The Flop House - Ep. #258 - Justice League

Episode Date: May 26, 2018

With Infinity War breaking records, it's time to check in with that OTHER cinematic universe, that hath given the Flop House so much, with our look at Justice League. Meanwhile, Stuart reveals Donatel...lo's government job, Dan misreads the title, and Elliott posits that Batman is the result of inbreeding. Also, there was a problem with Elliott's audio track this week, so we had to switch to a backup recording halfway through. Apologies for the diminished audio quality. We're as annoyed as you are. Wikipedia synopsis for Justice League Movies recommended in this episode Bone Tomahawk Hard Boiled Advise & Consent

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On this episode we discuss Justice Lee and the mystery of the three squares Part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. No, no Hey, everyone. Welcome to the flop house. I'm Dan McCoy. And what's new with Dan? Well, okay. You've derailed things. Two seconds into the podcast. If that, well, we can't start. He raises a good question, though. What is new with Dan? Dan, give us one new thing or else we won't you cross the mystic bridge to the episode. Uh, I have a gift. You must give the the riverboat ferryman in order to get to the flop house. One new thing. Uh, I have a mild cold, which for a long time,
Starting point is 00:01:05 listeners, isn't that new a thing? Seems to happen most episodes. Yeah. Well, I'm Stuart Wellington of the flop house. OK, I'm Gast. And I'm Elliott Kaelin, and I just am so excited about the way Dan burst into the episode with more energy than I think we've ever seen him before using.
Starting point is 00:01:23 And Stu just shut him down. with more energy than I think we've ever seen him before using. And Stu just shut him down. Oh, guys, so this is a great jumping on point for new listeners. Is it? Do we just finish a big storyline? I got a co-worker who I'm trying to recommend the show to. So let's make sure this is a good entry level thing. That's too. By coworker, wouldn't you mean employee? Because you own a bar. Your co-workers
Starting point is 00:01:51 are your employees at the bar. Nicely yes, but it's kind of like how I describe my mom is also my best friend. Okay. Yeah, I've heard you do that many times. I do it all the time. I don't stop talking about my mom. Yeah. Sue, it's all about moms. Yeah. He's like, Mark, you're listening. You all the time. I don't stop talking about my mom. Yeah. Sue, it's all about moms. Yeah. She's like,
Starting point is 00:02:07 Mark, you're listening. You're the best. That was very sweet. That was sweet. Now I feel like I need to shout out to my mother's day. I don't need to. I don't need to. My mom, lovely, lovely human being.
Starting point is 00:02:20 The nicest. My mom, Abby Kaelin is great, but she doesn't listen to this as she's told me before, I don't like that, that's not for me, about this podcast. That seems totally fair. Let me just shout out to her. That's, it fits her demographic and interests perfectly.
Starting point is 00:02:37 I'm not surprised by it. Yeah, what that she doesn't like our podcast? Yes, I'm not surprised by that. Cool. So what do we do on this podcast Dan? This is now that you're done dick and around mostly we talk about we talk about moms Welcome to the mom house everybody Yeah, I believe that would be one bad mother also on this Podcasting network. Yeah, which is much better and more informative show for mom content
Starting point is 00:03:04 That's where you should look for it or mom tent That's a tent you put a mom in while she's in labor For privacy, I guess There's any number of reasons you might want to put someone in a tent, but that's one of them. Okay Now I'm just thinking about the never mind. It's not really the decoration so Now I'm just thinking about the never mind, that's not really the decoration. So on this podcast, we watch a bad movie, and then we talk about it. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:30 And that's what we do. And this time we watch a movie called Just Ice League about a league of people who just want ice and nothing else. They don't, and when they're like, those people who are like, at a fast food restaurant, they're like, just give me a cup of ice, don't charge me for it. I don't, and when they're like, those people who are like, at a fast food restaurant, they're like, just give me a cup of ice, don't charge me for it. I don't want the soda.
Starting point is 00:03:48 I'm just gonna chew on the ice. And they're like, those cups are considered drinks. And they're gonna do an accounting at the end of the day. Every cup that we give away, it's gonna come out of my salary. And they're like, I just want ice. You're gonna charge me for a cup with ice. This is ridiculous. And then they get into a big fight
Starting point is 00:04:03 that gets put on a cell phone video. And that becomes a huge hit and turns into memes. That's the plot of Just Ice League. Well, so was it a good, good movie, a good bad movie or a sweet bad movie? Or a dance? It's not a fly. Like a sweet bad movie.
Starting point is 00:04:20 There's a bad movie, but I found it eerily touching. Yeah. I mean, that was Power Rangers for me, to be honest. A sweet bad movie, but I found it eerily touching. Yeah. I mean, that was power rangers for me, to be honest, a sweet bad movie, or sweet, sweet, back to bad ass song, the Van Peebles film. That's not so kind of it. But anyway, Dan, so we did not watch Just Ice League, right? Since you got it wrong, I'm gonna turn to Stuart.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Stuart, Stu, what movie did we watch? We watched Justice League starring Batman. That's true. And this is one of the DC comic book movie universe family of titles, which has concluded, which has concluded, hopefully, which has included such previous flop house entries as Superman V Batman, Dawn of Justice,
Starting point is 00:05:04 and Suicide Squad. Yeah, it's a rich vein for us. So thanks DC. Thanks DC for coming out. Provide a top-tier. Prevade mediocre crap. You know, the DC movie universe is a lot like a sick dog and that it pumps out gray mediocre crap.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Oh, that makes me sad now. But you're grading the quality of the crap. Media okay. Media okay, best try better next time. Woofie. Woofie. Isn't that part of the Westminster owner of a dog? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:41 A lot of energy to name that dog. Isn't that part of the Westminster Channel Club dog show is they grade their poop? Or am I wrong about that? I, you know, what do they do? Like, cut it open and count the rings? I guess so. I thought it was like an owl pellet and you try and find out what animals the owl ate.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Yeah, what little bones are in there? So here's how they grade them at the West Mystery Cannoclopped Dog Show. Poise, confidence, special skill. Then there's something called freestyle. I don't know what that is. I guess they just do whatever they want.
Starting point is 00:06:16 It's where they swim with their front paws over like a crawl. Oh, okay. Oh, I see. Yeah. So there's poop, then there's fur, teeth, bark, white. Okay. And here's the weird thing. You want the bark to be worse than the bite. That's very counterintuitive, but that's how they judge these things. That's how they show you really training. And lastly, it's hot or not. Oh, okay. Oh, wow, okay. This is a lot more purpose than I imagine it.
Starting point is 00:06:47 I mean, weirdly, they put it on after the Macy's day parade. Thanks for the day parade. For like four hours, which a Peterman just going through the whole thing like it's no big deal. Yeah, really weird stuff for a national audience. But anyway, we still talking about dogs, I don't know. Well, I mean, this will be dating. We watched this, but a national audience did yesterday,
Starting point is 00:07:07 just watch a hereditary monarchy absorb one more person into its dark web of secrets and lies. So that was an echoed. And it's much more exciting than it probably is. Yeah. Okay, guys, so Justice League, should we dive into this thing like Greg Lugainis would if it was a pool? Yeah, can I have a big bowl of this movie right now, please? Yep. Yes, you may. So Justice League begins. We have some cell phone video of Superman. I
Starting point is 00:07:38 assume in the aftermath of his killing thousands of people, his big fight in Metropolis. He's being interviewed by some off screen kids for a podcast. And they asked him, you guys had to have felt a little bit like that was us, right? That's kind of I was like, I was like, I was like, Justice League, is this a preemptive strike against us? Because we're jerks and we're child children men? Yeah. Or it's just a tie-up for that Josh Rattner show. Wait, not Josh Ratner. The other guy fucking Brett Renner. Garden snake. Zach. Zach. Yeah, yeah, Josh Ratner. That's a name.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Yeah, they're basically the same human being. Yeah, Zach. Breath in the Jesse Thorne story podcast the show. Exactly. But wait, I said, Zach is never a huge beard in that show. Jesse Thorne is a huge beard. I've never noticed it. Is white. As someone, well, not no, not okay, Dan.
Starting point is 00:08:33 I'm sorry. I'm not, that's the hardest Dan's ever left in a joke. No, Jesse's in a loving marriage. Dan, you're making it worse. Why did he wink when you said loving? Why? Oh boy. I don't know why. We have a lot of fun here, don't we? So yeah, lots of fun. Anyway, so Superman's being interviewed for a podcast and the kids ask him, Hey, what's the best thing about planet earth? And he has, he gets suddenly very serious and has no answer. And it ends the scene. And I was like, if there's anything that encapsulates the DC
Starting point is 00:09:14 movie universe, it is the idea that there is nothing good about the planet earth. That you ask Superman, that the smiling symbol of justice and sunshine, What's best about Earth? And he has nothing to tell you. And it's it's like a if I can go off on a slight tangent about Marvel versus DC here. It's like Mark then the Marvel universe. There's so many things the characters are seen enjoying on screen. Food is good. Music is good. Like they talk about hanging around with movies they watch. What? Just like hanging around with your friends, like pal, hang out, playing pranks, picking up hammers. Whereas, yeah, I pick it up, trying to pick up each other's hammers.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Whereas in the DC universe, life is about like duty and responsibility and just like sufferance, suffering, not suffering, suffering. And I was like, okay, so the Marvel Cinematic Universe is like Athens, and the DC Cinematic Universe is like Sparta. And one of them is like a place people live and enjoy themselves, and the other is a place where you exist only to serve, I guess, the higher purpose of suffering for the enjoyment of the gods. I don't know, who are us?
Starting point is 00:10:24 It was like DC, you're showing your cards very early to have Superman literally unable to make up a bullshit answer for a bunch of kids about something he likes about earth. Now, do you think it was hard because they had to add an upper lip to him in post because he had a mustache when they filmed it? You think that's like it?
Starting point is 00:10:42 I gotta say. Yeah. He was putting so much effort into hiding his mustache that he couldn't think of anything. I gotta say. Yeah. Oh, yeah, he was he was putting so much effort into hiding his mustache that he couldn't think of anything. Uh, yeah, that's a fun fact that I'm sure most people know, but apparently for the all the, the extensive reshoots of this movie, Henry Cavill had to have a mustache due to contractual reasons. And so they had to digitally erase his mustache for the movie, which seems insane. Yeah. But to be honest, I expected it to be more obvious that he had a digital upper lip. Everybody was talking about it.
Starting point is 00:11:10 And yet, if you hadn't told me, I don't know that I would have noticed it, to be honest. Yeah. I mean, you're not that familiar with Henry Cavill's normal face, right? Mm-hmm. Very unfamiliar with it. I'd like to get to know it better. He's a handsome man. Yeah. Uh, so we have the opening cell phone clip and then we go right to shots of flags, right? We go to, we go to sadness montage because Superman's dead.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Superman, the character nobody trusted or liked in the previous movies has now after his death been widely accepted as the symbol of everything that's best about life and humanity, which in a way, I guess, is like a pretty accurate rendition of what happens to controversial figures when they die. Like once they're no longer threatening to the people that they were pushing against, they become kind of just generally accepted symbols of goodness, like like Gandhi and Martin Luther King and things like that and Christ, you know, like as soon as they're dead, like Gandhi and Martin Luther King and things like that and Christ, you know, like as soon as they're dead, it's like, oh, okay, well now we can all agree this was like a pretty cool
Starting point is 00:12:08 guy. Well, when he was alive, you didn't like him. Yeah, but come on now in retrospect, now that he can't stop me anymore. All right. I'll put a statue up. Now that he can't hurt me, now that the monster's gone. Superman's dead. Everybody's sad.
Starting point is 00:12:24 And you might be like, wasn't everybody already sad in the DC universe? Yeah, but now they're really sad. And I kind of, I wouldn't have been surprised if there had just been a newspaper montage of headlines that are like millions commit suicide. No reason to live anymore. Now that Superman's gone, entirety of Japan sinks into sea.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Sorry, not interested in life, gotta go. Yeah, I think, I mean, I think we're officially, so I watched this with my wife. And so she didn't know, she hadn't seen any of the previous movies. I think she saw clips of suicide squad before leaving the room in annoyance. But, oh, she's not one of the women. But we, so we were watching, we were watching this movie. And I think you're, you're actually informed that Superman is dead with like a rain-don newspaper on a Gotham city roof, right? Yeah
Starting point is 00:13:10 And so she's like superman's dead. I'm like, whoa, it's a story Not a very good one. Oh wait, you're right because I forgot but before we go to the opening titles you you see Batman He traps a burglar so that he can use the burglar's fear to draw out a paradigmon. The fear is bait for a paradigmon, which is a flying kind of gremlin-y steampunky monster and we'll get into it later. That's what he was doing. That's what he was doing.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Yeah, and they fight and the demon explodes into green paint for some reason. And then the burglar goes, those aliens are probably coming because Superman's gone. What are we going to do without Superman? This is the burglar saying this. Also, I want to say that during this fight, Batman does it. The goofiest looking flip off of something onto the burglar. And I was like, for a second, I'm like, are we Batman and Robin? Like, it seemed like out of a different... We're in a bad movie, different style Batman movie. Are we watching Ratfink of Boo Boo? It seems like out of a different movie. We're in a bad movie, different style bad movie.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Are we watching Rhett think of Boo Boo? I do like the moment when he jumps and starts riding the parody and it looks really realistic. And then the parody becomes flies around in a big circle and then just goes and crashes back down on the same roof they started on. That seems crazy. I mean, I guess that's it's nice for the
Starting point is 00:14:25 paradigm and to bring him back to that burglar. So the burglar can explain things. The burglary. The herald of step and wolf. The step and wolf, the villain is like, I've placed one petty burglar among you. He's just going to walk around talking about how there's trouble coming. Anyway, that's where we have the sad opening titles. We see even the Kent farm, Clark Kent's childhood farm has been foreclosed on because I guess his mom can't meet the payments. And meanwhile, the payment starring Ben Stiller.
