The F Plus - 236: Mana From Heathens

Episode Date: December 17, 2016

California rich guy and man who has opinions Rob Rhinehart invented Soylent as an open source replacement to the unbearable agony of preparing and eating food. And since its inception in 2013, So...ylent has given the gift of uncontrollable butt problems to an audience of Reddit-posting free thinkers. This week, The F Plus dips our Twennybar in our Schmilk. CORRECTION: Rosa Labs is headquartered in Los Angeles, not San Francisco.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Be-da-ba-ba-da-ba! This is the Scatman Podcast. It's a scat jam! It's the Scatfan Scat Jam. I'm a scat fan. Talking about all things Scatman. Caprofagia! Hello, this is the F+, a nutritional place for terrible things, right with enthusiasm.
Starting point is 00:00:22 In the room tonight we have Boots Reingear. Warm milk, for example, makes me calmer than cold milk. So I was wondering if I could put salt lint into the microwave. Jimmy Franks. Eh, roaches happen.
Starting point is 00:00:33 All their products are sealed and that roach could have come from anywhere. Nutshell Gulag. First non-foil batch of 2.0 tastes funny. Shoe polish? Achilles Heelies.
Starting point is 00:00:43 With Soylent, I can do a clean and happy anal scene. And Lemon. My roommate has gone through well over a hundred bottles and never mentioned any mold. Hey, F-Plus. Hey, Lemon. Hi, Lemon. I was hoping it was just going to be by myself. Hey, F-Bus. Hey, Lemon. Hi, Lemon. I was hoping it was just going to be a nutshell.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Everyone seems to be kind of timid. What's wrong with everybody? Has everyone got their energy up? Everyone in good spirits? I feel like I'm not getting maybe, I don't know, a little low in energy, a little lethargic. Maybe I'm not eating right. I think I'm a little bit, my diet's a little too high in toxins, probably.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Toxins? Yeah. That's a powerful and not bullshitty word that you just used there. Free radicals. Yeah, I got too many thetans. Well, that's obviously crap, the thing that you said. But let's go back to this idea of toxins. It's important
Starting point is 00:01:47 for all people, but people like us, people who spend a lot of time on the computer to keep a diet that's nutritionally balanced and that's healthy and that's positive, right?
Starting point is 00:02:04 Okay. Sure. Irrelevant to any of that, we're going to be learning about Soylent. Yay. Yay. Can you explain what Soylent is? Yeah. So Soylent is a nutrition, what do you want to say?
Starting point is 00:02:21 It's a food replacement system invented by our heroes in San Francisco. So is it like how I replaced normal healthy foods with Doritos? It's not dissimilar from that, actually. It's really not. It's a solution for the kind of people that hate the concept of food and eating and enjoying that. And would like to replace it by forcing a bunch of gooey slurry down their mouths.
Starting point is 00:02:55 I am a person who views food solely as fuel for my body. From what I can gather, the main difference is that Doritos have flavor and Soylent does not. Soylent intentionally does not, yes. It comes in various forms. There's a powdered form. They have a new coffee kind of one where it's Soylent except for it has caffeine. And there, of course, is no longer the Soylent food bar because it's poison. Because it's poison.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Literally poison. It's's poison. Literally poison. It's only poison to people that are allergic to it, right? I mean, and that's just weakness, leaving your body or something. I don't know. So, yeah. So we are going to be going to a place I think you might have heard of before,
Starting point is 00:03:41 and it's called Reddit. Okay. I remember Reddit. Okay. Yay. I remember Reddit. And we're going to be learning about Soylent from the people who enjoy it. So, Mr. Boots Reingear, if you'll start us out here,
Starting point is 00:03:57 your name is Teacher Secret. Teacher Secret. Yes, I'm Teacher Secret, and I got a confession to make 2.0 makes me ill this I guess would be the silent version 2.0 because it's
Starting point is 00:04:14 properly sourced and versioned does he mean ill like sick or does he mean ill like yo that's totally ill I don't think that's I don't think anyone's ever said that makes me ill. In that sense. Listen, the only
Starting point is 00:04:30 cultural context that Nutshell Gulick has is Tony Hawk Pro Skater. Okay. That gets me illin'. Finally decided to give Soylent a try. Bought a nice big box, a 2.0 as quick as a quick and simple entry. Figured it could replace the occasional breakfast or lunch as I get my work done.
Starting point is 00:04:52 So I wouldn't feel tempted to jet out for fast food. Drank the first bottle and felt ill fairly quickly. Stomach turned itself over for the rest of the day. And I felt quite off. On came the diarrhea later. Yay! First post! First post and we're already in diarrhea!
Starting point is 00:05:12 Alright, so after doing that, I decided maybe it was a fluke, tried bottle number two the next day. Same result. Huh. But maybe even a bit worse this time. Huh. Not one to let me, not one to let that get me down. Cracked open a third bottle this time. Huh. Not want to let me not want to let that get me down. Cracked open
Starting point is 00:05:28 a third bottle a few days later. Holy God! But even the scent of it made me sick. Closed it back up and decided not to continue experimenting with the product. Why? I threw away the rest of the box. Well, you know, it's only a theory until you've tested it several times. Yeah. Come on, asshole.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Use the proper scientific method. The scientific method is thesis, antithesis, diarrhea. There you go. I can't be the only one getting sick on this stuff, can I? What's wrong with 2.0? I thought the issues people were having were on the other
Starting point is 00:05:59 versions of the product. My name is the Unlived Phalanx. You may have been drinking it too fast. I had this issue with 1.6, but sorry to hear about your experience. Somebody should put in a bug report in GitHub about it
Starting point is 00:06:16 giving you diarrhea. Well, my name is deleted. People generally don't know they have intolerances to certain foods until they find out through consuming those foods and get sick. Perhaps you're allergic to soy. Have you ever had a glass of soy milk or a serving of tofu?
