The Flop House - Ep. #182 - Strange Magic

Episode Date: July 11, 2015

In this episode, Jordan Morris of terrific MaxFun sister podcast Jordan, Jesse, Go! stops by to co-host while Elliott's in England, a move he immediately regretted when we watched Strange Magic. Meanw...hile, Dan explains the proper way to drink beer, Stuart evinces his disdain for improv, and Jordan displays his surprisingly deep knowledge of Three Ninjas. Movies recommended in this episode:The Super CopsThe OvernightResults

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, tonight we watched Strange Magic. Some shit that fell out of George Lucas' brain. Alright, it's in... three... two... one. Hey everyone, welcome to the flop house, I'm Dan McCoy. Ooh, Dan McCoy, great. I'm Stuart Wellington And we have a guest tonight who is who I'm Jordan Morris great I know you just don't want that I like this Jordan Morris. He's you're you're trying out for Elliott Kalens role. He died in a hunting accident Weird that he went hunting. Yeah, I'll be known as the second Elliott.
Starting point is 00:01:06 You know, like people talk about the second Darren on Bewitch or the second Becky on Roseanne. I'll just be the like replacement Elliott and then fans can get in a debate as to who was better. Or maybe everyone will forget the original Elliott years down the road when we all are sitting here with crazy long gray beard. Sure.
Starting point is 00:01:23 That'll be like a flop-out trivia thing. Like, did you know that Jordan Morris was not the first to portray Elliot? I do think that you need to speak a little higher and more nasally. Sure. And complain about getting home to your baby. Yeah, I'll also make sure to, to Badger anyone who,
Starting point is 00:01:38 and his hemorrhoids, who was always complaining about his hemorrhoids. Oh, and he's a rectile dysfunction. He's like a floppy little sausage. Yeah, I'm gonna say. I have too much diarrhea. I was gonna say losing his hair, but he is actually losing his hair all the way. Oh, dude, come on.
Starting point is 00:01:56 I was gonna say to Phil and Trin, I'll sacred. I mean, I would not say that if I didn't think it did not seem to bother him. A rectile dysfunction is hilarious. Baldness is an issue. Baldness is not. It's too weird. Baldness is an issue. Elliot is the person that I know who most appears to be looking forward to being an old man.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Like he literally just, that's all he wants. He wants to be at home with his family being old. That's a definition of being an old man. Swinging a rake at someone who's fucked with his lawn. Yeah, I mean, he does not like slackers. I know that to be a fact. Does he have like an old, old timey cord and telephone that he's all picked out to sit next to waiting for his kids to call and they never do? That's you made it sad. Oh, okay. I feel like it's going to have this sort of family with the kids call. Yeah, oh, they're going gonna call. That's why he wants to get home to his kid
Starting point is 00:02:45 so he can build in that precious time. He needs to talk to his kids so he can badger them for slightly missing something. Sure. They love that. Thank you. Thank you, Jordan. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Thank you, finally someone has said it. People miss pronounced things all the time. I don't know why I have to be fucking pilloried for it Get you can't tell I'm a fan of the show and all of its tropes. We knew it and we need to explain who Jordan is I was about to get to that. You're one of the brothers from my brother in me Yes, that's right. Those loveable advice giving podcast brothers I'm the one you don't hear from a lot. Jordy McElroy. You're gummo. Yes, I'm gummo.
Starting point is 00:03:26 I'm shump McElroy. What happens? I take a, I find lovable podcast trios and then replace one. Oh, great. I'm the Sammy Hagar. Look at this. Can't think of another lovable podcast trio
Starting point is 00:03:39 that you could pull this trick on. None of them exist. I'm sure there's only two. Yeah. Duo's are popular, I'm sure. There's only two. Yeah, Duos are popular in podcasting. Trio's less so. So no, Jordan is one half of Jordan Jesse Go, which you could guess by the title of the show. And he's a writer for At Midnight.
Starting point is 00:04:01 So he's still in the County Central late night family. Yeah. And he's on high this at the same time. So you guys can have me on the show or someone who writes for South Park rerun. What are you writing for the rerun? You just punch it out, push. So what? Second airing we got to.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Now correct me if I'm wrong guys, but Jordan Jesse go is on the max fun network Oh, that's true. We're all on the same network. Now what's the max fun network? Normally I think that you're promoting the show, but I like was Stewart. He might actually not know that's the other thing Stewart it's a podcasting network. That we're a member of. Okay. You know, it's sort of like United artists, but podcasting. Okay, cool. So that's our show. Okay, see you later. Can I walk away? Walking away? Sounds walking away. Door slam, car noise, airplane going overhead. Fatalist drinking post show beers. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Other than the during show beers, the whole having right now. The post show beers are far more delicious. Yeah, yeah. That's when you break out the good shit. Yeah, it's like, you know, it's like having a beer after you've gone out for a run. Yep. Well, you feel like you deserve it more. You know?
Starting point is 00:05:21 Yeah. I like to run with the beer. I like to run and drink at the same time. That's the same time. I like the worst thing. Now, we had, is this, all right, I like to run with the beer. I like to run and drink at the same time the worst thing now We had is this all right. I'm gonna ask a question About whether it's about the movie we watch tonight We may never get to the movie And the show will be better for it certainly at this rate Now you went to the same college you went to the University of Santa Cruz, which they know as a listener to Jordan Jesse
Starting point is 00:05:48 Go. Did you have the hash? Was that a thing at your school? The hash. No. I mean, there were lots of drugs around. Okay. Is that?
Starting point is 00:05:59 No. It's not quite the same. Tell me about the hash. I didn't know whether this was a realm specific or other schools. I think other schools, but not. It's also something that like the millet, like I know people in the military that have done it. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:11 So this is where you run to drink beer at the... Yeah, it's an organized activity, usually in places where they don't have fraternities. If I'm correct. Where they like some organizers take a bunch of kegs out into the woods or to a river or something and then get everybody to run through the woods along a path To the to where the beer is and then you have like rules about how you drink it and if you I never actually did But I imagine if you do it enough times you get a cool nickname. Yeah. Well, I mean like hearing about like the vomiter
Starting point is 00:06:43 What's the thing? Diorea paints. The puke machine. Jordan's joke about running with beer reminded me of this because I, I, I was like, this sounds like the worst thing in the world to me. Like, have none of these people figured out that you can just drink beer in your dorm room without running to get it. It's more of only when somebody tells you how to drink it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:03 And you're tired. Santa Cruz's version of this is called first rain. And the first time it rains during the school year, there is a like naked run around campus. I think there was a direct to DVD American Pi sequel based on this phenomenon. Oh, wow. Was it just called, wait, first rain? Well, yeah, hard rain. American pie. Here are some tips. Black rain. Black rain. I think it was called something as a hard rain.
Starting point is 00:07:29 It's got a fall. Yeah. On some naked 19 year olds on shrooms. And I. It's a kind of a fresh, you know, kind of freshman year initiation thing. Because yeah, I think Santa Cruz also, you know, no proper frats, not a lot of organized sports. So it's, you know, light on traditions, but this is one of them.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Yeah, and I didn't do it the first year because I had a long distance girlfriend who told me she didn't want me to do it. Cause I had a long penis. I had a long penis, I didn't want to trip. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't want to get it like, and like trapped in a fence.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Yeah. I didn't want to make my, I didn't want to make want to make my new classmates feel self-conscious. I'm imagining like an up-I work style, like early black and white cartoons. But the guy with the long penis is a nude guy running around and getting it tied in like a bow and thing. Yeah, we wrapped around a tree and then like a whole bunch of other students trip on it. It's just caught in a steamboat wheel. Whoa! like a whole bunch of other students trip on it. It's just caught in a steamboat wheel. Whoa. So yeah, I didn't do it.
