THE ED MYLETT SHOW - What Most People Avoid!

Episode Date: March 18, 2019

It’s time to get DESPERATE! How HUNGRY and FOCUSED are you on your dreams? Do you want it as bad as breathing? Do you want it as bad as LIFE itself? Are you literally DESPERATE to achieve? Desperati...on is one of the most powerful emotions because when you are desperate, your mind and body will tap into your reserve or strengths, talents and abilities that you never knew you had! I’m telling you, the people who WIN in life are DESPERATE for their dreams and goals. Imagine this… How resourceful, motivated, and relentless would you be if your children were literally starving and you were DESPERATE to feed them? What about if a loved one, a child, a parent, a niece or nephew were in grave danger? You would be DESPERATE to get to them and to help them! There would be NO OBSTACLE too big or NO REJECTION strong enough to STOP you from reaching that loved one! You must also be HUNGRY and DESPERATE for your goals and dreams! Do you need your goals like you need to breathe? to eat? to survive? Are you willing to do EVERYTHING to satisfy that hunger? Or do you just WANT it? Would it just be something you would LIKE to have? Did you know that most people OVERestimate what they can do within 1 year and vastly UNDERestimate what they can do over 5 years? The biggest factor in your success is your ability to STAY laser focused on your goals. I guarantee you that the most successful moments, the times you achieved at the highest levels in your life, are the times when you were the MOST desperate for and LASER FOCUSED on the outcome! It is time to EMBRACE DESPERATION and get LASER FOCUSED! In this episode, I’m sharing my 4-step plan on how to FEED YOUR HUNGER and STAY LASER FOCUSED on your goals so you can WIN again and again! Whether you are just starting out and fighting for your FIRST win, or you have ALREADY found success and your momentum is slowing down, this is the #1 thing you NEED to do to eliminate everything holding you back! So how hungry are you?

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to Max out everybody. Today we're going to cut through all of the BS and get to two of the most fundamental things that I think you have to have in order to go achieve at the highest levels. We talk oftentimes about strategies and tactics and mindset and there's a million different things that we could talk about that contribute to winning in life. But at the highest levels, you would have still it down to two very simple things that I would wish for you,
Starting point is 00:00:40 that I see in the people I coach. If I'm gonna recruit somebody into my business, what are the things I look for in them? Is it background, is it intellect, is it people's skills, is it their ability to close? There's all these things, the things that I look for in people are hunger and focus. It's their ability to be super hungry for what they want,
Starting point is 00:01:00 incredibly after it, and the ability to be laser focused. And I want you today to evaluate those two things in you. Let's start with hunger level. I mean, how bad do you want your goal right now? I think there's a lot of people in the world today because it's a really niche thing to talk about. I want this, this is my outcome, this is my goal. Like, how bad do you want?
Starting point is 00:01:19 Do you want as bad as breathing? Do you want it as bad as anything you've ever wanted in your life? And if you calibrate it at the highest enough levels where I found the people that are the hungriest, they find a way. When you know why you want something, when it's desperation, the power of being desperate is something that most people avoid. They think desperation is a weakness.
Starting point is 00:01:39 And I'm here to tell you, desperation is one of the most powerful emotions you could possibly possess because when you're desperate, you find reserves and reservoirs of ideas, talents, and a strength that you don't know you have when you find yourself in a desperate situation. So ironically, the one thing most people avoid in their life hunger, which is caused by being desperate. When you're starving, you become desperate. Think of somebody who's starving on the street. They've got to, how resourceful would you get if your children were literally starving
Starting point is 00:02:11 and you had to feed them, right? So the number one thing we need more than anything to win is hunger, which comes from a state of desperation, yet we're constantly trying to comfort ourselves in the real world to avoid the state of being desperate. And I'm telling you that I think you need to embrace desperation again in your life. Like, do you want it so bad that you're desperate for it? Let me give you an example. I can tell you that I think the times that you've achieved at the highest levels in your life, you might have been the most desperate. Let me give you an example. If you were sitting here and you're in a meeting right now and someone tapped you on the shoulder, God forbid this ever happened. They said, You might have been the most desperate. Let me give you an example. If you were sitting here and you're in a meeting right now,
Starting point is 00:02:45 and someone tapped you on the shoulder, God forbid this ever happened. They said, your child's been in an accident and they've been rushed to the hospital and it's grave. Instantly, you'd be desperate to get to your child, wouldn't you? Those of you that don't have children, if it was your parents, you'd be instantly desperate to get to them. And think about what happens when that desperation kicks in.