Starting point is 00:06:34 Also, the issues with 1.6 and the bars were basically the same thing. A very small group of people discovered they had an intolerance to an ingredient. RL choosing to remove that ingredient entirely when they don't have a policy to not use known allergens, such as soy, was an overreaction. There was never an actual issue with the products themselves.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Other than they were making people sick. I remember when people overreacted to Jack in the Box killing people, too. And then, Jimmy Franks, you are a fan of Dota. How did you know? I can just hear it in your voice. Yeah, this is fan of Dota. Nice.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Yeah, same thing happened to me, except that I ate something from the cafeteria as well. The breakfast set and super watery, sunny side up egg. So I'm putting the blame on the eggs, but I can't risk having another diarrhea. So stop drinking it now. Why did you eat food? Didn't you buy Soylent so you don't have to eat food? I gotta go. Are we going to get recipes that have Soylent as an ingredient in the recipe?
Starting point is 00:07:48 I super hope so. Yummo! I super, super hope so. I'm hoping that's what the flavors part is about. And, oh, I forgot to mention, this document on rsoylent was provided to us by a first-time submitter, rsbenedict. Thank you so much. And here's how this document came out.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Somebody tweeted at me the other day and said, how come nobody's ever done an Our Soylent document? And I said, that's a good question. And then there was a document in my inbox the next day. So thank you, Benedict. We love your eggs. Watery, sunny side up. Isn't that just sunny side up?
Starting point is 00:08:27 There's like varying degrees. There's like... It's like raw. That's just a raw egg. Oh. It's literally basically just warm up the egg. Yeah, that would be a problem. Don't eat that.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Don't eat that. And also, like, don't drink something if it has allergens in it that you're sensitive to, silly. Anyway, we're going to move on to a very different subject. And so a very, very different subject. So, Nutshell Gulag, you are Larry from Alaska. Oh, good. And what would you like to share with the Soylent community? I'd like to talk about Soylent 1.6 and explosive diarrhea.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Ooh. Oh, yeah. They didn't patch the diarrhea out until version 2.0. You're just trying to one-up me with your explosive diarrhea. That's right. Is it working? Okay. Anyone else been having this issue and got over it in time? I've been taking 1.6 soylents in time like further on in the future over time yes i've been taking 1.6 soylent for about a month now for one to two of my three meals a day i read in the forums that some people experience these symptoms for a week or so.
Starting point is 00:09:46 They keep on drinking it. As the microbiome in their gut adjusts. Tried adding extra fiber, psyllum husk, and thought that helped for a while, but turns out I'm still having the same issues.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Could be possible I'm just allergic? Doesn't it have ingredients on the side? It's gotta, right? I guess that would ruin the elegant San Francisco design if it had ingredients on the side. I'm drinking something that's been giving you explosive diarrhea for a week.
Starting point is 00:10:18 A week! Made it a horrifying vet in California. Oh, by the way, I'm on the website right now, and I realized the image I'm going to use for the cover, and so, sorry. It's not Tub Girl, is it? Yeah, I'm the junk.
Starting point is 00:10:41 God damn it. Hey, the junk. I'm the junk. Your body is adjusting. You probably didn't get enough fiber before. It happened to me as well. Simply drink more water, get some gas acts for the loved ones, and ride the green stink wave.
Starting point is 00:10:59 God. I know people that that's like their solution to all health complaints is simply drink more water. And ride the green stink wave. You know, that's actually a really nice supportive post. Like, just make you sick, drink more of it? Yeah, that is supportive. Talk to your doctor about riding the green stink wave. Well, I'm GXTI
Starting point is 00:11:26 and that's happened to me once. Just when it was done, I took another sip and immediately got the urge to return. Could have been spoiled, though it smelled fine. Could have been something I ate the day before. Actually, that's been fine. Even including a 3D hiatus when I got a few boxes of 2.0 to try.
Starting point is 00:11:48 I also initially found the flavor to be repulsive, but now I actually crave it. Funny how readily one's body can be retrained. Another thing I wanted to mention here about R.S. Benedict is that this document is titled, this is a terrific title, this document is titled The Best of R. Soylent, a.k.a. Why the FDA Exists, a.k.a. A Modern Adaptation of Upton Sinclair's The Jungle. Yes.
Starting point is 00:12:34 anyway um uh this post um has been titled uh soil into the next generation so um nutshell oh no your name is oh i don't know brindvana know, Brindvana Chanda? Brindvana Chanda? My name is Brindavana Chanda, and I wanna know, is silent pregnancy safe? Be nice. Oh, that poor baby. Yeah, no shit. I'm almost two months pregnant, and I'm struggling with
Starting point is 00:13:01 food aversions, constipation, diarrhea, and hunger issues. I have been assured that these are all normal for a new pregnancy. However, it's all very tiresome and I really need to know if Soylent is pregnancy safe. I enjoyed it before I got pregnant and if it contains all the necessary nutrients for a regular person, I'm guessing it should be okay for a pregnant woman, too? Is it safe for the baby in utero? Please advise. My name's Alf Sickles, and I have a Soylent tag after my name, so maybe I work for them.
Starting point is 00:13:41 Maybe I work for Rosa Labs, So let's keep that in mind. Soylent itself is really just food. That said, your dietary requirements change during pregnancy. If you're asking, is Soylent non-toxic? Then yes, it is non-toxic and shouldn't directly harm your growing child. If you're asking, will a diet of nothing but Soylent cause any effects on my child, you're in less charted territory. Yeah, they'll be a superhuman. I know that many women have eaten much, much less balanced meals than Soylent provides and have carried healthy children to term.
