The Flop House - Ep. #243 - The Bye Bye Man

Episode Date: October 28, 2017

Shocktober concludes with the playfully titled The Bye Bye Man, starring the titular Bye Bye Man and some boring people. Meanwhile, Elliott channels Freddy Kreuger to give the Bye Bye Man some advice,... Stu explains Dan doesn't have to pick up floor food, and Dan has some questions about fish blow jobs. Wikipedia synopsis for The Bye Bye Man Movies recommended in this episode Applecart Gerald's Game Happy Death Day Queen of Earth Christine LIVE SHOWS Dec. 9 –  San Francisco, at the Marines Memorial Theater

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On this episode we discuss the Bye-Bye, man. The bizarre but true story of news-hound Edward R. Murrow. What? Wasn't that his sign off? Bye-bye! No. Hey everyone and welcome to the flop house. I'm Dan McCoy. I'm steward by by Wellington. And I'm Elliott. Hello, Kaelin. Guys, we're the you and the yang of this movie. Guys, this is weird. I'm feeling weird. Why? Why? We're all the same room together. We're sitting at the same table together. We haven't done that a long time. I'm feeling weird. Why? We're all the same room together. We're sitting at the same table together. We haven't done that a long time.
Starting point is 00:01:07 I used to it, anymore. And we're in Toronto. Yeah, and the acoustics are probably super weird because we're in some tight little Airbnb kitchen. We are in an Airbnb in Toronto, home of the most dangerous stairs in Toronto. Just having a romantic getaway, the three of us. But it's great to see you guys as listeners.
Starting point is 00:01:25 We'll know Stewart was unable to join Dan and me in Los Angeles for our Hollywood adventure when we snuck onto a sound stage lot and were mistaken for spies. Whoa. Yeah, it turned into a real car chase. And at one point, the rental car we were in, we had to go under a truck to escape the bad guys
Starting point is 00:01:42 and it sheared the roof off the car. And then we both looked at each other and went, ah, and then looked back at the road. And what about those, I heard a story in the news about two poor glass delivery men who are trying to deliver a giant pane of glass. Yeah, that's a bad news for you. What was the story in the news?
Starting point is 00:02:00 Like a pane of glass died today. It was like a personality piece. So, human interest story. But two men who had a hard day at work. They're trying to break the preconceived notions people have about how easy it is to be a glass mover. You know what, it's tough job. You're not just sitting on a cloud all day.
Starting point is 00:02:22 No, that ain't working. No, that's all you do. Money, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Sorry, but then the spies started shooting. We were on our way. It's okay though. We're able to return the microchip that was hidden inside a can of film to the sexy lady spy and she gave Dana kiss on the cheek as a thanks and he fainted. Yeah, well, you know, I've never been touched by a woman before. You said, new wrinkle to your character. So, guys, true crime podcasts are super hot right now. Okay, I'd like for this to happen. I'll bite, that's true.
Starting point is 00:03:13 So like, is that what we're doing today? Oh, about the bye bye man. Yeah, the famous serial killer. Guys, don't say it. He should not be a famous serial killer for reasons that we'll get to. This is going to be a difficult move to talk about because explicitly you're not supposed to talk about the words that make up the title.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Yes. It's also going to be a difficult move to talk about because we watched it before the LA or I did. You watched it just recently, but I finished it last night in a drunken stupor. Okay. Well, we'll be referring to my notes thoroughly. Yeah, we were going to record this. I was going to remember it earlier. I remember Elliot and Sasha and John and miss Watkins misses. What is this? Yes. And I think that's it. Well, and the and of course the titular bye bye man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:01 So, uh, so, you said titular anyway. Dan, grow up. This is why you just let it go by. You said titular. Anyway. Damn, grow up. This is why you say that when women kiss you. Sometimes you can just let it go by. You don't have to pick up every plate of food. Every time you see a crawler lying in the street, you don't have to pick it up and take a bite. Come on, this is delicious crawler.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Uh, dance, likey and sweet. Speaking of flaky sweet delicious crawler, so what are we doing this podcast? Oh, okay. This is a flaky sweet delicious crawler, what are we doing this podcast? Oh, okay. This is a podcast where we watch a mad movie. And then we talk about it. And this is the second in our Shocktober episodes where we watch horror movies. For horror ween, which is a holiday in which you do scary parodies of ween songs. I do one, but I don't know any Ween songs. Dan, are you staring off into them? I was just trying to remind you of any Ween songs.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Sure. I don't think I do. But it's, yeah, it's October's quickly coming to an end, which is fine, because Halloween is literally the last day in October for maximum suspense for the entire month, about what people are going to dress up as on the Today Show. And so yeah, we're doing it's Shocktober horror movies. And what's the movie today Dan, that was already announced a couple times. Yeah, sure, the Bye Bye man.
Starting point is 00:05:13 The Bye Bye man. Ah, Bye Bye, Birdie. That's right. Now this is this is a sequel to The Good Bye Girl. It's a sequel to, uh, Bye Baby, Bye, that anything? I started the sentence without knowing where it was going. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Yeah, I don't know what that, but there's a movie called Bye Bye Braverman. Is it the father of the Good Night Kid? It's a movie, right? He did the same thing I did. It's a movie about a boxer. When he hits you, it puts you in a sleep. It's good night. Good night. And then he tenderly kisses his defeated opponent on the far
Starting point is 00:05:51 head and pulls a quilt over him. It's like on the good night kid. Yeah. Guys, let's just jump into the buy by man, huh? This shock tober is quickly running to a close. The sand is flowing out of the hourglass and our own lives will probably be over because we have knowledge of the Bye Bye Man. Let's explain. Before we get into it, I just want to point out that Elliot on his notes has specified Bye Bye Man, parentheses, unrated. Oh, because I didn't know. There were two options on the thing I was watching.
Starting point is 00:06:20 I was watching it with Flop House listener and my good friend, Brandon Hay. And we had two options. These are the rated or unrated editions. And I didn't know if you guys were gonna watch which version. So I wanted to make note, this is the unrated version. You real quick ran over to the door and made sure that your parents weren't going to come in.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Now here's the thing. This was technically the unrated edition. It could have been read PG-13. It was, there was nothing, I was like, oh, the extreme. The first commentary on the slipping standards of the MPA. Somewhere Jack Valenti's ghost is killing teenagers who have heard of his name. Okay, the bye bye man.
Starting point is 00:06:56 So we begin unrated edition. We begin in Madison, Wisconsin, 1969 college town. And it's 69, two years after the summer of love You say about leaving things on the floor. Come on, dude. I had that that was planned out. That's a planned out bit Really? Yes, as soon as I saw that card. I'm like I'm gonna say nice and Elliot says it Well a man in a state of high-adjitation asked a woman if she told told anyone about the name. And when she says yes, he says he's sorry and shoots her. Then he kills the only person that she told about her paralyzed son. And he starts and the guy, and this all done in one long tracking shot, which is fairly
Starting point is 00:07:34 impressive. And the guy starts yelling, I'm going to stop you. I'm going to stop you. And he runs across the street to the house where the other people know the name. And he shoots them too. And then that's it. Well, and then that's it for that opening scene. And it's all done in one long tracking shot.
Starting point is 00:07:49 And I was like, maybe this movie has a little bit more ambition than I thought. I was quickly disabused. Yeah. I totally agree with you that that opening, the choice was interesting. But like the thing about a single tracking shot is that it's a puzzle like kind of trap you in there and you feel like you can't look away. And it's like limiting in a way, like it makes you feel claustrophobic. But then at the same time, all the, all the, the gore effects of the shotgun hits were all very clearly CGI. And for me, for me, that just kind of takes me out of
Starting point is 00:08:24 the magic of the movies when it's like, that's very clearly CGI. And for me, that just kind of takes me out of the magic of the movies when it's like, that's very clearly like pixelated blood. You're saying if they're trying to make a real, you trap you in a moment, you need to make that moment as practically real as possible, so that you're not knocked out of it by some other element.
Starting point is 00:08:39 I would say so. I mean, I'm assuming technically it's far easier to just be like, yeah, just lap a splot of red on there. Especially for if you have to do a second take of that tracking shot, you have to clean everything in between and reset all the squibs and stuff and like I give them. I understand what they did it, but you're right. It would have been better. Yeah, but there's something that I was like not to play Monday morning Quarterback. That's a thing right? When are you gonna direct your buy-bound man Stewart? Buy them in two guys. I got an announcement to make it. They're going to put me in the director's chair. This is they're going to
Starting point is 00:09:12 trust this franchise. They're going to trust me with the franchise, which is strange since I've never directed anything. I mean, it's considering the first moving the franchise. It's not that strange. They would take a chance on a total unknown. What's the whatle to Bye Bye Man, too? Uh, the Good Night Kid. All right. The only one who can destroy the Bye Bye Man is the Good Night Kid.
Starting point is 00:09:33 But who is the Bye Bye Man? Well, let's jump back in the movie and find out. Three friends, two guys and a girl, they move into college students, they move into an empty house, I assume, to turn it into a pizza place. Now, before we're introducing those kids, we see, right after that flashback, we cut to a shot of a train running down a dark, like, railroad tracks.
Starting point is 00:09:54 And at that point, I'm like, is this the seventh set of fucking production logos? And then, of course, it, no, it's just a shot of a train. And then the logo, the bye-bye man, no, it's just a shot of a train and then the logo, the buy by man, which I'm not too mature, I'm going to regression again, but remember when horror movies put some effort into the design of their logos. Oh, yeah. Well, that was part of the scaryness of it. You wanted a trait. You wanted a also a recognizable logo that would then become a brand for the series if it became a series. And when you have, I mean, already when you're working with a silly name like the Bye Bye man, who are you stealing? It is a really goofy name.
Starting point is 00:10:38 I feel like you should put a little bit of effort into like... Picture book. Yeah, you should put a little bit of effort into like, scarifying up that title card. Otherwise, it's just gonna look dumb. Like don't try and make it look like, I don't know, don't set it up. Don't use Alexander. Yeah, it turns you room.
