The Flop House - Ep. #286 - Replicas

Episode Date: June 8, 2019

With John Wick 3 tearing up the theaters, we discuss this year's OTHER Keanu Reeves movie, Replicas. Meanwhile Dan repeats an old adage about beans, Stuart can't pronounce "Keanu," and Elliott's son r...eally messes up our rhythm. Wikipedia synopsis for Replicas Movies recommended in this episode:J Booksmart Avengement Cold War LIVE SHOW DATES 2019! June 8 – PORTLAND – Revolution Hall – TICKET SALES ARE SLUGGISH, SO PLEASE COME OUT! July 13 – MINNEAPOLIS – Parkway September 28 – BOSTON – WBUR CitySpace (TWO shows in one night) October 12 – LOS ANGELES – The Regent Theater

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On this episode of the podcast we discuss replicas Also known as John Wick for John Wick deals with personal loss in a very different way than he usually does That's nice. Yeah, yeah, that's nice. Hey dude, it's me, Stuart Wellington. Hey and welcome to the flop house. I'm Dan McCoy. Hey dude, it's me, Stuart Wellington. And over here it's Elliot Kaylin and joining me is a special guest for a few moments. What's your name sir? Sammy. Sammy would you like to say hello to everybody?
Starting point is 00:00:57 You wanna say it? No, shaking your head no? You wanna say poop to everybody? No, do you wanna say Batman to everybody? No. Do you want to say Batman everybody? Oh, okay. Well, I've- Sammy, look, takes one look at Dan and runs away. Sammy is refusing your stage dad pushing to show business out here. No, this is the only way we're going to make ends meet.
Starting point is 00:01:18 He's got to become a superstar. Sammy, do you want to be on a TV show? No. No, okay, here. Can you stop clicking that pen right into the microphone? I figured that since today is a movie all about family, I'd bring my own son onto the show. What do you guys think? I think that's a great idea. Although he doesn't seem to think so. No, it's funny because... He seems very invested in being in the room and seeing the podcast, but not being on the podcast. Yes. Well, he likes to be hanging out with me,
Starting point is 00:01:47 isn't it, right, Sammy? Yeah, but he's a very sharp boy and he doesn't like to have this spotlight. I'll tell you what, why don't you go up stairs and help Mom with her project, okay? You don't even say goodbye? Oh, he said goodbye. Bye, Sammy.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Okay. Okay, guys. Okay, now that he's gone, let's talk shit about it. Okay, can you believe how little he brought to that bit? I know, you were giving him all those great prompts. I thought you were gonna be like, can you believe how little he is? Can you, he's like a person, but he's like a tiny person.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Can you believe that? I'm crazy. It was like somebody cooked him in a little cloning tank for only like, I don't know, a 10 days. Not the full 17. Dan, now we mentioned family cloning tanks. What, what are we doing?
Starting point is 00:02:32 This podcast? Is it a cloning podcast? Well, I mean, this week in part, but mostly it's a bad movie podcast, where we watch a bad movie, then we talk about it. Uh huh. And what do we watch this week? Replica starring Keanu Reeves and Alicey Vand. That guy who's a character actor who's always bad.
Starting point is 00:02:54 What? What? The bad guy. Thomas Middle dish? No. Oh, Thomas Middle dish is awesome. I was thinking of the... You mean he's always a bad guy in the movies?
Starting point is 00:03:04 Yes. Because when you say character actor who's always bad, it sounds like he's a bad guy in the movies. Yes. Because when you say character who's always bad, it sounds like he's a bad character actor. Uh-huh. Oh, no, no, no. I'm just, I'm saving you. I'm not making any value judgment about his performances or him as a person. Okay, I'm glad we could save you
Starting point is 00:03:16 from a slander lawsuit. Yeah, the first time for the flop house. Yeah, usually we get hit with those pretty hard. Now guys, I want wanna apologize that my son, like we said, was super into hanging out here, would not leave the room for a while. But then once the microphones came on, he was totally didn't wanna talk.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Stage fright. And stage fright, it ties into today's film. How was that Dan? Uh-huh. Yeah, Dan, hold on. You jackass. You can't set up a segue that I have no idea where it goes. Okay, well then you do your own segue I guess.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Okay, so after firing up Amazon Prime, Oh, it's on Amazon Prime? I mean, I think I paid for it. Yeah, no, we got to rent it. Yeah, I rented it on Amazon Prime. Don't, you know, I don't like supporting, you know, big Amazon or anything, but I was in a rush. You're in a rush, so you can fly to Portland to go to the last blockbuster.
Starting point is 00:04:15 Yeah, I get in like some sort of artisanal version of this movie. Yeah, I didn't download it from someone else's brain. He would already watch the service. Dan was surprised that it was on Amazon because as always, anytime he has to watch a movie, he buys a plane ticket, hops on the flight, and then fires up his in flight entertainment. That's how he watches every movie. No, I just didn't want to have paid for it on iTunes with for no reason. But apparently, this is a real waste of time. This is a version. Yeah, guys. I was getting into my fucking opening pit. So I fired up the movie. I I want to apologize. This is Sammy's fault. Okay, and I understand that. He really threw off our chemistry. I thought he'd be the next Jenny
Starting point is 00:05:00 Jaffee. It did not work out. I apologize for that. Really throwing Sammy under the bus. Yeah, dragon Sammy. I would never actually drag my son or throw him under a bus. It's going to be our follow-up podcast where we talk about the previous episode. But speaking about vehicle accidents and suns, go on with your story about replicas. I don't know what you refer to.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Let's talk about replicas. I, I, I don't know what you refer to. Let's talk about the movie. Yeah. Look, I want to say all jokes aside, Dan, solid gold segue, Sterling silver. Wonderful work. Okay. Stuart, continue. Sterling silver would be a, uh, sounds like one of the many different production logos that we are hit with.
Starting point is 00:05:39 I think we get like six or seven. Wasn't one of them like something like entertain, entertainment, I think it's the same company that made Hurricane Heist, entertainment studios, motion pictures. It's amazing. So we get a bunch of those and then the movie opens, flying over the ocean. I was like, are we watching a serenity again?
Starting point is 00:05:58 Yeah, yeah. And we are in Aresibo, Puerto Rico. We are introduced to a high tech research facility called BioNine. Now here's a question I had guys. Why is the movie in Puerto Rico? They never really seem to make anything out of that. So much so that I did not realize
Starting point is 00:06:18 until Stuart said it right now that they're in Puerto Rico. That's insane because anytime there's a shot that's outdoors, especially at night, you can hear, you can clearly hear the cokeys, the little frogs chirping. And I found that very, I mean, I haven't been to Puerto Rico 50 times, like you have stories, so I don't like,
Starting point is 00:06:37 I'm just saying that like that's a burn. No, it's not a burn. I'm just saying that like I have no association with frog noises in Puerto Rico. Well, I was something I kept forgetting, and then suddenly like some police would show up and they'd say, oh you speak English? Apart in my English, I speak Spanish and I was like, why? Oh right, right, Puerto Rico.
Starting point is 00:06:53 Or when they're shopping for Christmas trees and there's just like Latin music in the background, I was like, this is weird, Christmas me's, oh right, it's Puerto Rico. It's like the setting seemed to confuse me more than to add anything to the movie. And how did I add nothing in the movie? Stuart continued there at the Bionine facility, right? I mean, I think Puerto Rico is its own character in the movie, but we'll talk about that later. So we're in the Bionine research facility.
Starting point is 00:07:18 We're introduced to Will Foster, some kind of a scientist, played by Keana Reeves, his buddy Ed. Some kind of a scientist. He is a neuro-, his buddy Ed. Some kind of a scientist. He is a neuro computerologist. Okay. Thank you for clarifying it. And we have Thomas Middleditch, who's like kind of like a flunky egor type. I want to say this about going on. And so say, Kiana Reeves is like a computer scientist and who also does neuroscience.
Starting point is 00:07:43 And Thomas Middleditch is like a biologist. He's a, he's a, he grows the organs and canaries is working with robots. So that's their main difference. They're the original odd couple. I was going to say that like canaries is an actor that I've grown to have great fondness for. Like I liked him at the beginning. I thought he was a very funny comic actor, but I didn't know what his range was, but I think in his old age or not old it But middle age he's got no no in his dodech. He's almost dead now Okay, and his middle age he's gotten very interesting
Starting point is 00:08:10 I will say though early these early scenes. I don't really buy him so much as a scientist But once he starts being like sad and mourning like I feel that the play is more to his strengths Which is like sort of this sad-eyed sincerity? There is also I can see that there is also a scene later on where which is sort of this sad-eyed sincerity. There is also, I can see that. There is also a scene later on where he is very excited and will give you the context later to be cooking breakfast for his family. And I thought it was such a good, dead-on performance
Starting point is 00:08:35 of a weird dad who is suddenly excited to see, he's like French toast, Millady, and stuff like that. And it's like, oh, I've known so many dads like this, who are like, I'm gonna have some fun now and it doesn't work. Yeah, I think he's pretty fun in this movie. So they, like the alarm start ringing, they realize they have a new donor on the way. So everybody goes to their paddle stations
Starting point is 00:08:58 and they were introduced like a lab where there's a robot that looks kinda like the robots from the movie I robot Yeah, with with the numbers three four five stenciled on its chest and then spooky Like you guys got a little better later on but in these early scenes like I feel like the robot when he moves Looks like kind of like bad stop motion even though I'm sure it's CGI But it has this really a hirky jerky weird quality. Oh, see, I liked that about it. I actually liked the robot effects because they looked, they didn't look as smooth as I was
Starting point is 00:09:30 where they would look. Yeah. It does look pretty good. It looks like a robot that is not very good at being a robot. Yeah. Uh-huh. And we'll, as we'll see, it doesn't continue being that good at being a robot. So we're shadowy.
Starting point is 00:09:44 Yeah. continue being that good at being a robot. Or shadowy. Yeah, so they open up a casket and the donors reveal to be a dead soldier who has been recently killed in action, I believe. And they hook up a device and they run some kind of a thing into its brain. They stick a needle into its brain to pull out its brain waves or something or it's no. There's this cool graphic of like data downloading from a brain into a like a giant Nintendo cartridge thing called like a mem disk or a mem drive. They're extracting memories, memories of this guy. Yeah, the mem drive that like that is color coded based on when there's memories in it.
