The F Plus - 15: An Otherworldly Experience

Episode Date: January 24, 2010

It shouldn't be surprising for you to learn that there's groups of people who believe they've been abducted by aliens. Nor should it be surprising to learn that people have elaborate theories abo...ut aliens colonizing earth and playing an active role in our history and religion. But how about people that have communicated with digital monsters that exist inside of a Japanese cartoon? Couple all of this with spelling that is uniformly atrocious, and we've got ourselves a podcast.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Digimon Digimon Digimon Digimon Digimon Digimon Digimon Digimon
Starting point is 00:00:16 Digimon Digimon Digimon Digimon Digimon Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! Digimon! things read with enthusiasm. My name is Lemon. And I'm John. And I decided I would give you something of a two-pack here. I want to give you a little bit extra, a little bit going on. What we have is, well, the first part is alien abductions. Right. Sounds fun, right? Of course, yeah. And then the second half is going to be people who have seen Digimon in real life.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Yeah, it's kind of a weird two-pack. Because, I mean, one of them is totally real and the other one's about aliens. But it's up to you to decide which one. Right. John, just in case, do you want to try to explain Digimon real quick? It was a show that, in America at least, kind of wrote on the coattails of Pokemon and was basically about kids having adventures with products that you could buy at the store. They had easily sellable T-Rexmon and cute, trying get the girl market parrotmon or you know
Starting point is 00:01:46 stuff like that. Was there like unicornmon? Come on, don't be ridiculous. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. That was an offensive question, I'm sure. Jesus. You don't know anything about Digimon. I actually don't. I'll let it slide this time. So that's what we have.
Starting point is 00:02:03 This was actually completely based on user suggestions from the website. And yeah, half of it is a specific site about kind of alien abductions, and it's a group of people that really, they
Starting point is 00:02:20 will buy into any conspiracy theory, just whole hog. Just immediately jump right in there. Oh, yeah. And then the second part of it is, yeah, this Digimon in real life sort of thing. Personally, I'm thinking you're going to enjoy it. Yeah, and the most interesting thing I've found about this, and which I'm sure you'll find interesting, hopefully,
Starting point is 00:02:41 is that on these sites, they get real skeptical about certain things. And the skepticism is easily broken at times. You'll see what I mean. It's really fun. Yeah. Alright, let's get to our readers. In the room tonight, we have Acer Aquatomon, Portexmon,
Starting point is 00:03:02 Digivolved into Acer Aquatomon, BootsRainGearMon, Portexmon. I digivolved into Acier Aquatomon. BootsRainGearMon. I'm a podcastmon. Johnmon. PikaPika. Damn it.
Starting point is 00:03:18 HazyConspiracyMon. Everyone always forgets Frostmon. JackChickMon. I don't agree with everything you said Oh wait wrong thing Kumquatsupmon Has been abducted in a UFOmon Isfahanmon
Starting point is 00:03:40 Hi everybody My special element is pizza Squiddy McConweemon And I have a hormone imbalance And And And And
Starting point is 00:03:59 And And And And And And And And
Starting point is 00:03:59 And And And And And And And And
Starting point is 00:03:59 And And And And And And And And
Starting point is 00:04:00 And And And And And And And And
Starting point is 00:04:00 And And And And And And And And
Starting point is 00:04:00 And And And And And And And And
Starting point is 00:04:02 And And And And And And And And And And And And And And And Come on. Oh. Shut up. All right, so this is about the ETs that I'm in contact with. Oh. Sort of like a friends list. I believe that Boots, you are a product of the cosmos. I really am.
Starting point is 00:04:49 Yeah, you are. You are made of stars. ETs am in contact with for a couple years. I have had many ET experiences in the last two years. Mainly with the greys, and a very nice good human type. Also known as humans.
Starting point is 00:05:10 No, a good human type. Human type. The greys hurt me and do bad stuff to me. The humans fix what the greys do and comfort slash chat with me. I am able to chat with either of those two parties at any time of the day as I am constantly connected.
Starting point is 00:05:35 I have been able to chat You have a casual chat with the greys that are like placing your wrist open? Bro, could you like stop probing me? No. It's like Eternal Good Cop, Bad Cop.
Starting point is 00:05:50 It's like your own head. You don't want to fucking eat that sandwich, do you? My alien partner is really off the wall here. I can't hold him back. You don't fucking eat that sandwich. I was thinking it's like either the angel and the devil on your shoulder
Starting point is 00:06:05 or the sci-fi channel remake of Herman's Head. I got your joke. What a terrible thought. There was a sci-fi channel... Oh, God. Moving on. I have been able to chat telepathically with ETs for about a year now. They say they connected something on my brain in another dimension
Starting point is 00:06:26 so I can send thoughts to them too, and so they can monitor my thoughts. I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced anything like this. I talk with them all the time, and if you never heard anything like this... Man,
Starting point is 00:06:42 if I were a psychologist or psychiatrist, whichever one who would be heading this up, I'd be so glad when these cases come in because it's so straightforward, it's like I'm hearing alien voices in my head, it's like, alright, well there we go You're crazy, there, that was easy There's a book in this
Starting point is 00:06:58 Lithium Product Not trying to dismiss you out of hand can I ask if there is anything you may be able to offer up as evidence of some kind to verify that you are indeed with these two alien races
Starting point is 00:07:16 as you may imagine there are countless people each and every day which make similar claims as you but when it comes down to it, they are either making the whole lot up in order to gain their brief 15 seconds of the center stage, or are trying to flog a book,
Starting point is 00:07:34 or are, to be totally blunt, living in this lustful fanasty world. Oh, that's where I want to live. Oh, the hazard you were doing so well up until the end. Dislustinal fan... Fanasty world. Fanasty. That's where I want to live. Oh, The Hazard, you were doing so well up until the end. Dislustinal fanasty world.