Starting point is 00:10:58 I mean, we'll get to that, yeah, we'll get to that train too, because as it becomes later clear, that train appears to be some kind of sooo train. It's one of many, many, by by man, like a Kutramal, like the by by man has a lot of accessories, and you know what they say, ladies,
Starting point is 00:11:18 before we leave the house, take off one piece of jewelry. The by by man needs, we'll forget to it. He's the by by man, can take it. He needs to take off one piece of jewelry. The Bye Bye man needs, he will forget to it. He's taking off. He's still the Bye Bye man, you can take it. He needs to take off one piece of gimmickry, because he has a very elaborate setup, but Dan, you're gonna say, on the sole train. I'm just glad that you understand why that train is in there, because other than a person getting hit by a train later in the movie,
Starting point is 00:11:38 I found it completely inexplicable that every once in a while, they would just cut to a train barreling down the tracks at night. It's just one of the many omens that the By-By-Man has warning people about the guy they're not supposed to know about. Okay. We'll get to that because these three, two guys of a girl, the two of the characters are in relationship. Elliott and Sasha.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Elliott and Sasha. And I didn't know that would happen to Danielle. Dan. This Elliott and the movie spells it with one T. Okay. It was weird watching- That is the only difference. It was, I mean, it was weird watching the movie and having them be like, Elliot, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:12:12 And stuff like that. But it was nice to see another addition to the fairly limited number of alliates in movies. There is Elliot from ET, Elliot the dragon from Pete's Dragon. There's Elliot from Dead Rangers. And that's, and there's Elliot from, from Hannah and her sisters, Michael Cain's character. And that's about it that I can think of.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Elliot Google. But that's okay. Now come on. He's never, okay, but. Sam Elliot. Again, this is the same similar problem. They're actually, oh boy. Anyway, now the house they're in, they're mad
Starting point is 00:12:44 because it's, they're renting it. It's kind of spooky and big. It was supposed to be furnished and it's not, though it does have happy fish, a half-efficient fisherman shower curtain. For those who don't know, that's a cartoon of a fisherman where below the water, he's waiting
Starting point is 00:12:56 into the water and below the water, he's not wearing pants and a fish is giving him a blowjob. And this is a, have you never seen this before, Dan? No. This is a thing that's been around for 50 years. You've never seen this merchandise. I've never seen this in my life.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Okay. Well, Daniel closed it a comic based on this character. Did he? Yeah. I probably just thought it was something from his sick mind. But no, I mean, he did do a comic called Neal Dic the bugfucker. So yeah, that's true. I didn't know that was a, now is, is that comic supposed to be like a commentary on how going fishing, you know, can be a little bit boring, and that would explain why a guy would go fishing all the time?
Starting point is 00:13:34 We could sorely to run down to the lake. I think you might be flying more lodging to it than this, sorry. I think the joke of it is that the guy is getting a blowjob from a fish, and from above the water you wouldn't know it. How do we know that that's a blowjob? How do you know that the fish just doesn't think that the guy is getting a blowjob. Fish. And from above the water, you wouldn't know it. How do we know that that's a blowjob? How do we know that the fish just doesn't think that the penis is a worm and is biting into it? I'm not talking about the fish's motivation.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Okay. That guy is achieving the effect of getting a blowjob from the toothless mouth of a fish. At least based on the expression on his face. Okay. He seems to be his lover yeah, he's loving. He's not horrified as I would be, if a fish clamped its mouth around my penis,
Starting point is 00:14:10 I would be disgusted and tear it away, instantly. Best case scenario, it's some kind of spa where the fish is gonna nibble away the dead skin cells, like they do it in pedicures. Yeah, you wouldn't have a look on your face as if you're seeing the golden spires of Zanadu in the distance.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Exactly. I've been expected to be one of those things, like the comic takes where it first shook, and then you're like, mm. Damn, that was some great face acting you did just then. The listeners couldn't see it, but it was worth it. But anyway, we should get back. It's a really spooky house, but they're spooky too.
Starting point is 00:14:44 Elliott makes Sasha a love note out of Cut Up magazine letters, which is not a romantic thing to do. It's also a long love note. So he must have cut out a shit ton of magazines. But that's how you make a rancid. Gotta keep the publishing industry. That's the only way to do it. Things are a little creepy and Sasha's knows them.
Starting point is 00:15:01 The plumbing makes knocking noises. There's a little storage door that opens up. There's a lot more storage that like opens out. Oh, no, it's not. Storage doors. And those are great. As someone who now lives in a house with some little storage doors here in there, it's fantastic.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Those are great storage areas. And Raggy. Look, I live with a house. As someone who doesn't live in New York, I kind of have closets in space to put things. Whoa. But anyway, there's everything just a little creepy. Door's open and slam on their own,
Starting point is 00:15:23 but it's not quite. Is it was that just the wind? I don't know. There's a housewarming party, and Elliot's much older brother who has a family is like, hey, don't grow up too fast. Enjoy college. Don't commit yourself to one girl, right away. So I've got so many regrets right now.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Look at my daughter. Yeah. And yeah, she has a young daughter who wanders upstairs and finds that in the little storage door opens spookly and she finds a gold coin that people keep putting on a side table and it keeps falling on the floor anyway. And the gold coin is again, one of the accessories of the buy-by-man's.
Starting point is 00:15:54 Now we've got a train and a gold coin. Is there more? Yes, there is. There's things that naturally go together. So you pay for your train ticket, the gold coin. Oh, Sasha's friend says she's going to do a psychic cleansing of the house after the party because it's so spooky.
Starting point is 00:16:10 And Elliott finds a crazy scribbled warning inside the side table that says like don't say his name, don't think his name, don't say his name, don't think his name. And it's covering the words the by-by-man carved in the bottom of the drawer. Now, if I were, if this happened to me, I'd be like, I would would tell people about this weird thing I found. Now, are we to believe that the buy-buyman himself carved his name in the drawer? Because it seems like anyone else who learns the name of the buy-buyman knows that it's a bad thing to pass it along. And I think that's a good thing to do. I mean, I think that's a good thing to do. I mean, I think that's a-buyman himself carved his name in the drawer, because it seems like anyone else
Starting point is 00:16:46 who learns the name of the buy-buyman knows that it's a bad thing to pass it along. So I don't know why they would... Let's, you know what, let's ahead of time, let's dip into the cosmology of the buy-buyman. Sure. The phenomenology of the buy-buyman. The buy-buyman, it turns out, is a killer who,
Starting point is 00:17:02 he's a boogie man who, if you learn his name, or even think of it, if you know it, if you learn his name or even think of it if you know it if you know His name It acts as some sort of mental virus and you start hallucinating things that leads you to want to kill people And the only way to cure it is to kill everyone who has heard of the by by man and then kill yourself And so the by by man his whole MO is constantly eliminating the people who know his name. So it's like a real uphill battle. It's like by-by-man has like a great breakout thing. And then he's got a start all over again.
Starting point is 00:17:33 He's going to be clear of one. And then everybody kills each other. And then everyone kills each other. And it's like by-by-man, he goes to see his agent. The agent's like by-by-man, your key ratings are in the toilet. What happened? I don't know, it was going, word of mouth. People were talking about me, I don't know. When what happened then, bye bye man. I tricked them into killing each other. Okay, bye bye man, here's an issue that you're having.
Starting point is 00:17:57 You can't kill your customers so much. Sagarat companies show us. You can kill your customers if it takes a long time and they help other people get hooked. Well, I get people hooked on the bye bye man name. No, no, no, no, no, no, you can kill your customers if it takes a long time. And they help other people get hooked. Well, I get people hooked on the buy-buyer man name. No, no, no, no, no, you're killing too fast. They'll buy by man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:10 And it's worth pointing out at this point that this is basically a very similar thing to rings the previous movie that we watched for the, or talked about for the show. Yeah. The same kind of like you learn a thing and then later on you die. And it's like a, it spreads like a virus. Except it's a strong comment on anti, it's on intellectual. Yeah, ideas can kill. Stay dumb America. And but the thing is Samara is like a powerful ghost from who can do anything.
Starting point is 00:18:39 It seems. Yeah. Whereas by my man is basically Mysterio. Like he just creates illusions that make you go crazy a little bit and we'll get to the point later on where Elliot goes, no, I'm not afraid of him. I won't believe the illusions. And from that point on, he's kind of fine. It's like how in a beautiful mind,
Starting point is 00:18:55 Russell Crowe's like, I will not be crazy anymore, sir. And he stops being crazy. Yeah. But anyway, go back to the movie. They hold this dance. At this point, I was thinking it's a very easy going kind of Richard Link later type horror movie. Not a lot of tension, go back to the movie. They hold the sands. At this point, I was thinking, it's a very easy going kind of richer link later, type horror movie. Not a lot of tension, not a lot of pace.
Starting point is 00:19:09 And the sands girl, she's real. She talks to Elliot's dead parents, talks to Sasha's grandma. Kim the sands girl. Kim the sands girl. And he tries to test her by asking her a question, but she knows it. And she just knows, but then she starts
Starting point is 00:19:21 going into a kind of a frenzy. She's saying, don't say it, don't think it, don't say it, don't think it. Elliot goes, bye- don't say it, don't think it. Ellie goes, bye-bye, man. And the lights go out. Uh-oh. Elliott is starting to... Yeah, total bass drop.
Starting point is 00:19:33 Everybody flips out. Elliott is starting to feel like they go to bed. Elliott is starting to feel like he's wondering if his girlfriend is interested in his best friend. He's living with them. There's a love triangle of brewing and there's creepy noises in the house cut to the next day. And there's also a lot of shots where he'll look over and he'll see the creepy robe that he is hanging on the wall and it's like one second it's a normal robe another second. There's a bye-bye man in that robe who looks kind of like at first I'm like is that just the old guy from the inner Sandman video?
Starting point is 00:20:05 Later on you realize no he's much dumber looking. Yeah, and it's, a lot that robe could be by my man, could be a robe. It's like the old drunk, is it a young lady, or is it an old woman? Yeah, is that a lady at what a vanity, or is that a skull? Yeah, is that a duck or a rabbit?
Starting point is 00:20:22 Is that a guy getting a blowjob for a fish? Or a guy getting his dick bitten off by a fish. Depends on the fish, Dan. We got to identify that fish. Now, if it's a piranha, that dick's coming off. But if it's something... Sometimes when you open a Lamar Shains configuration, that pleasure of paying mixed with a fish bite.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Now, if it's a North American prick sucker, then he's getting a real nice job. Yeah. Anyway, and we find out that John, which is the name of the friend, which I get for you. He spent the night with the psychic girl, but when he drives her home, she's like, it's okay, this stuff happens. He could get it up, it turns out, but she's still hungry for it. She wants him to come into her room right then, but he looks at her and she looks like she
Starting point is 00:21:00 has maggots in her hair and he freaks out and drives away. And it was... Placica lost boys. Yeah. But it was one of these words like, if you weren't looking closely, you would not notice she had maggots in her hair. Like they didn't really fill the hair with maggots if you don't even.
Starting point is 00:21:17 Sure. Here's a tip for aspiring horror filmmakers. Fill the hair with maggots. Yeah, just crazy with that stuff. Don't be afraid, just get... I mean, they use that stuff for medicine in the Civil War times. It's not going to hurt anybody. I mean, the idea of like, I'm going to slowly tease out the horror by just putting a few maggots in there
Starting point is 00:21:35 and like get the fuck out of here. We know what we're in for just to do with the maggots. Yeah, give us some horror, maggot it up. Just like in the hit up. Just like in the hit plate, Corpse on a hot tin roof, starring Mag at the cat. All right, I'll accept it. Thank you. And Ellie also finds a claw mark, seemed to been scratched out of the bricks outside the house. Wait a minute. Does the Bob I Man have claws? No, it's from his third accessory, which we'll get to later. This love triangle is a blue in. Sasha starts hallucinating that John is shirtless and it end attractive. You mean he's attractive?
