The Flop House - Ep. #266 - Slamma Jamma

Episode Date: September 15, 2018

For our first Smalltember episode of 2018, we discuss Slamma Jamma, the film about slam dunking your way to Jesus. Meanwhile, Elliott gives us some hat-wearing etiquette, Dan is upset that the charac...ters aren't criminal masterminds, and Stuart sets everything right by making it clear he's just kidding. Wikipedia page for Slamma Jamma Movies recommended in this episode Body Bags The Tale Operation Finale

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On this episode we discuss, Slamma Jamma! The movie that asks the question, is it possible to fake the funk on a nasty dunk, and if so, would you? Hey everyone, welcome to the flop house, I'm Dan McCoy. Oh, hey there, it's me Stuart Wellington. And in California, it's father of two Elliot Kalen. How are you guys doing two shades of blue? It's been a while since we uh Been a while since we all recorded together because of Elliot's second baby and my move and your second apartment my second apartment Yeah, now Dan paint it. Why did we why did you have to move Dan to do you paint the word picture old apartment that made them kick you out? Well, the not funny answer is they raised my rent by $1,000 a month. Oh, I mean it was kind of funny to see you get
Starting point is 00:01:16 That email right before we went on a cruise I went on Alaska cruise and I got the most stressful thing that could possibly get come through my email right beforehand. But at least you got to go up to see the glaciers that will never go away. That would never stress you out, right? Just looking at it and thinking about how the world is dying. Yeah. And if anything, that would make your pitiful little apartment problem really sit in perspective,
Starting point is 00:01:41 right? Yeah. I mean, in the global scale, I am but an ad, which makes me feel much better. Mm-hmm. Oh, even on the national scale, level on the global scale. Anyway, so that's not true. You're a citizen. And you're the rights inherent thereof.
Starting point is 00:01:54 So Dan, we're sitting in your new apartment. Can you describe it for the listeners? That's one of the things, because we're an apartment review podcast, right? Well, it's filled with trap doors all over the place. Okay, cool. So, wait, do you shoot Alph in your apartment? Is that what you're saying? Yeah, why didn't you shoot Alph here, Dan?
Starting point is 00:02:16 Well, is it because what he said? You put all those trap doors in so that the Alph puppeteer can be on the same level as the people with the puppet? Yeah, that's right. I'm working on my alphry boot. And this one, the humans are the aliens. Okay, interesting. That's the thing that I always think about now, which I wish I had known when I was a kid about alph, which is that the set floor was full of trap doors for the puppeteer to stand through. So it was like everyone had to deliver their lines while also making sure they didn't trip
Starting point is 00:02:49 into a trap door and kill themselves. So, Alph is really a much more exciting show if you think of it that way. Yeah. I don't know. What do you wanna know about the apartment? I think the stores trying to lead me into the fact that there's a second bedroom
Starting point is 00:03:01 in the apartment and that. Yeah, so we're recording this episode and we are crammed into a tiny little corner in the living room. Yes, I guess we can tell everybody Dan has multiple rooms and is a perfect. I'm living high on the hog. And there is an entirely unused bedroom that we could easily be recording in that probably has even less
Starting point is 00:03:26 ambient noise because it's not as close to the street. Yeah, that's true. I mean, other people have actually pointed this out to me too. Yeah, the fact that like, and because we're on the ground floor, if anyone was playing on breaking in and kidnapping Dan, any BF2 or Archie, or Archie, that would be catnapping. If they look in through the bed. I mean, wait, wait, but it wouldn't be kidnapping Dan. Dan's not a kid.
Starting point is 00:03:48 I guess he's young at heart. I'm young mentally. I mean, if you're, if you're looking at his like book collection, you would assume that he's a kid. That's true. You'd be like, no adult would have this many duck comics. I, I'm currently using my second bedroom as a library mostly because there's no other place for my book collection to go.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Is that until they deliver the sex wing? Yes. That's much more convenient because I have on the rare occasions that I have a lady over to the house. I do worry that she'll look at all the duck comics go. No. And just turn around and put pretty code back on and go home. Uh, and, and for many other reasons, not listed under dot comics, she'd be making the right choice.
Starting point is 00:04:38 Uh, little harsh thing to say. Yeah, just kidding. Just kidding. Uh, just just kidding. Just kidding. Just kidding. It's cool. Oh, okay. It's cool because he's just getting guys It's like he said JK so you can sit Dan. You're a you're a sad sack and you're a poor excuse for a human JK JK JK. It's okay Yeah But what I'm trying what I was what I was leading to is the fact that anybody anybody off the street could walk by Dan's apartment to is the fact that anybody, anybody off the street could walk by Dan's apartment, look in through the windows and see a couple of idiots sitting here being Alex incorporated or whatever we are.
Starting point is 00:05:11 Is that reference even valid anymore to that show get canceled? Yeah, I think I got pre-canceled. I mean, no, it aired a few episodes. I'm looking at Hollywood Kaelin over there and he's shocked. He is dumbfounded. He's like, what's Zach Breff going to do with himself? I was, I didn't want to, I look, I live in Hollywood now so I cannot badmouth Zach Breff.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Let's just, He's the most powerful man in the city. He's so powerful that, I mean, even he could almost get that show on the air. So. Yeah. Should we move on to the movie? Yeah, what do we do on this podcast?
Starting point is 00:05:45 Oh, this is a podcast. So this is so it's called the flop house because review houses, we just reviewed Dan's apartment. And now it's on to reviewing the White House. It has what a hundred rooms. It's all blinding white looks pretty fancy. Dan, what do you think? That was surprisingly vague coming from you, Elliot. Like I was expecting genuine White House facts, actually.
Starting point is 00:06:07 Well, the White House was built at some point in the past. And many famous people have lived there and also some died there, some did not. Okay. Food is served there, so there is a full kitchen, I believe there's at least three bathrooms. And it's good for entertaining. There's a large lawn.
Starting point is 00:06:25 You know, so don't they also brew beer there? I don't know if they might brew it off site, but I know that at least Obama had a couple had a couple like beers that were brewed for him. So anyway, the White House, it's available for rent now. I think it's $4,500 a month, which is a good price for a place that size in that location. And how many rooms did you say were in that house?
Starting point is 00:06:48 At least three bedrooms, at least two bathrooms. So at least one of those rooms would have a tiny little corner for us to podcast for them. Yeah. All right. So Dan, what do we do for real on this podcast? Let's cut the shenanigans. This is a podcast where we watch a bad movie and then we talk about it. And right now it's the month of September, which means that it's it's a
Starting point is 00:07:11 September. It's a basket. It's basket buddies where we review, uh, we review movies and how they match up to, we try and sync them up to the movie basket case. Yeah, yeah. No, it's, it's September madness. That's when we review March madness, similar basketball movies. And I think that's what we do for now on, Dan, is September is now basketball month, September madness. Who's with me? I don't know, because small members actually probably might favorite month after cage mess or maybe before cage mess. What shocked over is not your favorite month? You know, it's weird, but watching a
Starting point is 00:07:45 bad horror movie doesn't make me as happy as it used to. Elliot. Oh, you're growing up, Stewart. No, no. Now you just like watching bad indie films. Yep. Now the beauty of a small timber is the small timber. Usually we have to
Starting point is 00:08:01 confine ourselves to whatever direct the studios are pushing out. And now we get to confine ourselves to whatever direct the studios are pushing out. And now we get to watch much more personal direct that is put out by the vision of a few small passionate people. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it often we don't know that the people are small. Although this movie does have a pretty short guy in it.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, so small members, I guess you'd call it. It's our what artisanal farm to table kind of bespoke at sea month. Yeah, it's like what mirror max in the 90s. Uh, except for some of the stuff that was going on at mirror max in the 90s, too. I think, uh, not the best parallel comparison, right, Dan? Uh, yeah, I mean, I don't think he was bringing that up, but he sure. Yeah, Dan, I was talking about the film content. I wasn't talking about the behind the scenes stuff.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Okay, I hope not. Anyway, so here's, I don't even want to make that joke. So do we say what we do in this podcast? We just want it into small members. Yeah, no, we said that we watched that movie and then we talked about it. Okay, so Dan, you already mentioned previously on the flop house. Uh-huh. What movie we watched.
Starting point is 00:09:09 So tell us again, what's the title? Because I love hearing you say it. It's called Slamma Jama. Now this is not the slam and salmon, right? That's a different movie. No, that is a broken lizard joint. Okay. Who broke that lizard?
Starting point is 00:09:22 What happened to him? A life broke. Oh, that's so sad. Yeah. That's too bad. So let's let's talk about this movie. Huh? This is as Wikipedia describes it a faith-based theme sports drama film. That's what they have. That's actually pretty succinct. Yeah, with a criminal justice reform subplot. Let's just just talk about it this is a movie that stars a professional basketball players a former Harlem Globetrotter in the part are you telling me that he is not
Starting point is 00:09:52 a highly trained broadway actor uh... he is not at that he is as the movie makes clear a very talented basketball player who is not a particularly talented actor sorry to say and it features a cameo uh on in the film by an athlete who is particularly like a not appropriate to the subject matter of the movie. It's the basketball movie that will have you asking, why is there a cameo from a baseball player in this basketball movie? And why is he judging a dunk competition?
Starting point is 00:10:25 And I will say right off the bat. Yeah, he doesn't have the credentials to be dunk judging. Yeah, probably the most interesting thing about this movie is that it was shot by the same cinematographer who shot Who Framed Roger Rabbit and Big Trouble in Little China and a number of other movies.
Starting point is 00:10:40 What? Back to the future, parts two and three. That explains why they shot a lot of it in Tune Town. But that jokes funny, I'm just going to explain to everybody, that jokes funny because it would be ridiculous to have a movie that features both basketball and cartoon characters. That would be crazy. Who would dream of such a thing? That kind of a jam.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Anyway, Dan, what kind of jam do you think that would be? Apercott. Okay, I was looking for space, but that's okay. Okay. Let's get into it. Right off the bat, we get some amazingly bad green screen action. As we see a college basketball star Michael, he plays for USC, he is dominating a game full of dunks. He's a master dunker, he's named Michael Diggs,
Starting point is 00:11:32 and the sports casters cannot get enough of him. And it is- And this is shot in all black and white, right? It's like a sepia tone. It's sepia tone for something that takes place six years ago. So it's like, oh, we gotta make it clear that this is the past of 2012. When everything was see me. And Michael digs.
Starting point is 00:11:51 You also know it takes place in the past because Michael digs has the most beautiful head of curly hair, the most realistic looking head of curly hair I've ever seen. I feel like we all own apology to the movie Samson when we criticize their wigs when we didn't realize that this movie would basically take the wind sock off of a boom mic. They let full a helium stick it on the actor's head and you're like there that's your wig for the day. It's like it is the craziest way to de age somebody is to put the fakest possible wig on them.
Starting point is 00:12:23 It's anyway Dan Dan, how would you describe this wig? Uh, it's, you know, it's a bunch of brillopads strung together, maybe around the head. It's a very fake looking wig, but Michael, he, he, he just loves wearing this wig, his hair in this fake wig fashion. He's dominating a game, but then cut to the present. A series of very fast news reports, like it's like somebody else is flipping through the channels and you're like, hey, hey, hold on, hold on. Can I see what's going on in any of these shows?
Starting point is 00:12:54 Quick news reports say that he is on trial for armed robbery. He's convicted of armed robbery and he's been sentenced to six years in prison for armed robbery. What happened to Michael Diggs? He was a dunk master. How did he become a crime master? Well, slam a jamma has the answers if you'll be patient enough to wait for them. You'll find out how the jamma goes to the slamma. Oh, that's why it's
Starting point is 00:13:18 slamma. I mean, it's not really. It's a slam dunk. But anyway, I'm surprised it wasn't like from the slam dunks to the slammer as the tagline. But as far as I know, this movie had no tagline because why would you need it? It sells itself. This movie had a tagline. The tagline was like, this is also in theaters. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:42 So, so the tagline was featuring Jose Conseco in a bizarre cameo appearance. But, so it's six years later, as the screen hopefully tells us six years later, and Michael is leaving prison. And at this point, the movie had already given me whiplash, and I think we were five minutes into it. Yeah. Michael didn't tell anyone in his family he was getting out that day. He hasn't thought about his future.
Starting point is 00:14:03 The warden offers him a drive home, but he turns it down. Yeah, I love that it's the Warden that's leading the map. The Warden is the most personally involved Warden. You've ever seen a present film who's not just involved because he's torturing a character. Yeah. Like when his girlfriend comes to visit him later on,
Starting point is 00:14:22 it's the Warden who personally goes out and says, I'm sorry, he doesn't want to see you. And you're like, yeah. Don't you have like paperwork to do or something? Like, I think this is one of those privately. It's like someone's calling for the governor. Someone's calling from the governor's office right now to pardon someone and they're like, well, we can't get through.
Starting point is 00:14:38 Yeah, the wardens busy talking to this one in Mates, fiance. Yeah, I mean, I all my knowledge about the prison system is based on the movie, Rickio Story of Ricky. So I'm assuming the warden should be spending all his time becoming the very best sitcom food. Probably, yeah. I do like the idea, Dan, that if Michael had taken him up on that drive and they're like,
Starting point is 00:14:58 we're about to execute this prisoner. We have five minutes, but the governor wants to pardon him. That calls get to get through. And if they're calling the warden cell phone, and he looks at the phone and he's like, I'm driving. If it's important, they'll leave a message. So, Michael, what are you gonna do with yourself?
Starting point is 00:15:11 I don't know, I haven't figured it out. Also, usually part of your release from prison is them helping you plan something so that you can, like, or at least you telling them you have some kind of plan in a place to stay so that you don't fall back into a life of crime, but this is a pretty laid back prison. They don't have to worry about that stuff. This is like the cool warden who turns the chair around before he sits down to talk to you. Do you think that warden walks everybody to the gate
Starting point is 00:15:35 because he's like every time he's hoping that that person's just going to go on like a revenge mission? Oh, I assumed he thought the warden is like, maybe this is the prisoner who decides he likes it more in here than outside and comes and that he likes me for me. And he's going to every time he leads a prisoner out, he's hoping it's a, if you love something, set it free type of scenario and he's hoping they come back. That's a really fun way to put, put, put, but Ruse said of his in the perspective. Just means they love the ward. Yeah. Uh, so Michael takes a bus home. He discovers that the bus fare has gone up quite a bit.
