The Flop House - Ep. #221 - Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice

Episode Date: January 7, 2017

This is a big one folks. Batman v. Superman v. The Flop House. Meanwhile Stuart makes it very clear this is not your daddy's anything, Dan does a dead-on Katherine Hepburn, and Elliott reveals how Nic...holas Cage rents softcore pornography. Wikipedia synopsis for Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice Movies recommended in this episode: The Gate Fanny and Alexander Moonlight

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On this episode we discuss Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice. The movie that dares to ask and answer the question, what's the proper place for a battle of titans between a man of steel who represents all of our best and a man of the knight who fights for justice? Answer a filthy abandoned men's room! room. Hey everyone and welcome to the flop house I'm Dan McCoy. Oh wow, it's me Stuart Wellington. And over here it's me, Elliot Kaylen. Oh wow, Elliot sounds different.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Hey guys, I decided I'd stop using that crazy high-pitched nerd voice I've been using all this time and use my own natural voice that you guys are used to hearing outside of the podcast. Oh, I mean, I appreciate it. I'm sure the listeners appreciate it. It's a little bit like getting a smooth chocolate bath in your ear. And absolutely, after this point, I decided the listeners weren't worth it. But you know what, if you've stuck with it this long, hear my natural voice.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Well, there's a little bit of a Southern twang there too. Southern New Jersey, I'm assuming. Well, no, I grew up in Nolens. Oh, wow, the big easy, we call it. You know, when my grandmami was making gumbo on a voodoo stew pot Marty Grau bourbon street jazz What's some other new Orleans stuff? Craw daddy's
Starting point is 00:01:53 Quiet yeah Quadrilles that would they dance there? Ben Yees Ben Yees For these Yeah, yeah, for these big days, not even a Joker. Nope. Dan, oh, Dan, you, that joke knocked the, knocked the cool right out of my voice. Now I'm back to sounding like this.
Starting point is 00:02:17 It reminds me of the online commenter who was like, why does that guy put that fake voice on? Oh, the online commenter, as if that was one person who asked that. I think, I think LA, it's what I've done. You know, I was asked that question. Uh, what, two, okay, that's two harsh. Okay, I'm sorry. What, it's two harsh to assume that she listens to our podcast. Oh, it's too, it's funny because it's true.
Starting point is 00:02:43 She doesn't know what this is about. So it's 2017, guys. It's not because it's true. He doesn't know what this is about. So it's 2017 guys. It's not your daddy's year. And so we watch the daddy's. I mean, considering literally not the year my daddy was born. Wait, what? So now we're watching not your daddy's superhero movie, bats and soups, Donald justice.
Starting point is 00:03:00 What a smooth segue. But first Dan, what are we doing this podcast? This is a podcast where we watch a bad movie and then we talk about it. And Stuart, you already mentioned what's the movie we watched? Well, see, this is not your daddy's podcast. Oh, no. All right.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Stuart's just been doing this all night with everything. He's like, took a sip of his beer. He's like, hmm, this is not your daddy's beer. Walks off, entering the bathroom. Time to take not your daddy's poop. Ofs off, entering the bathroom, time to take not your daddy's poop. Of course, though, they'd be crazy. But keeping a Ziploc bag, it's stuffing in my pocket. Yep, and just dump it in the toilet.
Starting point is 00:03:34 And how did I get it? Did I trick him into shooting into a bag? I don't know, I don't know why your dad has you taking care of his poop this boat. No, he said your dad. It's not your dad, dad. This is certainly my dad. He's a shit. That's how matter works, Dan.
Starting point is 00:03:50 It can either be created nor destroyed, even poop. So you're saying that because you're the spawn of your dad, your poop is in your dad's. Now, Sam and your dad is. Yeah, spawn. Yep. So yeah, I mean, if you were to, I'm assuming if you took a DNA sample, nope.
Starting point is 00:04:06 It will be the same. No, not in the least. I'm not polyparet. The character from NCIS, the Goth girl. I can't say I know the names of any of the characters on NCIS. I know about the world of NCIS. I know about the world of NCIS. If two people use a computer keyboard it types faster
Starting point is 00:04:27 Okay, well, let's move on so we watched Batman V Superman dawn of justice Movie that was I guess much typed up when it came out right everybody was pumped sure Yeah, I was the sequel to man of steel a movie I've yet to see and I really didn't like I was the sequel to Man of Steel movie I have yet to see. And I really didn't like. I saw the commercials for Man of Steel and I said, I guess I left to see that, to stay current in the nerd discussion, to Bane. And then I said, I know I'm not gonna like it.
Starting point is 00:04:56 So I'm not gonna see it. Yeah. And I didn't, and I never regret it. Man of Steel was one of those movies. And I saved you from talking about all those nerds. Yeah, which was also nice. Well, when I did talk to them, I could talk to them about like Dune or something I like, you know, Brandon Graham's profit. Every day. Oh, and the final book comes out next week. Sorry to date the podcast guys. People will listen to me like, oh, days of your when we
Starting point is 00:05:24 at the days of your when we were expecting a profit earthward in 30, 17. I'll tell you that. Exactly. Because they'll be dating it. They'll be dating this as year zero BPEW before profit earthward. BPEW TPP because it's already been out in individual issues before profit earthward trade paperback.
Starting point is 00:05:44 And next year will be one BPEWTPB. And so forth. And they'll literally be dating it because in the future, you'll be able to date a podcast. That's the slippery slope. That's the slippery slope, Elliot. That this permissive society is allowing. I get it.
Starting point is 00:05:59 I mean, look at that. It's a fall pretty far down that slope to get to that point. Dan's working on a screenplay where somebody dates a podcast. It's kind of like her or ex-locky now. I mean, the thing is, if it's like her, then you could date the podcast by just listening to the podcast and talking back to it as if you're having a conversation.
Starting point is 00:06:19 In a way, all you listeners are dating this podcast, I guess. And then you have to listen to our gibber jammer. And much like most dates, it's not gonna get you. Dan Bielsen, a deep understanding of human relationships just there. That's what's putting up with gibber jammer. Any sort of relationship with another humor. With another humor?
Starting point is 00:06:38 With another humor. You know, black bile. Yeah, yeah, black bile. Yeah, black bile. Other stuff. So. Flamma. Flamma. Other stuff. So. Okay. So ladies, man, Casanova, Dan McCoy, states that interacting with another human being
Starting point is 00:06:54 is just putting up a gibber jabber. And Superman, V-Batman, kind of bears that out because for a movie that should be built around a fight between a guy in a red and blue circus costume and a man dressed as a flying rodent. There's a lot of gibber jabber in this movie. Uh, and, and, and startling amounts of no gibber jabber at all.
Starting point is 00:07:14 I guess so. So, so. You were complaining early on that there were whole scenes where there was just no dialogue. That's true, but then the movie heard that complaint and reacted with too many scenes full of too much dialogue. That's true, but then the movie heard that complaint and reacted with too many scenes full of too much dialogue. And they're like, oh, you want some dialogue. Here's Jesse Eisenberg. Let's get a weird voice that this movie has. It's me, Zack Snyder. Wow. It's Zack Snyder's you in. You may remember. I'm surprised he didn't refer to yourself by your actual title, Visionary Director, Zack Snyder. Visionary Director, Zack Snyder.
Starting point is 00:07:48 He sounds a little like Luzielin, too. I throw the fish and they come back to me. What was the guy from the B-52s? Is that Fred Schneider? Fred Schneider. Okay, so they're related. That's all right. Oh, wait, Fred Schneider.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Zack Snyder. We're talking about two Schneders people, I think. This is Fredders' friends, it's all coming together. Look at that wall where I've got that yarn tacked up between headlines. Tom Snyder, of course. Oh, man, 66 is epic in. So let's run, quickly run through the plot.
Starting point is 00:08:23 There's a lot of plot in this movie, but it's mostly nonsensical and incomprehensible. So this movie picks up, picks up in the ashes of man of steel. Well, it retcons man of steel so that Bruce Wayne was at the site of the climactic destruction of Metropolis. Bruce Wayne hears about it, takes a helicopter there,
Starting point is 00:08:41 drives into the city so that he can save like three people, I guess, which is more than nothing. And he single-handedly lifts a girder off the crushed legs of his employee, which is crazy. Like that's insane. Well, the best part is that it isn't until he lands in his helicopter and the city is being attacked by alien spaceships and super beings that he calls up his, what it was a, it's his headquarters there. Yeah, it was his business. And he's like, Hey guys, you can all lean and the employees are all in there in the building, looking out the window, watching destruction. And then
Starting point is 00:09:16 they're like, and the boss goes, okay, you can go. And they all start, like clearly counting down to five o'clock. They're like, oh shit. Guys, you're not you're not fleeing that alien destruction until the Henderson report is on my desk. I need you to run the run those numbers. He's like, it's going to count as a sick day, but you can go. Back in the rubble all the earlier the next morning. College are tomorrow. This is a personal day unless you work Sunday. Oh, anyway, besides besides that. So we're given some lovely footage that calls to mind September 11th for everybody. Yeah, Bruce Wayne walks into a big cloud of dust and ash so that he can save the life of a little girl. And this makes him mad at Superman because Superman, I don't know, did all this.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Yeah. I mean, if anything, I mean, you know, maybe he can't be blamed for Zod coming down and being shit up, but he can be blamed for maybe not leading Zod away from Metropolis. And just like, instead just throwing him into buildings and shit. Which at least throw him into the eyes on store. Yeah. Which at least be a plan words. Yeah, everyone would be delighted by that. Yeah, I became walking out covered in eyes on the cold.
Starting point is 00:10:33 And those little alligators, oh, it's LaCost, never mind. What does eyes on have? I was gonna say he got bitten by all the little alligators on the clothes, but that's LaCost clothing. Oh. Uh, LaCost is, uh, the trench for crocodile. that's bitten by all the little elevators on the clothes that's the cost clothing. Oh, mm-hmm. The cost is,
Starting point is 00:10:47 it's for Crocodile. It's for the cost. Oh, sure. Now, Batman is mad. Bruce Wayne is Batman. But, what? Sorry, Dan, I hate to break it to you this way.
Starting point is 00:10:58 And we're gonna call the newspapers. We're given a pretty quick rundown of the Batman backstory. We get a little bit of his origin, which is fine. We don't need a ton of it. No, no, no, but here's the thing. It's presented as a nonlinear silent tablo, the kind of thing Zack Snyder loves,
Starting point is 00:11:16 of his parents being killed in a mugging, and then him finding, this is a scene from what? Batman, you're one, or is it Dark Knight Returns? I don't remember, where he finds the cave full of bats and they swirl around him Yeah, as he runs away from the funeral and at first he's scared but According to the movie the bats are flying around at such an enormous speed that the wind velocity of it Lifts him into the air and out of the hole like it like there's a some kind of Blast of air underneath him, but it's slowly lifting him.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Why do we fall, Mr. Brin? It's like, it's such a, and I guess a lot of the movie is the visual theme. You guys missed him, Michael Cain was just here doing his line. Oh, I missed it. Oh, sorry. Mr. Michael, are you still here? I was just doing my line. Wow. Really? Are you doing an impression of somebody else?
Starting point is 00:12:11 I'm looking at you. You're one, the one line you're not for. I just have to buy you my line. Just doing the most famous Michael Kay in line. Why do we fall Mr. Bruce? People ask me all the time, why do we fall, Mr. Bruce? Alfie? I told you,
Starting point is 00:12:32 she was the only supposed to blow the, why do we fall, Bruce? Okay. Woo. And that on my system. The visual themes in this movie are people flying, angel wings, bat wings, done and done. It's Batman versus Superman.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Superman is being treated as a sort of Superman, like a god who's saving people all the time. And that makes certain people uncomfortable, specifically certain senators, and also Lex Luthor, played by Jesse Eisenberg. All senators played by Holly Hunter. The whole cast is overqualified, tip to tie. And Lanes in it by Jesse Eisenberg. Also, the whole cast is overqualified. Tip to time.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Lanes in it for a little bit. I think the ghost of Carrie Grant showed up at one point in the big party scene. Hello, hello Batman. You crazy Batman. The worst impressions we've ever done. It's a delicate of bad impressions here on the lot of it. And then Humphrey Boger walked in, it's me, Humphrey Boger.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Oh, wow. You sound a lot different in person. I, they use a lot of audio trickery to make me sound better. Hello, hello, it's me, Pete Allori. Wow, named after what a streetcar. Named after a truck. So the Laurie is me.
Starting point is 00:13:50 Catherine F. And I make a real nice Philadelphia story for you. Just for you. We get on a gold upon the your poop. So she says in it We bring up a baby just for you nice and hot The last ethnic slur we can do everybody. Hey, uh, so yeah, we got some bath and soups There's there. I don't really see much Superman as his alter ego Clark can't we get a little bit of Then we get a sense that he's a very bad reporter and we get the feeling like Superman is is definitely
Starting point is 00:14:30 Apart from humanity. Yes, even the scenes where he's like there's a montage of him Saving people and preventing disasters, but it's shot very darkly and the music is ominous The well, yeah the tone and the tone of the whole movie is dark ominous, except for like the last five minutes of the last of the climactic action scene basically, the tone of the movie is like Hey, the Superman Batman movie. This is punishment that you're watching it like this is homework. Mm-hmm This is not this is a hair shirt for you to wear that you're watching it. Like this is homework. This is not-
Starting point is 00:15:03 This is a hair shirt for you to wear, comic nerd. Hey, you know what? This movie about a flying alien, a handsome flying alien who's gonna have a fist fight with a wealthy billionaire with a super car, this is repentance for you. Like you're atoning for something
Starting point is 00:15:21 by watching this movie and it's not gonna be fun. No one's here to have fun and if you start having fun, I'm turning the whole movie around me. Visionary director, Zack's man. Hey guys, I'm back again. I'm back again with my hit film Batman v Superman. It's going out to Janine in San Diego. Here's Batman v Superman coming at you live. Now Clark Kent. we got a differing ex-nighter voice. Well, he's a visionary, he's gonna do many things.