Starting point is 00:22:10 Yeah, he's hallucinating. I mean this guy, he's amazing. There seems to be tension is brewing between all of them. There's more scratchy noises outside the house. Ellie goes to the basement. And it's kind of like, it turns into if house the devil was really bad. It's what this part to like to me.
Starting point is 00:22:24 Like, oh, he's just walking around his house, but it's not scary. It's not incredibly tough. Every once in a while, they're like, we'll sneak a bye-bye man in the background of that shot. Yeah. It's like someone, the realtor's showing a house.
Starting point is 00:22:38 And like warning you, like, there's an occasional bye-bye man. It's a great space, lots of storage. All these little closets. I don't know. Look at these windows. It's sundrenched. Now what would the real estate terminology for buy by man be where like small becomes cozy?
Starting point is 00:22:54 Like what would be the positive spin on buy by man? Like stories? Yeah. This historic house. Someone to say goodbye to you whenever you leave the house. There's an eventual guest on this way. There's, and he finds that gold coin again. There's claw marks in the basement.
Starting point is 00:23:13 Uh oh. And you think at this point, it's collecting all these fucking gold coins. He can like level up or something, get another life. Sure. Oh, at least trade them for some pushes. The, his girlfriend gets a call, I mean, he gets a door slam shot and his friends have to let him out of the basement. His girlfriend gets a cold and in a fugue state, she draws a picture of the buy-buy man. And she knows he's coming for her because she knows his name now.
Starting point is 00:23:38 Uh-oh. Because at this point, the movie is still going to go through the thing of they've got, like, in the ring. They've got to, like, suck out the mystery. But they also just kinda know. Like, they just kinda know what a buy by man does. Right away, she believes there's a monster, but Ellie it's still like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:23:53 And she has a dream where they're all standing naked on train tracks and a train hits them. Yeah, this is the most unmotivated butt shot I've seen in a movie. It's just, yeah, it's just like a train bearing down on three nude backs. And like, you know me, I'm not gonna argue with an unmotivated butt shot,
Starting point is 00:24:09 but it was glaringly unmotivated. Like why are they all nude in the middle of these train tracks? My guess is because it represents their souls or like their purist essence. But my other guess is that they were like, we gotta jazz up this movie with some nudity. Will she take her top off? No, will she do a butt shot?
Starting point is 00:24:26 Is it gonna be weird if it's just her? We'll have the guys in there too. Yeah. Or they were like, here's a little something for the Bye Bye man and the Bye Bye ladies. Shh. We're equal opportunity but portrayers. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:24:38 And they get hit by the soul train. They see the Bye Bye man for a moment, turn on the light, he's gone. Ellie and girlfriend, they split up to investigate like a real Scooby-Doo gang. Ellie, it's online search of buy-by-man, turns up nothing. And he's using a search engine that's just as search as the name of the search engine. It is the most hilariously generic search engine in the history of generic search engines and moves. I think about it is even if there were no direct relations,
Starting point is 00:25:05 there would be things that are similar. The words buy by and man will show up. And when he's typing in buy by man, before you get excited, Dan, he doesn't consider doing buy by man feet. Oh, okay. That's even though that's the second most often searched buy by man search.
Starting point is 00:25:22 There's, here's the thing about the by-man too. And it lies to her brings up. That grouping of words would come up somewhere on the internet. But does it count if someone just goes like, hey, by-man, just saying goodbye to you? Because that, you wouldn't take from that that that refers to a person or a ghoul.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Or imagining like the by-man at home, like hearing that and being like, oh, no. Yeah, it's the scene from fucking Labyrinth. But the goblins are all sitting around being like, dude, she say it. He's just kicking back at home reading, I assume, the New Yorker. And he goes, uh, scratching his accessory on the top of its bloody flesh head. Yeah, because it's a dog. Anyway, he looks into the library's dead file and finds that there's a news camera.
Starting point is 00:26:07 Do you remember which dead file that was, Elliot? I don't remember. 69. Was it really? Come on. And he finds a newspaper article that never, that was before it was published, had references to the Bye Bye man and those were edited out.
Starting point is 00:26:22 And he's getting help from a local library. From a friendly library. This is Watkins. Who edited out. And he's getting help from a local library. Friendly library. This is Watkins. This is Watkins who is hilarious. And it's like. She's great. She's so good. She's fantastic.
Starting point is 00:26:31 And there's also the fact that they're like, they're in the library. He knows that if you learn the Bye Bye man's identity, something terrible happens. He doesn't know everything. But he's like, what are you looking for? I was like, I'm looking for the Bye Bye man. The Bye Bye man.
Starting point is 00:26:42 And like this librarian talks too loudly. And also like, just people studying, gonna be like, what buy by man? But the girl, what part of the Dewey decimal system is the buy by man? The girlfriend also, she goes to the florist. Sasha, yeah. Sasha, I don't remember why.
Starting point is 00:26:57 And the florist tells her, you ever. Because he's the guy who owns the house, that he's, he's renting the house. Oh, that's right, he owns the house. And the florist says, oh, and she tells him, you have a weird house. And she's in a greenhouse, but she feels cold. That doesn't make sense.
Starting point is 00:27:13 And it feels like this is a note I made to myself that every scene is, this editing works like this. Long filler, just kind of like aimless conversation. And then something happens and they cut away instantly to the next scene. I guess they're trying to go, they're trying to keep you guessing each time, but it doesn't quite work.
Starting point is 00:27:28 John is in class and he finds creepy pictures that buy by man on his phone, that move, this is a me-scareer. That new iPhone, like a new iPhone camera thing where they like move like a couple inches. Yeah, and things that I can never quite figure out how to turn on. Yeah, that's the default setting. Yeah, and you're like can never quite figure out how to turn on. Yeah, that's the default setting.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Yeah, and you're like, what am I looking at a fucking Harry Potter newspaper? Every time I like using this for my son, because I can catch a little bit of his movement. But then I'm like, did I just trap his soul? Yeah. Is it here in the Phantom Zone? And so Elliot's talking about the librarian turns out there was some murders in the 60s. We saw them in the prologue. The man who did the murdering was a reporter who covered the killing by the
Starting point is 00:28:08 by-by-by man beat. He was the by-by man. Oh, it's the worst beat because your articles can't run because there was people learning about the by-by man. Then the the modern bad news, buddy. We're killing your article again. Bad news by a buddy. You're going by-by off the by-by man beat.
Starting point is 00:28:22 You're going as by-by as the man named for it. It's the sequel to the bad news buddy. The the the by by bears. Yeah. The by man to the bad news buddy. And the and the newspaper motto is all the news that's fit to print unless it involves the by by man. But it's right there on the front of the newspaper.
Starting point is 00:28:43 This reporter, this guy who committed the murders in that we saw in the beginning, he was a reporter who was covering the story of a teenager who killed his parents and blames the by-by man for it. And the reporter found out about by-my-man and I told people like this. And he's like, his by-by man, I have the metal group.
Starting point is 00:28:57 And we go to a flashback of the reporter, narrowly misses killing his wife. He won't tell his wife what this is all about, even though he's written, don't think it don't say it all to the walls. And then the bye-bye man comes in and he maybe kills somebody else and he drinks a clean, to kill him. Yeah, it cuts to the scene from the opening.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Yes. So like it finishes that opening sequence where he chases the two people down who knew the name, he kills them and then he drinks what like drain cleaner or something. Yeah, and he spits up blood and drill grows. And then the librarian essentially kind of makes up at a whole cloth, the idea of erasing the buy by man's memory to keep him away. She just kind of stumbles on that like, like the discovery of penicillin. She just accidentally stumbles into this way
Starting point is 00:29:50 of salt of curing the buy by man. And she finds that he's been writing buy by man all over his notebook without realizing it. Oh no, on the table, I think. Well, maybe that's how it happened. And she goes and the buy by man's in the library, maybe like that. Well, she notices the... I don't know, Rachel carving. Yeah, the, on the table, I think. Well, maybe that's how it happened. And she goes, and the buy by man's in the library. Maybe like that. Well, she notices the original carving.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Yeah, the, the, the, Oh yeah. What the kids doing is he's taking the original article and he's been scratching out the name buy by man. And each time he scratches out a name, the buy by man gets closer to him. Oh right. And when he's like, right about to grab him,
Starting point is 00:30:21 she's like, what are you doing? You're, you're work, you're ruining library property. Yeah. Get out of here. Bye bye, man. And he's like, wait, are you referring to the, I was just saying bye bye to you, a man. He snaps, yeah, I guess that's where the carving
Starting point is 00:30:37 and the table comes from. You go into a fugue state and you start writing the bye bye man's name or trying to erase them or some shit. I don't know. Anyway, he sees John and Sasha in the parking lot spies them through a shop window. The buy by man appears in the glass. The glass cracks.
Starting point is 00:30:50 She's stupid. She gets to the say on scroll. She says they have to stop the buy by man, but they're driving in a car and she has a butcher knife in her bag. She hallucinates that there are car crash victims who need help on some train tracks. It's a hammer, it's not a butcher.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Oh, it's a hammer. It's not a butcher. It's not a butcher. And she gets lured onto the train tracks and then a train kills her. And you're like, wait a minute, bye bye, man. Did you subcontract this out to final destination? Yeah, yeah, yeah. But it turns out, we find out later
Starting point is 00:31:18 that she has already killed her roommate with that hammer and she was intending to kill him and the others to erase the bye bye man's memory. Carrie and Moss shows up. She's one of the two movie stars. Oh, right. Yeah. She's a police woman and they think that he was chasing her with the hammer and she was running away in terror and then got hit by a car and he did by the train and he's like, no, no, no, we the audience know that she killed her roommate and was gonna kill him too. And John hallucinates that Carrie and Moss is winking at him, which later on, which doesn't really turn it to anything.
Starting point is 00:31:47 It's weird that the buy by man is like, Elliot, I'm giving you the crazy murder hallucinations. John, I'm gonna make you think everyone's super into you. Yeah. Create some social embarrassment. But you think that she's coming onto you, and then you're gonna be like, are you into it? Like, could you, I mean, you came into me.
Starting point is 00:32:05 It would be very awkward. Yeah. It'll just be like that Timothy's on novel where aliens are at war with humans. And both side thinks the other one shot first. And it turns out the human communication beam they sent kills the aliens. And they didn't know it.
