The Flop House - Ep. #174 - That Awkward Moment

Episode Date: March 21, 2015

It's the MaxFun drive! And, though Stu is in Puerto Rico, we pulled out the big guns with a return appearance by Hallie Haglund! She adds some much needed perspective to the asshole-dude-based RomComm...ery of That Awkward Moment. Meanwhile Elliott reveals his hatred of smooth men who have a lot of sex, Dan is, yet again, accused of racism, and Hallie can't get over the similarity between our lead actress and farts.Movies recommended in this episode:Cold in JulyAll Good ThingsMan is Not a Bird

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On this episode of the flop house, we watched that awkward moment. More like that awkward movie. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Hey everyone welcome to the flop house I'm Dan McCoy. I'm Elliot Kalen and I'm Hallie Haglett. Surprise! You're looking sound different? You have a different name. No, no, no. Stewart, with the different names.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Wait, no. What? Guys. It's the least convincing disguise. We have some news for the love-out listeners. Stewart was peeing in a fountain with Hallie. Oh, okay. And now they've switched, except they still use the names
Starting point is 00:01:03 of their bodies. Okay. And Hallie is looking very great gardens right now because she borrowed a sweater from my wife which is slung around her. And your wife is little edie. Yep. From Gregardons. I married her for her money and then that did not go well. I married her for her raccoons.
Starting point is 00:01:23 I always wanted to marry a raccoon, Ares. and then that did not go well. I married her for her raccoons. I always wanted to marry a raccoon, Ares. She's got many raccoons, some biteier than others. So, Hallie, thanks for joining us this week, but she gave them all the way to her naces. I'm not sure how that fits into the story. So, how does that happen with the ants? They will their recurrence to their nieces. Halle, is that what your favorite ant did to you?
Starting point is 00:01:54 It gave you a raccoon. Tell us what your ant did to you, Alan. Show us on this doll where your ant gave you raccoons. It was in my arms. And they were beautiful. They were like little bandits. So unfortunately, Stuart Wellington of the flop house couldn't have be with us tonight.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Because he's dead. And one of us is the killer. It was me anyway, moving on. He's fine. He's so. Another Elliott-Kalen mystery. I saw them quick, because I commit the crimes. No, I will take the blame for this to some degree and that my stupid body got sick.
Starting point is 00:02:33 My stupid body, which was your EDM album? Yeah. We were supposed to tape yesterday when all four of us could be here, and Halle would be a special bonus guest, and instead, she is a replacement host. You've been upgraded. Yeah. And still. Or downgraded, because I'm a paltry replacement for a great man.
Starting point is 00:02:57 May he rest in Puerto Rico, because that's where he is, bitches. Wow. Stuart, tell you to gloat on his behalf. I don't know who's to hang. Yeah, he's in Puerto Rico, celebrating the wedding of somebody. Some person who's getting married there. But this is a very special episode of The Flop House, not just because Halley's dropped in.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Any excuse to say but, hi, Dan. I'll say it right now, but. All right, it's a very special episode of the flop house. Explain please. This is I love special things. I love episodes. I love the flop house. I love expandations.
Starting point is 00:03:38 So please give us one. This is the most magical time of the maximum fun calendar year. The max fun drive. The pledge drive from max fun, maximum fun, maximum drive, maximum pledge. Max fun 2015 is a listener supported network. It's like your PBS or your ins, P, R's. P's R. Yeah, it's, it's listener supported. So you are the listener. You got to support us because without you, where would we be? No, where in a dumpster. Our body is mangled by the killer.
Starting point is 00:04:20 We come to you, but what killer's name? Holly Hagland. Oh, wow. I mean, I'd be fun. I have an active life outside this show. We don't. Howie, you really like you give away the endings to these mysteries. Very quickly. That's where the mystery comes in. It's like when's he gonna reveal the answer right now?
Starting point is 00:04:36 Okay. We called Elliott Kalens one moment mysteries. Just a way to kill a moment. That awkward moment mystery. But before we get to that awkward moment. That awkward moment mystery. But before we get to that awkward moment, the next fun pledge drive by the next fun drive, it happens. But once a year, we come to you hat and hand, asking for your nice hat Dan. Thank you. Well, everybody, I'll tell you guys, nobody's actually has hats or hands here. Fuck up. Shit.
Starting point is 00:05:05 How do you use the magic of radio? So we come to you and we say donate, please pledge to donate. And how do they do that, Dan? Well, here's how you do it. You go to and click on donate. Sounds easy. Should be doing it right now. And if you donate, you, uh, number one, you
Starting point is 00:05:27 support the shows that you love. And, um, you can, uh, you can dictate which shows specifically that you listen to. So you know that the money that you donate goes to the things that you enjoy and not some other thing. Let's say, let's say you love this podcast. There's another podcast on Max one. You don't like so much. Judge John Hodgman maybe. And you don't want to donate to that. Don't worry. You can delineate which podcast get the money. So we get the money that you want to give to us. And it's a nice way to support us. It's a nice way to support the whole network. It's not just the talent as it were, but the- No, it's also the network itself.
Starting point is 00:06:06 The network itself. Putting up a lot of great material and supporting other great podcast artists. And you get pledged gifts. Pledge gifts. Now, there are different levels of pledged gifts you can get. At the $5 per month level, you get exclusive bonus content. This includes a bonus episode of the Flop House. Now, people have been wondering, what
Starting point is 00:06:31 would it be like if the Flop House talked about a bad television show? Well, there's one way to find out. Pledge the Max Fun. You'll get our bonus episode, an episode only available to Max Fun pledgers. So if you don't pledge, you will never know what happened in the episode. You'll miss out on some funny jokes, stewards in it, no replacement co-hosts, and you know, that are maybe not as good. And.
Starting point is 00:06:54 At $10 a month, you get a tote bag, a Max Fun tote bag. You like NPR, pretend you're done eating NPR and get a Max Fun tote bag, but this has Max Fun fun instead of NPR. This is way better than NPR pretend you don't need to NPR and get a max fund tote bag But it says maximum funds to the NPR. Just way better than NPR. Yeah, therefore it's a better tote bag That was really mean the thing that you said before Substitute host well I'll tell you know I came here out of the goodness of my heart because you guys begged me to come That's true and we changed changed the data several times,
Starting point is 00:07:26 like a bunch of jerks. We really appreciate your being here. Yeah. But for $20 per month, you can get an in-flight power pack that has a mobile device charger, a collapsible water bottle, anti-bacterial wipes, pilot wings, all that you would want if you were taking a flight somewhere
Starting point is 00:07:42 and all emblazoned with the maximum fun rocket chip logo and a thing dan might take with him while say watching a movie on a plane his favorite place to watch movies thirty five dollars per month a pair of rocket engraved shot glasses one hundred per month membership in the inner circle which is a monthly culture club where uh... you get a curated piece of culture every month and we're not talking like germ cultures. We're talking like books and art, things like that.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Stuff people like. Yeah, all sounds made up. Are these real things that people think is art? These are, do not undercut the pledge. It's amazing as they sound. They're all real. All right, I go, okay, guess I'm going to have to pledge now. And at the $200 per month level the the the fucking ACE's high level
Starting point is 00:08:26 You get free registration for max at fun con 2016 the official max fun convention where you'll meet your favorite max fun stars like max well-fun ship himself Do they have to dress up as characters from max? They can if they want to but but they don't have to. I mean, I bet you guys could probably just wear your regular clothes and you'd look exactly like Danny and I would. Now, I just want to mention that current donors, people who are already ongoing monthly donors to maximum fund, if you upgrade your membership during the pledge drive, you're eligible for all the
Starting point is 00:09:06 get thank you gifts we're offering. And also if you're a current member, you can go to and say that you didn't have the flop house on your donation list before because we're not part of the network, you can shift over. You can say like, I also listen to the flop house. Now there's a goal this year of 2000 new and upgrading members, totally achievable, eminently achievable, just with you guys listening to us right now. So here's what you should do while you're listening to this, go to your computer and go donate because you're going to forget otherwise. You're going to keep putting it off and be like, oh, I should really donate to that. I'll get around to it.
Starting point is 00:09:44 It's not going to happen. How do I know? Because that's what would happen to me. So I think you should do what I should do, which is donate right now, rather than putting it off for a little bit, you know. But which is why we're asking Elliott to donate right now to Max. I guess I don't know. I mean, it's for good podcasts. Right now to Max. I don't know my computer. You got $200 a month, Elliot. You guys will get my phone.