Starting point is 00:15:50 But you're right, like before Superman saves someone, he likes to float above them, just looking down at them as if he does to establish, I'm better than you and I am daining to save you. Like he, this is a Superman. Yeah, yeah, there's almost feels like he's like weighing the scale. Yeah, this is Superman who I think really gets off on the power he holds over other people, which is...
Starting point is 00:16:14 At least the perspective of the viewers that he has. Yes, I mean, which is a valid characteristic for a superhero character. It's an interesting way to look at it, like a character who is really like feels like a kind of, if it does feel a sense of kind of sinister empowerment by the fact that he can save people and he gets to choose whether to save them, but it's not the traditional view of Superman, which is as like the best guy in the world just loves saving people and doing stuff. The Superman's movie is often very late to saving people and very choosy.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Like he'll fly around the world to save a girl from a burning building. But if a bomb goes off in the capital building and he's standing right there, he just kind of leaves afterwards. Like he does not a Superman who loves saving people. He just kind of does it begrudgingly. You know. But anyway, it does. Yeah, it moves very, very slow and then super duper fast. At the same time, Clark Kent is obsessed with this Batman story in Gotham.
Starting point is 00:17:12 There's some kind of vigilante who's beating up. He seems to assume right off the bat that Batman is beating up mostly poor people, which the movie doesn't quite bear out, and I don't know why Superman, why Clark Kent gets that assumption. Well, it's kind of weird. They put a little bit of effort into establishing the Bruce Wayne's backstory, but not really Batman's backstory in a way.
Starting point is 00:17:34 Yeah. Because they just immediately, unless I miss something which could have happened, they immediately throw us into a situation where some police are responding to something only to find like a slavery, like a women's slavery, and some baddie that Batman has chained to a radiator. And then Batman's hanging from the ceiling.
Starting point is 00:17:55 And that he chained to a radiator and then burned a bat symbol into with a brand. And that's apparently not the first one he's done that. That's his calling card. You know, it's called publicity Elliott you gotta get it up to you gotta make the br- I mean literally is a brand he's gotta get his brand out there and what better way than literally branding people so there's a uh now that iZot is through the roof and there's this great scene of him uh hanging in the corner and the guys the cop sees him and starts blasting shotguns at him and he like skitters away
Starting point is 00:18:25 Like he's one of the demons from Legion or something But the implication is I mean, but the weird thing is that so Clark can't seem to be mad that there's this vigilante on the loose and the police and Gotham seem to be Okay with it and aiding and abetting him the policeman in this scene He doesn't know what the hell he just saw and they got I was worried they were gonna do what the first Tim Burton Batman movie did, where Batman is clearly a man in a suit and he picks a guy up with his hands and says, I'm Batman. And then when the guys arrested, he's like, it was a giant bat, a giant bat attacks me. And it was like, I'm a giant bad guy at arms and like a face and he talked to you and says, did word man and say it was some sort of leather daddy. You're a dad.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Yeah, you don't know what kind of bats this guy seen, Elliot, but there's like a real. Yes, true. That's a good. I don't know his life experiences. I'm not a crafterist. I don't know what what the what a bad is really like. All I know is the background one from grandma's to and that's all I need to know.
Starting point is 00:19:21 Uh, there's a lot of. We did those special effects in broad daylight, Elliot. That background one's amazing. I agree. Look, it's great. One of my favorite things about that movie is when Dick Miller is fighting the background one and New Yorkers are just walking by and not paying attention to it. Even as a kid, I loved that about it.
Starting point is 00:19:41 I remember very well pointing that out to a babysitter who had to watch Gremlins do with me, and I was like, I like that, they just not, they've seen everything, they don't care. The babysitter I think was doing her homework or something. Anyway, there's a lot of kind of torture and rough imagery in this, the epitome of it being what I think is the lowest point of the movie at the very end spoiler alert, we're gonna talk about anyway.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Later in the movie, Superman's mother has been kidnapped and he's confronted with a polaroid of her gagged with the word witch written on her forehead and it looks like maybe she's been beaten, I don't know. And it's like, this is not what I wanna see in movies. And it looks like she's like cried with her mascara on. Yeah. And I'm like, I don't know if Mark Kent would have put on some mascara
Starting point is 00:20:28 before she'd at the diner, so it feels like somebody put it on her before. They took the pictures. I mean, Diane Lane doesn't need the mascara. What you're saying. That's what I'm saying, absolutely. But yeah, it's, there's a, this is a rougher, and I know this is, this is not your daddy's super movie. It's Grimm and Gritty and whatever.
Starting point is 00:20:44 But it's like a little it's It's my daddy superhero movie. You're what would your daddy superhero movie be like the spawn movie? It totally would be the spawn movie my dad. He's a huge violator fan Violator and he loves John Legg was on oh so when he heard when he read and wizard that John Legg was on was gonna play Violator's over the moon he bought the ticket ahead of time Yeah, I think he cut out that page from wizard magazine He laminated it and then push pinned it to the wall of my parents bedroom My mother was not pleased. No, that's okay a push pin hole in the wall. Come on
Starting point is 00:21:17 Well, he had to take down the family photo Probably wondering why didn't he frame it and put it in its place. I don't know my dance crazy Kind of like his idol, the violator. You can, and podcast land and see the coilux do that. So anyway, Clark Kent doesn't like this Batman dude, even though Batman's kind of doing the same thing Clark Kent's doing except, you know, more violent way. Batman doesn't like Superman because he sees him as a threat to reality and humanity. Meanwhile, I just want to take a moment
Starting point is 00:21:50 though to say that the movie has set up a perfectly valid reason for Batman to not like Superman. You know, he's Superman destroyed. Yeah, you destroyed it. He's seen all the collateral damage that Superman can do. but for the rest of the movie He doesn't bring this up. He just keeps bringing up like Superman has all these powers No person should have that power inherently if we think that he has as much power he could use this power against us So we have to preemptively get rid of the guy who has got power. It's like that's a terrible argument Like well, they're they're groping towards trying to have some kind of philosophical
Starting point is 00:22:28 showdown between these two characters, but their ideologies and what they stand for are pretty messy and pretty blurry. And like, there's a, I wish they had pulled it off because like one of the great things about, like old comic books is when of here on a villain would be fighting each other and they'd be telling each other what they stand for and why it's incompatible. Like Stanley Jack Kirby books would do that a lot. We're a Captain America and Baron Zemo would be like punching each other and they'd be explaining why that what they stand for.
Starting point is 00:22:58 And like this movie wants to have that kind of in a more complicated modern way but it never seems to be clear exactly with these characters. They also think they've hampered themselves by Man of Steel because once you've made a movie where Superman does do the things that he does in Man of Steel, like you can't have the classic fight between Superman and Batman where it's like,
Starting point is 00:23:18 oh, Superman's a boy scout and Batman is Batman. Because Superman's already snapped a man's neck. Yeah, exactly. Destroyed a Kryptonian snack Destroyed Kryptonian's neck. Kryptonian man. Just because the clone of him we see later does not have a penis does mean he's not a man. It's muckish. Yeah, super cool, Michael Shannon.
Starting point is 00:23:34 The man who should have received an Oscar nomination for premium rush. That's true. Because that movie was a premium rush. I mean, it was. We also managed to be with scary and hilariously pathetic in the same little kid. What's it to you with a straight face or a straight as a Michael Shannon face to me?
Starting point is 00:23:51 Which is pretty kind. Meanwhile, also, like a guy world of Michael Shannon. On the stage. And it's children. Yeah, that's is a, that's a small town newspaper column. Yeah, so, um, the Festival is opening up a town in a week. I'm going to have Bobby Fueh and a bunch of local bands are going to play.
Starting point is 00:24:15 Tickets cost $14. Another local news. Oh, wow. It's a roll of that cock-eye. I was expecting more of a pinning column. It's just a that cock-eyed. I was expecting more of a opinion column. It's just a goings on about town column. He's in Shannonville. That's his hometown.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Shannonville Jazzfest starting up once again. I know I can't wait for it. A lot of my favorite big names from the Springfield County area are going to be there. He's doing it over the local radio. That's why he The space got tired. The jazz andators. Jazz bows. It's vaguely racist. Swing jazzers. It's a, it's that time of year again.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Jazz and poof. When air gets a little chillier and leaves start to fall and there's a certain magic in the air So I thought I'd give thanks Give my own thanks before Thanksgiving and my Michael Shannon and my Mo the bartender and my dick Miller are all pretty much the same voice, I think Okay, so meanwhile this is seen that we Lois Lane went to interview a terrorist in Africa and she got shot at by, it's something happened where one of the terrorist men started shooting all the other terrorists. Anyway, she was in trouble and
Starting point is 00:25:33 Superman saved her. Luckily, her friend Jimmy Olsen gets shot in the face. Shot in the head. It's the second best shooting to the head. Important to establish this isn't your daddy superhero. So they killed Jimmy Olson pretty early on. Why didn't he just use his watch phone and call Superman? That's why they killed him, I think. Yeah. So that watch phone. That leads to a storyline about special futuristic bullets being used to make it appear
Starting point is 00:26:03 as if Superman killed people in Africa. So he'll get in trouble. This storyline never fully makes sense. I think in the extended version they extended that sequence quite a bit, but yeah, it's okay. But I mean, the upshot is that Lex Luthor is framing it to look like Superman killed a bunch of people in Africa. But Superman just killed a lot of people in Metropolis.
Starting point is 00:26:25 So they're holding congressional hearings on like Superman killed these people in Africa, maybe, and it seems bizarre that they even needed this extra reason. Superman is already should have ruined his good name so much before. Well, I'm also like, they're postulating a world, a non-racist world where Americans care about people dying in Africa. Yeah, well, that's the sad part too. The meanwhile, let's- There's a female governmental representative from Kentucky.
Starting point is 00:26:54 Holly Hunter. Yeah. I just don't buy our world would do that. She's got so much sass. I mean, she's great, but I'm just not- I mean, Mitch McConnell's Democratic much sass. I mean, she's great, but I'm just not. I mean, Mitch McConnell's Democratic challenger in his last election was one.
Starting point is 00:27:07 No, I know, I'm just grouchy. Okay. I'm sorry, guys. It's okay to get into political and I don't like it. Lex Luther is, and I'm just gonna say this, what was getting me through the movie for a certain extent, because they have Jesse Eisenberg playing him at his most manically irritating. extent. Because they have Jesse Eisenberg playing him at his most manically irritating.
Starting point is 00:27:27 And Jesse, they give Jesse Eisenberg these long nonsense gibberish speeches about God and man and power. And Jesse Eisenberg is jittering it up so much, he has so many acting ticks. And like, I'm gonna tell you this part fast. And then I'm gonna pause here, and I'm gonna be loud all of a sudden.
Starting point is 00:27:44 And it is clear that he has such disdain for the words that are coming out of his mouth. And I really appreciated that aspect of it. It, well, it's one of the things that a lot of times when a movie first introduces a character and they're like, he's a super wealthy billionaire who's also super smart. They, at no point, have that character do anything that would make you believe that they are actually wealthy or smart No, that's true. Like Lex Luthor, I mean he talks about science projects his company is working on but But that doesn't like that's you never get a sense that he's a super brainiac because he's not brainiac And he doesn't have any charisma. No offense Jesse is a bird, but you're good at playing like losers
Starting point is 00:28:24 Wow Why would he take offense to that? I said he was good at it. I Said he was good at Actually, I would just I would say if you have seen end of the tour Huh a movie that I was referring to what I just described is character type I guess but he's like a charismatic asshole on that But I guess he's up against Jason Seagal's David Foster Wallace, who is like an awkward person. Like Jesse Ismerberg isn't playing the awkward person
Starting point is 00:28:50 in that movie, he's playing the less awkward character. I don't know if I would agree with you on that, but let's move on. There's no bats or soups in that movie. That's true, there's no soup. And there's no bats. But again, except for the bowl of bats soup that they enjoyed in another, in another muddy motivation, a movie full
Starting point is 00:29:09 of muddy motivations, like, famous, famous blues, musician, muddy motivation. Dan, and, and, and, and, and, I will. I don't know what I'm doing this. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, For reasons unknown. Dan and Annette can't really tell you. Dan and Annette. Not your myself. My baby don't love me. Dan and Annette.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Didn't really say why. Dan and Annette. No, but he just like how your music is just dance name over and over. Yeah, Dan, Dan, Dan, Dan. Yeah. Now, but back to the code, the Bible code. Whoa. There's a prophecy in there.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Is that a new book you're writing? It's going to sell a lot of copies. People love Bibles, they love codes, they love the. But the point is, Lex seems to be mad at Superman just because he's got superpowers. Like that seems to be the whole classic nerd versus John. He's something where like he either felt stiny like he, he couldn't move forward with a project or like Superman was getting a little too close to revealing that he's like a
Starting point is 00:30:20 bad guy. Yeah, exactly. But even if it was like, or if he was just like, I am bored with all of this, I want, I know like, I want to be Superman. I wish that they had presented. It would have been so easy for them to present, Lex Luthor as just this like young, rich, like bored asshole who wants to see these two crazy guys fight. Like at that point you could be saying you could be doing a sucker punch in a better way we are saying something about the audience you're the audience just wants to see these guys punch each other no matter even though their characters they could have personalities and he's like this is the show I want to see I want to see see Superman fighting Batman. If that was his motivation for the whole movie, I would have been like, this is a much better, stronger movie. Instead, he gives these
Starting point is 00:31:11 bizarre speeches about gods do this and men do this, but demons do this. And he seems to be already working on anti-Superman technology before the movie starts. Like, he's already trying to frame Superman before we've even met him in the film, but it would be such a better, I would just love it if he's this billionaire and he's run out of things to do and he just sees a news report. He has two TVs in his house and one of them is showing a news report about Superman
Starting point is 00:31:42 and one is showing a news report about Batman and he just starts thinking, I wanna see those guys fight. And he is that even, that's all the motivation. He isn't even the character who attends a bear knuckle brawl in the basement of someplace. No Bruce Wayne does. So that he can clone the phone of a Russian guy
Starting point is 00:31:57 who's working for, it's like, there's this, the movie seems at times to think that it's like sneakers or like three days of the condor where there's like, or the parallax view, there's some kind of conspiracy that's got to be uncovered. And it just kind of winds around in circles until it gets to the obligatory point where the characters fight each other. Dan, what were you gonna say? Oh, I was just saying that if they were, if he had that fighting motivation, I would
Starting point is 00:32:20 love it if it was like in trading places where he just bets someone like a dollar or who is gonna win. Like that would be such a, there's something intriguing about a villain doing that because he has no stake in anything that's going on except that it's gonna entertain him. I mean, he's basically, I guess, arcade at that point from the next miccom X-Men. I mean, sure, maybe arcade steps the report,
Starting point is 00:32:44 he leaves the marvel at the MCU into the distinguished nine comics. I mean, sure, maybe Arcade steps the report, he leaves the marvel at the MCU into the distinguished competitions world. Yeah, well, it was the character, it was the character's name, Access, who came from the DC Marvel crossover, and he could travel between both worlds, and he was co-owned by both companies, I think it was Access.