Starting point is 00:03:04 All of the things we worry about, all of our fears, all of our concerns, all of the lack of resources we have, immediately fade away because we must get to this child of ours. This loved one of ours. So if you were in the middle of a conference and they said, here's your child has been in a serious accident, it's grave you need to get to them. Would you sit there and think for a minute, well, I don't want to get up right now in the middle of their speech
Starting point is 00:03:28 Because what will everybody think about me? I mean, I don't want to make waves here That would go away wouldn't you get right the hell up and run out of the room if when you got to the back of the room There was a security guard that said hold on a minute Stop nobody leaves this room a very important person's up there speaking right now. Would you go, you're right, sorry, I don't want to violate protocol. I don't want to go, I don't want to color outside the lines here. You're right. I'll go back to my seat. Would you do that? Of course not because you're desperate. Whatever is required of you to get to this child, this loved one of years you would do. And when you went out to the parking lot and you got into your car and you realized,
Starting point is 00:04:04 my gosh, I forgot my keys. I left them in the room. Would you go, well, it's just a sign. I mean, maybe I just don't have what it takes to get to my child. That silly, stupid story. You wouldn't do that at all. Would you? You'd immediately respond. You'd get back up. You'd run in the room. You'd knock the security guard down. You'd go back. You'd get your keys. You'd run back out. When you turned the car on, it didn't start. The battery was dead. Would you go, yeah, that's just another sign. You know, maybe I'm just not cut out to get to my destination, to get to my child,
Starting point is 00:04:33 to get to this loved one of mine. No, because you're desperate to get there, aren't you? So you'd throw the keys away and you'd run. If you had to go to the next stoplight and car jacket, car, you'd say, listen, drive me to the hospital, I have to get to my child. The person said no, would you stop at the first objection? Would you say, well, yeah, I don't know exactly what. Where'd you say no, you don't understand. You're taking me there. And if they hesitate,
Starting point is 00:04:54 if you had to car jack the dad gum car, you'd car jack it wouldn't you when you got there. And when you got to the hospital, if they tried to stop you again and said no, no, no, you got to sign in and fill out all this paperwork. You got to do it perfect. You say no, that's my child. I you got to the hospital, if they tried to stop you again and said, no, no, no, you got to sign in and fill out all this paperwork. You got to do it perfect. You say, no, that's my child. I've got to get to them. Wouldn't you? Whatever it took, you'd get to that love one of yours.
Starting point is 00:05:15 Nothing would stop you. All of the silly things that happen that we let slow us down is related to our lack of hunger and desperation. And so I'm here to ask you, how desperate are you for what you want? Like here's what I think. I think most people would just like their goals. They'd like their outcome, but they're not hungry for them. They're not starving for it.
Starting point is 00:05:37 They're not desperate for it. But when you start to feel that desperation, it's one of those powerful emotions in the world because you become so resourceful, you become so determined, and all the noise When you start to feel that desperation, it's one of those powerful emotions in the world because you become so resourceful, you become so determined, and all the noise goes away. See all of these objections, all of these fears, all of these old stories you tell yourself, all the excuses that you're making, and I love you, so I'm saying this to you, are all going back to a lack of real hunger, real desire, real desperation, because real desperation is beautiful.
Starting point is 00:06:09 The most alive you'll ever feel ironically is when you're the most desperate. You talk to people who are the closest to death in an accident and they'll tell you ironically, it was the most alive I've ever felt, because you're so desperate to survive, you're so desperate to get through it. Yet in life, we try to avoid this all the time. And I'm here to tell you, embrace the desperation. Seek the desperation. So if you ask me, what do I look for in someone I'm coaching
Starting point is 00:06:33 and an athlete in a business person, show me somebody hungry. I'll take hunger and desire over IQ, over knowledge, over skills every day of the week, because I can teach you skills. I can teach you the lessons. I can teach you the week, because I can teach you skills. I can teach you the lessons. I can teach you the words, but I can't give you heart. I can't give you hunger. I can't give you desire.