Starting point is 00:14:57 So what's the plot of meet the payments, Dan? Pitch it to me. Pitch it to me. So he's marrying a bank or let us go on. And wait, Bobby's here with the bank. Robert and Iroh is the head of the bank. I would be silly if he was buying a bank. Come on. Yeah. I mean, that's crazy. Like do you have to like walk into his mouth to get into the bank fault. He could be playing Mr. Banks from Mary Poppins. Sure. Anything's possible. Yeah, it could happen. Movie star and TV star Jonathan Banks. That's right. That's true. Or
Starting point is 00:15:35 kid secret agent Cody Banks. There are a lot of banks. We haven't even scratched the surface of Carlton Banks. The fresh principale is true hero. I forgot there was an agent Cody Banks. Oh, we have fun here. Yeah. Hey, guys, remember when agent Cody Banks died and the world was plunging to misery and sadness? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:00 So I told him not to ride that skateboard. That after all his super adventures, that's what killed him. He wrote a skateboard down a flight of stairs. Yeah. Just walk, walk down him, dude. Breakfast. Oh, wait. The serial is not getting that soggy. So the DC universe is in crisis. In London, Wonder Woman fights some terrorists who blame the modern world for aliens coming
Starting point is 00:16:30 and they want to blow up some stuff because nothing happens to the DC universe that's not about whatever is going on in the DC universe. And this is a really great action scene where she, I don't know like the pacing and editing of these action sequences where this guy is shooting a machine gun and she's just like really quickly blocking the bullets. It's done in the most herky jerky fashion so that it takes out anything that might be exciting about it. Like it feels like why are you even casting an athletic person? You could have anyone be doing this. Yeah. Also, Wonder Woman is operating beneath the radar as only someone wearing a leather mini skirt
Starting point is 00:17:09 and having a glowing rope could do. Well, the fact that she is standing on top of a giant what scales of justice statue above a roof and she just kind of senses that there's a problem going on in the building, like the characters do a lot of, here it may be, okay, here's a problem with the DC Universe. I hadn't thought about it until now. The characters do a lot of acting like superheroes are supposed to act and doing superhero pose
Starting point is 00:17:32 things, but things that don't really make sense within the story or world that they've created, if that makes sense. No, that's been my problem ever since like Man of Steel's, it feels like the movies aren't doing the legwork to get to these points. Like they're just like, oh, everybody already knows that. Let's just get to this. Like, oh, yeah, Superman. He's gonna, he just does that. I mean, there's something to be said for that in that like the, by this point, even as a total Marvel zombie, I'm starting to get kind of fatigued by all the Marvel movies. Where I'm like, I kind of wish I could watch one of these without watching 17 other movies. But there's a happy medium, I guess.
Starting point is 00:18:13 The fact that James Bond continues to this day making movies where you don't really need to know much going in other than James Bond's a secret agent and he likes to have sex with women and gambling. And then you go and he just have adventure and then it's over. But you definitely have to know those things going in. Yeah. If you're going to go in without that information, you would be so lost.
Starting point is 00:18:33 You'd be like, why would you be like with that woman in that bed? I don't know. Yeah. You'd go up to people. It's a sociopath. What is he doing? The movie theater and be like, excuse me. Can you explain this to me?
Starting point is 00:18:44 And then I'm like, excuse me, can you explain this to me? And they're like, how about, dude? Now, Usher, this man appears to be flirting with this woman as if he wants to have sex with her. Is that true? Am I reading that situation correctly? Because I know the backstory. Because it also feels like he's threatening her in a way. And I don't think that's cool.
Starting point is 00:19:02 Yeah. Very true. So anyway, Batman, aka Bruce Wayne, and this is because there's a number of scenes with Bruce Wayne where I think Ben Affleck just didn't want to put on a Batman costume. He goes to Iceland to snuff out the, or snuff out to sniff out, not to kill, to find, to find Aquaman, who is the Thor of these movies in that he is a blatant rip off of Thor from the Marvel movies where he's just like a big bearded bro who's like all about drinking and fighting and uh, I think he's he's like introduced to like a rock song or something. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, let's make it clear too that Batman is like trying to put together the super team because he has this vague His is vague sense that something is coming. Yeah, as you remember he sees a prophecy of three squares Yeah, he has he did find he has Lex Luthor's notes, which seems to say that something's coming
Starting point is 00:19:57 He did fight an alien demon on a rooftop And also he had a and also he had a bad dream in the last movie. Remember that one. Yeah, I do remember that. So anyway, he goes to Iceland and there's a cut and then Aquaman's like, so you fight crime dressed as a bat and he's like, yeah, I do. And it's like Batman is very casually just dropping a secret identity with this man. He just met who best case scenario is kind of like just a kind of drunk heavy metal fan who hangs out under water all the time, you know. But Aquaman says, no way dude, I'm not interested in fighting crime. All I do is I just want to be left alone in the oceans.
Starting point is 00:20:35 It takes a shirt off and you're like, I get it. We go on to meet him. You're like, he takes us. I'm buying whatever this guy is selling. He takes the shirt off and you're like, check, not please. I'll stick around. Yep. Because that's what you have to do in the restaurant. It's all the way to, no, no, no, no, don't bring me the check yet.
Starting point is 00:20:59 I would like to have a meal. I want to continue taking up this six top. I know there are people waiting over there by the door. I see that there's a line of people waiting. I know I'm have a meal. I want to continue taking up this six top. I know there are people waiting over there by the door. I see that there's a line of people waiting. I know I'm done eating technically, but I'm still picking up the three or four P's left on my plate. So check not please, sir.
Starting point is 00:21:15 Mm-hmm. Because you have to constantly reassure the waiter that you don't need to check. That's why I like to just have a sign that I hang around my neck, saying not done. I'm not done. And then do you flip it around to the other side that says done when you're done? I like to just have a sign that I hang around my neck saying not done. And then do you flip it around to the other side and it says done when you're done?
Starting point is 00:21:29 Actually, that would be pretty good. Then what might be helpful in a restaurant situation. I mean, I didn't invent that. That's literally how like a redigio restaurant's work. Like Trasgarias. Well, there you go. So yeah, the little. Okay. So yeah, it's, yeah, you didn't steal that idea. It happened at the same time. Yeah, completely you go. So yeah, the little, okay. So yeah, you didn't steal that idea.
Starting point is 00:21:45 It happened at the same time. Yeah, completely separate thoughts. It makes sense. Okay, cool. Yeah, remember that for the legal, for the, for the, for the court case. Yeah. When, when, when, when it, in the case of McCoy V. Brazilian barbecue. Uh, okay.
Starting point is 00:22:03 So then we meet our other soon to be heroes. There's the flash who is the Jim Parsons big bang theory of the movie is the kind of like awkward nerdy guy and he visits his dad and jail. His dad was convicted of murder that the flash thinks his dad didn't commit and his dad's like, Hey, stop letting me drag you back in life. You should leave me behind and go get a job in a real city. And you don't cast Jim Kovizol to cast like, you know he's not guilty. He's Jesus, right? Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:22:33 I mean, yeah, Jesus, I mean, you're not gonna, he shouldn't be in jail. Yeah. Well, that was Jim Kovizol as the dead. Yeah, that was him. Oh, okay, I didn't even recognize him. I guess it's been a while since I saw him and anything. Oh, wow, that's too soft.
Starting point is 00:22:49 I don't know what person of interest for years. I was gonna say because he is a person of interest. Okay, sorry about that. You're sorry for stepping on that. Yeah, it was a great line. Anyway, but forget it, now it's false flat. Before it would have been, we would have had to stop the podcast for 10 minutes Well people just laughed and laughed then applaud it laughs some more stood up and applauded then laughed and then wiped away a tear and then
Starting point is 00:23:15 Moons with their lives with a fresh new set of purpose and and a real feeling like they can control the world Yeah, then you then you wait a moment and then there's that like after shock where you're like your whole body starts to quake and you start laughing for seemingly no reason, but it's because of that first show. Yeah, I mean, it's kind of weird that we're stopping for laughs when they could just pause it, but I mean, I guess they're laughing so hard they can't even control their finger to get to that. Yeah, and they were to they were to touch the phone to pause it or whatever listening device, the vibrations from their hand would shatter the device.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Oh, wow. Yeah, it would just go straight through. It would shatter or crack like a mother box would in this movie. Oh, well, I guess that doesn't really happen ever. But okay, so meanwhile, then we meet Cyborg, who is a cyborg. His dad is a scientist who turned his son into a cyborg
Starting point is 00:24:06 to save his life, used alien technology, and now he uses amazing powers to mope around his apartment in a sweatshirt. Yeah, and his dad is played by Joe Morton from who played Dyson in Terminers 2 movies. And in that story about the Dyson vacuum cleaner. And he played the brother from another planet in the movie, the brother from another planet. Oh, that's such a good movie. I really like that movie. Yeah. Uh, now, Dan, could you relate to somebody
Starting point is 00:24:32 who's super power is moping around their apartment? I, you know, I will say this about this character. Like, this is probably something that's much more common in the comics than in movies, because I don't read comics. So I don't know what's like a common in the comics than in movies because I don't read comics. So I don't know what's like a cliche and comics versus what is, you know, a common in the movies. But you like, you read like crazy cat. Yeah. Read old.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Read. He's very straightforward. Yeah. When they do like the yellow kid movie, you'll, you'll go see that. Yeah. Oh, what an unreadable comic. The yellow kid is. You're like, time to sit back and catch up
Starting point is 00:25:07 on the latest adventures of Nancy and Sluggo. So much continuity to deal with. Well, my God, a Nancy movie would just be like a different gag every minute. And it would be totally disconnected. That would be great. Yeah, you sit down to read your, your omnibus of pogo and you pull out your lexicon that translates the wild patch wall that the characters speak. Now, it would be helpful to have an English Topogo dictionary. Yeah, I was reading that swamp thing that Alan Moore wrote with that had like the Pogo characters in it. Where they're aliens that are the Pogo characters. And I got so frustrated, I almost threw the book across the room before characters in it. Where they're aliens that they're the Pogo characters in it. And I got so frustrated, I almost threw the book
Starting point is 00:25:47 across the room before I realized it would hurt the value. I genuinely love like Pogo's one of my three favorite comic strips of all time. And it is sometimes hard to read. And I was reading some too, Sammy. And there were times when I was like, I'd be laughing at a joke and I could see just total lack of comprehension on his face. And I'd be like, I don't even know how to explain this joke to you, Sammy.
Starting point is 00:26:09 It requires so many layers of fake Southern wordplay. I don't know what to tell you. But then he'd be like, read me another one. It was like, he had faith that they would be funny to him eventually. Yeah. But not now, young padworn, not now. What I was going to say long ago though was, I don't know how much of a cliche this is in the comics but I haven't seen in a movie a
Starting point is 00:26:32 Character who is not only unhappy with his powers, but actively like kind of frightened of them I mean, that's that's that's that's very that's I mean, that's the X-Men to a certain extent. Yeah, I guess. I mean, I feel like less so than this character, though. I kind of thought it was a little interesting that this guy was like, I don't know, he was not happy to be a superhero. After seeing so many Marvel things where people would take joint superhero stuff, I know that I'm just describing the DC Universe now. I don't know why this differs from the grim and gritty stuff that I hate about the DC universe. But it seems like there was an actual personal motivation for this.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Like, he literally was like, I didn't ask for these powers. I don't like them. I can't control them. I can't be a regular human anymore. Whereas like, yeah, almost like, what's the point? Why did you save me to turn me into this? Yeah, almost like what's the point? Why did you save me to turn me into this? Yeah, basically. So you know what? I buy it.
Starting point is 00:27:30 He's a relatable character. And I guess the movie actually had way more cyborg stuff and in the edits they paired it down quite a bit. I mean, I thought there was a fair amount of cyborg in the movie. I mean, I'm not, that's not, I wasn't, I was just saying that apparently there was more. Okay. I mean, I'm not making the judgment here. More of him like trying to watch TV shows and he just can't get into them because he's
Starting point is 00:27:55 feeling depressed and he turns it off and trying to masturbate and he's like, you know what? Forget it. I'm not even, I can't not even the mood for this and just stops. I feel personally attacked by all of this. It's a little rough when you're stuck in the sun. I'm not saying this can't not even the mood for this and just stops. I feel personally attacked by all of this. It's a little robo. I'm not saying this is just you, Dan. This is it goes to his job as a joke writer at a topical comedy show. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:28:12 And he's like, I know I'm getting paid lots of money to do this, but I'm still unhappy about it. Like I thought this of all times would make me happy, but no, my quest is not over. Yeah. Yeah. How come when I achieve my dreams? I've achieved my dreams, yet it's still turned to ashes in my mouth.
Starting point is 00:28:30 Anyway, so moving on to the early. We go to Amazon Island, where One Roman's from, and a mother box wakes up and Steppenwolf shows up. And he's got all these paradigms. Now step and wolf is what you would call a, I guess, a Diablo computer games character. Yeah. So this is jumping ahead slightly, but at some point a character gives, I think it might be Wonder Woman. Tell us what she says.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Yeah, Wonder Woman kind of in co-dumps it, but yeah, tell us what she says. Tell us the history. She explains that, you know, step-in wolf named after his tendency to step on wolves. Just my accident. Yeah, but because of that, I mean, you can't get away from that. The kids at the school year are gonna, gonna jump on you. That he had three magical boxes and was totally fucking up planets with him.