Starting point is 00:07:51 That was such a good hip-hop album. Damn. The Hazard is Australian. Featuring George Clinton. I am DJ Abduction, and you were living in the dislustinal fanasty world. Fanasty. I have faith
Starting point is 00:08:08 that the majority of people, both in general and those visiting this site, are decent, honorable, and well-intentioned, and I would like to extend this belief I hold in people to you, so please don't take this post as an automatic debunking of your claims, but rather as
Starting point is 00:08:24 an opportunity to convince me and others beyond contention as to the validity of your claims and those you may choose to share with us in the future there was a period plug capacity bravo as I am sure others would like to hear what you
Starting point is 00:08:42 have experienced and learnt via these contacts. I am also confident that there will be many, many questions regarding their, the ETs, intentions, and purposes for being here. I look forward to your response. Sincerely, Haz. Oh. I thought there would be many questions regarding the other posters here
Starting point is 00:09:02 and their intentions. No, no, no i just love the objective like approach he's taking to this it's like you sit next to the guy the guy's like squirrels are eating in my brain it's like well where's your proof i really think that more attention needs to be given to his join date and total posts here because this guy has been going fucking hog wild posting on this forum. Yes. 15,000 in the course of, what, three months?
Starting point is 00:09:31 No, he joined in August. 13th August. Yeah, so six months, about. Okay. Not a lot to do in Perth, apparently. No has. They are all evil and answer to the farther of lies.
Starting point is 00:09:48 Don't let any of them fool you. Wolves in sheep clothing. Ask them of the one on earth they fear. Tell them to leave you and put your trust and faith in the one true God, Jesus Christ. They are the only ones who are true. Statistics. The farther of lies.
Starting point is 00:10:05 You know, I gotta say, that one reads like a fucking chick track. Well, I'd like to think that that next-to-last sentence that he just kind of interrupted himself, like, tell them to leave you and put your trust and faith in the one true God, and... Jesus Christ. Okay, Inik Bukai. Sorry, but the way you wrote that doesn't seem convincing at all. I hate to be so straightforward, but are you sure you haven't just got mental health issues and are hearing voices, ellipses, question mark? No.
Starting point is 00:10:38 No. There's people in the real world who believe they've heard God in their heads. Are you sure you're just not another mental case? O underscore O. I'd seek professional help to see if there's any studies you could do to check. I mean, E.T.'s talking with you all the time, ellipses question mark ellipses? Part 50-50. Well, I think it would be fair if you could give us some information about who they are,
Starting point is 00:11:08 what their purpose here is, why they remain in contact, and any information that might validate your claim. I think it would be fair if I did not express any opinions as to the validity of your claim until you elaborate. Please understand that others have made claims of this nature that did not hold up under Scrutani. rate. Please understand that others have made claims of this nature that did not hold up under Screwtanny. So I will give you the benefit of doubt and
Starting point is 00:11:27 reserve an opinion based on your providing more information. Please give us any information information you think relevant or that would support your claim. I'm changing my name to Screwtanny. Seems like he was just a one poster trying to make an alien story.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Huh. Huh. Huh. Ib, there are plenty of posters that think they have grand secrets. Or have grand predictions. It's amazing how some people think they have it right. Well, when I first came here, I used to think you guy accent grave S were overly skeptical or career cow.
Starting point is 00:12:11 Now I have been here a little time, I can see why. I now think you deserve a pat on the back for the way you see through things. Well done. Yeah, the overly skeptical you are. How you see through things I think there is good reason to be skeptical
Starting point is 00:12:29 I also think that when someone starts a post like this They should be given a few days to make their case There is plenty of time And opportunity To evaluate their statements And respond in an appropriate way When I was younger, less sure of myself I would clam up and retreat when assailed
Starting point is 00:12:46 by the skeptical at the outset. I would get defensive and go on the attack, even if I felt my claim was legit. Of course, I never made a claim of abduction or contact either. With experience has come a better approach against opposing views.
Starting point is 00:13:01 If one in 1,000 threads like this had a legitimate claim, they might be intimidated into silence by an immediate assault of skeptical disbelief. I would let them get in a few more posts beyond the opening statement before presenting disbelief. That's disbelief.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Not one belief, but two of them. Ask a few questions. Get the claims they make established with reasons for their claims. That way, you have a foundation for discussion if you feel the claim is bogus. I think all or at least 90% are BS.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Don't be so mean to them. I think you're full of shit. Ask them a few questions. Then if I feel it is merited, lop their head off. Cat them a few questions. Then if I feel it is merited, lop their head off. Oh, wow. Cat picture Bart is angry. Meow.
