The F Plus - 37: By Demons Be Driven (Insane)

Episode Date: February 24, 2011

Outside the walls of your apartment lie complications that are difficult and confusing. What will traffic be like on the way to work? If I go to the restaurant I like, will I get the awful who never remembers my drink order? Why is my son failing math? These may seem like different problems, but in fact they have the same cause and the same solution. DEMONS DID IT. Throw blood on things. This week, The F Plus looks at people tormented by demons, and wonders how often they wash the floors.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey there, this is the F+, F-Busy! Something strange. That we've been trying to do literally for weeks now. And there's always been an internet issue. Or a weird sound hang up. Or a program crashing. Or whatever. I mean a simple minute to explain how the episode works. And it just never works. And I think it might be Divine Intervention in this case.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Because this specific episode. This specific episode I've never been able to record an intro for, is called It is a prayer site which is dedicated to getting the devil out of the various things the devil's in, and according to DemonBusters, that's pretty much everything. He's in your closet, he's in your car, he's in your computer, he's in your beer bottle, he's in your vibrator, he's in all things, which, you know, I guess if you're supernatural, makes some amount of sense.
Starting point is 00:01:32 And clearly, the demon has been inside of this intro. But we got it out, and that's where we're going to bring you Let's get to the readers. In the room tonight, we have Aceroc Waddle. I'm a demon of having a really weird name. Boots rain gear. Let's get to the readers. to understand this song. Yay! John! Demons, demons, demons and demons.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Zekul 1620. Kumquats up. Trains the apprentice for advanced Kumquats up. Ishan. Please be sure to install the latest service pack for Geese OS
Starting point is 00:02:18 coming this winter. And Lemon onto death. We have a sign over the entrance doors in our homes that says, Whoever enters this home is covered with the blood of Jesus! We don't get many visitors. Sounds weird, you say? No, not at all. I don't hear you. Did you say it sounded weird?
Starting point is 00:02:41 I say it. All right, good. Well, one experience that Elizabeth had will show you, though, that there is power in those words. Some years ago, she worked in an office that was on the main street in Meridian, Mississippi. Oh, boy. So three or four people are on that street. Well, come on. It's on the Meridian.
Starting point is 00:03:02 That's really popular, isn't it? I don't know. We've got a Walmart and... You got a road. Yeah, you got a road in there, don't you? Meridian had several people that walked the streets of Meridian.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Stick your head out. Again, shark. As opposed to Meridian having several people that walked the streets of Ottawa, I guess. There were a few that, from their actions and appearances, had insanity demons. Ah, the cackle. I missed that.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Well, some of these insane people would just walk in her office. She was the secretary slash receptionist and worked in the front office. Hello, editor. They would come in for no reason and seemingly cause no harm. Seemingly. Seemingly. But in reality. Well, maybe they actually are causing harm.
Starting point is 00:04:01 You know, those insanity demons were just tearing stuff off the walls, knocking books over. They're just making faces. All the people that they're inhabiting are being very docile. Oh, hang on. Here comes the harm. Stealing half of their insulin. They would ask for money. I'm sorry, the demon had a previous owner. I don't know what to do.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Wait, hang on. We get to find out what harm they cause. They would ask for money or coffee, etc. That also shoots holes and they would come in for no reason theory. Oh, yes. Can I have some coffee, etc.? She put one of these notes over the doorway where no one could see it. Oh, sorry. She put one of those notes over the doorway.
Starting point is 00:04:42 No one could see it, but it was there. After placing that note over the door, those same people stopped coming into her office. Even the hobos thought she was too crazy. It's like, we got insanity, but damn, you crazy. Let's get out of here. They would come to the door and open it, but they would not come through the door.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Soon, all of them stopped coming in. Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! What the fuck happened there? I'm sure it was a miracle. The Lord. I've got demons, lady. What's your excuse? They probably got tired with being drenched
Starting point is 00:05:21 with blood. Yes. What they neglected to tell you was the bucket of blood that they propped up above the door. Would you guys mind terribly if I told you about another part of warfare? I would not. I would revel in it. Please, let me tell you. Another part of the warfare is to pray before you get on the road in your car.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Stan hit four deer, or rather, they hit him. All at once? No, but during a two-year period. Oh. He started praying this way. In the name of Jesus, I take authority and dominion over all the animals of the road that they do not cross my path. He was already doing that by hitting them. It's true.
Starting point is 00:06:11 I ask that you, father, dispatch angels ahead of me wherever I go. Dispatch? It's like a taxi service. I was thinking more like he was capping them. Since then, he has not had another accident. We have seen several on the side of the road, but they would turn and run the other way or cross before we got there.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! See, I would have prayed myself. I would have prayed, you know, Lord Jesus, please send me some steaks. Get them in front of my car. Let me kill them cleanly so I can have some dinner.
Starting point is 00:06:47 11 Gabriel 16. We've got a 255 in progress out on 310. Please respond. And just for the record, Hobos and Deer 0. God 1. Yay! God 2. God 2.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Witchcraft is a very serious offense and is rampant today. If we do not take up our swords and fight the enemies of our Lord, we will be destroyed. Anyone who practices or plays around with witchcraft has a curse of death upon them. This also affects
Starting point is 00:07:19 us for four generations. Sure. Had your fortune read, then you have a curse of death upon you and your children and your children's children and their children. All of them? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Four generations. Four generations. But the fifth one, they're clean and clear. Bang, that's it. If you have your palm read, your children's children will die. If you don't, they won't. This is the opposite of Mormonism,
Starting point is 00:07:45 where if you convert, all of your ancestors get to come with you. Oh. Reading horoscopes is witchcraft. Playing with Ouija boards is witchcraft. Water witching is witchcraft. There is so much witchcraft
Starting point is 00:08:01 going on today that we must be aware of these things and stay away from them witchcraft and the effects of witchcraft is not being taught in the pulpit and the people of god are being destroyed and deceived by them satanists are fasting and praying for the destruction of our families and our relationship with the lord jesus when you do the warfare against the Satanists, then you must return the curses that they are sending to you. Ungodly intercessory prayers are witchcraft prayers. That is any prayer that is prayed on your behalf or on another person's behalf. That is not the will of God.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Any words spoken in anger, hurt, sorrow, or bitterness is witchcraft curses being sent to you. No shit. Damn. sorrow or bitterness is witchcraft curse is being sent to you no shit damn if you yell at somebody on the subway that's witchcraft that's witchcraft curse or insanity demons yeah
Starting point is 00:08:54 say fuck you buddy your great great great grandkids are gonna die insanity demons just make you panhandle receptionists for coffee etc witchcraft fuck Insanity demons just make you panhandle receptionists for coffee, etc Witchcraft! Fuck! What's water witching? I think it's that
Starting point is 00:09:13 thing where you do it with the divining rod Sousing rod? Oh, okay Which I'm assuming people in the modern day do all the time It's pretty fun, you should give it a go I thought there would be like water slides involved. Whee!
