Episode Date: August 3, 2024

The average work hard, but the greats WORK and THINK on a different level! Tune in to this flashback mashup episode featuring legends, Les Brown, Jay Shetty, Tom Bilyeu, and Dean Graziosi. Each of us... brings to the table a unique set of strategies designed to push you past your limits and help you seize control of your potential. THE BIGGEST BARRIERS TO SUCCESS AND HAPPINESS ARE OFTEN FOUND IN YOUR OWN MIND. Explore a range of transformative insights that promise not just to inspire but to catalyze real change in your life including: - I’m sharing how to craft a vision so compelling that it propels you forward, even through the toughest challenges. - Learn from Jay Shetty the art of turning obstacles into stepping stones and how to cultivate a mindset geared towards growth and fulfillment. - Hear from Tom Bilyeu about harnessing the true essence of leadership that transcends conventional boundaries and creates lasting impact. - Les Brown opens up about overcoming life’s harshest trials and using your hardest experiences as fuel for your greatest achievements. - Dean Graziosi will break down the critical elements that make or break success in any field and the importance of adaptability and continuous learning. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a dreamer, or someone ready to take their life to the next level, the combined expertise of these incredible guests will provide you with the tools you need to turn your dreams into reality. Tune in and transform your approach to challenges, redefine your understanding of success, and find out how to truly make an impact on the world. Let’s make this journey together and start living beyond our limits. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So hey guys, listen, we're all trying to get more productive and the question is how do you find a way to get an edge? I'm a big believer that if you're getting mentoring or you're in an environment that causes growth, a growth-based environment, that you're much more likely to grow and you're going to grow faster. And that's why I love Growth Day. Growth Day is an app that my friend Brendan Rushard has created that I'm a big fan of. Write this down forward slash ed. So if you want to be more productive, by the way, he's asked me, I post videos in there every single Monday that gets your day off to the right start. He's got about $5,000, $10,000 worth of courses that are in there that come with the app. Also, some of the top
Starting point is 00:00:34 influencers in the world are all posting content in there on a regular basis, like having the Avengers of personal development and business in one app. And I'm honored that he asked me to be a part of it as well and contribute on a weekly basis, and I do. So go over there and get signed up. You're gonna get a free, tuition-free voucher to go to an event with Brendan and myself and a bunch of other influencers as well.
Starting point is 00:00:52 So you get a free event out of it also. So go to forward slash ed. That's forward slash ed. This show is sponsored by Airbnb. My next door neighbor in Florida, every time they they leave they've been turning their house into an Airbnb and it's become a good side income for them and it's finally got me thinking about doing exactly the same thing. You know what when you leave your house, use it for an Airbnb generate revenue. So that thing becomes an asset and not just a liability. I love doing it and I'm excited about the start of it. Your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at slash host. This is the Ed Mylet Show.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Hey, everyone, welcome to my weekend special. I hope you enjoy the show. Be sure to follow the Ed Mylett show on Apple and Spotify. Links are in the show notes. You'll never miss an episode that way. Here's a clip of Ed Mylett appearing on the On Purpose podcast with host Jay Shetty. This quote by Thomas Edison said, when you feel you've exhausted all options, remember this,
Starting point is 00:02:04 you haven't. Ha ha ha. I love that. That's the power of one more. all options, remember this, you haven't. I love that. That's the power of one more. And so I have lived this book in my life, like I have lived this mindset and it has changed my life because I've always been just one step away, one habit away, one mindset away from this amazing life that I'm grateful and blessed to live. Well, that's the truth, right? You're right. And I think the great lie in life is that
Starting point is 00:02:27 I think, you know, some scriptures say, well, where there's no vision, the people will perish. Whatever your scriptures are, is it really that you have no vision? If you ask the average person, you want to be happy or sad, what's your vision? They'd say, I want to be happy. You want to be rich or poor. Most people say, I'd like to be rich. Do you want to contribute or make no difference in the world? I want to contribute. Do you want beautiful memories or no memories? I want memories. So there's a vision. Our issue is depth perception.
Starting point is 00:02:50 We think it's further away than it is. And because we think it's so far away, Jay, we create patterns and behaviors in our life that perpetually keep it there. Ooh. And that's what we do in our life. But what if that's the great lie of life? And what if the truth is that you're one relationship away,
Starting point is 00:03:07 one meeting away, one conversation, one podcast, one interview, one new thought, one new emotion, one new tactic or strategy away from completely changing the trajectory of your life? And everyone that you and I know that we both work with, that we're blessed to work with in our lives, the truth is it was one decision one meeting one extra rep one more phone call one thing They did that change their trajectory then the question then becomes how do I do it?
Starting point is 00:03:35 And so the strategies are in the book, but conceptually that's a hundred percent how you change your life Yeah, and you're so right. I was thinking about this this morning. Last year I had a double hernia surgery on the front. Like, so I couldn't walk for about a month. And when I say I couldn't walk, I mean like I literally couldn't move. Oh my gosh. It was like I was like I felt like I was teaching myself to walk again. Like that's how it felt. It's really interesting what you just said about how we perpetually push it far away.
Starting point is 00:04:05 I would wake up every morning and my mind or my initial mindset was like, it will be gone today. It must have gone today. Like today it will be fully healed. I'll be fine today. And I would wake up and I wouldn't be. And I would feel like healing was so far away. It would be like 80% away that I was missing out on the 1% change since yesterday.
Starting point is 00:04:30 You got it. Since yesterday, I made 1% change. I wasn't feeling the same pain in my nerves. I was able to be flexible by 1% more. Yes. And I was missing out on all of that because I was so obsessed with how far I was. That's the journey. And the thing, and what happens is when you live with an expectation that these one mores exist, And I was missing out on all of that because I was so obsessed with how far I was. That's the journey.
Starting point is 00:04:45 And what happens is when you live with an expectation that these one mores exist, the reticular activating system in your mind filters them into your awareness. I call it the matrix in the second chapter of the book. When you wake up believing, hey, I'm one decision away, I'm one meeting away, one relationship away, that's not hokey. Your mind begins to filter the people, places, and things into your awareness. You develop something called sensory acuity. You hear conversations you weren't hearing. We've all had that experience where we're on an
Starting point is 00:05:12 airplane, I can't stop hearing these people over here. Or you walk in a loud room but you can hear your own name auditorily over all the other names in the room. That's because it's important to you and it matters. You see things and so when something becomes important to you and it matters. You see things and so when something becomes important to you and you believe it to be true, the RAS goes to proving it for you. And where I learned this, ironically, I talk about in the book, is my father was an alcoholic and had tried to get sober many, many times. And I'll never forget it, Jay, we were driving to a baseball game of mine. My dad started crying. I'd never seen my dad cry before.
Starting point is 00:05:46 And he pulls the car over and he still isn't looking at me, but he's crying and he says, Eddie. And then he turns to me and he goes, I'm gonna try to get sober. And I'll never forget this brother. He goes, one more time. Wow. And I said, really daddy? He goes, I'm gonna give it one more try.
Starting point is 00:06:04 And I said to him, I said, why would this be any different this time? And he said, never said this to me before. He goes, because I love you and you deserve it, father, you can be proud of. And you can't be proud of me right now. And I think every great thing we do in life is one away, but it's also born from love. To talk about your book, When you love people or you love something so deeply, if that love is greater than what the obstacles might be, now you got a shot to do it. Then my dad gets sober, he comes home from rehab. I
Starting point is 00:06:33 say, daddy, are you never gonna drink again? And he said, I can't promise you that. I can promise you I'm not gonna drink for one more day at a time. And he lasted the rest of his life, stacking those one more days up. And so I know the power of one more. And Jay, the other thing I also know humans can change. I watched my hero do it. I watched my dad live my first 15 years. So I'm in a lot of fights.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Wow. A lot of lying, a lot of difficult times. And then I saw this man transform. And in life, we're most qualified to help the person we used to be. And what we think in life, and I hope everybody gets this, we think the things we're most ashamed of, embarrassed by our divorce, our bankruptcy,
Starting point is 00:07:13 or maybe we've just always been average and ordinary. This disqualifies me from being successful and happy. What if that's not true? What if the hardest things of your life are the very things that qualify you? I'll give you an example. You know, my dad got sober. Somebody helped him. My dad was going to take his life or lose his family. And I didn't know who it was until months ago. Some precious human being whom I didn't know. In my dad's darkest hour of his life, Jay said, I'll help you. I'll help you. Little did that person know I'd be his son. And I'd'd help millions of people and I'd be on Jay Shetty's show and we both helped millions
Starting point is 00:07:47 of people. And the more ironic thing that this person helped my dad is what qualified them to help my dad. They were a drunk. They were an alcoholic. They at one time were a drug addict. They at one time were lying and stealing and living in the shadows. The very thing that person probably figured that disqualifies me from having a successful life
Starting point is 00:08:06 was the one thing that did qualify them to help my dad. So if you're listening to this and you've had something you're ashamed of or a failure or a setback, you're most qualified to help the people you used to be. And that person, that alcoholism, they suffered with their drug addiction, helped my dad live those one more days forever.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Ah, that is the best explanation I've heard of how pain turns into purpose. That's right. The thing that brought you down, that broke you down, that made you feel like you were losing everything. That's right. Gave you back everything when you used that to serve the people that were struggling with it. And then there's a purpose.