Starting point is 00:29:26 And then the union of the of men, Amazon's and Atlanteans stopped him. And so they gave one box to the elves, they gave one box to the elves and one box to the to the men who used that box to turn into ring rates. I think you might be getting this movie mixed up with the things it steals from. Let me tell you about more golf guys. Okay. Then this big ball rock looking motherfucker walks up and he's all like Gandalf the great. No, I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Now Gandalf the great. I like't. Gandalf the great. No, I don't think so. Now, Gandalf the great. I like it. Gandalf the great. That's what it tells me. A lot of self confidence. Yeah, that's a tells people at the bar. Now, Dan, you were going to say about mother boxes, then I wanted to go on a rant about Jack Kirby's fourth world. Just that they knew that, I mean, like, they knew that Infinity War was in production. They knew what they were doing. They knew Infinity War was going to come out and they knew what the basic plot of it
Starting point is 00:30:30 was going to be that, like, they were going to be looking for these Infinity Stones. So why did they make a movie where the whole point was, we have to assemble multiple magical items by this, like, big CGI guy to destroy the world. Oh, I mean, it's such a standard superhero fantasy. I guess. I don't know about that. You think it was like when a bug's life and ants came out and you were like, certainly there are other ideas, Hollywood.
Starting point is 00:30:56 You don't have to make just bug movies. I don't know. At least there's not two competing volcano movies coming out. Whoa, whoa, whoa. And it was just, I think it was because of the time, I don't know if you saw any computer animated people in like early Pixar movies and you're like, what is this?
Starting point is 00:31:11 I don't like it. It makes me unhappy. Stick to animals and toys or something. I mean, it was just close enough. It felt like shitty infinity war to me. And I guess they thought they could get away with it because they're like, we're scooping them. We're coming out first.
Starting point is 00:31:24 But maybe, I mean, it is, it is a pretty, it's a dumb kind of plot. So you bring the three mother boxes together and it creates something called the unity, which unleashes kind of like some kind of monster hellwave tendrils that destroy a world and make it barren. And step and world seems to both worship this and also love it and also want to use it for power. Like Stepin Wolf's, it's like they said, what's every motivation that a villain can have for causing destruction? Let's just give him all of them
Starting point is 00:31:54 and we'll make it really muddy. Like Stepin Wolf is maybe the muddiest villain, mudier than Mudman, who should be the muddiest villain of all. Yeah. That's what it says on his tin, yeah. Mudman's not a hero. I'm not a villain. Mudman's a hero.
Starting point is 00:32:07 Paul Grist's Mudman. Anyway, but like, Stephen Wolf is such a, he's a movie in search of a villain. Oh, wow. And it's like, well, we need a big bad guy for the hero's to fight. It's not time to bring out dark side because dark side should wait until movie 15 or something. So I guess we'll take this other guy and they're so like The thing that that bugged be the most as a comics fan is that
Starting point is 00:32:33 They're just ripping elements wholesale from Jack Kirby's fourth world series of titles, which I love I think they're better than maybe anything else that DC has put out. Like I love the fourth world characters like Orion and Dark Side and. Is a Ryan the guy who rides around on the on the like on the Astro harness? Yeah. He's got his Astro harness. You don't he don't confuse him with metron who has his his I think it's called a mobius chair. Uh, but like those characters I think are so fun and so interesting and crazy.
Starting point is 00:33:04 And they're like, well, DC doesn't really have that many interesting big giant threats. Even Superman's villains are mostly just regular dudes who decide that they want to screw around with Superman. So they decide to bring those in and the mother box in the comics, this is me being super pedantic. The mother box in the comics is this kind of little computer that you carry around with you that is a positive thing
Starting point is 00:33:28 and like, is super powerful that helps you out and Orion uses it to hide his hideously monstrous face and things like that. Instead, they've just kind of turned it into whatever, just some kind of crazy villain bomb thing. And there's a moment in a... But it also powers cyborg in this, right? Yes. And cyborg has been created using some of this technology because his dad has
Starting point is 00:33:52 knows where one of the mother boxes is. But in the comics, there's this great moment in one of the new God's comics where light ray and Orion are fighting a monster. And they find that it's being controlled by this kind of like this kind of organic brain thingy in a boat and They say and Orion goes destroy it and like I was light ray goes no Why should we destroy it when we can change it and he uses powers to change it into a Positive kind of cube thingy. That's a good thing and it's like these movies seem it's like the entirety of the new God's line seems to be about Why should you destroy when you can create? And this movie seems to have taken the thing that one of those elements and turned it into
Starting point is 00:34:32 just a tool for destruction in the hands of Stepin Wolf. So I'm like, ah, movies, like you're shitting on like the philosophical underpinnings of these characters. It just, anyway, it irritates me. I've always, I always wanted to write a new God's movie and now it's never gonna happen. As if it was ever gonna happen before. Yeah. Not really never gonna happen. So, I'm a little upset about it. You know who's also upset? The Amazon's because who shows up? Step and Wolf.
Starting point is 00:34:56 Yeah. The Amazon's mother box, the one they're holding starts going, Kuku Krazy, Step and Wolf shows up, takes it. The queen of the Amazon's leaves her warriors to die and runs off with the mother box. Doesn't help. Stepan Wolf takes it anyway. And the Amazon's hit a big signal. They light a big torch, which is a symbol to signal the Wonder Woman saying, Hey, mother box trouble. But but meanwhile, lowest lanes having trouble getting back to work in the wake of the death of her lover slash
Starting point is 00:35:23 superhero inspiration. Uh huh. Is this true? Because this is a rather the point where I started dozing off and I finished the second half of the movie the next day because I was like, you know what? I'm not absorbing things right now. Yeah. Now, this is a scene where Lois Lane is like, she's talking to Diane Lane who is not her mom, but Superman's mom, kind of weird, and
Starting point is 00:35:47 tells her, I'm having trouble getting back to work since Clark died. And this should be like, this should have been probably the best scene in the whole movie, but it just didn't quite work to me because it's, I don't know, it just felt so false within the entirety of the film. Lois Lane is driven much like Wonder Woman by the loss of a man. They're only defining like thing is that they're both getting over the death of a dude. Yeah, I guess that's true. Cyborg, he kind of without even trying taps into Batman's computers because the movie
Starting point is 00:36:19 just needs him to. And Wonder Woman shows up in the Batcave. She explains what the mother boxes are like Stewart did, but with much more bad CGI and much less, uh, like, uh, condition and clarity. Uh, but what I like about it is she's like, she's like the men, the Atlanteans and the Amazon's teamed up to stop Steppenwolf. And it's almost like the movie is telling you, look, this all happened before. We're just gonna show you a short version of the movie
Starting point is 00:36:47 within this movie. And then you're gonna see it happen again. Yeah. And it's weird kind of that, like, I mean, I guess that's why, I don't know, Batman doesn't know the story yet. So it's weird that Batman is like, I'm gonna specifically recruit the exact people
Starting point is 00:37:04 who defeated Seven Wolf before to defeat him again. I think we're supposed to take it as like, it's a prophecy, you know, history rhymes, that kind of thing. But instead it comes off as laziness. Yeah. Like, it also, I feel like it also is the DC universe saying like, these are the races in the DC universe.
Starting point is 00:37:21 There's people, there's Atlanteans, there's Amazon's, that's it. Get used to it. Yeah. And they, and they kind of lay out that they now have to build a team like that they got to, they got to get the band together. Right. Yeah. They not even get the band back together. They never had a band. Yeah. So they, they have to go recruit the flash. What if they got together the band from a band of outsiders? the flash. What if they got together the band from a band of outsiders? The go-dart movie? So there just be like a bunch of jump cuts, I guess. Yeah, and like Batman and Wonder Woman are just running around the Louvre to try to get around it as fast as possible. Okay. I mean, I guess
Starting point is 00:37:56 that wouldn't be so hard for the flash. He would just do that. Yeah, probably a less successful movie financially, I would guess. You never know. Yeah. Probably. So Bruce Wayne goes to the flashes kind of rave headquarters lab, because the flash hangs out at the place that all the foot clan kids did in the first Ninja Turtles. No. Like he's just, he's just watching TVs
Starting point is 00:38:18 and testing out his six skateboard jumps. Yeah, I remember seeing that in that Ninja Turtles movie and being like, this is what it's like to be a teenager, I bet. Yeah, I mean, for a guy who I guess is on the run all the time, he's got a pretty sick setup that looks like it, you know, he's really moved into this place. What I like is he's got his costume set up on a mannequin in the middle of the room, which would be much harder to put on than if it was just on like a hook, hanging from a wall.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Yeah. And it means that when he's done of a stop in a crime, he has to come home, take off the costume, and then pull the sleeves over a mannequin's arms, and then zip up the back, and then I guess have sex with the mannequin, I assume. I mean, why not? I got a mannequin. I guess when you're the flashlight, it's a lot mean, why not? I got a mannequin.
Starting point is 00:39:07 I guess when you're the flash, like it's a lot less, you put a lot less concern into like what takes time. I guess that's true. You're right, it would take him almost no time at all. Yeah. I mean, that's a question is, what is time to a being such as that? Yeah, that's true. Because like it still takes time, it's just, it would go so much faster for a regular human,
Starting point is 00:39:25 but it still probably takes the same amount of time for him. Yeah, Elliot, does the flash age more rapidly? Maybe. I didn't write this as a speed force, do you, Elliot? Explain this speed force. My understanding is that it does not, unless you are writing in crisis on infinite earths, and then the flash runs until he dies
Starting point is 00:39:46 in that one, but I don't think they age faster than normal. I could be wrong about that. He's certainly putting a lot of wear and tear on his legaments. That's for sure. That's his real superpower. His ACLs must be incredibly invulnerable. Dan, you can speak to this. Well, actually, running doesn't stress the ACL
Starting point is 00:40:02 because it's a forward motion. It would be side-to-side motions that would be the real real problem. So you're saying when he does the electric slide really fast, the weddings, that would hurt his ACL. Exactly. Do also this. What about the cha cha slide? If he does the cha cha slide, is that okay Dan?
Starting point is 00:40:19 What about that? What about that Dan sort of slide to the left? To the left. Clap clap clap clap clap clap. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. That's a pretty good one. when we were dating. Okay, well, were you just lying to impress me? Ali, we promised never to talk about this on the podcast. No, no, it's time to talk about it. Dan and I were in a relationship for quite some time. When he told me it was a superhero dance expert,
Starting point is 00:40:54 you were feeling several weird fantasies right now. He once told me he's like, oh, you know, I taught all the Revers, the X-Men villains had dance. And it took me a long time to remember like, wait a minute, those guys don't have legs. We're the technically super hero. That's true to. We're just like Australian. He's like, did I tell you that I taught Mojo had a dance?
Starting point is 00:41:17 And only now I'm realizing again, not a superhero has no legs. Dan, what? This is crazy. Although I will have to say if Mojo danced, that would be huge ratings. Oh yeah, he would, he would maintain his hold on the Mojoverse. So anyway, I don't remember what we were talking about, but oh yeah, so part of something
Starting point is 00:41:37 that's been part of the flash for a long time is that he has to eat a lot of junk food to get his calories up. Cause he burns calories. And that's the only nod to like the effects of running really fast all the time on a human body. Yeah. Everything else they just don't put much thought into.
Starting point is 00:41:50 Okay. He enlists the flash who joins instantly. Cyborg reaches out to Wonder Woman through text on a computer screen because of that point. I guess he's remembering the old PBS show Ghost Rider, which Cyborg is about the right age to have watched when he was a kid. Yeah. So he's like, I'm going to be like my hero, Ghostwriter, and I'm going to talk to them through text on a computer screen. They meet up in the most deserted city in the world, but he's still too depressed about
Starting point is 00:42:16 his powers to join. He's like, I don't know, I'm going to mope some more. Bob, Bob, Bob. Aquaman saves a fisherman in a storm, and the fisherman says he was attacked by a monster. Then Aquaman goes to Atlantis, Steppenwolf's there trying to take a mother box and we learn that Aquaman fails. Steppenwolf takes the box and we learn Aquaman is a prince whose mom, the queen of Atlantis abandoned him and he's always been kind of like wham wham about it.
Starting point is 00:42:43 He's never gotten over it, you know. Uh-huh. That's why he's so jacked now. He's put all that energy into, you know, proving his body. Yeah. I mean, it worked. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:56 I mean, you can't fault the results. You know, incredible, you know. You look, uh, the, what I also like to say, so Aquaman has this conversation with I assume it's supposed to be Dolphin, another Atlantis character, or maybe it's Mira. It's probably not Dolphin, it's probably Mira. She creates kind of an air bubble around them under waters they can talk, I think. And it's like, so do the Atlantean, mostly speak through sign language, if, because water is also very good at carrying sound,
Starting point is 00:43:28 why did they have to go through the motions of doing that? I don't know, it's a dumb movie. So, step and wolf, he has his own headquarters inside of like a Chernobyl cooling tower. And he monologues about how Superman's death made the world sad, and with the unity, he'll become a new god under dark side. He just mentions dark side for one moment.
Starting point is 00:43:47 He says, new God, and I'm like, oh, I like the new gods. Oh yeah, yeah, he's like, yeah, and it's like, don't tease me. Like, don't tease me with the better thing this could have been. I could have seen Mr. Miracle and Big Bar to just pop it around.
Starting point is 00:44:00 And I guess they're making a new God's movie now, right? I don't know. So, I think isn't Ava Diverney directing it? Oh yeah, okay. I think so. I think so. And so the pandemons are the pandemons. Pandemons are pan fry demons.