Starting point is 00:16:08 I think it costs $3.75, dried the bus, which is crazy. And the driver is like, hey, aren't you Michael Diggs? And he's like, yeah, yeah, yeah. He walks by a local laundromat and sees his mom, but doesn't say hi. But then he goes straight home where his mom is cleaning the sink because his mom apparently can teleport.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Yeah, the best part is when he walks up to that laundromat, he walks up and waves and she doesn't see him and he looks sad and I'm like, she just didn't see you. She's not ignoring you. Like, I think your back was too home. Yes, it was. She waved to her back and he's like, huh, I guess mom has rejected me.
Starting point is 00:16:39 It's like, did you forget how humans work? Well, you're in prison, I don't understand. But he goes to home and he says he's a changed man. And she says his brother, his younger brother, Tay, is not doing well. What she says twice, very meaningfully. Tay is the only character that we know by name for a while, right? Yeah. Well, we know Michael's name.
Starting point is 00:16:59 Well, like I still have no idea what the name of his two goofy friends are, because I don't feel like this is the best. Oh, I don't either. He has these two friends we meet later. One of them is dumb dumb and one is not and I do not know what their names are Yeah, but we it's the names don't come easy in this movie, but like a I'm looking at the cast list right now on Wikipedia and I thought his his fiance his name was Lisa, right? I don't remember. But that name is not listed in the cast as a character.
Starting point is 00:17:27 So maybe I misunderstood it. Anyway, she says, your brother's not doing well. What does that mean? Is he sick? No, it turns out he's falling into a life of crime. But Michael first he has to go, he goes looking for his brother and he gets a job. He gets hired at what is called a grocery store, but seems to be a hardware store. It's a computer store.
Starting point is 00:17:47 It's a hardware store with a walk in. Well, it's like the claw hammer is cold. Yeah. And it's like, he lives in Los Angeles, right? So the idea, maybe I thought maybe this is like a frontier, dry goods general store that just has everything. Yeah. Like, I need a shovel and a life jacket
Starting point is 00:18:05 and also a box of cereal. Well, this is the one store in town, so we have all those things. But no, it's just one of those. And the manager of the store is so busy. He's like, there's a mess in the aisle. You know what, I don't have time to look over your paper. You're hired, even though he doesn't have experience,
Starting point is 00:18:21 he says. So how much do you have much experience? Experience what? At a grocery store? Come on man, forget about it. Anyway. That was, we just got a glimpse of L.A. its interview when he interviewed at a Wegman's.
Starting point is 00:18:35 I interviewed at a pigly wiggly and they're like, do you have much experience? I was like, doing what? Come on. Anyway, I didn't get the job. I could read you the entirety of A and P, but from memory, but. Is that a real thing? Tay walks in.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Well, Michael is working. And Michael's like, hey, Tay, it's me, your brother. I just got out of jail. I work at the grocery hardware store now. And Tay is like, yeah, cool, whatever, and walks out. Not a great brother. I mean, he was probably just super dejected that his brother cut off that super cool hair.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Maybe he saw, let's forget. And he's like, I share the same jeans as him. Not literally, I'm not talking about his blue jeans. I'm talking about his genetic code. I mean, he probably has hand me down blue jeans from his older brother. And that's how it happens to younger brothers. But that's unrelated to why I'd be concerned.
Starting point is 00:19:27 He's concerned that when he sees his brother, he's like, is my hair all going to fall out and not be the super cool curly hair? How? But Tay has pretty short hair. I don't know if I remember which character's Tay now. Okay. So Tay, maybe Tay is like,
Starting point is 00:19:45 prison's changed you. You don't have the same hair anymore, forget it. Anyway, Michael, okay, here's where the plot kicks in, kind of. Michael, while he's wandering around in his sad stupor, he joins a pickup basketball game, and he's a little rusty, but then he goes a big dunk. Boom, he's back, everyone's like,
Starting point is 00:20:03 whoa, you can really dunk, and this is where he picks up his two friends Let's just call them white guy can jump because he's a white guy who can't play basketball player and Dumb guy because the other friend is kind of stupid but very well-meaning like he's like he's kind of a puppy dog of a man And then he's like they're like who are you man? And this guy named Terrell walks out and says that's Michael Diggs He could have been a professional, but then he went to jail and it turns out Terrell is a sports agent who has a shady past with Michael. Now Terrell is played by a real life athlete.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Is he a famous basketball player? No, famous football player because there's only room for one real basketball player in the movie, I guess. Stuart, you were going to say. The, was this the basketball match where there's a full crowd watching, but only two people were making any noise and they were narrating the whole match to each other. I believe so. I believe that's exact.
Starting point is 00:20:53 I think that's what it is or I don't think that's later when we have the basketball game where everyone can join is instantly an amazing basketball player. So Michael's depressed. We know this because he's lying in bed tossing a basketball into the air. We know he's depressed the way he handles a basketball. Later on when he was really depressed, he's sitting on bleachers and he just drops a basketball and it rolls away.
Starting point is 00:21:14 I assume, and there's a close up of the basketball rolling, I assume in a nod to the shot in M, when Fritz Lang represents the death of a little girl by showing the ball that she dropped roll to a stop in the grass. And we know that the child killer played by Peter Laurie has ended her life. I assume that was an homage on the part of director Timothy J. But maybe I'm wrong. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:36 So Michael, he's like, you know what would cheer me up right now? I'll go visit my ex girlfriend, Lisa. Uh oh, turns out she's dating his former best friend and teammate Craig, who I thought was named TJ for a while. Because I miss because, but I guess they said CJ probably because his name is Craig Jackson. He looks exactly like TJ Miller. That's why. Yeah. Yeah. He looks just like TJ Miller and he shops at TJ Maxx. So I thought it was the same guy. He's a, he, CJ is now a major professional basketball player. He played, you know, he makes a, he, CJ is now a major professional basketball player.
Starting point is 00:22:05 He played, you know, he makes millions of dollars. I think they say he plays for the clippers. And he gets pissed off that Lisa is barely friendly to Michael. So there's a moment when Michael shows up at Lisa's house and Lisa's mom comes to the door. And I was like a hundred percent sure that that was going to be Lisa. And I'm like, oh, awesome. Like, yeah, she's, you know, she has an age great, but that's okay. But now we're introduced to Lisa, who is much more traditional, romantic lead material, as in that she is young and beautiful.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Yeah. Yeah. I thought for a second, this movie going to you know strike a blow for I don't know like Agesome or something in movies No, this movie is not just in striking a blow for anyone except God will get to that so and Craig is driving Lisa to a club or something and he's like why are you so nice to Michael and he's so mad The almost hit somebody with his fancy car This guy is bad news. It's like, it's hard to believe they were even friends at any point.
Starting point is 00:23:09 And it's also one of those things where you're like, why is Lisa with this guy? He's so different from her ex fiance, Michael. And it's like, did she just move on to the next guy who is closest to be around? Like, a lot of times in these movies movies you'll see a woman leaves a guy and then start stating a guy who is the complete opposite. And maybe that's the reason that it's a maybe it's your reaction. Yeah, it's a fucking counter-monic crystal all over again.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Yeah, yep. Yep, inventor of the sandwich that bears his name. The other thing that was confusing to me about this relationship was that the Craig, is that his name? Sure. Yeah. His, he later on, he's like, I'm worth $24 million or something like that because he's an NBA star.
Starting point is 00:23:51 And, uh, Lisa is apparently still living at her old address, like, in what the, you know, like the movie, like these are like inner city areas. Oh, why? Because everyone's black, Dan, I don't think that's necessarily the case. Because they're poor. The main family in it is expressly poor that are living on the edge of poverty. Yeah, but we don't know that Lisa is.
Starting point is 00:24:15 I'm just saying that like she, all right, that's true. But it seems like. No, but it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's confusing. Aside from Craig's car, nobody seems to be regularly interacting with someone who is making millions of dollars. Yeah. It's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it it's it's it's it's it's it address, and I think you're probably right. Michael's back at work, he sees this old lawyer who is sad because she failed him so badly. This is the character.
Starting point is 00:24:50 This is the like the third or fourth character that's introduced where I'm like, this person is a producer of the movie, right? Like this is some kind of a certain one. This is some kind of like perk for giving money to the movie. This is a character who only exists in relationship to Michael. Like she's given no interest or life of her own.
Starting point is 00:25:10 She just like shows up periodically through the film to be like, again, I'm so sorry I wasn't able to save you Michael. Like there's like three or four scenes where she shows up. She's just like kind of hanging around being like, I'm so sorry Michael. Yeah, you were you were hoping that this lawyer character would be given like a full fledged life that you would leave the movie,
Starting point is 00:25:29 that you would leave the movie wondering like, I'm assuming that character is just gonna go home and have a nice meal with her four cats that she's mentioned and give her her aging father a call because she's mentioned him. That's what you're hoping for. No, I don't want that. I think it's funny that she only shows up
Starting point is 00:25:48 to express regret, and she does it three times in the movie. Yeah, and she has the same conversation with Michael that a few people have where she goes, Michael, when did you get out? And he goes, a few days ago, verbatim, same conversation every time. But yeah, and then she says, I'm so sorry. And when you find out how weak the case against him is,
Starting point is 00:26:08 you are like, oh, you're not a very good lawyer. I wonder, maybe she just doesn't have any clients anymore because she failed that case. Anyway, I want to say we're right around the time when my favorite scene in the movie happens. Is this the multi-bred scene? Yeah, that's where when Michael, having not gotten this paycheck yet,
Starting point is 00:26:23 because they get paid every two weeks for his lunch break, he gets a bag of moldy bread that they were going to throw out. Which they refer to as 30-day-old bread, which is also like, whoa, you leave the bread on the shelf for 30 days? And he pulls a piece out and like, it's covered with mold on all sides. Like, he got down into the slices, like every single one. Yeah, I don't know what grocery stores, kind of grocery stores are running where they're like, leave it up there for another day. It'll keep, it's fine.
Starting point is 00:26:54 It's called, it's called, well, I was trying to think of a pun off of whole foods, and I couldn't, but I think it's just mold foods. I think that the, Mold foods, damn, you got it. It's not so, it was right in front of me. But, yeah, it's just mold foods. I think that the mold foods, damn, you got it. It's not so it was right in front of me. But it's called mold foods and people
Starting point is 00:27:09 go there for the most. There is more fungus on this bread than a Jeff Vandermeer novel. Oh, oh, so he, so it's a senior or Michael is eating this moldy bread and crying behind the dumpster.
Starting point is 00:27:26 And as he squats behind the dumpster at work and it's like, it's so sad that it's hilarious. Like it's so over the top sad that it's hilarious. It's also confusing to me because like there's a scene not that long before where his mom leaves him a meal of spaghetti dinner. It's a spaghetti dinner. So like he's living with his mom. It's meal of spaghetti dinner. A spaghetti dinner. So like he's living with his mom. It's, you know, like he's got some food. He doesn't have to eat holy molded bread.
Starting point is 00:27:52 No, holy molding. Holy moly. This bread is moly. Yeah. That's grandpa used to say. Right before he chowed down on that moldy bread. Well, it was the depression. Yeah, back then on the delicacy.
Starting point is 00:28:06 He should have, he just should have fucking rufioed that shit and imagine he was eating mom's to get. He said he'd put me bread. I don't know if that works outside of never, never land. Okay, well, I mean, he could always try, like, I don't know. I love the idea that if you're ever like in a restaurant and you find, I don't know, like a hair in your food, you're like, well, the joke's on them,
Starting point is 00:28:26 I'm gonna ruffio this shit. I'm gonna pretend this hair is the most delicious garlic bread ever made. Just shout it down. And I fear we're being insensitive. I wanna make it clear, we're not making fun of people who can't afford food. The movie is just like so over the top
Starting point is 00:28:41 and like bathos at this point. When he is- The movie has jumped so quickly to him eating moldy bread And he is not it the bread is so like everything about is over the top his performance the bread is over the top Moldy like there. I'm sure they're there. I mean I know people who have taken food out of the garbage to eat it because they've had to like it's a terrible thing to have to do Unless you're a friggin and you somehow think that you're saving humanity by not buying fresh food, but I don't know, that's not a thing. But that is helping too many people, it helps you, I guess,
Starting point is 00:29:12 because it saves money on food, but I don't know, Dan, am I going over the line by going after Fregan's? I have no idea anymore. I love the work of director William Fregan. Is that what the Fregan connection? Is that what Quark is in deep space? No, that's that's a forangi Stewart. That's oh no, he is a Frank.
Starting point is 00:29:31 He is a friggin too because you know what? He goes over to he goes over to the bar that will be goberg runs next generation. He just takes the food that they throw out because it's not fresh anymore. So he's a friggin forangi. That's true. Okay. Well, I guess I'll get partial credit on that Star Trek joke. I'm just Star Trek test.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Anyway, no, you're right, Dan. We should make clear we're not making fun of poverty here. We are making fun of this movie as ridiculous depiction of it. And then while he's eating that moldy bread, he flashes back to him losing a dunk contest. And you know he's young because he's wearing that crazy wig.
Starting point is 00:30:05 He's just trying to hard to invent new dunks. Everyone's like, you gotta stick to what you know. Stop trying to innovate the world of dunks. Just be safe. Wait, that happened. We're boring. Yeah. Did I get a beer during that?
Starting point is 00:30:17 I have beer during that too. I think Dan and I were upgating beers. You have some very quick flashback. Anyway, Michael, he wants to go take a talk. He wants to save Tay from a life of crime. So he goes to talk to Tay's gang leader boss, a character whose name, you guessed it, I did not catch during the length of the film. And the gang boss is like, no, it's cool.
