THE ED MYLETT SHOW - You Are Qualified For Greatness

Episode Date: April 13, 2023

You were BORN TO DO SOMETHING GREAT, and I’m going to let you in on THE BIG SECRET of how you can make that happen.Everyone has HOPES & DREAMS. But too often, we think our PAST, our SHORTCOMINGS, an...d our IMPERFECTIONS disqualify us from chasing those dreams and from helping others.Nothing could be further from the TRUTH!In fact, it is those imperfections that make you RELATABLE, HUMAN, and SUPREMELY QUALIFIED to do great things in your life and in the lives of others.YOU HAVE IT WITHIN YOU to use your imperfections as a FORCE FOR GOOD in the world.I know what it’s like to live with failure, to be scared, angry, broke, and broken. But after witnessing the miracle of how another person’s imperfections saved my father and changed his life…I know that my imperfections are what QUALIFY ME TO HELP OTHERS…And to help you, too.AND THE SAME HOLDS TRUE FOR YOU!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is the Ed Milett show. So welcome back everybody. This is the Ed Milett show 2.0. As many of you know, we are now dropping episodes that are about 20 minutes long, 15 to 20 minutes long on Thursdays that are usually one content specific of just me mentoring and talking with you, hopefully inspiring you the same time teaching you every single week. And so I'm really, really excited about what we've been doing here,
Starting point is 00:00:29 the ratings and reviews and shares are in the millions. And it's so exciting to see what's happening. So today, what I want to talk about is qualifications for your dreams. You know, most times in life, we do everything we can to disqualify ourselves from our dreams and our potential. And I want you to think about this just for a minute. I really believe, and I want to make a bold statement in the beginning, that you were born to do something great with your life, and that you're not disqualified, no matter what's
Starting point is 00:00:54 happened in your life, good, bad, or indifferent, or maybe it's just been average and ordinary the entire time. You are not disqualified from making your dreams, your purpose, your vision, a reality in your life. But what we do often, and I've done it many times, is I think my past disqualifies me, or some mistake I've made. So we hold ourselves, it's almost like a weapon we use against ourselves, is we hold our past mistakes,
Starting point is 00:01:20 our past failures, our past setback, our past average performance and behavior, as if it's a predictor of what our future is. We think we're disqualified. So I'm here to tell you that the things that maybe that are the biggest setbacks of your life, the things you might be most ashamed of, the biggest disappointments, the biggest what you might call failures, where people have hurt you, or maybe you even hurt others, sins you've had, mistakes. You know, I've had a divorce, so I'm disqualified from winning.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Not true, or I've had this setback, no, you're not disqualified. Well, I've had a bankruptcy, or I had a business failure, or I've just always been invisible and averaged, so I'm disqualified, remember doing something great in my life, and nothing could be further from the truth. It's the great lie of life. The great lie of our lives is we begin to stack things that didn't work out as evidence that we can't win in the future, as evidence it's not going
Starting point is 00:02:12 to work. We actually also literally think it disqualifies us somehow from winning. And I'm here to tell you that is a great lie that millions of people around the world are telling themselves. And what if I was to tell you that I think those same divorces, setbacks, failures, sins, mistakes, the average performance of your past are the very things that do qualify you to change other people's lives and fulfill your destiny. That's what I actually believe.
Starting point is 00:02:39 See, in life, if you really want to impress people, show them how perfect you are, show them your best Instagram photo, your biggest achievement, the best things you've done in your life, how happy and smart and amazing you are. You really impress people. And you'll connect with nobody. And you will change nobody's life. But on the other hand, if your ambition is to change other people's lives, is to make a difference with your own life, to make an impact on people's lives,
Starting point is 00:03:10 then show them your imperfections. If you show them your imperfections, you will connect with them. Let me give you the best example in the world. Someone said this on my show many times, I've said it before. You are most qualified to help the person or people you used to be. Say that to you again. You are most qualified in your life to help the person or people you used to be. Say that to you again. You are most qualified in your life to help the person or people you used to be. Rory Vaden said that on my show.