Starting point is 00:13:51 He's part of the researchers group, by the way. Oh, we're back to the hazard. Yeah, we're coming back. Coming at you. It's the haz. It's the haz. Spot on, Bart. I don't want to just dismiss any claims made here as a result of a hoaxer or by someone having head-full problems. Everyone deserves the right to come in and post what they have or believe they have experienced.
Starting point is 00:14:19 If they are full of BS or they do have health problems, it will soon become apparent within their posts. Like, you know, the posts where they're talking about aliens making babies with them. Yeah, of course. Let's give Product and all others a chance to convince us before we start making assumptions and calling them names. I know I would probably not be here if in my first post I was called a liar or had my mental health called into question. As I suspect most members here would feel the same way, let's not be hypercrites and extend the courtesy. Hypercrites. Don't be hypercrites, dude.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Extend the courtesy we all should rightly expect, at least until such times as it becomes apparent one way or the other. That, by the way, comes from the Greek philosopher Hippocrates. Right. I think he did a lot of coke. So they're making a good point here. We shouldn't let all the crazy people who wheedled their way into this forum distract from the people claiming that they were raped by aliens. Sure.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Well, it's important. I mean, you wouldn't want the crazies in there. Brett said, well, I think it would be fair if you give us information about who they are, what their purpose is, why they remain in contact. The human ones are basically in-my-eyes angels, but real ones. What? Basically, in my eyes angels, but real ones. My eyes! Get the angels off!
Starting point is 00:15:55 Ow, my eye angels! They are here to usher in a new age and clean up the messes that the greys make. They are super nice and friendly and have brightened my day countless times. They operate in twos, male and female. They call themselves soulmates. I have seen their ship under the clouds. It's black and cool-shaped. Wait, I was getting a precious moment
Starting point is 00:16:18 by there, and suddenly they're in the obelisk? I'm getting mixed up here. No, they're shaped like shaped like the Led Zeppelin logo treatment I have also spoken with both sides computers it's no possessive it's just both sides computers
Starting point is 00:16:35 They have AI both rally heavily on computers in their ships The greys are here as as far as I know, to make stuff like AIDS. No, no, no, no. I'm going to point out that that isn't capitalized, so they're making stuff that helps people.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Oh, yeah. The greys are here, as far as I know, to make stuff like AIDS and hurt us, make cancers in people, etc. I once asked one what he would do with a kitten. He said, dissect it. Not friendly beings. So he's an elf, then.
Starting point is 00:17:14 Yeah. Not friendly beings. They don't really know love. They were engineered by reptilian types, as far as I know. Yes! Yay! Reptilians! That's another square on the bingo.
Starting point is 00:17:28 And many have jobs here to hurt humans. I'm actually kind of perplexed as to why I am in contact so much. They say it's mainly they just wanted a friend, and I fit the bill. Those poor lonely aliens wanted a friend Fucking elbow deep inside a kitten
Starting point is 00:17:49 Why won't anyone talk to me? Hey here, will you be my friend? Oh, thank you After a long hard day of making AIDS And cancers in people I love to talk to this person She's alright They say it's for life
Starting point is 00:18:04 And literally any time of the day if I think about them, they respond to me. Alright, now let's get on to Sandy Bear. Oh, yes. I don't know if this has ever been brought up here in the past, but a thought came to me this morning.
Starting point is 00:18:20 As the Bible states, the Virgin Mary had received a message from above. A lighter, however, that happened. My Bible is packed. With what? The message was that she would give birth to the Son of God. And then one day, she suddenly becomes pregnant without ever having sex.
Starting point is 00:18:47 And then does go on to give birth to someone who goes on to demonstrate great power and supernatural ability. It's like a comedic pause. It's like a comedic pause. The Bible also speaks of other accounts of women being pregnant by alien beings. Wait, what? Oh, yeah, I know what he's talking about. I know what he's talking about, yeah. It's right in Deuteronomy.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Not quite in those words. Oh, yeah. Yeah, in the Bible they call them men. It is actually in Genesis. Long story short, a bunch of angels fucked humans and that's kind of why the flood happened. Maybe. Anyways, go ahead. Also chemtrails. Oh, to me,
Starting point is 00:19:36 this sounds like Mary was impregnated by aliens. And Jesus, a fantastic hybrid experiment. Coming to Broadway. Acer, that is hybrid experiment. Coming to Broadway. Acer, that is not experiment. Musical notes. Experiment.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Or, was he to be the father of all alien births slash children to come, bringing the mixture of alien genes to human genes. The dude that started on Earth. The seed that started the reproduction process here.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Any thoughts on this? Smoking. Smoking. I think you kind of answered your own question there. I think I'm supposed to there. Whoa, man. What if Jesus was an alien? I think that's supposed to be an emoticon.
Starting point is 00:20:32 You ever been stoned on weed? I've got to say, that sounds like pretty bog-standard stuff to say while you're high. I'm not impressed. Oh, my God. What if life was like the holiday? Where's my bible? It's packed, I think. Where is it?
Starting point is 00:20:51 It's packed full of weed. Hollowed out bible. He doesn't know what it says. It's packed like this bull, man. Dude, you hit this genesis, you'll get a revelation. That happened to me. That was delightfully terrible.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Cosmic! I don't believe Jesus was a hybrid, and the part about Jesus being the son of God, making him a god, was made up by the Catholics, and in the Middle East, the word virgin actually means young girl. So, Mary never was a virgin as we know it.