Starting point is 00:30:36 We don't sell drugs anymore. Now we push guns. The market's always there. And Michael tells Tay, don't join this gang, but Tay is like, mom needs money. She has expensive hospital bills. This is the first time we've learned of that. Although we have seen mom cough a couple times, I think, which is movie shorthand for deathly ill.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Yeah, it's like any time a woman vomits in a movie or like she's pregnant. Yeah, and anytime that a man does anything in a movie, someone in the audience is gonna be like, awesome. Yeah. And anytime that a man does anything in a movie, someone in the audience is gonna be like awesome, no matter how stupid it is. Okay. Wow, Elliot taking holding movies to task. Well, really movie viewers, that one guy.
Starting point is 00:31:17 But anyway, so Dan, guess what? It's time for maybe my favorite scene in the movie other than the multi red scene. Because Michael's gonna play a basketball game and this is the basketball game where they're gonna break down some of our assumptions about who can and who can't dunk basketball. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:35 Because Michael's playing this basketball game and then a woman says she wants to play and the other guys are like no way, no way. And Michael's like no one likes dumbly. Yeah, the one dumb guy is like no way. The guy. The guy with the little dumb guy is like, no way. The guy with the little beard and the big hair. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:49 What's his name? What's his name, Ellen? You wrote it, Janet. I don't remember. I mean, we can call him Gus, maybe. Does Gus work as the name? Or like, Hiram, can we call him that? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:32:00 So she's got all kinds of trick moves, including one where she rolls the basketball over her neck in a way that I don't see how it helps her necessarily, but it's pretty cool. Yeah, and I mean, all of her things were trick moves. I kept waiting for her to be like doing a trick move and a guy just come up and be like, you going and take the ball away from her.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Because that does not happen. I'll say you just have to. I'll say you just have to. Dan's not a thing of show boating in sports. I, you know, the fundamentals. That's what I care about. Yeah, solid fundamentals. That's what you say every time. You're also one of those guys where when a team wins a football game,
Starting point is 00:32:30 you're like, they just wanted it more. That sounds exactly like me. That's what it comes down to. There is this, it does have my favorite. I can't even myself. Yeah. This, this movie does that. This scene has my favorite moment in the movie where she bonks the dumb guy in the face of the basketball and there's a cartoon sound effects.
Starting point is 00:32:50 That's like blowing and it's crazy that they found an actor whose head makes that noise when a basketball is not soft. I mean, I just it makes me wonder if he has to deal with that all the time when he gets monged on the nose by things accidentally. If people laugh at him and he's like, no, I'm in real pain right now. Please stop making that laugh. Is that laughing at that noise that my body makes? And then the dumb guy, they keep tricking him to asking her out and she keeps saying no. And he just cannot get it through his thick head that she doesn't want to go out. Yeah, he has to. Yeah, like Jola Truglio's character and the first season of Brooklyn 99, and at that point, you're like, okay, they made their point.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Anyone can play basketball and Michael is very welcoming to people. Oh, oh, no. The scene's not over yet. Dan, what, who enters the stage now? A, a little person enters the stage. Uh-huh. A little person and the, and the dumb guy, uh, Gus Hyram having, having recognized his error earlier is like, Hey, nobody make fun of this little guy. Hey, nobody, hey, little guy, Gus Hiram, having recognized his error earlier,
Starting point is 00:33:45 is like, hey, nobody made fun of this little guy. Hey, nobody, hey, little guy, you want to be on my team? Uh-oh, condescension is just as bad as rejection. Because this guy plays rings around him to the point where it looks like they're not even trying that hard to guard him in a case of what I suspect is them not trying that hard for the sake of the scene. And this little person, he's just a great, and you know what, he's just a
Starting point is 00:34:09 great basketball player. They all are. It is like he, the dumb guy is a Darth Taranis. And the little person is Yoda Jedi master, just flipping all over the place, doing all kinds of moves. And this, these scenes go on for so long that you're you're like, surely this movie is introducing new characters that are important to the plot. Nope. The woman disappears until the training montage at the end. The little person is not seen high nor harrow for the rest of the film. He's not the guy later who is told he's too short.
Starting point is 00:34:43 No, they're young. Right. That's a different guy. There's another guy who's like five foot, who, uh, five five, I think. Yeah. But that's not the same. Is that the part? That's the guy who the agent is making fun of.
Starting point is 00:34:55 Yes. Yes, yeah. There's a, there's a scene. And that was one of those moments where I was like, oh, that's how tall I am. But he looks really short, because everyone in this movie is really tall, because they're basketball players. At the end, let me just, this is spoiler alert. There's a big dunking competition at the end.
Starting point is 00:35:08 And their announcer says, this guy is five-nine. He's the shortest guy in the competition. I was like, oh, he's almost half a foot taller than me. Like, that's crazy. But he's taller than my dad, the shortest guy in the competition. But anyway, here's the thing, here's one I realized about this movie. This movie is to basketball What like a lot of martial arts movies are to martial arts? It's like oh, I'm not watching this for the plot I'm watching this to see these guys pull off their insane moves and show their different fighting styles
Starting point is 00:35:36 This movie basically exists so you can watch different types of basketball being played like The plot is just there to get us from dunk to dunk. It's not a like a stirring tale of redemption and like not being defined by the traumas that you've experienced. I mean, yeah, it's that too. Sure, it's that, but mainly in service of nasty dunks. So this is when the movie takes a turn for the soulful. Literally, and that a man named Pastor Soul is introduced.
Starting point is 00:36:08 Michael goes to an abandoned church where Pastor Soul, I guess this sounds like a villain in like a wild west role playing game. That's right. At Pastor Soul is just perching in this abandoned church like the crow. Like he just kind of haunts it. Monlang has many hats.
Starting point is 00:36:23 And he's a man of many hats. A man of one god but many hats. I love a man of many hats, a man of one God, but many hats. I love these. I love these got one of those Panama hats that has the mesh body so you can see his head through it. And especially you can see the halo above his head. Pastor Soul says, Michael, you can be a role model and he says, you can have redemption. Help me fix up this church.
Starting point is 00:36:45 You guessed it, he's gonna get his basketball friends to help him clean up the church, which entails moving one pew. And then they distract him by asking him to tell him the story, tell them the story of how he ended up in jail. It turns out he had everything. He was a dunk star. He was headed for the majors.
Starting point is 00:37:02 And head is the important word here because he had a lovely head of hair. Yeah, because he had a very realistic head of styrofoam hair. But then he's trick this guy goes, hey, a friend of mine's a big fan of yours. If I pay you a thousand dollars will you meet him and he said sounds legit sounds on the up and up. You got it, buddy. Stranger that I met on the street. He takes the thousand dollars and this stranger whose name is red, I think. Yeah, this is one of the few guys. I got it, buddy. Stranger that I met on the street. He takes the thousand dollars and this stranger, whose name is red, I think. Is it one of the few guys I think gets a name. He takes him to a gun store that has all of the production values of every interior set from Seinfeld. A show that I've been watching a lot lately and noticing how incredibly cheap and fake
Starting point is 00:37:42 almost every set in it looks. So it has the fakeness of that and he goes, Hey, oh wow, the guy runs source like, oh, your Michael Diggs, it's really great to meet you and red is like, yeah, it is, isn't it? Pulls out of gun. Okay, give us all your money. And Michael Diggs is like, don't do this, man, don't do this. And then unprompted by anything, he shoots and kills the owner. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:38:01 He, now he's in a complex. It's, but it's a perfect crime because there's no witnesses, right? There's no witnesses. And except for there's an elderly lady that they push past when they run out of the store, which is like, what time are they doing this crime? Crime time. And I guess that woman is in a stopper. My mom will shoot sort of situation. And I guess that woman is in a stopper. My mom will shoot sort of situation by the way. Yeah, let's follow her. She's an elderly lady who's just in the market,
Starting point is 00:38:30 on the market for a glock. Yeah, we miss these citizens arrest where she chased down their car T2 style. But this is the point, this is the point where I was shouting at the screen, what was their plan? Because they go in, the guy like just, I guess, quote, unquote, distracts him with Michael, shoots him in the face, and then they both leave without
Starting point is 00:38:50 stealing anything. Like, I don't know what the point was. And he's like, let me get the most, let me get local star Michael digs. They're most recognizable man in town. Let me get him. He won't, yeah, everyone will know who he is and he won't turn me in once he's caught inevitably. It's like, yeah, it's like Dan, you, if you were in town and you were like, I want to rob
Starting point is 00:39:14 this store, but I don't want any money. Oh, Mayor Bloomberg, you just have me walking down the street. This guy here is a big fan here. He's come, oh yeah, sure, okay, come on in. And then you're running out and you're like, why did I pick the most recognizable man in town. But anyway then Michael's lawyer advised him to take a plea deal. She's a terrible lawyer. Let's just get that straight. There's and Michael tells Lisa and his life is over and there's no God and Lisa's like don't say that he's like no there's no God. The judge sentences him to 10 years in jail for basically not having better common sense.
Starting point is 00:39:47 He's like, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, I didn't, I didn't, I didn't do it. And he's like, yeah, but you should have had better common sense. His 10 years in jail, next case. His lawyer is giving her final argument. And the judge interrupts her. Ha, ha, ha, ha. He's like, I've heard enough excuses.
Starting point is 00:40:03 There's nothing like that. It's insane. I mean, I guess he shouldn't have agreed to have his murder trial at Judge Judy's court. It was probably part of the problem. He's like, this is going to sound like Baloney. She's not going to be up for it. She wasn't born yesterday. And so she knows what rain is. Yeah, here knows the rain and the difference between being having pee on her leg.
Starting point is 00:40:27 Now, here's the question. She says, don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining. Is that ever worked? Is there one, why would you pee on someone's leg? That's my question right at the beginning, unless it's famed wrestler, a urinal leg bogs who had a urinal for a leg that he would use to kick people in the face with. Why would you pee on someone's leg? And two, why would you then excuse yourself by saying,
Starting point is 00:40:47 oh, it's raining out. It's not me. I feel like I definitely talked to people who have been peed on while at like a music festival. But then did they say, hey, stop that. And the guy said, oh, no, it's raining. Here's the first thing I would do. Put my hand above my head to see if I could feel the rain. And at that point, you, the urinator, you have to try to arc your pee in the air so
Starting point is 00:41:08 that it hits their hand. And that's just difficult to do. You got to have a powerful stream. Yeah. I mean, at that point, you're probably halfway through peeing anyway. So your water is depleted. Yeah. And it's like having to slam dunk with pee.
Starting point is 00:41:22 And as we know from this movie, slam dunking is very difficult, even though everyone everybody does it. Yeah. Dan, so if you were in that situation, you've been caught out for peeing on someone's, no, no, you, someone's, you're peeing on someone's lap and they called you out. What would you do?
Starting point is 00:41:38 Would you go for this rain thing or do you have another pee card up your sleeve? I feel like I would just stick to my story because like, I feel like that's one of those cases where social pressure would be like, the guy eventually would just be like, I guess I'm wrong. When you say stick to my story,
Starting point is 00:41:53 are you talking about one of those unpublished screenplays you've been working on? That's right. Yeah. Because the dream of every screenwriter is to have their screenplay published. Yeah, that's what you buy. When you buy a little finished state, you buy a plastic model.
Starting point is 00:42:09 A plastic model. You buy it in a plastic model. Did you say Canal Street? Canal Street, yeah. Because it's even in the UK. What if Canal Street was named after Stephen Tick, Canal? That would be amazing. It's on the corner of 18th Avenue and Riptide Boulevard.
Starting point is 00:42:25 Anyway, in the present, Michael in the past, he didn't have faith in God, but now he says that his faith is what kept him sane in jail. He meets up with Lisa, who feels kind of rightfully that he abandoned her since she went to go visit him in jail and he sent out the word and to say he's not gonna see you,
Starting point is 00:42:39 which is pretty cold, pretty cold to send your bud, the word and to deliver that message and says that Craig, I think the warden just loves drama. Do you think maybe, he's like, no, Michael doesn't want to see you. And then he goes back and Michael's like, is Lisa ever going to visit? And he's like, Lisa says she doesn't want to visit you. The warden's just stirring shit up.
Starting point is 00:43:01 Like a character on the bachelor. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like one of the producers on one of those real housewives Yes, the producer on cheaters who would always be like the host on cheaters would be like are you gonna let him get away with that? Go talk to him. You know, I try to get a fight going Cheaters, of course the reality show where they catch people cheating on their Significant others the ethic problems, there aren't any. Totally ethical.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Okay, that's cool. Wait, what, what's in a relative of yours that was like, oh, cheaters, this is an interesting show. Should we watch this? Yeah, that was my father-in-law. Did you do that? It was very, it's like, let's just see what this is. And my wife was like, Dad, you watch the show all the time.
Starting point is 00:43:42 Don't pretend you don't know what it is. He's a great guy. Don't judge him on that fact. That's amazing. And Lisa, so not only is she thinking about marrying Craig, but she's not so into God anymore. She's not so sure there is a God. Uh oh. Her stance and Michael stance on God has flipped.
Starting point is 00:43:59 Yeah. It's crazy. She currently worships the Almighty Dollar. Actually, there is a scene later where the sports agent, Terrell, Lisa is like, what about God? And he holds up a dollar or a hundred dollar bill. And he goes, this is my God. And I sing his praises every day.
Starting point is 00:44:14 And it's like, all right, you've become a walking political cartoon. You know, like, how much you do a couple bars then? I want to hear this song. Like, it would be funny to me if that thing had just like continued. He would like he like pulled out a big crucifix and he's like nope and he cracks it over his leg. Yeah, I mean I would like it if it turned into like a full on musical and he just did like a big bit with like like Satan and a bunch of people showing up. Oh yeah, there's a coal choir there and then he he puts the he slits a goat's throat
Starting point is 00:44:45 as a sacrifice and spills the blood on a $20 bill and is like, drink it up, Andrew Jackson, drink it up. My sacrifice to you, the best of my flock. Anyway, bad news for Michael. Michael's boss says, Michael's fired. They don't hire convicts at the store. And he's like, Joe, son, you did. I mean, he's like jokes on you you did I mean
Starting point is 00:45:05 and he's like I'm sorry I wouldn't have hired you I was so busy I didn't have time to read your application it's like story checks out he was very busy the day that he hired Michael but it's weird like what I mean Michael's doing a good job why isn't he just hushed up it's not like there's going to be a scandal now the who one who found out about this and two why doesn't he go to bat for Michael? Like he's doing a great job. He's too afraid of losing his own job as manager of the grocery hardware store. Well, he said that there's a hero.