Starting point is 00:33:00 That's not, he- So he pulls our page real quick. That's like a real cool character, it was kind of a lame character. It's the IP law He's like I've insured that the right stanny story I mean will be prohibitively complicated to reprint That's great. So Lex Luthor also sets it up so that Bruce Wayne's employee who lost his legs rides a wheelchair bomb into the Congress and blows up Congress
Starting point is 00:33:24 Everyone's in some point. They in the extended version of this movie, they explained that his wheelchair was led lined, which explains why Superman didn't see the bomb. The movie just presents us with a lazy Superman. It doesn't bother to look at anybody's wheelchairs. I think Superman was feeling self- conscious because he was in his outfit. Serenna, by people wearing normal clothes. He's like, oh, we're doing this.
Starting point is 00:33:50 I thought we were all, I thought this was, oh, you guys aren't dressing up. I mean, I'd wear a suit to this, but then we kind of obvious that I'm just Clark Kent. Ooh, I shouldn't have sat us in that. Oh, well, like we use a diagnostic... So I'm the flybackers around the world again. Can we just stick it for him? Superman jammed on the do so many times. Superman's doing like he parks his car someplace
Starting point is 00:34:13 and you get to take it. He's like, oh boy. Yeah, I was surprised. He gets to the movie theater just as they're putting the sold-out sign on the movie he wanted to see. So he goes, oh boy, fly the earth around. So we get to the point where Superman is Superman has to meet, like tries to do a showdown
Starting point is 00:34:36 with Lex Luthor. Lex Luthor has, I mean, we can jump over some shit. Yeah, I mean, we can jump over the car chase scene in which Batman kills like, two dozen attention. Oh, man, he's huge. Batman is constantly shooting and blowing people up. We're throwing cars at them.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Like, And when he doesn't shoot them with things, he's like shooting them with darts that are attached to rope or like whatever wires that he can like, flip them around. And it's only later in the movie when Batman is punching a bunch of guys that we see them shoot him point blank and his armor stops the bullets. Even a guy starts shooting him in the back of the head from point blank range and he's fine. It's just like, wait a minute. Batman, this was never a fair fight. Was it like you were bulletproof. You didn't have to shoot all those guys. You could just walk through
Starting point is 00:35:24 the bullets and punch them. He's so resilient. It almost makes me wonder, why is he mad at Superman? He's basically the same thing. But he had to earn that muscle by picking up tires and dragging them with chains. Yeah, it is. For the amazing workout sequence. So let's, yeah, we'll skip over all that background. we're also introduced to a mysterious woman who is playing a game of cat and mouse with Bruce Wayne over a flash drive. And Lex Luthor finds Kryptonian technology and starts, I don't know, whatever. Accessing it, turning and creating a big monster. And so at the end, so he sets, he sets our two heroes at each other's throat.
Starting point is 00:36:03 He kidnapped, but he, wait, he kidnapped Superman's mom and says go kill Batman or I'm gonna kill your mom. And Superman's first instinct is totally blast him with eye lasers. And he's like, wait, if you kill me, you'll never find out where your mom's. Well, he says if you kill me, they kill your mother. So Superman flies off easily to fight Batman. The thing that we are super excited about. The name of the movie is Batman. The whole movie.
Starting point is 00:36:27 The whole movie. The whole movie. The whole movie. The whole movie. The whole movie. The whole movie. The whole movie. The whole movie.
Starting point is 00:36:35 The whole movie. The whole movie. The whole movie. The whole movie. The whole movie. The whole movie. The whole movie. The whole movie.
Starting point is 00:36:43 The whole movie. The whole movie. The whole movie. The whole movie with a upcoming movie in the DC universe. And we are greeted with like a little, like a little teaser trailer. We see three teasers in a row for the flash, Aquaman and cyborg. Aquaman is the lamest looking of them, I think, since, since an underwater camera just pokes into the hole of a sunken ship. And there's this dude with a beard sitting there. It comes out and he's like, get out of here. Like, he looks for... Like, pokes is straight in the head.
Starting point is 00:37:09 He looks for all the world like a guy who's sitting taking a shit. This has been interrupted. And then he pokes his straight in at them and then I guess flies away. I don't know. Yeah, this is a super fat thing. Everything in this world, when it does things, it causes a huge ripple effect. So, for instance, when the flash stops a crime
Starting point is 00:37:27 in the convenience store, like all the lights are splared and like lighting bolts shoot everywhere. And cyborg seems to be made out of super science, a human body, and some kind of hell-raiser cube. Yeah, he's created by the guy from Termnader 2, who... Arnold Schwarzenegger. No, the other guy.
Starting point is 00:37:47 Oh, the T-Royer. Robert Cardo. Robert Cardo. That's the name, right? I know, I think it's Joe Morton, because they act here. For Morton's stay-couse. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:57 So, yeah, so right before that they're like, hold on. Let's, this is a tantric climax. In which first we're gonna show you some teasers. It's kind of like Batman v Superman is the free weekend, like the fight is the free weekend at the resort. And this scene is the time share sales bitch you have to hear. You're gonna have fun.
Starting point is 00:38:17 And I'm like, my pants are already off. Why are you edging me, please? Get those. Because I'm the edge from you too. Oh, cool. Oh, you think I got my name I mean, it's what all those effects petals do They're telling your penis just enough Just enough to keep you there, but not enough to get you over But so finally once we've gotten through the preview of coming tracks.
Starting point is 00:38:45 So once we've sat through the excitement of a woman opening a laptop and watching some viral. Watching a couple of videos. Watching a couple of trailers. Watching a couple of trailers, then slamming her laptop screen and discuss because I'm assuming she's worried about spoilers. There's also this is a movie where characters are constantly learning about what's going on in the world through
Starting point is 00:39:11 News through TV news just appearing and there's one woman at the daily planet office whose job seems to be to say Did you guys see this and point to the TV so they can find out what's that the reporters can find out what's happening in the world Yeah, speaking of good job Janice another scoop She's a real news-hound How do you do it? We're going to make you our lead aggregator. Speaking of real people using their real names in this movie. His movie is full of them. And there, but there was a scene that was deleted that's in the extended cut with you guys
Starting point is 00:39:39 as former boss John Stews, Steve Beef. Now, let's say since this movie happens in a realistic world where people have super strong, super fast stuff and you can blow up huge buildings and smash them around with thousands of people dying and then they put a statue up in your honor. I guess that's every military leader, am I right? Oh wow. Kill one person you're a murderer.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Kill a thousand person you're a hero. Kill a million you're God. That's what that no fear of shirt said. I'm sure. We're reading Mega Death lyrics again. I like it. Well, because that's the best, because that's really the powerful thing
Starting point is 00:40:12 about Mega Death songs is their racist xenophobic lyrics. Yeah. But so they, so they have all these scenes where Solidado Brian or Anderson Cooper or Nancy Grace or Andrew Sullivan or somebody who's just listed as Neil the rest ison. There's someone who's credited as international monster. He's like shaman the ocean. In space, no one can hear you selling out. There are all these scenes with people commenting.
Starting point is 00:40:40 And it wasn't until Stuart and I were looking up what the scenes are on the extended version of this to see if it made the movie made any more sense No, that it listed that there's an in the extended version. There's a scene where John Stewart is on the daily show complaining that Superman doesn't want to be American anymore and I was like oh right. I wrote that That like they asked John to do a scene in the movie and they were like yeah, you want to write this? It's like yes like they asked John to do a scene in the movie and they were like, yeah, you wanna write this? I was like, yeah, sure, I'll write a bunch of Superman jokes. But then, the angle they gave us was that Superman has told the world he doesn't wanna be considered
Starting point is 00:41:12 just American. And so that was what the whole thing was about. It was about Superman. You wear, you're wearing red and blue and there's white right there, like the whole thing is about him, how American he is. Sounds like a to see. It's not amazing, but in context, I can understand how it would make no sense, because Superman
Starting point is 00:41:30 renouncing his Americanism is never brought up ever in the movie. But John has been able to have written something that wasn't as good as the movie we watched. I don't know if that's how I would put it. I can see why they cut it, because it didn't make any sense, but I am a little disappointed, but it's amazing how literally until I read that, I was like, oh yeah, I forgot, I wrote a scene for Superman movie.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Well, what are you gonna do? So if you're watching the extended edition, and you see that scene, I worked on those jokes. Yeah, male Allie at a check. He's not singing the other residuals from it. And don't put any limits on that check. Let's do it. Even if they had included it in the movie,
Starting point is 00:42:08 I don't think I would have received residuals. Yeah. But that's just the way the system works, dude. The rich get richer. Just like years down the road, when people are dating podcasts, you can point to this movie, point it after your son and say,
Starting point is 00:42:21 Sammy, I made that. But he's gonna be watching that, you know, not his dad, Superman movie. We're Superman is just killing people with his dick. And Batman is like, I don't know, I can't think of anything worse than that. So Batman is just strapping. He farts that kryptonite gas all over Superman.
Starting point is 00:42:39 And it's just, man, that's such a deadpool move, dude. So they have their big fight. And it's not a terrible fight. I mean, the fact that it's such a deadpool move, dude. So they have their big fight. And I've said, it's not a terrible fight. I mean, the fact that it's not terrible is probably because they ripped a lot of it off of dark night returns. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, they get in a fight.
Starting point is 00:42:54 It's not terrible. Oh, you know what? No, it doesn't get terrible. It gets pretty terrible. It doesn't, it doesn't make sense. There's a lot. So at first Superman's being the shit out of Batman. And then Batman, whoa, he actually has pulled a fast one and is choking Superman with kryptonite gas, which makes
Starting point is 00:43:10 Krypton Superman super weak. Batman then just starts pounding the shit out of him with his robo suit. And at that point it becomes Batman just beating the shit out of a regular person. Which part of me is wondering is like is Zack Snyder sitting somewhere like in the editing booth like, yeah, people are gonna be fucking love in this. People hate Superman, I love that man. That smug Superman.
Starting point is 00:43:32 Superman hasn't done anything bad at this point in the movie. I mean, arguably he has been, I mean, I guess it's... He's complicit in the death of that sort of many, but he was trying to save the world. Yeah, that was collateral mean, within this movie, I think he's only attempted to do good things. Yes, I think you're right. Um, he has a little smug.
Starting point is 00:43:54 He is a little smug. Dan's right, and that deserves being served to death at the hands of a billionaire in a robos suit. I'm a McMahon. A McMahon. And Batman's saying like, suit. I am a McMahon. I'm a McMahon. And Batman's saying like, my parents taught me a lesson. I'm sure your parents taught you a lot of lessons about being good. When my parents taught me a lesson when they died.
Starting point is 00:44:12 Well, I'm going to teach you a lesson. He pulls those pants and starts spanking. You're like, why don't you pull your own pants down before you start spanking them? That's the only way I can do it. So at this point, Superman's on the ropes, and Batman starts picking up Superman and doing stuff to the whole time. It's like watching somebody try to complete a finishing move and moral combat. And they just can't get the car on.
Starting point is 00:44:39 Oh, no, he just punched me in the face and I died. Good one, dude. That was worth it. Thanks. But there's a part where they keep breaking through the floors of whatever abandoned. Every movie in this, every building in this movie is abandoned. They're all abandoned. They're either the characters.
Starting point is 00:44:55 I have a statement about the housing price. Every building in this movie is either blown up or abandoned. I have expect them to like bust into the warehouse that Hugh Jackman is driving the robot that's fighting That depopulated Robert Denny Jr. and and Don Cheetle from Iron Man 3 just run by Quippin and shooting people That would be great because then I know they're on a loading dock so I know I'm watching an action movie You know there's gonna be a lot of empty crates getting smashed. Instead here, they- That's why Longshoremen have to, you know, have the powerful Union, because they're always- They're dangerous. They're in danger all the time from, you know, Rogue
Starting point is 00:45:33 Cop, Susie, Heroes. I'm allergic to oozy bullets. Yeah, the Longshoremen's Union has the best oozy wound- wound- hell coverage of any of the units. You're like, wow, you're really good at sniffing out C4. Well, I was a longshoreman. You're really good at detecting body armor underneath that guy's just regular T-shirt. So, but there's a part where they break through the floor and Batman is just throwing Superman
Starting point is 00:46:04 through broken down urinals and it's like, all right guys. Not as exciting as Terminator 3. No, it's still winning out. And I was like, is the Terminator 3 toilet fight scene? But also like that, so like the movie, so the Superman movie with Batman in it and Wonder Woman, because this mysterious woman that Bruce Wayne's been flirting with his Wonder Woman. This Superman Batman Wonder Woman movie has found its level with a woman being possibly tortured and threatened with death and having witch scrolled on her head while she's gagged
Starting point is 00:46:37 and two men punching each other in like a gross, dirty bathroom. It's like, all right, thanks, Zack Snyder, like, thanks DC. Like, I guess that's, there's room for all sorts of storytelling. You know, different kids. But like, I mean, not every super movie has to be a kids movie, but like a Superman Batman movie should probably be more kid accessible than a grimy bathroom fight scene. The tent pole movie of your franchise.