Starting point is 00:09:30 And then he gets to the bottom. Oh, what a world, what a world. There's more. Psychic prayers, thoughts, warfare. These two need to be broken. There was a news program on TV that talked about the Russian people and the psychic thoughts that they used on each other. My friend, it is real and deadly. Especially if the Russians are doing it, apparently.
Starting point is 00:09:53 Fuck yeah. If you do not recognize and use the weapons of our warfare against them, you could be destroyed by them. All Catholic prayers that are being prayed for and against you need to be broken. What? Yay! Alright! Oh, Catholics.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Catholics are Satanists, I guess. I'm a Satanist then. Or I was a Satanist, but I'm better now because I'm an Atheist? How does that work? I'm confused. Somebody help me here. When in doubt, you're going to hell. He just needs to read further and it'll all be explained, I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:10:32 Again, do not think that you are protected just because you are a Christian. You have to appropriate the things of God before they work for you. You must cover yourself in the blood of Jesus. Break and loose yourself and family from the witchcraft curses and
Starting point is 00:10:48 return the curses to the Satanists. You can do this daily or any time the thought enters your mind to break them. Sample prayer. Anytime I think about it, I should cover myself in the blood. I should just pour a bottle of wine over myself. Covering things in the blood of
Starting point is 00:11:04 Jesus is sort of a catch-all solution. Oh. So that will fix everything you're saying. Father, in Jesus' name, I break and loose myself from all witchcraft, curses, and demons being sent against me. As your war club, I break in pieces the walls of protection that Satanists have been put up for their
Starting point is 00:11:19 protection. I send all demons and curses back to them sevenfold and bind it by them to the blood of Jesus. I break and loose myself from all psychic prayers, thoughts, warfare, all Catholic prayers being prayed for and against me, all ungodly intercessory prayers, all words spoken to hurt anger, sorrow, or bitterness in Jesus' name.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Jesus, watch out. The Christians are on the rampage again. I feel very sort of purified and terrific about all this, but my apartment is still kind of sinful. I don't want to say what's happened to my apartment, but my apartment is still kind of sinful. I don't want to say what's happened to my apartment, but dirty things. You should house clean your apartment, I'd say.
Starting point is 00:11:53 What? You should have your physical house, not your spiritual one, but your physical house or home or your apartment house cleaned. I wonder if I can learn more about that. You can, my friend. Objects that you bring into
Starting point is 00:12:08 your home allow demons to stay in your home. The Bible is very clear about accursed objects. After destroying the objects that are accursed, you must break and loose yourself from the curse of anathema. For more understanding, read Galatians 1, blah, blah, blah. The word accursed
Starting point is 00:12:23 in these scriptures means anathema. Am I saying that right? I think it's anathema. Yeah. I've never had to say it because, you know, I'm not a jerk. Well, mispronouncing that word is witchcraft so you gotta say that prayer again.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Oh, your great-great-grandchildren are fucked. Shit. You can see from this chapter that having accursed objects is very serious and could be deadly. Are you sick in your body? There may be something in your home. No, thanks for asking. That is an accursed object.
Starting point is 00:12:55 I didn't ask. I told. Oh, okay. Are you sick in your body? Yeah, there is no question mark there. There may be something in your home that is an accursed object making you sick. Such as viruses or bacteria.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Asbestos. That sounds like science to me. Oh, here we go. Now this really needs to be read as like a disclaimer at the end of a commercial or something. Ah, yes. Yes. Some of her subjects are owl, frogs, unicorns, horseshoes, items from other countries such as Africa, China, Japan, American Indian artifacts, carving, pictures, Buddhist statues. She is an Egyptian god found in kitchen canisters, curtains, paper dolls, plates, baskets, dolls, and stuffed animals. Dolls originated in voodoo.
Starting point is 00:13:35 Oh, my God. My mom's cookie jar just gave me the Satan. I think that has to be done more straight. It has to be done in a way that people can hear it. Oh, okay. I want to do it in part of that. He's just basically said that I'm from Africa, an entire continent. Anything from there is cursed.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Well, I'm going to read it. Because we don't have anything from China in my house. From other countries such as Africa. Okay, I got you. Yeah. Go ahead and read it straight. If it wasn't a country, you couldn't
Starting point is 00:14:08 be African. Right? Some accursed objects are owls, frogs, unicorns, horseshoes, items from other countries such as Africa, China, Japan, American Indian artifacts, carvings, pictures,
Starting point is 00:14:24 Buddha statues. Statutes. I'm sorry. Buddhist statutes. Subclause 10-B. The popular goose with the blue ribbon around its neck is an Egyptian god found on kitchen canisters, curtains, paper towels, plates, baskets, dolls, and stuffed animals. Dolls originated in voodoo. The Lord will show you items in your home that are accursed objects.
Starting point is 00:14:51 Be obedient and destroy them by fire if possible and confess. Repent! Ask forgiveness for having these accursed objects in your home and break the curse of Anathema. Be sure to command the demons attached to these articles to leave in the name of Jesus. That's a real fuck you to horses, I'd say. Well, like, what were they going to do 200 years ago? Because horseshoes are accursed objects. You're going to set horseshoes on fire?
Starting point is 00:15:22 I don't understand why this horseshoe isn't burning up. Ezekiel, this is taking forever. So begin today seeking the Lord for your deliverance and have the attitude as the Canaanite woman in Matthew 15, 22 to 28. And behold,
Starting point is 00:15:41 a woman who was a Canaanite from that district came out and with a loud, troublesomely urgent cry, Beg your mercy on me, O Lord, son of David. My daughter is miserably and distressingly and cruelly demonized by demons. A demon's gotta do
Starting point is 00:16:02 what a demon's gotta do. But he did not answer her a word, and his disciples came and implored him, saying, Send her away, for she is crying out after us. He answered, I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, but she came and, kneeling, worshipped him and kept praying, Lord, help me. And he answered, It is not right, proper, becoming, or fair,
Starting point is 00:16:24 to take the children's bread and throw it to the little dogs. She said, yes, lord. Yet even the little pups, little whelps, Canaanites were called dogs, eat the crumbs that fall from their young master's table. Then Jesus
Starting point is 00:16:39 answer her, oh woman, great is your faith. Be it done for you as you wish. Sure, what the... Answer her, O woman, great is your faith. Be it done for you as you wish. Sure. What the? I don't feel like that's a real Bible thing. I could be wrong. Yeah, no, that's a real Bible.