Starting point is 00:06:52 I can't give you the courage to be desperate, because desperate people look a little funny. Desperate people don't fit in. Desperate people stand out. You see someone desperate, you're like, whoa, what's going on with them? Desperate people get criticism, and most people would rather not stand out. You see someone desperate, you're like, whoa, what's going on with them? Desperate people get criticism. And most people would rather not stand out. They'd rather
Starting point is 00:07:10 not leave the crowd. They'd rather not take the criticism. They'd rather not take the heat. So most people say, I'd love to be a millionaire. I'd love to win. I'd love my dream relationship. I'd love the best body I could have. I'd love to be happier, but I don't want to look bad doing it. I don't want to seem desperate. I don't want to seem different. I don't want to step out of the crowd. And as long as you're one of those people who won't step out, who won't look a little bit funny, who worries more about what other people think about them than truly winning,
Starting point is 00:07:38 you're always going to be held back. The number one thing I want is hunger and desperation, man, every single time. So evaluate that right now. Listen to this audio or watching this video. What's your level of real hunger? What's your level of real desperation? How bad do you really want it? Or would you just like it?
Starting point is 00:07:58 Do you need it like you need to breathe? Do you need it like you need to eat? Do you need it like you need to exist? Or do you just kind of want it? Because you show me two people. You show me one person who's desperate and hungry. You show me another one who'd like it or wants it. You show me one person who's willing to look bad and get uncomfortable and color outside the lines
Starting point is 00:08:18 and do whatever they gotta do to get to their destination, to get to their child, to get to their dream. And you show me another one who won't, I'll take this person every day of the week. Whatever they gotta do to get to their destination, to get to their child, to get to their dream, and you show me another one who won't, I'll take this person every day of the week. Maybe they don't come from the perfect background. Maybe they don't have all the perfect words. Maybe they don't have all the right relationships,
Starting point is 00:08:34 but they got the goodies, man. They got the one thing you gotta have to win, which is hunger and desire and some heart. And I know you've heard these things before, but now I want you to be self-aware. Really how hungry are you? What are you doing to feed your hunger? What are you doing to feed the fact that you feel like you're starving?
Starting point is 00:08:52 Because the more you want something, the lack of it makes you more and more hungry. For example, if I were really hungry and I needed some food, it's one thing to want it. It's another thing. When that food's right in front of me and I'm not allowed to eat it, I become hungrier. So the closer you bring what you want to, you increase as it's hunger level. The more repetitious it is, the more you think about it, the more you bring it into your thoughts over and over and over again, the hungrier you get. That's why repetitive thought about what you want is so critical.
Starting point is 00:09:22 So evaluate that. Am I as hungry as I could be? Am I as hungry as I could be? Am I as starving as I could be? Do I want it so bad I'm desperate for it? Do I want it like that person who has to get to their child or their loved one or what I just like it? What I hope for it. Because as long as you're one of those people,
Starting point is 00:09:39 see in a fight you show me two people. This is why it's so hard to repeat as a champion in the fighting game. Because you show me someone who's up and coming who's so hard to repeat as a champion in the fighting game. Because you show me someone who's up and coming who's hungry for that title, who's never had it before, who can taste it, who knows if they win that belt, their whole life's gonna change,
Starting point is 00:09:53 they're gonna be champion of the world, all the endorsements, all the money, all their family life, all their parents' lives are gonna change. You show me somebody chasing that hungry for it, against someone who's just trying to hold on to a title, and that's why most of the time the challenger beats the champ. It's hard to repeat as a champion,
Starting point is 00:10:10 because the hunger goes down just a little bit. The greatest athletes, the Kobe's, the Brady's, the Jordan's of sports, have a way of feeding their hunger all the time and increasing it. What separates them isn't just their work ethic, isn't just their talent, although those things matter them isn't just their work ethic, isn't just their talent, although those things matter, isn't just they practice more. What separates them is they're just hungrier.