Starting point is 00:10:05 I mean, it's, that's okay. It's for good, I mean, it's for good podcasts. I'll get a little piece of it too. You're gonna get a big bag. Yeah, so. You gotta wet your beak, little. My beak is very dry, like some kind of desert bird. But we will be back to talk a little bit more about
Starting point is 00:10:23 the Max Fund drive later on in the show. But now we back to talk a little bit more about the Max Fun drive later on in the show. But now we need to talk about what we normally talk about, which is a movie that we watched. Well, I don't know, Dan, maybe we shouldn't talk until we know they've donated. Yeah, maybe we'll just sit here and not talk. And not sing a word. Go to, go click donate go click donate put your formation and we'll wait how he sings a song while we're waiting Magic moment
Starting point is 00:10:51 All right, let's not do that. Yeah, I'll tell you this is a bad idea I didn't realize that I think we could get a song from share after nuclear blast Howie you as the guest were invited to choose a type of movie. Well, actually, I said, is there a specific movie you want to watch? And you did not give me a specific movie. You gave me a genre. And you, in all caps, what did you send to me? Rom, a calm.
Starting point is 00:11:22 And what rom, calm, did we end up watching today? That awkward moment. Yeah, so which thus inspired. Oh, mom. Mom. Is how you smile in your own tongue while you're singing? Is that what that sound is? It's called singing, Elliot. If you'd ever tried it. Oh wait. Uh, I try it. Singing for you and for you. Singing for the donors who pledge singing for Bono and the yeah. Singing for that man on the ledge. Don't jump. Don't jump. He jumped, what are you gonna do? For a pledge. I don't know. So that, I mean, you do like stuff like that,
Starting point is 00:12:13 I guess pledge. Of course you like stuff like that. You're listening right now, you should be pledging. But that awkward moment is a, I guess it's named after that irritating internet thing where someone posts on the internet and they say that moment when or I thought they mentioned the awkward moment was like lepatee more the moment when you ejaculate and you feel like you lost a little of yourself.
Starting point is 00:12:37 Yeah. Is there a more awkward moment than that? No. You can't get to a lot of your face or yes. Is the awkward moment. Yeah. Well, that can be. Because then you're like, all right, well, that just happened. You're totally confused.
Starting point is 00:12:48 What's going on? What's going on? Do I, am I supposed to, where do I go now? Do I, do I make you a pancake now or am I supposed to drive you somewhere? But that's, who, who, who, who, who rules off home? Do I pay you now or should I wait till after you get dressed? Yeah. That kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:13:06 I mean, I feel like you guys are expressing the real theme of the movie. The real theme of the movie, which was asked by us. Yeah. But I feel like you guys are posing the exact same questions that the guys posted in the movie. Well, let's talk about who those guys were. There's Jason, played by Zach Efron. Who is Lally?
Starting point is 00:13:24 Well, they're all hot. She was all over the three men are Zach Efron Michael B Jordan the actor not the basketball player who does not have a B as his initial and Michael B Jordan. It was it was it was it was in Veronica. He's going to be the human torch in the new fantasy world. But he wasn't in, we were talking Zach, our friend, we're talking Max Till, we're talking Nick Cannon. No, it's not Nick Cannon. We're, I think we're racist.
Starting point is 00:13:50 You were actually being racist in thinking that that was Nick Cannon. He said it was Nick Cannon. But Dan's a racist. Dan's a racist. Dan's a racist. Dan's a racist. That's why I thought it was.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Throw him under the bus that Rosa Parks is refusing to get off on. Because Dan is a racist. I just want people to know what's in my mind. Do you have to do this? Oh wait, is that the guy from... Wait, no. Is that the guy from the wire?
Starting point is 00:14:15 He wasn't chronic. No. No, I think he might have been. No, I think he might have been. The guy who was in the show me his You have a phone. I'm going through the other people and the other third guy is Miles Teller AKA whiplash You guys are gonna be so sorry. So there's three friends
Starting point is 00:14:37 Be in young in New York and having sex with ladies and then not calling them back later They're just a bunch of lovable douchebags with ladies and then not calling them back later. They're just a bunch of lovable douchebags roaming around the city, going to the same bar every night, hitting on different women at the same bar, but seemingly never running into the same women at the same bar. But anyway, uh, and Zac Efron's hair gets taller and taller with every scene. And the first scene Zac Efron's hair just looks like a newlymoned lawn, just fresh braids blades of grass. By the final scene, it is a proud tsunami, roaring to its full height before crashing into
Starting point is 00:15:09 some sort of Malaysian beach killing thousands. You really paint a word picture. Of Zach Efron's hair. So. Murdering people. So why you're? Who do you play in the wire? He was the guy who got killed.
Starting point is 00:15:22 He was also. Oh, thanks, Halley. Like, thank you. No, he was the guy who got killed. He was the friend that, um, that, uh, spoiler alert in the wire he was the guy who got killed he was also thanks, Hallie like No, he was the guy who got killed he was the friend that um that uh spoiler alert for the wire no He was the first season the guy that um what's his name had to kill his friends. Oh, yeah, okay Body killed body killed him. Yeah, and then he was in from a homeland. No, and then he was in that um the Wasn't he in that station movie? Fruitfield station. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Okay, so Halley no longer racist, Dan still racist. All right, well, I apologize for the mistake that I made. Dan, look into the camera. I apologize for the mistake that I made. You end. And I will never do it again. You'll be doing reparations. Okay. you end and Reparations
Starting point is 00:16:07 Okay, as well as a large endowment to my Don't know you know Skate moving anyways, so these are three guys. They also hang out occasionally with a girl named Chelsea Who just kind of shows up that I've no where in one scene and it took me a moment to realize she was a character and not an extra that had decided to butt into the scene. And Chelsea, the skinny tall one. Yeah. So you might, if you watch Halt and Catch Fire,
Starting point is 00:16:33 you might remember her as the person who's always dressed like Mary Stewart Masterson from some kind of wonderful in that program. So specific. They are totally trying to evoke her. Like it's an 80s set show and they're like, oh, I just make her look like that girl from the John Hughes movie.
Starting point is 00:16:50 It's all right, 80s. 80s equals Hughes. Yeah. The Hughes decade they called him. Now Howard Hughes. Howard Hughes. The movies that Howard Hughes made of a teenage life were all really
Starting point is 00:17:03 unlabeled. I haven't checked this yet. I haven't checked this yet. I haven't checked this yet. I'm about to check this, but I actually think she was a child actress and she played Stephanie or Michelle's friend on Full House. I'm going to check. Having this really gone down.
Starting point is 00:17:18 I just did rather than taking the extra three seconds to check on her phone just now, she instead staked her claim saying, I believe this and I'll check now to see if it's true. It's like a public radio is this I believe segment only it's a fact like that. It could be the current truth that let me check that she could research pretty easily. Anyway, so these are three guys who are friends except Mikey played by Michael B. Jordan, who is a young doctor. He's married to Mikey like it because I hear that Mikey likes Mikey will eat anything No, Mikey won't eat anything. No, that's this that's what you think it would be
Starting point is 00:17:55 But it's a terrible thing. They're like they said it's a Mikey. He'll eat anything. No, no He hates everything. No, they say give it to Mikey. He hates everything. And then he likes it and they go, if even Mikey likes it, no, you would think that that would make sense. But it's a terrible commercial. It says, give it to Mikey. He'll eat anything. He hates everything. Haley, stop looking up whether she was on full house. Look up the life cereal commercial. But I know it was, I think you're right, Elliot. I remember he either says he, he is everything or he won't eat anything. He hates, okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:28 Dan, the logic of the life commercial is impeccable and unbreakable. Let me explain what's going on. So Michael, be sure. He hates everything. What? Dan, you've been living a lie and that lie has an effing it to spell life, cereal,
Starting point is 00:18:42 which you were wrong about. Dan, look into the camera and apologize to Mikey. Mikey, I'm sorry. I know that you did not die in Vietnam or after eating pop rocks and coke. Thank you. And so you'll be giving reparations. You might be.
Starting point is 00:18:56 And an endowment. Your penis is really making out like a bandit with this thing. Speaking of penises, there's a lot of penis talking in this movie. Let's say one thing about this alleged romcom. It is an out-and-out guys potty mouth movie. It's low on the rom, low on the cop. If you like scenes of guys lying down across open toilet seats because they're peeing with erections, this is the movie for you. Yeah, let's talk about the
Starting point is 00:19:20 scene. There's no. I haven't even said anything. There, no, no, it's about. There's three guys. Mikey finds out his wife is cheating on him. So he falls in with his two horn dog friends and they decide that they are not gonna get into. And my dog friends Zach Efron and Miles Tevler. And they're not gonna get into a relationship. They're just gonna fuck their way through New York as bachelor's do.