Starting point is 00:14:20 That, OFC, doesn't make it safe. to term. That, OFC, doesn't make it safe. Maybe there's something, some specific thing people are consuming in tiny quantities that is critical for growing children. Nobody really knows for absolute certain. Even if
Starting point is 00:14:35 10,000 women ate nothing but soylent and carried healthy babies to term, we'd still have room for research because babies are so incredibly complex. Fucking babies, how do they work? I've been to one half of a team bringing several children into the world.
Starting point is 00:14:54 The easy half, my wife assures me, smiley face with a double chin. And I understand the frustration of doctors constantly telling you to avoid X. The fact is, I wonder if the doctor said eat Soylent all the time. Probably. Probably. I bet my doctor said that to me.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Or my partner. The fact is, if you try to avoid everything that doctors aren't 100% certain about, you'll wind up crazy. Even worse, doctors don't usually agree. I watched two doctors fight over my wife. Yeah, you had to pay a lot for that to happen, though. I think I've seen some videos of that on Clips for Sale.
Starting point is 00:15:34 His cock is so big, I want to have his cock. Each one had a preferred drug for pregnant women, and whenever she was in their care, they would force her to switch drugs. It's crazy. So, while no one can
Starting point is 00:15:50 or will take charge of your baby I can tell you that I happily encourage my wife to consume Soylent if it helped the slightest with her normal gastrointestinal discomfort. Like, she's not farting enough so I can't do this to make her fart more? Is that what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:16:09 Because although Soylent may have some unknown effects, the effects of malnutrition are well understood and bad. It's very unlikely that you eat a diet of more balance than Soylent provides, and if you can hold Soylent down longer than most things, it gets a chance to actually provide those nutrients. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Here, hey, I don't think you understand yet that I live in San Francisco,
Starting point is 00:16:36 so let me help you with that. As a spawning vessel for another human being, you should probably be seeing a doctor very frequently anyway. If you're worried, a normal state of being for a pregnant person, baby carrying is a big responsibility. Tell your doctor that because a tiny dwarf
Starting point is 00:16:55 is making merry in your intestines Oh, fuck you. My wife and I probably have a great relationship. Jesus. Hello, how is the baby-making vessel? It is making merry in my intestines. His name is Stormbolt Thunderhands. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Mox the Crimefighter. You're eating some or mostly liquid food, and you'd feel better if you just ordered a blood test to check your important nutrients. Few doctors would decline such a request. Either way you decide, best of all possible wishes for you
Starting point is 00:17:35 and your incipient little poop smith. Fuck. Yeah! I'm a father! Jesus. Yes, you've perpetuated yourself Yeah! I'm a father! Jesus. Yes, you've perpetuated yourself into another generation. Congratulations.
Starting point is 00:17:52 I just want to mention that Achilles Heelys here posted a link to Blend Runner, the logo for which is a very clever play on Blade Runner. And it's a comparison chart of different food replacement systems. Achilles, would you just read off the names of some of these things?
Starting point is 00:18:17 Certainly. Well, you know, we have, everyone knows Soylent 2.0. Right, yeah, sure. And Coffiest. There's Super Mana! By Heaven Labs.! By Heaven Labs. Yeah, Heaven Labs. And Ossilent Ready to Drink.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Then Feed. Hey, that was a horror movie! Hey! Hey, Achilles! What company makes Feed? Feed! Is there any more things that show up here? Yeah, well, you got your
Starting point is 00:18:48 Soylent 1.6 on the bar. Joylent. Joylent Wake Up. Joylent Sport. Joylent Vegan. Whatever you do, if somebody offers you a glass of Boylent, do not drink it. I'm not falling for that one again.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Is it boiled Soylent or is it made of Boylent? No, it's B-O-Y. Boylent. Jimmy and Franks, what did you give up for Boylent this year? I don't know. They have a mango flavor. I mean, that sounds good to me. Achilles, keep going. Oh yeah, sorry, 20 bar
Starting point is 00:19:25 20 bar 20 bar That's by Joyland Yeah, that's also by Joyland You've got your light fuel by Super Body Fuel You've got your schmilk And that one comes in a cereal milk flavor I really like that one
Starting point is 00:19:43 It comes in a cereal milk flavor I'm really like that one. It comes in a cereal milk flavor. I'm going to dip my 20 bar in my schmilk. You'll never stop shitting, Jimmy. That's by Superbody Fuel. You've got Keto Fuel by Superbody Fuel. Athlete Fuel
Starting point is 00:20:01 by Superbody Fuel. Got Metamark 3 by Heaven Labs. And... What's the next one called? I'm sorry, I need a moment. What's the next one called? Oh, and who's it by? It's called
Starting point is 00:20:21 100% Food 2000 Calories by Space Nutrients Station. Hello, would you like food? The thing about this is it's clearly food. All 100% of it. Also, I am a human. If that wasn't good enough for you, there's 100% food, double protein from the space nutrients. That's when they put cheese in it.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Yeah. No, it's just tuna shakes with Coke. 100% food, 2000 cal, by the way, is 60% carbs, 30% fats. Jesus. That's 100% food. Hey, the math checks out.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Frosted flakes would be healthier than that. It comes in chocolate or organic. Yeah, and same thing with 100% food, low carb is also chocolate and organic. That's only 40% carbs. Yeah, and only 30% fats. God, there's so many of these. I'm going to keep going for a while. Well, there's Queel Standard.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Cypreme. Formerly Queezy Meal. I'm just going to skip forward to a couple here. Sure, yeah. There's Jake Original and Jake Light. Oh, God. There's Purulent. There's Nano Veggie Version 2. There's Purulent. There's
Starting point is 00:21:45 Nano Veggie Version 2.0. Potion. Wasn't there one called... Wasn't there one called Schmielk? Schmielk. Okay, good, because you can drink your Schmielk with your Schmiel. Can I chase that with a
Starting point is 00:22:03 glass of Veedle? What if you really want to relax, just have a nice stoner shake. Yeah, stoner shake. Stoner shake. How cool. How about United States food shake? I'm going to have that with my nutberg. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:22:16 Oh, sorry, United Shakes food shake. This one's kind of scary. You've got primal kind for him. This is what the cavemen drink. And for her. Hey, nutberg. uh, Nutberg. Yeah, Nutberg. Ample meal.