Starting point is 00:32:21 So the aliens think this communication was a first attack. But the humans think the aliens retaliation was the first attack. Anyway. Is that a part of a throng trilogy? No, it's not Star Wars related. It's a different series. But this is kind of like that, but with sex.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Where now he's gonna come onto her and she's gonna be like, this is weird. Are you coming onto me? And he's gonna be like, yeah, but only because you came onto me. And she's like, what? And the bye bye man's like, did it again. Oh, yeah. Let's see, you extricate yourself she's like, what? And the bye bye man's like, did it again? Let's see, you extricate yourself from this one, John.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Oh, just sit up the dominoes and watch him fall. And Sasha hallucinates that Karen Moss is bleeding from her eyes and mouth. She's getting the heart. She gets like a mix like she gets that and she also gets the your sick. Yeah, yeah, which I'm assuming is bye bye man related, not just like, oh man, that's too bad. She's got the flu. I think a bye bye man has a lot of tools in his toolbox. Yeah, yeah. Don't don't go to the same one all the time.
Starting point is 00:33:10 No, exactly. Ali gets taken in for questioning, but it turns out the sands girl wrote a suicide note, taking the blame for killing everyone. So she's off the hook. She wanted to end the buy by man and carry on losses like tell me what happened. And he's like, if I explain this to you, you're going to die. And he won't tell his brother about it either. And he goes home and he finds John and Sasha doing it. Bump, bump, what? Making, making more the cuckled torn. Yep. Indeed. And unlike the cucks you see on the internet, he is not into this. Uh, it turns out it's just a hallucination,
Starting point is 00:33:44 but he only learns that after he hits John with a baseball bat, uh, miss Watkins, then calls Elliot about her by-by-man thoughts. Hey, we need to talk about this. And that's when we see she's stabbed her entire family to death. Oh, I love that phone call where she's like, Elliot, I've been having some weird thoughts about that by-by-man. I mean, she's. thoughts about that bye bye man. I mean, she's- The third line delivery is so great. I don't know the name of the actress who plays Ms. Wattskins,
Starting point is 00:34:10 but it's like, have you ever seen those chunky soup commercials where the football players mom is trying to get on to play the chunky soup? Play it like that character. Oh, you mean like in the snack wells commercials where the woman says, hello, cookie man? Yes, exactly. That's the character we're going for.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Like that feels racist, but I guess. But she's awesome in this. She's the breakout star of the movie, as far as I could say. I don't think her character hurts the harness of the movie, but she's so entertaining to watch. Like, she's bringing a spin to it. Whereas Elliot just kind of comes off as your directivity version of what's his name for Mr. Robot.
Starting point is 00:34:46 Yeah, yeah, a lot of these. Like, can we get a wider boring or ramby mallet? Like, please. Can we get like an even paler, Dane DeHon? Or is it like PG-13 movies have like just real like teenage mobs? Like that's the only way I can describe them. It's like a crew of teenage mobs.
Starting point is 00:35:04 And there's nothing correct charismatic about any of them. They're just hotter for the canon. You just, you want more of what like an Archie Andrews, America's favorite teen? That's right. Like a jug head. I want a jug head. I mean, the jug head's got the personality.
Starting point is 00:35:17 And by personality, I mean, he likes burgers. See, he likes burgers, doesn't like girls. Where's it inside out? Hat that looks like a crown. Yeah. That's more or more than you want from a character. Yeah. What else more morning you want my character? Much like Huey Lewis, you want a new jug head. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:35:31 Cause yeah, that song I want a new drug. Such a reach. So such a hard reach. But yeah, stretch arms, don't know. Anyway, Elliott sees a note from Sasha that the nightstand that they found the carving in belongs to the reporter who murdered all those people. Bum bum bum bum. It's not the house that's haunted.
Starting point is 00:35:52 It's the nightstand. Dan, the calls are coming from inside the nightstand. I guess put that nightstand out on the curb. He does the next best thing. He hurls it into the woods behind the house. Yep. From what's it came? And he goes to the widow Redmond's house.
Starting point is 00:36:07 Why didn't he fucking burn the stupid nightstand? Yeah, good question Stewart. I don't know. He should have. Elliot goes to. Oh, the local zoning doesn't allow for. Yeah, no bonfires, dude. He was going to and then he really read the renters agreement said, please do not use the fireplace.
Starting point is 00:36:23 It is ornamental only. Yeah, he's like, oh man. I guess I, please do not use the fireplace. It is ornamental only. Yeah. He's like, oh man. I guess I'll just throw this in the creek. So that's what adds, get dreams of the buy by man. Hopefully, there'll just be some fish you'll see it instead of killing people just go crazy and start giving out blow jobs.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Yes. And the prophecy of the shower curtain. Why are you blaming the fish for this, Elliott? Why are you going to fish, crazy? No, good point. Good point. There's a power dynamic between the fisherman and the fish that we don't know about, especially in today's climate.
Starting point is 00:36:52 I shouldn't blame the fish. I shouldn't slut shame the fish when the fish, you know what, the fish, I'm sorry, I apologize. I'm sick of you. Ellie goes to the house of the widow of the reporter played by Faye Dunnoway, who you know from other many great movies watching this movie Drunk on my iPad and I didn't recognize her. I mean she is all I've been seen her in movies in a while and she has aged
Starting point is 00:37:16 You know, okay as we all do I wouldn't have known it was her We all know what's up wouldn't you mean damn not me you said I look good for my age earlier I got this magic painting. Oh, no, and I put it up in the attic. Oh, Elliot and it's not what you mean, Dan. Not me. You said I look good for my age earlier. I got this magic painting, and I put it up in the attic, and it does not look good. It's not going to end well. But I'm looking boyish. Okay. Every time you order Popeyes, the painting shakes its head.
Starting point is 00:37:36 And it goes roll roll. She tells the story of our husband who was driven mad by the buy by man story, but he never told her what it was. This is the flashback where he refuses to tell her what it is. And you know, it's coming from the buy by man's coming from you when you see the coins and you hear his hound. And the train does not get mentioned, but while he's hanging out with the train goes by. And this is where I was realizing the buy by man is super complicated. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:04 First, you learn his name, then you find a gold coin, then you hear a spooky train, then eventually a big dog comes to get you. He's got so much going on, and I had to imagine a little scenario where a certain elder statesman of the Slasher genre, one Dr. Fredrick R. Kruger took him into his office just to let him
Starting point is 00:38:25 know, hey, uh, bye, my man. You got too much going on. Let's, uh, let's look at what I got, bitch. So, uh, I was killed by parents. So I come back and I kill their kids in their dreams. Now, it's a little out there. How do I travel through the dreams? Don't want to talk about it. But it's just the one thing. And the vibe, I'm just like, yeah, but you have that finger knife glove. Yeah, but that's my one fizz. That's my one weapon. You got the coins. You got the dog. You got the train. And you got the hallucinations, which are sometimes scary and sometimes sexy. You got to choose. But these are all these could all be great on their own, but you just overloaded the concept. You got too many concepts going on here, Doug. Too many concepts.
Starting point is 00:39:05 You're basically like a boring The Ring, right? Like Freddie likes The Ring, I bet. Oh, I bet Freddie loves it. Yeah, he's spooks him every time. Yeah. Well, then every time Freddie watches The Ring and he's like, oh, I don't get that call. You always tricks looks to the phone,
Starting point is 00:39:21 just a little creeped out. But like when Freddie saw it follows, and he was like, I'm not gonna be able to sleep for a week. I'm gonna always think there's a nit follows behind me. Yeah, now the shoes on the teens flip. It's like when Freddie was terrified of docking. It was docking, right? It was docking.
Starting point is 00:39:35 Yeah, there it is guys. Yeah, or when Freddie and Jason went to go see the witch. And Freddie was like, that was just the atmosphere was creepy. I mean, and what is saying about religion, and Jason like, hmm, like you just shrugged his shoulders because he can't talk. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And but in his head, he's like, these eight 24 films, I find the advertising misleading. That's and Freddie, because in Zigen Reed minds, I guess, was like fair point, fair point. It was, it was more about atmosphere than like just pure scares, but they discussed this over a malted down at the,
Starting point is 00:40:06 down at Pop's Chocolate Shop. Two straws? Yep, two straws coming out of the one. The one straw just goes through the holes in Jason's hockey mask. Yeah, he likes maltids. And then later they just kind of like, I mean, they're married, right?
Starting point is 00:40:17 So they just, they just crawled into bed in their full body pajamas. Yeah, ready versus Jason, that was their divorce. We're kidding. Yeah. They got a big fight wall, the party. The party versus Jason that was their divorce. They got a big fight wall, summering in Fire Island with the Babadook and Pennywise. On the Babadook and Pennywise in a relationship? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:35 The Babadook and Pennywise were just on the cruise, like just cruising on Fire Island. No, they're prominent LGBTQ icons, right? Yeah. And then every now and then they'd run into Jigsaw. And it would be awkward because Jigsaw and Pennywise used to have a thing. It wasn't like what you call a relationship, but it was like a regular summer flame.
Starting point is 00:40:53 He's just, you know, Pennywise is over games. I'm tired of games. He's so kind. That's what he likes about the Bobbidook. Because the Bobbidook will just come right out, put his feelings in a pop-up. Well, give it to you. He's not about hiding things, you know.
Starting point is 00:41:08 I now imagine Pennywise is at home. And he gets a phone call and he just hears, Baba, Baba, Duh, Duh, Duh, Duh, and he goes, hi, honey, coming home. That's something sweet about that. I like that all these movie monsters are found love. Yeah. Anyway, she, so, done a ways like, well,
Starting point is 00:41:28 the only way to solve this is for you to kill everybody and then kill yourself. And he realizes that, and this is something again that he's kind of making up as he goes along stumbling through it. Yeah. Oh, she hands him a gun. And she hands him a gun and says kill him. He realizes, hey, the by-by-man's power is based on fear
Starting point is 00:41:44 and the more you fear him, the stronger he gets. There has been nothing to suggest this, the entire movie. Suddenly, if they done away, catch his on fire. And he realizes it's a hallucination and he shakes it off. And these are like, this terrible special effects clearly, hallucination. The fact that it looks like they had a hand-drawn animated
Starting point is 00:42:05 fire applied over her makes it say five. Oh, that would be great. You got to try a little harbor. It'd be like house tour or something if they just animated fire over. It was, I mean the fire was one step above that blowtorch in past three. He hallucinates, I gotta get home and say everybody. As he's driving, he hallucinates, that he's about to hit someone with his car and he goes, no, I'm not gonna believe you, bye bye man, which for one thing, he's taking a huge risk right here.
Starting point is 00:42:34 Because it's not like a monster's in the road. This is a regular person. And it would, how much does he lose if he swerves around this hallucination? Nothing. You know what, take Pascal's wager on this one, dude. Just assume it's real and you'll be better off, but instead he goes right through the hallucination.