Starting point is 00:08:27 And I still kicked myself for it. I feel like I wish I had done more like outrageous college shit, but I was, I think I was a little timid. You know, people might think I'm weird for saying this, but I don't think it would be strange for you to go back and just run with those freshmen. I'm like, hey guys, I'm 33 and I used to come here. Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 00:08:43 I had this, right? It's cool. I used to be on the improv team, so I'm sure you've heard of me. I'm sure and I used to come here. Oh, that's right. I had it. I used to be on the improv team. So I'm sure you've heard of me. I'm sure people still talk about exploits of my improv group. Who's it? Mix nuts, Pozerah. Oh, we were called the fake improv group from the Daily Show.
Starting point is 00:08:57 It might as well have been. It was called Humor Force Five, which sucks. We didn't, I mean, we were either with the with sucks part of the name? Yeah, I added that because I'm embarrassed of the name. Yeah. Well, my improv troop that I started in college because there was not one before I was there was called stop laughing. So there's no way to have a call. Yeah, yeah. It's there. Right. They're all bad. Anyway, so that's been college tales, which is traditional.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Every episode we do college stories at the beginning as long time listeners know, but now we get on to the meat of the show, which is, we watched a bad movie. And now we talk about it. And tonight we watched a movie from the Lucasfilm folks. Oh, just hearing that makes you so excited, right? Yeah. Called Strange Magic, which is a CGI animated film about a bunch of fairy folk. And it's got songs going on. You know, like the 50s or 60s up until today. It's a, it's what they call a jukebox musical, which is when you have a musical made up of songs
Starting point is 00:10:09 that were pre-existing, although usually a jukebox musical, either is a musical with songs all written by the same songwriting. Like a mama mia. Well, no, I was like, yeah, like a mama, yeah, an ad. I actually got it right. Yeah, no you're right. Ava, that's all the same team. I was gonna go with something like a mom, yeah, an ad actually got it right. Yeah, right. Abba, that's all the same team. I was gonna go with something like singing in the rain
Starting point is 00:10:28 or which I forget, I forget the team, but there was those role-written by the same people or like crazy for you. It's all Gershwin's songs. Or it's like Rock of Ages where it's all the same genre. Yeah, this was a, an incoherent Mishmash with no apparent theme. This is just, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Yeah, it seemed to be like Jack Radio. Yeah, we're singing what we want. Yeah, I can see the brainstorming meeting for this movie going like, well, we want to have songs. We want to have songs, so we'll do some stuff. Some of these the parents will remember. Get them out of the big floor. Love a strange sugar pie, honey bun. I don't know if that's the actual name of the song. Yeah refrain
Starting point is 00:11:08 But then they had some you know, there's some Beyonce and some Yeah, I don't know Drake thrown in for the kids. I recognize them as popular songs I don't think anything is super new. I think the Beyonce song was the newest yeah And that was like that was crazy in love So that's a that's an older song. What about that? What doesn't kill you makes you a stronger? That's true. I hear that in the gallery so that but I don't think any of them is Up to the minutes. Yeah, I'm sure in the you know five years it took to make this movie. Yeah, it's a CGI movie Probably there's no way of doing it. And a low budget CGI movie.
Starting point is 00:11:46 I don't know about that. It's a Lucasfilm production. And it seems to have been a labor of love for him. But look, Ellie's not here. He usually sums things up. You want to do it? I don't think I can. I think between us, we could probably tag team it.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Okay. It shouldn't fall all on one person's shorts. So Lucasfilm logo. Yeah, we all get immediate boners for some reason. We we're excited that maybe dad accidentally put on Star Wars. Cut to a shot of a dude unrolling a map and our boners go away. Yeah. And the map we were all we were all sexually abused by maps of children
Starting point is 00:12:28 By cartographers Yeah, the map on the old sexy Sex tent also was where they put the sex tent inside us. Oh, it's I was there a birdie man I was there at Birdie Binn. So yeah, it's a map of a magical kingdom, and the map is divided into two halves. There's the fairy kingdom, which is light and pastel colored, and then there's the dark forest, which is evil looking.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Yeah. Kind of bland for a known world type map, but... And so, these things are divided divided these areas are divided by like a bunch of primrose flowers I guess which are ingredients in love potions which are important in this movie and I and I say that I predicted that at some point love potion number nine will be sung it was not it was the only time that a non on the nose choice.
Starting point is 00:13:27 It was not made in this movie. And you're a wager, the cost of your wager is your soul. No, Ripple still still. I'm afraid you guys. Disguised a steward this whole time. I've been playing the long game. But no, there's literally like a part where, for instance, a woman talks about how she's worried and then one of the other characters starts saying, don't worry about a thing.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Don't you know that? Evidence of things. You're gonna be all right. They're like, this song's so cheap. We might as well fucking use it. Yeah, they just went to a, we went to a, a rights goodwill. It's right. It went to Barley we went to a, a rights goodwill. That's right.
Starting point is 00:14:05 They went to Bob Marley's R Us. Yeah. A fire sale or one of those like police auctions. I think it's important to say that all of these songs, which on their own, could be fun to listen to, are rendered unfun because they are backed and arranged by what I can only imagine is the house band of a Jimmy Buffett's Margarita film, like a just a white uncle in Sandals filter
Starting point is 00:14:32 is placed on all of these songs. So any pleasure you would just derive from hearing like a good song is taken away because it's the cheesiest possible arrangement of it. Or they do the thing where like, oh, I like this song and it's normal tempo, let's slow it down to ballad. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Which works when you're watching Suns of Anarchy and they do that. Yeah, it's like a music montage, like seven times every episode. While people are getting beat up or something, I don't know what happened. Probably burned her down, remember? Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:01 So, but the movie starts with ourin is uh she's in love with love she's singing i can't help falling in love with you which is mashed up with crazy in love uh and you know she's and you know her life is good because she has that cartoon character affectation of just randomly laughing as she moves about the world. Like, if that was her in the real world, she'd be an insane person just giggling as she bounds around. But yeah, it's like Sandra Bullock in that movie where she plays a crazy person. Wait.
Starting point is 00:15:35 All about Steve? Well, you were in that? Oh, I'm totally in that. Yeah, I'm in the, I have a couple of lines in the protest scene. Well, then you were in a movie that is a perfect example of a character in the real life, just couple of lines in the protest scene. Well, then you were in a movie that is a perfect example of a character in the real life, just giggling.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Yeah, no exactly. Of a character that is like supposed to be like, oh, people will think this is cute, but if you encountered that character in the real world, it's like, oh, this is an insane person. Okay, did I just make this awkward for making this? No, no. Oh, no, I am well aware that all about Steve Sucks.
Starting point is 00:16:02 I mean, when I got the part, they like mailed me a copy of the script, and I read it, and I'm like, this is fucking insane. Like, is this a movie? Like, and I am well aware of the place that Al about Steve occupies in the cultural imagination. I was Steve residuals, though. Still coming. I will get a check for like 15 bucks every now and then,
Starting point is 00:16:21 because people buy it on iTunes, I guess. Yeah, there you go. I'm like, Sandra Bullock. I love to turn the sidebar, what was the movie she was in? Sidebar? Sidebar? Sidebar?