Starting point is 00:19:37 And so they're just seen where they take. I'm wrong about that. And they decide this at one of the two places they had together, bars or coffee shops. Yeah. Cause they drink a ton of coffee in this movie. But they take, you think it wouldn't be that difficult to pee because they have so much coffee in their system. But after on Intella, take Viagra at the beginning of the night,
Starting point is 00:19:58 you know, with the full faith that they will, at the end of the night, have hooked to themselves a lady that they can. Oh, their rocks will be off. Yeah. And then there's a cut to them. That's the thing they do. They do.
Starting point is 00:20:10 They both go home with ladies. I mean, you know, they're handsome gentlemen. But like, well, that's the other thing. The Zac Efron is portrayed. All the Zac Efron is portrayed as like, he's got this really good line of pattern. Like, he knows how to get a girl. But he's also a ridiculously handsome guy.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Yeah. Like, it would be a different movie for me if these were guys were not all, had movie star looks. And Miles Teller always looks sleepy and like he hasn't, you know, got many sun in days. He's, but, but he has a sort of soft charm. I don't know. He's got like a mushy, John. And also, if you had seen the spectacular now, he's like lost a good 100 pounds since then. So he really looks like movie star made
Starting point is 00:20:49 once you see his busted self in that one. So the spectacular cow. I mean, I can't eat hally. I kind of love the way that hally is turning around. But this is the female gaze. This is what we're getting right now. But no, there's a scene where these two guys are on Viagra and we catch some of them taking a whiz and there's a camera reveal that shows that they're both lying down with their
Starting point is 00:21:18 penis inserted into the toilet bowl, like planking on the thing, peeing into it. Like stir sticks. Yeah, I guess. In a toilet cocktail. And the idea I guess is like, it's really hard to pee when you have an erection, but speaking of truth. Which is true. Speaking of the man who has had to pee,
Starting point is 00:21:34 well, he added an erection. You can still do that shit standing up. You don't need to insert your penis into the bowl. I don't know that. Completely pronouncing. It's hard for me to believe that these two characters have never been in this situation before.
Starting point is 00:21:47 But they've had to pee with an erection. It's called, I don't know, maybe this is how you do it. It's called waking up at age 14. That's what it's called. You have to pee with an erection. Now, here's the thing. They go out for a night on the town. Miles goes off with some girl.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Mikey meets a girl with glasses and gets her number, but he still wants to work it out with his wife. And Jason, Zachron meets Ellie played by the hilariously named imaging boots, which is a name. Imagine game. It's a name out of like a little Avenue comic strip. And he goes home and sleeps with her. But then due to reason, yeah, her name is like a fart. Uh, for reasons that are too stupid to get into, he starts to believe she's a prostitute and runs out of the apartment, clutching his clothes to his naked booze. I think there are reasons are just stupid enough to get into.
Starting point is 00:22:39 She has a lot of condoms. She has a lot of boots. Where's boots and she has a envelope and she could easily be a spy. Or just a normal person. She's a lady who doesn't believe in banks. She's a Lyndon LaRouche follower, things that the whole financial system is gunning for a fall. I mean, she could be like a lot of good-looking people in New York who just got a huge
Starting point is 00:23:03 envelope of cash from their parents who are supporting their lifestyle. That's what this movie seems to have a lot of good looking people in New York who just got a huge envelope of cash from their parents who are supporting their lifestyle. That's what this movie seems to have a lot of. Everybody has apartments, but they don't seem to work that much. Imaging Pooch plays an author. Zach Efron and Miles Teller are like, co-cover co-designers. They work together. They work together and they play together. Here's why I would have run out of girls' apartment.
Starting point is 00:23:26 I've got a lot of weird chip kids. That's something I think there's like a Muppet Baby type show called Chip Kids. That little kids who design book covers. And their work is really innovative for a while. And then it seems to get kind of repetitive. And then they become obsessed with old Batman toys. Chip kids. When your books look kind of weird. They got a stuff, you know?
Starting point is 00:23:47 Yeah. Tempo would be a little different. When your books look kind of... Not my tempo, Hallie. Whiplash. Starting miles, Halle. Starting Miles Teller and just kidding Simmons. Emptels. Emptels. Yeah. So, the reason I would have left her apartment is because she didn't have a full bathroom, but just to toil it with a curtain around it. Not something I can handle. Gotta go.
Starting point is 00:24:17 I need more privacy from that. Sorry, ladies. Yeah, especially if you're Miles Teller in this movie. Who's character- Oh, but he wasn't at Badger Park. No, I don't know. But Miles Teller in this movie. Who has a chronic, oh, but he wasn't at that apartment. No, I don't know. But Miles, so Miles Teller's character is a running gag, which they kind of forget about after a while where he just goes to he takes
Starting point is 00:24:34 a poop and Zach Efron's apartment all the time. Uh, they each have like toilet and not in like a weird. Yeah, it's not like he's doing it in his toes first. No, and it's not irritable bow. He doesn't run in there like, oh, it's an embankment. But we don't know that. He never seen before he's in that bathroom. I mean, he spends a long time in there,
Starting point is 00:24:51 which is why they come out, why he comes out and everyone's like, did you just take a shick because you were in there for so long? Which wouldn't happen if you had a irritable bow. It would happen fast and furious. That's what that movie is about. It's about Vin Diesel has Irritable Bell syndrome.
Starting point is 00:25:15 Paul Walker goes on to cover as a guy with Irritable Bell to get into the secret Irritable Bell street route. Uh, to use. Yeah. It's when, uh, late at night, it's called the secret of the woods. They go out on, they go out on the streets and they just poop in the street. Is that what the secret of the use was that it was poop? They lived in the sewer. What are you gonna do? So the three guys? The three guys make a deal that they are not gonna get into relationships and meanwhile the next day miles and Zach
Starting point is 00:25:38 They have to pitch a book cover to uh-oh Ellie the girl that Zach ran out on the night before because you thought she was a hooker. It turns out she's just an author something that is not really ever brought up again and we never see her working or see them working. But being an author is like being a prostitute. Am I right guys? High fives. Not well. I mean we're not authors. We're just writers for a TV show. I've had essays printed in books. Oh, check out Mr. Prostituta. And let me tell you, the money was pretty sweet. I got upwards of $250.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Oh, I wish I got upwards of that. Books pay shit. Anyway, so, but so Zach and he apologizes to her through the form of a hand drawn comic strip in which he apologizes to her and she forgives him. He mails this tour or I guess drops it off in a gift box. Here's the thing that I think won her heart over.
Starting point is 00:26:35 He had it custom framed. That's expensive. That shows a change. Framing is crucial. Framing is crucial. I thought he was girl on the go. She can't. No time for second syllables, just the first syllable.
Starting point is 00:26:50 No more than that. Saur, friends. That's a sorry, friends. No, it's Saurfrut. She a girl on the go. No time even for further letters. Say the first letter and go. What was Halley saying?
Starting point is 00:27:09 I don't know if she was out of here quick. Every time I have a conversation with her, I gotta do it like a word puzzle. We're trying to figure out what the sentence was. It was even worse than the time she only spoke in anagram. I appreciate my doctor. It's like an episode of Wheel Fortunate. I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say I'm just going to say is tang all the time. And she can't be understood when she talks. Daniel, Miles Teller, starts falling into a relationship with Chelsea.
Starting point is 00:27:49 Remember, their friend who's a girl who really only exists in this movie to date Daniel and to see an apple pull. But I think they all went to college together. I thought that was the implication. It was. They were all invited to the Thanksgiving. Everybody in this movie has a want.
Starting point is 00:28:05 Yeah. Miles Teller wants to get blow jobs and poop. Zach Efron doesn't want to be in a relationship and Mikey wants to get back with his wife. Chelsea does not have a want. Her want seems to be to continue living in a grandma's fabulous apartment and wear shirts in bed.
Starting point is 00:28:22 She does have a lot of work. So we're very skimpy shirts outside of bed. Does she live with her grandma? I couldn't tell. She does have a lot of shirts. But we're very skimpy shirts outside of bed. Does she live with her grandma? I couldn't tell. She doesn't think she does. And I think her want was that she wanted to be with Miles Teller. Yeah. Now, Halle, I feel like you had some opinions
Starting point is 00:28:33 about the character of Chelsea that I want to draw out of you. I thought Miles Teller was like a big jerk in this movie and he made no grand gesture in the way that Zach Efron is also a jerk but made grand gestures and I felt like she was always like way harder than him clearly more talented than him because she doesn't play as piano at one point. Exactly. You don't even see him do anything. Exactly. He says like we should have this book cover with shoes on it. Hello, Miles Teller got hit by a car. Well, we haven't got that boy. Just anyone can't do that.
