The Flop House - Ep. #285 - Serenity

Episode Date: May 25, 2019

We discuss something that's been on our want list for a while: the genre-hopping bonkers twist-em-up, Serenity. And to do so, we are joined by the delightful Jenny Jaffe, whose attachment to this film... can surely be described as "healthy." Meanwhile Stuart explains costume-care in the stripper industry, Elliott introduces his new hit character "Crawdaddy," and Dan's reaction to the film is a real twist ending! Wikipedia synopsis for Serenity Movies recommended in this episode: John Wick 3: Parabellum Long Shot Alice in the Cities Police Story/Police Story 2 LIVE SHOW DATES 2019! June 8 – PORTLAND – Revolution Hall - TICKET SALES ARE SLUGGISH, SO PLEASE COME OUT! July 13 – MINNEAPOLIS – Parkway September 28 – BOSTON – WBUR CitySpace (TWO shows in one night) October 12 – LOS ANGELES – The Regent Theater

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On this episode we discuss... Serenity! Based on the hit show Firefly! No, not that one. Oh, what do we watch? Hello and welcome to the Flop House, I'm Dan McCoy. Oh hey Dan McCoy, I'm Stuart Wellington. This is Elliot Kaylen and I'm joined by a very special guest, our friend and everyone else's friend,
Starting point is 00:00:48 even though she's never been on the show before. Jenny Jaffee, everybody. Hey guys. Jenny Jaffee for people who aren't familiar from the many podcast appearances she's made on other podcast. Yes. Is a comedy guru, I guess.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Oh, wow. Yeah. And really like, they call her like an institution in the world of comedy. Wow, Yeah. No, I'm very old. I gotta I have to ask a guru to whom Her Yeah, who will you like you have that comedy school? I do yeah, I have it's I mean it's out of the back of my house and it's like most in my dog, but like he
Starting point is 00:01:23 Oh, for sure. Yeah, it's called backhouse dog school for comedy. Yeah. Oh, you have a house gonna brag on the podcast. Los Angeles is a magical place. Yeah, you can buy houses there. It's amazing. Jenny, I think we I think we first got to know you through the Star Wars Minute podcast. Yeah, I think it's funny. I think we were like legitimately fans of each other's podcast appearances, because I have been a flapper for like, since the flapper has started.
Starting point is 00:01:51 No, I'm sorry. It's like a, no, it's a, I appreciate that. It's no, it's like a crossover episode for me in my own personal life. Oh, cool. Yeah, but I, yeah, I was, I was like, Star Wars Minute and then I did like an episode with Dan and Stewart and then I wrote a thing for you
Starting point is 00:02:10 and then, oh, that's right. Yeah, we wrote a thing for me for President's, for the President's people too. Yeah. So it's, and Jenny and I've been working together on a project that we hope to announce someday a television project. So, but she's here to talk to us about what movie Dan?
Starting point is 00:02:27 Or what do we do on this podcast, Dan? This is a podcast where we watch a bad movie. And then we talk about it. Oh yeah. And I don't want to chip my hands, but why did we watch this movie for the podcast guys? Oh yeah, I mean, this is a story about a war veteran who is trapped on a boat called Serenity.
Starting point is 00:02:47 That's right. Oh, it's going to be filled in. So I think that's the same joke as the intro. Oh, yeah, but what about this joke? Josweedin made it. Oh, man. Oh, boy. Good stuff.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Well, I've never watched Firefly, so that's as much as I know about about Firefly and Serenity. So this so damn we there's this movie that called Serenity that came out. This might be so we don't usually need to explain that part of movies. So so anyway actors got in front of cameras and they said these lines and then they edited it together into a movie and then they released it but when they released it they barely advertised the movie uh... as if they didn't want people to see this movie and the amazing is that matrimon he and and half way the stars of this movie i have a question is it because the movie was in fact too hot for tv
Starting point is 00:03:39 it that's exactly the case you up they can only sell they can only sell it through mail order on a TV commercial late at night. I remember news at the time saying that the stars in the movie were upset that the movie was not getting the promotion. They thought it was, they had been promised it would get. And the reason it didn't get the promotion it was supposed to get is because test audiences disliked the movie so much that it was going to bury it. I remember like, I actually saw the trailer for this because I'm the kind of person who sits around watching a bunch of trailers on the computer.
Starting point is 00:04:08 I like this. I know that Dan is if we did over during during work hours right. No comment and dance work hours are mainly spent tweeting whatever comes into his head. He makes it up as he goes along. Like everyone's Twitter is not whatever I was in your head. Not carefully curated jokes and what. Yeah, exactly. I'm a 10 dance Twitter presence. I think it's been great so far. Oh, no, that's a very hot thing.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Bad guess alert. Bad guess alert. No, I appreciate the support from once against you to bullies. But what was I saying? Oh, I saw the trailer. The guy sits at home watching trailers on your computer and your underpants. Yes, and had you. Thanks for the improvises. I kind of found the trailer kind of intriguing and like big stars and all the stuff. I'm just like, oh, okay. Maybe I'll take a look at that when it comes out.
Starting point is 00:05:08 And then I had no idea. You went over, you copied the link to coming, sent it to mom with the caption, interesting. And then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, I'm not going to be a little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more
Starting point is 00:05:36 little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more And you saw it and you said, I can't wait to see this movie. This is gonna be great. I wouldn't say that, but I was interested. And then I had no idea that the movie had come and gone on the theaters when it finally arrives. So there is, speaking of moms and serenity,
Starting point is 00:05:54 there is no movie that I feel like I received as much advance warning from people, oh, this is gonna be a flop house movie as this. And my mom, she just follows Annie Hathaway on Google probably. I think she brought Annie Hathaway. she just follows Annie Hathaway on Google probably. I think she wrote. You say Annie Hathaway? Well, because Anne Hathaway, you are probably familiar.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Yes. Went to school and to my high school a year behind me. Oh, I didn't know that. Only comes up on the flop house all the time, Janne. Oh, okay. Well. So we, and we are everyone. Yeah, because you guys, you said date,
Starting point is 00:06:20 you have a toured history, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. You used to date best friend, still blood brothers. The sheet we ever call Annie. So my mom still says like, oh, Annie has a new movie out and stuff like that. And but I never really knew her. So she's like, she's like,
Starting point is 00:06:33 did you see this movie, Annie's in? It sounds like you should do this on the flop house. And was sending me, and it's like, my mom has never recommended a movie for the flop house before. This is amazing. But so she didn't even win a contest or anything. I was like, mom, you got to win a poorly defined contest. I'm going to tell us what's going to be on the show.
Starting point is 00:06:51 But Jenny, you, when I, I mentioned this movie and you were chomping at the bit, whereas Dan would say, because he's a pennant, chomping at the bit. You were like, I got to talk about this movie. You love it so much. I was, well, so I saw in theaters having also also like I think I just read some article that was like This is one of the most bizarre movies I've ever seen in theaters and I was like great. I'm going So I took my friend Casey and we went to there was only showing it either 3 p.m. Or 11 p.m. in burping
Starting point is 00:07:19 So we went like 11 p.m. And it was really clear that half the audience were sort of hipster jerks like us who really wanted to laugh at a bad movie and the other half were people who were like uh boats and stars let's see what this is about and so you can smell the salt water coming off there tiny bahama shirts I haven't been this excited about a movie since that one with Robert Redford where it's just him on a boat the whole movie Yep and this excited about a movie since that one with Robert Redford, where it's just him on a boat the whole movie. Yep. Old man of the gun, which is about him being an old man. Oh, wait, is there a gun in it?
Starting point is 00:07:52 There is also a gun. A spoiler alert. But so the thing of all is lost. That's the name of it. All is lost. Otherwise known as Robert Redford gets hit in the face with water for an hour and a half. And nobody says anything. Jenny, so you went to see it.
Starting point is 00:08:05 So I went to the movie, half the audience just didn't know what they were in store for. And it was the most amazing communal theater going experience I've ever had. It was like, truly, we all were so unified by the end. Like the people who were there for something good were like cheering and laughing and like it was became this interactive experience. And then we all like, right right outside the theater, just all met up to talk about it and make sure we'd all seen what we thought we'd seen. And you're still French.
Starting point is 00:08:37 You can still keep in touch with all the people on that theater. We are all Instagram friends. We have a lot of them. And I did like immediately text Eliot as I'm sure many people did. We had a lot of fun. And if anyone's a fan of Jordan, Jesse, go, or not, Jenny's episode is a great episode. Thank you. You should watch it. There's some really funny stuff in there. Adults. Oh, watch it.
Starting point is 00:08:49 Are you watching? Are you watching? Dad. Okay. So set your T-vo or whatever. Did you watch it? I did. I did.
Starting point is 00:08:57 I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I. Or you watch it. Dad.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Okay. So set your Tivo or whatever. In just a go in case there's a rerun of it. Yeah. It was, it was, I was really excited to watch it. And then Jordan gave me a poster of Serenity for my birthday. Wow. Super nice.
Starting point is 00:09:19 It's a super nice, it's an agreement. Is the poster, is that the official poster that wouldn't use as a thumbnail on Amazon with like, there's two faces split by like, I don't know like a bloody, bloody boat wake or something. Yeah, it's like the boat is leaving blood in its wake. It's causing a rift between Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway, who is different hair on the poster than she does in the movie. I think because they realized the blonde hair was a mistake, it's too late they uh... they they uh... well they were trying but then what were they trying can you can you down i here's my
Starting point is 00:09:51 challenge i'm gonna give you the serenity challenge holds serenity in your mouth for an entire episode of the podcast that's fitting it out by telling us what happens in serenity alright so the movie opens underwater and then like zooms out over the water toward a boat while the music swells as if a boat in the ocean is the most ominous fucking thing. Oh wait, real quick Dan. Dan, how did we get to that water? Isn't it through a child's eye? Don't we see a child's eye and then zoom in to find the water? But you're right,
Starting point is 00:10:21 I was like right off the bat that that boat is in the water and the music is like, do do do do do do do do do do do and I was like, did I enter the middle of the movie? What happened? Yeah, yeah. And just a correction, most movies began underwater. It isn't until they start selling tickets that they make their money for. Right.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Thomas Chico, the podcast you decide. No, I'll take whatever. I love it. Stewart was doing whatever you don't know me. You don't know my family. She just got real. So, Dan, you're on the water. What is on this boat? What is this boat? So there's four guys on this boat. Two of them aren't important. You won't see them again in the movie. They're two drunk guys who have chartered the boat. And then the caption of the boat
Starting point is 00:11:10 is our pal Matthew McConaughey and he's got a second mate played by Jiamon Hansu. Is that the correct pronunciation of that? I think it's close. I mean, it's close enough that we'll give you a partial credit. How would you say it? I don't know. I'd have to Google it.
Starting point is 00:11:26 All right. It's pronounced. It's pronounced David Hanson. Okay. Wow. Uh, so, uh, these guys chart, what's, what's, wait, what's Matthew MacGonay's character's name? Do you remember?
Starting point is 00:11:38 Oh, yeah. I made to say that his, his, he is the unlikely name of Baker Dill. He is the unlikely name of Baker Dill. The name of a guy who puts herbs in his loaves, I guess. Right off the bat, I do want to say this is the best McConaughey's ever looked in my opinion. And I watched it with two female friends now and we have both agreed. This is a big waste of the best his arms have ever been. And angels in the outfield, Matthew McConaughey. I like a grizzled McConaughey. I mean, he is a big waste of the best his arms have ever been angels in the outfield Matthew McConaughey. I like a grizzled
Starting point is 00:12:07 McConaughey. I mean, he's supposed to be like a wasted kind of like not beach bum exactly, but like like yeah like always in the sun like Like throwing his life away with rum and things like that. But he looks amazing. He looks so good It's it's it's it's almost wrong for this character. He should have a big belly at this point. Yeah, and like a grizzled beard. But instead, he's just got like, he's in great shape. He's just washing his butt all the time. Frequently nude in the movie.
Starting point is 00:12:34 I mean, he's kind of like, well, you just imagine I'm a young boy. He's kind of like what I would imagine my hot dad would look like. Yeah. And you would frequently be imagining your hot dad's butt if you're a young boy. Like he also starts just kind of, as he would be the kind of dad who just walks around when no clothes on all the time.
Starting point is 00:12:54 Oh yeah, he's one of those naked families. Yeah, yeah. Like you can't have friends over really. No, because as your dad might walk through with his butt hanging out. Now guys, it could have been a product of the TV I was watching it on. But when he strips down, it looks like he has a noticeable like whale tail tan line on his butt, where like it looks like he's clearly wears a G string. Well, your thoughts, Elliot.
Starting point is 00:13:17 I mean, I can't, I couldn't sell, see that on my TV. I can't speak to the undergarment preferences of maybe. Maybe I need to change my TV settings. Well, you have it on that whale tail setting, right? We're like, no, no. But you're looking at it. You're on motion smoothing and whale tailing. Get it turned off.
Starting point is 00:13:36 They set that at the factory, because old people don't know what things just has to look like on their TVs. Oh, no, I'm going to get an angry email from Todd Viseria on this one. He's going to be like, I told you to turn off all your filters, all of them, all the settings. Dan, okay, so they're out on that boat. What are they doing out there? Huh? What does Matthew Maltese do? What's his obsession? If you have one. His thing is he's a charter boat captain
Starting point is 00:13:58 for mostly, I assume, Rich Assles who want to go a big fish, fishin'. There's a way of saying that. That's what sport fishing. They're like hunting for marlins and stuff. Yeah, exactly. And sport fishing. Okay, so he's there to- I mean, as opposed to sustenance fishing, they're not gonna eat the fish afterwards.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Yeah, I mean, sometimes you do, you do. Tune it, but like, do you eat? I guess you can eat it No, but then those guys they're gonna they're gonna catch that big tuna and they're gonna lackard up So they can put it up over the over the couch and they're dead I don't have to get you scrape out the insides and eat them first and then like stuff it or something I mean I could be wrong. It seems like you'd kind of what you then you so the fish is doing I don't know about that are you saying that the fish that are on the walls
Starting point is 00:14:46 in bars and whatever and sing it you, they all have guts. Well, the ones that sing it, yeah, yeah, that's the big mouth Billy Vassas don't have guts. Oh, instead of guts, the animatronic elements. Yeah. But that was once a live fish before
Starting point is 00:15:00 that stuff goes in there. Yeah, it's like the deathlock of fishes. It's just a, it's a cyborg now. Uh, so Dan, so there's, he takes people out for sport fishing, but how does this trip go with these two drunk guys? Uh, well, he catches his, his, uh, his dream fish, his, his bet noir fish. Um, he, and, uh, they're on the line. What's the name of, what's the name of this famous tune?