Starting point is 00:16:58 That's a real Bible story. I just, I have no idea what it, what he's trying to say with it I don't I don't even yeah so even with context that makes no sense
Starting point is 00:17:16 I'm glad he helped us out with all the shit in brackets then so John now that we're on the topic of cleaning our house um i would like you to describe to me a little bit about dishwashing and demons oh no wait wait first can i uh there's there's something on this page that I feel we missed. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Did you know what to say when you have any ungodly thoughts? Boy, I didn't. I wouldn't do it. If you have any ungodly thoughts, you must pray this immediately. Alright. In Jesus' name, I circumcise these thoughts!
Starting point is 00:18:11 Oh god. I'll still have the thoughts, but they'll be uncomfortable. Well, it could get infected, you know. That circumcision wasn't treated properly. Yeah. Oh, wait, wait, actually
Starting point is 00:18:26 all of these are good. If you are serious about deliverance, you must play Pray These Warfare prayers daily and sometimes several times during the day. Any ungodly thoughts, pray this immediately. In Jesus' name, I circumcise these thoughts.
Starting point is 00:18:43 When entering your office, grocery store, anyone else's home, etc., pray this before entering. In Jesus' name, I cover myself and this place with the blood of Jesus. I bind up every demon in here, and I
Starting point is 00:18:58 ask for giant warrior angels to protect me. None of those runty fuckers. None of those little guys. Those guys suck. Giant warrior angels to None of those runty fuckers. None of those little guys. Those guys suck. Giant warrior angels to protect me. After hanging up the phone, leaving work, grocery store,
Starting point is 00:19:14 neighbors, or visitors leave your home, etc. Pray this immediately. In Jesus' name, I command every demon that has followed me, was sent to me, or transferred to me to leave me now. There's demons in your bank account, guys. I put him there.
Starting point is 00:19:33 I'm just a temp here for the week. Before downloading email or opening webpages on the computer, pray this. or opening web pages on the computer. Pray this. In Jesus' name, I bind up every demon coming across the computer lines. But do you do anything with them? And I return them any curses.
Starting point is 00:19:59 That's horrible. Imagine living above this guy and you hear that every single fucking time he clicks on something. Oh my god do you think he does this on his own site yeah yes yeah because they might get cursed before or after getting into any vehicle wait isn't there already one of those before after getting into any vehicle pray this in j name, I cover myself in the blood of Jesus. Again? Finally.
Starting point is 00:20:27 I cover this vehicle and the road I travel in the blood of Jesus. That's got to take a while. That's a lot of wine. That would get kind of slippery. I think that's dangerous. Just pouring it out the side of the road as he drives by. I take authority and dominion over all animals and demons of
Starting point is 00:20:47 the road so they do not cross my path. I dispatch angels ahead of me to protect me. Before going to sleep, pray this. In Jesus' name, I cover myself and all my property with the blood of Jesus.
Starting point is 00:21:04 I take authority over all demons of the night, bad dream, and nightmare. And I command them to stay away. I ask for giant warrior angels to protect me and my property as I sleep. I don't know that Jesus has all the budget for this shit. Like all of this blood, all these giant war area. This place is like some kind of spiritual horror show there. It's dripping. Any sharp pain that comes on you suddenly is almost always witchcraft.
Starting point is 00:21:40 Just so you know. That witch stubbed your toe. When it happened, pray this immediately. In Jesus' name, I pull out all fiery darts, pins, needles, spears, voodoo, all witchcraft and curses and anything else, and I return to the sender sevenfold.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Wow. Wait. Man, I just, I wanna follow this guy around when he does that. Dab him repeatedly. I just wanna follow this guy around and poke him. And every time in Jesus name I poke him. In Jesus name
Starting point is 00:22:20 I poke him. He's going to the hospital for a ruptured appendix and he's like, it's a fiery dart! Don't do anything. I'm going to say a prayer and that guy's going to have seven ruptured appendixes. To return all witchcraft, pray this
Starting point is 00:22:41 several times during the day. Here we go. In Jesus' name, All witchcraft, pray this several times during the day. Here we go. Oh, God. In Jesus' name, I cut all ungodly silver cords and lay lines. As your war club and weapons of war, I break down undam and blow up all walls of protection around all witches, warlocks, wizards, satanists, sorcerers, and the like, and I break the power of all curses,
Starting point is 00:23:10 hexes, vexes, spells, charms, fetishes, psychic prayers, psychic thoughts, all witchcraft, sorcery, magic, voodoo, all mind control, jinxes, potions, bewitchments, death, destruction, pain, torment, psychic power, psychic warfare, prayer chains, incense and candle burning, incantations, chanting, ungodly blessings, and hood. Crystals and everything else being sent
Starting point is 00:23:45 my way or my family members just one member's way or any deliverance ministry's way and I return it and the demons to the sender sevenfold. But that means you'll have seven times the demons. Isn't that a bad thing? Well, this is why he's got to pray it
Starting point is 00:24:01 all the time. Oh no, I know no he sent it back and now I've got seven death and destruction sickness you know there's some guy somewhere trying to memorize that list that's okay I got the order wrong well with the voice that Lemon did earlier
Starting point is 00:24:16 it's like side effects include psychic thoughts all witchcraft do you think having a cheat sheet for that prayer would be a sin I do write it on your hand and hope God doesn't notice Do you think having a cheat sheet for that prayer would be a sin? I do. Write it on your hand and hope God doesn't notice. If you're a church, you need to memorize it.