Starting point is 00:10:31 They somehow find a way as they climb up the ranks and win championship to get even hungrier for more, where 99% of the athletes lose just a little bit of their edge once they get that first championship, that first pro-contra, that first big amount of money, that first world championship. They just lose their hunger a little bit of their edge once they get that first championship, that first pro contract, that first big amount of money, that first world championship. They just lose their hunger a little bit. And then there's the elite, they get hungrier. It feeds the beast. For some of you, have you been hungrier in the past? Let's be honest.
Starting point is 00:10:59 In the past were you hungrier for that first promotion, hungrier for that first goal, hungrier for the first house, hungrier for the first goal, hungerer for the first house, hungerer for the first relationship, hungerer for the first time you got fit. And if you lost a little of that hunger where you're just not quite as desperate as you used to be. And so it's feeding your desperation. And the way we do that is we feed it to ourselves over and over again because it becomes something
Starting point is 00:11:20 we must have, we have to have it, like we gotta eat, like we to breathe. Feed the hunger, feed the desperation, embrace it. Don't try to look so pretty because this desperate state eliminates all the things that hold you back. Your fears, your worries, what you don't know, what the obstacles are, signs, haters, lack of information, lack of blah, blah, blah, it all goes away when you're hungry. The second thing is focus. Can you get laser focused? Human beings can get incredibly great at anything they put their minds to.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Total immersion in any topic, most human beings can become great if they give themselves enough time. The truth is, most people overestimate what they can do in a month or a year, and they dramatically underestimate what they can do in five years or ten years. If you get total immersion in a business, total immersion in your body, total immersion in your faith, you totally get laser obsessed, focused at something. It's incredible how great human beings are adapting and becoming great at it.
Starting point is 00:12:20 One example is cancer. My dad, as many of you know, is fighting a particular type of cancer called liposarcoma. I didn't know how to spell liposarcoma three or four years ago. I didn't know what existed. I didn't know what it was or how it functioned. I'm not an oncologist. I'm not a doctor. I'd never read anything about it.
Starting point is 00:12:40 But all of a sudden, liposarcoma became pretty important to me. And I consider myself now. I've read hundreds of periodicals and articles and I've asked questions and talked to other doctors. And you know what? I know an awful lot about something. I knew nothing about many years ago. And I've become kind of an expert on it.
Starting point is 00:12:56 I've had my own conditions with my heart. I know a lot about the heart. I know a lot about the medications. I understand inflammation in the body. I've become sort of a quasi-ex expert on two things I knew nothing about. Many, many years ago, I knew nothing about communicating on camera or starting a podcast. I'll tell you a funny story. When my podcast started, I was encouraged to do it by Tony Robbins and when my podcast
Starting point is 00:13:19 started, he said, hey, you got to order people say, I know you're listening to the number one business podcast in the world that didn't even exist two years ago. Okay, I knew nothing about podcasting, nothing about how this worked. I didn't even know what a podcast was. I want you to understand something. When I was first told to have a podcast,
Starting point is 00:13:37 I did not know what one was. And so he said, you got to have one of these. I said, what are they? You know, where do you get the microphones? Where do you get the stuff you talked to before I had this stuff on camera? This is a true story. He goes, I don't know, figure it out.
Starting point is 00:13:50 My team did it all for me. I'm like, okay, so I Google how to start a podcast. This is how I began what you're listening to right now. Number one in the world right now. Fastest growing show on earth. I Google how to start a podcast. In Tim Ferris, who had a successful podcast, had done a podcast on how to start a podcast. And so I listened to his podcast and at the end of it there was notes. And he said,
Starting point is 00:14:14 if you click on this link, it takes you to Amazon. There's a kit there with the microphones on the recording device and all the stuff you do to start a podcast. I thought, okay. So this started by me googling how to start a podcast. Tim Ferris at a kit, I listened to the show, I bought the kit, I got back and I said, Tony, I said, so now what am I doing? He goes, I don't know, set the mics up and just start talking about something.