Starting point is 00:21:32 So Mary was born an adult? Sure. She wasn't a young girl, so that's even more weird. Dude, you should write your own case down. And until the Catholics in the Middle East, there was not the belief that Jesus was the son of God.
Starting point is 00:21:49 He was just a guy that was running around going, I'm going to be resurrected. Not that I'm special or nothing, but hey. Hey, yo, check this shit out. Thank you for reading the Da Vinci sentence. It's like, this is the worst 20-buck audiobook I ever bought. Damn good question,
Starting point is 00:22:14 Sandy. But I am not even going to answer this one. Well, okay, I will opinionate. I thought the same thing for many years. Comma.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Only because of the light and the messages. Until we get absolute prof that the Bible is reality, only then can I make that judgment call.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Till then and my mind tends to lean towards yes as I think we all are for one star of another just living a human experience and remembering our lineage and our gifts we have. Hugs, Goddess.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Wow, I do not understand your philosophy at all. P-Goddess is banned with only 5,237 posts. She didn't contribute enough. Over almost five years, though. Banned is crossed out. Not banned.
Starting point is 00:23:28 So maybe they're banned, but they're back. I think that's actually just a text treatment. It's extra banned. Banned for being banned. Okay, and E. Hoffman is responding to the Da Vinci sentence. I agree entirely with you, Cosmic. You have to remember that the Bible is to teach lessons and should not be taken literally, for the most part.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Also, you have to remember when the Bible was written, a time where the church was about recruitment and really nothing else. That's why I think the History Channel programs about UFOs in the Bible are a bunch of crap. History Channel has programs about UFOs in the Bible are a bunch of crap. History Channel has programs about UFOs
Starting point is 00:24:09 in the Bible? History Channel does have some crap on it. That P. Goddess person was last seen 8 September 2005. So over the course of about 6 months managed 5,000 posts. Wow.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Is there a last post? Can you see the one that got her banned? Yeah, I'll go take a look. What I'm betting is there's not much to do on the alien ships while you're abducted, but they do have Wi-Fi, so you're just, you know. There are no posts to display, so their archive doesn't go back that far.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Yeah, that's, well actually it's probably just the, it does go back that far because we're reading's... It does go back that far, because we're reading this post. It's like your existence was erased. We're getting to the core of this, people. John, have you seen Independence Day? Everyone knows that alien ships are network compatible with Max. That's true.
Starting point is 00:24:59 Yeah, it's a new wrinkle. Those in the Bible may be true in some parts of it, because the true writing about Jesus took people took parts of it when they liked and the rest they made up and it depends on what version of the Bible you're reading. But Jesus was never a hybrid. Jericho X. Jesus? A hybrid? Not my JC. Wiggly, wiggly, wiggly, wittle, whittle, whittle, whittle.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Although I do take literal New Testament and Gospels account of Jesus, I will not accept an alien hybrid savior. No, sir. For me, he is who he says he is, the Son of God in the most literal sense. The Holy Trinity is something hard to understand, but I accept it. All right. All right. All right. Sweet.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Fair enough. I think that dude launches a lot of pro wrestling. If any post on the internet could have a soul patch, it's that one. I agree. I am never not listening to the Deftones You're working out at the gym and you're Discussing it. It's like, I don't know if Jesus was true And he walks up, not my JC
Starting point is 00:26:12 Have you heard about the Bible? It's way cool And then he breaks into a white guy rap Yo, my name is Jericho X and I'm here to say What? Put your hands up. He sings Baby Gut Book. Yeah. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Wait, what? It exists. No! Jesus was the son of the Elohim, which translated means gods and goddesses and E.T. Civilization. Before we invented the word God, the actual word is Elohim.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Oh, okay. So this word exists before language does. Oh, we just invented. I've made an invention. It's a word. God. It's a word that means another word. Yes.
Starting point is 00:27:12 When Jesus allegedly died on the cross, he was alleged to have screamed out, Eloi, Eloi, Lamach Sabatini! Which means, Father, Father, why have you forsaken me? If you believe that... I've got some swamp land in Florida to sell you. And then in response to something else,
Starting point is 00:27:38 Amen! Or is that Amon Ra? Nyak, nyak, nyuck, yuck, yuck. We're sound similar, which means they must be related. I'm glad this guy got banned. Waka, waka. Man, they're dropping like flies in this forum.
Starting point is 00:27:55 They're getting taken away. Yeah, exactly. They're getting too real. They're getting too close. Oh, dear. I think this one, pretty sure this one's an actual abduction, because we want an abduction too close. Oh, dear. I think this one... I'm pretty sure this one's an actual abduction, because we want an abduction, right?
Starting point is 00:28:09 What kind of question is that? Of course. This is not only an abduction story, but it also references an article from The Sun. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:28 That's good. Alright. Alright. Right, I don't believe in aliens. Never seen a UFO in my life. The strangest dream the other day was so vivid it was real. I wanted to sleep as normal. The next day I woke and still recall my dream.