Starting point is 00:42:50 He's like, yeah, I beat you. And then immediately hits Miss Watkins, who has been walking down the middle of the road to the butcher knife in her hand. Because apparently the buy-by-man is driven into a stupor where she cannot drive and must walk the roads. Sure.
Starting point is 00:43:02 But she deserves it again, because she murdered her whole family. Yep, and, well, they're great. Yeah, there's a decent, there's a decent gore shot. Don't we see like the back of her head's been knocked off when she got hit by the car? Do we? I don't remember that. I think so. This is the point at which you started hallucinating because you lost the last night.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Oh, no, I was so scared. Third of this movie. Yep. Last night. Back at home at the house, Sasha, hallucinates that John is Elliot and is threatening her her and John hallucinates that Sasha is the bloody dead Sans. Oh no, not threatening her. She, she hallucinates that it's Elliott and then he's backing away and won't come near and she's like,
Starting point is 00:43:33 why won't you come on? Where are you going? And John hallucinates that she is the dead Sans girl with blood all over her. And he's like, no, get away, get away. And Elliott gets two back to get back too late to stop John from stabbing Sasha in the face. And he shoots him and it turns out, no, he was hallucinating. He shot Sasha who was stabbing John in the face.
Starting point is 00:43:54 They're hilarious. They're hilarious to make sense. Yeah, and he goes far away. And Elliott's like, oh, we're gonna laugh about this later. But I don't feel so great right now. And so far, this was the point where I was like, the buy by man is really effective at erasing everyone who's heard of the buy by man.
Starting point is 00:44:09 Like, he better hope that he's got some trick up his sleeves that he can get. I guess the night table is always his backdoor plan. Yeah. To keep things going. That's when a CGI monster dog walks out and then just leaves. And that's the go goes, just passing through. Does it like eat a face?
Starting point is 00:44:27 Yeah, it's and it's like to eat faces. The story seems to be that the Bye Bye Man kills people to feed this dog, which again, Freddy's like, oh, right, Bye Bye Man. Let's say it seems like a weird motivation. Which pumped air breaks. I mean, it's strange. Don't get me wrong.
Starting point is 00:44:41 I like the killing people part of it. But there is commercially available dog food. You could. I get it. There's no blood on your hands. Bye bye man. You didn't kill anybody. That's great. Yeah, yeah, you just maneuvered it and then the dog I guess takes the fall if you ever need them to. Where did you get this? You're the ghost of Roob Goldberg. I get it. Roob Ghostberg. And you're the ghost of the guy who went to the Maustrat Board game who died a popper. That was based on Root Goldberg stuff.
Starting point is 00:45:10 Oh, I mean, of course it was. Yeah, it's a complete exact idea. There's this dog. It's not even like, it's like, weird this hound to come from. What's going on? I don't need everything in the dorm room. It's like, good point. Right? No, it is. It's like a hellhound. And he's like weird this hound to come from. What's going on? I don't need everything to do. Everything's normal, it's dude. Okay, good point. Right?
Starting point is 00:45:27 No, it is. It's like a hellhound. And he's like Charon. But it's like the dog comes in so late. Before that, most of what you've seen is just claw marks, showing up places. Yeah. I'd almost rather the buy by man was just a dog. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:39 Like just called the buy by dog. Mm-hmm. And it's like, oh, it's this evil dog with mind powers. It's part of the airbud here. Part of the, there's nothing the rule of the says a dog can't kill people with hallucinations. And maybe he can teleport like lockjaw. I don't know. That's he's a big dog. There's everything's terrible. The buy by man appears and he points at Elliot, who hallucinates his brother's family, but they're right outside, outside the door.
Starting point is 00:46:02 And Elliot won't let them in. And the buy by man tries to open the door for them because really all we've seen him physically interact with in this movie is doors. And a coin maybe. I don't even know. Maybe in such in that coin. Maybe also the dog is. It seems a little unfair because like the rest of the time by-by-man, like he does everything by by the book. Yes. No, he does everything indirectly.
Starting point is 00:46:26 And like him suddenly like trying to force like a direct confrontation seems like, come on, buy by man. Like I thought your MO was, you know, like just being the pop-it master. Just take your time, buddy. Yeah, it's so complicated. The scheme starts breaking that up.
Starting point is 00:46:40 Buy by man, come in my office again. Here's when you know your motif is not working when you got to change up the rules of the last minute. Now, I never suddenly appear in the real world and then run from mayor. Yeah. You know why? Because that's Batman Returns.
Starting point is 00:47:00 One, that's Batman Returns classic flick. You gotta see it. But two, it's just not me, okay? It doesn't fit in. People would be like, wait a minute, I thought Freddie was a creature of the dream dimension. I mean, would it be great? I mean, could I affect a lot of change that way?
Starting point is 00:47:13 Sure. That could help. And in fact, you know what? I can do a lot to help out monsters like you and me. In fact, yes, I will run. That's why I did the first one, man. I got some skeletons in my closet. But hey, if Trump can make it to office, I'm feeling the first one. I got some skeletons in my closet. Today, but how you have Trump can make it to office.
Starting point is 00:47:25 I'm feeling pretty good about my chances. That's the way I'm announcing my marriage, my candidacy for mayor of fire islands. Because for far too long, both the LGBTQ M for monster community. I don't know if I like this. I don't know if I like that addition. That makes it weird. All right. So his Elliot's niece, his little girl runs off to use the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:47:54 Well, the brother waits outside. Bye, bye, man. Slowly walks over and takes his hood off. Revealing, he just looks like some guy. Yeah. He's not spooky at all. He's not creepier, crazier, kooky. Well, they try not spooky at all. He's not creepier, crazier, cookey. Well, they try to make him a little scary looking, but like, just make him a normal looking dude or make him actually scary looking. Don't put it. Don't just make it halfway. Don't try to halfway. Don't try to halfway this by the way.
Starting point is 00:48:18 Yeah, like the maggots. Come on. Yeah, commit to the bit by by man. And Ellie, it's like, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, man. And the brother is like, bye by what? Huh? Ellie, it shoots himself and the soul train speeds by. Shoot. Pickin' up another soul to be eaten by a monster dog.
Starting point is 00:48:35 And also, so the monster dog eats the corpses, but is he also a ghost or is he a physical creature? Does he chase after that train? Like a dog would chase after a tiny little chuck wagon? Because this is chuck wagon. It's full of food. The brother can't find his daughter. Well, having to her own know she's waiting in the car and the house is on fire. Carrienne mosque gets chewed out by her boss because they think Elliot killed everyone and she let him get away. But now the lot moss has started believing in the by-by man the niece, she's like in the car, she's like, hey, I found those
Starting point is 00:49:10 gold coins. And he's like, where did you find them? In the little table, it was in the back for some reason. And this is where you think the movie is leading up to thinking the girl read that it said buy by man at the bottom of it. And now she is. But instead she goes, something was written in it, but I couldn't read in the dark. Okay, and then John, who is still alive has been brought to an ambulance,
Starting point is 00:49:32 and he turns to carry on a loss and goes, buy by man. And it was like, wait a minute movie. You set up like a crazy, but somewhat plausible like stupid twist. And then you just threw it away. Wait, does he actually, does he say buy by man at the very end? actually, he doesn't, does he say bye-bye man
Starting point is 00:49:46 at the very end? Yeah, he does. He says bye-bye man. So instead of having like someone discovering it despite their best efforts, I can't just blurt it out. It's like in the beginning of rings when that goes, hey, you ever heard of this movie, this video that kills people when you watch it? It's like, you know, you can't sit in the corner and not think of an elephant if you're,
Starting point is 00:50:02 you know, I mean, that's the whole premise of this move. Yeah, exactly. But he's gotta board that out. He's gotta Paul blurt it out. Yeah. I don't know, Dan. It seems lazy from a screen right away. But if you're gonna do that, why bother the fake out
Starting point is 00:50:17 of the little girl getting the coins, but not see, why did she have the coins now? Well, because you're worried about the kid, but then like it turns out it's a bit, I think it'd be funny if it was the end of the move to you, you can tell him one, two, three. It's just like, you think the movie's over and then he ducks his head back and he's like,
Starting point is 00:50:32 bye bye man. Yeah. Just throws it out there. I wanted the next scene to be the little girl goes to their dead to the theme park and she uses those gold coins and one of those penny smashing machines and bye bye man is like, oh man, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:50:45 That's my stuff. Here's the thing that I want to point out about this. The implication you're left with by the movie is that all mass murders have been caused by the buy by man, that like any, like, even column vibes, like that, any of those types of mass murders or mass shootings was because the by-by-man got out and I couldn't help taking this to the worst extreme where I'm like Only Hitler hadn't told all those Jews know the by-by-man You wouldn't have to do all that
Starting point is 00:51:14 But it was it feels like it left a bad taste in my mouth to be like this is why killings happen because of the by-by-man I was like movie you did not earn that to suddenly project yourself into like every horrible crime that happens. I didn't like it. No. Which is too bad, because I loved the movie otherwise. You're okay, well. I didn't want to say buy by to the buy by man.
Starting point is 00:51:36 I want to say hello, give me more, please. It was one crack in the armor that you were able to explain. Otherwise. But yeah, so did you guys find this movie as dull as I did for most of it? Yeah, it was super, super dull. One of my favorite moments of foreshadowing in the movie is early on where Elliott and Sasha are, I think they're stressed out or upset or something.
Starting point is 00:51:58 And Elliott's trying to comfort her and he goes, you want to watch something stupid? And I'm like, uh oh, I guess that's what I'm going to be doing. That was the tagline to the movie. You want to watch the stupid? I mean, that would be a great tagline for a movie, to be honest. I mean, that could be the tagline for the jerk. And like, it would fit perfectly. Actually, like, I think that would be a very successful ad campaign. cuz yeah a lot of people do just want to watch something stupid people love watching stupid stuff
Starting point is 00:52:29 Yeah, that's what YouTube is built on oh Oh come on man. I'm sorry I'm kidding today, huh? Yeah, these millennials with their video screens in their pockets and looking at the looking at the cat wraps and the and then all the all the The vlogs with the kids react. The unboxings of things. Always unboxing things. Yeah, where do they get all those boxes? So let's unbox the Bye Bye man. The movie opens in 1960.
Starting point is 00:52:53 No, no, no, we're going nice. That's two final judgments. We can't get it in already, but it's a tradition. So our, our stocktober, tell me, I don't remember them and they're very confusing Totally scarifying totally snorrifying or frighteningly funny I love it Every time a year just for that I say those words Yeah, I mean I would probably say this falls squarely in the snorifying category.