Starting point is 00:47:00 Like, this is supposed to be the Helen of Troy of DC movies. The movie that launched a thousand movies. I mean, like, and then, but then they get they're fighting and fighting and fighting. Well, damn what we can say. And I'm just going to say like literally like other than a bit of Jesse Ierson Burst performance, there's literally two jokes in this movie. There's a lot of jokes.
Starting point is 00:47:21 And there are a lot of like, that's the thing. Superman goes to the Capitol building to testify and I was waiting for the moment where they're about to make him go through the metal detector and the security guard is like, you know what, what does it matter? And they just waves him through because he's Superman. What does it matter if he brought a gun with him? He can punch people to death and shoot lasers from his eyes. That would have been a great joke to throw in. Corny, but like throw it in there. But anyway. That's the sort of stuff that like,
Starting point is 00:47:47 those fucking Marvel movies are built on is like those little scenes where the characters are like, just fucking goofing around or doing everyday shit. I mean, maybe the best scene in Avengers was the thing they tacked on at the end where they're just sitting in the restaurant eating, not talking to each other. Yeah, we're like the other scene where they're like
Starting point is 00:48:03 goofing around trying to pick up Thor's hammer. Yeah, exactly, yeah. They're just having fun. They're a bunch of goofs. We forgot to mention the scene that motivates Batman for real, which is one earlier in the movie. We forgot to mention this. He daydreams a future where Superman has taken over with a bunch of flying henchmen and Batman is leading some kind of desert resistance force. And when Batman wakes up, the flash, I guess, is leading through a portal and he's like, you were right about him. Lois was the key, find us,
Starting point is 00:48:32 but it's one of those things where he's speaking really cryptically, because he doesn't have a lot of time to talk. I mean, when he's from his second dream. He's got a lot of time to talk. Flash could have been like, here's the deal. This thing's gonna happen, then this, then this. So do that. And then Bruce Wayne wakes up from that dream.
Starting point is 00:48:46 And we're supposed to buy, like his motivation being like, I had a bad dream about Superman. I guess I gotta go kill him. But anyway. Well, that reminds me, I gotta murder you, Elliot. I don't know, the dream told me to. And though, you know that I once had a dream where you died, and it was from the saddest dreams
Starting point is 00:49:02 I ever had. Thank you. I really broke my heart. So thank you was from the saddest dreams I ever had. I thank you. Really broke my heart. And that. So thank you for not dying like in that dream. Okay. And then I post up that, whoa, that post-apocalyptic dream sequence feels so much like Zack Snyder's like finally I can do the fanbiction. I've been wanted to do.
Starting point is 00:49:20 I do like though that Batman is walking around in full like desert or your garb with like a band-and-over's head, but the band-and-over is Batman. I mean that makes perfect sense Like just lose the Batman mask, but so anyway back to the big fight. I mean good if he had a different like a hat on as well We're like who are you? Oh shit Australian hats over his little little teeth over it, crocodile teeth. Yeah, okay. But no, but he's wearing a bowler hat
Starting point is 00:49:51 that the horn stick through the holes on the sides. Yeah. That's like a little juggered crown. I feel like that happened in some comic where he's like trying to solve the ripper mysteries or something. Well Gotham by Gaslight. Oh, is that a real one? Yes, it is. It's an L-shr old story. But it was Batman and H.G. Wells or Batman has like a jaunty fit. No, that's time after time. Or is that time after time?
Starting point is 00:50:19 We're back in that. Yes. Yeah. Time after time is different thing. A time of time is whether Jack Fanny book. Yeah, that was made into the movie. Or not. That Nicholas Mayer. So what's the time? Is it time and again is the one with H.U.L.s where Malcolm McDowell plays H.U.L.s and David Warner is Jack the Ripper? That's time after time. What about somewhere in time? So I said that was time after time. You told me it wasn't. No, I think this is boring for everyone is listening I agree and for me so Batman's about to stab Superman to death with a kryptonite spear
Starting point is 00:50:50 until Superman says they have Martha and Batman remembers his mom is named Martha too and he gets really mad Amy Adams jumps off a helicopter that's hovering nearby Amy Adams has a knack for always showing up in the middle of trouble and Superman has the knack for always saving Amy Adams no matter where he is He always seems to know she's in danger So they're in a little bit of a conundrum at this point at this point I think they're kind of arguing really about what the hell Superman means Because he keeps just saying something about Martha. This is after Batman has taken his kryptonite spear and carved a scar on Superman's face
Starting point is 00:51:23 Yeah, just to like be just Like a what's the word I'm looking for? Yeah, just to be crappy. It's just to be a jerk. So he's about to stuff that spear right through is the big S on his chest when Amy Adam shows up explains the whole confusion. And then both their moms are named Martha. Now this is a reveal that I had known going into the movie that this was gonna be the reason why they stopped fighting.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Yeah, I read about it. I did not expect it to be this poorly done. It's really, really. It really, it really would have worked better. Like it would have even worked better if there was a moment where there's like, your mom's name Martha? My mom's name Martha.
Starting point is 00:52:03 That is crazy. Buddy, Martha buddies Yeah, they both pull their pants down. They have Martha written on their butt cheeks That's For the I don't know themselves in a mirror and it's scrolled all weird When the jackass boys come out Yeah, they bunch each other in the ding dong come out. Yeah, they
Starting point is 00:52:23 bunch each other in the ding don't. But it's what a great honor for the mom. Or even if or even if Superman goes, no, they've got Martha and Batman just goes, that was my mom's name. And it just throws them off for a second. That would still be kind of dumb, but instead, he goes, why would you say that name? Why would you say that name?
Starting point is 00:52:44 As if there was only ever one person named Martha in the world. He must be talking smack about his mom. I don't know. For the real fans, that's an Easter egg. For Martha Washington goes to war. Yeah. Because they're like, oh, this is a lot of this is based
Starting point is 00:52:59 on Frank Miller's dark night returns. But where are they gonna make that Martha and Martha Washington movie from his Frank Miller's other work? Yeah. When's that hard boiled movie coming out? I mean, they can talk about that. What are that big guy and rusty the boy robot movie?
Starting point is 00:53:11 I mean, that's more Jeff Dara than anything. I guess so, since there's almost no dialogue in it. Anywho, they fight gets broken up. They both realize, oh, Lex Luthor is playing us for fools. And Batman goes to save Superman's mom. They fight gets broken up they both realize oh Lex Luthor is playing us for fools and Batman goes to save superman's mom reasons unknown like why is why does Lex Luthor care that like I can understand him like wanting to get rid of Superman But like why is he doing it that through bat? I don't know That so Batman goes to save Superman's mom because Superman, I guess, didn't care enough to go
Starting point is 00:53:45 to it himself. And there's literally, we've seen a counter that says there's 10 minutes left rather than Jeremy Irons as Alfred who in this movie is less of a butler and more of as Stuart, I think you pointed out. He's the microchip to Batman's Punisher. He is tapped into the signal and figured out where Martha, where Martha can't is. Forgot, Clark can't last name. Batman goes to save her in the most video game fight scene, I think, of the movie.
Starting point is 00:54:14 Because it's just one guy after another coming up to Batman and him doing finishing moves and blocks and blows. And that's when a guy shoots Batman in the back of the head point blank and Batman's fine. It doesn't even have a concussion from the impact. But it stimulates his range. So that force is to stab the guy. And Superman goes to confront Lex Luthor. But uh oh, Lex Luthor has combined his own blood, the body of
Starting point is 00:54:38 Zod and Kryptonian technology to make Doomsday a big purple guy with no penis, but a butt that we see a lot of, who is genetically predisposed to punch Superman, I guess? Yeah, apparently, apparently, Zod plus Luther blood means big dime golem, you do. And they fight for a while.
Starting point is 00:55:00 We don't have to check the math, but I think it makes sense. Superman starts punching Doomsday into space, and the president decides to nuke them both. Yeah, you're like, I'm saying it like, like within moments. Yeah, I mean, the lifespan of this Doomsday at this point is he has been alive for maybe five minutes, and is already getting Nuke's throne at him in outer space. To be fair, he was causing a lot of damage. He creates, he sent, he gets electricity powers and he shoots them out of people.
Starting point is 00:55:27 Yeah, we quickly realized that the more energy is directed at him, the more energy more powerfully becomes. Yeah. Which is strange because so he's being punched into outer space. And then this nuclear warhead goes off in outer space. And it sends him back to Earth. I would think that the force would keep sending him further
Starting point is 00:55:46 in outer space. I would push him further space. I don't know how gravity works. I don't know physics. All I know is when the- I mean, they had Neil DeGrasse Tyson on set, right? Yeah, every day. All I know is that when a monster and a superhero go into space
Starting point is 00:56:01 and the president is asked, we have a clear shot to nuke, but Superman is there. The president's response is, may God have mercy on our souls. And they launched that nuke. But you know, who set that precedent? Barack Obama with his drone attacks on American citizens are broad. So you can, you can think your favorite president, yeah, Barack, who Hussein Obama, for setting the precedent that the president, to words that sound alike, but are different,
Starting point is 00:56:30 can use aerial attacks on American citizens as long as they're not on American soil, because that's what happens in this movie. Oh, I'm sorry, did I just know him, Chomsky, you? Yeah, you just ran all your cage? Yeah, my mind has been exploded, much like Superman. Well, so, so, DOOM's day gets healthier because of the nuke and it makes his bones push out through his body
Starting point is 00:56:49 So he looks like a doomsday and all from the comic. He starts to look awesome. And Superman is all salo and sick. He's like a flying corpse dude. But it's then you're like, then the sun reaches him and you're like, oh yeah, that's another scene from Dark Knight Returns. Yeah, let's another scene from Dark Knight Returns. Yeah, let's all sort of build up. Like when the plutonian is fighting what? Modius or whatever and Modius is second all his energy out. I'm talking about the common book, Irredeemable.
Starting point is 00:57:11 I don't remember that scene in Irredeemable. No, it's a flashback. No, okay. I remember when he's on that alien planet, with alien prison planet. Is that the one where the alien can punch you so hard it sends you back in time? I think so, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:24 Yeah, that's great. Now, I know that that book. I know that Kryptonite was involved, but let's just remember that Batman, who's just a dude, almost killed Superman, just moments before, but this nuclear bomb was easily counteracted by the light of the book. Because the Kryptonite were off. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:41 I don't see a problem with that. Anyway, they... He's catching some serious vitamin Ds, baby. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't see a problem with that. Anyway, they he's catching some serious vitamin Ds. Sunny D not the purple stuff, which is the doomsday monster he's fighting. Now here it's it's not meant to you ever like had a fucking bad day and just like hung out on the beach and just soaked that shit up. Hey, let me call the toxins out, man. Superman is to quote, is quoting show crow, I want to soak up the sun.
Starting point is 00:58:10 Want to tell everyone. Yeah, let's see how far you can go with this. Tonight, tonight is that I was going to, I don't remember. And the sun came up over Santa Monica Boulevard. She's looking at the, wet, the clean and dirty cars with Billy. That would have been a fun,
Starting point is 00:58:23 that would have been a fun musical cue. Uh, but I mean, if this is a Shrek movie, they would have played it. But so the movie has pummeled us into submission by that point. It's been unpleasant. It's been really bleak and grim. It's been nonsensical, which is why I was not prepared. I think humorless is fair. Humorless, which is why I was not prepared for the best scene of the movie, which is Superman,
Starting point is 00:58:47 Batman and Wonder Woman. She gets off her air, her, her, her, her, her, her, her, her Turkish air flight. Uh huh. And Elliot claims, is a great airline. I've, I've been flown it. Look. Elliot's bragging about his lifestyle. I was bragging about having flown first class on Turkish air. It was amazing. I'm glad because it was about a 10 hour flight. He was just by, get him. Wow. You kind of just, why are you looking at me? That was kind of a real Batman jails.
Starting point is 00:59:12 That was where you want me to kill him. So I go, I take the heat for the grind. Which one's the real Elliott? I'm the ideas man. But anyway, that was when I went to, when I went to Afghanistan. Oh, I'm trying to take a share. Do you think Lex Luthor is trying to get Batman to kill Superman so that Batman goes to jail for it? My greatest enemy is jet behind bars and Batman's being led to prison still in his costume
Starting point is 00:59:38 He's like it was Luther Luther. Oh the famous upstanding for the other miss Lex. Oh Oh, the famous upstanding Philanthropist likes Oh, it was the next Luther! Oh, it was the next Luther! The famous Philanthropist, you're going to jail Bruce Wayne. Ha, ta ta ta ta. Enjoy your stand, Arkham Asylum. Nothing to see here, Miss Lane. No, a famous billionaire was arrested for murdering a superhero.
Starting point is 00:59:59 And this is a huge story. Nothing to see, Miss Lane. And then, he pokes her eyes. Stooges style. Stooges style. then he pokes her eyes, stu-j-style, stu-j-style. And that pokes them out with the hot poker. But anyway, the best scene, which is these three heroes, like teaming up, working together, making jokes to each other, and fighting a big monster.
