The Flop House - Ep. #250 - The Apple

Episode Date: February 3, 2018

Hey, we found a guy from much more popular podcasts than ours to come guest host with us. Travis McElroy from My Brother My Brother and Me and The Adventure Zone (and like 50 others) joins us to the movie he insisted we watch, The Apple. It's... a trip. Meanwhile Elliott clarifies the plot to Bosom Buddies, Dan refuses to meet an actual vampire, Stuart reveals a Julian Sands secret, and Travis quickly discovers that the easiest way to fit in is to bully Dan. Wikipedia synopsis for The Apple Movies recommended in this episode Kingsman: The Golden Circle High Tension Phantom Thread Rabid Columbus

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On this episode we discuss the, and the second head of this comedy server is me Stewart Wellington. And I'm Elliot Kaelin, once again the middle head on the comedy Cerberus even though I'm announced third here's the problem it's like those movie posters where the faces don't line up with the order of the names just look at the poster for Jumanji the new one and you get the idea anyway I'm the middle and I get named third wait am I here or am I not what I'm not. Oh, god, damn. No, you can't do anything. And you're writing the back, writing the back of this three-headed Cerberus hound is.
Starting point is 00:01:10 You're on the Pico's bill of this Cerberus hound. I kind of see, I kind of see you as more of like the Persephone who is like trapped here because she ate part of a pomegranate. What I want to talk about my favorite Greek myth of pickles bill. Hi, I'm Travis McGrory or whatever. Anyways, what do we do on this show? Yeah, Dan, what do we do on the show? Uh, we're getting there.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Well, what do we do on the show? Uh, Dan, Dan, Dan. How are his levels? Dan, Dan, what do we do on the show? Okay. Dan, Dan, Dan, what do we do on the show? Okay. Dan. Dan.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Dan. What do we do on the show? Is there's too much pressure? Dan. Dan, you were beta-cooked by Travis so fast. Dan, what do we do on the show? Dan. We watch a bad movie and then we talk about it.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Oh, okay. And tonight we watched a movie that Travis inflicted upon us. Oh, yeah. Travis, McRoy, I said. I said McRoy, okay, sure. Hi, Stuart, we've just been friends for three years. No, it's fine.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Just clarifying for the audience. Okay, no, whatever, it's okay. You may know Travis from being popular than us. Yeah, that Travis, trip country music star. No, it could not have been What have you guys could pull from the taxi driver played by Robert Daniel? Yeah, I could have been a fictional character trap It's y'all maybe he's y'all the whole video
Starting point is 00:02:34 Robbie De Niro on your regular polls or whatever wait. Are you trying to do a Robert De Niro impression? No, cuz what that sound like Dan Dan No, because what I like that sound like Dan Dan Dan Come on master impressionist Dan McQuay give us your Bobby De Niro You're talking to me. Oh my god. Oh, wait is Robert De Niro over there Did you guys get Robert De Niro we did? Robbie tells about oh that's what his friends call him. Robbie. I think that I share with Robert De Niro the redness sense that makes me also a bad interview
Starting point is 00:03:13 subject. If there's two things I know, it's that Dan and Robert De Niro were very quiet men. And I'm going to guess, I'm going to guess knee pain. That is a Yeah, like you saw you saw the movie poster for what is it? Horny grandpa what fucking movie was he in yeah, we're putting Grand Paul yeah where he's it looks like he's putting Zach Efron and the fucking spinner Rooney like his knees don't Look like they're doing good. Those are photo shop knees. Really? Yeah, those are a young demands knees like they're doing good. Those are Photoshop knees.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Really? Oh yeah. A younger man's knees. Oh wow, we should. They Photoshopped in pants knees. Hey, if you work in the, if you work in the special effects world, why don't you write in and let me know
Starting point is 00:03:58 if they're right or not. Just write into the flat-out. It's a little bit difficult. If they're right or not, like two right means. No, it's Robert De Niro waste up, Zach Efron waste down. Oh, wow, what a sexy centaur. So, Rick Baker, if you're listening, send us the info. Also, Rick Baker.
Starting point is 00:04:20 Rick Baker, do you share a time share ponytail with Julian Sands? Oh boy. Anyway, explanation. That's going to wrap it up folks. Thank you so much. Yeah. Dan, maybe you should remind people what we do in this podcast. I already did.
Starting point is 00:04:39 We watch it. What do we do? Dan's been a while. Dan, but it's been a while. Dan, I love you. Thank you. Dan, I'm going to be aggressive and complimentary at the same time. Dan, you're so fucking great. Dan. Those are the two things that Dan likes least. It's like the theory of like, of working out where you do muscle confusion. Yeah, damn.
Starting point is 00:05:05 That's a great joke, Dan. Oh, that was a good joke. That's a fucking great joke, Dan. I'm on you. This is. I'm begging, Dan. No, you're pausing me. He's pro-negging you.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Yeah. I was a nagging you. If only we had a word with, uh, neck lamenting, is that anything? Dan what do we do? We watch a bad movie and then we talk about it. We said that so well dad guys. I'm not comfortable being in this position But I'd like to steer us back on track for a month
Starting point is 00:05:41 The movie we watched was a movie at Travis Picks, and that's the Apple from 1980, which is a, it's a musical of a certain movie, I think, that first drew you to this, to this tale. Well, this is, so I first watched this movie the night of my little brother Griffin's bachelor party. Uh huh. And Griffin, it was the night. Yeah, it was the night before his wedding.
Starting point is 00:06:04 And he was a little nervous. And my older brother said, as seen, as seen in the night. Yeah, it was the night before his wedding. And he was a little nervous. And my older brother said, as seen in the Tim Burton film, the nightmare before Griffin's wedding. Uh-huh. And Justin said, I know what will take your mind off of this. And I think Justin didn't come to it through Rift Tracks.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Uh-huh. And so we first watched the riff tracks version of the Apple. And since then, I have probably watched the Apple 20 times. It is like my go to, oh, you think you like bad movies, challenge yourself with this movie. Yeah, yeah. Because listen, the room, the room is bad. But I think the people making it didn't know it was bad.
Starting point is 00:06:46 But Demick is bad. Faithful findings is of course bad. Uh-huh. But I think you just just listen classic bad movies. That's our soul too. But this is what makes, uh, this is what makes the Apple stand out for me is I guarantee not a single soul that worked on the Apple finished it and thought we did it. No, we stuck the landing. Yeah, they all knew, I think before it aired, except for the writer, which we could talk about in a second.
Starting point is 00:07:18 One of the creators of the movie did, gets a little dark hair, write a suicide note, after I got booed a bunch and was going to kill him. He took the other writer's topic. He took the audience critique very hard. He took it to heart. Yes, he did.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Was this Golan who was going to kill himself? I think so, yeah. Oh, boy. Yes, yeah. He's robbing us of so many future canon pictures. Oh, it was direct. It may be the only movie directed by Minachen Gollin. No, no, no, I looked it up actually.
Starting point is 00:07:48 He directed a bunch of yeah, including over the top. Oh, he directed over the top. So he had made a mens for the apple. Yeah. Also, the choreographer and now I don't have my foot in front of me, but the name of the car is the same dude from So You Think You Can Dance. The judge. Well, pretty sure. When we talk about it, I think the choreography is the saving grace of this movie in some ways.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Oh, when we get to the bare-moury? Yeah, yeah. When we actually get into the meat of this movie, what meat there is, which is strange, because it's an apple, which is a fruit. That's not me. I know. It's a thing. I love, I legitimately, in the way that,
Starting point is 00:08:30 I think people feel about their favorite but movie, love this movie. Like I get pumped watching it. Yeah, and you actually, I think you, you, you, you manage to feed in that, you pick to movie that, I don't know if any of us had seen before, LA, Did you ever seen this? Yeah, I've seen it once before okay, so I would try to my
Starting point is 00:08:50 All right, so fuck off But no, okay, Dan and I used to have a coworker who is oh, I mean Dan still does I don't anymore because I don't work there anymore Because it's full losers now, but me we used to have a coworker who loved this movie and she kind of forced it on me. And the thing that always stuck with me is my favorite bad line from a song, which is the line like a baby watching magic. It's so gullible. It's tragic. Uh-huh. Is playing on that that everyday experience we've all been through. That's better than it's a natural natural natural natural desire to meet an actual actual actual vampire.
Starting point is 00:09:28 A thing that does not happen in the movie. Except wait, no, the vampire. And also, yeah, another thing that's not necessarily relatable like, oh, of course, yeah, everyone knows that common desire to meet an actual. No, it's just like in it's just like in fellowship of the ring when Tolkien describes goldberry coming to the door as if an elf maiden had come to the door. And at this point, no elves had even shown up. I have no point of context. Now hold on a second, Travis, I don't know you as well as I know dance to it. Dance to it. Can you honestly tell
Starting point is 00:10:01 me you did not want to meet an actual vampire? One of those Dracula's gonna suck my blood. Wait, hold on. I will say it is a natural desire that if someone said you right now You could or could not meet an actual vampire. Do you really think you'd be like? I mean, all right, like, no, be honest. Dan, no, let's say Dan, Dan, Dan, Dan, Dan, look in the mirror. No, I'm gonna, unlike a vampire. Uh-huh. And tell yourself that you wouldn't want me to vampire. Dan, what if I said there's a vampire behind that door
Starting point is 00:10:34 and they want to meet you? Are you really gonna say, hmm, I'm not interested. Oh, this is what I was gonna say. If it's behind the door to my apartment, and I can, did you let them in? Well, the other side of the door. Oh, so I can avoid inviting let them in the other side of the door. Oh, so I can avoid inviting them in like if I have that mystical barrier between me, a threshold. I would definitely meet an actual actual actual vampire.
Starting point is 00:10:54 Oh, it's right. It's a mystical barrier called etiquette. Vampires very polite. So we have not even started on the move. You'll get away. I mean, we talked about some of the music. So this is a musical right? Yeah. Well, should we talk about the plot or should we talk about the musical? You can try to talk about the plot. This is a movie that when I introduce it to people, I often say like you at many points are going to feel lost in this movie. You're going to feel like you've missed something. You have not, the movie just failed to tell you about this thing that's happening. As evidenced by where it starts. This movie is kind of like, it's someone saw the Rocky Har Rocky Horror Picture Show and they were like, I can do that because they couldn't do it.
Starting point is 00:11:49 Well, that's a movie. I think was shot four years after Rocky Horror Picture Show came out. So I think it is very much trying to do that where they were like, what if it was like a campy? Yeah. What if it was like, hey, Rocky Horror Picture Show is great, but what if it was like a campy? Yeah, you're like, hey, regular picture shows great, but what if it was campy? Yeah, I mean, there's also like,
Starting point is 00:12:11 it's also, it's a campy musical made by people who seem to be very afraid of gay people. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's a strong strain of homophobia running through it. It's like they saw Rocky Hart picture and they're like, mm, what if it was this, but it was about how evil gay people are? Okay, so the year is 1994.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Not for that nice. We open in outer space. Neither right now nor when this movie was made is it 1994, but the movie is set. How would you make your movie? Why don't you just set it in like 3200? Why you set it so near? Why not just like shoot for the stars?
Starting point is 00:12:50 It's 3200. Yeah. Long time ago, Galaxy far, far away. Yeah. To you. Swing for the fences. Anyways. I have to assume that they were already working
Starting point is 00:13:02 on that concept for the movie. Was it your hunter from the year 5,000. What are your thoughts? Pluto Nash. They were like, let's save that idea for Pluto Nash. This Pluto Nash script has been kicking around Hollywood for 40 years now. I think it's finally time to make it. It's in the blacklist every year for some reason.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Okay. So Elliott, it's 1994 in the movie. It movie, it's the far off future year of 1994, and we go right into the middle of the song vision world competition, which is like the Eurovision song competition, but for the whole world. And right off the bat, we're dropped into what looks like is going to be the big winner, the song that I think is called, it's either called BIM or BIM is the power. It's about the way. BIM is on the way. BIM is on the way. BIM is on the way. BIM is the way. BIM is the only way.
Starting point is 00:13:53 It's BIM is on the way. BIM is biglue international music. It's as if they were singing Sony's on the way. But that isn't made clear until later on. Like when it's first introduced, I was just like, maybe they just don't speak English. Like they're not singing in English well enough for me to understand what they're saying. Because it feels like a very European production. Well, the way that it's staged and the costumes and the song, we get to be like, Bim is an alien power that is about to land and conquer humanity. Which I'm all for. Yes.
