THE ED MYLETT SHOW - The Truth Revealed: Nature Vs. Nurture

Episode Date: October 12, 2023

I’m answering one of the BIGGEST questions in life thats been argued for centuries… What REALLY makes the difference in the trajectory of our lives…. NATURE or NURTURE???Which has the greater im...pact? Is it the traits you were BORN with, or is it the traits you GROW into as a direct reflection of your environment?Here’s what I’ve found.It’s a combination, and the OPTIMAL way to maximize both is to NURTURE THE NATURE. That’s because winning is not only MENTAL. It’s also ENVIRONMENTAL.For example…if you’re a parent and you see your child gravitate to specific activities, do everything you can to give them the opportunity to grow those talents. That applies if they sing and dance, play sports, are academically gifted, or have admirable personality traits.The greatest gift you can give a child, or anybody else for that matter, is to REMOVE BARRIERS and CREATE TIME AND SPACE for them to fully develop those talents.Too often, we pick one or the other, and that’s a HUGE MISTAKE.To nurture the nature, you must uncover what those gifts and talents are.LISTEN.Ask QUESTIONS.Spend DEDICATED TIME helping to uncover those gifts.Routinely give ENCOURAGEMENT and PRAISE.And most important of all, BE IN THE MOMENT.Here’s the coolest part of all.When you discover and grow the gifts, talents, and greatness in them.Often, you’ll find their greatness is a REFLECTION OF YOU.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is the Ed Milach Show. Welcome back to the show. Today's topic is nature versus nurture. It's one of the things I get asked about most whether it's developing business leaders in raising people, not environment or raising children. Ed, what matters? Nature or nurture? It's been a debate that's gone on for eons.
Starting point is 00:00:23 And there's really two camps. The first camp says that it's all nature. It's all evolution. It's been a debate that's gone on for eons. And there's really two camps. The first camp says that it's all nature. It's all evolution. It's all genetics. How somebody's going to turn out is all their biology, their talents, their skills, their success level, their happiness. It's all nature, right? The other camp says, no, it's not nature at all. It's nurture. It's the environment that somebody has raised him. So, you know, one point of view, like a guy like John Locke, the philosopher, he was a real big guy on that the mind is him. So, you know, one point of view, like a guy like John Locke, the philosopher, he was a real big guy on that the mind is a blank slate and that we're born into an environment and the experiences and memories that we have,
Starting point is 00:00:53 the situations we find ourselves in, the thoughts that are programmed into us, that's what develops us. Obviously other people think, nope, that's not the case because two children can be raised in the exact same house, can't they? Say an alcoholic home like I was raised in One of them turns out to be, you know, very very successful and happy and another child has trouble with alcohol themselves
Starting point is 00:01:11 or it doesn't have a high level of success or has problems and so really if it's all Environment why is it that two people can come out of an environment completely different? Same time you can't really argue the fact that some of us are born with certain abilities, certain talents, certain predispositions. And so here's what I'm gonna submit to you that I have stumbled onto in my life in raising children and raising business leaders and developing them.
Starting point is 00:01:36 You ready? Nurture their nature. The great parents, the great business leaders, nurture the nature of this person. Meaning, let's just take about it from a parenting standpoint. Your child was probably born with certain talent, skills, and giftedness. As a parent, one of your primary jobs is to help them discover what those things are. I talk about this a lot.
Starting point is 00:02:00 In fact, I'm writing a book right now that I think is going to change the world called Let Me Tell You About You. It's got an awful lot to do with how I've developed my friendships, my children, business people, and telling them about them. And what that really means is to look inside somebody, to observe them, and to be looking for what is their giftedness, what are their tendencies, what are their talents, what are their proclivities, and to tell them about those things. And then once you've identified them, allow the environment you create to nurture that nature too often. We pick one camp or the other. And like most arguments in life, both are right, but almost nobody's ever taken on this
Starting point is 00:02:37 philosophy. In fact, I'll bet this is the first time for most of you you've ever heard this before because I had never heard it before until I started developing it. I looked at my children. I thought, well, one of them is a certain way more than the other one, a little bit, you know, if that's their intellectual level or their ability to process information or their problem solving, test taking skills, right? The other one's maybe a little bit more intense and has a common sense that's just giftedness or their humor, their ability to build relationships with people, their athleticism, whatever it might be. As a leader, and we'll just use this in the parenting context, but this is
Starting point is 00:03:07 true in business, the great leaders have a unique ability to observe people and see their nature, see their unique talents and gifts. I believe everybody was born with two or three or four very unique talents and gifts, special just to them. That's their nature. They were born with, unless this be honest, you look at your own children or friends of yours or yourself. You know, maybe your, maybe your talent is your gift is your ability to problem solve or think through solutions. Maybe it's your IQ, maybe it's your humor, maybe it's your physical beauty, how you listen to people, your nurturing ability, your intensity, your passion, your peace under duress, your equanimity. There's so many different things.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Your engineering skills for some of you. I can't even change a light bulb, right? Your ability to communicate, right? Your ability to make people feel a certain emotion. It could be whatever, it's sewing. It could be, you know, working on a car. It could be, you know, building a company. It could be your vision.