Starting point is 00:15:24 Oh, he's always chasing? Justice. And he's so, he's so Captain A. Hab over this tuna that he will not allow the sport fisherman to take over. He's like getting the back and he threatens him with a knife. And we're introduced to the idea that Matthew McConaughey is a little crazy, particularly when it comes to this fish. And yeah, in his pursuit of justice is what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:15:49 He's got this fish on the line. He's got this fish on the line. He thinks it's all out of fight. He gets jam on Hansu over to, you know, he's got a big hook. It's going to hook that thing in. And it escapes. And Matthew McConaughey basically breaks down and Wales at the heaven saying He does a lot of that in this episode in this movie. He's a lot yelling at the sky. Oh
Starting point is 00:16:15 also Because he's so obsessed with this tuna these guys don't pay and he's like we introduced in these scenes to two important things about Matthew McConaughey. He wants this tuna and he's so obsessed with this tuna he doesn't have any money. And so what does he do next? Does that want to go to Diane Lane? That's what we see that guy in the business suit on the beach. Oh yeah. There's this nerdy business suit guy. Wow. He's clearly played as a nerd. A little judgmental. This is serious minded fellow in glasses. Yeah, yeah. I raised a weight out into the into the water in his suit. For reasons we do not understand as of
Starting point is 00:16:57 yet. Yeah, it's a real. We will never understand that aspect of it. Why was he just going out in his full suit into the water? He's always trying to get to Matthew McConaughey or Baker Dill, I should say. Whereas we literally learn this suited man is trying to get Baker Dill's attention, but he's always just like a few seconds too late. Like as every time Baker Dill's boat is leaving the dock, this guy runs up and it's like, D- Baker Dill! Baker Dill! Oh, yeah. And as we look at the moon, when we learn the identity of this man we realize wait a minute It doesn't make any sense. He's like late showing up to But yeah, also you rewind the tape when I made the the Edward
Starting point is 00:17:34 Nigma joke can you change it to clock King because I think it's more appropriate Yeah, and it just keeps happening in a way that like halfway through the movie I say to the TV just go to his house And like in the next scene that he just goes to his house and I think house is being charitable, but we can go on You know, yeah, he lives in it. He lives in a giant ship and create like Wally But we have stuff so then I think this is speaking of houses. He goes to someone's house Well, so I believe this is the point at which he gets into, he manufactures a fight with his trusty second mate
Starting point is 00:18:11 because he's worried about the fact that he basically can't pay him anymore. Or is that late? That's a little bit late. Okay, so. That's a little later. First Baker deal goes to his only source for reliable money in these troubled economic times.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Yeah. Dan Lane, a character in this movie that does not pay off in any way. I mean, she pays off by giving him money. In exchange for that. And talking about her cat, a whole bunch. Yeah, it's weird. She keeps talking about her cat and I'm like, oh, okay, I get it. That's juvenile.
Starting point is 00:18:37 But then she should be watching him through her blinds. Because her only role in the movie is to have sex with my economy and then watch him through Venetian blinds. as he apparently her window looks out on every part of the island they lives in because no matter where he is she can see him through her blinds and says like there's my kitty there's my cat like wait so Matthew McConaughey was the cat I don't understand I thought she was referring to her vagina. There is also a literal cat but I think that when you see a cat. She does have a real cat. Yeah, because Matt Hanna picked some of them,
Starting point is 00:19:06 just like, I don't know where you're supposed to pick. Well, that wasn't it. No, that was a great map. Actually, we should say something about the setting of this movie, Dan. So it's set where? Oh, okay. So this is this this movie at least to begin and, you know, like not
Starting point is 00:19:23 to spoil too much about, but you know, there's a big twist coming. But so at the beginning of this movie, least to begin and you know like not to spoil too much about but you know there's a big twist coming but so at the beginning of this movie uh-huh I do want to this what I really just quickly wanted to say what uh a Diane Lance first line is I'm so sorry I had to pull it up we meet them in in media res while they're doing it I had written down. I just had to look it up and it's, I am increasingly fond of the way you say hello. And I just had to say that real quick. Sorry about that. No, that's fine. I believe what I was saying,
Starting point is 00:19:55 like to start this movie comes off as a classic slice of some drench noir. Sweaty noir, yeah. Yeah, this is going to be a down south although we later learn we don't know where planet is tail of sweat and sex and betrayal. Yeah, yeah. It reminds me of a dance. Somebody give you a black velvet on the jukebox. Yeah. This I want to introduce a new character that I've been thinking about ever since I saw this movie This is okay on this voice. This is a character. I've invented called crawdaddy
Starting point is 00:20:32 If I can do some here I'm glad you're workshopping it with us I'd like if I could workshop this character for everybody okay, because this and then we can just send this in as my SNL audition tape That'd be fantastic, okay Well, well, it's me, Crawl, daddy. I grew up in a Louisiana Bayou, but now I'm a suburban dad in my youth, our recigators, now I drive a Kia. That's pretty much the whole character.
Starting point is 00:20:59 I'm, hold on. So, wait, the fact that he is a daddy, is that you're saying that there's something called a cron. He's a dad. Yeah, it was. It's what's a play on the word cron. Daddy. Exactly. If I could explain somewhere, okay. Yeah, it's please. You know, growing up sometimes he gets so bad you couldn't even blink. Now I bring orange losses to the soccer games.
Starting point is 00:21:23 Yeah, why would the fact he's a suburban dad change the keys? Well, because he doesn't live in, let me explain, let me explain. I was born in a shack in the Bayou, and I moved to Connecticut for the school districts. So he's a suburban dad now. Well, you guys can't see it, but Elliot, like, it's like his whole physique change. Like, he's melted into this character. Oh, this is a really good character. Yeah, imagine if you can imagine Dr. John.
Starting point is 00:21:54 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, I can't. He's like a musical Paul Prudome. I, I, I, he's basically a Dr. Teeth from Dr. Teeth and the electric maham. Yeah, that's true. But he's not, he's not a puppet. That's right. electric mayhem. Yeah, that's true. But he's not a puppet. That's right. No, no, he's a white-ish character.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Yeah, that's it. That's pretty much the character. Yeah, I don't know. I can go on if you want. I guess he was just looking for one more. Well, well, well. Let's just climb into my fan boat so you can get over to that PTA meeting Perfect Anyway, that's my character, Krod Daddy who is inspired by this movie
Starting point is 00:22:30 I didn't know there's a lot of fan boats in Connecticut I mean if it's it's towed but it's on a tow on his car On the Kia on the Kia Sportage that I mentioned earlier Still, I mean it doesn't sound safe. I mean, I don't think you're supposed to ride in those if it's on a flatbed on attached to your Kia, but that's okay. No, no, I mean, it's, again, cry daddy plays by his own rules. I mean, it's an up, down, growing up,
Starting point is 00:22:54 well, I did, you gotta play by your own rules. Well, also have to follow the homeowners association guidelines and that's why I can't have a basketball hoop in the driveway. So anyway, that's like here to cross daddy So to go to return to the movie for a moment at least so You know kind of hey now the edge of the money to pay he's like you know be there tomorrow We're gonna go out again and chime in hauntso is like do we have or do we have anyone?
Starting point is 00:23:25 You know scheduled to go out and pay us for this and he's like no, we're just going to go out real quick Dan So the thing I like about crawdaddy is it's a real fish out of water Yeah, I mean you don't expect a guy who comes you know He grew up in a swamp wrestling theaters with his putty P paw You don't expect him to have to worry about like his house tax, his property taxes, you know. It's kind of like a, kind of like a My Blue Heaven. I'm sorry, I'm worried, you know.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Yeah, yeah, since this universal character of the middle class suburban dad, everyone understands it. Mm-hmm. Okay, so we're turning to the movie. So they have no luck catching fish. And this means that McConaughey has not made any money that day. And so this is when that conversation I was remembering earlier happened. Where does I hear in the Henderson's?
Starting point is 00:24:16 Oh, I'm saying through the company. Yeah, he basically does it like it to Javan Hatsuz, like, go on kid, I don't like you anymore. He wants him to get a job with real money, because he can no longer afford to pay him. If he could ever pay him, the job was assistant to an obsessed man hunting after a tuna because it reminds him of his long lost son in some way. And in case I don't get to these, I just occurred to me,
Starting point is 00:24:41 in case I don't get to these explicitly later on into the show because they're kind of sprinkled throughout, rather than like being major plot points. You know, craw daddy would say that, sprang. Oh god. Okay. So he'd say, sprangled trout. Two things I would say.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Like, sprinkled trout, I don't understand. Two things I want to say about Plemith is, you learn early and often that everyone knows everything about each other because there's a lot of gossip going on Yep, and they love you. They love telling Baker deal. What's going on in his life? They'll be like yeah, he'll be at the bar and be like Baker He's been spending too much time going after that fish. Heard you had a fight with Duke Why don't you want him working on your boat anymore? And it's like why are you telling me what happened in my life? I don't understand. Yeah, so that's one thing that's true. And another thing is true is when he drives around and is truck, there's a rate, there's
Starting point is 00:25:30 like one radio station. And the guy, the DJ, his stuff seems suspiciously tailored specifically to Baker Dill. That's, you said the same thing about your relationship with Don I'ma. Look, he told me to kill, so I killed. There's, the guy in the radio is always like, beautiful day out here, but the time is, well, you don't care what time it is, just go out and get that fish. You just want that fish. And it is like, like in the future, we're on, like, he's listening to a podcast that
Starting point is 00:26:02 someone makes just for him. Like, media has become so fragmented that it's literally a Baker Dill specific radio show that he's listening to. And the reasons are made clear later in the movie, but early on it's like, what the fuck is this radio station? So my friend who was watching it with yesterday pointed out that some of what is happening in this movie might be forgivable if it was a play because everybody's constantly talking in this way that feels so weird for the genre. People are constantly talking at Baker Dill
Starting point is 00:26:34 they're talking about other people who aren't there and it's like you just saw this happen. If it was all just happening in this one setting it kind of makes sense and the performances might be a little more forgivable. I'm not saying it's a Broadway play but I'm saying if you saw this like a black box for sure. Yeah, there's like a black box theater and they like have like people with like a big blue sheet to be the water. It's a dream ballet with a tuna. Danny, you have to produce it. Oh my God. Honestly, I would be honored.
Starting point is 00:27:05 I would love to produce serenity. It's not a musical. It's just a straight drama with a dream ballet. A dream ballet. I mean, every good play, circa 1953, it needs a dream ballet. Absolutely. I love that death of salesman dream ballet. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Wonderful. When he dreams about selling things. Yeah. And then he dreams about dying things. Yeah. And then he dreams about dying. Have you ever seen it? I think I've seen it four times. Great. Okay. Hey, it's time for another episode of famous people, Elliot saw on stage. Oh God. Because I saw death of a salesman, two Broadway productions, one of course, Brian Denny. He amazing. And one with, uh, with a, uh, effects himself. What? Uh, the guy from FX is what I'm saying. Brian Denny, amazing. And one with a- FX himself. What?
Starting point is 00:27:45 The guy from FX is what I'm saying. Brian Denny. Yeah, yeah. FX is Brian Denny. And the other with what's in it, with a Philips. If you say Brian, if you say Brian Brown, I'm gonna lose my shit.
Starting point is 00:27:55 No. With, and the other with Philips he more Hoffman. And they're both great. Play the character in very different ways just to go to show you. When it's that good a text, there's a lot of different room for interpretation.
Starting point is 00:28:07 I'm Andrew studio. I'm Elliot K. Well, I just Michael Shannon in a play and I saw his wing as part of that. So what was this? Frankie and Johnny declared a loon. Oh, okay. It was it was good. What was the context of you seeing Michael Shannon naked? Well, bus Indy women, they changed your group.
Starting point is 00:28:29 I think both of the acts are open with the two leads having sex and a lot of the beginning of it was just played in the nude. And do you think the script features the moment where he pinwheels around? I think I was added in later productions. Oh cool. Okay. But but by now it's become basically text. Exactly. Uh so before I figured out the twist or actually that's not true.
Starting point is 00:28:56 I think everybody kind of figures out they don't dole it out as well as they think they do. They just in this movie is pretty pretty uh foreshadowed. Yeah they foreshadowed a lot but but the, what we're talking about, the, the setting, I kept being like, where is this island? I watched this with my wife and she was like, where is this supposed to be? And so we were like, I was looking up Plymouth Island online to see if it was a real place. It is not a real place, spoiler alert. Uh, if anyone wants to go, uh, live the Bakerdale lifestyle and follow on his first
Starting point is 00:29:24 steps. But yeah, the movie, it, it's like, and I wasn't sure if the movie wanted us to be asking that question, or if it was just too bad at covering its tracks. Guys, what do you think? Which question? All right. Is the movie, does the movie want us to be wondering where Plumeth Island is, or is that because they're not doing a good job of misleading us? Look, I think I speak for most Americans,
Starting point is 00:29:50 I think I speak for most Americans, understanding of geography, where I was like, yeah, sure there's a Plumeth Island somewhere, okay? I mean, I wasn't like, oh, this is a clue. Yeah, I mean, that was like the first thing I did was Google, Plymouth Island question mark. And yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:08 My first, because my first thought was like, oh, it's like off the floor to keys somewhere and then it was like, okay, maybe it's like French Caribbean. And it just, it just kind of becomes this weird mishmash of things. And then I'm like, okay, wow, there's this very aggressive radio DJ. I don't know where we are.
Starting point is 00:30:24 Google's most aggressive. Yeah. So I don't quite remember. Okay, so we locked up everything's jumbled up at this point. Right. So what was the next thing? The next thing was when our femme fatale enters the film. Can you explain this?