Starting point is 00:22:32 So, this thread is called, Can anyone tell me if they think this is mold? And here's a picture, and that's fucking mold! Uh, yeah, pretty sure. It does look a lot like
Starting point is 00:22:48 Soylent anyway, so... It is! Can anyone tell me if this is mold? And the first reply is Pixie Pie Face, who is from Joylent, that says it's mold. Definitely mold. That's just, you know,
Starting point is 00:23:06 the competitor is trying to slander the good name of Soylent and it's a special surprise like purple black stuff that you get sometimes in a bottle. And Boots Rangier, your name is Soylent Connor?
Starting point is 00:23:22 You're John Connor, but now you work for Soylent. Ultimately, we will never have a 100% success rate. So keep buying our shit! All food products will have something slip through the cracks. When you buy products from a store, there's a second level of security
Starting point is 00:23:38 because they can spot and discard damaged products while they put them on the shelves. We are working on additional bottle modifications to secure them more in transit. We can't look at ours for some reason. And then Achilles, you are FlyingFox12. Your process
Starting point is 00:23:59 is broken, as this is not uncommon. In fact, from a reputation point of view, this is costing you a lot. You need to weigh your reputational risk versus the cost of increased oversight. Your process needs a new layer of oversight or for the existing pre-box layer to be re-engineered.
Starting point is 00:24:18 I would suggest looking into lean methodology at this early stage in the company so you can break down processes and increase productivity and quality. Not everything is software development! I did! Get a lamp stack! Oh, you must not live in San Francisco.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Listen, I'm Soylent Connor here again. I'm here to say it actually is not very common. You see it pop up on Reddit because Reddit is linked from several spots on our website. It's linked in all of our emails. So as with other forums for most everything,
Starting point is 00:24:50 people with issues tend to go there to ask about them. We have robust QA process, but again, we can never be 100%. If we had a failure rate of one minus 40 million... What? If you did, yep. Of one... That's not... That's not right. If you did, yep. Of one. That's not.
Starting point is 00:25:07 That's not right. Yeah. I think it's supposed to be one in 40 million. Yeah. Yeah, one to 40 million, and that one popped up on Reddit. We would still get A of anger at the product and the QA process. Listen, that's unhealthy, but here's an unhelpful hypothetical Are you saying the failure rate is 1 in 40 million? You've made the claim it's not common, but then it seems you've made up a number of 1 in 40 million
Starting point is 00:25:36 This is in response to how this subreddit has a portion of people that notice this problem The obvious problem with that is it's a subreddit subscribed to by 21 000 plus people your numbers don't add up the 140 million is suspect the use of reddit primarily because it's linked in your emails is an unconvincing argument i've talked with your support before and it's obvious how to contact support reddit posts would not likely be would not be likely for myself if i had moldy bottles sadly all that has made your statement about this being uncommon sound less likely because the rest of your statements speak to someone who doesn't actually have clear numbers to that
Starting point is 00:26:09 problem and is just making poor assumptions with faulty logic to make a conclusion. Love, love your product. Put silence to what it's growing up to do. I don't know. It looks like it's growing pretty well in those photographs. No.
Starting point is 00:26:29 I gave it as an example. If we had a failure rate of 140 million. If. Hey, Soylent Connor. Hey. Hey, this is the moon. Props for keeping you cool when dealing with so many idiots. Yeah!
Starting point is 00:26:48 Yeah. Yeah. Thanks, Da Moon. Yeah. You told them, dummies. If there was a one in 40 million thing, that would be a problem. Are you saying one in 40 million? No!
Starting point is 00:27:02 If there was a one in 40 million thing, that would be a problem. Are you saying one in 40 million? No! Props to shit nut guys who read what you write, dog. Okay, so I'm... Okay. My name is Heart287. First, I'm sorry if this is asked before. I remember reading a post about it, but I couldn't find it slash the answers through searching life is hard.
Starting point is 00:27:29 But basically, I've been having 2.0 for breakfasts. I get nauseous in the morning, always have. And it's been helping me eat better breakfast before work and have better nutrition. I really like it, crave it, mix it with espresso, yum! And for the first week, felt full on it, and have been feeling way better when drinking it regularly. Now I'm so hungry in the morning after eating it! It's actual hunger, and it's actual physical growling and discomfort. Sometimes a lot.
Starting point is 00:28:04 With cravings, I can ignore them. I've always had cravings, but it's physically physical growling and discomfort. Sometimes a lot. With cravings, I can ignore them. I've always had cravings, but it's physically so much hunger. Where I work, I can't take breaks. Oh, jeez. I'm in a gulag. I have to wait. I'm in a gulag right now. I have to wait sometimes until I'm allowed to go.
Starting point is 00:28:25 So I have a limited supply of water. What? What? Jesus Christ. Hey, that's a gulag in a nutshell. Yeah, he's basically saying, I dehydrate myself so that I don't have to take bathroom breaks when they're not mandated by whoever I'm working for.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Yeah, so I have a limited supply of water, just one bottle, and no food until this time, and I get so incredibly hungry, like uncomfortably so. I have been saving it off by sipping water, and it helps a bit, because eating and drinking are the same thing. I also tried what I saw here, which was drinking a large amount of water with the Soylent to fill my stomach, and it made me nearly puke. My stomach is pretty small, and I normally eat small meals.
Starting point is 00:29:10 I have seen fiber Congratulations, me. and protein suggested. Do these really help with feeling full, and also digesting slower? Fiber is incredibly expensive here.
