, podcasting for example, literally when I set there. I'll figure it out when I get there. The businesses I built podcasting, for example, literally when I set my social media up, I told my son to set me up. I swear to you
Starting point is 00:28:31 on anything. I said, you need to get me one of these ins to face, ins to face accounts. I literally even know what they were. I even know what I was talking about. So, but I'm like, I'm willing to kind of get in, get me in the room. Well, no, you know, something's going on. That happened to me with TikTok before those two girls that I've all the followers, Charlie, Demillion, the other one. Yeah. I was saying to my social media person, I like, I would be good on TikTok. I think that would be good. And she said, it's for eight to 13 year olds. Don't bother. And I always regretted not pushing that because it was a gut thing. Yeah. and Gary Vee is the one who told me at that time that was gonna be the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:29:10 I didn't even know he's talking about. And that's a lesson too to not be like, oh, who cares, I don't know what that is. You gotta investigate. But you don't need to be completely prepared, you're saying. In your business life, like, have you known every, when you got into the liquor business, you didn't know anything.
Starting point is 00:29:24 Did you even know where the buyer was gonna come from? Did you got into the liquor business, you didn't know anything. Did you even know where the buyer was going to come from? Did you have any idea what you're going to be? I didn't know. No, no, no. I literally was walking my dog from my studio apartment. I had this lawyer that was like literally not, he was a lawyer, but I don't know what kind. He probably was a veterinarian on the side too. He was a very inexpensive lawyer. It's all I can afford. And I was doing this deal with this guy. Now my deals are so complicated. The deal with the guy was like one day an agent wrote it up and a lawyer looked at it. And he said to me, we have to talk.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Do you want this to be licensing or equity? I said, what I don't know what that mean. What do those two things mean? He said licensing is you get the start getting money. Now equity is, you know, you have more risk, but it's your thing. I said, wait, so that's like more skin in the game. He said, yes, I said, okay, this is my ace in the hole. This idea, I want that one. I want that thing. I didn't, but I've always been good at
Starting point is 00:30:15 concepts. So he explained to me what the two things were. So I'm like, okay, now I understand the concept. So lawyer, man, do it that way. And the same thing happened when I was negotiating with being global. I the biggest, smartest thing, the biggest thing I ever did in business was to say, wait a minute, you want to buy skinny girl, but you're a liquor company. And skinny girl could be everything. It could be lip gloss, it could be jeans, it could be sunglasses, it could be popcorn, it could be dressing, it could be all these things. So they said, no, we're paying all this money. We want to own the brand. I said, why?
Starting point is 00:30:47 Like, because great goose never did jeans or any of this other stuff. It's just a name owned by a liquor company and all they can do with it is liquor. So I said, why you don't need the other stuff? You'll have to tro, you'll have to trust me as a partner that I'm not going to exploit these other categories and ruin your brand. But I'll have to trust you as a partner that you're not going to ruin the brand and destroy what I want to build. So that was a concept. So it didn't have to know anything to know that. It was just like an idea on my head. So then you go and, you know, listen to all the experts and crowd source information. And then you sign the dotted line and you make
Starting point is 00:31:17 the decision. Never knew anything about anything I do. Wow. That blows my mind and it makes it more impressive to me. Nothing, not a book, not a podcast, not a TV show, not anything, not and I'm like, and I do tons of deals and I have amazing ideas and I'm running circles around people, but nothing, new nothing about any of this stuff. Didn't pay attention in college. So do you have me either, by the way, How is that change your perspective on successful people? So for me, this is really powerful. I actually hope this becomes one of the clips
Starting point is 00:31:52 what I'm about to ask you because I'm really interested in your feedback on this. I really thought, by the way, there are brilliant people in the world, no question about it. There are people that you do. Of course, that literally brilliant. I am not one of them.
Starting point is 00:32:04 No, I'm I. And by the way, you're making me feel better. I'm just kidding. I could see that about you. It only takes about four minutes and figured out. But what has surprised me overall is neither are most of the people. In other words, most people that I've met that are successful on the surface impressed me less. Yet as I got to know them, I was more impressed because they won with just average abilities
Starting point is 00:32:32 and skills. And so I'm, take someone in that's, I'm picturing like a young woman or a man listening to this right now. They're 25 or 30 years old. That's still young to me. And they're like, I'm intimidated. And I think this is a huge factor. I'm intimidated to get into that room to make a deal. I'm intimidated, afraid to start a business, even have a
Starting point is 00:32:53 conversation. I don't know anything either. These people are smart. I have found marks and exception. I think Mark actually is a brilliant Cuban. You mentioned Cuban. Yeah. Like, he's a very smart guy, but I think in a different way. You mentioned Cuban. Yeah. Yeah. By the way, he's very smart. He's a very smart guy, but I think in a different way. Barbara's been on my show as well. And I mean this. I barbers one being she's a very smart woman. But I don't I don't even think Barbara would tell you that she got it.