Starting point is 00:45:31 He said there's like a company wide policy against hiring comics and I'm like, I don't know about the law, but like it seems like is that something that you can do? Like just like, I mean, it's something that happens a lot. Yeah. It was that's why it was recently, did they officially ban it or they just make it more difficult to put a box on or they were they just trying to ban it to put a box on application forms that say, have you ever been convicted of a crime? Because in reality, convicts are discriminated against and hiring.
Starting point is 00:45:57 No, no, no, no, I know that. I just didn't know whether it was legal to like expressly be like, oh, by the way, our company doesn't hire any convicts. I think it is, unless it's recently been banned. But I don't know, everybody, convicts, if you found good jobs and Dan's right, mail into Elliot's wrong care of Dan's right of the flop house, Neverland.
Starting point is 00:46:18 I'm not saying I'm gonna happen. I'm asking my friend. Imaginary world, Narnia, Fakesville. Yeah. Dan's right is also what Dan imposes on people when you're at a restaurant. And he gets the first bread stick. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
Starting point is 00:46:31 He calls it prima stick to. Gross. So flashback, Michael's, he's talking to Tarell, a sports agent, which is technically against the rules because Michael's, you know, still a student. And Tarell's like, you could make $65 million, but Michael says, he says, you would be the first pick of the draft,
Starting point is 00:46:50 if you were drafted, or something like that. And he says, no, I'm gonna stay at USC. Now, we see the repercussions of that decision, not to chase the looker. He can't find a job. He has a very polite interaction with a guy at a car repair place, but the fact that he knows nothing about cars really gets in the way of him getting a job. He has a very polite interaction with a guy at a car repair place, but the fact that he knows nothing about cars
Starting point is 00:47:06 really gets in the way of him getting that job. And it's such a sad scene where the guy's like, he's like, yeah, sure, let me see if I can help you out. Can you change a tire? A no sir. Can you change oil? No sir. Do you know how to fix an engine?
Starting point is 00:47:18 No sir. And it's like, he's, it's like some kind of gift giving ceremony where you're expecting the person to not deny it three times and then before accepting. It's all it's all etiquette. Yeah, where it's I could. How much does it cost? No, no, I couldn't take your money. No, no, no, I insist. Oh, no, it would be an insult to me, sir. If you were to pay for this, no, no, no, I insist. How much? No, no, no, no, I cannot take money. Please, sir. Okay. In that case, I'm always worried
Starting point is 00:47:43 that I'm going to travel to a country where the etiquette requires they didn't know you money and that I won't get it and I'll be like, okay, and I'll walk out and really offends the guy and also be a thief. That is a real fear that I'll make to the same thing. That's your curb episode you're working on. Yes, I'm not. Yeah, for Winlayer David goes to Iran, I guess. And he doesn't get all the etiquette. There's the scene where he's in China,
Starting point is 00:48:11 and he goes to a family's house and he doesn't leave some food over on the plate. You're supposed to leave a little bit behind so I've been told to imply that they were so generous they gave you more than you could eat. And whoever's with like Ted Danson or something's like Larry, leave a little bit of food. Why should I? It tastes great. I'm gonna eat it all.
Starting point is 00:48:26 They should be more happy than I ate it all. It shows them that it was good. Come on. Anyway, that's, I guess that's kind of a... actual real travel experiences. What am I assuming Larry David would be if he went overseas? Anyway, okay. So, the gang leader tries to give Michael some money. Michael won't take it. And the gang leader says God doesn't exist We know God exists because in the movie God's not dead. He killed Kevin Sorbo But this guy gets hasn't seen that movie or maybe this is a prequel to that. Yeah, Michael gets a job Hold on hold on. I just want to say when he doesn't accept the money
Starting point is 00:48:58 They just drop the money on the ground and everyone walks off He's been rejected. It stains now. That's true. I forgot about that. They just leave. And it's like a thousand dollars. Yeah. And what I love is the idea that is gang leaders like, yeah, I just go to Staples,
Starting point is 00:49:18 pick up a big box of white envelopes every day. That's where I, that's how I give my money out to my associates. He's like, I could see it send one of my henchmen to pick it up, but I like to stay humble. And that's my one job that I do to stay humble is I pick up my own envelopes. He's like, I was trying a payroll company, but they were, they were taking two, it was too expensive. It didn't fit my needs. They would take out cash. They would take out taxes for payroll.
Starting point is 00:49:44 And this is a cash-only criminal organization. So we're trying to not pay those taxes. We don't really want to be reporting to Uncle Sam. So I fired them, and now I just handlet myself, which is a hassle. But if it's not worth it to me to do the work, maybe it's not worth it to me to be a gang leader. That's what I say.
Starting point is 00:50:00 So Michael, he gets a job as a bus boy, the local diner, and he's really, this is a diner that has a picture of him up on the wall. And he has to talk the owner into hiring him so hard. He's like, can I get a job? He's like, I don't have any jobs. He's like, I'll wash dishes and he's like, okay. Oh, when you said jobs, I didn't mean the kind of jobs
Starting point is 00:50:17 we have here at a restaurant. I thought you meant as a professional basketball player. And why would I hire you to do that? This is a restaurant. Lisa Craig and Terrell walk in. Uh-oh. And Craig is just ridiculing Michael, belittling him. Lisa offers to help him out, but he's like, no, that's cool. I'm fine. And Michael keeps his cool the whole time. This is when Terrell talks about how money is his God, and there's no God otherwise. And it's that guy, what I like about him is he is entirely first level. There is no subtext to anything he says
Starting point is 00:50:46 He is just he is such a flat open character that at a certain point he becomes the only honest character in the entire movie And I really like that. I like him because I mean it makes sense. He was so well-rounded characters Yeah, yeah, yeah, I like him because. I like them because, I mean, it makes sense that he's hanging around Craig, but there are scenes where he's just like hanging around, like, there's a scene early on where he's just hanging around the basketball court. And he's like, yeah, I'm scouting. Like, you all suck.
Starting point is 00:51:15 And then, like, later on, he's still hanging around the same basketball court. And I'm like, what are you doing, man? What do you think there's a new crop of players that are coming through the basketball court a week later? Come on. Come on. Maybe maybe there's just like a like a hot dog place down the street that he really likes. Yeah. That's true. I mean, that's just he's using his job as a smoke screen for hot dogs. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:37 I've everyone's like, Terrell, you can just buy a hot dog. You don't it's okay. You know, it's okay you know it's not a business expense ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha which fair point, that's true, which I guess also implies that Michael has the power of prophecy and can read dreams. Lisa shows up and gives him a big check, but she turns him down when he asks her out for lunch. Oh, sorry. Yeah, because she doesn't eat fucking moldy bread, that's gross. He's like, I know this great place next to a dumpster, maybe we could go there sometime. Everything's free because it's 30 days old. Then we flash back to Lisa being refused to see Michael by the word and the word says he doesn't want to see you. And the word goes back to Michael and literally
Starting point is 00:52:34 says she's gone. You can complete your journey alone now. Like he's a fucking Ronan. He's just going to walk the swordsman's path. And like it's it's it's such an amazing moment because the warden seems really disgusted at Michael's choice. Like as if the warden was is he's a moment away from saying like, so can I ask Lisa out now? You clearly expressed no interest in her anymore. So is it cool? If because a lady like that, she needs, she needs the kind of living only a warden's salary can provide. Yeah. She, she ever expressed an interest in wardens before? Michael gets convinced to enter the Kenny Dobs dunk competition. And that's when Terrell insults a short player by saying he's too short to dunk. It's impossible. And then he does it. And the movie acts like this is the climax
Starting point is 00:53:24 of Rudy. The music swells. The crowd were watching this pickup, that basketball game, they go nuts. I was like, is this the end of the movie? Like, you're making a lot out of a moment that happens 50 minutes before the end of the movie. Like, this is crazy. I will also say that like, I realize that this is a movie about dunking. I understand that dunking is at the heart. I like where this is going. Well. I understand that dunking is at the heart. I like where this is going. Well, I realize that dunking is at the heart of this movie. Movie, I'll give you this. I know that at your core concept is that basketballs can be put
Starting point is 00:53:54 into basketball hoops with your hands by jumping up to the hoop. I'll give you that. The mechanics wait, where they work out, but continue then. But well, when they play basketball, it appears that 100% of the basketball they play is about dunking. Like that is all they do. Like I play a lot of mental smokey. It's like an NBA jam game.
Starting point is 00:54:14 No one is shooting three pointers at all. Like no one's just doing like regular layups. The LA, LA Dan is gripping the edge of the table and his knuckles are white now. I love that Dan is now coming out as a sports fan for the first time. I've never really noticed that Dan has so many strong opinions about how basketball should be played. Like, like many white men who don't play basketball and never have, as seen later in the movie, has many opinions about how people should play basketball.
Starting point is 00:54:39 I just don't want all the show-boating, Elliot. You're like, I'm watching it for the scoring. I'm not watching it to see human athleticism at its peak. This movie is so much about slam dunks that it is a shame that it did not open up with like text on the screen that is a definition of a slam dunk. That would be, like it shows someone playing basketball basketball in the fifties and he's like, ah, it's just so hard to throw the ball all the way from the floor to the hoop. And then an old man walks in and says, there is a prophecy of a new way to play basketball. So anyway,
Starting point is 00:55:23 he, Michael's mom is still sick. She's coughing. He offers to get her medicine. She says, he, Michael's mom is still sick. She's coughing. He offers to get her medicine. She says, no, the nearest store is seven miles away. And he goes, I could take the bus. And she says, no, don't. Where do they live? He also, where is this?
Starting point is 00:55:36 That the nearest store is, nearest store is seven miles away. But also, that's not that far to travel if you take a bus. Yeah, that's true. Like, it's true like it's a if it's it was just this weird moment Where she's like no don't go to the trouble of going to the bus to get me medicine But she does make him promise if she dies he'll take care of Tay and I wonder if it's that she knows she's dying There's nothing at the at the store that's gonna help her so she's just like save the 375 750 for for both the round trip.
Starting point is 00:56:05 You were gonna spend on getting me medicine. It's a lost cause. Not to mention that the cost of his time spent traveling when he could spend that time with her. Oh, that's true. And that's the most valuable resource because you'll never get more time. You can always make more money, but time only happens.
Starting point is 00:56:19 Okay, there's the, now we're at the Kenny Dobbs dunk competition. This guy, and the champion of competition is taunting him taunting him, and his name is the jammer. And it has the best conversation. The hero of the movie. The hero of the movie, jammer, who we later learn has a master's in education also. But the dumb guy goes, hey, you're stupid. And he goes, I have a master's in education. It's like, why is this not the hero of the movie? He's a real role model that it has the best exchange, I think, in the history of filmmaking,
Starting point is 00:56:50 where they go, hey, you'll listen, Jim, and he goes, I'm jammer. So it's like, okay, sorry, my apologies. The announcers, they say that there are announcers for this stunt competition, three of them. They say it's being broadcast live in LA on all three stations. Now, I just want to stop for a moment and point out, usually when all three networks stop to broadcast the same thing, the president is speaking because we are about to bomb a country where it's the state of the union. So what the three networks are like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:57:23 Usually we compete. We compete for people's viewership, and that's why we show different things to give them a menu of options so that they will select one or the other and will make money off it. But there's some moments in a nation's life where you just have to cooperate
Starting point is 00:57:38 to make sure people have the information they need to understand that this is a critical juncture in their lives, in the lives of all people on the world. And the Kenny Dobs local dunk competition is one of those times. I mean, it does become a critical moment in at least one person's life. Yeah, the jammer when he wins the competition, but we'll get to that. But the event looks tiny.
Starting point is 00:58:02 And we're just watching dunk after dunk. It's in like a high school, like a high school gym, right? It's at a high school gym, and it's just like, it just dunks. There's no plot. There's no music. There is nothing artful about how the dunks are shot. There's no slow motion.
Starting point is 00:58:19 Yeah. And I wanna say, I wanna make it clear. These are, for all my dunk hatred before, these are feats of amazing athleticism. Oh, Dan's preventing trying to get in front of people sending him nasty. No, no, no, no, no. Suddenly Dan loves dunks.
Starting point is 00:58:37 I'm Dunk McCoy. No, I'm gonna. Dunk McCoy here, biggest fan of dunks. He loves them. Master of dunks. I'm gonna praise them to bury them, Elliot. I'm gonna say that these are feats of athleticism that like even as a much younger man, I could never have hoped to come close to be able to do.
Starting point is 00:58:55 However, when you string a bunch of dunks back to back, you pretend they didn't. Come desensitize the dunks. They become very boring. Well, that's why they do the tricks because dunks are like porn, where the more you watch it, again, like Stuart says, the more to sensitize you get, and you start getting into weird dunks
Starting point is 00:59:14 that you feel kind of strange about watching it first, but even that becomes normal, and you start exploring like the very bizarre corners of the dunk net. Let's just call it the internet dunk area, the Dunk net. Let's call it the Dunk web. And you're just exploring like an underworld of strange bizarre taboo dunks that you can't really talk about
Starting point is 00:59:35 with anybody and yet they become a normal part of your life now. Is that what you're saying? Yeah, by the end of the competition. Stepsister dunks. By the end of the competition, it was like, Dan was like, dunk, who cares, dunk, I don't care. Dunkin' McLeod from Highlander, ho hum. Dunkin' donuts, yes please.