Starting point is 00:29:25 What? What? What? That's so weird. That's so weird. I live on the citrus planet. Everything here is grapefruit. Anyway, fiber is incredibly expensive here, so I can't just try it for funsies as well as if it makes me have to go to the bathroom more i can't use it again i can't take breaks the master won't
Starting point is 00:29:52 let me thanks torco thanks ahead of time and it's to add with regular food i get hungry a bit less and like two to three hours later it's not not as crazy and comfortable and gnawing unless I eat junk food for breakfast. So, yeah, I'm hungry. I don't understand. Maybe you should eat food. How is it possible? Well, R.B. Stewart, nutshell, R.B. Stewart 7263
Starting point is 00:30:18 has some advice. I'm R.B. Stewart, and I say drink two bottles. You'll be hard-pressed to find any American who is used to only 400 calories between breakfast and lunch. Yep, double down. Just power your way through it. Yep. Boots, how much do you know about biology, the subject of biology?
Starting point is 00:30:41 That's bees. Okay, great. I had a mandatory biology course, that was the one I took. Let's find out about biology here. Good. Bees. Great. Good. Oh, this is bees. I'm Master
Starting point is 00:30:57 Murph. Master Murph. Master Murph. Does Soylent thin the blood? It's not a serious thing Are you injecting it directly? I've noticed that since I've started drinking Soylent 2.0 2 to 3 bottles a day My blood seems to be thinner
Starting point is 00:31:22 It takes longer for my blood to clot. I don't make a habit of getting cut. But things like popped pimples and minor cuts and scrapes seem to bleed for a longer time. What? What? No. No? No. No. No.
Starting point is 00:31:51 We're going to be going away from Reddit, which is very exciting. And instead, we're going to be going to Kickstarter. Oh, that'll... Oh. This is a Kickstarter project called Soylent Brownies. What?
Starting point is 00:32:07 The description is, I'm making Soylent Brownies. Cool. There was a $50 goal, and you got $110. Excellent. So Sunnyvale, California. So here's how. Jimmy Franks, how do you make you make, um, microwave brownies? Could you, uh, could you tell me?
Starting point is 00:32:28 Oh, yeah. Uh, I, I got, uh, this is a, this is actually an old family recipe. Oh, okay, cool. My grandma, uh, she, she started doing it. It's a tradition. Every, every, uh, Labor Day, we, we gather around for some microwave soylent brownies. One stick butter.
Starting point is 00:32:44 One third cup oil. One fourth cup cocoa powder. One half cup sugar. Two eggs. One half tablespoon vanilla. Two scoops Soylent. Hey, Jimmy Franks. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:57 How would you describe your grandmother's alcoholism? Tragic. Pervasive. And destructive. So you melt the butter on high for 30 to 40 seconds. Add sugar, cocoa, and vanilla in that order and mix well. Add the eggs, slightly whipping after each one. Add the soylent and mix well.
Starting point is 00:33:17 Grease a microwave-safe dish and cook on high for 4 to 5 minutes. Let it rest for at least 10 minutes before cutting. You get to decide. So, Nutshell, you do a lot of baking. Yeah. Looking there at those directions for microwave-soiled brownies, what do you think? Good?
Starting point is 00:33:40 Technically, you could... I mean, with the eggs, maybe that would provide enough body to kind of make something vaguely brownie like because it's essentially just brownies except for replacing the soylent with flour or flour with soylent right kind of i mean yeah i just it would make something i'm not sure what have a what. Have a bowl of wet garbage. Hypothetically, it might make something that would have enough structure when it was finished baking to be called a brownie,
Starting point is 00:34:12 if you were feeling really kind. Well, if you had any idea what was in Soylent, maybe, but... I don't have to tell you. Lots of soy, apparently. It's a dietary supplement. I don't have to tell you shit. I don't have to tell you. Lots of soy, apparently. It's a dietary supplement.
Starting point is 00:34:24 I don't have to tell you shit. Okay, so one more thing here on Reddit. And that is just a simple question. How do you describe the taste to those who ask? If possible, I just have them try some. But if it's not, I generally say it tastes like liquid bread in the best way possible. What do you usually say? Boots, what do you usually say? What do I usually say?
Starting point is 00:34:59 Am I kerbuffle? Yes, you are. Aggressively neutral. Okay. Achilles, how would you describe the flavor? Salty pancake batter. Mmm. Mmm.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Yummy. Jimmy Franks, how would you describe the flavor? Pancake batter mixed with the bottom of a bag of pretzels. Ugh. Oh my god. Nutshell, how would you describe the flavor? Uh. Where is that?
Starting point is 00:35:38 Uh. Wet brown paper towel. Seriously. Ugh. Mm. Uh, Boots, wet brown paper towel seriously uh boots do you have another description for the flavor i lie and say cookie dough oh fuck you smooth white beans smoothie with canola oil i'm never touching it. My name's
Starting point is 00:36:05 Joe Zeebo, and if I had room to be detailed, grainy, significantly, but not unpleasantly salty, a little bit sweet, and most of all, like flour. When prepared at half strength, which is how I've been having it, pretty much only the flour taste persists.
Starting point is 00:36:22 And the texture is more creamy than grainy. When mixed with the fruit in a smoothie, which is the only way my significant other has it after trying it straight once, really only the creaminess is detectable. Hi, I'm Slammin' Jax, and I say it tastes like sand water. Oh, God. This is Tubasaur.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Unflavored oatmeal. I'm Unbabe's, and I think it tastes like pancake batter, but not as sparkly. Huh? Cornflake water. You heard me. Skittles has a long post describing the flavor saying it
Starting point is 00:37:14 tastes like watery bisquick. And then this long post summarizes with, anyways, overall, I'd give it 6.5 out of 10 for taste and consistency. 1 being literal feces and 10 being a piece of bread. Oh, God. That's too close to feces, man.