Starting point is 00:16:32 What's the movie there in the football game? The next one. The blind side? Speed. The blind side, thank you. The first reason sidebar, I was like Aaron Brockler. That would be crazy. You thrown out legal terms. Yeah, if you guys want to go out for some all about
Starting point is 00:16:47 if you guys want to go out for some all about Steve hot wings later I'm paying that's like what my residuals pay for it. Do not order any drinks. Pay for papers. Oh no I'm not. So yeah, she's a which you know, because like all the peasants come out and wave to her, she flies around, and she's going to marry a very handsome fairy, I guess, I don't know. They all look like, as we were saying, during it, Dan, it's okay to admit that a man's handsome. And I got a judgey.
Starting point is 00:17:19 That's not it. It was that he's the anti-map and that he gave me a poster, as opposed to extinguishing my voter, like those. Damn maps. As we were saying, all these characters look like they are, like erotic fan art, that someone on the internet has drawn of a fairy.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Yeah, you know, like when you go to a Comic Con or something like that, like way in the back, there'll be a guy at a card table wearing overalls and a floppy hat and he's just drawing fucking fairies with huge kids and giant cocks. Like this is what those characters look like. And you see that guy from afar and be like,
Starting point is 00:17:55 you should be drawing Pogo-esque characters. Not monsters. Yeah, this seems like that guy did all of the character design for this because they are, they are upsettingly shiny insects. Yeah, it's like that guy did all of the character design for this because they are they are Upsettingly shiny insects. Yeah, it's like they're the animators were like man deviant arts gonna have a field day High five I like the idea that anyone makes a movie just as a pre-demian Yeah little did they know for for deviant art to take to it the movie has to be popular and watchable Yeah little did they know for for deviant are to take to it the movie has to be popular and watchable
Starting point is 00:18:30 Oh sorry perverse just keep drawing sonic peeing on on Pikachu Why is there so much sonic porn like we've talked about yeah, I don't know he's great It's cuz he's so great and people want to see him turn to a toilet Yeah, I love all the ones where Sonic is the pregnant one. That's the thing that's crazy. Why is he pregnant? Because Neckles gave it to him in the butt. It's a few years since you were in. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:57 Yeah. What he's doing with all those rings, man, paying for that. So we're like five minutes in the movie. So the movie opens with this princess flying around and giggling to herself. And it's done in that style where she's flying, but the camera is like so tight on her that you don't really get any sense of gravity
Starting point is 00:19:14 or geography or, and it's like Miyazaki's nightmare where you have no idea what like the joy of flight actually is. And then it just moves along to her, I guess falling in love with this guy and then finding out he's cheating on her. Yeah, so she is betrothed to a jerky prince fairy who is kind of a preening Gaston type. We kind of know he's a jerk from the get-go
Starting point is 00:19:42 and then she is flying around, making him some sort of wedding corsage, and then sees him kissing a just faceless other fairy. Could be a dude fairy. Yeah, we don't know everyone has short hair. So yeah, that happens, and so she calls off the wedding. The guy tries to win her back and she sings,
Starting point is 00:20:07 I don't know, what doesn't kill you, make you stronger, I guess. And she puts on her armor too. Yeah. There's a getting ready montage that where she is singing about how she's heartbroken while her kind of her slave class of pixies is putting on a new outfit. of her slave class of pixies is putting on a new outfit. And meanwhile, her little sister is still in love with love. She's excited about, I don't know, whatever. There's a bunch of dances. This very kingdom has like a dance every couple hours. And so at one of these balls, the evil prince convinces this little gnome creature
Starting point is 00:20:46 to go make a get the ingredients for a love potion so he can re-win the woman. He, yeah, that's like troll doll little guy. Yeah, but he convinces it, the troll doll guy to do it. I guess so he can make the younger princess and love with him. Okay. Kind of creepy.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Yeah, the gnome guy is in a kind of friend zone relationship with the other princess. And we're a longer princess. And we're a longer princess. And he's the male lead. Yeah. And yeah, like his goal is to basically find some kind of magical roof eater. Yeah. Sure.
Starting point is 00:21:22 So yeah, we were a little baffled by him being cast in the hero role for a while, but he's got overalls on. So yeah, he's very non threatening. So you like him. Yeah, he's cool. Yeah, I don't know why he goes on a quest. He's getting the ingredients. He runs into the blue fairy played by Christian Chinoweth, who sometimes was like the evil thing. Yeah, I have to go into the Dark Kingdom. There's a Blue Fairy that Stewart said a few times looks like she's made of jizz. Yeah, it was like a magic sperm.
Starting point is 00:21:57 Which is in her normal like Blue Fairy guy. Yeah, she looks like magic sperm, but she also switches into like a weird like kind of possum looking creature. Sometimes. Wait, she's the same thing. Yeah, no, those are the same. She's like a sheep shifter. Okay. So it's like a little possum mouse basically. Okay. Wait, she was also the possum. I believe so. I would say let's check the tape, but I never want to see that. I would say let's check the tape, but I never want to see that. Yeah, boy, this movie had a weird quality of being like the most simple, like fucking, you know, basic ass George Lucas story because he's obsessed with true, but also impossible to follow.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Like, I was so, I mean, boredom was probably part of it, like, not wanting to follow it, but also its, its hackness was only exceeded by its confusingness. And it's what, like, it's one thing to both take a, to take a, like, a hack premise, but then also to throw in, like, super cliched songs and music cues that it's like, hiling crap on top of crap. Mm-hmm. Yeah, this wanted to be, like, Rouge meets like mid-Summer night's frame, but it was just like this like weird frenetic mishmash of just nonsense stuff from all kinds of genres. So at this point then like the love potion gets made and then the whole the whole point like everybody's trying to get a
Starting point is 00:23:25 whole list of potion the bog king this tragic figure sure yeah the bog king is the is the villain for a good portion of the thing and he is a very just cliche evil guy who sings who says that I am evil in a song and he wants to eradicate love. Despite the protests of his Jewish mother. Yeah, he has a frog that's his mom and she has a Jewish affectation. Yeah, it's all mothers are Jewish. I guess. And that's the rule. I can't decide if this movie is right.
Starting point is 00:23:59 No, fathers are George Lucas according to this movie. I can't decide if this movie seems like it was written by a child or like a 50 year old drama teacher. Like it's one of the two. Like it's a collaboration between a five year old and the worst writer on your show of shows. Right. Yeah, they're like, what songs does Billy dance to when we put on Pandora? We're
Starting point is 00:24:25 putting those in the movie. Yeah. I mean, and I did it. I like I asked you guys at one point in the movie like if we were 12 year old girls would this be the most awesome thing in the world? And it's possible. You know, like we are certainly not the target audience of this movie. And I can't imagine would be like to be a 12 year old girl. So I'm I'm just probably a lot of ponies. Sure stickers. I imagine come into it at a certain point. Stickers, Bieber.