Starting point is 00:44:17 There's a lot. Yeah, I mean, they're not as good for you as the steam demons, but you know, but they taste so much better. They're crispy. That's the thing. Sometimes you just got to be bad. Like a paradeeman, which are the real bad, guys, I should have mentioned. They're kidnapping scientists and bringing them to Stefan Wolf's sewer tunnel that he's operating out of in America. And the pair, it's one of these things, which is like, Stefan Wolf, he needs to find out where that mother box is. So I guess he's got to do some old shoe leather detective work
Starting point is 00:44:47 and interrogate the suspects by kidnapping scientists. And the heroes show up and they're standing around talking while step and wolf literally snaps a man's neck and he won't answer a question. And I was like, these heroes are really taking their time. Like they don't seem to have very much of a, like, a hurry about them. Oh, but then Stepan will threaten sideworks dad. So they all jump in and fight Stepan Wolfen as dudes, flash his doubting
Starting point is 00:45:16 his confidence. But he ends up saving a lot of people. Batman calls in a kind of ghost in the shell spider tank that he can drive around in shooting things. And that's my favorite thing about Batman as a character is that he drives around in a giant tank. There's a scene later where Batman steals a paradigm in laser gun and it's just using it to shoot paradigms to death. And I was like, what the what the fuck is this? Like that Batman is using a gun to shoot anything is crazy to me. Like, I mean, he's the world's greatest detective.
Starting point is 00:45:47 But. So he solved the mystery of what to do with a laser. But these are like demon creatures. I mean, they're not like, I don't know. Doesn't bother me as much as there are other movies where Batman actually just shoots people and you're like, wait, whoa movie, come on. Like in Batman Returns, when machine,
Starting point is 00:46:05 when there's a car mounted machine guns that pop out and he's just shooting heads with them. Yeah, and he just like dropped the bomb into the sewers one time, you know. Yeah, that's a little weird. Batman has a lot of missiles and things this. So this is one of the many DC movie action sequences that take place in a dark tunnel,
Starting point is 00:46:21 because again, heroes are there to inspire us. The heroes have to escape because Steppenwell floods the tunnel. Oppamant shows up and somehow uses his trident to hold the water back, which doesn't, I never really understood. I think that's a power of his trident, right? Is that it's a magic trident? Yeah, is it?
Starting point is 00:46:39 I don't know, I think so. I mean, it's probably magic. He fights against that other magic weapon with it. Yeah. Okay, that's true. Okay. Maybe I'm just not remembering that he has a magic water controlling trident or what an old-timey prospector would call the divining rod. Which means the Aquaman I assume takes the trident holds it by its prongs and just uses it to find a place he can dig a well. Or he just uses it to grift home stethers out of money. Two, yeah. Hey everyone, we ran into some technical difficulties this week with Elliott's audio track.
Starting point is 00:47:19 So at this point we're going to switch over to the backup track we recorded, the just recorded the Skype call. Apologies, the audio is a lot worse, I won't sugarcoat it because we had to use the internal microphones when we were doing the backup track rather than our regular microphones. But if you're a fan, I think it's totally listenable. If you're angry at the audio, believe it, we are two. Sorry that we had to do this, but we thought it'd be better to put out a half-good show than no show at all. So I hope that you enjoy the rest of the show and don't get too frustrated with the change in audio quality. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:48:01 So Aquaman is just an old-fashioned rainmaker? Yeah, exactly. I mean, Aquaman's got to eat. That's true. Even he's got so many fish. That made it keep saying, you talk to fish, right? And eventually says, the water talks. And I was like, okay, I kind of like that response. It's, but I mean, that, that shit is the epitome of these movies, where if they clearly are like, Aquaman's pretty lame, right? Let's try and like, let's hang a landscape. Yeah, let's hang a landscape on the lame parts, but also make them cool.
Starting point is 00:48:34 Yeah, it's like, well, let's call out the shitty things as opposed to making them cool, because frankly, you could do a really cool sequence where Aquaman mind melts with a shark to find out information or something like that. Yeah. That would be really cool sequence where op-a-man mind melts with a shark to find out information or something like that. Yeah. Like that would be really cool. Instead they make them kind of like a, like kind of a jersew oozala kind of like man of nature who speaks to the spirits of the soil and the water and
Starting point is 00:48:56 the wind and things like that. But who also loves to chug up high and just throw down just something Lizzie. Oh yeah. And then anytime anything good happens, it's gotta cut to him so he can say some cool like, you know, my man. Oh yeah. Take that one to heart. You know that, you know that Oppa Man, Oppa Man 20 years ago went through a real like pop scoff phase
Starting point is 00:49:24 where he was just like he was always dressing up in suits and stuff and he was going to like real big fish and big bad boo-doo daddy concerts. Like yeah! And my favorite one, the cherry pop and dannies. All right, I mean yeah, yeah, dance band of the cherry pop and dannies, yeah. It's more of a swing revival man. Yep, it's more of a swing revival man. Very close. Those, if the swing revival and like pop-scal were very, very closely related siblings. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:52 But I just want to say, I just want to say, that all brass in a way brass should not be used. Yeah. Aquaman, I think, I don't know what you guys think. Aquaman is easily the most irritating worst of the superpowers shown in this movie. And he, of course, is the one who's getting a solo movie coming up soon. Oh, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:50:12 I found the flash pretty irritating too. Really? I could see you finding the flash irritating knowing what I know of your feelings about comedy and stuff. About the big bang theory. There's a lot of scenes where the flash is like, it's just stopping to quip in a way that was, it's just like, and throw to, scare nerd joke, and throw to guys who's uncomfortable around women, stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:50:37 Yeah, I thought it was mostly endearing. I mean, I guess I liked him because at least there was some attempted levity in the movie and I will say it doesn't it doesn't help the movie that With the CW flash show You already has a very serviceable flash actor. Yeah, I think it's very strange that you have so those shows don't take place in the same Universe as the movies right no no they must I thought it was very strange to have a different flash I do like the guy who plays the flash as a reminder he doesn't mind he does a fine job with a character I don't like yeah, I mean and yeah, he's a decent actor. I like the I like that kid in that that fantastic beast movie, huh?
Starting point is 00:51:16 I don't know the fantastic for yeah, I Mean I guess they're beasts they have magic powers They got him from a wizard, right? I was a monster manual. Class boys, those beasts. They got their powers from Mr. Wizard, aka science. So, this is when the movie, so Cyborg says, oh, I have the last mother box.
Starting point is 00:51:39 And he gives them a lot of scientific mumbo jumbo about, it destroys, it creates the whole lot of nonsense all that Hargal Bargal garbage that these movies traffic in and the Marvel movies are plenty of it too And they somehow take this to mean hey I bet if we put Superman in that goop that was in his spaceship take his dead body put it in the goop Stick a mother box in there and then jazz it with electricity We could probably bring Superman back to life because he's such an amazing inspiration and they spend so little time Debating the idea of bringing their friend back to life with
Starting point is 00:52:13 Magic alien technology and none of them ever really questions wait is that something we can do like they all just take it for granted Hey, you know, it's one of the moves that we have on the table right now, is using this magic box to bring Superman back to life because he's dead now. And you know what, I'm just gonna put it out there. Let's do that. And they're like, should we? Yeah, I guess we have to.
Starting point is 00:52:36 It's, they jump to the craziest possible solution with the least amount of time or energy to get there. I mean, it's nuts. If they could, if they could do that with Superman, won't they just do that with everyone on the planet forever? Well, that would be a very... That's a very good start track into darkness problem where they solved death.
Starting point is 00:52:58 Yeah, won't they solve death? I mean, it's similar to the argument of spoiler alert for Avengers Infinity War, go la la la la la People are there's a common argument of like if you can do anything with that magic thing that's ill-defined Why doesn't he instead of killing off after universe? Why doesn't he make twice as much resources? Yeah Sometimes yeah, what about that Thanos? Well, we'll find out later on the show when I bring Thanos on and when it speaks to the fire. On my new show, Ellie Hailey.
Starting point is 00:53:30 But it's the same sort of thing that where you introduce a magic thing and then you're like, I don't know. Yeah. Here's the one limited use we're going to make of this magic thing. Yeah. Basically. What's like in a, well, I don't know, that was a great example, Stuart. I don't know why I'm trying to go, trying to come over to another one.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Anyway, cut to cyborg and flash literally by hand, digging up Superman's corpse, and they kind of bond a little in that moment. And there's a moment where Flash's shovel makes a thud as it hits the lid of a coffin, and he has a little fun of space like, what? Like, kind of shock surprise. Like dude, you're digging up a fucking corpse. Like what did you expect to find down there? What is this very weirdly like not a reaction that made sense in that? And it's just...
Starting point is 00:54:15 Him and Cyborg digging it up, right? Yes. So why didn't they have Aquaman who's weapon basically looks like a shovel? Why didn't cyborg? Not much digging done with a trident. Well, I mean, he could just spear the ground like a big fork and then... Have you, no, have you ever tried to eat like really loose rice with a fork? It doesn't work that great. And then like a really loose rice.
Starting point is 00:54:40 And then like a giant steam shovel or something. Well, the real question is why did the flash dig it up with super speed? Why is he taking his time shovel shovel shovel? I think he explains it, but I wasn't paying that close attention. Oh, maybe he's like I'm tired. They never they never really show super maps corpse by the way, which is I I couldn't help wander. Very tasteful. I couldn't help wondering what condition he was in.
Starting point is 00:55:07 They mentioned that his cells don't degrade. Then why didn't they just show? Because I kept picturing him and it's being like rotten. He was like a skeleton and a Superman costume. Yeah, exactly. The cover of that one panic in the sky issue. I would have thought that if they he if they brought him back and then you see like his his skin regrowing over him and his muscles things that'd be pretty cool. Yeah. And then like just like all the parts all the flesh he parts of his
Starting point is 00:55:36 body growing back anyway they don't do that. So they stick them into the and they Frankenstein and back to life. They Frankenstein and back to life. And it basically just comes down to you, is zapping with electricity with a mother box until he comes back to life. But he's all, he's to be fair to him. He's been through the trauma of dying, coming back to life, and he just starts fighting all of them.
Starting point is 00:55:57 And this was the moment where I was like, instead of a fight, I wish that it was like, they had to reteach him how to use the bathroom, since I'm like that. Like it was just really intense to reteach him how to use the bathroom like that like it was just really intense physical therapy the movie just turns into regarding Henry all of a sudden yeah he learns the wonder of dance
Starting point is 00:56:15 and finally has a lively relationship with his wife anyway yes, Rick's prackers so the other thing is yeah the weird thing is superman to remember them, but he's still being an asshole to them. Like he's really mad, but I could, like, he sees Batman and he's like, you won't let me live, you won't let me die.
Starting point is 00:56:34 And then he goes, the world needs you. And Superman goes, yeah, but does it need you? And it's like, unless Superman is a brain-damaged zombie, it's hard for me to buy him remembering his previous life and being like, I should probably kill Batman out of anger right now. But I guess this series, the movie series, Superman is just a much more volatile character. He's much more like Robert Nero in this boy's life than he is the Superman we know from the last. I think it's called this Bugs Life.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Oh, that's right. This Bugs Life about the Ant who has the immune system. Yeah. Uh, but then Batman brings out the big guns. Lois shows up. And as soon as he sees Lois, he's like, oh, I'm fine now. It's okay. He's like Blustin.
Starting point is 00:57:21 Well, the power of love by Heelis and the news starts playing. Because that's the power of the kids. I win. That was an amazing. But then, meanwhile, in the background, while they're fighting Super Ant, Stefan Wolf just sneaks in and takes the box at least. Yeah, I was going to say that. It seems like their energy would have been better
Starting point is 00:57:40 serve protecting the final box than uh... during this hair brain scheme no they don't do that wonder woman has a crisis she says i can't you've always wanted me to leave the team but i can't leave people and send them into harm that's how i lost the treasure treacher and i had this moment like did that man ever ask her to leave the team because that man's pretty much acting as the leader the whole time it's Like, it's this very weird, I felt either a scene
Starting point is 00:58:07 that was cut or Wonder Woman is just one of those people who's like, obviously I should be in charge, but I know you guys are too afraid to say it. I mean, I think she knows. She's the oldest, I don't know. I mean, she's definitely the oldest. She has to be just 100 years old. I mean, I don't know how old is I, Command?
Starting point is 00:58:22 That's true. The Aquaman can't lead anything. Aquaman, he spends half his time in like a whiskey coma Aquaman. Yeah he's like a Michelangelo. Michelangelo doesn't lead. Yeah. That's true. And doesn't want to. Yeah. He doesn't want the responsibility. Raff, he wants to lead but he knows that really he doesn't have the temperament for it. Leonardo, he doesn't ultimately want to lead either but he knows that really he doesn't have the temperament for it Leonardo He doesn't ultimately want to lead either but he knows he has the responsibility because he has the skills He also doesn't have any defining traits over there. Yeah, that's true And Donna tell out look Donna tell us just trying to get through technical college so that he can get a job
Starting point is 00:58:57 As an engineer finally work his way out of the sewers. Yeah I would like to make that he would work his way out of the sewers only to get a job designing sewers to make them better and more habitable Talking of a mayor the problem with your source system is it's not really a good place for people to live People said I was crazy when I placed a teenager not just a mutants I was crazy when I placed a teenager, not just a mutantural, but an angel. Let's set this aside for a teenager at the head of the Sewer Rebuilder Project. But I'm looking through the line item here on the budget. And it says there's a lot of money here for softer couches and a big TV. Why are there so many half pipes when we need full pipes for a sewer?