Starting point is 00:28:43 I was inside a place with corridors all shiny. I was strapped into a chair slash lift thing. The men, what was around me, was pushing me somewhere. Then all of a sudden there was a mighty bang. They all started running around, freaking out in my dream. The UFO had crashed and the whole world could see it had crashed and they still didn't believe, almost like it was cloaked. The next day I was reading the paper and found this article.
Starting point is 00:29:09 I swear down on my kid's life I was on that ship. What crashed? It's been worrying me ever since. Am I going nuts? If you want to know anything else, let me know. I also have a thyroid problem. sometimes it's the little touches that make the magic okay now Isfahan we really need to get the emotion on your first word here
Starting point is 00:29:37 yeah convey it properly wow what are you going to do are you going to do? Are you going to speak to someone appearing to be in charge? I think you should go on the assumption that you were in the UFO
Starting point is 00:29:53 and whether you decide to take what you know somewhere is up to you You'll probably have more very disturbing dreams and memories, unfortunately Oh no Make sure you stay sane and fulfill your... Best of luck there.
Starting point is 00:30:09 This will help you. Our ego is an essential survival tool, and we must not lose it, as can happen when one is facing a situation totally outside their experience. If people in your life don't believe you, it doesn't matter. Don't go on and on about it with them just help them when you have the opportunity stay in touch here because it is important
Starting point is 00:30:31 to talk with people who take you seriously thank goodness I am glad you survived me too me too me three I don't know it proper freaked me out they were taking me somewhere i don't know what for but i can tell you what inside one of them looks like i was expecting green dudes like in the film but just normal people i was thinking of what would have happened if they
Starting point is 00:30:57 hadn't have crashed the wind turbine had just been smashing the dream was a day before i read it in the paper my in my dream the whole world could see it had crashed and didn't believe it still it's really doing in my head. It could be they were trying to cure my health problems like I saw I have never seen a UFO and a complete skeptic until now. Thanks for sharing, Monster. Do you live near the area that this happened did you actually see the ship crash into the wind turbine and if not how do you know you were in it you were on it the news article is interesting the paper reports that the blade had gone missing yet the sky news clip says nothing of this and that the company has sent the Brits away to Germany to determine
Starting point is 00:31:46 what happened. Dingo Brains is a super moderator. Oh, damn. Uh-oh. Dun-dun-dun. So you're hearing this from an expert. Hiya! Curious as to why you think that the dream you had the other day
Starting point is 00:32:01 has something to do with an incident which happened a year ago in January 2009. We have a thread here where the turbine incident was discussed and the last post in that thread was April 2009. Not aliens to what I gather. Ends up it was
Starting point is 00:32:21 mechanical failure. Metal fatigue or something like that. Whatever. Whatever. Well, they want you to believe that. Dingo. We know the truth. I mean, it could be...
Starting point is 00:32:38 They want to say it's something practical and easily explained like metal failure. No. Part 50 from the future. Unusual. This article in the Tech Herald dated Feb 10th, 2009. The official report by engineers is that
Starting point is 00:33:04 a mount on one turbine blade had a mechanical failure and snapped off. The broken blade impacted a second blade, damaging it. The blade was not missing. It was lying at the base of the tower. So we have two stories of the turbine damage. It was hit by a UFO. It snapped off due to structural failure. There were many reports of bright lights seen in the sky in the general area. Some investigators attribute the lights to Chinese lanterns. What?
Starting point is 00:33:29 The manufacturer of the Chinese lanterns. Those are some easy lanterns. Those lanterns are sluts. It's like chin-ease. Like not Chinese or Chinese-ease lanterns. So lanterns on which you can ease your chin. However. ease lanterns. So lanterns on which you can ease your chin. However, oh, we have some conspiracy coming up.
Starting point is 00:33:50 The manufacturer of the turbine says this was a unique incident, and the blades do not have a design flaw. Or is this another official cover-up story? Since there were no eyewitnesses to the turbine failure, it is up to the individual to make their own judgment.
Starting point is 00:34:05 I'm not being funny, but this is clearly a kid bullshitting in your face. Just look at the way he's to-see-ling his crap to you. Not only that, but he used a headline that came out like a year ago claiming it was recent. So obviously he hadn't checked the release date.
Starting point is 00:34:29 I'd like to add, I went camping on the third last year and we saw a UFO. No, not that last year. The other one. No, the third one. And we saw a UFO that looked similar to a helicopter. Oh, God. A helicopter? My God.
Starting point is 00:34:50 They've managed to make a spaceship that looks exactly like a helicopter. Who was flying the helicopter? Oh, that's called a SUFO, a slightly unknown flying object. A week later, my friend saw the story on the news and a linked image of a UFO with matched one we saw that night. I read it. You understand it.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Back to topic. I believe that the image shown on TV linked to the wind turbine incident and what I saw, if it was that craft that crashed, then it most certainly did not have mysterious, shiny
Starting point is 00:35:31 hallways. Bigger on the inside than on the outside. Simple explanation. QED. Guys, are you familiar with, uh... Are you familiar with Digimon? Digital monsters? Digimon are the champions, motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Yeah, I watched it as a kid. It's a Japanese cartoon, sort of similar to Pokemon, except for more... Stop pretending like you don't know what it's called. Yeah, it's similar to that Pokemon's cartoon. I don't know, it's called. It's similar to that Pokemon's cartoon. I don't know. Come from Japan or something. I'm just torn up by this whole thing because what I didn't know until it was shown to me by one of our
Starting point is 00:36:13 lovely contributors is that Digimon are real. Oh, dear. Adorable. If you play the Digimon video game, they'll come to life. You can enter what is called the Digimon video game, they'll come to life. And you can enter what is called the Digiverse.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Oh, God. Oh, my. Yeah. What have we wasted time here for? Yeah. It's called Real Digimon Believers. All right. My Digivice turned on for the day, and I saw a Digimon.
