The F Plus - 412: Dr. Keshe and the Plasmaniacs

Episode Date: February 16, 2025

Named after its founder, The Keshe Foundation speaks of something called “Plasma”, which has absolutely nothing to do with any definition of the word you've ever heard previously. There's something called GANS, which is entirely new state of matter which has been named using a heretofore unprecedented method for writing an acronym. So what do “Plasma” and GANS do? Well, they cost money. But apparently they cure Coronavirus? So that's nice. This week, everyone in The F Plus needs a way to distinguish their cummycups.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is for all you who don't get enough. It's called Plasma. Junkie. And now it is time for you to immerse yourself in the F Plus podcast. A restorative place for terrible things read with enthusiasm. In the room tonight we have Booth Reingear. The Keshegan's neutral reserve for Mag Grav's Alkalizer and Energy. Four variants to choose from. Veggie, fruity, herbs, and red. Frank West?
Starting point is 00:00:36 I call for all men of peace to come together to see the beginning of the most beautiful time for man on this broken wing of this endangered bird called Earth, flying through the space of the universe. Shell Game! Kesha Kan's Handmade Crochet! Hold them, gift them, share the knowledge and the Kan's plasma awareness and positive effects! We've got K. Thor Jensen!
Starting point is 00:01:00 Within 24 hours they cannot even stand the smell of it, because the smell is part of the emotion of the man. And Lemon. Man has reached the level where one can interact with his soul and with the soul of its creator. Having a Zoom account is required. Hahahaha! Or you'll just go insane Degreting darkness, you'll live just for a day in Your heart will be your tomb as I bleed Heart of Basterd! Heart of Basterd! Heart of Basterd!
Starting point is 00:01:42 Hey, F+. Hey, Lemon. Hey, lemon. Hello. Hey. Hey, how are you doing? Do you love science? No, I fucking love science. You fucking love science. I love it.
Starting point is 00:01:54 When it conforms to my preconceptions, I totally love science. OK, I love it when it doesn't conform to my preconceptions. Oh, oh, that's a big brain. Wow. You're the you're the Brian Cox of this podcast. Thank you. What preconceptions do you need science to conform to, K-Thor? I mean, essentially the ones that validate my existing lifestyle. And what lifestyle is that?
Starting point is 00:02:20 Yeah, I don't know. Oh, God. Oh, no. Oh God No, I didn't realize your existence was predicated on belief I am a fully myth-dependent individual Yeah, you made that you made that bargain with the leprechaun that you wanted to be a mythical being. Yeah, unfortunately it was only a bargain for him. Well I want to actually introduce you to a, because we're, you know, I'm ready for a pivot on this podcast, and so we're a science podcast now.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Fine. Great. And so therefore, I want to introduce you to a field of science you're probably not familiar with, and that is plasma science. Are you familiar, you're familiar with plasma, right? Yeah, like blood? No. They don't like right? Yeah, like blood? No. They're like TVs.
Starting point is 00:03:26 No, like the- Yeah, like the Pokemon team. They're sort of like not quite a liquid, not quite a gas state that exists in space. Sure, sure. Like the anime guy. All of that's wrong. No. So this was a document given to us by vampire software. And we are going to be starting
Starting point is 00:03:48 off on a page that seems to have no CSS at all. So I'm in. And it is the But you're in, you're going to offer your services. Yeah, yeah. I mean, I just I go, you know, I go where needed. Like I'm sort of like, I'm sort of like David Carradine in several ways. But I roamed the earth. I roamed the earth looking for people that need CSS. That explains what you were doing when I walked in on you in that hotel room. Johnny, Johnny's style sheet seeds.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Dave Lander. Yeah, so, so I'm just want to introduce you to the Kesha Foundation, and by introducing you to the Kesha Foundation, which is run by Mehran Tavakoli Kesha. And I don't know how that's pronounced. I don't know Iranian pronunciation of names, I apologize. I'm gonna say Kesha, if I'm wrong about that, sorry, I didn't look it up. Well it does have the dollar sign S in there. Yeah. No, that's, yeah, he changed it after the other Kesha took the dollar sign out of her name.
Starting point is 00:04:59 He was like, well since you're not using that. Yeah, he was also feeling like P. Diddy, which is a problem. Well for a while. And then she woke up in the morning. Anyway. Okay, so the Kesha Foundation. Kesha Foundation is an independent, nonprofit, non religious space based organization. So they exist in space somewhere. Founded by the nuclear engineer Mehran Tavakoli, Kesha is introducing humanity to the science of the universe, plasma science. Okay, so the Kesha Foundation develops universal
Starting point is 00:05:35 knowledge and space technologies that provide solutions to major global problems, revolutionizing health, food and agriculture, energy, environment, transportation, family relationship, emotions and soul, ellipsis. Wait. Hmm. Loving which of these are hyperlinks, honestly. Yeah. Oh, those are categories.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Yeah, family and relationship, not a link. Emotions and soul, very much a link. Mm-hmm. Through plasma science and technology, humanity may finally learn about the reality of the world of creating the world of creation finding answers, even for things previously unexplainable. Humanity must also learn about the ethos of universal community, why we are here, what our purpose is, and how humankind shall comprehend the real value of peace, implement it and maintain it on the planet Earth first, and afterwards live in peace anywhere in space.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Anywhere in space? That's a lot of places. I wanted to teach myself about ethos, and I clicked through and I got this page is under construction. So I clicked through and I got, this page is under construction. So that's, listen, listen man, they're a technology company. The science comes first, the ethics we promise will come later. Wait, but it's an actual page on ethos. It just says this page is under construction. It's not a placeholder. There's not even a kid with like the hammering construction workers or anything.
Starting point is 00:06:59 I don't believe that this thing is under construction. It does continue to say more things. It starts with that. Most of it appears to be copy pasted from Wikipedia, by which I mean they wrote, Wikipedia, what is ethos? And actually below that it says, homework, look on Google slash Wikipedia slash dictionary, what is ethos about? Write it yourself in your words.
Starting point is 00:07:23 On next Monday we all bring up our researches. Here you have helpful keywords and sentences. Okay, so, so what is plasma? I think is what you were all asking. So what is plasma? You were all wrong. Earlier, sorry about that. So what is plasma? Every physical object, electron, atom, grain of sand, plant, animal, human, planet, star, galaxy, universe, etc. etc. That's a load bearing etc. here. Sure is. Is nothing more than an accumulation of magnetic fields which Kesha refers to as plasmatic and magnetic fields these plasmatic and magnetic fields consist of a huge quantity of individual magnetic fields Wait, no, I lost my place. Oh my god
Starting point is 00:08:16 No, you were you were correct. That was oh, oh, I thought I was just repeating myself, but it turns out Kesha was okay Plasmatic magnetic fields consist of a huge quantity of individual magnetic fields. Plasmatic magnetic fields are three-dimensional, the movement and area of which is determined by the individual magnetic fields within the object. Each of these plasmatic objects is referred to as plasma and is defined by the field within it. So this is like a rubber band ball basically is our it just keeps getting bigger. Cosmology.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So each of these plasmatic, okay, so the Keshe Foundation does not use the word plasma in the same way that it's used by standard physics. Well, yeah, it's better. Okay. Yeah, the foundation does not refer to the state of an ionized gas when they say plasma. Yeah. Fucking first-rate shit.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Fucking first-rate shit. I already do. They do. Plasma. Plasma is defined by the foundation as the entire content of fields which accumulate and create an object. It is not defined by its physical characteristics like ionization and temperature, for example. Plasma refers exclusively to the properties of the fields of which an object consists. Plasma refers exclusively to the properties of the fields of which an object consists. Great. Okay, so if I'm understanding this right, it's like take all the stuff we have about atoms and what stuff is made of
Starting point is 00:09:47 Fuck all that stuff is now just made of stuff. That's right Infinitely nesting stuff it's just stuff. I'm tired of all this like Fuck off. It's just stuff It's way better this way in a a lot of ways, the scientific conception of plasma is actually composed of this plasma. So this plasma preempts that plasma. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:16 Yeah. It's the, uh, the Dragon Ball Z, uh, argument of who wins a fight. In most cases, fields extend far beyond the physical boundaries of the object in question. As well, there are field compositions or plasmas, a new word, that are already detached from their physical source and are moving in a non-physical form as a pure field body through space to another physical or non-physical object. The movement of these field conglomerations is considered to be a kind of flowing. The foundation therefore defines energy as fields that move and flow in space from point A to
Starting point is 00:10:57 B. So, primer. We all understand, right? Now we get it? So addendum to my previous thing sometimes Stuff isn't stuff. That's right. Yes. Yes, where it's all made of stuff including the stuff that isn't stuff Place the word plasma with stuff I Genius of this theory is you can replace any word with any other word Stuff plasma out, get out. One every class.