Starting point is 00:33:19 She's she's not she didn't win because of intellect, right? She won because of hard work and timing. And it's all different. Yeah. Mark is extremely smart, but also very well-read. Like he does a lot of research. He knows what the hell he's talking about. I got to tell you, Kevin's, I was walking and thinking
Starting point is 00:33:40 the way that you think about Kevin. That he's smart and he's successful. Kevin's really shocked by how smart he is. He's really smart in the right way. Is he smart or is he experienced after 30 or 40 years of being a bit? Yes, both. Both. But I think Mark's a little of that.
Starting point is 00:33:55 But yes, it's a different story. But yeah, but but the way that someone's mind, listen, Kevin's no spring chicken. And he's there. It's not the same as Shark Tank. This show is us in there, 10 hours, brains fried, and him just, it's being on. It's not just experience, it's being on and quick. Kevin is like that, Mark is like that.
Starting point is 00:34:16 I am like that. I can't say, I can't name five other people like that. Okay, but I do. And I think what you just said is really important. I think one of the six, I've never said this out loud in my life. I think one of the successful traits I've never said this out loud in my life. I think one of the successful traits in people is their ability at some point to process information and make decisions more quickly. Exactly. Decisiveness. You decided.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Yes. Do you agree with that 100% that I'm not. I will be in the I only sweat the small stuff about like a purse or spaghetti or what are we eating or what I'd be doing where we going? What's the hotel? Like that is that's muck. But in like real s*** two seconds. Me too. I feel like this. That's I actually think taking NFL quarterback. Like what makes them better? They're ability to process information faster and call a shop. Because they're playing chess and checkers at the same exact time. Yeah. And I think that's business. I actually think that's life. Like, and I also tell me if you agree with this, I'm okay. If I didn't even make the right decision because I'm just going to execute my plan, whatever it is, even if it's a flawed plan so aggressively.
Starting point is 00:35:13 By the way, yes, that's what you said earlier that I forgot to respond to is that when you're failing and when you, you know, when, when things are hard, when you're low, that's when you learn everything because that's when it's like you've got that car and you've got a loose horse or whatever the analogy is. And you have got to like hold the steering wheel, but not too tight, because you're going to blow it up and not to loose where you're walking away. You got a steer. Like that's how a person like deals with a cancellation crisis.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Like how do you deal with that? Like, and you will learn so much. And if you treat it like a gift, which it is, then that's where all the gold is. That's where all the gems of a successful person are in that time when it's like the rubber meeting the road. That's when you will learn everything. So people have to pay more attention to that stuff.
Starting point is 00:36:00 Sometimes I don't want it to happen, but that's when I get a wake and like lit and like strategic and really combat mode. Very good. What surprised you about doing the show with these entrepreneurs? Is there a common line? I mean, the one I watched, they were three different episodes, very different businesses. But is there...
Starting point is 00:36:20 You would live for the show. There are some, there are people, hundreds something million dollar businesses that are like not knowing what to do. And also when we first sat down, I mean, I didn't know what they should do. Like you got to get granular and think about it and pull the taffy and then it came clear every time for some reason we never, we never weren't totally resolved and didn't give a great verdict. I think it'll be interesting to hear what the people say on the other side. I think in most cases, they'll be thrilled. Unlike Shark Tank, which is a different show where they're like pissed. They didn't get an investment or something. I think they'll mostly be happy.