Starting point is 00:59:41 Now, don't you think it would affect the proper working of these sewers if there was a brick oven pizza, making restaurant, and basically every juncture between different pipes? Can you explain this to me? Because the city council is really breathing down my deck again. I put a lot on the line by hiring a teenager to do this work, let alone, as I said, a naked turtle man who always carries around a host app like he's looking for a fight. Yeah, no, yeah, this this one worked. You are a little bit. I mean, you said in the part where he's like, Donatello, can we at least meet with
Starting point is 01:00:17 your mask off? Because frankly, I don't know that it's not one of your brothers wearing your mask in a kind of a weird death ringer scenario. So you can all date April O'Neill. Again, the fact that you are so closely connected with the nature news. Is that the plot of dead ringers? Is that all these people are trying to date April O'Neill? Yep, you guessed. Okay, I get it. I'm just saying it's a conflict of interest that you have such a close relationship with the media in this town. Donatello, I'm going to have to ask for you to resign your position. And Donatello is like, oh no, this is going to the courts. I get, and that's what show me a hero is about, right?
Starting point is 01:00:53 That's okay. I mean, I didn't get through it, so it's probably, it's possible. I'm just aschrising place Donatello, right? Very loosely based, because he has a mustache. Yeah. Yeah, that's, man, digitally alter the mustache to make it more like down a teller's face. So, so Superman knowing that there's a monster man out there who's trying to
Starting point is 01:01:15 stop destroy the world goes to his family farm and just kind of touches corn stocks for a while and Lois convinces him that the world needs him. He's out Lois says what was it like being dead? And he says it was weird and confusing. So it's like, does he have a memory of being dead? At this point, it's also like, okay, step and wolf aside. Clark Kent cannot tell us what lies beyond the veil. Where do we go and die?
Starting point is 01:01:40 This is such a much bigger issue than whether we can get these mother boxes apart. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Steppenwolf, he puts the boxes together and makes the unity further destroys the area around Chernobyl, which I felt like was really rubbing it in, insult to injury, you know. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:01:57 Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. The heroes go to Russia. Batman goes off, get his bat plane to knock out the shield dome because
Starting point is 01:02:07 Of course in this movie, there's a scene where someone has to fly a plane to stop a shield or something The characters He kind of knows he's like I know that the shield dome is being created by those things over there Even though this is like alien technology. We've never seen before Batman uses what like isn it a sound or a fear spray or something to lure the paradigms away from the shield. And thus creating an opening for the heroes to go in and stop step-able. Do the heroes do that? No. They jump in and fight paradigms to help out Batman.
Starting point is 01:02:37 And it's like I wish Batman was going like strategy guys strategy like I did this for a reason. Yeah. Go and stop him. But friendship is stronger than strategy, I guess. I guess that's what it is. The same way that it bothered me and Black Panther when they sent out the foot soldiers, the bad guys, and then sent out their big machines. That's not how you do that.
Starting point is 01:02:58 Soft enough the opposing force with your artillery, your armored stuff, then you send in your foot soldiers. Anyway, come on. So Black Panther, can you redo that scene for me? Thanks very much. Steppenwolf is fighting these guys. They jump into fight him.
Starting point is 01:03:13 Cyborg's doing some nonsense to separate the boxes. Flash is fighting demons. Wonder Woman's fighting steppenwolf. Batman joins in with his laser gun, which I did not like. Fighting, fighting, fighting. There's this one Russian family we've had stopped in and went throughout the movie to see how they're dealing with the parent even threat
Starting point is 01:03:31 it really helps it really helps contextualize this whole struggle yeah uh... this is the point of the movie by the way which i lost all interest because it's just a big cg i battle yeah it is so boring it's so boring big CGI battle. Yeah, it is so boring. It's so boring, there's no sense of how it's reminded me a little bit of the big battle at the end of Force Awakens, where I was like, I don't know how many times they're going to have to swoop down on this Death Star, I don't care. Like it's, I don't know what the status is and how hard their goal they are.
Starting point is 01:04:00 That is a hot take from Elliot Kaylen, knocking Star Wars. He's like too much diversity. I like that. I like the first half of the new characters loved him. New situations. Great. The minute they got to the space cantina. I don't need this. Yeah. Well, the minute they got to the space cantina,... i don't need this yeah well the minute they got to the space canteen i was like wait a minute i saw this in star wars and they were like guess what guys we've got a threat it's the size of a planet and it can blow up planets
Starting point is 01:04:35 we're gonna have to swoop down in x-wings and stop it and i was like oh like in the movie star wars i mean i mean the movie does make a joke about that though right it does but the same about that though, right? But the same way that in this movie they're like Aquaman you talk to fish, right? It's like making a joke about the problem doesn't diffuse the problem You know, by the way screenwriting 101 if you make jokes about him talking to fish You need to have a fish show up at the end and save them and then they're like thanks, dude And then he like yeah fish a fish show up at the end and save them and then they're like, things dude and then he like, yeah, fish are fucking thumbs up.
Starting point is 01:05:07 Check out his, yeah, Sharky the tuna shows up. As Jabber Josh shows up, hey guys, look up, look up, look up, look up, please, I'm gonna check. He plays drums on Stepan Wolf's album. But the, I'll stop you stepping more for boy.
Starting point is 01:05:23 The, and I say that, you know what, I'll give credit to JJ Abramsrooms for this i think he had about a week to write that script so i totally understand why he had to just rip off the end of the first hour's movie i don't i don't blame him you had no time to write anyway uh... step in law says a lot of nonsense about throughout the movies are so about how the unity is the mother of monsters
Starting point is 01:05:43 powers the only law on all this garbage Superman shows up He said and he said something about like powers the only law. That's the truth You won't see it and superman goes I don't know. I've always been a big fan of truth But I'm also a big fan of justice and then punches step-and-wolf and it was like lame superman punches step-and-wolf once then goes off to save civilians and then Punches Step and Wolf, and it was like lame. That was super lame. Superman, Punches Step and Wolf once, then goes off to save civilians, which is flash his job. He's like, one woman, a lot of men,
Starting point is 01:06:13 you were having trouble defeating the big bad guy, and you brought me back to life so I could do it. I'm just gonna go help out Flash with the easy stuff. You take care of it, but suddenly, they're strong enough to beat up Step and Wolf, I guess, because Superman inspired them. Superman and Cyborg separate the boxes. There's a big power surge they've been warning about.
Starting point is 01:06:30 That isn't really that bad. Just knock Superman over. And Batman is able to protect himself from the power surge by putting his arm in front of his face. Yeah. He's still hiding his identity. They're like, when we remove these boxes, they're going to be blowback major.
Starting point is 01:06:47 All right, let's get used to it. Batman's just kind of like, he does exactly what you do if the sun was a little brighter than you thought it would be when you walked out of the ophthalmologist after having your pupils dilated. That's about enough to stop the power surge from hurting him. They finish beating up Steppenwolf and Steppenwolf is afraid now. He's like, what? This can't be no and the paradigms
Starting point is 01:07:06 Sense his fear and swarm them and eat him until a boom tube takes him away Here's another problem the boom tubes. They don't boom. They don't make boom noises. There's never a boom That is too big anyway. It also sounds like boom too. So that's where I mean Yeah, but that's the name of the thing in the comics though Dan you got to stick to those material We're I mean, yeah, but that's the name of the thing in the comics that a Dan you got to stick to those material. I mean if you're not going to take advantage to have a dimensional portal called a boom tube that makes a big boom when it shows up Why are you making this movie live and bother were they worried that it was going to sound too much like the What the what's your McCullough the the bifrost and the Thor movies? Maybe it makes a big boom
Starting point is 01:07:44 It's the same way that if you're gonna make an Aquaman movie and you're not gonna have him talk to fish, what are we doing here? Why are we bothering? Because without talking to fish, he's just Namor. A much better character because Namor is an asshole. Yeah, and he's in love with Steve Storm. Yeah, and he's always trying to steal a married woman away from the smartest man in the Marley.
Starting point is 01:08:04 I love that stuff so much. Maybe it's just due to my love of Cuck fantasy. Oh sure. Oh well, Richard's is on his way to be the ultimate beta cut, which is weird because he should be. He's defeated Dr. Doom so many times he's the ultimate alpha male, but he's kind of an alpha cut. Is that possible? I think we've said that too many times, so I'll let you know. Anyway, they stopped. They stopped stepping off the world's been saved. Bruce saves Clark's home by buying the bank that was foreclosing on it.
Starting point is 01:08:37 He doesn't give him the money to just take it away, to get his home back and say, he buys the bank because now it's like Bruce is saying to Superman, I own you. If you don't do what I tell you, they're all gonna be out on the street. I love it too, because it's like, why didn't he just do it before? Why didn't he just help her out after he helped get her son killed?
Starting point is 01:09:00 Yeah, that's true. Why don't you step in now? And when they're helping take all the furniture back into the house, he's talking to Superman. And I swear that Batman says, I did a mistake. What Superman is like, thanks for doing this. I did a mistake. That was funny.
Starting point is 01:09:23 Bruce is, for all that Bruce Wayne is the world's greatest detective and all that he is old and bred old money. I have to assume. Like, he's brought, look at, if you look at Donald Trump's kids, they're not the brightest kids. Like, if you look at Jared Kushner, he's not a very bright man. If you want to hear it wealth, you aren't always the brightest bulb in the bunch. It's like, they always present Batman as pretending to be like,
Starting point is 01:09:46 and Bruce Wayne, I'm gonna pretend to be this idiot playboy who doesn't understand his business. I think that's just him, and the one thing he's able to do is have Alfred do a lot of fun. Like Alfred is brilliant, and Alfred's able to solve crimes for him, and things like that. That's an interesting take. That's my hot take.
Starting point is 01:10:02 Bruce Wayne is like an idiot rich kid who really got into mma and like that's why he's super buff because he's a gym rat and Alfred is the one who does all the like smarty pants stuff and bruh and that's why Batman has like a bat plane and a bat car and all this other shit because he's just got like show off all his stuff well i'll it i just got a i just got a text from Warner Brothers they like your take on Batman man and what you can make a movie oh boy uh... ok i guess so so at now at the end of the movie lowest has a little monologue about how
Starting point is 01:10:35 uh... the justice and Bruce bison like justice league clubhouse mansion now is this monologue meant to be an article she's writing? I have to assume so. Now that Superman's back, she can go back to work, she's inspired again. So she's writing her first return column. And it's all about how hope is real. And it's like really because the movie we just saw, it was a grim, a grim fable about
Starting point is 01:11:01 the futility of hope. And that even the relief of death is not enough to save you from Batman dragging your ass back into this veil of tears so that you can fight a big CGI guy with with antlers on his helmet. I also feel like throughout basically all Superman movies, Lovis Lane's only job is to write editorials about hope. All she does is a daily planet. Or Superman. Yeah, that's true. And so the movie ends, then there's a credit scene flash in Superman are going to race each other. Then there's the post-credit scene where Lex Luthor who has escaped jail by replacing himself
Starting point is 01:11:39 with a different bald man. It's clearly the least interesting escape plot I've ever seen. It's an indictment of the way we look at bald man. Oh, I guess so. Lex Luther is now on a yacht flying the Dutch flag and death stroke, the terminator shows up. And Lex Luther said, Two cool names. That's too many cool names in one name. Too many. And his real name is what Slade Wilson. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:11 So too many cool names. Do you think he's angry that the parody character of him has become much more famous and popular? Oh, has to be. Yeah. Has to be that Wade Wilson Deadpool is now starring in his second hit film and Deathstroke is at is at best a villain in what the flash TV show.
Starting point is 01:12:30 I was on a hero TV show. Oh, an arrow. The arrow TV show and is now being set up to be like one of just a team of guys because like says isn't it time we had a League of R-O? With Seeming No R-O? We already have a League of our own with seeming we are it's a big old league of our own we already have a league of our own which is and I wish I want to see that scene continue where Dezro goes what like lady baseball players and like what
Starting point is 01:12:56 the movie a league of our own like I don't know that was before I was born and that's just like seriously how young are you kid like that movie is not that old and Deathstroke looks it up on his on his phone and it's like shit that was like 25 years ago oh you're making me feel old man forget it I gotta go yeah that's the scene I want to see but uh so that's and so it's setting up I guess it just is leaked to Justice League versus the World Crime League because that was a buggeroo bonsai what's the what's the bad guy It justice league to justice league versus the world crime league Is that what the fuck a Ruban side? What's the bad guy team call?
Starting point is 01:13:28 Is there a bad guy team? It's called the injustice league, I think, right? Oh no, it's the injustice league and they're at the... What's the name of their place? At the White House, am I right guys? Swamp. What? Nothing.
Starting point is 01:13:44 Just go on. But now I'm wondering like, are they who else is going to be in this team? Because like the DC universe is not full of cool great villains. They're going to have to introduce a bunch of them. And if one of them is Solomon Grundy, everything is forgiven DC universe. Well, uh, uh, uh, friend of mine, I know wait. Sent me a message to confirm additional cold-based DC villains. So the team would of course have Mr. Freeze Captain Cold killer Frostu is a character. I said okay I'm not just a cold-duty right out of draw. So yeah that's five. There's five cold-based villains in the team they're called the Frosty League or the just ice league in this case. I I'm like, Lex, I don't want to tell you how to run your league,
Starting point is 01:14:27 but maybe you want a diverse of them. Good, I don't. Why don't you diversify? We've got diversity. I'm a super smart billionaire. You're a super assassin. Cold, cold, cold, cold, cold. We got it all, baby. All right. Well, I guess you're the team. Why do we do this mission in the summertime? No, I mean, you're hoping that people aren't dressed appropriately to deal with all this cold.