Starting point is 00:37:42 So wait, so wait, what does this mean? Does this mean like the best possible food you could have as a piece of bread no no no that's just where the scales are i mean the numbers doesn't stop at 10 it's just that it's 6.5 that's an idea of where it lies it's it's better than half as good as bread. Slightly better than the halfway point between shit and bread. Exactly. Jimmy Franks, also, what does Elite Sense think it tastes like? Elite Sense thinks flavor equals
Starting point is 00:38:20 the residual water from your oatmeal bowl and texture equals melted milkshake, but with a very small amount of undissolved flour in it. Yay! So good. And so these are the people that like Soylent, right? Yeah. These are Soylent fans.
Starting point is 00:38:41 These are the Soylent-based subscribers of Soylent. Devoted users, yes. Okay, cool. Yeah, these are Soylent fans. These are the Soylent-based subscribers. Devoted users, yes. Okay, cool. But we're actually going to find out about these people, these people that are describing the taste of Soylent as unpleasant.
Starting point is 00:38:56 So, Achilles, your name is... You tell me. I'm Rarcanos Michael. Oh, you work for Soylent. Yeah, and if you mouse over Soylent, it says The Hypochondria Continues on my name, so that's fun.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Weird. Yeah. I represent my company. Yes, you do. Okay. Well, like how cilantro tastes great for some and awful for others, I'm beginning to think the flavor profile of Soylent 1.6
Starting point is 00:39:33 is affected by a genetic marker rather than anything wrong with the product. It can't be the product. It can't be the product. It's your fucking genes, you idiot! I'd like to encourage anyone who found the taste of 1.6 horrible to see how they feel about other foods that get similar love-it-or-hate-it reactions.
Starting point is 00:39:54 Here's one primary difference between Soylent and Cilantro. Some people really like Cilantro. Some people here really struggle to like soylent this is this is a necessary this is necessary for me um uh boots this is a name i don't know if it's the same guy but it's definitely a name that has showed up in the podcast before. Your name is Handy Andy. Oh, Handy Andy. How prevalent is the tastes bad phenotype? If it's a single gene recessive trait like the cilantro and PTC
Starting point is 00:40:36 situation, all you'd have to do is find a couple who both find 1.6 distasteful and see what their offspring say. Yay! We're like four posts away from eugenics right now. If all their offspring don't like it, then it's pretty strong evidence for what you're hypothesizing.
Starting point is 00:40:58 You're right. Also, that means more people drink Soylent. So it works out pretty great. Oh, God. Yeah, so that is about Soylent and how it's good, and you're dumb for thinking otherwise. Document given to us by RS Benedict. The day after I got this document, I got another document. Yay!
Starting point is 00:41:21 I got this document. I got another document. Yay! This document by Nikair Draken. Hey, did you know that has its own forums? Oh, goody! It has to. Oh, you've been holding out on us, Lemon.
Starting point is 00:41:40 You've been holding out with the good stuff. Do they have t-shirts? I just want to parse it out. Make sure that you earned it. Like you got the phenotype to appreciate this kind of thing. Right. So there's a thread in here
Starting point is 00:41:56 called I got my two-year-old addicted to Soylent, so we're just going to skip right past that one. That would make me sad. So instead, we're going to skip right past that one. That would make me sad. So instead, we're going to look here on the Soylent forums. Jimmy Franks, your name is Demelknine? It sure is.
Starting point is 00:42:16 Yes, this is Demelknine. On the 2.0 website, it says, This version of Soylent uses kosher certified ingredients and manufacturers. The final product is not certified kosher. Yeah, if the ingredients factory is certified, it shouldn't be too hard to get the product certified. May I ask why it isn't? Connor?
Starting point is 00:42:36 Yeah, boot your Connor again. Oh, good. Community outreach. Yeah, the process is very stringent, and we have switched factories in the past. And then, Achilles, you're Mason Jam. Hi, I'm Mason Jam. I think my icon is a Gundam.
Starting point is 00:42:52 So that tells you a lot about me, but pretty sure it has to get blessed by a Jewish priest or some BS as well. Priest in quotes, because I don't know why they call it that. That's clearly the wrong word.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Nutshell. Yes? We are in the nutrition thread on the Soylent forums. The nutrition level. And what do you have to say? Hi! My name's Blaine!
Starting point is 00:43:25 Hi, Blaine. Hey, guys! I have a weird question. I'm having muscle twitches all over my body. Especially my feet. Sometimes the calves of my legs cramp, too. I'm primarily on a 100% soil-lit diet. Any ideas on a possible vitamin deficiency?
Starting point is 00:43:44 Oh, you just have the wrong phenotype Yeah, the needs vitamins phenotype Is it human phenotype? Yeah Are all these people Charlie from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia? What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:44:05 This is perfect food! I perfected food! I'm a healthy blogger. I have never had twitches like that, and I haven't heard of that from anyone who has been on Soylent for the majority of their calories. Also, I don't believe Soylent is deficient in anything. In anything?
Starting point is 00:44:29 Okay. I mean, that's cool that you can say that because there's no fucking label on it. So that's awesome. I would certainly check with your physician. It may be a condition of some sort. Jimmy Franks, your name is Percy, and you've got a really good theory. I really like this theory a lot.
Starting point is 00:44:49 This is Percy. Glass blocks UV, so you're not getting any vitamin D while driving. You're on this forum. I know you don't go outside Drink more soil and drive a convertible, bitch I was severely deficient in D for years Despite script strength supplements I eventually figured the risk of skin cancer
Starting point is 00:45:23 Cut it off, apply a cream was preferable to the risk of long-term deficiency internal organ failure and went to a tanning bed for 10 minutes. At my next checkup, months later, my levels were fine.
