The F Plus - 324: I'm Not Touching You

Episode Date: June 19, 2020

The Psi Wiki is an encylcopedia devoted to the art of pisonics, which takes great pains to make sure that all the information is completely accurate. So with that said, let's learn how to time tr...avel. This week, Venmo @TheFPlus and we'll tell you what your Radionic Box does.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Psy. Wiki. Psy. Wiki. It cannot be! The F PlusPlus Podcast! Terrible things! Spread with enthusiasm! In the room tonight we have Boots Reingear. Claws with biokinesis. Is it possible to get maybe metal claws that come out from our hand or knuckles like Wolverine does? If it's possible, has anyone tried it? Or healing factor?
Starting point is 00:00:39 Nutshell Gulag! How to fill the water, how to taste the lemon, how to smell the lemon. Please answer me please i beg you victor laszlo gnosis is a lapse in the mind that allows the subconscious magical mind to fully function the state is normally achieved by exhaustion or orgasm achilles heelies is it possible to use the same powers from Naruto? For the first time on this podcast, let's welcome our own Linda Sanguinary Novel. The problem I have with roleplaying and trolling in psionic slash magick occult communities is that true seekiners like me, you, and etc. have to suffer from it
Starting point is 00:01:20 and have to search very, very long for some authentic and serious information. And lemon. So chaos magic is magic where you misspell words? Ha ha ha! Chaos! Hey, F+. I see spook and torture. A part of the scenes. Like some dearly departed miracle worker. Hey, F+. Hey, Lemon. Hey, Lemon.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Hey, Lemon. Hey, folks. Are you feeling positive this evening? Not really. Strangely? Yeah. Two more beers and I will be. You'll get there.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Getting there. You'll get there. Are you feeling powerful this evening? Always. Boy, am I will be. You'll get there. Are you feeling powerful this evening? Boy, am I. Two more beers and I'll get there. I want some of that beer. It's good beer. Well, I have a method
Starting point is 00:02:18 that I think will help you attain your godhead. Like, achieve true power. This is a fairly recent document by F plus document submission standards, a fairly recent document given to us by spooks. And I am excited about it. It is called Psy Wiki has 99 pages, which was true when he submitted it. It is now up to 107. So we're going to go to what I just found out is now
Starting point is 00:02:54 It used to be, now it's And we're going to get into the fandom of metaphysicals. I will say, welcome to the PsyWiki. You are heartily welcome to PsyWiki. You are heartily welcome to SciWiki, an encyclopedia devoted to the art of psionics, the paranormal and the metaphysical. Anyone is welcome to contribute, and it is
Starting point is 00:03:14 greatly appreciated. Please try to ensure that any contributions are accurate. We want all our users to have the best time possible and not be disappointed by unclear or incorrect information. You know. Incorrect information about
Starting point is 00:03:29 magic powers that you harness with your mind. So let's go and read some of these rules here. Hey, Boots, what are some of the policies? The policies of the side. Great. We get to go over the fundamental rules What are some of the policies, the policies of the Psyche? Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Great. We get to go over sort of the fundamental rules, the legalese of sorts. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The open graph image is just a no sign. You've got to have good rules for your magical realism novel, so this is good. Well, that's true. You've got to keep them grounded. We're just going to jump right into the sexy stuff right now. Policies.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Above all, this is a website about psionics. As such, energy-related topics take precedence above other topic discussions in the chat room. Should a topic come up that is related to psionics, please take other discussions to a private message. So nobody will talk about boners. That's what we can assume. Nobody will talk about boners. Ah, probably not. You'd like to assume that, but no.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Boner-free zone. Respect other members and their personal beliefs, even if they are different from your own, especially regarding religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc. Internet on challenge mode. Discussion of excessive alcohol or illegal drug use will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to
Starting point is 00:04:47 No psychedelics? Yeah. Discussion about someone being high, purchasing drugs, doing drugs, mentioning illegal substances, or anything related thereof. I'm out of here. I'm going to Erwin. That's fair enough. A discussion of
Starting point is 00:05:03 the legality of illegal substances may be allowed only if the use of such substances is not included. What? What? This is not a role-playing site. Using slash me excessively is not permitted.
Starting point is 00:05:19 That's good because psionics in D&D sucks. Wow, wow, standards. If you would like to role play, PM the person you would like to role play with. Advertisement of other online energy community, OEC, websites without the consent of staff is not allowed. It's a monopoly.
Starting point is 00:05:44 Members who wish to create a page must make a blog first and then contact staff to have it reviewed. Anything over PG-13 asterisk will not be tolerated. So I got to get on Squarespace, make my blog, contact staff, and have it reviewed? There's a whole bunch more text. There's a very exhaustive explanation as to we're going to skip down. There's a lot of comments. There's a very exhaustive explanation as to what PG-13 means. There sure is. There sure is.
Starting point is 00:06:10 But we're just going to infer. There's a whole lot of comments. The first one here by Psych James. Psych James. I will respect these rules and honor this site. Yo, what up? I'm Alexander Too Cool. I think it's stupid this is a wiki
Starting point is 00:06:28 where people talk and see and read. Also, react, shirk. But the admins can take a comment about them and block and ban dust, but sometimes when they say anything about us, we can't ban them. That's not quit. Not fair, is it? Oh, my psionic powers are too powerful
Starting point is 00:06:49 that's what makes you too cool uh and then uh nutshell you're truly unknown um you must have forgot when you threatened to use black magic on that same admin, and you were talking about how you made another person who messed with you murder themselves? Your words, not mine. That's because I'm too cool. Hey, Achilles. We're going to go to the FAQ, and I just have a couple questions for you.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Is that all right? Yeah. Just a couple questions about this. Sounds like a great community. I want to be a part of it. Great. So just a couple questions about this sounds like a great community i want to be a part of it great um so just a couple couple questions um can anyone learn these things can i become a scion anyone who is willing to practice can learn psionics okay how much time does it take to develop and gain an ability well like in every normal skill it depends on how every person puts work and effort on it. And or how is the person is capable of developing it
Starting point is 00:07:50 and how long for him slash her takes to gain in. For one, it could take a day. Dear. Sorry. For one, it could take a day. For the other, weeks slash months for the third hyphen year. Please don't psionic and talk at the same time. Just do one or the other.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Can we use these abilities in physical combat? Okay. Can we? May we, mother? May we, Mother? Somewhat. Although, energy is non-physical and does not directly affect the physical plane. What?
Starting point is 00:08:32 Okay. What? It can still happen if done correctly. Sir Isaac Newton would beg to differ. Well, Sir Isaac Newton got killed by psionic assassins. He knew too much. Yeah. There is also something called sparring, which is a type of
Starting point is 00:08:52 psychic combat. Woo! It does not usually affect anything physical, but it's a good way to learn energy manipulation while having fun. You can also use it for self-defense in physical realm. Two people standing in a field screaming,
Starting point is 00:09:08 I'm not touching you. That's why all the DBZ people were in a field. You can, creating force field or redirecting one's hatred energy back to discourage one from starting a riot slash fight do i need to worry about running out of energy uh in short no although energy is non-physical it does not directly affect the oh sorry wrong thing in short no energy to use while creating constructs or maybe an energy comes from your energy body and is replenished over time. I need to feed my Barbie Tulpa. You can use energy from
Starting point is 00:09:50 a different source, like energy that's all around you called ambient energy. Five hour energy. Stick your finger in a light socket. That is not referring to energy coming from TVs or radio waves or electricity, but rather the energy that is naturally all around us.