Starting point is 00:36:53 What have I learned that it's case law that the more, you know, all businesses case law, you do something one time it works. You have that in your tool chest. Oh, you do something part of that that failed or was just not the best. That's part of your tool chest. Now take yourself on to the next one. Case law. Remember that happened and the other thing happened. Let's do that this way. So the more deals you're making to your point about Kevin, the more interactions you're having with different types of people, the more business negotiations and weird tentacles and little deal points that come up that are so weird in contracts that you deal with
Starting point is 00:37:27 It's case law so you keep taking that with you and that's how you become older and wiser That's why there's the college debate and that's why I think if you're not going to get a Masters or you know your MBA or be a doctor. I'm not I'm not pro college for college for the debt and all that I'm really not. I've moved there. It's funny you say that because I've moved there lately and both my kids are in college right now and they know that I feel so I'm glad they're there. They're both flourishing but more. And it's also could be purgatory.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Sometimes you might not think your kids are ready or you want a place to put them and I ready to jam them right into life. Yeah, but more and more, if you walk out of there with a couple of hundred grand of debt or just get into business and stuff, or something or get a job and learn something. That's it. You could start a business on how has your we're going to run out of time. I want to show you a couple more things. I really enjoyed this. I like I like that it's the intensity level. Like there's no fluff with you, which I really, really love. Like there's like legit zero fluff and I'm editing.
Starting point is 00:38:25 No, I love it and there'd be no editing here, which will be easy too, but I'm curious if your idea of success has changed. And I just love people. So I picture this young girl, headin' out to LA, I'm gonna be an actor since 1992, you end up na-na-na-and, and you know, you're like on the showrunner, whatever, heck, you know, you're like, on the, your
Starting point is 00:38:45 showrunner, whatever, heck, you're a little bit safer. But let's go. I don't forget major. That's right. That's true too. That was big time. It's massive. I got a free salad every day.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Anybody who goes there knows they don't do that anymore. Like an $18 salad every day and $8 an hour. Salary. Salad salaries new book. I know it's, I know it's your story, but when you hear that Isn't that sort of mind blowing like like it was a big deal to get a free salad It's like I was like wasn't a hundred years ago. It probably wasn't I'm proud of myself. It's really nice. It's true. It's really really nice
Starting point is 00:39:20 To go do it, but it's just like blood sweat and tears just do it. Nike had the best slogan in the history of mankind. Just do it. Yeah. But is your idea of what success looks like change mine has like I used to really it's so easy once you have some money to go, ah, you know, that's not the only way to be successful. Try living without some and that's hard. I get that. But like I have a sister who's she's diabetic. She's my middle sister, Andrea. She is legally blind now from diabetes. She can't drive but she can see a little bit but she's a schoolteacher and she helps these little kids every single day and she's doing literally what you said. Like her jam is nurturing and teaching and loving on people. I feel like she's
Starting point is 00:40:06 more successful than I am. My idea of what to me success has become whatever your vision is for your life, you become it. Whatever it is. And to me, that success, your blueprint for your life and you end up building a life that matches it. To me, that's success, regardless of what it is. Yeah, but life that matches it. To me, that's success, regardless of what it is. Yeah, but yes, but you may not, you may write those things down. And then when you realize that and they may not be exactly what you thought they were, so you have to get more specific. So it can be fame, money, family, right? But then if you get more specific, so for me, I only do things that I want to do that I love to do, that I love to do, that I'm inspired by doing.
Starting point is 00:40:47 And I have to be very strict because people are pulling me in every different direction because I can do anything that I want in business or entertainment. And I really can pretty much, there's nothing I can't do, there's nobody I can't get on the phone. And I don't let the tail wag the dog anymore because I want to be with my daughter all of the time, but she's not in school and that I have her. That's my personal choice. And that's the way that I live. I've never had a nanny. And I love that. That's not coming back that time. So I don't want to go often do something that might take months away or kill myself doing.
Starting point is 00:41:25 I want to do exactly what I want to do. So everything that I'm doing in business that you see me doing, it's because I want to be there. I was making a lot of money doing housewas and I chose to do money court. I did that solely. I don't know what they were going to pay me. I just said I like the concept. I want to do that. I, the first year of the podcast,
Starting point is 00:41:49 just be, I ended up spending money on that podcast because the deal was upside down and I didn't like the way it was being handled. And I spent money the first year. I cost me money. I didn't care. I knew I was good at it. I knew it would be successful. Now, it's, it's a ton of money.
Starting point is 00:42:03 But I do things only that I, because I want to do them, but not because of the money or not the money, I wanted to go down to Florida and do business conversations with Kevin O'Leary for 10 days and help small businesses, oh, not small, and large, to help businesses. I wanted to sit down and talk and reflect about the housewives
Starting point is 00:42:19 and talk to amazing, interesting people in my pocket. I just want to do it, so I'm doing it. I want to f*** around and talk about eyeshadow on Instagram,. I just want to do it. So I'm doing, I want the around and talk about eye shadow on an Instagram and so I became successful at it. So I just do exactly what I want to do. But do you think to give advice to somebody who's up and coming, they probably need to do some things they don't want to do to get where they need to get?
