Episode Date: January 16, 2024

TONY ROBBINS reveals his LIFE and MONEY MASTERY SECRETS right here on The Ed Mylett Sow! 🚨 Visit to grab your seat to Tony's Free Time to Rise Summit. Shape Your Year in... Only 3 Days: Create a Results Plan for 2024 Live with Tony Robbins! Get your FREE spot NOW at 🚨 Dive into this extraordinary episode as we welcome back (for the 4th time!) Tony Robbins, the world-renowned coach, speaker, and one of most dynamic and successful entrepreneurs and philanthropists on the planet today. This episode isn't just about financial wisdom; it's a comprehensive masterclass in life and money mastery! We’re getting REAL about the investment strategies of the MEGA-WEALTHY and how YOU can implement them – whether you're managing a modest savings account or a hefty portfolio. Regardless of where you’re starting from, these principles can propel you toward wealth. AND this episode transcends money… We're exploring the broader spectrum of life mastery, including: How to define and navigate the SEASONS of your life The synergy of mind, body, emotions, and actions Combating SELFISHNESS in society and its effects on personal growth and relationships. Key MONEY principles, including creating a FREEDOM FUND, intelligent ASSET ALLOCATION, mastering ASYMMETRICAL risk rewards, and the power of DIVERSIFICATION. The importance of PRIVATE EQUITY ALLOCATION in diversifying your investment strategy. Ray Dalio’s fundamental investing principles This episode will help you become the HERO of your own journey financially, physically, and emotionally and step into a life of abundance in every sense. 🌟🌍💰 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So, hey guys, are you frustrated with where you're at right now? Maybe stunted in your progress? Well, if you are, I want to recommend a place for you to go called GrowthDay. forward slash ed. It is the number one personal development app on the planet. It was created by my friend Brennan Brushard. It's got all kinds of high performance techniques in there. Courses, accountability, journaling, live speeches from some of the top influences in the
Starting point is 00:00:23 world, including me. And here's the other thing I recommend you do. Come see me speak this year. journaling live speeches from some of the top influences in the world, including me. And here's the other thing I recommend you do. Come see me speak this year. And you know, typically ticket prices, a see me speak are very, very expensive for most people to be able to afford. But if you go to forward slash ed, you can actually get two tickets to see me speak for free in Los Angeles at some point this year. Yeah, my friend Brennan Brasardi is crazy.
Starting point is 00:00:44 He's going to give away two tickets to see me speak, and for anybody involved in the Growth Day app, and by the way, you can actually get started in the Growth Day app right now for a free trial at forward slash ed. It's the number one personal development hub on the planet. People like myself speaking in there on Mondays, Brennan Brushart, some of the top speakers
Starting point is 00:01:01 and influencers in the world. It'll teach you high performance techniques, goal setting, motivation, hold you accountable. It's an overall environment to change your life, and you get two tickets to see me speak for free. I can't get over it. forward slash Ed. This is the advantage. All right, welcome back to the show everybody my guest today. He's been a friend of mine for almost 30 years I was thinking about as I was prepping for this. I've known him for 30 years
Starting point is 00:01:31 Oh, cow, and he's a is that crazy? He's a he's a global icon and He's the number one life and business strategist on the planet peak performance expert New York Times best best selling author over and over again. My favorite part about him is his entrepreneurial spirit, which a lot of people don't know about because they see him just changing other people's lives. And his philanthropy work is unprecedented. And he's somebody that I admire that I've looked up to and has made a huge impact in difference in my life as I know he has for millions of you. So Tony Robbins, welcome back to the show, brother. Good to the show, brother.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Ed, good to see you, man. You look like you're in great shape. A big surprise. You're a workout fiend. Let's see you some healthy and strong. Thank you, man. I'm trying to hold together. Likewise, and by the way, when you're looking at this, everybody is 10 years older than me, even though it doesn't look like it. So I'm going to probably throw a stronger filter on this today than I normally do. A couple of things I want to mention to you all before we get going because you don't get the chance to do this very often, which is Tony's hosting a virtual event for three days. And it's free.
Starting point is 00:02:33 I still cannot get over the fact that you can get access to the person that I think the last 50 years on the planet has helped more people change their lives than any single human being. And yet you can get access to him for free. And so this event is January 25th through the 27th. It's called a Time to Rise Summit. You should register.
Starting point is 00:02:51 And if you'd like to register, you can go to That's jointony, the number Go register for that event. In these times, you're gonna need it. And then the second thing, which I'm thrilled to talk about today, we're going to talk about life and we're going to talk about money today.
Starting point is 00:03:09 And the other thing is that he's got a book out now February 13th, 2024. If you're listening to this before, go pre-order it after go grab it. The Holy Grail of Investing, it's the third book and a trilogy of books that Tony's written on money. And this one right here, we were just talking off camera, is bananas and is going to be incredibly enlightening for so many of you. There's information in this book you have never heard anywhere. Frankly, even if you're a pretty sophisticated investor and so I highly recommend you
Starting point is 00:03:38 go grab that book. So let's jump into both those today. You ready? Yeah. Whatever you want to go. Let's start with, I think, because the state for both Tony is, where are we economically? Because I think this dictates where we are in our lives and our money. Last time you're on, you said, look, I think we're in for a winter.
Starting point is 00:03:53 I think it's going to be a long one. I'm curious as you evaluated at the time of this recording, because clearly things aren't great. We've got a couple of wars going on. There's disarray all over the planet. But then on the other hand, you know, in the United States, inflation seems to be getting somewhat under control.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Unemployment's not real high. You know, I go to a mall, it's packed still with people in there buying stuff and consuming. So based on all of those conditions you see, what's the state of the union right now in your mind? Well, you know, if you study history and I think you not talked about this before, everything moves in cycles and they're pretty predictable cycles.
Starting point is 00:04:31 So, you know, I always tell people that if you want to be good at anything, investing, you want to own a business, you want to have a great body, you want to dance, you want to say anything you want to do, you need three skills. The first skill is you got to have pattern recognition. If you see anybody that's good at anything, they recognize patterns and it makes them not fearful. And then the second thing is pattern utilization. It's nice to see a pattern, but if you can use it to your advantage, you become a great investor. You become a great business person, right? Because
Starting point is 00:04:57 you know the patterns and you're not fearful because you know these patterns happen over and over again. And then eventually it's kind of like if you play other people's music long enough, you're able to create your own patterns, right? You build on what you've learned. So I want my kids to learn those three skills, because as AI is coming, there's so many beautiful technologies. No, there's a lot of fear about them,
Starting point is 00:05:17 because anytime something new comes, especially with the capacity of AI, there's going to be a lot of fear that goes out there. But you have to decide, you're going to live in fear, I was talking to some of the day, and they're like, we're in the verge of AI, there's going to be a lot of fear that goes out there. But you have to decide, you're going to live in fear. I was talking to some of the day and they're like, we're in the verge of, you know, a nuclear war or World War three. And I said, okay, well, you're going to see a little worry about whether a nuclear bomb
Starting point is 00:05:34 is going to be dropped on you. Let me just tell you, if it happens, you won't even know it. You'll be vaporized. It'll be over. So you don't need to, you know, a courageous man dies one time or woman, right? He coward dies a thousand times. So every time you imagine it's there. So we're living in a season that is predictable
Starting point is 00:05:48 if you study history. He goes in about 20 years cycles. And think of it this way. There's a spring time where everybody's optimistic. If you run a business in there, you look like a genius. You're just in the right place at the right time. We then have a correction time.
Starting point is 00:06:01 We're challenging time, a summer that tests you. It's hot and difficult. And if you don't take care of what you've grown, it falls apart. If you make it to those two seasons, you get to fall where it's a reaping time. It's beautiful. It's easy. Somebody wants to loan you money for a house and you don't even have an income. You know, you know those types of days, right? Easy money, right? Interst rates are nothing.
Starting point is 00:06:20 You can do it all. And then we always have that followed by a winter, right? And winter, it looks like it's going to be bad forever and people overreact. So if you look at those four seasons, you start looking around and you can see that if you look back and you look at humanity back, you know, when we were hunter-gatherers, we had a lot of fear because we hadn't recognized one pattern, the pattern of the seasons. Once you know seasons, you know, you don't plant in the winter. It doesn't matter how hard you work. You do the right thing at the wrong time. It's not going to work. You got to plant in the spring. And you got to take
Starting point is 00:06:51 care of it in the summer and so forth. Once we learn that, we could stay in a community, we could build. There's patterns in terms of think of four seasons of a person's life. Zero to twenty one roughly is kind of springtime. Some of us had to go to work at 13 or 14 years old. But most people are pretty protected for the most part in their youth. People tell you what to believe they teach you how it's supposed to be. But then you enter 22 to roughly 42 and you're the soldier of society. You're that person that goes to war literally. You're the person that goes into business. And now what happens is you decide to test what you believe. And you think you're unbeatable,
Starting point is 00:07:27 you're gonna be president of the United States, you're gonna be a billionaire, you're gonna have a hundred perfect relationships simultaneously and everyone's gonna be happy. And then in your 30s, you discover a holy s***. Relationships not that easy. I'm not a billionaire yet. And so you get humbled and you start to grow,
Starting point is 00:07:43 but you also test 43 to 63 is the power season. That's the reaping time if you planted in the spring. Otherwise, it's a weeping time if you didn't, right? You worked hard in those first two seasons. You know, you and I both can do more with our pinky now than we work 24 hours a day. And if you work 24 hours a day now, you can move mountains, right? Because you know the right people, you know the right principles, you know the distinction, you can through to it. Now, I have 111 companies now doing seven billion dollars in business. That's a real understatement. It's the conservative number estimates actually much higher than that now. But to give you perspective, I mean, I couldn't even run three companies at one stage, right? You know, it was overwhelming
Starting point is 00:08:20 to me. So your skills get stronger. And then think of 64 to 84 to 104, 120 is the oldest humans. That's the wintertime where you now are more of a mentor in society. You know who the hell you are. You're not trying to convince yourself or anybody else who you are. If they don't get it, you don't really care. You just want to give back and do beautiful things because you live life long enough. And then you look at how are things different in the 60s and 70s compared to the 50s. Very different values, the 80s, 90s, 2000s, very different values. And so people grow up in different environments. But if you live long enough, we're all going to be tested.