Starting point is 00:14:34 Buckle up. Let me see some Bim power. But it's actually about a music label. Yeah. They do a very poor job of ever saying, hey, movie, let's stop and explain what Bim is. Cause it's a word you're going to be hearing a lot throughout the film. BIM is this thing, they just kind of drop you in and I mean, it's better, I guess, than a Star Wars spending a couple of minutes telling you about Midi Chlorians or something, but they need a little bit more explanation
Starting point is 00:14:55 of what this BIM is that everybody loves. Yeah. Well, the whole movie, there's a lot of like, so imagine if a music company was like a government. Okay. And seeing. Well, it's one of these many dystopias that is music based like in popular culture, there's a lot more popular music based dystopias than I think, science would project as a possible reality.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Well, it's also important to note that in this land, not only is it unclear the power of music has, time is also unclear in this thing because in this beginning, right, they do this song, BIMS on the way. And then, as he's getting interviewed, it's like, so, the government has just picked this song to be the exercise song or whatever. And it's like, you got to struggle the iron song just to be what's going on. I mean, it's, this is, this is the end of the long rollout, I guess, of the song. They've been, yeah, they've been releasing song trailers with just a couple little clips of it on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:16:05 You could get a ringtone of them for a while now. People are really horny. We're there. So, so, so, Bim is run by, as you mentioned, it's, uh, it's Bougaloo's corporation. That's Mr. Bougaloo, who is your basic, if you're now in Antichrist Devil Guy. Yeah. He's played by an actor who was clearly chosen for his singing ability. I think he was chosen for his goatee. Yeah. So
Starting point is 00:16:31 is he. So he has a dog in the race. He is backing the two very sexy singers and they're backup dancers singing the bimbs. Tandy and dandy. Dandy. Dandy, who comes a villain in the movie and he looks so much like he reminds me so much of the bad guy from top secret. Oh, okay. See, I was going to say the dude Richard from top gear, maybe if the two of them had a baby that was evil. Well, it's like they said, okay. So I think what we have is the dude, the lead singer of the crew, whose
Starting point is 00:17:05 name is escaping me. Dr. Dulltree. Yeah. And Richie, who? Uh-huh. And then Cindy Luham. Alfie seems modeled after George Michael. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Right. There's literally a thing. They son the chest hair. Well, there's one scene where he's in like bleached white jeans and a white t-shirt and like a gold necklace. Yep. And he straight up looks like he's off the cover of a William album. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:17:36 But so let's explain who, let's explain who, let's define our terms here. So the BIM song is about to win by measure of heartbeats, Bugalo and his effeminate major domo are already celebrating when this kind of Foki Rock duo to Amanda woman, Alfie and BB, they sing a love song. And it really wins everyone over. And it looks like they're going to win until everything is sabotaged by the BIM guys. And let's just let's acknowledge the sabotage, right? So it's already surpassed. It's not like they stopped it just before.
Starting point is 00:18:09 It has surpassed the heartbeats. The BIM song hit 150. They hit like 152. And then they put on this weird beeping tape. And everyone's like, yeah, this seems... It makes a man. I love them all. I also love how the guy who's sabotaging hands over the tape and broad daylight, like in
Starting point is 00:18:28 a room full of people and he says, don't let anyone see you using this. Yeah. And yeah, as soon as the beeping starts, like the audience who were loving it a moment before immediately start jeering and like rushing the stage, I think like, wouldn't that make their hearts beat faster? Yes, but not all that. Yeah, you think so. It seems like Bougaloo's in control.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Why don't you just be like, no. What's successful? And I'm like, okay, cool. Yeah, I mean, he's the only one who has access to that heartbeat modeler. Just slip some BIM dollars to the heartbeat monitor guy and just be able to take out less. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Cool. The ends. The end of the. Or just say like, okay, cool. People like them, I'm going to sign them now. Yeah, which is what he tries to do. He's like, okay, there's this power, this like music power that I don't have control over. I have to, you know, suck it into my vortex into my orbit. over. I have to suck it into my vortex into my orbit. And so his, the group that he is fronting, BIM is the way or whatever. They're, they're, they represent, like, Danny and Danny. Yeah, Danny are kind of like a, kind of like a folksy. They're like the Carpenter's.
Starting point is 00:19:48 Okay, exactly, yeah. Yeah. This is where I want to, I want it, this is more coding for me of kind of aunt up. The Alfie and Baby are very much like, it feels like even more than Carpenter's, they're like Heartland, Straight White America, whereas the BIM guys are disco,
Starting point is 00:20:06 and disco is the music of women, of people of color and of queer people. And it's very much like, the BIM presentation is this big futuristic campy disco thing, and then you've got these like, just these like straight from the heart, American folk songsters, and the fact that their song is maybe one billionth as catchy as the BIM song,
Starting point is 00:20:28 which I find genuinely catchy, maybe just the same phrase over and over again. Yeah. Hey, yeah, yeah. Just like BIMs on the way. It sets the stage. BIMs on the building. What can I say? I was like, oh, finally. I do want to say because this is a movie I've ever watched just a ton of times, and now I have a platform. because this is a movie I've watched a ton of times and now I have a platform. The first line of the BIM song, they say, there is no, what is it? There is no happy or there is no sad.
Starting point is 00:20:57 But they don't run. There is no play. Like, there's no good. Oh, no, there's no rhymes. Yeah. They say there is no good. There's no bad. There's no happy and everything's not okay Or whatever, but they don't say there is no bad and it will always it's like literally the first The first thing they don't rhyme bad with sad is what you're hoping for
Starting point is 00:21:20 Thing that a four-year-old would do Bad a thing that a four-year-old would do. They seem like there is no bad. There is no bad. There is no happy. There is no pain. You set up the expectation and you just knock it down. I like to imagine they had like Steven Sondheim doing the lyrics and he's like, I can't crack it. There's no rhyme here.
Starting point is 00:21:39 What is this? Let me open up my rhyming dictionary at bad. And it's just a blank page. Oh, young Lynn Maywell, I'm around the world. I'm out sitting down the door. Like, where we in? I've got it.
Starting point is 00:21:54 Correct it. There is no red. Anyways, so they sing a song. The Bim song is all these like nihilistic slogans and it's like, they're just hurling the anti-life equation at the audience. There's some very Jack Kirby's fourth world about it that I like. But then, okay, after the after the song convention, BIM has been named the winner, BIM for the win.
Starting point is 00:22:18 There's a big party and they all get in there. Ghostbusters, acto ones and they head off to the party. Yeah, the design on those, those limousines is very much like Ecto one basically. Yes. Yeah, they all look like they're driving away and Ghostbusters' ambulances. And so they go to this party and they go, look at all this bin merchandise. We have our bin glasses and they hand out the most unwieldy drinking glasses, I think, of ever seen. They're vases. Yeah. They are vases. Yeah, they're holding a vase. out the most unwieldy drinking glasses, I think of ever seen their faces.
Starting point is 00:22:45 Yeah, they are. Vases. Yeah, they're like a wearer. They're holding a vase. Don't they drink a bim and tonic out of it? They're having a bim and tonic in a face. But as I could go for a baseball bim and tonic right now, bim is becoming well. But bim is the apple version of the word smurf? We're just me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Is this when the fellow starts giving out, well, when they're like, we got a start, we got a start talking about Bim merchandise. And he's like, how about a t-shirt? Like, no shit, dude. I love it. He says t-shirt and everyone shits on his, oh, art.
Starting point is 00:23:20 Like t-shirt, you did the fuck out, Ashley. And then he, they gives out the Bim stickers and they're loving that shit. Well, that's what they do. T-shirt, you did the fuck out, Ashley. And then he, uh, they gives up the Bim stickers, and they're loving that shit. Well, that's, like T-shirt is not yet, but Bim stickers. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down. And this is one of those moments where, uh, the Apple starts bringing in, uh, its biblical roots because much as when the Antichrist comes,
Starting point is 00:23:41 all followers of the Antichrist will bear his mark, the Bim sticker, it becomes more and more Enforce that you have to wear it because that's the mark of mr. Bugaloo the Antichrist wait hold on hold on hold on Elliot Yeah, are you saying yes, the apple might have biblical allegorist? Biblical Alice maybe you'll see maybe you'll see Elton John God descend in a magic limousine. Yeah, and not only that, here's the thing. You might think, oh, just the apple have an biblical allegory? No, no, no, no, my friends.
Starting point is 00:24:17 The apple has about seven biblical allegories. The biblical allegory in this is only slightly less subtle than in mother. Wait, I don't get it. I haven't seen mother yet. Oh boy. Don't spoil it for still art. Have you seen arrested development? Yeah. Oh, I get it. I also haven't seen mother. Oh, I get it. I also love seeing mother.
Starting point is 00:24:45 So we, we flash forward to a party movie. I don't remember. So, so, so, Alfie and BB are, they're at the party. And BB is seduced by the male singer of the, of the BIM group. Now, is the male one tanned your dandy? Dandy. That's dandy, yes. And, and he seduces her to kiss him while everybody looks up through a skylight and laughs at them.
Starting point is 00:25:07 So sexy. Yeah, it's just like it's like, remember the smooth moves of the, of the fake boyfriend and Carrie who takes Carrie to the prom. That's what this is all about. Yeah, so there's a, but it wins. Now, BB wants to sign, wants to sign with Mr. Bougaloo as their agent, but Alfie is like, no way. And when they go to the signing ceremony, after the song, everything is, was it, everything is entertainment in 1994? Something like that.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Nothing is like show business, which is the weirdest, dystopian. Oh, that's right. Because it's like, hey, I'm not like, it makes sense because there's this group of show business people here and they break into song. And it's like, yeah, but they don't. Yeah, but, but also they don't. This is nothing.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Is that the, is that the dance number that happens in that, uh, airport? Uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah. That is the way the airport is. One of the, uh, Mr. Bougaloo has his office. The one where they surprised the choreographer on the day of and they're like, you got a choreograph somebody.
Starting point is 00:26:11 Yeah. You struck this direction. You struck the other direction. There's done. There's his. What we are hitting on now just to touch on it is the most amazing thing about the Apple to me, which is in these numbers, there are easily 60 extras.
Starting point is 00:26:29 Like, this is not the room where there's like four people in every scene. This is like, the budget for this movie was $5 million. Wow. Yeah. Cause this looks like a big production. I mean, like, it's cheap in certain ways, but it has like lighting big crazy sets. That's all costume.
Starting point is 00:26:50 And it has like costumes and like a cast of thousands sort of thing. And design like every set has some element of design to it. Yeah. And every dancer has a crazy costume. Like they're even I don't know, dude, they're in Germany. Like this was shot. This was shot in Berlin, Germany. I'm sure you can just go to any store and buy one of those. Well, that's what drum at this point in 1979, what West Germany was known for was it to whimsy. So, I mean, the thing is Germany really took,
Starting point is 00:27:26 the Germany really took its cue style was from the Apple. It was in Germany, what like, uh, Annie Hall was for a generation of women in America, so they all took great ties. Mm-hmm. And then you would tell about how, oh, that person has the Apple look.
Starting point is 00:27:39 That's why they have just bands of silver fiberglass all over their farms. Yeah, that's why that fellow's beard is covering glitter and he's wearing a leather, leather jumpsuit with the pointiest shoulders. Oh, that's, that's why that guy is dressed like work from orc. Yeah. So at, at roughly this point, this is where BB, BB is going to sign the contract and Alfie starts having, they're in the office and they're being pushed to sign the contract. And Alfie starts having, they're in the office
Starting point is 00:28:05 and they're being pushed to sign the contract. And Alfie starts having these hallucinations of this situation as like a biblical devil situation. Well, but hold on. Well, there's a false star. Earthquakes and storms. Yeah. There's a false star where he has that vision
Starting point is 00:28:22 and then everybody looks at him like, oh, what was that? Yeah, they all make fun of him and he's like what did I say something about t-shirts? And they then he drink he dreams that they're Adam and Eve in hell being tempted by a magic apple Which is not how that scene went down In case anyone was wondering. Yeah, quite the opposite. They're in a very, very nice place at the time. They didn't take them to hell.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Like, what about this apple, though? Yeah. I think that kind of chips off the bad consequences of eating the apple. If you take them down to hell for that. And there's a vampire here. Tasty apple, magic apple, juju apple. Even the lyrics that that Dandy is singing make it sound like it would be terrible to
Starting point is 00:29:07 eat that. He's like, is like, mystify you, destroyify you and slaveify you, that kind of stuff. It's all about how bad it's going to be. And here's the thing. What's amazing about this is, and honestly, like I said, I've watched this movie 20 times. I think Alfie might have the shining, right? Because I was like, he sees this all going down, right? And BB is just like, okay, whatever. Like BB is not, so this is not happening real time, right?