Starting point is 00:24:50 I don't know. Like a like a dormant like a pink cell phone. Maybe. Yeah, cell phone. Certainly. But yeah, boy, the characters just talk about love all the time. So I guess the big news in the kingdom. Yeah, I get an element.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Yeah. Yeah. The spoilers, the big news in the kingdom. Yeah, I get the elements, dude. Yeah, the spoilers, the strange magic turns out to be love. Like, as does the fifth element. Yeah. So the ball king, I fuck, what happens to this point? So he gets all the, the potion accidentally goes on top and goes on top of, gives splashed all over the younger technically on top of, goes on top of, give a splash all over the younger, technically on top of.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Yeah, sure. Top Ruskip. And she falls in love with the Bog King. And so she's going off with him. Like the older princess thinks that she's been kidnapped, so she goes to find him. And then like, she discovers what happens and the fact that like the younger sister wants to be there and they so they go looking for some kind of antidote to this.
Starting point is 00:25:57 More an anecdote, which is a mispronunciation you made and then they made that joke in the movie. It was crazy. Yeah. They're taking notes from our podcast. Yeah. People saying the wrong thing is funny. Yeah, I wonder if someone slightly mised something.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Yeah, boy, and there's a lot of, I think we talked about this. There's an old Patina's Walt anecdote about him being hired to punch up an already written animated movie. And the only way to do that is to have the characters say things off screen. And there is a shit ton of that in this movie. There is definitely like, there's these two henchmen characters who I guess we are meant to think are funny. And uh, one of them's voiced by Peter Strowmeyer and I'm assuming the other ones by Super
Starting point is 00:26:40 Dave. Oh yeah. Yeah. Bob Einstein is in this, uh, as some characters. So that must, Super Dave must be that guy. Yeah, Bob Einstein is in this, asked some characters, so that must, Super Dave must be that guy. Yeah, so it's probably just the two of them shouting stuff. Yeah, and there's just a moment where them off screen, someone gets a boot near and someone's like,
Starting point is 00:26:54 is it boot near or button near? Mm-hmm. Really emphasizing the butt part of it. So yeah, that's the kind of. Is it the joke butt in ear? Oh, it might be butt in ear. I don't know what that gag is. I don't know what it is.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Yeah, I think it's just an excuse to say but I think at some point someone realized that this family comedy did not contain any comedy and just had these two little guys yell weird things. Yeah. So, I mean, we learn the tragic backstory of the Bog King, because the sugar plump fairy in the course of explaining how to undo this magic says, oh, the Bog King used to be in love with this woman. He made the potion to give to her. I mean, a woman, I think, I think you're being a little shared of both of them.
Starting point is 00:27:39 A frog lady. Yeah. But the frog lady did not fall in love with him because she was in love with someone else and the only antidote to this potion is true love is loving somebody else. Just like in real life, dude. Yeah, the only antidote to a much a villain as a tragic figure. And he and the older sister start to fall in love, which is kind of interesting. Yeah, I think that's a time when the movie kind of surprised me, is that this guy is such a crazy cartoon of a cartoon villain.
Starting point is 00:28:19 And they do give him a little depth, and the princess doesn't. I was also expecting a moment where the bog king, you know, gets transformed, dushed with some other kind of potion that makes him handsome. And that does not happen. So, like the thing is, in Beauty and the Beast, the cartoon, of course, the beast before he gets dushed. Not the historic event.
Starting point is 00:28:43 Not the real news item that happened. Yeah, that happened during the Napoleonic Wars. The Beast gets dushed when he's still a beast. He's way more like, I don't know. I put that one. Everyone can agree that the beast is handsomer than like the blonde. And we're definitely more handsome than the bald king. Yeah. But yeah, both of the princesses end up with kind of unappealing looking dudes at the end game. Yeah, but the, but yeah, both of the princesses end up with kind of unappealing looking dudes at the end of this movie, which is, there's some way to not, you like a troll doll that has a little bit of reggae flavor. Yeah, yeah. Wait, he's right. And tell us whether you'd sleep with a reggae troll doll. Yeah, who's more
Starting point is 00:29:19 attractive, a reggae troll doll or a, kind of, or a stereotypical Jewish looking insect man. Who's cut, yeah, who skin kind of looks like the bark of a tree. Yeah, who, yeah, hit us up on Twitter ladies and and fellas. If you're a fellow who likes fellas. Yeah, sure. We do not discriminate one of your from everybody to bog kings and troll men. Yeah. But anyway, no, so that that all goes down. Discrimination from everybody to Bog King's and troll But anyway, no, so that that all goes down
Starting point is 00:29:55 There's a big crazy action ending where the troll guy D Potion fives the younger sister by the power of true love The douche prince tries to spray love potion all over the older sister. And for a second, it looks like she's been enchanted, but it's all a trick. She punches him because she's really in love with the Bug King. And I don't know, some song gets sung. And the Bug King's panelists gets destroyed. We think the Bug King dies. I don't know, some song gets sung. And the ball king's panelists gets destroyed. We think the ball king dies. He doesn't die.
Starting point is 00:30:28 He climbs out of the skeleton jaws that smash him. He has a slightly hurt arm. Yeah, but it does seem like the douche prince dies. It does seem like he is pushed off a cliff. I think he, I mean, I think we don't hear him go, I'm okay. After that. I mean, there might be an after credits bit where he's like, oh, come back and kill you guys.
Starting point is 00:30:48 I mean, in the sequel that everyone wants to see, stranger magic or normal magic, right? Strange days. Oh, strange days, a sequel to this. Yeah. Okay. This is the strange days of hers. Yeah, I know that is, that is the thing that happens, I feel like in these cartoon kids movies is the villains will often die horribly.
Starting point is 00:31:12 And no one seems to have a problem with that. Like, it'll all be g-rated except for, yeah, someone will die in there. Yeah, the villain plummeting off some things. All right, well, that's later on. It's quite a score. Getting impaled. Yeah. Justice is served. What goes around comes around.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Yeah, just murder. The TV, the wicked will receive their punishment. Yeah, you know, it is, you know, the talk about the politics of this profoundly stupid movie. It's interesting because it does like have a little bit of a progressive bent in it the politics of this profoundly stupid movie is interesting, because it does have a little bit of a progressive bent in it in that the princesses fall in love with kind of unlikely men. And I think one of the kind of funny fun to watch scenes
Starting point is 00:31:58 is when there, this little apostem character that may or may not be the Blue Fairy in disguise is going around just spreading love potion everywhere and then there's like a frog falls in love with a toad stool and a dragonfly falls in love with a snake. And then a lizard falls in love with the troll doll guy. Yeah, so a lizard's gonna be fucking heartbroken, dude. When it realizes the troll guy's gonna be with the princess. They know.
Starting point is 00:32:26 Like, there's no way the king is gonna allow that. Yeah, I wonder what the hell progress of their marriage laws are. But there is a scene with all this like, you know, you know, fallen love with who you fall in love with, message that they have. There is a scene where two male characters accidentally kiss and go like, oh gross! And it's like, oh okay, like frog fucking is fine, but men don't kiss other men, that's
Starting point is 00:32:52 gross. Oh, women Lisa. Boyzgis girls. What a weird Gorby now reference though. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know what to say about this movie. It was very frenetic. There were a lot of terrible songs.
Starting point is 00:33:14 Yep. Well, there were a lot of songs that I guess you probably wouldn't mind if you heard them, but sound terrible in the context. Oh, the songs and the songs were mostly good songs. What about, what were they dancing to? Lucy and the sky of diamonds or something and then it got all kaleidoscope be at the end? Licensed to be able to see. Yeah, I think it was wild Man thing at the end. Oh is wild thing. Okay I
Starting point is 00:33:37 The I thought the characters times fine large of the heroes were terrible like if you see a CGI movie that's like a CGI cartoon that's a fantasy movie all of the all of the like hero characters are always like this weird like hallmark card versions of fantasy bullshit and I didn't like that at all but the some of the crazy creatures look cool. See the sad sad thing is every time I see like a relatively cheap fantasy animated movie, in my head I'm always like, there's no way the armor would look like that. Like that's unrealistic completely.