Starting point is 00:08:58 We're all going to go through all the seasons. So it's a long way of saying where are we right now? If you study history, we're in winter, because the primary emotion is fear. And things get magnified in this environment. Social media now is a tool that does that. The regular media does, and they're good people. They're not trying to do anything but meet their job. Their job is to make more money for the shareholders.
Starting point is 00:09:17 And the way I do that is get your attention. That's why I have quickbake. Because it doesn't matter whether story is good or not. If you click on it, I'm paid. And we all know for yourselves So that's why we live in the world we're in we're in this for a period of time But not all winters are the same everywhere on earth and right now America's still position is pretty well We have a lot of challenges that I be faced. There's a lot of change that has to happen for us
Starting point is 00:09:39 But I'm optimistic and I also know that these people that people look down on who think, you know, they haven't had it hard. There's some truth in that. You know, you grow up differently when everything's at your fingertips on your phone. But what's really nice is the challenges will make them strong. Cause here's the history of the world in four sentences. Good times, great week people.
Starting point is 00:10:00 You can see it in thousand years of Roman history, over and over again. You can see in Greek history, you can see it anywhere. So of Roman history over and over again. You can see in Greek history. You can see it anywhere. So good times great week people, week people, great bad times, bad times great strong people, strong people great great times. And then happens again. And you can see this history up to history.
Starting point is 00:10:16 So I'm optimistic about the future because we have so much technology that can change things here in the United States. We're leaders in that. AI is one of those pieces. But there's also technology changing our bodies. We talked about this last time because I wrote the book Life Force and the interview, the 150 of the best regenerative scientists in the world. I mean, we're 12 years from what they call longevity, you know, that's term they use, what is the term they use? It's longevity, escape velocity. What that means is, what it means, if you talk to the very smartest people in the world,
Starting point is 00:10:51 that are the best in the world that they do, like Ray Kurzweil. He's been the most accurate predictor of technology, bar none in history. Or you talk to George Church from Harvard, as the Genesis. They both say about 12 years roughly is what they both estimate. Every year, our technology will allow us to be a year younger physiologically, as long as we don't get killed in the car accident or something like that. So if you take care of yourself of the next 12 years, roughly, maybe it's 15, you're going to be exposed to technology change everything. CRISPR is eliminating some diseases. The first one approved is dealing with sickle cells, just on last month, and they can literally
Starting point is 00:11:27 cut it out of your genetic code, and so you don't get up a night of your kids. I mean, this is wild. So, it's not that simple. There's moral decisions they made. There's going to be consequences to any new technology. There's going to be disruption. But overall, we have an incredibly bright future, not because I'm optimistic, because I'm not. I'm a realist. I just look at the history. I see how things work. When
Starting point is 00:11:49 we make it to winter, it'll be a new springtime. It won't be forever. Will that be another four years, five years, seven years? I don't know. But we will get to the other side, and then it'll be optimism again for another 17, 18, 20 years. These history patterns are there. So the real secret is there's two worlds you got to master your own internal world and the external world. You can't control the external world. You can influence it. But if you take control of your mind, your body, your emotions and your actions, you can have an extraordinary quality of life in winter. People freeze the death during winter. Some people sneeze, sneeze, snowboard. They build a fire. They
Starting point is 00:12:22 build their business. So it's up to you. Instead of complaining about the season or pretending it's not winter, you want to take advantage of it. I grew up, my start of my business in 1977, 78, that's all I am. And we had 18% interest rates. So when people complain about 8%, you know, I just think if they were 18% right, people will be sacking the White House, you know, saying this is so serious. But that's the world where it's,
Starting point is 00:12:47 so we're living in a challenging time, but an exciting time. And most of the problems we're facing, whether it's crime in the streets, a lot of that's driven by policy, whether it's the wars we're talking about, whether it's fighting internally within people, the common disease that everybody has is selfishness.
Starting point is 00:13:04 And when you don't face enough challenges, you focus on yourself a lot. And then it never makes you happy. The cure is love. I know that sounds corny, but love is when you care about something more than yourself, whether it be your children or your community or your country or, you know, the people that you want to serve feeding people, whatever your thing is, those are the things that give us energy and allow us to succeed. So we need to just stop complaining and put ourselves in a place where we make ourselves more resourceful and
Starting point is 00:13:30 more resilient and get stronger. You know, instead of praying, Lord, help me. It's like, make me stronger so that I can turn these things around. And that's, that's my approach to things. I love that. I, it's turned in for a lot of people, Tony, though, world events, the economy, what's, it becomes their primary obsession. It just does. I mean, more of an ever because what you said, the media, social media, and there's, you know, one thing I'd tell people recently is like, there's some, you're kind of hiding in that obsession to some extent. I mean, if you can be so obsessed with going on in the world and the conditions of the world, you don't have to pay very much attention to what's going on in your world, in your family, in your finances. It's one
Starting point is 00:14:08 of the things. One of the reasons I wanted Tony's event to be promoted is because those will be three days where you can focus on your world, your inner world, so you can change your external results. And so again, join Go register for that event, guys. It's a big deal. So, hey guys, as you know, I've partnered up with my good friend, Brennen Brushard, who's created the greatest personal development system that has ever been designed called Growth Day. If you go to forward slash ed,
Starting point is 00:14:36 you can get all the information, but it's that time of year where everybody's trying to form new habits, they've got new resolutions and goals, and you need an environment and you need some coaches and you need to be able to do it super inexpensively. And that's where forward slash ed comes in. There's everything from journaling to accountability programs, live messages every Monday from myself and other influencers.
Starting point is 00:14:56 There's an opportunity for you to get courses that would cost thousands of dollars completely for free. It's incredible. Go to forward slash ed and check it out. This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp and I have to tell you something I'm so honored that it is because I'm such a believer in therapy. I don't think enough people dive into therapy. You know, therapies for a lot of different reasons all the way that you're really going through a very difficult time or traumatic thing in your past that you want to work
Starting point is 00:15:21 through. All the way to maybe just today, you just need somebody to talk to and bounce some ideas off of and express yourself. Therapy is something that most of the guests you've seen on my show all have in common, is that at one time in their life or they're currently in some form of therapy because it can help you work through trauma, challenges, problems, blocks, mentally that you may have.
Starting point is 00:15:40 And what I love about BetterHelp is it can be done online. You can switch your therapist at any time if you don't click with them. It's just an awesome environment and it's really, really affordable to get some help with whatever you're going through or have gone through in your life. I totally, completely recommend BetterHelp. So celebrate the progress you've already made. Visit slash edshow today to get 10% off your first month. to learn to speak Spanish. And I'm going to tell you something. I've gotten pretty fluent in Spanish, and there's only one reason. And that's Babel. Babel is a number one learning language app in the history of mankind and has changed my life because it's taught me in short, easy to understand lessons, how to speak Spanish
Starting point is 00:16:15 in a fluent language. And I'm going to tell you something. I've gotten pretty fluent in Spanish, and there's only one reason. And that's Babel. Babel is a number one learning language app in the history of mankind and has changed my life because it's taught me in short, easy to understand lessons, how to speak Spanish in a fluent way. And you can learn any language in there.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Basically, they got a ton of different languages. The courses are quick, 10, 20 minute courses. You're going to love it. If you want to learn a new language this year or you want your children to learn a new one, or maybe just improve in one, you're already pretty proficient at. Babbles, the place to do it. 10 million subscriptions sold already. Plus, all of Babbles 14 language courses are back by their 20-day money back guarantee.
Starting point is 00:16:50 It's a no-brainer. Here's a special limited time deal for our listeners. Right now, you get 55% off your Babbles subscription. But only for our listeners at slash mylet, which is M-Y-L-E-T-T. Get 55% off. slash my let spelled slash my let. Rules and restrictions may apply. I wanted to ask you that, like a harder question. And that is, how does someone condition change? So use the word patterns earlier, right?