Starting point is 00:30:38 No, it's that early. Okay. It's Anne Hathaway with a bad blonde. I assume Wig. And she is playing, at least you think at the start, she is playing the femme fatal of the movie. And I say playing advisedly, because it feels like Anne Hathaway is playing other movies that she's seen,
Starting point is 00:31:03 which is not such a bad thing, considering that this movie is really steeped in other movies. But it feels, and it plays into the twist later that she is more of a character than a full person. Although there's two things about one is that she's supposed to be his ex-wife, and they were supposed to go into school together,
Starting point is 00:31:23 and she is 15 years younger than that. So when I before I when I knew this. There's a line about her saying that she was finally old. Oh, that was so upset because it must have mean he was in his 30s at the time when she was 18. I do want to say quickly this movie hates women so much. Oh, yeah. And it's it's it's so egregious the way that they treat and half the I am land that she is so I'm so much obviously Younger the math and conny that when I didn't know what this movie was about, but I just knew it at a twist I was like oh, I bet they fall in love and it turns out she's his daughter. That was my guess of oh cool But they thought it was old boy. I thought it was old boy
Starting point is 00:32:03 But and then I looked up and I looked up and apparently Uma Thurne was supposed to play that role originally, which makes a lot more sense age wise. But instead, they cast Anne Hathaway. And this is, they keep talking about, yeah, back at school, the two of us. Oh, I went to the reunion and it's like, so was he held back so many,
Starting point is 00:32:21 I mean, is he this character from Days to Confused where he's just hanging around the high school all the time? even as he gets older, like, what's going on here? They're reunion happened. They were the only two people not there. What a weird high school. And everyone went. The, uh, LA, uh, according to IMDb's trivia, umatherman was originally supposed to play the Diane Lane character, not the Ann Hathaway character. Then it really doesn't make sense to me. Okay, never mind. I think Umatherman would have been good as the Anathaway character. She might have even been better.
Starting point is 00:32:51 Well, the weird thing is that apparently Estelle Getty was supposed to play the Anathaway character, originally. And then it would have been like, wait, isn't she much older than him? But you know, it happens. These Hollywood casting things, they go around the other way sometimes. And what, and what, what do we learn about Anne Hathaway, Dan? What do we learn about? Basically, we learn, she's his ex-wife. They had a kid together. And she is not like the guy that she ostensibly, like, presumably left him for is this, extensively like I like presumably left him for is this gotten this like horrible characters just gotten worse over the I think he's kind of shades of gray but
Starting point is 00:33:31 this violent gangster well you're told everybody and hits her with a belt you know yeah I'm supporting this character even ironically may have you walking a razor's edge Stewart? And we also, we learn about their son that she mentions he has a talent for computers. So like Donna Tello, their son Patrick does machines. Oh, thanks for explaining it. So I can understand it. I only need to put it in Stewart terms, which usually involves either ninj turtles or tiny miniature people that you paint.
Starting point is 00:34:02 And they're made out of metal. Yeah. So when you say playing, you're, you're talking about an actor performing and not the way somebody would play a video game, for instance. He's talking about the way people play Warhammer. This movie is really about trying people moving around on a board. And occasionally I get angry and throw my dicey first the room. And so Dan, what's the deal she tries to make with Dill?
Starting point is 00:34:27 Yeah, she's like, hey, let's get out of this bar. I need to talk to you privately and they go to his boat. And he's hooking up some bait while she's telling him, look, my new husband is beating me. He's terrorizing our son, presumably beating him too. And I want you to take him out. I've arranged, well, through on a series, like very unlikely things, I have to say, she finds it like the unfindable take it a stand. She finds this unfindable guy by like Facebook where she makes connections with some old high school pals who just like
Starting point is 00:35:04 one of them happened to go on a charter boat and they see him in the background. It's also this movie could be taking place anytime in the past 100 years until she mentions Facebook and I was like wait, hold on a second. What? This is a world with like cell phones and stuff like hold on. Yeah, so that's unlikely event number one. Unlikely in event number two is once you found out where Dill was, she was able to specifically convince her abusive husband to go to the specific charter boat and get chartered out and get some fish. I mean, first off, we got a hand into this prop work and McConaughey's doing shopping up that fish.
Starting point is 00:35:38 It's like when, who is it, Charlotte or is it Miranda? I can't remember always night lotions or like, I remember there was like an SVU episode I saw where they were talking to a male stripper and he was like hanging up his G-strings on a little drying rack and his kitchen. It was so awesome. Like, you can stop doing that and talk to these people.
Starting point is 00:36:04 You don't have to do that while they're there. This movie does like an insane job. Some movies I think jump to murder in a way where you're like, wow, that seems like you could have done a bunch of other things in the interim or that doesn't seem justified. This movie, like goes out of its way to justify the murder way too much.
Starting point is 00:36:21 They're like, here's $10 million to do it. Like, okay, great. Honestly, it should be like, hey, he's beating me million to do it. Like, okay, honestly, it should be like, hey, he's beating me in our son. Great, Dianne, like this is that, that's the justification. Well, even in a movie like Dublin, Dammady, like, which there, with, you know, which is like the Earth text for this kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Yeah. It's like, I don't like my husband, he's rich, kill him and we'll make this money off the insurance payment. And so it's like a real moral thing because it's rich, kill him and we'll make this money off the insurance payment. And so it's like a real moral thing because it's like, oh, is it worth it? I mean, this woman has beguiled me and I want her, but is it worth selling my soul basically? But when it's like, here's $10 million,
Starting point is 00:36:56 and the man you're gonna kill is the worst person since Hitler. Like, what a moral test. Like, it's so, yeah, it yet so weighted in favor of the audience being like Just kill it. It's on the shoulders of a character who has threatened guys with a knife over a fish already But way handles that fish like you're saying stew like no wonder zero dreams of sushi when Matthew M. Time is cutting it up with that bod. I think I think it's like a quaint sequence like how quaint is always doing something like kind of tough and like a little bit scary and weird.
Starting point is 00:37:28 But there's also you're he's like it's just really funny because it's like wait, so you took someone out on a boat. You're butchering the fish. Are you going to cook it right now? Like what do you? Is this the right time to be to be cleaning? Well, he's got it. He's got it.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Butchering like that so I can put it on his wall. Oh, that's how it works. He can put all the machines in to make his big mouth really fast. Exactly. He is baiting the hooks just like she is putting out some bait for him. Yeah, I think I should clarify this because I don't think we've said it explicitly yet. Like what Anne Hathay wants is him to take her husband out on a charter boat and push them off and leave him for the shark's deed.
Starting point is 00:38:02 This movie is so much fun with playing with the word hook. Because at one point he's like, I'm a hooker who can't get a hook. Or I'm not. Yeah, she dance. Dan Lins is like, you're a hooker. And he goes, yeah, hooker who can't afford hooks. And it's like you did it. You, you, you squared the circle boys.
Starting point is 00:38:18 So after this conversation, Matthew McConaughey is like, uh, nope, I'm not going to just kill a dude. I'm not going to take him out on the boat. You're barking up the wrong tree. And I believe this is when he goes back to his, but just to clarify, he's a man, not a tree. Okay, go on. I know, he's pretty wooden.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Oh, oh. So, Dan, is this one, are we going to skip to the next morning when Matt, he takes his new dip in the in the in the ocean? Yeah, he goes out fishing, he comes home and Diane Lane, who's been peering out the window at him talking to Anne Hathaway, jealous over whoever. A magic evil queen from a snow white window that shows her all the things going on of Flimuth that when she asks it to. So she sees the two of them together and then she shows up at
Starting point is 00:39:09 McComay's, you know, Shaq, let's call it. It's a shipping container. Yeah. Yeah. And she's, you know, real cash sort of super cash, look super cash. You know, just being like, so who's, you know, there's a pretty lady. So who's that pretty lady? So, who's that pretty lady?
Starting point is 00:39:26 What's going on? And Matthew McConaughey, doesn't want to talk about that and his solution, I guess, is to say he's got to take a shower and he strips down. And you see his butt, and I got to say, the way, the way he's jiggling around, you really should also see his penis. Clearly his penis is bundled up, so it won't jig, jiggle below the butt line.
Starting point is 00:39:48 At one point, I don't know. I mean, he's probably wearing a modesty pouch. That's pretty standard. Like a modesty pouch could contain macaque. It's a modesty mouse. They needed an entire mouse. So he jumps in the lips. Maybe not. Actually, my sister pretty small now. I think about it. They needed an entire mouse. So he jumps in the lips.
Starting point is 00:40:05 Oh, maybe not. Actually, my surprise is pretty small now. I think about it. He cliff dives. And while he's like so much that he cliff dives feet first into the water, right? So like his penis is well, packing into the ocean. His taint and balls are so callous from doing this every day.
Starting point is 00:40:23 I mean, Ellie, you're perverky. Go belly first of the cliff. I'm not really sure what you're arguing for. I'm just saying, you should not be jumping off the cliff with no clothes on, but you're right. Stewart, he must be the first time he did this, it must have hurt so much, but he's like, if I do this every day for years, eventually,
Starting point is 00:40:37 it won't even bother me. Because when he hits the water, the look on his face is like, hmm, like he just walked through a puddle. Like, it's amazing. He's so tough. So tough. During his nude swim, he has a vision of his son in the water,
Starting point is 00:40:48 which is like, really, it's really creepy. They do like a nirvana cover at each other. Oh, yeah, you're right. That's exactly what's going on. And it's, Dan, does he, his son, they seem to have some kind of psychic connection, right? Yeah, because then he wakes up at it, like this was like, you know, reality edging into a dream sequence and he
Starting point is 00:41:06 wakes up from this crazy underwater dream and there's like water next to him on the table and he's like you know mystified and amazed by this water and meanwhile we cut to this boy who has spilled his drink and he's rubbing his hand through the water just like Matthew McCona and he's rubbing his hand through the water just like Matthew McConaughey is rubbing his hand through water. And I have to say, it makes sense for McConaughey to be rubbing his hand through the water
Starting point is 00:41:32 because he's mystified by how that water got there. For the boy to just spill his drink and rub the water around to the blood, we're. This boy has issues. I don't wanna say anything that could be considered offensive, like I don't wanna make light of people who have No, he's interacting with reality, so he's you know withdrawn. He's withdrawn. He's very withdrawn So there's part of him that's like you have to assume he's touching water because it's just him
Starting point is 00:41:54 It's a wave interacting with reality because otherwise yeah It's too busy Scrying pool or something. Yeah, and he otherwise he's too busy with his name video games The boys always plan on his computer all the time. And most of the time we watch him, it's one of those shots where it's through the inside of a computer screen and we can see his face with like code in front of him. And then also fishing in front of him at one point.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Like it's very clear, like the first time we see him in front of a computer screen, it's like there's like a fishing game. It's like, oh, come on, movie. Also, this movie is made by an old person because that's not the game a teenager makes. A game. Yeah. No, not. You mean catch the trout is not a hot new title. I mean, unless it's like a leisure suit Larry catches the trout or something like that. Yeah, because a lot of kids are fucking playing leisure suit
Starting point is 00:42:40 later now. They were when I was kid when I was a kid when their parents were not at home. So, is this next part where, is this the scene where Jason Clark arrives in town? Yes. The husband, the bad husband. The bad husband arrives, surprising Anne Hathaway who loudly squeals, oh, you weren't supposed to arrive until tomorrow. And he has chartered a jet. Yeah, her reaction is intense.
Starting point is 00:43:07 So much reaction. She's been surprised by her abusive husband. No, I guess you're right. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no tough one. He's not a bad dad, rad dad, although Jason Clark does make a meal out of this role. It's really tough. I mean, he is coded as the worst person in the universe. Yeah. So the most like...
Starting point is 00:43:41 This is the most like... Like, I remember when I was watching Low Shop of Horrors and I pretty quickly jumped on the train of like, oh, this dentist needs to die. And I feel like Jason Clark beat like he like beats beats that out within seconds. Like there are, it's, it's almost like how in the beginning of up Pixar was like, we are going, you know, when Bambi's mom died, we are going to beat that in moments. Well, I mean, yeah, I mean, let's, let's say how we beat that, making Jason Clark a bad
Starting point is 00:44:11 but guy. He shows up and he immediately demands it and halfway just robe. And then he like, wait, wait, wait, so he can examine her. He puts on his leading glass. So I mean, wait, wait, wait, wait. That was literally the next thing I was going to say. He bends down. He puts his glasses on in such a clinical way
Starting point is 00:44:30 that watching with my girlfriend, she's like, is he a doctor? That is much more what it seems like. And I thought he maybe had some kind of tattoo that was a map of the island. That was like, there was going to be treasure somewhere. And she was like the, like at first, it was like, oh, that's the, that's the twist. Is Anne Hathaway is the map. It's like in water world. She's got a map on her butt.
Starting point is 00:44:55 Right. Like, so he's got to inspect it and be like, oh, yes, the treasure is here. And, and well, instead, he's examining her butt so closely because he's looking for marks on there that I guess would suggest maybe she's doing something while he's not around. I'm not really sure why he's so other than being completely controlling like why he's obsessed with this particular thing. I think he wants a perfectly blank canvas on what should do his work. Okay. Well, he sees a scratch on her, which means that she must be punished and the scene ends
Starting point is 00:45:27 with him taking off his belt. Yeah, it's super gross. Yeah. And it's all really disgusting and sorted in a not fun way. But I will say Jason Clark, his accent in this movie, he's, it's not even as good as my crawdaddy accent. I think it's a crazy accent. Where is he from?