Starting point is 00:36:52 Okay. Five years ago, me, my friend, my sister, and her friend were outside sneaking up on the guards as we normally used to at 12 o'clock a.m. on holidays. This was around the time I first started believing in Digimon. Me and my friend were in some sort of Digimon-looking mood, so we just started speaking Digimon clues like tracks and stuff. For some reason, my sister and her friend had a fight, and her friend decided she'd just come with us for fun, and my sis went inside.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Right then, we saw this bird fly in and land in our yard. But this bird had a really long tail and had really long wings. But the strangest thing was that it had shiny blue writing in its beak. Exactly like the legendary Digitext, I think. For some riasen,
Starting point is 00:37:56 we just changed this like a chaise lounge. I guess because we didn't know any better, and it lounge. I guess because we didn't know any better. And it flew off. Three days ago, I decided it was time to visit an old friend, so I spent the whole day
Starting point is 00:38:13 talking to the sky. Well, the birdie just asked me to come visit me one more time, so I knew I wasn't crazy. Are you there, Digimon? It's me, Fat Man Ninja. It wasn't even just Digimon, it was the sky. Why isn't the sky talking back?
Starting point is 00:38:32 So that night, as in a warrior from Arthur's Round Table, I went outside to the place where I first met him, but nothing came. That night, once again, the warrior,
Starting point is 00:38:47 I had a dream that my digivice came back on, but when people found out, they tried to take it from me, but I escaped somehow. That's a good story. The next day went by pretty normal. Yeah, isn't it? The next day went by pretty normal, but that
Starting point is 00:39:03 was just the day. That night, again, as I was setting up a boxing set, I got my Digivice and I started beeping. But not too loudly, as time went on, it got louder and louder and started
Starting point is 00:39:18 changing tune. It looks like chain gang. It started to form a chain gang. And then, to Allie, the beeping just got really rapid, and these tiny little boxes started blinking on
Starting point is 00:39:38 and off the screen. At that time, I knew it was time to go outside for some reason, and I'm glad I did, because when I went outside, the bird with the long tail and long wings wigged the shiny blue writing on its beak was there. Usually doesn't have a reason to go outside. It just stared at me for a bit, then flew away. It just stared at me for a bit, then flew away. The next morning, the beeping went back to normal, but my friend reset my Digivice because he thought it was annoying,
Starting point is 00:40:13 and now it stopped making sounds. Anyway, that's about it. I went back outside today, but there was nothing there, so yeah. But what the hell do you think happened that day? All right. So, yeah. But what the hell do you think happened that day? Alright. This is the WhiteShadow001. Dude,
Starting point is 00:40:32 you summoned a creature awesome! And again, you kind of blamed Cuss, you called it and it came, and then you didn't talk to it! You just stared at it obviously
Starting point is 00:40:48 it was nice so it not have killed you if you spoke to it next time you summon something like that have a question and ask something okay cause things like
Starting point is 00:41:04 cause things don't like to get called out for nothing. You're a fucking DigiKeys dude. Well, I had one thousandth of questions, but I was stunned. But she's right. The bird was probably a messenger or a spy of some sort for the digital world. Probably. This is Bluebird to Headquarters. Bluebird to Headquarters.
Starting point is 00:41:29 Kids' backyard still bare. Acne situation still not under control. That's quite strange. I was praying to Digimon to start a pairing in this world some nights ago well it's a bit strange but I guess we sold point your mind witches
Starting point is 00:41:54 and praise to one thing that's true that is true I remember now some moths ago I saw a strange bird flying near my apartment it was a big white bird the first time I looked I remember now, some moths ago, I saw a strange bird flying near my apartment. It was a big white bird. The first time I looked, I thought it was an owl. But then I saw the tail, and it was a long one.
Starting point is 00:42:17 But the strange part is that she-tail was shining. It was just like a red shining star. He flew in a straight line and then disappeared. Just like, now that you mention it, I did see a really insane looking shining bird. I completely forgot about it until I heard your story. I never thought about it until now. Wait a minute, that bird's not real. I think when he said tail,
Starting point is 00:42:46 he was saying like on a normal bird, just extend it. At least that's what I was saying. Yeah, I think I'm going to give you Isfahan. Do you want to do Kaio beyond Razomon? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:43:05 Why do you ask the questions when you already know the answer? A real Digimon! Hello all! This may sound weird, but I saw a real Digimon in my front yard on 11-24-07. I know you're all thinking, is that for real? And yes it is.