Starting point is 00:17:21 And in both of our work with different people, they've got where they've got because they've developed these patterns. And maybe they do read a book or they come to a one day event or something like that. And there's change, but how do you condition change in somebody? Is that what you would call immersion over a three day window? Or is it some habitual change when they get back that's task or routine oriented. Conditioning change is kind of the rub. I think it's like the next level of advice that's given to somebody that, you know, I don't
Starting point is 00:17:53 see being discussed very often. I think it's a hard question. So I'm curious as to what your answer is about conditioning a change. I want to give it two quick answers to it. One is how I did originally because I didn't know how right. I started reading all these books. The first book I read when I was, you know, just, you know, 17 years old. My mom kicked my dad out. She chased me out with a knife. I knew she wouldn't kill me, but I wasn't going back in that house. And I was like, okay, I'm walking in the rain trying to figure out what to do. I
Starting point is 00:18:18 stayed in the laundry room of on the second night, first night on the hill in the rain. So the next night in laundry room of her friends. And I had a small amount of money, like, I don't know, 19, 20 bucks. And I took the bus and I went to this bookstore I'd seen years ago before. And I got this book called The Magic of Believing by Clyde and Bristol. And in the book, it talked about conditioning your mind
Starting point is 00:18:37 and that it talked about not affirmations. I'm happy, I'm happy, I'm happy, I'm happy, and it brings, goes, yes, you're not happy. But incantations is when you speak it, you engage your body with such intensity. Now today I understand when you want to change something, you change the body, you change your focus,
Starting point is 00:18:51 and you change your language. When you change all three of those things radically, somebody's depressed, uses their body a certain way. They talk with a certain tone of voice, they focus on what they can't control, they focus on things in the past, they can't control. They focus on things in the past. They can't shift. They focus on what's missing. It's not hard to figure out what's going to happen. They use words like I tried. I can't. I don't know. There's what I call a triad. These three things
Starting point is 00:19:15 are done a certain way when you're depressed. If you change that person's body radically, the tempo they speak, their voice, you change their focus to what they are in control of, you change their language, everything shifts. Well, when you do incantations, think of like affirmations only speaking aloud with total intensity over and over again with repetition, it's like conditioning your mind, your body and your emotions at once. So I was working in these two banks, one kicked me out, and they were in San Reno, California, and your Pasadena, California. And I worked there, I was still in high school and I would take the buses there because they didn't have a car.
Starting point is 00:19:50 My mom kept my car. It was a 1960 Volkswagen bug. And I got there and I cleaned the banks because it wasn't by the hour, it was by the result. So I cleaned two banks. I was really good at it. I did a really good job. And by finished by two in the morning, I get on the bus by 3.30 in the morning, I'm home, I go to sleep, wake up on four-hour sleep and go to school. It was pretty brutal. One night I come out of the bank, changed my entire life. I'm waiting for
Starting point is 00:20:13 the bus, waiting for the bus, waiting for the bus. 45 minutes, no bus. There's nobody around. It's three in the morning. I got to get home. What the hell? I know I can call and do this. I'm a million miles away. So All of a sudden a guy comes creeping down the street and he rolls down his window. He goes, hey buddy It's time at the bus stop. He goes, didn't you see the paper? There's a bus strike There's no way to get home. So what did I do? Part of it was initially anger with my mother kicking me out and I'll show her But then I remember I wrote this book so I was doing these things every day and every way I'm getting stronger and stronger every day and
Starting point is 00:20:47 every way I'm getting stronger and stronger every day and every way I'm getting stronger and stronger. I did that for the first 20 minutes then happy and happy and healthy. I ran 13 and a half miles and never run two miles in my entire life. It became the power that I still tap into this day. I literally found a part of myself by demand, by conditioning, by the end of that. Like, I was utterly certain what I can do. You know, when you see an athlete, a kicker, you know, on a football team, a basketball player, about to a free throw, and you think they're going to miss it. You can tell before they release the ball or kick the ball, they're going to miss it.
Starting point is 00:21:23 You see they're lacking certainty. When you look at something like Steph and he releases that ball and he turns and doesn't even look and it's already a swish. People go, oh my god, he's a genius. No, he's being rewarded in public for what he's practiced a billion times in private. Steph, no, he shoots, I've seen him. 500 shots every single day of his entire adult life from the time he was a teenager, but just take his 15-year career 500 shots a day, 14,000 shots a month, 168,000 shots a year,
Starting point is 00:21:53 15-year career has 2.52 million shots he's taken to make 3,300 to be the greatest 3-point shooter in history. That's conditioning, right? You do it, you do it. You do it. You do it. You do it. But there is a way to speed it up. When Stanford came to me and wanted to that study on depression a couple of years ago during COVID, they wanted to see, they saw the results. They couldn't believe it, right? People that get depressed, they had two professors that had gone no more clinical depression whatsoever. So I wanted to study the most people, 40% percent of people that get treated with drugs or psychological treatment are still depressed. That's the meta studies.
Starting point is 00:22:29 40% improved, average improvement 50% that they're half as depressed. They did it with us, 100% of the people after five days from date with destiny, not a single person. A year later, 11 months later, nobody did it. 17% of people had suicidal ideation, none with suicidal ideation.
Starting point is 00:22:46 How did that work? Well, we changed their perceptual filters, what people focused on, what things meant to them, what they do, what we did it for five or six days and nights of total immersion. And since they followed me for three years biochemically, they were interested because they discovered this biochemistry that Tom Brady experiences
Starting point is 00:23:06 that the Tampa Bay hockey team that's once on these Stanley cups, you know, lightning have done. They go into a state, if Tom Brady's down in the fourth quarter by 10 points and he's got two minutes, there's no way you're going to win the game. Something happens to him biochemically that happens to me every time I'm on stage as they measure me for three years. They caught the championship biochemistry. My testosterone surges to a level that's insane. But so does my audience. They follow me. So at that level, anything you think about, you remember, that's why the retention is so high. You remember where you were in 9-11. You don't remember where you were in 8-11. You don't remember those moments because there's not enough emotion. There's so much emotion.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Secondly, normally there'd be a huge amount of cortisol. That's the stress hormone that gets in the way of your performance. For Tom, for Tampa, for me, my cortisol drops through the floor while my testosterone is rising. That puts you in this state of absolute push, certainty, and drive. It doesn't guarantee you're going to win, but it increases your chances about 100 fold. My audience, not only my live audience, my live audience when we went during COVID to digital where I had people in 195 countries participating, like we're going to do, for example, for three days, they went around and sent people to 15 different countries, took their blood, just like me, took their saliva, measured them. Every single one of them went through this exact same pattern. And that's
Starting point is 00:24:28 why 11 months later, 72% decrease, and I've never seen them again, 72% decrease in negative motions, 52% increase in positive emotions. In business, it's all engagement. They measure engaged, disengaged, actively disengaged. Engage you really into it. Disengaged is like quiet quitting. You do the minimum. Actively disengaged are people that are angry and actually trying to screw you over in your own business.
Starting point is 00:24:55 COVID is four years destroyed engagement more than any time in the history of the measurements. And at levels no one could even dream of. The one that grew the most was active disengagement people actually angered trying to mess up the company. We did in six days they're doing a one-year study most studies like this are a month to three months. Largest one they've ever done in 750 people at the end of the six days update with destiny five and a half days. Every single person was higher than they were before COVID meaning their engagement was through the roof But was really cool is their measuring it the year ends this month But I saw the six month review
Starting point is 00:25:31 Every month they increased their engagement and their effectiveness And I never spoke to them yet never saw them again Why because it's in their biochemistry why because they have whole new filters in their brain So you can do it through incantations or you can do it through some form of immersion. They took the best professor at Stanford, one of these awards, hadn't teach my exact content as a contrast group. Word for word. But without the things I do to change biochemistry and he still got 300% increases in retention that he's never seen before on the content. But mine was 3,000% right? And his were off after I think was eight weeks
Starting point is 00:26:07 and mine a year later was still producing the results. So there is a science to changing your conditioning. So you can do it the route by incantation, do it route by having new rituals. There's so many ways you can do it. But the most powerful way I know of is total emergent where we engage your biochemistry and your emotion.
