The F Plus - 244: The Definitive Vampire Episode

Episode Date: February 24, 2017

If you are a regular listener to the podcast, you are probably aware of communities who self-identify as superhuman or supernatural creatures. You are also probably aware that these communities o...ften have inconsistent and arbitrary criteria to support their claims. This is more of that, but with draculas. Have you ever dreamt of drinking blood? Can you be killed by a wooden stake through the heart or decapitation? Do you have a tan Do you say ‘BLAH’? You MIGHT be a vampire! This episode, the F Plus gets a full-ride scholarship to Vamper college.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 By the way, just drink deeply and I think, never mind. That was a bad joke. And we never have this continue. Wow. It was a bad joke that he's not even willing to share it at this point. No, I'm afraid to say edit point. Ding!
Starting point is 00:00:19 Somewhere Pete, Huey Herman's going crazy. That's anyway. Anyway. The gods have led the bell tower. The victims have been bled. The bell bed lies. The black box. The love ghost is dead. Welcome to the F Plus Podcast. Terrible things that suck. In the room tonight we have John Tost.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Well, Master LaCroix, have you credentials or at least references? I cannot imagine someone submitting to someone with no credentials and or clean records. Isfahan. Depression is a vampire's enemy. Deal with it quickly so your child can get on with his or her life. Portex. We got werewolves and goths and skirlitons and vampers Do you know that menstruating women have been known to
Starting point is 00:01:31 make souffles go flat and curdled milk with their pheromones? Yay, Victor Laszlo What you are looking for is the matrix and Boots Reingear very enque there I'm defaintly a female and yet I am sickened by all these
Starting point is 00:01:59 politically correct people ick. Hey, F+. Hey. Hi, Lennon. Hi! Have you guys seen Lennon? Nope. No, I think I'd Have you guys seen Lennon? Nope. No, I think I'd remember that.
Starting point is 00:02:28 He isn't anywhere? Nope. I checked all the dumpsters, not even one foot. Well, I thought I saw him once, but it turned out to be the guy from the Gin Blossoms, and then it turned out to be Jack White. Oh, he's letting the cops chase him around right now that's oh yeah do you think jealousy do you think maybe he was taken by vampires no he's taken by vampires it's it sounds plausible okay i think that's 99 true right so like i could see on his calendar that he's got like a thing for another podcast but fuck that i'm pretty sure
Starting point is 00:03:05 he's taken by vampires uh we fortunately you know we've covered vampires in the past in this podcast we know a little bit about vampires but there's apparently an awful lot more that we can learn about vampires and thankfully the heavenator and the lesbiathan have provided us with a document called the Definitive Vampir-Doc. Yay! Awesome. I went to a Vampir-Doc once. He took all the blood out.
Starting point is 00:03:32 This is Dr. Acula. Dr. Acula? That's a joke I've stolen and used in this podcast before. Yeah. The F-plus. Constantly stealing jokes from Mitch Hedberg hey poor tax
Starting point is 00:03:49 want to tell us a little bit about vampires on a site called called drink deeply and dream dot com I do I want to tell you all about them
Starting point is 00:03:58 so so I'm gonna I'm gonna ask you some questions and you're gonna answer them for me this is the this is the vampire
Starting point is 00:04:04 guide 101 it explains some very basics of what vampires are and are not I'm going to ask you some questions, and you're going to answer them for me. This is the Vampire Guide 101. It explains some very basics of what vampires are and are not. I'm going to go to remedial thing. Oh, man. You know what? I audited Vampire 101 in college. So I'm just going to sit this one out, guys. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Okay. So not a full credit, but you just took in the information for... Yeah. Yeah. It was night school. Was it related to your master's studies? It would be night school. What else would you have in vampire class?
Starting point is 00:04:32 Master vampire studies. Okay, so, Portex, just what is a vampire? Phew, this is a hard one. It is. And one that can't be summed up in 50 words or less. Uh, never mind, then. Vampire DNA. You shut your damn face.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Well, vampires are not all beautiful undead creatures that roam the night killing any human they cross. Actually, they're the guy next door. Wait, they are? Holy shit. Shit, I'll be right back. Where's my steak? Thank God I still have my guns. I have actually never seen my neighbor in the daytime.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Well, don't invite him in. That's death. They're the Smiths and the Jones of the world. They blend in and they play by the rules. They pay bills and they have car payments. They have jobs and they have worries. You know, like worries about turning into a bat in front of a company. jobs and they have worries you know like worries about turning into a bat in front of company they live normal living breathing lives and do normal human things oh so the vampires are like
Starting point is 00:05:35 the vampires in every boring episode of true blood great fine that's awesome so what makes vampires so special everything i don I don't know, actually. They're just... So you made a whole website and you don't know. This is the basics, too. This is 101. Could we trade you in
Starting point is 00:05:56 for someone knowledgeable? I don't know why everyone loves us. We're just that great. I don't know, actually. They're just normal people with an abnormal need. That, by definition, does not make're just normal people with an abnormal need. That, by definition, does not make them normal people, but that's fine.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Do they drink blood? Yes. Unless you're a soul sucker or Psy Vamp or Psy Vamp. That's a PSI Vamp. They drink out of car tires. They were playing System Shock 2. They're known as Psy Amps. No, they remove the pressure from your tires.
Starting point is 00:06:28 PSI Vamp. I mean, they're regular people. It's one of their jobs. Pass me the bicycle pump, please. See Psychic Vampers for more info. Weird. Oh, parenthesis. If you want a more detailed article in the next, on a general
Starting point is 00:06:43 example of vampire traits see the general info essay then you didn't answer the question why the hell is this on oh it's like every faq ever written so do vampires kill people and drain them dry not in that order. No! She's deflating. That was the mark tire. Yeah, it's a PSI vamp deflating. No! Incompetent as they may be... What?
Starting point is 00:07:19 What? Incompetent as they may be portrayed on TV, cops in the real world are smart. Way to suck up to the cops. The heck? Witches get stitches, and they can track blood traces to go back three years.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Wait, they have DAA technology that goes back three years? Three years! Vampires make good cops? I think they're saying cops can track blood traces. Right. So that would be helpful if you're a vampire, right?
Starting point is 00:07:54 Yeah. See, a vampire is not going to ruin their lives with random murder for blood. That's just not going to happen. Also, you have to remember that vampires grow up in human families with normal friends and normal lives. Wrong! No, they don't. Vampires live in and of society. They live of society.
Starting point is 00:08:13 They live of society and will have the same morals instilled in them as any other. Yes, it is possible that some might not be as moral as others. After all, no, humans can be serial killers. That doesn't... Whatever. But for the vast majority, no vampire is going to actively harm someone they feed from. Even though, by definition,
Starting point is 00:08:38 you're drinking their goddamn blood, but that's fine. Vampires use volunteer donors. See Victims of Abuse. I mean, donors for more info. That's fine. Vampires use volunteer donors. See victims of abuse. I mean, donors for more info. See enablers for more info. Let's skip down a little bit. After.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Actually, let's give me the first word of this answer. Are vampires immortal? No. Okay. What is a natural vampire and what is a created vampire? Both are fake. Natural vampires are those that were born this way. So, non-existent.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Created vampires are Maybelline. Although, the need to drink... Why is this italicized? The need to drink blood does not manifest itself until adolescence or even adulthood. Says fucking who average of average of say 17 to 24 years old you know about the time they get on the internet around the age people would yeah around the age people would be like, no, mom, I'm a vampire. You know, the goth years. Sometimes the vampire will start having weird dreams.
Starting point is 00:09:55 I'm like, people, things that he slash see can almost recognize, but not quite. Because you can always recognize your own dreams, unless you're a vampire. Look, I dreamed I was in my high school, but the rooms were in different places. So you're a vampire. Most of the time, someone the soon-to-be-vampire knows will start being around more. Uh-huh. Maybe pushing conversations in new, odd directions.