Starting point is 00:29:09 Here's Miles Teller's talent. And unfortunately, it's one that society doesn't accept. He is a phenomenal pooper. He is one of the best poopers or... Analympic poopers. Here's the thing. There's some talent. He's a per-trooper.
Starting point is 00:29:24 Some talents are not valued at the same level as others. Olympic artists. Here's the thing. There's something some talent, some talents, some talents are not valued at the same levels of others, but his poop perfectly formed, impeccably timed and the value of any of these poops. Elliot is making this up for your benefit. I'm just saying he's trying to be part of the patriarchy and just to work up this man. Let me poops playing this to you. Why would he spend so much time in the bathroom whereas he would call it his workshop unless he was totally devoted to his muse, the bell.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Because he's constipated and all the little poops that he poops out are like little tiny rocks. One pellet. One, he's experimenting with new forms, which is what every artist should do. Two, artists don't call it constipated, they call it Poopers block. All right, he is not a artist, the only artist in this movie is Emma Jean Fartz. The last name is Poots.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Which is a synonym for Fartz. QED, quite erroneous dump. I arrest my poop. It's the dump thing anyone's ever said, maybe. Anyway, to make it long story short, Mikey gets back together with his wife but then they have sex in a hospital bed at his workplace. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:41 But it doesn't work out. She's still cheating on him. Harold with Harold who has a fancy coat a really nice jacket. I think a real like point about like his name being Harold as if like that's a well-known lander. Well, everyone knows to like look at her Harold. I think the well one she's having sex with an improv form, which is bad enough, and two, maybe it's... Herod in the Bible.
Starting point is 00:31:07 The one who sent Jesus to his family. That would be very, even worse if it was like, you're having sex with Herod? He wanted all the Jewish children killed. Anyway, or firstborn sons, whatever it was. And the Zach is pulling away from his girlfriend because he doesn't want to admit he has a girlfriend. And her dad, who he, me, okay,
Starting point is 00:31:32 you know what, we didn't even talk about her meeting his meeting her dad. Great. One of them, a great American cinema series. So here's the first backup that like, the ostensible reason. Back up before we whack up. Yeah, the ostensible reason that no one wants to get
Starting point is 00:31:47 into a relationship is they made a deal. Solidarity with the divorce. And also because they're dudes and they're dicks. They didn't want to do it before. That's true. They did all make an agreement to do the thing they were already, they may remain in the lifestyle they were already living in. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:02 But then they found it true love. Simultaneously at the most inconvenient time when they had this time limit. So a non-binding agreement between friends. So imaging poops tells the Zach Nerfon that her, she's going to have a surprise birthday party for herself because it's the kind of quirky thing that girls and movies do. Right. surprise birthday party for herself. Because it's the kind of quirky thing that girls and movies do. And it's a dress up party. So of the costume party, right? All of us regular people who would think that,
Starting point is 00:32:32 except not. Well, because, because he- When I hear the words dress up party, I immediately think, oh, I'm masquerade. I'll put on my play clothes. I'll dress up to be a knight or a lion. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:45 So he decided, well, maybe he, because the actress is English and her English accent struggles through her American accent, I actually didn't feel that way. Oh, there were times when it was English. I knew that she was English, but I didn't necessarily think, oh, she's doing terrible. I mean, I do think she sounded like someone who was from New York. You got a lot to was from New York. You got a lot from New York. Now, maybe he thought that she met a fancy dress party, which would have been a masquerade ball with costumes.
Starting point is 00:33:13 You know, a ball all up and masks, like the judge has in sweetie time. Every so much business. So he thinks costume party, well, I better go to a sex shop and buy a two-foot-long dildo that I can have stick out of my pants so I can wear a shirt that says rock out
Starting point is 00:33:33 and have my cock out. And Dan made a very good point, like a dildo that was like completely flaccid. It was a very long dildo, but it was like super bendy and flaccid. Look, working at the daily show, I've come into contact with a surprising number of deal those as props.
Starting point is 00:33:50 I've never seen a deal though like that. Very working and I mean, we all work the daily show. Yeah, but you guys didn't work in the prop department. I did for a while. Like just for like, you know, the mechanics of it. Don't you remember when we were in the background of that chat with El Magical? Yeah, and they all stood erect freely.
Starting point is 00:34:07 Well, they didn't use any of those types of dildos on that. You mean it's your level of stiffness for the dildo to do, the job it was made. What if it was reading just within the text of the film? Okay. What if it was a urination dildo? And so it couldn't be right. I don't know what that means.
Starting point is 00:34:21 I don't know for somebody that's the reason that they're around a penis that's being. But is that a thing? I don't, there that means. I don't know for someone that's the reason that they're around a penis that's peeing. I don't know. I don't know. There's everything's the thing. Everything. Everything. Everything.
Starting point is 00:34:31 You're saying there's still some sort of art piece, maybe? Yeah, yeah, or part piece. That's all. That was just to make Halil laugh. Anyway, so he shows up at this party in this raunchy costume. Uh-oh, it's actually a nice party. And her parents
Starting point is 00:34:45 are there in the maybe one well produced joke in the home movie or well executed joke. Yeah, it was not like a clever joke. No, there were two other ones. I can't remember what they were, but one I laughed out loud and one dandered. Yeah, another couple good, but like, but all the jokes were of a nature where it was like, Oh, that joke wasn't particularly clever, but like in this case, for instance, the reveal of her parents being there after the Dildo thing was well timed and like shocked.
Starting point is 00:35:14 Yeah, even though the way it was shot, he also, very happy to joke, but also he would have seen these two older people sitting there talking. It's similar to the scene in Evil Dead 2 when Rose Campbell's being chased and he's looking straight ahead and an axe flies into frame and we the viewers wouldn't have seen it but he certainly would have seen a person running at him with an axe so he shouldn't be surprised by it. Anyway, little Evil Dead 2 memory for everybody. Now, despite he meets, he manages
Starting point is 00:35:42 to win over her parents by joking about the dildo and hits it off with her dad Flash forward later in the movie They're at the bar. He gets a call from her her dad has died. Uh-oh He keeps dropping her calls because they're giving him his friends are giving him shit about it And he's like, I don't care if she's calling whatever whatever and then his friend joke picks it up and he's like Hey Ellie, this is Miles Teller. The actor from Whiplash. And the spectacular now.
Starting point is 00:36:12 He's like, oh, yeah, he's right here. I can totally like let you talk to him. Is this tempo? And he's like, oh, hey, what's up? What? Is that this way that Halle went her dad died? And then he said her dad died. Now cut to the next day, I guess.
Starting point is 00:36:30 So not only did he not leave the bar and go see her that night, he might have, he may have been undelated. They start talking about, are you going to go to the funeral? What are you going to do? And then so of course we're all thinking he's going to, he's going to break down his resistance. Go to that. Yeah, friend got got to go to that. Now meanwhile Miles Teller has told his girlfriend Chelsea who started out as just a friend and then
Starting point is 00:36:52 became a friend who's a girl who's a girlfriend. He told her that he's told his buddies that they're going out. I've learned anything but it hasn't. But it hasn't. There's no such thing as just a friend. And it's too bad because he's got what she needs. Yeah. And it's too bad because he's got what she needs. Yeah. But so they all like meet up at Chelsea's big huge Thanksgiving party. I guess. Yeah, it's a big family Thanksgiving party that her three best friends from college are
Starting point is 00:37:15 invited to because they like getting to high jinks in the party and then she's supposed to be like, those are my boys. You know, what's the how they want me to say? I was going to say just in terms of all these men of mine. Yeah, no but like okay, so I think if I'm not wrong she is introduces a character who is Hard of their friend group from college. Yeah, they've all been friends for a really long time and she acts as Miles's wingman and he is a total jerk, but I could definitely understand how it's a more awkward circumstance for her and him to publicly announce that they are now a couple when they've been a friend group for a long time versus this fucking other dude who met this really cool girl
Starting point is 00:38:01 and goes out with her all the time. Who showed up with a bourbon that she called Scotch. But it wasn't and was actually Rye. And played video games with the dudes. Like every fucking one of these up in guys version of like what the hot chick is. Oh, she brings up a whiskey. She drinks and she plays video games too. And she can hang with my bros.