Starting point is 00:45:42 Do you think he's from like Bad Guysville. We're talking about the character, not the actor Jason Clark. Not the actor Jason Clark, the actor. He does, I mean, his accent and other movies is usually great because he's Australian, right? But he's a, but in every movie he's got a, you know, fine American accent. But this one, it's like, he's, it's like somehow all the worst elements of a New Jersey accent and a Philly accent
Starting point is 00:46:06 and a Southern accent and one accent. I thought it was supposed to be from Boston. I thought they were like trying for Boston. Maybe it's Boston too. But it's just like basically like the kind of accent where you're like, oh, this guy's a criminal of some kind. Yeah. And the way he's dressed, I feel like there's an assistant
Starting point is 00:46:23 right off camera with a spray bottle. Just spraying him down to make him look grosser and wetter. Everyone's so wet in this movie. They're just spraying with Chrisco the whole time. I mean, I like that because I feel like it calls back to like, there are a lot of like 90s like Florida and New York and like, the just the sense that everyone is constantly sweating through their shirt. Well like neither because it's hot or because it's too sexy. It's like it's like a heavens prisoners or a wild things or a yeah it all
Starting point is 00:46:53 goes back to body heat body heat. It's super like a sweaty movie. This does feel like two steps removed from a Zalman King movie. Two steps. for the beginning. Yes, but that's one of the things I like about it. But we'll get to that later. So, you know, Jason Clark goes down to the boat that his wife is presumably chartered for him. And Matthew McConaughey is like, nope, can't take you out. Regulations say, it's just me. I can't have just me and you on a boat and no one else to help out. Oh that that probably checks out I guess the movie's done huh. Yeah that's it. It's about a man who was denied a fishing trip. Jason Clark says wait someone in my life said no to me. That's what I needed limits so I can define myself by who I want to be and not who I feel the urge to be.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Thank you, Baker Dill. Thank you for showing me the way. And then he says to Anne Hathaway, he gets down as an easy says, I have so much to make up for. Will you give me a second chance? I know I don't deserve. Can you find it in your heart?
Starting point is 00:47:57 And she looks to the heavens and Jesus says, yes, my daughter, forgive him, just winks. And she says, okay, I'll do as our Lord would and I'll forgive you. And they open up a missionary orphanage somewhere. And that's the end of the story. And then Matthew McConaughey's like, where's that tuna? You know what? That is a crazy twist.
Starting point is 00:48:17 The crazy twist is this was a, this was a Christian movie the whole time. No, uh, yeah, he will not be denied, Jason Clark. And he says tomorrow I'm going to come, I'm going to give you 10 grand, take me out, and you're going to do it. And you know, he walks off, he stalks away. And Baker Dill, he boat zooms off. And once again, we did mention it before. It happens another time too.
Starting point is 00:48:39 The guy in a suit runs up going, Baker Dill, Baker Dill, I need to talk to you. Oh, shoot. Okay. So I, I need to talk to you. Oh shoot. Okay, so I have a question, man, I don't know quite what happened. Just after that. There's a bunch of stuff where everyone's tall and Baker Dill basically everyone in town is just repeating Tim what's going on. We know you're obsessed with fish. You know that your ex-wife's husband is abusive to her and do they're doing it. They're doing it away like, like they're gaslighting him or something. Like these people are staring at him
Starting point is 00:49:10 and behaving like they're weird alien robots. Yes, yeah. And that's a very good way to put it. And Duke is like, we should take this guy out fishing, we need the money and deals like, okay, but Dill tells Ann Hathaway, whose character's name I can never remember is Karen. Karen?
Starting point is 00:49:24 That can tell Karen I'm not gonna kill kill him. Oh, and we free. Sorry. And she says, and she says, Oh, by the way, when you talk Patrick can hear you, you're connected with him and Patrick can hear you through his computer screen. That's what Pat says. And this was Patrick's idea. Oh, yeah. The other thing. Oh, that's right. It was Patrick's idea for Dill to take out his stepdad and kill him. Yeah. Yeah. I wanted to clarify, I think you already kind of have that. I think I forgot to say something very important, which is.
Starting point is 00:49:51 This is a movie. McCoy. McCoy. I asked Anne Hathaway about their son, and she talked about a lot about how he was withdrawn entirely into computers. And he plays games all day. And when you're like, you're not like,
Starting point is 00:50:09 and you're like, and you're like, oh, that kid that we keep seeing at the computer is a son, we understand all that. And, but. And when we see, we see him at the computer, we can, he's in his room
Starting point is 00:50:22 and we can hear through the door, and he's stepped at yelling at his mom. And at this point, I was like, room and we can hear through the door. Right. Stepdad yelling at his mom. And at this point, I was like, Oh, I know what the twist is. Let's see if you the audience can guess. Matthew McCunney should have turned to the camera and said, Have you figured it out yet, folks? All right. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:50:36 We're going to be revealing in about 20 minutes. See how close you got. Rod Daddy. Oh, wow. That's a big, that's a big name to be playing. Rod Daddy. Yeah. In the movie. Well, I wanted to get again cast as Kroddetti in the movie since it was my character that I do on television on SNL, but they wanted a bigger star.
Starting point is 00:50:50 So Matthew McConaughey is going to play Kroddetti. I think he's good casting. He's good casting. I believe he has a guy who raised in the swamps among the moss and the guk, who's now living the middle-class life in a suburb of Connecticut. He works in insurance, that's why he's in Connecticut too.
Starting point is 00:51:12 And he's always embarrassing his kids with his down-home, bio knowledge, but that's what gets them out of the jams too, is all those things he learned, wrestling gators and catching prod ads and shooting nutrients on the both. That's true, and I think it's a good idea. Is that what he's talking about, Rod? Any again? Yeah, yeah. wrestling gators and catch prod ads and shoot new tree. It's true. I think it is. Is Ellie talking by crying?
Starting point is 00:51:25 Hey, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we're he's about to clarify what kind of jam since kids are getting into. I think we should just abandon our other TV project and just pursue crowd atty. I think we have to. Yeah, at this point.
Starting point is 00:51:39 I mean, it's kind of what God put me on this earth to do. I mean, I kind of assume this was your low-key pitch for Croddady in general. This is our back door to highlight. Yeah. We are not halfway through the movie. And we're already gone almost an hour. I don't have a pro.
Starting point is 00:51:55 I don't have a pro. I'm not a pro. I'm not a pro. I'm not a pro. I'm not a pro. I'm not a pro. I actually don't have a problem with how far we're going over just yet because this movie
Starting point is 00:52:05 deserves it, but we are crazy. Okay, well, I'll stop time out, Claudette, for a little bit longer. Oh, this is also in, so they take Jason Clark out and he's talking about, I hate my son Patrick, he's so crazy and weird. He's always playing a computer game about catching a fish and this is when you know when English person wrote this movie as he goes, yeah, well, his math teacher says he's real smart. And it's like, well, hold on a second, math teacher. Did he say that?
Starting point is 00:52:29 Did he do a catapult? Like, and it's, or maybe I misheard it, but like, that's what the captions also told me was that it said, I put the captions on because I was like, like, there's so much grumbly mumbling from Math Mugane. And I'm like, math teacher, someone must have caught that, right? That we don't say math in the United States. Or maybe Clark just like said it because, you know,
Starting point is 00:52:46 he memorized the lines in his, you know, backwards Australian way. He's like, this is how we talk about it. And he's like, I want to step Sun even threatened to kill me. And there's one top in Plymouth. He's at a town on vacation. So if someone were to kill me,
Starting point is 00:53:00 or if I were to kill somebody else, I'd be, there'd be no law. I can do whatever I want. Like they're just stacking the deck so hard in this. There's also a lot of stuff talking about the underage sex workers. Yeah, I think so. Torf.
Starting point is 00:53:11 I think you're skipping ahead a little bit and maybe confusing people. Like, and halfway comes, she's like trying to convince them again. Matthew Connehal is like, yeah, I'll take the 10 grand, but I'm going out tomorrow. Three men will be on the boat and three men are coming out back on the boat.
Starting point is 00:53:26 Like I'm going to kill him. And so like she, he does take this guy out in the water. And he has this amazing monologue where he admits to all the most evil things at once. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Directly, it was directly lifted from Richard III to find the guest.
Starting point is 00:53:43 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And Richard III also ends with a fake out where you think that they're going to push him in the water, but instead they come back having caught a big shark. Yeah. And at this point, it was written by William Sharkesbeer. There are at this point, there are a lot of meaningful closeups on John Mon Hansu's face as he's putting it together. He's like, oh, this is guys an asshole who needs to die.
Starting point is 00:54:04 Probably that fancy lady came by to try and get my guy to kill him. And, you know, whatever. He's like got all the pieces at this point. I made a note here. They come back. That's when Karen tells him it was Patrick's idea to kill this step that he says. She says he wants justice.
Starting point is 00:54:18 But justice, isn't that the name of that famous tuna fish? That Matthew McConaughey is famous for wanting to catch and everyone On Scott time out at this movie is amazing and it was really like at that point It's like oh you said the secret word because the suit like that's what makes Matthew McConaughey be like all right I'll kill him. I think we also skipped over something kind of important Which is that the way he gets jam on hot and suit back on the boat is he's like I need you to deliver me from Temptation. Oh, yeah, that's right. You's like, your job is you're going to be on the boat
Starting point is 00:54:46 and you're going to tell me, you're going to stop me from doing something I shouldn't. Yeah, yeah, that's your right. Right, so to come back to land and Jiamon Haasu's taken him out for a drink and he's like, yeah, tell me about temptation, because he wants to get a temptation island now on NBC. I think it was a Fox show.
Starting point is 00:55:06 What? Fox normally doesn't play that low brown. You're right. NBC's must see TV lineup. It was it was friends, the single guy, Seinfeld and temptation islands. And Jiaman Hatsu is playing Jiminy Cricket here. He's like, you're good. You're a good, you're a good, you're a good man. Don't kill that dude. And he gives it, they have this conversation while they're like
Starting point is 00:55:32 surrounded by a, like a Caribbean rainstorm, right? Yeah. Like a tropical storm. And in the storm, something happens that I forgot, like back at a shack. So he doesn't go back to a shack. He goes to his boat. Yeah, he meets up with his with Karen, his ex-wife. They have a late night rendezvous. He basically she she comes on to him pretty hard and he agrees to do the job, but it says I'm doing this for my son. I'm not doing it for you. And then they have the most unsatisfying super fake movie sex I've ever seen in a movie. But he like deliberately blue balls her, like he's like, I'm gonna fuck you and then he's like, that's it.
Starting point is 00:56:11 I win. He gets scared. That's what he says, because it was literally just him trying to stick it to the other dude. Yeah. So by sticking it to camp. This movie hates women.
Starting point is 00:56:20 But also in half the way in this moment is just like, this is the weird thing, which is like, remember when we were 16 and you married me with a brass ring and and told me I was old enough on the pier. Yeah, yeah, I was finally old enough on the pier. I was just kidding. That night or whatever. It's, you know, like a bridge.
Starting point is 00:56:38 They had sex on a bridge. Yeah. And he was like, you know, people don't, he's like, people don't change. And she's like, well, that means I'm still that lady on the bridge. And you're like, you know, people don't, he's like, people don't change. And she's like, well, that means I'm still that lady on the bridge. And you're like, what, what? Yeah, a lot of these, there's a lot of like really weird phrasing of things.
Starting point is 00:56:54 And like, like, not just like fraught conversations, but like the camera will focus on a thing. And you're sort of like, I don't know what symbolism in this movie or not, like, what this one is symbolic of something, and that's why we're looking at it, or like this is significant. It's clearly gonna be significant in some way,
Starting point is 00:57:12 but I don't know why yet. It feels like the kind of love scene that would be written about a young man would write about his favorite. Well, that's the other thing is that once you know the twist of the movie, it's like, there's this is these are weird scenes for these characters to be going through these kind of like sadistic sex games where there's a lot of like a play with Matthew McCommie like, why?
Starting point is 00:57:35 Why is this like a lot is is searching up a scene that people are going to be disappointed by. No, you're right. I had not occurred that had not occurred to me. That does not jive with the twist at all. No, you're right. I had not a cur- that had not occurred to me. That does not jive with the twist at all. No, not at all. This is unless, I mean, the thing is also like the kid at the center of the movie. All you can, the only thing you can really get from it by the end of the movie is that
Starting point is 00:57:57 this is a creepy kid. Yeah. It's a weird kid, but- Well, you have to assume that this kid has watched like the TCM noir marathon right before doing what he does or something like that. Like, yeah, because everything is just like kids like to do that tradition. Yeah, because kids love film noir.
Starting point is 00:58:14 At my son, he's five years old. He's always like, a daddy, can I see D-tool? He had gum of noir and I'm like, one, why are you talking like a baby? Five years old, but also like D-tool. I mean, that's a little intent. I mean, you might and I'm like, one, why are you talking like a baby? I mean, I've been a little, but also like, detour. I mean, that's a little intent.
Starting point is 00:58:27 I mean, you might find it boring too, but it's a little intent. And he's like, no, I like it. I like noir. Can we watch Double End Danody again? I want to watch you. I want to watch Gun Quasie. I like how the,
Starting point is 00:58:41 I like how the gun doubles for penis. Can we watch a wall? Well, wait, what? Yeah, whoa. This is such a fully realized child character. This is like the other character from Kradaddy. Yeah, this is Kradaddy's kid, and war boy. And he loves film war. Like about both of those characters is there's a there's a twist on them. You wouldn't expect. Both of those characters is there's a there's a twist on them. You wouldn't expect So the uh
Starting point is 00:59:12 Dilt Baker did at this point. He has a conversation to the scut to his to his absent son And he has a line reached about Karen. He says opportunity pours off her like rain, which makes no sense I don't understand it It's like one of those lines. I was talking to somebody recently about the line in the movie Heist where Danny DeVito says Of course, you need money. We are everyone does that's why they call it money No, of course you of course you like money. What is I think is a course you like money? Everyone does that's why they call it money. That's what they call it. Yeah, that's what they call it money But it's like that doesn't make any sense like money is not a this not a double and tundra like I don't understand Like, money is not a, there's not a double in Tondra. Like I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:59:43 Yeah. Yeah. So maybe because money sounds like honey. That was Roger Ebert's favorite line of the movie. I remember he singled it out as review as being particularly funny. Why? It makes no sense.
Starting point is 00:59:57 Well, cause funny rhymes with money, I get it. Okay. So Dan, tell us, we finally get to meet the guy in the suit who's been chasing after Bacon Diller all this time. What's his deal? So his deal is at first, do you need me to say his deal? No, no, at first his deal is I want to sell you this sonar fish finder item. It's a sort of thing that midway through a video game you would find and it would help you find fish.
Starting point is 01:00:27 If you were playing a fish finding video game for sure. But who would do such a thing? That's crazy. I mean, I would, but only if it's the original. Yeah, I mean, if I was playing jaws the video game for some reason. So anyway, this fish finder, fish finder general, he is acting in a really like cryptic way even though it seems
Starting point is 01:00:47 like he's just there to sell uh baker dill something he says he's a sales rep from a tackle company and he have this new sonic fish finder and he wants him to try it out for a week and he goes it will work the finder will work and then he says and then well then what happens next and what what what we learn uh he's well is this when he says the weird statement, I am the rules? Yes. As though it just slipped out of him, which like clearly it didn't.