Starting point is 00:10:16 But not always. No two are going to be alike. And for crying out loud, please don't think that just because you had a dream with blood or vampires in it that you're suddenly going to turn into one. Nobody has ever thought that. These people do. Apparently.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Graded vampires are those who are turned. Don't even think of asking me how or if you can be turned, because neither will happen. Trust me, you wouldn't really want it anyway. See, talk about turning for more info. you wouldn't really want it anyway. See, talk about turning for more info. You wouldn't really want it anyway. Now, let's talk about turning some more. This is so similar to old websites that we'd see on Portal of Evil and stuff
Starting point is 00:10:55 where people would say, no, I'm a real werewolf. No, I'm not going to turn into a wolf in front of you. That would be a waste. It's like, are you sure that's why you're not going to do it? Because I have another theory. I can do that, but I don't want to. Let's go down to the bottom. Where do vampires
Starting point is 00:11:12 come from? Is there a cure? Who knows? No one really... Throw this website out the window! I don't deal in facts! These are alternative vampire facts. Who knows? No one really even knows what exactly it is that makes a vampire a vampire.
Starting point is 00:11:31 It's internet and sad, actually. Ideas range from genetic differences, citation needed, to different species slash race, citation needed, to a difference in the soul slash spirit, citation fucking needed. But who knows and without truly knowing the cause there is no no way to stop some people say that it's just a matter of will you decide that you no longer want it enough and it will cease to be but that's ding ding ding but that's certainly not scientific and could be dangerous to the health of the vampire. What?
Starting point is 00:12:07 Anyway. You know, it might be dangerous for you to stop being a vampire. Just have a feeling, you know, a hunch. Again, until it's better understood the how it happens, the how it happens,
Starting point is 00:12:23 I don't think there's any way to know the ways to treat or cure it. Do stakes through the heart still work? I mean, maybe. Who's to say? Oh, my gosh. The stake through the heart killed him. He must have been a vampire. It is tough to treat something that is non-existent.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Again, this is so like those old websites. It's actually not toast. It's actually not toast. It's actually pretty easy. Once you get old enough to stop saying you're a vampire, you just stop being a vampire. That doesn't mean you weren't a vampire before. This website is copyright 1997 to 2001. Oh, the golden age of it.
Starting point is 00:12:57 See, yep. That's why. Good. We're getting vintage otherkin here. This is my favorite thing. All right. It's time to move off this first year college course page. Let's fast forward two semesters.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Let's go to Vampire Guide 201. Get a doctorate in vampire studies. Isfahan, you're gonna bust some myths. Yeah, it's Vampire Guide 201. Also, they've really upgraded this page from the previous one for more advanced vampires
Starting point is 00:13:29 because the font is way too small to read. Unless you enlarge it. Yeah, I need the illuminated version of this. The M is just gigantic. That's how you know we're getting old. It's like, oh, this vampire site text is too small I'm surprised we're not seeing blinking text and dancing babies right now
Starting point is 00:13:50 spinning skulls I can't focus on this site without a master of puppets mini playing so Isfahan myth vampires are undead corpses basically risen from the grave and possibly even mindless zombie-esque creatures without a soul. Reality.
Starting point is 00:14:11 Nothing could be farther from the truth. That's the right use of farther, sure. Vampires are neither undead, mindless, or soulless. Vampires are born like any other baby and go through a normal childhood like any other. Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Smith. It's a vampire. It's born with a cape. I mean a normal baby.
Starting point is 00:14:30 And it's got little fangs. A little widow's peak. A super prominent, yeah. It's just the widow's peak. Nothing more. It is not until they are mature that their true nature manifests itself. And in my personal, completely unscientifically proven opinion, vampirism is not a virus or some such, but rather a difference in soul.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Therefore, they must have them. See? Oh my god. See? Science, motherfucker. It's ipso facto airtight. QED. Crossed arms, leaning back in the chair. That's what I love about old
Starting point is 00:15:07 other kids. It used to be stuff like this or it's just no it's different in the soul and I believe it and that makes it true. The end. Disapprove it. Not to go all vampire atheist on you but not having a soul is part of whether you
Starting point is 00:15:24 have a soul or not. I mean, think about it. Yeah, riddle me that, professor. Go ahead, Boots. Try me. Hit me with some more myths. Okay, myth. Vampires sleep during the day and cannot be exposed to sunlight in any form lest they burn...
Starting point is 00:15:40 Sorry, lest they burst into dramatic flames. The flames are subdued, asshole. I shall burst into flame. It's like Tony Wonder. Reality is, seriously, you think they'd be able to survive as long as they have if they had to live in caves and such? I mean, that's where vampires live. That's what the mythos is. They live in caves and such. Yes, and no living creatures have survived in caves and such i mean that's where vampires live that's what the mythos is they live in caves and such yes and no living creatures have survived in caves it's it's death traps down
Starting point is 00:16:10 there it's almost as if they don't exist that's weird anyway it's not true now many of them may demand sunglasses for any outside activities like lost boys uh since their eyes tend to be more sensitive to light that most. And if a vampire has pale skin, they'll put on sunscreen. But many vamps sport a constant healthy tan. They don't! It's a TV tan, sure.
Starting point is 00:16:39 Yeah. Uh, let's... Let's bust another myth here. Myth. Vampires are all evil, satanic, and demons. They worship evil and cause nothing but destruction. Reality is don't ever call a vampire
Starting point is 00:16:54 evil unless you want it to be the last thing you say. They cause nothing but destruction, and if you call them evil, they'll kill you. Wait. How dare you call me evil? And yes, sarcasm was intended there. Oh, too late. They hate that. What, sarcasm?
Starting point is 00:17:13 Yeah. Garlic does nothing to me. Wait, sarcasm? No! Oh, you've hurt my feelings, blah! I hope that's a myth on here. Vampire, say blah! They're not a race of demons, and they're certainly not all part of a satanic cult. Now, that having been said, I am sure that just as there are vampires of all religious backgrounds, all those Buddhist vampires,
Starting point is 00:17:44 there are some who choose to take that route, but the difference is plainly clear, semicolon. It is the individual, not the species that is evil. Alright then. I just imagined... Not sure why you're waiting for me
Starting point is 00:18:02 to say more. Dude in a cape just giving that speech and just cut to the audience. There're waiting for me to say more. Dude in a cape just giving that speech and then just cut to the audience. There's like five people there. It's like the saddest panel at a convention. His PowerPoint presentation has all the Dracula clip art. It starts with just one slow clap that fades out to no slow claps.
Starting point is 00:18:21 And then the guy turns around, damn, I thought there were more people sitting behind me than there were. Last one, myth. Vampires can be killed by a wooden stake through the heart or by decapitating them, i.e. removing their head. Yes, that's what that is. Oh, boots. Ready for the duh factor?
Starting point is 00:18:42 Anything would die if you drove a stake, wooden or not, through It Is Heart. And anything would die if you drove a stake, wouldn't or not, through It Is Heart, and anything would die if you cut off It Is Head. Sure, you could kill a vampire in those ways, but you could also kill anyone in that way, and you'd still be looking at capital M murder. Not a lot of fun,
Starting point is 00:19:00 and definitely not recommended. I'll be the judge of that. Your Honor. Yeah, and that's it for undergraduate courses for vampirism. Fortunately, we've got a graduate course here. Here's Vampire 502. That's my favorite drama. Boots is a lot like a professor in that we only talk about
Starting point is 00:19:22 maybe 20% of the stuff in class, and the rest we have to read on our own. Vampire syllabus. I drank a bunch of caffeinated blood and stayed up all night studying. Stayed up all day studying. Did we just jump to the 500 level? Yeah, we did.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Oh my gosh. We totally skipped third and fourth year. You guys are such good learners that I figured we could just get fancy through the year. We clipped those. Vampire honors class. You guys are such good learners that I figured we could just go through the courses. No, we clipped those. Yeah, I just checked it out. A vampire is D, nothing. All right. That's the answer to everything.