Starting point is 00:34:15 They wouldn't wear that to a dance. Yeah. I don't know if you're aware of this, Jordan, but Stuart's a bit of a nerd. Really? Yeah, I'm a nerd on a podcast. I thought you thought you were a cool dude. I can also be a cool dude.
Starting point is 00:34:28 Amongst the nerds, of course. I'm the coolest guy in the world. I'm the coolest guy in the world. I'm the coolest guy in the world. Yeah, my camp. Yeah. That's a TV show, Dan. You can't make that reference.
Starting point is 00:34:36 What? I'm still in talks to be on that King of the Nerds TV show. Oh, okay. Yeah, I mean, I think it's a Lucas production. So there is some cool design. I think, yeah, some of the bad guys do look neat. Boy, yeah, really struggling to say something nice about this. Well, yeah, we should probably get into final judgments about whether this is a good bad
Starting point is 00:34:59 movie, a bad bad movie or a movie we kind of like final judgements. You just say that for me, this sort of falls a little outside the normal things. a bad bad movie or a movie we kinda like. Final judgements. Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do It is a baffling thing to watch. Like, it's an experience to watch it. It's a misspegotten film. It's a totally like stupid idea. Like, like, none of the pieces fit together. Like, this idea of making this like weird, very love story, CGI animated thing with all these pop songs stuck in it. It's just crazy that they thought this was a good idea for a film.
Starting point is 00:35:48 I feel like if it was just a little bit cheaper or a little bit like creepily designed, like a little more creepily designed, I would say it's a good bad movie, but I think it's just bad. Like it's not, there's nothing quite crazy enough for me to say, go out and watch this when there's food fight for you to go out and watch instead. Yeah, this doesn't, this doesn't like,
Starting point is 00:36:11 it doesn't like something food fight, I guess I have not seen but only know of it from your guys' podcast about it. It doesn't seem like this was done by amateurs. It's not like a room or something like that, or it's like, oh, this was someone who tried to make a movie who didn't know how. This is clearly done by talented people who just decided not to do a second draft of anything.
Starting point is 00:36:34 It seems like when you get to be a Lucas or a Woody Allen or something, just you get to be a point where no one tells you know. And like, let's do another pass on that or this is not the best idea. It just seems like it's a, you know, megalomaniacs jack-off session. And that is meant to be a kids movie.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Ha-ha-ha. So yeah, I think I am saying bad, bad. I had one genuine laugh where there was a party sequence and the Rage troll doll stole someone's ice cream cone. Just a random extra. He just took his ice cream cone and that that just random character started to cry that for some reason struck me as actually funny but I think I was just groping for something to enjoy. We're both strong at that point.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Yeah exactly. So yeah, I'm also saying bad bad movie without yeah, no reason to explore this even if you are a Lucas of Files or something like that. So it's a terrible thing to have to admit. Yeah. Now what do we do, Dan? We do letters, letters from listeners. Oh, wow. The next, but Elliot's not here to sing a letter song. It's the letters part. All right. How was that? Was that as good as Elliot does? No, it's a, I would say it was tight.
Starting point is 00:37:51 Okay. When I read those letters, my panties get wetter. Wait. Who? Who? Who I like the saucy new letters song. I like it. Shiny white paper.
Starting point is 00:38:03 I don't like the way that Stuart Sturl bag of letters. I think my day couldn't get better. Hopefully they're not groaners, so then we all get boners. Perfect. Okay, it was our time to shine. I think we did great. Yeah, super erotic.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Anyway, so this letter is from Scott who writes Stuart. Hey. Okay, Scott can't hear you. What's up? Oh boy. Scott, are you there? What's going on? He doesn't understand.
Starting point is 00:38:37 You still not know how letters work? Is that, you guys been doing this long enough? He says Stuart, can you speak the rest of the episode in German? Dhaka Scott. Nehkanu, I'm Kleinissbiss in Deutsch, but I can have Sophie Elfegessen. So I hope that meant something. Still a bit better.
Starting point is 00:39:01 Where did you learn German? In Germany. I spent six months over there, and I took a couple of years. It's not a particularly exciting story. I worked in a German beer hall for a few years. No. And you people wanted to order in German? No, I mainly use it to correct people's pronunciation like a jerk.
Starting point is 00:39:20 Oh, great, awesome. Yeah. World needs more of this. Every once in a while I'd have a guy come up and try and order something in German and there's a guy who insisted only in speaking German of the waitress and the waitress would usually just direct them to me and I would start talking to the guy and a couple times I'm like this guy is an even German. His pronunciation is terrible. Why is he insisting on speaking German to me? It's quite a story. Yeah
Starting point is 00:39:46 And you killed that man you throttle them. I waited until he left the bar a little bit drunk Yeah, and then I hit him in the head with a couch It's actually pronounced Cosh Sorry, I don't know I don't know I'm gonna wait till you leave and then it's a blackjack to the back You when you're partner stuffed him in a trunk and then had a dinner party while Jimmy Stewart slowly got more and more suspicious. This letter is called from Core last letter with held. I think that's I think it's Cory guys. I like that. Okay. Who writes, dear floppers. I recently have acquired a son and an interest in the flop house.
Starting point is 00:40:26 I know better than to expose him to the show, but it appears he's been listening from the living room every day while I make supper. I know this because he, four years old, recently crab walked into the kitchen going, whoa, whoa, and a weird Tim Curry kind of way. I asked what he was doing and he told me he was the floppy house cat.
Starting point is 00:40:45 So that's one thing. The other thing was he asked me to make up a story for him about Dan and Elliott. Sorry Stuart, not you. When doing the voice for Dan, he would correct me. I said this when doing the voice for Dan, he would correct me and tell me to make it sadder. No, sadder, until I sounded like EOR but but with brain damage, maybe. I find you three entertaining, but for obvious reasons, I don't want my son to emulate you. So if you maybe say on the show a message telling him, it's all pretended that you aren't normal.
Starting point is 00:41:15 I could play for him, and I think it would help in his personal development, thanks. Well, we don't know his name, how do we, they'll hear us. What are people named their shitty kids these days? Pistol. Trigger. Bucket. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:29 I don't know about this. Sorry, I called your kid shitty. He's probably fine. Not emulating us. I mean, you know. Yeah. We've made it. I mean, what would you rather your kid grow up to be?
Starting point is 00:41:38 Yeah, we've carved a teacher, an engineer, a lumberjack, a doctor, helping the sick. The priest who helps people with religion. So keep on listening, that's where I say, Cory's child. Yeah. Be like us. He's, yep, be,
Starting point is 00:42:00 right now like Elliot. Yeah, don't listen to your dad. If you don't imagine a bad guy, if you're just trying to stop him, or he won't have previewed this at all. Yeah, don't listen to your dad. You know, imagine a guy who's doing it. Seriously trying to stop. I'm gonna do it. You loan a preview this at all. Yeah, don't listen to your dad. Pursue a career in podcasting, television writing, and bar ownership.