Starting point is 00:29:41 I'm assuming it's a vision. Well, yes. It's tough to say because the costuming decision was basically like, hey, I already, hey costume designer, I already had you create a terrifying world for this to take place in. Now I need you to take it a couple steps up. Well, what's great about this and what makes it so genius and its storytelling is BB before this number about being tempted takes place has already signed. So this is not about Alfie trying to protect BB Soul. That's
Starting point is 00:30:17 done. This is just about ramifications of the thing she has already done. It might as well just be be be Alfie going, oh no, really? Oh shit. Anyway, it's a great movie. To be honest, that giant apple looks pretty good, right? No, no, it doesn't. It's like it's hard to out of wood.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Oh, the green apples are the best. Let me give credit, we're credit to you. The one person who has the double face makeup, amazing. Yeah, amazing. I thought that I think they got an actual deformed person to play that part. That's what the makeup was. But then also the apple is being presented by Dandy
Starting point is 00:31:00 who is wearing almost no clothes. But it's not like he's the most beautiful man in the world. He's just kind of like an average looking guy, but now he's next to naked and you're like, this is kind of awkward for everybody. I think first of all, you said insane right there. He's amazing looking. The best part about is you see him in this tiny little outfit and this tiny little pair of shorts, but it isn't until about halfway through the song that your all your fears are confirmed. And when he turns around, you're like, that is a whole but that is not covering up his butt in the least.
Starting point is 00:31:33 So the Apple is an amazing movie. It's a little late. The ladies. Yeah. Or the gentlemen. Yeah. At this point, Alfie storms out. He refuses to sign and BB is trained to be a rock star
Starting point is 00:31:45 Bougaloo style. Bougaloo sings a song about how it's great to be a dominating master. And then in maybe the book, I will say the most upsetting song of perhaps the whole movie where the two people of color in the movie do sing about how great it is to have a master. I will say this movie that I have said that I enjoy this movie. It is bad. In that way, I will say that is...
Starting point is 00:32:13 No, wow, you'll give up some ground over here, guys. No, I will say, listen, sometimes movies are bad in various ways. Sometimes it's the writing, sometimes is the costumes, and sometimes it is the incredibly problematic themes. But it's saved because at this point, BB essentially becomes dazzler from the X-Men. She's just like kind of a disco metal pop singer, and she sings this song that is a very confusing metaphor about America as a kind of drug or maybe America's the drug addict. And obviously it feels like a song meatloaf might it's saying and I genuinely like it a lot. Oh, it's so good. It's the best song. It is the best song. My the best thing about it. And I think it is a super creative, incredibly interesting choice is the half hitch that it is like
Starting point is 00:33:08 interesting choice is the half hitch that it is like when she says speed, it always comes a little sooner than it musically should. Right? Yes. And I love how all of her backup dancers. It's like she's bellowing it out you. Oh, it's so good. I feel like all the homophobic former Judas Priest fans just needed to see this sequence to be like, wait a minute, those backup dancers are dressed exactly like Rob Elford.
Starting point is 00:33:36 But which is awesome. I mean, they got the moves. They got the goods. I mean, I'm not going to lie to you. That's all stuff I like about. This is the one song where I was like, maybe I'll buy the Apple soundtrack and I'll just put this one song on my iPod. It is that, honestly, this song I'm coming, I, I, I, the two in my opinion, best song. I'm a child of love fan, but we'll get to that later. So now we come to Alfie who wakes up in a soundstage. Well, before that, before that BBB is so successful
Starting point is 00:34:10 that now everyone has to wear a BIM sticker and we see Alfie's Jewish land lady get a ticket from a police officer who looks like one of the space balls for not wearing a BIM sticker. And that land lady. It's like Alfie is renting a room in a Clifford Odets play. It's like this rundown stage set of a crappy apartment. And his Landlady is like, new, so you want to cause trouble? Eh, man. It does look like there about
Starting point is 00:34:38 it crazy over stage left to wear his therapist offices. And there's, and when she's, when she's asking for the rent, his, his only responses to sneak up behind her, grab her breasts and then start playing a song on his guitar for her classic Dan move. Is there a whole scale? Now, Stuart, please share with us the observation that you made and how it evolved into your understanding of this person. I mean, obviously, as soon as this character is introduced, I'm like, this is the nurse from Romeo and Juliet. And in fact, she did play the nurse in Romeo plus Juliet. And as Professor Sprout and the Hogwarts movies starring Harry Potter, I mean...
Starting point is 00:35:22 Hogwarts movies. Hogwarts movies, parentheses. Hollywood movies, Harry Potter. So somebody made it big out of this movie is what I'm saying, right? I will say when I watched this movie, and I was like, oh, there's no names in this, except for Professor Sprout
Starting point is 00:35:39 from the Hogwarts movies. Yeah. When I look at the ruins and devastation of this movie, and I'm like, wow, this earth is barren and salted. No life will grow. No, nay. What's that sprout of green in the corner? Yeah, yeah, she is this actress whose name I don't remember. The wreckage of the apple. Yeah. So Alfie sings another song. This is about what? How BB has left him for evil?
Starting point is 00:36:07 I think frankly, yeah, another one of the better songs in the movie. But it does have the wonderful reaction. It has the wonderful reaction that happens. That happens a couple of times in the movie where people are like, love songs are out, which has never been a thing in all of human history ever. Oh, love.
Starting point is 00:36:28 Was that the one subject there will always be songs about? Is there like a reactionary movement in like the late 70s where they're like, modern music isn't about love enough? Never to answer that question to it. Never. People are like, love, that's a hundred million dollars right there We don't like songs that use the word baby anymore Yeah, so yeah When they say no to Alfie they do say
Starting point is 00:37:03 Take a listen to what's on the radio and just write that. He wrote a fucking love song. I don't know what else he would. What are you hoping for, dude? Yeah, he's trying to sell his song to the song. Alternate, you know, song, like publishing thing, I guess. But I'm like, who in this world that is controlled by BIM, how is there any other alternate music venues that he could go to?
Starting point is 00:37:28 Well, do you think they just leave a couple of competing, like music businesses out there to like music labels to like people fresh? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So they can like squash them under their boot anytime they want, but they don't. Yeah. It's not, it's not the killing. It's the knowing that you can kill. Exactly. So what happens next, Elliot? So, next, so Alfie song is rejected and then he gets a ticket for not having a Bimsticker. Uh-oh,
Starting point is 00:37:55 time for the Bim hour. Guys, real quick. Stop in your tracks. How does, how does the cop not, not, why does he just tell the cop that the boom stickers up his butt? Yeah, he'd the cop does say expressly that you can wear the sticker anywhere you want. Yeah, I mean, I think the letter the law, you can trick a cop unless theoretically they might check, in which case, then you'd be busted. However, I mean, you just farted their face and run away. Yeah, Travis is a good boy. Yeah, listen, they just had a fart in their face. They're not up for a chase. Yeah, don't tell me you haven't done that, Elliot.
Starting point is 00:38:35 I forgot the famous saying fart in the face, not up for a chase. Yeah, thank you. Now, here's my favorite thing about this thing. They're with the red sky at dawn sailor take on the sailor take pawn 12. Yeah That classic chess booth you can't beat it now. Here's the thing I love I laid a dawn sailor take pawn Well, here's the thing I love about this movie When BIM hour comes everyone is taken by surprise Like they scheduled a surgery to have been during BIM hour.
Starting point is 00:39:08 During BIM hour. Schedule around that shit. Now, do we make clear what BIM hour is? It's the state mandated exercise break in the middle of the day. Where everyone, uh... We do fitness exercises to the BIM song. Yeah. It's basically just everyone dances.
Starting point is 00:39:26 But it's, it's, it's like a put on forever. I'm like, uh, BIM hour. As though this is not happened, this is where time becomes a real sticky wicket because like maybe BIM hour has been going on for, I don't know, eight years. Maybe this is the first time BIMauer's happened. It is unclear. But everyone is surprised by it. Everyone, yeah, everyone's taken by surprise. Some are pretty happy about it.
Starting point is 00:39:55 But I like the like the fire fires who are like, fire fighters get a nice break from fire fighting. I mean, it's my one, that's the one joke in the movie that I like is that Bim Hour comes and they stop fighting the fire and exercise in front of a burning building. I'm like, the apple, I'll give it to you. That's a pretty good joke. I really wish they'd cut to like people inside the building who were like crying out for help.
Starting point is 00:40:18 And instead they start dancing as well. Well, we have a similar joke where the person on the slab of being operated upon tries to dance and then that's a heart attack and dies. Well, another solid. Sue me dies. Oh, yes. We are about to be the great.
Starting point is 00:40:32 The cute stuff. Show it to me. Yeah, I was saying. That scene is the mirror opposite of the scene in break into electric boo-boo, where they dance so hard that someone gets brought back to life. They actually film those back to back. They only have to staff for the one day. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Yeah, I mean, just reverse the films in this movie. It did make me think that Goal and Globis really have a thing for the word Boo-Galoo. This between this and the break into their big Boo-Galoo things. This between this and breaking too. Yeah. Their big Bougaloo thing. But it's a great word. Yeah. It was like how there was that time where every comedy was like, a character needs to be named Chuck. That's really funny. All right. Well, Ryan's a fuck. No, but it is. It's a white funny man.aloo, it runs as what, Dan? Fuck Travis. It runs as what?
Starting point is 00:41:27 I'm sorry, Travis. Say it with confidence, Dan. Dan. Dan. Dan. Say it. Dan. Say it, Dan.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Travis is bringing a real interesting energy to this one. Say it, Dan. I didn't think we were going to have a more of a bully than a hodgepin on the show. Say it, man. Fuck. Yeah. Yeah, damn. I'm trying to seriously play my dance.
Starting point is 00:41:53 Say that in the older brother chat. Say it into my phone while I record my new room tone. Say it, damn. Okay. I think I feel like this episode should just be titled Dan. Dan. Okay. So, uh, the-
Starting point is 00:42:11 So, let's see. So after the dimmer, the bin workout goes forever. A hour. And the bin workout goes exactly an hour. That hour somehow, it's almost like it's in real time. Like, we experienced that full hour during the movie But nobody cares about dandy and tandy anymore and they're pretty unhappy about it and Alfie tries to go save BB but he's beaten up by a bunch of thugs with things
Starting point is 00:42:36 That's right. We got a couple of bright works working for Boogelloo One of them is literally named Bulldog. In the most like spot, it is though they said, what should we name this character? And they said, well, what does he look like? Yeah, these thugs, it feels very much like they're Gomorrians, Elliot, thoughts. Yes, no, I would agree completely. If I would say that maybe George Lucas stole the design
Starting point is 00:43:05 or the idea for the Gamorian guards from these characters. It's nice. Yeah, those characters' masks are just life casts of these two gentlemen. There is a scene where they're wearing what looks like paperclip, but a paperclip harness that is exactly like a Ramorian. Like it is literally like the same harness. Yeah, like if I was a kid and I wanted to be the Gamorian guard when I'm playing Star Wars with my friends and they're like,
Starting point is 00:43:35 why the fuck do you want to be a Gamorian? I'm like, oh, but it's cool right. And I take my shirt off and try and make a harness. Yeah. I'd make it out of paperclips. That's exactly how I would look. It kind of looks like the Gamorian guard outfit that they would sell like it's not named brand Gymorian guard, but you could buy it at like the costume store. Yeah, green pick guard. When you're buying a costume to be a Gymorian guard. Yeah, yes, it's just called angry pig man. Raincore hand.
Starting point is 00:44:07 I mean, they're more like rain corp food to be honest. Okay. Raincore buddies. Little little raincore buddies. Show raincore buddies. Oh, it's so good. It's right up there with raincore babies. Like Tom Langston,
Starting point is 00:44:23 Tom Langston, Peter Skirleri, pretend be rank-ors to get into the rank-or sorority. So sexy. That house that only sorority. Do you know what booze and buddies is about? I don't know. What is it about? They are, it is not a sorority, they are grown men. The garment building they live in is demolished and there are no other apartment buildings in the
Starting point is 00:44:46 entire city of, I think, Chicago. And so they have pretend to be women to live in a women's only apartment building. Wait, no, it's not a sorority. I also thought I was a sorority Dan. I know. Yeah. Well, you guys were thinking of the hit film sorority boys starting what's his name, the comedian who was in every movie for a
Starting point is 00:45:05 little bit. No, you are wrong. I was actually thinking of the Jason. Oh, no, no, no, who's the dude? Jason Voorhees. No, the dude from the single guy. Silverman Jason Sudakis. Jonathan Silverman. a movie called sorority brother no sorority No, you're thinking you're thinking soul man See Thomas howl do what? I imagine that The word has been waiting for years for someone to mention C Thomas Howell. Oh my, my curse has lifted. How did you not see C Thomas Howell? Which was his colloquial name.