Starting point is 00:08:43 And if you can survive the temporary pain in your life, and all pain is temporary. I watched my father pass away last year. He was in tremendous pain. Even our bodies are temporary. Only our souls are permanent. If you can survive the temporary on the other side of temporary pain,
Starting point is 00:08:58 you meet another version of yourself, another insight about yourself. And that's why it's so important to grow as a person, because the more we grow and become a new person, we can help those that used to be like us. And that's why it's so important to grow as a person because the more we grow and become a new person, we can help those that used to be like us. And that's why you and I are so addicted to growing and learning and we're curious because if you used to be a broken person and you no longer are quite as broken,
Starting point is 00:09:15 you can help broken people. If you used to be broke financially and you no longer are, you can help people, whatever you do for a living. At one time you didn't know about it and now you do, you can help those who need to know about it. And so you're immensely qualified if you understand the power of doing one more. Oh, I love it, I love it.
Starting point is 00:09:33 Tell me about, so let's say, and you probably come up against this all the time, a lot of the people say, okay, I'm gonna practice that. I'm with you Ed, I love you and Jay, I'm listening. And I go, yes, I'm gonna practice the power of one more. Now what I find, and this is why you're so great at teaching this, because you're not teaching it as a gimmick, a glitch,
Starting point is 00:09:53 or like a little affirmation. This is like real, it makes sense. Like it works. People get so tied to the result that when they try it the next day and the sales meeting doesn't go their way or the pitch doesn't go their way they go ah it doesn't work yeah it doesn't work why didn't it work and how should we
Starting point is 00:10:13 respond when we fail or get rejected well it didn't work because you're so attached to the outcome I coach a lot of athletes I know you do as well and one of the things that's a really nuanced thing in life it's great to have goals you should have goals I want wanna do this or that. But in the moment of execution, you have to separate from outcome in the moment that you're executing and just be present and exist.
Starting point is 00:10:33 I talk about this in the book. Here's what I would say, if you're gonna win long-term, 95% of people have a operating system in their mind where they operate out of history and memory. Oh, I like that. And about 5% of humans operate out of history and memory. Oh, I like that. And about 5% of humans operate out of vision and imagination. So the reason we're so much happier, I believe, when we're children is we have no history and
Starting point is 00:10:53 memory. So we operate of imagination and dreams and vision. But at some age, some people, it's five years old, some it's eight, some it's 18, some it's 28. They create a history. And that history then becomes the operating system. So even if they take on a new behavior or tactic, they're operating out of a pattern of thought and belief that's historic and memory based. And so the number one thing I would say is begin to operate out of your imagination again, out of your vision again. Create from that place. If you create from that place, now you're not tied to the result in that moment. You're giving yourself space to imagine and create something new in your life.
Starting point is 00:11:31 I've never heard that in that language, man. That is so powerful. Thank you. You're so right about as kids that we don't have any memory or history, so we don't have any blocks, we don't have any limits. And begin to listen to the people around you. People say, hey, you're the product of who you hang around. How do I know if they serve me or not? Here's way that one way to just deduce this because they could be beautiful people who care about you and they might even support you But when you're with them, what are you on? You ever of those friends you're with them you're like you remember when you remember you remember you remember that party remember that thing and if your friends are constantly bringing you to the filtration system of memory and history
Starting point is 00:12:07 all the time, think this through. How often are those friends saying, hey, what are you working on now? Where are you going? What's your vision? What do you want to create? And maybe that sounds hokey, but you and I have some of the, some of our, both our friends, have the most amazing histories
Starting point is 00:12:22 and you can't get them to talk about them. You have to work, because what are they still doing? They're talking about now and where they're going. Their viewpoint in their life is being present and having a vision for the future. A formula for misery, a formula for lack of creativity, lack of productivity, is constantly being history and memory.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Even if it's good, it doesn't serve us. And for most of us, it's not good, and for most of us it's not good and we keep living from it or trying to move away from it. Create a new future, don't move away from the past, create a brilliant imaginative curious vibrant vision for your life. I love that yeah we're always trying to create the same past as opposed to a new future. And I find that what's really interesting about that, all the studies show that nostalgia makes us believe that the past was more phenomenal than it actually was. If you remember that party you went to at college,
Starting point is 00:13:16 it's better in your memory than it actually was. If you actually could have gone back and remembered how you felt hungover and what you broke a bone or whatever happened. But now in your memory, it's beautiful. Beautiful. So our memory also is slightly warped of the past. No question. It can make things feel much better or much worse sometimes.
Starting point is 00:13:33 No question. But what's really coming out for me right now is this idea that it's something you said a couple of moments ago and it sparked a thought for me. I remember the story that Vanessa Bryan told about Kobe Bryant after he passed away. I was fortunate enough to interview him around three months before his tragic passing. And she told this story and she said that Kobe would play through every injury.
Starting point is 00:13:59 He would play through every pain. He would play through everything, even when the doctors and his coaches would say, stop playing. And she asked him, she said once, He would play through every pain. He would play through everything, even when the doctors and his coaches would say, stop playing. And she asked him, she said once, why he still plays, right? Again, going back to our curiosity,
Starting point is 00:14:13 not assuming you know your partner. She asked him, why do you still play? And this is just her and him. There's no cameras, there's no, she's telling this story, but at the time it was just them two. He said it's because there's someone who's paid for a ticket today. They saved up.
Starting point is 00:14:31 And this is the only time they're ever going to be able to come. Maybe a son's boy, maybe a dad's brought his kid. Maybe someone's come to the game, they're a lifelong fan. And they came today and today's the only day they're going to get to see me. And if I say I'm injured, they're gonna get to see me and if I say I'm injured they won't get to see me so I'm gonna play that person one person gets to see me play and then he goes and wins yes and it's like that's love that's what you were saying love for something is in the present moment also right love is not just for the past and it's funny how important
Starting point is 00:15:04 one day is man when my dad got sick My dad got cancer when he first got sick. He goes. Hey, my dad was a dude. He goes look I'll fight this one time Okay, I'll do your little chemo and your surgery, but I'm not gonna pour poison into my body. I'm not gonna lose my hair I'm not gonna deteriorate. I'll give this thing a shot once if it doesn't work. I'm out That led to eight years of him fighting it. Wow. Chemo, radiation, proton therapy, surgery, surgery, chemo, experimental chemo, and he did lose his hair and he was in pain.
Starting point is 00:15:32 And I'd say to my dad, I'd say, Dad, you're suffering so much. He said, you wouldn't suffer. He said, no, Eddie, I'm in pain, but I'm not suffering. I choose not to suffer. And I'm not suffering because I get to see my grandkids again. And I said, I might have said, dad, why are you doing this?
Starting point is 00:15:47 And he said, you only understand the power of one day when you're threatened with never having another one. I'll do anything for one more day. Get to be with you one more time. Give your mom a kiss one more time. Maybe I'll see one of my granddaughters get married. And he goes, I'll do anything for one more day. The beautiful thing is I was actually with Kobe a week before he passed away. We were in the same gym. Our daughters played volleyball.
Starting point is 00:16:14 And ironically that day, I watched Kobe walk out of the gym. There was only a couple of dads left. It was late at night. He stayed and I stayed. And he had his youngest daughter in his arm and he was rubbing his other daughter's back. And I remember taking note of it because I was with Bella at the other end of the gym. And I remember thinking, I don't hug Bella enough. I need to hug. No joke, bro. It's in the book. I went, I got
Starting point is 00:16:39 to hug Bella one more time every day, not just once a day, plus one more time every day. My daughter's gonna get extra hugs, because Kobe does that. What if I could have said to Kobe when he got in his car, Kobe, you have one more week, brother. Tell those that you love you love them, get it right. Whoever matters to you, make it right.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Call your dad, make it right. Call your mom, call your family. What if the day before you could have said, Make it right. Call your dad. Make it right. Call your mom. Call your family. What if the day before you could have said, Kobe, you have one day left. And my dad, same thing. I was with my dad when he had one day left. I was with my dad when he had one hour left. I was with my dad when he had one breath left.
Starting point is 00:17:18 And when we begin to think of our life that way, the power of right now and having one more moment and one more minute is so beautiful. It's so blessed. It's so big. It's so amazing. Why would we spend that minute in history? Why would we spend that minute in the past when we could be fully present in creating the future? And so, you know, I think most people think, Jay, everyone else is going to die. I think they just, I'm never gonna die. Or they go, I'll get around to being happy. I'll get around to making my masterpiece of my life.
Starting point is 00:17:51 I'll get around to my dreams. I'm gonna get around to fixing this relationship that's broken. I'm gonna get around to feeling those emotions. And then it's another day and another day. And they keep it in the distance until there are no more days. And I don't care if you're 18 years old, listening to this, 28 or 48.