Starting point is 00:59:58 And when Michael is in a show of, I think, extreme lack of tact when Michael goes up for his part, the announcer goes, Michael digs just out of prison after six years. It's like, yeah, thanks, Guy. Thanks for reminding everybody of that. I mean, I'm about to make a dunk. The announcer then would immediately run over
Starting point is 01:00:15 and celebrate with him every time, though. I was like, is this bias? Yeah, well, anybody does that with everybody. That announcer, he's, I don't think so. I think he's by his to Michael. Who was that guy? Was that guy Kenny dobs?
Starting point is 01:00:29 Who's Kenny dobs? Dan, who's Kenny dobs? I feel like Kenny dobs is like a local entrepreneur, like a charitable entrepreneur, who sponsors these dunk cock up competitions. Oh, how did he make his money that he then donated his charity? He was a hat magnet. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:00:46 He owns a bunch of hats. A hammered ass shirt. Oh, wow. Oh, yeah, yeah. The finest of hammered ass shirts. He's lids. Yeah. Okay, so that guy who's announcing, I think, is Kenny Dobbs, who's a famous dunker.
Starting point is 01:00:58 Okay. Yeah, yeah. After doing some minimal googling that I could have done earlier, but I didn't. We also see a sign. I don't know if you guys noticed it. We see a sign in this scene for Hyderabad Talkies, which I believe is one of the companies that made this movie.
Starting point is 01:01:12 Okay, well, I guess get in where you fit in, huh? And then later on, the head of Hyderabad Talkies is a character in the movie, as we'll see, with the implication, I guess, that maybe this is a true story that inspired them to make the movie. I don't know. Anyway, or it's like how Marvel Comics exists within the Marvel universe and it tells fictional stories about the superheroes.
Starting point is 01:01:32 Anyway, that's true. Yeah. There was one week when Marvel years ago, Marvel printed a bunch of books where they were like, these are the comics that the Marvel universe has. And it was like Daredevil and Spider-Man, but Daredevil was a real devil. And Spider-Man was an actual spider like people who have these characters are so famous that people do like bootleg comics based on their idea of who they are. And this is what these are the comics that people read within the Marvel universe. Whereas as we all know from Watchmen in a universe with real superheroes, you read pirate comics.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Yeah, that makes much more sense. Yeah, right Dan? Yes. Anyway, so who wins the competition? You would think this is, you think this is the climax of the movie. There's almost an hour left after this, but jammer wins the competition in the $50,000 prize. Michael is talking to a reporter when his mom collapses in the stands. Oh, no, he goes to the hospital.
Starting point is 01:02:23 If only he jumped better. Yeah, if only he had won the competition, maybe she wouldn't have died. Instead of just winning $25,000, which we find out in the next scene. So, uh, oh, at the hospital where there is some of the best extra acting I've ever seen in a movie, I think these extras are so lively and I was so taken. I wanted to know their stories. We'd learn that she had a stroke.
Starting point is 01:02:43 Lisa shows up and she says, no, no, no, you go home and then he has an argument with Tay. Wait, he didn't just have the warden do it? It would be so great if Lisa goes, Michael, what can I do for you? And Michael just shakes his head, no, in turns, and the warden is sitting there goes, Lisa, he doesn't want to talk to you right now.
Starting point is 01:03:01 I heard, Michael, when I heard your mom was sick, I came as soon as I could, I'm the warden, I love you. So the doctors tell Michael, when I heard your mom was sick, I came as soon as I could. I'm the warden. I love you. So the doctors tell Michael, your insurance can't cover a private room. It costs $26,000 a month. He hands them the $25,000 check. He won the dunk competition and says, I'll get the other thousand. Now, before this moment, we didn't know he won any money from that competition. Also, his second place finish, which seemed like a tragedy, has actually been great for him. $25,000 this guy was eating moldy bread a couple weeks ago.
Starting point is 01:03:32 It's quite a windfall. Yeah. But also, he's spending his $25,000 just to get his mother a private room, not thinking about the medical bills that are likely to follow, not actually using it for the- And I like the feeling of his mother. And I like that the price tag is delivered by a man who claims to be a doctor. Usually doesn't happen, right?
Starting point is 01:03:55 So you're saying that he just, that could be a con man who just walked in and expected some money. I mean, also that yeah, usually don't pay the doctor on the spot for the room. Yeah, well, he's gonna take that oversized novelty check. Michael leaves and like the guys like, I can't accept this. I guess I'll take this to the billing department.
Starting point is 01:04:13 Yeah, I haven't even endorsed the check, sir. It just got the imprint of a basketball like you've dunked onto the check. In the memo, it says, for great dunking. So Michael goes to church and he tearfully prays to God for his mother's help. In a scene that is not well acted, but I couldn't help being touched by it because this is the concept of the scene, like that this guy is at his lowest ab, his mother is dying, the only one he can turn to is God. And like, that's a sad moment. I don't care how poorly made it is.
Starting point is 01:04:47 That's a moment that's gonna make me tear up every time. Guys, tell me why I'm wrong. Uh, I don't want to. Tell me why my heart should be as cold as stone. Uh, I think, Elliot, you shouldn't care because, you know, she's just gonna live on in glory in the next life. So why be sad about that after all? Very fair.
Starting point is 01:05:12 Maybe she'll be reincarnated as a woman who can dunk. Maybe she could dunk. I shouldn't judge her that way. Yeah, everyone in this movie can do. How do you think you learned? Yeah, good point, good point, fair point. So Craig and Lisa go to a surprisingly small nightclub. And Lisa on the way there's like, Michael's mom had a stroke and Craig's like, damn,
Starting point is 01:05:30 that's too bad. All right, let's get it on. Let's have some fun. And Craig is mad at Lisa for not being into the party atmosphere because she's still thinking about her ex-fiancé as mom having had a stroke. And Craig delivers another great line. Why do you care about him and his mom so much? It's irritating me. Is this the club where he orders what? Like, he orders another 40 from the the waiter, but he's like drinking something out of a champagne flute. Well, what he was ordering was 40 bottles of crystal. Oh, that had like a 40 on the table.
Starting point is 01:06:09 Well, maybe he wanted another one just to look at, because he could look at the 40 and be like, I've come so far now I'm drinking champagne. Yeah, all right. And part of me's like, yeah, like champagne makes sense. Like malt liquor, that's too many calories. He's a professional athlete. He shouldn't be drinking that. Very good, Very good point. He should know about that. So they get into a fight. She's
Starting point is 01:06:30 leaving and he crags like, you're going to leave for him. He makes 10 an hour and she goes, yeah, but he has a million dollar heart and then leaves. Which I think should have been the name of the movie, right? Million dollar. We can all agree that slamma jamma was a first pass. But then people might think it was a combination of million dollar baby and crazy heart. Which it kind of is. You know way, I guess yeah. Then there's another great moment where this woman goes, Hey, if you're looking for a lady and he goes, get out of here Hootie and she goes, don't call me a Hootie and punch us even in the face. Yeah, that was pretty great. Yeah, this movie is rich with incident. Even though its characters are not rich with money,
Starting point is 01:07:08 except for Craig who's a professional best-wobler, Mom tells Michael she loves him and then dies. Michael cries very unconvincingly. He gives a eulogy at her funeral and we keep seeing the same shot of Tay with one tear streak down his face. Yeah. And Tay won't go hang out with Michael.
Starting point is 01:07:22 What can Michael do with his grief other than practice for the next Dunk contest? The weird thing is his one friend, he has the dumb friend and then the white guy friend and the white guy friend. In every scene before this is wearing a hat of some kind, but at the funeral, his head is uncovered. What is going on, Elliot?
Starting point is 01:07:42 Well, I mean, it's kind of a show of respect to not wear a hat unless it's a Jewish funeral, which case you would cover your head. I'm guessing that Michael Diggs is not Jewish, but who knows? Perhaps they're a Jewish family and I just didn't realize it. Thank you for explaining that perceived plothole for me. I just, I wanted to improve your knowledge of hat etiquette, or as I call it, hat etiquette. You know, guys, let's take a walk down your, in your knowledge of hat etiquette, or as I call it, hatiquette. You know guys, let's take a walk down the long
Starting point is 01:08:08 and interesting road of hat etiquette, because while hats have been with us for thousands of years, so as politeness, join me now, as I'll show you the proper time to doff your chef hoe, and the proper time to cover your noggin in a little show I call Elliott Kaelin, Hat Police. Woo, woo, woo, woo. Duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh.
Starting point is 01:08:29 Freeze, hands up, get that hat off your head. Hats up. Hi, I'm Elliott Kaelin. We're gonna Elliott Kaelin, Hat Police. Still going on. And today we're gonna look at some crazy criminals of the head covering variety. Dan, take it away.
Starting point is 01:08:44 And then at the end, we're gonna be touching base with our favorite hat based movies and we're gonna be watching Ginkster Squad. The hat headed handhurters are at it again, wearing their head hats or hats as we call them. You know guys, I gave a head talk the other day and it was all about.
Starting point is 01:09:01 It was all about oral sex. Yeah. There's only two things they talk about at head talks, which, I mean, it was head talk X, which is true. That's, it's the porn version of it. Okay. And you did that from the back of a cab while David DeCovny drove your out. Yeah, it was the head shoe diaries. Anyway, guys, Michael needs to invent a crazy new dunk for this dunk contest. But first he's got bigger fish to fry.
Starting point is 01:09:26 He goes to gang HQ, which is just under an overpass where guys just stand around milling about holding guns. It looks like the gang members are just mingling all the time. He wants to see Tay. The gang leader tells him, you're in trouble. You hate me, right? And he goes, no, God will protect me. And I don't hate anyone.
Starting point is 01:09:44 Even when he has a gun in his face, he refuses to say anything bad about anybody. Michael pleads with Tay, leave and respect God and Ma and he starts crying. I love you. I love you. You're a white piece of paper. There's not a mark on you. Please don't make the same mistakes I did. When the only mistake he really made was in trusting a man would pay him to go meet a friend of his he gives this heartfelt speech So heartfelt the gang leaders evil heart Turns warm again much like Pharaoh's heart was softened by the death of his firstborn son in the book of Exodus Uh-huh this this speech Turns him around he says, Tay go with your brother leave now and
Starting point is 01:10:22 We never see that gang gang again. He he Harry and the hinder since him It's as if he goes we don't even like you get going get out of here This is a scene that by the way that occurs directly after the scene with Tay at the funeral So like he could have said all these things to Tay at the funeral not around gang members who are threatening him with guns. I just want to point that out. It's to walk into the lion's den and it took him time to write that speech and then memorize it.
Starting point is 01:10:50 Okay. He's not the best extemporaneous speaker. As like you said, like as you saw during his eulogy for his mom, eulogy, more like fool edgy. Oh boy. Oh man. I didn't realize you were writing eulogy reviews for the page. Yeah. I'm writing eulogy, eulogy roasts.
Starting point is 01:11:07 So, I'm like, it's back. Yeah, we're all arm and white over here. Michael gets back together with Lisa, hooray. And then there's, of course, a training montage. There's only two weeks till the national dunk championship. And his training involves a lot of wearing leg weights and having guys say more, more, lower, lower, do it more. And he says to win, he's gonna have to do the impossible dunk
Starting point is 01:11:29 of 540. That's when you spin around, dunk it, and then spin a gut round again, seemingly in all defiance of the law of physics. It's impossible. I think this is the only time where they define some element of dunking in the movie, is when he's like,
Starting point is 01:11:45 I'm gonna have to do the impossible. And he walks away and then his friends like, he's gonna try a 540 blah, blah, blah. So other than that, they just name the dunks when people dunk through like, win, moe, up top. I mean, they don't even do the basics of like, have the announcers introduce the dunk competition and be like, there's going to
Starting point is 01:12:05 be three rounds of dunking. Well, yeah, because they figure anyone who's watching this, they know the rules of the dunk. Come on, they know dunk law. Guys, it's time for the main event, the slammer jam, a tournament. The winner gets a million dollars. But Michael digs, first he's up against the jammer, but he's also up against German champion Frank Fronheim, who is a blonde man who never smiles and only says one thing in the entire movie.
Starting point is 01:12:30 Guys, I hope you like watching more dunks because we're going to see everything and even Craig forces his way into the competition, despite being an NBA champ, which is against the rules, but they'll allow it. Now I think my favorite trick is when Michael digs dunks by jumping over a motorcycle. Which is when we were watching Dan was like, but that's shorter than a person. Yeah, throughout the and most of the dunks involved them having to jump over a tall man to jump. It's not of course the tall man, Angus Scrim, which is disappointing, but if only, because then he could say Stuart. He would say nice dunk boy. No.
Starting point is 01:13:08 No. I mean, he does know his way around balls. So anyway, I mean, that sounded more like a double entandra than a joke about the spheres that killed people, but okay. So Craig, he almost loses other competition, but then his sports agent Terrell, what does he do? He bribes one of the judges. That judge, you guessed it. Who else to judge a dunk competition? Then just one of the best baseball great. One of the bash brothers, Jose,, yeah, Jose, can you see? Jose, can say go is judging this dunk competition.
Starting point is 01:13:46 Sporting it. Some fingers. And it's one of these things where he's like, he's like, why didn't you give him a higher score? It was a boring dunk. I've seen that dunk before. It's like, what do you know about dunk, dude, you're a baseball player. Come on.
Starting point is 01:14:00 But then the gutter else says, what about two clippers, tickets, floor seats? And he goes, I'm a hall of famer. I've done all these things. You think I'm gonna give up this for two tickets and he goes, four tickets, done, great. And he changes the score. And it's like, not expect. Then a little kid shows up.
Starting point is 01:14:16 Oh yeah, that's right, a little kid says, Jose can say go, I looked up to you. How can you do that? And he goes, get with the real world kid. Yeah, it was the one time I genuinely laughed at the movie rather than at it. Where? Which was like when, when asshole Jose Cansego looks in.