Starting point is 00:03:31 I've said that back since 1997, a version of that. I just didn't know how true it was until recently. So as you all know, I wrote the number one bestselling nonfiction book in the world this year called The Power of One More. If you haven't got that book, I would recommend you go get that book. I believe it'll change your life. But after I wrote that book and it became a best-seller, I woke up one night and the book is really about the lessons I learned from my dad. As many of you know, but some may not, my dad was an alcoholic and a drug addict for the first 35 or if there's 15 years of my life and then he got sober when I was 15 and he made one decision to do that and stayed sober one day at a time for the rest of his life and I'm in the
Starting point is 00:04:11 personal development, the change your life space because I believe human beings can change. In fact, I don't believe it. I know it and the reason that I know it is because my own hero did it. I watched my dad live a particular way that wasn't great, the first 15 years of my life, and then the next 35 years of my life, I watched him live as a completely different man, a magnificent life, a giving life, a kind life, a beautiful life, a heavenly life.
Starting point is 00:04:38 So I know humans can change because I watched my hero do it. But what's most amazing about my dad's sobriety is I woke up one night many months ago crying in my sleep and I woke up and I said to my wife, she's what's wrong? And I said, I said, well, you're not going to believe this, but I just realized something. Someone helped daddy. Someone helped my dad.
Starting point is 00:04:58 She goes, what are you talking about? And I said, well, when dad got sober, someone helped my dad change his life. Some precious human being, step forward and said, I can help you. See, we're born in our life to do great things in our life big and small, but we don't know when we're doing them, whether they're big or small. We don't know the ripple effects. And I said, someone helped my father in the worst moment of his life. My dad was either going to take his own life or lose his family. And in that terrible moment, I don't even know where it was.
Starting point is 00:05:27 Was it a bar somewhere, a alley? I don't know who they are or where it happened. But what I know is some human being changed my dad's life, which then changed my life. And I've changed millions of people's lives. This precious human being has no idea that that one act, that one generosity, that one helping one person is impacted millions of people because they helped my father in that alley or that bar somewhere. Is that not remarkable? That one act the ripple effect is affected millions of people's lives? And that's not the most remarkable part of it, even though that's
Starting point is 00:06:01 crazy to think that as a human you have that power, you have one person, the ripple effects are unknown. That's not the most amazing part. The most amazing part is what was it that qualified that precious human to help my father? What were their qualifications? The very things that most people would think disqualified them. The things that that person was most ashamed of, their biggest failures, their biggest sins. You know what qualified that person to help my dad? They were also an alcoholic at one time.
Starting point is 00:06:37 They were also a drug addict at one time. They also lied and cheated and stole money and lived in the shadows. The things that person would think, my gosh, my alcohol is in my drug addiction, my lying, my theft, my shadowy life, all those things, the worst things about me. I'm totally disqualified from having a great life, from living a dream, from helping other people. If anyone's disqualified, it's me.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Wrong. Actually, those were the very things God was using, the universe was using to qualify that person to meet the moment, to help my dad when he was gonna take his life or lose his family. I want you to understand and think about the power of that. The very thing that human being probably walked around most of their life thinking,
Starting point is 00:07:15 now that's the weapon I use against me, why I can't win, why I can't be happy, why I can't help people, why I can't you, other people could win just not someone like me, not someone where I come from, not with my family, not with my background, not with my mistakes, not with the fact that I've always been average and ordinary, not the fact that I'm invisible. No, no, no, no, sorry, guess what?
Starting point is 00:07:35 Those very things that you use as a weapon against you that you think disqualify you are the very things that do qualify you. That person didn't know all those years they were using drugs and suffering, all those years they were drinking alcohol and make a mistakes and hurt another people and probably lying and probably stealing and probably living in the shadows.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Every single one of those things was preparing them for that moment to help somebody who is the person they used to be. My dad, you are most qualified to help the person you used to be in your life. I'm a living proof of it. By the way, so are you. As you're listening to this or you're watching this, you are part of the ripple effect of that one act, that human being who helped my dad,
Starting point is 00:08:26 who helped me, who's now helping you. What I hope you do today is, by the way, you share this episode with somebody so that ripple continues. I want the world to understand one thing. You are not disqualified from making your dreams come true. I don't care. Some people think, well, it's what I look like. It's where I come from. It's the mistake I made. It's what it's none of that crap. Those are the very things that are qualifying you right now because you are most qualified to help the person you used to be. And by the way, that's why growing matters. Because every time you grow into a new version of you, you are most qualified to help the people who you used to be. And then you grow people, why do you still grow and read and expand?