Starting point is 00:11:31 But you said, you say made netted fields eight times and I never brought up 69 love songs in any of those. Shit. It was earned. So literally put duct tape over your own mouth. Not to get too deeply into this, but this is a theory that is not provable or observable in any way. There's no way to sort of measure or quantify these reported bundled magnetic fields of the right. But but but but double edged sword also not disprovable.
Starting point is 00:12:03 By not asserting anything, I cannot disprove this, right? I can measure the claims in plasma. Okay, so with that said, let's get into hard science now. Boots, will you tell me about emotions and soul? Yeah, yeah, please, please let me. Emotions and soul, the intention, emotions and soul play very important role in every part of the plasma science and technology. It is important, comma, to be in peace within us
Starting point is 00:12:35 and our environment, family, friends, working colleagues, comma, ellipses. Yep. And reaching the point of a most possible balanced life without fears, anger, or other negative emotions, which consume our energy. Apparently E words, E words get capitals. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:56 Yeah. The, the, the capitalization rules are just utterly random. With this, we can fully concentrate our attention on the intention, reason, purpose, wish, or aim of making a nano coding Gansys or whatever. Yes. Whatever. Yeah. Yeah. It's also the theory of whatever. And that should bring peace in all respects back to humanity. So if we want to begin to set up a system, no matter if it's GANs, Starformation,
Starting point is 00:13:29 Magrav or whatever, you know all these things, we should be in balance and have a very clear visible picture in us. What we want to achieve with it. What can help us is to clearly write down our intention, why we are doing it and what what should be achieved with it. So in the process of the creation, we can always remember and focus our attention on it,
Starting point is 00:13:55 especially in the area of neutron Gansies, or when we work in groups. It's very important that the whole group has the same intention. When the intention in a group isn't clear, Mr. Kesha would say, we gotta create a mayhem out of it. Oh, I like that a lot.
Starting point is 00:14:15 That is mayhem time. I'm into this guy. We gotta create a mayhem out of it. I think he parties. When I put my hat on backwards, I'm like a plasma truck. Our soul, our emotion. It's been a while since an over the top reference. I'm always here for it though.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Our soul, our emotion and our intention is always present and flows into and through everything what we are doing. Through everything what we are doing. I like that. If we have this basic settings done, we can start with our nano-coding, GANs production, or any other project. And that was about emotions and soul. That was the headline of that section.
Starting point is 00:15:06 Emotions and soul. I think if you really. Yeah, I'm, I'm, I'm ready for my Gansies. Right. Right. Right. Or, or working in a group. Uh, K-Thor, I don't give a fuck about nano
Starting point is 00:15:19 coding, uh, never cared, uh, never cared a little bit about, uh, nano coding. Um, but, uh, can you tell me about Gans? Never cared. Never cared a little bit about nano-coding. But, can you tell me about GANs? Mmm. I love me some GANs. Let's go. Check out these GANs! Kick out the GANs, motherfucka! GANs! It's time to check out the GANs!
Starting point is 00:15:39 Hey, check out the GANs on that broad! Ooh, ooh, ooh, wow. check out the GANs on that broad. GANs is an acronym created by Marin Kesha that describes a new state of matter created from GAs to nano of solid. Wow, that is how an acronym works. That's gas. The GA is for gas. Oh, it's for gas.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Wait, wait. Yeah, the GA and GANANS come from the word gas. Then there's two, which we ignore. Two's a nanomable. There's nano, which gets the N. Of we ignore, and then solid, we take the S. Got it. We used to just call it goons. GANS is an important part of the Kesha Foundation Plasma Teaching, and is fully described in
Starting point is 00:16:22 Chapter 4 of M.T. Kesha's book, The Structure of the Light. Certain atoms and molecules release and or absorb magnetic and or gravitation fields. Release fields are available to be absorbed by other objects. The Kesha Foundation has developed a way in which to gather these free-flowing fields from the environment within a usable substance which Kesha named GANS. So it's like a sponge, a field sponge for wetter... an organism. An organism on Amazon, but the Internet Archive has the book as a PDF format. And it's got it's got diagrams.
Starting point is 00:17:14 Lots of them. Yeah. What's interesting is in the GAN section, there's a photograph that purports to show GANs of CH3ZNO. What is the Z? What is the chemical? Oh, it's simple Z. Oh, zinc maybe? Oh, you're not thinking of classic chemistry. That CO2 and CUO. Anywho, an organism, for example, will emit fields it wants to separate itself from, parentheses, with itself of, and will absorb fields that it can use or that it has an urgent need for.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Not just water is alive, but like, stuff is alive. Stuff is alive. The prerequisite is that the appropriate fields for absorption must be available within the immediate environment of the organism. But a tool that everything was developed by the foundation, which consists of components that can absorb fields and create games, a substance that exists in a special state of aggregation. Different types of GANS can be created with different desirable energetic properties that can be used individually or in combination for different applications.
Starting point is 00:18:35 These are potions. Motherfucker's making potions. Each type of GANS has specific field strength depending on the chemical elements within the GANS. The use of different GANS with different field strengths, or the use of nanocoded double coils with plasma batteries, causes a directed an organism, the organism has the opportunity to absorb the needed parts of these field fluxes, or to release a surplus of fields to the environment, or they can be collected into a usable games. With this technology, the self-healing powers of the organism are supported at the level of the fields that build up the organism itself.
Starting point is 00:19:24 Therefore, the need for chemical agents and processes are not required because healing occurs at the level of magnetic field interaction. So you just create a state of constant equilibrium, conceptually and physically. Yeah. So yeah, and then because it doesn't need any of that stuff, when you say, like like this machine doesn't work You say actually that means it's working perfectly Wow
Starting point is 00:19:53 Constant equilibrium with a lot of Christian brand bail. I don't know All right, well I'm gonna I'm gonna move on here Because I think that we've gotten all of the introduction that we need. What? What? What? I'm gonna tell you about nano-coding! What? Wait! Nano-coding.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Damn it! You said you didn't want to hear about it, but that's exactly what I want to tell you. Okay. Alright, fine. It's working just as it's supposed to. Nano-coding. Okay. Nano podcast equilibrium now. Now I am the host. Your energy fields were transferred to me because I drank this disgusting potion.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Nano coding. In the physical matter state, changes in the environmental temperature and pressure result in different states of matter. Modifying the environment in a magnetic gravitational manner, we can convert physical matter state into monoatomic state into nano layers. So monoatomic state would be the state of an object that has one and only one atom. But a juicy one. Put them lots of GANS within it. So the atom is wearing sweatpants with juicy on the ass? Yes.
Starting point is 00:21:22 It's what's known as a wet atom in physics. Nano layers are black. Tens of thousands deep. I don't know what. Unit missing. The layers themselves are tens of thousands of themselves? Isn't that just what the British call sprinkles? The layers themselves are tens of thousands of themselves? Isn't that just what the British call sprinkles?
Starting point is 00:21:48 Oh, yes it is. No, it's hundreds of thousands. Oh no, it is. This is better. I did not like that joke. I tried to roll with it, boots. I tried to bank you up. How dare you?
Starting point is 00:22:00 tried to make you. They're three dimensional and contain magnetic field containers, so called gaps. These magnetic field containers hold onto plasma energy and information. Plan word for a container is a gap. That makes Yes, I do. I do, it does make sense to me that this field is composed of something that has gaps of information. Well, that's where you're getting the juicy sweatpants at the Gap. Mm-hmm. Plasmatic magnetic fields are able to be captured by these magnetic field containers, which allow a huge range of different application areas and possible uses in plasma technology.
Starting point is 00:22:49 Possible. Okay. So I think there are holes that hold things. They're good and useful for things. It's like a wafer cookie filled with delicious frosting. for cookie filled with delicious frosting. The Kesha Foundation developed different methods for the nano-coating of different materials for different purposes.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Oh, great, good, good. Yep, great. Wow. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Different things were made for different reasons, got it. Let me just bring it home for you. Nano-coating is an important component of plasma technology.
Starting point is 00:23:24 Perfect. The end. Perfect. Thank you. Nano-coding is an important component of plasma technology. Perfect. The end. Thank you. All right. Well, okay. So I think that really sold us. I think we're informed. I think it's pretty clear to us what plasma technology is. It's plasma technology and also Gans exists. So I think we're primed to buy stuff So I'm looking I'm looking for a water dispenser and
Starting point is 00:23:57 Before you start before you start I know I mean this is an audio podcast an audio podcast But like before you start to read the thing, would you just in words describe what we're buying? Oh, sure. Um, so we've got here an airtight glass jar for making sun tea and a small and a smaller jar of cream. Okay. Great.