Starting point is 01:14:30 Exactly. Like he like lifts the kid up too to like deliver this like the real world sucks message. He's, he's playing the version of Jose Cansego that he would play on extras. Like that, it's, it's a pretty interesting take.... michael's friend goes and embarrasses a sports critic on national TV after he criticizes michael uh... it's introducing the concept of a sports critic which is something i had never heard of before uh... this that purported champion jammer he chokes he's out cragg he chokes and then
Starting point is 01:15:01 michael does the impossible the five forty40 dunk. He wins the championship. Now this dunk, it seems to involve him spinning around dunking, and then while holding onto the rim, spinning himself around again, it's like once the ball's in the hoop, who gives a shit what he does. Wow. Harsh critique.
Starting point is 01:15:16 I guess we have a sports critic on our hands. And now look, like the sports critic in the movie, I've never played basketball, don't know anything about it and don't wanna play it. But it seems like he just added a little flourish onto a regular 360 dunk. I'm just saying, guys, yeah, he did a little fucking osteo-levisa there, baby,
Starting point is 01:15:34 at the end. And Shades of Karate Kid, the German and Jammer really nice to him after he wins. He wins a million dollars, which is handed to him by the president of Hyderabad Talkies, who for some reason is at this stunt competition. And then a woman runs in and says, oh yeah, and we at Fly Less Airlines
Starting point is 01:15:51 want to offer him a five year contract. And it's like doing what? Hold on a second. What, like, the assumption I guess is that it's an endorsement deal, but all we know is that this airline, which is called Fly Less, which is crazy, that this airline wants to give him a fiveyear contract to what be a pilot flight attendant. It's because they're called that because they have
Starting point is 01:16:10 fewer insects inside their planes. Oh, I mean, that is a great bonus. That is something I would choose them for. Because the thing that bugs me worst about flying Delta, the wasps nests everywhere. Yeah, you just keep, you keep bonking them with the broom you brought along. Yeah, but that I hit them with the hose for that express purpose. Yeah. And then a sports agent runs up and says,
Starting point is 01:16:32 Hey, Mark Cuban just called. He wants you in the NBA. And Terrell is like, I could represent you. And Michael goes, no, Michael just walks past and gives him the cold shoulder. And Michael and Lisa walk arm in arm onto the beach. And she tells her their friends that they're going to get married. Yeah. Slamma Jama has been slammed and jammed. What this most most reminded me of is the end of Wayne's world where they're like, let's do the mega happy ending because they like, it's just like thing after thing after thing turns out well for him all at once. I mean, the one thing they do, I wish they had gone all the way and had his mom show up and go, I'm better.
Starting point is 01:17:08 Yeah, exactly. We're like at the very least have like a small child show up with a twinkle in their eye and be like, I'm your mom reencarnated. Oh, oh, something that I wanted to mention that I forgot much. When I mentioned earlier that it was the same cinematographer as the man who did Jurassic Park and Roger Everett and the Frog and a couple of Halloween movies and two of the back to the futures is that he has also made a flop house movie before. Oh, is that?
Starting point is 01:17:39 The same cinematographer who did a little movie called Playing for Keeps, The same cinematographer who did a little movie called playing for keeps a K.A. bad dad soccer dad. So that's right. He's a flop house regular for sports movies. The there was actually in the second dunk competition. There's a couple of shots that were kind of cool where it would the camera would follow the guy follow the person after the dunk as they like like walk past the crowd. There's a moment when I like literally turned to Dan and was like, oh, I kind of like that shot.
Starting point is 01:18:11 Okay, well that there you go. Well, you can thank him for that. So I guess that raises it to an A plus plus. Oscar nominated Sima Dog for Dean Kundy. Okay. Thank him for that shot. I thought that when you said you're in a little factory to buy it, you were going to be like, turns out he was involved in a botch robbery too and was sent to jail. And that's why this movie was shot so poorly. Yep, probably, yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:38 Yeah, so slam a jamma. We should give our final judgments about it. Cool. So what do we judge it on? Turn out attendance? How much it's slam? What's it, jams? Yeah. Yeah, how many, Dan, what are the fundamentals?
Starting point is 01:18:52 How do you grade on the fundamentals on this one? Seeing as that's what you love most. Yeah, the fundamentals are terrible. There's almost no dribbling in this movie, so I give it an F plus. Oh, wow. At least it gets a plus. Oh, plus, okay. Room for improvement.
Starting point is 01:19:05 Yeah. Now, our traditional categories, of course, are, is this a good bad movie, a bad bad movie, or a movie you kind of like? Stuart, what do you have to say? This is 100% a good bad movie. This is the sort of movie that, like, you want to watch with a, you know, you want to crack a couple of reddened bockers. Get your friends over. Almost every single scene, it
Starting point is 01:19:27 feels like the character, like all the actors are standing still. And then you can see the director give them the action sign. And then they just start moving itself. It's great. It's, it's awesome. Want a movie? Watch the I'm going to agree with, I'm going to agree with Stuart. It is a good bad movie. Yeah, Let's make it unanimous unanimous I said that word weird. Yep. Why I mean most of your words
Starting point is 01:19:57 Yeah, Dan that's I mean it's rare for you to misspeak. So we'll just let it slide. Okay, so Let's pick up this movie and let's carry it into the halls of Good Bad Movie dumb. All right. Well, it's a phrase into the rafters as we retire it like all good bad movies. Along with what like faithful findings and who loves or something I don't remember. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The hall of shame. Sure. Yeah, yeah, we explode the myths. Just kidding. We're Oh No Ross and Carrie and we investigate extraordinary claims. That's right. We investigate extraordinary claims firsthand. We go undercover in fringe groups.
Starting point is 01:20:59 We get alternative medicine treatments and we hang out with people who have unusual beliefs like flatter thers 9-11 Truth Thursdays. We do ghost investigations, we've joined Scientology, and we've got baptizing the Mormon Church. If it goes bump in the night, then so do we. Hmm. Why don't you check out Ono Ross and Carrie at Judge John Hodgman ruled in my favor. Judge John Hodgman ruled in my friends favor. Judge John Hodgman ruled in my favor.
Starting point is 01:21:34 I'm Judge John Hodgman. You're hearing the voices of real litigants, real people who have submitted disputes to my internet court at the Judge John Hodgman podcast. I hear their cases, I ask them questions, they're good ones. And then I tell them who's right and who's wrong. Thanks to Judge John Hodgman's ruling, my dad has been forced to retire one of the worst dad jokes of all time.
Starting point is 01:21:55 Instead of cutting his own hair with a flow bee, my husband has his hair cut professionally. I have to join a community theater group. And my wife has stopped bringing home wild animals. It's the Judge John Hodgman podcast. Find it every Wednesday at or wherever you download podcasts. Thanks Judge John Hodgman. Okay, what do we do now, Dan? We've got a team. We can talk about slam a jam or some more. Okay, we open on a basketball game. We have a few sponsors.
Starting point is 01:22:30 Oh, cool. First is Casper. The flop has a supported and part by Casper, a sleep brand that continues to revolutionize its line of products to create an exceptionally comfortable sleep experience one night at a time. You know, I offer affordable prices to it? Why is that? Because they cut out the middleman and sell directly to the consumer.
Starting point is 01:22:54 Oh, that's cool. So like, they just show up to you on the street and give you a mattress. Well, I mean, there's money exchange, too. Yeah, in an envelope on the assuming. Yeah. Yeah, they say, Hey, I got this really great mattress. It's only a thousand dollars come with me here. And then they rob a store, right? I can only assume that's how they keep their prices so low. Because it's a steel because of prime. Now, Dan, they are, they cut out the middle man so they can sell directly to you a high quality
Starting point is 01:23:26 maleable mattress. And you said they're changing these things, they're revolutioning it one night at a time and it reminded me that one night in Bangkok makes a grown man humble and how comfortable a Casper mattress is. You just thought of that. That's true.
Starting point is 01:23:41 Look, Casper brand mattress combined multiple supportive memory foams for a quality sleep surface with the right amounts of both sink and bounce. And what more do you want in a mattress than sink and bounce? We have written stories on the sink and bounce of dance mattress. Okay. I don't like that. You can be sure the world is not ready for.
Starting point is 01:24:03 You can be sure of your purchase with Casperers 100 night risk free sleep on it trial. If $50 toward select mattresses by visiting slash flop house and using promo code flop house all one word at checkout terms and conditions apply. Now Dan, you've been very happy with your Caspers mattress, right? Uh, I have. Yeah. I mean, I don't have anything else to say about it. I just moved departments and you brought the same mattress with me.
Starting point is 01:24:31 I did not decide, hey, time for, uh, you know, throw this fuck around on the corner. I don't know. I have a turn in. I know. I'm asked for perfection. Yeah. Now, because I was, you know, there may have been an enigma of Casper Hauser, but there's no enigma with Casper mattress.
Starting point is 01:24:48 It's just a great mattress. Yeah, that's a good point. I'm surprised they don't use that in their copy. And we are also supported in part by square space of the website development service. Yeah, that you can use to turn your cool idea into a new website and showcase. Dan, were you waiting for us to disagree with you
Starting point is 01:25:11 about what's personally- No, I didn't do it. I was doing it weird and I was laughing. Yeah, I was just looking at him. Dan, started doing a bit and immediately abandoned. You can do it. You can use it for all sorts of things, showcase in your work,
Starting point is 01:25:23 announcing an upcoming event or special product. You can use it for all sorts of things showcasing your work announcing an upcoming event or special product You can use your the powerful e-commerce functionality to sell anything you want online And you can do that because Squarespace offers beautiful templates created by world-class designers With free and secure hosting and nothing to patch or upgrade ever nothing and that all sounds Fantastic and it's super helpful me because I actually have a website idea that I wanted to get off the ground It's cool. This is your first website, right? You've never made never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never.
Starting point is 01:25:48 Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never.
Starting point is 01:25:56 Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never.
Starting point is 01:26:04 Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. all these amazing dunks. And in my mind, people love the taste of jam. And they also love taking shots. So what if there was a kind of like blue apron style blood thing that would send you shot glasses pre-loaded with jam so that you could just slam them down in delicious flavors. And you know, we've got mulberry, we've got black berry, we've got gooseberry, we've got
Starting point is 01:26:23 a bunch of heirloom berries. All the apple, pear, beef, is that a jam? It is now, and it's kind of marmalade's too fit in there. So jam would be your place where you would sign up, every month you would get three different shot glasses full of jam a month, and then you just slam them down and tell us how you like it. And we try to tailor it to you.
Starting point is 01:26:43 Well, LA and I got some good news according to a quick Google search. jam is available. So wonderful. And so Dan, Squarespace can help me with that? Oh, sure they can. Now, hold on one second though, I want to ask, now this jam slamming that you do,
Starting point is 01:27:01 do you just have the jam alone? Do you just have the jam alone or do you like have the jam, you slam the jam, and then you have a little, you eat a little toast or biscuit right afterwards. So the flavor is all sort of merging your mouth. Or maybe a salmon, do you slam a salmon afterwards? You can just slam a salmon. If it's salmon jam,
Starting point is 01:27:20 then you could just slam the salmon in the jam. It's just a salmon jam slam. But yeah, Dan, you'll get little bits of bread, occasionally maybe like some pickle juice, so you can do like a pickle jam, we call it. You do a shot of jam and then you do a shot of pickle juice. And you just wanna mix those flavors and see what comes out, you know?
Starting point is 01:27:37 Yeah. You know what comes out? So go to slash flop for free trial. And when you're ready to launch, use your offer code flop to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. And once I'm all note, before we get into the Gen Botrons, I just want to do a little shout out to a listener, Mike Galato, his brother and for me, he's very ill. Our hearts are with you. No, man, I'm sorry. Yeah, but I just want to say thanks for listening and we hope you feel well. Yes. But Ellie, I believe you have a jumbo tron to read.
Starting point is 01:28:19 I do have a jumbo tron. This is a jumbo tron that's a message for Nathan and the message is from Emily. So if you're named Nathan and you know someone named Emily, this is a message for you probably. And the message is, Happy Birthday to a smart, cultured, drôle, and debonair man who will still always be 12 days younger than me. Thanks for introducing me to the peaches. That's for Nathan from Emily. Happy birthday Nathan. Oh, happy birthday Nathan. Uh, yeah. But, um, so that's our sponsorship section, but there's more. What? There's so much more.
Starting point is 01:28:53 You think they talked about slamma jama for, for seven hours. How could there be more? But there is, Dan. Before we move on, uh, we've got a couple of live shows that we should, uh, let the folks know about. Oh, so people can see us in person and tell us that we are totally wrong about a review of slammer jammer. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:10 Mm-hmm. The first show is actually happening. Happening. It's happening. The first show is actually real happening. Oh, yeah. No, it's happening at Stuart and my Alma Mater, what college?
Starting point is 01:29:27 We get to return to the place of our meeting. We get to return to our college. Like a couple of heroes, doing a victory lap where we're gonna turn our fucking chairs around and wrap to all the kids. And yeah, I'm scared of, it's part of the air of talks in college too. It's part of the artists and lecture series,
Starting point is 01:29:49 Dan, don't worry, your bits about political correctness gone wild and stuff. We'll just go over super well. Yeah, yeah. Now, are we artists or we lecturers? I think we're lecturers. I think we're lecturers, but we lecture about artists. Now, Dan, are you worried that Antifa We lecturers. I think we're lecturers. I think we're lecturers, but we lecture about artists. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:30:06 Now Dan, are you worried that Antifa is going to protest our appearance? Is that how you pronounce it? What is it? Well, people say Antifa, but that makes it sound like it's an ant, like my antifa. I don't like that. Oh, okay. Yeah. Yours makes more sense for what it's shortened to.
Starting point is 01:30:23 Well, similar to how it should be magneto, but everyone says magneto. Yeah. So Dan, when is this show at Earlham? I can't, and I genuinely cannot wait to see where you guys met and you're, had your formative experiences where Stuart, I assume made his first.
Starting point is 01:30:37 And let me just, and let me just, where Dan first, I guess grew a sadness beard, Stuart, what are you gonna say? I was gonna say, and I just wanna throw this out there, Dan will be available that evening for all the cool parties. Uh-huh, yeah. It's a dance-fully fun, everybody.
Starting point is 01:30:52 So make sure he's available. He doesn't have plans. I hate you out with college students, it's not. Yes, you will be. So if there's a sorority on campus. It seems weird now. When you're in the moment, you're like, it's not that weird.