Starting point is 01:14:56 Exactly, yeah. Anyway, I'm Lex Luehler. Don't question me. I was able to escape from jail using an intricate plan. You just put a different bug back yourself. An intricate plan. So guys, let's go on to final judgment. Let's, while Eileen blows his nose, we'll say... I'm also getting over a cult. Yeah, Eileen seems to have it worse than me.
Starting point is 01:15:21 The just ice league strikes again. Does ice league? for me. The just-ice league strikes again. Just-ice league. But is this a good bad movie, a bad bad movie? Is this a good, is that what you're saying? Guys, is this a good, is this a good bad movie, a bad bad movie, or a movie you kind of like? I'm going to say that while it is the least hateful of the DC movies that I've seen, not including Wonder Woman.
Starting point is 01:15:49 Oh, not including Wonder Woman, that's right. Wonder Woman is obviously the best, but I don't even think of it as part of the universe that's happened before you. It's still not good. Wonder Woman is the incredible Hulk of the DC University at Reverse, where everyone forgets that there was a Hulk movie, that's technically part of the Marvel Universe. Everyone forgets Wonder Woman is in the DC Universe
Starting point is 01:16:12 because it's of a higher stamp of quality. Yeah. I will say I had some small hopes for this movie because it's less than two hours long. And the Joss Ween came in to do reshoots. And I know that we've all learned that Joss Weedon's kind of an asshole now, but I do like his television work
Starting point is 01:16:29 and he did a good job with the Avengers. So I thought maybe he could do something to salvage this, but. Yeah, can you imagine? No, yeah, like having recently watched the Avengers and seeing how well that big coming together fight scene works at the end. It's crazy that yes, we was involved in this movie as well. Unless just we need sabotaging the DC movies.
Starting point is 01:16:54 Fifth columnist. Yeah, that helped the Marvel movies. That feels like something I would read on Reddit or something. That seems like a suitable conspiracy. that's the kind of thing that that some in-sell somewhere is is theorizing about right now here's here's what i'm gonna say my final judgment is mixed and i'll tell you why i don't think this movie is particularly good but i'm trying to put myself in a world where the marvel movies don't exist and a movie world where the marvel movies don't exist i In a movie, world where the Marvel movies don't exist, I think I would be more forgiving
Starting point is 01:17:27 of this movie. Because I'd be like, you know what? This is far from the worst superhero movie I've ever seen. I don't like it. It's boring. It's really depressing. But it's still so far cut above the superhero movies I grew up with. But in a world where the Marvel movies exist, this just like doesn't work at
Starting point is 01:17:46 all. Like we've seen such a better version of this exact thing. So, but I, on the other hand, I give them credit for forging their own path. They could just make Marvel movies and say, super-era's are fun. Let's make a fun movie. Instead, they've decided to continue down their own path of making super-era movies that are not fun and feel like I'm supposed to watch them as like a religious obligation. So that's something. I mean, you'll be you, DC Universe, fly your freak flag. Yeah, you're supposed to watch the movie in complete silence and then shuffle out of the movie theater with a sad look on your face.
Starting point is 01:18:19 Like I was like there were times when during the opening where I'm like, am I supposed to be sad that Superman's dead because this world does not have a Superman and we have our own troubles, but like a lot of things are fine. Like am I supposed to, how, how I'm saying about that? A lot of things are fine as L.A. its description of the current state lower. But the implications in the movies that without Superman, there's no lighter happy, like children don't laugh anymore. Love doesn't exist.
Starting point is 01:18:43 Sex is no longer pleasurable. I'm going to say that. I've seen the previous movies and even when Superman was alive, I don't think those existed. Yeah, but I don't know. Stuart, did you give your rating? I didn't. You know, I didn't like it. I mean, I guess I liked it more than Batman versus Superman. I still think I like it less than Suicide Squad. I know that's insane. But that movie's just so fascinatingly bad that, I don't know, I get some joy out of the,
Starting point is 01:19:18 the strangeness of a movie that's at least apparently was cut together by the people who cut the trailer together. I mean, if you're gonna hate watch a DC movie, watch suicide squad, because this is like, this is like eating a rice cake for breakfast. I feel like the Justice League movie. Yeah. It's like, I need some sort, something to ingest, so I guess I'll use this, and I'll have no feelings about it afterwards. Hey, I think that's it. Yeah, so um, see you for the next one, just sleep two tons of movie.
Starting point is 01:19:50 I'd like to see you for the next podcast. That's all, that's us for the Plop House. Okay, get it back to you everybody. Now, uh, local affiliates, we went along today, so sorry about that. We'll make it up on the next time. Catch you on the flip. Make sure to like and subscribe Okay, that's our video. Yeah click subscribe. Maybe share the links below. I'm pointing down as if anyone can see it
Starting point is 01:20:16 Leave a comment. Hey be part of the community. All right The Dead Pilot Society podcast brings you hilarious comedy pilots that were never made, featuring actors like Aubrey Plaza, Andy Richter, Paul F. Tompkins, John Hodgman, Adam Scott, Molly Shannon, Busy Phillips, Tom Lennon, Anna Camp, Laurie Metcalf, Alicia Day, Michaeline Black, Adam Savage, Paul Sheer, Ben Schwartz, Skylar Astin, May Whitman, Josh Malina, Ben Feldman, Colbeyer, Jason Ritter, Sarah Chalk, Steve A.G., Jane Le Levy, Allison Tom, Danielle Nicolette, Casey Wilson, Anority, Lorraine Newman, June Diane Raphael, Kurnichipka, Ed Weeks, Zach Knight, and Carrie Kenney Silver, John Ross Maui, Jamie Dan Bowie, Janet Varnie, Alexander Varnie, Alexander Varnie, Alexander Varnie, Alexander Varnie, Alexander Varnie, Alexander Varnie, Alexander Varnie, Alexander
Starting point is 01:20:51 Varnie, Alexander Varnie, Alexander Varnie, Alexander Varnie, Alexander Varnie, Alexander Varnie, Alexander Varnie, Alexander Varnie, Alexander Varnie, Alexander Varnie, Alexander Varnie, Alexander Varnie, Alexander Varnie, Alexander Varnie, Alexander Varnie, Alexander Varnie, Alexander Varnie, Alexander Varnie, Alexander, Alexander Varnie, Alexander Varnie, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander,
Starting point is 01:20:59 Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander Hi, this is Rachel McHorrick and we've got a new podcast on MaxoneFund called Wonderful. Wonderful. It's an enthusiast podcast where we talk about things that we're excited about and things that you're excited about. Things like... Overalls.
Starting point is 01:21:11 24 hours suit a fed. The grand prize game. The fact that Wombats use their butts to kill predators. The soundtrack to the movie Dick Tracy. The beach potion we call Bud Lightline. All these things and more every Wednesday and we'll also talk about things that you're excited about. You can find us on or iTunes or wherever.
Starting point is 01:21:28 I don't know, just search wonderful. Google it, you'll probably get there. So the Clubhouse is supported in part by Casper and our listeners are invited to take advantage of Casper's competitive limited time memorial day sale offer. Hey Dan, hey Dan, here's a crazy thing. Let's explain what Casper is. Well okay, it's a mattress company. It's not a ghost. It sells your mattresses that come in the mail in a big box. You can, uh, not as big a box as you would expect though. You open up this box and just like that. Don't tell me what kind of box I expect. Yeah, don't tell me what kind of box I expect.
Starting point is 01:22:09 You're saying this mattress it arrives and it's not, you're not taking a fully grown mattress into your house. No. But yet it expands into that fully grown mattress. Yes, exactly. Like watching a child grow. Exactly. Casper's different than other mattress companies
Starting point is 01:22:24 because they sell directly to you, which eliminates added costs and saves you money. And you can be sure of your purchase with their 100-night risk-free sleep on it trial. And you can return with no hassles if you're not satisfied. That return policy is amazing. I have tried to sleep on a variety of different items for a hundred days and return. Well, I mean, I'm trying to take this pee back to the market. I don't want it. Yeah. I just slept on a dozen eggs. And so there was a reason why I didn't accept those bad. And I had the receipt and they would accept them back. Look, for a limited time visit slash savings and receive 10% off your order
Starting point is 01:23:12 with any Macus purchase. Offer expires May 29, 2018. Terms and conditions apply. We also have a sponsorship from Squarespace. Squarespace, yeah. Now Dan, let's explain what they are too, because otherwise I'm gonna assume they're another mattress company. No, no, no, you can make websites with them. It's a good way to turn your cool idea into a website,
Starting point is 01:23:37 everyone can enjoy, showcase your work. You can use it to announce an upcoming event or a special project, or you can use it to announce an upcoming event or a special project or you can, you know, you can use their e-commerce functionality to sell anything online. Now Dan, I was wondering, I have an idea for a website. I was wondering if Squarespace could help me. Oh cool, this is a new thing. You've never had an idea for a website before. I'm very excited about it because it's like I feel inspired to enter a realm I've never
Starting point is 01:24:03 felt inspired about for which is web design and and web businesses. What digital realm of ones and zeros? Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I want to hack into the main brain and enter the cyber world. Yeah. So I can surf, surf the data and become a, a master programmer. Yep. I know you're, you're ready to play your one. Yes. Now, Dan, this movie inspired me to start a business called You're ready to play your one. Yes Now Dan this movie inspired me to start a business called mother box calm We've all been there you're going on a family trip and your luggage is not big enough to fit your mom in
Starting point is 01:24:39 From one place to another well, that's where mother box calm comes in mother box Takes you just have to measure your mom's height with weight depth, all the basic dimensions. You already have them on file. Send them to us. We will hand craft a custom made box for you to place your mother in somewhat comfortably for the duration of the trip. Just tell us where you're going, how long the trip is, what you'll need in that box. We'll make it sure it's stopped with everything she might need. Is it an overnight plane flight? We'll get some snacks in there. Is it a long car ride? We'll get some snacks in there. Are you going on an ocean voyage? More snacks. Everything you need. It feels like all our needs are snacks, right?
Starting point is 01:25:19 Pretty much. I mean, are there air holes for your mother? Of course there are. There's like that movie, Mars need moms who need snacks. Yeah, in Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the first one is snacks. Yeah. And then eventually it goes all the way up to getting where you need to go without a, a, costing an arm and a leg to transport your mother. So leave the mom shipping to us. Mm-hmm. Yeah. And by transporting your mom from one place to another needs. We'll handle the mom shipping. So we'll take the various moms from Riverdale and we'll ship them with each other.
Starting point is 01:25:51 Okay. Right. Interesting. Right. I think it's a good thing to be in fiction about what these moms will be doing. Okay. Oh, our slogan for is we provide the box. You provide the mom.
Starting point is 01:26:03 This show and this show started off with such respect for mothers, and now it's taken a weird turn. What's more respectful than providing a comfortable, well-stocked with snacks box, worshipping any mother from one place to another? And the more possible writing stories about your favorite moms from your favorite hit CW Television Show. So finding love in each other's arms, I mean it makes sense.
Starting point is 01:26:27 So Dan, can Squarespace help me with my mother transportation website or Stewart with his Riverdale fanpage? It's certainly Dan and so get started. Check out slash flop for free trial and when you're ready to launch use the offer code flop to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. I believe each of you has a jumbo tron. Oh, you know it. Ellie, why don't you go first while I open my phone and find it. Okay, so.
Starting point is 01:27:03 Okay, are you ready? Yes, I am. Okay, everybody buckle up. Okay, let's okay, you go. Okay, my can I go or is it? Wait, wait, I was just asking so I can vamp if you weren't ready, but no, I'm ready right now. Okay, good. I have it right in front of me. Okay. What are you gonna, what are you gonna vamp about it, man? Hey, don't know. I'm just right now. Okay. I have it right in front of me. Okay. Well, we're gonna We're gonna be about it. Hey, don't know I'm just gonna open my mouth and see what King comes out. That was a terrible Dangerous thing to do. Yeah What if it was a what is it was like a high a swarm of scarabs like in the mummy? The terrifying
Starting point is 01:27:41 Although it's terrifying. It would have been pretty exciting about the future of computer graphics. Anyway, here's my jumbo-tron message. I'm here to tell you to subscribe to Wiki Wheel with Max and Shay on your favorite podcast app. Now, hey, one couples randomized ramble through Wikipedia. That's Wiki Wheel. Join us as we explore all of human knowledge via Wikipedia's random article feature. We've written East Ender's Fanfiction, played Bang Mary Kill with the world's great mountain ranges, and
Starting point is 01:28:09 done a really bad job at the My Little Pony Collectible Card Game. That's Wiki Wheel with Max and Shay. Subscribe on your preferred podcast app. Oh, that sounds really fun. It does. Guys, I'm going to take a brief pause on this podcast to talk about how I'm watching Archie drink out of dance toilet. Oh, no. Dan, that's where you go potty and he's just drinking. That's crazy. Why would
Starting point is 01:28:28 he do that? Oh, okay. That cat has got a dog. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Archie. A new syndicated comic strip by Dan McCoy. There is a one called Archie, yeah, right? I mean, there's there is a comic called archie uh... they made a t-shirt called riverdale that's what riverdale's from wait it's like a superhero comic strip uh... not exactly unless he becomes uh... what's his name proud heart is that uh... rc super hero character
Starting point is 01:28:58 what then if you were able to sell a syndicated daily comic strip about your own cat would you die from cat, would you die from happiness or would you die from sadness that you had no more worlds left to conquer? I think we both know with the answer if that would be Elliot. Guys, we probably talked about this, but if you were going to have to pitch a comic strip to a television channel to be like a hot teen reimagining of a comic strip which one would you pick? Did we already talk about this? Did we already talk about how I would
Starting point is 01:29:31 throw it? I don't know if it was on the podcast, but we certainly have had that conversation. Yeah, maybe okay. And I told you, did I tell you about my snuffy Smith? Wow. So it's a team. It's a team. It's a TV. It's a gritty teen snuffy Smith, because it's time to bring back sexy young hillbillies. Bring him back.