Starting point is 00:10:09 So just put your arms up and give Goku your energy. I surrender my energy to Goku. Yeah. See the energy page for more information. You could always... What? What? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:30 information you could always what what yeah is psionics evil or some sort of demonic worship practice it depends on how you look at it oh okay great i love when people weasel out of the concept of evil. Ah, it's not either good or evil. It depends on how you use it. And look at it. You have to look at it and use it. Yeah. If you're harming people, I
Starting point is 00:10:58 take that as evil. While helping others with healing, I see that as good. I personally also see it reasonable to use it for self-defense. Even though he's a castle doctor and works for psionics. It's also not against the Holy Bible or any holy book. No, it certainly is. Magic powers and divination, I think think comes up a couple times
Starting point is 00:11:25 No no It's a really long book okay nobody's read the whole thing Although McGick And mediumship is written in the bible And quran Psyonix is not Oh it's a loophole It's a loophole
Starting point is 00:11:40 In fact it doesn't even say anything about assault rifles. That's weird. AKs and psionics. Yep. None of these abilities are inherently evil. Evil is considered a subjective term by many, as well as good.
Starting point is 00:12:01 If you're unsure whether or not practicing psionics goes against your religion or chosen faith, have a discussion with your religious leader about it before doing so. Talk to Pastor Frank about your psionic powers. I'm sure it'll go well. And like the previous page, this one has a bunch of comments. A sanguinary novel.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Your name is Firestorm305. Your name is Firestorm305. My name is Firestorm305. If this wiki is an encyclopedia and is devoted to psionics and the paranormal, then why do the pages on this site get deleted? It should be growing, not shrinking or
Starting point is 00:12:39 withering. It seems contradictory to say this site is about psionics and then decide to make it shrink. Ever since I joined this encyclopedia, has receded and become more ordinary rather than extraordinary. There's no concept of atrophy in psionics? No, it grows forever.
Starting point is 00:13:02 If you're not Wikipedia, you're a fucking bullshit wikia. So the Big Bang is literally psionics. I'm Gaxam, and an encyclopedia's purpose is to contain valid information, is it not? That's why pages that
Starting point is 00:13:20 seem false are deleted, although they may be brought back when there's evidence for their existence. Well, I'm the ad thing. Where do we draw the line at what is real? It is a hard thing to filter out what is real from what is fake. All right, all right,! Ask yourself, would this actually be possible?
Starting point is 00:13:44 Is it possible for someone to fly? What about mutating someone's DNA? Changing the flow of blood? Causing something to decay faster or slower than normal? Can we measure these things in a way that is non-biased to show what is real or not? This is what we must ask before we remove or add a page. This site is also based on the community. If the entire community.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Wishes to have pages. Based on fake things. That do not exist. Then they can. We are not a role playing site. And we do not want to have information. That sounds like we are. We focus on what is realistic, not what is maybe possible.
Starting point is 00:14:30 Okay, okay, cool. All right, great. Man, so I'm emboldened by this because I feel like what I was expecting, and from previous documents, and in fact previous documents from Spooks, I was expecting for us to just start off in outer space, right? And to just be reading about unbelievable, ridiculous bullshit.
Starting point is 00:14:54 But instead, it seems like these people just want truth, they want science, they want reality. So, good. Okay, so let's come up with, let's figure out one of these spells um great uh and uh boots uh tell me about time perception won't you please oh good and remember this is this is pretty much hard science like this is community yeah okay uh well
Starting point is 00:15:21 first this is a disclaimer reviewed yeah uh can iviewed. Can I get Victor to read the disclaimer for me, please? In a disclaimer-y voice. Warning. This page may contain fake, misleading, or incorrect information. Take this into consideration when reading or editing this page. Good. Anyway, time perception. Previously,
Starting point is 00:15:40 chronokinesis. Went through an identity change. Last time on chronokinesis. Chronokinesis is a better name chronokinesis. Well, chronokinesis is a better name, honestly. Time perception is the psychic ability to control one's perception of time and possibly time itself through
Starting point is 00:15:54 the mind. Two theories are involved in this, in which one either accelerates his particles to slow down time, or in which one is able to manipulate the forces separating the third dimension and the fourth dimension to essentially put one part of his presence with Wow. referring to separating the third dimension and the fourth dimension is fundamentally meaningless or that referring to are you not following me no this is some classist bullshit i know i know for a fact and spooks has pointed this out to us that we're we're already advanced level psionic we know
Starting point is 00:16:39 from previous episodes how to make a cyball how to do pri kinesis we know McGick we know summoning a tulpa this should all be basic shit to you lemon yeah yeah yeah okay yeah yeah what I'm sorry I'm back on board back up when does the price come in quiet okay anyway
Starting point is 00:17:02 separating the third dimension the fourth dimension it's it's fundamentally meaningless. Or that referring to a continuum of three, four, or more dimensions, i.e. space or spacetime, as a plane is incorrect and reveals one's ignorance of basic geometry. A plane is two-dimensional. Or that there are no forces separating the time dimension from the space dimensions in standard space-time models. Apparently that's the end of...
Starting point is 00:17:30 Oh, that was a very long parentheses. Okay. Yeah, it started with a... It starts with a square bracket because there was round bracket parentheticals in the middle of it. Oh, you're right. Okay, yeah. That's how to properly nest.
Starting point is 00:17:44 Somebody had to write a whole blog. You can learn something from this, Lemon. Yeah, it's how to properly nest. Somebody had to write a whole blog. You can learn something from this, Lemon. Yeah, it's a ray. Okay. Enabling him, okay, blah, blah, blah. Enabling him slash her to manipulate both space and time up to the extent of his brain's capacity, not hers. Note also that the distinction of whether one controls
Starting point is 00:18:04 their perception of time or the momentum of time itself is important and must not be glossed over lest confusion ensues. All right. So then we're going to get into beginner training, which is cool. There's a bunch of exercises. Can we just go straight to exercise number four, please? Sure. Exercise four, freezing others' perception of time. and that's not uh others possessive so whatever this is just a little technique i came up with so it's basically a way to slow perception
Starting point is 00:18:36 of time to others or freeze it this is just an ongoing experiment and it's probably advised to do other exercises. I forgot punctuation entirely here. It's probably advised to do other exercises above before skipping to this one. So he deletes all of the punctuation and that slows down time. That's what was happening in the paratheticals before.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Oh, jeez. Nice. That's pretty good. You just got psionic. Gotta go lay down. Boom! I have a she-brain, can't handle this. That's a psyblast straight to my mind. First, you want to start off with a partner, then link to their minds.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Next, you want to completely free-free their perception. Oh, no. You got time froze. you want to completely free free their perception oh no you got time froze their perception of time keep a clock in front of tell them the time you start then begin keep concentration for five minutes then ask them
Starting point is 00:19:37 the time if they say something like 30 minutes or don't know then you probably did it you know I think all these people are just have it like just have a seizure disorder. I think. They opened up and lost internet connection. And then, Nutshell, you
Starting point is 00:19:57 will have to comment on Boots and Screed there. Greetings, psychics! I am Maverick! And I have a psychic group on whatsapp and i am searching for new psychics for the group i know a lot about the kinesis in special the energy manipulation and jing if you want to learn more about kinesis here's my whatsapp I mean since it's December 23rd does he mean like manipulation of the jingle bells and he wants to teach you about it?