Starting point is 00:04:02 It could be your marketing ability, your energy, whatever that talent is. One of the keys in life is to figure out as early as you came, what those two or three things are that God gave you. And by the way, it's okay if you're even a little bit wrong in the beginning. And maybe you only pick one or two and you've got some hidden ones that will be uncovered later. But as a father, as a friend, I am constantly trying to look for the greatness in them. Now as a person of faith and as a Christian, what I'm really looking at, for me, the way I think it. So I'm looking for the Christ in them. I'm looking for the gift that was sewn into them before they were even born. And for me, I love opening that up. See, I look at people like they're a gift. And I want to have my focus with them in the present.
Starting point is 00:04:44 So I think about a present in a gift. And then I think my job focus with them in the present. So I think about a present in a gift. And then I think my job is to open up that gift and define inside of it with the talent and the gift is. And so I do that very regularly. I'm gonna write about it in my book. I'm not covering all of it today, but if you became a friend of mine pretty quickly in the game,
Starting point is 00:05:00 I will begin to point out to you what some of those gifts you have are that I see. And sometimes it's a revelation to people and sometimes it's a confirmation of something they've always believed it was embarrassed to believe about themselves or wasn't sure that it was true. As a father, very early on, I started to look, what are their tendencies, what are their gifts, what are they good at, right? What are their proclivities?
Starting point is 00:05:20 And then to point them out, you know, Bella Boo, you're so fast. Man, I can't believe how much faster that you run than everybody. And man, socially everybody likes you because you're so funny, because you're so brilliant and witty. And you've got this ability to make other people feel good about themselves and they feel connected to you.
Starting point is 00:05:37 By the way, it's important to begin to nurture that part of her nature, Maximus, you're so brilliant. How you can almost have a photographic memory and you remember things and you ace every test and you're so kind and gentle and your work ethic is beyond belief, man, like your ability to, everyone likes you, everyone thinks you're kind,
Starting point is 00:05:57 nobody's got a bad word to say about you, out work everybody. And to notice these talents, because when you point out the Christ in somebody, or what we'll just call for today's, if you're secular when you point out the Christ in somebody, or what we'll just call for today's, if you're secular or, you know, aren't a believer, if you just point out the giftedness in somebody, you have connected yourself to them in a way that maybe one or two other people in their entire lifetime will.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Did you hear what I just said? When you tell a human being, I see this gift in you, and they know kind of intuitively, it's true about them, or they didn't know know and then they begin to evaluate it and prove it. You have connected or yoke yourself to them in a way that almost no other human being ever will because you've touched something in them that is so deep, that's so innate, that's so true, that you build a bond in a connection with them and energy of vibrational frequency, a sole type connection that really they'll never have with anybody else, maybe one or two other people.
Starting point is 00:06:48 And you'll be able to impact and affect them in a way that most people never will. So as a father, my main job is to love them and to believe in them, to encourage them, but also to see them and help them uncover what their gift is, what their nature is, and then to nurture it as a business leader. When I'm evaluating people, it's to find out, oh, it's your ability to problem solve.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Oh, my gosh, you're the one that's calm under pressure. Oh, you're the one who puts different pieces together of a puzzle like I've never seen before, right? Or it's your copywriting ability or your communication skills or your ability to deduce information that's complex into something simple, oh no, you're the person who galvanizes the team whatever it is. And i'm looking for those things and then what i'm going to do is put them in an environment that nurtures that nature. And now people begin to perform at a super human level and you have a super human super natural bond with them. and you have a superhuman, supernatural bond with them. And so I want you to begin to think about that, in relationships you have with your children,
Starting point is 00:07:50 if you have children, or if you don't, your boyfriend or girlfriend, your friends, how good are you bet? Have you been pointing out to them their giftedness and their greatness? You do it in a real way, you're not some corn ball, right? But over time, you go, I told you lately, literally how amazing you are at X, Y and Z. Man, I think you should be using that
Starting point is 00:08:08 more to help other people to start a business or to do X or Y. This is why so many human beings don't feel good about themselves. And most of that is nurture. It was their environment, okay, because let me just be real with you. A lot of winning is not just mental. It's environmental, okay? But yet there are people that transcend their environment, but what if you had both? What if you took somebody's nature and you created an environment around them that nurtured it? Now they've got the environment and the talent and the gift. They're almost unstoppable. And so I want you to really begin to think about why is it that most people don't feel great about themselves? Here's what I think, conditioning, patterns, the way people have treated them, their environment, and they don't have a defense
Starting point is 00:08:55 against it. The defense against that is to know you. And to know oneself is to know what your giftedness is, to know what your nature is, to know what your talents are. And so when you don't know those things or you know them, but you're not utilizing them in your life, then the environment will crush you. And then you begin to lose hope and belief in yourself. In fact, if you're somebody today who's listening to this show or watching it and you've lost some hope and belief in yourself, forget all your external results. Those external results are the environment.