Starting point is 00:19:58 False. False. False. False. Yeah, there you go. So, Victor. Yes? Want to tell us a little bit about the causes of vampirism? So Victor Yes Want to tell us a little bit about the causes of vampirism
Starting point is 00:20:09 Well unfortunately No one knows the reason Or cause Of vampirism It's all just speculation and personal theory It is because it's fake Now now It generally falls into the following categories and personal theory. It is because it's fake. Now, now. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:20:25 It generally falls into the following categories, which I've attempted to give a brief overview of with the factors going for and against the theory. Cue a whole bunch of words. Bullet point genetic. Okay, so I think we already covered this one a little bit in 101 and the spiritual soul well let's go down to the third one let's yeah let's let's just skip this person obviously
Starting point is 00:20:50 doesn't know how genetics works sometimes genetics are vampire and sometimes they not sometimes vampire genetics suck you're right the vampire cells tiny they all have little tiny fangs on them like like metroids hey guys victor won first one to that joke yeah yeah congratulate victor i guess hey i don't get to play very often i gotta take the low-hanging fruit okay fair enough all right so skipping bullet point genetic because, well, duh, and skipping bullet point spiritual slash soul, let's go to bullet point parasitic slash symbiotic entity. So you're just jumping to the hard science.
Starting point is 00:21:36 Yeah, man. Well, this is graduate level, motherfucker. Here we go. This theory states that the vampiric person is actually a host to a completely separate entity. The person is fully human in soul slash spirit and genetics, but there is a secondary life form within the host body, either parasitic or symbiotic, depending on point of view. No, that's not how it works. Your homework is to read a bunch of Venom comics?
Starting point is 00:22:02 Your homework is to read a bunch of Venom comics? Look, you went to whatever, like, medical doctor place land, but these guys know their own souls. You can't just prove that. So you're saying I'm a vampire? No, I'm saying you have worms. I'm going to go drink blood right now. That's such a romantic idea. Even his tapeworms can't keep up.
Starting point is 00:22:26 They're like, Jesus, dude, slow down. Many people who uphold this theory do in fact believe the condition to be curable by the removal of the entity, though some believe it to be fatal to the host, as they are now linked. Those who offer this cure usually expect a high price for their services. Thanks, Obama. Well, now he's like assembling a mythos of, like, he's now world building. Like, these people exist.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Like, there are, you know, Van Helsing MDs walking around. All right, so the pros of this theory, this separate entity would cause drastic changes to host's body and brings on pluses and minuses, such as increased healing for the host, but a need to ingest blood. It gives you a plus five to strength, though. It's pretty good. the genetic theory by saying the DNA of the entity would be enough to alter the host body and or the entity would be able to alter directly the host DNA to bring on vampire
Starting point is 00:23:31 characteristics. You said they didn't know how genetics works. You take that back now. You are eating vampire crow right now. That's not even a sentence, so I'm not... DNA works just like battle chess. Would either? Think about it.
Starting point is 00:23:47 The two DNAs fight it out, and whichever one wins. Cons. No explanation for how this entity would come to be in a person in the first place. No, that's a why. I'm saying why. No reasoning for the age of awakening to be similarly found at late teens slash early 20s. No reason for it showing up in family lines. It doesn't show up in family lines, so that's fine.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Now, your family does have a history of vampirism, but... So you stand an increased risk of it manifesting. Your family does have a history of vampire tapeworms. Okay, what's the next theory? The next theory is bullet point damage slash missing charkas. Energy deficiencies, etc.
Starting point is 00:24:33 That's what it says, folks. That's what it says. Charkas. Someone find Charkas the vampire. He's the only one who can help us. Chark attack. No, a charka is... No, a charka is a Yeah, we need to fix him. No, a Charka is a chocolate parka.
Starting point is 00:24:46 It's great. It keeps you warm, and it's delicious. That's delicious. Now I'm cold. Just don't eat too much. Just don't wear it in the rain. Don't wear it in the sun, either. Unlike all those other parka theories. This theory states a vampiric person is born with a metaphysical disorder,
Starting point is 00:25:07 which requires supplemental sources such as blood. That's a physical source. It's not a metaphysical source. This, again, is commonly seen as curable or fixable, depending on the specifics of the theory. Some see a missing charka, while others simply see it as blocked or damaged, which can be repaired. I guess that's the word
Starting point is 00:25:28 he wanted. Where's my charka? Look it up, dumbass. Prose. Better explains the needs of psychic vampires and the constant need to pull ambient energies. Also known as attention. Can be seen as a genetic damage
Starting point is 00:25:46 which would run in family lines but might not always show up. Genetic damage I can believe in so far. That's radiation. Cons. Doesn't truly explain any commonly seen vampiric characteristics. See Vampire Guide
Starting point is 00:26:02 301. Oh crap. We clapped out of. Yeah, we clapped out of so yeah we should have clapped out totally fucked right now uh doesn't explain the need for blood ingestion doesn't explain remaining dormant until late teens early 20s doesn't really explain link within family lines doesn't offer much in the way of cause of initial contraction of blockage slash damage. So the pros and cons are exactly the same. It's so good though. It's so
Starting point is 00:26:31 delightful. Like, I just don't understand. I mean, we have to try to explain it. Why is it the 20-year-olds call themselves vampires? None of this explains it. Alright, and lastly, let's just get an overview of the last theory. So the last theory is bullet point, virus or other outside pathogen.
Starting point is 00:26:54 This theory states there is a virus or other similar biological explanation for a vampire-like disease slash condition, which is contracted somehow and which either alters the physiology of the person or causes cascading changes in some unknown ways. Retrovirus is a common term seen in connection with this theory. God damn it.
Starting point is 00:27:17 Picture needs a hug. Retrovirus is a real God damn it. Retrovirus is a word. It's a hug. Retrovirus is a real... God damn it. Retrovirus is a word. It's a word. It is a word. Yeah, doesn't a retrovirus turn your genes back to when, like, your vampire bat DNA
Starting point is 00:27:36 in your evolutionary history? It's retro. Yeah. Huh. So does that mean I'm right? victor answer me okay do vaccines cause vampirism just tell me now this this bullshit it's not even wrong it's just it's not existed enough to be wrong it's well the short answer is there's no right answer at the moment. Really?
Starting point is 00:28:07 That's weird. Yeah. I wouldn't want to commit to anything, to making any statements. Before we move off, Partax has just found a document titled, What Are Other Kins? What Are Other Kins? And she'd like me to read a few headers of just
Starting point is 00:28:26 descriptions of things that define other kin. Yeah, what are some things that are just, you know, other kin are all about? How would you know if you were an other kin? Well, they've got some common traits, including very energy and more often nature aware. But also, most
Starting point is 00:28:42 other kin do tend to have higher than average IQs. Oh, whoa. C, footnote. And C, obviously someone with a high IQ knows how to use footnotes. Being overly sensitive to the normal senses. They're emotionally moved by a S-I-T-E of beauty. A website of beauty.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Oh, yeah. Oh, I like how they say they wines from electronics easily heard, perfumes easily smelled. Yeah, I can smell a thing. I think I'm a wolf. Maybe it's like construction safety. They hear the wines from electronics. I know that's what they're going for, but I'd like to think that they just go around and say,
Starting point is 00:29:20 I can hear the microwave. I wish I wasn't a CQ cover in spirit. Which are known for their hearing. And their IQs. Empathy and or mild telepathy. Mild telepathy.
Starting point is 00:29:40 They may show up in childhood and be refreshed for a while or kept secret for years. After it rains, my telepathy flares up. I have a feeling that this person thinks I'm an asshole. You want me to go somewhere. Go away. Oh, that's what I thought. Ability to convey a thought, emotion, or need to another unspoken.
Starting point is 00:30:00 A magical ability to communicate without words. Ah, body language. That's how I know I'm a porpoise. The language of... No, the language of the body. And separation and feeling out of touch. Having a speeding or slowing of time is one of the sub points for that.
Starting point is 00:30:18 It's good to have a speeding or slowing of time. So now it's time to move off of onto a catchy site called Oh, I thought you were like it was a weird thing of like yuku.