Starting point is 01:31:04 We're all like cool adults. Yeah, remember how cool they were in old school. Wait a minute. I just got an email from Earl and then said we can't come now. Well, until it was canceled, Dan, when is this show happening? It is happening on Saturday, November the 3rd of this year at November the 3rd of this year at 7.30 in the evening and tickets are on sale now. You get them for $10.00. Is it open to the public? And it's in the same theater that you were the lead in hair. I don't think so. I think it is.
Starting point is 01:31:40 If it is, then Dan, please don't take your clothes off. He didn't take his clothes off in the original production, in the production of hair. In the original production. He does do it. Did the original, and you originated the role. Yeah. But Dan, then you should probably
Starting point is 01:31:52 should take your clothes off if you didn't get to during that production. Yeah. So if you want to see us perform live at Irlam College in Richmond, Indiana, and see Dan with no clothes on, that's the flop house, November 3rd. Yeah, and if you, you know, just, we'll have it up on the website, but also if you Google Erlom, which is pronounced, it's pronounced, it's, which is spelled, Erl Ham, and flop
Starting point is 01:32:15 house, you'll find it. In Richmond, Indiana, yeah. Uh, so I would like to say we have another live show just a couple months after that one. In the beginning of the new year We're going to be appearing at the University of Wisconsin Madison on Saturday, January 26th 2019 at 8 p.m. In the Wisconsin Union theater. I believe it is and it's another college show Should be pretty fun. That's my sister's alma mater So I have kind of a connection with it, I guess. And Dan, just get your
Starting point is 01:32:45 state capital dome jokes ready because you know what it means. Madison has the largest state capital dome in the whole country. And I think we're going to probably make some hay out of that. Oh, man. Well, I'll show you your face, Madison, with your, what are you, what are you what are you trying to compensate for with that giant dome? Wait, I'm holding Dan back No, Dan Dan don't let him have it save it so that'll be fun and come out to see us in January if you're in the Wisconsin, Madison area That's crazy to midwestie shows, huh? That's not Mm-hmm. We're gonna be it's, it's called our flyover tour. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:26 Actually, it's not called that. And I think, I think assuming that we can... Two months apart. I hate to make this promise now, but assuming that we can sell merch, we'll have the last bit of our 2018 tour merch available at those two shows. Great. That sounds great to me. Guys, those are our live shows, but I have something else that's coming up even right before those live shows. Great. That sounds great to me. Guys, those are our live shows,
Starting point is 01:33:45 but I have something else that's coming up even right before those live shows. What's it gonna tell the people about? Uh, look, I have a book coming out. That's true. And I'll tell you what it's all about. Mm-hmm. Horses.
Starting point is 01:34:01 They pull our wagons, carry our cowboys, and eat our hay. But are they really just very big dogs? Dogs. They protect our homes, chase our cats, and keep our faces moist. But is it possible? They're just tiny baby horses? Find out in Horse Meets Dog, the new book by writer Ellie Caelan, an illustrator Tim Miller, Horse Meets Dog, which side will you be on, available available October 30th wherever you buy your books. So that's a picture book that I wrote and it was illustrated by the great Tim Miller who's best known I think for the snap see the alligator books and it's available October 30th this year. So go
Starting point is 01:34:34 wherever you want to buy books, see your local independent bookstore or whatever. What uh, where would it what section of the Burns and Noble books that was what I find it in the children's book section. Okay. It's a children's picture book. Okay. Not the other picture book sections. Not in the adult picture book section, which I guess is just that go the fuck to sleep book and like dirty parodies of children's books. Wait, wait.
Starting point is 01:35:00 Where the wild things fart and stuff like that. So this is not in the very horny caterpillar. Yeah. It's not in self-help slash sexuality. like where the wild things fart stuff like that. So this is not as pretty. And the very horny caterpillar. Yeah, it's not in self-help slash sexuality. No, or in religious studies, it's not in that either. Neither is it in home improvement. Okay. Or the show home improvement.
Starting point is 01:35:16 Or the show home improvement. Neither is it in fiction and literature and you're like, which is which? Barnes and Noble, just call them all one or the other. But yeah, horse meat's dog, October 30th, my first picture book. Very excited about it. All right. Oh, man, there's so many plugs.
Starting point is 01:35:31 Mm-hmm. Just let it go. We have the top of an aging man's head. Dan, we went to the same place, but in different ways. Yep. Uh. You took the high road. I took the low road and I got to Scotland before he
Starting point is 01:35:48 This first letter that we're going to Respond to is from Brian last name with held Brian Cox who writes Dear pervazoid number one pervazoid west and stew Long time listener big fan. Thanks for helping me get through breath patches. I picked up three packs for listening you're I wasn't thanking you Why not I'm a listener. I was thanking Brian Cox All right, I picked up three packs of striker from x2
Starting point is 01:36:18 I Picked up three packs of gremlins two trading cars to send you all for the holidays But my young nephew was so fascinated by them that I gave him to him instead. That's better. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. But it's adorable,
Starting point is 01:36:32 and I'm planning on sending you something else soon to make up for it. Now for my question. I recently had to watch JAWS for an assignment in my screenwriting class. Oh, rough. I have. Ha ha ha ha ha.
Starting point is 01:36:44 I have. Yeah, what a piece of garbage. Ha, ha, ha. I've forgotten how much I love the USS Indianapolis monologue in the movie, but also how little it does to actually advance the main plot. It's a nice long character moment, three-fourths of the way through a movie
Starting point is 01:36:58 about blowing up a shark. What are some of your favorite moments? I like that description of the jaws. A movie about blowing up a shark. I mean, is it, it is, right? Yeah. What are some of your favorite moments? I like that description of the jaws. A movie about blowing up a truck. I mean, it is, right? Yeah. What are some of your favorite moments from movies that aren't there to advance the main plot line
Starting point is 01:37:12 of that movie that's from Brian last night with hell? I would say that that true that that scene doesn't advance the plot, but it does build tension in advance the theme of the movie, which is sharks are bad. So Brian Cox, you may be a famous actor, but I take a little bit of issue with it. But it says doesn't advance the plot, though. That doesn't, it doesn't exactly that the scene doesn't belong in the movie. That's a fair point. Do you guys want to answer first
Starting point is 01:37:42 or should I answer first? The one that sprung to my mind. I mean, there's like, I don't answer my question. Just keep to start. Okay. There's obvious ones like, I don't know, like the Debik story in a serious man or something like that. The one that sprung to my mind was it advances the plot, but in a unnecessary way, and that's the long fight scene and they live. Like, it is key that he gets those sunglasses on to Keith David. So, uh, you know, we know that like the heroes come together in knowing the bad, the, the villains exist, but it doesn't have to happen in this, the format of a eight to 11 minute knockdown dragout fight.
Starting point is 01:38:24 Mm-hmm. In the back of an alleyway. But the movie would be all the less rich for it if they cut that out. Yeah, I mean, I think I don't want to anticipate what Ellie is going to say, but I'm pretty sure the correct answer to this is the Claymation hamburger scene from better off. I have a similar answer, but that is a great scene. As I seen that has absolutely nothing to do with the movie, doesn't advance the themes and simply just gives us some Van Halen. So Monipython and the Holy Grail, and I'm on my Python and the life of Brian,
Starting point is 01:39:01 I'm sorry, my Python and Holy Gra grail every scene is about not advancing the plot Which I like but in life of Brian, which is the most plot centric of the my fight the movies I I love the moment when he falls into an alien spaceship and it just flies around Space for a little bit and then crashes and he gets out and it starts with him being chased He falls into a spaceship, which is itself chased it crashes He gets out and the chase continues. And so it has not helped him or hurt him at all.
Starting point is 01:39:28 That this happened. It's just this brief moment of like, we need something for Terry Gilliam to do in this movie. So we'll have an alien come along. And I just love how gratuitous an arbitrary it is. Now, I also wanted to mention my least favorite movie scene that doesn't advance the plot. From a movie I love, I got two words for you ghost blowjob
Starting point is 01:39:46 Not a fan of that scene not necessary. You don't think it advances the plot What part of the plot is advanced? Which does not pay off and I guess it pays actually you know what pays off later when Dana is trying to have sex with with Bill Murray and then does with With trying to have sex with with Bill Murray and then does with with Louis DeLanis. So you're right. It sets that it's it plans that seed of horny ghosts. I mean, this is and this is not I'm a big fan anytime movies incorporate scenes where characters are eating or like doing little life touches. I don't know. It's not specific. But like,
Starting point is 01:40:22 I just like it when characters prove that they're human. It's not specific, but like I just like it when characters prove that they're human Those long pooping scenes that's what Stuart loves. Mm-hmm. Yep I will say normal length pooping scenes What is normal length for a pooping scene like Jeff Daniels and Dumber Dumber like is that long or is that normal length? That's a good question, Dan. Moving on, this next letter is titled, I was six years old when your podcast started. Oh, chilling. Wow.
Starting point is 01:40:56 The old, the old, the old. It was from Hamil last name with hell, then it goes. Oh, Montana. Yeah. Yeah. What up, nectarines. I started listening a few months ago and I wanted to let you know that your podcast is hip with the kids. I rated five and a half dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets. Okay. Finally after the story checks out. Yeah, that's
Starting point is 01:41:16 what a kid would say. Finally after years of parental control. Hi mom. I've been allowed to partake in the forbidden fruit, peaches, if you will, that is the flop house. I guess 17 is the appropriate age for lengthy conversations about Wormy Boners. I just realized, are we like listening to a fucking like a dirty comedy album when your parents are in a round in giggling? Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 01:41:41 Gross. She continues, it's kind of surreal listening to the recommendations from some of the earlier episodes. One of my earliest movie memories was seeing Wally in theaters, and Elliott's recommendation of Coraline reminded me of how much that film traumatized me and my sisters when we were younger. So thanks for creating a hilarious time capsule. Unrelated question, what are some of your favorite SNL skits?
Starting point is 01:42:07 Sincerely Hannah Last name without. I mainly pick that letter to make us all feel really old. Yeah, thank you. Appreciate it. Yeah. But I mean, we can answer the question while we're at it. Any any favorite SNL skits that you remember? Did you just call them skits? Yeah. I think she's trying to make fun of that.
Starting point is 01:42:28 No, no, she used the word skits, so I was just... She used skits, but she's a teenager. You're a comedy professional. All right, sketches for God's sakes. Thank you. I would say, I've always been, I mean, I grew up when I was, so Hannah, I'll have you know that when I was a kid, it was during the heyday of the Dana Carvey Phil Hartman Mike Myers era, or as I would know, the best era of Saturday Night Live because it's when I was a kid.
Starting point is 01:42:53 And so, well, something that's always meant a lot to me was the unfrozen caveman lawyer sketch because it's such a ridiculously convoluted premise, but they pull it off in such a straightforward way and it's really funny. That he is a caveman who is actually very clever and has become a lawyer and uses the fact that he's a caveman and people will assume that he is dumb to get what he wants. Yeah. I had a hard time with this. I like weird Jack Andy sketches.
Starting point is 01:43:20 I like, there's one that I looked up earlier today that's funny, but it's not as good as I remembered. It's called Tales of Fraud and Malthezans and Railway Highring Practices, which is such a jackhandy name for a sketch. And it's one of those sketches that's just like a list of things basically, like this guy asking the person he's hiring, whether he'd be willing to do various things to get a job, and they just, there's a list of absurd things in the way that Jack Handy's very good at doing. It's the type of sketch I love.
Starting point is 01:43:54 It's not quite the right one. So I'm not sure I know the best answer for this. I do remember I really enjoy, oh fuck, what's his name? The celebrity hot tub sketch, the, uh, with Eddie Murphy. Yeah. The James Brown celebrity hot tub. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:16 That's fun. We just went hot tub. Yeah. That's hot. Uh, can I list, uh, commercial parodies in here? Sure. Uh, well, click commercial parodies in here? Sure. Uh, well, cluck and chicken is great. Yeah. Oh, yeah. That's the other one I was thinking about. I don't think anything has made me
Starting point is 01:44:32 laugh harder as a child than the stupid cluck and chicken. Uh, uh, that skit. I don't remember that one. What is that? What's that cooking at the cluck and chicken? That's me. That's me. Oh, what's that cooking at the clock in chicken? That's me. That's me. But he's the chicken. Oh, my head. Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:48 Yeah. Yeah. Then you know, try, then they pull out my intro. Feathers, intro is trust me. You don't want to eat those. Eat. And then out. He, he takes you through, through your eating it and then pooping it out. And then he looks into the toilet and goes, gaga going. That's great.
Starting point is 01:45:04 That's great. That's great. And if you want great chicken, just follow my head because his bleeding decapitated head is bouncing around. And there was, there's a sketch, a commercial parody that I reference a lot with my wife is the one, the car, the chameleon, that is, it's a parody of that commercial where they like, have a marble roll around the outside, the line like contour lines of a car
Starting point is 01:45:28 and the idea is this car looks like a shitty beat up old junker but on the inside it's this super fancy car and yeah so they like put the marble on our rolls down into a rust hole. And the like the locking mechanism makes the like suspension collapse. The, uh, that's similar. I like they had great car ads. And one of the ones I was like to was the Adobe, the car that's made out of clay. Oh, yeah. Well, this has been our reminiscence corner member, member this, the podcast. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:05 I mean, you must remember this. Yeah. Colin S&L. Mm-hmm. Uh, this is from Michael last name with help. Myers. Who, uh, where that he's writing, he's usually saying, Michael Myers, the killer from Halloween or Michael Myers,
Starting point is 01:46:22 that Mike Myers, the sad nightlife of the- He's the same guy. What if he'll Mike Myers the sad night live The same guy He writes what's up peaches this male is entirely for Stuart and an Elliott can go second egg Wow just one egg though Hmm good eggs Stuart okay, did you know that there's a place in Cork in Ireland where I live called Castle Freak? No joke. It's a woodland surrounding the original Castle Freak, a castle owned by the Freak family.