Starting point is 00:24:24 Okay. Good. Yeah. All right. Oh. smaller jar of cream? Okay great okay good. Yeah all right. Oh enjoy the energy of nature with the new Gans water dispenser. Easy to use it will always be there for you to provide the needed glass of water which will revitalize your body and mind. The GANS in the sealed bottle can be placed outside the GANS water dispenser and release its fields to the water. Wait, I don't put the GANS in the bottle? No.
Starting point is 00:24:58 Okay. All right. Yeah. You release it. It needs to be free. Of course. You can't just drink the wrong GANS. That shit's poison.
Starting point is 00:25:08 That potion is too powerful for you, Traveler. By drinking the water, which even if it has no direct contact to the GANS, the fields are transferred to the human body. Why do I have to drink the water then? Because it's good for you. Stay hydrated everybody. The GANS bottle contains a mixture of CO2 and ZnO GANS. Z, capital Z, lowercase N, capital O.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Yeah, that's zinc oxide and GANS. That makes sense, by which I mean no. ZnO GANS and its amino acids. It's a no-gans and it's amino acids. Hmm. All right. All right. Cool. So.
Starting point is 00:26:09 I got a question before we move on. Yeah. Hey, Shell. Yeah. Can you tell me how large this bottle is? I just want to know how much water it could fit in. If I'm going to buy something, I'd like to know its dimensions. Sure.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Can you tell me? I bet you would. I bet you would like to know. Can you tell me? I bet you would. I bet you would like to know. Can you tell me? Can you tell me? Gans? It's some size. It's some size. Well, maybe that's not knowable. It's not knowable how big the bottle is. Sorry, it's out of stock. Gotta go. Bye. Yeah. We don't know how big the bottle is, Sorry, it's out of stock, gotta go, bye! Yeah. We don't know how big the bottle is,
Starting point is 00:26:47 but how much does it cost? Oh, it's 100 pounds plus shipping and tax. Great, okay. 100 euros. Oh, it's euros. Okay, cool. All right, so that, we've spent $100 plus shipping and handling now on our on our bottle, but that's not enough because while I
Starting point is 00:27:10 Do like drinking I also like breathing So so Frank do you think you can help me breathe here? Yes Absolutely, I love breathing Uh, help me breathe here. Yes, absolutely. I love breathing. Um, well, that's just a case, like the kind of case that someone would use to like unpack a gun and like, yeah, it's not like, you know, it's, yeah, it's
Starting point is 00:27:39 the briefcase from hit man. Absolutely. Yeah. Um, which I guess means that as a bonus, if you throw this, it will home to your target. You could also keep a really annoying synthesizer in there. Ooh. Boots. Oh, it says looked at the price first. That was foolish of me. Um, GAN's plasma breathing unit. I guess inside the case is like a measure, a very tall measuring cup, two plastic things, what looks like maybe a smoke detector with a wire coming out of it going to the plastic things and then more tubing in case you break the tube. The GANS plasma breathing unit is contained and is carried in a dust-resistant and waterproof
Starting point is 00:28:31 case. Oh. But that's foam. That's not super water. Okay. Yep. Never mind. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:28:39 The inside of the case is not water-resistant. Right. It holds all components of the device, namely the air compressor, the double chambers for GANs plasma water, the air breathing masks, and GANs plasma, including measuring jug for correct dosage. I can open up my own GANs oxygen bar. It comes with all the things you need. For... breathing. I mean, it's got stuff. That's what matters. Have you been breathing without a measuring jug? Oh!
Starting point is 00:29:14 LULIT! The air compressor pushes air into the double container for Gans plasma water. The air from the air compressor is pushed through a tube to the bottom of each chamber facilitating the creation of air bubbles. Hang on. Is this just like a chocolate milk bubble blower that does it for you? I think mixed with a CPAP machine. I'm going to put chocolate milk in my CPAP machine tonight. Ooh, me too. Yeah, I wanna sleep while being plugged into a hookah. You joke, but... It would help you go to sleep, that's fair. Uh, okay, plasma-filled air from the double container is distributed to up to four air-breathing max simultaneously. Oh, you can do it together!
Starting point is 00:30:15 It is a hookah! Alright, cool, that's awesome. Family sitting around the briefcase! Huffing our Gams! Kids, it's Gams breathing time! Oh, not again! You can watch Bluey. The Gans plasma contained in the 100ml bottle included in the case is mixed with tap water
Starting point is 00:30:35 in the measuring jug to create Gans plasma water, which is later filled in the double chamber for Gans plasma water. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, yeah. water. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Yeah. So, okay. So it's so it's a so it's a it's a pump that pumps oxygen through water into a mask. How much will that set me back? 2,000 euros. And so what's fascinating with this is in this one, you do mix the little Gans bottle with the regular water for breathing it.
Starting point is 00:31:10 It can't do what the other thing does and just transmit fields through the jugs. But I can't help but notice that you don't drink this one, which makes me wonder about the safety of the Gans material. Oh, drink it? No. Which makes me wonder about the safety of the Gans material. Actually, drink it? No, just put it near the water you're going to drink. But this stuff, you're going to be breathing the air from the water. Right. Right. Well, a long time. Like, yeah, like the you know, the plasma is what makes up everything in the world.
Starting point is 00:31:40 So if you consume it, you might turn into a universe, I think. I don't I don't quite get it. Well, actually. So Boots, I noticed that the Gans water dispenser, I put that water dispenser next to the Gans, and then I drink the water. So the water dispenser itself, 100 euros, fair enough, happy to pay it. That seems viable. So I just need like a tiny little vial of Gans to put next to my yeah Yeah, how much would that send me back? Okay, so
Starting point is 00:32:10 Like you're talking about the the twin ID micro plastic Gans. That's exactly reserved for water dispenser. Yeah, so you get two of them It's two by 25 milliliters. There's literally no product description, right? It's it's only a thousand euros. Okay, cool. Cool. I like that you use the word microplastics in the product. Yeah. It's like I've been reading a lot about microplastics and they seem good.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Yeah. Yeah. You want the microplastics to reserve for water dispenser. Okay. That's it. Okay, so F+, I want to tell you all about the Gans paint enhancement. Is that cool? Yeah. Great. Okay, so the Gans paint enhancement is used for creating a balanced environment, increasing the negative oxygen level in the rooms where it's being used. Okay. Wait, does that decrease the positive oxygen level?
Starting point is 00:33:09 It increases the negative oxygen. Okay. So therefore it decreases the positive, what's the chemical element that comes after oxygen? Fluorine. Yeah, there we go. Okay, great. So, this bring cleaner air that is much easier to breathe. Negative oxygen. Yeah. So, the environmental or white increases the negative oxygen level.
Starting point is 00:33:38 The energizer or red adds energy and well and wellbeing into the room. The energy pack processor, life one, white, and the negative energy pack processor, life two, green, used together, one of each on opposite walls will aid in the processing of energy packs, offering a safe, fresh, and clean room environment. So, imagine your room, the room you're sitting in right now. One wall is red. One wall is white. The wall perpendicular to that is also white, but then the next one is green. It's Christmas!
Starting point is 00:34:17 I think this stimulates my appetite somehow. This product is not a paint, okay? But an add-on, an add-on for the paint in the ratio of 1 to 10, one bottle of 100 grams per GANS paint enhancement mixture to be used for one liter of indoor or outdoor water-based paint. Water-based paint? All right. Please note to test a small patch of the wall before the full painting. Make sure it doesn't leak through the whole wall. Yeah. No, I-
Starting point is 00:34:54 Yeah, it'll turn into Silent Hill 5. I do lovely pastel water paints on my walls all the time and it's very pretty. Yeah, due to the color of the Gans paint enhancement mixture in the interaction with your paint base, it can create new plasmatic colors that may not be your intended color range. These will color your paint also,
Starting point is 00:35:20 so your room's just gonna look a little shittier. Yeah, yeah, but you presumably, yeah, like don't mix it with white paint. You mix these colors with colored paint to make new... And then you get new GANs colors. Yeah, that'll cost you, I mean, a hundred, and you get four bottles. Like 400 gram bottles in plastic containers with a little ugly logo on it. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, so we're good, but I think we're not done shopping yet. So I would love boots.
Starting point is 00:36:01 I think, well, I'm'm gonna give you a choice here So choice number one is the enhanced tabletop co2 capturing unit, okay It sounds good. It's not a choice. That's not a choice. For this one, we actually, for this one was actually on Facebook Marketplace. It's not available now. That's right. Uh, where is that?
Starting point is 00:36:36 Uh, the Kesha Gans household reactor. You're looking for the household reactor. The household reactor there it is. It's above the paint enhancement. Okay. The Kesha GANS household reactor is made from a fan with a reactor that can be filled in with GANS materials. It has three levels of rotating speed, 1700 RPM for level one, 2400 RPM for level 2,
Starting point is 00:37:05 3100 RPM for level 3. It is a perfect GANs reactor that can be used at home or anywhere you wish to enhance the environmental fields. It powers the fan that blows the GANs. So here's some of the features. It has three levels of rotation. You mentioned that, yeah, there's level one, level two, level three. Yep.