Starting point is 00:18:08 We don't know if we have one more day or a hundred more days or a thousand more days, but we know this, there'll eventually be a time where we don't have any more days. And so why would we spend the ones that are coming looking at the past? eBay motors is here for the ride. Remember when you first saw the potential? Then through some elbow grease, fresh installs, and a whole lot of love, you transformed 100,000 miles
Starting point is 00:18:32 and a full body full of rust into a drive that's all your own. With over 122 million parts for your number one ride or die, you can make sure your ride stays running smoothly. Brake kits, LED headlights, exhaust kits, turbo chargers, bumpers, whatever your baby needs, eBay Motors has it. And with eBay guaranteed fit,
Starting point is 00:18:51 it's guaranteed to fit your ride the first time, every time, or your money back. Plus at these prices, you're burning rubber, not cash. Keep your ride or die alive at Eligible items only, exclusions apply. See eBay Motors. That was a great conversation. And if you want to hear the full interview, be sure to follow the Ed Mylett Show on Apple and Spotify. Links are in the show notes. You'll never
Starting point is 00:19:15 miss an episode that way. Here's today's topic. How to build something great. How to create a movement. And when I say that, I'm really talking about multiple areas. This could be how to build a great church, how to build a great business, how to build a great family, how to build a great Boy Scout troop, Girl Scout troop, any movement you want to build. Anything great has the elements we're gonna cover today. There's a lot of detail here and hopefully some inspiration for you as well. So you know, there's a great book I read long time ago, I'm gonna show my age here, called Selling the Dream by a guy named Guy Kawasaki. And what it a guy named Guy Kawasaki.
Starting point is 00:19:45 And what it really was is Guy Kawasaki was the guy that kind of helped market Macintosh way back in the day for Apple. And it was a study of the history of Apple and basically his contention was that all great movements, I think all great families, all great churches, all great everything, sell the dream. The leader of that enterprise is almost evangelical, almost like a preacher, evangelizing for their cause. You know, great businesses, those of you that are business people, great businesses have a cult-like following, have a religious-like following. It's something that all
Starting point is 00:20:17 great movements have. Apple has it, the great fitness companies that you think of, any company you know that's really flourishing has kind of raving fans and to a level past that is almost cult-like and religious like followers. They believe that deeply. I mean by the way I don't mean that in a sacrilegious way like they believe in it more than they believe in God. You know exactly what I mean when I say that. Deep raving fans and those followings are led by evangelists. All great business people, I think all great dads, all great moms should be evangelical about their family. All great business people, I think all great dads, all great moms, should be evangelical about their family. All great business leaders should be evangelists constantly touting the greatness of your family,
Starting point is 00:20:51 the greatness of where you're going, the greatness of your company. For whatever prism you're listening today through, or whatever filter, whether you're listening to this and you want to be a better mother, a better father, a better pastor, a better business leader, a better entrepreneur, I think these things we're going to talk about today are going to rock your world absolutely. And so how do you build a religious cult-like following in your business and how do you become more evangelical about your cause? I want you to write these three things down right now as a dad, as a mother, and as a business leader.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Dream, crusade, recognition. These are the three pillars of building anything great. Great evangelists, great leaders and families are constantly selling the dream. Mom's selling it. Here's where we're going as a family. We're amazing. We're gonna do something great. It's gonna be a great day. Great business leaders. Here's where the company's going. This is what we're gonna accomplish. This is the vision. This is the future. This is the road we're heading down. This is how amazing it's going to be. See, great leaders always sell the dream. Leaders must have vision because of your position, just by being a position of a leader.
Starting point is 00:21:50 You are in front of everybody, aren't you? Which means your point of view should be different. You can see things they can't see. Your job as a leader is to say, here's what I see. This is how amazing it is, and this is how we're going to get there. So great leaders, like that book said, sell the dream constantly. Great entrepreneurs are constantly conscious of selling the dream to their employees, to their clients, to their vendors,
Starting point is 00:22:14 to potential clients, to people they sell, to people they do business with, to people in the warehouse. No matter what your business is, I don't care what it is, always be selling the dream. Listen to me, always be selling the dream and do it repetitiously. Don't get tired of saying the same things over and over again. See, business is not about saying new things to old people.
Starting point is 00:22:35 Business is about saying old things to new people. So constantly be selling the dream. As a mother or father, you wanna turn your family around, you wanna raise great kids, sell them the dream on the future. Sell them where they're going, sell them where your family's going. All the time, sell the dream, sell the dream, sell the dream. Second element is crusade.
Starting point is 00:22:52 If you're going to build a cult-like and religious-like following in your business, for example, your crusade, constantly messaging your crusade, your cause, your mission. These are all in that same thing, the difference you make in the world, the contribution you make. You must be messaging it all the time. We're making a difference. This is our cause, this is our mission, this is our crusade. These are the two big messages that all great entrepreneurs that are evangelical create. They're constantly selling the dream, constantly selling the crusade. This creates a culture. All your systems, all your messages, all your marketing, all
Starting point is 00:23:23 your social media, everything you do is about dream and crusade. You want to create an infectious environment in your company? You get on fire about selling the dream. I don't care if you're a two-person dry cleaners. You sell the dream of having four. You sell the dream of making 10 of them or 20 of them, and you have a crusade about it. We do the best job. We get to close the cleaners.
Starting point is 00:23:42 We're meticulous. We take it to a level nobody else does. We care. We make a difference. We help people make to clean. We're meticulous. We take it to a level nobody else does. We care. We make a difference. We help people make more money because they're sharper dressed than our clothes. I don't care what your business is. If you make sandwiches, the crusade of being the best and them eating healthy or them enjoying it or bringing passion to people's lives or pleasure to their lives, talk about your
Starting point is 00:24:00 crusade and your mission. If you're in the financial business or the real estate business or the fitness business, I don't care the tech business, what's the dream, what's the crusade, what's the mission, and sell it over and over and over again. This is how we build a following. And then lastly, recognition. Always be recognizing people. Always be holding people up. Always acknowledge people that are performing at a high level. Build an environment where you're recognizing people all the time so that people want to rise up. You know, if you have an environment of recognition all the time, that the people who aren't being recognized see the ones who are and want that to happen.
Starting point is 00:24:33 So recognition elevates the company, elevates your vendors, elevates your clients. By the way, what do you do to recognize your clients? What do you do in your business to recognize your clients? What do you do to recognize your recruits? What do you do to recognize your employees? What do you do to recognize your clients? What do you do to recognize your recruits? What do you do to recognize your employees? What do you do to recognize your vendors? What do you do to recognize your assistant? What do you do to recognize people? How great are you at recognizing people? Right? And if you show me a leader who sells the dream, who's got an unbelievable crusade, who's got recognition in place, I'm going to assume you have systems in place because you can't function without those as
Starting point is 00:25:03 an entrepreneur. But the separator between the good and the great, the extraordinary companies, the movements, the systems are not the separator. The systems are fundamentals to even get in the game. But once you're in the game, how good is your dream selling? How repetitious is it? How believable is it? How big is it?
Starting point is 00:25:20 And by the way, on selling the dream, you have to sell a big enough dream to people that everybody's dreams who come in contact with you can fit inside the one you're selling. Do you do that? Are you cognizant of selling it big enough that everybody listening to you, whoever that crowd is,
Starting point is 00:25:33 their dream can fit inside the one you're selling. Your crusade and mission, is it emotional? Is it compelling? Do you hold up evidence of it? What do you do to reinforce it? Do you, on a regular basis, hold up success stories? Do you reinforce it with the stories you've had? Do you reinforce it with the message you have? Do you reinforce it with your own behavior? So how well do you reinforce the
Starting point is 00:25:52 cause, the mission, the crusade of your business? And then how do you do with recognizing people? Do you have an environment full of recognition and enthusiasm and winning and progress happening all the time? Do you constantly find ways and reasons to recognize the people you work with and your clients? As a mother or a father, how good are you at selling the dream of your family? We're special. We're a great family. We do great things for people.
Starting point is 00:26:15 We're going to win in our lives. We're going to travel the world. We're going to make a difference. Then they get to the crusade. This is the kind of family we are. We serve people. We've got a mission as a family. We're about making a difference in the world. We're special, we're givers. Do you do that and do you
Starting point is 00:26:28 recognize people? Man, you look beautiful today, you look amazing, great job on your test, I'm so proud of you, you're my favorite. Do you do things all the time to recognize your children and your spouse? How good are you at that? Like just take a step back and breathe for a second. When's the last time you recognize your spouse and you do it repetitiously and regularly all the time where it's infectious? Do you recognize your children? Do you recognize your parents or your siblings? How good are you at just, I love you, I believe in you. Do you call them? Do you text them? Do you write handwritten notes? Do you hug them? Do you just have an environment of recognition in your household?