Starting point is 00:26:24 And what's so cool about it is time disappears. And we ask people, what's a long time? Some people say, essentially, some people say two minutes, right? A long time is anytime you're not enjoying yourself. You know, I'm going to feel like eternity if it's a horrible experience. But if you're having a great time, time disappears. And you know, even the events, go 12 hours a day, literally around the world, when I'm doing my events here, like the last event I just did to hear it with
Starting point is 00:26:49 Destiny, we had people in 195 countries. So it's every country in the world. We had like, we'd start here at 10 a.m. It's already midnight and Australia. They go from midnight to about one in the afternoon for six straight days in a row and we lost one percent of the people giving an idea. It's that engaging, right? They're going to hold it in timezone. It doesn't matter. They're in the zone and are about chemistry's change. And so that's why I love books. But the reason I still do seminars is because there's nothing like an immersion experience like that. Now people can do it from anywhere on earth or they can come in person to do it too because now the COVID is over, we do both. Yeah, and that's by way this event at I want you to go. It's just that's because you have a version over three days. Here's something I just want you to all to do. So don't give
Starting point is 00:27:33 you a my simple language from that. Success, bliss, achievement, ecstasy is a biochemistry. Yes. It's a neural chemistry and a biochemistry. And so if you want to find those states of being, it's a biochemistry. And so just for a lot of you, something really simple to do, when you're training physically, if you work out, you run, you walk, these are times where you should be anchoring your goals and your visions of your life when you're in that elevated state of neuro and biochemistry. It's just a much more powerful anchoring and conditioning for you to create a change in your life. And so elevated emotional or physical states and anchoring the things that you want in your life, your visions and your goals and your ambitions. Now you're anchoring the
Starting point is 00:28:14 biochemistry and the neurochemistry. The likelihood of those things happening and repeating themselves becomes that much higher. This is important stuff for you guys. I want to navigate. It's an interesting conversation. You're going to navigate, you know, our inner world in our lives and money in this conversation today. As you describe Peter D. Amanas, your dear friend was not on very long ago. It's just a few weeks ago Peter was on. We were talking about exactly what you're talking about, life extension. And if you can stick around another 20 or 30 years, you may get an additional 20, 30,
Starting point is 00:28:40 40 years on the back end of your life, which is great. But the other thing I think about is, means you need more money. If you're gonna live longer, you gotta have more money. If you're gonna be living to eight, I mean, if people pass away now in their mid 70s and that the potential that many of you are that are listening to this in your 30s and 40s or 50s will live past 100
Starting point is 00:28:58 and maybe significantly past 100, this financial question becomes even more paramount in people's lives because you're going to need more of it to live. And so I want to start out with some basic things that you teach and then we're going to get some pretty complicated, not complicated, but sophisticated, interesting stuff everybody. So first things first is you kind of have these four, what I call basic principles regarding money that I think most people aren't familiar with. I mean, the conversation about you're not taught it in school, you're not taught it in
Starting point is 00:29:28 college. It's not taught in most families, but I love these principles, everything from the diversification to asset allocation. Why don't you just start with that Tony, just illustrate kind of the, the framework of having a financial education or some financial sets. Well, first I'd say the biggest challenge for most Americans is they are not owners, right? Most Americans are consumers. We have all this advertising to consume, consume. So you're going to own an iPhone, you know, maybe you want to own Apple, you know, because that
Starting point is 00:29:57 iPhone is going down in value and you're going to get a new one. Why not have a own the company? I'm not saying you got to buy Apple, but you're giving this an example. example. Becoming owner, becoming owner, you got to do something very basic. Everybody spends all the money they have and you have to make one discipline and make the decision that says, I'm going to create a freedom fund, whatever age I am. I'm not going to wait till it's too late. And I'm going to take 10 or 15% or whatever percentage of my income and never see it. I'm going to arrange it to automatically go into an account. And then I'll figure out how to invest it. But I got to not see it because as long as you don't do that, you're not going to get where you want to go. There's a guy that I talk about in one of my early books who worked for UPS, feed or Johnson's his name. He never made more than $14,000
Starting point is 00:30:37 a year and retired with $70 million. How is that humanly possible? Because one of his friends said, we're going to make you wealthy in your long term. He goes, I'll never be wealthy. I think 14 grand a year ago, so you're going to be wealthy. We're going to take 20% of what you earn, put it aside and invest it, which by the way, he put it in UPS primarily. He was a driver, but later became low level executive. And people loved him.
Starting point is 00:31:01 He loved delivering and people loved the state. He put them in. They look forward to seeing him. But 20% he goes, I can't do that. I can delivering and people love the state. He put him in. They look for to seeing him But 20% goes, I can't do that. I can't live on what I have. I said if the government passed a law and said you had to pay 20% more taxes You scream you yell and you bang so you got to set a number in and automate it and then where do you put it? interjection on that just interjection real quick. I want you to keep going. This is a really important point guys You guys know that I built the financial company for 30 years And here's the here's the false belief system and'm going to let Tony rip through this because it's awesome. People think once I get around to making a lot of money, then I'll start saving this 10 or 20%.
Starting point is 00:31:33 Here's what my experience is. If you can't begin to save money even when you're at a lower income level, you will not do it ultimately when you make more money. You'll upgrade from the Honda to the Lexus. You'll upgrade from the apartment to the condo. And then when you make a money. You'll upgrade from the Honda to the Lexus. You'll upgrade from the apartment to the condo. And then when you make a little bit more, you go from the condo to the single family residence, the Lexus to the Mercedes, and you never get around to having that money you never see end up in savings and investments.
Starting point is 00:31:56 So it's critical. You begin to find a way to do that at any level of income somehow some way. Go for it back to you on that. If you're spot on, and if you do it in the early days, I mean, if you're a kid and you put a, you know, you put aside $300 a month because you got low overhead out of your money,
Starting point is 00:32:12 you can start that at 17 and because of compounding, you could stop that literally at, you know, if you started 17, you could stop at 27 and you put very little money in and it'll grow to almost $2 million. If it just put in the stock market an 8% Compound of return if you wait till you're 27 to start you're gonna have to invest till you're 65 and you'll still have less money So the sooner you start the better also your point also relates to philanthropy people go, you know, oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:32:38 I'll give money when I'm rich one thing I figured out early on if you won't give a dime out of a dollar You're not gonna give 10 million out of a hundred million or a billion and 10 million and so when you do that by the way you teach your brain there's more than enough so that's the philosophical part when I did I've done three books two of them number this third one just now coming out but both the other two or number one new times best seller so the first one was money master the game then unshakable and when I was doing those books, then it was my opinion. I said, let me review the smartest people in the world financially, the Ray Dalus, the Carl Iconz, the Warren Buffett, the Paul Tutor Joneses. And I knew a lot in this area, I've coached Paul Tutor Jones, whether top 10 traders in history, for 25 years now, if they does 24 years, something like that. And so I've seen every day what he does, all those times, coached him. I knew a lot. But when I interview these people, they're all different.
Starting point is 00:33:29 And I was looking for what do they do in common that makes them wealthy. I knew that all self-made billionaires, nobody from the Milky Spurm Club. And there are four things they all agreed on, even if they did complete it in types of investing. The first core principle is different. It's so simple, different than most investors.
Starting point is 00:33:45 The best investors are focused on not losing money. If you ask Warren Buffett, he has his famous two rules. Step one, he said rule number one, the investing, don't lose money. Rule number two, C rule number one, right? Now that's easy to say. But most people are like, what kind of return I'm going to get? The way they don't lose money is the second key. When I interview all of them, they all agree on one thing. There's only a few things you can manipulate to make more money. You can make better choices like which stocks or bonds are real estate or whatever to invest in. You can have better timing and then there's asset allocation. When I interviewed David Swenson
Starting point is 00:34:21 from Yale, he took them from one1 billion in their entire century of development. He grew their newty to $31 billion during his time there. It's unbelievable what he did. He said, Tony, you're going to be wrong. No, how smart you are about picking the right stock or bond. You're going to be wrong. And you're going to be wrong on timing. The only thing, 95% of your investment returns are based on what he called asset allocation.
Starting point is 00:34:43 And they all agree with that. It means if I'm going to invest $ thousand dollars ten thousand a million whatever it is I need an advance have a plan of what percentage am I going to put in low risk environments where I'm going to have low risk But low return, but it's steady. It's like the turtle and then I want to have some better environments where there's more risk But there's the potential for upside and then how I diversify that to protect myself, not all my ex-loan basket, it's going to be critical. Most people know that.
Starting point is 00:35:09 Well, these guys have developed very specific asset locations. And one of the things that happened when I went to go write this book, this third book, I decided I was going to look at a different type of investment, which we'll talk about in a minute, which is private equity, private real estate, private credit. And when I did that, I interviewed some of the smartest people alive in this area.
Starting point is 00:35:29 And I found out by doing my research, KKR, other people show that extremely high net worth people have a completely different asset allocation than the average person. They have 46% of their money, not stocks not in bonds not in reets But in private real estate private credit and the biggest one is private equity and so it's like knowing the formula third Third piece is really important these guys are all smart enough to know you don't take giant risks Because if you have a stock worth a hundred dollars or a hundred thousand dollars and it drops 50 percent You have to make a 100% to get even. If 100,000 drops to 50 and you grow back 50, you only have $75,000.
Starting point is 00:36:12 So they understand this. So they always look at risk differently than most of us. They look to see how they can get asymmetrical risk reward. That's a big word. It means how do I take the least risk with the most upside? So Paul Tudor Jones, I've coached for this, you know, basically quarter of a big word. It means how do I take the least risk with the most upside? So Paul Tudor Jones, I've coached for this, you know, basically quarter of a century almost. And with Paul, he is whole philosophy is, I don't want to make an investment.
Starting point is 00:36:33 I may be wrong, but I'm going to believe that I can make, I'm going to risk a dollar to make five, not risk a dollar, make 10% or 20% like most people. I'm looking for a five to one. That way, if I'm wrong, I can risk another dollar I still make four. He'd be wrong four times out of five and break even. So that puts the game totally in a different place. And so the problem is most people know where to find asymmetrical risk rewards. So I look for those places to show them.