Starting point is 00:43:21 Luckily, it came up to me. I was so freaked out I didn't know what to do. The Digimon pushed down on the ground and I ran inside my house. All the TVs were off. And everything went crazy and my laptop started showing ones and zeros. I ran back outside with the laptops and the ones and zeros turned into words that said, Please don't be alarmed, my name is Razamon and I need your help to save the digital world. And the whole time I was in next class I'm always worried about
Starting point is 00:43:45 who by itself. And my cell phone on the patio table lit up and turned into a digivice. I hope someone knows what I should do. I believe him completely. That's a plausible story. He wouldn't be lying, would he? No. I guess he'll think he's lying.
Starting point is 00:44:05 If it is an RPG, he should have put this in off-topic. The fact that it is sightings leads people to the conclusion that this is real. And if Kyobi put this in a situation where it is an RPG without saying that it is an RPG, I would be very, very angry. Look at the size of that angry face.
Starting point is 00:44:33 I know. Big angry face. That emoticon doesn't fuck around. I'm sorry, that's a big angry face. Yes. And he is pissed off at the sentence that preceded him. Or just the word angry. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:49 So, all this stuff is supposed to be real. Hyphen underscore hyphen. Well, sorry, BTW. I really thought it was a game. Lol, invade a secret base.
Starting point is 00:45:06 How is it supposed to be secret if he knows about it? Sorry, the only thing that I believe this time is that he felt into his own reality. It's real. It happens. I don't want to interfere, so I better just leave this topic. Yeah, good luck with that. I'm sure you won't ever post here again. Well, I still believe him.
Starting point is 00:45:34 And if he did think this was an RPG, he'd have to be very stupid. Our group does look serious. I think I speak for everyone when I say that we don't fool around when it comes to Digimon. Yes! Oh, beautiful. Oh, beautiful. I'm gonna ask my contact
Starting point is 00:45:54 slash friend in Japan about Osaka. I guess he lives there in somewhere near Gummer region. I don't remember now. And while I really believe that most of us are serious people, but I already saw many guys that like to fool people, create
Starting point is 00:46:09 chaos, conflicts. Well, they do many things like that. Well, another point is about Japan. One of the worst places in the world. Well, he said he lives there. Well, it can be true, sure. But he don't have a camera.
Starting point is 00:46:26 Not even a cell phone with camera. He can't be Japanese if he doesn't have a cell phone. Even here in Brazil, it's hard to see people without a cell phone. In other words, I see many holes in his story. I would like to talk with him personally about all this stuff. Hey guys, I'm back. I guess you didn't miss me at all. And I got pictures of the digital world.
Starting point is 00:46:51 Carrot, carrot. I'll post them up as fast as I can. And I guess everyone thinks this is an RPG. No, it's not. I don't know why you started that up in the first place. That's fantastic. I can't wait to see what the DigiWorld looks like X3! Uh... 0 underscore small o.
Starting point is 00:47:15 Interesting! I look forward to seeing them. I've been meaning to ask, do the Digimon look like anime, real animals, or something else? A little bit of both. I think it would be a little weird if it looked exactly like the cartooned anime. Especially since anime is
Starting point is 00:47:46 two-dimensional, and the Digimon style is not all that detailed. That's you again. Did you see Morphmon, Tigermon, or anyone else's partner slash friends?
Starting point is 00:48:05 Don't forget Frostmon either! Or Kazimon! Did you see him? Everyone, I think this topic is getting a little too big, so I'm going to make a real Digimon too, so we don't get crowded, okay?
Starting point is 00:48:24 Elixir, I'll snort your cues there. Okay, we got a real Digimon too, so we don't get crowded, okay? Elixir, your cue's there. Okay, we got one more here. One more sighting, which is from my guy. Ikado and Kazayamon. My only Digimon sighting. My very first and only Digimon
Starting point is 00:48:44 sighting so far happened on February 2nd, 2007. This year, very, very happy face where I was looking through a window at the full moon. Suddenly, a black shadow darted past it in front of it. I swear that I wasn't dreaming or seeing things and I live in the city so there aren't many flying animals around here.
Starting point is 00:49:02 It had some sort of shape and it was too fast to be a bird. That was a long time ago. My friends and I had predicted the portal to open for us at the end of August, and all that week, I heard things and stuff. Things and stuff, you say? Guys, he heard things. Come on. I gotta recover from that. Okay. Oh, you only heard things? Well, you say. Guys, he heard things. Come on. I gotta recover from that.
Starting point is 00:49:26 Okay. Oh, you only heard things? Well, pfft. Oh, wait, you heard stuff, too? Holy crap. Many strange events happened. Unfortunately, nothing happened. What? Wait. What's
Starting point is 00:49:42 going on? Wait! Wait. Wait. Here comes another sentence. However, strange events are still happening. Or are they? Unfortunately, nothing happened, but they're still happening. Nothing is still going on, guys.
Starting point is 00:50:01 Update. That's a lot of nothing, man. A lot of nothing. The new Uhtra Cafe, Schrodinger's Happenings. There's some sort of invisible creature supposedly following me around and two of my friends have seen bits or colors
Starting point is 00:50:16 of Digimon. One of them, my friend Lee, who refuses to join any group besides Dar, yes I will publicize you if you don't join, Lee, has just recently had something weird happen to his computer. He even taped it. The screen was flashing and has blue and white spots, and he claims to have seen a guilemon in the midst of the colors. Guiling pictures?