Starting point is 00:27:01 See, I think a great family's got a dream, a great family's got a mission and a cause, and a great family recognizes each other. That's what a great church does, is what a great football team does, is what a great business does. The most powerful force in the history of the world is religion, right? And I'm not talking about building something that is as important as someone finding God, but I am talking about building the same elements. See, Rick Warren in The Purpose Driven Life wrote this great book, was the best-selling book of all time other than the Bible, and in that book he lists five things that are sort of the keys, purposes to a religion. I thought it was interesting, so I'm gonna give you what those five keys were because I
Starting point is 00:27:36 think they apply to business, I think they apply to family. So we're gonna listen to Rick Warren's five things, I'm gonna give them to you right now, and then I'm gonna tell you they apply to business for you being evangelical and creating a religious cult-like following for your company and your products, which is what you all want. So those five things are fellowship, two, discipleship and education, three, worship, four, ministry and service, and five, evangelization. These are the five purposes of religion that he lists in the purpose-driven life. So how does that apply to business?
Starting point is 00:28:07 Let's start with fellowship. You want to create fellowship in your business. You want to create a community-type environment for your clients and the people that work with you because people want to belong in life. Number one need for human beings is the need to belong. So if you're not creating that in the atmosphere around your company, again, if it's a dry cleaner's, what do you do when they walk in to make them feel like they're a part of a community? Things you say, things you give them, signs that are on the wall, it begins to build a community.
Starting point is 00:28:32 If you have a financial services business or a real estate business or a tech business or a nutrition business, what are you doing to build community around your business? Could that be your social media, your website, your environment, the workplace, the things you mail to your clients thanking them? What are you doing to build community or fellowship in your business? Number two is discipleship or education. What are you doing to build disciples? Which means what does your company believe in? What does it stand for?
Starting point is 00:28:56 What's the action that you want to give them? The way you build people who are raving fans and followers is they know what you stand for. They know what you believe in. They know what your mission is. This is the way that you begin to build sort of disciple type following. And the second thing is education. Every business can be teaching somebody something and that's another way you build raving fans and building disciples is by teaching them something. So
Starting point is 00:29:16 your business ought to have an educational slant to it in some way. You need to be thinking through how you begin to create that in your business by teaching people things and that could be just a value proposition. It's gonna be something you stand for, be something you mail them, something you teach them, but it begins to build discipleship and education in your business. The third purpose of religion that Rick lists is worship and we do want people to kind of be in our presence in our business being that in love with who we are and what we do. In religion, they worship a creator. In your business, they're gonna worship your cause
Starting point is 00:29:47 and your mission and what you stand for. And so it's gotta be constantly messaged all the time. In some way, shape, or form, worship is a strong word for really believe. Strong word is to really be connected. Strong word to believe that you're different and unique and special and cause-oriented. People wanna be a part of a movement, just so you know.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Even as a consumer, that's why you see people wear the t-shirts of different brands. Anything they can do to say, I belong here, and I belong here because I worship or I believe in the cause. I believe in the mission. I believe in what this company stands for. That could be what the leader stands for,
Starting point is 00:30:23 the product stands for, the delivery stands for, the industry stands for. But they need to know what you stand for. That could be what the leader stands for, the product stands for, the delivery stands for, the industry stands for, but they need to know what you stand for. Four is ministry and service is one of the purposes that Rick lists for religion and that's also true for a business. Businesses exist to solve a problem. Your messaging needs to all the time be about the service that you do because it's how you mobilize people. You mobilize people around that mission. You can hear the common theme here of dream, mission, and recognition. And inside this, what are you doing to recognize the people that are in your service? For example, in a church, if you've ever been to a church, there are people who get identified roles, don't they?
Starting point is 00:30:58 There's the pastor or the priest or the rabbi, et cetera, and whatever the religion is. There's also the ushers. There's the people who do the sign-ins. There's the people who lead worship service, who play the music. These are forms of recognition inside the organization. What are you doing to recognize your client? What are you doing to recognize your colleagues, recognize your recruits at every level, all the time?
Starting point is 00:31:18 This is how we begin to build this part of the element of our cult-like religious following. And then lastly, evangelization. Think about all the people who you maybe think are some of the best business people or most influential people you know. Everybody from, and they're different, think about this, from Martin Luther King to Oprah Winfrey to Mark Cuban to Steve Jobs to Mark Zuckerberg to Elon Musk to the guy I see on TV all the time.
Starting point is 00:31:41 You've seen this guy with the pillow, my pillow, the guy with the mustache and the blue shirt and the cross-legged, I don't even know the guy's name, but he's like evangelical for his cause of why his pillow will help you sleep better. And he repeats it over and over and over again. This is a part of building that religious cult-like following is being evangelical about your company all the time. What do they all have in common? Because they're all different people.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Maybe you look at me this way. Maybe it's one of your favorite business leaders, right? One of your favorite influencers. They have that element. We all look different. We all talk different, but we all had a cause that we preached over and over again. And by the way, no way, shape, or form, am I equating the MyPillow guy with my hero Martin Luther King? Or am I equating Oprah Winfrey with myself? My point is, is that any great leader, I'm talking about the best restaurant in your town, there's an experience when you go in there.
Starting point is 00:32:29 And that's the part of it I want you to understand. There's got to be an experience in your family to make it special. There's got to be an experience of being in that household, whether it's where you go or the environment in your home or just the spirit that's inside your home, that's an experience. People want to have a great experience that they do business with, right? So what experience are you creating? When they walk in your restaurant, how do they feel?
Starting point is 00:32:51 From the very beginning they meet with you to the end of their meal, what's the experience that you want them to have? In your business, the transaction they make, if you're, say, in the financial services business, what's the experience that you want them to have? Think that through for a minute. From the minute they meet you, through their entire lifetime with you, What's the experience that you want them to have? Think that through for a minute. From the minute they meet you through their entire lifetime with you, what's the experience feel like? Because if you want referrals, which is what you say you want, you want new people, people
Starting point is 00:33:15 refer people when the experience is blissful, when the experience is amazing, when the experience is unique. Think about the places or businesses you do business with right now that you love the most. Think about the places or businesses you do business with right now that you love the most your favorite restaurant your favorite clothing brand your favorite Influencer on social media hopefully me Right, so what's the experience like how do they make you feel when you're in their restaurant? When you're consuming their protein product and maybe that whole experience is how you order it, how you buy it, the note they write you. My friend Andy Fersella, my business partner, they're so specific at First Form, but when you buy that product everybody gets a handwritten note.
Starting point is 00:33:52 There's an experience that's different than just getting it shipped to you. They're creative and how they make people feel even if it's in a benign transaction like a dry cleaners, right? Like a sandwich shop. But it's really important in every business to just make the experience of doing business with you slightly different and more enjoyable and pleasurable than everybody else. In today's world what distinguishes you more than anything is the experience. It's all the things we've talked about. It's the dream, it's the
Starting point is 00:34:21 cause, it's the crusade, it's the recognition, it's all of that wrapped up in what's the experience that people are having when they're with us. Because that's what they will recommend to people is the experience. What makes a great family is the experience day to day of that family. It's never perfect, right? There's ups and downs, but what's the spirit and experience in that family? As a mother, what you're creating, what's the experience you're creating as a father for your family? As a business leader, what's the experience? As a pastor of a church, what's the experience there from when they walk in to when they walk out to when they get home and you connect with them through social media or however you connect with them? What's the experience of doing
Starting point is 00:34:58 business with you? These are the elements of creating a movement, of creating anything great. These are the ways I believe that you create a great family, a great baseball team, a great girl scout troop, boy scout troop, church or business. These are the elements that create that kind of following and that greatness about what you're doing. You can do something great with your life. You were born to do something great with your life.
Starting point is 00:35:20 Yes, you, driving in your car right now, having that bad day, on the treadmill right now, man. Just things aren't going the way you want right now. Maybe you're watching in your car right now, having a bad day, on the treadmill right now, man. Things aren't going the way you want right now. Maybe you're watching this on YouTube going like, hey man, I don't even have a business right now. I'm not even sure I am a good dad. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:35:34 Your past does not equal your future. You were put here to do something great in big ways and small ways. You're supposed to help other people. You're supposed to make a difference. You matter. Listen to me. You matter. Your past does not equal your future. Here's the good news, your present doesn't equal your future either. You're capable at any time of turning your life around and
Starting point is 00:35:53 if no one's reminded you lately, let me remind you, you're supposed to do something great. You're called to greatness. You're called to something higher than where you are right now and it's some of these elements that matter in doing it. But more than anything, what matters is you knowing it. You knowing your favorite. You know you can do something great. You know you're not out of time. You know you can turn your life around.