Starting point is 00:37:26 The RPMs make no sense, but that's fine. It has flexible setting. The reactor can point at different directions and have different height. It has a 120 degrees rotating base, wireless control, battery that can support the product to work for a maximum of 20 hours without connecting to the grid. It's portable. The reactor only has a dimension of 20 by 20 by 12 centimeters.
Starting point is 00:37:54 It could be easily fit into a small backpack. I can take it anywhere. I can take it camping. There's no party doesn't start until Joey shows up with a Gams reactor We're going to level three bitches It's plasma plasma pass 149 99 euros plus shipping and taxes. Kthar, while we've been here, I noticed you've been looking for a lot of other products on the internet with the GAN system. I saw you on eBay there.
Starting point is 00:38:38 What did you find on eBay? So it's exciting. There's a whole aftermarket for GANs materials. People are really thriving out there. And I'd like to read you the description. Oh, that's why. OK. Yeah. So you want to buy it. You want to buy it when it drops so that you can make money on the secondary market.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Of course. And you can also build your own like this Kesha type GAN Super GAN starter kit. Water system and GAN spads. Condition is, quote, new, unquote. get water system and GANS baths condition is quote new unquote from the description and I'd like to give a shout out to eBay seller mglant asterisks Good job my friend. If you are not familiar with the new, if you are not familiar with this new physics end quote you should be aware that water can be energized using plasma energy as based on the Keshe Foundation technology.
Starting point is 00:39:31 I am a retired pathologist who spent decades in diagnostics and FDA monitored medial trials. After I retired, I got involved in helping my sister with terminal advanced ovarian cancer in early 2019. Or maybe she was just faking. I came across the Kesha Foundation and although it appeared quote unbelievable unquote, the quote open source unquote patents allowed me to create Gans energized water, edibles and devices. In short, to my surprise, she was, quote, cured, unquote.
Starting point is 00:40:10 We're excellent, yeah. Using this type of energized water, Gans pads and Gans edibles, purple carrots and B-17 Gans. Ooh, Gans edibles. Mm-hmm. I went to this thinking this was, quote, Hocus Pocus, unquote,
Starting point is 00:40:27 and now I'm a total convert into the new area of plasma energy as a revolutionary process that everyone should have access to for a simple way to improve a vast array of medical issues common to many. We have since given water systems to several with advanced disease, myasthenia gravis and fighting cancer, they have improved or had their disease resolved in several months. This is like a quote trickle charge unquote, not a lightning bolt. You have to give it time and you have to drink a lot of water. I'm going to skip down a little bit.
Starting point is 00:41:00 It's this that takes a little while when it comes to fighting cancer. Nothing else takes time. I like the idea of the surgeon coming over to talk to the family and he drops his mask and then he says, your mother is quote cured. I have been creating the main GANS, specialty GANS and nanostate GANS of solid plasma energy emitters, and after a year on this type of energized water and a couple doses of edibles a day, our family has seen the following benefits. All have little or no tooth tartar.
Starting point is 00:41:38 All have no scraping by the dental hygienist. Anyone with gingivitis has had it resolved. Everyone over their desired weight have lost 10 to 20 pounds quote without trying unquote. That's actually a problem. All adults are nearly pain-free. Um, that's not true. Look I can stab myself and I don't care. All adults are nearly pain free. And if you want more at the end of his YouTube
Starting point is 00:42:17 listing, here is a link to a 45 minute video I did explaining the process. Yes. I like that he was like, uh, I found this, uh, this, uh, Kesha foundation and this GAN technology is really innovative. I ripped it off. Like I'll say here's, here's my link. What is Uh, it looks like an alternative to YouTube. Yeah. Oh, good. It's Trump link. What is It looks like an alternative to YouTube
Starting point is 00:42:50 Occasionally YouTube will remove a video well they end up here. Yeah, never mind I just went to the home page of and I understand I'm seeing some AI out here But speaking of video sites, I also discovered who can guess the name of the video hosting site that the Kesha Foundation uses? Oh, Is it It's not. It's
Starting point is 00:43:19 Supreme Master Television. Constructive programming for a peaceful world. Oh, so actually we were talking to you, K-3, you were talking there about all adults not having pain. But I got good news for you. I got the pain pen. The pain pen. This is the enhanced version 2021. So due to innovations and developments in
Starting point is 00:43:45 Kesha plasma technology and materials this new pain pen has been released with an enhanced effect and has expanded applications promoting a peaceful life without pains. It is developed specifically with new materials of some sort to be more effective to be more effective than the present pain pens. So of some sort. Oh! Not even scan. To be more effective than the present paint pens. So those other paint pens you bought from me, throw those things in the trash. Um, uh, using
Starting point is 00:44:16 new nanomaterials and technology developed for the space development by the Kesha Foundation research teams. End of description. It's a picture of a plastic crayon. by the Kesha Foundation research teams. End of description. It's a picture of a plastic crayon. Or like, I guess like a cheap stylus that you would use for like a children's kindle fire.
Starting point is 00:44:37 And that will cost you 100 euros. Oh man, it's like, no, you know what it looks like? It looks like a bathtub crayon. Yes, that's the vibe. What's interesting is how do you even use it? What do you do with it? I guess you draw on your pain. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Put a big X over it and it'll be gone. It's like a bleach pen. It's just drawn right on the stain. Uh, hey, Shell. This plasma has helped me out quite a bit. But I would love to communicate with the plasma. Of course you would! Is that possible at all? Why... yes it is.
Starting point is 00:45:23 Oh, oh, great. What's what's the picture that you saw when you went to the page? Well, I I feel like what I'm looking at are what what 7-Eleven would call noise canceling headphones. An inkscape traced image of a pair of headphones. Yes. But then the cords coming out of the headphones are also faked, but they look like they're just like drawn in paint. Right, but these headphones are better because they have two cords.
Starting point is 00:46:01 There's one coming out of each cup, which is better. That's such that you can't communicate with that to the plasma without two chords. So like how did the actual headset be vector art and the chords be a very pixelated art? It creates a dichotomy that's a good energy for you. You really used art improperly in that description. What? Well, the Cosmic Ray Plasma Communication Unit is what you're looking for, Leman. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:46:37 It is a plasmatic field communication system, you see, which I think is what you were looking for. communication system you see hmm which I think is what you were looking for it all it only interacting with systems that KFM manufacturers and is so and it is sold via the web store or via official resellers I feel like KTAR proved you wrong I feel like we can find this trash all sorts of places. No, no, no, it's only interacting with systems. Okay. The Cosmic Ray Plasma Communication Unit allows the user to connect at given time and position
Starting point is 00:47:18 to interact with other new Kesha Plasma Communication Systems. So you can plug it in to another one and listen to nothing. What given time and place? Do you mean where I am and when I am? Or? Uh huh. Okay. Uh, Frank West, I would love a cup. Do you think you can sell me a cup, please? And I am? Or? Mm-hmm. Okay. Frank West, I would love a cup. You think you can sell me a cup, please?
Starting point is 00:47:49 Sure. Cup, cup, cup, cup, cup. There's a cup in here. Oh, one cup, one life? Yeah. I remember that video. Ooh, spicy. I like to refer to that video as spicy.
Starting point is 00:48:04 Yeah, it was sweet. That's a bit much. Well according to the pictures, this is either one cup or two cups that have a spring put in them. Yeah, sometimes it's one cup and sometimes it's two cups because it's plasma so it exists in stupid position. because it's plasma so it exists in a superposition. And they're being connected at your exact location and time. Those cups are horny as hell. The good news is the spring definitely looks like one of those really fun boingy doorstop springs.
Starting point is 00:48:37 So those are the best of strings. I bet it makes a good noise. These cups have two metal springs and then a third thing that looks like just a metal sheet they go in them and then Drilled through the top are three wires Great great, I really I need I need decaying metal in and the thing that I'm drinking I don't know if we've conveyed enough for listeners that most of the things that we've been looking at also have just sort of an awkward amount of liquid in them that is usually cloudy.
Starting point is 00:49:13 Yes. Yeah. That's the Gans. Yeah, a translucent or opaque white liquid. And this one has a blue one in the other one. A viscous opaque weight. What you might describe as coming. And this one, the Cummy Cup and the...
Starting point is 00:49:32 Why did they not call it the Cummy Cup? I feel like you can raise the price if you just called it the Cummy Cup. It's open on eBay, the Keshia Kami Cup. We're getting a lot of offers for a very different product. But in these two, the two cups have their wires kissing, so that's cute. They're all tied together. Well, read the description if you wouldn't mind. I guess I could do that.