Starting point is 01:30:01 Okay. So I got a, I got a, I got a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a I got a I got a Jebody jumbo tron. This message is for the original peaches. That is us. The message is from Andrew last name with held. Hey guys, I love the show. It makes me sad when there isn't a jumbo tron because I want you to get paid. Also, I want to get my words on the show. My options are to write a letter or to make a jumbo tron. But I don't want a painter to dan. Thus, there is only one
Starting point is 01:30:33 real option. And this is how I effectively preempt the song. That's how it works. Yeah, works. Whoa. Thank you very much, Andrew. Thank you for supporting the show. It means a lot, because we like money, and saying words. I mean, the money paid for the Jumbatron really saves the wound of my being owned at the end there. He literally hacked it to the mainframe.
Starting point is 01:31:02 That was a life hack onto the show. Um, Dan, would you call pandering to you, dandering because I'm allergic to it? Yes, thank you. I would. That's a lovely court mine too. Guys, we got a little Archie update. Archie is now sleeping off having a mouthful of toilet water. He is not drinking anymore. Just so tune back in for more RG updates later in the show. Thanks for those gemotrons. Everybody sign up for gemotron if you've got a message to send to us. It doesn't have to be about us, but that's really nice. Dan, do we have some things of our own to promote? Is that the time for this? Sure. Are you wanting to promote them?
Starting point is 01:31:44 Sure. We've got some live shows coming up. When this airs, we'll, in this airs, when this gets released, we'll already be in Washington, DC, right? For Washington, DC show. So if you're listening to this, I guess Saturday morning, we're doing a live show in Washington, DC tonight on May, was it 26? I believe that's correct. Yeah, on May 26 in Washington DC at the historic sixth and I synagogue, that's right. It's going to be a night of cobblistic wisdom and telemootic debate all around the subject of geostorm. I'm into that. We've got a show in Brooklyn on June 7th,
Starting point is 01:32:26 I believe that's sold out. So if you want to hang out outside and just shout our names at us, we probably won't hear you. But thanks to everyone already bought tickets. And then we've got, and then at the end of that month, at the end of June, we've got a show in Seattle, Washington. That's right, the big easy. And I've never been there before and I'm very excited to see Seattle because I want to take that Frazier reality tour that the real Frazier crane does where he tells you about the locations that inspired the hit show Frazier.
Starting point is 01:32:56 Do I know anything else about Seattle than Frazier? I do not. And Dan, do you remember what day that is in June? That is June 30th, yep. June 30th, and tickets are still available for that one. And if you go to, yes. And at all our launch shows, we're going to have special limited tour t-shirts and tour posters. Prices, TBD, ring cash, because we cannot accept credit cards. Yeah, we can't accept that there's a system in place where you use a piece of plastic to exchange for that. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 01:33:33 We can't necessarily accept the existence of TBD. Or, you know what, I might look up into setting a Venmo account up. Okay. But please bring cash if you can. That would be the easiest thing. We're going to have exclusive tour t-shirts and posters. And as anyone who's been to a live show knows that we do presentations before the episode that gets recorded,
Starting point is 01:33:51 where we talk about other stuff, PowerPoint-wise, presentations. I just finished talking. It's really dumb. And I know I've set myself the challenge of doing a new presentation for every one of these shows that I will never do again. That is tailored to that specific show. So if you want to see this exclusive Elliott-Kalen humor content come to these shows otherwise you'll never see them because
Starting point is 01:34:15 I'm going to burn the scripts and burn the PowerPoint slides by throwing my computer into a fireplace. Okay. Well moving on, to letters from listeners. Listeners like you. Are you listening right now? Could be your letter if you sent one in. If you didn't send one in, the odds are not good. So, this first letter is from Charlie Last Name With Hell. Daniels? Sure. He writes, hey, please.
Starting point is 01:34:43 Now, Dan, before you get it, wait, before you get into that letter, I just want to say, I would sing a song here, but I am both recovering from a cold and also heading out to Disneyland later today. So I've got a lot of energy, I've got to save up for this trip. So I can fight the germs and also fight the crowds to get on some of the hottest rides in Southern California. Okay. We're, we're a little plugged there, but Disney land. Have you heard of it?
Starting point is 01:35:07 Did I forget to mention that Disney bought the flop house? Oh, okay. Yeah, we're going to be in Avengers Infinity War 2, Avengers versus the flop house. I mean, finally, this thing is going to be, you know, as profitable as we hoped. I think I would really get along with those guardians of the galaxy characters. Yeah, they're really silly. And I think we'd really, you know, it'd be really fun. People would like that.
Starting point is 01:35:32 I can say stewing cardings of the galaxy. Yeah, I do. Yes, do Lord. Yeah, it's do Lord. Anyway, Charlie says, hey, peaches, you guys are obviously experts re or re. Good bad movies. I like to see you correcting your own pronunciation, Dan. That is the Klopphau's wheelhouse after all. Well, your episode on the greatest showman got me wondering about bad good movies.
Starting point is 01:35:57 That is movies which in their earnest striving to be recognized as good actually turn out pretty bad. Myelage may vary, but I'm thinking of the curious case of Benjamin Button, which I recently saw in a plane for the first time, and simply could not fucking believe. Usually disappointing as the fall-up to Zodiac. And your estimation was really good? Well, I mean, that was the Zodiac killer. Yeah, yeah, because they cut out a scene where Benjamin Button is the Zodiac killer.
Starting point is 01:36:24 Yeah. It's part of the David Fincher cinematic universe. Yes, in your estimation, what are the worst bad good movies? Now, of course, in our ranking system, these movies still would just be bad, bad, but movies that strive so far for goodness that they become bad. Okay, so Dan's clarifying that one for the pattern set. Yeah, exactly. Well, Benjamin Button, man, that is a good one, because that is a terrible movie. I hated it in the theater. I didn't understand why people liked it. I hate it. I hate it so much. I hate it. I would say the,
Starting point is 01:37:09 a movie that I kind of think of is, did you ever see that comedy 50-50, where just the level is playing? What's that run? Yeah, and just the true story of one of the screenwriters like Battles with Cancer. Okay. And like it's a true story and it's moving, I just found the movie completely bland and boring. And it's something that like I like the actors in it and I wanted to like it, I just couldn't.
Starting point is 01:37:36 Interesting. I like that one a little bit. I can understand that. I actually have it on my DVR right now. So now I... Oh no, I ruined it for you. Maybe you'll watch it and love it. And then you'll text me late, like one in the morning saying,
Starting point is 01:37:49 I was totally wrong. No, I'll probably text you being like, right on 50-50. Hey guys, I've got four words. I mean, there are a lot of movies that fall into this category, a lot of like Stanley Cramer films, like Inherit the Wind has always stuck out that way for me or you know guess who's coming to get dinner where it's like this movie is so goddamn important everything about it's important but here's I got four words for you that son this up for me the cider house rules
Starting point is 01:38:17 Wow that's not a favorite Michael King and it where it's like I remember watching that movie and this movie is so striving to be beautiful and important and meaningful. And I was like, I don't understand what this movie is trying to communicate to me at all. Like I don't, I don't find it, I like, I don't find it interesting, I don't know why the characters are doing these things, I don't, I don't, I'm getting nothing from it, you know. I mean, you see what Shirley's parents butt at one point. Okay.
Starting point is 01:38:50 Which seemed to be the filmmakers. It seemed to be the filmmakers being like, all right, I'll throw you a bone, the things about, you know, that for the pure, prairie and interests in the crowd, but this is an important piece of filmmaking. And I was just like, don't care for this movie. It has taken itself too seriously and I don't like it. When you say that the cider house jewels It's a harsh a harsh way to go, but if I was being honest, yes, I would say the cider house jewels Okay, that's very brave of you
Starting point is 01:39:19 Dan you get to say the imitation game. No, that's a good one. Uh, I was gonna go. Oh, that is a good one. Dan, but Dan, wait, Dan, are you aware that now we call them computers? Okay. Maybe it makes more sense to you now. No, okay, it's all coming together. And Benedict Cumberpatch was dead the whole time. What? I mean, you know, character dies.
Starting point is 01:39:40 Very replaced. Very replaced. What? No, uh, I was gonna go to go with a flop house movie and then movie is Labor Day, which I feel is like so freighted with the weight of like wanting to be this, you know, like serious doom romance and it's just absurd. Like I still think of the pie making same with Drainin Brisbane. Every time you jack it you think that's good. I'm like, damn it,
Starting point is 01:40:12 I do a pie. You know, Dan, there's a movie about that. Uh yeah, I know it's called Trouble with the Curve. Trouble with the the curve is the definition of mediocre movie Where I remember it's the kind of movie this is my experience watching it was I was on a vacation My wife was very tired She took a nap and I watched it in the hotel room while she slept and I was like yeah This is exactly the movie I should be watching right now is trouble with the curve It's a movie to watch in a hotel room while your partner sleeps. Yeah. Perfect. Perfect stuff. This next one. This is from Kira. Last name shared with a fast food restaurant. Not Burger King. Kira Burger King. Churches. Dear peaches. White castle. I started listening to your podcast several months ago and was working my way sporadically through your
Starting point is 01:41:15 blessedly extensive back catalog when I finally got around to breaking off a relationship. I knew I needed to end. Imagine my surprise win while listening to an older episode. Sorry about the old ones. I believe the one on the boy. It was not that old. I suddenly heard an Elliott say, ladies, don't date a guy named my ex's name. Although the warning came just a little too late
Starting point is 01:41:39 to prevent me from going down a doomed romantic route. It didn't give me a strange amount of comfort to hear my decision to break it off supported retroactively. Any other advice to spare for a single girl her earlier 20s with and when I decided to share my throw myself back to the dating game? Maybe a complete list of guy names I should strike from the list of potential suitors altogether? I'll also accept cliches, folksy appers and older brother type advice. Thanks so much here last name. Guys, I have a ton of advice. Okay, first one avoid Dan McCoy's. Yeah. Number two, get a job at a magazine or a newspaper. Okay, Elliot. Hold on, why the second one? Well, because then you'll start
Starting point is 01:42:28 up like a camaraderie with your coworker. And there'll be some sexual tension, like a will they won't they thing. And then eventually you'll fall in love and get married. It'll be great. Yeah, or like a couple of seasons in. Or you know, like choose another career that people have a vague idea of what it entails, but not enough, but you actually like get ejected anything, like architects. Oh, yeah, like running an art gallery. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Oh, we're making drawing the Caroline the City comics. Mm-hmm. Look, I think it seems like dating that was so different from, it feels from when it was when I was dating.
Starting point is 01:43:05 I stopped dating 15 years ago. I hope so. And I met the woman who became my wife. I still dabble in it. No, that's not a problem. Yes. But there's some things that are eternal varieties. And I guess it's like, you know, be aware of what you want from a relationship, try to find people who want something
Starting point is 01:43:28 similar from that, and try not to confuse somebody, if you're looking for a long-term relationship, try not to confuse somebody who is like cool with the person you actually will be happy with or have a good relationship with. I think that's something that I know a lot of guys make the mistake of I don't know about girls. Stewart has just put on sunglasses to emphasize the point that he's a cool dude in a long-term very healthy relationship so I don't know maybe I'm wrong but a lot of a lot of knowing what to do and dating comes from knowing yourself. Self-knowledge is the source of all things. And so, I don't
Starting point is 01:44:06 know, just don't, don't, don't be someone else, be yourself. Yeah. Dan, do you have advice? Guys, if I had advice, I would be in my situation. I just put this letter in here so I can listen to your advice. Oh, okay. It was a trick. I don't know. Oh, it's a trick, doesn't it? Dan's already on Craigslist applying to Jobs in Un magazine. Yeah. Because you know that we hate giving advice.
Starting point is 01:44:30 That's one thing we never want to do. I guess on the name thing, don't date a chat or a chat. Okay. That's about as far as I can. What if it was jazz musician, Cheb Baker? Oh. He's probably not a good guy, right? What about all those jazz musicians? A problem. I I mean jazz musicians stand out to be good guys. What if it was hanging Chad from the 2000 election? Oh, no, that's terrible. I helped ruin the country for a long time. That's fair. What about what about
Starting point is 01:44:56 what about Chaz Paul Monterrey? That's a Chaz. That's totally good. Okay, so it's he's fair. Yeah, Chaz is great. That's a great thing. Sounds like cheese. Data guy didn't cheese. I would say, I would say, dear listener, don't confuse the person you are hoping someone will be to the person that they are. And you know, you want to go into things with open eyes. And oh, and I have one more thing. I have one more thing. I have one more thing. Don't confuse being in a relationship
Starting point is 01:45:30 with being a worthwhile person. You have worth and you have importance to you and you have meaning without having to reflect that off of another human being. So if you're starting if you ever find yourself making the mistake of saying who am I? I'm not even you know dating someone like don't do that. That's not the way you should think. Certainly don't confuse it with happiness This happiness is something that comes from within and happiness is really only two things a warm gun or a warm puppy Yeah, huh? Sky warm and a fun movie I would say never forget that clear eyes full hearts can't lose. Thanks guys.