Starting point is 00:37:00 And then the final one is the one we all know, diversification. You want to not put all your eggs on one basket, diversification, the only free lunch. And that diversification means diversifying, not putting all your money in one stock, not putting all your money in stocks. So it's not just the type of investment, the category or it, you don't buy one piece of real estate. You got to diversify locations, elements, you got to diversify across timelines. So diversification is great. So all these guys agreed in those four. So I was thrilled with what I did. I'm moneymesting the game's
Starting point is 00:37:30 the most successful financial book of the last 24 years of the century, 23 years. So I'm proud of it and unshakable also exploded. But what I was fascinated by was people are so crunched right now. The biggest question people are asking is like, how do I get those returns? And so you know, for years, bonds were so low, everybody put all their money in the stock market. And, you know, for the most time, they got by with it a few times there were significant drops, but it's only a matter of time before the system balances out. Now bonds have raised, right? And we've seen that you can get some returns on bonds in 5% range pretty easily,
Starting point is 00:38:05 but most people need more of that kind of return, a larger rate to get to where they want to be financially. So this is the part most people don't know. 35 out of the last 35 years, private equity, which is companies that have their own money, the investing companies, they buy a piece of the company or all the company, they change the CEO, they change the marketing, they grow it, they don't just buy something hoping it'll go up, they make it better and then they sell it for a multiple of the growth they got to a larger company or they take it public. 35 out of 35 years across the world, private equity, average private equity is out done every stock market in the world. So I give an example in the US, for the last 35 years, the S&P 500 is given a 9.2% return.
Starting point is 00:38:52 So you're compounding your money on average, 9.2%, which is damn good. But private equity, average private equity, not the guys I've got in this book, right? These guys, by the way, average 20% or more for decades, continuously compounding. It's mind-boggling what they do. Because it's totally different approach. And they don't have to sell when the market goes up and down. So when it goes down, they buy. When it goes up, they sell.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Because the money's usually locked up for about five years in most of these situations. So they have cash below. They're in great shape. Anyway, think of this. 9.2% private equity average ones are 14.2 Let me explain what that means. It's the average investor may not understand That's my lower right here 50% greater returns every year compounded year after year So let me help you understand what that means
Starting point is 00:39:37 If you take a round number a million dollars you put in the stock market 35 years ago in the S&P 500 It's worth 2626 million today, if you never did another thing. It's pretty unbelievable. But if you put it in private equity, it's worth $139 million right now. That's why ultra high network people have almost half of their money in private equity and only 29% in public equities.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Public equities are still important. They give you liquidity, you got access to great companies. Fantastic. It's not like you get rid of it, but they compliment each other, but higher net worth people know this is where I'm going to get the better returns. You've got a fish where the fish are. And so that's why I got myself involved in this new book because there's so much more than that in this area, but just to give you a little feeling for it. Thanks, hold it. There's also so much more than that in the book, by the way, everybody. And why is this matter? Because we're going to get to your life stuff
Starting point is 00:40:28 and mindset stuff. I know all of you are like, hey, you have 20 Robins on there. And you guys, the two of you better be talking about that, which we're going to in a minute. Why is this relevant? So hey, guys, you know, when I love technology and a great idea revolutionizes an old industry. And by the way, if there's an industry
Starting point is 00:40:44 that needs a revolution, I think you'd agree with me, it's the healthcare industry. It's not easy to find good doctors. And by the way, good doctors that are in your area that also take your insurance. And that's why I love ZockDock. They are revolutionizing the healthcare industry and the way you get access to doctors. ZockDock, by the way, is Zocede, D-O-C. Here's where they are. ZockDock is a free app and website where you can search and compare highly rated in network doctors near you and instantly book appointments with them online. Tons of different reviews on the doctors and their local tool you can find if they take your insurance.
Starting point is 00:41:17 I just did it for a terror head my shoulder one day later, I'm in the doctor's office, getting some help, getting an order for an MRI. So go to slash my let and download the zokdoc app for free, then find a book at top rated doctor today. That's slash my let. slash my let. Hey guys, I want to talk to you about Shopify. You know, when I started the show,
Starting point is 00:41:43 the further thing from my mind was doing online business, and now I can't imagine my life without it. So I love Shopify because they're a global commerce platform that helps you sell it every stage of your business. So whether you're in the startup phase where you're just launching your online store, or you're at that really big business where you're like, hey, we just hit a million bucks in order stage. Shopify is there to help you grow.
Starting point is 00:42:03 They've helped me through every single stage. I wouldn't even know what to do without them. So whether you're selling shipping supplies or promoting productivity programs, Shopify helps you everywhere. From their all in one e-commerce platform to their in-person POS system, wherever and whatever you're selling,
Starting point is 00:42:18 Shopify's got you covered big time. They help turn browsers into buyers. They convert their checkoutsouts 36% better than all the leading competitors. And I've used them for everything I do online. So every single thing you see that I market online, Shopify is somehow involved. I wouldn't even know what to do without them. Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at slash my let all lower case.
Starting point is 00:42:42 Go to slash my let now to grow your business no matter what stage you're in slash my let. I'm so thrilled that you many years ago started writing these books as trilogy and here's the reason why it's very difficult to have some element of control over your life. If you're not trying to exert some type of control over the financial piece of your life. So we're always talking about our minds and our bodies in the personal development space. And Tony was obviously the first person and the most cutting edge person to do that. But there are other elements in our life.
Starting point is 00:43:16 And if you're out of control financially and you live that way for years and years and years and years, it has an impact on the other elements of your life. And so understanding these parts of, it's the part of the success piece of the puzzle that's almost never discussed because it's that thing we're going to get around to doing eventually. That's like saying, I'm gonna get my mindset right
Starting point is 00:43:40 and I'm gonna get around to getting my body together. We all know they're correlated and vice versa. So when we talk about this Tony, there's something you said in the book that I actually want to ask you for my own notification because I don't know. Private equity has been reserved for the wealthy for many, many years.
Starting point is 00:43:57 And in the book, you allude to the fact that there was legislation pending that may allow eventually unaccredited investors to participate. It was a bipartisan types submission. Has that happened yet? And if it hasn't happened, yet, what's the likelihood that it will? Well, it's already passed the House and it was bipartisan. And when they come back from the holiday, they're going to vote on the Senate and there's bipartisan support. And what it does is for the people unaware of this. These investments are the biggest returns you can get, but you have to have a special status to go there. It's like only the most wealthy people get access. It's so unfair.
Starting point is 00:44:31 And so what's interesting is they say, well, because you got to be sophisticated, well, no, you just have to understand how it works. But what's interesting is you might be wealthy because you built the business and sold it. That doesn't make you a sophisticated investor. So the new rules are that, in the past by the house, the Senate looks like it's going to as well. And the new rules are simple. You take a test, you become an accredited investor. Normally you have to have a million dollar net worth or $200,000 a year in income or $300,000 per couple if for you to be an accredited investor, which gives you access to some of these. And then there's another level, which is a qualified purchaser, which is $10 million of investment assets, not counting your home and count your business. So those
Starting point is 00:45:09 things have limited who has access. But even if you have money, it's worse than that. Think of it this way. It's kind of like the velvet rope to the best clubs. You know, you're out front, somebody wants to get in because it's the club to get in. These firms have such great returns that it's like buying an exotic car or the velvet rope. You know, it's like they're all gone right away. The pension funds get them. The, well, most people in the world get them right. The family offices get them. And so I, you know, because I had relationships got access to a few of them, but I was frustrated. I couldn't even get in. And then I didn't matter whether I was qualified or not. I couldn't
Starting point is 00:45:44 get past the velvet rope. You're out in the cold with your money. You can't do it. But here's the breakthrough. So I'm coaching Paul Tutor. I got to know one of Paul Tutor's partners who eventually started his own firm. And we were talking one day and I was talking about the unbeatable turns to come from these private equity, private credit, private real estate type firms. And I'll press right at him because every time I want to get into one, I can't get into it or I get this really tiny allocation that I can get into it. Right? Not mean it. And he goes Tony, he said, and he kind of dropped down almost to a whisper and he goes, brother to brother, I should probably tell you where most of my money goes. And I said, well, great. I kind of leaned in. I mean, this is a brilliant
Starting point is 00:46:23 financial guy, right? He goes, did you know that the word they use when you invest in these firms, they call you a limited partner and LP? And if you own the firm, will you own all the funds? You're the owner of the firm, your, you know, CEO, CFO, you're in the C suite, that type of thing, then you're an owner. Well, the owners, they don't just make what the fund makes. They make 2% on every dollar you give them, and it's tied up for five years
Starting point is 00:46:48 so that they have liquidity. So the market goes up and down, they don't have to worry about that, and they can make sure they give you the best return. So you tie up your funds for a little longer for a better return. Well, they get 2% a year, whether you make money or not.
Starting point is 00:47:00 And then when they grow it, they get 20% of the upside. And that's standard in the industry. So picture this, everybody loves guaranteed cash flow. He goes, you know, Tony, these are the wealthiest people in the world. If you go to the fortune for a hundred and you say, who are the richest people in the world? Are they in tech?
Starting point is 00:47:17 Are they in real estate? No, they're financial services guys. And they're not hedge fund guys because they go up and down. Some of them, but very few. It's the private equity guys. And he goes, so here because they're making the two and twenty so imagine this. You have a billion dollars and you're making 20 million dollars a year of guaranteed fees for five years, a hundred million dollars guaranteed. If they take their billion dollar firm and they raise it to two billion,
Starting point is 00:47:39 they grow it over those five years. They get 20% of the upside. That means they made a hundred million in fees, 200 million upside. That's 300 million on initial billion dollar investment. Now, I have one for my invested in when we start with them, they have 13 billion. They have a hundred billion now. So they're making two billion a year in fees alone to give you an idea. I get that two and 20. He said, you can become a partial owner of the general partnership. And like I said, I've got 65 firms now that I own two and 20 on. So I am literally a GP. I'm right beside them.