Starting point is 00:50:00 The Keshia Gans One Cup One Life. Initially present and brought to you in January 2020 through the I don't remember that it's just like it was brought to you well it says that they left it on the doorstep I don't know what you want this cup was brought to you do you remember it do you remember are you starting to remember alert. I remember when this was brought to me. Yes, of course. Hail Kesha.
Starting point is 00:50:31 This cup is being brought to you for the purpose of timeline violation. Through the online. Okay. It was brought to you in journey 2020 through the online public teachings the one cup. The colon quotation mark one cup one life has now becomes accessible to you in a simple and cost effective form. Teachings, comma, the colon, open quote. Paging's comma, the colon, open quote, one. There's no close quote, so everything from that point forward is a quote. It includes one PC, Kesha, Gans, one cup, one life cup, asterisk.
Starting point is 00:51:19 Oh, I need a Mac version, sorry. Gans and salt are not included. Wow. One set of three metal elements with connectors available to select between Cup of Life 1 variant and Cup of Life 2 variant. Wait, but then what's the third one? That's it. Oh, that's true. Three... I don't know. Three metal elements with connectors. Oh, you put the other two together.
Starting point is 00:51:44 So, wait, so Frank, Three metal elements with connectors. Oh, you put the other two together. So wait, so Frank, what's the, I mean, do you have a certain sort of sell, like is there any sort of like special offer that you have on this particular- Free shipping! Oh, that's great! So how much does it cost then? 50 euros. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:59 Plus shipping and taxes. Wait, but you, what? But you just said it was free. It's the taxes. It's the bastards in the EU. By the way, something I don't think we've mentioned yet is that in order to browse this store, you must log in. You cannot.
Starting point is 00:52:17 Well, no, you can refuse to log in and we'll just let you go to the page. It just gives you the login prompt. Oh, well, thank you for that, because the category at the top of the list of categories in this store is spaceship technology. And I've been really wanting to click that. You won't be disappointed. K-Thor, you were on Etsy here, and you
Starting point is 00:52:42 found the Kesha technology like crystal ball. Is that what that is? I think that's the GANS reactor that we spoke about previously. So I don't know if we need to revisit that, but I'd really like to talk about the Magravs power car system. Oh, please go for it. Yes, absolutely. So this is actually a product that's not on the main Kesha Foundation site.
Starting point is 00:53:02 I found it resolved by, whose tagline is magnetic gravitational plasma. The Magravs Power Car System. When using the Magravs Power Car System, effects are almost immediate. This includes the smoother idling and running of the engine. You may also notice a greater feeling of well-being while in your vehicle. Increased effects will become noticeable over time, which include better fuel economy and more power and torque from the engine. The vehicle may also feel different to drive in that it stops, turns, and goes
Starting point is 00:53:35 much more effectively than before. And it's worth noting this is a blue plastic cylinder that you place at any location in your car. It has two wires coming from it though. Yes, you connect them, you can connect them to whatever you like. You can connect the wires to any surface in your car and it will work just as well. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I bought one glass sun tea container for 100 euros. And that just wasn't enough for me.
Starting point is 00:54:08 Do you have anything else? Yeah, yeah. So like the other one, on that other one, you remember you put the Gans stuff aside and you just put water in this thing? Yeah. This one looks like you're just drinking the shit. This is the Gans Plasma Bearer and CO2 Total Ascension Plasma Kit, $400 USD, 12 ounces
Starting point is 00:54:30 of each. And this is your weird cummy fluid in a giant bottle that I guess you drink from. Cool. I remember that the GANS solution is zinc oxide. Yeah. This contains the light bearer and CO2 GANS plasma. You get the light bearer and the CO2 slash zinc plasma. Most people... Comes in berry or pita colada. Let me properly promote this here Most people are not ready for the light bearer plasma
Starting point is 00:55:10 So we have made a few options available for people that are still in their earliest beginning stages of ascension Wow It is not him does always rise to the top It is not wise to shift the general public's brain functionality from the current resistive state and slam them directly into a superconductive state of consciousness without the proper transitional stage This just turned into Heaven's Gate
Starting point is 00:55:41 First is co2 plasma to bring them to balance. Then after 21 days of continual use of the CO2 plasma, we can start phasing them into the more advanced materials such as the light bearer plasma. That's all I have to say about this product. The US Food and Drug Administration has approved zinc oxide for use in various products, but it's not meant for consumption. Ingesting zinc oxide can lead to nausea, vomiting, and other gastrointestinal issues.
Starting point is 00:56:08 Hold on, let me describe the condition of this product for you first. Okay, great. It's new, brand new. Also it's magic. Brand magic, oh yeah. No? brand magic oh yeah oh dear oh my god hey Frank West I I bought I bought the I bought the the Gans Cup the one cup one life mm-hmm I bought the Gans Cup, the One Cup One Life. I bought that, and then shortly after, I came down with Coronavirus.
Starting point is 00:56:52 Anything you can do about that? Oh boy, this takes so long to load. Oh no, it doesn't. Didn't load good. It still doesn't have CSS. Oh! All right, so this section here on the plasma water that I put in the One Cup One Life, I can put it in a spray bottle, a pocket spray bottle, a portable humidifier, a portable humidifier again. I can also put it in a water dispenser or a Hubble bubble, which is fun to say, or a humidifier.
Starting point is 00:57:26 But anyway, so I've got COVID, and I would love to do something about that. Is there a process that I can do here to cure myself? The preventative plasma water application of the one cup one life on or your twin cups. I'm looking for repeat this process. Repeat this process before bedtime and when you get up in the morning, wet your head. Not completely. Okay. Spray your front chest and the back.
Starting point is 00:57:57 My back chest. Spray your front neck. Back chest. Spray your front neck. Wash your face and your nostrils. Oh my god! All right. I am.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Wash your hands. Take a full bath of what you spray from top to toe. What? Just, yeah, you want to preserve that neti pot water. So wait, so I, but I only bathe the parts that I already sprayed? Yeah, you want to preserve that neti pot water Parts that I already sprayed You use the spray that you use before to bathe in Take a full bath. Oh, oh I spray and then I put the spray in the bath and then I bathe in that
Starting point is 00:58:39 Yeah, I think so Spray Just sitting there with the with the water sprayer. Spray your clothing every time before you leave the house and before entering the house. Start using if you have the back door of your home. What if somebody else has it? Well. Then you don't. This isn't safe then, I guess.
Starting point is 00:59:07 Come back here with that! For people in apartments, spray the elevator or stairs and- Park doors in West Germany, back doors in East Germany. For people in apartments, spray the elevator or stairs and use gloves to press the buttons. Yay! Oh yeah, because once you're doing this, of course you can go outside, even if you have coronavirus.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Right, Bill, what are you doing there? What are you, hey Bill, what are you doing? Oh, don't worry. This will stop you from getting my coronavirus that I have. Oh, that's nice. So you're gonna be in this elevator with me, okay. Yeah, don't worry about, no, you don't need to wear that mask, it's nice. So you're gonna be in this elevator with me. Okay. Yeah, don't worry about, no, you don't need to wear that mask, it's fine.
Starting point is 00:59:47 I'm not. And I'm the one who has it. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha.
Starting point is 00:59:56 Ha ha ha. Spray your shoes and use the same shoes to go in and out. Spray your shoes inside and outside. Wet shoes. Well, they're on. If possible, apply a humidifier at all times at the front door and back door, containing only pure plasma water from the One Cup One Life
Starting point is 01:00:20 or from their twin cups. Spray your door handles, curtains, and carpets. Drink 300 and up to 500 milliliters of plasma water in little sips during the period of 24 hours. Inhale the field strength above of the plasma water through a Hubble Bubble breathing cup, without metal present in the Hubble Bubble, or create and use a self-made plastic system. Hubble Bubble. Hubble Bubble. Hubble Bubble.
Starting point is 01:00:49 Hubble Bubble. Hubble Bubble. Repeat the inhalation process for a minimum of three times a day for the duration of 10 to 15 minutes each time. Use the same applications for all animals as animals are exposed the same as humans through this virus. Um, wait, uh, about that, about that. Never mind, they're made of plasma too, you're right.
Starting point is 01:01:10 Spray your dog's shoes. This application stands for all creatures that have blood running through their veins. Okay, cockroaches. Really fucking metal, honestly. Oh, really? I was thinking it was more Dragon's Age. Do you have any advice for me? On advice of Mr. Kesha, create per family five individual One Cup One Life cups, as each cup carries its own field strength to support and protect you and your family
Starting point is 01:01:44 in depleting the virus from its field strength. JAY Advice! More of my- boy, more of my bullshit! STORM Also, advice! If one of you has COVID, don't all use the same cup, but not for that reason, just incidentally. Keep the cups with a minimum distance of one meter apart, preferably in the corner of each room or in different rooms if possible. In separate lock boxes.