Starting point is 00:53:32 Yeah. I did find it totally snorifying. There were occasional moments of funniness like, fade down a ways bad, CGI fire. Yeah. But otherwise, it's a movie that takes so the premise is so straight forward and it takes so long to get going And they do everything they can to like screw up this premise. Yeah, yeah, it's totally snorfying like to see the ring I feel like I see the ring same basic movie who saw that they done a way shot and they're're like, this is the final effect shot. And they're like, perfect. Good enough for a major motion picture.
Starting point is 00:54:08 I think the accountant who is in charge of the budget for the movie made that decision. But like, I feel like anybody would see it and be like, nah, let's change it. Let's change it to something better. Let's, hey, we just set, they done a way out of fire. He said, he said, he said, he said, they done a way, he said, You said, they don't weigh.
Starting point is 00:54:25 They don't weigh, kept insisting that she do it. She's like, I'll do it. I don't know what the problem is. I'm not a wimp. I do all my own stunts. And I always have. Set me a flame. Flamed on a way that used to call me.
Starting point is 00:54:36 You know my catch that she says in Chinatown? You know. Flamon, Jake. It's Chinatown. And he's like, flame on, Jake. It's Chinatown. And he's like, what? Your character got killed. How are you talking? Hey there, folks.
Starting point is 00:54:51 I'm Ryder and Performer Dave Holmes, and I host International Waters, where we pair a team of comedians in LA against a team of comedians in London in a pop culture trivia battle royale, comedians like Jimmy Parto. I and Pat's for Christmas once got me a candleabra, you know, for my collection. And my brother said, I didn't know you collected candleabras, and I went, I do. I now have one. Bill Dwyer, the Barker is turning over and is almost grave right now. He's very much less. And many more. Join us every other week on International Waters.
Starting point is 00:55:29 With me, Dave Holmes, find it on or wherever you get your podcasts. Judge John Hodgman ruled in my favor. Judge John Hodgman ruled in my favor. Judge John Hodgman ruled in my friends favor. Judge John Hodgman ruled in my favor. I'm Judge John Hodgman. You're hearing the voices of real litigants, real people who have submitted disputes to my internet court at the Judge John Hodgman podcast. I hear their cases, I ask them questions, they're good ones, and then I tell them who's
Starting point is 00:56:04 right and who's wrong. Thanks to Judge John Hodgman's ruling, my dad has been forced to retire one of the worst dad jokes of all time. Instead of cutting his own hair with a flow bee, my husband has his hair cut professionally. I have to join a community theater group. And my wife has stopped bringing home wild animals. It's the Judge John Hodgman podcast. Find it every Wednesday at or wherever you download podcasts. Thanks, Judge John Hodgman.
Starting point is 00:56:39 We got a few sponsors to tonight. Today, whenever you're listening to this podcast right now, we're it in the middle of the day. That's a peak find the curtain. Anyway. The curtain that is keeping the sunlight out, because it's the middle of the day. Uh, our first sponsor is Zippercruder. What if hiring could be easier?
Starting point is 00:56:58 That'd be great. More streamlined. Love it. Less time consuming. Please. With Zippercruder, you can post your job to over 100 job boards with just one click. That's an amazing ratio over 100 job boards with one click. That's a ratio of clicks per job board that's astounding. Yeah, one to 100. 100. That's great. And Zippercouter doesn't depend on
Starting point is 00:57:19 the right candidates finding you. It finds them by actively notifying qualified candidates about your job. Mm-hmm. No wonder 80% of employers who post on Zippercuder get a quality candidate through the site in just one day. Just one day. Think about how short that is. It's a day's link. Literally.
Starting point is 00:57:38 It's 24 hours. So what a difference a day makes, you started with an opening, now you've got an employee. Yeah. And right now our listeners can post jobs on zippercuda for free Just go to slash flop house that slash House sounds great You know what small business owners of the backbone of America start a business and put your listing up on zipracuda and hire some people
Starting point is 00:58:02 Elliot You're saying that but all the policies that you're pushing for in your political campaign don't seem to support small businesses. No, the best way we can help small businesses and the middle classes by cutting taxes on the upper classes. Oh, so like, I guess all that extra money will just trickle down into my pocket? You know it exactly, into your pocket.
Starting point is 00:58:20 Now, imagine the economy is like a washcloth. Sure. You're gonna pour a gallon of water into that washcloth, and if you drop, you're gonna trickle through it. Uh-huh. I mean, and those are delish, I need that water to survive. And it tastes a little better because it's with the washcloth. Little kids, you know what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:58:35 You're always sucking on washcloths. That's right. Here are two four unknown stereo type about little kids. Seriously? Yeah. I feel like every kid at some point is sucking on a watchcloth in a bathtub And I know that like I did as a kid my son does Might that we were reading a kid's book recently and there was a part where the character was just sucking on their wet
Starting point is 00:58:59 Blanket yeah, but they brought in the bathroom and I'm like, oh, yeah kids do that all the time So I guess you guys are of the minority of humans who don't suck on washcloths when your kids. All right. Okay. Zip Recouter, suck on it like a washcloth. So we're also sponsored in part by Squarespace. Do you have a cool idea that you want to turn into a new website or do you want to sell
Starting point is 00:59:24 products and services of all kinds? Squarespace can help by giving you beautiful templates. Hit those P's. The ability to customize your site with just a few clicks, built-in search engine optimization, and 24-7 award-winning customer support. So if you want to make a website, just make it. Just go on, make it. Make it.
Starting point is 00:59:47 Make it stand out with a beautiful website. If you go to for a free trial, when you're ready to launch, use the offer code to flop to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. Now Dan, I have a question. This sponsor really affects me personally, because I do have a website I want to start. Now, really we're talking about how when the main character Elliott searches for Bye Bye Man online, he finds nothing and certainly nothing about Bye Bye Man's feet. So I have a site I've been wanting to start called www.Bye Bye Man It's your place on the internet for news, reviews, games, tips, hands, and tricks, and professional advice about Bye-Bye-Man's feet. Most importantly, you've got pictures of Bye-Bye-Man's feet,
Starting point is 01:00:28 the sexiest pictures we can find, of the sexiest booleumand and movies, the Bye-Bye-Man and the sexiest part of his body, the foot. So, do you think Squarespace would be able to help me with Bye-Bye-Man feet, comm? I think that almost certainly could help you with that. I think that it would be very strange
Starting point is 01:00:43 if they were to turn down your business. Okay, that's great to know, because I have had a checkered past with the internet as listeners might know. Yeah. But I just got struck by the point when he goes to the famous search engine search and types in buy by man and we're back on the buy by man beat. Yeah, and yeah, and feet does not automatically auto auto enter or other stuff. I was like, seems like there's a problem here. Why is this guy banging it? Why is there no place in the internet for those of us
Starting point is 01:01:10 who like me having interest in the buy by man's feet? Yeah, does he wear shoes? Does he walk around barefoot? Well, there'd be a couple different pictures like that. But we don't get a real sense of it in the movie that I gotta assume that's because the movie has hide in some pretty, pretty sweet feet on that. I don't like your sweet feet.
Starting point is 01:01:24 I don't know, I imagine them all calloused and yellow. But you like orange on them? Does he have tan lines from his sandals? Sure. Maybe. That's pretty hot. Only the Bye Bye man knows or visitors to Bye Bye Man
Starting point is 01:01:36 Next Squarespace. We also have some Jojo Jojo Jojo Jojo Jojo Boutra. Ow! I like this thing. So have some Jojo Jojo Jojo Jojo Jojo Jojo Bo Tras. Ow! I like this thing. Okay, so I'm gonna be doing the first one. Okay, so let me just go. There he is for that.
Starting point is 01:01:57 I'm about to start to lick your lips and anticipation. Okay, take a breath and exhale. Rubber baby. Okay. Do you love the flop house, but wish one of them was a lady and they only talked about movies from the 80s? Probably not. I don't know, that sounds better than us.
Starting point is 01:02:18 But if that interests you, then check out the podcast Good Times Great Movies, where every other week, Jamie and Doug choose a film from that magical decade and roast it. Any similarity to the flop house is pure coincidence. I guess that's legal. Yeah, I didn't stick that in. Would the floppers like to join us for an episode? Pervazoid number one, they used your title, maybe zapped, stew, how about dolls?
Starting point is 01:02:50 And Elliott with only one tea. So I'm assuming this, I'm talking to the character from the Bye-Bye, man, too late. It's too late, he's dead. Might as well cover it. Maybe something artsy like my dinner with Andre. Right movie. Oh, you'd probably like that.
Starting point is 01:03:04 Yeah. Well, that's probably like that. Yeah. Well, that's really holding our feet to the flames on that one. But yeah, so check out. You can find good times, great movies wherever you get podcasts or visit So check that out.
Starting point is 01:03:18 And I'll take our other jumbo-tron thingy announcement that is. And they're saying, what should you do? You should subscribe to shirts and pants on Apple podcasts. All right. Shirts and pants, not the clothing, but I'll explain. Okay. On shirts and pants, Erica, Nathan Talk movies, TV,
Starting point is 01:03:34 and other cultural detritus, or detritus, old and new, good and bad, funny, unfunny, scary, tear jerking. There's no telling what the topic might be. One hour long discussion of robot jocks, I know Stewart does. Try on shirts and pants. Oh, one hour. Need Lord of the Rings brought up with barely any justification? Again, Stewart, slip into shirts and pants, like good pop culture conversation between good friends, put on shirts and pants, zapping you in the brain twice a month. Subscribe on iTunes today. That's shirts and pants. Well, I like those topics, but I generally don't like
Starting point is 01:04:05 paintings. You like to be nude. Yeah. I'm in the test. The fact that Stewart does not like pants. They're just very confining. Remember the timeline we were recording in Stewart got up, left the bathroom and changed into a tiny bathing suit. Guys, I'd like to have a little jumbo tron of my own. Oh, yeah. I have a thank you jumbo tron out there. Now, I will make a long story short or try to, you know me. A long while back, someone wrote in and asked, what kind of movie merchant, Mimimribilia do we most want?
Starting point is 01:04:35 And I said, I had always dreamed, free years. This is a dream going back over a decade to own one of the drawings from Gertie the Dinosaur. Windsor McKay's landmark drawing. Well, thanks to a really wonderful flop house listener named Michael Wight. Over in England, I am now the possessor of a Gertie the dinosaur drawing
Starting point is 01:04:56 through an elaborate series of- Like a tauntine? A tauntine, yeah. I thought they smelled that on the inside. How the inside? Tauntine's kind of like a tartlet too. You get it at a French cafe. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:08 Uh, he, uh, very, I won't go into all the details, but very kindly, uh, reached out to me and made it happen. And now I'm super excited about it. I haven't gotten it framed yet, but I literally keep it next to my bed so I can look at it whenever I want. And it's just this amazing piece of animation history. It's beautiful. It's something that I've dreamed having
Starting point is 01:05:30 as a part of my life for a long time, so I want to say thank you very much to Michael, and I wanted to promote his children's book. It's called Digger Soros. Finally, construction trucks and dinosaurs combined into one thing, and he sent me a copy of it, and my son loves it. So thank you very much, Michael, for making one of my dreams come true.