Starting point is 00:30:37 No, it's yuku. What the hell? Anyways. This site is broken as shit, but it also says copyright 2017 yuku so image hosted by angel fire yes yeah oh yeah oh good great great memories so i guess the copyright thing just updates to whatever the current um and it's hard to tell what it is that I've linked here but it is in fact poetry toast you've got a poem your name is chlamydia online this mmo sucks
Starting point is 00:31:18 hello and welcome well thank you for signing up for Chlamydia Online. No, no, no. You've got Chlamydia. It's a new form for if Gaia Online detects that you're too old to be on the forum, they move you to Chlamydia Online. Chlamydia Online is free to contract, but you can use Chlamydia gems to unlock more Chlamydia. Okay. And your poem's titled I Need.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Yes, I need. Tags? None. Don't need them. I like the blood of I like the blood, the pain and pleasure. It flees me up with an aggie to fuck
Starting point is 00:32:06 ooh to ooh die from it. Yay! To drink and fuck it's like a bird on my arm. Filling me with happiness. Okay. Ikee.
Starting point is 00:32:23 This Chris Redfield looks up from that note and is like what the hell is that zombie pops out do you like my poem I'm not a vampire alright and toast again you've got another poem it's under a different name this time
Starting point is 00:32:44 this one has a reply. The I Need poem has a reply. Wow, that was intense. The poem was posted on February 18, 2004. Wow, that was intense was posted on July 1, 2015. Yeah. And then the person came back two weeks later to say, Cheer up.
Starting point is 00:33:04 Van Helsing already killed them! That's how intense it was. They were awestruck for 11 years. Yeah. I should point out that the section of this forum is we're in Crimson Connections, Dark Gothic, Darker Side of
Starting point is 00:33:20 Passion, Sexual Content. That's my favorite book from Amazon. So Toast, you're now drifting alone. now drifting alone i have a new poem for us i am drifting alone sexual content sexual attacks none two naked bodies held naked bodies. Two naked bodies. And a partridge fucking the pantry. One, two naked bodies. You held tight.
Starting point is 00:33:53 Held tight. Forming into one. The heat rising in the air. Indulging moans. Screams enduring the... Sting of the bite. Don't bite me, Sting enduring the sting of the bite. Don't bite me, Sting. Enjoyment of the blood. Draining from the body.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Rolling down over their breasts. Nails cutting into the skin. Teeth cut deeper into the veins. I'm reading my laundry list at this point. Pick up mail. Stop by Drag Clips. Oh, the enjoyment. Pleasure isleaf. Oh, the enjoyment. Pleasure is heightened to the release of the soul.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Lying in the darkness next to your mate. All fades the heart. Slows to a stop as if nothing has occurred. Drifting alone. Yeah. That was hot. Are you guys turned on right now? I'm super turned on.
Starting point is 00:34:48 This is the horny times happening. Yay! That same person from the other thread. This was March 31st, 2004. That same person from the other thread replied July 1st, 2015. That just went through this whole forum and just replied to all the decade-old poems. The secret login of the people to put the doc together? Oh, the habitator and the librarian?
Starting point is 00:35:13 Are they just logging in and commenting on the book? Hey, poetry lovers. Hey, poetry lovers. This is Michael Kramer. And it was very evocative, my dear. Something of a surprise ending, too. Very nice. Keep them coming.
Starting point is 00:35:23 Listen, I got a poem of my own I'd like to share with you. And it's called The Way I Like It. Just the way I like it. Oh, just the way I like it. Your hands cuffed to the ring on the headboard, high above your head, giving the curve to your shoulders and your tits a lift. Tits are hot air balloons. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:35:50 What a wordsmith. Cheerio, mate. Give your tits a lift. Cheerio. Laurie to the bobbins. Enhancing the roundness which so compliments the shape of your ass because your legs are...
Starting point is 00:36:06 Duke Nukem should not write books. Balls of steel. Where is it? Because your legs are high up. High up. Ankles fastened to the ring, which allows me to play with your pussy and the puckered hole below What do you mean? I'll get it.
Starting point is 00:36:29 It's really hot. Well, I'll explain later. At my leisure, and I know you want to come but I'll just play around with your clit with this vibrator not quite touching it as drops of sweat pour from your
Starting point is 00:36:46 forehead and breasts and thighs and your breath comes and gasps and moans and you wriggle, trying to I fucked a goofy bra by Michael Kramer.
Starting point is 00:37:02 I'm a vampire and I know it. Trying to position the hot spot closer'm a vampire and I know it. Trying to position the hot spot closer to my touch. And I will plant light little kisses up and down your slippery slits. While I keep the vibrator at your nether hole. That's a good name for a goth band Stranger Things 2 Coming this fall They took him into the nether hole
Starting point is 00:37:34 While I keep the vibrator At your nether hole Just at the edge And that last kiss Was right on your little pearl of flesh And another And another. And another. Quick and light. Again and again. Until you
Starting point is 00:37:50 shudder and you groan and the sweet flow of honey from your pussy. Oh no, get that checked out. That can't be. Bears are gonna come looking for larvae if you keep that up. Peace! Oh no! I forgot to mention that my uterus is a beehive.
Starting point is 00:38:05 I'm sorry. We attacked the queen. There's a swarm. Tells me that you have got it just the way you like it. Uh-huh, uh-huh. You know, poems are usually so layered.
Starting point is 00:38:18 I wonder what this one was about. I'm gonna find the I'm gonna find the vampire bastards who fucked up my poem. I don't know where this is going, but let's wrap up the poetry section with one called... Wait, what is that called?
Starting point is 00:38:36 Well, it's called Fill You Holy Belly. It's a hot poem. Fill you holy belly! All right, folks, head right back and I'm gonna tell you my poem. I wanna fill you holy belly. I want my wide bell head right back, and I'm going to tell you my poem. I want to fill you holy belly.
Starting point is 00:38:47 I want my wide belly to gently knock on your slimy door. Now, this is sexy. I want to push my arousal into your arousal. Slowly, slowly, slowly. I want your tightness to massage my glands. Hawk on. Oh, I wish I could play ragtime piano. Oh my God. So hot.
Starting point is 00:39:16 I wasn't sure that voice was going to work for this. You doubted. Now see here, young lady. I want to make you feel how deep you can be. I want to make you feel how stretched your insides can be. I want to move inside your body. I want to swing inside your body. I want to shape your vagina. It's made out of Play-Doh, so have at it, buddy.
Starting point is 00:39:40 I want every nerve in your vagina to feel every vein of my delight. You know what? I'm getting mixed signals here. Can you be a little more direct? I'm not sure. I love it when they play hard to get. Let me set the stage for you. I want the top of my meat to take care of the bottom of your flesh.
Starting point is 00:39:56 I want to see you shameful grins when I dive into you. I want to listen to your surprise moans when I reach the deepest zones where no man has ever been before. That was a long line there. I want to hear your groans when you realize you like it. You like it to be big. You like it to be fat and stiffed and curved up. You like it to mercilessly move into your belly. Sorry!
Starting point is 00:40:18 You like it to pump your wet walls. Rent is $300 a month. That's not what you should be fucking! You like it to pump your wet walls? You like it to wank every inch of your inter... You like it and you groan. You like it and you scream.
Starting point is 00:40:33 You are a female orgasm and I am into your orgasm. Your orgasm wanks me. What? You arch your back and you let out a long, panicked and thankful groan. You fluid squirt and my long squirts rush through me like the trains of lava that meet your fluids now you know how it feels holy good so that was from 2004 this was around the era where people
Starting point is 00:40:57 were like wait a minute we could make the sex words in our poetry form this was uh listening from ed Cantor's Lost Tapes. Oh, man. That was weird. Too hot for Victrola. So the Heavenator and Lysbiothin were helpful in giving us, as they usually do, the document in different sections. We started with instructionals,
Starting point is 00:41:24 we moved on to poetry, and now we're on classifieds. Yay. Vampires looking for love. Yes. And so here's a post called Witcher needs vampire love in LA. Hello, I'm Witcher.
Starting point is 00:41:41 I really need a vampire lover and boy fried. That's good eating. I am an earth-based witch with vamp tendencies. I want to share your body and blood. I want to trust you with my submission. I want to yearn for you body and soul. You body? You body and soul. You body?
Starting point is 00:42:05 You body and soul. I want you to hungrily nick me when I bleed. I think I'll pass, Troopy. Homestar Runner, you're freaking me out. Just chopping up vegetables. Just chopping up vegetables. Cuts your finger. It's like, oh, I cut my finger.