Starting point is 00:36:14 I know it now. You need to know it. In fact, you need to know it deeply because it's true. I promise you. I promise you. I promise you. You can do something great with your life. I'm always here, by the way, to help you do it, to inspire you, but promise you, I promise you, you can do something great with your life. I'm always here by the way to help you do it, to inspire you, but most importantly
Starting point is 00:36:27 probably to give you the tools to do it. I wouldn't be spending my time for free with millions of people if I didn't think each and every one of you were capable of doing something great with your life. I do this because there's this little part of me that hopes in the, I'm looking at the Pacific Ocean out here, if I'm a drop of water in the ocean of your life that helps you create a wave that makes a difference in the world, I'd love to be that drop of water in the wave of your life and I know you can be that wave. I know you can transform your own life and other people's lives at the same time. I hope
Starting point is 00:36:59 you hear me on that. I mean it sincerely. So are you like me? I just cleaned out my closet. Have you ever looked in your closet and You're like, what in the world did I buy that for? It's crazy, right? All this stuff in there I never wear. Like what was I doing? That's why I'm so glad that Quince approached me to sponsor the show. So they sent me some shirts that I've been wearing recently. Love them. These polo shirts that I got and some of these t-shirts that I'm wearing. They're 100% European linen. They're so nice that I'm like, hey, this is stuff I want in my closet. Here's the crazy thing about Quince. They get like 50 to 80% off similar brands from Quince because what they do is they partner directly with the top factories. So Quince cuts out all the middlemen. They go right from the factory to delivering it to you. I love it. So fill your closet with stuff that you'll be wearing for summers to come that's gonna last a long time that you're proud to wear and getting it half to better off is awesome. So go to
Starting point is 00:37:46 slash ed for free shipping on your order and 365 day returns if you don't like it, that's quince. Q-U-I-N-C-E dot com slash ed to get free shipping and a 365 day return policy slash ed. Very short intermission here folks. I'm glad you're enjoying the show so far. Don't forget to follow the show on Apple and Spotify. Links are in the show notes.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Now onto our next guest. This gentleman to my left, just to give you a background, this guy parlayed a 990 SAT score into a multi-billion dollar company that he built. We're gonna get into your head about how you did that, but I'm overwhelmingly impressed with Impact Theory, which is an organization that he and his wife Lisa started the last few years that is really making
Starting point is 00:38:32 a difference in the world, just like his company, Quest Nutrition, did. And so, Tom Bilyeu, thank you for being here today, brother. Thank you for having me, man. I'm so excited to be here. We flipped the script before, so. I've been on his program, and now finally I get you here. You talk a little bit about seeking power.
Starting point is 00:38:48 Yeah. And it confused me when I first heard it. I'm not sure I even liked how you said it at first until I understood it. And so can you talk to everybody about seeking power and what that means? Yeah. This is another one of those things that internally for me it's such a beautiful concept that I was so surprised the first time I said it out loud and somebody was like oh that's gross and I was like okay I need to explain this to us so to me power is
Starting point is 00:39:14 the ability to close your eyes imagine a world a beautiful world the world that you want to exist open your eyes and then be able to actually make that world come true and so when I say I'm seeking power, I'm saying I'm seeking the skills that will allow me to make the world a better place. Whether that's to be able to connect with people and build a team and get other people excited, whether that's to be able to build a business that generates enough funds to improve the lives of the employees and the people that we touch with great products.
Starting point is 00:39:40 You know, whatever that is, like to be willing and excited by the thought of going out and getting those skills because those skills really are powerful. To me, it's like people misunderstand power the way they misunderstand money. When people say money is the root of all evil or power is the root of all evil, that's to fundamentally misunderstand why they're so coveted. The reason that I can say all day, I can tell people and I've lived this,
Starting point is 00:40:07 money cannot buy you happiness and happiness is the only thing that matters. If you'll let me change that to fulfillment, fulfillment, something lasting, that's it, it's all that matters. But I'm even still chasing money. So the question becomes why? If I know that money in and of itself won't do anything for me, why is it still so interesting in my life? And the reality is because money actually is powerful. And what I mean by that is money is a great facilitator. If you don't know why you want the money, the money will be
Starting point is 00:40:32 empty. You will buy things with it and won't do anything for you. Because here's the thing that money can't do that people don't realize. When you look at somebody with money, especially when you don't have it, you admire them. And so you think, if I had money, I would admire myself. But it doesn't work like that. So once you get the money, the thing you thought would happen to yourself, the story about who you are, you think it's gonna change and it doesn't.
Starting point is 00:40:53 So that's when people become totally disillusioned. They think, if I have the Ferrari, I'll think differently about myself. If I have the house, I'll think differently about myself. Your insecurities are coming with you wherever you go. So if you think anything external is gonna change that, the only thing that changes your insecurities, show up in the gym, put in the effort, go to work,
Starting point is 00:41:10 do the thing, suffer in service of somebody else, do something to bring beautiful things to people that you love and care about, do something beautiful to bring something to somebody you've never even met. Those things will change your story. The money's never gonna change your story, but the money has allowed me to build a business.
Starting point is 00:41:27 The money has allowed me to not have to worry. The money's allowed me to help my mom not have to worry. The money's allowed me to bring on a team of employees and not have to worry about going bankrupt. It does real things that allow you to actually impact people and I believe that commerce is the only way to create a self-sustaining economic engine that isn't just charity. Charity, you have to go at like, here's what people don't understand about charity.
Starting point is 00:41:50 Charities survive by going and asking money from someone who's figured out how to make money. So where, how can you then be annoyed that some people are out making money? Even charities are funded by the people who figured out how to make money. So my thing is make your charity a for-profit company that does good in the world, where every product that it sells, the world becomes a little bit better, right?
Starting point is 00:42:11 Now, like, that to me is where, in the 80s, it was like a way-growth story. It was just like, make as much money as you can. Social media's changed, all of that. That shit is dead as disco. Like, consumers just won't stand for it. They wanna know who you are as a human being, and whether or not your product's gonna add value.
Starting point is 00:42:26 If they don't like what you're about as a person, your mission, your why, they're just not gonna get into it. They're gonna go to the next person who has a similar product and a better why. So that becomes the thing. So money is powerful, power is effective. It's the same thing. Once you understand my definition,
Starting point is 00:42:43 power isn't to lord over somebody. Power is to close your eyes, imagine the world, and then make it come true. Love it. Oh my gosh. There's a level past that that you possess, by the way. Thank you. And so what makes you attractive is that, because people do have big whys, and they do want to know who you are, but a rare thing is congruency.
Starting point is 00:43:03 Someone who actually does the things that they say they're going to do. In other words, if you watch their life with the sound turned off. So I always say this, if I turn the sound off and the word somebody says and I just watched them like an old black-and-white movie without the sound, what would those actions tell me? And this man and his wife Lisa have dedicated their lives, frankly, since becoming wealthy to making an impact in other people's lives. And if I watched your movie,
Starting point is 00:43:28 because now I know you with the sound off, it's congruent. That's what makes you so attractive, especially to somebody like me and to the audience, because I know, I know you won't say, but I know the sacrifice you've made of time. You and I right now, fortunately for both of us, could be anywhere in the world that we wanna be. We're sitting here together, helping people, right? And I know that on
Starting point is 00:43:47 any given Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, you could be doing anything you want with who you want at any time you choose to, and you choose to be doing this. I know the financial sacrifice you've made to do this. I've watched what you've turned your home into this unbelievable studio. Your life is about this. I think you're absolutely freaking amazing. So thank you so much for today, brother. I enjoyed it so much, man. Many many years ago, I was living at home with my mom and dad and my dad got me a job as most of you know at an orphanage at a group home. And about three days later, he says
Starting point is 00:44:18 you need to start to get motivated. And he said, I just heard this guy in the car, somebody gave me one of his tapes. You need to listen to this man, he's incredible. I consider him to be the greatest speaker I've ever seen. It's like an honor for me everybody to introduce this man to you because today's going to be an absolute treasure with the great Les Brown. So Les, thank you so much for being here. Well thank you so much for having me and you're very modest. I'm looking at the greatest speaker on the planet. God bless you. When I introduced you as the greatest speaker that I've ever seen and by the way I think that short changes I
Starting point is 00:44:48 believe greatest teacher communicator that I've ever seen in my life and the other one that made the impact on me was Art Williams who I know you both agree this is a there was an amazing communicator still is yeah and so I met him one time and he gave me a nice compliment about a talk I had given and so I said well there's only there's two I a talk I had given and so I said well there's only there's two I've ever seen in my life and I said it's you Mr. Williams and I said and then Les Brown's in a class all his own and I said he's so talented and gifted and he stopped me and this leads to your mother again a
Starting point is 00:45:20 situation that I know about I'd like you to share and he goes he's not that talented and gifted he He's a worker. He works, Les works at it. This is a skill he's developed. He wasn't born with this. He's worked at it. If you knew the people I know, this guy is on the road. He works. And then I was listening to you and this amazing, your mother's this theme in your life,
Starting point is 00:45:41 but when you were a young boy, your mother lost the ability to work. And so I think the story is she starts sort of like making a little moonshine to sort of support the family right and something happens and I think you're like 10 years old something like this right and then you got to take over would you just share this because I think everything happens for us not to us our tests will be our testimony and you're that the messes of our lives don't disqualify us I think so many people think this mess I'm in this divorce this business failure this choice I made I'm not proud of that I'm ashamed of it it disqualifies me my background my upbringing I'm disqualified turns out you can turn those things into be your testimony
Starting point is 00:46:21 and this situation with your mom I think triggered this work ethic in you at a young age that Art told me about. Yes, mama, she started selling homebrew and moonshine. And it was difficult for us at that time, for her raising seven children. She was injured on a job. And so she promised our birth mother that these children will never go to bed hungry.