Starting point is 00:38:23 Yeah. There's no reason why. My bro bro's beams are my brosive skill. I mean, you guys are so provincial. You act like that doesn't. I mean, that's all it takes to survive in this. I mean, I don't really care for video games. So I don't like that part, but I do like whiskey.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Well, if you traded instead of drinking and video games, if you put in going to movies and and still keep the whiskey, I don't like I'll take it. Something else. Yeah, I guess I mean, people like people are trying to people who share interest with them. It's just there's this like vision. There's, but they were like, she's not given much more in terms of her personal.
Starting point is 00:39:01 All we know about her is that she is, I guess, an author of some kind. Yeah. She likes to do the things that Zach Efron likes occasionally and she enjoys parks and she wants to go to Grammarcy Park, the most exclusive park in New York. No, no, you guys are totally brushing aside the one extraordinary feature that every male writer tries to ride into a woman character in this kind of movie, which is like
Starting point is 00:39:27 She can keep up with me in conversation That makes her an incredible woman, which is not an extraordinary trait of a woman But it's definitely a frame like this in the movie and in many movies like this, which is just like oh my god She's like funny and interesting and we can have a conversation like that's what it's just like, oh my God, she's like funny and interesting and we can have a conversation. This is a woman above all women. She is a price above Ruby.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Exactly. That's true. The other women in this are either, the two women who can kind of keep up in conversation. We mean Chelsea are, Chelsea, well, and she ends up with one of the dudes. Chelsea and Ellie, meanwhile the wife is bland toast. She's got nothing.
Starting point is 00:40:05 And all the other girls that they have sex with are just gonna like, whoa, whatever. I just want to, I just want to, can we talk about a relationship? Okay, I gotta go. Just like a woman. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:16 Yeah, this is definitely the, the one percent of women are women who can actually have a conversation. I'm so happy to be represented in movies that are marketed to me. I don't know that this movie was marketed to you. It's always more of a hit. Yeah, it's not a rom-com.
Starting point is 00:40:35 How does it look like Zach Efron? I don't. I mean, I do. That's the sick thing about it. It's like, I definitely walked away liking this movie more than any of you two did. And it was most insulting to like my existence. That's a good point.
Starting point is 00:40:52 I think that says more about you than that. I don't know. It's probably society, right? So he had met her. He doesn't go to the funeral, basically. They all go to this big Thanksgiving party. He skips out on his girlfriend's dad's funeral, which is on Thanksgiving, which is weird.
Starting point is 00:41:10 We give thanks that he's dead. Like, that's the only time they can get the cemetery. The priest doing the service was like, I'm free that day because of the holiday, but uh. I get overtime, but it's not, it's a secular holiday, so I'm not doing nothing at the church. I'm just darning my socks like it's fucking Eleanor Rigby or something. So the uh...
Starting point is 00:41:31 So he they'll go to the Thanksgiving party. I don't think he ever darns his socks in Eleanor Rigby. What the... He's darning a socks? Yeah. Well, something. Yeah, it's in the song. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:41:44 Father McKenzie... Except the right to the church. Right to the's in the song. I don't think so. Father McKenzie, except the right side of the church where the wedding is then, there's in the dream, Wade's in the window. Darning his socks. Ah! Now he will park the party on million dollars. No, just for that.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Yeah. Damn, you asked, Cap. Is it? Darning his socks that she keeps in a jar. That's a different verse. That's Elmer Ruby has a smoke face. Oh, that puts on a face that she keeps in a jar by the dark.
Starting point is 00:42:10 Okay, a really beautiful song. Why did he keep those socks in the linda? In a jar. Daring his socks. You know, okay, if it's like wet outside, he wants to. Yeah, okay, okay, I'm with you. Let's see if we have some in a jar.
Starting point is 00:42:22 This jar, there's one of those pickle jars with the top pops of it's been opened. So I know it's sealed for freshness. It's a sock jar and when he gets enough socks in there, he goes down to the sock arcade at the bank. Oh, it just smashes it open. He trades it in for one big stocking. Yeah, he gives something in his piggy sock.
Starting point is 00:42:40 So they all show up at Thanksgiving party. Miles Teller and Chelsea are doing it in the bathroom. Zach Efron wanders in to pee and catches them and they're doing it. And then because we need the other character to show up, Michael B. Jordan also walks into the bathroom. Who just dumped his wife? Because she found out he was still sleeping with Harold.
Starting point is 00:43:01 Because he found out she was still sleeping with Harold. Yeah.. You said the other way. Oh, I was wrong. Pronoun trouble. And then he may use as an elaborate wine metaphor to make the point that their relationship isn't working. They all get mad. They get into a fist fight when their secrets come out. It's a real secret in the lies moment. And they all walk out of the bathroom while everyone is gathered around it Listening to their fight and there is in the background this creepy waiter Who's like just kind of like weirdly like moving around with his head at a cocktail like a skexy or something like that That's a delicious moment
Starting point is 00:43:43 I guess he's like, Miles Teller's butt off. Oh yeah, because because Miles Teller and Chelsea were having sex in the shower. Even though Chelsea was wearing a like a pants suit, not even pants, but a pants suit. Those two love to deal with the most of their clothes. That's true. Most of the time when they're in bed, they have their shirts on.
Starting point is 00:44:10 Very realistic. Yeah, but like, look, it's impossible. But she was wearing a pants suit and it's impossible to have sex without either taking a bottom or a top off. And if you're wearing a pants suit, they both have to even have a top off and if you're wearing a pantsuit, they both have to come off. So even if you just have a top off, it'd be pretty difficult to have sex unless you've got a belly button vagina. I mean, here's the thing,
Starting point is 00:44:31 maybe she was wearing those split pants that little Chinese kids wear. So they could just squat in the street. Maybe, I mean, she says skinny is a little Chinese kid. Maybe she was wearing a crotchless pantsuit to her family things. That's possible. So, she knew he was coming.
Starting point is 00:44:49 So he walks out pantsless from the bathroom. Cut to no full frontal. Sorry ladies, you're looking to see his drumstick. Drums. It's so gross. I've never seen it. Now we have an image of a different version of Whiplash where he's just drawing with his penis, but he still does that amazing solo at the end.
Starting point is 00:45:11 And he's watching his big penis. I was thinking of ice water. For some reason, he said that. I was thinking of like a chicken drumstick and I was like, what penis is our shape like that? Colonel Sanders. He had a drumstick feeling. Okay, so that's some up what happened.
Starting point is 00:45:28 This has been a really salty episode. But anyway, they all patch it up as friends. And out of nowhere, Miles Teller gets hit by a car. So he and Chelsea have a hospital makeup. And Zach Efron goes to a book reading that Ellie has organized and he reads a short story, I guess, that he wrote that is about their first meeting. He wasn't reading it. He was just winging it. He grabbed a random book and then he was winging it up.
Starting point is 00:45:58 No wonder the structuring was so patchy. And his use of theme and image was juvenile at best. And they make up, right? Yeah. Yeah. So, and that's the end of the video. Everyone is like a Shakespeare player. I was gonna say, as in a Shakespeare comedy, they are paired up at the end.
Starting point is 00:46:20 And the villain is, I guess, chaste out of town or thrown in jail. Whatever happens to Shakespeare villains and comedies. You know what the villain is? She's humiliated usually, I guess, chased out of town or thrown in jail. Whatever happens to Shakespeare villains and comedies. You know what the villain is. She's humiliated usually. I feel like male hubris. Yeah. Except, oh, and Michael B Jordan calls the glasses girl that he met at the bar earlier in the movie. Like months before, like, and she was like, I've been waiting for you.
Starting point is 00:46:43 It's cool. She's like, I haven't had any dates in between now. I'm still. I've been waiting for you. She's like I haven't had any dates in between now. I'm still I was saving myself for you. I'm a beautiful woman who somehow only had this one time a couple of months ago. Sub-one show. Any interest in me. Yeah. So was that awkward moment when we finished watching the movie and we were like why do we just watch that and how he he went, that was great. Yeah, and I was talking for Final Judgements. This is a good bad movie, a bad bad movie,
Starting point is 00:47:08 or a movie you kind of like, how he, let's go. I know, I think I should go last. Elliot. I thought it was a bad bad movie. Here's where, like, I feel like I can't go into the normal categories because I feel like this movie was totally bad, but it wasn't, it wasn categories, because I feel like this movie was totally bad.
Starting point is 00:47:26 But it wasn't, it wasn't, it wasn't, I mean, I compared to our other bad, bad movies. That's a thing. It wasn't at that level. It might be the curve that the Flapp House has made me grade movies on. You have trouble with the curve.