Starting point is 00:24:32 I'm going to break these crystals with my fists in the name of Jesus. Hi-ya! I just love picturing that he's sitting in his room and he's picturing some Satanists across the alley being like, oh man, I was going gonna get him with that hex but he said vexes and hexes oh he's stopping the voodoo let's try the hoodoo instead
Starting point is 00:24:55 i know they just have a thesaurus they're trying to find things that he left out i have a rhyming dictionary i just i wish you had a page on every one of them what is a psychic what's the difference between a psychic prayer and a regular prayer what is a prayer chain incense and candle burning it didn't stop juju on Saturday evening I was watching television when my daughter of two came out of her room
Starting point is 00:25:26 to tell me that her doll was moving by itself. I assumed that it probably fell off the shelf to satisfy her. So to satisfy her, I got up and went to her room. When I got there, to my surprise, she had a stuffed troll doll dancing in the middle of her bedroom floor to a Disney movie playing music. Being raised in church, I began pleading the blood of Jesus.
Starting point is 00:25:53 I was pleading the blood of Jesus. And I commanded that spirit to leave the doll, went limp, and fell over on the floor. I took the doll outside my house and burned it. I'm still
Starting point is 00:26:10 high off the fumes from burning a troll doll. Meanwhile, her older brother, who was holding it up from behind the bed, is like, Jesus. What would cause something like this to happen? You not taking your medication. Batteries.
Starting point is 00:26:25 Burning too many troll dolls. Fingers and winches. Oh my god, my Furby is alive! Burn it! Oh my god, my Furby is alive! Please don't burn me! Okay, guys, you're all joking and all. It's all funny, but here's
Starting point is 00:26:41 the real advice, okay? I'm ready. We recommend destroying or burning all dolls. Okay. This includes stuffed animals. Boys don't call their little toys dolls, but they fall into the same category. Many toys in the park today are demonic in nature, and some even look evil. As a Christian parent, you need to raise your children more in tune with God instead of the influences of the devil.
Starting point is 00:27:01 Mom, I told you they're action figures. Not even just our dolls. They have little penises. Little plastic penises. Conclusion. Number one. God is total reality. There is no fantasy or play acting in God. There is no unreality in the Bible.
Starting point is 00:27:20 There's no unreality in the Bible. Talking to animals and people turning to salt. Pure science. Yes. Christians should not deal in any spiritual fantasy. Fantasy is very simply a lie that is not from God. A lie that is not from God.
Starting point is 00:27:37 That's an important specification right there. Yeah, God's lies are good lies. God, number three, God does not need any human circus or sideshows to sell and promote the kingdom of God. And here we are. All it takes is a straightforward application of the Bible with signs, wonders, and miracles followed the true teaching of the word of God to attract people to church. Jesus said, if you don't believe me, then believe my miracles. Wait! So we don't need a
Starting point is 00:28:09 sideshow or a circus or anything, and that's proof of the fact that Jesus was like, if you don't believe me, look! Water and wine! He is the Job of religion. The Job of religion. Okay, but by the way,
Starting point is 00:28:25 as an end of a little note, the dolls we have heard about the most walking and talking on their own are Barbie dolls and Cabbage Patch dolls. So, there you go. I'm sure somebody somewhere has like a graph with this barge. So, it's like there's some kind of
Starting point is 00:28:42 rolling scale of demonic possession then? You're like, a little bit of demon, that's okay?'s some kind of rolling scale of demonic possession then. You're like a little bit of demon. That's okay. You're kind of pushing it. A little bit more demon. That's kind of dangerous. And Barbie dolls. No.
Starting point is 00:28:52 What do you think this guy's house looks like? That it just like so much shit has to be burned and covered in the blood of Jesus. I'm thinking it's just continuously dripping from the walls with all that blood of Jesus. Oh, you think this guy has a house. That's funny. He does actually have a neighbor. I forget which page was that. You can put those cardboard boxes next to cardboard boxes.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Well, he was saying his neighbor kept coming up going, so how's it going with those demons? And then his neighbor got cancer. So clearly all the curses are being counteracted on him. Thank you, God. I send you the demons sevenfold. I am vindicated by a spiteful God. I was ministering deliverance to a
Starting point is 00:29:42 former prostitute. She had a spirit of subjection to a warlock. She denied that she had a connection. The pastor came running over from the other side of the church and said, I saw a snake around her finger. The lady had three rings on that finger. The middle ring was stuck into her flesh and would not come off. The pastor cut it
Starting point is 00:30:08 off. She broke forth with the manifestations and then we were able to heal her from her AIDS. So they broke her jewelry. She probably then cussed them out which they thought was like possession or something. Right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:26 And then the AIDS. When we examined the ring, it had a tiny black stone, about half a carat. That's not how it's spelled, but that's cool. It's a half a carat. Half a carat. And on each side of the stone,
Starting point is 00:30:45 there were two tiny goat heads. Aww. I believe my story. I don't know why you don't. You could hardly see them with the naked eye. Then a flood of memories came, and she remembered that her first boy friend, who was a biker,
Starting point is 00:31:04 gave it to her. She was instantly delivered, and the next night she brought about 14 people to the church. Revival broke out! Oh, officer, it was terrible. They just started reviving each other.
Starting point is 00:31:22 I barely got out unrevived. There's so many heart attacks. Oh, the bikers. Oh, what won't those bikers do? Oh, they're crazy people. Like, does this guy still watch like James Dean movies and be like, grrr, what a ruffian.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Yeah, clearly. He even says ruffian. Good heavens. Have you ever been in a restaurant that had loud music, and after a short while, you started to get nervous and wish they would change the dial, or you just had to get out of there? Oh, totally.
Starting point is 00:31:56 That song that samples the arithmetics, No More I Love You. Fucking hate that. Yeah, me too. Your love, your love. Okay, go ahead. God made our bodies with the natural rhythm tempo. The heartbeat. Fucking hate that bit. Yeah, me too. Your love, your love. Okay, go ahead. I've been there. God made our bodies with the natural rhythm tempo. The heartbeat.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Okay. Non sequitur, I guess. Music that you listen to that does not make you nervous is in this order. First, the rhythm. Second, the melody. Third, the beat. Some people use different words for these three. Much music has these three items out of
Starting point is 00:32:28 sequence by putting the beat first. This subsets the natural rhythm in our being as God created it. It makes your body shake. Makes you want to move. Makes you want to dance. And that's central. And you don't see a problem with that at all? Rock and roll does this at most all music.
Starting point is 00:32:48 That's right. Most all music, including some so-called Christian music. Ooh. One sure sign is the beat of the drum, usually starting out the song.