Starting point is 00:42:14 One of those three things. So the three easiest professions. Yeah. I hope this has been helpful. It's weird that he picked up the flop house cat thing. Like, that seems to be a pretty, I mean, I know it's a beloved running joke, but I mean, it's a pretty particular thing. Sound effects are very dear to children's hearts.
Starting point is 00:42:34 That's true. So maybe they would have liked that part in a strange magic where they print a stepped on a balloon and a fart sound happens. I love that part. Yeah, you did actually legitimately laugh at that. I was like, that sounds like Banthapoodu. Yeah. Yeah, there was a lot of just like desperately
Starting point is 00:42:53 trying to cram in something that resembled comedy. Or references to Star Wars. Oh yeah. There were a couple references to Star Wars, weren't there? So she's blocking the... So she's blindfolded in practicing sword fighting. The King of the Ferrys looks like George Lucas. I thought he should be wearing a little flannel shirt.
Starting point is 00:43:11 I thought that would have been cute. That's it though, right? Is there anything else? I don't know. Yeah. Who cares? Hi, this is Dave Hill from Dave Hill's podcasting incident on the Maximum Fun Network. I'm here with my lovely and talented secretary, Miss Shayna Feinberg. Shayna, I understand you've been doing a bit of research to find out what listeners
Starting point is 00:43:36 think of the show. Yes, I have Dave. And what have you found? Well, people that love it say they love it because it's just Dave hanging out with someone in his apartment. Awesome. What do people that hate it say they love it because it's just Dave hanging out with someone in his apartment Awesome. What are people that hate it say they hate it because it's just Dave hanging out with someone in his apartment? Oh Listen to Dave Hills podcast dancing on the maximum fun. What mother's
Starting point is 00:43:57 Was that too much? No, I think it was perfect Perfect. This letter is from Robert Lastname with Hell who writes, I'd love to hear thoughts on well, we'll be the judge. Robert Rodriguez, I'm sure. Yeah. What if I shot a movie in my house in front of a green screen in Austin? Yeah, great idea. Robert Rodriguez has always worked out great. It is based on a true story, namely the true story that you guys settle around a lot, riffing on silly movie ideas. The name of the movie is of course, three ninjas kicked back to the future. Despite not yet existing, three ninjas kicked back to the future. Despite not yet existing, three ninjas kicked back to the future is already my fourth favorite movie, second only to Invisible
Starting point is 00:44:50 Family, head of the maniac and powder. But I those are wow, August company, but I have a couple of questions for you about it. Seriously, what is three in KBTTF not exists yet. When it does, do you think of what do you think it'll be like? Please feel free to riff for anywhere between 30 seconds and 90 minutes as you see fit. I'll wait since it keyboard for appropriate amount of time. That seems like. Okay, well, it's, I mean, obviously, I mean, if we were ninjas, why would we have to go back in time, wait, the ninja turtles did that already.
Starting point is 00:45:27 So wait, hold on. So. Wait, are you guys Rocky Colton, TomTom in this situation? Wait, are those the names of the three ninjas? Those are the names of the three ninjas. Okay. TomTom?
Starting point is 00:45:38 TomTom is the hungry one. Yeah, the youngest, hungry, a ninja. Yeah. No, I was imagining it like a chubby ninja. I don't know if, I was imagining you're like a chubby ninja. I don't know if I think he's probably a little chubby or the other one, but he's still in good shape because of all the karate. But he has a really high metabolism,
Starting point is 00:45:52 but he's just eating a lot of dumplings or something. Yeah. Or whatever, like Cheetos, whatever kids. They're all, oh yeah, the three ninjas are all white. So they actually don't like dumplings that much. I've got something embarrassing to make to you guys. What's that? I've never seen a to make to you guys. What's that? I've never seen a three-ninjas.
Starting point is 00:46:06 You know the three-ninjas? Not even high-newn at Mega Mountain. So are they modern day ninjas? So the three-ninjas best I can remember. And this was one of my favorite genres as a kid was child knows karate. That's why I love side kicks. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:46:22 Featuring the late Jonathan Brandis. So yeah, so. That's why sidekicks. So three ninjas, I guess, is some sort of hybrid of that sort of movie and home alone. Where three kids who know karate have to deflect surfer dude burglars with a series of traps and then something else. Surfer like the point break burglars.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Yeah, kind of again, this was definitely the era of the like, whoa, dude, I mean, whoa, we gotta give them that, but they're like, they're like, no karate. Yeah, the most extreme sport is stealing things. From kids. Yes, these guys like street luge, BMX bikes, and stealing from children.
Starting point is 00:47:01 Yeah, so this was the era of that kind of character. And then they fought kids and then something else. And I know that there were a lot of direct to DVDs, sequels, correct. I mean, I knew that it was a kicked back. Well, they did a naked run. Yeah. You know what?
Starting point is 00:47:17 Literally this, like right now, I just now got the pun in the three ninjas kickback. Ha, ha, ha. Oh, yeah. Yeah. He thought it was just about them relaxing. Well, that's like, no, I didn't I didn't that second meaning did not occur to me. Yeah. I'm very slow is what I'm saying. You didn't think they could use their feet. No, I got the kickback. It's more a tight one. No thing. I think they're kicking the kick back. They attack back. But didn't get the relaxation. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:47:43 Part of it. So wait, if they're kicking back to the future, are they going back in time to like relax? Yeah. Oh, okay. Maybe it's a, maybe like, maybe it could be just like a total retcon of the series. I mean, I think that's happening a lot these days. I mean, we had Terminator Genesis,
Starting point is 00:48:00 which erased the bad Terminator movies that we didn't like. Sure. Then the... By being a great Terminator movie? By being a slightly worse than the slightly, which erased the bad terminator movies that we didn't like. Sure. Then the... By being a great terminator movie? By being a slightly worse than the slightly, not as bad terminator movie. And then...
Starting point is 00:48:12 The Star Wars, yeah. The Star Trek. I was gonna say X-Men Apocalypse erased all the bad X-Men movies. So what if we have an older Rocky Colton Tum-Tum? Sure. They... Little Grizzled. Yeah, yeah. Tum They little grizzled me. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Tum tum is actually fat. One has an eye patch. Yeah, and then they get a some sort of talisman or something. I'm gonna say talisman it could be a they pee in a magic fountain. Yeah, that too.
Starting point is 00:48:36 And they go and like they stop their younger selves from becoming karate celebrities. Yeah, yeah, because they know about the Path of debauchery that it leads to sure all the lives shatter. celebrities. Yeah, yeah. Because they know about the path of debauchery that it leads to. Sure. All the lives shatter. Sure, yeah. The cocaine and hookers that come with being a child karate celebrity.
Starting point is 00:48:53 So does this help Dan? Do you know more about three ninjas now? Oh, certainly. I'm glad, I'm just glad that I chose for you this letter when we had a three ninjas expert. Yeah. Yeah. Have you ever had this foremost three-ninja's expert?
Starting point is 00:49:06 Sure, yeah. I teach three-ninja studies at Cornell. Shit. I was going to say the learning annex. So I'm glad that you're more correct. No, no, no, it's at Cornell. Yeah, my, I wrote a paper called, Tum-Tum as the raging id.
Starting point is 00:49:20 The raging id in all of us. Let's read. Let's read what? What? Ourself's into the future, guys. Try it, apparently. Let's read this next last letter. It's from Thomas Lasting with Held, who says, Heyploppers, Thomas Dolby. She blinded me with letters.