Starting point is 01:46:11 So I've got two more letters but the real quick. The first one is from Mike last name with Elbe. Mike and the mad dog. As a recent first time father, I've come to learn that you're supposed to talk and sing to your child often For me as a sleep deprived 30 something this means singing the letter song to my daughter Not any specific letter song per se but the kind of stream of consciousness word soup that rarely ends where it started My question Elliott what is Sammy's favorite letter song was a podcast just your practice for fatherhood? I mean in that I'm dealing with Dan and Stu. Yes very much your practice for fatherhood? I mean, in that I'm dealing with Dan and Stu, yes, very much so.
Starting point is 01:46:47 It's a practice for fatherhood. Just kidding, guys. This is serious answer to that question though. The letter song, Samuel likes the most and always has liked is that's the way it works or that's how it works. He memorized the words to that and for a long time he would go, Daddy, sing, speak in a birthday. Like the part where Dan says, speaking of, Daddy, sing, speak in a birthday. And I like the part where Dan says,
Starting point is 01:47:06 speaking of birthdays and they go, speak in a birthday, what we're talking about. So that's the one he likes the most. The problem with doing those stream of conscious songs is that when they get a little older, they go, sing that song again, the one from yesterday and you're like, I don't remember it.
Starting point is 01:47:22 I don't know what it was. But I don't. You're like, there is no yesterday. We only move forward Sammy. Looking back, looking back as toxic nostalgia. Yeah, exactly. That's what I say. That's the death of creativity. Well, that was a lovely insight into your relationship with your child. It's great. I love it. He's a good kid. Oh, this just in, Elliott loves his child.
Starting point is 01:47:48 News alert, stop the presses. Now start him again, it actually wasn't worth stopping for. Last letter, very quickly, to flop it, make it certain. It is with great sorrow that I must inform you that the flop house house cat, TM, has been declared declared missing presumed dead. Having not been heard since April 19th 2014, episode 150, this authority can only assume that he is perished, most likely doing something radical like hang gliding or skateboarding down a dead man's curb while chopping on a slice of saw. Mr. Stuart Wellington has been named next to him, although no one has actually seen him in the house cat in the same room together.
Starting point is 01:48:25 Our floppiest condolences officer, last name withheld, generic police department, 555, ordinary Avenue, generic city USA12345. That's really sad, but my real question is, Dane, did you say grape at the beginning of that? Did I say grape at the beginning of that? I think you said grape at the beginning of that? Did I say grape at the beginning of that? I think you said grape at the beginning of that. Well, that's what you mean. What word could I possibly, looking at the letter and I'm the nothing there
Starting point is 01:48:53 looks like grape at all. You know what it is with grape sorrow, okay. Yeah, grape sorrow, okay. Wow. That would say good attempt to change the subject to the conversation there, Mr. Wellington. If it doesn't bother you, I'd like to ask you a few questions about the important mysterious missingness of one cat, the cat in question was last seen several years ago
Starting point is 01:49:20 in your company. Where were you that night of April 19th, 2014? If you don't mind my asking. Let's see, I was at a Chuck E. Cheese pizza parlor. Okay, make sense. I was checking out my sense. Working my shift in the mouse costume. All right, okay. And I'm sure we can't we can't find any witnesses to back it up because how would they know it's you you're the mouse costume And let's and let's take in they know the smell of my cake don't sweat that I Exceed into that costume every day. This is information. I don't necessarily need My case you just have to understand that I I just run hot guys. I'm I run hot a bit
Starting point is 01:50:01 So like and you know, I take a lot of hydration you know I take a lot of it I take a lot of water so it all comes out of my body That's how it happens. That's how I know I've heard I think it means that you're hot blooded and as is my job as a police officer. I'd like to check it see Oh dear God you've got a fever of 103 I'm gonna get you to the hospital the thing is, Elliot, or Officer Elliot, or whatever care done to, I need to find out if you do more than dance.
Starting point is 01:50:33 That's what he says in the fucking song. It's wild. Uh, do I that make sense? That makes sense. Just one more question. Did you kill the house cat? You know, guys, I don't really kill the house cat. Let's get real. I'm gonna turn my chair backwards. I just haven't seen him in a while, you know?
Starting point is 01:50:50 Yeah. He's, you went out there. That's the instead of me leveling with you. I mean, he was very much the breakout star of the podcast. He did have a TV show on the CW for a little bit of time. So he's probably just biting his time until he makes it into probably features. Yeah, I mean, I'm sure you could sneak some kind of poochie meme in here somewhere where you insert the house cat in place of poochie, but no, the house cat's very much alive and well. He just hasn't come out in a while.
Starting point is 01:51:17 Okay. Yeah, and I'm just going to say if anyone wants to make a podcast where they essentially stalk the house cat, because they're worried he's in trouble, just don't, okay? The guy's entitled to some privacy. He was the face of American fitness for decades. We don't need you hanging around outside his house insinuating that he's getting a sex change or is being kept a prisoner. He's entitled to some privacy.
Starting point is 01:51:40 He's an elderly fitness magnate. We don't need you stalking him in podcast. There's a certain lack of Journalism ethics or responsibility in that situation, right? Yeah. Good, you know, good Reprimand. So, it's time for our last segment of the podcast, which is recommendations of movies.
Starting point is 01:52:01 You should watch instead of This one. You already forgot what we watched huh? I did. This is League. Okay. I'm gonna make mine really quick because it's already been recommended on the podcast but it just so happens to be the only movie I've seen recently that I really liked. Yeah. So I'm gonna back up. So hard bodies. Yeah. That was on ice and Elliott Screenshot of the Sony movie channel lineup last night and that hard bodies followed by hard bodies to
Starting point is 01:52:32 Followed by hard bodies again followed by hard bodies to again Dan has discovered this TV channel that I think this is like a Daniel Pinkwater lizard music type scenario Where it's just beamed into dance house? This whole channel that just 80s TNA and horror movies and monster movies. It's like, I don't know what's going on. I'm worried that it is part of some demons plot to ensnare dance soul after a certain amount of time. Yeah, but that's not the movie I'm recommending.
Starting point is 01:52:58 I'm recommending, I mean, obviously if you're going to watch a stupid sex comedy from the 80s, you should watch a joysticks from the 80s, you should watch it. You should watch the joysticks, which is Yeah, you should watch it. You don't like playing in the movies film King Biddy. Yeah But anyway, no, I'm recommending Although I mean joysticks is a fine recommendation I like I can see the angel in the devil on Dan's shoulders and the devil's like just go ahead and recommend Joy to do it. No, the old jitter. You had a better movie to recommend.
Starting point is 01:53:27 Just do it. It's a safe space. No, it's not. It's not a safe space at all. I'm recommending bone time lock, which we've talked about in this movie. No, it's not. This podcast before. And I just want to, the one thought I had, which is I texted,
Starting point is 01:53:42 Ali and Stu, is between this and the descent, it seems like movies with chocolate ice and all of them are super tense even before the monsters show up. Yeah, in the movie, Trog, you're like, why is she doing this? Why does it have to be in this movie? She's one of the great three legends. Why is she in this film? I mean, part of the movie Bontan
Starting point is 01:54:06 Hawk is a guy in the old west where they did not have good medical care having to ride out and then walk on a broken leg that is splinted and I found that probably more distressing than any part of the movie that came at the end. Then any part? Well there is a very famous scene in Bontalok that is quite grotesque, but we won't get into that. We won't spoil that. Let's just say it involves a Bontalok. It does.
Starting point is 01:54:34 Yeah, I mean, I think I recommend it in the past or LA recommended it, and I think it's got some really great stuff. Richard Jenkins gives an amazing performance. And there, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:49 It potentially has troubling politics. But the movie takes great pains to try and divorce the monsters from Native Americans. I'm not quite sure it totally works. So that's a troubling element of the film, but otherwise it's quite a fine piece of exploitation filmmaking. I'm going to recommend a big action movie. This is, I'm going to recommend an action movie that I kind of consider to be foundational for action movies in general. I'm sure we've talked about it in the show, but I don't think I've ever recommended it. I'm going to recommend the movie from 1992 called Hardboiled. It's my body. It's hard bodies. My eye said it wrong. John lose hard very different movies. Just like, listening abs with doves. Very awesome. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:47 So, but Chalin Fatt's great and hard bodies. So, Chalin Fatt, who is, I know I'm pronouncing it wrong, but I'm saying it the more fun way for me. He stars in it, he's been in a bunch of John Loose movies. This is like the kind of the for me the perfect like bullet ballet Hong Kong action movie. You got a good cop and a bad cop and you got Johnny and fat playing a cop named Tequila which is awesome. There's a lot of shooting and this movie, similar to Justice League, there's a lot at stake.
Starting point is 01:56:29 There's a scene just like how Justice League, the fate of the world's at stake. Hardboil actually takes that and makes you feel it. By having a scene where in this hospital there's a room full of babies that are going to get set on fire and our hero has to get all those babies out and his pants catch on fire and the baby Peas on peas on the fire and he calls the baby a little piss pot or something and it's awesome. So watch hard boil There's something about the Hong Kong action movies where it's like the most intense action, the most over-the-top emotion, and then the dumbest kind of gags that it's a beautiful stew. Yep, a beautiful stew, starring me. It's like I'm working on a presentation right now for one of our live shows,
Starting point is 01:57:20 and I had to watch a little bit of Rumble in the Bronx. And I hadn't watched that in years. And I was like, I forgot how goofy this movie is. Like, it's so goofy. But that's a Jackie Chan movie. Yeah. It was really great, though. It was a really great way for me to prepare
Starting point is 01:57:34 to move to New York City. You know, better bone up on what this place is like. Jackie, show me the way. I'll recommend my movie Real Quick since it's a promise running long. It better be Rumble me the way. I'll recommend my movie real quick since it's probably running long. It better be rubble the rocks. So my movie is going to be, look guys, we're living at a time when it seems like Washington is in crisis. Politics is really is full of kind of slimy types. And we all yearn back for the better times before then right before now when it was when things were better and people were honest I'm here to tell you it was never that way and I want to recommend a movie that
Starting point is 01:58:11 kind of points that up so this is the movie advise and consent for 1962 it's an auto premonitor movie about the president has nominated Henry Fonda for Secretary of State not the actor Henry Fonda but a character Henry Fonda is playing. And Henry Fonda has a leftist connection in his past was possibly a red at some point. And this is about the Senate, all the different senators in the present everybody, maneuvering to try to either get this appointment forward
Starting point is 01:58:39 or stop it, and in doing so, one senator who has a secret in his past that now, especially looking at it from this vantage point, is something that we look at differently now that they would have then becomes the crux of the whole thing. And just giving the spoiling a little bit about it, it's, I think, might be the first Hollywood movie to have a scene set in a gay bar. Certainly, the first Hollywood movie in the second half of the century to have a scene set in a gay bar. And it's very interesting to watch how this movie shows kind of like, uh, scandal around a character having a gay past. Without the movie necessarily looking down on it in a bad way, we're judging it. But it's a, it's the movie has got a star-stud a bad way we're judging it but it's a
Starting point is 01:59:25 so it's the movie is got a star-studded cast you got Henry Fonda Charles out in it verges merited senate uh... betty white makes her film debut in a small part in it there's a french hot tone is in it gene tyranny is in a peter law for senate walter pigeon all your favorite actors and uh... it's one of these movies that occasionally the characters speech a a little bit too much and get a little too long, but it's like just
Starting point is 01:59:50 feels like you're like, okay this is reassuring to me that Washington was kind of always filled with the worst people playing tricks on each other and and kind of doing things for personal gain rather than what's good for anybody else. I found that I think at the time it was meant to be kind of like a poison letter to Washington about what a corrupt place it is, but looking at it now, it's like this is very comforting to me. It's kind of always been that way, so advise and consent. Yeah, that's a good one.
Starting point is 02:00:17 Three movies. Those are- Or if you count hard bodies. If you count joysticks. Which is less effective than hard bodies. I don sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 02:00:29 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 02:00:37 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm now, I've been... Wait, hold on. Hey Dan, where do we go?
Starting point is 02:00:46 Where do you learn today? Jesus, Elliot, why did you do this to me? This is the only way you can pay the bookman. I learned that Elliot and I have different feelings on the flash, and that's alright. We're different feelings on the flash. And that's all right, we're different people. Okay, what did you learn today, Elliot? I think what I learned was that there's a lot more going on in the TV show Riverdale and the moms there is
Starting point is 02:01:18 that I've ever realized. It's short, what did you learn? And I learned that Elliot hasn't been paying attention to my fan fiction before now. Uh, I told you I read it though. Alright, well now for the flop house. I've been Damico. I've been Stuart Wellington.
Starting point is 02:01:35 And I am Elliott Caelin, saying to you out there, thanks for listening. Yeah, night. Bye. Yeah, that's true. Next weekend. Oh, DC. Are we gonna kiss? You know it. I'm gonna be in a foreign city all by myself. Who knows what could happen. Perhaps time to make this sexual tension into just sexual.
Starting point is 02:02:02 Yep. One night in DC makes the tough man sexy. Okay. The implication there's that tough man or not sexy, which I know, I'm very funny. It's something that Terry Cruz wrote an entire book about. The his book, Cruise Control. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:02:21 Didn't not sell well. People mistook it for speed too, so. Yeah, I know. Nobody wants that. That's why people don't buy shoes from shoes for crews because they think they're only for Terry crews. It's like, that shoes fit me. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:02:38 I don't want to take the limited resource of shoes that are actually in the real Terry crews. Comedy and culture. Artists don't. Listener supported. source of shoes that are absolutely for Terry Grease.

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