Starting point is 00:09:06 Because I know every time I grow and change, I now can help that person I used to be, those people that I used to be. If you were once broke and now have figured out how to make money, you can help broke people. If you were once overweight and now are fit, you can help all those people. If you are once broke in and now we're a little bit less broken, you can help
Starting point is 00:09:25 broken people. If you're once invisible in average and ordinary and in despair, you can help people who feel average and ordinary and invisible and in despair. If you're once insecure and shy and maybe you are right now in lack self confidence or lack direction or lack purpose, and then now you find it and discover it. You can help all those people in the world who currently lack purpose, lack confidence, lack inspiration. We are most qualified in our life to help the person or people we used to be and never underestimate the ripple effect of you just saying, Hey, I'm in perfect too. But this is what I've learned and I'm here for you and I love. And I believe in you.
Starting point is 00:10:06 I honestly believe that if this one message reached millions of people, we would have a different world. We'd be a little bit less judgmental. We'd give each other a little bit more grace. We'd have way more people pursuing their potential in their dream. See, I have an addiction. I have a lot of them. But my main addiction is I'm addicted to the expansion of my being. I'm curious and fascinated by what my capacity can be to do different things in my life and that constant pursuit of potential, that constant pursuit of growth, that lack of judging myself, that lack of assessment of negative thoughts about myself and giving myself grace of knowing, yeah, I just made a mistake, but guess what? I've learned from that mistake.
Starting point is 00:10:49 I've grown from it. And now I'm qualified to help the people who may make those same mistakes. The reason I do the show is because I just have a lot of experience with failure. I have a lot of experience with setbacks and frustrations. I know what it's like to live scared. I know what it's like to live with negative emotions. I know what it's like to live afraid to live angry to be depressed. I know what it's like to be broken. I know what it's like to be broke. I know what it's like to not have electricity in my house. I know what it's like not have running water. I know what it's like to not have electricity in my house. I know what it's like not having running water. I know what it's like to beg for money at a gas station so that I could get to my house now that I think about it.
Starting point is 00:11:33 I know what it's like. And you know what, that's what qualifies me to help people. See, it takes leaders with vision to help people with dreams. Not perfect people. None of us are perfect. I get emotional when I share this with you. Not for me, but for you. I want you to make your life something awesome.
Starting point is 00:12:00 I want you to change other people's lives. And I know most of the time you feel disqualified to do it. And I hope today maybe you get a little bit of a glimpse of exactly how qualified you are. I think God's a really interesting dude. And I think he sits there and goes, if I could just get my children to understand, I'm preparing you every day to make a difference in the world.
Starting point is 00:12:22 I'm preparing you every day to change your own life, to change other people's lives, and that you're immensely qualified, that the DNA of the King of Kings runs through your bloodstream. I just want to remind you today, as you're listening to this, that you're born to do something awesome with your life. And I'm here to help you every step of the way along the way, but you got to take the first step today. And that step today is just to believe that you're qualified. You're immensely qualified. You're immensely capable.
Starting point is 00:12:52 You're awesome. With all your mistakes, all your weaknesses, all your sins, all the things you're not so good at, all the things that you wish you were better at that you see other people have. You wish you looked this way or talked that way or thought that way or had that family. You're perfectly you. You're perfectly you in this moment. In the minute you accept that you understand how qualified you are to change your own life and to change other people's lives. And I think one of the things you could do today that would qualify you is to share my message is to share these thoughts with people so that people maybe today
Starting point is 00:13:25 get a little bit of a glimpse into what's possible. Your decisions shape your destiny everybody, and the minute you decide that you're qualified, your life changes, and hopefully you decide to share this with somebody as well. I hope, by the way, that you get the power of one more in my book. I hope you share this podcast and subscribe. If you go to forward slash ed you can get all kinds of great tools and resources that can help you build your life in your business as well. God bless you everybody. I'll see you next week.

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