Starting point is 00:50:40 I'll post outlined screenshots for you all later. I'll post outlined screenshots for you all later. In fact, I'll post all of my real Digimon pictures in the real Digimon folder later, X3. How lucky you people are. That does not say pictures, my good sir. Oh, what is it? Picures. Oh, Picures.
Starting point is 00:51:00 It's like Epicures, but... Stuff like that happens all the time to me. Shadowy figures that move into bushes as soon as I see them. Happens at least once, four times a week, really. Do you have a link to Dar I Can't Find It? Bright down face. Interesting. Well, I live in the suburban area, so it's not uncommon to see a raccoon or possum occasionally.
Starting point is 00:51:47 But I've not seen anything out of the ordinary for ages, except maybe my loads of homework. Ellipses. Ellipses. ellipses. Ellipses. Though, I must admit, I have had a bunch of weird dreams that happened to include brief, abstract Digimon segments that were so incredibly abstract that they could have hanged in an art gallery.
Starting point is 00:52:24 Can't even have ever been to an art gallery, have you? No, no, no. They're lynching them in the art gallery. I hope. That'd make it interesting. Should I poke? We're going to hang them in Stitchmon segments until they're dead. Let's put them up next to Kandinsky! Yee-haw! let's put him up next to Kandinsky yee haw should I post what vague parts of them
Starting point is 00:52:55 I do remember I would bet that subconsciously I am a bit anxious about Digimon and very torn between where I should be focusing my energize. This is not helpful because I happen to be reading One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Starting point is 00:53:17 at the moment. What? Especially since the supposed sightings have become especially frequent recently. Oh, you lucky dog. You actually saw one? I've just seen mine in the TV. I can't watch you for the photos. They should be great.
Starting point is 00:53:41 can't wati for the photos. They should be great. But I already posted the pictures and they aren't of the shadow. They're a collection of real Digimon pictures I've saved and gathered over the year. I've never seen a real Digimon, but I did have
Starting point is 00:54:02 a dream of a Digimon. It was a Digimon, but he was the asteroid. I designed Newmon, but besides that, I've never seen a real Digimon, but I did have a dream of a Digimon. It was a Digimon, but it was the asteroid. After a week, I designed Mewmon, but besides that, I've never seen a real. At least, I don't think I've never seen one. Enough said. No, really, enough said. That was a very confused
Starting point is 00:54:19 sentence. I designed Mewmon, but beside all of that, I've never seen a real. at least I don't think I've never seen one. Oh, that says Eve? Sorry. That clearly says Eve. Uh, Eve. In your mind you have capacities, you know
Starting point is 00:54:40 To telepath messages through the vast unknown Please close your eyes and concentrate With every thought you think And there we go. Believe it or not, it happened, or at least it happened in those people's minds. John, what do you think you learned this week? I learned that,
Starting point is 00:55:06 like I said at the beginning, I just learned how skeptical they can be about certain things. When you think people about alien abductions and real life Digimon would have more of an open mind. Yeah. Or a completely open mind that would let absolutely anything in. But no, when it comes to Jesus or
Starting point is 00:55:21 role-playing on the internet, they're really hedging their bets there. Yeah, they do that great thing of just that little first moment of resistance followed by complete and total capitulation, which makes me think they must be really good at rape fantasies. And you see it widespread through the internet, that whole kind of thing. Rape fantasies? Well, yeah, that. But also the whole thing about well i'm completely skeptic you know except for believing in the mood goddess
Starting point is 00:55:49 they're skeptical in the way that um the housewife on the infomercial is skeptical right it'll save me a hundred dollars a month i don't know, except here the ShamWow is aliens and Digimon. The actual site, there's going to be links on the website, but the alien site is called It's a forum. There is a lot more terrific stuff in there if you want to mine for it. There's some good stuff. Yeah, suffice to say, whenever we're doing a show, we're really
Starting point is 00:56:28 hitting the tip of the iceberg here. If you want to do some research yourself, you have five hours to kill. Yeah, if you have your own podcast, you want to end up doing the G+,
Starting point is 00:56:43 and you want to do the follow-up episodes, you can do another two hours on any one of these subjects. Right. And you were mentioning a site before. I think the site you're referring to is the one for this podcast, That is exactly what it is. And, yeah, we'll take your submissions,
Starting point is 00:56:59 anything crazy you might find on the Internet, anything you think might be good material. Please do send it our way because we do look and we are always looking for new stuff. Every little bit helps. Indeed. And until next week, keep yourself
Starting point is 00:57:15 safe from the greys. Yes. And watch out for those Digimon. They can fly right by you. They gonna get ya! Good night. Good night. Calling Calling occupants Calling occupants Calling occupants Of interplanetary Anti-atmospheric craft
Starting point is 00:58:01 We are your friends I promise to have and to hold this girl forever and ever. Amen. Wow, that sounds so sarcastic. This is just how my voice sounds. You dirty slut, You take it! See, now you're edging into hentai territory there. Oh, yes. You like sucking my filthy cock, don't you?
Starting point is 00:58:58 Why is it filthy? Because I don't shower very much. I only go outside occasionally. To check on Digimon. Yeah, when you see a Digimon. Wouldn't you say my penis looks like the tail of a Hawkmon? It's extended.

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