Starting point is 00:14:36 And I'm like, all right, so I do like a 30 minute audio. I set the mics up, I got all the equipment Tim Ferris said you should have. And I'm done and I call him back and I said, hey brother, I did the podcast. How do I get what I said out of the machine? And he goes, I don't know, well you got, it's on the chip, take the chip. Now here's how stupid I am. I'm like, chips, I don't, there's no chips. He goes, yeah, there's a chip you put in the chip. Now here's how stupid I am. I'm like chips. I don't, there's no chips.
Starting point is 00:15:06 He goes, yeah, there's a chip you put in the machine. I go, I, no one said anything about chips, man. I don't, you know, are these, what do you eat these? Like, we just, no, dummy. There's a chip, like a micro something or other. He didn't know either. You put it in the machine. And I go, shh, I didn't, I don't think I have one of those. So I look and there's no chip. So I literally talked for 30 minutes into a microphone that never even recorded anything. So then I go get the chip, I put the chip in the machine, I do the 30 minutes again and then I call them, I go, okay, it's on the chip.
Starting point is 00:15:37 How do you get the chip into the universe where people hear what you're saying? Like I didn't even know this big, it goes, I don't know, I think you stick it in your computer. So I'm on the fun, I stick the chip in my computer. This is the number one show in the world now. I stick the chip in the computer and I go, okay, it's in the computer.
Starting point is 00:15:54 What button do I hit so people in the world can hear it out of my computer? I'm not kidding you. It goes, I have no idea, man. I don't know how this stuff works. So finally I figure out, oh, you got to download the chip onto your computer and then it goes to a thing called Libson and I knew none of this stuff.
Starting point is 00:16:11 The first podcast I did never got recorded. I googled how to do it. The chips out of my computer for two months because I couldn't figure out how to get it out of my computer into the internet, okay? That's how my podcast started, but I become laser focused about podcasting. I'm like, oh, then people said,
Starting point is 00:16:30 you should record it and put it on YouTube as well. So I've learned, where do you get the cameras? How do they do it? How do they post it on YouTube? What do you type? I knew none of this stuff. My first Instagram video, literally true story. I do a 30 minute video, my son's the kind of the guru.
Starting point is 00:16:45 I do the one minute story rather. I post it, I got three views the next day and one like. And I call up, this is what I hear. I call up Tony and I go, hey, no one listened to my Instagram video. He goes, well, you posted it at one o'clock, man. You need to post around breakfast time. And this is what I hear him say. I don't know anything about this stuff. True story, well, you posted it at one o'clock, man. You need to post around breakfast time.
Starting point is 00:17:05 And this is what I hear him say. I don't know anything about this stuff. True story, swear to you. He goes, you got to post around breakfast time. And dummy, you got no hash browns in your post. And I'm like, trying to not pretend I don't know anything. So I'm going, what, what, what, what, I got to post at breakfast time and for,
Starting point is 00:17:23 why does there need to be hash browns? This makes no sense to me. So now I'm mad, but I pretend to know what he's saying. And I call my son and say, Hey, you said you knew about this stuff. You're 15 years old. Your internet savvy. Don't you know all the videos have to be posted at breakfast times and you got to have hash browns in the video.
Starting point is 00:17:43 My son's like, dad, why would it matter what food is in your video? I don't know, but he's telling me, it has to be breakfast time with hash browns. We went the whole day, my first post, lamenting the fact that I had no hash browns in my video. Turns out he was saying hash tags, but I didn't even know what a hashtag was two years ago. And so finally we figured out the hash tags, how to
Starting point is 00:18:11 post, how to do a podcast, and it leads us to where you and I are here today. That's because I've been focused and obsessed in this field now for the better part of a year and a half to two years. So not only did I figure out how to get it into the internet, not that I figured out it doesn't matter what breakfast foods are in my posts, that to two years. So not only did I figure out how to get it into the internet, not only did I figure out it doesn't matter what breakfast foods are in my posts, that it was hashtags, not only did I understand how what chips were, you don't even know what kind of chips I think he was talking
Starting point is 00:18:33 after the hash browns, you don't even want to know. But suffice it to say I figured out what type of chips. A year and a half later, for my podcast now, and I like him to do more downloads than Tim Ferris does. After, and he does a great podcast, but after learning about his kit and Googling how to do it, to think that it's come this far is mind blowing because human beings that get obsessed and immersed in any topic can become great at it. And so can you.