Starting point is 00:45:40 Tanning prevents organ failure? It worked for me. The doc asked... Tanning prevents organ failure? It worked for me. The doc asked what I did. When I told him, he said, Don't tell your dermatologist. I take ten minutes once every year, usually in February, and I've been fine ever since.
Starting point is 00:46:01 I do cover my face because I'm vain and don't want to age faster go to a tanning bed doesn't take much that makes so much sense man that makes sense uh my name is john larusso and one thing about me is i definitely do let's plays um anyway for what it's worth i had the same experience after 100% 2.0. It became so severe I had to stop consuming soylents. Hey, here's an interesting fact, though. Once resuming my pre-soylent diet, the symptoms disappeared.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Huh. Hmm. What am I doing on this forum? Your friendships. The friendships. Listen. Listen. Here's an important fact.
Starting point is 00:46:49 I hope Victor listens to this episode because here's an important fact. The problem with talking to your doctor is that in most cases they're probably going to tell you to stop consuming Soylent. Soylent, the official food of cognitive dissonance. Achilles, finish this thread up, please. My name's Asympt. I've shown Soylent to my primary care physician, my spouse's gastroenterologist, the oral surgeon who removed my wisdom teeth. All of them looked at the ingredients, nodded, and said more or less, cool. I forgot to mention that all of the above are also my weed dealer.
Starting point is 00:47:41 I'm going to ask, Asims How do you say less than cool? Like Just Cool Cool Cool There's a Very long post that ends up
Starting point is 00:48:02 This document This is These are blog posts By the inventor of Soylent a very long post that ends up this document. These are blog posts by the inventor of Soylent. The blog is called Mostly Harmless. Because of course it is. Blog posts are far too long to read here in this podcast. But I want to tell you that one of these posts is called How I Gave Up Alternating Current first I watched the prestige
Starting point is 00:48:33 and another thread is called Life Without Water oh no we have both of these documents Oh, no. Oh., we have both of these documents up for you to look at. We are going to close this episode with a place that I don't think we've ever been to before, because I never thought that it would be F-plus worthy, but we are going to GitHub. There is a GitHub repository
Starting point is 00:49:06 with some DIY Soylent recipes all written and marked down. It's very interesting. So in a nutshell, I've got two recipes. I would like you to choose which recipe you would like to read about.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Would you like to read about all-natural Soylent or Hacker School Soylent? Oh, Hacker School Soylent sounds so cool and edgy like William Gibson, so let's go with that. Do you have to have a backwards baseball cap and type really fast? Do you just use William Gibson and cool in the same sentence? I'm sorry. Yeah, they just kind of popped in there. They weren't really related.
Starting point is 00:49:50 Yeah, so tell me about Hacker School Soylent, please. Oh, well, the recipe is very complex. This is Hacker School Soylent version 1.0. Intro, see the blog post for photos and more information on this recipe, or the main readme for general information on Soylent. Safety, you should read the blog post for photos and more information on this recipe or the main readme for general information on Soylent.
Starting point is 00:50:05 Safety. You should read the blog post before attempting this recipe, especially the safety section. File not found. That is a broken link, so don't have to worry about safety now. Totally fine. Recipe. Servings. Three. Ingredients. 120 grams oat flour. 85 grams soy protein from Trader Joe's. Unflavored.
Starting point is 00:50:29 85 grams olive oil. 75 grams brown sugar. 25 grams ground flax. 20 grams cocoa powder. 15 grams lecithin. Up to 10 grams potassium citrate or 20 grams potassium gluconate added gradually. One gram per batch.
Starting point is 00:50:50 Two grams iodized salt, one gram emergency, and one vitamin D supplement. God, I have the D. I've been using all of my favorite recipes. What is that? I sometimes will take the vitamin D gummies.
Starting point is 00:51:08 Should I put one of those in there? Well, it gets to that in the method. Method one, combine all dry ingredients except vitamin D. Mix well. Two, measure olive oil into a separate container. Three, to prepare an individual meal, measure about a third of the dry mix and a third of the oil into a large drinking vessel. Four, add 400 to 500 milliliters of water and shake or stir well.
Starting point is 00:51:35 Five, chill for several hours if possible to improve taste and texture. It may be healthier that way, too, due to phytic acid deactivation. For best taste and texture, throw away. Six, meanwhile, take your vitamin taste and texture, throw away. Six. Meanwhile, take your vitamin D and or get some sunshine. You're never going to get sunshine.
Starting point is 00:51:53 And seven, drink. No, I've got an app on my Mac called Sunshine. So I just have that in the browser. It's fine. Hey, I got my own recipe for Soylent. What's your recipe? It's ground-up Flintstones chewable vitamins and Rolo-flavored chocolate milk.
Starting point is 00:52:14 Nice. That's more healthy than the thing we just read, though. Like, that's better for you. It's a million strong and growing. I use the cereal milk from other people's bowls. Yeah, there's also
Starting point is 00:52:39 which has many, many, many recipes because it's open source. Ooh, one of them is marked tasty. Okay, here we go. We're going to do one of the tasty ones. Okay, so Jimmy Franks. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:56 Which of these foods, and bear in mind, all of these foods have the tag of tasty with an exclamation mark. Yeah, yeah. Okay, okay. Just want to mention that. Okay. So which of these tasty drinks would you like? Automation Fuel, Tiny Female, Complete Food Version 4,
Starting point is 00:53:24 Complete Food Version 4 or Canadian Jizz Version 1.1 Man You know, I know a lot of people are gonna This is gonna be a controversial choice but I'm gonna go with Canadian Jizz
Starting point is 00:53:42 Controversial, indeed Well, this has several tags I'm going to tell you it's cheap and easy Where do you get your Canadian jizz from? Homemade This has the tags of weight loss Weight gain Oh my god Bodybuilding
Starting point is 00:54:12 Baked and tasty Yeah, it's got your usual You know, oats and whey And canola oils, some cocoa powder Potassium citrate Iodized sea salt, superman multivitamin powder, three-month supply, the choline bertrate, and one gram of daily sunlight. Where do you find that?