Starting point is 00:32:59 It's just out there in front of most of the time. The drum sound beat is very obvious. The drummer's not usually in front in a band. I don't know what band you've seen. I guess if you've only seen Rush, maybe that's true. Well, I saw a drummy drummer in the drum-a-thon,
Starting point is 00:33:16 but... I'm playing a guitar drum, everybody. I gotta ask you guys something. Oh, yeah. Have you ever wondered why drums are such a part of Satan worship services? I really totally have, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:32 That's because they drum up the demons. Oh, man. Oh, see, I just assumed that's what they meant by ensnare me. The witch doctors in Africa and other places drum up the demons. Oh.
Starting point is 00:33:49 When was the last time you said you were going to drum up business or something else? You didn't love it. Is it demons? After every idiom, just yell something about the blood of the Lord. Just everything
Starting point is 00:34:06 you say. I was thinking about going out in front of my insurance company and just banging on the drums until people come in. Is it a Christian insurance company? No. Then you're drumming up some business for Satan. Cool. Now, let me wrap this up.
Starting point is 00:34:25 That's your after school special on us. Next time you're listening to Christian music, listen for the beat. The words might be about Jesus, but if the beat is in the wrong place, the enemy may be involved.
Starting point is 00:34:42 Find this hard to believe? Do some deliverance on it. Okay, so I think that the position, which I'm sure is still open after Brent DiCaschenzo, should be
Starting point is 00:34:56 replaced by this guy. I think he would be a really good pitchfork critic. I would read every review. So if you're listening to Christian music and it's at all catchy, it's probably Satan music. Yeah, but just do some deliverance on it and you're okay. You know who else led a
Starting point is 00:35:13 parade of wolves? Satan. So, Kumquat, I hear you have a song for us. What? I hear you have a song for us. What? I hear you have a song for us. Christian Rock. I do? Yes.
Starting point is 00:35:30 Christian Rock. That's what I was told in a memo. Oh, this is a poem. No, it's a song. Oh. It's a poem song. I'm going to sing a poem. It has to have a very good beat.
Starting point is 00:35:44 Make sure that the beat's right. No, it has to have a bad beat. Don't you understand? If it has a good beat, that means it has the enemy. First, you got it all wrong. See, the most important part of a song that makes it Christian is the rhythm, then the melody, and then the beat.
Starting point is 00:35:59 You can't start it off with drums. The song that starts off with drums is satanic. It has to have rhythm, not beat. That's right. The rhythm, but not the beat. I don't know what I'm talking about. I think this song will send people to hell because I think it has a bad rhythm.
Starting point is 00:36:20 At any moment, I expect a 90s techno song to break out from this song. I think this should be sung... Move the rhythm of the beat in motion. I was thinking this should be sung to the beat of Rapper's Delight. Okay, Boots, do you want to try it?
Starting point is 00:36:37 Sure. Why did I say that? Christian rock is of God We hear Christians say Touch not God's anointed Don't stand in their way Other way Judge not that ye be judged
Starting point is 00:36:54 They once again proclaim They're called to this ministry They're getting souls saved Every time I hear this Oh how my heart it grieves To see the Christians so seduced, so swayed, so deceived So deceived!
Starting point is 00:37:08 Let's open the Bible, let's see what God has to say about the abomination of rock that's labeled Christian today Christian today! I'm downloading live! We are indeed judged, let's levy this score Just open your word to John 7, 24
Starting point is 00:37:24 Leviticus 19, 15 Matthew 7, 1-5 this score. Just open your word to John 724. Leviticus 1915. Matthew 7 1-5. Instruct us to judge another's ministry or life. Does it really rhyme? Oh, that didn't know, but go. You're rapping awful. Needle scratch.
Starting point is 00:37:41 You're rapping awful. Probably good to see. I'm just kidding. It's not. It's not. scratch. You're wrapping up. Probably good to see. It doesn't get better. Do you want me to take over? It's so long. It is. Preaching Not Music to Christ's Souls are one. Let's flip over some pages to 1 Corinthians 1.21.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Okay. Man, exposing this junk. Rock supporters get angry. Well, that's not of God. See James 1 and verse 20. Okay. They look and sound like the world. Prisons are supposed to transform.
Starting point is 00:38:18 They're enemies. They're the enemies of God. James 4 and verse 4. Oh, that's really bad. The men's hair is like women's. Wear makeup and think it's fine. What about 1 Corinthians 1.11.14 and 1 Corinthians 4 and verse 4. The men and the heirs like women wear makeup and think it's fine. What about 1 Corinthians 11 and 14 and 1 Corinthians 6 and verse 9?
Starting point is 00:38:31 He must look away for the unsaved one Thessalonians 5.22 is not open to debate. Their stage lives are a shame. Their private lives are no better. 2 Timothy 3.1-6 describes them to the letter.
Starting point is 00:38:46 It's getting better. This song is I know better. 2 Timothy 3, 1-6 describes them to the letter. It's getting better. This song is actually getting better. But they bought all the records of the posters, contrary to Exodus 20, verse 3. But we've prayed about the music and not convinced at any time. God will tell you just what you want to hear, according to Ezekiel 14, 1-5. Oh, never mind.
Starting point is 00:39:03 You got worse now. You had it for a little while. Be not conformed to this world, says Romans 12, 2. If you say you're a Christian, God is talking to you. They say their works are good. They're helping the world and the kids. God doesn't
Starting point is 00:39:17 need Christian resumes. See Isaiah 64 in verse 6. The face of Christian rock is as wicked as can be. It is rebellion and witchcraft. See versus Ambul 523. The back road is soggy, the peas are in motion, the chicken tastes like wood.
Starting point is 00:39:34 Their lyrics aren't even godly. They've been seduced by the devil. For God is not mocked. Galatians 6 in verse 7. Oh, Jesus! That was really bad. He's got a little muscle with all the stretching he's doing. Apparently witchcraft is getting
Starting point is 00:39:50 lines to scan. You know, the rule is, anytime you say 7, you have to rhyme it with heaven. And this is a fucking Christian poem. You couldn't do that? No. Okay, we're almost together. Okay. Some have even admitted we're trying secular this time.
Starting point is 00:40:06 They've left out Jesus completely. Isaiah 3 and verse 9. Christians aren't the first about being clean. Get out of that junk. 2 Corinthians 5.17. Wait, is that an order for 2 Corinthians 5.17 to get out of that junk? Get out of that sin, 2 Corinthians 5.17. Come on, buddy.