Starting point is 00:46:44 We will always have a roof over our head and clothes on our back. A man came, I'll never forget what you're talking about. So you've done your research as much as I've been doing research on you, you and I are so much alike. This guy, his name was Cal Hoon. And he knocked on the door. He said, Leslie, how are you doing? I said, fine. Mama always said, don't ever open the door without telling me. And I said, Oh, hey, mama, no, no, no, no, don't
Starting point is 00:47:17 tell I got two friends with me. We're going to surprise. Open the door. And I opened the door and let them come in. And one of the guys grabbed me, I was 10 years old in the throat and hit me on the side of the head and threw me up against the wall. And he said, she's back there in the room. And they went back there
Starting point is 00:47:37 and mama was selling homebrew and moonshine. And they, he said, pull up the linoleum and they pull up the linoleum and she kept it under the floor of the house that we were in. And they brought Mama out in handcuffs. And I said, Mama, I'm so sorry. And she said, it's okay, Leslie, it's okay. And she never, ever, ever mentioned it when she came back.
Starting point is 00:48:10 And so we don't have any relatives, we adopted. So the neighbors, they will come in and bring us food from time to time. And I would collect copper and aluminum, and sometimes stand in the corner, hey boy, come over. and I would collect copper and aluminum and sometimes stand in the corner, hey boy, come over and get on the truck with older men to move heavy equipment. But years later, fast forward,
Starting point is 00:48:39 man, I had it in my heart. If I ever saw this guy get out killing, and boy, you know God for he has a sense of humor. Here I am talking to my young son John Leslie who's a secret trainer. I said John Leslie anger is a wind that blows out the lamp of the mind. He said what do you mean by that daddy? I said, don't allow anger to cover you. Never make a decision while you are angry. It blows out the wind of the mind. You make decisions and do things that you will regret later. At this time a guy comes over and tapped me on the shoulder and he said, hello sir, I
Starting point is 00:49:24 just want you to know we here in Miami are so proud of you. I had a talk show that King World had paid me five million dollars to do that last round talk show. Now look, I'll never forget his face. I said to myself, oh my god, this Calhoun. Now here's my son here and I'm looking at this guy's face and put my mother in jail and man I was just getting short of breath and John Leslie said, Dad are you all right? I said no and he, this guy just one shake my man man. Yes. Um, Leslie, man, you, you, you, you really making us all proud. And I said, excuse me, sir, excuse me. And I went outside and my son said, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:50:14 It's just something you ate. I said, no, I gotta go. I said, let's get in the car. I said, what's happening, dad? And I drove away for a little while and I talked to the side to collect myself. I said, is that man, he's the one that put your grandmother in jail? And I promise if I ever saw him again, I would kill him. He said, oh, God. And I promise if I ever saw him again, I would kill him. He said, oh God.
Starting point is 00:50:47 I said, John Leslie, you know what? This is God moment. He said, why? I said, I got that hatred out of my heart for him because you were here. I have to model what I'm teaching you. People say, practice what you preach. But God put it in me.
Starting point is 00:51:10 I got to preach what I practice. I got to forgive. And forgiveness is not forgetting. Forgiveness is remembering without anger. I forgive him, but most of all, I forgive myself. Please forgive me, God, for carrying this anger and hatred all these years. Yeah. And listen to me, I've never told this story before.
Starting point is 00:51:39 Oh my gosh. Man, this thing, you know, as far as God'm at a point, life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get. After all, I got to feel about that. I can't believe you just shared that with us. I, oh my gosh, just your life is, one of the things about you, Les, is that your life is such an example of what's possible. I mean everybody, I want you just picturing this about this beautiful man. I want you, this is a, he's born, his mother ends up giving him to adoption, to Mamie, he and his brother, they live in these conditions, he's 10 years old, his mother has to go away for a while, he's got to support the family,
Starting point is 00:52:21 he's had all these incidents, he's had to observe up close, there are other ones with his mother when she's cleaning houses and this woman claps her hands because she's got to know when her mother's in a room because she's gonna steal something which his mother would never do. This man goes on to influence millions, I mean literally millions of people's lives and then this is what's great about all of us making our dreams come true. When you make your dreams come true, the dreams of other people and dreams you can't picture also come true because any influences this goofy dude, me, 20 something years old, working in an orphanage and it inspires me to change my life. So it's just your life is such an example.
Starting point is 00:52:57 And what's interesting to me, Les, is it was mainly tied to mom, meaning you wanted to do something great for your mother all your life and that was bigger, I think, than any obstacle that got in your way. I'd like you to share this with people because I think most people don't understand the power of having something big you're going after that means more to you than the pain you're going to have to go through in order to get it. I don't think enough people set huge big goals that are from the heart, don't you agree? Yes, you said that.
Starting point is 00:53:26 I was listening to you last night. You know, Dexter Yeager, as you know from Amway, he said if the dream is big enough, the odds don't matter. And so when you say dream big, that's major. One, there's power and pursuit, because as Jim Rowan said, it's not the accomplishment of the goal that matters. It's what you become in pursuit of the dream in the process. Because when you have a big dream, it will introduce you to a part of yourself that you don't know
Starting point is 00:54:00 right now, that you will never discover in your comfort zone because in order to achieve that dream you've got to die to who you are now. I must die daily. You must die to who you are now to give birth to who you are to become. I believe that all of us have stories of greatness in us. And follow me as I say this, as this Donald, we all have stories of greatness within us. In the beginning was the word, thou shall accrue a thing shall be established unto you. When shall the kingdom of God come? Seek ye first the kingdom of God,
Starting point is 00:54:38 his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. When shall it come? The kingdom of God cometh not by observation. They shall say, Is neither low there, low here? Behold, the kingdom of God is within you." And that kingdom is voice activated. So when you speak, people who are in a dark place, you will bring them out into the light. When you speak, somebody's got a gun to their head. When you speak, they'll realize life is God's gift to me
Starting point is 00:55:09 and I live my life is my gift to God. When you speak, someone who's depressed and feeling anxious will remember, be anxious for nothing. I'll keep thee in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee. So that's the power that you bring and all the products that you have on YouTube that I've I mean how ironic they said coincidence is God's way of staying anonymous. I've been so marinated
Starting point is 00:55:39 listening to your stuff and then you've been listening to me come on what look at God what a mighty God we serve you can't make this stuff up that's like my honor to think that you listening to my stuff I gotta tell you you guys you know you just get what I I started I told you all you guys have this treasure it's like you never want to stop hearing from Les. He's just remarkable and the way you pull things and download them from all these places is just it's mind-blowing. I wish I were that great. You are the messenger and you are the message. Les thank you again. God bless you. Thank you so much. I appreciate you so much. Continue to be the light that you are. Today's awesome. I just reached out to this man. I said, hey brother, I think the world needs a little bit more Dean and Ed and everywhere I go, people bring up the
Starting point is 00:56:34 time that we've spent together on our other show as one of their favorite, if not their favorite show that I've ever done and I think he's one of the most articulate and brilliant people in all of the entrepreneur life strategy, personal development space and I count he's one of the most articulate and brilliant people in all of the entrepreneur, life strategy, personal development space. And I count him as a friend and somebody that I admire greatly. So Dean Graziosi, thank you for being here today, brother. Thank you for that beautiful introduction.
Starting point is 00:56:55 I feel the same way about you, Ed. We met each other a little bit before the podcast and it was like we were bonded brothers forever after that. And it was a great show and I still get hit up on a regular basis. I know you do. There was something magical about that show because we get hit up all the time about it. So it's good to be here with you.
Starting point is 00:57:10 What did you used to believe pretty passionately about life or business that you no longer believe? In other words, my favorite people are people who change their minds. I love when people who've never changed their mind to think really all the new information, all the experience you've got, all the wisdom, all those successes and what you think are failures
Starting point is 00:57:32 or setbacks in your life, you've changed your mind about nothing that matters, nothing at all in your life has changed. So it's a really hard question. And I don't know if anything even occurs to you, but is there something you used to really believe? Like for me me it was it was uh I used to really believe that most rich people got there through some ill-gotten means I just I don't know why I just sort of believed they must have done
Starting point is 00:57:55 you're part Italian and you grew up on the east coast that's what everybody believed we all believed it right and by the way that belief system caused me to not want to be one of these people subconsciously, unconsciously for many, many years. I think it was one of the things that helped me back. And then I also thought for a while, well, then it flipped and I kind of had this epiphany, but then if I have a ton of money, I'll have no problems. Well, that turns out that's not true either. There's issues.
Starting point is 00:58:21 But so I've altered my belief systems about many different things in my life I'm just curious if there's one of yours that you used to believe you just knew you were right and now you look at it Totally differently. I Think I believed so I might have two answers for that, but I'll go quick on them One is I used to think from where I came from Right. It doesn't mean I'm not saying mine's different than yours or worse than it's just my experience of a blue-collar family dad It doesn't mean, and I'm not saying mine's different than yours or worse than yours. It's just my experience of a blue collar family.