Starting point is 00:42:36 Do you agree with that? 100% but at the point, I used to go, I am the least social person. I used to go to anything that came in an envelope because that would be currency to go there and connecting. Get my card and get on, you know, try to be a chef or try to sell my healthy cookies or try to whatever. I hustled so crazy.
Starting point is 00:42:52 You have no idea. I went to, I hate going out of my house. I went to everything. I didn't even know I hated going because the goal was so strong that it wasn't an option. Not until I got to have the choice that I realized I hate going to anything. Like you don't understand. I didn't go to Ascot in London when the horse named Frankl named after my father, 114 out of 14, it's final race one at Ascot and the queen was there. I didn't go. They invited me to go. I didn't go to the Super Bowl and my fiancee's parents best friend, Robert Kraft won.
Starting point is 00:43:26 I was like, I'd rather you be home with Brennating wings. So trust me, getting here hustling and going to all those things I had to go to and be And take my picture. It was all part of the hustle. hated that. I love that. Me too. I'm like room service on the road. If I can like, I'm nuts like that. All right, last question. It's kind of open ended. And by the way, everybody, before I ask that, make sure that you go watch Money Court Wednesdays 10 PM, CMBC, Pick Up Businesses personal. I'm serious.
Starting point is 00:43:52 And if you're not following Bethany, it's a really entertaining and informative follow-on Instagram. It's really, really good stuff. So just broad question. I just like asking somebody this. Not that it would probably happen, but let's assume it did.
Starting point is 00:44:03 You left the studio right now, you're like, hey, I'm gonna grab a Starbucks before I get back to the this, not that it would probably happen, but let's assume it did. You left the studio right now, you're like, hey, I'm going to grab a Starbucks before I get back to the house, whatever it is. And someone runs into you with that Starbucks. They say, holy crap, it's Bethany, Frankl. I am working somewhere. I don't want to be right now. Or I'm in a relationship.
Starting point is 00:44:18 I don't want to be in. I'm not where I want to be. And I know you've been many places in your life. You didn't want to be. What know you've been many places in your life you didn't want to be. What would you advise me to do? Is there some advice you'd give me? And by the way, I get asked these questions all the time. It's so difficult when you don't know somebody's situation. But I do feel like if I didn't ask you that with millions of people listening to this who all really were excited, you were going to be on the show today, I'd make
Starting point is 00:44:42 a mistake because I know they'd want me to ask you, I'm not where I want to be. How do I? Is there a first step, a thought, a process that I need to undertake to begin to change my life? I would say if you don't know what to do, sit still, to be in the present to meditate to give your side The inclination is to activate and stress and think and work the problem I would say to try to breathe and step away from the problem because all the best ideas come when You're relaxed when you know all my good ideas come from sleep to wake and you're like just waking up It's like boom. I shoot out a bed like a cannon with the ideas and the tax. I'm that person who would text you,
Starting point is 00:45:27 it's I don't give a sh** if it was Monday. I would text you at 6 a.m. on Monday. And you don't have to answer that obviously, but that's when I would text you. It's funny, you say that I'll just second it last. I met Wayne Dyer and I'm sure you remember Wayne Dyer. Do you remember who that is? He's a big thought leader.
Starting point is 00:45:42 You know, you don't, okay. I've heard of the name. Yeah, anyway, when I met him, he said, Hey, when you wake up in the morning, or if you wake up in the middle of the night with an idea, just start writing it down. Because that's some divine inspiration from from waking you and to get quiet when you're concerned or when you're worried. And that's exactly what I do. I get away from problems and I try to see if I can come back to them with a different perspective. I really liked today. I kind of knew it.
Starting point is 00:46:06 Thank you. Oh, thank you. I kind of knew it. And I really love the show. Like, I don't watch much TV. I don't watch. I have a TV show and I don't watch a lot of it. And yours was entertained.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Like I flew by. I'm like, man, I'm going to watch another way. I have to tune in to see it. So you guys you wanted her on. I got her Bethany Frankl. Share it with the planet. Bethany, thanks for being here today. Everybody, make sure you get Bethany's book.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Go get the power of one more. Keep growing the fastest growing show in the world. God bless you all. Max out your life. This is The End My Let's Show. you

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