Starting point is 00:47:36 But I almost kind of liked this movie just because like, I feel like I was consistently entertained by it, even while realizing everything about it was terrible. I see, this is the kind of movie that enrages me. So I just don't like those kinds of guys. I don't want to see them redeem. No, they're bunch of assholes. I don't want to spend time with them.
Starting point is 00:47:55 This was bored by it. And it captures a thing that I feel like, I feel like there's this feeling that, especially that young men who aren't super social and don't get a lot of dates, a feeling that I certainly had when I was younger about New York, where it felt like there was just this, like, these free floating currents of sex in the air that some people knew had a capture and other people just could not locate or identify or hold on.
Starting point is 00:48:21 So you're saying you're a men's rights activist, right? That's what you're saying. No, I'm saying, I have no sympathy do this. I'm so happy to be able to do this. I'm so happy to be able to do this. I'm so happy to be able to do this. I'm so happy to be able to do this. I'm so happy to be able to do this. I'm so happy to be able to do this. I'm so happy to be able to do this.
Starting point is 00:48:36 I'm so happy to be able to do this. I'm so happy to be able to do this. I'm so happy to be able to do this. I'm so happy to be able to do this. I'm so happy to be able to do this. I understand. I have no ambition. What do you have to say? No, I don't think you finished your ex-boyfriend. No, I was saying how much you liked it. No, I was saying that I thought that objectively, it was not a good movie and all the characters
Starting point is 00:48:53 were bad people, but I was still entertained by it. I was not bored by it, so I liked it. I liked it. I liked it. Yeah, I mean, I found it problematic to the extent that the characters we were really being asked to relate to are like a bunch of dudes who like, like, girls? It sucks. So bad to like him. And as a girl, that's like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:49:32 But honestly, I, but I guess, I mean, it offends me that this is like a, like a document of pop culture because it exists. And so I guess it exists in some reality, but because it is so far from my actual experience of culture in New York and probably it exists, but I don't hang out and fucking Murray Hill with a bunch of Fred dudes.
Starting point is 00:50:01 Murray Hill referenced in this movie. This movie is influencing you in ways you didn't even realize. No, but it's enough of a non-reality that it makes me angry that it exists as a cultural document, but I can have enough distance from it as a rom-com that I'm like, yes, let that man be tamed by the woman who deserves him. So I had very complicated feelings about this. But like, basically, if this is supposed to be any, like, real item of culture, and I don't think that...
Starting point is 00:50:39 And I don't think that movie was aiming high or attempting to mirror reality in any way. I mean, that's what scares me though. I think it might, like, I don't know. Just by that awkward moment, you know? That awkward moment. But the awkward moment. No, but no, it's exactly the awkward moment. It's like, I mean, I feel like it's pretty clear
Starting point is 00:51:00 that the awkward moment is like the moment when the girl asks the dude to be her boy. He talks, Zach Efron talks about how it never good when a girl says so. Yeah. Because it's always going to be with, so where is this going? Or, so what is this thing we have here? And it's, it like, yeah, the, the movie is about, I, I guess I, I'm sure there are plenty of guys who have that fear where they're like, I want to fly free, man.
Starting point is 00:51:22 I don't want to be tied down to some lady with her lady parts, but the lady parts, by the way, was the Western that are, but I have, I like, have so little sympathy for those characters. I don't want to see them. I don't care if they learn their lesson or not, basically. Yeah. Like the idea that they automatically go into situations, not wanting to form an emotional connection with another human being, but I want to,
Starting point is 00:51:51 I don't see a path to me. Right, but I want to like, because there's some sick, like draw to seeing, like hating that narrative, but like feeling some satisfaction that the woman actually reaches the man. I want to draw some alternate universe comparison of the lame-ask 80s movie where the girl is really hot. And I mean, I'm like trying to, no,
Starting point is 00:52:27 that wouldn't reach you. But I feel like there is some parallel war. Like the girl is like hot and uninteresting and then like nerd guys somehow gets her. And that is like a triumph. There's totally movies that happen. Yeah. That you guys would, as individuals actually,
Starting point is 00:52:46 like finds, like, not, I mean, like, that you guys would be like, compelled to watch in the same way that like for some stupid reason, I mean, compelled to watch it. Does the girl take her clothes off in the movie? I mean, I do think that like most of those movies, though, do have the trope of like like the guy wants the really hot girl
Starting point is 00:53:05 But then he realized he should be his best friend is called actually teen wolf syndrome or TWS right even though his friend is way Cuter. Yeah, boof is totally cuter than the other dumb name boof It's not it's not almost as dumb name as poots. Here's the thing that it's like so that's the super lame thing because This movie is even about like, so that's the super lame thing because this movie is even about like the guy who's a loser getting the best friend and then realizing that she's the hotter one. So that's so fucked up. This is everything you can, Halle.
Starting point is 00:53:37 But here's the, I think you've discovered that there's a gender inequality in this nation. I also don't like, so he wins back Ellie. So, do they have a future now? Is it just gonna be like a funny story the time that he didn't show up at her dad's funeral? Like, hey kids, let me tell you about the time your dad didn't show up at my dad's funeral. Like, that's a terrible thing.
Starting point is 00:53:59 Where she's just gonna lured it over him. So he made an agreement with his two loser buddies. Honey, I don't know if I can make it to that work thing you have tonight. Oh, really, because I remember another thing you couldn't make it to when one of my parents died. All right. It's not a general relationship. All right. So wait, what was the designation? Mixed. The designation is mixed. Okay. That awkward moment, you broke our system. We got to move on.
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Starting point is 00:54:56 goal of 2,000 new and or upgrading members. You'll get great pledge gifts. I won't go through them again because we talked about that early. But minimum pledge is $5 a month. It's a very little money. Think about it. That's $2.50 an episode of The Flop S. You can't even buy a comic book for $2.50. And yet you're getting an hour's worth of entertainment with your three best friends,
Starting point is 00:55:17 Elliot, Dan, and Stewart sub TBD. And at the $5 month level, you get the bonus content, which at this point, you're not getting just the bonus content for this year, you're getting bonus content for all the previous pledged drives years. So that's like, that's tens of hours of different podcasts, not just us, everyone on the Max Fun Network. And $5 is just the minimum.
Starting point is 00:55:42 You can pledge more than that and you get more for it. And there also we have challenge donors. Yeah, you get a collapse of water bottle. That's pretty sweet. Just grab a ziplock bag. Well, we're going way off as it a ziplock bag with full of water. Are you going to drink out of that, Hallie? Um, but I also want to mention that there are challenge donors, challenge donors, current members who are pledging money be it a niggle dime or corner per each new or upgrading member. So your money can be not matched, but augmented by you. You're actually helping us to get even more than what you pledge when you pledge.
Starting point is 00:56:22 And it helps keep the network alive. It helps keeps us doing this podcast because, frankly, guys, this podcast takes a lot of time and I got a baby at home. And we gotta make it worth my while, if you know what I mean. I'm doing that thing with my hands, that means money, please. And if you're a current member, think about upgrading, you will get access to all of the new pledge gifts.
Starting point is 00:56:45 And also, if you're a current member, why not just go to Maximum Fun and select the Plop House as one of the podcasts that you listen to? You should be doing this right now. If you didn't do it at the beginning of the podcast, when I told you to do it right now, disappointed in you and you should do it right now now, because you're gonna forget otherwise.
Starting point is 00:57:04 You're gonna make right a note for yourself. Every time you see it, you're gonna be like, oh yeah, I should do you and you should do it right now now because you're gonna forget otherwise. You're gonna make right a note for yourself every time you see it, you're gonna be like, oh yeah, I should do that. You should do it now. No. No. Get out of the way. Do it now. Support your podcast that you love. And you get all the stuff that Dan mentioned before if you just pledge those amounts. The collapsible water bottle. Halley's favorite. And you will also get the satisfaction of knowing that thanks to you, this podcast is
Starting point is 00:57:30 Podsyple. That's possible with pod in it for podcast. Um, so let's move on to letters from listeners. Um, listeners like you, the people who should be donating right now. Uh, the first letter comes from Cody last name withheld who writes, pardon me, I'm going to. He's crying. He wrote, pardon me.