Starting point is 01:01:10 That's such a pointed sentence. Slips out of him like an unguarded fart. Like rain off of water. Well, the movie tries to excuse it by saying he shouldn't drink, but it's still a very weird thing for him to just spit out. Mm-hmm. And, and what, there are a couple other things But it's still a very weird thing for him to just spit out. And there are a couple other things that makes Matthew McConaughey suspicious. What happens to the guy?
Starting point is 01:01:32 He will tell you the guy does show up at his house at 2.30 in the morning to give him a fish finder. And tells him, he tells him, don't kill that man. You're supposed to catch this fish. You're not supposed to kill that guy. And McConaughey at this point threatens him with a knife and is like, what, you know, what are you talking about? What's going on? And is this one the Twists reveal? Yes, this is one of the revealed the twist that what, what's the reality of climate
Starting point is 01:01:52 island, Dan? Yeah. Could you, could you guess it audience? Are you there? Yes, that, that the cut away the page 53 playing a fishing computer game might be related to this in some way. Yes, it seems that Baker Till and the entirety of Plymouth Island are constructs of this unknown at this point to the nerdy guy creator. And I like not really sure why if he doesn't know the creator, he knows what the rules of the game are, But you just know that that guy is a nerd. That's what you're saying.
Starting point is 01:02:26 Yeah. Oh, yeah. He's a tone. Uh, Mr. Fishfinder. They play the creator thing like a twist for him, but like that's the only thing we know for sure. Like we forget that other people don't know. Well, there must be some other, must be some other movie called Fishfinder.
Starting point is 01:02:46 That's about this character. And he has his own discovery and twist. And it's like that intersected with serenity because it really, yeah, it doesn't make sense why if this character is going to come and be like, actually, we're a computer game. I'm the rules that tell you what to do. The fact why he would not know who the create, like, like, the audience hasn't figured out who's done it by now. And Matthew McConaughey is pretty much figured out.
Starting point is 01:03:05 Yeah, Matthew McConaughey is basically like at this point like, wait a minute, my son's into computers. You're saying we're part of the computer game. He's like Donatello, he does machines. Oh, so like he's like, like he seems pretty convinced right away, honestly, although he pretends not to be convinced, like you've seen his eyes that everything's like falling into place, but he's like falling into place But he's like get out get out of here. I'm gonna go on go on get
Starting point is 01:03:29 Not to make another fish pun, but the scales have fallen from his eyes Yeah, and this is the point which like I'm gonna make I'm gonna make Perhaps a very uphill argument here, okay Which is that this twist was much less bonkers than advertised. Because, because number one, it is so foreshadowed in the movie that you see it coming a mile away. So you can't be gobsmacked by it that way. But number two, it's not that uncommon like a sci-fi construct to be like,
Starting point is 01:04:05 oh, we're in this made up reality. Like, this is like a Truman Show matrix sort of situation. Close to the dark city type thing. Yeah, so it's not baffling to me, like, to be like, wow, it's crazy that they're video game characters. Like, that did not make me think what's going on. The way it was advertised. Sorry, not to, here's a while say, I think say, make me think what's going on. And the way it was advertised. Sorry, not to, here's what I'll say.
Starting point is 01:04:26 I think it's a bonkers twist is because this movie, it's like, if at any point, other than their clumsy foreshadowing, they had presented this as a science fiction movie at all. It would be, it would not seem as crazy. It's crazy to me that this is the twist that the writer decided to put into the movie and to be like this whole time, I'm gonna pretend it's like a su-
Starting point is 01:04:47 like a, like a, like a, like it's a sweaty, like hot film, like sleazy noir. But then it's gonna turn out to be a science fiction movie. It would be like, why would I get a speck in this? It's gobsmacked and then I'm like, why would you do that? It's stupid. Well, it doesn't feel like a video game that anyone would play.
Starting point is 01:05:03 Like it's like this isn't like a shot, if it was like the old West, and suddenly it's like, oh, we're like a video game that anyone would play? Like it's like this isn't like a shot. If it was like the old West and suddenly it's like, oh, we're in a video game. I'm like, yeah, okay, like people like playing games like that. You know, I feel like, I feel like Jenny's point is good. I'm gonna push back against Elliot's point, which is if you start the movie as a sci-fi movie then it's not a twisted all.
Starting point is 01:05:20 You're like, oh, of course, in the sci-fi universe, this is gonna happen. Like, for sure, switch genres this-fi universe, this is going to happen. Like, for the Switch genre, this way, like makes more sense to me. Like you in the game, you, you play a level where you go fishing and then at the end of that level, you return to a constants played by Diane Lane, where you have sex and you level up and spend your XPs. I would say it makes it's, you don't want to give away a twist, but you have to prepare the ground for it.
Starting point is 01:05:47 Like if the sixth sense was about a man who works in a bank and then at the end, they're like, wait, where did that teller I was talking to yesterday? Oh, he died years ago. What? That would not be a good twist. The act will already know the movie involves ghosts. So when Bruce Willis is revealed to be a ghost, you're like, what a twist. It's like, I was watching a movie about a doctor,
Starting point is 01:06:08 and then halfway through, someone was like, but you're an alien, right? And he was like, oh, yeah, I am an alien. I'd be like, what the hell is this? That's Dr. Who. I mean, that is Dr. Who. You think? Also, this is the twist I was worried
Starting point is 01:06:18 that the show Russian Doll was gonna turn out to be. Oh, yeah. And I was so happy when it, I was like, oh, she's dying. She keeps coming back to the same point. She works in video games. It better not turn out that she's a character in a video game.
Starting point is 01:06:30 And then it didn't turn out that. And I was like, oh, this is a spoiler alert for people who haven't watched a Russian dollar. Oh, sorry. What's going on? It does not, the twist, the way it ends is not the dumbest, most obvious way. I do want to give the movie a little bit of credit here, which is like sure, like you,
Starting point is 01:06:48 you, you get to the twist before the movie does, like you are ahead of it. However, the movie does not save this revelation for like, I don't know, like a third or quarter of the way from the end. Like it gets red of this revelation right in the middle because it's like, all right, you see what we're doing here. Let's stop fucking around. You know, although the movie, I will, I will say that the movie kind of like slows down after that, after the twist is revealed in a weird way. Well, because the way that kind of twist is supposed to come right before the end of the
Starting point is 01:07:18 climax of the movie, when said, yeah, we're halfway through. So it's, they got to walk around a little bit and my kind of has to kind of pretend he doesn't like he takes down maps of planet island to try to find it in the world. And it's like, yeah, why bother? You know what's going on? Like, you have been so sudden. And funny and funny thing in our video games don't feature an in-game map of the world. Like, yeah, map it out yourself or look online for a tutorial. That's what makes it like lovable for me, like what happens there, because it's so ridiculous that in the world of the video game,
Starting point is 01:07:50 Matthew would kind of, hey, would pull out a map of Plymouth that's completely blank other than Plymouth, like revealing that Plymouth exists in this like, another world, rather than like, it being like, oh, let's set this in some recognizable reality. You know, it's not like Matthew Piconna like it being like, oh, let's set this in some recognizable reality. You know, it's not like Matthew Beconna is gonna be like, oh, okay, like, I don't know,
Starting point is 01:08:10 like to reveal this way is absurd knowing what the twist is. Yeah. And you would think that a kid that would be knowledgeable enough to create the code to make his own fishing sim would make the effort to like study up on other place. But maybe creating a fantasy world where fishing is the only law is. It's you that he's like I could take another couple minutes to just place it on a map
Starting point is 01:08:33 somewhere. Yeah. But I really have to I really have to get the rendering right on this scene where my dad's butt is thrusting into my mom for a couple of seconds. Priorities priorities Patrick come on, focus, focus. All right. So at this point, I don't know, it becomes a whirlwind of like Matthew Becchan, hey, like driving around and like talking to the sun. Evil, evil Jason Clark is, we find him battered, bloody and broken in his hotel room. Turns out, Jamon Hansu hired his share of the 10 grand to hire some fellows to beat him up and break his hands so he could not go out fishing the next day.
Starting point is 01:09:17 Surely, this is not the most efficient way to get him to not go fishing on that particular boat. Just get a better boat or something. We'll just give him anything else to do. Yeah. He already went fishing once. He wants to catch tuna that badly. He caught a shark already.
Starting point is 01:09:30 Shark is cooler than tuna, right? He did. He caught a full shark. Yeah. Yeah. And meanwhile, while we're seeing... That just half a shark. What happened?
Starting point is 01:09:38 While we're seeing Jason Clark all busted up and possibly unable to fish today. Meanwhile, Matthew McHenry is having a total existential breakdown. Like he's drinking a bunch of rum. He's standing in cornfields talking to his son. Uh, Diana Lane's son shows up out of no more and says, you can hire me for your boat. Oh, yeah, that says no. Go away, and he leaves. He's the day from the room of this movie.
Starting point is 01:10:01 Yeah. Well, Samson, what Matthew McConee is realizing over the course of this movie. Yeah. Well, Samson. What Matthew McConaughey is realizing over the course of all this, oh, I mean, he was basically told this by the rules guy, but he's also like realizing like the game will do anything to keep him from killing the bad husband. Like the game is actively working against him, achieving that goal because it's not the rules that someone dies in the game.
Starting point is 01:10:25 Yes. Which is like, and so none of this makes sense though, again, in the context of the twist of the movie, like, why is the game working against the objective of the game in that way? Well, I mean, every game is working against you completely objective of the game, but also this is positing a world where video game characters, when you make, it's like the way that when your kid, you imagine the TV is full of tiny people who put on shows when you watch it. Video games are full of tiny people who like have their own lives and are walking around
Starting point is 01:10:54 doing their own thing and trying to figure out what they're up to. And it's like, I don't, I don't understand. Like, there's so much metaphysically I'm saying, the movie is kind of a mess. But yeah. This is around the time when it became clear also that Baker Dill, he's like maybe, maybe the things I don't remember from the war, maybe that's what's doing this.
Starting point is 01:11:13 And you're like, oh, I see, he died in the war. We'll find that. Oh, I want to circle back to say, like I think we got sidetracked, but like the reason that kid shows up, I don't know where to say I can work on your boat is the game trying to throw an obstacle up because he's like, oh, there's going to be a witness to the murder if I take this kid on.
Starting point is 01:11:33 And so basically he says, yet again, go on, get to the kid. I don't like you. But clearly, the kid who created the game wants him to kill the guy. Why does he also then supposedly programming in obstacles? I mean, his desires as a kid of an abusive stepdad are fighting his desires as a top notch game developer. I can't make the game too hard that it's never beatable, but you can't make it so easy to beat it in one sitting. You like it's the challenge.
Starting point is 01:12:06 This is something I'm trying to explain to my son, and he doesn't get it because he's a kid. Is the importance of a game, the fun of a game is the challenge. And so if you win it too easily, or if you win every time, what's the point of playing? Then you're just stuck in the place from the Twilight Zone episode
Starting point is 01:12:20 where it's hell because you win all the time that the show the good place ripped off basically. The, you can't be, look, you don't you win all the time that the show, the good place ripped off basically. The, you can't be, look, you don't wanna win all the time so the kids like, I want my dad to die in this game, but I also wanna be recognized as the Shigeru Miyamoto of my generation. So it's just making the best games ever. So anyway,
Starting point is 01:12:42 McConaughey is drunk and despairing on the beach and the rules. But never looking better. The rules guy. No, but he looks amazing. Yeah. The rules guy, the fish finder guy, comes up to him and they have this sort of argument discussion between the two of them where the rules guy kind of disappears for certain two shots of the characters,
Starting point is 01:13:05 but is there when like McConaughey is looking at him, so he's kind of this unreliable present in the scene, but they have this conversation where McConaughey convinces the rules, hey, what the creator is my son, and what he wants is for me to kill this abusive guy. And at that point, the rules is like, well, if the creator has changed his mind about things,
Starting point is 01:13:28 I have to help you. And let me inform you to that end that Anne Hathaway has unlikely convinced battered in Bruce Jason Clark to still go out and fish that day. And there's 15 minutes to get back there. Also, in this scene is the moment that I knew the entire audience I saw it with the theater had become on board with it being a bad movie, which is that the rule says we are such stuff as dreams are made of and the audience just erupted in a plot.
Starting point is 01:13:58 The gall to quote William Sharke's beer in the middle of this dumb night. Yeah, there's a lot of this conversation that's like, you know, basically the most the movie gets like, what is the true nature of reality anyway? There's a part earlier where he lives near a lighthouse and read the rules guy, he goes, he goes, the lighthouse, light, dark, ones, zeros. And it was like, come on, dude, that doesn't mean anything.
Starting point is 01:14:24 Like, it sounds like it means something but of course it means something that's why it's called money and here the movie kind of misses an opportunity because he has to race to the boat to get there in time to join Jason Clark and I wish that people from planet island were just jumping in front of his truck just like hey hey don't you want to catch that tuna instead? Just like trying to slow him down so he misses him. To the end of the game, the game trying to slow him down or changes my rather.
Starting point is 01:14:51 Like, I forgot one of the most hilarious examples of that earlier, which is when the radio station expressly says, Baker and Dill, don't you want to go out and catch that tuna today? You're like something a lot of those lines. Which I thought was really funny. Talk about narrow casting. I mean, come on. Yeah, I mean, that's what happens. Like sometimes you can buy a birthday message for the radio guy to read.