Starting point is 00:10:25 It is a hilarious looking prop. Like it does, like, it looks like an enormous Nintendo cartridge. And it is, I don't know, it's one of a couple things in the movie where I was like, I really like the design of this thing. It looks so unwieldy and like something you would store brain memories on in like the 1990s, you know? Yeah, yeah, that's kind of part of the appeal for me. So then in the same sense of cool 1990 stuff,
Starting point is 00:10:50 Dr. Will Foster in order to map the brain, the dead soldier's brain waves onto the robots brain, he puts on this super cool visor and then he starts doing like minority report, like moving browsers around with his hands. And it's all holograms and an AR display. Uh-huh. And he's much better at manipulating these hologram screens than I am, say, my phone screen. I want to mention right here, the idea of what the brain is like and memories are like in this movie is so like you could see inside a brain and stuff like that
Starting point is 00:11:25 And you can easily find things and there's a scene later on where you know Reeves needs to search for a specific memory of a character named Zoe in a brain and he types into a search window Zoe and it's like wait, so is the brain indexed? I don't understand Yeah, like oh no all memories of the movie killing Zoe are going Oh no, all memories of the movie killing Zoey are going. Oh, terrible. Dad, I had a report on Franian Zoey do next week. Yeah. So yeah, so he, you know, he moves his arms around a lot and we see that the robot is slowly
Starting point is 00:12:00 like coming to life. This scene takes probably a little too long. And then, you know, there's a lot of tech Momo jumbo. There's a lot of like setting up algorithm, algorithm good. Cortex neuroplasma transfer, transferring Cortex neuroplasma. Okay, check cerebral energon,
Starting point is 00:12:18 cerebral energon is frying. Get the eggs motivated, eggs are motivated. You know, that kind of stuff. Truck it over, trucking, keep on trucking, keeping on trucking, that kind of stuff. Yeah, yeah. So that all happens and then the robot wakes up
Starting point is 00:12:36 and it seems like everything's going well until all of a sudden the robot begins freaking out and ripping itself apart. And I thought this scene was, I, I actually thought this seems kind of cool, like, and also, it seems pretty obvious why the robot is not happy because, yeah, it does seem pretty obvious. And yet, it takes kind of half the movie to figure out what the deal is, which, I think we'll get to that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Yeah, it's like, yeah, this soldier's killed in action. And then he wakes up and he's in like this kind of, as we have described it, kind of crappy robot body. And he freaks out like, he's like, what am I? Why am I? And you think the first thing they would say is, wait, you died and you're in a robot now, but instead, can I just keep going like, keeps going, Sargent Johnson, Sargent Johnson,
Starting point is 00:13:23 please, Sargent Johnson. And it's like, you're only confusing him more just explain everything come on. Yeah, yeah So that obviously doesn't go well his boss a character named Jones is very disappointed and they I guess they like that was the end of a work day on Friday, so Canary canary's like well, I'm going on vacation for a long weekend. I'll see you afterwards. But there's the feeling that there's pressure to shut the whole project down if they can't get, if they can't find success on the next try.
Starting point is 00:13:55 So we have a ticking clock gentleman. Yeah, the motivations of the corporation are a little like hazy. I feel like throughout the movie, like I guess at this point they're like, I don't want to throw good money after bed. So I'm going to shut things down. But later on, I'm not quite sure why it makes some of the moves. Well, it starts out, it starts out as this is a company and we need results. And by the end of the movie, it is we are some sort of secret organization that wants to do harness your work for something.
Starting point is 00:14:22 And they mention, I mean, we can jump ahead, but they mention at one point they go, imagine a computer virus with the hacker's mind inside the virus. And it's like, that doesn't make any sense. Come on. But also like computer viruses are, you just program them in.
Starting point is 00:14:35 I don't understand. What's the, like, we've reached a pretty good virus technology. We don't need like a hacker inside that virus. So we don't need like, you don't need like a console cowboy stuck in that virus. Flying through walls of ice. Yeah, like zooming around on roller blades. It's like they're like, imagine Hugh Jackman in swordfish inside the computer. So he doesn't have to spin around in his chair and drink wine while he dances around
Starting point is 00:14:59 typing keypads to open up that cube or whatever it is that's on the screen. He could just do it inside the computer. Yeah. Uh, he would have a virtual bathrobe. So we are introduced to, uh, we're introduced to his loving family. They've clearly moved, I guess, moved down to Puerto Rico to support this job. Uh, his wife, Mona, played by Alice Eve is, I guess, a nurse at a clinic. Yes.
Starting point is 00:15:24 We're a doctor. Yeah. And reminds me of the old riddle, guys. Apparently, there was a car accident and a man and a boy are in the car accident. Do we have to do this whole riddle? The boy, the boy gets rushed to the hospital and the doctor says, I can't operate on this boy. He's dead. We'll have to clone him in the doctor says, I can't operate on this boy. He's dead.
Starting point is 00:15:45 We'll have to clone him in part of a program, a computer program in his brain, replicas. Okay. So we're introduced to the three foster children. I think so. Because that's their last name, dude. Oh, I get, and their name is Australian for beer. So they're really the beer family.
Starting point is 00:16:05 And the, we're introduced to the three children, Sophie, Matt and Zoe. And they're the whole family is getting ready to go. They're loading up in the car. They're going to take a nighttime drive to, I guess, a boat to go on a boat. Thomas Middleditch has a boat that he is loaning them to go on a family boat trip because when you have two teenagers and a younger kid, the first thing you want is to be stuck on a small boat for who knows how many days together. Now, are they like that boat's name?
Starting point is 00:16:35 It was called, I don't remember. The Cheating Hussey. I think there's no bathroom on it too. They're not headed directly to the boat, right? They're going to like a cabin or something because it's like nighttime. They're not going to all, we go on a family middle of the night boat trip. I thought they were just going on the too. They're not headed directly to the boat, right? They're going to like a cabin or something because it's like nighttime. They're not going to all we go out of family middle of the night boat. I thought they were just going on the boat. Yeah, you got a, yeah, you got to get, you got to catch those fish. That's pretty weird. Yeah, you got
Starting point is 00:16:52 to get up early in the morning if you're going to catch those fish. So early, it's not even morning yet. It's nighttime. And also a driving rain. Yeah. So we, we get a little bit of information that's going to be applicable later and Tom's middle ditch I guess it's gonna look after their house while they're gone They all climb into the car and go driving and just like you'd imagine it. It starts raining right away they're driving on a dangerous rainy road and They narrowly avoid getting smashed by a semi truck only to get smashed by a falling tree which what viewers allice Eve and then sends the car into a pond or a lake and the others other than canneries drown yeah so like it's it's a it's shot fairly
Starting point is 00:17:41 matter-of-factly it is not as gory or as horrifying as the actual experience. Giving the director his performance review, I'm not sure. Yep. Yep, yeah, Dan. This isn't the kind of podcast where we tell directors if they did a good job or not. Good point. Stewart, stop it.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Dan's right. Dan's right. This is the kind of podcast we represent no judgments. I'm just saying the fact that there was nothing particularly interesting about the way it was shot seems to be some fact that we can not put in the podcast. I don't know. I think it's, I mean, we put a lot of dumb bullshit on this podcast, Dan. It's our podcast.
Starting point is 00:18:18 That's true. One thing I'll mention here is that I guess Keanu Reeves is assassin training kicked in because his entire family dies in this car crash and he emerges without a scratch, just like I mean physical scrap. I mean, I think he has a scratch on his head, but he, I mean, he has severe, severely deep emotional wounds at this point as he would imagine. That's true. He also seems to go back into the water and retrieve each of their bodies one at a time,
Starting point is 00:18:43 right? Yeah. And I do want to point out, I am aware of Kiana Reeves' own, like his real life traumatic past regarding loved ones and car accidents. And I find that like- I'm not aware of that. I apologize. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:59 I mean, no, I mean, I think it's something that we should address at some point on this podcast, because I think it is an, like, it at some point on this podcast because I think it is an interesting choice for him and an interesting choice for the team, for him to be like, maybe he's working through something. But he certainly brings a fair amount of emotion to this specific situation. He pulls his family's bodies out of the car. He reaches out to his friend Ed Thomas Middleditch because he has the immediate plan to bring his family back to life. And this point, I know what you're thinking, like cool, a robot family. There's also clones.
Starting point is 00:19:40 And for some reason, for some reason, there are two parallel tracks going on of research at this thing. And they're not trying to put old memories in clone bodies. They're like, we've got the technology to just clone humans, but let's put them in robots. Well, what they say is they have not yet reached the stage of cloning humans at the project. They've only cloned lower animals.
Starting point is 00:19:59 And it was probably unethical to put a human mind, I mean, in a robot to begin with, but it against its will. It's probably unethical to put a human mind, I mean, in a robot to begin with, but it against its will. It's probably unethical to put a human mind in a cloned body until you know that you can move a human mind into something, so you don't end up with like, oh great, we have a cloned body with a brain that doesn't work.
Starting point is 00:20:14 Okay, turning into a writer for family guy. I guess, I mean, like, woo, woo, woo. I say that also having a friend who works for family guy, and there's a lot of people who work over there. Yeah, I just think it's interesting because it's got a friend everybody. His name is Chris. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Oh, wow. This choice makes sense for plot machinations later on. But right now, like early in the movie, I was just like, what? Why? But we were just talking about robots and other clones. Yeah, it's a little. It does seem to come out of nowhere. It literally comes out of nowhere
Starting point is 00:20:46 since they never mentioned it before. But here's another thing that gets me. And you know, spoiler alert, this part of the movie, I was enjoying. But that like, he's like, well, I guess I could bring over the cloning pods, but we only have three of them. And it's like, wait, so the lab has three cloning pods. You're just gonna take them and they're huge.
Starting point is 00:21:04 Like they take up a lot of space. You're just gonna take them and they're huge. Like they take up a lot of space. You're just gonna take them and nobody is gonna notice that you took all of the cloning pods from the project. Like, yeah. Well, maybe, I mean, I would say maybe the, that that was a avenue that they had been researching and then they decided to put it on pause
Starting point is 00:21:22 until they get the brain mapping done properly. Oh, yeah, I mean like, it is ridiculous on one end. On the other end, the movie does address that later on where you find out, like, yeah, people noticed. Yeah, that's true. But it was just weird, because he thought he could get away from it, I guess it was the assumption that, like, people would come by and be like,
Starting point is 00:21:38 we're the cloning pods and be like, oh, they're being cleaned. I sent him out to get cleaned. 17 day cleaning. 17 day cleaning. You've got to get, you really got to get cleaned. 17 day cleaning. 17 day cleaning, you gotta get, you really gotta get all the nooks of the cloning pods because there's a little bit of clone left in there and that's just gross.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Oh yeah, yeah. So you don't want that clone mixing up with the other clone and then you get the fly situation. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, which is pretty sexy at first and then after a while you're like, no thank you. There's that, there's sometimes there's a clone
Starting point is 00:22:02 and it gets just a little bit of clone on its nose and it looks like it's got a red ball on its nose and then it's a clown, it's not a clone. Oh wow, yeah. The, now at this point. There's a long walk to the circus. I mean, yeah. So, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, is, uh, is what? Look, look, Stuart saying sing him a song. He's the piano man.
Starting point is 00:22:27 He is, uh, he's behaving in your typical, like Herbert West, uh, Dr. Frankenstein type thing. Yeah. And Ed, and he, he keeps dragging Ed into this, these situations. And you kind of wish Ed had been the kind of friend who's like, well, sometimes dead is better. But he is not that kind of friend. Well, that was like at this point in the movie, you're kind of wondering, like, is this going to turn into a pet cemetery?
Starting point is 00:22:52 Like, you're not totally clear where this is like at the movie as a whole is going to go. Yeah. And the movie is not clear where the movie as a whole is going to go. Yeah. So yeah, so they load the bodies up in the back of a truck. They also have loaded all the cloning equipment and they go back to Will's house and I guess the plan is to not tell anyone there's a car accident and
Starting point is 00:23:12 They're going to try and clone Will's family. The problem is is there's only pizza rolls and make a real night of it There's only there's only three cloning pods and he has four dead family members So he's gonna have to make a choice. And actually, I thought that was a pretty fun twist. There's a sequence where he writes his family members' names on pieces of paper was pretty good. Cause he immediately puts, he's like, no, I gotta save my wife.