Starting point is 00:20:37 I suspected something to do with that I love like Nigerian princes coming after the psionics group before we move on, Lemon can you take the March 29th 2015 I love, like, Nigerian princes coming after the psionics group. Before we move on, Lemon, can you take the March 29th, 2015 one? Yeah, yeah, yeah. March 29th, I'm a fandom user. Could I time travel with this or prevent something from happening?
Starting point is 00:21:04 It would be cool to go back to December 1st, 2014 because I went to Red Zone and it would be cool to do it again. What the fuck is Red Zone? Yeah, where the fuck's Red Zone? Did he go to the NFL Red Zone? That's the only Red Zone I can find. Yeah, the NFL Red Zone. That's what I'm getting. I don't know if there's another one.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Red Zone Wireless? As a main company? it's the last time you was able to watch all of the touchdowns of the day on Sunday. And you just gotta be so fucking cool to go back there. Okay, so now we've learned about how to manipulate
Starting point is 00:21:40 time in general. Pretty good beginner skill. Victor, can you tell us how to manipulate, um, uh, you know, time in general. Uh, pretty good beginner skill. Uh, Victor, can you tell us how to manipulate technology? Indeed. That is called technokinesis. Okay. Um, warning, this page may contain faith misleading or incorrect information. Take this into consideration when reading or editing this page.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Technokinesis, or technopathy, is where the bond between the user and machines is increased and developed so well, the user can actually work through the machines by controlling them like puppets. Okay, Hideo Kojima. Certain aspects, because indeed... And that's when the tech, like, the tachinesis comes in, and then you slow down time, so the cutscenes take nine years. All I know is this is the beginning of a one-hour cutscene. And a one-hour
Starting point is 00:22:32 unskippable cutscene. Because indeed, most machines today are run by electricity. Of the technokinetic talent may involve necessary electrokinetic assistance. Some technokinetics may use hands to manipulate technology or manipulate at a distance.
Starting point is 00:22:47 I use my hands to turn on the light switch. I'm a technokinetic! Right. Bounce my will, light switch! Watch me make this arrow on the screen move. Oh, wizardry! The cat's impressed. Oh, wizardry! The cat's impressed. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Make the red dot appear again, oh great one! Applications. Users, when experienced enough can interpret and generate electronic signals control the flow of intricate machinery and can allow them
Starting point is 00:23:31 to disassemble or disengage their programming at the call of the users will operate most technology just by touching or looking words on the screen and then inserting more words on the screen with the use of a keyboard. Just by touching.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Just by touching. I've got a Google Glass. I'm a techno wizard. This could possibly be a variation on electrokinesis due to the fact the user controls specific electricity molecules and instructs them which items to engage or disengage. Electricity molecules, huh?
Starting point is 00:24:10 Yep. Yes, electricity molecules. Electricity molecules. I have a science degree. That's spot on. What does science have molecules? Boy, it's not like I have a degree in specifically electricity. That sounds cool.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Achilles, are you a techno wizard? Yeah, I have a degree in techno wizardry from From Oh, man. Oh man, what if What if Steve Jackson just switched Completely to like mail order Bogus degree College
Starting point is 00:24:51 I mean the illustrations Would probably be pretty cool Yeah that is true Some users may even Be able to use the electric impulses To gently control smaller metal parts. That's called a motor, I think. The next level of this ability could possibly include, but are not limited to, sending an electronic message without a interface.
Starting point is 00:25:18 And can easily read messages from remote distances without accessing any standard source of communication. The user is, in in essence a living wireless hub. That's right. Can communicate over voicemail using the email voice. Texts, emails, instant message, beepers,
Starting point is 00:25:38 and even high level users can alter live video dialogue or subtitle as well as video games. The possibilities of this are endless. Is there a separate entry? Even video games, guys. Is there a different entry if you can use the
Starting point is 00:25:54 male voice over voicemail? I didn't come up. Like two weeks ago, I built my first telegram bot and I was like, that's pretty boring. But now realizing that I bent the wills. Bent the winds to my will.
Starting point is 00:26:09 All I know is that I can plug in a lamp and that makes me a psychokinesis, technokinesis wizard. Oh yeah, so if you get a clap-on light, definitely. Oh, that's next level. Very good. Grandma's a wizard!
Starting point is 00:26:25 I spoke to the lady at Virgin Mobile who wasn't real, but she responded to what I was saying just through my own voice and my mind. Operator. Operator. Please, operator. Yeah, I did have to repeat customer support like seven times, but eventually I got there.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Okay, Google. Next time use the female voice. Okay, Google. Next time use the female voice. Okay, Google. Customer support. I'll get Frank West's help for that. Ooh, that's a sexy, sexy lady voice. I mean, if you're trying to go for like a Betty Boop, maybe. Techniques.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Tech one. First, you will want to open up a new tab on your computer. Close all other tabs. this one requires exclusive tabs Next focus on the page Try and use Use sigh The wires and connections remember To connect with the computer
Starting point is 00:27:20 Like plugging something straight into the screen Try visualizing Wires coming out of your third eye into the screen. Wait, wait, I'm plugging... It doesn't fit in the screen? There's nowhere to put this into the screen? Well, some of us, our third eyes are different sizes than others. Some of them are located in different places. My third eye is USB-C and there's no ports.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Next, imagine a blast of zeros and ones traveling through the wires into the screen with the intent of closing the browser down. This may take a while to learn, but it's worth it. Can I transcompile it and do it at least assembly? Do I really have to learn
Starting point is 00:28:01 machine code? You need to learn how to close a browser tab with your mind it feels more efficient to do it hexadecimal but okay i learned how to how to stare at my computer until it goes into sleep mode i win yes uh hey uh i'm a fandom user can this ability be used to fight off computer threats like say can it be used to take down virus and help me defend myself from hackers and would i be able to shut down the cameras and and microphones and all the electronics that the n NSA implanted. Uh-huh, uh-huh. I'm a different fandom user, and this is very real.
Starting point is 00:28:49 I made much experience with this stuff, but it's really hard to control it. Me, personally, I got help from a soulmate in the astral realm and dragon spirits. Hey, yo, my name's Denny and K9. Uh-huh. Has anyone tried creating bitcoins with this ability? Many, many, many people.
Starting point is 00:29:11 This is basically an explanation of bitcoins. I tried it and it worked. So now I'm buying flash drives for two pounds and selling them for a hundred pounds. Excellent. I thought you were just riffing, Victor, but okay. No. No, I'm not a flash drive, I said that shit. Yeah, bitch.
Starting point is 00:29:36 He went on AliExpress, bought a bunch of hard drives, and I'm reselling them. Just jacked up the price and... Just psychically make them bigger. just jacked up the price and just psychically make them bigger uh I would like you to tell me about a field in parapsychology called
Starting point is 00:29:52 radionics radionics is a field in parapsychology that uses not only the mind but also an instrument to aid in the user's work it specializes it specializes mainly in telepathy-related abilities
Starting point is 00:30:11 and strongly relies on the energy frequencies to work. Why is frequencies in quotes? Like, at the point that you're going to use scare quotes, why not the entire thing? Why one word? It's because kids don't know what the fuck a radio is anymore. Oh, I'm going to post that as a YouTube
Starting point is 00:30:29 comment. There's no disclaimer on this article, guys. This one's just real. Woo! Woo! So, basic radionic equipment. There are a lot of radionic devices that various people have created or modified
Starting point is 00:30:44 from older versions of the same basic device, and many of these can be bought online. So it's just a machine that duplicates itself? Probably. I'm not very fucking clear in this. Radionics slash psionic boxes. slash psionic boxes. Going by capital both names, the radionic box is a basic and vital tool for anyone practicing radionics, and also boosts
Starting point is 00:31:09 telepathic and empathetic transmission and receiving. Is this going to mess with my orgone detector? Stack it right on top with some magic rocks and it's great. It sounds great. Wait, what kind of transmission?