Starting point is 01:00:18 And there's a fucking sick-ass guitar sting. The minute when Wonder Woman shows up, the electric guitar starts, and it's like, yes. This is what the movie was like. The movie was straightened up and like, it was zip up my shirt. Like this. Yeah, it helped the movie like literally look
Starting point is 01:00:33 like a heavy metal cover at that point. I'm like, ooh, what's this going on? Which is Zack Snyder's playing to his strengths. Like I like his- You just say Zack Snyder. I meant to say Zack Snyder, did I say Zack Snyder? Uh-huh. Well, I didn't mean to. I roast me over the colds boys.
Starting point is 01:00:49 Roast me for that one. Then I'll take my legs. Give me the lump, I earned them. Okay, it's a lamb and alley. He's gonna come in and make jokes about it. Give me the blood. I abandoned my boy. It's no fun when you ask for it.
Starting point is 01:00:59 Come on, the rain down on me. Oh, we're ruining it. So you like the dentist in a little shop of hearts. Yeah. If I'm enjoying it, it's no fun.. Oh, we're ruining it. So you're like the dentist in a little shop of ours. Yeah. If I'm enjoying it, it's no fun. It's just disgusted by it. So, but like one of the reasons I like 300, the movie that put Zack Snyder on the map, I guess dawn of the dead, did.
Starting point is 01:01:16 But for me it was 300. He was already on the map. This kind of like put him in the middle of the map. I guess so. He was like in Guam and this put him in the major metropolitan center. Okay. On the map, is that 300, the world's 300 to me is like looking
Starting point is 01:01:33 at a series of awesome heavy metal album covers that somehow a piece of radiation fell on them and turned them into a movie somehow. I can't take it seriously as like a story or a film, but as just totally over the top, crazy, awesome images, it works for me. This sequence worked like that. You're saying that it almost works
Starting point is 01:01:54 because it feels like it's towing the line of parody or camp or almost ironic enjoyment. I don't know, but ironic so much as like the same, this is gonna, this is not a comparison I really want to make because these directors are not in the same league, but how Fellini working on this level of ludicrous spectacle. It wasn't, sometimes it fell into camp, which was not great, but it was just so colorful
Starting point is 01:02:32 and so bold and so crazy that it carried you along with its energy. And 300 does that for me. It's not like I'm like, this is real great. I'm enjoying it because it's stupid. It's more like this is insane ludicrous, just everything about it is bigger than it needs to be. And that works for me. Whereas this movie, which should be like that,
Starting point is 01:02:52 it should be like super big. Instead, it's fighting that energy constantly, except in the explosions. And it's only at this point when Wonder Woman shows up and you hear an electric guitar sting, that it feels like the movie is like, all right, you know what? It can be pretty fun to see superheroes beat up a monster. You know what? Let's have a good time, everyone. You ate your oatmeal. You had your vegetables in
Starting point is 01:03:15 the form of the first two hours and 15 minutes of this movie, time for the dessert. Superheroes punch in a monster. Now I've seen, I've read a lot of superhero comics and I've read a lot of superhero comics. Oh, me and them all. I must be a fake nerd boy. So the, and you know, when superheroes fight the animals, always slap them on the cover and you're like, okay, I guess Wolverine and Punisher are gonna get in a fight.
Starting point is 01:03:40 Jim Lee's drawn it so it's gonna look sick as hell. Over a milkshake. And well, I wish he was over a milkshake when I was reading him, they were fighting over brontas oruses in the rain forest. Okay, but of course they always fight for a little bit and then they get that shit out of the way. They fight just enough so that you're like,
Starting point is 01:04:00 the fanboys for either can be like, oh man, if they'd gone one second longer. We'll bring one one, not a pun if they'd gone one second longer. Wolverine would have won, not punish her would have won. That kind of stuff. Exactly. And then they get to the real demon, in this case, dinosaur poachers. Ha ha ha ha.
Starting point is 01:04:13 Ha ha ha. If there's no more endangered species than dinosaurs, I guess you're right. It is just images that's on the edge of extinction, it's dinosaurs. Yeah, do you think when they were pitching this story, they're like, oh, we should do elephants, and they're like, that's not tough enough. Not cool enough for our boy, Woolvey.
Starting point is 01:04:28 No, but like, that's, yeah, I guess it's the, the, the joy of Zack Snyder is some of the joy that one punisher cover where it's punisher on that jet ski. And it's just, there's just the caption box that says, you just rented Punisher a jet ski. Kiss that baby goodbye. I don't remember. That's a great cover. And you can tell they were like, this picture of Punisher on the Jetski is not really that exciting. Slap some text on that cover. But that's like, uh-oh.
Starting point is 01:04:54 Property destruction. You're not getting back the deposit on that Jetski. It's also a point on the fantasy that you run a Jetski dealership. He's a successful Jetski proprietor. But for how long have you keep renting them to the fucking Punisher? The Punisher comes back week after week. I promise this time I'm gonna break back. I shouldn't believe you, but I trust that skull on your shirt. Somehow you fitted into some kind of a tank top for beachwear. You're wearing Tommy Bahama shorts and a black undershirt with a skull on it. All right. I
Starting point is 01:05:27 Trust a man with an M16 in both hands But I so they fight this monster and they defeat him they they stab him with that spear but in doing so Superman has to give his own life and He dies and they have his funeral and suddenly everybody loves him again. And Batman tells one woman, we got to find these other meta humans because I got a feeling we're going to need them. And then there's a scene where Batman goes and visits Lex Luthor and Jail and Lex Luthor tells him, oh, there's this big, big bad out in space that's heard of us now. And now it's going to come and there's nothing you can do about it.
Starting point is 01:06:03 Most people watching this movie is like, yeah, they're talking about his name's Thanos or something, right? Yeah, because they don't know the difference between Marvel and DC. Most people don't. No, that's true, yeah. That's what puts us into the cool elite people, LA. Well, it doesn't make us cool, but in a weird way, I never thought that I would now be after years of training and secret I guess in possession of the mystic knowledge that unlocks pop culture
Starting point is 01:06:29 for old people who are older than me so I can explain it to them or like to my son like my son's never seen the Star Wars movies. Yeah, I know that kind of like you're like have around young ladies. Allow me to tell you a tale. A tale of corporate IP but the but my son knows like you're like Christian Bale in Rain of Fire, where you're telling the story of Star Wars. My son knows a bunch about Star Wars because he'll point to pictures and be like, who's that? I'm like, oh, that's so-and-so.
Starting point is 01:06:55 They far out the battle of what's, you know, what's it called? And he shouldn't, he should be telling me that stuff. He should be explaining how culture to his dad, not the other way around. This place is all mixed up in crazy cuckoo. Pretty soon he's going to be on YouTube, dude. And he's going to show you everything. And he's going to be fan of all those YouTube celebrities that are raking in the big dollars. Well, dad, I want to watch this guy play video games for three straight hours.
Starting point is 01:07:18 Yeah. Some looks exhausted just thinking about it. No, I really was. It just painted like the idea of YouTube celebrities pains me inherently Interesting for a podcasting celebrity to say that even Well, I don't know what's this celebrity so much as here. Let me sign your butt Okay, nope, that's for his mom's name Martha right Martha, please So of course when Batman Superman fight course, Superman is totally the mercy of
Starting point is 01:07:46 Batman. Batman would have fucking taken a shit all over Superman. I don't know about that because when the crypto were off and I'm Jay Leno all of a sudden. He had like, he had that spear right on his chest. I was visionary talk show host, Jay Leno. They both probably have a penchant for leather jackets and motors like. I think you're right. Classic cars.
Starting point is 01:08:08 J. Lano and Zack Snyder just getting together for their classic car. A club crunch and all kinds of Doritos. Yeah, you see this, this cat like over here have some more Doritos. Thanks Jay. Only extreme flavors, please. This is jumping jack cheese. Oh, they still make that. Probably.
Starting point is 01:08:26 So the last shot of the movie, so we can wrap up. Oh, that Superman's in his coffin dead, but then the dirt starts lifting off of his grave, which makes no sense. The end. So it's like teleported out of there. I guess so. He's been raptured up to heaven.
Starting point is 01:08:40 He's got magic dirt repelling powers. He's capable when he died, he lost his regular powers, but he gained dirt repelling powers. He's capable when he died, he lost his regular powers, but he gained dirt repelling powers. So now he's a super cleaner. Yeah. So there's a ton of dumb crap in this movie. We talked about it a long time.
Starting point is 01:08:57 Yeah, we don't want to go as long as this movie as we've been doing normally. It's a movie we're doing the podcast here. We're half hours long. And we don't want it and it's getting late. So let's give our final judgments, huh? Yeah. Final judgments on this movie, as we've been doing normally, this is a movie. We're doing the podcast here. We're half hours long. And we don't want it and it's getting late. So let's give our final judgments, huh? Yeah, final judgments on this movie. Was it a good bad movie, a bad bad movie,
Starting point is 01:09:12 or a movie you kind of like steward? This is a bad bad movie. I liked it just as little as I liked Man of Steel, which means I did not like it very much. It, I mean, I'm not, I don't have a ton, I don't have a super long relationship with Batman or Superman, but this movie seems to have a completely different perspective on those characters. And just like, it just feels really wrongheaded and stitched together, and it seems to be made by an alien who has seen movies before, but
Starting point is 01:09:41 doesn't actually know what kind of connective tissue is required to lead from one scene to the next. And I don't think that's a cause of over editing. I just think it's made by a guy who doesn't understand movies or human emotions. Wow. Archwards. Archwards. And the, like, even the ending, like Superman's funeral, it has the emotional weight of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets when Hagrid comes back and all the kids are like flipping out and you're like, wait Hagrid was gone?
Starting point is 01:10:10 Why is everyone flipping out about Hagrid? But it was because like, I guess it was a big deal in the book. So like Christopher Columbus had to make sure he was a big deal in the Percolumbus. That's his name, right? No, I have most people call him Chris Columbus. Well, I'm not that close to him. Because you think we might be confused that the discoverer of the American carter.
Starting point is 01:10:30 The scarmer of the American carter. So people told him children's literature was flat. But he convinced Queen Isabella to give him the money to publish the Harry Potter books. I could find a faster route to a book about boy wizards. No, I agree. This is a bad, bad movie. I liked it marginally better than Man of Steel just because I feel like Man of Steel so egregiously misunderstands who Superman is supposed to be.
Starting point is 01:10:58 Whereas this movie is much more Batman movie and I think Zack Snyder is like much more a pretty big guy. Yeah. So it's not quite as like off base in the characterizations, but it's it's it's I feel like such a nerd talking about comic book characterizations. But the character you got impressed, man. Yeah, come on. Yeah, for you're not gonna look cool. Yeah, it's all the podcast bliss. Yes, yeah, wow, okay, let's move on to me before you alienate everybody
Starting point is 01:11:28 Mr. No gibber jabber, please I'm saying mean stuff about all kinds of celebs. You're talking shit about our our list Let me be the positive guy then. Thank you. I also did not like the movie. I thought it was bad and bad, but Mainly because in that fight at the end there's a little glimpse of what this movie could have been. It doesn't have to be the Avengers, which is a movie I liked because it was a very light movie for the most part. It doesn't have to be that, but it could have been a movie that was trying to address these same issues,
Starting point is 01:11:57 but also had some fun to it. I think it may have addressed those issues better if it was a more fun movie and didn't feel like they were adapting the Bible or something, you know. Well, even like the Christopher Nolan movies, which are pretty dark, may have just sneak some fucking jokes in them. I have jokes in them, yeah. Even Christian Baal with his awesome voice.
Starting point is 01:12:18 Those were not my daddy superhero movies either, but at least they were fun. So I would say not a good movie, but hey, keep trying, guys. Hey guys, this is Adam Connover. You may know me from my true TV show, Adam Ruins Everything. Well guess what? Now we're doing a podcast version right here on Maximum Fun. What we do is we take all the interesting fascinating experts that we talk to for just a couple of minutes on the show, and we sit with them for an entire podcast,
Starting point is 01:12:46 really going deep and getting into the fascinating details of their work. Find AnimeroonsEverything Wherever You Get Your Podcasts, or at We have a couple of sponsors tonight. Woo! You'll be the thlop house disponsored in part by a new sponsor, The Black Tux.
Starting point is 01:13:06 Looking great for a wedding or a special event has never been easier with With high quality rental suits and tuxedos delivered to your door, the black tux is giving guys a new way to rent and get this. The black tux offers free home triumphs. You can see the fit and feel the quality of your suit months before your event.
Starting point is 01:13:30 The best part is completely done online. To get free shipping both ways, plus a free home triumph, visit the plaque, the plaque. Yeah. Visit the plaques. Visit the plaques, the alien overlord intelligence that is invading our world uh
Starting point is 01:13:48 uh visit the plaques visit the black now Dan can I slash flop can I order white tuxes from the black slash flop uh imagine i you can i saw it okay can you order tuxes that have little boba fat pictures all over them? I hope so, that I don't know. Now, the black tux also sounds like it could be a superhero. I mean, if the cape was a superhero on NBC, yeah, I remember it.
Starting point is 01:14:18 So Dan, one thing I like about the black tux is that I don't have to go to a store to try on a tux. And then have to, you know, because you're not wearing it in the store, you're going to be putting it out of home. I, you see where I'm going with that. Let me tell you guys a story about a time I rented Tuxedo in a store, a time that backfired on me tremendously. My sister was getting married and I had a role to play in the ceremony. She demanded that I get a Tuxedo and not just wear a black suit. Okay, I'll go to the store and I'll rent one. I went to a store that I will not name, it's called Men's Warehouse and I went to rent
Starting point is 01:14:55 a tuxedo there. But you were going to like the way you look. I did not like the way I looked. I didn't guarantee it. Their guarantee was not good. They measured me and then I went back to pick up the tux the day before the wedding. And the pants that had arrived were like about four times as wide as human pants should be.