Starting point is 01:15:11 It's like a zone jumbo tron. Um, the, uh, it was this around the time where Ann Hathaway despairing that her, uh, soon to be dead spoiler alert husband is, uh, looks like he's unable to fish. She convinces him that he can still go out by having him choke her like he would choke his fishing rod. Yeah, but if he has the strength to choke her with his hand, then he must have the strength to hold a fishing rod. They also introduce, like, kind of,
Starting point is 01:15:40 they don't really do it most of the movie. And then at this point she starts calling him daddy with like reckless abandon and it's really upsetting. Yeah, it's gross. Um, so they all converge on the boat. If she had called him Crodd, Eddie, people would have been like, who's this new character? I'm gonna. Yeah, I'm gonna have to Google that when I get out of the movie theater. So they all converge on the boat and half the way and McConaughey go out on the boat with Jason Clark and Planet to kill well, let me get there and they're like
Starting point is 01:16:18 Dillison, Dillison full on crazy mode. He's like, ha ha, we're gonna go fish He's pouring rum down Jason Clark throat, making him as drunk as possible. And everything looks great for a murder. Whoa, what a name for a murder. Let's have one too. Right at that moment, the kid shows up, the one that wanted a job and he had- Stanley and son.
Starting point is 01:16:43 Yeah, he had stowed away because he's like, I knew you really wanted me on the boat. I, I, I, I, I forget what his reasoning was, but you know, well, yeah, he's like, I could tell you were Harry and the Henderson's in me. Yeah. So I stowed away on your boat. So I'm here to help.
Starting point is 01:16:58 You're gonna do that. You must be a true friend. So I'll stick by you through thick and thin. Mm-hmm. Oh, what adventures we shall have in quests, we shall go on. Oh, what the farts shall sing of us and our search for the un-catchable fish, justice. So at this point, you know,
Starting point is 01:17:13 I'm kind of in an hathaway, like, ooh, what are we gonna do? There's a witness. And I wish I didn't have the attorney to make me kind of in the tug done a collar and went, gul. So they have a quick conversation in the cabin, being like, how do we handle all this
Starting point is 01:17:32 and they throw some things around that wouldn't work. And at this point, the justice takes the bait. There's a fish on the line and it happens to be justice. And at this point, I was like, the second point in the movie, I'm like, oh, I know what's gonna happen. So the way they dispatch Jason Clark finally is they let him take the rod when justice is on the line. And like, McConaughey says very loudly to the kid being like,
Starting point is 01:18:01 let it be noted that this guy is asked for the real. And of course, justice being justice, bullshacin Clark under the water. Mm-hmm. I wish Matthew Madness said, you hear that ringing, justice is on the line. Instead, what he says is, he's like, he's like, he's, he's, he's, that's justice.
Starting point is 01:18:22 You got him and he's like, yeah, yeah, and he's got you. And then they let go, Jason Clark, and he flies into the water to drown. You know, he died by justice the fish. He doesn't, it's not like the end of shape of water. He doesn't grow gills. And the important thing is this is all intercut
Starting point is 01:18:37 with the sun at his computer, with a knife in front of him, clearly, you know, hamleting it about whether he's going to kill this guy. Yep. And at the moment that they finally kill Jason Clark. He doesn't have to be or not to be. For in such games of fishing, what tunas shall we catch? Like, he just, you know, does this look like he mods it for this one.
Starting point is 01:19:00 So yeah, when the imaginary abuse of father dies is when he goes into the other room and off camera stabs the real father. Now, how is that information related to us that he has now stabbed his stepdad? There's a bunch of news reports about how this kid got arrested for murder, but there's mitigating circumstances, there was abuse of the family. And here's his father's deal. Yeah. And there's his dad, John Mason, died in a rack and we see his dad and was awarded a posthumous purple heart. We see his dad's picture and purple heart in Patrick's desk. My favorite part of the news board says his
Starting point is 01:19:39 principal, Dylan Baker says that he's a good kid and talented with computers. It was like, why is this in the news report? One, why is this story on the news? Two, why is that in the news report? It's such a, it's like the movie. And it's 24 hour news cycle. I like it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:55 For our new cycle, you got to fill. Yeah. So we know. So we know. So we know. There's a Cooper twice each night. Yeah. Did you mention that after he gets, Jason Clark gets dragged under the, the, the waves to be
Starting point is 01:20:04 taken to David Jones locker that can I like digitizes like the lone more man and this later that's not what happened. That comes later. So yeah, this this is the point at which we learn okay the real Matthew McConaughey McConaughey prime died in Iraq and that's part of and you saw that but he is prime and that along with the abuse presumably also like is why this kid is withdrawn into this fantasy world where he is built uh... fake dad well i mean a real dad but is but you know it's a real that he had a memory when he was three his dad took him fishing they didn't catch anything they had a good time, but his dad got kind of mad. And that's why he's become, he's associated his dad with fishing and also with never catching fish and anger and anger. He was a terrible dad. He does come off as a bad dad,
Starting point is 01:20:54 bad dad. He's a bad dad fake dad. Yeah. So all the pieces of put together and Macon Haco's and the phone rings. He tells Baker D Dill you'll find Patrick somewhere and then she disappears. Everyone in Plum of the Island has disappeared by this point. Oh yeah. Like so much gut junk code. Yeah, they all like open their mouths and you get a you get like a like a dial up modem connection sound effect. So now Matthew McConaughey is on the phone to his kid, like, you know, fake life to
Starting point is 01:21:29 real life, they're chatting. And because like, well, here's a thing, like, I want to say before this, like, we see like a picture of the kid in, like, basically like a sanitarium type thing or something. Not even a picture. Film footage. Yeah. The footage of him like there and like it becomes clear that he may not never like withdraw from this fantasy life. Well, they say they say on the news that he's been released to his mom's custody, but he
Starting point is 01:22:01 won't talk to anybody. Yeah. And the thing is, this movie at this point, because there's a batch of reunion between father and son, this movie is positive that it's a happy ending that this kid is going crazy. Mm-hmm. There's someone saw Brazil and they were like, aww, I love that.
Starting point is 01:22:19 Oh, thank God. But so they have a sentimental talk and the kids like, you know, I'm gonna redesign the game so I can come visit you sometimes Again, the withdrawal and defancy I was talking about at that point because the game is being redesigned the world around Matthew Beganity splits into you know polygons and shards and it swirls around him. Yeah, yeah, and And it looks awesome. It's what we're trying to say. And it ends with Patrick appears in the game and runs off to Baker Dill's boat and they hug
Starting point is 01:22:51 and then the boat goes off into the distance and you got to assume, you know, this is my spoiler alert for what this what happens afterwards is his son is like, Dad, is that what having sex is like? Did I do that right? I'm disappointed that the end didn't feature their boat, like pulling up to an island covered in monsters, like the end of deep rising, but that's okay. Yeah. Or like, yeah, some,
Starting point is 01:23:19 and aliens come by and start shooting at them and Patrick's like, I changed the game, Dad. Okay. So we've told the game, Dad. Okay. So we've told the story of serenity. Yeah, we did. Let's tell the story of our feelings about serenity in final judgments. Is this a good bad movie, a bad bad movie,
Starting point is 01:23:37 or a movie kind of like, I wanna go later, I feel like. What are you guys taking the win? Yeah, I mean, I'll handle it. I think this is a good bad movie. I think it's really goofy and it's fun to watch with other people and it's dumb and, you know, whatever. Enjoy. Yeah, I agree.
Starting point is 01:23:53 It's a good bad movie and it's like, I mean, there's some icky gross stuff about it. So, you know, that's how cool you're watching it with. But it's so over the top, even before the stupid twist, it's so over the top in terms of it's like sweat and noir sleaze quotient. And then once you get to the twist, you're like, I knew that was gonna happen to me, but still, movie,
Starting point is 01:24:12 it's a good, good bad movie. DJ. I think this is one of my favorite good bad movies. I bought it because I'm excited to show it to everybody I know. Yeah. You know someone ran it. So this sounds like a warning. It's the old one.
Starting point is 01:24:27 I also realized my friend pointed out we were looking at my really just Paltry iTunes movie collection and I own two Jason Clark movies. The other is our lips are sealed. The Marikaten Ashley movie that takes place in Australia. All right, guys, I'm gonna say something. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:24:44 Buckle our seat belts. Get a harness on. Yeah, guys, I'm gonna say something. You're a book or a seatbelt. Yeah, get a harness on. Yeah, try to hold down your wings so it doesn't flip off. I kind of like this movie. I kind of like this movie. Wow. Now here's what I'm gonna say. For me, the biggest negative about this movie is that.
Starting point is 01:25:00 Not a mathematical, yeah, sure. Is that it's a pretty damn trivial movie to take on so much like, Spouseville abuse and child abuse. Like, it doesn't, it does not deserve that as a plot point because it's such a silly movie. And dad in a war, like all that stuff, it does not, it's a slender read
Starting point is 01:25:20 for the weight of all that trauma. Yes, that being said, so I love the first half because I love that tradition of super cheesy, like hot weather, like sun-based noir, like I said, it sweats all over everything, maybe someone wears a Panama hat, I don't know. Yeah, basically Dan really loves bird notice.
Starting point is 01:25:42 Well, it's less noir, but yeah, sure, why not? Character's well-booked. Welcome. No, but I love that stuff. And I have to say, I don't know if you guys will agree with me, but I think it's hard to disagree. Even if this movie is very silly, it's shot very.
Starting point is 01:26:00 It looks pretty beautiful all through it, I think. It does a weird thing where it introduces in Halfway and Jason Clark in these, I think there's a post to be like character introductions from a video game like these, yeah. And the camera starts around and changes. Yeah, I thought that was so weird.
Starting point is 01:26:19 But there were some like shots of the water where I was like, wow, that's a really beautiful shot of the water. I would say it is, it looks good. It is shot and edited in such a way that it is maximum melodrama on in air. Oh, but that's the it's all this and it's like I know that's what they were going for, but they went so far with it that I was like if this is not a comedy. Then you're going too far with this. Well, the movie looks good. I will give it that. Well, that's what, but like the maximum melodrama is another one of the things that I really like about it. Because for me, this is a movie for people
Starting point is 01:26:51 who are like really, really into movies in a way because it does like, set a files only. No, no, no, no, I didn't say that. I still like, like, like, whether it be like good movies or like trashy movies, like the movie very much trades on your knowledge
Starting point is 01:27:10 of this type of film and is like ramping up the melodrama because it's like kind of a silly version of a noir film. Yeah. I guess you are kind of a, I think we come from it. I mean, I do think it's a good, bad movie. I think we're coming out from two opposing things, which is that I agree that it is attempting those things. I think it doesn't pull them off as well as you do. It's the same reminds me of a what Mike Nelson wrote about movie Wild Things where he was like the movie is trying to have
Starting point is 01:27:37 it both ways that if you like it, that's because it's like a clever thriller. But if you don't like it, well, it's time and cheek. It's just supposed to life at it anyway. And this kind of feels like that to me a little bit. Spoiler alert. I kind of like wild things. Of course you do. Spoiler. Anybody who's listening to this podcast can probably piece that together.
Starting point is 01:27:55 But anyway, certain scenes from wild things, I'm sure you've seen many times. Yes. As I said before, the other thing, like once the movie turns from like that noir movie into this goofy sci-fi construct I again like I said earlier in the movie I didn't think the twist was that bonkers because it's like other twists I've seen so I at least appreciated that got the movie got rid of it pretty quick and
Starting point is 01:28:19 then just committed to that idea with a lot of silliness. And, you know, I just liked the silliness. I wish I wish it had gotten even sillier. I wish that when he jumped into the water, you were here like, what? Like a Mario jumping sound? Yeah, yeah. And I know it's just so. Yeah, some kind of, some kind of death sound effect.
Starting point is 01:28:39 Does he, he goes in there? Yeah. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,
Starting point is 01:28:51 wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, Anyway, what a yarn that was. Let's move on. Okay. Welcome back to FireSide Chat on KMAX. With me in studio to take your calls is the dopest tool on the west coast, all over Wong and Morgan Rhodes. Go ahead, caller. Hey, I'm looking for a music podcast that's insightful and thoughtful, but like most
Starting point is 01:29:27 of it helps me discover artists and howves that I've never heard of. Yeah man, it sounds like you need to listen to Heat Rocks every week, myself, and I'm more in road than my co-host here. Oliver Wong talked to influential guests about a canonical album that has changed their lives. Guess like Moby, Open Mike Eagle, talk about albums by Prince, Johnny Mitchell, and so much more. Hey, what's that show called again?
Starting point is 01:29:49 Hate Rocks deep dives into hot records. Every Thursday on Maximum 5 Hi, I'm Vince, and I'm Teresa, and we host One Bad Mother, a comedy podcast about parenting. Whether you are a parent or just no kids exists in the world, join us each week as we honestly share what it's like to be a parent. I before children, yeah. Definitely didn't think it was gonna be the time.
Starting point is 01:30:14 I'm gonna ask my children to do. Edgewires, hey. And they're gonna do it. And I'm gonna lead by example. They're gonna do it. They're gonna see me doing it. Right. And children naturally want to please adults.
Starting point is 01:30:26 Yeah. You know what? I'll make it kind of fun. Yeah. And that'll be fun. Totally. But I won't necessarily use rhymes. And I would never use threats.
Starting point is 01:30:35 Right. That was my pre-child thinking. Yes. And like if somebody came in and saw us doing this, Yeah. They would judge. Yeah. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:44 So join us each week as would judge. Yeah. Oh, yeah. So join us each week as we judge you less, laugh more, and remind you that you are doing a great job. Find us on on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. So we don't have any corporate sponsors this week, but who needs corporations when you've got people? Corporations are people
Starting point is 01:31:05 my friend. What? I make wrong me. Any more? No, but we do have a couple of, a couple of jumbo tronds that I've emailed to each of my respective co-hosts to read on the air. That's right. Okay.
Starting point is 01:31:24 So fire this up. Come into your live from Plymouth Radio. This is from Patrick to Baker Dill and the message is, you want to catch that fish, don't you? Wink. So, this message is for Ben. This message is also from Ben. Hello, idiot. Just kidding. Congratulations for finishing your high school career.
Starting point is 01:31:48 I hope that the cool is a cucumber tones of steward Wellington, or the sleep deprived ramblings of Dan's solo ad reads, are the perfect graduation gift. I wish you many college days of listening to the flop house instead of studying like you should be Wormy boners, etc., etc., etc. Congratulations, Ben. Yeah, that's very nice. I mean, I think I will say I think you probably should have used your Graduation money for something else Not getting us to talk to you, but I Appreciate the support. Yeah, that's a nice segue to my jumbo tron.