Starting point is 00:09:30 Right? So if you're just looking at the results, your environment is constantly reinforcing to you, you're not good enough. You're not that special. You're not going to win. You're not going to be happy. So screw all that. What I want you to do is to look inside you. What are some of your talents and gifts? If you weren't being humble, what are they? Is it your listening skills? Maybe it's just your moral compass, your humor, how much you truly care about people, your intellect, your physical touch, right? What you look like, maybe it's none of those things, maybe those aren't your gifts, maybe your gift is your persistence, your resiliency, your generosity, your faith. Okay, I don't know what it is, but when you begin to look inside yourself and say, what are. Okay, I don't know what it is, but when you begin to look inside yourself
Starting point is 00:10:07 and say, what are the things that I'm naturally good at? And maybe often in life, because somebody is very good at something and it becomes natural to them, meaning it is their nature, they take it for granted and don't think it's special. Did you hear that? Because something is natural for you to do, you just don't think it's special or you think everybody has that, but they don't think it's special. Did you hear that? Because something is natural for you to do,
Starting point is 00:10:25 you just don't think it's special or you think everybody has that, but they don't. And so that's why you need a leader with vision to say, I see that gift, and then I'm gonna put you in an environment where I nurture it, just pointing it out repetitively, is part of nurturing it, okay? So I stand that we are supposed to be
Starting point is 00:10:44 nurturing people's nature. So if you're sitting here today alone and you're not happy, go inside. What are some of my gifts? I'm going to give myself credit for them. One of my great gifts that I've found in myself is my intentions. You know, I'm not the smartest person in the world. I was not the fastest when I played baseball or the best hitter. You know, I don't know that I can do everything for my friends or as a father. I was not the fastest when I played baseball or the best hitter. You know, I don't know that I can do everything for my friends or as a father. I've made tons of mistakes. One of my gifts is I believe I have very good intent and I stack that. And because I had those intentions, I met a leader Wayne Dyer when I was young and my dad did this too and my mom.
Starting point is 00:11:23 That was a good boy. That was a good boy. That was a good person. That I had a good heart, that I deserved to be happy and to win and to help other people. One of those gifts is my intent. Now, for me, I think everybody has good intentions. That's no big deal.
Starting point is 00:11:37 The truth is, is at 52 years old, I can tell you for sure, that's not true. And so can you. There's lots of people that don't have good intentions. But I do, and that's one of my great gifts that may seem simple. See, we overlook. We think, well, the gift has to be that I can 360 win mill dunk. Now, that's a gift or I can run you like you saying, Bolt, whatever it might be, right? Or man, I have the IQ of an Elon Musk or the vision of a Steve Jobs, right? Or the beauty of a Beyoncé or the singing ability.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Yeah, those are apparent gifts, but what are yours? And for most of us, those gifts remain invisible because nobody shines a light on them for us. But once that light shines, all of a sudden, we become the Beyoncé of our own lives. We become the LeBron of our own lives. We become the Musk of our own lives. Our happiness, our emotions, our productivity, our achievements, the way we can contribute to other people, it becomes exponentially different. And so, my recommendation, I guess, today is to say to you, that in your friendships with your children,
Starting point is 00:12:39 with your parents, with your friends, whoever that might be, within your business, And even this, with strangers, with people that you just meet, or you want to get better at meeting people, look for their giftedness. In my case, look for the Christ and then look for their talent and point it out and tell them that over and over again. Usually with my very famous or well-known friends, with that little group of people, when people say, how do you get so close to so-and-so? Because what most people do is spend all their time telling them how amazing it is the environment is that they've created for their life. The money they've
Starting point is 00:13:14 made, the jet they've got, the TV show they have, the concert they've filled up, the election they won, and they are really focusing all the time on their nature, like kind of what they've developed. I spend my time looking inside that person and saying, man, your real gift isn't that. It's how genuine and kind you are, or it's how intense you are, or it's how relentless you are.