Starting point is 01:02:10 That's it, I get to put my Kesha cup here. No, this one's my table. So that the fields of each cup do not interfere with each other and best position is in front of the window. And then of course mix the platos and plasma waters and the GANSes from all your cups and amino acids together and apply as explained above. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, okay, okay. I have some fun tips if your whole family comes down with COVID. Here's what the whole family can do together. So you want to involve every family member in the process. Spray
Starting point is 01:02:47 the plasma water of the one cup one life on the door handles. Spray the plasma water of the one cup one life on the beds, tables, wall, cars, curtains, ceiling, shoes and winter covers like gloves and hats. Every family member takes one takes a turn with doing one spray on every item and they say damn while they spray it spray all the other objects like plastic curtains in the bathroom separation curtains in the hospitals what the fuck spray your
Starting point is 01:03:21 mobile phone computer wallet money keys and keys, and anything that is touched regularly. Your indoor pets as well as outside animals, they're going to love that. They'll really enjoy it. When you spray them, you know, the thing that you do to animals to punish them? Absolutely. But you have to reassure them this is not a punishment this time. They'll understand when it comes in contact with them. Oh, I see. Yes. No, this is for my benefit. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:03:54 Yeah, so they receive the drinking water and spraying of their bodies and sleeping places from the finished plasma water from the one cup one life. Place several glass jars with plasma salt water around the house, preferably in every single room, whatever gets you to buy more of my bullshit. They absorb the field strengths of the virus in these cups and deplete the virus from the environment. Jesus fuck. Yeah. The glass jars have to be refilled every day with fresh plasma salt water and the old plasma salt water has to be disposed of in the toilets and flushed through fast. Get to it!
Starting point is 01:04:32 Just in case you thought of recycling this stuff. No! Make sure you use the heavy flush in your two-stage flush toilet. Excuse me, I have an important announcement, and I need you all to read this, to listen to this. I'm reading it. You don't read it. OK. What what what is happening? What what's the world peace treaty? Oh, OK.
Starting point is 01:04:56 The world peace treaty. Oh, oh, again. We I as citizens of the Earth. It's so nice to see that they're including multiple systems. We, but more importantly, me. From this moment on, except to lay down all tools of aggression and war, we, slash I, shall never think about getting involved, or incite war, or develop, or use any tools of war on this planet or in space. And to this we, slash I, all agree, and swear with our slash my delete as appropriate. Council, legit city town bodies is and souls is.
Starting point is 01:05:59 I swear with my soul. As appropriate. Delete is appropriate. Delete as appropriate because you just, I guess, modify this for each person you give it to. And then there's a place for you to sign and name and date it and what your position is and what you're doing it on behalf of. And then a place for me to sign that I witnessed it. What does it say right after that? After signing this treaty, be proud to display this certificate wherever you consider being
Starting point is 01:06:31 important to you that everyone can see and know your ethos to fellow men and the mankind and other created beauties of creator. Oh, so my fridge. Got it. By this certificate, it's just a bunch of texts in Times New Roman. Well, we're on a wiki. So, and I don't know how to make a wiki, so we're doing our best. Okay.
Starting point is 01:06:57 So cool. So, so I think that one of the things that we might have maybe skip past is the idea that the Kesha Foundation, you know, is a scientific organization that operates in space. So I'd love a spaceship unit. K-Thor, I don't suppose there's a spaceship unit I could buy. And I don't suppose it looks fucking exactly like a tanning bed. Yes, actually there's multiple spaceships you can buy.
Starting point is 01:07:23 Is there a spaceship I can buy that looks exactly like a tanning bed? There is, but I will note, actual products may differ in appearance to images shown. Oh, of course. This is the Keshe Foundation Horizontal Enhancement Spaceship Unit. The new Horizontal Enhancement Unit, a space technology that allows you to work with the fields of the universe, creating a wide range of plasma field interactions and conditions. It allows the body to process itself from any physical or emotional imbalance. Once this balance condition is achieved, the soul and emotion of the man can follow
Starting point is 01:08:00 to find their balance, elevating the whole of the man. OK, so you're out, youating the whole of the man. OK, so you're out. You're out, Shell. Sorry. As usual. And this is only half a million euros. 50% free payment at the time of order. Wow. Wait, wait, wait, wait. I'm sorry. OK, OK, half a million, wait, wait. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:08:26 OK, OK. Half a million, half a million. How does the payment actually work? I would assume they take PayPal and no, no, no, I'm saying there's a there's a whole payment section. Right. How does the payment work? Hold on one second. I'm Google lensing the 50% prepayment of the time border fully refundable in case of
Starting point is 01:08:46 non-delivery 50% plus shipping costs prior to shipping so I pay two hundred and fifty thousand euros and maybe it doesn't show up yeah yeah but you know you'll get that back okay 50% plus shipping costs prior to shipping the customer will receive 30 days notice before shipping. If not shipped within 30 days from the notice, the unit will be sold to the next order. No stocks will be held after 30 days from the notice. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:14 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Okay, all right. Well, you know, I will say I just recently got an Amex and it told me that I didn't have a limit. So I'm just gonna see or hear, uh, got an Amex and it told me that I didn't have a limit. So I'm just going to see or hear guys, if I can just charge half a million euros to my Amex.
Starting point is 01:09:35 Okay. It's in my cart. View cart. Yeah. You have to, you have to read and understand the terms and conditions. I would like to check out. Uh, okay. So the, the conditions. I would like to check out. Uh, okay.
Starting point is 01:09:45 So the, the universal, I'm sorry. So that was, uh, so that was the, uh, the horizontal, um, uh, spaceship, uh, uh, shell, I don't suppose you have a different spaceship, do you? Oh, Oh, do I have a different spaceship? Horizontal is a thing of the past, but I have is a universal enhancement spaceship unit. Ooh.
Starting point is 01:10:11 The very first new evolutionary spaceship technology has been rolled out for mass production. Our universal enhancement spaceship. Mass production, huh? Yes, yes. Our universal. So that means you have them in stock and they're ready to ship, right? Why, uh...
Starting point is 01:10:29 Yes. There have been other products that say that they are not in stock, but this one doesn't have that. So yes, obviously they do, clearly. Our Universal Enhancement Spaceship Unit is constructed from high quality materials carefully selected by our team of experts. Embedding the essence of the new GANs plasma science and technology, it uses new collective plasma field technology for changing and enhancing the environment of the body of the man. This new plasma enhancement changes the environment of the body to allow it to return to its natural balanced condition as in the womb of the mother.
Starting point is 01:11:15 What the hell does that mean? Finally. Un-birthday. Oh boy. Oh let me, no. Let me know! Not again! I've just been here waiting. The womb of the mother, period. Allowing every cell in the body of the man to find its natural original field strength
Starting point is 01:11:27 balance. This shape. This is the shape of the body. This is the shape of the body. This is the shape of the body. This is the shape of the body. This is the shape of the body. This is the shape of the body.
Starting point is 01:11:35 This is the shape of the body. This is the shape of the body. This is the shape of the body. This is the shape of the body. This is the shape of the body. This is the shape of the body. This is the shape of the body. This is the shape of the body.
Starting point is 01:11:43 This is the shape of the body. This is the shape of the body. This is the shape of the body. This is the shape of the body. This is the shape of the body. This is the body of the man to find its natural original field strength balance. This shape, the shape and the field distribution in this new space plasma technology replicated the inner structure of the universe and replicates the balance fields from which the man was created at the point of inception in the womb of the mother. Not only the- Oh! Yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 01:12:08 Yeah, my mother's womb did look like an airplane cockpit. This is just La Melana. I'm just gonna- I was wondering why this sounded so familiar. I was wondering why this sounded so familiar. Not only receiving the balance in the physical, but also in the emotional sense too. For the first time in the history of man, a system has been developed and delivered, which not only enhances the physical body of the man, but it also enhances the emotional part of the user of the system, who may or may not be the man. Well, you said emotional. Every man has a system in his own way.
Starting point is 01:12:55 Hence, reducing and eliminating many problems that could not be solved in the world of science to bring the body of the man into near perfection as at the time of the birth. Cool, I want to use it outside. No! Indoor use only! Damn it! Not to be used outdoors! Damn it.
Starting point is 01:13:22 No! Alright, fine, fine. You know, uh, pfft. I guess, you know, I'm gonna go for the cheaper. I see that there's two different versions of this. So I'm just gonna go for the cheaper version, just the aircraft door version. Oh, you don't want the sliding door?
Starting point is 01:13:38 I don't, I just, you know, it seems cool. It seems cool, I just don't wanna pay a premium for that. So what's the cheaper version? Oh, the cheaper version? You mean the aircraft door version? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Correct seems cool. I just don't want to pay a premium for that. So what's the cheaper version? Oh, the cheaper version. You mean the aircraft or version? Yeah, yeah, correct. Yeah. Oh, well, that's a still carry them. 10 million euros. Okay, listen, I, I like a slushy. I like a sliding door. I'm willing to pay the premium. How much is that?