Starting point is 01:15:14 I looked like I was wearing an elephant's pants. It was ridiculous. And the salesman goes, okay. So you're going to need an extra long wallet chain for those? You were going to something that's so kind of zoots to a riot, right? You were renting this tux that you could hang out in the parking lot of the 7-Eleven with your skater pals, right? But, and the guy there was like, hmm, those are the only pants we have.
Starting point is 01:15:37 And I was like, this is crazy. I'm not gonna pay for this. And I'm like, sorry, only pants we've got. So I ended up paying essentially tux prices for a jacket, because I had to buy where my own black spooked pants anyway. So, suit pants.
Starting point is 01:15:51 So, you don't have to go to the store, you can try it on ahead of time, so you know if it fits, and three, you don't have to deal with a salesman who's like, I don't know, looks fine to me. I mean, sure, from the waist down, you look like a clown, but that's the look you were going for, right? So the Yeah. And men's warehouse can go to hell. Yeah. I own a tuxedo because we went to the Emmys a few times, and that's sheer madness.
Starting point is 01:16:18 When am I going to wear that tuxedo again? Never. Not only when you're buried. So why not rent one? You know, that's the much more sensible thing to do. Don't be an idiot like your buddy Dan. Rent a tuxedo, because you rent it, man. Yeah, come on. You're on your deathbed and you're like, why did I buy that tux? It's your final regret.
Starting point is 01:16:38 So what's our other sponsor, Dan? Our other sponsor is Casper. The flop house is supported in part. A good, good ghost. Yeah, he the sponsors, Casper? The flop house is supported in part. A go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go- of premium mattresses for a fraction of the price. They offer an obsessively engineered mattress at a shockingly fair price. Now I myself sleep on a cast for mattress and... Like sleeping on a bed of ghosts. Look, I have sleep problems.
Starting point is 01:17:15 I have mild sleep apnea. So lots of other types of problems. Why not sleep problems too? You got that Bane mask yet? The CPAP mask? Yeah. No, you get it in a little bit. It helps you sleep, but you sleep like this Sleep arises
Starting point is 01:17:36 The problem is the same I'm saying is I'm a no napping that comes later I'm a bad sleeper. Cool to carry. Sleepy, baby. Our new character Sleepy Bane coppy right that, boys. So anyway, dad, you have sleep problems. I have to sleep problems, but you know one thing that's not a problem. My mattress. Oh, yeah. Because it's a cast per mattress.
Starting point is 01:17:57 Is it comfortable? It's comfortable. Was it? It's comfortable. It's so fruptorful. Do you sleep on one side or do you spread out a lot? Or do you roll around? I tend to sleep on one side, but I've got a whole bed open for me.
Starting point is 01:18:12 These are leading questions. I was wondering if Casper mattresses are really firm or do you make a big divot on your side? You know, they're half memory foam. Half forgetful foam. Half something else. I forget with the other. Probably beans.
Starting point is 01:18:30 I don't know. Yeah. Sure. Dan, it was it easy to unpack and use because I know it's mattress is huge and heavy. How did you get it into your apartment? It comes in a reasonably sized box and you cut the box open and you cut the plastic wrap on the mattress open and it inflates like a giant mattress of reaction. You say that your erection inflates?
Starting point is 01:18:58 So weird word to use. Well, I'm a colorful person. But anyway, Casper has a risk-free trial and return policy, try sleeping out of Casper for 100 days with free delivery to the US and Canada and painless returns. You can return a mattress, and all mattresses that are made in America. Now listen, there's a special offer to listeners to our show. The flop house listeners can get $50 toward any mattress by visiting slash flop
Starting point is 01:19:30 and using promo code flop at checkout. It's so easy to remember. Now I've only slipped on a Casper mattress once. With Dan. Maybe hold on, terms and conditions apply. All right, there you go. Now Dan, have you been sleeping on your mattress past the 100 days mark?
Starting point is 01:19:48 Yeah, I can't return it at this point. I just want to make sure that it didn't like turn into a puff of smoke right after 100 days. It didn't turn into it back into a pumpkin. That's true. Dan has passed the OK to eat chili in the bed, Mark, because he cannot send it back. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:04 And you better believe that day one, when I had a day 101, I got on my chilean spoon. Wait, got a big bowl. Wait, you would stop wanting to eat it, wanting to eat chili. It's okay, Dan didn't get what I was saying. Let's just keep moving on, it's late. Oh, I thought that you were saying
Starting point is 01:20:21 that I didn't want to eat chili, so I could return it. No, no, you want to eat chili, so that you, but then once you can't return it more, it's like, oh, I want to keep this mattress. I didn't want to eat chili so I could return it. No, no, you want to eat chili. But then once you can't return it more, it's like, oh, I want to keep this mattress. I'm not going to eat chili. Yeah, so you can get your hand truck and you move your chili, cauldron out of your bedroom. Put it back in the closet where it belongs.
Starting point is 01:20:36 In your chili closet. Okay, so in addition to our sponsors, we also have a jumbo tron tonight fellows. Jumbo tron, that's the place where anyone can rent space on the flop house to announce a product or even just say hello to a friend. Yeah, you go to forward slash jumbo tron. If you want to get up on the jumbo tron or the jungle tron, as Dan was about to say. So when we actually do the jumbo, this is this messages from Tim and it is for Tegan.
Starting point is 01:21:10 I believe I'm pronouncing that correctly. If not, I am super sorry. Happy birthday, Tegan. The best sister anyone could ask for. I have such great memories listening to the flop house with you on a packed bus in Germany laughing out loud like maniacs
Starting point is 01:21:26 That's a crime in Germany. Not if they're invisible maniacs Enjoy the day and party like it's the flop house house cats birthday So happy well, I guess not well wait. Yeah, happy birthday What why would you want a party? I guess that makes sense. Because he is the best party is. Yeah, that makes sense. It's your birthday. Enjoy it, Tegan.
Starting point is 01:21:50 The police were always shutting down the flop house cat's birthday parties, but when they get there, they're like, this is a rocking party. You know what? And they take their badges and throw them in the dirt, like at the end of dirty Harry, and they join the party.
Starting point is 01:22:00 Yep. And those badges slowly sprout a badge tree. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. It's a real on top of spaghetti situation. and those badges slowly sprout a badge tree. Okay. It's a real on top of spaghetti situation. Yeah, it does a time lapse. You got tears, Mal, hanging out, videotaping that shit. A big fucking beanstalk grows and you go up into policeman land and clouds.
Starting point is 01:22:19 Oh, man. You get like a singing goose the lays gold name. So, uh, don't try to steal it. Everyone's a cop up there. Well, before we move on to letters, I just want to extend a few thanks. We got some cage miss gifts. I want to thank Emily Davidson and Matt Dupreest for the card that they sent. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:22:47 Alexandra Bowser for the cookies that we were enjoying earlier. What were in the shape of Dan? Rocket, Rocket Isle, and also the Max Fun Rocket Chip logo. Kylie Fong for the paintings. I forgot to show you the paintings. I'll show you after the show taping. And also Liz Young sent some gifts. She demanded that we open this one on air. But...
Starting point is 01:23:11 Dan's nothing but a slave to the fans. Well, first off, there's some books that aren't wrapped. And I'm gonna assume that a friend of Mr. Lincoln is meant for Elliot. I, that's, it's probably about me. Interesting. I don't know this one. I'm guessing that this Georgia, our Martin book is meant for stew, though, he probably already has it.
Starting point is 01:23:31 Uh, no, I actually don't have this. I have the, uh, the individual stories, but I don't have this beautifully illustrated version from, uh, with Gary Gianni illustrations. Gary Gianni is next to him. Thank you. And by, uh, process of elimination, I'm going to keep this copy of the man who fell to earth. The book. The book, not the movie. But here's this, something in wraps that was demanded to be opened on the air, it says to the flop house, welcome to hell, welcome to hell. So it's a puzzle box of some kind. Well, I guess I'll just solve it.
Starting point is 01:24:00 Collection of photos. I'll look, it's a copy of Raggedy and an Andy musical adventure. It's so horrible. The movie that I know that Liz Young is bizarrely obsessed with. It's a frightening movie. So very well. Give me the show. I'm a lot of money on it. Thank you very much Liz. Wow, this is, it's all text on the back as always gifts to the flop house are appreciated But please don't feel like you have to send us anything. It's very nice, but Just being able to do this podcast for you guys is the biggest gift of all It's some very great reverse psychology
Starting point is 01:24:41 That's why I'm the Batman villain the reverse psychologist er So it's time for letters from us. No, no wacky voice for that guy That's why I'm the Batman villain, the reverse psychologist. So it's time for letters from a new wacky voice for that guy. No, ran out of them. No, don't have juice for a song. Letters, let's do this. Okay. That's what happens when we watch it two and a half hour movie.
Starting point is 01:24:59 That was crazy. Okay, let me just say one thing, having just said that. Why is two and a5 hours now the default time for action adventure films were Dan and I how long was that star war we just watched? That was about 2.5 hours. Dan and I walked out of Rogue One. We happened to be going to the same screening. Yeah, we would only go the same thing by accident. We most certainly would never make plans together. No, but we were walking out and we were talking about how a lot of the great action films of your that we grew up with are less than two and a half hours. They managed to tell an entire movie in two hours.
Starting point is 01:25:36 The original Star Wars less than two hours long, roughly two hours, raiders of the lost arc, roughly two hours or so. And yet somehow, it seems to be impossible for people to tell an adventure, even if it's set in a pre-established universe that doesn't need to be introduced in less than two and a half hours. Why is that?
Starting point is 01:25:53 Like, then Transformers movies, dude, they're so long. Those are like almost three hours long. And they don't, you don't need, if you made them like 80 minutes long, people would be so pumped. Yeah, they would love it. But you need three hours to set up the fourth episode of the Transformers.
Starting point is 01:26:06 You need to have like, so good. Super elaborate back stories, you need to find, you're like, we're on contract to have Stanley Tucci doing a bunch of shit. Yeah. So what's with that next new Transformers movie coming out with, they're in King Arthur's Camelot?
Starting point is 01:26:18 That's it. It's great. I don't like the Transformers movies, but I like that they're just like, going with the craziest ideas. All right, I guess it's King Arthur time. like that they're just like going with the craziest ideas. All right, I guess it's King Arthur time. Like, they're gonna get to a point where it's like
Starting point is 01:26:30 the Transformers are the patrons of Leonardo Da Vinci and he's painting the Sistine Chapel and it's Optimus Prime giving life to humanity or something. Or like holding him up to the ceiling of the city. Let me just correct myself. Michelangelo painted that, not Leonardo Da Vinci, I apologize for you saying. He's like holding Michelangelo to those
Starting point is 01:26:46 stealing the Sistine Chapel. By the way, when you said they would love it, I resisted viewers to say they would miss this love it because the listeners wouldn't realize that was a callback to when we got so we got so bored watching the movie that we just started singing a sweetie Todd songs. Yeah, they would not have known that. Yeah, Dan and I were singing a lot of Sweeney Todd
Starting point is 01:27:05 during Superman V Batman. And Stuart was like, I'll take your word for it. Mm-hmm. That's a movie. That's a movie, right? The Tim Burton. I mean, it's not a bad adaptation of that movie. They cut a lot, but.
Starting point is 01:27:15 Yeah, it's a fun movie. So did Sweeney Todd. Oh. Easy. I know. I know stuff. For more, see Sweeney Todd, the movie. Or you go to your local library. Go to see Sweeney Todd the movie Or you go to your local library
Starting point is 01:27:27 The Sweeney Todd section like such fucking nerds and I got He's a demon barbrew kills people and puts them into pies, but don't take my word for it Check out Sweeney Todd from your local library. Did it do? That was reading rainbow for for adults or theater kids This first letter is from Tom last name with held who writes Hey, I'm Jane. Stop confusing me with Aaron. Punisher. Hey, floppers writing into share one of my favorite super
Starting point is 01:27:57 specific film types, the environmentalist message movie with a premise that turned out to be totally wrong. My favorite example is the Eddie Murphy vehicle, the Distinguished Gentlemen from 1992, in which he plays a con man who manages to get elected to Congress. Eventually, he leaves... Con man, Congress. Mm-hmm. Who wins it?
Starting point is 01:28:17 Con wins it? I think not. He leaves a charge against allowing power lines near schools because the electromagnetic radiation had given a bunch of kids cancer. Spoiler alert. This is totally false. He leads a charge against allowing power lines near schools because the electromagnetic radiation had given a bunch of kids cancer. Spoiler alert, this is totally false. I remember seeing this movie as a teenager in the early 2000s, liking its Eddie Murphy-ness, but thinking that the science seemed off.