Starting point is 00:23:37 And then he puts his three kids names in a bowl and asks his friend to pick one randomly, which is a crazy thing to do. And Tom is making it obviously. But then he's obviously- To his credit is like, no, you gotta make that choice. Yeah, he's obviously, you know, he's impaired by grief.
Starting point is 00:23:53 I mean, I don't wanna spoil my final judgment, but there are a lot of choices in this movie that I actually thought were pretty fun. That's one of them that I cast to choose. And it turns out that the child they are not resurrecting is his youngest, named thematically appropriately, that like has to choose. And it turns out that the child they are not resurrecting is his youngest, uh, named, uh,
Starting point is 00:24:07 thematically appropriately Zoe. Now his youngest who he also seems to like the most. Like I mean, I mean, she's young, but that's also at the irritating age, but. Yeah, and they also could have like slipped in more references to her because it makes that plot point more important. Yes, exactly. Yeah. We don't really get too much of a sense the other kids before they're cloned.
Starting point is 00:24:28 But here's, I wish they had in that scene him going back and just remembering all the worst things about each of his kids to try to figure out which one was not worth bringing back. He like, well, the older girl, she's just at this weird stage that is she doesn't want to talk to me. She thinks I'm so lame. It's so annoying between feel bad every day. But I guess hopefully she'll grow out of that. But the sun, like, will he ever stop masturbating?
Starting point is 00:24:49 It's just like, I find his crusty socks probably not. Probably not, yeah. And they're just like, and Zoe, I mean, she's great, but like sometimes it's just like, okay, put down a book, go outside, run around, have some fun, you know, these kids with their phones. And Thomas.
Starting point is 00:25:07 Especially if it's those, uh, bread-ease-an-ellis books she keeps reading. Wow. Apparently she's over my outrage about the president. I don't understand. How does she get to make that judgment? Why does she care? But, and Thomas middle that's just like, do I need to be here while you're ruminating over all this?
Starting point is 00:25:22 Yeah. At this point, there's a lot of talk about the logistics of everything. Like, counter-reves is like, they all got to come out of their, like, clone pods at the same day. And like, at first time, it's middle-gits, it's just like, that's impossible. Then he does, like, a calculation is like, oh, I'll do it. And it's like, is this going to be a plot point? And it's not. It is not. It is, but it's weird. It's like they I guess they have to what slow down the cloning in a couple of the tanks that the kids don't come out out two olds but and also Yeah, there's something about levels and timing and yeah, it was he has 17 days before
Starting point is 00:25:54 these clones are going to come out. D D D D D D D D D D D D D he's got just 17 days to clone his family before the big dance. There's this ticking clock there because Kiano still hasn't figured out how to keep the memories from being rejected in the new bodies. So he has to figure that out before the 17s days are over or else the clones will keep rapidly aging in their pods. And he also has to monitor the levels of the tanks or else, so he can't leave.
Starting point is 00:26:20 He has to stay at his house for two and a half weeks, watching these clones. And he also can't let. He has to stay at his house for two and a half weeks, watching these clones. And he also can't let the power go out, which I mean, I guess like Puerto Rico has a history of having power issues. So that might be a reason why I was setting Puerto Rico. It's a pretty flimsy excuse. And because it's a beautiful island.
Starting point is 00:26:42 It's a great place, I love Puerto Rico. And by shooting in Puerto Rico, I hope that it brought some additional money to the account. I'll recommend that, once again, Flap House Comics, are available on the Flap House website,
Starting point is 00:26:52 all proceeds go to Puerto Rico Recovery Efforts. Yeah, and we learned later that the way Keanu Reeves deals with this fact that he doesn't have a generator, so he goes around, and he steals all the batteries from the cars in the neighborhood, which is another thing that doesn't really pay off. It's just kind of fun. No, and also, but I also like that he,
Starting point is 00:27:08 it means that he went on this spree where in one night like a reverse car battery Santa Claus, he went to every house and stole their car batteries. Yeah, I kind of like that bit. And also when the police show up later and you think his goose is cooked, they reveal that information. And they're like, was your car battery stolen?
Starting point is 00:27:27 And he's like, no, I guess I'm the lucky one. And they're like, oh, nothing suspicious about that. See you later. Whole neighborhood, everyone's car batteries were stolen, except for this one, dude. High level of electricity coming off of this guy's house. Well, nothing we can do about it, dude. Yeah, the plot, they're like PKE meters,
Starting point is 00:27:43 and they're like, ooh, so much juice. Time to go back to the fact that Congress changed a lot and make it harder for our island almost state to take care of itself, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude. Hey, wonderful ever have full representation in Congress. Not with this party in power, da, da, da, da, da, da. Hey, do you think that guy who was the only one in the whole block who didn't lose his car battery?
Starting point is 00:28:01 Maybe he stole the car batteries? Look, we've got such bigger problems here. Why are we worried about this one guy stealing car batteries? It's not an issue we need to deal with. They only sent us out to make the one block of rich white people who had their car batteries stolen feel good. Okay, you're right. Let's go on to real problems. Do do do do do. Anyway, that's a scene from my new show to cops in Puerto Rico. It's weird that in between talking about such heavy things, they would like sing a little song like that. Well, that's because the people of Puerto Rico, you can't bring them down, you know?
Starting point is 00:28:28 They've always got that certain, you know, like, whole resilience, all those things that make a people, you know, strong. And they've got it. So even when all those troubles are going on, they still have that song in their heart. And it sounds like this. Did it, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did their heart and it sounds like this did it do do did that that yeah well so this is where this is about where uh... kiana's character makes probably the craziest choice in this movie and i say that with full understanding that he has decided to clone and bring back his dead family is that because he can't resurrect his youngest daughter, Zoe, he decides to edit the memories of his other family members and completely remove all memories of their youngest daughter, which is insane. Yeah, it's just crazy.
Starting point is 00:29:20 Like, there's, like, there's, first off, you would have to do that for everyone on the planet. Yeah, that's the thing they were always kind of putting off and it never comes up in the movie, but the moment where someone is like, hey, where's Zoe? Where's your youngest daughter? Because even at his computer at his office, he has a piece of paper on it that says like,
Starting point is 00:29:39 I love Daddy, love Zoe in the shape of a unicorn. Unicorns here represent Zoe because she's impossible. And they and it's and I maybe it's a blade runner reference, I don't know. But it's always like, okay, what's your long game here? When the rest of the world realizes he used to have a daughter, do you just be like, oh no, no, you're mistaken. You're thinking of a different Will Foster who also was a robot brain scientist.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Yeah, his plan is to gaslight everyone else in the world. Because of his mother. There never was a Zoe. Like his mother comes in and goes, where's my granddaughter Zoe? Uh oh, Sonility has finally struck. Oh boy, take her away, nurses. What?
Starting point is 00:30:12 Oh no, I had a granddaughter. Her name was Zoe. Imaginary granddaughter's, oh boy, take away grandma. I mean, it's an important plot point to mention that though you reference Zoe's grandparents, we learn pretty clearly in the movie that they are dead and there's no way that she has them. So it's interesting, maybe somebody's carefully
Starting point is 00:30:30 edited your memory, Celia. I don't know if carefully- I don't know if it's in that later. We'll get to that later. We'll get to that later. We'll get to that later. We'll get to that later. So back at work, which Will is not going to,
Starting point is 00:30:40 we find out that if the next test does not work, they'll definitely shut the project down. So Thomas Middledish is on the phone with counter being like, you gotta get back to work. He's like, I can't do it. I gotta do this other stuff. He's like, dude, people are gonna be suspicious. You gotta get back to work.
Starting point is 00:30:55 We get like a little bit of a don't tell mom the babysitter's dead situation or in this case babysitter's dead because he's the dead. It's don't tell everybody your family is dead situation. I thought it was more of a kind of a weakened at Bernie's sort of like, trying to convince, he's trying to convince everyone in the world
Starting point is 00:31:13 that like these people are not dead. Yeah, so it's more of a rest of your life at Bernie's type scenario. Yeah, because he's like texting like his daughter's boyfriend back and like answering my like and that part was great. This was maybe my favorite part in the movie. I thought this was hilarious. Where he's just like, so his son's teacher comes by the house
Starting point is 00:31:31 to wonder what's going on because it's been five days and he hasn't shown up and he's like, oh yeah, he's at his grandparents because he got sick. So he sent him to his grandparents and Thomas middle to just like, aren't his grandparents dead? And it's like, I don't know. So he sends an email under his wife's name
Starting point is 00:31:45 to the teacher saying, we're homeschooling our son from now on, don't worry about it. And then he starts responding to everyone's texts and emails. And he opens up his wife's phone and it's like a hundred missed voice mails. And he's like, really? Oh, it's like, it was, he suddenly becomes the personal assistant for his entire family, which is.
Starting point is 00:32:02 I love this, because like the movie is like one step away from far. So this point, yeah. And it's a thing that like no other movie like this ever addresses. So the fact that like, oh, you got to put a lot of balls in the air. If you're going to try to do one of these games, the only way would have been better is if he was setting up appointments and dates with people and then had to address that.
Starting point is 00:32:20 This members of his family. Or at or it may be not go that extreme, just like have to cancel them right before each date, so he's like setting all these timers. Um, the uh, he's on the phone, he's like, hello, no, this is Mona Foster, Will's wife. Yeah, I like the uh, where the, you identify yourself that way, Mona. I'm totally alive right now and not in a cloning tank. Okay, I didn't think you would be, but. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:48 Like, yeah, I mean, that would be strange, because there's only three cloning tanks, and it would be weird that you'd be taking up one of the three. And I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, He also gets the voices mixed up, and he's like,
Starting point is 00:32:59 Hey dude, it's me. Mona, oh damn, that's the sun voice I was using. Uh, okay, Oh yes, no, it's me. Haha, that kinda stuff. voice I was using. Okay, oh yes, no it's me. That kinda stuff. So yeah, stovetop stuffing at your house tonight? I, I mean, whoa, stovetop stuffing at your house tonight. And so the audience knows I was putting a hand up to my head as if it was a phone during
Starting point is 00:33:17 this whole hit. Yeah, yeah, that's why you didn't hear a lot of damn and steward in that bit because we were cracking up so our, at the accuracy. Yeah. So this is where Thomas Millditch explains that if they're in those tanks too long, they're going to get super old. And also ringklings. They're going to get wrinkly and pruny.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Yeah, which is why humans develop wrinkles because we get all pruny from being cloned tight. Because if you're staying a bath too long, you get older. Yeah. So they take those bodies out of the pods. They have to tranquilize. They have to sedate them because Will is not ready to map those brains.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Yeah. Well, it still can't figure out the final component. And he doesn't want us to have a situation where they rip their bodies apart like that poor robot. It's more than sedating them. He puts them into a medically induced coma so that they can be asleep for as long as he needs. And meanwhile, off to the side,
Starting point is 00:34:08 does Joey Ramones saying, I wanna be sedated. Come on. Spray the wealth. Come on, give a little medicine over this way. politely imploring. This is the moment when we realize that despite the early warnings that the cloning job has been, has been good. Like they look exactly the same.