Starting point is 00:18:57 So pick what you want and get laser focused. Begin to eliminate all the distractions. You are not hungry enough. You are not starving enough and you are not focused enough. I say this to you all the distractions. You are not hungry enough. You are not starving enough and you are not focused enough. I say this to you as a friend. What are the things that are stealing your focus? Who are the people that are stealing your focus and begin to eliminate these distractions? Get laser focus and obsessed on what you want. Be starving and hungry to get it. Be desperate to get it. The combination of desperation and hunger
Starting point is 00:19:25 with laser focus over an extended period of time is the formula to be great at something. And you can apply this formula, get laser focused, eliminate distractions, eliminate the things that steal your laser focused on it, your research on it, your obsession on it, begin to do these things and you will begin to change your entire life.
Starting point is 00:19:48 Yes I want your mindset better. Yeah I want your identity higher. No questions important, have great associations in your life, but dad got it, you've got to get hungry and you've got to get focused. And I know these sound like basic things, but go to any area of your life you want something right now. Pick the number one thing you want to change body money business relationship Faith I don't care what it is pick it right now one to ten how hungry are you how desperate are you one to ten the most desperate and
Starting point is 00:20:16 Hunger you could be rank yourself number two how laser crazy obsessed focused are you on what it is you want, one to ten, ten being hyper psycho crazy obsessed, focused, nothing's in your way. And to the extent you can increase your desperation and hunger and your obsessive focus will be to the extent that you can flourish because when those things convene and converge, all of a sudden the collaborations, the people, the circumstances, the breakthroughs, the insights necessary begin to reveal themselves to you. And not only that, reveal themselves to you with momentum and speed at which you cannot believe, you can wake up a year and a half later, be number one in the world at something
Starting point is 00:21:00 that you didn't even know existed before. I'm a testimony to that, And you can be as well. Your success is going to be predicated more than anything on your hunger and desperation level and your ability to get laser focus and eliminate the distractions in your life. This is what makes us great. I think of athletes that I know, I've watched them get obsessed and hungry early in their careers and as they make a little bit of money, they start, you know, they're a rapper now. Now they're an actor, now they're a producer, now they're a business person, and they're basketball or football or baseball or boxing or UFC career begins to suffer as their
Starting point is 00:21:37 focus gets diminished. As their obsession gets diminished, as their immersion gets diminished, the great ones never lose that. They never lose the hunger. They only increase it over time. I always try to lay out for you what the solutions are, and then I like to give you a plan. I want to give you a four-step plan to both increase your hunger and increase your focus at the same time.
Starting point is 00:21:59 The first step is always to evaluate where you are currently. Give yourself an evaluation. As I've asked you, one to ten. How would you rank your hunger and desire level? Are you all the way desperate? Are you the most desperate you possibly could be? Because again, I promise you, this is a healthy form of desperation. Okay, so one to ten evaluate where you are and then also give yourself an evaluation
Starting point is 00:22:20 of where you are in your laser obsessive focus. One being completely unfocused, distracted, constantly, even forgetting what our goals are. Five is we're on it from time to time, we keep some notes, we evaluate. Ten is just obsessed, crazy, nothing else matters focused. If you're not at least at a level eight or nine, you're not optimizing your effectiveness level
Starting point is 00:22:41 at both of those areas. Number two, you must become more intentional to change those things. So it's just starting out. Everything in life comes from intention. You must intend to increase these things. So I want you to become incredibly intentional at feeding your hunger level. Bringing the goal closer to you, repeating it over and over makes you starving for it.