Starting point is 01:28:36 I did some basic research, and was delighted to tell my parents and friends all about how this well-meaning, multi-billion dollar movie was so far off the mark. I was a popular child. Just wondering if there are any movies with similarly dated slash disproven premises that tickle you, yours in floppiness, Tom. So movies with dated or disproven premises based on a false premise. based on a false premise. A false premise, you say. Well, my old saw that always gets me is any time a movie is based on the premise
Starting point is 01:29:11 that humans only use 10% of their brains. Oh, shit, that was exactly the one I'm gonna use. But if you unlock to 100% of your brain, you'd probably be a god. And like, Lucy's a pretty fun movie because it's bet shit, nuts. But when I saw the trailers, I was like, come on Are we still doing that? Like it is similar to if there was a movie where they're like
Starting point is 01:29:32 The earth is flat But what if you could go to the other side of the flat earth and be like no everyone knows that's not true anymore Like it really bugs me that it's still a premise for things. Yeah. Well you stole mine. So let's go This I don't think this 100% tracks, but I'm gonna, I'm gonna, no, it doesn't have to be scientific. I'm gonna touch on, an earlier Zack Snyder work, Watchman, but more, I guess more of the comic book,
Starting point is 01:29:59 the way that the spoiler alert, the comic in the movie are slightly different, and the ending in the comic book features a faux alien invasion that kills a bunch of people and it's all a play by Ozemandius to have the world unite against this alien threat who caused this enormous attack on Manhattan. And I feel on some level and it, and his plan works almost immediately. And I feel like on some level, the attacks on 9-11 kind of disproved that because I feel like humanity's first response in that kind of situation was to, at least in America,
Starting point is 01:30:42 was to point fingers and to get defensive. I guess so. I think the difference is that he's creating an outside threat that all humanity is threatened by, whereas those attacks were from one type of person on another person. Yeah, I guess that's fair, but I mean, it seemed like the, I guess I'm at the time. I mean, it felt like people were blaming anybody they could blame.
Starting point is 01:31:08 What like? Yeah, that's true. It says loosely on the information given. Well, what did the movie change it to? They changed it. Because I feel like it works less well in the movie because it isn't an alien. Like, it's a...
Starting point is 01:31:21 It's a... It's a... It's a... It's a... It's a... It's a... It's a... It's a... It's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a quickly. But at the end of it, it ends with, they managed to kill Dr. Manhattan before he becomes Dr. Manhattan. And time goes all screwy and night owl and Jupiter, celibu-patter and Worshack are sucked through a portal
Starting point is 01:31:56 into our world. What? That's the end of the movie. That would have been fucking awesome. And then another movie I'm going to talk about since you guys just push back on my initial suggestion. The contender, the movie where Joan Allen plays a possible vice presidential candidate whose nomination is challenged by possible possible questionable photos of her past from when she was in college. And her nomination is secured when the truth comes out and people are informed that she
Starting point is 01:32:35 was in fact not a slide. Not a slide. Not, yeah, I guess. Since that's the charge there. The charge, yeah. Sam Elliott delivers one of the grossest lines in the history. And it's delivered to Sam's mustache. So it looks like the fucking Grinch when he does it.
Starting point is 01:32:53 The one where it's like, they're talking about the vice president with a dick in her mouth or something like that. No, American people get stomach a lot. But they can't stomach the image of a vice president with a mouth full of cock. That's what it is. It's gross because it's chauvinism. Yeah, and it's gross sounding when he says it. But I feel like, I don't know, if Sam Elliott's saying it, it sounds great.
Starting point is 01:33:15 Yeah, makes you want to go out and buy some beef for a hat. Yeah. So, yeah. Fat. Fat made out of beef. Sam Elliott's selling it, I'm buying it, you know. But I feel like it's been, it's been, Sam Elliott selling it. I'm lying it, you know? But I feel like it's been, I don't know, I feel like I'm a little bit down on the world
Starting point is 01:33:32 and politics in general, but I feel like lately, if a charge, like sexual, I don't even want to say misconduct, but if like charges like that were levied against a female politician, it would never go away. And the truth coming out will certainly not protect that person, that politician. That the similar to that, I was thinking about the premise of a lot of movies like a face in the crowd or the penguin running for mayor, some lot of that in returns where someone being caught on tape saying something insulting or horrible ruins their chances at power and office and similarly as we saw in this last campaign, if you're the right person you can say whatever you want on tape. I'm the right fucking person.
Starting point is 01:34:16 I don't know. It feels like there's a double standard if you are a wealthy businessman or if you are a mutant who is found lives in the sewers If you're a deformed man who eats raw fish in front of your staff and lives in the sewers with a bunch of evil clowns So not even enemies it was like his campaign staff So not even an enemy is there was like his campaign staff Somehow, but they get like in a face of the crowd. He's caught on camera being like these stupid idiots and overnight his career is over Whereas now I feel like you have a lot of people like yeah, he was right. We are stupid idiots. Yeah, you tell them Anyway, that was just Michael Bay Magic It was a hoax This next letter is from Liam, last name withheld.
Starting point is 01:35:07 It goes... Hello, Jason. Wow, yeah, he says, you've taken my daughter. You know there's a day and I have a certain set of skills. Dark man skills. Shit! But my nose will explode after a certain point in light. And that's the we all will yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:27 That's the thing about dark men. Aren't we all dark men, David? That's why the movie was such a hit. Aren't we all fearing the return of deramps? Aren't we all die dark man die? When they say die dark man die it's like die all of us die. Some of the best subtitles of movie, Sam. Oh, crazy. Oh, man. I wish there was a crossover between Dark Man and Wishmaster.
Starting point is 01:36:19 That's the kind of wish that the Wishmaster would grant. Oh, we've got a team up against the Lord of illusions. Oh, no. Okay, it goes. Hello, flop fam. As kind of sure as of fine bad movies from across decades, nay, centuries. Wait, no one. Technically correct. There's two centuries of movies. You should be reading this in a Sean Connery from Highlander accent. As corner shows of fine bad movies from across decades. No, it sounds like a gypsy. It's just kind of John centuries. Sean Connery, get here.
Starting point is 01:36:52 No one questions your abilities to discern good movies from bad ones. The sacrosanctity of the good bad slash bad bad slash kind of like scale is unquestioned and creates clear delineation and how a viewer can describe their feelings on any manner of baddish movie. However, I wondered if any of you have ever had trouble owing maybe to personal allegiance or nostalgia admitting that a good movie that you were very attached to is actually a bad movie. For example, in my personal experience, I've recently had to come to terms with the fact that, quote, the wrong guy, a 1997 straight to video comedy co-written by an starring Dave Fully that I, for years, would defend as a genuinely good movie that just fell through
Starting point is 01:37:36 the cracks is actually a bad one. Oh, my college girlfriend loved that movie. A good bad one. Really great scene in it. Make no mistake. Well, I'm going to let's, I have words on this, but, but a good bad one. Make no mistake. But bad nonetheless. Should I just explain that scenes before you, uh, my defenses, when my defenses would include the day fully was an underappreciated talent. That comb theory was as strong as an unnamed assassin. And the script was as strong or stronger than most mainstream big screen comedy.
Starting point is 01:38:10 He's grading on a curve, I'd say. Really though, it's just a goofy comedy where Dave Foley sticks his head under a fire hose and tries to use NMM bag Jones as a passable alias. But it meant a lot to me during a tumultuous teenage episode. So have any of you ever been stock-owned syndromed by a bad movie into defending slash classifying it as a good one rather than just a bad movie you really liked? Liam Lastname withheld. Now, I think the wrong guy is a good movie.
Starting point is 01:38:40 That's all right. So I'm gonna, I mean, to call it, to call Dave Foley an underrated talent seems crazy since everybody loves him and he was the star of a network television show. Yeah, but I wonder more accolades. I mean, he's showered. I mean, there's a star of a bug's life. I don't know anyone who has a different favorite kid in the hall.
Starting point is 01:39:00 That's true. I don't know. You can't have the guy. Maybe Kevin McDonald orDonald or Scott. When I was watching the show regularly, it was Bruce McCullough. Really? Yeah, I think that's changed. And with those weird beatnik poems that he would do.
Starting point is 01:39:14 Yeah, I don't know. I was going through some shoes. I mean, they're all pretty great. I love every member of the game. Kevin MacDonald's vacation beard sketch is my favorite sketch. That's so funny. Yeah. It just did the cute falls to his death in the beard. Kevin McDonald's that fucking beer the vacation beard sketch is my favorite. So funny. Just did the default to his death in the beard. Goes to sleep.
Starting point is 01:39:31 That's like the never put salt in your eyes. Kevin, we've got all that's so good. Let's just talk about getting all great show. I want to go back. I had well, I got a welcome back. Watch all the DVDs. It's a great show. Anyway, so movies that we like or have liked
Starting point is 01:39:47 but are not good, is that what we're gonna get? Yeah, I mean, I tend to be in the, like, no guilty pleasures camp. Like I tend to think that if I like a movie then I will defend it as a good movie. I know that there are movies that I like that are stupid. I won't say that they're bad, but there's certain movies that I like that other people don't like.
Starting point is 01:40:10 Yeah, and I feel like I've been, like I've enjoyed seeing movies in the movie theater and trick myself into thinking that meant the movie was good as opposed to I enjoyed the experience of what. Sure. I mean, fuck, the Star Wars prequels almost fall into that category. But that was like, when I was a kid, when Mars attacks came out, for my birthday, I went
Starting point is 01:40:30 with a bunch of kids to go see Mars attacks. And like, I had a lot of fun watching with them, but like Mars attacks is not the worst movie in the world, but like, I'm never going to go out on my way to watch Mars attacks again. I watched that. When I first saw it in the theater, I didn't like it that much. And I think I'd like it more on a more recent viewing than I thought I would. Certainly.
Starting point is 01:40:51 I think we live in a world where a movie that's basically just a string of nonsense jokes around alien invasion has more of a place than it was. And also, when I was a kid, that movie offended my sensibilities because it was so unpredictable. I'm just like, what is going on? All of the people that I thought would survive this movie are dying and all these random second-tier talents are surviving the entire film. I think that's the point of the movie. I think that movie exists to just quiet you in that way.
Starting point is 01:41:23 I guess so. But I have an idea of a movie that I like, but I know is a bad movie. And while watching it, I'm like, this is a bad movie, but I'm still kind of into it. And that would have to be a little movie called Omen 3, the final conflict, in which that's the one where they take it all the way to the point that Damian, the son from the Omen movies, is president of the United States and is using that power to get kind of to to find the next coming of Christ as a baby and looking for magic daggers to stab it to death with.
Starting point is 01:41:58 And it's a crazy movie that ends with then killing Damien and then literally Christ returns. And it ends with the second coming and that's the end of the series. And it's like not a very good movie, but Sam Neil is so scene chewing as as date president Damien. And like I just I admire that the filmmakers like, Hey, yeah, you know what? Let's make Damien the president of the United States. Like, it's a crazy concept. That's not a good movie. Bad movie that I like. This movie, it's called Cheeky. It's about butts.
Starting point is 01:42:36 It starts a lady with a butt. Did somebody send you that DVD on our podcast? That's right. I think so. It's not like you're watching that movie and you're like, this is fun. I'm enjoying this story even though it's not very good. You're just enjoying seeing butts.
Starting point is 01:42:51 Yeah, you're not, you weren't watching that. You're like, yeah, here this is really good. I've been reading some good reviews. It's like that Nicholas Cage talking, trying to rationalize this. I'm trying to do a Danim, I believe that's sight and sound, but this on their top. And he's in the video store and he doesn't want to be
Starting point is 01:43:07 seeing going straight to the adult section. So he's kind of hovering around the part of the comedy section that's next to the adult section. Oh, this looks good. What's, I've seen this. Next to hard bodies too. California hot tub company. Let's see.
Starting point is 01:43:21 First off, some kind of car wash thing. My voice is neither nasal nor high. So, what's this cheeky? I think I heard this is good. I'll just get the, you know, I'll rent another, I'll rent a Pelican brief too. Yeah, I'll just get these too. And then when he gets home,
Starting point is 01:43:37 throws Pelican brief in the garbage. I think he might have been in the garbage. I put it down the drain, Like, oh, clumsy me. I microwave this DVD, but I'm actually probably dropped. Pelican brief out the window of the car on the way home. I guess I have to watch this other one, cheeky.
Starting point is 01:43:57 There was a time when I was very, it was still pretty early. Am I going out with my now wife. And we had went on a vacation with her family, and we were all killing time before it was time to go out for dinner. And her dad turns on the TV. This is the channel, and he lands on a channel that's showing the show Cheaters, in which people use the show to catch their significant others cheating on them, and the host eggs them on to fight each other on camera. he's like he's like what's this?
Starting point is 01:44:26 Let's just take a look and see what this is and my wife's like, dad You love this show like when he was putting on this this play lit of like the man who stumbled on It's totally not in character for him to want to see that show You're watching him go through an improper character for him to honestly that show. You're watching him go through an improperly. To rationalize what instead of being like, I'm like, I got a character, okay. My character is guy who's never seen cheaters before.
Starting point is 01:44:52 So Nicholas Cage is like, he has, and there's nobody else in the house but him. But he has to go through this elaborate play acting to rationalize why he's sitting down and watch cheeky. Because he can't admit he just wants to ask me. When I went to put the DVD in the DVD player, It was the uncooked bag of reddened mockers. I had microwaved the DVD counterpeller. So I got the popcorn mixed up with the DVD. So I guess I'm going to have to watch this other DVD which I need uncooked popcorn. I thought it was. It's going to be
Starting point is 01:45:23 hell on my teeth. I'm gonna need some dental work after this. So silly Nick, silly old Nick Cage. Nothing to be done. Yes, I'm just gonna watch Cheeky and shout out on this on Pop Popcorn. He's so committed to, he's alone. He is known to just apply to,
Starting point is 01:45:43 but he's so committed to the fiction. He has to eat on pop popcorn. Just to do otherwise, which you'd be too admit that he was going to rent cheek you the whole time. He said the dentist, the dentist, like, you really screwed up your teeth, Nick Cage, would it? Well, let me spend you a tale. It was a long story. Certainly had nothing to do with me wanting to buy myself a chief orgasm.
Starting point is 01:46:04 And then it's not the intention at any point. I mean, to say, I'd be lying if I said it didn't end in that, but never motivated. It was not premeditated. It all started when I didn't have enough gas to make it to the blockbuster video at home. So I went to family video. I had to go to the local video town, which is not as widespread a chain. I don't like it as much because it has the large pornography section.