Starting point is 01:32:25 This is a message for David and the message. Yeah, like you could have you could have spent that money on a segue. It's a lot faster. The way everyone will be moving in the future. We're not going to need cars anymore. This is a message for David and it's from Eric and David says to Eric, we love you, bro. Two years ago, you bought a jumbo tron for me as I began my South American name of country withheld adventure.
Starting point is 01:32:48 Even though mom said it was the biggest waste of $100 she had ever heard of, I can think of no greater gift than twice another $100. As you begin your new adventure with Bridget in name of city withheld, Illinois. That's very nice too. Ah! That's great.
Starting point is 01:33:02 These are some sweet jumbo trons today. That's adorable. There are a couple of quick pieces of business to get through before we move on. I'm gonna keep them extra quick, you say, that the best way of finding out about both of these things is just to go to the Flophouse podcast, or sorry, FlophousePodcast,
Starting point is 01:33:17 know the And it's okay, Dan, we've only had the website for 10 years. I have it open on my phone too. That's because Squarespace makes it mobile optimized. They did not pay us this time. Oh no! I mentioned Squarespace.
Starting point is 01:33:35 If you go to the handy events page, you can see our four upcoming shows. If you want to go to one of those. Next one is June. Portland Minneapolis, Los Angeles and Boston. But not in that order. Yes. I'd also like to take this moment to briefly plug.
Starting point is 01:33:56 My wife and I opened a brand new bar. I think I mentioned it. I might have mentioned it here. I definitely mentioned it on other social media. And it's a little baby bird of a business. So we would love your support and help. It's called Minis Bar, M-I-N-N-I-E apostrophe S. And it's in Sunset Park, Brooklyn on 4th Avenue and 33rd Street.
Starting point is 01:34:20 Yeah. And check it out. So, you know, like maybe even you've been around in New York and you're like Kensington's too far from where I am now you got another option. Yeah There's the other thing that was going to say though about the website if you go to the blog section We are running that t-shirt contest So winners can choose a movie for us to talk about and get a tiny bit of scratch Is there a deadline for that contest, Dan?
Starting point is 01:34:46 Deadline is the end of May. So just go there and all the time. May 31st, the last day of May. Yes. Go on to be specific. The white bullet number number. Let's just say, may. Well, I think you can figure out what I was saying. Look, the date ain't nothing but a number.
Starting point is 01:35:04 Let's just say may. But all the technical specs of what you got to do are on the blog. Yeah, when you say end of may, they might think by the end of this movie may that I'm watching on demand, that's crazy. How would he know that? They're like, end of which year 2047, 2092? All right. I will say the live shows the next one coming up is in June on June 8th in Portland. So that's by the time this episode comes out only a few weeks away. So get your tickets. Portland, June 8th. Okay. Let's move on to letters. Letters from listeners? Listeners like you. Letters from listeners and listeners like you. We're reading your letters and loving your pancakes. Hey pancakes.
Starting point is 01:35:59 Thanks for sending us pancakes. We're eating all these pancakes. So many pancakes. Pancakes. That's the cod daddy pizza. You know, the thing I think I love most about that letter song is that it's not about letters. Rather, it's about pancakes. Oh, I missed that subtext. Yeah, it's pretty, it's hidden pretty
Starting point is 01:36:28 deep just like in serenity the justice theme is pretty pretty hard to say. So anyway, so well, it's just like it's just like that song born in the USA. I thought it was about being born in the USA, but it's actually about pancakes. Yeah, exactly. Okay, the letters of breakfast food because you can shape them like pancakes. Actually, you know what? Alphabet, those are exactly. Pink cakes are kind of the letters of breakfast food because you can shape them like pancakes. Actually, you know what? Alphabet's, those are really the... Those are the letters of cereal. Never mind.
Starting point is 01:36:49 Pink cakes are kind of like the letters of breakfast in that they always tell you something you didn't know before. Do your pancakes talk to you guys? First letter, it's from Alex Lastname, who's held. Sure. Who writes, thanks for putting on such a great live show at Earl. I'm coming back to Indiana anytime. That's in reference to a show that we've done,
Starting point is 01:37:11 but not released, that was about Jurassic World Fallon Kingdom, which comes into play in paragraph two. All right. Thanks for the annotations on this letter, Dan. What element of Jurassic World fallen kingdom that I love is that there's no less than three scenes that relied on the T-Rex being stealthy. One of the most iconic scenes of the original Jurassic Park is the Watercup scene. Yet here we are a few movies later, and this massive creature is apparently a master of the sneak
Starting point is 01:37:43 and pops out from the side of the frame once per act. In that spirit, what are your most memorable times that a franchise has wildly ignored previously established rules, either for good or for bad? Thanks for the years of laughter, Alex Lastname with Hell. Something you may have not noticed while watching Jurassic World is that
Starting point is 01:38:00 the transverse and it's pretty clear a lot of shots is running enormous slippers. Oh. This line can sneak around much better, yeah. that transorists and it's pretty clear a lot of shots is running enormous slippers. Oh, you would think he'd be wearing sneakers like the X, but no, he tied copy of DVD copies of the movie sneakers to his feet. Oh, wow. Okay, so I've got a couple here. Like, one is real like what he's talking about, and one, they did specifically for effect.
Starting point is 01:38:28 But in terms of accidentally ignoring previously established rules. So there's that moment in the adventures. And it is explained with one, okay, it is explained with one line. I will give that to the movie, but in the most half-ass way possible. So Thor ends with it being a big fucking deal that the by frost has destroyed and he can't come back to Earth ever.
Starting point is 01:38:52 Yeah. In the Avengers, he just kind of shows up on Earth. Now, Loki has like a line being like it. Most have taken all of Odin's magic to get you here. But it's like, okay, well then if that's a fucking thing Odin can do, then why was it a big deal before? Like Thor just shows up and we're just like, whatever, the words here. We're not gonna worry about how. You seem really disappointed that Thor shows up
Starting point is 01:39:15 in that movie. Yeah, I think he's great. Come on. But I think it's just a funny thing where it's like, okay, this was like the major thrust of the sadness about the last movie, like where he's like, okay, this was like the major thrust of the sadness about the last movie where he's like, I'll never see my beloved Jane again.
Starting point is 01:39:29 And now it's like, oh, I can go anytime. I just gotta let my dad rest up a little bit and then send me back. I think that was when they thought that Thor would not do particularly well. And they were like, we'll end it on a tragic note. Another one. We'll send him back to his home planet.
Starting point is 01:39:43 It's like, like at the end of the first season of the TV show, Sledgehammer. They were so sure they would not get a second season that they blew up the Earth at the end. And then there was a season. So the second season takes place, I think, a year before the first season. That's hilarious.
Starting point is 01:39:57 The other one I want to say is like, like they do it intentionally. Like they're making a joke out of it, but I like the moment. So return to the living dead isn't like a direct sequel to Night of the Living Dead because I mean, it's like, I think produced or co-written or something, like there's some connection to it where like one of the guys who were who like co-wrote Night of the Living Dead has access to some of the rights, which allow him to make other zombie movies, but not official
Starting point is 01:40:26 night-aliving dead sequels. And so, we're trying to live dead is kind of a quasi-sequel in that way, but they make a point of the kid being like, oh shoot him in the head, like that's what they did night -aliving dead, and it worked, and they do it, and it doesn't work. And he's like, oh, the movie lied, which is a fun little moment where you realize, oh, these people are fucked because these zombies don't really die.
Starting point is 01:40:56 Now, yeah, those are great. That's all paused for a long time. I guess it's my time to talk. Yeah, well, so are there any, yeah, I would say an example of a sequel for getting the rules. I would say attack the clones, of course, for gets metaclorians, which is terrible. As soon as he takes science out of Star Wars, it becomes less fun. And then Halloween 3, they forget the rule that it has to have Michael Myers.
Starting point is 01:41:24 But I think it works out for the better, because I like it. I think the, it's not necessarily like ignoring the rules in previous stonements, but like the way that the Star Wars prequels kind of like they take something from the, like the idea of, I just, I was thinking about this the other day, that the idea of Yoda as a distinguished figure who like is, who is the head of an organization. I found so, so
Starting point is 01:41:47 baffling compared to the Yoda we see who is like this hilarious like trickster hermit monk. Yeah, yeah. It just seems like a waste, you know. I don't have any that are like really a rule being ignored, but I do want to take this opportunity to talk about my frustration that the Princess Diaries 2 They really go ahead and just ignore the relationship that the entire first movie spent establishing with a Michael and as they're no because the so there's another and half away goof I guess But so the entire first movie it's, is she gonna get together with Michael?
Starting point is 01:42:25 We're all really rooting for it and everything. And the second movie she's on a plane and she's like, we're friends and immediately like goes and Chris Pine's love interest. And it's just always bothered me. Yeah. Between the movies she friends owned him. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:40 So, it just undercuts the struggle of the first movie. Yeah. Like, what was the point? And I think in the last two, uh... so just undercuts the struggle the first movie yeah i think i think in the in the last it's like watching the princess diaries at no point in the last fifty shades of great movie they forget the rule from the first movie that there are no real estate agents in aspen named geomiteo with famously great boobs
Starting point is 01:43:01 and then this is character geom Mateo, and ask me real estate agent, everyone's talking about her boobs all the time. It's like, movies, what are you doing? Oh. So this next letter is from Michael Lasting with Hell, who writes, dear flop houses, I was recently watching through the Scooby movies, known not the new Scooby-Doo movies, the unwisely names TV series from the 70s,
Starting point is 01:43:21 nor the two live action movies that premiered in theaters. I didn't care for those, but the at least 40 direct-to-video scooby movies. Some are surprisingly really good. We might need to fact check this letter. Do any of you have direct-to-video movies you're really fond of, despite their smaller scale and more commercial nature? It's here to be Michael Lasting withheld. Yeah, I mean, I'll field this one. I actually, I feel like this is the thing is.
Starting point is 01:43:49 Yeah. I actually only like movies that come out in movie theaters. If you check back at all of my recommendations, I've never recommended a movie that hasn't been on the silver screen at some point. So Michael, I think you're barking up the wrong tree or wrong Matthew McConaughey in this case. I think that Stuart mispronounced ninja shadow of a deer.
Starting point is 01:44:11 I mean, you gave that. Yep. Response. Oh, yeah, I guess there's one instance of me recommending something that wasn't in theaters. How many universal soldier-directed videos equals did you recommend? Oh, I guess those count, too, huh?
Starting point is 01:44:25 I want to say, two of my favorites, I don't know if they like, like it's a weird area. I mean, 100% you're going to recommend the boyfriend school, right? No, I don't know. I don't know. That was a major motion picture. That was in theaters. Yeah, I don't know if the two ones I have technically count, so I'll give another answer afterwards.
Starting point is 01:44:46 But like my two favorite ones that come to mind were movies that either were intended for theatrical release originally or were released in another country, but here we're only directed to video. Wait, is it is one of them about an off-road adventure that involves a bikini and is it great? No. One of them is sort of a manual sequel. One of them is in space. One of them is Trick or Treat, the Michael Doherty anthology horror series that had Halloween. That never got released theatrically, but I enjoyed a lot. And the wrong guy, the Dave Foley movie that I think was
Starting point is 01:45:27 released in Canada, but not here ever. Well, we would get released in Canada. But if those don't actually technically count to you, I will say that speaking of wild things, I very much enjoy the Directive Video, Wild Things, and Cruel Intention sequels, because those Directive Video versions posit the question, what if those movies
Starting point is 01:45:50 but trashier? Yeah. So, they're fun. If you like that kind of thing. It really feels like they don't have big name stars in them. Yeah. I feel like when I was growing up, they just like were doing a ton of Disney Directive
Starting point is 01:46:03 video sequels. Oh yeah. And I have a lot of affection for them, because some of them I was growing up, they just were doing a ton of Disney directivity of sequels. And I have a lot of affection for them, because some of them I was more of the right age for than the original. Like, I think I've probably watched the Aladdin sequels more times than I've watched original Aladdin. The Return of Jafar. Return of Jafar and Aladdin in the 40theos,
Starting point is 01:46:18 which is the third one. I've watched that one maybe the most in all of them, actually. And the extremely goofy movie. I wish I think is again, I don't know, I have a fiction for it and that was like the question is like if you're fond of it, not whether I necessarily think they're good. And then my other answer is cannibal to musical, trade parkers movie from college. I don't think ever came out in theaters. Yeah, yeah. Elliot, did you have one? I forgot what you saw. No, I don't have any in particular.
Starting point is 01:46:49 I have to admit. Okay. I feel like I was more of a TV movie watcher for most of my movies than a direct to video release. Because when I was young, I didn't watch a lot of horror movies because they were too scary. And then, so I missed out on a lot of ones. The war kid was back for a second.
Starting point is 01:47:06 I'm not a new log guy. I like the suggestion of violence and occasionally something kind of like a way to be pushed down a staircase like in, uh, in, uh, his death. Sudden feel. Anybody want to watch hitch hiker? You want to maybe night in the city with Wichon Windmauk. Let's see. Oh, okay. I think it's great about noir kid.
Starting point is 01:47:31 It's these immediately relatable. Everybody knows one of those. I went to kids on the playground. I said, want to watch Sawi Wong Numbo with Bob Westandwick? Is that a noir? Of course it is. Sorry, wrong number. Yeah. It's a suspense. They're like, call it a noir. It, of course it is. Sorry, wrong number. Yeah, it's a suspense throw.
Starting point is 01:47:46 I'd call it a noir. It's more of a thriller, right? Yeah. All right. Maybe it's more of a suspense thriller. We got you guys shouldn't split hails. Film noir is an open genre. Okay.
Starting point is 01:47:59 Well, maybe instead of that, I should have mentioned Cornel Woolwich is the big combo. So, Jenny, you got any news? You want to keep your time in with? Noir films and the child back to it. I think they've all been covered. The question is, is a more tease-fout? Will we more? See, that's the thing, I was worried anything that I brought up, I was gonna like, oh, this is gonna get picked apart and not confident enough in my noir taste. Because Northwood is, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 01:48:30 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, west and I'm like, I guess that's a neon wall, but I like the wall. I forgot to say I saw a kiss before dying at the nor festival recently
Starting point is 01:48:53 and I just don't know if that counts because again, it's more of a flow back. Yeah, there you go. And guys, do you guys wanna clarify that we're making fun of the way I baby would talk and not being fun of people with actual speech and balance right. Yeah, this is the, this is the disclaimers. It's like, yeah, this is the deal.