Starting point is 00:34:28 Their organs are not on the outside or anything crazy. Thomas, Thomas, no extra ears, no extra feet, stick another butt, or anything like that. Thomas Middledidge finally, I assume, gets to live out a fantasy of seeing his co-workers wife, Naked, when he helps him to remove her from the pod. I mean, he's like a doctor or something though, dude. Like, don't you think that he is not a very clinical? Of course, he's a creep. Look at Thomas Middleditch.
Starting point is 00:34:54 That character's a creep. Oh wow. Wow. I mean, so I'm not saying Thomas Middleditch is a creep. I'm saying he only plays creeps. And I think there's a good point to mention that. Thomas Middleditch is a creep. I'm saying he only plays creeps. And can that might be? I think there's a good point to mention that. I actually like the friendship between these two guys.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Like I thought they had some pretty good chemistry. It's something that I would not have guessed that Canterrey's and Thomas Middleditch would have such good chemistry together, that they do really react well together. And they're, it's similar to when we saw the trust and I was like I would watch a whole TV show of Nicholas Cage and Elijah Wood starring together like I would watch a piano Reeves and Thomas Middleditch series of films or TV shows they are really good together in a way I would not
Starting point is 00:35:35 have predicted. So he he puts his family in their in their pajamas puts him in bed they're in a coma, and he's like, I gotta figure this out. I only have three days to keep, so we have a new ticking clock. The house is a total mess, and he just can't seem to figure it out until he rests his hand on his wife's hand,
Starting point is 00:36:01 and he notices brainwave activity, and he's like, wait a minute, the secret ingredient is love. No, no. With element is me. When he realizes there's a brain body connection, like you're like, which is obvious. And like the, and these other, these other like transfers have happened
Starting point is 00:36:22 because the consciousness are rejecting the fact that they're now in a robot body, which seems like it should have been fucking obvious from the start that that's the problem. Like no shit, Giannu, like, oh, your big insight is like, if you put him in a clone body, that's the same as their old body, they're not gonna freak out like if they're in a robot. I mean, it's really easy to be a Monday morning
Starting point is 00:36:41 quarterback in this routine. It now it would seem obvious that if you look down and saw your own hands, you would get less freaked out than if you looked down and saw robot hands that can feel nothing because they have no nerves on them. It may seem obvious that like your body feels different than a robot body that is also naked. So you don't even feel like clothing on you.
Starting point is 00:37:00 So not only are you suddenly in a metal body that feels weird but you're naked and that's embarrassing in front of strangers He doesn't seem to it doesn't not until now that he realize is like oh brains want to be in their bodies. I get it So he calls up his buddy his buddy shows up and they They didn't introduce a new buddy for him He didn't call over Uncle Joey to help him with this buddy for him. There's not a major buddy for Uncle Joey to help him with
Starting point is 00:37:24 this. So he and he performs the he performs the the brain mapping the initiate. What is it? Boosting that sequence. I think is the exact terms. And he does it to his family and it seems to work. And then he sedates them again and you're like, what are you just going to keep doing this over and over? And then he sedates them again, and you're like, what are you just gonna keep doing
Starting point is 00:37:45 this over and over again? And then he goes around the house, and he cleans up, we get like a little bit of a montage of him cleaning, and also throwing out all of Zoe's things. He de-zoifies the house pretty thoroughly. Yeah, the cleanup is, it's not like he's dusting him, like, oh, by the way, I'm gonna get rid of Zoe's stuff.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Like it's expressly like, oh wait, I told them that there's no Zoe. The house is full of Zoe. Let's get rid of the Zoe. When somebody who is currently packing up a house just to move, not to gaslight my family into believing we don't have a third child, it takes a lot of effort. So for him to do that in one night is pretty impressive. And his family never asks like, why are there all these empty spaces where the pictures are on the walls? Yeah, I mean just recently moved there too
Starting point is 00:38:28 I think they they got the impression that they hadn't been there that long But he is also kind of half-assing it in that like he's literally putting all the Zoe shit in like bags and then just taking it You know, I like you know put it in a dumpster downtown or something No leave it on the curve and then there's that one lucky garbage man who's like, Oh, cool. All this cool Zoe still. Well, he's a Zoe fan.
Starting point is 00:38:50 He's risking that a raccoon comes and opens up the bag. And his kids find it and are like, who's Zoe? What's all this Zoe stuff doing here? The, yeah, it's, it's weird. And it again brings up the question, why is is he doing this because he loves his family steward yeah but i much like your namesake steward smolie saved his family in the movie steward saves his family uh... this movie could be called kiano saves his family except for one of them
Starting point is 00:39:19 yeah uh... which i i don't think first that be a weird choice because his characters not named Keanu. That's true and it's a long title. Replicas is a much punchier title. Yeah, I think so. So he cleans the house, he puts his family to sleep, and then he gets into bed, and he wakes up the next morning in bed alone. Hmm. We've all been there. Yep, and he goes stairs and you're like, this is gonna be horrifying.
Starting point is 00:39:47 But no, it's just his family who are recently awakened from being dead and they are having breakfast together. Noisily, lustily. It did raise some questions to me like, like what was the extent of his memory racing? Cause like they're just behaving like it's a normal day. Yes. Well, that's, and that comes up a little bit later that he has, they seem to have rebooted
Starting point is 00:40:11 back to literally the day after they died, you know, or even before. Maybe a race that day when they left. Well, that's a super hungry car crash from their memories. Well, not entirely, because that comes up later. So the kids are hungry. They want to eat all the pancakes and French toasts in the world. Kiano puts on a great dad performance at this point. He just, he puts on such a show, like the chef.
Starting point is 00:40:36 He's like, pancakes. Yes, yes, we can have pancakes. What would you like, French toast? French toast, but of course, Madame, do do do do. But I don't like what would you like, French toast? French toast, but of course, madame, do do do do. But I don't like what would you like, French toast? The girl already has a pancake in front of her, and she's like, can I have French toast too? And he's like, sure, what?
Starting point is 00:40:53 You know, carbs, carbs, say to you, let's do it. He's just, he's just, you know, he's gonna be married, but he's gonna be real touchy about her food choices. We're not on the paleo diet anymore. Who cares, just come on, we're all alive, isn't it? Wonderful, we're alive. It,'t it wonderful? We're alive. This is, now this scene, let me just be a little pretentious here
Starting point is 00:41:09 for the first time in my life and say that this scene has a real hour town quality to it, in that Keanu is so excited that his family is alive, but it's family. Is that our town or our town like H-O-U-R? Our O-U-R, like Thornton Wilders' Hour Town. Not Hour Town. I don't know if there was a similar thing
Starting point is 00:41:28 that I was unaware of. No, no, it's a different thing. Where, yeah, Keanu was like, oh, this is wonderful, my family. And the family doesn't realize this is a special day that they died and came back. And they are at first barely giving him the time of day. Like, they, it's like, hey dad, sup,
Starting point is 00:41:42 anyway, get out of my way. And it was like, oh, that is what it's like to be a dad. Nobody cares about you. That's not true. But you are very easily ignored. But there was this, but this real quality, like when she goes back for her one day on Earth after dying in our town, where she's like,
Starting point is 00:41:57 doesn't don't you see how wonderful this all is? Don't you see it and everyone's like, no, whatever, we're just having a regular day. There's kind of a little touch of that in this scene, which I appreciated. Yeah, like the moment where his daughter pours milk into a glass and it's all spoiled in sour because he didn't throw out the old milk while the 17 days, 17 plus days of stuff was going on.
Starting point is 00:42:20 And you think he would have gone to that during his epic clean? He might have noticed the smelly milk, but he didn't. Yeah, and Alex Eve goes for a run and she seems to be having some sort of physical problems and the kids seem a little uncoordinated. Was it just me or was her performance, it felt a little bit like the director's like, okay, so you're gonna, at this point,
Starting point is 00:42:39 your character's a clone and you're just gonna behave normally and she's like, okay, I'm a robot, got it. Yeah, there's a little bit of it. No, no, no. There is a little bit of that. But also, I just wanted to say, the fact that these new clones are a little uncoordinated, also doesn't really pay off.
Starting point is 00:42:55 I guess the idea is that they'll get used to the body over time and it's not like they're degenerating or something, but early in the, that would be horrible, damn. But like early in the movie,, when this gets brought up, I'm, that seems like it's a possibility to me. Like it seems like they may just sort of fall apart. Yeah, this whole scene I was like watching for any sign
Starting point is 00:43:15 that we might have to send in a clean team to like, wipe them out. No, but instead it mainly manifests as them being unable to pour things into glasses. Yeah, so of course, it mainly manifests as them being unable to pour things into glasses. Yeah. So, of course, it's a Saturday. So Key and I, I used to go into work because they have to do another test. He, they have a new donor and he lies and says that the donor isn't ready.
Starting point is 00:43:39 Because I think he knows that deep down, the mapping wouldn't be complete, right? Yeah. His, like, I think that, um, he knows wouldn't be complete, right? Yeah, I think that... He knows it's not gonna work. Yeah, what's going on with family is awakened his ethical sense a little bit, and he's like, I don't want to put another consciousness through this horror of a reject. And because he also realizes that the only way to work is if there's a direct connection between mind and body, and he has a plan to perform the brain scan on himself
Starting point is 00:44:09 and as well as write an algorithm in one night that tricks a brain into thinking a robot body. At this point does he know that I don't know whether at this point he knows that he's gonna solve that algorithm soon. I think to me it was like, if anyone's gonna go through it, it has to be me.
Starting point is 00:44:27 I think that was more it, is that he realizes, I know this is gonna fail. I'm just gonna send another robot to the body shop because it's gonna rip itself apart and be unhappy for a couple of minutes. So I'm gonna do it on myself because I can't subject anyone else to that, but then I'll try to figure it out.
Starting point is 00:44:40 Now, so he needs to shoot an eye needle into his brain to extract his brain info. Where does he decide to do this? Not in his now, but where does so he needs to shoot an I needle into his brain to extract his brain info Where does he decide to do this not in his office which he does not have? It's an open plan workspace. Uh, store where does he do it instead? Well, he does it in the bathroom which is what At that point I'm like so he's doing in a bathroom Maybe he's just trying to remove all memories of his daughters. So he from himself But that's not true.
Starting point is 00:45:05 I was gonna self download, but like, yeah, he's just a stick. And his boss walks in and takes a pee and is like, things aren't so too bad about that one. And Kenno has all this like computer stuff on him in a stall and he's like, yeah, too bad. And his boss is never like, wait, are you sitting on the toilet without your pants pulled down?
Starting point is 00:45:21 What are you doing up there? Well, also, if I'm gonna sit, you're not allowed to ask that as a boss. I guess that's true. If I'm gonna stick a needle in my eye, I'm not gonna do it in germ central. That's the other thing. Ha, ha, ha, ha.
Starting point is 00:45:34 No, no, no, yeah. You would do it in a dumpster or loading dock or something. Yeah, yeah. Some sort of flat house. Yep. Just go to the town dump, get into a big pile of rats. Yeah. So he has this whole plan. And he talks to his buddy Ed about it.
Starting point is 00:45:50 And Ed's like, are we going to go tree shopping later or something? It was pretty great. And I thought that was him just trying to cover for their conversation, but then they do go tree shopping later. Yeah, that's true. So they, he goes home, Mona knows something's wrong. She can't quite figure it out. His daughter, Sophie, is having trouble sleeping.