Starting point is 00:45:55 I'm calling on all the flop house listeners, someone with Photoshop skills to make a children's primer that says C Thomas Howell, see Thomas Run. And that's how I like to see that. Okay, you got me. You got me with that one. That was a good one. So what's going on in this movie? Oh shit, yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:19 Well in the movie. It will be all the movie. Back to the movie. Cut to the movie. Smash cut. Now cut to the movie, it will be all the movie. Back to the movie. Cut to the movie. Smash cut. Now cut to the movie. Now, BB has a sings a song. This is kind of the somewhere out there of the movie
Starting point is 00:46:32 where BB and Alfie both sing a duet from different places. Oh, yeah, that's what we did. Oh, it's a Vegas reign. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, that's when we did a big hug here at Flophtas Manor. Yeah, it's true. When it went out, there's a lot more singing in the rain. Yeah, there's a lot more snuggling involved in this watching the. Flophtas Manor. Yeah, it's true. When there's a lot more sluggling involved in this watching.
Starting point is 00:46:48 There was a lot of coaxing to get Dan into that snuggle. And he was in the middle too, so you can imagine how that went. Yeah, we're not a small headed trio over here. You were there, Elliot, don't worry. Yeah, we got to print it out a picture of you and we struggled that. Well, Alfie's landlady nurses him back to health with chicken soup because she's Jewish and Alfie goes to, this is when he goes to the big drag party at Mr. Bougaloo's to try to three BB, but he gets drunk and he's confused by what he's seeing, all these, all these
Starting point is 00:47:21 men who don't look quite like men and get seduced by Tandy and who sings that they're coming for you song. Which is, in my opinion, the best song in the movie. Yeah. Well. These are the most explicit lyrics I think of any song it may be ever written. Yeah. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:47:40 I'll steal a joke from Buffy here. They call it a single entendre. It is the most direct, like sex. It is though they said, well, we want to write a sex song. But what if people don't get it? Don't worry. They're gonna be at it. We got it.
Starting point is 00:47:55 Don't worry. The lyrics are like, I'll get you when you think you can't, you don't have any more. You're like, then I'll go deeper and tighter and wetter and you're like, whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa come on let's let's run these lyrics by the boys over at ZZ Top who brought us Pearl necklace and tube snake boogie the first line might as well have been boyopinus inside me wait what's this song about I'm really glad that we now have the travesty that on tape.
Starting point is 00:48:26 I just love this song so much. This and speed, I think, are the two best songs ever by humans. So this is where he goes on his... There are way songs that are better. This is where he goes on his like literal descent. This is Alphys like lowest point, where he has like a descent of the hell, his like vision blurs. He is surrounded by like leering faces. But he never undresses in this whole sequence.
Starting point is 00:48:54 There is one point that I still love because of the imagery of it. I'm trying so hard to understand where Tandy is laid on her back with her head hung over the bed and she's singing and she seems to be climaxing and then she and Alfie both set up. So they've both been laying on their bags and it makes it unclear to me how they might have been engaging in any kind of coitus. Yeah, like what is this some kind of Alan Moore comic book? What's going on? It seems as though they were both just staring at the ceiling where they have stuck glow in the dark stars to somehow imitate constellations.
Starting point is 00:49:34 I love during that sex song where it has those shots of, it looks like a constellation to use your word again, as you said it, and I can't not say it now, of beds where almost naked men are writhing around with women in pretty covering teddies. 90s. Yes. Yeah. Simulating sex kind of like basically performing the moves that say somebody who's never had sex before would be like, yeah, this is probably how it works. It more seems like they're simulating Greco-Rohan Rats.
Starting point is 00:50:09 Yeah, I mean, it looks kind of like, I don't know, paintings of sex that you see on the outside of an urn. Yes, it does seem like they've just cut to Zanadil. Yeah, it's what is going on. It looks like what happens if you hit the right button combinations for King in the Tekken video games and he starts performing some kind of complicated throw. It's a great movie. No, you guys, that reminds me of my favorite moment from that sequence, which is when Tandy is wearing like a dress and she takes it off to reveal a kind of jumpsuit. There's so much less sexy than the dress she was wearing over it. She is wearing a pink singlet. Once again, as though she is ready to wrestle
Starting point is 00:50:52 out. She like, does she sleep in that? What's going on with that thing? What's her deal? She man on a silly putty. What's going on? Yeah. So she is a lay face. So at this point, he is seduced her, right? He is seduced. Like she seduced. And much as in the film, much as in the Steven Soderbergh film traffic, rock bottom is illustrated by someone having sex with a black person, which is again a plot point I'm not crazy about. Well, and also you can be added, the added shittiness of like,
Starting point is 00:51:25 he has just slept with another woman, and then he walks into a room to find BB clearly drugged up, having sex with another man, and his reaction is so judgmental, as though he has not also been drugged up having sex with another person. Like, how do you not, in the moment, like, yes, I'm here too, and getting you out of here.
Starting point is 00:51:48 And the thing that I find the most traumatic about this situation, the thing that I just don't understand and almost made me throw up when I try to contemplate the mysteries of it, is he walks into this room, nothing up to this point would indicate that these people wouldn't just wanna have a threesome. Ha, ha, ha. Fair enough. Well, that's the thing. It's like he he he looks at her having sex with with him as though this is the first kind of thing. Like he hasn't braced himself for yes, in this
Starting point is 00:52:20 sexual romp, I've been engaged in in the last six minutes, then she might maybe be having sex. Like he has not braced himself for this particular moment in any way. Like he was going to walk in and they were playing backgammon. Like I don't know what he thought was going on. But he was like, and then he just leaves. It's like I thought they were just singing partners. That's my outfit. Oh, no, I don't see you guys making out, but 45 minutes ago.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Yeah. So yeah, he pieces out. He leaves this terrifying situation has cleansed him. And he leaves and then wakes up in a park full of refugee hippies. They just kind of like, yeah, and doorky hippies. Yeah, this guy who's clearly wearing heavy stage makeup wakes him up this elderly man. Well, I'm just a kid. A wonderful jump of like, oh, she's having sex with Tandy or whatever. I mean, he's on a bench and he's like, and they're like, oh, she's having sex with Tandy or whatever. I mean, he's on a bench. And he's like, and they were like, you were calling out her name in a dream.
Starting point is 00:53:28 And he's like, no, I wasn't dreaming. I was like, okay, we were just watching the scene. Are you trying to convince us that that was a dream? And maybe what's going on? What is this like? Yeah, the the stage makeup on this Gandalf fellow looks like what would happen if Gandalf was one of the vampires on Buffy the vampire slayer Yeah, he can't say Gandalf as though he wasn't Tom Bombadil. Oh Bombadil, he is carrying a dagger like Tom Bombadil would so I assumed he was the old man with all the cats from Logan's run
Starting point is 00:54:01 But I'd Tom Bombadil is guy. He was actually old man Logan. Strangely. That's why the claws came out of the hands of that one. He's the head of this hippie, like, enclave, and they're supposed to be these peaceful, wonderful people, but he always has a huge knife strapped
Starting point is 00:54:15 to his waist. Well, and what's great, then, is he's hanging out with, uh, with Alfie, and then the cops show up. They're all like, okay, bye. And they leave their fires burning in the middle of this park. It's clearly a part, there are no words.
Starting point is 00:54:30 There are no words. And they're just like, find us under the bridge. And it's like, oh, we just go. We just go with the outfit. We just go with the outfit. You see everyone, literally everyone else is running away from the police and you just sit there.
Starting point is 00:54:42 And then the cops literally say, hey, get out of here. I was like, it's not like he gets arrested. And when he frees himself, he has to go find them. The cops are just like, hey, go. Yeah, you got what they said about the bridge? Go there. Shoot. Go to that bridge. Go on, get along.
Starting point is 00:55:02 But this is also, this is is so let's for a second. Let's take a moment and just look at what the hero of the movie has done throughout the film. He grabbed his landlady's boobs as a judge. Yeah, which is enough to get you kicked out of the Senate. He, uh, he slept with a woman and then just left him was like, I hate you, you suck. And then he's just sitting there while campfires are burning around him. Abandoned fires in a public park and he's just like, I justfires are burning around him abandoned fires in a public park And he's just like, I just let this burn. I don't care. He's a bad dude. I don't like it. Well not only that
Starting point is 00:55:31 But he reacts to the police showing up to this as though he has not had a run in with the cops up to this point as Though the comp showing up was okay the way that the hippies react is good for him. Well, the way the hippies react is like a ghost hunter and they are ghosts and they're like, well, we'll banish. And he's like, what's going on? And it's like, it's the police. You know what this, you know what this is going to happen. They're going to come and ask you where your bin mark is. And you say up my butt. And they're going to look at it. Right. Are you going to run a part of their face? That's how we're all saved.
Starting point is 00:56:11 And so then they're like, okay, find me at the bridge and the cops say, okay, go to the bridge. Yeah. Baby decides that she wants to leave. And Tandy, the female singer, helps her escape because sex with Alfie has changed her and made her a good person again. And BB is like, come with me and she goes, no, it's too late for me. And they sing a duet about how their heart is changed
Starting point is 00:56:37 and BB has finally found her. I do want to acknowledge that moment because it is in all of this movie, maybe the least-expand moment of the entire movie where Tandy is in the elevator with her and says it's too late for me. Yeah, she's got a scabby with with with baby. Bebe's like, come with me. It's too late for me.
Starting point is 00:57:04 You are in the elevator. You are not, we have not seen you in any way controlled by this. She meant literally too late. It was, you know, it's not, it's too late. It's too late. It's not in P.M. and she just, you know, she's getting older.
Starting point is 00:57:16 She doesn't like to leave her apartment with her party there. No, fuck that and press the dark clothes button. Yeah, exactly. Nah, shut up. Dark clothes. And the, exactly. Nah, shut up. Dark clothes. And the, what I loved about this scene is the major domo character, who I think,
Starting point is 00:57:32 if you looked up in a dictionary, an image of a major domo, I think this guy just totally fits the bill. He is wearing a tiny, a tall over his face, just bikini briefs, that kind of stuff. The tiniest bikini briefs and a robe that looks. Let's talk about this robe.
Starting point is 00:57:48 It looks pretty impressive from the front and then he spins around and on the back there's a large image and it says amazing stories. Yes. It is the best. This guy is and what's great about it. Like was he part of the crew on amazing stories? What's great about this? What's great about this? of the crew on amazing stories? What was that? Was that their crew gift?
Starting point is 00:58:06 I wish that this was challenged because there's a moment where that major drama says no, let her go and BB leaves. And then they don't ever get BB back. And I want to see a scene with Biggly who is like, where's BB? And he's like, well, I thought there's a different definitely, but I did say let her go. And you know what? It went to spec boss.
Starting point is 00:58:29 That's on me. That's my fault. I was, I was playing hard to get. I said, the guy in star was just like, I tried some reparsals. Let it go. A psychology honor. I thought you would be back. Of course, when Mr. Bougalo would say, but I want my BB back, BB back, BB back.
Starting point is 00:58:44 I want my BB back, back BB back. I want my BB back BB back. What's part of you, Saul? My daughter's name is BB and the Stuart numerous times got this movie looked at me and said, so you named you after this movie. And I can't refuse that. I don't think I did, but I have
Starting point is 00:59:01 seen this movie a lot. So maybe. Yeah, you did. Uh, you didn't name your daughter, won an Iowaska trans. So you can't confirm how you named your me and the woman from Romeo plus Julia. Oh my God. It only so much sense. I'm right. So you're gonna be out. Baby new worth is gonna be listening to this episode be like not after me
Starting point is 00:59:26 Just crush her. No, it's BB knew it. Don't even try so we got have you seen Chicago? Well, forget about it. Yeah, it's a windy city great so BB goes running off so Alfie and BB both make their way to the Zardos like hippie on clay that they all would have been cave. And it's fine because as their leader says, these people don't like television. Okay. Now I want to talk about my favorite thing in this movie. Child of love.
Starting point is 00:59:54 Child of love is incredible. But one, Alfie grows the figure's biggest beard. But then they have a child, their child, listen, Elliot, you and I are both fathers. How old is that child? So yeah, as Travis saying, there is a, well no, I mean, what does the baby look like? Like the actor playing the child. So I can be having a child in the final scene of the movie. How old is that child?