Starting point is 00:13:40 And I bond myself in a way that's very unique with them because I'm looking at that. I'm looking at the internal, not the external, when I meet a human being. Now, by the way, once in a while, that external is one of their gifts. They're physically beautiful, or unbelievably strong, whatever it might be. That might be. But for the vast majority of people that gift is on the inside, not the outside, we just as a culture only usually celebrate external gifts. And that's who becomes famous because they have an ability maybe like I do to speak. That's an external obvious thing or someone can sing or run fast or they're strong or hit a ball further or putt well or
Starting point is 00:14:17 and they'll engage. They can pin somebody. We see the external gifts. The great leaders in life, the great parents in life see the internal parents in life, see the internal gifts. So, my recommendation to you today is to become an advocate of both points of view, and I can tell you as someone who's built big businesses, who's built a family, who's built a bunch of friendships, who's a little bit further down the road, what our job is in life is to nurture the nature and the giftedness and other people. This will become a muscle you build. It won't be very easy at first, but when you just become intentional and aware of it, you begin to see human beings differently.
Starting point is 00:14:48 You will immediately connect with them. You will connect with your Uber driver differently instantly. You will connect with a server in a restaurant. You'll connect with your doctor. You will connect with your friends. You will make new friends. You will develop and build people in your company in a way you've never done that before. You can actually remake your relationship with your significant other. You can fix a relationship with someone that doesn't work. You can get closer to your mom or dad if it's been distant. And man, can you become a world class parent if you begin to do this? Your whole way you look at people now as a gift and you're in the present with that gift and your job is to open it up and look inside and find their nature. with that gift and your job is to open it up and look inside and find their nature. It can change your life.
Starting point is 00:15:27 So my recommendation to you today is to do exactly that. From a scientific perspective, really what nature means is biological or genetic predispositions that impact one's human traits, physical, emotional, or intellectual. Nurture by contrast describes the influence of learning and other environmental factors in someone's life. I like to take advantage of both. I believe we were put here on this earth to help other people, to build other people up, to leverage the gifts and talents of one another, to do something great, to advance culture, to advance society.
Starting point is 00:16:01 We have flipped that on its back in this culture. Where now, what we really do with one another is find out the things we don't like. Find out their weaknesses. Go for the jugular. Here's what's wrong with them. Here's what they think that's stupid. Here's their problem. And we actually now look for the gotcha. We look for the negative. We literally have abandoned finding the giftedness. What type of country, what type of world would we be if we all took advantage of each other's beautiful gifts that God gave us and leveraged those and began to focus a whole lot less on the weaknesses because I've got news for you.
Starting point is 00:16:35 As a human being, you were born with flaws. I got news for you. So are the other people that you're in your life. So if we're going to focus on that, those are easy to find. And that is a terrible way to go through life. It's a terrible way to build a family. It's a terrible way to build a friendship. It's a terrible way to build a country.
Starting point is 00:16:53 It's a terrible world to live in. Because that's not what we were born to do. We were born inherently with sins and flaws and mistakes and frailties. But we are also born with three or four great things about us. And life is about taking those three or four things and leveraging them to the benefit of other human beings. You want to find a happy person? They may not have made a lot of money yet. They don't have to have made a lot of money yet. You find a happy person. They have found two or
Starting point is 00:17:19 three gifts inside themselves. And then they have gone on a mission and a crusade and a cause to use those mission, those those gifts in a mission to change other people's lives in some potential way. And their own lives. Say to you again, a happy, blissful person has figured out, oh, these are one or two or three of my gifts. I'm going to now figure out how to use these gifts in the service of other human beings in my business, in my personal life life and my charitable giving, whatever that might be in my family. Now I'm going to show you a person who's got a great life. They may not have even got all the way to the promised land yet, but what they have is hope, what they have is a future, what they have is a vision and a dream, what they have
Starting point is 00:17:57 as a purpose. Because now their environment is nurturing that nature. I'm here to help you any way I can. And so that means follow me on Instagram follow my social media The friend named Brennan Brushard has got this app. I'm a big believer in called growth day if you go to growth day Dot com forward slash ed. You can get involved there. You can come see me speak of a coaching program and the aratay syndicate as well But the bottom line is if you just want to come here for free every single week, I'm here to serve you. I hope I'm giving you content that's better than the stuff
Starting point is 00:18:29 you pay for in the outside world of seminars and events. And I'll give it to you here for free because it's from someone who's actually maybe accomplished a little something in their life. So God bless you. Nurture, you're a nature and do that for other people. Max out. This is the Ed Milach Show.

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