Starting point is 00:31:26 What was that word what the the transmission what's the transmission emphatic yeah emphatic transmission all right receive me these machines are not terribly hard to build and can be easily modified in the future. To make a standard three-dial radionic box, you will need... Oh, okay, wait, let me open up Google Keep. I got you, I got you. Okay, so, uh, I'm new to this, I'm new to this. I need you to be very explicit, okay?
Starting point is 00:31:58 Okay. Go to your local radio shack. Let's see. Oh. local radio shack. Let's see. Oh. Look, it's radionic. You can only get it from a radionic shack.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Somehow this one's doing really well. Three potentio meters. Any value. Those are knobs. knobs oh thank you because i thought he was making up a fucking word no this is little dials oh these can be found at your local diy shop just a shop that does it itself yes a can a can a can three knobs not the other knobs different your knobs i guess they're the things that go on the potentiometers to make them
Starting point is 00:32:47 well you are a knob so you really only need two she's right two eighth inch mono RL jacks some screws and some nuts are we talking cashews what are we talking
Starting point is 00:33:03 I got plenty of nuts like a delay stop box here Are we talking cashews? What are we talking? Are we making like a delay stop box here? Oh, Black Betty! Some hot overdrive on this thing. Lots of copper wires. Steal it from that house under construction. A container. Cardboard boxes will do.
Starting point is 00:33:27 A capital plastic, capital L lid. You can find them on the top of coffee cans. Do I glue this shit together? Like, how does the plastic lid fit on top of the cardboard box? Fucking psionics. God damn it. Does the can have to fit in the box? Does the box have to fit in the can?
Starting point is 00:33:44 You fit in the can with the radionics. It's a can of some size and some description. It is recommended to use a cardboard box for your first radionic box. Let's just skip to radionic box modifications. What are some things we could do to change this up? All right. You know what you're doing doing so how about some more potentiometers
Starting point is 00:34:08 all those potentiometers were great more crystals more than zero I thought it was a given I just assumed that you had a bunch of crystals specialized crystals for certain jobs. An orgone accumulator for the box.
Starting point is 00:34:31 A shell that gives you a bingo. Okay. I mean, yeah, so there was a point where it was like, this page may contain misleading information, and then it was like, no, no, no, no, no, I'm just talking about chemtrail shit. And they were like, oh, sorry, I'll remove that part. Now that you're talking about science.
Starting point is 00:34:49 Art science. A Wi-Fi chip for technokinesis users to connect to the internet. A Wi-Fi chip? A Wi-Fi chip. A Wi-Fi chip. Oh, that's the mark of the beast, motherfuckers. A Wi-Fi chip. Not like an Arduino or like a Raspberry Pi. A
Starting point is 00:35:05 Wi-Fi chip. And not a Pringles chip either. That's not gigabit connection. Yeah, you can't get those out of the can. They get stuck at the bottom. You can't possibly reach it. You can build your radionic box in a Pringle can.
Starting point is 00:35:22 Then it will actually be a mystery of how it works You know that's actually a good way to get Pringles out of a can It comes with it's own plastic lid so you're half way there This whole thing is just to get Pringles out of the bottom of the can Achilles Extra add-ons to be discussed later Uses for your radionic box Oh yeah we built it but now we find out what we're actually built it for
Starting point is 00:35:44 Now that you have one of these boxes, you obviously want to know what it does. Oh my god. I was becoming less and less interested in that. Okay, okay. Okay, okay. I'm going to clear it up. Shut up, shut up. Listen,
Starting point is 00:36:01 we've been doing this show for way too long and for literally no money. That's what the Radiotic Box does. We have figured out how to solve this problem. What we're going to do is, first, we're going to sell you a kit. Yeah. Right? It'll be a box that ships to your house.
Starting point is 00:36:22 The F Plus Mystery Box. Once you've purchased the kit, you get a coupon code, and the coupon code allows you to buy instructions of what you just felt. Spoilers, there's more than one potentiometer in there.
Starting point is 00:36:48 You can use whatever kind of crystals you want, though. Turns out I made a garden weasel, I guess. Dealer's choice on them crystals. They're all quartz I found in my backyard. You may want to talk to Healy's. He's got a degree in crystals. Yeah, my crystal degree's pretty good. They just hand that out to you when you move to L to Healy's. He's got a degree in crystals. Yeah, my crystal degree is pretty good. They just hand that out to you when you move to L.A., though.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Hey, Boots. I've got a question for you. Okay, we're just skipping. No, I've got a question for you. I don't know what this fucking box is for. We're never going to learn what the box is for, are we? You didn't build it yet. Did you build it? Because you're allowed to find out what it does if you built it.
Starting point is 00:37:30 That's the question. You want to know what it does after you build it. All these listeners have been waiting all this time to find out what the box is for, and we're just going to skip it. I'm being censored by the government. No, no, no, no. No, this is J.J. Abrams screenwriting. Frankenstein radio transmitter.
Starting point is 00:37:47 Is there such a thing as like an audio version of a lens flare? It's cool. They've gotten to us too. The actual story is in a comic book somewhere. Hey, Boots. Oh, God. I just saw. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Yes. What's the next section called, Boots? Hey, Boots. What's the next I just saw... Okay, yes. What's the next section called, Boots? Hey, Boots, what's the next section called? It's called Reiki. Hey, Boots, will you read the next section, which is called Reiki? I guess I will. How is this... Okay, fuck.
Starting point is 00:38:19 I hate everything. This article also does not have a disclaimer. Yeah, no, because it's real. Reiki's hard science, god disclaimer yeah no because it's hard science god damn it because it's real warning this section is not yeah well listen go easy go easy on my mother reiki is the technique i gotta say as an origin five like five years ago i've gave boots a reiki hand job and he still has not forgiven me for it. Fabulous. Is this arousing you?
Starting point is 00:38:49 I'm not touching you. Reiki neglected my balls. Reiki. Reiki is the technique which is being used to remove or calm the pain from a human or an animal body. Every living being hosts auras and ki. And also pranayama and also chi. No.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Oh, oh, just those two. Those are the only things in the body. Auras and ki. What about my humors? Nope. You don't even have blood. Black bile all the way down. Reiki teaches you how to use this ki, or mana, whatever you call,
Starting point is 00:39:34 to heal yourselves or others by using your hands. It actually teaches you how to control the energy current and use it on others. The Reiki education. If you want to The Reiki education. If you want to learn Reiki, you must find a master educator. You kind of feel it out. Like you put your hand next to a website and you feel something. Oh, this is a series of courses.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Okay. Great. No, no, no, no. I want to, like, I want to learn. I want to learn. You want to learn? Okay. It's easy. Like, there's a low commitment to start. I want to learn. You want to learn? I want to find a master educator. It's easy.
Starting point is 00:40:08 There's a low commitment to start enjoying. I mean, sure. I feel like life is education. Okay. I want to keep growing. Okay. Reiki 1, it teaches you how to heal yourself, heal others, and group healing. It costs $150. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Is this a euphemism for something else? It always costs $150 across the board. I paid way more than that for medical school, so I really fucked up. This is how much the education costs. It's the Reiki education, okay? Reiki 2. No, there's fixed costs. Obviously, we have to inflate those costs so that we can get our nuts.