Starting point is 00:49:46 Be blinded me with letters. Everyone knows your favorite times of year, or small timber, Shoktober and Cajemus. So I thought, why don't I increase the joy with more theme months? Here's some suggestions. Cablambuary, that's action movies.
Starting point is 00:50:03 Okay. Fet, Cablambuary. All right, wait, that's what... All right, what... What? Are you okay, Chad? You're a stripper. What about this? That's a replacement. That's what I'm wondering. Does anyone know Crablambuary?
Starting point is 00:50:19 Yeah, it's a legendary giant Crablambuary. Yeah, it's Crablambuary. Yeah, it doesn't sound like Crablamb, but anyway, let's... Yeah, that's a stretch. Let's move on. That's a blazing blamuery. Yeah, it's called blamuery. And doesn't sound like a blam. But anyway, let's move on. February. Okay, wait, you're saying it weird. Hold on, February. Okay, tear jerkers.
Starting point is 00:50:36 Okay. Deep roll. Artsy and movies. I don't know about that one. School I. That's July Topics should be obvious School movies. Yeah summer school. Yeah, the ski school. Hollywood is yep, those are all super Bad school movies that come out
Starting point is 00:51:02 What was the last school? I mean, I guess the boy next door. And these are all good movies, though. There's not been a bad movie made about school, not even dangerous minds. Gafogist, that's comedies. And bro, Vemper movies about men. March, May and June are all one simple. There's no movies about men out there when you think you need to devote a month to awareness of Yeah, I mean, it's going to be tough finding movies to fit that camera yeah He he pushes on March, May and June because he says that one syllable those are wild cards. It's tough to make them work his puns
Starting point is 00:51:34 But I'm any who I look forward to hearing episodes from all these theme months of the future and of course learning the stupid theme based final judgments You can cock breach of them sincerely Tom is last thing with hell. Thanks, Tom's Dolby. So what, we're on to a cablamuary next. What's the next, well, we're in square. Are we in school? I think a small member is next.
Starting point is 00:51:57 Oh, I know. There's no August one. August. Because you do floggists where you do SNM themed movies. You just watch 50 Shades of Grey over and over again. Yep, and flogged where you do SNM themed movies. You just watch 50 shades of gray over and over again. And uh, foggest where we watch the fog remake. It's part two of our exploration of the fog remake. We really get into it. Are you really exploration? Yeah. Just do like those guys who do Star Wars a minute at a time, but do it with the fog remake.
Starting point is 00:52:26 Wow. Just die. Don't watch what you say on there, too. Yeah, it's true. We did launch an inadvertently Stewart launched a podcast that examined a talking cast. A great podcast recognized by the Young and A.V. Club. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:41 A talking cat podcast, examining the movie a talking cat called a talking cast. They came up with it. But they even got the news. They even got the writer on that show. The writer of the movie. I was in the final. Did you listen to it? Yeah, that's great. What did you have to say about it? He seems like he's in a cliff's notes. I'm not going to give you the Cliff notes on an episode of our show, but I'll just say that it was,
Starting point is 00:53:06 like he seemed like it was not his fault as much as David DeCocto that, like, sure it's crazier. Okay. Well, I'm sure that either of them could have passed the box. Sure. If they were one. It's all Eric Roberts' default.
Starting point is 00:53:20 It would have been a great movie. Is that like, damn cat. Would you say the voice of the cat? Eric Roberts. Yeah, yeah. He delivers an amazing performance. If you listen to any bad movie podcasts, I'm sure they've done an episode on a talking cat. Yeah, it's an amazing bad movie.
Starting point is 00:53:35 We can't recommend that one enough. Is it room, burdemic, quality bad? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it has a lot of dead space, but it's that kind of like brilliantly bad dead space rather than yeah, there's a driving scene that seems to take up 10 minutes of the middle of the movie Yeah, it's it's like that rule of like you know if something happens 35 times. It's funny
Starting point is 00:53:59 It's that pushes boredom so far that you're like why is this happening? Who did this? Why did they do it? It's like how there's so much parking and verdemic. Excess. Watching so much, like, we... Is this a driving video? Yeah. So, I hope that helped everyone, I guess.
Starting point is 00:54:20 We learned the fucking months, okay. Yeah. That's right. We learned the months. We learned about three ninjas. Yeah. So played for that kid. Yeah, there you go. You can learn what months are which makes up his months. Yeah. And now he knows basically what three ninjas is about without having to watch it. Uh huh. Or he'll know now if it's up his hell. It's good. So it's time for the final segment on the show, which is where we recommend movies. Now we liked rather than strange magic. Jordan, I know you're a listener. I hope that you remember this was the segment. I did, yes. But I'll go first.
Starting point is 00:55:01 I watched a movie called The Supercops, which was at your right, did a night where he was programming turn classic movies. And he showed a few movies that I'd seen already. I forget what they were, but I didn't tape those because I knew them. But I'd never heard of The Supercops. It's from 1974 1974 and it's based on a real, a real pair of New York cops who were known as Batman and Robin at the time due to like how many costumes there. No, they made a, they made a, they made a lot of, they made a lot of, but, yeah, but, the father's on weird relationship.
Starting point is 00:55:50 And it was directed by Gordon Parks who made shaft and it was written pardon me by Lorenzo Simple Jr. who is an interesting writer. He wrote, he helped create the Batman and TV series. So it's weird that he worked on this movie about cops that were nicknamed Batman and Robin. But he wrote the Anthony Perkins movie Pretty Poison. He wrote Papillon. He wrote The Parallax View, The Drowning Pool, Three Days of the Condor.
Starting point is 00:56:20 Wait, Drowning Pool, that rock and roll band, that sings Let The Bodies At The Floor. That's a bit of a flash Gordon, never say that again. Is that the one that starts? Waaah! No, that's down with the sickle, that's I'm sorry. So he's an interesting screenwriter, and this movie is sort of interesting.
Starting point is 00:56:35 It's very much based on sort of incidents. It doesn't have a strong, like, forward plot. It's more like just a bunch of almost blackout sketches of these guys, these rookie cops trying to make names for themselves. They would make busts when they're off duty and get in trouble with their commanding officers and do various crazy things because they were very interested in just rising through the ranks and busting people all in any way that they could. And they're kind of like interesting heroes because on the one hand,
Starting point is 00:57:13 they're fighting against police corruption throughout a lot of the movie. On the other hand, they're kind of assholes who are genuine loose cannons with no interest in the chain of command. So by calling them Batman and Robin, it's a telling commentary on those characters as well. Yeah, yeah, vigilanteism. What does it really get us to giant two face pennies? That's dinosaurs.
Starting point is 00:57:39 What else is in his back cave? A Butler. A giant joker card? A giant Joker card? Yeah. So anyway, it's a fun 1970s cop movie. I liked it a lot. It's called The Super Cops. The Super Cuts.
Starting point is 00:57:54 Jordan, why don't you go next? Yeah, sure. I saw a really funny kind of mumble-cory movie called The Overnight. This is starting Adam Scott's Taylor Schilling. Oh gosh, I was just so hot right now. Jason Schwartzman and a French actress whose name I will mispronounce now. Judith Godriesh.
Starting point is 00:58:17 Godriesh. Sure, why not? Help me out. You think German. Which is called Reesh. God, yeah, just say it like you don't know what you're saying. Goat rash. It's neat.