Starting point is 00:58:44 Dad worked in a collision shop, made $25,000 a year, and sucked paint fumes every day of his life. My mom cut hair and cleaned houses for a living, right? So coming from where I came from, I thought I could be more successful than them, but I thought there'd always be a cap because I didn't go to Harvard or I didn't have a good college education
Starting point is 00:59:04 because I wear T-shirts every day because I didn't go to Harvard or I didn't have a good college education because I wear t-shirts every day because I don't have a vast vocabulary because I don't act like, I thought there was a limit. And what I realize is it's all the same. The way you might worry about a thousand bucks or 10 grand or a hundred grand or a million, 10 or a hundred million, the secret, it all feels the same. It's all relevant at the time of life you're in.
Starting point is 00:59:27 The deal when you're trying to get your first real estate deal to make a grand compared to the deal where you can make 20, it's the same emotion, the same feeling, and what I realize now is I have the belief, it's my decision, I can make a limitless amount of money, and if I want to give it all away, I will. But there is no, I really want you to hear this.
Starting point is 00:59:46 I thought forever there was this cap and then only this elite group get to go all the way. If I wanted to go to a billion, and if I set that as a goal, I could be there. That is my belief now. And that wasn't always my belief. And that's really been compounded over the last five years. That's probably it. I love you. I just enjoy it so much, man. I just enjoy it. I think you're such a good man.
Starting point is 01:00:12 I'm really grateful we're friends. Well, I feel the same way, Ed. And I appreciate, you know, we don't get the chance to see each other. We're all busy, but even our little text messages that we do maybe once a week, they just put a smile on my face. One last thing I want to share with everyone is the other thing that, and I'll end this here because I know we've been a little longer than we thought we were going to go here, but social media again is such a blessing in so many ways. When you see somebody doing well, there's two emotions that can happen. One is, damn it, I'll never be Ed.
Starting point is 01:00:44 I'll never get there. I'll never get there. Ugh, I just want to get my first deal. Or you can look at it and say, wow, if Ed can do it, I can do it. I'm gonna encourage you to have that filter on all the time that don't look through the lens of envy or jealousy because it will cripple you even if it's just a little bit.
Starting point is 01:00:59 When you see somebody getting ahead, the first thing I want you to think about is that man or that woman put the time in, they failed miserably, they had family question, and they probably lost all their money once or twice. They probably had sleepless nights, they may have had an ulcer, they may do things, listen, there are still things I stress about
Starting point is 01:01:15 and worry about that nobody will know. I still work on trying to sleep through the night because I worry about so many things and have so much on my mind. We all have stuff going on behind the scenes that no one knows. So when you see somebody successful, say,, man I can imagine what they went through to get it and I'm proud of them and I'm so happy for them and I'm telling you
Starting point is 01:01:32 God the universe with karma whatever you believe in will reward you when you're doing that even though no one's watching. This show is sponsored by BetterHelp everybody and I'm so grateful that we are because you know I really believe in therapy and so many people ask me what have all the people on your show have in common because I've had athletes entertainers, you know, scientists, political figures, business leaders, self-improvement folks and what do they all have in common? The vast majority of them have been to therapy and it's helped them and so therapy can help you in a lot of different ways. It could be that you just really need to work through a challenge or a problem you've got right now. Maybe you just need somebody to talk to, but maybe you're going through a really difficult dark time
Starting point is 01:02:09 and you need some professional help to work your way through it. And that's why I love therapy, but especially better help because you can do it online. And if you don't vibe with your therapist, they'll switch you out and get you somebody that you click with instantly. It can make a big difference in your life. So whether you're going through just kind of a difficult time and want to talk out loud about it, therapy is the way to go and I love BetterHelp. So never skip therapy day with BetterHelp. Visit slash EdShow today to get 10% off your first month. That's BetterHelp. H-E-L-P dot com slash EdShow. If you've been listening or watching the show for a long time, you know what a big believer in NetSuite I am.
Starting point is 01:02:44 I've been talking about them now for years. NetS or watching the show for a long time, you know what a big believer in NetSuite I am. I've been talking about them now for years. NetSuite is the number one cloud financial system bringing accounting, financial management, inventory, HR into one platform and one source of truth. With NetSuite you reduce IT costs because NetSuite lives in the cloud with no hardware required access from anywhere. You cut the cost of maintaining multiple systems because you've got one unified business management suite.
Starting point is 01:03:08 You improve efficiency by bringing all your major business processes into one platform, slashing manual tasks and errors, which is why I've been using them now for five years myself. Over 37,000 other companies have as well. They've made the moves to do the math. Now you'll see profit with NetSuite. By popular demand, NetSuite has extended its one-of-a-kind flexible financing program for
Starting point is 01:03:28 a few more weeks. Head to slash my let slash my let m y l e t t slash my let. That was a great conversation. And if you want to hear the full interview, be sure to follow the Ed Milech show on Apple and Spotify. Links are in the show notes. You'll never miss an episode that way. I'm fired up about today's show because we're getting right into what it takes to win. And that is this.
Starting point is 01:03:57 Write this down. One more. One more. See, I accepted a long time ago. I wasn't the smartest, the best looking, the fast enough with the best background, the most connections. I didn't have any of those things. What I could control was my work ethic. You've heard me speak many times about outworking everybody, but I think that just feels good when we hear it, but most people don't take it seriously. If you think that I have a
Starting point is 01:04:20 little bit of success in my life, I can tell you what I attribute it to. Yes, self-confidence, yes mindset, visualization, goals, all the things I talk about all the time. Listening skills, influence, energy transfer, how to be happier, all of that stuff applies. When you get to winning, for me, it's come down to maxing out. And what maxing out means is,
Starting point is 01:04:40 you do one more at least than you think you're capable of. So when you're done, whatever you're doing, whether it's at the gym or phone calls or meetings or in sports, one more shot, one more throw, one more swing of the golf club or the baseball bat, the separator is for the winners, they do one more. I'm addicted to one more. And so I want your mantra going forward to be one more.
Starting point is 01:05:02 What does that look like if we're working out? That means when we're in the gym and we say I'm gonna do five sets of ten, I'm crazy. Like I'm a psycho because I want to win. I want to be somebody. I want to separate. I want to compete and the way I do that isn't with my giftedness because I wasn't born with a bunch of gifts and I think gifts are crap. I think for the most part gifted people struggle in life because things come easy to them. I like that things haven't come easy for me in my life. I like to have natural talents in every area and maybe you like that about you too. Maybe you've looked at yourself all your life and thought, man I don't have that natural beauty or that natural
Starting point is 01:05:38 talent or this gift for creativity or intellect or humor. I don't have any of those things but what I got is I will outwork you. And so at the gym, one of the things I focus on, they say it's five sets of 10. When I'm at 10, I go one more, bam, 11. If I'm running on the treadmill and it's a 45 minute run, I never finish at 45. I always go one more minute, 46.
Starting point is 01:06:01 If I'm at the office and I'm supposed to make 25 phone calls that day, when I'm at the end of the day, I always do one more. If I've got meetings, I always do one more. My mantra for three decades in business has been one more. Why? Because we get out of life what we think we deserve. And I'm the kind of guy that I know when you do 45 minutes on the treadmill and I do 46, I deserve to be fitter. I know that when I'm lifting weights and I watch you do five sets of 10
Starting point is 01:06:29 and every single time I do one more. When it's a set of five, I do six. When it's a set of eight, I do nine. When it's 45 on the treadmill, I do 46. When it's supposed to be 20 phone calls, I make 21. When it's supposed to be an eight hour work day, I work nine. Whatever it is, I always do one more.
Starting point is 01:06:46 And what that does is it makes me eventually think I'm doing things other people aren't willing to do, so I should get things other people aren't going to get. And if you go to the root of the things I believe philosophically about winning, the people that win, the great athletes that I coach, when I watch the really gifted golfer and the one who actually wins, the gifted golfer, they do what they're supposed to do. You never know they weren't working hard. It's not like people don't work hard. Everybody works hard.
Starting point is 01:07:13 That's a given now. But what's the separator to where you become the maxed out version of you? See, the gifted golfer, they hit their 100 balls because they're supposed to. But the not so gifted one that ends up winning, they hit 101 or 110 or 120. I watched them on the driving range and I could hear them say, one more, one more.
Starting point is 01:07:35 What's the difference between Kobe Bryant and other gifted NBA players when he played or Michael Jordan when they played or right now Kevin Durant people tell me or Steph Curry they're constantly when everyone else is done shooting in the gym they say one more Larry Bird was legendary for one more one more the people that would throw the passes to him the ball guys and practice like he always wants more he always wants more the great hitters that I know the Mike Trouts and MLB they're gifted but they just take a little more. They take that extra batting practice, that extra session. They're always doing extra.
Starting point is 01:08:08 That's the separator. Like you can learn all this stuff. You can digest all the tactics and information that I give out, but if you're not willing to do one more, eventually there's a part of you that says, maybe, maybe I don't deserve it. I'm just doing what everybody else is doing, and that's not good enough. It's not even good enough to do more than everybody else. It's your maxed out level.