Starting point is 00:42:23 No, no, stop that. Stop that. Let me get the straw I'm too hungry you happen to be in Los Angeles California please come soon I'm dying okay and now so uh Portex
Starting point is 00:42:40 you're again unregistered D but you're a different person because this forum uh has a lot of broken things about it. Yeah. You know what? You're a little weird. Your post sounded like you were having an orgasm typing it. That is not a romance novel, and you don't save the details for some satyrs to replace to a decent message, you cum-kirsty, mental-spreading slut.
Starting point is 00:43:05 Stay out of Transylvania. There's a brave person to post that ten months after the OP. I know, I'm pretty brave and proud of my post. Hello, I am Raven DeSade. Greetings, Jasmine. Hello, I am Raven DeSade. Hi. Of course. Greetings, Jasmine. I am looking for sweet submissive victims to yield themselves to my pleasures. I currently reside around the location you describe.
Starting point is 00:43:43 Los Angeles, the land of the angels. I type like an asshole. Send, well, it's funny you say that, because I ask next to, send a missive to me. At raven de sod at Can you hear that? I think I can hear a woman screaming, fuck you, from all the way up. Yeah, fuck you
Starting point is 00:44:02 Dr. Frankenfarter. He just had it, whatever podcast he's recording, he just had like a Touretic outburst. Shut up! In just seven days, I'll make you a shitty website. You know, I'm going to prefer to think that it's pronounced Raven Deshade.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Raven Deshit. I need a blood operator. Go to that email of what the fuck ever at once, and we shall begin your seduction. It's already started. It's already started. Yay, the horny times
Starting point is 00:44:39 begin. Yay, yay, yay. We are going to sex so much. Oh, keep going. Oh, the sexy. The bounce, the sex all over me. Yes, can't help it. Don't stop.
Starting point is 00:44:55 Wishing you many nights of blood and fire. Raven. That is so Raven when you think about it. That is so Raven when you think about it. I wonder what Raven Deshade's other post was. Oh, and, uh, and, uh, Portex. This is my third person. You're another different person named Unregistered D. Unregistered D.
Starting point is 00:45:20 Hello! Hello! I just wanted to put my two cents in about this Whopper. Mm-mm, them's good eating. Delicious. You are really fucked of human being if you think that, why don't you do us all a favor and jump off a bridge, you're sick and demented. Mm-mm-mm.
Starting point is 00:45:39 Mm-mm-mm. Mm-mm-mm. Mm-mm-mm. How did that person even find their way into this forum? Sweetums is very good at the internet. I feel like this is a pretty niche thing. Like, if you're talking about vampire sex, it's not like you're Googling, you know, how to go fishing. I Googled vampire sex!
Starting point is 00:45:58 It brings me joy! Okay, then. As you were, sir. Speaking of screaming. I am SSJ the Goku Primal my lady I am known as
Starting point is 00:46:10 Kane I am a Sanger in Wiccan Vampire and I am 19 if you are wanting to talk more please email me
Starting point is 00:46:20 at that email address I will be awaiting your email. By the way, I love blood as well. And I'm in currently, but I'm going to UCLA. So this anime nerd was like,
Starting point is 00:46:37 there's a hoiny girl somewhere in the city. Hey, it's a numbers game and you only need one. Alright, I am sang v 106 i am 17 male how do you all type at the same time you know what it's kind of like having like the kids in the trench coat only it's 17 guys like all on top of each other trying to fuck a giraffe, I guess. I don't know. A sanguinarian vampire looking for a lover in L.A. as well.
Starting point is 00:47:09 So sanguinarian... Sanguinarian vampire... No, that's like the traditional blood-drinking vampire. Yeah, sanguinarian vampires is just the people they're... Not a psychic vampire. Yeah, they're the ones that are like, oh, no, you have to donate blood to me because... Or a Doritos vampire.
Starting point is 00:47:26 And when you... I suck all the orange out. When you spell vampire that way, you're constantly on fire. Ah, give me blood! Anyway, I'm looking for a lover in LA as well. I know I may seem young, but am quite mature for my age. Oh, you sweetie. Please respond. That's not the problem.
Starting point is 00:47:49 The problem is you're young. Although Sangby106 did put his actual picture in as his avatar. Oh, good. There is no age of consent for drinking blood. There's never consent for drinking blood. There's never consent for drinking blood.
Starting point is 00:48:06 Okay, so another classified ad here. I'm a pretentious guy. Boots guy. I always wanted to say something, but I just fell over being Boots. And I posted this 16 years ago. Oh, man. 2001. We're getting so good.
Starting point is 00:48:25 So good. Okay. Vamp in Ohio seeks your menses. Oh, man, 2001. We're getting so good. So good. Okay. Vamp in Ohio seeks your menses. You know what? No, I changed my mind. Not so good. Back up. Oh, no, the creepy hole again. They didn't talk about this in Vampire College.
Starting point is 00:48:39 Is he looking for a mensa club to sign up? Oh, let's call him Jimmy. Sweet, beautiful Jimmy Franks. You sweet summer child. I seek to drink your Mensis and teach you a new lifestyle. At the same time, I'm sure. No.
Starting point is 00:48:56 Come to me and we shall learn together. Body, mind, spirit, and soul. And Mensis. I will extinguish your desires. Now that part's true. Yeah, that's just gonna happen. When you take one look at me, I will extinguish your desires.
Starting point is 00:49:15 Yeah, that's a buff aura I have. And poof, your libido is gone. Perhaps you will be the teacher. I do not know at all. I've always desired to learn more. Boots read it wrong, but he got it right. Yeah. This is
Starting point is 00:49:35 Tanya24. Well, I don't know where to begin. I'm not a vampire, but I've been interested in them since I first started having dreams about one that was 11 years ago i'm 24 now the dream stopped for a while recently i've started again and my dream there is a man and i don't know if i'm scared of him or intrigued but no matter what i do he is there and sometimes i want to run away but i can't but um I can never dream to be a blah
Starting point is 00:50:06 to remember what he looks like the change is already happening I can never seem to be a blah to remember what he looks like no matter how hard I try so since the dream started up again I've been reading a lot more about vampires in fact that's all I can do it's like nothing else is important so here I sit hoping to find an explanation of it all. I have also studied Wicca slash witchcraft for many years. I can't seem to find an answer there either. So now I turn to you. She goes to her coven and they're like, you idiot.
Starting point is 00:50:39 Vampires don't exist. I find passion in everything and I'm always looking for something more. I would love to be able to speak with you. Hopefully you can put out the flame for a man I am both scared of and Integred by.
Starting point is 00:50:57 This is the worst threat. Like a lot of people say, oh, you know, I don't know much about magic and wicked vampires and dragons and stuff, but can someone teach me? This is the worst thread to jump in and ask that about. Yeah. Well, I mean, maybe it wasn't done. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:51:18 I just like that he posted this. This guy posted this gross thing, and Tanya's like, I'm just going to post a bunch of aimless bullshit. It's like, all right, cool. I am also horny. That was Tanya24's only post. Well, it must have worked out. They're now married with seven vampire children. They have a bunch of little baby vampires running around.
Starting point is 00:51:39 Flying around. Flying. It's blood in a baby bottle. You know, it's cute. Okay, so the Havadator and Liz Bytham have really over-provided us this. This document is enormous
Starting point is 00:51:57 and everything I found in it is amazing. I highly recommend checking it out on the website. On the website. And seeing what we missed because there's a lot of really good stuff that we're skipping. is amazing. I highly recommend checking it out on and seeing what we missed because there's a lot of really good stuff that we're skipping. So we're
Starting point is 00:52:12 going to have to move off of the classified ads into this section of the document. This intro is so nice. It's so vintage. It's so good. Yeah. Do you want to take it, Bartekson?
Starting point is 00:52:28 I mean, this is pretty long. This is a section called Vampires are Serious Business. Vampires are serious business. Yeah, it's a... So, yeah, we've now moved on to, which its header is for real vampires. Yes. For real vampires. Yes.