Starting point is 00:48:14 And I get about 10% a year in income. They vary from five to 10% but about 10% of income and they get the growth in the business. And if they ever sell the business, I get a multiple on the business. So this is like one of those almost unknown secrets, even most wealthy people I know are unaware of this. When they hear this, they go crazy. Because it's the firm they're trying to get in, but now they own it.
Starting point is 00:48:34 And I'll just own that fund. You get diversification. I get the funds they invested when there was low inflation. I get the funds that they're investing in now. I get the funds they invest in the future. It's a wild opportunity. So that's just one of them in the book. Another one is sports teams. I worked till I became fairly wealthy and then I wanted to buy a sports team. The first team I got in was the LFC football club because we're starting it out. I was one of the original owners that started
Starting point is 00:49:00 up and you know we won a national championship. It was pretty cool. But the growth and it's been fun. It's been great. But I went through a year's microscope to qualify to do that. And you've got to put some serious stuff on the line, right? Just take hold of team, a piece of a team. Well, there's new rules that have been changed in the last three, four years. And if you have the right firm, there's only a few that do it. You can own multiple sports teams, small slices of them. And here's why that's valuable. The S&P 500, the last 10 years, has had a great run, 11% compound, just in the last 10 years.
Starting point is 00:49:31 It's 18% for Major League Baseball, NBA, NHL, and soccer combined. It's giving the idea, Michael Jordan bought the piece of the harness, what was it, 13 years ago, I think 12, 13 years ago? He paid 325 million. He just sold it for three billion, right? My friend Peter Goober about the LA Dodgers a few years back with a couple of partners, and Patrick Johnson, a couple of other guys, and they paid two billion dollars for the LA Dodgers. Now, no one had paid even a billion. The most ever been spent on a baseball team was 850 million. Everybody said he's insane. They've overpaid at least a billion dollars and I call Peter's my
Starting point is 00:50:07 friend and partner and I said, Peter, you know, dummy? I hear what everybody's saying. I know that you know something. No one's telling you and he, you know, he's made 52 Academy Award nominated movies. He's a genius. And so I said, he said, I'm going to leave you on. He said, we're dear friends, but he calls, I want to leave you in suspense. I'm going to make an announcement next week as soon as you hear it, call me and we'll laugh our tails off together. Sure enough, the next week they announce, you buy it for two billion. He sold the local, not the national rights,
Starting point is 00:50:33 then you get a piece of every teams, an equal piece of every team's media. It's pretty cool. But the local you own, he sold the local rights for the Dodgers television for $7 billion. He made five billion dollars immediately. So they're not just butts and seats anymore. They're media companies.
Starting point is 00:50:50 92% of the top 100 shows last year were sports shows in terms of viewership. And it's great because they don't have to like to make a series on Netflix. You got to buy the actors. You just set up your cameras and you shoot and you're ready to go. And everybody watches because of court cutting, they still watch and they'll still watch the ads. So it's an incredibly lucrative business. Imagine it's a legal monopoly.
Starting point is 00:51:12 You own that business, no one can compete with you in those cities. And you have fanatics. That's what fans comes from fanatics, fanatical customers who, when you charge more for the, you know, inflation goes up, you pay 10 bucks for a hot dog, people pay it. And they've been coming back for generations. It's an unbelievable business. It's third opportunity real fast.
Starting point is 00:51:33 You know, bonds. Bonds have produced nothing up until this massive increase in the interest rates. We've gone through that's been devastating for many banks that were holding on to bonds, right? Well, in 2021, people were so starving for income, you know, from a bond that the junk bonds went crazy. There was this explosion in people buying junk bonds because they can make 3.9 percent instead of like one or two percent. And this has taken big risk to make less than 4%. I was making 9% on private credit the entire time with less risk. And so private credit is because banks, you know, you saw that Silicon Valley, right? Banks banks are tightened up and they don't loan as much. So companies that are anywhere from 100 million to say three to four billion,
Starting point is 00:52:23 there's 200,000 companies like that in the United States that are borrowing money all the time and who they borrowed from his private credit. But here's what's interesting. If you don't know private credit, I can give it to you in a metaphor. If you had a house right now and you got a mortgage rate at say 3% or 4% whatever back then and it was fixed, you don't care that the interest rates went up. You're doing great. But if it's readjust, if it's a floating rate, you don't care that the interest rates went up. You're doing great. But if it's readjust, if it's a floating rate,
Starting point is 00:52:48 you could be in trouble. Well, all these business loans are floating rate. So these private credit firms loan money at five and six percent. That's what bank, or excuse me, business was barring at. And guess what? When the interest rates went up, they float with it. So now they're paying 11% plus.
Starting point is 00:53:04 It's the same loan. It's the same loan. It's the same time period, but you just doubled or tripled in some cases, your income stream when you own the private credit, plus I get the two and 20. So it's like, you don't have to get rid of your bonds, these are a compliment to your bonds, but they're two to three times higher returns.
Starting point is 00:53:22 There's the energy industry, I'm not going to add on and on and on. So here's the most important part though. The reason it's called the holy grail to investing is because I interviewed Ray Dalio, you know, 10 years ago. Now we've come good friends over the years. And I asked him a simple question. I said, the most successful investor in history, he's got his fund managers, Bridgewater, almost $200 billion in business. They do it for countries even. And I said, you've got the best track record out there. What is the single most important investment principle that any investor needs to know? He goes, Tony, you know the importance of diversification.
Starting point is 00:53:59 But people think of that in general, don't put too many eggs in one basket. He said, I turned that into a science of saying, how do I get the Ace of Mets, Bridgeport? Have the least amount of risk and the most amount of upside. And he said, I found out it's simply best. He called it the Holy Grail. Because the Holy Grail of Investing
Starting point is 00:54:15 is to find eight to 12 uncorrelated investments. Now, uncorrelated to serve when it stands, stocks and bonds usually have been uncorrelated. The idea that people put you in like 60% stocks and 40% bonds is that, okay, when stocks go down, bonds will make up for it or vice versa. Well, the only problem with that is during really rough times, like 2020, they both went down equally, 2008. They have huge drops.
Starting point is 00:54:39 And then your broker will tell you, gosh, no one could foresee this. It happens every time. You can't foresee it. Right. It happens every time you can foresee it. Right. So, but they don't foresee it is what they're really saying, right? So he said, look, you find eight to 12 uncorrelated investments, you reduce your risk 80% and you increase your upside. You are protecting yourself while increasing your, you're lowering your risk and increasing
Starting point is 00:55:02 your return. So it's like taking those core four and putting them on steroids that I told you. Yeah. You guys, here's the value of all of the just, I want to just stamp this for a second, too. Okay. It's the holy grail of investing. You need to go get it or pre order it now. It wasn't until I was worth nine figures that I knew what private equity was.
Starting point is 00:55:22 And then I'd still, I remember the day I finally got involved in one like you said, I was like waiting for the rope at the club, right? And so I can just validate these things. It's not, it's by, it's public information that I was a part of the group trying to buy the match that we lost out to Cohen. I wanted to get involved in Major League Baseball.
Starting point is 00:55:36 We were the runner up to that group. Private real estate. I've even done some bridge loan investing stuff that's private as well. This is the first book, honestly. I've ever read that does let you peer into what the mega wealthy and mega successful are doing and gives you access to the information. I have literally never read a book like this before. And I can tell you that it took me to like, I have never. I'm grateful you wrote it. I'm grateful we're talking about it because it's, I was 45 years old and worth multiple
Starting point is 00:56:07 nine figures before any of these things were even ever explained to me. And so if I, if I could have known this earlier in my journey, you guys, it'd be a game changer. And just imagine this, just being armed with this knowledge, the confidence that it would give you that you can win in your life. That's just part of the game. I think most of us feel like the game is kind of rigged against us. And to some extent, you're right. There's been lots of places you haven't had access to that this book will at least enlighten you as to where to go get that access and to have an education regarding it.
Starting point is 00:56:40 Any private credit? Do you know what their dropout ratio is of loans that go bad? Less than 1%. Any bank would die for that because they don't sell those. It's a little bit too much. It's 1%. That's awesome. Their money is on the line. They don't sell the loans off.
Starting point is 00:56:54 So they are very picky about who they pick and they've got great leverage in terms of those relationships. And the other part you got to know is literally everything is moving towards alternative investments. If you don't know about these things, how are you ever going to take advantage? And then you think, like you said, the systems rigged against you. It is unless you're educating yourself. If you educate yourself, I didn't learn about mostly things until I was 48 years old.
Starting point is 00:57:16 And like you said, it's hard to get into some of these pieces to make happen. Now, this is, this is the democratization of alternative investments. And here's the other problem we got to know. 1996, there are 8,000 stocks you could pick from in the US. There's only 3,600 now. If you look at the S&P, and if you look at the Russell 2000, 40% of those firms are not profitable.