Starting point is 00:57:53 I'm flying from Montreal to London. Dan Horsley, Cody can be a growth manager or a bear. Dan had to stifle a burp. That's why he's in pardon me. I'm flying from Montreal to London at the time of writing, and wow, his in-flight entertainment stepped up its game. Whoever it is, Air Canada has picking movies for the onboard system is kind of my hero.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Though I worry they may lose their job, given that they selected proven audience fleasers, like the Tree of Life, Sirius Man, and James Gray is the immigrant. Also making... I've seen them all, they're all sad. Take the saddest flight there is. Also making appearances, seen them all they're all sad take the saddest flight there is also making appearances Terry Killiams zero theorem which as of the
Starting point is 00:58:30 writing of this email hadn't even had a North American theatrical release yet which leads me into my question when the inflight entertainment system has a film you suspect you'll love you go for it or wait to watch an environment with a lower chance of screaming babies emergency landings over water and the person next to you watching the clumps. I was in the situation on another flight that had the 400 blows, seriously, who chooses these, where I decided to hold off for a better viewing experience, which never came since I've not gotten around watching it. If you do hold off in watching certain movies, what do you go for instead to numb the pain
Starting point is 00:59:02 of long plane trips? You're flopping it across the Atlantic, Cody Lasting with Hill. Now Dan, I know you love to watch movies on planes. Now this is a fallacy. I... There's been a lot of talk of fallacies tonight. No, I've specified movies that I watch on planes for this very reason because in general I feel like you don't want to watch a great movie on a plane. You want to watch an amiable time passer. And so I've always specified- That sounds like the lamest bond, Philan.
Starting point is 00:59:33 Ah, amiable time passer. Yeah. No, so I've always specified when I have watched the movie on a plane, just to clarify the mindset I was in. For sure. I did- Like a box of juice. I did once watch 12 years of slave on a plane just to clarify sort of the mindset I was in. Sure. I did like a box. I did once watch 12 years of slave on a plane because I knew that I was not going to
Starting point is 00:59:52 watch otherwise. I was like, this movie is going to make me too upset otherwise. So the best time to watch it will be when I'm literally strapped into my seat. You said steward keep the drinks coming. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. that makes sense. I don't know. I mean, I prefer to read on planes.
Starting point is 01:00:10 I really like reading on flights and I like to see if I can knock out a whole book on a flight if it's a long one, like a cross-country flight. I will say, I usually don't like to watch movies because you can't hear them as well and they, yeah, it's not a good experience. But if I hadn't watched Yoderovsky's Dune on a flight I don't think I would have gotten a chance to see it at this point just because it's been hard for me to fit movies into my schedule so I wanted to take advantage of that flight opportunity and I really enjoyed it that way so I'm glad that I did so
Starting point is 01:00:39 if it's a movie that is like a documentary I, a flight makes more sense to me. Well, I like to read also on planes. If I have started a book that I'm already super into, and it's long, I love to do that rather than watch a movie, but I definitely have watched both watched both, um, naturally, Bray on a movie, like on a plane on one of those planes where there's like a scheduled viewing time. Oh, yeah. And so I watched it once and it was along enough light that I thought it was so great I watched it twice and I would have never liked it outside of the context of an airplane. And I also watched, um, you know, what the fuck fucking Rosebud movie. Sins and Kane. Yes.
Starting point is 01:01:31 I also watch. Where is it also known what the fucking Rosebud movie? Also, I just see the skin on a plane. And, you know, not sure I would have made time for that if I wasn't crossing the Atlantic, right? Uh, a great movie, yeah. Although it makes me think that that St. L. Jackson needs to move now called Canes on a plane. There's too many Canes on that plane. Charles Foster cane that is.
Starting point is 01:01:57 And I was on Miracle on a plane. That's a really good movie. The hockey movie. Everyone was asleep when the American team won that game. And I was crying and wondering why people wouldn't wake up to just appreciate that moment. I've watched Netflix movies on planes when they have Wi-Fi, if that counts. I watched I confess the Hitchhawk movie on a plane. So I think that didn't help you at all. Nope. It turns out everyone, I guess actually, you know, the best movie experience I
Starting point is 01:02:30 had got out of a plane was when I was sitting next to a coworker of all of ours on a plane. And he was watching the amazing Bert Wunderstone. And I was just every now and then glancing at his screen and just being like, wow, that looks bad. And then turning away. What? Who was it? Adam Lott. Oh. I love the daily show. Next question.
Starting point is 01:02:49 We are flying back to Turkey. Or next letter. Next letter, but also a question. I have a very important question to ask you. Don't ask me why or how this came up. But yesterday, my roommate and I were discussing. Well, so you're going to ask us a question. We can't ask you.
Starting point is 01:03:01 How the hell it's a letter. We actually couldn't ask anyway. My roommate and I were discussing a certain scene in Ghostbusters. The blowjob scene? Yes. And found ourselves in a quandary. Because every other scene is so perfect, you wouldn't need to discuss it.
Starting point is 01:03:17 It's the one problem in the movie. It's the one where Dan Acroix's character, Ray, gets a blowjob from a ghost. Considering how often this topic comes up in any given episode of the flop house, I thought you would be the right pit bull to ask, what do you think happened afterward? What happened to the semen? Did it pass through the ghost as most solid objects would? That would really the movie does establish that ghost can pass
Starting point is 01:03:40 through solid things. But does that mean they can swallow things as well? Slime or certainly swallows a ton of shit. I suppose it's equally possible that Ray never finished, but given the look on his face for the same cuts, that seems unlikely. I'm guessing that all of you have thoughts about this thought about it a lot. No.
Starting point is 01:03:56 Please. And we've had discussions about what the crypt's keeper's penis looks like. Please respond with any insight you may have with all my love, Kate Lasting with Hill. Well, thanks Kate Thanks for writing in I Well, let's remember that that scene is a dream that Ray is having
Starting point is 01:04:11 So it's possible he didn't think through what happens next and he just rolls over in bed as happens in the movie Yeah, a rolls out of bed. It was now wasn't that leftover from a scene that got cut I was left over and we've seen like that cut where they like go to the museum of natural history or something or like... Oh, of course. I guess it was a natural history. It was natural history he'd get a blowjob from a tyrannosaurus. Yeah, it was someplace like there's some reason why he was dressed up like Napoleon or whatever he was in that scene.
Starting point is 01:04:38 He goes to the museum and that whole thing was cut rightfully so. Here's what I think happens. I love to see that footage now and see what the scene was supposed to be but maybe it's on a DVD here's what I think happens he's getting blowjob from a ghost he closes his eyes he opens them again it's the guy in a bear suit from the shining oh no and Shelley DeVolves screaming at him that's what happens oh damn what do you think I don't want to think about it so this last, I remember as a kid being so weirded out by that scene, it was so much like in its own way scarier than the library ghost in the beginning, which was otherwise the scariest part of the movie.
Starting point is 01:05:15 It was scary because you were confused by it. Exactly. I was like, mama, dad, what is that ghost doing to that man? And they were like, she's inflating him. So this last one. Go back to bed. This last one. You gotta wake up early tomorrow to enjoy
Starting point is 01:05:33 more of our driving trip to Canada. This last one. It's a motel. It's from my dad last name with hell. Ha, ha, ha, ha. My dad writes. During, so let me guess what his name is. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:47 It's really your dad? Yeah. He writes, during a recent morning walk, I was listening to your discussion of I Frankenstein. I forgot your parents' list was podcast. You mentioned that the army of Gargoyle slash angels were using a cross with three slashes as their symbol and then proceeded to engage in some speculation about what that meant. Well, it could have been a papal cross. And that would raise you, Bender.
Starting point is 01:06:10 Which has three cross pieces, and a shorter and longer descending pattern at the top of the vertical piece. Or it could have been the orthodox cross, which has two cross pieces at the top and a longer sliding piece near the bottom of the vertical piece. And that same episode, you raised a metaphysical question as to why in all powerful deity, we need an army of gargoyles slash angels. You thereby perpetuated a longstanding faulty and unnecessary assumption, namely that God is omnipotent in the sense of possessing all the power. I'm hereby assigning a book for you to read Charles Hartstone's omnipotence and other
Starting point is 01:06:43 theological mistakes. Yours for more religiously and philosophically informed flop house, dad last name, what's that? I assume Dan, that as a good son, you've read this book already, and you can tell us what it's about. Yeah, it's about Nippetence and other theological mistakes. I like the idea, it's a mistake as in like,
Starting point is 01:07:00 the science is clear. Nippetence is not one of the things that God has. He has freeze-ray powers, heat breath, flight, invisibility. He can read minds and he can talk to fish. He does not have omnipotence. He's incredible Mr. Lippet in that fish sense. Yeah, because the incredible Mr. Lippet had heat breath. He can turn invisible read-one. He can do that thing that Alex Mac does. Where she turns into a puddle. Freeze this time and turns it into puddle.