Starting point is 00:40:42 The technical cost. Education itself costs $150. Okay. Reiki two. It teaches you how to heal somebody far away, even in another country and more. Reiki symbols and opening the Kundalini. It costs $600. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:01 All right. Now, if you're ready for Reiki three, Master Reiki, it teaches you the third level Reiki symbols, how to teach Reiki, and all the way through enlightening by Reiki, $10,000. Whoa. Rice goes up a lot, too. Getting your masters is always expensive. Yeah. And the challenge is trying to get published as a Reiki master. Getting your masters is always expensive. Yeah, and the challenge is trying to get published as a Reiki master.
Starting point is 00:41:35 You sure as hell can't just Google the three Reiki symbols. If you find a master who can teach you Reiki for free, you can learn Reiki from him or her. But remember that if your teacher is not a master, that means you are not learning Reiki properly. And by the way, there's no link to who to give this $150 to. It's just the knowledge that it just costs $150. Yeah, it's in the player's handbook. That's how much you'd expect to pay for the training. You learn it, and then they psionically
Starting point is 00:42:08 take the $150 out of your wallet. Yeah, you pay the 10,000 gold pieces. But you have to be a level four cleric or higher. Hey, I'm a fandom user. Hey, I am a Reiki teacher, and here is how to heal. Put her hand over the hurting spot, and imagine green energy coming from your hand into your body.
Starting point is 00:42:35 Imagine red energy. The pain. And I, a genie, the green energy kicking out the red energy, open her eyes and it should be healed. Oh, thanks. That'll be $150. And Achilles, your name is Sternsnut? I can, Reiki.
Starting point is 00:42:59 Thank you. Thank you. I like that a fandom user says, what is fakey? Right. So we learned about radionics. We learned about time manipulation. We learned about Reiki. Now here's another far off, kooky, crazy concept that I want to learn about which is called empathy oh fuck that
Starting point is 00:43:28 which does have like a little thing at the top Spooks gives a disclaimer for the rest of the document at this point yeah so Spooks says in the document the rest of these wiki articles are too boring I just include the opening paragraph and then we move
Starting point is 00:43:44 on to the comments so are too boring. I just include the opening paragraph and then we move on to the comments. So, nutshell, what is empathy exactly? Empathy is the ability to sense, feel, and understand the emotions, feelings, hopes, dreams, desires, and fears of others,
Starting point is 00:44:01 and eventually manipulate emotions. An empath has the capacity to recognize emotions that are being experienced by another being. Empathy has to do with emotions, whereas telepathy has to do with thoughts. How fucking internet is it that it's like this is what empathy is and how it can
Starting point is 00:44:18 work for you! Hey Lemon, you're a prick. Now I'm an empath. Also, if you can recognize emotions in someone, you have a psychic power. Only if you can twist their desires into yours. Achilles, take that first comment, please. Hey, I'm Alpha13579. Are Narcosits, can't spell it correctly considered
Starting point is 00:44:45 psychic vampires can't spell that correctly psychic vampires sanguinary novel next one down alright a fandom user sometimes when I'm watching a video or TV show and somebody does something for example starts to brush their hair
Starting point is 00:45:02 sometimes I feel like it's happening to me like Like a ghost is, example, brushing my hair. It's kind of scary. Is this normal? No, that's not normal. But have you noticed that nothing in this wiki is normal?
Starting point is 00:45:17 Winky face. P.S. I love this wiki. Nutshell, take the next one, please. Whenever someone is around me feeling love in any form i can feel my own love chakra leaping and i get giddy and energetic and i almost get into an orgasmic state and i my chest starts to feel like it's swelling and for the duration of them being around me my psionic abilities that I've been practicing increase dramatically,
Starting point is 00:45:47 almost as if I'm feeding off of them. And the next day, the person I was around usually feels drained and sad. What am I doing? I don't know. Stop stealing men's life essence! Never! Never! I think you're just probably a fucking bummer.
Starting point is 00:46:08 Victor, next one down here. I am the seven. I am the seven. At empathetic travel section, can you actually teleport to that person? Example, after you go into the mind of your target, can you use teleportation to go to their location
Starting point is 00:46:23 slash area to talk to them or whatever? Yeah, I'm truly unknown. You cannot teleport with empathy alone. Well, fuck that. I'm a fandom user. I need help.
Starting point is 00:46:40 Telepathy and empathy are out of control. Telepathy has made me suddenly thinking negatively and it's now out of control. Telepathy has made me suddenly thinking negatively, and it's now out of control. I just send the hogs through without my own will. While empathy is making a rampage, and it's hard to handle it, I think that empathy and telepathy must be in
Starting point is 00:47:03 reciting mode rather than scenting. Any solution how to stop the rampage? It's an okay game. I think we can have a sequel. Did you play the newer ones though? I am another fandom user. I think
Starting point is 00:47:24 that if anybody takes strong technique to a powerful easy way to create a psychic shield, it could help a lot of people. People must care about the psychic shield technique.
Starting point is 00:47:40 And yet has effect. I think that I suddenly when I was trying to stop my telepathic rampage i feel that i know more that can do it negative ballet until it suddenly despair all right uh the uh the next section here is uh dream manipulation which is an exciting uh uh psionic skill. So dream manipulation, I'm just going to tell you here, this one does not get a disclaimer, so it's all very real, which is great. Dream manipulation, or also known as dreamwalking, is the power to enter and control other beings' dreams with the mind.
Starting point is 00:48:19 There's no apostrophe, so it's other beings. So you enter and control the other beings then dreams are involved one who possess this ability can enter other people's dreams change dreams and cause viscous and cause
Starting point is 00:48:38 viscous you pour those nightmares out they don't go anywhere this nightmare tastes weird to me got a bad mouthfeel yeah yeah before moving on to dream manipulation One should become at least proficient In lucid dreaming
Starting point is 00:49:10 I'm very good at dreaming Same Yay Yay Alright So that was a bunch of the wiki Which is great, which is great, which is great. But there are forums.
Starting point is 00:49:28 So there are forums. Yay! And so Victor, start us off here. We're going to talk about Umbraconesis. Umbraconesis. Which is like how you eat your own installation of Umbraco. So I am a fandom user. I would like to begin learning Umbra Kinesis.
Starting point is 00:49:46 I have tried a few things so far none have worked for me. I would like to know meditations and or exercises for Umbra Kinesis. For example, a medication to connect to darkness, tips for room dimming, good techniques for beginners
Starting point is 00:50:01 to learn, etc. Big ol' dose of notes. Now I am not talking about photokinesis. So if you're thinking of posting a replay saying that photokinesis and umbrakinesis are the same thing, don't bother. The manipulation of shadows? I googled it. It's from Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Oh no. The ability to mentally generate and manipulate darkness. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:50:24 It's the ability to mentally generate and manipulate darkness. Also, this is not a... Also, this is not a discussion board for immature 12-year-olds to say, Way cool! I am Umbra Kinetic, too! I meet my lamp to make the shadows move! This is utterly ridiculous and disrespectful. Some people are here to learn Umbra Kinesisis not look at shitty jokes made by 12 year olds now it is preferred that only people who know how to help and or know
Starting point is 00:50:50 umbra kinesis post here but if you want to ask a question for learning that's okay too and then nutshell you're a fandom user last one last comment there please you can only do this magic if you are born with dark magic like me and beleve in no god, but know he is there
Starting point is 00:51:15 and think him as your friend and not god and are best friends with Azrael, the reaper of death. Okay, so you're born with dark magic. You don't believe in God, even though you know that God exists. You don't believe in him, and that's what gives you the power. And you're friends with
Starting point is 00:51:36 Azrael. Yeah, basically, don't fear the Reaper. But you think of God as your friend. Oh, okay. You just don't believe in him, because he's just not reliable. He's just a guy. You know he is there, and think of God as your friend. Oh, okay. You just don't believe in him because he's just not reliable. He's just a guy. You know he is there and think of him as your friend. What you doing, God?