Starting point is 01:14:05 Oh, well, that's a 10 million, 200,000 euros. That's out of my price range. What? It's the shipping and taxes, isn't it? Yeah. I mean, to be fair, like this, this, uh, this universal enhancement spaceship unit at 10 million euros. I mean, it's cheaper than a Boeing 777, so like, pretty good.
Starting point is 01:14:31 Like I was either going to go into owning my own airline or this. Okay, so I see here that we've got some testimonials from people whose lives have been improved by the Kesha Foundation. Frank, do you think you could take the testimonial there from Bente Peterson? Peterson. There he is. Grateful for Kesha Plasma Teachings. teachings. I'm from Denmark. Category technology. I am sitting studying Mr. Kesha's book, Do the Structure of Light, chapter three and four on GANS, what it is, and how and why it's produced, etc. And I look at all my books and notes on especially physics I made on my full-time study for four years, 2013 to 2016. And honestly, that stuff is so obsolete!
Starting point is 01:15:31 Oh, damn. Oh my god, yeah. Science doesn't evolve, it plasmasizes. You're gonna have to make so many more new books! When I retired, there was something very specific I wanted to know. So upgraded my physics and math knowledge from 1960. Enrolled in the most progressive university in Denmark. What the fuck? He's sort of pretending like he had a job as a scientist but he's not saying it.
Starting point is 01:16:04 Right, yeah. Molecular biology, I thought would be the answer. But OMG, after six months, I realized I wasn't going to get to know what I wanted to know this way. I wanted to know how to live forever, and I took six months of molecular biology and was like, this is fucking boring! The thing is that in Danish, it actually lists all of his qualifications, and they are airtight. Then studied at home full-time biology, physics that ladder physics took me to
Starting point is 01:16:47 all sorts of interesting stuff but left me with more questions what the fuck I thought it was solved I understand doing all the science stuff and it's just making me wonder more stuff I read a book they tell me to read another book this is bullshit! That's the real scam. Obviously until I discovered MT Kesha plasma science. Why is that in quotes? Because you were always aware of it on a different plane? That makes sense actually because Kesha was over there while he was in Denmark, so
Starting point is 01:17:28 it transferred to him. Just as a chime in from the sort of Nordic representation, Bente is a woman's name. Oh, okay, gotcha, gotcha. I just usually assume people who are sure they have the answers. Oh yeah, absolutely. It's not a bad assumption. No, no, but now, but now Frank, you have to switch to your female voice. Right.
Starting point is 01:17:57 And my questions started getting answered. About the universes. Maybe there's two? I'm leaving open the option. Yeah, sure. About life in all its forms. It just makes so much sense. Lucky me! And thanks a million too, Mr. Kesha!
Starting point is 01:18:22 And to all the people who have helped and are helping to get the science known! Wow, wow. They're doing it for no reason other than to sell really expensive garbage. Pure love of the game. Yeah, and that's an answer. Hello! Hey, what's up? I'm Sebastian Fies from Slovenia.
Starting point is 01:18:42 Hi! Plasma water of food. How I slowly get used to plasma water food. When cooking, I add another milliliter of plasma water to the ingredients I use for cooking. After such food, of course, with awareness, I am satiated for more time. This makes it easier for me to give up material food over time
Starting point is 01:19:08 What the fuck are you talking? Transcended food I indulge and share with all the Inhabitants of the earth who have no food so you make your food slightly wetter, and it makes you fuller. Yeah Hi, I'm Sebastian fees So you make your food slightly wetter and it makes you fuller. Yeah. Hi, I'm Sebastian Fees from Slovenia. Oh, hi. So I know that you left a testimonial on Thursday, the January 13th.
Starting point is 01:19:35 When did you leave this testimony? Yeah, Thursday, January the 13th. Plasma water bath. Because of various ugly habits, such as smoking, alcohol, watching television, and following mental habits that are not in tune with the soul, the soul of the body, the soul of the spirit, the mind. You know, because he's not naming these mental habits, they have to be really nasty. Oh, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:20:05 They each go their separate ways and cause a multi-layered imbalance. To balance the physical body, emotions, and other bodies, souls, is a very useful bath. Where I put inside revitalized water and about 20 liters of plasma water of various GANS, amino acids and salt, I also drink some plasma water and amino acids before entering the bath. It feels like I'm not in the water, but when I came out, I have skin as a child and where I have had a scratch or a blow, a burn, it forms on the skin like some invisible layer of new tissue.
Starting point is 01:20:49 And I have- Okay, that sounds like acid. That sounds like you bathed in acid. Amino acid, yes. Okay, yep, all right, great. And I also have no more tension. In water I have to be aware of myself. The water-
Starting point is 01:21:03 You also don't have fingernails the water and the plasma of the water around me and in me and to connect with it and to thank it Just as it is Just as it is done to connect with magrav It's okay for me to have such a concentration of plasma water, maybe someone would have to be strong. Most likely with the latest versions of One Cup One Life, the same is achieved. Only I haven't done that yet. You're not strong enough yet. I could say more about health. Yeah. So like, let's, let's, uh, let's just move on.
Starting point is 01:21:43 So thanks so much. I am semester fees. Oh, hi Like to talk about health It was mentioned in lectures that the virus has two functions. It can give energy or take it away I tried to connect with the virus talk to him. I got the Virus I had a headache bones from feet to knees. Has anyone ever asked you to go to the bathroom? Alright, listen here buddy, it's just you and me in this room, and one of us is gonna talk. No, it's not, this guy has the coronavirus, he went to a public place to do this conversation.
Starting point is 01:22:25 It's just you and me in this bathtub, buddy. The coronavirus walked into my office. They had bones from their feet to their knees. I mean, it felt like my bones were melting and becoming soft. I had a fever and no taste. The procedure was as follows. I asked the virus to be shown to me. I told him that as an intelligent,
Starting point is 01:22:55 Oh, is it he? As an intelligent, of course. I told him as an intelligent being, he has two choices in this universe. If he wants, he should return to the one from whom he is alienated. That I try- I'm a virus, I'm not intelligent, goodbye.
Starting point is 01:23:11 That I try to live by the rules of plasma, and that is that the stronger always feeds the weaker. In the interaction between him and me, I am weaker and he is stronger. And I asked him to accept the rules of this game and that I cannot feed him. Let me suckle upon you, virus. No, let you suckle upon me. Assuming that you're stronger than the virus.
Starting point is 01:23:40 Yeah. No, the virus is stronger. The stronger feeds the weaker. It's the, it's, it's, you know, it does say that. Yeah. See? So this was the viruses. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:50 There we go. Yeah. Uh, he stepped away from me and let me know that he didn't want to play such a game and he walked away everything. I'm bored now. You are games. Everything. I'm bored now. You wargamed the coronavirus? What a curious disease.
Starting point is 01:24:10 I challenged the coronavirus to tic-tac-toe. Everything stopped hurting me. I only had a fever for two more days because the body was able to regenerate after the damage he did. After two days, I started getting back the flavor as well. Have you ever done a cosmic bio-exorcism from your own bathtub? Come with me. Aloha. I am Mark Dussolais. My category is health.
Starting point is 01:24:43 Last year in the September, a small bird has flown against the window of our terrace door and remained unconscious on the ground. You're from Dorf in Germany, so this is a German accident. Who gives a shit? This is, this is, this is Mark of the sun. My wife lifted up gingerly and held him on her two hands. I immediately ran into the cellar and took a small spray bottle with CO2 guns. I sprayed the bird and he began to shake.
Starting point is 01:25:13 Then we put him on the table and he overrun himself a few times, but was still quite dazed. For the sake of Koshom, we placed him on the test. I wanted to take a picture of the bird, but just as I came back with the camera, the bird flew like a newborn! Ho ho ho! Oh yeah, just like a newborn bird, flies. Famously good at flying. It fucking fell to the ground. Because you scared it. You brought it into your house and sprayed it with water.
Starting point is 01:25:48 It smelled weird. I just didn't get the picture. The very last testimonial here, Shelle, did Paul and Lynn Schmaltz learn anything? Did they learn anything? Schmalz! Schmalz! So there was Mark of the Sun and then Paul and Lynn Schmalz. Hello! I'm Ms. Paul Schmalz and I'm posting here in the category Varius.
Starting point is 01:26:21 You know, liquid plasma water doesn't freeze. We took photos on February 2nd, 2017 on our unheated front porch in Montana when the temperature was minus 3 Fahrenheit, at the high temperature of the day. Oh! Okay, okay, so that means that the thing that these people have been drinking is antifreeze That's probably good Now now no, it's because we have treated socks hats and gloves as described in the 156th knowledge seekers is workshop
Starting point is 01:27:02 Jesus, so many workshops. That's a normal place to get info from. Look, my husband and I understand the first 155 full of shit. 156 is the way I give my exact answer. That's right, dear. Thank you, dear. The vials have been on the porch for two months. One vial was filled with CO2. Sorry, that's a four- hour video is what that is.