Starting point is 00:46:14 She's having nightmares of the car accident. Well, he's at work. We get a moment where the family is like, hey, can anyone find their phones? No, I don't know where my phone is. Just to tie up that loose end. Yeah, yeah. The true horror is revealed. Their phones are gone. The, she, so he takes his daughter down into his basement lab
Starting point is 00:46:33 and he starts editing her memories to remove the car accident. And I feel like this is a slippery slope, guys. Pretty soon he's gonna be like, hmm, I wanna make sure my kids think I'm cool like insert positive memories of steely Dan. So he's like he's writing code where he like can use a surfboard and stuff like that. Yeah yeah I mean as long as we're talking about like overusing science I while I was watching
Starting point is 00:47:01 and I kept thinking it would be funny if his family just kept dying over and over again, he kept having to bring the back multiple times. I mean, that's basically the venture brothers at a certain point, but it's also like just, yeah, when it becomes really, he's like, ugh, she never remembers to turn off the bathroom light when she leaves the bathroom. Let me just, let me just pop her into the coat
Starting point is 00:47:24 or add that in there. Yeah, he's like removing all memory of her, her high school crush. He's like that time that time she caught me looking at the woman who works at the yogurt place. Let's just remove that. Diddly. Yeah. He, uh, his, some Mona comes downstairs and catches him editing his daughter's brain. So you make it something for any mother to see so she calls him out on it
Starting point is 00:47:50 And he like immediately fesses up like he immediately comes clean. I mean what else is he gonna tell her? That's the it's a new video game we're trying out you have to be a sweet to play it So to play it. So he comes clean and she starts grappling with the enormity of the fact that she's a clone and so her, oh wait, she is. She is. Can't clean about everything yet. He doesn't care about so. He's just, it's more like just like, you guys were dead and now you're not dead.
Starting point is 00:48:18 Now this all, this kind of plays off, there's a conversation that she and him had earlier in the movie before she died about whether people are just neurochemistry or whether they have souls. And she thinks people have souls and canna Reeves doesn't. Well, he just thinks that people are made up of their memories in their chemistry. And it's kind of like, now she has to grapple with that. Does she have a soul or is she just a program? And it would be really cool if she had like an arc where she got to develop that stuff, but that doesn't happen. No, or an arc where she collects two of every animal and there's a huge flood. That'd be pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:48:49 I don't buy it. It seems weird. And they would call it Mona's Arc. So then they go Christmas tree shopping. There's a great moment where they see a fake Christmas tree and Mona catches herself where she's like, oh gross, I hate the fake ones and then she realizes, wait a minute, I'm a fake ones. Ah, fake ones, yep. They head back home, his, they're having dinner, they realize that there's some kind of, that his family realizes that the name Zoe means.
Starting point is 00:49:24 It's as subtle as the daughter turns to her dad and is like, hey dad, who's Zoe? that there's some kind of that his his family realizes that the name Zoe means. It's as subtle as the daughter turns to her dad and is like, hey dad, who's Zoe? Uh-huh, and then like plates break, glasses break, and he starts to, he meets, like then he fesses up immediately to Mona, he explains to Mona what happened, which goes over about as well as you would expect. There is a great bit where they're fighting
Starting point is 00:49:44 in the kitchen, and the kids are like, are you guys getting a divorce? And Mona's like, maybe. Canaries goes no, and Mona goes, maybe. I'm like, I mean, okay, yeah, I mean, that's fair. So their lovely family meal is interrupted by his boss, Jones, who takes Kiano out onto their backyard. And he reveals that he knows everything and that, yeah, he was like, didn't you think
Starting point is 00:50:11 it was a little easy that you did all this stuff? And you're like, oh, yeah, the movie, yeah, it was pretty easy to do all this stuff. And at that point, I'm like, my brain's like spinning. I'm like, wait a minute, did Jones engineer the tree to fall in the car? That doesn't actually turn out to be a huge part of the't actually turn out to be actually says i didn't create that crash but uh... it was a great motivator to like for you to figure this shit out yet so he he knows what's going on he knows about the clones
Starting point is 00:50:34 uh... and he wants all of uh... kiana's research and also like hey have one lovely night with your family before they get uh... they get wiped out yeah he like he's like the corporation has to destroy these things. He can't have them running around, which, all right, this is one of the things that I was sort of confused on. It didn't make any sense to me, because like, why would anyone find out?
Starting point is 00:50:55 Like, and- Why would anyone find out? Because there's a thousand loose ends and they have a missing daughter and all those things. Well, there's that, but also- I don't even know how Keanu got another car so easily when their car is at the bottom of a lake somewhere. But if he wanted Keanu's help, like, I feel like there are two car families.
Starting point is 00:51:12 Yeah, but people would be like, why are you driving around in your wife's car? You know, we did a car swap. I mean, maybe they share. I'm saying, if he wants Keanu's help at this point, it's better motivation to say, hey, we'll help you keep your secret than being like, hey, we're going to kill your family. It's not sure weird because he clearly already has assassins waiting in the drawer. Yeah, I mean, he says to Keanu have one last night with your family and then he tells his assassins, okay, move in. So I think he's. Yeah, and the assassins are nice enough to just stay on the porch and have like a
Starting point is 00:51:40 little conversation with each other. He's asking about those new T16s. Have you seen them? Yeah, so he gets the drop on Jones, knocks him out with one of those giant Nintendo and have like a little conversation with each other. He's asking about those new T16s, have you seen them? They're messed up. So he gets the drop on Jones, knocks him out with one of those giant Nintendo cartridges, puts that thing in the microwave, grabs his family, the kids are like, what? And he's like, I'll explain later. They all get in the car, they drive away,
Starting point is 00:51:57 the assassins chase him, the assassins are right on their tail, they're like, what's going on? Oh wait, we must have a tracking device somewhere in our spine, Mone is like, I'm on it. They go back to Mone's clinic. They lie the kids down and they jolt them with some electrical juice. With defibrillators. Yep, to knock out the tracking device. Now, Dan, you're an electrician and a doctor. Would that work? Well, this was my thought. If these trackers can be knocked out by using a defibrillator on them, like, why does the
Starting point is 00:52:29 movie feel the need to be like, oh, these things are attached to your spine, which would suggest it was a lot harder to get rid of them. Like, they could have just been like, yeah, they put trackers in you. And you would think that they would put the defibrillator on their like spine to answer their chest, but, you know, whatever. I didn't write the movie. I mean, if you don't use the defibrillator as recommended, then you have, then it's on you.
Starting point is 00:52:50 It's not on the company that made the defibrillator. So that's a liability issue, I think, probably. That's why they had to do that with the kids. But you're right. It's a I was kind of hoping that this defibrillator situation would lead to a Ernest goes to jail, type of scenario where after the electricity hits them, they become like superhuman and start shooting electricity all over the place. Sure electricity and magnetic powers and they chew on a pan, all the ink gets in the mouth.
Starting point is 00:53:12 Is that the plot of shocker, the West Craven movie? Yeah, that's where, yeah, that's the same thing. Okay, but I mean, I felt like this is more of like an earnest crowd than a shocker. Yeah, it's the origin of electro, the Spider-Man villain. It is plenty of stuff like that. Wait, I think the... Electro was worked at a summer camp. Yeah, electro worked at a summer camp.
Starting point is 00:53:31 He later on saved a summer camp. He also saved Christmas, and he was scared stupid at one point. I think at some point he also played basketball or something. Not even sure. That's probably, anyway, he had a friend named Vern who did not know what he meant.
Starting point is 00:53:42 I think they're like, the tracker is implanted as they're growing on their spine. I guess that they can't just like, do the thing where you cut your arm open and pull out a chip. Like they wanna make it seem hard, but then they decided to make it a little bit harder. And by that I mean, easier by just zapping them.
Starting point is 00:53:59 This is, I wanna mention, so this is, when Jones is telling him all that stuff earlier, he goes, you really thought we were a company. We were a company. no one's spending this kind of money to bring dead soldiers back to life we make weapons my name is niven Jones and the rest of the movie I was like so what is that guy's name like what's why they have a fake name I don't understand you're like I guess I'll wait for the credits where they reveal it. So yeah, and they, yeah, they revealed that they're not a biomedical company at all, that they're a weapons company. Yada, yada, yada. So they, now that the trackers have been deactivated, they decide to go to Ed's boat, the Cheaton Hussey, as it is called, and their Kiano gets out and he goes, run over to the boat by himself.
Starting point is 00:54:42 Big mistake, huge. He tries to find the keys. He tries to find the keys. He tries to find the keys. He tries to find the keys. He tries to find the keys. He tries to find the keys. He tries to find the keys.
Starting point is 00:54:52 He tries to find the keys. He tries to find the keys. He tries to find the keys. He tries to find the keys. He tries to find the keys. He tries to find the keys. He tries to find the keys. He tries to find the keys.
Starting point is 00:55:00 He tries to find the keys. He tries to find the keys. He tries to find the keys. He tries to find the keys. He tries to find the keys. He tries to find the keys. He tries to find the keys. He tries to find the keys. He tries to find the keys. He realized that he's gonna have to have a showdown at Bionine Research Facility or whatever. So we have all of the dominoes are in place. Jones, his family, Ed, a bunch of goons. They're all at the research facility.
Starting point is 00:55:16 I don't know why Ed had to be at the research facility. To get his boat keys obviously, yeah, clearly. He wasn't gonna use that week, as easy like, look, I could wait till Monday when I get back to work, but I really had big plans for the Cheaton Hussey this weekend. So I'm going to need those keys, Jones. He, yeah, he, and he reveals that the reason
Starting point is 00:55:34 that Jones knows because Jones found the bodies, the original bodies of Keyanos family, that Ed was two sentimental, the Get Ready of the God. Two sentimental or like a normal person who is not comfortable like getting rid of dead bodies. So instead, if you're more comfortable like stacking them in a closet or something, you gotta know. I assume that he put them in the break room refrigerator
Starting point is 00:55:57 with a note on them that said will, so that nobody else would take them as their family. And he's like, I guess this will keep them fresh. I'll just put it, I gotta move all these other food items out that people put in. And someone was like, hey, you're emptying their refrigerator? You usually do that on Fridays. And he's like, there was something smelly in here.
Starting point is 00:56:13 So I got to clean it out now, even though it's Thursday. Okay, can I have that soup right there? And they put their hand in, and they almost touch one of the bodies. And he's like, and then they grab the soup and take it out. And he's like, Fue! Yep.
Starting point is 00:56:30 So that's the thing. The wife's a giant thing of sweat off of his forehead. Um. So Will shows up. He, he starts, he talks to Jones. Jones attempts to shoot his family. Big mistake. Instead, he shoots Ed, which is sad, and doesn't make any, you know,
Starting point is 00:56:45 it's pointless like all violence. Uh, a little message here. Yeah. And then Keana's like, no, I'll do it here. I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll finalize the research. And in the process, he puts on that dope visor, I mentioned earlier. Before we get to the twist, I just want to say,
Starting point is 00:57:03 I think it's funny in all of these like science fiction movies or thrillers or whatever, how quickly evil corporations just like go to shooting people. Like, in real life, there are some pretty evil corporations out there, but they don't just like suddenly be like, you know what, fuck it. I'm gonna shoot people in the air. That's what you think. They're like, they're like Thomas Dimitalditch. We had you sign an NDA that also says everything goes to arbitration if you have a problem with us. So really, you might as well just take this money, this settlement, instead of telling anybody that we're evil.