Starting point is 00:40:23 The wages of sin. Read Romans 6.23. Repent for this trash and let Jesus set you free. Millions of Christians follow a rock, but the narrow gate leads to heaven. Millions travel the broad road. Verses 13 and 14 of Matthew 7. Oh, yeah. Fuck the police.
Starting point is 00:40:42 Fuck the Satan police. Lucifer is a joke You down with OPD? Yeah, you know me Proteged often Maybe demons Years of fatigue Proteged unto death Tired, overtired
Starting point is 00:41:04 Overtired unto death, weakness, and weakness unto death. Very common demons. They'll work in the same office. I need to mute my mic. Overtired to death. A John Carpenter
Starting point is 00:41:26 film. Jesus' blood. Okay, thank you. That just cleared it right up. Moving on. Physicians most often cannot identify the real source of the problem. Consequently,
Starting point is 00:41:44 they experiment with different medications in an effort to relieve the patient of the embarrassing distress of constant rousiness, tiredness, fatigue,
Starting point is 00:42:00 and sleepiness. Four distinct things. Look, if you list lots of things, it sounds more authoritative. Medications often further complicate things by producing adverse reactions that cause additional discomfort.
Starting point is 00:42:19 Satanic diarrhea. One lady The Tanak diarrhea. One lady out of whom was cast demons named Fatigue unto death. Oh man, he must have gotten beaten up at demon school. A couple weeks later and said that she had not
Starting point is 00:42:39 felt so energetic in many years. She was excited about being able to be active every day without the tired feeling. That'll maintain. About two months after the demon was cast out, she was still in a
Starting point is 00:42:56 state of exuberance, enjoying life in a dynamic, exciting manner. Praise the Lord. What a tremendous difference three minutes of deliverance can make for an individual.
Starting point is 00:43:14 In a short period of time, bondages can be broken. Oh, damn it. Bring him back. People's spirits cast out and valuable qualities of a person's life were stored
Starting point is 00:43:29 for many future years of pleasure and serving God. Wait, pleasure and serving God? Yes, that's what I said. In the same year? Another lovely lady
Starting point is 00:43:40 who worked a regular 40-hour week exclaimed she was always tired and had a strong drive to sleep excessively. A powerful demon named Overtired Unto Death
Starting point is 00:43:54 was cast out. That must be the smith of the demon world. All day. Very common. The Lord wants his people to lead a God-ordained normal life with no demonic interference if saints permit demons to usurp privileges christ has given to his bride
Starting point is 00:44:15 and they may suffer and suffer exceedingly beloved i wish above all things that thou mayest prosper, and be in health even as thy soul prospereth. 3 John 2 And these signs shall follow them that believe in my name, shall they cast out demons. Mark 16, 17 Let us perform all the commission Christ gave us, and cast out demons. Much misery and suffering will be eliminated.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Damn, you sound winded from reading that. But I have this problem with nausea and vomiting. Okay, bro. Nausea and vomiting can be extremely stressful. Excessive vomiting can injure the body. Related problems such as sleep disorders, nervous conditions, strained and sore muscles may place undue stress upon an individual, weakening that person emotionally and physically.
Starting point is 00:45:16 There are times when vomiting may be very beneficial, especially when harmful or poisonous substances has been ingested, such as, you know little giggle juice however inhabiting demons take full advantage of every opportunity to create a hazardous condition out of what would ordinarily be a useful body function
Starting point is 00:45:35 one person called for deliverance prayer for prolonged and intensive vomiting that necessitated hospitalization another individual vomited for seven weeks that individual that's some endurance necessitated hospitalization. Another individual vomited for seven weeks. Get in there, individual! Hey, home. That's some endurance.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Morning, Gary. Still at it, huh? Did he get a medical condition? No, demons. One would obviously suspect demonic activity in cases like these. Nausea and vomiting during early phases of pregnancy may be due to evil spirits. Really?
Starting point is 00:46:13 Really? It's not because you've got another person hooked up into your digestive system. Okay. So you're pregnant and you're vomiting. person hooked up into your digestive system. Okay. So you're pregnant and you're vomiting, so therefore your child is the Antichrist. On the other hand, abortion is a sin. Fuck,
Starting point is 00:46:34 where do we go from here? No, it's God's way of punishing her for having sex. Oh, that's true. No, she's possessed by the demon getting up at 3am unto death. Fuck it with her. She's possessed by the demon getting up at 3am unto death. I think I know the answer for this situation, for this demon baby.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Alright. Deliverance! Oh! Oh wait, drums are evil. Sorry. They're fine if you play them badly dude dumb sing
Starting point is 00:47:07 anybody call me alright bro listen up when delivering an individual from these problems have them repent of anything they may have done to precipitate a condition leading to upset stomach vomiting etc follow the typical procedures of removing protective mechanisms
Starting point is 00:47:24 cast out the evil spirits. Speak healing. Remove their shag reflex. List of demons. Nausea. Upset stomach. Vomiting. Vomiting without ceasing. Vomiting until there is nothing left. Vomiting unto death. Vomiting weakens. Dehydration. Destroyed complete by vomiting.
Starting point is 00:47:40 Nervousness due to vomiting. Other vomiting related symptoms. Nervousness due to vomiting? Yeah, nervousness due to vomiting. Nervousness due to vomiting. Other vomiting-related symptoms. Nervousness due to vomiting? Yes. Yeah, nervousness due to vomiting. Ask your doctor if Cyprexor onto death is right for you. I think if you notice the symptom
Starting point is 00:47:55 vomiting onto death, then it might be a little bit too late. I'm now looking at the following large text letters, and seeing that they're formed into words, but I'm refusing to believe that I'm reading what I think I'm reading. Those words seem to be the problem of... Are you talking about the next words? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:22 Well, those words are antiperspirant and demon. next words? Yeah. Well, those words are antiperspirant and demon. A lady has been using an underarm antiperspirant and deodorant scented spray for about two weeks. A painful rash developed on her armpits. We cast out a spirit of antiperspirant
Starting point is 00:48:36 pain and probed for others without success. We spoke healing, and within two days the problem had disappeared. Haven't these people heard of allergic reactions? No, I know what you're all thinking. I know what you're all asking. One may ask the question,
Starting point is 00:48:50 what gives a demon legal grounds to enter a person who uses an antiperspirant? Really? That's what you think I'm thinking? Oh, and by the way... You should call my demon lawyer. Hi, I'm Smith Under Death. And by the way, lawyer. Hi, I'm Smith under death. And
Starting point is 00:49:07 by the way, not all people would be sensitive enough to receive antiperspirant demons. Yeah, allergy, because not all people have allergies. The answer to the question is in the biology of the body and the interference with its proper functioning. Generally speaking, anything that
Starting point is 00:49:26 adversely affects the godly operation of any body part provides the necessary grounds for spirits to take up occupancy inside the individual or oppress from the outside. That was a lot of words to say. Demons, wasn't it? Whatever happened to your grandfather? He was shot by bullet demons in the war.