Starting point is 00:57:39 40% don't make money. So people are basically betting in these environments, hoping in these environments. So I love being side by side as a partner with some of the smartest people in the world. So for example, if you go to Robert Smith, the VISTA, he does SaaS, right? Software as a service. He has built a system. So he can take any company on, give them the right coaching, knows what to do to grow them. It's like a cookie cutter. He grows them, expands them, sells them for a huge profit, goes to the next one. These people in this area, what I love about it is they're
Starting point is 00:58:11 adding value. It isn't just a hope and a bet. It's like, we're going to take this company on and we're going to find a way to make a better, stronger, more valuable. And then we're going to get a piece of that upside. That has been whole my whole philosophy in life is do more for others than anybody else does add more value and you all prosper But you can't prosper if you're in a way of it. By the way the book. Yeah, I don't know when people will be hearing this But the book is every 13 gets released But if you go pre-order it and you go to The Holy Grail investing dot com holy van investing dot com. There's a website there
Starting point is 00:58:43 If you just give your digital receipt, I'll give you the first chapter today on audio that you can listen to immediately. And it already gives you some of the tools that'll blow your mind. So you don't have to wait. It's very cool, you guys. And by the way, I know a lot of you,
Starting point is 00:58:56 your only viewpoint of this kind of stuff is like Gordon Gecko from the days and they destroy these companies. And I'm going to tell you right now, it's not how private equity works now. Tony said they're making these companies better, more profitable. They execute for the consumer better as well. So everybody wins here for the most part.
Starting point is 00:59:11 So let's shift gears. We're going to run out of time and I want to make sure that we get a chance to cover. You said something earlier about, you know, with the Russell 2000, 40% are not doing anything. They're losing money and we're sort of hoping that hope is not a strategy. It's something I learned from you many, many years ago, regarding life as well. I think more than ever, Tony, people feel a sense of, because you and I are in the same world, we coach some of the same people,
Starting point is 00:59:39 we have the same sorts of people come to our events. More than ever, I feel like people feel like they can't get control over their lives. And that's why the financial piece is so important. And I'm wondering what your thoughts are if you were to give somebody castle first coming to this event, but where would they begin? Obviously, I know you talk a lot about minded body,
Starting point is 00:59:58 you talk about having role models that are important, but I kind of turn the floor over to you. If someone's listening, they're like, hey man, you know, I want to get control of my life. That the money part, awesome. What about my life? What about my emotions? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:10 What about my family? Yeah. What would you say to them? I think the first thing I do is you've got to create a compelling future. What I mean by that is, anybody can deal with it difficult today if they have a compelling tomorrow. Right now, there's so much fear in the world
Starting point is 01:00:23 that people are afraid I hear millennials talking about they don't want to have kids because they want to bring in this world that's such a terrible world. There's so much violence. There's less violence today in the world, even though we have this horrible war that's going on two of them now. There's more than two, but the two that most people are familiar with with obviously what's happening over there in Russia and Ukraine and also what's happening in Israel and Gaza. But we have less of that than we've ever had, even in the middle of this, but the fear is bigger. The promotion of it, the watching about it, they arguing about all that is enhanced by the way that we live today and the fears that are today. So what I tell people is you need to create a compelling future. You need to understand whether you're on the path or not.
Starting point is 01:01:01 I mean, think about the hero's journey, just for a second. What is the hero's journey? You're living your life over and over and it's boring. You can pick any great story of humanity all the same stories They're all the heroes story at some level and then something disrupts it something great to challenge It's the call to become more. It's the call to go and adventure. You might have lost your job You may have lost money. You may have been told you got cancer, you might have gone through a divorce, you know, there's a, that we look at is a terrific experience, but I've experienced I know you have as well multiple experiences someone telling me, you know, I buried, you know, three fathers and a mother, you know, I've been in a place where they said, hey, you got a tumor in your brain, you're not, you may not survive. I've been in those moments that were scary as hell, but they were calls to be able to grow. And then you go on the journey and then you go on the journey, it's amazing. When you commit to grow, when you commit to figure it out, you get yourself on that path. What's going to
Starting point is 01:01:56 happen is you're going to meet mentors, you're going to meet people on the way that'll show up, that can help you. And you're going to have to face your dragons. You're going to have to see what is it that you're stopping you. So I look at it this way. The first step, if you want to make your relationship better or your business better or your motion, anything that you value, your finance is better. The first step to being on the path, am I on the path or not? Like the first one is, do you know what you really want is simplistic as that is. Most people know what they don't want. And so where focus goes energy flows. So the first step is like, what do I really want? Why do I want it?
Starting point is 01:02:30 Because the why is even more important than what? It's like new years, right? People set their goals or their news resolutions and by February, they're gone, right? They're already broken them. Because they just were expressing what they want and not why they wanted. They didn't get enough reasons to push themselves through them as difficult and they didn't have a good plan. So the first thing is, why do I want it? Who do I got to become to make that happen? And you get crystal clear.
Starting point is 01:02:53 Now you're on the path. What's the second step of the path? Now you got to be honest. You got to get to the truth and tell yourself the truth about the gap. Because all of us have a gap between where we are and where we want to be. If you want to close that gap quickly, the only way to do it is to be honest, but the truth sets you free.
Starting point is 01:03:11 So you get clear, where am I really compared to where I want to be and why? What's prevented me in the past? I'm losing that weight from making that money, from having a relationship last, from growing that business. And there's only a few things that prevent you. It's fear. It's, and there's only a few things that prevent you. It's fear.
Starting point is 01:03:26 It's, and there's all kinds of fears, but fear. It's limiting beliefs. Well, I've never done it before. I don't know what to do. I'm not that kind of person. I don't know numbers. All my relationships and all the good ones are gone. Whatever the belief is, there's a limiting belief.
Starting point is 01:03:39 There's a fear, or there's some other primer emotion in the way, or it's a habit, or the fifth one is you're missing a skill. Like learning to invest as a skill. If you don't take the time to learn it, you're gonna be in pain, right? Because you're gonna always be trying to earn it. And most people think, well, I'll make so much money
Starting point is 01:03:56 that I'll never have to worry about when I hit the big thing. Well, the people that make the big thing, the athletes, the entertainers, usually are broke 20 years later. You've seen it over and over again, because they made the big dollars, they have the big thing, the athletes, the entertainers, usually are broke 20 years later. You've seen it over and over again, because they made the big dollars. They have the big overhead, but they never learned how to make money while they sleep. They never learn to be an owner, right? An investor, they just made income and no income is enough. Mike Tyson's friend of mine, Mike made a billion dollars over his career, just short of a
Starting point is 01:04:23 billion dollars and lost it all. You know, I can give you a 50 cent, 50 cent made all this money. You bought Mike's house and then he went broke and give me an idea. You know, Elton John overspent and lost all the money had. And unfortunately, he made it back eventually to make that happen. I mean, it is, that is not the solution that you need. So if you really want to transform, you get on the path, figure out what's missing. Then what do you do?
Starting point is 01:04:49 Now you come up with a, you know, a quick plan, not a perfect plan, but a quick plan to attack it with massive action. And then what do you do? Now you got to face your dragons. You got to make the changes that are necessary. Then you have some daily practices. There's like seven steps to this. You measure and you celebrate and you begin again. So I teach people the exact path.
Starting point is 01:05:09 And if you're not on the path, it's scary. If you're not on the path to financial security or freedom, it's scary. If you're not on the path to quality relationship or you're on the path right now that's leading to pain, you better educate yourself, but you got to start with what you want and why you want it. Then you got to see what's wrong with you, not your partner. What's the challenge? What's the habit? What's the emotion? What's the triggers? Got to take a little action plan. You got to make the changes. And this process, if the hero's journey, as you go on the journey, you become more by facing these challenges.
Starting point is 01:05:38 You learn and you grow, and then you bring that back home and you experience, you know, the rewards of being the hero in your own life. And that's an essence what people need to be able to do. And it's not that hard because there's patterns. There's certain patterns that work. I don't care what the color of your skin is, how old you are or young you are. I don't care what your nationality is
Starting point is 01:05:58 and I don't care what gender you are or your sexual preference. These are the laws of life. If you understand the laws and you align with them, you do well. So one of the reasons we do this three day process is in three days for just two and a half, three hours a day, people are able to get clear what they want exactly in each of these areas. They get clear what's gotten in the way. They come up with their plan. They start to face their demons and they move the ball forward. And that's how you get the kind of results that we've seen people get that are just mind bog. You know, that people that just came and spent three days with
Starting point is 01:06:28 us. And if they want to go deeper, they can go to some other event. But we don't hold it back. It's not partially free. It's totally free. And I encourage people not only come and do this because it's January 25th through the 27th. It's right around the time you use resolutions. You had them are probably going out the window. And you can do it with your friends. You can do it with your family together, you can do it from home, you don't have to travel, you don't have an expense, or you go to the office and do it with a group of your friends at the office type of thing. But I promise you a big experience you won't forget. So you just, you know, if you get yourself in immersion, that's how it changes. The problem is people try to a little bit at a time, it's like trying to learn a language
Starting point is 01:07:01 a little bit at a time. People that learn language in high school and college usually don't speak a 10 years later. But if I dumped you in Italy with no teacher, and said, I'm picking you up in 90 days, because you're seeing it breathing it being around it around all day long, in immersion, you learn the language. Last question. By the way, thank you for today. We've certainly maxed out the hour. We're a little bit over on an hour, but people get a chance to hear you, hear the two of us together, and this thing just explodes every single time. Hard question. So, and dig deep on this one for me. So, you have a precious new little girl. I guess she's getting older now, but every time we talk, I keep saying this precious new baby, because she's
Starting point is 01:07:38 actually older now. And my son, Max, is a college golfer, and he's a really good golfer. He's probably going to go play it professionally. And this weekend I was watching Tiger and his son playing that the parent child tournament on TV this weekend. And I was thinking his son has such an advantage because his dad's Tiger Woods. I mean, it's a pretty good model
Starting point is 01:07:58 and mentor for your golf swinger, how to chip, how to plot, how to hit a driver. And I was thinking it kind of sucks that for Max that I'm his dad because I have I have literally nothing to offer except how to do these things wrong on the golf course. So literally today no joke Tony today. I'm like, who's the best golf instructor in the world? Turns out the dude follows me. And I reach out to the guy I said I'd like to hire to coach my sony basically says no, I only work with PGA tour players. But if you'll coach me, I'll trade you for lessons. The point that I'm making to you is,
Starting point is 01:08:26 it's awesome to have a coach that's the best in the world that you can model. Tigers got that with his son. And your daughter, to some extent, will have that with you, as it terms of life strategy. And so I'm just curious, I asked you this kind of last time and I said, what would you wish for her? And you said, I'd wish love.