Starting point is 01:05:48 And anyone who's interested in books for children that involve dinosaurs and construction equipment, maybe because they have a child in their life, maybe they're just young at heart. I would like to promote his book, DiggerSaurus by Michael Wait. Apparently you can just make things happen when I put her in the world's secret style.
Starting point is 01:06:03 I mean, that's not secret. It's said a lot on a public podcast. No, but like the seek anyway, speaking of putting. Hey, speaking of anyone wants to send me an original Gremlin from the movie. Speaking. No, this was like something I came out of nowhere. It was super exciting. Like I'm still like super buzzed and excited about it.
Starting point is 01:06:22 It's so it's so awesome. But speaking of putting things out in the world, we put out something recently in the world, comic books. Oh, comic books. I mean, digital comics. Digital comics. I mean, we put them out into the digital world, the cyber sphere, we're net runners.
Starting point is 01:06:36 Console cowboys. But just the right heroes. We have some new flop has fun. He's out. Stuart's coming out soon. Yeah, it's looking, It's coming. I'm really great. Dan and mine are out. The theme this time is love and all the money that goes to it. Any with money you pay for it goes to hurricane relief for Puerto Rico. So it's good cause they need there for anyone who's an American listening to us. There are fellow Americans and they need our help because they are being seriously underserved by our elected officials. So please read some comics and help out our own fellow citizens in their time of crisis.
Starting point is 01:07:13 Yeah. Support our our comic book, making dreams. Well, at least me. You can get them by going to That's our website. Oh, thank you for filling in the backstory. Yeah. I like that was like you saying the URL is Star Wars and then you feeling that in was like episode one, the Phantom Man is where it's like this was not necessary. All right. But
Starting point is 01:07:39 now it's time for everyone's third favorite part of the show. I don't know. for everyone's third favorite part of the show. I don't know. Letters from Western. You know, it's what's rank them. It goes Stuart's hilarious jokes at number one number one. Number one, Dan size number two. Uh-huh. Number three is probably a letter's song like this one. Hey guys, we're all together in one place. It feels so good to be face to face to face again in Toronto. This is the place that we are in a rented house with stairs that we all almost fell down and died.
Starting point is 01:08:14 I actually fell down them so. If we had died then our audiences would have cried and our loved ones as well. What would people think we're swell? These three guys called the Flockers, Stuart, Dan and Elle. We're all together reading letters together, sewer-stiffin water, and Dan probably oughter because you're looking dehydrated and I want you to take good care of yourself, have some water right now while I'm singing to tell you that you should stay healthy with water
Starting point is 01:08:46 and Stuart's getting you some. It's very nice to you Stuart. This song was brought to you by the Water Council. Drink it. Love it. Make love in it. Water. Anyone tried it?
Starting point is 01:08:57 Have a fish suck you think it. The Water Council does not approve of using water as a place to pressure fish to have to satisfy you all. It could be consensual. The water council is in favor of all consensual sexual acts between loving adult partners or even adult strangers. Now, here's the thing. Fish live a different lifespan than humans.
Starting point is 01:09:28 How do you do that, Math, Dan? When you wait into the water, how do you know which fish with the parasite? How do you know which fish are okay? That's a good point. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know who I guess you'd probably just go with sharks because they live a long time. There's that one kind of shark that can live for like 500 years. He's got it. He's must have picked up a thing or two. Very comfortable. Yeah, he's, uh, he's seen some stuff. The bottom of the ocean mainly. Yeah, very uncomfortable. So let's move on to letters.
Starting point is 01:09:50 It's time for the letters. We're moving on to the letters. This Dan takes a sip of water. Hey, there get your son and your daughter. Cause we're done with the fish, blow job stuff. And we're onto the family, friendly letters segment. This is from Bartholomew last name with hell. Simpson.
Starting point is 01:10:11 It goes deer flop stars. It's my short. It's my short. Kewabonga, I corrupt. Do the Bart man. Why doesn't anyone do the Bart man anymore? Because it wasn't a real dance, Dan. No one ever did the Bartman.
Starting point is 01:10:28 Yeah, like your body shake, with a side to side. Okay, that's just dancing. The time warp tells you how to do it. The Bartman, you're like, what am I supposed to be doing right now? Twist makes sense. You just do what the name of the dance is. Yes. Mashed Potato harder to figure out.
Starting point is 01:10:43 So this letter goes like this. I wanted to thank you guys. I recently cycled across a large amount of France, which if you knew me, you would realize it's an incredible feat for someone of my mass, but I was only really able to finish this trip because of you guys. Stuart's boy-stressness helped me get a good start the day. Elliott's rambling stopped me from getting bored during miles of endless fields, and Dan's vocal tones helped me to sleep after a long day but I'm no exertion.
Starting point is 01:11:10 Thank you all. So are we to believe that Bartholomew separated out each of our lines and listed them in? Yeah, I slayed the vocal track. Like a sound board? Yeah. While I'm here, I have a question. What do you guys think are the best French films you've seen?
Starting point is 01:11:26 Oh, I'm just starting to learn the language. It needs some good movies to make it more fun. It'd be hard. Thanks for all your flopping. You guys are my favorites. Well, I mean, if you're, I got one right off the bat. My favorite French film is Wages of Fear. Okay, that's a great movie.
Starting point is 01:11:39 Oh, yeah, that's a good one. It was remade as sorcerer. It's about some desperate men who have to transport nitric glycerin in a truck through the jungle and any over stimulation of the nitric glycerin, any shakes will blow them sky high. And it's a very tense thriller. And it's got beautiful black and white photography.
Starting point is 01:12:04 I love it. It's hard to France has a wonderful cinema tradition. It's difficult. I would say that rules of the game might be my pick for the best one by Renois. It's like really touching and really funny and it looks great but also like jewels and gem is an amazing movie. Like pretty much all that the Joufau Antoine de Nell movies are like at the very least fun, but at their best they're like, you know, beautiful, like amazing. There's a ton of great French movies. It's hard to pick. Yeah, and there's a bunch of super gory ones like high tension and the inside.
Starting point is 01:12:45 Is it the insider inside? That one's gross. Martyrs. Yeah, check them out. Yeah, there's a tradition in new extreme French horror cinema. Yeah, it's gross. It's gross. It's just one word to describe it.
Starting point is 01:13:01 That's gross. I guess would you consider like a lot of Boonwell's movies, French, because they were made in France, but he's himself is not French. Like, with French movies, here's how I'm going to say this is how I always figure you should explore any type of, any type of group of movies. The first one that sounds interesting to you, just watch it and just follow the threads from that movie. The people who are in it that you like, or the people who made it that you like, or just
Starting point is 01:13:24 other ones that sound similar, like, but I'd say start with Jules and Jim maybe. This is from Mallory Last Name with Held, who says, Pete and, yep. Pete, right? Her middle initial was also Pete. Probably, right? I guess, yeah, her name was probably Mallory, probably,
Starting point is 01:13:44 Pete. Right. So P probably right I guess my year in engineering was probably Mallory probably And the episode about the USS Indianapolis Stewart said I feel bad about making one of that old man. I apologize Stewart said the reason why Indianapolis is nicknamed Naptown. Yeah because nap is in the name Well, that is partially right the actual reason is even better I'm from the Andy area and in my senior year of high school, I took a class in photography. For some reason, our teachers showed us a documentary about Andy in the 60s. The only thing I remember about it is a horrific murder and Indianapolis's nicknames. They explained that teenagers gave Indianapolis the nickname Naptown because the city was so boring. The other
Starting point is 01:14:23 popular nickname at the time was Indy No Place, which did not stick, but it's arguably better. I don't, I think I remember this because it's either really clever or really stupid and I can't decide which. I actually don't hear Naptown that often. And I still live here, except when talking about the Naptown Roller Derby, which is our Roller Derby League.
Starting point is 01:14:42 Anyway, ROCK and the USA Mallory Last name withheld. And as someone who's grandparents lived in Indianapolis, came from Natownia, I can confirm the boringness of that particular bird. Ah, well, there's not a lot to address in this letter. I mean, it's nice to get a correction. If it helps, I thought of some other French movies
Starting point is 01:15:05 that are where to try like Refifi or Bob La Flambeau are really good starters or like elevator to the gallows is a real tense movie that's really good. Man bites dog. That's not French, is it? Yeah, that was, is it, some of you guys thought that was Scandinavian? No, it's French.
Starting point is 01:15:23 Oh, it's French. Okay, sure, a man bites dog then. Is it for some reason I thought that was skin and avian now it's French. Okay sure man by stag then and Any any of the 30s movies with John Geppin in it the French Humphrey Bogart Elliot, I just want to tell you I got a text right now and I thought it was gonna be something dramatic or something important Mm-hmm, and it was from my co-worker, your former co-worker, Matt Koff saying,
Starting point is 01:15:49 what do we do with screeners we don't want? You cut him up and throw him away. Yeah. Well, glad you interrupted. Yeah, well, such a good story. I just wanted to add a little of the moment flavor. So the fundamentally of my brother went on a vacation recently and he texted me while he was on the moment, flavor. So that was the number one. So that was the number one. So that was the number one. So that was the number one.
Starting point is 01:16:06 So that was the number one. So that was the number one. So that was the number one. So that was the number one. So that was the number one. So that was the number one. So that was the number one. So that was the number one.
Starting point is 01:16:14 So that was the number one. So that was the number one. So that was the number one. So that was the number one. So that was the number one. So that was the number one. So that was the number one. So that was the number one.
Starting point is 01:16:22 So that was the number one. So that was the number one. So that was the number one. So that was the number one. So that was the number one. So that was the number one. So that was during the trip. And he put, he says, I think the coolest thing was Colin, and then I waited for a long, long time. And I was like, what is it? What is it? And I was the edge of my seat like, did something like, do you have news to tell me? And then I texted him back, I was like,
Starting point is 01:16:32 I'm in suspense, was he goes, oh, the picture didn't go through? It was the Frog Museum. And he sends me a picture of a sign for this museum that is hundreds of frogs. Textured me into human activities. And I was like, okay. I thought he was going to tell me like, something big really happened, or like, he has was like, oh, okay. I thought he was gonna tell me like something big
Starting point is 01:16:45 really happened or like he has great news or something dramatic. No, it's a frog museum. Oh, that's pretty good. It's a frog museum. I mean, I wish, I want to see it too. And the picture on the sign is a bunch of frogs in like a competitive row boat.
Starting point is 01:17:00 Would they're with the ors in their hands? Yep, it's weird they would do a sport that's so upper body heavy. Yeah, you do the ticket manager, the back legs, that's where the muscle is. Yeah. You raised a very good point that I did not even think about until now.