Starting point is 00:52:47 For real vampires. And my Chrome is saying it's not secure. And yeah, I agree with you, Chrome. You got it on the money. So vampires are serious business. I imagine being a bumper sticker with a Yosemite Sam. FYI. And this site at the bottom of it is copyright 1997. Yeah, and this was posted in 1998 on December 29th by Sanguinarious E. Sanguinarious.
Starting point is 00:53:12 Well, I say, my name is Sanguinarious E. Sanguinarious. I think I got a spam email from him. That might be the ghostwriter because there's another by. Sarah Dorrance, number seven, Steelhooks. Sorry, Sarah Dorrance. So,, Steelhooks. Sorry, Sarah Dorrance. So, yeah, just start into this. So this is the how to feed properly post. Sanguinarious note.
Starting point is 00:53:35 Now, this is so great. So anyone who wants a peek into what the internet was like in 1998, here we go. Yes. The following article is not intended for children. Those who are close-minded are those who are easily offended. If you are one of these, please press your back button now. I don't wish to corrupt or offend you. And if you're a kid who has got this far, that means you lied when you clicked OK on my little precautionary pop-up screen.
Starting point is 00:54:00 Scram! I don't want your angry parents screaming down my throat because you lied to get here is that how screaming works? I'm feeling such a strange form of nostalgia right now it's so good it needs animated fire gif background and comic sans
Starting point is 00:54:19 little shitty cgi email that flies out of a mailbox it needs the site, the hit counter with the sleeping dragon next to it that's breathing the fire. The cool vampire site of the day, WebRing. Yes. Homer eating a sandwich.
Starting point is 00:54:36 This was originally posted on the Real Vampires e-list. On the group Real Vampires. Oh, Jesus. Alright, let's just get to the methods of withdrawal. Sorry. Ah, Real Vampires. Stop remembering 2001
Starting point is 00:54:56 and start reading. Methods of withdrawal. Number one, biting. Yeah, people told me I bite all the time, and they were right. Not the safest or most painless way to obtain blood. It can be very sensual to receive a hickey. Less sensual to give it if you are trying to get blood through the skin.
Starting point is 00:55:16 You end up sucking so hard that you give yourself tongue burn. Tongue burn? Tongue burn. Tongue burn. That's the worst case of tongue burn I ever seen. Breaking the skin, however, hurts. Victor, can you confirm? Sometimes.
Starting point is 00:55:36 If you are going to use this method, make sure you have used mouthwash beforehand to minimize germs. I used to recommend brushing the teeth, but this can often cause bleeding gums. No, if you do... If you brush your teeth regularly, your gums don't bleed. Well, see, regularly was not in the sentence, so
Starting point is 00:55:59 you've made an assumption there. So never brush your teeth. Well, you made an open wound with your mouth on my neck, but now that open wound is filled with mouthwash, and that feels great, so thanks. To be fair, we've skipped a lot of stuff in this doc, so it's possible that there was an instruction that told vampires that they need to
Starting point is 00:56:16 brush their teeth with, like, testing cleaners. And that makes swallowing blood very unsafe. Swallowing other people's blood is unsafe. Indeed. Keep a first aid kit handy. The best way to bite someone is in the middle of sex. That's the best one.
Starting point is 00:56:38 That's when the blood is the ripest. In the middle of sex while smoking a joint and wearing your hat backwards. For those of you playing at home, don't actually do that. Eating a pizza slice. What, putting your hat backwards? Yes. Yes, do not. Or sexual foreplay.
Starting point is 00:56:57 You get a higher endorphin count and your donor will not notice the pain as much. You know what? No, I think that's wrong. Oh, I feel so good right now. Ah, Jesus! I notice this pain. Endorphin, high score. The neck is the most easily accessed place, and it is very sensitive, but the thighs are more practical in that they can be covered and are at least as sensitive as the neck.
Starting point is 00:57:22 and are at least as sensitive as the neck. If your donor has breasts, which male or female they probably do, they can be a good target area as well. I mean, it works for KFC, why not people? Yeah. That's the way I live my life. Although I don't recommend biting the nipple hard enough to draw blood. Well, thanks.
Starting point is 00:57:43 Good. Go slow and gradually build up sensation. Then after you're done with feeding, and sex as this is in the middle of sexual activity, clean up with a local antiseptic. Don't import that shit. That's not...
Starting point is 00:58:02 Okay. I know, shut up! This character is not very smart, Boots... Okay. I know, shut up. This character is not very smart, dudes. Okay. I just like to picture, like, just this... The person in this just, like, slowly, like, kissing up the leg, and then suddenly, Alright, we're at the thigh. Alright, now just read two more sentences. You won't get much more than a few drops this way.
Starting point is 00:58:25 Wow. Wow. Good. Well, I guess if you don't ever brush your teeth and you only got two teeth left, probably. Okay, no, this is medical science. If you place your hickey on the carotid artery, you'll get a large amount of energy. And you may also cause your partner to slowly asphyxiate. No. That's gonna be awesome
Starting point is 00:58:50 and you might kill somebody. That's not how this works. Look, the carotid artery has the most carrots in it. So it's healthy. It carries oxygen to the lungs. It carries energy to the lungs. It carries energy to the charka. energy to the lungs. It carries energy to the
Starting point is 00:59:05 charka. You can tell they're asphyxiating if you hear a slight hiss. Hey, Toast, tell us a little bit about Method 2. Method 2 is cutting. Oh, man. It's 2001, so its edge is everywhere.
Starting point is 00:59:25 Or, sorry, 1998. Edges everywhere. You'll buy the whole razor. That's it. And then you'll use it. Use a very sharp knife. A lancet. Is that a thing?
Starting point is 00:59:38 Okay. Yeah, yeah. Okay. All right. A scalpel, or possibly a very sharp razor. There we go. Do not use a dull implement or an exacto knife. It's a spoon,
Starting point is 00:59:49 it'll hurt more. This hurts! This website hurts! Is this a Thieves reference? I hate this website. It hurts. The sharper the blade, the better. Be careful not to cut any actual veins or arteries,
Starting point is 01:00:05 because we're not going for blood here, I guess. You don't need a whole pint of blood, and you don't want to have to clean up the mess that spurting blood invariably causes. Also the extreme danger. What do you mean? That spurting blood invariably causes. Yeah!
Starting point is 01:00:18 Whatever. We just bit somebody in the carotid artery, but... I need to clean up all this blood, but I think I just need to sit down for a while first. Many vampires think they need a lot more blood than they do. Esp when hungry. Yeah, you know, it's all about portion control. Just use a small blood. It's like Weight Watchers for fat vampires.
Starting point is 01:00:41 How many blood points is this? Vladdy Craig. That's what I got. Five out of ten. I lost weight using this one weird trick. Drinking blood. That is a weird trick. Our eyes are bigger than our stomachs. We're drawn by
Starting point is 01:01:02 DeviantArt. Visualize the spurting jets As you drain your victim of energy But keep it on the astral level Am I right guys? Let's keep it on the astral level Oh the bullshit level Alright I'm turning my chair around I'm sitting down Let's keep it on the astral level okay That's so great though
Starting point is 01:01:23 Astral that was a big thing. Yay! Your physical body is just going to excrete the stuff anyways, mostly undigested. Undigested. Excuse me. That's a medical fact. Medical fact.
Starting point is 01:01:39 Somebody check on Victor. He's side. Like something's gone wrong with him. He's asphyxiating. He may have passed out. He's side. Like something's going wrong with him. He's asphyxiating. He may have passed out. He's losing energy. You're feeding off the release of the energy, and a little cut will work just as well. Again.