Starting point is 01:08:44 But your daughter's gonna grow up in a world that is this AI world, you know, that you and I didn't grow up in. And it's going to be all this new frontier. There's this new technological revolution that we're now in the middle of. She's going to live probably a lot longer than you and I will, right? She's going to have a totally different world geopolitically to some extent than you and I did. So the challenges of life for this young girl and she becomes a young woman out in the world are gonna be unique. And so you're the tiger woods of life
Starting point is 01:09:17 and bliss strategy. Let's call you that right now. What are, are there three things, a few things you would wish that she was equipped with when she leaves your home with you in sage someday. She goes out into the world and you said, I want her armed and equipped with this for tiger.
Starting point is 01:09:33 It's for her son and golf. It's how to chip or put her, how to hit a cut or a draw on the golf course. But in the game of life, I'm curious as to what you would want her equipped with when she someday, unfortunately, leaves your home and goes out into the world. What would you want want her equipped with when she someday unfortunately leaves your home and goes out into the world. What would you want her to take with her?
Starting point is 01:09:48 I put a lot of thought in that, obviously. I have five kids and five grandkids, and I have a daughter that's 48, as I said, and it's due in half. So I have quite a rage. My daughter is, you know, my grandkids are all older than my daughter, and she's there, you know, aunt. So it's kind of interesting. But the answer to your question is number one, as I want her to have a philosophy of life,
Starting point is 01:10:08 little guarantee happiness. And there's only one that I know of. And that is life is about growth and giving. And so even at two and a half, she has responsibilities in the house as part of this family. She cleans her own table, you know, she takes her or fork and her stuff. She brings in when we at the end of the night and we do all our vitamins, we give them one for everybody and then she goes and shares them and she gives other people there as first than hers. Right. Life is about people, the biggest challenge for people are unfulfilled as they think life's about me when it's really about we. There's only so much joy you can experience in your own body through anything, you know, massive success, acknowledgement from others. I don't know, sex, music, rock and roll doesn't matter by yourself.
Starting point is 01:10:48 It's only so much. When you have a great experience in life, the first thing you want to do is share with somebody you love, right? So it's really life is calling us to grow because we grow. We have something to give. And so she's learning Chinese right now Spanish and English. She's weird to table last week. And there was person to speak Chinese person. And she was talking back and forth between Spanish and English. She's weird to table last week. And there was person to speak Chinese person.
Starting point is 01:11:06 And she was talking back and forth between us and English. And I know some of those Chinese words and some of those Spanish words, not as much as she knows already to now. She's doing algebra right now. I started when she was little a baby. She's swimming right now. She has plenty of time just to be though.
Starting point is 01:11:20 And I want for autonomy. I want her, everything we do with her, we don't tell her what to do. We give her choices You want to do this or that and she gets to choose and some of them have consequences But she gets to choose she always knows there's a choice People always tell me you know, this is I'm stuck. The ceiling I can do is this That's bull and one choice is no choice two choices the dilemma
Starting point is 01:11:39 My belief is always at least three choices You may not like them all but there's at least three choices one two five three There's four or five to get to where you wanna go. So I'm teaching her to and a half to make choices, the choices of consequences, the lives about growing and giving, and I'm helping her to also recognize those patterns.
Starting point is 01:11:57 Pattern at this stage, kids are so great at patterns. I wanted to own the identity that I'm great at learning because for AI, for everything it's coming, you need to become learning more rapidly. And that's pattern recognition, pattern utilization and pattern creation. So, you know, she's playing the piano. I never got to have these choices. So she has all these choices, but also I make sure she's not going from one class to next class to next class. She has time outside to just be in play and
Starting point is 01:12:22 taking nature and be around. I wanted her to be, I want her to have her own autonomy, her own sovereignty, so that she's not influenced by what everybody else thinks. That's also why she won't be on social media for a very, very, very long time, right? So those are as long as I can control it. It'll be a long time. It'll be selective what she does. So she's, she also, those models, her family, like, you know, it's no bulls**t. Like my wife and I are so, he's in love. We've been together 25 years
Starting point is 01:12:47 now, quarter of a century, you know, so it's like there's no fights here. We just, I want everything that makes my wife happy. She wants everything makes me happy. So she sees this environment of such love. Plus we have so many close friends that are chosen family for us, you know, so she models that. She doesn't know anything different. Now she's going to go to world. It's not like different. Now she's going to go into world. It's not like that. But she's going to have attachment strategies that are totally secure. So she's not going to be one of those people pushing it away or starving for someone else
Starting point is 01:13:15 external affection. So that's my goals. I wanted to have those pieces. I wanted to have choice, autonomy. I wanted the philosophy of life. Is what are you here to give? Not what are you here to get? And she's already learning that two and a half. I'm only be a wife. I want to be a wife.
Starting point is 01:13:26 I want to be a wife. I want to be a wife. I want to be a wife. I want to be a wife. I want to be a wife. I want to be a wife. I want to be a wife. I want to be a wife.
Starting point is 01:13:42 I want to be a wife. I want to be a wife.'s high school reunion at 70. Well, now I'm going to go there when I'm 80. That's going to be a high school graduation, I should say. And, but I'm a different time of life. I'm so glad that I know what I have. And I can share what I can with her. But those are my core answers.
Starting point is 01:13:58 I'm always looking for new things. And my wife is doing the same. But we wanted to have joy and happiness. And, you know, only one thing makes you happy, progress. When we grow, we feel alive. If you get a gift, you get a goal, you achieve your ultimate goal. You have one of two reactions.
Starting point is 01:14:14 After you get it, is this all there is, which is a horrible reaction? Or, wow, this is so awesome. But how long do you keep the happiness about achieving that goal a year? Six years? No. Six months? Six weeks? six hours, six days. Most people somewhere between six hours
Starting point is 01:14:30 and six weeks is the most they stay happy because we're not supposed to stay happy. Life has made us want to keep growing. So when you make progress though, you make significant progress in your body and your relationship and your finance. You're not there yet. You lose the first 10 pounds.
Starting point is 01:14:45 Oh, you figure out how to invest in it. Now you got something to bring you a great income and equity. Wow, there's an excitement with progress that doesn't go away. So I always tell people progress is everything. How do you gonna keep making progress? That's what's gonna make you feel alive. The people you see that on all the money and all the affection and all the, you know, everything around them that people think they want. These movie stars, comedians, whoever, and take their own life.
Starting point is 01:15:08 Why? In every case, if you do your homework, you can see they stopped growing. They didn't feel fully alive anymore. They got wrote in what they're doing. And they became all about me or they got into drugs and alcohol in the one day. And a really bad state did something really stupid. So I can't control my daughter will be like and I don't have that delusion or illusion, but I can do the best I can to give her an incredible base to make those choices from and that's what I'm committed to and so it's my wife. And as I started to say, she has a second mom because the lady who carried for us has been a dear friend of ours, chosen family for more than a decade Mary. And so we said, Mary, you should stay with us and do this. You've helped bring her in the world. So she literally
Starting point is 01:15:47 has like two moms and me and all these resources. I think she's going to do okay. So do I. And you know what, I think you helped a lot of people today do okay and better than okay. I'm like, I'm so grateful that I'm alive when you're alive and that you've been in my life, and that I get a chance that whatever this platform that we've built here, that I get to share you with all these people that I know you and I mutually love and care about these human beings out there that are just trying to do something great with their lives and have dreams and visions and want to make a difference in the world. And like said when I introduced you, I believe that this man has helped more people do that than anybody who's lived the last hundred years on this planet. And so you should be acknowledged for
Starting point is 01:16:34 that. I love you. I'm proud of you and very, very grateful that you exist, brother, and that you continue to grow yourself and have all these new breakthroughs and deliver for so many. So thank you. Well, thank you for that, Adam. You know, my feeling is more than mutual. I've watched you over the years. Just continue to grow and not just in your body or your business, but also you've always been a generous soul, but you're really doing your best to really help people everywhere. Same as me. So that's why I feel a brotherhood with you. I always enjoy our conversation. So thanks for having me on and I look forward to seeing you soon. Have a beautiful new year.
Starting point is 01:17:04 You too, brother. Likewise, the Holy Grail of investing February 13th pre-order, if it's before grab it now, spend three days with Tony January 25th through 27th, 2024. Join Tony 100 dot com. God bless you everybody. Max out your life. This is the Edmila Show.

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