Starting point is 01:46:30 I don't take my kids there, but I mean, I have an account there, sure, because sometimes maybe you run out of gas on the way to blockbuster, which does not carry pornography. And that's why I prefer to go there. But in this case, I had to go to this one. And, you know, I was, I don't know if maybe the lights were turned off and I picked up the wrong box or I was misread it. I don't know, maybe someone called out my name
Starting point is 01:46:53 and I was meant to pick up the box for a pretty in pink or the great mouse detective. And it's that I picked up this box for cheeky and of course, palic and brief, my favorite film. And I take it home and maybe someone called out my name again while I was putting the popcorn. I would be low to admit the true demon in this story when I bought some orvo reddened boxers,
Starting point is 01:47:14 microwave popcorn. Certainly, I bought it at the movie theater, just that the video store just won bag. For a single movie viewer. Someone who was intending to masturbate would never get popcorn because you would want your hands free to manipulate your genitals. And it would be, and it would be truly disposed.
Starting point is 01:47:34 Oh, that makes sense, that makes sense. That makes a lot of sense. No, no more questions. No more questions. I mean, dentist Colombo. Just one more thing. I guess, just one more question. Had you written this movie cheeky before? I just want more question. Had you written this movie cheeky before?
Starting point is 01:47:48 I had made that mistake. Oh, okay. That made a case closed. Take him away, boys. You're living in a dystopian future where it's against the law to masturbate. Oh, wow. You'd think they'd ban pornography? No, we skipped right ahead.
Starting point is 01:48:02 It was a real chicken or the egg thing. We're really into it, trapment. pornography. No, we skipped right ahead. It was a real chicken or the egg thing. We're really into a trap. So anyway, Dan, was there another letter? Or was that this? There's two, but I'm going to we've were running so long, but I'll just, I'll just do one of these. I just from Connor last name with held. Connor McLeod. I was just going to say to hay flLeod. I wasn't gonna say too.
Starting point is 01:48:25 Hey floppers, I recently watched Andre Rubelov. Okay. Something in the strenuous pacing and long stretches of silence felt familiar. Even though I hadn't seen any other Tartarski films, it all came together when I learned that Andre Kanchava-Lisky, a co-writerre Rupola, went on to direct Tango and Cash. Do you see any foreshadowing of the great film in early Tartowski movies? Or conversely,
Starting point is 01:48:53 do you see any influences of Tango and Cash that could have come from working with Tartowski? Love Conor Last Name with Hell. I didn't realize that, but I love it. I mean, I know that they had a lot of problems on the set of Tangent Cash because they were working with the director. They didn't feel really understood the type of movie they were making. I will say, I don't know if you guys have seen
Starting point is 01:49:13 Andre Rueblev. Nope. Is there anything like Tangent Cash? It is very not like Tangent Cash, but considering it is a long film about a very bleak period in Russian history and one, and kind of the way that man creates religious art to
Starting point is 01:49:31 Either escape that or were try to find some grace in the world There's a sequence in it if you don't want to sit through all of Andre Rublevin Maybe you don't want to there's a sequence in it in which a town is Casting a bell for a church and this young guy whose father was a bellcaster, he says, I'll do it, I'll do it. And the way that sequence is paced feels like a Hollywood movie. It feels like this is the protagonist,
Starting point is 01:49:54 he's got this crazy goal, he's gonna push it through as hard as he can by making these people work in a way they've never worked before. And it feels really suspenseful whether this bell is gonna get finished and actually ring or crack when they finish it. And like that sequence feels like a Hollywood sequence.
Starting point is 01:50:12 The rest of the movie does not. And then the guy pushes down the bell maker and puts a chair over his head and says something about spaghetti. Well, I mean, that's the same. that doesn't put a chair over his head. I think you're at the scene where the cup, the dirty cup goes into the fridge to take out his food and when he closes the door,
Starting point is 01:50:33 so that's just a lone standing right there and he goes, well, from what you're eating, I see you haven't been watching you watching your weight, guess you're too busy looking at the drugs you planted to set us up. There's something like that. That's right. But Andre Ruebelev, it's worth watching the bell casting.
Starting point is 01:50:47 Oh, dang. Part of it. I mean, a whole movie is worth it, but you're gonna see I don't see the bell casting. Again, what you missed at home was, well, Ellie was talking about Andre Rubilev. Stuart was loudly paging through his copy of an out of the size of the victims.
Starting point is 01:51:01 I'm the one who brought up the film as if I wasn't directly addressing a letter. And as if we weren't talking about, when that came up, Elliot started salivating and couldn't wait, he was chomping at the bit to start talking about it. Because I really like that sequence, especially. You could have talked about tangoon cash, though.
Starting point is 01:51:21 That was a perfect opportunity. I mean, it was a literal invitation to, that's true. I'm gonna talk about cash. Well, what's Andre Rubelet is called the bell? Okay, cool. Anymore letters, Dan. I said, expressly, that I was skipping the final.
Starting point is 01:51:38 Okay, let's get right to the next segment of this podcast is recommendation. And let's do this one super fast because it's late. Okay. So you've been listening for a long time. I'm an outlaw time to watch movies lately, other than Rogue One twice. More thoughts on that later.
Starting point is 01:51:54 On the show or not? I don't know, maybe afterwards. Whenever Star Wars Minute gets to it? Yeah, hopefully. And I have been at home playing a lot of Nitro Plus Blasters in Heroin's Infinite Dual. It's a lot of backstory. First week recommendation. And a plug for this.
Starting point is 01:52:12 I think for Nitro Plus Blasters, Heroin's Infinite Dual. Yeah. It's super great. And I, but I'm going to plug a movie that I hosted a screening of at the Alamo Draft House about a month ago called The Gate. It's a Canadian horror movie from 1987, starring Steven Dorf. You might remember him as a- This Dorf goes fishing. Yep, as a blood sucker from the first blade movie. And this movie is when he was a little baby boy,
Starting point is 01:52:45 and it's about a couple of young teens who get involved with a portal to hell opening in their backyard, while their parents are out of town. And it is a lot of fun. It's very much of a time. The special effects are great. If still features one of my all-time favorite special effects shots. And yeah, so if you're looking for a movie that's pretty light and has some cool special effects and
Starting point is 01:53:12 yeah, it's pretty fun. Go check it out with the gate. I'm gonna recommend a movie that I saw around the holidays and is vaguely holiday-related in its first hour, although not for the rest of the movie, that is Fanny and Alexander, which is Ingmar Bergman's final film, that he directed. He wrote some others after. It's three hours long unless you're watching the television version, which is closer to five. And then, and Joliel Whites in it.
Starting point is 01:53:38 Oh, really? As Oracle, yeah. And the California rays. I thought I was telling you, then, step on our, or, or, or, or, or, Oh, good point. Good point. I'm sorry. You're right. He comes on the stuff on our calendar, Irkelbot. But the first time. Even for Bergman's, the passion of Irkelbot. First hour is a mostly happy but bitter sweet sort of
Starting point is 01:54:00 a port for it of a holiday, a Christmas holiday around the turn of the century. But then it turns into a kind of a harrowing story for the second two hours of a woman and her children being in a sort of abusive household led by a man of the cloth. So that's kind of hard to get through, but there's a take heart. There's a magical realism sort of rescue at the end and the movie ends on a hopeful note. But I thought it was a really beautiful movie. It runs the spectrum of human emotion.
Starting point is 01:54:42 It's very honest. It looks beautiful. It's a movie where the cinematography is not doing anything sort of obviously showy to make it look beautiful, but it's beautiful nonetheless. And I don't know. I hadn't seen a lot of Berkman. I'd seen wild strawberries and smiles of a summer night, but this was quite a film. And I recommended highly. And I'm going to recommend a newer movie. Huh, what?
Starting point is 01:55:15 That people may have already heard of? I heard a few. Yeah, it doesn't really need my recommendation, but of the new slate of movies that I've seen, I really enjoyed, I guess, enjoyed some wrong word. I found really powerful the movie Moonlight, directed by Barry Jenkins, which is a set of three chapters kind of in the life of a first young boy
Starting point is 01:55:36 and then young man growing up in a tough situation with a drug addicted mother who has a, I guess I don't want to talk too much about what happens in the kids life because it's not like there's a suspenseful plot, but the way that the character's life and path unfolds is there's something in discovering it as it goes on that's both very like painful to watch, but also surprising and interesting. But Moonlight, I thought it was really, really good. And he, Barry Jenkins, of course, made a previous movie, Medicine for Melancholy,
Starting point is 01:56:15 featuring friend of the Flapphouse Wyatt Sennac. And while not quite as polished a film as Moonlight, it's still worth seeing. So I'll recommend both Moonlight and medicine for melancholy. So two very classy recommendations and the gate. Hey, everybody's allowed to have their own thing, Dan. Yeah, dude. So, uh, hey guys, we finally did a show that was shorter than the movie we were. But it's, but barely,
Starting point is 01:56:40 fucking, barely, still like a long episode. It's a great stuff. If you want to listen to some better shorter podcasts, go over to Maximum Fun. There's a bunch of other podcasts there. That's our network. There's some great ones. If you want to listen to one of us that's like super longer, we just did a guest episode of the Adventure Zone.
Starting point is 01:56:59 3.5 hours long. And boy, longer than fanning. I believe guys have figured out the mystery faster. Well, what I listening to it, I was like, why are we wasting so much time ordering drinks in this bar when we could have just said, okay, we go to the party the next day. Now welcome to my world. I think I literally said at one point, like, all right, we're 30 minutes
Starting point is 01:57:21 and we haven't gotten our mission yet. But anyway, Max von has a lot of great podcasts and you should listen to him. Yeah, and we're gonna be part of a show in February, the very, very fun day, a one day event with Max von podcasts and a couple of local Chicago podcasts in Chicago, February 11th. And I think that's it for plugs. And if I could put in a plug for my other
Starting point is 01:57:46 show, Presidents are people too, which is available either through Audible, or if you're an Amazon Prime member, you can get it that way, or it's on iTunes now, Presidents are people too. It's a great show. Picking up some steam. Thanks. It's a very different show than this. It is a... It has content. It has actual factual content. It's much shorter. It's much shorter. Each episode is less than a half hour long. And people trim LA's voice down, but you have an editor. And if you want to, and you know what, if you can go on, I want to go on iTunes and review the fly-pouse or presents for people too. I went on recently. That was mistake and saw how many reviews are about how
Starting point is 01:58:19 irritating my voices. So if you like these shows, how pleasant Alexis's voice is. I mean, that was implied, I guess. just go on and give us some reviews or talk about on Twitter how much you like the flop house I don't know go out there and buy a marketplace word of mouth people earn your keep earn your keep But that's all for this time around in the delightful place we call the flop house That's all for this time around in the delightful place. We call the flop house. It's one of the new thing you're doing. I don't know. I'm just trying to make it up.
Starting point is 01:58:49 Dan's always looking for his new closing line. Mm-hmm. But for the flop house, I've been Dan McCoy. I am Stuart Wellington. Years from now, the tribes will tell a legend of a man named Elliot Kalim. But it'll be a different guy than me who had the same name. Good night, everyone. Bye!
Starting point is 01:59:08 Hot... Hot nudity. This is the level. Get your hot nudity here everyone level which I'm operating tonight. Okay, that's really extreme Get your red hot nudity Very titillating People without their clothes no clothes or your money back see the parts you don't normally see Usually you have to imagine nudity like this. Everybody will be wearing suits. Birthday suits.
Starting point is 01:59:52 Society has deemed your natural interest in these parts shameful. Pay to be relieved of that socially-induced guilt for about a moment. Mrs. Allgull. So, fools gold. The Joker, of course, the ultimate fool, the clown prince of crime. Do we just solve a riddler's riddle? Yeah, but that's like in the Batman show, they would make up their explanations. And there's my favorite part of Batman 66 is when he goes that shark was
Starting point is 02:00:26 almost pulling my leg like some kind of riddle. The riddler is like no dude that does not count. Batman just goes and like it's like beating the shit out of the red leather. There's like I don't know what I did. I am innocent of this. You ready, Stu? Hell yeah. The dawn comes in on little cat feet. Of course, catwoman. Every morning, that's how he reacts. The first time he sees two people, he goes two faces, two face, of course. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 02:01:16 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, seem to have met that nobody else has seen. Oh shit, I'm running late. I'm looking at my watch. A watch is a clock. It was clocking. He made me late for this movie. What's the date today? Let me check calendar man. Okay. And the killer was wearing crocs. Of course, killer crocs. So Dan, should we do one of those intro things? This is our Bloops for the ending, right? There's some prime bloops. Oh man, yeah, they're really gonna stick around. We're gonna have to put a fucking thing on the box of people now they should stick around
Starting point is 02:01:56 for the unrated bloops at the end. Stay tuned for the deleted scene. Don't stay tuned for the credits rolls because the fun has just begun. Make sure to put the kids to bed when the credits roll so they don't hear these fucking unrated bloops. Comedy and culture. Artist-owned. Listener supported. Hi, this is Griffin McRoy. Hi, this is Rachel McRoy.
Starting point is 02:02:18 Now we're the host of Rosebuddies. It's a podcast about the bachelor family of products. We watch the bachelor, the bachelor at, and bachelor in paradise. Yes, it is garbage television, but we're the king and queen of this garbage file about the bachelor family of products. We watched the bachelor, the bachelor at, and bachelor in paradise. Yes, it is a garbage television, but we're the king and queen of this garbage file where the raccoons in charge are around here. So join us on Tuesdays. Because the TV shows on Mondays,
Starting point is 02:02:33 and basically we'll recap what we saw, and we'll just sort of scoop the garbage around us and make a little fort out of it. No viewing required. But it's a good TV show. What are you doing? Ha-ha-ha. required. But it's it's a good TV show. What are you doing?

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