Starting point is 00:51:53 Resting again? He's like a stranger on the bus. He's just a stranger on the bus. Wow, what a race. Okay, so... Trying to make his way home. Nobody call it on the phone. Set the poke, maybe in Rome.
Starting point is 00:52:10 We've done this before in the podcast, I know. Many times. Probably several times. Rome, if you want to. Rome around the world. So we're going to skip a little bit here, but we're going to... I want to talk about Hemokinesis.
Starting point is 00:52:29 Oh boy. That can go real bad if it's read a different way. So just to say, Sanguinary Novel, you are the Lost Panther. For Hemokinesis, you're giving me the bloody one. Good.
Starting point is 00:52:42 You're the Lost Panther. And then Boots, you're giving me the bloody one. Good. You're the lost panther. Okay. And then, Boots, you're a Hasami Kumo. Okay. Okay. So try focusing. No, no, no, no, no. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:52:52 Excuse me. Damn it. Excuse me. I have a fucking question. You're answering your question. Nobody's asked yet. Okay? Look.
Starting point is 00:52:58 God damn it. I had question Kinesis, so I already fucking know what you're going to ask. Somebody jumped the gun on this one. Jesus Christ! My name's a fandom user. This is my IP. And what I want to know is Hemokinesis, how do you make it hard and a weapon?
Starting point is 00:53:15 How do you make it a weapon? And how do you make it hard? Okay! You gotta try focusing on your blood and your focus on it. And imagine the molecules and atoms forming together into a solid. Focus on gradually extending the base bottom of the blade until the bit you started then leaving the dead cells to form a scab or solidifying blood around where you made the blood come from however i suggest starting small with
Starting point is 00:53:56 a small vein first so you don't bleed to death there's only one period in that whole thing so you're essentially forming a ziphoid with your blood. Ziphoid is the term for the assisted forearm blade that was popularized in such movies as Blade Trinity, Predator, and as well as the Assassin's Creed games. I'm sorry. Popularized
Starting point is 00:54:17 in Blade Trinity? Popularized in Blade Trinity. Then Predator. Doesn't the word literally mean shield? Whatever. predator then predator doesn't doesn't the word literally mean shield whatever victor oh uh but why not just use other kinesis this one is just unnecessarily dangerous nad limited there's no good reason for that other than to expand our working knowledge. I personally feel the cost is too high and would prefer everyone never put themselves in mortal danger just to prove a tech. There are other ways to make a blade without resorting to blood ways that are
Starting point is 00:55:00 also perpetually with the practitioner. That's interesting, but I'm the original poster. How to develop hemokinesis, please. This is suicide. Oh, suicide. Su-su-suicide. Su-su-suicide.
Starting point is 00:55:24 We're like, suck aside. All right, very last one before we go to the next section here. more like suck a suck very last one before we go to the next section here Victor you had some cryokinesis experience right I did I had some serious ass cryokinesis experience syphil and
Starting point is 00:55:43 ollie syphil and Ollie. Syphil and Ollie. There you go. My cryokinesis experience. Read! Miley Face. First of all, I never thought I could perform cryokinesis. I've been performing a lot of cryokinesis lately.
Starting point is 00:56:02 It's getting hard out there. But I think to believe it just happened ice is not really my element because I don't like the cold that much but today I felt I can control it here is my story today it was a normal day I took a
Starting point is 00:56:20 shower had a nice breakfast listened to chill out music just making the good morning wonderful. I went outside for a smoke. I felt really calm. The morning made me really being one with my soul and one other. I went out for a smoke, then it started to drizzle from the sky. I don't know what happened to me. Normally I don't like rain, but it felt like i was falling in love with the rain
Starting point is 00:56:45 and it is ironic that my zodiac is aquarius and and that we all are now living in the time of aquarius right now january 21st to february 18th but this information is irrelevant i guess oh well thank you for writing i didn't appreciate that that was good i was feeling one with water and this feeling shot into me that I had control about this element. So what happened next? I thought about snow. And all of a sudden, snowflakes fell down around me. Like I turned raindrops into snowflakes
Starting point is 00:57:16 while it is ten-self-ious outside. I'm sorry, it snowed in January? Fucked up, right? But it was ten-self 10 Celsius outside, which sounds... It's about freezing. It's about freezing. And when I was done smoking, I went inside my home and it stopped snowing. So what do you people think?
Starting point is 00:57:39 I think I can congrats myself for this. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah, totally. Skipping to the next section here. The next section is called User Profiles and Blogs. My name is Now Forever. I just want to tell you a little bit about myself. Is that all right? Is that all right, F+, can I tell you a little bit about myself?
Starting point is 00:57:53 I don't know. I don't think we can stop you. You've got kinesis. So first of all, my user avatar is Mudvayne. It's not even like the band Mudvayne. It's like a Mudvayne logo. The word Mudvayne. It's just, it's not even like the band Mudvayne, it's like a Mudvayne logo. Okay. The word Mudvayne.
Starting point is 00:58:09 Okay. That's how much I like Mudvayne. Anyway. I am just starting out with kinesis. It started out when I accidentally done telepathy and the person was like two miles away. So I looked into it. I am spiritually aware.
Starting point is 00:58:29 I started out with pyrokinesis and I can make the flame dance. And what? What? What? Why? Where else would you start? But you started with telepathy and then I'm sorry. I'm an idiot.
Starting point is 00:58:40 My bad. I started out with pyrokinesis and I can make the flame dance and wave alito i thought about it and i pretty much believe that god almighty lord of abraham god above etc etc gave us these abilities and we just forgot how to use them right if you look at moses do you think this dude watches if you look at moses he parted the Sea, which is basically hydrokinesis with a side of God. And Jesus walked in water and rose from the dead. So I believe God gave us these abilities, but we forgot them. My current psionic abilities are, okay?
Starting point is 00:59:22 Okay, I got some psionic abilities. I want to tell you all about them um it's like i'm gonna knock on your door hello sir i have the following have you heard the good news ability oh it's great you don't even have to not like physically knock on the door you can just psionic the door no no i do it all on zoom now the covid climate uh yeah, so telepathy. I can send strong signal to my girlfriend who believes psionic are real things, who lives about
Starting point is 00:59:52 two to three miles from my house. I told her to send me a very Sturgeon text. I told her through telepathy to text me she loved me. I got the text less than five minuites later. Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:12 Also, I can do astral projection. I can naturally do astral projection without thinking about it. It's more difficult when I actually try to do it using binural with mace and stuff. I've seen the heaven, God, and Jesus. I also had extrasensory perception mixed in because while I maintained consciousness, I felt super happy
Starting point is 01:00:36 and just all kinds of joy. I helped build astral universe, which is like astral universe, but with Zs instead of Ss. Is that on Steam or like what? 45% off. You should get in.
Starting point is 01:00:56 You should get in this weekend only. I don't do really access, so. Okay, okay. You want to sign up for mailing list though? Yeah, cool. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Cool. Great, great, great, great, great, great, okay. You want to sign up for my mailing list, though? Yeah, cool. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Cool. Great, great, great, great, great, great.