Starting point is 01:07:27 She couldn't freeze time. That was out of this world. Oh. Alex Mack could just turn into a puddle of the same CGI goo and slide them to doors. Well, guy can do that. Right. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 01:07:40 Last name with Alex McCoy. Maybe Alex Mack had other powers. I thought she could just turn into a puddle a goo I think it's just out of this world girl who can freeze time You mean my two dads We probably no no out of the world my two dad. She had no superpowers So this theologian about there was the world. There's the punky Brewster TV show There was live action where she had no powers and there was the cartoon show where she had a floating magic kind of hamster from another planet. I always want to heal with me. So many
Starting point is 01:08:12 so many residuals should be paying. Well, that's why we need these pledges people. You got a pair of legal bills against Paul McCartney composer of the funky Brewster theme song. So thank you For sending us theologically I'm sure that Paul McCartney wrote Ellen or Rigby Well, it was probably credited as McCartney Lenin since all their songs But since he's saying it, I would say yeah, usually they would sing the songs they wrote all right And it fits into he had more of a like quaint England view of things like penny lane and stuff like that. Whereas John Lennon didn't wasn't as interested in those types of things for the most part. And it's more emotional.
Starting point is 01:08:52 And John Lennon was less interested in emotions. Well, I don't know about that. I mean, he was the only one who ever fell in love. I don't know that that's true. Even in history or the Beatles. You know, what about the in my life? That's a pretty emotional song. That's true.
Starting point is 01:09:11 All right. Fine. You've disproved my thesis. Just like your dad disproved your omnipotence thing. Tell your dad you love him and go to bed. I love you dad. Anyway. That was sweet.
Starting point is 01:09:21 Let's. I love you too, Dan's dad. Move on. Hey, Dan's dad. I'm not ready to say when she is ready. You'll know, because she'll get a skywriter. Let's move on to the last segment of the evening. Recommendations of movies we actually liked. Oh no. You forget this part of the podcast. How are we? No, no. You forget this part of the
Starting point is 01:09:44 I can't Ali. Is that it's right? Yes, sir. But I'll start off. I watched a movie called Cold in July. That doesn't make any sense, which is. It's based on a Jo Arland's Dale book. And, and it stars Michael C Hall, Sam Shepherd and Don Johnson, which is a pretty interesting cast.
Starting point is 01:10:13 Uh, Michael C Hall and Sam Shepherd, excellent as you would expect. Don Johnson has aged into a very fun character actor. Um, and it's a Texas noir, it starts with Michael Sheet Seahawl shooting a guy and intruder into his house. He shoots the intruder into his house. An intruder intrudes into his house and Michael Seahawl is a mild mannered. He doesn't have like a cannon and he shoots the intruder out of it into his house. Michael Seahawl is a mild mannered gentleman who shoots an intruder and then discovers that the cops might be lying about who they say the intruder was and to say any more would be too much. There's a lot of twists in the movie. A betrayal to Michael C. Hall. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:10:59 I would say that there are the number of sort of twists and unpredictable turns that the movie takes might be too many actually, like it might skew too far in the direction of, like, well, this doesn't necessarily hang together as a story. I'm not really sure what it's saying, but the fact that the atmosphere is so good and the performances are so good still make it really entertaining. It kind of has some of the same tone as Blue Ruin, not as good, but I recommend it. If you like something like Blood Simple,
Starting point is 01:11:31 also you might enjoy it. It doesn't like Blood Simple. Cooled in July, so that's my recommendation. Elliott. Should I go next? I'll go next. You can finish it off. Okay.
Starting point is 01:11:43 So I would recommend, I don't know if any of you guys, I'm sure many of you guys, unless you guys are too cool for this, but I've been pretty caught up in the whole Robert Durst mystery unfolding arrest handle but that started actually, you know, a handful of years ago when I said a really bad move. No, it's not really bad. It's a good, no, I'm recommending it. So if you're interested in the genre of Robert Durst, the movie that peaked my interest initially was all good things, which is the dramatic, initially was all good things, which which was Ryan Gosling starring as Robert Durson Kirsten Dunn starring as Kathleen whatever the fuck her name. Dursed wife. No, McCormick was that her? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:12:55 I think that's what existed. But his wife who disappeared. And this was like what initially like Robert Durson saw this and reached out to Dorecki. I saw that movie made it how I'm a murderer. And it was like, oh, like you're the only one who like really understands me. Like I want to do an interview with me. I want to do an interview with you, which they developed into this HBO series. But it's like, you know, if you didn't have the actual record of the real Robert Ders talking to you, it was incredibly fascinating to just hear this story. And it's so poorly cast with like Ryan Gosling as this guy and Kirsten Dunst is this woman that it's like just weird enough and fascinating
Starting point is 01:13:45 enough to like see if you're wrapped up in the whole news story that's unfolded. So I would recommend that. And it's, you know, it's engaging. Like you want to watch it. What was the name of the movie again? All good things. All good things. I'm going to recommend a movie that I saw recently that I really enjoyed. I feel like half of my recommendations these days are Eastern European movies from the 60s. And this one is no exception. This is a movie called Man is not a bird by the Serbian at the time, Yugoslavian, but now Yugoslavia doesn't exist anymore. Serbian writerctor, Dushan MacAvegev, I think his name is pronounced, and it is like a lot of these kind of Eastern European new wave movies from the 60s when things were loosening up slightly
Starting point is 01:14:34 around the communist film industries, but not white enough yet. It's kind of like a, you know, a French new waveish type movie filtered through a Yugoslavian communist lens about a couple different types of characters, but mainly about an engineer who comes into this kind of depressing town built around a metal refinery. And he's going to install in a mind. He's going to install this new mining equipment and while there he rooms at the house at a house run by these two older this older couple and their daughter who is younger than him, but is a young adult and she
Starting point is 01:15:17 Begins to kind of woo him and he woo her back and they have this Re-frelations relationship that at the same time becomes a metaphor in some ways or the things around them become metaphor for life under a communist government. And there's circus side show one point. There's hypnotists. There's a crazy character who gets into fights who has a wife and a mistress and they get into a big public fist fight. The wife and mistress and then later become best friends and start hanging out all the time together. There are some really funny things, but then it ends on a much bleaker note than you expect going into it.
Starting point is 01:15:54 And it's one of these kind of mid-60s European movies that's shot really gorgeously with a lot of like very natural looking images, but really crisp and a lot of handheld camera, but not blurry. And I really crisp a lot of handheld camera but not blurry and I just enjoyed a lot so if you get the chance go seek it out it's called man is not a bird I really liked a lot man is not a bird that's the lesson I've learned I mean the title is really true there's a lot of truth then we're starting with the title real. There's a lot of truth in that movie starting with the title. Halley. It's been a delight. Thank you so much for coming in and and feeling in for Stewart. Wearing Sarah's sweater. You filled Stewart's shoes and Sarah's sweater. Thanks for watching this movie with us
Starting point is 01:16:39 and enjoying the rom and the calm. Oh, thank you for having me a lot. You're welcome. A lot. Very much. And listeners, hope you enjoyed this episode and show your enjoyment by pledging. What do you get when you pledge? You'll get the bonus episode. So really, twice as much flop house as you're used to, if you pledge at In a collapsible water bottle. I mean, anything that you really want this clap for. You keep mentioning it and your birthday is coming up. But for the flop house, another episode, I've been Dan McCoy.
Starting point is 01:17:18 Is that the subtitle of this episode? Yeah. Another episode, like another 48 hours. It's not a very well thought out. So the flop house colon another episode, like another 48 hours. It's not a very well thought out. So the flop house colon another episode. You know, I've been Dan McCoy. I think I'm still Elliott Kaelin. I hope I'm still Hally Hagland.
Starting point is 01:17:37 Can I at everyone? Yeah, you pet that cat, Hally. Well, that was weird. You put that cat. I don't like that at all. Stop it. Well, that was weird. You put that cat in there. I don't like that at all. Stop it. So we watched a pretty heavy movie tonight, people. So
Starting point is 01:17:57 I'm just probably gonna get a lot of that dynamic. Yeah, I mean, it's if you if either you need to cry because I know I will Just feel like it's the same thing. I think I know crying. People tell me I I'm not just biting this fist. I mean, I cry at the bottom of the boat. Because his fist is delicious. This year. His fist is made of fondant. Oh, but then it tastes terrible. I'm fond of it. So this has been a much more unusual bullshit. Yeah, so let's start with the episode.
Starting point is 01:18:19 So let's start the show. You might even want to delete what just went, no this is all going in the outtakes That really not really out even out energy Work now can't spell ha Lee without e for energy and h4 hell

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