Starting point is 00:49:47 There's a lot of words here because we're getting into Whatever happened to your grandfather? Well, he was shot by bullet demons in the war. Yeah, exactly. There's a lot of words here because we're getting into science. Okay. Chemicals that inhabit or prevent the proper release of sweat through the sweat pores are harmful to the body. Antiperspirants are included in this category of dust obstruction. Sweat glands associated with the coarse hair of the armpits and pubic region, are larger and
Starting point is 00:50:10 secrete fluid, which is much thicker than the secreted glands in the other places of the body. Sweat contains many waste products that are eliminated from the body through perspiration. Consequently, sweating is a necessary bodily function for good health. Sweat demons.
Starting point is 00:50:25 I keep telling my wife that, but she keeps saying I should shower anyway. Blocking of the ducts causes the sweat and waste products to become trapped in the epidermis or dermis, producing irritation, prickly heat, itching, severe itching, inflammation, and other possible problems.
Starting point is 00:50:44 Additionally, perspiring has a cooling effect upon the body. Sweat also acts as a lubricant. Pubic region. Spirits that could easily be present under these circumstances are antiperspirant, pain, itching, severe itching,
Starting point is 00:51:00 prickly heat, rash, irritated skin, inflamed skin, inflammation, blocked sweat pores, block release of sweat, spirits by the commercial brand of the antiperspirant and names of the harmful chemicals in the antiperspirant, and other demons. Wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:51:16 Okay, again, the last one, the last two, spirits by the commercial brand of the antiperspirant and names of harmful chemicals in the antiperspirant and other demons. Hey, I'm sodium lauryl sulfate. How you doing? I'm right guard
Starting point is 00:51:32 unto death. Anyways. Note, I was standing in line in a convenience store one day. There were two doctors in front of me talking about antiperspirant and how bad it was for you because of the mercury in the product that blocks the sweat. Mercury?
Starting point is 00:51:46 Yeah. They were doctors, dude. They're doctors who don't know the difference between mercury and silver. Okay. Guys, well, we got some practical advice here, okay? If you have not tried using apple cider under your arms, you are missing a really cheap but effective deodorant and time delivery ministry.
Starting point is 00:52:02 Apple cider? What the hell? It just completely went off the rocker. It makes sense. Rubbing apple cider in your armpits is a really effective end time delivery ministry. Is it mulled apple cider? Do I need to heat it up with some cloves first?
Starting point is 00:52:19 Just do some deliverance to figure it out. Jesus, computers, and demons. Which one's which? This first sentence. We are a triune being. Body,
Starting point is 00:52:34 soul, and spirit. Speaking computerese, we have body, computer casing, soul, hard drive slash hard copy, like actual, like, you know, printouts of emails Computer casing. Soul. Hard drive slash hard copy. What? Like actual, you know, printouts of emails and shit.
Starting point is 00:52:51 And spirit. Software. This metaphor written by Gil Reval. Where's the tubes? Aren't there supposed to be tubes involved here? Those are the intestines. Oh, okay. Your feet are the truck. Demons get into our body and soul, but cannot get into our spirit.
Starting point is 00:53:11 That is how Christians can and do have demons. Demons get into your computer casing. I'll just load up my anti-demon software. Somebody takes their stack of printouts and writes, demons!
Starting point is 00:53:28 Demons are like cat hair. They're inside of the computer case. They can get into the case, into the hardware, but not into the software. But they also got into the hard copy. Someone copied and pasted demons into my word processing file and now I've just printed it out
Starting point is 00:53:42 and it says, demons, demons, demons, demons, demons demons demons demons what do I do God pour wine on it some demons are like computers so like I'm going to possess you. I have 37 words into my article, and I've already used computers as metaphors for two different things. So, demons have a computer casing, a hard drive, and a spirit. Yes. Okay. If you have a computer that is turned off, do you still have a computer? Of course.
Starting point is 00:54:25 Oh, okay. Of course you do. Your computer could sit there with the power off for days, weeks, months, or years. Very much a computer, but with no power. Some computers can be on, but goes... Some computers can be on, but goes into
Starting point is 00:54:42 a hibernation... End quote. Or open quote with no close quote. Stage. computers can be on, but goes into a hibernation end quote or open quote with no close quote stage. It is still on, but in a state that uses less power. It only takes a little budge on your mouse to
Starting point is 00:54:57 activate it fully. Penis. Yes. On the chart. Spiritual sex toy chart you can trigger you can trigger your hiding demon by something you do or say like a hibernating bear
Starting point is 00:55:11 when it is time for him to get up god damn it my bear is a computer spirit computers are hibernating bears go ahead so demon is like a computer which is like a bear. Yeah, I'm just wondering if there's a prayer for spiritual torture that covers metaphors.
Starting point is 00:55:29 God damn. Like a hibernating bear, when it is time for him to get up and eat, nothing will stop him. When he's hibernating, that is. You can't stop me, I'm asleep. Some demons are just like the bear The demon The demon is in his den You I'm the den? But I thought it was a computer casing
Starting point is 00:55:55 You're a den and a computer case, yes A den is like the type of room In a house No, like the bear's den that he's hibernating in The demon is in his den, the bear's den. The bear doesn't have a living room. God, that's why we need these experts for this because this is really confusing. I'm getting
Starting point is 00:56:11 mad. In the name of the blood of the Lord Jesus, I have no idea what the fuck is going on. And one day he gets hungry. This would clearly explain mass murderers by such a nice man next door. Wait, are mass murderers by such a nice man next door. Wait, are mass murderers in my computer?
Starting point is 00:56:28 Yeah, because bear computers. Because a bear has a sole hard drive and he's going to be in your den, which is you. So, John Wayne Gacy. However, fuck you, I'm pouring honey on my computer.
Starting point is 00:56:46 Honey wine. You know, the bears aren't actually interested in the honey. Don't you get it? You see, the bears don't go for the honey. They're going for the bee larva. Anyway, however, most... Nerd! Canadian!