Starting point is 00:57:33 And he's like, I guess I have to psych shoot you in the brain. Bam. Like, it's. Arbitration is the name of this bullet. That's a long word to write on a bullet. Hopefully it's one of those like long on like antique wailing bullets from the movie wanted. If you can write on a rice,
Starting point is 00:57:51 he's a rice, he can write arbitration on a bullet. You're right. If you can make a boy out of pencils, you can make a pencil out of leaves. Yeah. The boy out of pencils. You're right. You use that argument every time and you know what? I hate it, but
Starting point is 00:58:08 I gotta say, you know, I have to allow it. So Will has the cool headset on. He sneakily transfers his consciousness into the robot 345, which we see wake up and bust loose. A goon goes to like it, I don't know, investigate. And just when it looks like everything's gone bad for our hero, the robot 3, 4, 5 powered by the brain of Will, busts in and just starts whipping ass. And Kiano gets his family to safety, and then he's like, wait a minute, I have some business to take care of.
Starting point is 00:58:45 And then he goes and he opens up a trunk that he's buried in his basement and he pulls out all these cool gold coins and these dope pistons in a sea. Oh, no, no, it don't think so, deal. It's switched over, it's over. I mean, that's not that one. Okay, well, then I guess he goes back
Starting point is 00:59:00 and he finds Jones being choked out by robot him. And he's like, they make some kind of a weird deal. This seems kind of strange, because they don't explain anything. And then, he's like, Yeah, it's revealed later on what's going on, but they make a deal for him to survive.
Starting point is 00:59:15 He's like, there is another way, which I don't, I kind of didn't buy because Jones was so keen on just killing everybody. He has the change of heart at the end. Joe, it was like Jones isn't the CEO of the company or anything like that. If he's just his, he goes, he goes,
Starting point is 00:59:29 you kill me, they'll send other people after you. And he's like, hmm, let's make a deal instead. And then they kill him or he dies. And it's like, their deal turns out, well, we'll say what it is. Stewart, what happens next? Well, how many days later is it? What, 17 days later How many days later is it? Uh, what, 17 days later?
Starting point is 00:59:45 17 days later. And we are on a beautiful beach. We see the foster family running around in the sand. And often the distance, who's that? Oh, it's Kiano Reeves walking with their daughter Zoe. So I get, like, one of of the things apparently he went back for was to get Zoey's like genetic thing to make a clone. Yeah, all the deep, but it's like, I was like,
Starting point is 01:00:16 how long has this been? Cause like 17 days, his body still, his body still viable. Like it seemed like there was this whole thing about, you know, like you need to be for, I don't know, it was a little confusing, but yeah. I guess if it's just, if it's just DNA for a clone, they could do it. It's not like the memory transfer. So I would send my character.
Starting point is 01:00:35 But I think it would be the memory transfer because he does have to get her memories to put in her body. Well, I think he did take her memory before he knew that there were only three pods. I mean, he had it stored. So I think that there were only three pods. Yeah, I'm saying. I'm stored. He had to think that that might not be possible. So he had somewhere he had a huge disk drive with Zoe's memories on it.
Starting point is 01:00:50 Yeah. Yeah. One of the mem drives. And the mem drives are kind of shaped like brains a little bit. Now, did the, why does the clone, clone tanks cut their hair to the exact length they were before? Well, I'll get to it later. So yeah, we had this cool robot attack, robot beats a mass.
Starting point is 01:01:07 He makes a deal with, oh yeah, so we are a tactical person. And then we cut to, what is it? Is it Abu Dhabi? It's Dubai. Dubai, sorry. And we see a beautiful mansion and we see an old man in the wheelchair pulls into a boardroom. He has a bunch of money where we see Jones apparently whole and healthy. And very feeling hard. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:33 Yeah. And he's like, uh, okay, you want to buy yourself a new clone body. And then we see robot will wearing a suit. And he's like boot mapping sequence. And we're like, oh yeah, guitar staying in that's the end of the movie. Yeah, I mean it does cut to like that. So that is the song. Obviously, that is the horrifying twist at the end of the movie.
Starting point is 01:01:54 So the deal I guess is that leave me in my family alone and I'll leave behind the robot version of me who, and now you can go into business selling new bodies to rich bad people. Yeah, which, yeah, I guess, yeah, I mean, I guess the whole thing is he wants his family to be left alone, if he doesn't, he doesn't mind the, what I'm assuming to be horrifying negative effects that this technology will have. Yeah, not just a total deal with the devil's situation. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:21 And, and, and he's doomed robot will to have to perform this stuff. And I guess hang out with Jones. Like Jones is like, come out and have a drink. Come on, Robo is like, I guess I gotta hang out with this guy. He is my boss. Ugh, this is so irritating. But I like the idea, wait, the scene that they should have had where they take Robo will to a tailor
Starting point is 01:02:40 to get him measured for that suit. I mean, Robo that will is doomed. And the tailor's like, I don't normally do suits for mannequins because they have to pretend that the robot is in a robot. That's just a mannequin. Oh, I assumed it would be, he's like, he's like, I've never done a suit for the robot before.
Starting point is 01:02:56 This will be the first thing ever. I have to rewrite the rules. The inseam is totally different because you don't have a penis. There's nothing there. What are we gonna do for the inseam? It's like, I don't know, figure it out, Giuseppe. This is, you're the best.
Starting point is 01:03:07 And now you're gonna finally have the dream of a lifetime. You're the best. You're the best. We brought the best Taylor. He was in retirement, but we pulled him back in. I thought he was at a cabin. He wasn't chopping wood, but he was sowing blankets, like sweaters for trees, knitting sweaters for trees.
Starting point is 01:03:24 That part of my life is over. And then they're like no you got to do it. So he goes into his basement and he breaks open the concrete and he pulls the giant cool churn cap. Yep. It's full of gold coins and a suit that he made for a robot years ago. They told me I was crazy to make this robot suit. They told me I was crazy. They asked me to make a robot suit. So I made a suit that would fit a robot. They said no, they wanted more like an iron man thing that a person would wear to turn them into a robot. I said that's not what I do.
Starting point is 01:03:51 I'm a tailor. I don't make a... And technically that's not a robot. It's like BobaFat, not a robot. It's a guy in there. It's sort of an exoskeleton. So we've told the story of Replicos. Let's go to our final judgments, whether it is a good bad movie, a bad, bad movie, or
Starting point is 01:04:08 movie kind of like guys before we got together today. I thought that my opinion might be more of an uphill climb than I think it may be. No, I think this is not a serenity situation, Dan. Were you fall in love with a movie that is objectively awful? No, no, yeah, I kind of like this movie. Like, obviously from what we were saying today, like, they're huge plot holes, like weird things about the movie. Like robots, those don't exist.
Starting point is 01:04:34 But when I say, well, I mean, yeah, they do, but okay. Anyway. But when I say, when I say kind of like, I mean, like, the emphasis is on kind of, I'm not saying this is greater or anything, but it kind of reminded me of say you're watching premium cable in the middle of the night in the 90s and a movie, I like a little sci-fi thriller comes on, clearly a low budget, but it's got a star in it and you watch and you're like, you know what
Starting point is 01:05:05 i kind of like this that's a bad and that's a matter of ideas in it yeah that you say to the dark corners of your living room while you're watching tv lady that you said this is not so bad i kind of like it now will you let me go no you have to stay here i was going to say the exact same thing then i kind of
Starting point is 01:05:23 liked it and remind me a lot of in the 90s when Movies like screamers and stuff like that were being released just kind of like these kind of load a middle budget Science fiction movies that were usually loosely based off of like Philip K. Dick short stories and it would be like okay There's a recognizable person in it and it's not great, but it's not terrible and it's fine and the one flaw This movie kind of has which is a big flaw, is that I was really enjoying it up until he cloned his family. And once he cloned them, it kind of didn't know what to do with them. Like, there's a couple ways to go.
Starting point is 01:05:52 It could be a pet cemetery thing and they go bad, or it could be that he has to keep hiding things from them and they eventually find out. But like- Like a French Farse? Yeah, exactly. Lots of doors, lamps. But instead- Yeah, it's to keep hiding fiancees in other rooms.
Starting point is 01:06:06 It's really funny, by the way, like if you wrote a science fiction farce, like, like a very like 100% old style farce, but it's based on a science fiction premise. I'd like to see that. I mean, I don't know how you would slam all those visit portals. Okay. But anyway, but I think it was like that, that like the movie kind of didn't know what to do once they were back and so it went for kind of the laziest thing which is They're on the run from some kind of evil company, but even that is a pretty 90s thing So I enjoyed it. Yeah, I enjoyed it. This is like a solid like two and a half star movie, I would say yeah
Starting point is 01:06:39 Yeah, I'm I think I think we're all in agreement guys. I'm in the kind of like Yeah, the ending like the last there the movie guys. I'm in the kind of like, yeah, the ending, like the last there of the movie isn't anchored, except for the cool robot. I mean, I thought the very ending was fun. I mean, just to see the role of a suit is great. I love that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:57 Yeah, but yeah, I wish they could have explored, especially since they make a point of having the, you know, canna Reeves and Alice Eve have this like the only conversation they really have before the car accident is one about like, you know, the philosophy of a soul. And yet, you would, I would hope that like, after she realizes that she's a clone, that she would have some chance to, to like, actualize or think about it. But that doesn't happen. No, she's, her character like, she doesn't get that much to do and it feels like they were like,
Starting point is 01:07:32 oh, we'll make it so that she can, it's her idea how to stop those trackers at the end. But like, there's not a lot, none of the characters have much personality except for, you know, Reeves and Thomas Middleditch, and they kind of provide that personality, the two of them. Yeah. But but you know and and I have a lot of affection for the fact that all the outdoor scenes you can hear Koki for us chirping Because I remind you of your of your many honeymoons Hi, I'm Ali karts, and I'm Julia Prescott And we're the host of Everything's Coming Up Simpsons. Every episode we cover a different episode of The Simpsons that is a favorite of our special
Starting point is 01:08:12 guests. We've had guests that are showrunners and writers and voice actors like Nancy Cartwright. So I got a D-minus I-Bass. And we've also had people that are on the Max Fun Network already. And we've had Weird Owl, you Inc. on the show. I was just struck by how sharp the writing is. I mean, that's no surprise because it's a Simpsons, but I mean, like, you can't say that a lot of TV shows,
Starting point is 01:08:31 particularly ones that at that point had been on the year for 14 years. Find us on, iTunes, or wherever you get your podcasts. All right, smell you later. [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ OUTRO MUSIC [♪ Going into a Bullseye interview, I know it's somebody who does amazing work, but it gets an actual conversation.
Starting point is 01:08:49 I don't know where it's headed. Hey, these are the straight talk that you're going to get on the show. That makes sense? I feel like I'm a therapy. I think you got more out of you than the therapist I went to twice. Hahaha. Bullseye. Creators, you know. Creators, you need to know. Find it at or wherever you get podcasts.