Starting point is 01:01:55 No, Doctor, the blood in my stool is just because I drank a lot of blood. Again, the best way to get a lot of energy is if this is part of erotic play. Again, the best way to get a lot of energy is if this is part of erotic play. If you practice SM fear, may be very well part of desire, especially if your donor is afraid of blades. I have no idea what that means. It's because if you practice sadomaticism, then fear might be part of it. Yeah, if you put a comma after the SM. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:02:24 Okay, yeah, I see it it now okay um so let's just skip forward to number three uh well actually i do want to say one thing okay yeah avoid vital organ areas that's it oh yeah that's just good like the carotid artery only bite the gallbladder and their appendix you know i got that i just got that in a fortune cookie recently oh lady can I eat your tonsils? It's so hot. Let me get your appendix. Isfahan, what's method number
Starting point is 01:02:53 three? Alright, now we're gonna move into the sweet science here, jabbing. Jabbing. You gotta drink the blood, right? As in pins and needles. Oh. If you get into piercing at all, this is a great way to get little
Starting point is 01:03:09 tiny amounts of blood, sometimes more if you have hit the capillary. That's not how you spell capillary, but okay. Capillary. Capillary, yes. If you know how to do venipuncture, even better, because you can remove vials of blood this way, and
Starting point is 01:03:25 surgical needles don't hurt very much. However, if you are not a trained phlebotomist, don't do it. Great reason to take night school courses in medical assisting. Wouldn't they suspect something if a dude in a cave came to your
Starting point is 01:03:41 night school courses? The price of these textbooks is bullshit. The safest way for the amateur to get blood is with the use of a soft-touch device. Thanks for pointing this out to me, Thomas Inns. You're welcome. It's how diabetics
Starting point is 01:04:01 monitor their blood sugar. It's pretty idiotic. Those diabetics monitor their blood sugar. It's pretty idiotic. Those diabetics are morons. We'll just see about that. I smell a challenge. I don't find them very erotic, but they have their uses. What, diabetics? Idiots.
Starting point is 01:04:23 I'm going to tell you about number four. Okay. I'm going to tell you about number four okay I'm going to tell you about number four here lay it on me yeah whipping if you have a masochistic donor you must whip it if you have a masochistic donor you must whip it
Starting point is 01:04:39 now whip it drink some blood make a website be really dumb Now whip it. Drink some blood. Make a website. Be really dumb. Dung, dung, dung, dung, dung. Drink that blood. Wow.
Starting point is 01:04:56 Wow. Rest upon guessing. No, it is not. That horse is dead, but boy, we're just gonna... It's a vampire horse that came back to life! Oh, Victor, what are we gonna do to that horse that horse is dead but boy we're just gonna it's a vampire horse that came back to life oh victor what are we gonna do to that horse yeah okay you're not listening to the devo cast peekaboo keep whipping that horse fuckers uh whipping's one of the best ways to get lots and lots of endorphins and energy release. You'll tire yourself out a little, but energy will be more than replaced if the scene goes well.
Starting point is 01:05:30 Discussion of whipping techniques and ways to make an SM scene great have taken up entire books, so I'll just restrict myself to how to draw blood. Use a rubber whip, or a braided cat with steel tips at the end, or possibly a cane, or a really vicious crop. Or just a statue, or braided cat with steel tips at the end, or possibly a cane, or really vicious crop. Or just a statue, or a table leg.
Starting point is 01:05:52 I'm sure Ispon's got a list of things that you can beat someone to death with. Well, I know one thing that wouldn't make it. These are by far the nastiest of the common toys. Signal whips are also pretty efficient. Signal whips? Signal whip. Usually inspires terror in the heart of even the stoutest of bottoms. They make the rock and roll go, Rowdy.
Starting point is 01:06:16 I think a lot of the people on this website have the stoutest of bottoms. I just know what that means. Tonto, what is that whip saying on the horizon just a reminder to listeners of the podcast yeah we know what bottoms are excuse me you got it wrong look I'm a vampire
Starting point is 01:06:35 from 1998 and you got my entire we're making jokes I don't understand what on a podcast a joke podcast with jokes so you'll get some adrenaline out of it, too. Signal whips were originally designed to motivate sled dogs by making a really scary noise. So that's hot. It's pretty hot.
Starting point is 01:06:57 Oh, yeah. Number five, Victor. Do you have to yell mush? Oh, God. Yes, Victor. Yes, number five. Picking scabs is gross. Indeed.
Starting point is 01:07:12 I am sure there are some people out there who do this. My only response to this is, yuck. That's my only response. Did you say yuck? Yuck. Okay. Okay. It didn't come across, so we were all just reading.
Starting point is 01:07:35 Oh, my God. This guy's comedy timing is amazing. I'm on the edge of my seat. What's his response? Wait for it. Sorry. It didn't sound to me, but maybe the laryngitis dropped it out right there. I'm picturing all of us just leaning forward at our monitors. Sometimes Discord drops a syllable.
Starting point is 01:07:54 Putting our fists under our chins. So now Discord is good comic timing. So good. And Jimmy Frank's number six. Animal blood. so good and uh jimmy frank's number six animal blood if you're a city dweller and you don't like the idea of bleeding your pets i don't know i don't know the assumption that someone does damn city slickers yeah just pull your budgie out of the cage and chop his head off and just drink it like a damn go-go i don't like like that. I don't like it. I don't like it. Listen, listen.
Starting point is 01:08:28 You know, if you don't like bleeding your pets, your best bet is to eat really juicy, rare steaks, which are not always the best thing for your health. There is a slight risk of food poisoning. Drinking the blood from the package is not only dangerous, it's also really gross. I don't recommend it. Beef, it's what's for dinner. Keep going. Oh, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:08:58 I was taking a drink of my booze. You need blood. Blood. Blood. Blah. if you if you live in the country and can slaughter or drain your own livestock more power to you fucking leather face angry accounts right yeah uh you set up a beer bong underneath the neck you can get a lot more blood this way if you need volume and you can be sure of where it came from which as its health merits well it doesn't it came from
Starting point is 01:09:25 an animal yeah hunting is an even better way to get lots of animal blood and and i personally think it is more ethical to hunt your dinner than it is to buy from a factory farm red dawn is one of my favorite movies I prefer human blood myself And that is safe and that's not gross Does that mean he hunts people? Blood Probably It is the most dangerous game
Starting point is 01:09:55 The most dangerous game And the last one is Master of Blood Oh of course Wait a minute what about feeding on your own blood? Like a perpetual motion machine. Oh, yeah. Portax, tell us about feeding on your own blood. We can't leave that out.
Starting point is 01:10:14 Yeah, yeah. It's a contradiction in terms. If you crave blood, not energy, you don't have much to lose, but you'll expend energy by cutting yourself. Science. On the other hand, if it's only blood you want, go for it! Go for it, dude! At least this way you are assured of a regular donor,
Starting point is 01:10:36 even though it's your own fucking blood, it doesn't really make any fucking sense, but that's fine. You know, it's often been said, but he who is his own blood donor has a fool for a client. It's like vampire masturbation at that point. Vampsturbation. Vampsturbation. There you go. Blah, blah, blah, blah. And so the last thing in this episode we're going to cover are a couple of book reviews.
Starting point is 01:10:59 We're going to go to the Amazon store for this. Ooh. And the first book here is called The Ethical Psychic Vampire by Raven Caldera. Okay, product description. If you've ever felt that your energy or life force was being continually drained by someone, especially if it was someone you loved,
Starting point is 01:11:18 then you probably should have given them this book. This is the definitive guide to psychic vampires with exercises and advice to help them learn to control with exercises and advice to help them learn control and compassion and get their needs met in ethical ways from coping with vampire children to dealing with your vampire lover this book covers it all in straightforward anonymous tiger god damn it it's not me all in straightforward anonymous tiger damn it it's not me all in straightforward style um and so uh michelle bellinger that's going to be victor uh so this my review is uh entitled a balanced and insightful resource five out of five stars as an author on psychic vampirism myself i know the challenges of tackling this
Starting point is 01:12:07 complex and controversial subject matter especially when writing from a point of view sympathetic to the vampire raven caldera attacks the topic head-on daring to delve into territory that many others have shied away from. Caldera, an author who has established himself as someone who does not flinch away from touchy subjects and cultural taboos, brings his usual clear, sensible, and sometimes
Starting point is 01:12:38 blunt style to the table, offering practical wisdom for those individuals who are struggling to come to terms with their psychic vampirism. Very difficult. In a community that is often rife with politics, Caldera takes no sides, instead presenting the material simply as he has observed and experienced it for himself. I'm not racist, but psychic vampires are like this.