Starting point is 01:08:29 It's one more of everything. And so whether that's a phone call, an email, a text, an appointment, one more time you tell your spouse you love them, one more time you go in and kiss your children good night, one more hug of somebody, one more phone call, one more everything, I want your theme to be one more. Have I said that enough times for you today? So what's that really look like an application? Well the second thing it does for you is you actually do more reps
Starting point is 01:08:53 of whatever it is you're doing and when we do more repetitions we get better. And when we do more repetitions we're more productive. So number one is the psychology part. If you're someone who's always doing things other people aren't willing to do, you always max out, you always go to the next level, you convince yourself you deserve to win. You can take low self-esteem, low identity, low confidence, and change it over time by building this habitual addiction to doing one more, this obsession of one more. All the greats do one more and all the average don't. It's not that
Starting point is 01:09:25 the average don't work hard. It's not that the average at your company, they don't, it's not that they don't work hard. They probably work pretty hard. But do they always do extra? Do they always do one more? Do they always do ten more if they need to? Do they always get after it? The other part of it, number two, is you just get better because of the reps. You're just doing more of something, you get better. You get stronger. You become a better phone caller when you make one more phone call every day. You become a better communicator when you do one more meeting every single day. You get better at coordination in your sport or at the gym by just doing more reps. Yes,
Starting point is 01:09:58 you get better. So that's the second layer. But the third one is you stack the odds in your favor. See for me I want the odds that I'm going to win to increase. The larger numbers we play in life in every area, more is always better. People tell you more isn't always better and almost everything more is better just so you know and almost everything. People who tell you more isn't better in most things are lazy and they try to justify their own weakness. Don't let people who are justifying their own weakness convince you that you working hard, you doing more
Starting point is 01:10:32 isn't the pathway to your success. People say, well, you gotta work smarter, not harder. That's a lie because everybody who wins works smarter. The separator is who works harder. And by the way, we become smarter through working harder. All the new revelations, all the breakthroughs, all the new discoveries always come when you're doing one more. Always come through more repetitions.
Starting point is 01:10:53 You find new ways, new strategies, new words, new keys by higher repetitions. So even if you believe working smarter is more important, you will become smarter by doing more. So if you work 300 days a year, let's just say 300 days a year, that's 300 more phone calls every single year. Over five years, that's 1,500 more contacts. 1,500 more contacts. Just think about that just for a second. Over 30 years, that's 9,000 more contacts. What are the odds the person who makes 9,000 more contacts or even 300 more a year are gonna win? You give me two average people that walk in a room, same ability, same skills, same backgrounds, same
Starting point is 01:11:34 product. One of them makes 300 more contacts a year than the other one. Who's gonna win? We know. How about over five years? One of them makes 1,500 more contacts over five years. Who's gonna win? Over a lifetime, 30 years of work, one makes 9,000 more contacts. Who's gonna win? You stack the odds in your favor. Never mind the person who'd made the 9,000 more contacts is better. They've got more reps. They've got more confidence. They believe they deserve to win. They just have 9,000 more opportunities. How about a golfer? One of them makes 300 more swings a year. A year. And that's just one more swing a day. Right? And over a year, over five years, 1,500 more. 9,000 over a lifetime. Who's more likely to win? So you pick anything you want, you begin to stack the odds in your favor. How about
Starting point is 01:12:18 at the gym? If every day you went one more minute in your cardio. So it's supposed to be 45, you do 46. Do you know what that starts to do to you? You start knowing you're different. You start knowing you obliterate standards. You start knowing you can break through. When you break through an artificial barrier like 45 minutes, you do one more. It sets a catalyst for your entire day. It sets a syntax. It sets a mindset for the rest of your life. Never mind the fact that if you do 300 more minutes, which is 9,000 more over your lifetime, who's going to be more fit? So you begin to stack these things and your entire life changes. This is what I like to call compound pounding. Most people underestimate what time can do when backed up with massive activity. Right
Starting point is 01:13:02 as I'm speaking to you, I'm looking out at the ocean right now, and there's a massive rock formation, and you can see the rivets in the rocks. And what caused those rivets in the rocks was compound pounding of the ocean hitting that rock over and over and over again, over and over, compound pounding against that rock. And over time, that ocean breaks the rock down. Over time. Where you can see the breakdown in a rock that water does hitting it. Think about that over time. Not one time when the water hits it.
Starting point is 01:13:33 Not two times. Not five times. When you add up years and years and years of that water hitting the rock, it breaks it down. And that's like getting through to your dream. You have to be like that water hitting the rock I'm staring at right now, that over time, that compound pounding breaks down the barriers,
Starting point is 01:13:49 breaks down the obstacles, breaks down anything in your way of getting to your dream. So I'm sold out on all the strategies and tactics that I teach you, but what I believe in completely is the power of compound pounding. And here's the crazy thing about most people. They will give up on their dream before the compounding has been allowed to kick in.
Starting point is 01:14:11 So they'll work at it and they'll work at it and they'll work at it and they don't see the breakthrough. But what they don't understand is that rock was getting ready to break if you just keep pounding against it. But because most people don't see the evidence, see if you watch that water hit that rock over one day, you're gonna see no difference. Two days, no difference. Five days, no difference. Maybe even a year, there's no difference. Maybe even five years. But
Starting point is 01:14:33 you have the compound pounding of every wave hitting that rock over and over again. There's an inevitability to the breakdown of the rock. That's true of your goals and dreams as well. There's an inevitability to success. It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when, when we adopt one more, when we adopt compound pounding. Do you know the kind of confidence you begin to have when you just accept in your life that I am going to be relentless,
Starting point is 01:14:59 I'm always gonna do extra, and you accept the fact that all things break down over time. All the barriers will go away, all the obstacles will go away, everything in your way will go away if you keep after it over an extended period of time. Most people overestimate what they can do in a year. They do. They set up goals for a year and they overestimate where they're going to get to and they dramatically underestimate what they can do in a decade.
Starting point is 01:15:25 And the reason for that is most people don't understand the power of compound pounding. So I want you to accept today that you're gonna be relentless, that you're gonna keep coming, that you're like a dripping faucet. You're like those waves hitting the rock. Other people are gonna get slowed down.
Starting point is 01:15:39 Other people are gonna take a break. Other people are gonna flinch. Other people are gonna cool it. Other people are gonna believe they've made it. Or maybe some people are gonna believe they can't make it, but you're gonna take a break, other people are gonna flinch, other people are gonna cool it, other people are gonna believe they've made it, or maybe some people are gonna believe they can't make it, but you're gonna be relentless, you're gonna be repetitious. You may not be the fastest, you may not be the smartest, you may not be the strongest,
Starting point is 01:15:53 you may not be the most beautiful, you may not have the most articulate thoughts and ideas in the world, but what you got is compound pounding. What you got is one more, and when they get weak, you just keep comping. When they flinch, you blow their doors off. That's how you win in life, is you keep getting after it and keep getting it after it until
Starting point is 01:16:10 the job gets done. So a lot of people can be excited for a day. They can be excited for a month. Some people can be excited for a year or two or three years. But the winners, they stay excited as long as it takes to get the job done. They keep after it until the job gets done. They never stop, they're always after it. And that's where their strength comes from.
Starting point is 01:16:29 That's where their confidence comes from, is knowing their capacity to keep coming at you. And that all your competition's gonna get weak, they're gonna get tired, they're gonna surrender, they're gonna give in, they're gonna think they made it, they're gonna take a break, they're gonna cool it, and you just keep coming. It's just nature, just like the nature of the ocean against that rock,
Starting point is 01:16:47 it's just nature that you run down your dream, that you knock down your dream. I want you to implement all the things that I teach on Max Out, all the tactics, all the strategies, but more than anything I want you to buy into the fact of an inevitability of you winning, that it's inevitable, that it might not be a year or two years or three years, but you're going to stay excited and you're going to keep doing one more until the job gets done. Today's message is very simple.
Starting point is 01:17:12 You can win. You should win and you will win. I want you to feel this. You will win if you just keep coming. You keep getting after it. You keep doing one more. You can control this. You can't control all the exterior things in your life, people's attitudes, how they treat you, who cancels on you, who changes their mind, who hates on you,
Starting point is 01:17:32 who lets you down, but you can control this. You can always go 46 instead of 45, you can always go 11 instead of 10, you can always make the next phone call, always do one more meeting, always do one more, always, always, always, and I promise you, you will knock down that rock that's in between you and your dream and make them come true. Today's really simple. You're going to knock down whatever that rock is that's been between you and your dream. You're going to keep after it.
Starting point is 01:17:57 You're going to be relentless. You're not going to give in. You're going to be the person who stays excited until the entire job gets done, until that dream is real and you know long term all these other people they're gonna flinch they're gonna get weak and you won't. You've adopted a max-out mindset and I want to remind you today to stay connected with me. I want you to win. Hope you can feel it today. I want to break it down to its most simple form which is that you use
Starting point is 01:18:21 nature to your advantage. You use the force of you, the force of effort, the force of sustained effort over an extended period of time to wear out the obstacles in front of you in your dream. I want you to feel the confidence that comes with it. I'm telling you, look at me, listen to me, you're gonna do this, you're gonna win if, and it's a big if, if you'll just adopt it. It ought to be written everywhere. One more, one more, max out, everywhere you can put it. It's inevitable. It's not if anymore. It's just when.
Starting point is 01:18:54 This is the Ed Myron Show.

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