Starting point is 01:09:12 Let's move on to, we got a few ads. Oh, cool. Well, actually one, only one ad per se, but a couple of jumbo trunks too. The first ad though. Wait, before we, oh yeah. Should we, after that, should we talk about our live shows coming up or should we do the these first we always do the ads first Ellie I have no idea why you felt they need to
Starting point is 01:09:31 stop the podcast to ask the question of whether we should do that thing first or the other maybe I am slowly trying to guess like you into thinking you don't know how the podcast works. Okay, anyway, with our first ad, the flop has supported in part by Squarespace. With Squarespace, you can create a beautiful website to turn your cool idea into a new website. That's two websites in the same sentence, but you can do it.
Starting point is 01:10:01 If you have a cool idea, why not make it a website? Why have it rattle around your brain? Where no one can enjoy it. No one can click on your brain unless this kind of can do it. If you have a cool idea, why not make it a website? Why have it rattle around your brain? Where no one can enjoy it? No one can click on your brain, unless this kind of reaves. Yep. With your website, you can blog or publish content, sell products and services of all kinds, or whatever your little heart desires to do on the internet.
Starting point is 01:10:19 I don't know why I called your heart a little, Stuart. You're a big hearted guy. About that. Have you ever seen untamed heart? Squarespace features beautiful customizable templates created by world class designers. A new way to buy domains and choose from over 200 extensions, analytics that help you grow in real time. 24, seven award winning customer support.
Starting point is 01:10:43 Make it stand out, stand out with a beautiful website from Squarespace before I give the offer code. Elliot, is there anything you would like to say about Squarespace? I'm very glad you asked. I have an idea for a website based on something that happened earlier in this podcast, and I was wondering if Squarespace could help me.
Starting point is 01:10:59 Now earlier, referred to a Kiano, which is not how Kiano reads his name is. And I wanted to, I had a website idea that I had, and it's, it's really, it's a sale of product, and it's called Now, these are, these are Piano Keys. How, how did I say it? He said Kiano. What, how, how am I supposed to say it?
Starting point is 01:11:23 Kiano. Oh, okay. So anyway. Uh, so I said, but I said Kiano. What, how am I supposed to say it? Kiano. Oh, okay. So anyway. But I said, but I said Kiano. Yes. I can confirm. So thank you. So these are instead of Kiano.
Starting point is 01:11:33 Yes. Kiano. So these are, so these are replacement piano keys. Each one has the face of Kiano Reeves on it or alternately all the keys combined to make one giant picture of Keanu Reeves on it or alternately all the key is combined to make one giant picture of Keanu Reeves. Who among us has not wanted and dreamed of playing piano with Keanu Reeves' face? I know I have ever since I heard Stuart say that.
Starting point is 01:11:54 And so just go to, if Squarespace will allow me to make it. So Dan, do you think it's possible that I can finally achieve my dream of playing piano on Keanu Reeves' face? Thanks to Squarespace. You can. Just go to slash flop for free trial. And when you're ready to launch, use the offer code flop to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain.
Starting point is 01:12:16 A day. I said Kiano. You said Kiano. Now, Dan, I had another idea for a website. I just wanted to, it's called, based on the idea of this movie. It's called Now, we all know what it's like. You've got a sibling. They're either stealing the spotlight
Starting point is 01:12:31 or they're always irritating you. Why don't you pull a Zoe and erase them from everybody's memories with What's that? That's something's name is David. Just a pick a name. Let's just pick a name out of Edna Noe. Let's just call him David Kaelin.
Starting point is 01:12:44 Let's say you want to erase him because you are tired of hearing about what the Metz did in 1987. Just go to Thanks Squarespace, off-road. Put it's pronounced Kiannu. Kiannu. Kiannu.
Starting point is 01:12:59 Kiannu. Okay, if you say so. Elliot, do you have a jumbo tron you want to read? I do have a jumbo tron I would love to read. So this jumbo tron is a special personal message. It's from Josh to Abby spelled A-B-I. And the message is, you're the castle freak to my steward. The singing in the rain to my Elliot
Starting point is 01:13:18 and the random movie on a plane to my Dan. I love you through the good bad, the bad bad and all the moments we kind of like. You're kicking ass as a husband. I'm so proud of who you are and how you've lived your life for another year. Happy birthday, Foxy. That's really nice. And maybe it's I'll be. I apologize if I mispronounced that name. Let's have another jumbo tron for the jumbo train. Keep that thing rolling. This would be, Wait, this is the jumbo train. I'm doing a, it's a new thing I'm trying.
Starting point is 01:13:48 So is it at larger than average train? Yeah, it's a larger than average train that can accommodate jumbo trunks on it. Okay, because jumbo trunks are just messages. You can just put in, I mean, trans carry mail. Maybe it's a train for the elephant jumbo. Oh, a circus train. I like it. In any case, this message is for Rebecca. This message is from Lizzie. Happy birthday, my dude.
Starting point is 01:14:15 Many snortle returns. You're now the age I was when we met. Fucked up or what? Thank you for letting me share in your impeccable taste, amazing art and chill vibes. I'm so glad we're friends to the tune of Super Freak. He's a castle freak, castle freak, he's castle freak, a yowl. Stuart, you brought a lot of flavor to that one, I appreciate it that. Well, that's what they get when they get a steward reading that jumbo train.
Starting point is 01:14:47 That's that special taste. Hey, Elliott, why don't you tell us about the live shows and maybe we'll mention them again at the end of the show just for people who skip the ads. Oh, that's a great idea. Or people who just like listening to the last like a couple minutes of all podcasts. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:05 Uh, so I'll have to mention, uh, so this episode is being released on a day of a show, right, Dan? Uh, yes. So this is on so today, if you're listening to this on the day this is released Saturday, June 8th, we are performing tonight in Portland, Oregon at Revolution Hall. We're going to be talking about the movie Homes and Watson. Oh, boy, I've heard it's a great movie. I'm super excited about it.
Starting point is 01:15:26 I can't wait to see how they screw up Dan McCoy's favorite fictional character. Yeah, this is gonna be very... Victoria. Yeah, so Dan will be really mad. So that's tonight, if you're listening to this the day of release Saturday, June 8th at Portland, Oregon Revolution Hall. Revolution Hall. But we've got some other shows coming up in July on July 13th. That's a Saturday.
Starting point is 01:15:45 It's one day before my brothers birthday until I erase him on July 13th, it's we're in Minneapolis at the Parkway. Minneapolis is going to be really exciting. I don't know what movie we're doing yet, but I've been looking forward to doing Minneapolis for a long time. Then in September, Saturday, September 28th, we're going to be in Boston at WBUR City Space. Two shows. The 7pm is sold out,
Starting point is 01:16:06 but there's still some tickets available for the 945 show that's September 28th in Boston. If you're over in Boston, a real Bostonian, if you will. I don't know why I say that like it's a joke. It's just what they call people from there. We'll be there. And then finally in the fall. You're tired of eating beans, come on down. You're tired of eating beans.
Starting point is 01:16:23 I mean, I don't know how you could be tired of eating beans. They're delicious. Yeah, and you can have them for breakfast, lunch, dinner, everything. And they make you fart, which is hilarious. It's like the old saying, if you're tired of eating beans, you're tired of life. Mm-hmm. Yep, that's what I always say. And then finally, October 12th, we're going to be back in Los Angeles, my new hometown,
Starting point is 01:16:42 back at the Regent Theater this time with a twist Steward'll be with us hooray and let's do it somehow injure himself again But hopefully not we've hired a team of thugs to surround him at all times to keep him safe Yep to keep punching my back back into the right shape And so just to just anytime I slouch so just to recap that's tonight June 8th in Portland if you're listening to this in the day of release, then we're in Minnesota, Minneapolis, that is on July 13th, then we're in Boston, Massachusetts on September 28th.
Starting point is 01:17:12 And finally Los Angeles, California on October 12th. That's all the live shows we've got scheduled for now. I don't know, maybe there'll be more later. Okay, there are a couple things I want to say before we get through the business section of the show. As you hear this, the submission period for the t-shirt contest will be over. I actually hadn't talked to the guys about how we're going to pick a winner, but here's what I suggest to you.
Starting point is 01:17:36 I would say that the three of us together pick maybe three to six options that are favorites. I'm glad we're working through this on air. And then allow the people to vote on those options. Cool, yeah. I'm just glad we got that many submissions. I hadn't heard about this for a while. Oh, we got a ton of time. I was really, really, no submissions.
Starting point is 01:17:57 I will, I'll put them in a, you don't know Dan's always bragging about his submissions. I'll put them all in a shared drive so you guys can see the whole whole. I know Dan's time is not eternal submissions. Was'll put them all in a shared drive so you guys can see that. Well, I know Dan was talking about his nocturnal submissions. Was that the same thing? Uh-huh. Ooh.
Starting point is 01:18:08 So I got a sleeper old. So we will need a little time on our own to pick out the short list so that that poll will not be up right away, but keep watching the website and when it's up we'll say on the air. Cool. So that's one thing. Another thing, I don't like, there's no need to belabor this for a long time, but I just wanted website and when it's up we'll say on the air. Cool. So that's one thing.
Starting point is 01:18:25 Another thing, I don't, like, there's no need to belabor this for a long time, but I just wanted to let people know I am aware that this podcast has not always had the best audio. Impossible. It should be no surprise to anyone that I'm first and foremost not an audio engineer. And the good people at Max Fun were kind enough
Starting point is 01:18:46 to offer a little help. So from now on, a lot of the engineering job is gonna go over to them. Hopefully that'll make the podcast sound better. Yup, it'll take the least fun part of doing the podcast off of my plate. So I'll be happier. And maybe everyone listening will be happier
Starting point is 01:19:01 going forward. That's right, they're gonna get rid of Stuart and replace me with some kind of a robot. Yeah. So the important point is if the sound is not good in episode, no longer complain to me. Wow, damn. We have to roll under the bus
Starting point is 01:19:14 and people who are helping us out of the goodness of their hearts. I did not say complain to them. I did not say complain to them. I'm saying stop bothering me. Yeah. So we're supposed to complain to God. It just doesn't complain in general. Okay, yeah. Shake your fists with Heaven. Two things, one I'm very stop bothering me. Yeah, but In general, yeah, check your fists with Heaven two things. One. I'm very excited about this turn
Starting point is 01:19:30 But two, I'm kind of disappointed. I'll no longer have the fun experience of Riding the volume in my car while I review an episode as Dan and Stewart's voices Jump from too loud to do quiet even though they're sitting literally a foot away from each other. And then I miss that. Well, I, you know, I, I rock back and forth. I, like, I have, like a, a sandwich placed just out of reach to them, like leaning back to take bites out of. It's, it's hanging from a fishing line from the ceiling so you can just take bites without
Starting point is 01:20:00 picking it up with your hands. I am very thankful to Max fromumpfund for taking this off my plate and I'm very grateful and thank you to the editor who's listening for the first time this episode. Thanks. But now I think we can move on, right? Yeah, what do we do?
Starting point is 01:20:17 Can we move on? Yeah, let's just move on. Dan, you seemed like you still had some emotional stuff that you wanted to deal with. No, no, no, no. I just wanted to, I didn't want to steamroll stew if he had something like you still had some emotional stuff that you wanted to deal with. No, no, no, no. I just wanted to, I didn't want to, steamroll stew if he had something.