Starting point is 01:01:07 I contributed a holo chamber. Whoa! I contributed a holo chamber training room and a mana generator. I can also materialize objects from Astral to real life here in this demonentian. Oh, it's an early access MMO too. Sign up now. Sign up now. Seriously.
Starting point is 01:01:29 Seriously. If you, if you get the gold pack, you get, um, uh, I'll call you on the phone. I'll call you. Oh boy. I'll call you. I'll call you at a time that I feel is appropriate and say things that I feel are appropriate to you. Also,
Starting point is 01:01:45 uh, hydro, uh, kinesis, uh, not much to be said here. I can make a bottle cap move across a bowl of water. That's what hydro kinesis is. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:01:53 What? No way. Basic hydro kinesis. I can make a bottle cap move across a bowl of water. Damn. What a time to be alive. Okay. As far as psychomentry,
Starting point is 01:02:03 I'm novice. I can sense energy and the presence of spirits and how strong they are and sense the basics of what a person looks like. I've been outside a time or two. I'm sorry, F-Lust. Can any of you figure out what
Starting point is 01:02:21 a person looks like using your senses? No. Not these days, no. Also, finally, energetical healing. I can heal to a good extent. Not a great extent, but just a good extent. Just the other day, I healed my girlfriend's semi-torn ligament to perfect health.
Starting point is 01:02:50 Presumably while she was in a different house. Semi-torn. Yeah, like rip-torn. Yeah, it was just, yeah. So that's pretty cool. I'm pretty cool. Boots, you're not cooler than me, are you? Nope.
Starting point is 01:03:04 Okay. Good to know. Thank you for confirming it. You're welcome. Podcast over. I'll broadcast that to everybody. Ten years. We finally did it.
Starting point is 01:03:17 Pack it up, everybody. What about Dementrix 7? Oh, Dementrix 7 is way cooler than you. Yeah, yeah. Oh, wait. Yeah. Oh, no. you. Yeah, yeah. Oh, wait. Yeah. Oh, no. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:03:26 Yep. Oh, no. What do you mean? Well, wait. Wait. Okay. Okay. Listen, I only believe you if Dementrix 7 has a really cool job.
Starting point is 01:03:35 Okay. Well, Dementrix 7. I live in Indiana, USA. I was born in. I was born on August 16th. My occupation is world peace, cooking, Christian scientist, problem solver, and psionics. That's my job. That's my job title.
Starting point is 01:03:52 It says it on my business card. World peace, cooking, Christian science, problem solver, and psionics. I am a male light walker. So your job is world peace, but you also do moonlighting in addition to that? That's all my job. Okay. There's not a lot of money is world peace, but you also do moonlighting in addition to that? That's all my job. Okay. There's not a lot of money in world peace. I do light walking.
Starting point is 01:04:10 Maybe it's literal moonlighting. You know, I believe it was Dave Mustaine that says, Peace sells, but who's buying? Hello, my name is All One. Or you can call me Demetric. Because that's what your name is. My goal is to train everyone in the way of Psy to protect the world from danger
Starting point is 01:04:31 and to be the powerful human in the Psyonix. I take the time to study the abilities before developing them so that I can train the others of my knowledge and experiences. I am a full believer in this. Anything is possible if one changes
Starting point is 01:04:45 their subconscious thought process. I believe these are gifts from the creator, God. My favorite powers are all of them, except... It's just easier to list the things you don't like. Flip that fucking script.
Starting point is 01:05:05 Good job. My favorite powers. All of them, except for Daris Kinesis, Energy Absorption, Necrokinesis, Magic, and Spells. I don't like them. So, guys, when did we end up on the Sonic fan wiki? Or, sorry, the Psionic fan wiki. Psionic. Psionic the Hedgehog, yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:27 That's silver. Fuck you. You just got a rating. It was fair, too. It was generous, if anything. It's a cameo rating, so it's still good uh how did i start the walkers of light the light users was an inspiration to me so what i did was made a notepad and listed the things of my own of the group to make god was also an inspiration because in him there is no darkness, and I wanted to is make world peace so I can glorify it to him.
Starting point is 01:06:09 I choose people that I can trust and know of to let them be in the group. We don't use the powers for evil, but peace and good. It was okay since I made the group. People can use dark abilities like Umbra Kinesis and Carrier Kinesis. made the group. People can use dark abilities like Umbra Kinesis and Carrier Kinesis. No Daraz Kinesis. I won't be on here for some time because I'm going
Starting point is 01:06:29 to spend some months or weeks training myself and others who are in the group. Anything is possible if you really believe and practice a lot. I also know that everyone on Earth has every power from this site. We just need to get them
Starting point is 01:06:46 out of dormant mode okay how many gems does that take to unlock those I don't know okay remember remember with great power comes great responsibility
Starting point is 01:07:00 oh deep good we all must great responsibility. Thanks. Thanks a bunch. Appreciate that. Oh, deep. Good. We all must work together to change the world for the better good. Well, that was a cool guy. That was a cool guy, Dementrix7. Too cool of a guy for just boots to voice.
Starting point is 01:07:18 Nutshell, will you take Dementrix7 and just give me this blog post that he had called Update News. Update News. All those who are Lightwalkers, I'm canceling the World Peace Mission.
Starting point is 01:07:34 It's a huge struggle to get peace everywhere on the planet. So I'm changing it to moving the peace into neighborhoods and cities instead of the entire planet. The Lightwalker group will not be dispatched. It will still exist as a Psy Organization group. Getting better at Aerokinesis and Aerokinesis.
Starting point is 01:07:53 Trying to enhance my intelligence through Biokinesis. And still working on Telekinesis, but not much training on all the abilities each day. But soon, I will be back on the chat, giving in more ideas to build up this site, and I'll work on discovering more new side powers that are yet undiscovered. With enough work, you can find peace on McElderry Crescent.
Starting point is 01:08:16 Oh yeah, I have a friend who lives in Kentucky who can double the size of his room, and I'm not joking. I'll try it out and let you guys know that it went with success. Okay. Oh, wow. That was a...
Starting point is 01:08:32 I can't. I'm trying to unpack it, and I can't. Victor, Victor, tell me about seeking, won't you? Yes. Okay, I'm going to tell you about seeking. If any of you have problems with seeking with his smart mouth about any of you or or the abilities of scientific, let me know and I will deal with him personally. Just as a note, seeking is another user on the PsyWiki. Goddamn right.
Starting point is 01:08:54 He thinks that he knows the abilities as much as anyone does? He believes that Tychokinesis is a fake? Well, guess what, what seeking it isn't and if i find out you've been doing something stupid around this wiki and calling people weak i will ban you from the chat for a month you think i'm playing with you about what i said try me and see what happens and for your information about calling us idiots on psionic scientist wiki because of the abilities they were the contributors ideas not us you are a disgrace to this wiki saying that some of the abilities on psy wiki here do not work how do you know they don't work because your skepticism if you don't believe in them then you don't belong here boy
Starting point is 01:09:39 you tried to gain more people in your group to do your things while you wanted mine to be down for a while and let us all not forget that he was doing illegal black market he was trying to bring here i may be gone over the summer but don't think that you can do whatever you want because i am gone fyi i'm not going to die when I go to try to achieve world peace, because I already know what to do without any violence, so you can shut up about that. I will be getting reports about you on my phone if anything wrong or stupid you say to my friends. Truly, you are a great friend and others as well.