Starting point is 01:00:22 Oh, at least 32. Okay. There's another one of those three years old. All right. Now, there's, their newborn baby looks like a, is a, has toddler age. Like they should look at their newborn baby is walking and talking.
Starting point is 01:00:37 Guys, is this a backdoor pilot for Travis and Elliot? Guess the age of babies? Yeah. Yeah. Elliot's going now. Well, and so this baby full head hair, three feet tall. And then he's like, hey, ma, ma, can I get some milk? And then John Bombadill says to the cops, why baby's been with us for a year, a year? That's nine months of baby gestation. Baby is maybe three months
Starting point is 01:01:09 old in your time line, John Bambadil. I mean, it's, I mean, follow the breadcrumbs, Travis, that baby is obviously dandy's baby. Well, that's what I'm saying. Wouldn't be so much better. Exactly. Oh, wait. But even then, maybe a year. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Wouldn't be so much better. Exactly. Oh, wait. But even then maybe a year. Yeah, the time really doesn't match up. It's a lot like how we know it's like how in a Superman returns Lois Lane's boyfriend thinks that her child is his when it's gluey Superman's. And the whole time I was like, did you two have sex with her on the same night? Like, how could he think this? They did. I mean, yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:01:49 I don't remember that movie that much, but I do remember when they revealed that the kid has magic powers. And I'm like, you know, shit movie. Well, the kid has magic powers, but also asthma. Oh, right. If I remember correctly, so I assume, because I've been watching a lot of smallville, that Asman Haller has kryptonite rocks in it.
Starting point is 01:02:07 These are rocks, as they say. And he defeld it from that, or it's been somehow- He gets his asthma from your yellow sand. What? You guys not want to talk about smallville, because I will. Who is- who is the bald fellow on that show? On smallville? Yeah. Well, that was Michael Rosenbaum. No. Who is who is the bald fellow on that show on small bill? Yeah, that was Michael Rosenbaum. No, who's the character? Lex Luthorne.
Starting point is 01:02:31 I tell Williams. No, right. It's not. Alexander Luthorne. So, but wait, that's strange because in the comics, Lex Luthorne is a man. He's like an old man. But imagine. Okay. Okay. So you know how Superman wasn't always Superman, but at one point was a super boy. Is that true? It is true. I'm not the queen to current continuity. Okay, Oli, could you stay out of this? The kind of nerds are talking.
Starting point is 01:02:55 Yeah. Okay. Now imagine super boy, right? Okay, yeah, I can imagine it. Now imagine Lex Boy. Oh, I'm afraid it now imagine Lux boy Care what I am rated Lex boy come home. It is a whole new IP And it's young Luxu and he's sexy so sexy
Starting point is 01:03:15 Oh, and he's got a great voice and yeah, he's bald But it's all fucking Elliot Elliot I am talking about comics you stick to sports sir This is my time. Yeah, you meet head. You're right. I got to stay in my lane. I got to stay in my mind So okay, so so so sex sex boy, and he's a young vampire. Oh, okay Elliott Elliott please a young vampire. Oh okay. That's a child of a night. Elliot! Elliot please! So, Lexus is a young vampire. A superman is a young vampire and they kiss a lot. Okay. I think I've read this fan page. And also, Elliot, please. And also Green Lantern's there. He's sexy in a vampire.
Starting point is 01:04:07 And they're kissing. And then they're in space. Can Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII? Yeah, he can. And Sonic's there too. Oh wow. But their mortal enemies Travis, how would that shake out? I know.
Starting point is 01:04:21 They fight so hard to kiss. That happens when they're both going after those rings. Yes, but then they're going after each other's rings. Okay. Okay. What were you saying about football? Anyway, I think maybe since we have, I think, a minute left in the movie. Let's just finish that up. So they're in the park. It's been a year later. They have a three year old baby. And Boogellou shows up with the cops. He says, we're we're gonna sue you for breach of contract because I guess there was a clause in the contract that says She couldn't go run off and live in a cave with a bunch of stone caveman hippies But then uh-oh mr. Topps is coming now mr. Topps you may think is a cartoon rabbit
Starting point is 01:05:00 That's what I thought at first the first time I saw this but no mr. Topps is a cartoon rabbit. That's what I thought at first. The first time I saw this. But no, Mr. Topps is a kind of Elton John looking God character who flies in an Imagine limousine. And what's amazing about this is let it give it to give credit where credit is due to how ridiculous this movie is. There. This is one of those many moments where you think I must have missed something because Alfie out there must have been a reference. Right, but there is not. Alfie out of nowhere says he is going to come Mr. Tops. And I will say in one of the few
Starting point is 01:05:35 cogent moments of this movie, BB says, Mr. Tops. And we the audience are left wondering, yes, I also And he says, don't worry, Mr. Toss is coming in what must have been 45 minutes of cut footage. Yeah, and then a 100% realistic car comes flying into this into the through the sky and a man exits that vehicle mid air and walks down to the ground. The whole thing looks amazing. I should say right now and this is very late. Spoiler alert, but watch this movie.
Starting point is 01:06:17 What we are describing now to you're like, oh, they've skipped so no, no, no, no. No, my friends. Join us on this metaphysical journey. Yeah, this is the moment where I'm like, this is weird, because if Neil Brin had made this movie, he would be this character, but he would have also been all the other characters. Yeah. This is the principle,
Starting point is 01:06:40 the Egypt moment in which he is both Moses and also God. So Mr. Topps, he comes by and it's kind of like if God was a middle-aged porn producer on his way to the adult video words. Like he's just wearing like a gold tuxedo and he has this kind of puffy like middle-aged Albert Finney look. And I will say the actor playing Mr. Topps, I think does a great job in his few moments of time as, as, as God.
Starting point is 01:07:10 He brings a certain gravity to the role. He brings a certain gravity to the role. Because he, he's essentially doing the same thing that Ralph Richardson does at the end of time bandits. And he's kind of almost as good. I'll say hot take. Well, that's the thing. It's here. I will say if there had been three references to Mr. Topps before this moment. Yeah, if there had been any passing reference, this actor would be like, oh shit, give that guy like a golden globe and a golden globe us a day time.
Starting point is 01:07:48 So and uh, and he says uh, so Mr. tops comes down and he says, all you hippies go, I'm going to start a new planet for you somewhere without Mr. Bougaloo and Mr. Bougaloo says, but the world can't exist without me and Mr. Topps says, let's give it a try. Now here what's great, here's what's great about that. to try. Now here what's great, here's what's great about that. This is not in here to a single god damn religion that exists in the world. Because there is no religion. Okay, yeah, okay, that's fair. Because I wouldn't call myself an expert, but I don't like there is a single may yes, Bob comment the the heavens gave people, but everyone else is like, I don't think God just bops from playing it to play in this is looking for a place without the devil. This is what I turned to Travis at the end of the movie.
Starting point is 01:08:37 I'm like, so wait, and Travis could anticipate my objection, which was, okay, this is God. Like, why can't he just get rid of Mr. Bougaloo on Earth rather than just being like, peace out, we're going to a different planet. That's not God's way, Daniel. Damn, no, that's not God. Tell me about God, Dan. I guess God does allow for free will.
Starting point is 01:09:02 God works a mysterious ways, Dan. Yeah. Hey guys, what have God just one of us? Dan, name one time God. What do you mean like just a stranger on the bus? Where's he going? No answer like that. Oh, you reacted as though you had a delay with Dan
Starting point is 01:09:19 and not just, Elliot. Like, Dan asked you a direct question, Stewart. And you just did your spot. I'm like, wait, I am asked you a direct question, Stewart, and you just did your spot. I'm like, wait, I have something really exciting on my phone going on. I want an update. Might as well get on this. Wait, is it a software update,
Starting point is 01:09:38 or is it like an update from like the New York Times or something? A software update. You get updates from the New York Times. We're directly software update. Okay. Even the updates from the New York Times. What do they say? Which notifications? They say, hi, Dan. Just check up Dan.
Starting point is 01:09:50 How's your day? Dan, when the New York Times says, stop writing to us. We're not interested. That's not an update. Okay. Hey, don't be mean to talk. Is that anyway?
Starting point is 01:10:01 In this scenario, what am I saying? And this is. Don't be mean to Dan. In this scenario, what am I standing the New York Times that they're not up to? Dan. This is between me and Elliot. Dan, I'm going to guess poems. Okay. You're beautiful, beautiful poems, Dan.
Starting point is 01:10:18 And they're like, sorry, sir, but the title, Dan in real life has already been taken by a movie about pancakes. It's a beautiful, sir. Uh, uh, that's the end of the Apple. That's the end of Apple. The good people I'll go off into the into into the another planet, limousine heaven. And Mr. Bugle is left to enjoy running the world of disco and amazing dancing. Listen, I don't think we're doing it, Justice,
Starting point is 01:10:45 how much the end of this movie is literally like the joke end of a movie for someone in a movie who can't figure out how to end their movie. This is literally like, and then God shows up. And they all get in the car and float off into Sweden. It is the most, it is the most like joke, but serious ending. Yeah. I have ever seen in my entire life. Yeah, we were saying, you know, it's a literal
Starting point is 01:11:15 Deus Ex Machina. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Stephen King's like, mmm, thumbs up to this ending. Sit up with a bow. He is literally a god in machine. The machine is a Lincoln cotton and all. All right. God, we've gone long. There's something great about that shot of the ghost hippies walking through the sky. And I'm like, like, I think the filmmakers assume this is supposed to like capture everybody's imagination, but it just looks really bad. to like capture everybody's imagination, but it just looks really bad. Well, it's like they know it's 1979. They called a young him night shaman and said, what's it twist? We might put it in this movie. And he said, get this. Hey, gov.
Starting point is 01:11:58 Hey, I'm British boy. I'm not, you know, that movie ending you've been looking for. Well, listen to this. I'm not you know that movie ending you've been looking for well listen to this Boy maybe make me Gove I like this character now I'm down for the ending sit what I What I like about this ending is the movie ends on the image of a crowd of people Shuffling off to nowhere looking pretty depressed much like the audience of the Apple. I assume walked out of the original screening,
Starting point is 01:12:29 just like, oh, it was like, the filmmakers, like, let me give you a little taste to your future. You're gonna work out in a row and you're gonna be real unhappy about it. That audience, after hurling copies of the complimentary, the Apple soundtrack they were given, hurling enough of them that had apparently damaged the screen. That is true. That is her. There are so many wonderful facts about this movie with
Starting point is 01:12:52 a tack shelter. It got booed. It's for screening as Stuart said. They damaged the screen. Damn. Before we do final judgments, I want to list some of the taglines for this movie. All right, sure. On a poster or something. I'll go through those. A funky fantasy that'll rock your world. Nice. It's 1994. The future is music and music is their future. What?
Starting point is 01:13:17 This one's confusing. Eat it. Oh, wait. Why? Oh, because it's an album. Yeah, yeah. Not just big fans of Weird Al. This one's weird.
Starting point is 01:13:27 Imagine the go fuck yourself. Hey, fuck off. This one will get you in the theater. The power of rock in 1994. That is actually still on the DVD, which I will present to both of you at the end of this evening. Oh, wow, thanks. The power of rock, the end of this evening. Oh, wow. Thanks. Uh, the power
Starting point is 01:13:45 rock. The magic space, the power of rock in 1994 is a pretty great tagline because you're like, yeah, Nirvana, that sounds awesome. Well, what I love about this movie is, uh, Stuart, well, I love many things about this movie, but Stuart texted me a couple days ago to say, Hey, have you checked your copy? Because Elliot's copy that you sent him does not work. It's just very telling to me like, like a movie in general, L.H. DVD players like, no, I'm looking out for you on this one, buddy. I put it in the DVD player multiple times.
Starting point is 01:14:22 Each time it said no disc. Like, come on, DVD players like cannot violate the laws of robotics So we should do final judgments. The best. Is it a good bad movie, a bad bad movie, or a movie you kind of like? It was smoothly good bad. Did I do that right? Yeah, it's perfect. Wow, Travis is right on the gate.
Starting point is 01:14:56 I will say I'll agree with Travis. This is a good bad movie. It's kind of the like, it's the perfect movie to watch with a bunch of people and make jokes Yeah, I agree. It's a good bad movie. You'll be transfixed by there's always something weird going on and Okay, why that tickle me so sure you could have just said I agree to give that movie But then you spotted this like sys cool and ebert, ask her if you'd like, there's always something weird going on. That's the fucking poll quote, put her on the DVD. Elliot.