Starting point is 01:13:01 himself. I'm not racist, but psychic vampires are like this. He supplements his own research and insights into the vampiric condition with interviews with other psychic vampires, some of them fairly well-known. Oh, really? Jim Bob, Fred,
Starting point is 01:13:17 Gomer Goopies. Yeah, like Steve Harvey. You can't suck that blood. You can't do that on television. So that's what happened in last year's Miss Universe. An added bonus is that these are vampires who themselves are known to have radically different approaches to the topic. And so the reader gets a full spectrum view on values, practices, and personal experiences.
Starting point is 01:13:43 I wonder if they agree on the color of the emperor's clothes at any point. What I liked best about this work is the fact that Caldera does not brush under the rug topics like sexuality, blood drinking, and even parenting. Oh my gosh. and magical aspects of being a psychic vampire are adequately served, but the practical day-to-day concerns are also given their due. Do they talk about
Starting point is 01:14:11 the psychic vampire Linda from HR? Am I right? LOL. I'm sorry, Victor. That word was pronounced McGickle. McGickle. I tried to put a lot of emphasis on the CK, but it didn't work. The McGickle. I tried to put a lot of emphasis on the CK, but it didn't work. The McGickle.
Starting point is 01:14:29 McGickle. The McGickle. In all, this is a balanced and coherent text, one I will be recommending to my own readers as a must-have for their shows. And Jimmy Franks, you're a vampire owl. I am. Raven's book has been an amazing source of inspiration to me. And as someone who had many questions, this book helped me find the answers, smiley face.
Starting point is 01:14:52 I would definitely recommend it to those who need answers to those burning questions. Cheers! And toast, Elizabeth Vongvisith. I am Elizabeth Vongvisith. I am Elizabeth Vongvisith. And the title of my review is, Actually... Ah, technically, psychic vampires are real. Doesn't make you a vampire.
Starting point is 01:15:17 I can't believe it. That's not part of the vampire mythos. What are you talking about? Well, actually... Worst vampire ever. Previous reviewers who have complained that there is no bibliography or citations should note that the author states repeatedly
Starting point is 01:15:32 throughout the book that everything except the quotes from other people he writes about is drawn from his own personal experience as a psychic vampire and a shaman. You were supposed to cite quotes. A shaman. Oh were supposed to cite quotes. A shaman. Oh, I'm sorry, shamans don't have...
Starting point is 01:15:49 Are you adjusting your hat as you're reviewing this book? Shaman summon quotes. Ms. Shaman. This is not an academic treatise or a theoretical guide. This is a book by someone who has found out through trial and error, how to control his own vampiric tendencies,
Starting point is 01:16:08 and who gives good, thoughtful advice about how to deal with such tendencies in oneself or one's child in an ethical and non-abusive way. There is no bibliography or references because the author's primary source was himself and those whom he interviewed. Oh, no shit.
Starting point is 01:16:27 The bibliography is just me! Vampires are real. Source me. I'm a vampire. The end. That being said, I am not a psychic vampire myself, but I do deal with energy work quite a bit.
Starting point is 01:16:44 Sometimes I get up. And I think anybody who does as well should probably read this book. Even if you yourself are not a vampire, whether you're a magician, witch, shaman, or whatever. Oh, I'm a cleric. Then fuck right off!
Starting point is 01:17:01 I thought you were a felon. Fucking clerics? God damn it. We needed a tank for the raid, asshole. You're probably going to run into one of these folks at some point, if you haven't already. Most of them probably aren't even aware of what they're doing. Rather than shunning them and screeching about how evil they are, why not show them this book?
Starting point is 01:17:27 And try to help them understand themselves better. Hmm? It can't hurt to be accepting and understanding if you're in a position to help someone. Mom. Alright, and we're going a little bit long, but I just want to do one more review.
Starting point is 01:17:44 And this is from a book titled a little bit long, but I just want to do one more review. And this is from a book titled... I'm not going to read the description of the book. It's just the book is titled Vampires Today, The Truth About Modern Vampirism by Joseph P. Laycock. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Joseph.
Starting point is 01:18:00 Hey, Beavis. Lay. Good one. He said P.. Lay. Good one. He said pee. It was a good one. Okay, and this review is titled, Intellect Rising by Kiera. Five out of five stars.
Starting point is 01:18:18 In a world of soundbites and sensationalism, Joseph Laycock is a shining star in true journalistic integrity, as well as sincere research and presentation. paranormal fiction and its sub-genre paranormal romance novels have become the fast food of book cheap easy to obtain and leave you hungry only hours after a meal vampires today is a real meat is realresearched and unbiased, Vampires Today truly investigates the roots of the vampire-slash-vampire community in all its myriad facets. Laycock uses a wealth of historical resources, articles, and quotes to amazing results.
Starting point is 01:18:59 This should be the resource for anyone who wants to delve into the reality of modern vampires rather than being blitzkrieg by the flash in the pan of the media's vampire flavor of the month. Ah, yes. Don't listen to Fox News' take on vampires. I'm not sure which part of the phrase reality of modern vampires I have the most problem with. Conjunctions piss you off, don't they, Jim Francis? God damn it! Conjunction! Conjunction! Alright, so F+, what do you think we learned today? Vampires? I learned that
Starting point is 01:19:32 the country is full of vampires. The internet in 1998 was a magical place. It was! It makes me so happy! Old school everykin just make me so giddy and happy. There is something very carefree about all this stuff. This was back in the time where if you were to say, oh, I'm a vampire, I'm a griffin, I'm a dragon, whatever,
Starting point is 01:19:58 then you had to then explain, well, then why are you in a human body? explain, well then why are you in a human body? So there would always be this backstory of, oh, maybe the genetics of the blood of that cow that I ate turned me into a vampire. Sure. Which is way more explanation than you get these days, because these
Starting point is 01:20:15 days people will just say, no, I am a vampire because I am. That's the end of it. And if you say that I'm wrong, then you're gaslighting me and you're an asshole. Astral. Astral. Yeah, that's true. It's neat how it's fun to read something
Starting point is 01:20:34 from that time, because now, if somebody says I'm a vampire in real life, then there's like, what, five million communities saying oh, me too, let's talk and let's get together and you know, da-da. And back then it was like I'm a vampire in real life, and there ain't shit on the web on the internet about it all right i guess i gotta write up an faq and so they have to become these uh these yeah these self-made resources for hey here's why i like the blood yeah this is an origin story and this is like
Starting point is 01:21:01 they haven't even figured out the origin story yet it's they're they're just scribbling down some notes on the back of their trapper keeper only it's the internet it's i i'll like what i've learned is that everything that i did learn about vampires from the movie fright night is total bullshit and i want my money back um i learned that just by checking out the vampire guides on Drink Deeply and Dream, it actually goes up to vampire guide 801. Surviving the Day and Corporate World, Tips, Suggestions, and Techniques. So is that the 800 level? Is that where you get your BHD or your blah HD?
Starting point is 01:21:42 Yeah. Come on. blah yeah and uh yeah if you uh I just killed the end of the episode oh my god
Starting point is 01:21:55 you're an episode vampire you put a wooden stake right through his heart he had to climb back into his chair so he could keep talking. It was so funny. We all had to mute our mics because we were laughing so hard. It sounds, listen audience, it sounded like an awkward silence. But I guarantee you, we were slapping knees left and right.
Starting point is 01:22:19 Everybody's audio was clipping so hard. It was a mess. We were just la-mow, just la-mow left and right. And if you want to go to a place where bad jokes take the air out of the room, you should go to Ball Pitch. Also buy stickers. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:22:35 Stickers. Only a woman can make himself Pure in heart Who will offer himself To master the truth This should begin
Starting point is 01:22:57 without the sound In the room tonight. Yeah. I was about to do. Hey, F+. Oh, God, we've gone back in time. We're just like, oh, man, Lemon's job is so easy. I bet we could do it. Now we're all Donald Trump tonight.
Starting point is 01:23:21 It's the thing. I hosted two weeks ago. I should be okay with this.

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