Starting point is 01:27:26 One vial, well, two and a half hours are question and answer. So one vial was filled with CO2 liquid plasma and the other was filled with CO2, CUO and ZNO liquid plasma. Man, just got all of them. Copper, zinc, carbon. Yeah, whatever. Any compound I can find goes in fucking this bottle. Love that dirty water.
Starting point is 01:27:55 The main highway to Billings was closed today because of three to five drifts from blowing snow. We have treated hats, gloves, and I'm not sure if you remember, but we have treated hats, gloves, and winter scarves, and socks with the liquid plasma for both of us. Paul and Lynn Schmalz. I say the main highway to Billings, thinking the one highway to Billings. The last thing I want to close out with here actually happened as we're recording. So as we're recording, K-Thor, you found this website called So yeah, do you have anything you want to share here from this about page?
Starting point is 01:28:49 This website contains information provided by individuals who have been harmed in any way by Mehran Tavakoli Keshe. The purpose of this site is to awaken people to the truth. Whatever is published here has been written by people who have been close to Mehran Tepekoli Kesha for many years and have therefore witnessed his version of proper conduct firsthand. Contrary to what has been claimed by Mehran Tepekoli Kesha, we do not want to stop the Kesha Foundation or its technology.
Starting point is 01:29:17 Why not? To just make people aware of the deceitful methods and misconducts of Mehran Tepekoli Kesha himself. This is an incredible rabbit hole that needs to be delved deeper into. This foundation was connected to the government of Ghana and claimed to be building the first spaceport in Africa using their levitating spaceships. There's a ton of ex-members. This guy, Dirk Laurisens, this Belgian guy was his one of his first partners. He has a Wikipedia page for inventing puzzle cubes. And after splitting, he became a Kesha hater with his own theory of gaps between nanoparticles. But his are called
Starting point is 01:30:01 topological holons and appear to be almost exactly the same. But have different shit to buy, I assume, right? There's a few more waves. We'll say different PDFs to download and leave it at that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just from this about page here, you were saying from 2005 to 2010, you helped Keshe in a couple ways. Yes. In 2005, I was introduced to Keshe by Wim de Grave, who was at the time working at the nanotechnology company IMEC in Leuven, with the intention to write international
Starting point is 01:30:38 patents for the reactor technology of MT Keshe. This resulted in multiple applications of international patents. However, these patent applications were never granted or approved by the European Patent Office since Keshe did not meet the necessary payment terms. Through this intense cooperation regarding patents we developed a friendship. Keshe called me his brother and asked my advice in promoting his reactor technology. And then, yeah, so lots and lots and lots of grievances, but it seems like, like you were saying, it seems like everybody right here is involved in different concurrence
Starting point is 01:31:13 scams. And so they're like, well, obviously it's fine, it's fine, but this guy sucks, but obviously all of the theories are really good. You are right, like there's an entire season of podcasts to be done about the Kesha Foundation. There's a flying car in there. There is a lot of action. Yeah, it's amazingly the Ghana deal fell apart and the Minister of Science in Ghana is like, he gave us these theories and we tested them and they didn't do anything.
Starting point is 01:31:48 So we had to stop our collaboration. Kesha scammed at has just a list of people who Kesha has wronged. And just the line I enjoyed was King Albert II of Belgium, slandered. What did we learn from this F plus? I learned that vampire software gives us really good documents. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What a dense, what a dense piece of cake this was. I learned that the universe is very wet. I learned that at one point Kesha was making a Kesha coin that was going to serve as a one nation ID and would give you access to food, shelter and borderless transportation in some sort of hypothetical society and everyone could have it except those working in the defense military and their immediate families plus Belgium passport holders and citizens
Starting point is 01:33:03 And no stupid meanie heads. I'm on the site here for the Kesha coin that says guaranteed 3% return per year on each 1000 euro coin. That's almost stupider than Sam Altman's World coin. You have to fill out an application form to apply for a Kesha coin. That's good. We want to weed out the look you lose That's true. That's true. Yeah. Yeah by get by get the fuck out Does Kesha do you think Kesha's alive? Yes
Starting point is 01:33:37 Okay, okay See I noticed I noticed that like on the Kesha Foundation, there's seminars that you can attend. Here's a question that... And I don't know if any of us have exactly the answer for this, but I don't understand the hook. I don't understand where are they finding buyers. And where are they finding buyers? Like it's so incomprehensible. And even like the idea of like you're gonna spray this water and it's gonna cure coronavirus. Like even that pitch is clumsy. Like I don't understand where they are finding their dupes.
Starting point is 01:34:20 I mean, gotta assume that's a feature, right? Like I mean, you gotta assume that's a feature, right? Like... I'd like... Like... I imagine a lot of it's through like... Like a lot of the way a lot of these things work is through like seminars and people will do a seminar and then people get sucked into it and they'll drag their friends to it. And it just sort of people of a certain type will glomp onto it.
Starting point is 01:34:51 Cause like, yeah, nothing looks good. Like nothing like looks appealing. There's no good cells. There's no good photos. At least Scientology has like fun gadgets. Right, right, exactly. Yeah. Like, and like, I mean, they've defrauded the Ghani's government.
Starting point is 01:35:10 Like, clearly they're pretty good at this, and I just, I don't understand their scam. Like, I don't understand their pitch. I mean, I guess it's like, if you get people in through another method, then all this messed up stuff keeps them in because, like, if someone like put a pill in their water and take it like what's that pill for and like oh it cures my cancer like does it doesn't seem like it does but then like it's harder to say that if it's like what is that cup with three springs in it do well it energizes my it does a bunch of stuff about energy and stuff and then they talk for an hour and you just wish they'd stop.
Starting point is 01:35:47 I suppose, yeah, because I was kind of specifically thinking about the pain pen, which sort of like looks like a cray-pos, like it's a crayon, it's a crayon and you draw on your pain and then it makes the pain go away. And like any person that you saw, if they like pulled that out and they were like, what's that? That's my pain pen. How does that work? Like, you would ostracize, like, like you would ostracize yourself from anybody at Thanksgiving by trying to explain your pain pen. And like, people would be worried about you after pulling out your pain pen. But nobody would say anything until after you were gone, so.
Starting point is 01:36:25 Yeah, but I mean the thing is, it's placebo effect and that's so, so powerful. If you are into this enough that like rubbing on your achy joint with a plastic pen for 15 minutes, you know, you're going to feel something. You're going to have a sensation. You've never witnessed that happen at a family event, have you?
Starting point is 01:36:47 No. Wow. That happens. I think the other thing is there are so many water energizing scams. It is one of the oldest tricks in the book because everybody drinks water and there's so many ways to fuck with water without actually doing anything to it because it looks the same. It's not, so I think this is, you know, it's just a link in a long chain of these kind of gimmicks. Basically you've got some, you've got, you've got a hook in anybody who's like, wait, no, oh wait, no fluoride in this water.
Starting point is 01:37:28 Tell me more. Yeah, I guess it's like a lot of times when we do these kind of episodes about these like broader scams, like, you know, there's this concept of people will go like, well, you know, if I wasn't an ethical person, blah, blah, blah. But like, I don't think a lot of brains are able to do this. Like, I feel like if I was trying to, I'm on a page here that's selling a sticker that you put on your laptop that heals you for $30. And like, I don't think I could write that pitch in a way that would actually resonate with the audience. Because I don't think I could write that pitch in a way that would actually resonate with the audience Because I don't know what you're looking for. I don't understand your brain. You're a different species to me
Starting point is 01:38:09 I mean, I think really key is the the one like testimonial I read of the first was like I was curious about something and I looked at science But it didn't have definitive answers and also I'm too stupid to understand any of it And then I went to this place and a person told me they could give me the answers. Yeah. So... And if you're looking for easy answers, you can go to BALLPITS! Oh yeah, you can.
Starting point is 01:38:35 That's a forum with like, posts and stuff that you can look at some posts about. Extra Credit, which is the podcast that Shell Game runs. Oh, that's me. How many episodes you up to there, Shell? Oh, gosh, I think two. Four came out not too long ago. He's trying to catch up to us. And I'm working on another website,
Starting point is 01:38:57 but that's not a surprise. Okay, bye. Bye. Bye! I'm almost there. I think I found, okay, this one seems to be a Zoom meeting with God. Ooh Commandment memes completion of missing commandments During the 204th Kesha Foundation knowledge seekers workshop, mr. Kesha delivered the missing commandments Yeah, a bunch of stuff in the the hater website about him being a Messiah or claiming he's a Messiah. So that's this all tracks

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