Starting point is 01:49:13 It's just a clever fun. Yeah, it's just a clever fun. No, if an adult talking like that is nothing to laugh about, everyone has their challenges and communicating and we all have the things about the way we speak that are distinctive to us But a baby talking like that is how wow is All right this last letter is from Bill last name with hell the joke is that a baby likes film war movies Okay, okay bill last name with hell says hey y'all I took an intro to film class in my college years
Starting point is 01:49:39 And I really enjoyed it and got exposed to movies I probably would have never seen on my own like his girlfriend Girl Friday, Do the Right Thing, and Crimes and Misdemeanors. The morning following each screening, we had a quiz, and after watching Roger and me, one of the questions was, why was this movie not played in Flint, Michigan, with the correct answer being because the movie's theaters had closed down as revealed in the credits? Everyone got this question wrong because no one stuck
Starting point is 01:50:06 around for the credits. Our instructor told us that he had asked the question because we all left during the credits, which are part of the movie and thus we should have stayed. Yeah, we get to that. We get to that. Was that instructor Kevin Paigi? A part? It had been something for the next movie in the Michael Moore universe. Apart from giving credit to the cast and crew, I've never thought that credits hold any real significance in terms of plot or storytelling. Was a wrong in my assumption? Are there films where the credits actually add to the movie?
Starting point is 01:50:40 Or was this just a typical power trip young college instructor move to assert dominance over a bunch of undergrads? Yeah. They were last name with help. It was, it was that. I do think that sometimes credits have some sort of extra value. They can have value, they can have like joke.
Starting point is 01:50:59 I mean, I guess the closest I can think of is in the Pixar movies sometimes they'll have pictures next to the credits that like continue the story a little bit. Or blooper reels, or the fake bloopers. But like in up, there's a bunch of like fake photos that are on the side of the screen during the credits that like show Carl and with a boy's name. Russell.
Starting point is 01:51:19 And Russell's kind of relationship continuing after this adventure and some of the fun they're having. But like, that's not really the credits. It's like going on the the credits. Yeah, I was going to say, I don't know whether this is just like the words of the credits themselves or whether you can talk about things that happen during the credits, but I've got a quick answer for each one. And then I've got a quick answer for one of them, but you go. There's like like Zucker Abrams Zucker things where there's jokes in the credits So you've got that kind of thing and there's like Something like seven where simply reversing the super twisty
Starting point is 01:51:54 Some of the something I know I think that something as simple as reversing the direction that credits normally scroll Is very unsettling at the end of an unsettling movie. So there's those things school is very unsettling at the end of an unsettling movie. So there's those things. I mean, you have like, Gremlins too, where Daffy Duck keeps coming out and talking to the audience during the credits, but it's so unrelated to the rest of the film that there's a... But the other way, sorry, the other thing, like in terms of actually continuing the story, I know that it's weird that we've talked about Wild thanks so much, but I like the ending credits of Wild thanks, but they literally just interspers. I'm surprised you made it through to the end of the credits.
Starting point is 01:52:28 I would have thought you would have finished watching movie during one particular scene and then maybe we'll wound it and watch it again, and then return the video, un-rewound to the beginning to the rental store. You know, it could be, but the end of the movie, like they're interspersed with quick scenes
Starting point is 01:52:44 that show you stuff you weren't. The like, the camera was not there for the first time around, filling in holes and kind of explaining the entire plot, which is kind of fun, like, to handle it that way with just these like quick cuts during the credits of like, and if you want it spelled out for you even more, here you go. Like, one thing this is like not really, I don't know if this is adding anything. It added to my enjoyment at the movie though, but in a fateful findings at the end of the credits, uh, the very last thing Neil brain specifies is that any credit listed where the person's name it had, it starts with an N B like where those be the initials that was Neil Brin which means he goes through the entire
Starting point is 01:53:27 credits listing like other people doing catering and hair and whatever and at the very end of the credits he's like also those were me. That's twist ending list. Yeah. Yeah. Hansen's my enjoyment of the movie. Certainly. He's the end of the show. I'm a lot of credits. I was it there's like at the end of the movie Skadoo. Harry Nielsen sings all the credits as they come up on screen But like that. I don't know if that really counts the same way like it's the most fun thing in the movie Skadoo
Starting point is 01:53:50 but I Well the end credits in return of the king Enhanced my enjoyment by making me cry when I see all those characters and I'm not I love the I'm sure I mentioned this before on the show, but I love the end credits sequence of Michael Clayton where the camera just stays on George Clooney's face. Yeah, it is great. And the point is this guy's professor is a jerk. Yeah, he's a jerk.
Starting point is 01:54:15 Yeah. Unless you're gonna sit through all of the Avengers credits to watch each of the actors sign their names on the credits, then don't worry about it. Wait, what? You should not do the credits of Avengers Endgame. I didn't see any. I spoiled it for myself.
Starting point is 01:54:28 I didn't care. No, at the end, during the, in this, it wasn't spoken, in the middle of the credits, they go through the whole cast, the secondary cast, then for each of the members of the original Avengers team, they get like a clamor shot, like in a, like in a colonad, and there's, they, their signature animates on on on screen. So like and ending with Robert Denny Jr. So it's like Jeremy renters. So the first thing you see is Jeremy renter
Starting point is 01:54:50 and then his signature writing on screen and you're like, what is going on here? It's really funny. Okay. Well, yeah, it's like a less classy version of the end of return to the game. Check out. Guys, check out this cool segue. So that's the end of return to the game. Check out. Guys, check out this cool segue. So that's the end of that segment. On to our last segment. Okay, we're just called recommendations. You're a radio professional. You should be on women's highlands radio. These are movies that I mean, look, I'm not going to say watch them instead of serendity. Like, why choose as the internet says, why not both? I have recommendations. See what you look like. You're champing at the bit.
Starting point is 01:55:28 Well, I'm looking at you because this recommendation is also a little bit of a class for Dan. I'm recommending a movie that does feature the actor Jackie Chan in it. How is Dan gonna know for sure? I'll give you a memory of that. Yeah, well, that sure. I'll remember that. Yeah, well, that's what I'm here for. I just recently got my criteria in collection,
Starting point is 01:55:50 Blu-ray of police story and police story two. And I hadn't seen them in a long time, and they're great. They're some of Jackie Chan's best movies. I don't know if police story edges out, drunken master two for me, but it's close. And I watched, I watched end game the same day that I rewatched my police story, Blu-ray. And none of the special effects in Avengers made me like as shocked as the stuff that Jackie
Starting point is 01:56:22 Chan does to these poor guys who dare attack him around a set of cars. So or in a shopping mall, I mean, he's amazing. What a treasure. Yeah. I have a recommendation of a movie I saw just last night. I called Serenity. You like? I try not. I like, if I can, I try not to recommend major movies and theaters because why do they need my support. But I've been away for a week and I haven't seen a lot so and this was a movie I genuinely liked so keeping with the theme of awesome fights I saw John Wick 3 and oh doctor if you like those John wicks. This is one of the John wikis So what you're telling a doctor to prescribe more John Wick to people. Okay.
Starting point is 01:57:06 I got to have it, doctor. But, um, In years from now, we're going to find out that John Wick was actually contributing to an epidemic of suicides in the Midwest and Dan is going to be sued, I guess, for the damages, for forcing doctors to recommend John Wick to their patients when they didn't need it. Look, if you see John Wick, it's worth it, guys. But, um...
Starting point is 01:57:26 But, Doctor, I am John Wick. And then you go, whoa. No, I just want to say a quick that I liked it, especially because I feel like the first John Wick is such a simple concept that you can understand. It's like the classic, you fuck with the wrong guy movie, and it's pretty stripped down. Like what's notable about it is it's got great fight scenes. The second movie becomes like much more weirdly,
Starting point is 01:57:56 like we're gonna jump into a fantasy land where there's a whole like, Assassin's Creed, if you will. And like some switchboard manned only by Suicide Girls in the Girl Club. It's a hotel for dogs, if you will, except in seven dogs. It's Assassin's. Yeah, there's a rich mythology of Assassin's, all of a sudden, John Wick, too. And I like that okay, but it felt like it come down from the economy of the first movie,
Starting point is 01:58:23 but the third movie makes that all worthwhile by pushing it so far into silliness that the movie is basically a company at this point. A company about this assassin world where all five million assassins on the earth are going after John Wick. And it's just a crazy concept. Early in the movie, a guy gets like-
Starting point is 01:58:44 You don't have to explain to him. Like, John Wick. It's crazy. In the real world, there is not a secret million strong economy of assassins with John Wick world. But also like non assassins, like early in the movie, John Wick is taking a taxi somewhere.
Starting point is 01:59:00 And he has to, I'll keep his vague as possible. And he has to get out and like have the time. Has he been doing your done with your tech? No, no, he has to. I'm not gonna stay and live there. No, Ali, he has to get, like, he's trying to get somewhere, he can't get there because of traffic.
Starting point is 01:59:15 So he has to get out, but he has the taxi driver transport something for him. And the driver's like, sure, Mr. Wick. And it's like, okay, we live in a world where not only do other sassons, no John Wick, but like normal taxi drivers do, too, apparently. But it's a fanny assassin. They advertise on TV in the John Wick world. It's super funny.
Starting point is 01:59:36 And I also, I think Keanu Reeves is really good in this world because even though he's like, this insanely unstoppable unrealistic character on the one hand, he also like, when he's like this insanely unstoppable, unrealistic character on the one hand. He also like when he's in a fight, he has the same talent that Harrison Ford has where it's like you can see him looking exhausted, you can see him like not wanting to fight anymore, you can see him like take actual damage
Starting point is 01:59:59 just during the movie and be exasperated by everything that's happening. Like Jackie Chan. And it's good. No, I mean like it's great. Like Jackie Chan. And it's good. No, I mean, like, it's great. Like, whenever you can humanize, like, you're unstoppable fighting force, like that. It's a lot more fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:12 That's by recommendation. So, Jenny, do you have a recommendation? Yeah, I mean, it's another like movie that's in theaters. It's the last one I saw. I really liked Longshot. I thought it was really fun. Yeah. That's great.
Starting point is 02:00:24 Another, another, another. I thought it was really fun. That's great. Another. Another. Thanks for avoiding spoilers for us. You know spoilers. Yeah. Oh, right. Sorry.
Starting point is 02:00:33 We got to stay through the credits for that one for sure. Yeah. Okay. Did I have to say about Longshot? Yeah. Okay. Well, it's a movie fun.
Starting point is 02:00:42 I'm going to recommend a movie that's not in theaters unless you're in Germany in 1974 And that's a movie called Alice in the Cities and it's a Vin Vendors movie about a a German writer He's a journalist, but he has lost kind of his will to live in a way while he's been traveling through America and in he gets to New York and a friend of his who's a single mother basically says hey Can you take my daughter to the Empire State Building? And I'll meet up with you later in the day.
Starting point is 02:01:07 He takes her there and then realizes, Oh, this was a way of this mother basically abandoning her daughter. And now she's my charge, but I don't want to be a dad. So I've got to figure out where to drop her off. And they travel from city to city in Europe, trying on this search for the girl's grandmother and all the girl remembers is, I remember what her house looks like, but I don't remember where it is or what my grandmother's name is. And the two of them, of course, they give each other a reason to keep living, but I thought
Starting point is 02:01:36 it was a really good movie and like, very funny at times, but also genuinely, like, sad in the way you would assume a German movie from Avengers in the 70s would be. And it was at the beginning of it, it was great seeing New York through the eyes of someone who was not a New Yorker. Like, I've seen the like Woody Allen, you know, kind of Spike Lee, New York, where it's someone who knows the place. And to see it through the eyes of somebody who is not a native was really cool. It just made things I'd seen before look a little different. But I just thought it was a really good movie.
Starting point is 02:02:07 And I'm not usually a big road movie person, but there's a good road movie. So Alice in the Cities is the movie I recommend. So we've all said a movie. We've fulfilled our quota. Yep. I'm playing our curses left. It's me that's time for the show to end.
Starting point is 02:02:22 And before we say all our usual bullshit. Wait, Dan, wait, what? What are we gonna say? And then I'll tell you, I'll the show to end. And before we say all our usual bullshit. Wait, Dan, wait, what? Yeah, what are you gonna say? And then I'll tell you I'll reveal something to you. What are you gonna say? Okay, before we say all our usual bullshit and perhaps afterwards too, why not? It'd be nice.
Starting point is 02:02:36 I'd like to thank our guest, Ginny Jaffy. Thank you guys so much for having me. This was very fun. Thank you so much for being here as part of our game because Dan, I'm here to tell you, this isn't a podcast. What? This is a computer game, but together by your cat, your cat Archie. He's so good at computers.
Starting point is 02:02:58 He's so good at computers that he took a podcasting video game. God. And he made it about you. He's got, but you should have known that such lame bits as Craw daddy. And, excuse me, Craw daddy is a great bit. Future classic bit. Any cat that could envision, envision Craw daddy is clearly the smartest of all cats. But Dan, so there's only one way to win this game. Oh, no. You've got to end the podcast properly. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 02:03:26 Well, I think so, yes. And now I should probably say, you know, hashtag us on Twitter, spread the word, review us on iTunes. Please, you know, do it. Yes, something nice to say. If you don't, you know, something nice to say, why are you spending the time?
Starting point is 02:03:39 You're losing the game. You're losing the game. All that stuff, go to for all the great shows on our network. They're lovely people and Stuart, you look like you have something to say. Yeah, I've been Stuart Wellington on the flop house podcast. Thanks for listening. I've been Dan McCoy. And Jenny Taffy. And this is Ellie Kaelin. Thanks again, Jenny. Thanks, everybody, for listening. Pick up some tickets to a flop-houselive show Why not Dan? I've got good news you won the game
Starting point is 02:04:10 All right, this is nice ending Okay, you lost at the very end you lost it Let's just go ahead and do this man. What manner are we gonna do? We're gonna do this man. Is it Matthew McDonough? Because there's a lot of fun in the movie. It's a waste of how good he looked.
Starting point is 02:04:43 Comedy and culture. Artists don't. Audience supported. waste of how good he looked.

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