Starting point is 00:54:37 Smiley face. I like how every single one of these recipes knows you don't go outside. Where do you find that? Outside. That's nice. It does source the ingredients. Outside, but it's a broken link. So they don't know how to get there. It's true.
Starting point is 00:54:52 I present to you Canadian Jizz! Oh! A simple and versatile DIY soylent recipe that is made for people who exercise two to three times a week for muscle collation and cardiovascular activities.
Starting point is 00:55:09 Not exercising? Cut 30 grams of maltodextrin and 40 grams of protein. Want to lose weight? Cut 60 grams of maltodextrin and 40 grams of protein. Hey, Achilles, Achilles. Mm-hmm? What's your, uh, you're kind of a thick guy. What's your musculation routine?
Starting point is 00:55:30 Well, I don't go outside, and I just drink a bunch of whiskey that I put flour in, and then I flop on the floor. That's good. That's good. If you put flour in the whiskey, does it just make more whiskey?
Starting point is 00:55:44 Yes. So you have, like like a whiskey starter. How else do you make whiskey bread? And that's actually going to be my tech startup. Okay, that's cool. Yeah. Would you like to know how to prepare your Canadian jizz? I suppose I would.
Starting point is 00:56:02 One, mix all the powders together. Two, put it in an airtight pitcher. Three, add hot water from the sink till it makes two liters with the ingredients hot enough to hurt you but not boiling. Four, shake like crazy. Five, immediately let it rest in the refrigerator for the night and let
Starting point is 00:56:19 it breathe, otherwise your pitcher could explode. Six, add oil in the morning. Seven, repeat step four, shake like crazy! Shake it like crazy! Shake it like crazy! And number eight, enjoy your jizz!
Starting point is 00:56:37 I mean, you'll be shaking like crazy if this is all you eat, apparently, so that'll be easy. It's weird that, like, we had consecutive steps, shake like crazy, and enjoy'll be easy. It's weird that we had consecutive steps, shake like crazy, and enjoy your jizz. And that was not a fetish
Starting point is 00:56:51 episode. Kinda. Hey, uh, hey, hey, hey, Jimmy Franks, how would you describe the taste, texture, and consistency of this product? Mildly sweet. Tastes like chocolate.
Starting point is 00:57:07 The multivitamin has a bad taste on its own, so cacao is really necessary to overcome it. Texture is kind of creamy, silky. The consistency is more thick than pure water. Just a shake, really. Okay, yeah. Enjoy your jizz! That's the last thing he said
Starting point is 00:57:30 before jumping off a bridge. That's alright. He jumped into a pool of jizz. Um, uh, and, uh, because, you know, because of the where this product comes from, um, all of these recipes can be forked into other recipes. So there are 16 variants on Canadian jizz.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Oh, good. Including the Canadian vegetarian athlete base. Crystal Canadian jizz. Canadian jizz with lime. Canadian jizz with lime And there's a There's a variant on Canadian jizz Called American Lady Jizz 2.0 That's even worse somehow
Starting point is 00:58:15 So wait, this isn't a fetish website? I'm sorry So, F+, what did we learn from this really helpful website? Real food is wonderful. Yeah, fuck real food. I just don't... Yeah, you found it now? No, fuck real food.
Starting point is 00:58:37 Oh, okay. That's a different episode. By the way, we need a doc for food fuckers. Yeah. What drives me crazy about this is that... So this is like a, it's a San Francisco thing, right? Like, pretty much, this is a San Francisco thing. So, they have, they have, like, Uber, they have all this shit to bring food to your home. Like, I get that this is them, like, trying, they're trying, they're trying to, like, not, they're trying to save time.
Starting point is 00:59:01 But all these assholes have a ton of money and a million services that'll bring good food straight to them. Why are they fucking around with... It drives me insane. What are you doing with all this extra time that you're saving up by drinking this horrible pancake batter shit? Slamming out code, bitch!
Starting point is 00:59:21 16 hours a day! Jesus Christ. Yeah, I just just I don't get it crushing it yeah I like there's there's a point there's a point where
Starting point is 00:59:40 I'm there's a point where I'm kind of sympathetic to the idea because I because I recognize the concept of being too unmotivated or too lazy to want to do that thing not as a like all the time but like I understand there's a
Starting point is 00:59:56 time where you're just like ah I'm hungry I'd like to not be hungry anymore and like on the abstract it's like it's like oh well I'll drink Soylent and then like that will be better than eating potato chips
Starting point is 01:00:11 except for the more you learn the more you find out that it's kinda not that like if you just rammed down a bag of Doritos you'd be better off well what's extra insane is if you're making it yourself you're not even saving time. You're just torturing yourself.
Starting point is 01:00:27 You made your own torture at that point. I don't... At least that way you know what's in it if you make it yourself. And from these recipes, like, it's not even cheap. No. Yeah. Just making your own shit juice. I don't...
Starting point is 01:00:43 Well, Brett's Soylent is only $1.51 a day. And it's tasty, exclamation point, despite it just being a series of unflavored powders. So that's weird. I don't know what adds the taste to it. The website, as always, is Our forum is called Ball Pits And we've got Stickers
Starting point is 01:01:10 The money for which goes to the Southern Poverty Law Center So we've got some new series there And I don't know Anything else? Boots? Anything else? Ball Snuff dot Club
Starting point is 01:01:23 Ball Snuff dot Club Ball Sniff dot Club else? Brutes? Anything else? Yeah, Okay, bye-bye. Bye-bye. I sing the body electric I celebrate the meate to come

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