Starting point is 01:15:33 And yeah, I'd say also a good bad movie. If it's, it's a movie that still manages to entertain despite, as, as I say, being like, it has a message that I don't agree with because to be honest, I think I'd much rather stay on Bougaloo's world than go up into limousine heaven with Mr. Topps, but it's a good bed movie to watch. Like I said, it has a bunch of songs where the lyrics are nonsensical and then one super sexy song that's not very good.
Starting point is 01:16:00 And then one song that's genuinely a meatloaf level rocker. I actually am now banned commands. This is a shitty movie. It has many problematic moments that I do not adhere to. No one should watch this movie. Thank you, Elliott for ruining a movie that I used to enjoy. But now I realize this bad. Wow. This is the first full on flip flop on the flop house. I thought this was a good movie, good bad movie, but now I realize it is bad. Thank you so much, Elliot, for ruining a brief moment of joy that I found in this dark world, but now I find is bad. And I never now in retrospect enjoyed a moment of my life.
Starting point is 01:16:48 Sure. Thank you. Yeah, yeah. Travis calls Elliot out for virtue signaling. Dan, what's up, man? Um, so I'm at this mafia restaurant. What? I'm gonna go in and ask these guys what they think the best pasta shape is. Mark, they're probably eating it. I have a hunch that it's probably ravioli, but I mean, you know what?
Starting point is 01:17:18 That's a good idea. Whatever they're eating, I'll just take a look in their bowls. Why don't you? Maybe. There's supposed to be a big meeting there today. Can you see it from the street? That sounds really dangerous. I'm just going to go inside and ask.
Starting point is 01:17:27 Don't bother them. They're probably eating, you know. Look, I'm not threatened by them. How about we tell them what the best pasta is on our podcast. We got this with Mark and Hal. Oh, that's a great idea. Thank God. Tuesdays at 9 on
Starting point is 01:17:40 Hey, I love that show! Following the news is hard and it sucks. How do you know which stories are important? Which sources do you trust in this post-truth world of reactionary journalism? I'm Brett Black, and I'm Travis McRoy, and we host a podcast called Trends Like These. We cover trending news stories. We debunk misleading clickbait headlines. And we always try to throw in a little bit of good news.
Starting point is 01:18:09 In our quest for truth, join us every week on, or wherever podcasts are found. Uh, now we, uh, thank our sponsors. What do we do now, dear? Well, we talk about our sponsors. Oh, great. And, um, and one of them is Blue Apron.
Starting point is 01:18:30 Oh, Blue Apron. I love Blue Apron. Well, you want to hear me talk about Blue Apron? Damn sure. Why don't you talk about them a little bit? Do you guys like food? Yep. Sure. Be honest. I mean, okay, you got me. I'm honest.
Starting point is 01:18:44 Okay. You know, I can only be me, baby. You know, he like food, but you don't know where it comes from. Yeah, right? And you just like wake up and foods there. Mm-hmm. It's from Blue Apron. Wow. It's the only place to get foods you guys.
Starting point is 01:18:58 In this post-apocalyptic world, the only living. Yep. Blue Apron is the only option left to us. Yep, you gotta put a blue apron mark on your forehead. That's true. And you wear that blue apron mark, that blam mark. Yep. And the food comes and you don't question it. Well, you're not quite damn.
Starting point is 01:19:21 Don't question it. It's pre-portion ingredients with all the instructions right there. It's a good food. You don't have to know how to cook. It just comes to you and you don't question it. And you make the food and you don't question it. What do you have to do, Dan? Well, I also wanna mention-
Starting point is 01:19:42 Instead of questioning. I also wanna just mention that for eight weeks, and that's ending on February the 26th, Blue Apron is teaming with Whole 30 to bring you delicious recipes. The menu will feature two Whole 30 approved recipes each week, like chicken and kale orange salad with spicy tahini dressing. Sounds delicious. Kickstart your new year with Blue Apron and Whole30 and a Ploughhouse listeners can get $20 off their first order by visiting slash Floughhouse.
Starting point is 01:20:16 Say it again, Dan. So check out this week's menu. Huh? I gave you $30 off with free shipping at slash Floughhouse. Blue Apron a better way to cook. I think the first time I said $30 off with free shipping at blue apron dot com slash flop house blue apron a better way to cook I think the first time I said $20 off. It is $30. You know, I like about that damn. Can I tell you what when you said to heeny and remind me of to honey Like from good place. Yeah It's not a fun joke is I'm just saying. No, I just reminded you of a thing that gave you my
Starting point is 01:20:43 I like the good place. Yeah, that's good. You know what I like? I just like to put that down. I like it. Anyways. I huh? Dan, I like that you misread a number that was right in front of you.
Starting point is 01:20:54 Oh, it's, it's, it's damn in this room. No, and two's look a lot like threes. I get it. It's okay. There's a curve We've got another sponsor and it's called zipper cruder. Oh, I love zipper cruder. Can I tell you about the super cruder? Sure in this post about the world when you need people to guard your gates from You know wasteland zombies. Yep, and but you don't know how to hire those people
Starting point is 01:21:23 No, right? No. So you go to Zipper Cruder and you put in like, mean, zombie Uh huh. And Zipper Cruder is going to provide those for you. No questions asked. Don't know why you put the stuff on.
Starting point is 01:21:37 That's my favorite thing about Zipper Cruder. No questions asked. Yeah. They have to go on. Well, Zipper Cruder does all this by posting posting your job over 100 job boards with just one click. No questions asked. They actively look for the most qualified candidates and invite them to apply. No questions asked. No wonder 80% of employers who post on zippercruder get a quality candidate through the site in just one day. One question asked.
Starting point is 01:22:07 Zippercuder, the smartest way to hire. And right now, our listeners can post jobs on Zippercuder for free. That's right, the cost is free. Just go to, slash flop house, that's And how much does that cost? Flash flop house.
Starting point is 01:22:23 It's free. The zero drop house. Zero drop house. Zero drop house. Zero drop house how much does that cost flash flop house. It's free House or You interrupted you right in the middle of my ad vry I just wait so It's a question that I've been answered twice Okay, is it slash flop house or slash, flop house? Did you say both? Actually, that's, this will take you there.
Starting point is 01:22:49 Dan, I was watching him right now. He just bought the URL. Yeah. Yeah. So I think the next part of this podcast is Jojo Jojo jumbo tron. Okay. And we got the jumbo tron.
Starting point is 01:23:04 It is jumbo tron. Sorry, I had it delay. It's weird that you're the one who has a lag talking to the Elliott over Skype. Why wasn't paying attention? Okay, guys, hey guys, when are we going to do the jumbo tron? Oh boy. Oh man. Yeah, it's coming up because there's a lag on this end.
Starting point is 01:23:23 Okay. Do you have lag? Mm-hmm. Cage Match Cast is a podcast for people who wish Cagemas was year round. Each week a new movie steps into our audio steel cage to face slash off against a Nicholas Cage movie. Cage Match Cast, a Nick Cage podcast for your ears and your mind. So once you guys go subscribe to Cage Matchcast on iTunes today. Sounds like a good choice. I love me some Nicholas Cage. Ali and I believe you also have a message.
Starting point is 01:24:04 I do. I have a personal message. This is a personal message. Dan, if you could please be quiet, because this is kind of personal. And I need a moment. Dan, if you could, Dan, if you could not put in, this is pretty personal. This message is for,
Starting point is 01:24:17 okay, I won't put in. And oh boy, this message is for, Tacoma, and the message is from from some husband and the message goes like this, this isn't revenge for the time you paid the Mackel boys $100 to shame me about finding out what all of my ex-miss presence were a few years ago. It's to shame you for not liking the new Mario you monster and also happy B day, happy V day.
Starting point is 01:24:43 That's the V as in Valentine's and happy every day. That's from the coma to some husband. I'm so glad I can be here. Tacoma. We're even. Tacoma. No questions asked. We're even.
Starting point is 01:24:57 I'm coming for you. Wow, the weird thing is Travis is making eye contact with Dan the whole time when he said that. Tacoma, I'm going to kill Dan because of the thing you did. Dan's dead. Same there. I guess that's the way. I mean, the way I was in the wasteland.
Starting point is 01:25:21 I've had a good run. So you have it. I'm sorry. Have you, Dan? Have you really? I don't know. Let's ask Dan's two friends. I've had a good run. So I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:25:29 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:25:37 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm And then it went all the way down hill. Oh boy.
Starting point is 01:25:45 Back when you were 12 and everyone was like, that kid's got knees for days. That kid's knees are going to take him forever. So what's the next thing for this? And you know those knees you were looking for? Well, listen to this. Look at this. I can't hear anything.
Starting point is 01:26:03 So what's the next part of the piece? What do we do now Danny? Now we got some letters from listeners listeners like you Not used to We got a listener Stewart's a host. I was gonna do a song, but yeah Yeah, yeah, what's stopping you? Elliot just bulldozed his open. Yeah, not now. I was gonna do it. Oh, not here there. There's that one like letters.
Starting point is 01:26:30 No, no, go for it. Go for it. Fuck. Go back in. Oh. It was gonna be great. It was gonna be like, into the woods, kind of thing, with like a whole motif
Starting point is 01:26:44 for how letters are scary, but the way's clear, but letters. Yeah, that's weird, because I got a message. Yeah, I'm not done. I have a message from your brothers, they say you would totally chicken out of doing a song if you met the least amount of resistance. We've got letters.
Starting point is 01:27:03 God damn it, Elliot. No, how about Elliot, you just do it if you're such a big man. You're so brave. Dan's dad is. Dan, this is between me and Elliott. Prove yourself. Look, Travis, hey, we could fight about this. And yeah, I'd win that fight. But I think I want to show you that you've got the strength and you've got the confidence. you've got the ability inside you. So I'm going to give you a second chance at life, love and song about letters. Well, should we sing a letter song together with 30 seconds lag? I would love to accept occasionally the Skype call has been blipping out, but we enjoy our best. Okay, let's call this to screen. Let's call this to it. Let's call this to it.
Starting point is 01:27:46 Skype lag for letters. Okay, on three, one, two, three, letters, we've got letters. It's not for letters. And we're so excited to bring letters to you, the listener, and you. and you, and us, and us, and you, and it's the letters, and it's time for Dan to read the letters. Dan take it away.
Starting point is 01:28:19 Guys, I just got a message. The audience's heartbeat reached over 150. It's a boogaloo. All right. This letter is from Sarah Lastname withheld who writes, My husband is a huge fan of your show. I've been following you for years and years and years. He's turned several of his friends into fans.
Starting point is 01:28:47 One of them was once referenced on your show, bumping into Elliot's on a Popeye's run. We both love you. He turned another of his friends into a jack in the box and then wished him to the cornfield. We both love you, Heber, Whitten, and Wimsey. My husband's 35th birthday is on February 26th. And I'd love to make him a flop house themed birthday party. Okay. I'm not quite sure what that would entail,
Starting point is 01:29:11 but I was wondering if you had any suggestions or merchandise available that I could purchase to make it seem more official. Much love, Sarah last name withheld. Well, we do have merchandise, but I don't feel like we should- If we were smarter, we would have merchandise. I didn't hear my name in that at all. Oh, but this is where Travis, you can suggest
Starting point is 01:29:29 a lot of house related birthday stuff. Okay, here's what you do. Have some Popeyes. That's Elliott back up in a beer and that's Stewart. And maybe feel bad about those and that's dead. Yeah, regret those choices. Yeah. It's a whole themed look. And maybe feel bad about those and that's yeah, yeah regret those choices It's a whole themed well correct to me if I'm wrong
Starting point is 01:29:56 Correct to me if I'm wrong this letter was written by a wife. Yes, that wife probably has a butt and that's A part of the party. Hey, here we are here. Do you have well, let's not assume they have a butt Yeah, many millions of America's each year tragically born without butts. Come with me, Mocha. Really millions? Most people don't have butts. I'm very passionate about this charity, Elliot, because it really speaks to me.
Starting point is 01:30:21 I suffer as much as the dickers. It really sinks up behind you. Yeah. Now I like to believe, Dan, that you're like, you're like one of those celebrities who suddenly becomes a conspiracy theorist. Like you're like, are people losing their butts because of these Kim trails? Oh my god, Elliott, what you don't see? Dan just stood up and pulled a prosthetic butt out of his pants. The weird thing was, he was without a butt this whole time. That's why he's been so focused on butt. That's why I'm so covetous of other butts.
Starting point is 01:30:53 Now he's pulling a second prosthetic butt out of the front of his pants. Wait, and a third from the side and a fourth from his back. Dan. He said it's to protect him against Travis attacks too late. Oh, that was like that, but yeah, I told you not to lose that. But I kind of wish all that that bit had gone to the point where Dan takes off his overcoat. And it's just two children one standing on the shoulders of the other. This is average and this is butts.