Starting point is 00:57:01 I took an apiculture course. It's an elective. Anyway, however, most demons are plugged in All the time Just waiting to manipulate you Without you needing to do anything To stir him up How many times have you clicked on your
Starting point is 00:57:17 Print button Then decided to cancel it It's too late 55 pages. Oh, God. Except for unplugging the printer. I found no way to stop it dead in its tracks. There's a little app land.
Starting point is 00:57:35 You just go up there and you hit cancel. Okay. I have not found this. Lemon, the bear has a mouse and he can't stop printing, okay? That's what I'm talking about here. Follow along. I recently printed a document not knowing how many pages there would be. It kept going and going. I wanted to unplug it, but kept thinking
Starting point is 00:57:52 maybe it's almost done printing. It finally stopped on its own. It finally stopped on its own after it finished its job without me intervening. About 300 pages. What the fuck was it? What was it?
Starting point is 00:58:08 A recipe and then 200. Oh, wait, never mind. It would have been the site. If you actually tried to print this site, it would be about 300 pages. It would be more than that. It's five pages for the text and then 295 pages for the code for the MIDI. Yeah, it was just like 295 pages, like a single junk character in the midi. It was just like 295 pages of like
Starting point is 00:58:27 a single junk character in the upper left. Anyways. To stop a demon dead in his tracks, you need to unplug it. To do this through... You do this through deliverance! Casting it out in the name of Jesus! Don't sit there
Starting point is 00:58:44 day after day watching your printer hoping it will stop soon. Pain, torment, sickness, fear, depression, sadness, etc. What? What? Etc.
Starting point is 00:58:59 I want to get the AdvilJews guy's opinion because I think he makes more sense. I want to make sense ofil Jews guy to give his opinion on this because I think he makes more sense. I want to make sense of what being unable to stop a 300-page document is a metaphor for. It explains it.
Starting point is 00:59:14 See? You know what I bet happened? It's a demon that cannot stop. You know what I bet happened? It's like a relative came over. Well, it's like, I got this thing printing. I can't stop it.
Starting point is 00:59:29 And it's like, why did you print a 300? Oh, God. Okay, let me get it to the printer. Oh, God, I can't stop this. What the hell is with your printer? And then in the background, he's thinking, you know, this relates to Jesus somehow. Jesus. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Let me stop printing. Jesus is your only answer through deliverance shoot an arrow after the deliverance fuck you nevermind turn on your spiritual computer by first plugging in Jesus and accepting him as your personal savior
Starting point is 01:00:02 then install then install go on Accepting him as your personal savior. Then install... Then install... Go on. Then install your hard drive and do or get some deliverance. How much money will I have to pay for that software package? Do I have to torrent it? Because that's against the Bible.
Starting point is 01:00:24 Does he want us to make shitty entendres with all this hard drive and plug in Jesus? It's not a 12 year renewable license. It's like a small novelty lamp. Can I get it from Walmart? The Bible, this website, and others like it are your
Starting point is 01:00:41 hard copy telling you how to operate and use the power of deliverance. That's not how hard copy works. All computers come with built-in software so it can operate properly. We are born with godly software.
Starting point is 01:00:59 Once we become of age to know right from wrong, we must upgrade our godly software with the best program and version that is guaranteed to work. Jesus Christ through deliverance. See, that's how they get you started. They get you on a 30-day Jesus trial, and you get used to it. Oh, it's just installed. No, no, no. Best of all,
Starting point is 01:01:26 this upgrade is free! Oh, wow. Oh, cool. It's live, confidential, one-on-one and discreet! It's open source savior! It's going to make my penis bigger. I know it. It was paid for at Calvary
Starting point is 01:01:42 when Jesus died on the tree for you and me. He died on a tree? He coated himself. One program on our computer works just fine, but I found out I could download a patch that would improve some of the features
Starting point is 01:01:59 and thereby give me more power. While most Christians have downloaded Jesus! Again, I just picture, like, the tech support relative, and it's like, okay, you need to patch this software. It's like, will that give me more power? Yeah, Grandpa, sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:14 Most Christians who have downloaded Jesus don't know about or don't want the patch. The patch is deliverance! Wait, the patch... I don't need to make the deliverance! Wait, the patch is deliverance? You're not going to make the deliverance joke anymore. Some have it downloaded, but it's not being used. Another
Starting point is 01:02:34 patch is missing from most Christian... Why is that in quotes? Christian? It's so cold! In my metaphor, the Christians are... Oh, wait, no, wait, no. Christians are actually Christians. Well, it's like sometimes when you want to go print a 300-page document and you can't stop it and you try to unplug things and it doesn't work
Starting point is 01:02:52 and then you just hit some quotes. Fuck, I don't know. Good enough. Another patch missing from most Christians is the speaking in tongues patch. Wouldn't it just be easier to release some kind of Christian service pack? Get everybody on. Maybe you should have worked harder on the software before releasing it if you need that many patches. It just gives you a closer walk with
Starting point is 01:03:16 Jesus. Talk about petty and power. This article doesn't date itself at all. There is no match for the power that is available to every true believer. You can read this hard copy, but if you don't load it into your computer,
Starting point is 01:03:33 it will just sit there on your table until you forget about it. How do I load this into my computer? Continue to download software by reading your Bible daily. Damn it! Don't download the devil's software. Tell others about the new beefed up
Starting point is 01:03:48 spiritual computer you have. Just plug it in. Wait, wait, wait. How do I download the software? The fucking Bible! Oh, okay. Wait, how do I put the Bible in my computer? The blood of Jesus!
Starting point is 01:04:02 It's a metaphor. You order it from Amazon, and then Amazon delivers it to you. So I just pour wine in my computer, right? That's what it's working for. I would love to be his relative and go on his computer and make his desktop background
Starting point is 01:04:19 Winnie the Pooh. What the hell? Praying for three weeks And there we go About an hour or so of purity And cleanliness And peace unto death I suppose
Starting point is 01:04:37 I hope you learned a lot I don't know that I did But I sure did enjoy myself As always the website Find us on the Facebook or the Stitcher or what have you, and we'll see you soon.
Starting point is 01:04:52 Have a good one. Bye. Jesus, watch out. Oh, man. I like that in the middle of the prayer, he included Jeremiah 5120, just in case God needed a reference to remember that book you wrote
Starting point is 01:05:10 yeah remember to cite your sources

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