Starting point is 01:10:22 Making sure doesn't do anything foolish till my return to the chat. Farewell, friends, and may the Psy be with you all. I will be watching you seeking, so don't make any stupid ideas to erase any liability on here. Or I will get you when I get back. Maybe that will shut up your smart mouth. Talk against me and others. Luck is energy. So don't arg with me.
Starting point is 01:10:52 One more thing. Once I ban you from the chat, don't think you won't be getting back on anytime soon because it is your punishment. Everything is possible with the mind. You were blind to see that. Don't you ever in your life say, I don't know nothing.
Starting point is 01:11:07 And then, Boots, this was a specific call-out to a guy named Seeking, Seeking is short for Seeking for Truth. You got a response there, Tim? Yeah, bring it, bitch. All alone, you flatter me too much. The thought that you made an entire
Starting point is 01:11:23 rage-a-ograph about me, but... I'm waiting. Anything witty about this? Knock out! One. I've enumerated this for some reason. One.
Starting point is 01:11:42 I wanted my own group, but you kept screwing me over and it annoyed me but eventually i gave up on that for now to continue my own personal research instead of having others help me two you claim to be peaceful how is controlling fire and electricity peaceful if you want peace in the world without using violence and you can always become a hippie damn three and i call people stupid i only say it when it's necessary when sometimes it is sadly i wish it weren't but there are a lot of smart people here they should say smart and not ghoulable. So to this guy, you're stupid. Yep.
Starting point is 01:12:28 Which I see a lot, and it breaks whatever black hole I have for a heart. Nice. Despite all your rage, baby. Yeah, it's black as my soul. Four. Per helps. Despite all your rage, it's black as your soul too yeah that's a mashup four perhaps before learning how
Starting point is 01:13:03 to do something it may be better to learn why this happens. So just take psychics and chemistry and if possible, neurology. Too lazy to see how to spell it. You just got two letters back. Anyway, five, am quite modest. modest yeah but you my friend talk about making a utopian society and becoming some sort of superhero psychic powers would be great for a superhero but batman did well without any oh check in mate uh six yeah pointing to pointing to the well-researched scientific evidence. Yeah. Yeah. Six. Do I have a six? No. Oh, wait, I do.
Starting point is 01:13:47 Yeah. If you want to threaten me. It's this middle finger I'm pulling out of my pocket, bitch. If you want to threaten me, then how is banning me from Psywiki going to do that? You know me too well. And that also breaks what shriveled up heart i have because i'm a demonic i am a demonic evil skeptic alone the whole world is full of people a thousand times worse and that banning me will change that red will always be red and blue will always be blue but if i'm right that's about stuff then how is telling me i'm wrong
Starting point is 01:14:28 gonna help when maybe just maybe i'm correct and oh i almost forgot seven i'm quite open-minded but if you tell me that unicorns are real that i'm gonna have to tell you that's not how the world works because like is he you're living in a fantasy world man did he like because is it like is it like whatever trump says is false kind of thing like because he said that unicorns are real therefore they're not yeah and then and and then i posted more and then i said okay i'm done hope you enjoyed it and then i posted a bunch more okay i'm done one last thing okay i'm done but one you enjoyed it. And then I posted a bunch more. Okay, I'm done. One last thing. Okay, I'm done. But one more thing. All in the same day.
Starting point is 01:15:08 You really Columbo'd all over those comments. One more thing. I like that unicorns is a bridge too far for these guys. F plus, what did we learn from any of this? Oh. How to properly talk to a plant. Okay, and how would you do that Victor look I am looking at the plant but how can I flash a picture in my mind
Starting point is 01:15:33 when I kept on seeing it and I tried like three times this day but the plant didn't respond does it talk English that doesn't sound like you learned how to talk to a plant Victor yeah more research is required Victor I mean I learned that we're all It doesn't sound like you learned how to talk to a plant, Victor. Yeah. More research is required, Victor.
Starting point is 01:15:51 I mean, I learned that we're all fucking technomancers with our keyboards. Yeah. I feel powerful. I touch electronics all the time and affect them. I've been touching electronics in this recording. Like, I'm sorry for spoilers, but yeah. Yeah, we're using audio kinesis to... I learned how to make a radionic box.
Starting point is 01:16:10 That's true. You don't know what it does, though. But did you learn what to do with it? Listen, I already know what to do with it. I'm not sharing. I learned that... You have to subscribe to my blog. I learned that You have to subscribe to my blog I learned that psionic powers
Starting point is 01:16:27 Seem to affect your ability to spell In a way that I really enjoy Yeah it sure does That's just the spelling Kinesis troll like going around Here fucking with people's stuff The thing I found the most surprising In this particular site was that like It's the Psyw this particular site was that like uh it's it's
Starting point is 01:16:47 the psy wiki right so you go to it and it's like you know uh space and like and like hands holding giant glowing orbs and and you know lens flares all over the place and and that's what you get like that's the psy wiki cool great awesome i'm on board i know what that is and then the site is like but no talking bullshit in these forums no no talking bullshit on these forums and so um the pages that they've created which are like useless and idiotic like not like you realize that that was the tempered version because when you actually see the writing of the people that are on this wikia you realize what they would have been capable
Starting point is 01:17:29 of like what they would have been capable of had they had free reign to just like tell the actual unfiltered truth the dangerous truth the dangerous truth what I learned is apparently programming
Starting point is 01:17:44 is a power? Yeah. Oh my god. Literally command line programming, visualization programming, tactile programming. Oh wow. Programming is a construct.
Starting point is 01:17:58 Programming a construct is done by imbuing the construct with your intent. I mean, true. Agreed. And if you've got a couple of uses for your radionic box, you should come to Ball Pit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What's a couple of things that I should do on Ball Pit?
Starting point is 01:18:18 You could post some pictures of good things. You could post some pictures of bad things. Any particular threads you've been enjoying there on the ball pit there, Boots? No. Okay. Come to ball pit. Post pictures of your cats.
Starting point is 01:18:36 Come to ball pit. Check out the songs I've, the cover songs I've made. You know what? Actually, yes. That is actually, you know, we've thrown a bunch of things from my sites. But uh but uh boots is there a way that somebody can uh like listen to all of your songs like the most directly uh yeah the easiest way is actually on ball pit the thread i made under the end of the this is a thing i made uh subforum uh yeah and and uh i'll post a link to that from the
Starting point is 01:19:05 show notes for this particular episode. Boots is involved in a community of music nerds that are making cover songs. And the covers are genuinely enjoyable. I really do like them a lot. If anything, check out my
Starting point is 01:19:22 cover of Madonna's Material Girl. I'm very proud of that one. That one's very, very good. There's a number of very good ones. I really couldn't recommend those higher. They're very nice. My favorite still is the Trip Monks one where you slow down an Alvin and the Chipmunks song
Starting point is 01:19:37 into something that is... I did a cover of a slowed down version of an Alvin and the Chipmunks version of the Kim Wilde version of the Supremes. You keep me hanging on. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:19:59 That was awkward. Yep. I'll fix that. Yeah, baby. Set me free. Why don't you, babe? Let me be. Why don't you, babe? Cause you don't really love me
Starting point is 01:20:25 You just keep me hanging on No, you don't really need me You just keep me Hanging on If any of you have problems with seeking with his smart mouth about any of you or the abilities of scientific, let me know and I will deal with him personally. He thinks that he knows the abilities as much as anyone does. He believes that Tychokinesis is a fake. Oh god, that's as bad as Gabe Kinesis.
Starting point is 01:21:08 Jesus. I hated that joke. Lemon, edit that joke out. I hate you. I will ban you from the chat for a month.

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