Starting point is 01:17:19 Now, this last letter purports to be from someone by the name of Stuburg, Mick Lassname with Hell. I think that's a pseudonym, probably. And says run it through our database. Oh, yeah, there's a bunch of hits. There it is, yeah, person of interest. Stubbert, Stubbert feet. It says, hey boys, last year I rented a movie theater
Starting point is 01:17:40 for my birthday and forced about 30 good friends to watch Koana Scazi. What? It's an interesting birthday choice. They're not, not that that's a bad movie. Just like, there's a certain aspect of that where it's like, well, we'll see what he says, but it feels like we're gonna enjoy this or you're gonna hate it.
Starting point is 01:17:55 Yeah, well, he says, this was perfect as I live in Europe and having a movie that doesn't depend on dialogue is ideal. Oh. For my next birthday, I was considering doing the same, but now I don't know what movie would be good to show. I've considered stop making sense, but if some slack job doofus isn't into talking heads, then it would make for a long evening for them. What's a movie that works well outside language and is little seen enough to warrant subjecting my friends to?
Starting point is 01:18:17 I don't know about little scene, but my first impulse with this is to go with like a buster-keyton movie. in Pulse with this is to go with like a Buster Keaton movie. Because obviously that exists outside language and he's my favorite of the silent film stars. If he's not a British film, the silent film, then I would recommend it's called The Wind. And it's a thing with Lillian Gish. And it's about a woman who, basically, in the Marries of Man,
Starting point is 01:18:41 she doesn't really know that well, and gets taken to live with him in his kind of frontier house in the desert and she leaves him alone. He leaves her alone for a long periods of time and she kind of gets driven mad by the wind in the desert. But it's a silent movie that's super creepy. But also, you know, you can do like Fantasia. Oh yeah, that's a good one.
Starting point is 01:18:59 I'm a big fan of, uh, this doesn't really answer the question. But I'm a big fan of on Halloween screening horror movies with the sound off at the bar. And it's always fun for like the first hour or so people kind of ignore what's going on on the screen. And then as the movie like starts kicking into gear, people like more and more people are like, what is this? What's happening? Yeah. So that's always fun. And for that, just pick any really great gory horror movie, like just go to the Stewart Gordon section in your local video store and just push all the boxes in your your car.
Starting point is 01:19:40 The sections of the Vistar romance, comedy, drama, action adventure, and Stuart Gordon. They're like, Stuart Gordon's films check so many of these genre boxes. Let's make it its own section. You could also run a movie like Blade Runner or Susperia that works better as a visual experience than it does as a narrative one. Whoa. Take that 4K new version of Susperia. Yeah. The members of Goblin are in town. Really? You better watch your book. Oh, no, but I love their work. That's literally
Starting point is 01:20:11 true. They are. Yeah, we heard this. Yeah. Where are they playing? They're doing, there's a screening of Susperia with Goblin there. I don't know. I want to know that. Is that the same time as our show tonight? It's right before. So I guess we're not watching the movie. Yeah. I mean, I guess what we can watch. We can just go over and bullshit about whatever for a couple hours. Nobody will know they don't watch these movies.
Starting point is 01:20:34 No one's seen the buy by man. No, we're review. Well, yeah, I guess right. But I mean, like whatever the movie we're doing for this next one. Yeah. So Dan, what do you do at this part of the podcast? This is the part of the podcast where we recommend a movie that you should watch instead of the Bye Bye man. Anyone got a good reputation? We have to be French. Does it have to be the opposite of this? Because
Starting point is 01:20:55 I guess Hello Dolly would be the other the Bye Bye man. Who's going to go first? Hello. Who's gonna go first fellas? So Right before I hurt my back Playing a really long board game Ellie Gotta put me on fucking blast huh I gotta hear about this on the podcast Now I went to a The the traveling fantastic fest thing they were doing at the draft house in Brooklyn,
Starting point is 01:21:31 and I went to an early screening of a movie that's currently being worked on called Apple Cart, which is kind of like a B-horror movie. It, like, there was a brief Q&A afterwards with one of the producers and they were saying that like they're not even sure if that's going to be the final title of the movie and that the that they're still in the editing process. And it didn't completely feel that way. But like as soon as I heard that I couldn't help but like think about the movie and be like, oh, they could tweak this or change that. And I don't think it's, I mean, this is a somewhat qualified recommendation because I don't think the whole thing holds up super well, but there's
Starting point is 01:22:11 some really good stuff to it. It does a thing where the movie, the story of the movie runs parallel to a like a true crime like unsolved mysteries type type show that's documenting the events of that you're going to be watching in the movie and it doesn't all work but it does add a little bit of like levity to the whole process and it's like the parody of a true crime show is pretty funny and the like the staged like the staged events that true crime show is pretty funny and the like, the staged, like, the staged events that they do with actors are pretty funny.
Starting point is 01:22:50 And it's got a decent, it's got a pretty good performance from AJ Bowen and a great performance from Barbara Crampton. And, um, surprise. Yeah, she's amazing. She's great. And, uh, there's also some really cool practical special effects in it. So, Apple Carto. Scary name.
Starting point is 01:23:07 Yeah. I'm going to recommend a couple of horror movies too, because it's Shocktober. These are both fun movies, not the greatest, like, you know, these, that a's, but they're still enjoyable. I watched the Netflix adaptation of Gerald's game, which, you know, I've heard it's good. It's from that guy who did the movie Hush and the WGC. Well, that was supposed to be actually pretty good,
Starting point is 01:23:35 even though the first one sucked. And it's got Bruce Greenwood and your favorite, what's her face? Carly, do you know Dan? What's your favorite? what's her face? Carly Lugino, Dan. What's their favorite? What's her face? The actress you have a crush on, Lugie? Oh, the blank from Dick Tracy.
Starting point is 01:23:55 And it's about, I guess content warning, there is something that comes close to being like an attempted rape in it. But it's about a woman who gets, you know, like goes up to the cabin with her husband for a like rekindling sort of weekend and they have a sex game where she gets handcuffed to the bed and he gets a little too rough with her.
Starting point is 01:24:20 You're gonna tell us the whole story? Well, this is the very beginning of the movie. And she and he dies He's just taken some Viagra and his heart goes out and the rest of it is her being strapped his heart goes out to his listeners. Yeah They've suffered a lot. There's a lot. It's going on in the world today, Elliot. Yeah Whatever happened to predictability the milkman paperboy you need TV Anyway, it's all about her survival and how she gets out of it and how she keeps her sanity while she's strapped to the bed
Starting point is 01:24:53 and no one's around to save her. And so that's pretty good and I also actually went out and saw at some time to kill. It's slide right into my two hours window that I needed to fill up. And I saw a happy death day, which is a very silly movie, but I enjoyed it quite a bit, actually. It's not really a good horror movie in that there's no real scares in it, but as kind of a comic thriller, it's a lot of fun. I mean, everyone I think knows the premise. It's basically Grant Hogs Day with a Slasher.
Starting point is 01:25:27 Yeah, a Slasher. And it's a nice little movie. And I think that the lead is very likable too. Fun. That's what I'm curious to see. I'm going to recommend some scary movies too. But you know, it's the scariest thing, guys. Depression. That's true scariest thing guys. Depression.
Starting point is 01:25:45 That's pretty good. Incredibly frightening. And so I recently watched two movies that dealt with depression in very different ways, and I enjoyed as the wrong word, because they're not happy movies, but I was affected by both of them. One of them is Queen of Earth,
Starting point is 01:25:59 starring Elizabeth Moss, which is a kind of more, you know, poetical, l is a kind of more, you know, poeticolyricle kind of elliptical take on someone dealing with depression and memories of when things were better, experiencing when things are bad now, and kind of the breakdown of a friendship between two women, when as there, as one of them is dealing with real serious depression, the other one is dealing with their own disappointments and things, and you kind of have to puzzle out exactly what's going on with these people,
Starting point is 01:26:29 but I found it very affecting. And the other one is Christine starring Rebecca Hall, not Christine about the car that tries to kill people. But Christine, the story of Christine Chubbick. Is there a car in that movie, though? They do drive in cars, yes. Christine Chubbick, the local news reporter, who in the 70s killed herself on air. And it's that one is very much about a person who is who has dealing with
Starting point is 01:26:54 depression, but also in the way that it shuts her off from the people around her. And she kind of can't read the signals they're sending her. And they can't really understand what she's trying to get across. And I found in both of these just the portrayal of it and the characters they were drawing felt so real to me and like people I've known that ways that I've felt. And so I thought they were both neither of them are super perfect. They both have flaws here and there, but I thought they were both very affecting and very powerful presentations of it. And Tracy Letts has a role in Christine playing this guy who's like
Starting point is 01:27:28 kind of an asshole, but at the same time you're like, I found maybe just through the performance, I found him more sympathetic than I would have thought. And so there's a, there's a wholeness to the personalities in the movies in both of them that I found very powerful. So anyway, Queen of Earth and Christine. Super scary, but there's no like monsters in them. Yeah, except the monsters in the human psyche. His name, Psychor.
Starting point is 01:27:55 Oh, wow. And he eats dreams. Oh, man, does he have a dog? He has an evil dog and the dog carries a gold coin in its mouth and they run on, not a train, but like a speedboat But it's a speedboat that goes on land with wheels. It's pretty goofy I love this asylum cinema is knockoff
Starting point is 01:28:14 They thought I was gonna be a big block by so sorry, yeah, so they they came out with like a cyan aura dude The audio samego Hey, did you hear about the audio samego? the audio is a me oh hey did you hear about the audio some you go So that this ends our two month's stretch of theme shows Okay, we get a sandal Vemper coming up where we use an on samler movie. Yeah, he's never codified Well, I do he does have a new movie out, but it's not I don't think it's supposed to be a bad movie. It's pretty good. So it's not a bomb buck movie. It is not like that.
Starting point is 01:28:50 What was that? Well, we're just congratulating Adam Taylor. Okay, cool. So I guess we should sign off because we've got a big day. We're actually recording this the day that we're also doing our Toronto live show. Yeah. It's going to it's a crazy day and I got in at 6.40 this morning. It's going to be nuts.
Starting point is 01:29:08 You know what's keeping me energized and awake? What's that? Be with my best buds. Oh, cool. And getting to be around them when I have no wild ima. Ellie, it's holding up two bottles of Budweiser beer. I've been saving them. They're vintage.
Starting point is 01:29:21 They're my best buds. Yeah, so we should sign off for the flop house. I've been Dan McCoy. This is me saying bye-bye, man. I'm Stuart Wellington. And me saying don't say it, don't think it, Ellie Kaelin. Yeah. Bye! Bye, man. That was that was John McLaughlin the one who said, go bye-bye!
Starting point is 01:30:08 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Comedy and culture, artist owned. Listen or supported.

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