Starting point is 01:31:27 Yeah, so I guess that answers your question, Sarah. Thanks for listening. Thanks for your husband for listening. I don't know, just put some great paper up and put Neil Brin's face on it or something. I'm a Nicholas Cage. Put on Nicholas Cage movie, pop some corn, you know. Leave your brain at the door. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:50 Yeah. Hey, just take something bad and then turn it around and make it something good. And that's the flop house way. This letter is from Patrick Lasting with Hell, who writes, one of my favorite comedic. Patric McGuin from The Prisoner. Yeah. One of my favorite comedic scenes used to be the classic bit from Bruce Almighty where the now
Starting point is 01:32:09 I'm nip-a-tint Jim Carrey messes around with a smug newsman Steve Carell by forcing him to pass gas speaking on high pitch voice scream gibberish, etc 11-year-old me found this riotous However recently watching that clip on YouTube only conjured up feelings of disgust towards that film and myself. It's not funny that Jim Carrey is using Steve Carell as a flesh puppet. That's some badass rogue show guns to Wellington boys. Flocked up shit, broheme.
Starting point is 01:32:39 That's pretty close. My question. My question. What's the scene from a film that you loved slash found hilarious as a child, but as an adult not buying crude, inseparable or depressing that you even liked it in the first place? Can I answer? Yeah. I will say among those same lines, basically anything from Ace Ventura is like, I feel like I was right in the wheelhouse of like thinking Jim Kelly was very, very funny for like the mask.
Starting point is 01:33:13 Ace Ventura that I was like, this is gold. But now when I think of it, like when he says somebody stopped me, you're like, no, no one stopped me. No, don't stop him. This is great. But now our smoking service. Yes. Uh, PR, ATY. Why? Because I love it. Um, but no, they're so, uh, it's just, it's heinous not only in like, it's not funny, but also in that like nine bees way of like,
Starting point is 01:33:41 oh, so much of this is homophobic, transphobic, blah, blah, fat phobic, all of these things that like, it makes me sad for like 10 year old Travis that laughed at that shit. Yeah, I mean, like mine is sort of somewhere along the line. I mean, I would say about half of animal house hasn't aged well. And all of it, all of it hasn't aged well.
Starting point is 01:34:08 And, you know, I find it great. It's because it's not a party, dude. That's why it feels that way. I found it funny as a kid. No, I like the elitists. Although, when they're trying to shut down animal houses, they're like, yeah, yeah, shut down animals. Put them on triple-seeker probation.
Starting point is 01:34:26 Who cares? Yeah, I think they are like the bad shit. I will. Our fraternity that's breaking the rules and hurting people and misleading women to make them sleep with them. Yeah, shut that house down. Shut that shit down. And while you're at it, shut down that PCU PCU house.
Starting point is 01:34:43 And how about those nerds? I mean, no, shut those guys down. They're totally rapists. No, they're all so bad. Listen, you know what? They're super bad. Yeah, they're all bad. And also the zapped guys, fuck them.
Starting point is 01:34:57 I mean, if you're given the powers of a god, you can't be expected to play by the rules of mortals. I actually do, I think there's a window of time from like 1981 to 1995, when those movies, all of them should be burned. I never watched again. They should all be fed into a pyre because they are pretty much all massacres.
Starting point is 01:35:22 And this is not Travis Maggoy, virtue-saving link. This is literally me saying, I don't think there's anything redeemable about the whichever one of us is the last one to get laid. Like that shit. That can go right out the window. Yeah. Yeah, probably. Right. Which is why the last one to laid, has to write a whole dissertation about women's voting rights. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I mean, it was pretty good. I was pretty good. I was pretty good. I was pretty good. I was pretty good. I was pretty good. I was pretty good. I was pretty good.
Starting point is 01:36:26 I was pretty good. I was pretty good. I was pretty good. I was pretty good. I was pretty good. I was pretty good. I was pretty good. I was pretty good.
Starting point is 01:36:33 I was pretty good. I was pretty good. I was pretty good. I was pretty good. I was pretty good. I was pretty good. I was pretty good. I was pretty good.
Starting point is 01:36:40 I was pretty good. I was pretty good. I was pretty good. I was pretty good. I was pretty good. I was pretty good. I was pretty good. I was much and when I was in sixth grade, a friend of mine and I were jealous that our other friend had a girlfriend or a friend Kasey Crowe at a girlfriend. So we thought it would be fun to like mess with them by doing the like Foxy woman thing
Starting point is 01:37:00 from Wayne's world, just talking about it makes me embarrassed. So we tried to do some kind of like thing in the hallway, like referencing the movie, and like my personal hell is being trapped in those seconds of doing this weird, poorly choreographed bit. And I can't even, I don't want to talk about it anymore. It makes me, it makes my stomach hurt. I haven't ever seen someone give themselves post traumatic dramatic stress Yeah, you can watch my show like watching your face my my once one's bouncy hair as now flattened
Starting point is 01:37:34 So that is pouring off my forehead I can't watch wings world ever again This next letter is from Heather last name with hell to write. Locklear I'm wow. I'm a big star. I'm currently working your way, my way through your back catalog. I recently listened to episode 153, G.I. Joe retaliation. That's cool. She could probably stop around there and not go back any further. I laughed depressively. I laughed depressively at minute 540 when Stewart mentions Jonathan Price and says There is no way a guy with that crazy a haircut would be elected president of the United States If only 200
Starting point is 01:38:13 2014 floppers knew what was coming in 2016 So I such innocent loss Do you guys remember any other suggestions or beliefs you had based on movie fiction? Can't believe you either pulled out the receipts on that one or were shadowed was shattered by reality. And seriously, Heather last name withheld. I will say, I think it goes back a little bit further than that, but my introduction to the flop house was Labor Day in which you guys revealed what would end up being the truth about Alan Rock.
Starting point is 01:38:48 And it seemed like a goof at the time, but now his tell all book has come out. And that was all true. And it blows my mind how prophetic to the letter you all were about Alan Rock. Yeah, you know, sometimes we, sometimes we knock out of the park. I had no idea, but somehow you know, now tell me, as Hollywood insiders, all three of you, did you just know that about Alan Rock or was it a lucky guess? Yeah, Dan's been hanging out with Alan Rock for a while. He's been Alan Rock invites Dan over Dan shows and shows up with little typewriter and Alan Ruck in his He's wearing like what is that he said like a kimono. Yeah, well, I'm basically the doctor Watson to his Sherlock Holmes
Starting point is 01:39:32 Oh, okay. Yeah, and you guys go on adventures the other and he saw scryzen chin More of the boring Bography stuff. Oh, so you're just writing a book. Yeah, exactly. like, you said, it's more just like you're writing a book about Alan right? He said, I like the way I put it, but he said, Dan, you have five nights to record my story. And at the end of night five, I will be dead. And I'm hearing you too. And potentially you'll die in the process too.
Starting point is 01:40:00 That was, I mean, it implied threat. I mean, I can't guarantee you'll die, but when I die, I'm going to try to take you with me. And Dan, you said you've done four nights with him, huh? It's pretty chilling. And on the fifth night, when the I lost track together, whatever a folk tale you're spending, I just sort of spaced out on it. I have to be honest. Yeah, you're like, you're watching Alan Ruck after we're done recording tonight, right? Yeah, sure. Yeah, Dan soon, the thing where he checks how long the recording's been going and then he adds up in his head how much memory that takes takes up on our little recording device.
Starting point is 01:40:42 And then he goes to ZZ Alan Ruckruck. They are not connected at all with the two ideas. Does anyone have a real answer to this? Or do you just do a lot? Yeah, well, similar to what they were saying about Stuart's comment, I would say that decades and decades of movies have taught us that like the goodness of people and what and brings us all together and we can we can band together to stop bad things from happening and there's a sense of justice in the world. And I feel like that has been proven untrue.
Starting point is 01:41:14 No, bleak sentiment from Elliot. That's true. I also realism, dude. I also learned that if I like, I don't know if I'm driving through the country and my car breaks down and I'm wandering through the woods because I need to get a part in the closest house I saw was that farm, a couple clicks back. And I instead of walking on the road, I decided to walk through the woods. Movies have taught me that I would be hunted and killed by hillbilly cannibals. That never happens to me. So yeah, not even once. Not even once. Well, there was that one time, but we'll
Starting point is 01:41:54 have to save that for another day. That's the thing. The courts have said that Hillbilly cannibals, just a regular person that I shouldn't have used a spear gun on them. But don't give it away. I said another, said we talk about it another time. I have one really quick last letters from Claire last name with held. It's one sentence that says, how can there be like a million spider man movies, but they can't make the spider webbing not look like giz. Not because the spider webbing looks like.
Starting point is 01:42:27 Yes, spider webbing is giz. Yeah, it is out of their little, out of their little giz whole spinnarets. Hey guys, guys, what if when when you giz, an ultra strong compound came out of the way? Is this hypothetical or you're saying, why does that happen? Yeah, what? Dan, I would say, Dan, I would say when you, when you, an ultra strong compound does come out
Starting point is 01:42:54 because it has the power of life in it. And I would say without men, what is life really? Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, guys. I've been doing a little bit of research into erotic cakes lately. Okay.
Starting point is 01:43:08 And I like where this is said. Keep talking. Most erotic baked grease that I've found that make a cake or cupcake featuring an erect penis. Almost always have like... Has spider webs? ...have like jizz shootin' out of it. And I'm like, is that what people want?
Starting point is 01:43:22 Got me. As someone who was one of the group that hired an erotic, that, uh, Stuart, as someone who was, was part of a group that ordered an erotic cake to be sent to somebody. Yes, that is exactly what we wanted. Okay. I guess to answer your question, why do spider webs in spider-man movies look like jizz?
Starting point is 01:43:43 It's hard to think what else they would look like. It is hard for me to imagine a different version, like picture right now, the Spider-Man shooting from a man's wrist. Yeah. What would it look like that's not Jizz? You know, I was about to say, or imagine Spider-Webs shooting from a man's penis.
Starting point is 01:44:03 Okay, well, that would make it a little harder, Elliot, for my example, but okay. I was about to say, I could imagine it looking like silly string, but that just looks like Jizz to be true. That's what I'm saying is like picture a webbing and tell me what it look like that doesn't look like Jizz. I can't do it. Dan, Dan, are you stumped?
Starting point is 01:44:27 No, I'm just imagining the idea that a spider's web, like, is Jizz. Just very delicately woven. Oh, me, Dan. Just like in real life, a spider uses Jizz to catch flies while a man's penis turns out Jizz is. Well, you catch more flies with giz flies to me. As I've always said, do you think this is the most we've ever said?
Starting point is 01:44:50 Giz, giz, giz. Oh, I think so. Now, now Stewart, Stewart, I just want to spin a fantasy for you. Sure, like just spider spins a web out of giz. When you said you were researching erotic cakes, I imagined that much like Daniel Day Lewis quit acting for a while and apprenticed with a coplar, that you dropped out of your professional life
Starting point is 01:45:13 to apprenticed with like a master erotic cake baker in Italy somewhere. Yeah. No, that's, I mean, that's pretty close. And they just kept saying, to erotic, to erotic. And I kept saying, my mummy and he kept shaking his head at me.
Starting point is 01:45:31 He's like, no, you're not ready for that yet. So what's the next part of this podcast, Doe-Un? The next segment is the final segment, that's where we recommend moving on. Final judgments. No, I think it's a good bad movie. Okay. Cool. Well, we're done. Me too. Now we do recommendations, Travis, do you have a movie to recommend? I do actually like this is going to sound like a joke. Okay. But
Starting point is 01:45:58 Kingsman. Okay. And Kingsman to the Jones circle. Okay. I launched Kingsman to the Golden Circle on an Aero-Ariot plane. Okay, the Dan Special. A Dan's favorite place. Yeah, I watched it recently, and I enjoyed it non-ironically. Cinema the Skies, Dan, Paisley. And non-Ariot-Planly.
Starting point is 01:46:20 And then I went back and purchased on iTunes, the original Kingsman, which I had not seen before, I watched the second one, and I just watched it today. I enjoyed those movies. I think that they are fun in a way that I'm reminiscent of early James Bond. But like a James Bond junior type thing. Well, they both have very, very interesting bad guys.
Starting point is 01:46:51 Okay. Where in the first one, the bad guys thing is trying to save the planet, but he is evil. Yeah. And in the second one, the bad guys thing is a war on drugs and trying to make drugs not a bad thing, but they're evil. And it's a really interesting take on what a super villain is. Okay. And they have a really fun kind of take on spy thing.