Starting point is 00:58:27 It's about a couple of kind of a two yuppie couples who kind of have this wild party and push their sexual boundaries. Yeah, and it's genuinely really funny, and it doesn't do that thing where some mumble core movies do where it's like Why the fuck are we watching this? It has a it has a pretty you know a pretty tight story a pretty tight arc and it doesn't seem like it's just You know Lucy Goose improvising it has a lot of genuinely really hilarious moments and yeah It's nice if you feel like if you feel a little summer movie blockbuster fatigue,
Starting point is 00:59:05 if you're tired of all the superheroes and explosions and you wanna see an adult comedy, I hate that argument for seeing movies, but I'm genuinely giving it now. It is a nice little digest-tief to the summer, rock and sock and fair. But yeah, really good use of Jason Schwartzman too. I think he, as often as I've liked him in things,
Starting point is 00:59:29 he's rubbed me the wrong way. Sure. But I think they use his, the little spice of douchebaggery that he has naturally and use it in a good way and help it to create a really cool, funny, interesting character. So. I can see that.
Starting point is 00:59:45 Yeah. It's a hoot. Certified. A hoot. Yeah. I'm going to recommend a movie that is also a little bit of a mumble core movie. It's described as a comedy.
Starting point is 00:59:56 It's kind of funny. And the short you mentioned kind of the pitfalls of like a mumble core style movie. And I think this movie suffers a little bit from it. It's a movie called Results, directed by Andrew Bujalski, who I guess is one of the four fathers of... Yeah, that's funny. Ha-ha is one of his.
Starting point is 01:00:18 Yeah, and I think computer chess, but I think you're right. And this is a movie that stars Guy Pierce from the movie Space Jail as a personal trainer and also cold. Is he his same character from Space Jail? Exactly. He doesn't use the same voice. He uses, I think, an Australian accent. I'm not sure. Yeah, he puts on an Australian accent. And Kobe Smolders. Smolder is in this role. The first person ever to make that fun. Yeah, so Kobe Smolder's is Luke Warm in the role. It also features Giovanni Robisi.
Starting point is 01:00:58 And the Fudge Viber. One of his clones. And it also features a great performance by Kevin Corrigan. It's always good. Yeah, no laughs there, huh? You respect Kevin Corrigan, but not Giovanni Robici. And it's kind of a story about a personal trainer who owns a gym and he wants to open up a bigger gym.
Starting point is 01:01:20 And he has kind of a mixed relationship with one of his trainers, played by Kobe Smolders and a millionaire, a recent millionaire who's lonely and recently divorced moves into town and in an attempt to like make friends joins this gym and it kind of, it starts kind of pushing everybody in various directions. And there's definitely points where you're like, this isn't super funny and the characters aren't like 100% likeable, but that's part of the charm is that they're all like, likeably flawed a little bit. And by the end, I feel like you're kind of rooting for them.
Starting point is 01:02:00 And then there's at least a little bit of a believable romance angle to it. Unlike the movie we watch today, but you do have to least a little bit of a believable romance angle to it. Unlike the movie we watched today, but you do have to have a little bit of patience for that sort of thing, for that mumble cord sort of thing. Do you guys see Terminator? The first Terminator? Yes, we guys see Terminator one.
Starting point is 01:02:17 I swear to you too. Hold on, I'll be back. It's hilarious. I sort of honestly thought about it just because like as we said before, like I'm on hiatus for two weeks as are you and like I was just like I don't know maybe yeah like during the day maybe why not did you see it? I did it's a it is a it's a certified mess. It's a real it's a real mess They definitely that there's so much time travel mumbo jumbo in it like the like you know
Starting point is 01:02:43 We have to return to the flux points to reset the you know temporal flux flux they just say flux a lot. That aside the action shit's really cool and if you can if you can approach it like this is going to be a hoots and not right will this be good. I think I think it's better than salvation. Yeah it's almost locked out of salvation. Yeah, it is terrible. It is it is goofy and fun where salvation is boring and overly serious. So yeah, it definitely has some of the goofy charm of the original terminators and yeah, definitely worth a worth an afternoon matinee, I think. All right. If you enjoy robots punching each other and
Starting point is 01:03:22 Europeans trying to keep their American accents. That's something about Terminator 3, which is not a great movie, but it's a movie that does feature Arnold Schwarzenegger like head slamming a woman Terminator into a toilet. Sure. I caught a fair amount of Terminator 3 on like I think it was on IFC recently where they're playing two and three back to back a couple times. And it's got like goofy stuff that I kind of enjoy, like when it plays on the scene from Terminator 2,
Starting point is 01:03:50 where he walks into the biker bar, and this time he walks into a gay bar, and he just like, he basically walks out with the same outfit, like the same leather outfit. And then there's the big chase with the truck with like it's like with the truck with, like it's like a construction truck versus a fire truck. Like that's a pretty good action sequence,
Starting point is 01:04:11 like a classic traditional non CGI, like just big trucks fight each other action sequence. And the lady terminators played by what Chris Spana lock in. Yeah, from Blood Rain. The Blood Rain herself. The certified great movie. Rain's down, charm on the screen. Yeah, this is, Genesis is closer to T3
Starting point is 01:04:34 and it's in its tone. And yeah, I think it's pretty fun. It's getting really, really dragged through the muck. I mean, I like a good like goofball action film. Yeah. That sounds good. Let's all go right now. Yeah, I La pay for one of us with my all about Steve money that one of us is me Before we go
Starting point is 01:04:55 Jordan as a guest is there anything you'd like to plug this is gonna come out This weekend sure hey, I do a podcast as you mentioned, it's called Jordan Jesse Go. It's on the Max Fun Network. As is this show, give it a give it a check out. Dan's been on an episode. Stuart, you can be on an episode if you ever come to LA. I don't know if Jesse will allow that. Yeah, you might not. It might be too many cool dudes in one confined space. And yeah, I'm a writer on At Midnight. It comes on Midnight on Comedy Central's Monday through Thursday. It's a-
Starting point is 01:05:29 What time's it on? It comes on at Midnight. Yeah. So, yeah, you can watch that if you enjoy television programs. That is such a hacky joke, I bet. Yeah, you hear it a lot. Yeah, okay, thanks, Dad. Nice impression of me.
Starting point is 01:05:44 I'm still like your toes. I don't need some garbage. I'm eating it. It's like hearing a mirror. Yeah. It's like hearing a mirror. So my goal has been fulfilled, which is to get Jordan comfortable enough with Stuart then he's to do something weird later than him.
Starting point is 01:06:11 So I think that that means it's time to end the show. For the flop house, I've been Dan McCoy. Hey, I've been Stuart Wellington. And in the third year today, Jordan Morris. Good night everyone. Bye So all right Yeah, so I'll raise myself since to the sing the theme song Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do It's like you're a warrior for some weird reason. You guys are not characters. Great character warrior. Hello buddies, I'm Travis McRoy.
Starting point is 01:07:08 And I'm Andy Bolts. And we're the host of Bunker Buddies. We're a podcast where we're amateur survivalists and we talk about things like the apocalypse. And we talk about zombies and preparedness. What do you get out where when it's the apocalypse? And you have no idea if you don't listen to our show. It comes out every Wednesdays on and on iTunes. Sometimes we try weird foods or we talk about weird to camp
Starting point is 01:07:29 or how to avoid getting eaten or any of these things. Yeah, so listen to us because it might just save your life. We'll see you in the bunker. Bye! you

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