Starting point is 00:23:03 And the more you can increase that state, the more you stay focused. Ironically, there's a connection between hunger and desperation and focus. They're related. So be intentional about them. The story I gave you about if God forbid a loved one or a child of yours within an accident, can you imagine how focused you immediately become when something becomes that important to you, that desperate to you? What happens is everything else,
Starting point is 00:23:29 all the distractions of what other people think about us, any other circumstances, is what we don't know, what we don't have, anything scares to us, goes away because we're so desperate, it increases our focus. If you think about anything you've had that becomes desperate to you. If there was a burglar in your home, for example, and you were desperate, think about the millions
Starting point is 00:23:49 of things you're no longer thinking about and how focused you are in on that one thing. We've all had that time when we're laying in bed at night and we think we hear a noise, right? You become so focused, you hear every little creek in the ceiling, don't you? Every little movement of the floor. You hear your sheets move. Oh my gosh, there it is again. You become hyper aware and hyper focused when you increase desperation.
Starting point is 00:24:13 So become intentional as step two. Third, what is your plan? What is your strategy to increase your hunger level and to increase your focus level? So part of that plan might be, I need to be around people more immediately who can hold me accountable and repeat back to me what I've told them my outcomes are. I need to put myself in situations where I'm accountable where I'm a part of a group where I have to report my results to them. Perhaps it's going public if it's your body and going public with this is my intention
Starting point is 00:24:43 the next 30 days. This is what I'm going to do putting additional pressure on yourself. Perhaps it's shrinking the time frame down. The sooner we must do something the more desperate it becomes. In other words, if something has to be done within 10 years, how desperate is that? But if has to become sooner and sooner and sooner or even if there has to be a real date put on it gives us some desperation knowing that date is coming sometime soon. So what is your plan and strategy to increase your desperation? Increase your hunger level and then focus. What's your plan to
Starting point is 00:25:13 increase focus? Oftentimes that could be a plan to eliminate distractions. What's your strategy to eliminate distractions? It might be I watched too much television at night and it distracts me from my goal. Perhaps you should remove that television from the room. That's a plan and a strategy to eliminate the distraction. Perhaps it's you're being on the internet too long or playing video games. Maybe you need to eliminate them. Perhaps in your nutrition, you're trying to get fit. The distraction or snacks that you have in your home or alcohol. Maybe they need to be removed from your home. What is your strategy and plan to eliminate distractions and increase focus?
Starting point is 00:25:46 Because without the evaluation, without the intention, and without the plan and strategy, an actual plan to increase desperation, an actual plan and strategy, get creative, get resourceful. It's only with a plan that you can begin to make changes and a strategy. Otherwise, it's just a thought. And then fourth, what immediate massive action
Starting point is 00:26:06 are you going to take right now? I'm talking about right when this audio or video ends, what's the immediate first massive action you're going to take towards that plan, the first step, the first, it's unplugged the TV, it's removed the video game, it's throw out the junk food, it's removed a certain person from your life. I don't know what it is, but what is the immediate
Starting point is 00:26:26 massive action? Because if we can evaluate where we are and get very clear, because we can't know where we're going if we're not very clear about where we are. In other words, if life is like a GPS and we want to get to a particular destination, the only way we can get clear on getting there is to understand and evaluate and be specific
Starting point is 00:26:46 about where we currently are. That way we can build the directions. There's no sense of direction, not just with where you're going, where are you? You must know both places, evaluate what you want, and be very honest and evaluate where you are. Now the directions can be drawn out. So we must evaluate number one. Number two, we must make it our intention to do so.
Starting point is 00:27:09 We must get intentional, get specific. There's a power to intention. There's a power to pointing our mind, which is a weapon at these issues. Third is our strategy. What is the exact plan we're going to take without a strategy you have no shot. You must have a strategy. The strategy doesn't have to be perfect. The strategy can evolve, but there must be a game plan.
Starting point is 00:27:29 There must be something you're doing immediately to start towards this journey. It tells our mind we're making progress. It sends a message of, I'm serious about this. And then fourth, you must take immediate massive action. Knowledge is not power unless it's applied. And you haven't really made a decision and changed anything until you've taken an action. And if we delay the action to later, we can have all the evaluation, all the intention, and a great game plan. No action, no momentum, no progress. So what's the
Starting point is 00:28:00 one step, the one action that you're going to take immediately towards increasing your focus and increasing your desperation level? What is the immediate action? Once you have those four things, we now have a recipe to change. And so today's message to you was to wake you up as a friend, as your brother, is to say, listen, if we're going to get this done, if you're going to make things great happen, you got to get very clear on what you want, very clear. But we have got to get starving.