Starting point is 01:47:18 Like they don't take themselves too seriously, but it's not silly to the point of like, uh, I love the fast and the furious movies, but they have reached a point where it's like, they know what they're doing. They're being kind of silly with how out of balance it is and how unrealistic. I don't know. It's unrealistic about a man racing a car away from a submarine. Okay. Um, but um, King's been kind of has that same kind of feel of like, we know that this is silly, but still taking itself seriously in a silly way. Yeah, yeah. Anyways, I was surprised to find that I enjoyed them in a legitimate way. Yeah, I remember,
Starting point is 01:47:57 I haven't seen the second one yet, but I thought the first one was pretty fun. Yeah. And Samuel Jackson is really great in it. Well, that's the thing. The first one's very fun. And I think the second one is more, but in the same vein. Okay. So I jokingly said today on Twitter that they are two Austin powers. What the Daniel Craig movies are to the later Pierce
Starting point is 01:48:20 Braustins. Okay. What if we did this, but good. Oh, okay. Yeah. Anyways, I follow the Kingsman movies. They're surprisingly good. Mm-hmm. Dan.
Starting point is 01:48:33 Uh, Dan. My mom won them. Yeah, they're good. I watched them on the radio. Your mom liked the Kingsman movies. Recommendation from Clint McRoy who said they are good. Yeah, even the weird like, but fucking part of the end of the first one.
Starting point is 01:48:46 Okay, we get over that. I talked to, I talked to my mom about that and she was like, what? And she didn't remember, she like, she's like, I've been recommending it to so many patrons at the library. I didn't even remember that happens. I'm, I'm, I'm. I'm just proud of you. I'm proud. I don't know if proud that I word, but like for like bringing up the anal sex scene with your mom. There's not an anal sex. Oh yeah. I had to tell her that. Well, there's an implied anal sex.
Starting point is 01:49:20 But that's the same as every James Bond movie where it's like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a What movie recommending Dan? I saw recently in the theater probably my favorite movie of last year, which is Phantom Thread. Oh, cool. It's a PT Anderson movie. I've liked pretty much everything Paul Thomas Anderson has done to a greater lesser degree. And even though his previous his previous one, and Heron Vice was kind of challenging, like I feel like he's recently, you know, entered this new stage in his career, like everything sort of, I mean, I'm not that new because you see it sort of punch, drunk love and onward, like where he's just a complete original, I feel like, and the sort of things he's doing.
Starting point is 01:50:28 And I don't really want to talk that much about the plot of the movie, because I went in fairly blind, and I think that that's the best way of saying the film. It's a love story. Wait, wait, Dan, the best way to see the film is if you're blind. Mm-hmm. Yeah, because it's a PT Anderson is trying to be working in Sinistice.
Starting point is 01:50:50 Yeah. Yeah. He's got odor, Rama. Well, I say. No, I went in without knowing anything about the movie other than that it was was a sort of a contentious love story between a dressmaker and his paramour. And that was about all I needed to know going in. It was great. And Daniel Day Lewis is particularly good. I love his cobbling in that movie. His cobbling is top knock. But he's apple. But I think even better for me was the female lead in the movie, uh, who is much less well-known. And I'm gonna butcher her last name. But you know her name, right? You know her what her name is because you love her so much.
Starting point is 01:51:36 Well, it's Vicki. I think the last name was probably pronounced creeps, but it's hard to tell. It's K-R-I-E-P-S. Is that Vicki the robot from Small Wonder? Yeah, grown up. Cool. That's weird that the robot grows. She's an asshole under. Her last name is Christina Barcelona.
Starting point is 01:51:54 Oh, okay. But fan of thread. Go see it. It's all over the place now. And I'm gonna recommend, I'm gonna recommend a movie that I assumed I'd recommended before, but thanks to the Flop House recommends website, it says I didn't, so I'm gonna trust in that. Castle freak. It's called Castle Freak and boy, whatever happens to this ding dong. I'm gonna recommend an early movie by David Cronenberg.
Starting point is 01:52:26 It's a movie called Rabbit. It's about a young woman who is injured in a motorcycle accident and undergoes an experimental treatment to handle the likes of your skin damage and burns the cheese received, but the treatment has some side effects. And it basically becomes a vampire movie. And it's like a great creepy take on a vampire movie and kind of what you like. I don't know, like it's an early David Kronenberg movie. Like it's going to be have some weird ass body horror in it. So expect that. So yeah, check it out if you like him and or you like, uh, you like weird vampire movies. Oh, can I, can I recommend another one that is not the king's son?
Starting point is 01:53:18 Sure. Yeah. Just popped in my head that you mentioned that, uh, the movie high tension. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, I was working a movie theater when I was Fresh out of college and the movie came on and it was one of those ones like I stood in the back of the movie theater and watch Straight through and I am not usually one for like horror scary movies And it really caught my attention of like wow
Starting point is 01:53:43 This is a really weird way to tell this story. And I was really caught up in it. So if you're looking for like a weird tensiony movie. Yeah, yeah. No, that's the movies. Those French movies are intense. Let me tell you. Jewels in Jim and tense. How are you? Well, I'll recommend a movie too. I recently saw a movie that I really liked a lot and I'll recommend it to you now. And that movie is called Columbus. He's explaining the idea of recommendations.
Starting point is 01:54:15 Sorry. I love how you explain the notion of recommendation. So, let me call Columbus. It's Star's, you know, and Haley Lieu Richardson. Uh-huh. Wait, I and Haley Lou Richardson. Uh huh. Hmm. Wait, I didn't hear you guys. At a ghost.
Starting point is 01:54:28 We're just making up the stars of your movie. We're just purposely fucking with you. Go on. Wow. I mean, it's helpful because my. I let's not use the people interrupting him. Cutting out. No, like Peter fall.
Starting point is 01:54:40 Like, a little bit was the thing I was saying, you know, it's like one more thing, you know, Harry says, you know what he does, you know, that old thing. Yeah, it's called Columbo. One more thing, one more thing, man, I just have another thing I'd like to ask you about. Dead air. I'm just waiting to make sure. Is the Colombo bit over or is still there? I'm still going on in all of our minds. I have just one more question, man. One more thing I could not help I notice, man.
Starting point is 01:55:18 How you you said he was head brown hair, but, man, just one more thing if I could if you don't mind. That's what, Matt luck. Ma'am. It's a murder she wrote. Ma'am, please, why are you walking away? I have just one more question. Please come back. No, no, please, we're going ma'am.
Starting point is 01:55:37 Ma'am, don't be angry at me. I just have, but one more question. That's a cold check the night stalker. I could, ma'am. Ma'am, ma'am, if I could, please don't cry. Why are you so sad? Ma'am. Very Mason. Ma'am, please. Is Jake in the fat man? Please, please, Ma'am, please. Make me a little wife. Just Jack.
Starting point is 01:55:57 From this prison. It's like a diagnosis murder. Jack. If you don't answer this question, I'll be trapped in this jail. Sign it and sign it. on me trapped inside Man, man, please Elementary please let me let me free man kill me Kill me now. Oh god, is this the mental Man my trapped and trapped in this Light of me Please man, please. I'm so sorry for everything I've done.
Starting point is 01:56:26 I've done my 99 voyages and I've done 99 good. Remington Steel. Is this that one that's called the Noticer or something like that? Mael. Mael. What's that one where Maria Bella wears a hat? Oh, hat cup. Mael.
Starting point is 01:56:43 Yeah, if I do the tag, it's hat cup. Anyways, you were saying? Now I'll do the recommendation. Now, that's what it's like. It's hat cup. Anyways, you were saying. Now I'll do the recommendation. Okay. Now, here's the thing, guys. I don't want to seem like a spoil sport, a party pooper, or a stick in the mud. We're having trouble with the Skype signal today. So every time I'm talking, I can't hear that you're talking until I stop and I just catch
Starting point is 01:57:03 the last little bit of a word that you guys have and it's That's why I was throwing me off a little bit with that with that otherwise wonderful bit And now on to my recommendation Now websters Webster's dictionary defines recommendation as a word of encouragement or or sharing It is literally to commend is to compliment and to recommand is to be so taken by a product that you will compliment it to another. And that's what I'd like to do for you tonight.
Starting point is 01:57:37 And my recommendation is for my recommendation tonight is for a Is for. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, my recommendation tonight is for a movie called Columbus, um, cause for Peter Falk joke. And are you Falcon kidding me? Uh, okay.
Starting point is 01:57:55 I've done anyway, it's Tarsa, John Cho and Haley Richardson. And it's the story of, uh, two people who find themselves in Columbus, Ohio, which is a, you know, mid-sized city that happens to have a surprising number of buildings
Starting point is 01:58:08 by modernist architects, a very wide-renowned in big names. And there's a girl who lives there who is held back because she feels like she has to take care of her mom. Her mom has had some trouble with drugs in the past, even though she really needs to get out of that town and make more of her life. And John Cho plays the son of a architecture professor who is in the hospital there. It was there to give a lecture and ended up passing out and having to go to the hospital. Now he's kind of waiting around to see if his father's going to survive or not. And the two of them are both lost and they're both looking
Starting point is 01:58:43 for another person to confide in and Find a connection with each other and it's just a really like strong Just like a solid good strong emotional movie John chose really great in it and the way I described it is almost like If you liked Lady Bird, but you felt Lady Bird was a little bit too Hollywood glamor Then Columbus is the movie for you. It's a beautiful looking movie, but it's got a similar feel in some ways to Lady Bird, but without the kind of like, I really liked Lady Bird and then I watched Columbus
Starting point is 01:59:18 and it made me be like, Lady Bird has a lot of jokes in it. It feels more like a movie and this felt more like I was kind of seeing these characters interacting. And there was something pure about that that I really liked. So Columbus, I recommend it.
Starting point is 01:59:30 You're hoping for more of a like full mumble core experience. Well, not it's not mumble core because the characters have spoken dialogue that is recorded well. And you can understand what they're saying. But it was like a, like when you see, like I loved Lady Bird, I still love it.
Starting point is 01:59:45 But it's like sometimes when you see a movie that feels real to you and then you see a movie that's similar but feels realer. And that's what this was like to me. Like how when I was a kid and I saw a carnosaur, I was like, that's what it's gonna be like when they bring dinosaurs back. And then I saw Jurassic Park.
Starting point is 02:00:01 And I was like, oh, no, wait a minute, that's what it's gonna be like. Yeah, all right. So what do we do now, Dan? Now we, uh, blessedly sign off. Okay. I've liked we all go to all gathered in one giant bed. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. One giant sardine can that you just roll up the top. Elliot skips in next to us. top. Elliot skips in next to us. With his avatar. His avatar, which is weirdly enough, Sephiroth from Final Fantasy 7 again. Well, with the head of knuckles. Yeah, but he's not. I was going to say the exact same thing the head of knuckles. Wow, that's a really tough character. Oh, God, we're in the drift. We're not which one of us is Travis and which one is Ellie.
Starting point is 02:00:46 There's no telling now. Yeah. I dream last night that I dreamed last night that I was Travis McElroy and now that I woke up, I don't know if I'm Elliott Kaelin who dreamed he was Travis McElroy or Travis McElroy is now dreaming he's Elliott Kaelin. Oh yeah, you're like a swamp thing. So, uh, Dan, what do we do now? We sign off. So, here are some for the flop house. I've been Dan McCoy. Hey, oh, I'm Stuart Wellington.
Starting point is 02:01:16 I'm Elliott Kaelin or perhaps I'm on Travis McRoy or maybe Elliott Kaelin. I was going to, I was, I was, I left it, I left it, dot, dot, dot for Travis, but I think it was hard. Since I literally pointed to the phone, and as it to say, now you go, but I forgot that, you can't see me because I'm 3000 miles away. Mm-hmm. On that sad note, I guess, let's sign off.
Starting point is 02:01:41 Bye. Good night, everyone. I guess let's sign off. Bye. Good night, everyone. Yeah, tell me, give me a pay me a word picture of dance. I can't see him. Well, it's face. No, I like guy. Okay, white guy. Keep talking. Now, imagine he has a beard and he's kind of sad Yeah, kind of but now imagine he's very sad and you've got down I
Starting point is 02:02:16 Was building up to it Would you describe him as pretty fly for a white guy? Oh? one one percent guy. Oh, one percent. Wow, only one percent flying this. That's not great. But I would describe him as an original prankster. If we're going to be referring to a lot of pranks of crime. Comedy and Culture, Artistone. Listen or supported.
Starting point is 02:02:40 For comedy and culture, artist owned, listen or supported.

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