Starting point is 01:46:58 So I'm assuming there's some kind of like weird invitation. Should I, should I, should I do it? If you go there and you sleep in that castle, it's yours. Oh, if I can sleep on the night. For one night and don't rip off your own ding dong, then yeah, you get the castle. Oh, okay. I mean, the stakes, stakes are high, but I think I'm up for it. So I'll see you there. Uh, who is that? Michael Myers. I'll see you there there Michael Myers. Okay.
Starting point is 01:47:28 I guess we should do a live show there, huh? Have Castle Freak? Yeah. Yeah. LA, get on that. Okay, I'll work on that because I have contacts there, I guess, Dan, what's the name of the guy who sent the letter? Make it so. Michael Myers, okay.
Starting point is 01:47:40 Make it so. Last letter is from Sam last name withheld, just writes which muppet are each of you? Sorry if this has been asked before I feel like this has been discussed Somewhere before but I don't think it's been asked on the show. I'm probably animal. Yeah, at least that's what my hair looks like now And I'm kind of a gonzo type but also a fuzzy and I'm about is I'm about as easy to understand as animal. And Dan, I always assumed you were one of those singing cows that's with the manamana guy. That's right.
Starting point is 01:48:15 Now Dan, you're clearly the Kermit. Yeah. I was going to say that, but it's boring. Your Kermit and Hodgman is Dr. Bunsen honeydew. Mm-hmm. Yep. And Halle would be- Yeah, I was trying to think of that but like, it's hard.
Starting point is 01:48:33 She's kind of Miss Piggy but she's also kind of Janice. Yeah, you can think of like the equal point in between those two points. Yeah. I, when I was a kid, I did not care for Miss Piggy. And now it's a grown-up. I'm like, she's the most, she's the best character. I mean, you just so turned on. She's the hero this story. No, I agree. I like, yeah, I found her very irritating as a as a child. And now as an adult, I find her hilarious. Yeah. Um, that's how I feel about, uh, that's how I feel about a lot of, uh, of, uh,
Starting point is 01:49:07 doonsbury. You find, you find hilarious now, but as a kid, I was like, what is this garbage? Get it out of here. Like, where's Opus? Why don't I talk again? Why is this guy ripping off Loom County? Um, so that's letters, guys guys and that means that we're to our last segment which is where we recommend movies that we saw and enjoyed. And it's been a fucking while since we did we should a long time. We may be a little off in this episode because we haven't recorded for over a month. I think we're I thought we were hot. Okay. I'm covering a long. I'm covering all of our baby.
Starting point is 01:49:46 Rusty. But I think that's because I didn't get a lot of sleep because of the baby. Oh, because Ellie, it was doing it. No. If I do in it, you mean soothing
Starting point is 01:49:57 a baby than yes. That's not that hard, though, right? You just pop in some fucking movies and chill out like put on cars or something. I mean, if you mean my other son, then yes, that is exactly what you do.
Starting point is 01:50:07 We're always like, we're like, Sammy, let's have a movie night. Like, okay, yeah, what movie do you want to watch? Cars three, Sammy, we're not watching Cars three again. We watched it so many times now. Okay, so what movie do you want to watch? Cars. Like Sammy, I don't think you're interested.
Starting point is 01:50:24 We don't want to watch Cars, okay, then how about Cars three, Sammy, I don't think you're interested. We don't want to watch cars. Okay, then how about cars three? Sammy, so. Loves those cars movies. So, what are you guys going to recommend, huh? Yeah, Dan. I'll recommend a movie that I saw a waist back that is called Body Bags.
Starting point is 01:50:40 Or otherwise known as John Carbiter's Body Bags, which was in theaters now. No. It was meant as a pilot for a showtime anthology series to take on something like Tales from the Crypt on HBO. And it has John Carpenter himself as a sort of crypt keeper character doing wrap around segments where he's a mortician and he's, you know, overacting like hell action silly. There's three segments to it. There is the, I forget the names of them. There's one set at a gas station. I think it's called gas or something like gas station. According to Wikipedia, that's what it was called, the gas station.
Starting point is 01:51:32 Okay, so it's very simple. The second one is called hair, I think, and the third one is called the eye, is that correct? It just says eye here, but yeah, I'll give it to you. And I would recommend watching the two ones directed by John Carpenter, which is the first two, and ignoring the one directed by Toby Hooper at the end, even though it has a very committed performance by Mark Hamill. The second one is very goofy. It has, it's about Stacey Keach wanting hair, thinking that he's not virile without having hair and links to which he
Starting point is 01:52:05 goes to get hair. Honestly, I would, if I was sequencing this like a record, I would put that before the gas station because the gas station is the one that's the one that I really enjoyed. And that's actually, that's the worst is when the best part of an anthology is the first one. Yeah. Yeah. I was like when I was watching I'm like this is gonna be great. This is gonna be fantastic and then it was just a slow dive for the rest of the movie. But the gas station is a traditional slasher sat around the gas station, but it's done with like but it's John Carpenter, and he's experimenting with the way he uses space, and he sets up space or spatial relationships, and you know
Starting point is 01:52:52 the geography of the gas station, and he uses the first half of the segment to set up things that are gonna pay off in the second half, and it's just a fun exercise and style. And if you like John Carp gonna pay off, you know, in the second half, and it's just a fun exercise in style. And if you liked John Carpenter a lot, you're gonna enjoy seeing him doing that. Not like an amazing movie by the way, but especially if you're a John Carpenter fan, it's worth checking out. Yeah. Elliot, what do you got?
Starting point is 01:53:19 I am gonna recommend a movie that is an HBO movie, so it's only available on HBO, but maybe it'll be, I don't know if it got a theatrical release, but if it did, maybe you'll see it somewhere else, but it's an HBO movie, and it's called The Tale, and it stars Laura Dern and Ellen Burstin and a bunch of other people, and it's written and directed by Jennifer Fox,
Starting point is 01:53:41 and it's based on the true story of her mother finding a story that she had written as a teenager that detailed her relationship with a grown man when she was 13 and kind of how realizing as an adult what a abusive relationship it was and how wrong it was kind of starts to affect her. And I thought it was really good and really powerful. Lorde Turn is fantastic in it. And the movie is... What?
Starting point is 01:54:10 She's not even fantastic in everything. Amazingly Lorde Turn, one of the greatest actresses is fantastic in it. But there's some neat things that they do with playing around with kind of film elements that remind me slightly of the movie, the stories we tell, but in a much more harrowing way. And the movie, like the dialogue in it, is very on the nose. But that's something that started out bothering me, but then it kind of became very, I don't know, it started really working for me because it felt like this story is not being sensationalized
Starting point is 01:54:44 at all. It's being presented very straightforwardly and it's up to you to kind of like be there with Lordearn's character as she kind of tries to treat it as if it was just this thing that happened and realizes more and more like no this is a wrong thing and something terrible was done to her when she was young. So it's not a fun watch, but I thought the tale was really good. On HBO, home box office, it's not TV, it's HBO. I'm gonna recommend a movie with a slight caveat because it was directed by friend of the podcast,
Starting point is 01:55:20 Chris Whites, and that's his new movie, which I think is still playing in theaters now called it's still out here called Operation Finale, which is a historical almost like a historical heist movie about Mossad agents sneaking into Argentina to to capture Adolf Eichmann and take him back to Israel for trial. And it is a more fun movie than I thought it was going to be going into it. And not all the thriller parts work, especially in the last third of the movie. But the, I think the early stuff really shines and the scenes with Oscar Isaac and Ben Kingsley are just great.
Starting point is 01:56:08 Like, I'm a big fan of those. Big surprise, those two guys can act well and have a lot of charisma. And it has a surprisingly good performance from Nick Crowell, not like knocking him, but like he's not... Let us slap in the face to Nick Crowell. I mean, I guess, you know, we briefly met him and he seemed perfectly, like a perfectly nice guy.
Starting point is 01:56:32 No, but like I wouldn't, you wouldn't, if you were to say like, oh, yeah, there's this historical thriller, Nick Crowell's in it. You wouldn't, I don't know, like he's, he's a guy mainly known for comedy and this is not a comedy. That's what I meant by. But he's dramatic churn from the from the quote, role that works. Thanks for saving me. Oh no. I mean, I didn't. I threw you under the bus.
Starting point is 01:56:54 I apologize. It's fine. I'm under the bus is kind of where I live. The, but no. So Operation Finale Chris Wh Whites, yeah, it was, I think in his words, us going to see that, or he had a, we got to get all, you know, all the car. Full disclosure. All my cars on the table, we went to an early screening, which I think in his words was his way of preventing us from doing an episode on it, but we would not. So we liked it. Have you guys become more yardier from Anec cool news now basically where you'd like being invited to see movies in order to curry favor?
Starting point is 01:57:34 Oh yeah. Oh yeah. We can be bought. We can't sell anybody. And Dan's using his new position to pull Harry Nozzy and bullshit on people. Oh no, don't do that. Come on. I'm just joking. I'm just joking. But you should be sure. See, so gross. Something I want to make clear, I should say, the movie I recommend to the tale, I would say, I'm not, if ever there was something
Starting point is 01:57:54 that might need like a trigger warning on it, I would warn people it is not in, it doesn't pull any punches, so just be ready for it to not be a super easy experience to watch. I don't want anyone being like, oh, I heard this is a really good movie about this woman realizing she was abused.
Starting point is 01:58:12 It should probably be pretty fun and not having fun during it. So don't have fun during it. It's a rough watch, that's really good. All right, now what do we do, Dan? Well, usually we sign off. We get to watch slam and jam again. Yeah, we can't.
Starting point is 01:58:28 I mean, you'll be free to go. You can do whatever you want in this life. It's still, it's available on Amazon Prime. So I guess we can check that out. Sure. But Elliott wanted to say a few things before we go. Hey guys, yeah. Should I just take it away, Dan?
Starting point is 01:58:43 Yeah, take it away. Listeners, after over 10 years doing this podcast we've decided it's time to start getting the word out about this podcast So I want to introduce a new kind of flop house contest a not vaguely defined contest But in fact a very clearly defined contest so stealing a page from probably something some other podcast does I want to say that the weekend this episode comes out, slam a jamma. I am going to ask you to tweet about it or tweet about the flop house using the hashtag flop house. If you do within that two day period of Saturday and Sunday, the weekend is this episode's
Starting point is 01:59:17 released. If you tweet about it with the hashtag flop house, I'm going to enter you into a drawing to win the chance to pick up a movie that we see coming up. Now Dan, something I'm going to talk to you about drawing to win the chance to pick a movie that we see coming up. Now, Dan, something I'm going to talk to you about is after small Vembra comes Shocktober, is it okay if someone picks a horror movie for us for Shocktober? Or do you want to keep that pure as the driven snow? Let's keep that pure and like do November because we have nothing scheduled for November. I thought that was, I thought that was Sandal Vembra where we only watch
Starting point is 01:59:43 Adam Sandler movies. You've been trying to get started for three years, now four years, I don't know. Not gonna happen. Okay, so this is your chance, everybody, to save us from Sandal Vembr, the month where we have to watch Adam Sandler movies, unless you are so cruel that that's what you're gonna pick. But, tweet about us this weekend,
Starting point is 02:00:03 that this episode comes out, the hashtag flop house, and you'll get a chance to pick the movie that we watch first in November. And please, the only thing I ask to you is, let's make it a pretty recent movie that we can have pretty easy access to. My worry is that someone will be like, I won, okay, there's this movie that I saw
Starting point is 02:00:20 on a shelf at my local video store once in 1986. I want you to find it and tell me what happens. Yeah, we can't do that. I saw on a shelf at my local video store once in 1986, I want you to find it and tell me what happened. Yeah. We can't do that. I mean, I would say it doesn't have to be recent as long as it's available for us. Like if it's- Okay.
Starting point is 02:00:34 If it's readily available. If it's available, like in you check on streaming, if it's available on iTunes, you know, or Amazon Prime or whatever, we should be able to do it. Okay. So with that in mind, just tweet about the show this weekend, this episode comes out, and it with a hashtag, Flop House, and you'll get to choose what we watch when small Vembrane, Shocktober are butt memories.
Starting point is 02:00:54 And if things go well, then maybe we'll do this again, right? Dan, I had a great time. Maybe we can do this again sometime. Yeah, and I would say, in addition to that, tweet about us when it's not for a contest. I mean, why not go over to iTunes and leave us a good review. Please don't leave us a bad review. Why would you spend your waste your few hours on this earth, putting someone else down?
Starting point is 02:01:17 And Dan. Just say, Dan. No, I'd say nothing else. I just give us a good review if you feel so inclined. And where can they follow us on Twitter Dan It is I believe it is the flop house pod on Twitter. Yes, it's at the flop house pod So yeah tweet about us whenever you want follows on Twitter at flop house at the flop house pod Leave us review on iTunes or wherever you get podcasts and you know what I would say when you're done with this episode, why not check out some other great show
Starting point is 02:01:46 on Maximum Fun? There's a lot of great Maximum Fun shows. That sounds great. All right. So thanks for doing the show with me, guys. We're still doing the show. Cool. So we're checking his emails.
Starting point is 02:01:59 I got a lot of emails. So it's been great, guys. It's been so long since I've seen my man Elliot. Dan, I see you a lot, but you're great. Thanks. So, yep, for the flop house, I've been Stewart Wellington. Okay, we're doing it this way, I guess. I've been Dan McCoy.
Starting point is 02:02:16 And I'm Elliot Kaelin, Love and Everman, and I get to spend with my guys when they're crammed into a tiny corner of Dan's department because he's trying to keep his second bedroom pristine for some unknown purpose. And I had everyone. Bye. Yeah, I'm sorry I can't be there. I'm looking I want to see it someday. Huh? Well, you're kind of seeing it.
Starting point is 02:02:45 I mean, I'm seeing one tiny corner in a sad lamp, but other than that, not really. That's not a sad lamp, that's damn. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Yeah, Dan, I think you're just, is it measuring charisma? Whoa. Ouch! Comedy and culture. Artist-owned. Listener supported.

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