Starting point is 00:28:29 We've got to get desperate. We've got to get hungry to perform at the elite level. And for some of you who are already performing pretty high, the reason these next goals are coming more and more slowly, the reason that progress is slower, the higher you climb is because you're less hungry, you're less desperate, and you've got more distractions. Some of you that are starting out in the very beginning of your journey towards chasing goals, I'm giving you the recipe, you must increase the hunger level, the desperation level, and you must get more focused.
Starting point is 00:28:58 But for some of you have already achieved that are listening to this, I'm telling you, I understand it, I relate to it. You're like that champion who's trying to repeat. And although you're not satisfied with where you are, and you have big goals and ambitions, you must get honest. Am I as starving and as desperate as I was in the very beginning of my career,
Starting point is 00:29:16 in the very beginning of my business, in the very beginning of my journey, in my faith, the very beginning, in the journey of my fitness, whatever it is, because I can promise you, if we drew a line back to where you made the most progress, you were the most desperate. And the goals start coming slower, don't they? As we become less and less desperate, you've got to feed that.
Starting point is 00:29:35 And then the other thing is, there was a time in your life if you were achieving at a high level, whether it was getting your master's degree or graduating college, or passing an exam for your business, or getting to your first big promotion. I can promise you if I went back and looked at you, you were laser focused and all the distractions went away. This is the same formula and the same recipe. Success leaves clues. I have a great audio sheet listened to called Unlocking Your Success Code.
Starting point is 00:29:59 It's one of the original ones I've done. If you're on YouTube watching this, go over to my audio platforms on iTunes or Spotify, search for unlocking your success code. I talk about how the fact that you have a code to your success, if you can repeat that code and apply it to all your goals and dreams, you'll produce the same results in different areas. And so today, I want to challenge you
Starting point is 00:30:19 to get very clear on what your recipe is. If you've already been achieving in your life, evaluate these two areas. Hope today helped you, and again, I want to remind you. Every Monday, I release my own specific content, and on Thursdays, typically, I release interviews. I want to challenge you to share the show. The reason it's growing like it is
Starting point is 00:30:34 is because I release very detailed and specific content that's modern and applies in today's world. It's cutting-edge content that'll help you both be inspired and take the right actions. I just ask that you share it with people. It's free. Most of the stuff that I cover, as you know, you've probably paid thousands of dollars for. Let's be honest, you go to someone's seminar or multi-day event and you'll get more in
Starting point is 00:30:54 25 minutes on these audios and videos than you'd get paying thousands of dollars at these events and it's free. I just want it shared and spread around the world. The second thing I want to remind you of is that every day on social media on Instagram, I run the max out, a hashtag two minute drill, so I can engage closer with you and know more about you, so I can create content to help you specifically. And the way that works is, is every day on Instagram,
Starting point is 00:31:16 when I make a post on my main feed, if you just make a comment on that post within the first two minutes, I pick a winner every single day on Instagram that gets a coaching call with me, or one of my guests on my show, Max out gear, my book, specific audios. It's pretty cool stuff. And we're going to do one soon. It's a private jet ride with me.
Starting point is 00:31:34 So every day on social media on Instagram, turn your notifications on, follow me there, and make a comment within the first two minutes, become part of the max out universe. If you miss the first two minutes, just make a comment every day on my post, five or six days a week, regardless of the time. At the end of the week, we add up the people who just made a comment every day and we pick a winner from there as well. So you win by commenting within the first two minutes
Starting point is 00:31:55 and you also win by just making a comment at any point of the day. I read all the comments, I can't reply to all of them, but I read them every day, and there's a couple thousand of them every day now, but I read them because it gives me insights into you, and I want to know how to help you more. So participate in the max out two-minute drill.
Starting point is 00:32:10 Thank you for being here with me today, and continue to max out your life. Shoei!

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