Starting point is 01:20:27 If I had some kind of cool business, sadly I don't. Guys, you know, the life of a podcasting bartending bar owner is a quiet one. That'll think. You know, the normal nine to five, that's nine PM to five AM. Okay. Thank AM. Okay. Anyway,
Starting point is 01:20:49 I look at you said it was super cool, but it's like that's terrible to me. I guess the moral of this is I guess you don't like hang out with cool vampires. I don't. But I guess let's definitely move on now with two letters. Actually, no, I'll waste a bunch of time if you want me to. I should apologize this episode. I introduced three new characters last episode, and I haven't introduced any in this one, so I think I'll steal from my son, Stuart mentioned vampires.
Starting point is 01:21:14 Yesterday, Sammy invented a character, evil Sammy, who drinks blood. So maybe I'll... Does he, a vampire? Does he just drink blood for the iron? That was hard to tell. I think it would also make a human pretty sick if they're just drinking blood.
Starting point is 01:21:28 Is that the evil in other ways or does he just drink blood? Nope, just the blood drinking. Okay. Oh, okay. Yeah, so, okay, letters from listeners, like you. The first letter is from Lowell. Who writes? That's a town.
Starting point is 01:21:43 That's not a person. It's a town in Massachusetts. Wow. The whole town got together and wrote us a letter. I like to think it arrived on a huge piece of paper that they wrote with a giant quill. Sure. And everyone in town helped to move it.
Starting point is 01:21:55 This first letter goes like this. A bunch of end of year lists included Ariana Grande's Thank You Next is not only one of the best songs of the year, but some kind of game-changing announcement of musical genius. I played it and all I heard was someone repeating, you are too old. We need that food you're eating. Get out of the way. I realize that is in a movie, but are there films that made you feel like you've outlived
Starting point is 01:22:19 your usefulness? For me, it might be the Wachowski Speed Racer. I fully expect Ellie to say, I'm a father, so I'm still useful. I'm not so I'm not so I'm really waiting on Dan Stewart's answers. I'll ask a nine humor aside thank you for what you do. Lowell. I will say as a father, as I mentioned earlier you are an obstacle in between your children and whatever they want at that moment. So you feel very useless a lot of the time. Yeah, and also you have to die off for them to thrive.
Starting point is 01:22:49 Hell, he doesn't know what to do with that. No, that's the most horrifying thing you could say to me because I want nothing more than for them to thrive. But I'm not ready to shuffle off this moral coil just yet. Stuart, what should I do? How do I square this circle? I don't know, man, this is hilarious. Uh, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:23:10 Like, I mean, speed race area is kind of like eating a giant bowl of sugary cereal. I am a revisit in a while, and maybe I should. I mean, for like, I'm trying to think of movies that make me feel old, but like, there's a lot of, I mean, there's a lot of movies that make me feel old, but like, there's a lot of... I mean, there's a lot of television that makes me feel old and like... I don't know, like, there's a lot of other entertainment feels like if I had encountered it when I was a teenager, like what, like the umbrella Academy TV show, if I had encountered it when I was a teenager, I would be like, whoa, this is amazing in groundbreaking, but as an adult, I'm like, well,
Starting point is 01:23:45 I've seen all these tropes done a million other times and better, so I don't need this in my life. I don't know. I mean, it might be because I am at heart very mature, but I feel like I remain. Come on. No, Dan is like a 75 year old baby. He's like the combination of a lot of elements
Starting point is 01:24:07 of an old man and a child. Yeah, it's true. But I feel like my brain remains young, particularly around entertainment. I do feel like I'm open to just staying with whatever new thing comes along. But there are movies like, the best I get come up with is something like Michael Bayes, Transformers movies, where I look at it and I movies like, the best I could come up with is something like Michael Bay's Transformers movies,
Starting point is 01:24:27 where I look at it and I'm like, I don't know, maybe someone with a younger brain than mine finds some sort of reason in this visual madness that is going on, this like completely disjointed, cutting, no sense of spatial geography, like all that stuff, like maybe that works for someone who grew up With a faster pace than an entertainment than I did. I don't know Yeah, people with brain-sitter able to make logical leaps that the story doesn't allow or forward. I think it's there aren't
Starting point is 01:24:58 I yeah, similarly I've never been on the pulse of popular entertainment to be honest to Well the fact that based on the pulse of popular entertainment, to be honest, to be frankly. No. Well, the fact that based on your movie recommendations. Exactly. I mean, to be honest, the fact that the Avengers movies are so huge makes me feel much more of the moment than I was for most of my life. But if I feel old when I think about how old the movies that I grew up with are, when I think about like how Ghostbusters is a 35 year old movie, movie like that makes me feel pretty old but to be honest, it's like The music doesn't and some of the other stuff but when I watch this is also Marvel movies
Starting point is 01:25:32 Like when I watched Guardians the Galaxy in the theaters for the first time I my reaction to it was like Oh, this is a really fun movie. Did they have to swear so much like did there have to be so much shooting and that's when I knew I had gotten a little old was when when he goes, we're the Guardians of the Galaxy bitch. And I was like, no, that was an utter swear. I'm sorry young man. That was on the good. I can't believe that Freddie Krueger got a got a spot in this team. But I guess he is a misfit or how an in Avengers endgame they say shit a lot more than I thought they would. And I was like, all right. Well, I guess that's I guess that's okay to say in your movies now. So.
Starting point is 01:26:07 Yeah, you looked around to make sure your parents weren't in the back to yell, you've watched this movie. And there's that weird part where Captain America talked about fucking Thanos and the ass. And it was like, wow, Captain America. I mean, it didn't even swear at the beginning. Now he's pushed to extreme stand down.
Starting point is 01:26:19 I mean, I didn't think it was, I didn't think it was extreme when he said it, but I thought it was extreme when they showed it on screen, not that I just approved, but just in a PG-13 movie, to have any sort of, I mean, to see penetration in a PG-13 movie, especially between Captain America and the villain of the movie.
Starting point is 01:26:34 I mean, the fact that it was not done in a hostile way, but in a moment of intimacy between them, that it was a moment of genuine warmth and loving, I thought it was really nice, that Thanos made himself vulnerable, and they both received pleasure from it. I thought it was really nice that Thanos made himself vulnerable and they both received pleasure from it. I thought it was a really positive message, but I just thought it was strange to see it in such graphic, you know, extreme visceral detail.
Starting point is 01:26:53 I can't believe it. All like a natural, but the scene was so long, like it went on for about 16 minutes. And at a certain point, all I could think about was how much computer rendering they had to do to show all of the little like pimples and things on Thanos' butt. So like at a certain point, it lost its its visceral appeal to me. But just the way you describe it, it sounds like it was more visceral than you expected. I mean, in some ways, I mean, it was more visceral and a certain point where I got into it and I was like, yeah, yeah, you know what? I'm glad to see them expressing an emotion
Starting point is 01:27:21 other than anger at each other to express a rousal to express Consensual pleasure to express mutual kind of like it doesn't have to be love But mutual sort of like intimacy in that way, but to happen in the middle of the big fight scene at the end It was a little weird just for pacing purposes. Yeah, well that went on for a while I wanted to mention Dan you introduce the idea through the pieces I wanted to mention in Dan, you introduced the idea. We're part of the way through the pieces. Yeah. Uh, I wanted to mention in the context of this letter, uh, I think I might have said it on the podcast before, but it's a funny story. So I like it.
Starting point is 01:27:54 No, okay. But I could pull up a bag of popcorn talking about, talking about being old and entertainment. I just remember the time when my grandfather walked into the room, when my brothers and I were watching Beetlejuice on TV, and he walked in the movie or the cartoon show, the movie. He walked in, watched about four minutes of the movie, said, this just seems like so much foolishness to me and walked out. And you know what, I can't argue with that. But the foolishness is the point. I guess.
Starting point is 01:28:26 Now I mentioned that your grandfather was like, and maybe this is true. I don't know, it was like an old country person. Like just, he has a, like a, a, a, He's a minister, yes. But he's like a, he's like a Puritan with a hat with a buckle on it. And he's like so much foolishness.
Starting point is 01:28:38 Uh, I mean, it's not that far off. But, uh, that, that also reminds me of when, uh, when, uh, headwagon, the angry inch came out on DVD. And my mom was like, have you seen this movie? I was like, yeah, I thought it was great. And she started watching it. She said, I stopped it partway through. That movie's three younger people.
Starting point is 01:28:54 And I was like, all right, okay, interesting review, mom. This next letter is from Malin. Who writes, dear original peaches, I started listening to the podcast exactly three years ago, just before taking my A levels and leaving school. Happy anniversary from the UK, I assume. I finally finished your,
Starting point is 01:29:15 oh wow, real Sherlock Holmes on that case. Finally finished your back catalog. Night before my final exam at University, another clue. Oh, oh. Oh. the night before my final exam at university, another clue. The news is tightening around this, this culprit. I'm now beginning to think about finding a real person job and finding it pretty difficult, partly because I'm not very organized and partly because I don't really know what I want to do yet. I wanted to ask, what were your first
Starting point is 01:29:42 jobs after graduating college? You all seem to have cool careers now. How soon did you decide what you wanted to do? Is it okay to take a boring or unambitious job for a few years? Or should I be trying to start my dream career immediately? Sorry for treating you like a careers advice service. To add a movie related question, what's your favorite movie set in a workplace? I'm talking about movies that are primarily about the job rather than just have an office in them.
Starting point is 01:30:07 Thanks for helping a confused young woman through some confusing years. I love the show. Malin. Does Brazil count as a movie set at a workplace? Sure, yeah. For the purposes of this question, let's say yes. Then I'd say maybe Brazil and maybe the apartment,
Starting point is 01:30:21 even though it's called the apartment, it's about his job more than anything else. I would probably say, I don't know, nine to five, yeah, because it's still eerily like precious. And I missed that part of the email because I was focused on the career advice, so I have nothing. But let's move on to the career thing.
Starting point is 01:30:39 I would say, yeah, let's just say Chairman of the board for Dan, sorry, I cared about. By the way, if you have not seen I would say, yeah, let's just say Chairman of the Board for day and sorry, here. Sorry. By the way, if you have not seen Norm McDonnell talking about Chairman of the Board on coming in, look that up. It is maybe the funniest thing that's happened on that show. Yeah, I would say, I would like to give the message, don't worry about it over much right now.
Starting point is 01:31:04 Like don't stress yourself out over much. Be ambitious, but I, after school, did not immediately know what I wanted to do. First, I went up to Minneapolis and I was up there basically just because a friend of mine from college was needed at a roommate. I'm like, why the hell not? I've got no plans. It was up there for a little while. Then I went to graduate school because I had thought I was gonna be a film director I wanted to do that for years, went into school for that, dropped out because
Starting point is 01:31:33 I realized I actually did not want to do that, came to New York at the time with my fiance because she had work up here and I thought maybe I would act during the course of that I realized that while I was not a bad actor and if I dedicated myself to it maybe I would act during the course of that. I realized that while I was not a bad actor, and if I dedicated myself to it, maybe I could make something of myself, it was not my forte. I was much better at writing and specifically comedy writing. I sort of drifted into that.
Starting point is 01:31:57 That said, once I realized that's what I wanted to do, even though I was taking very menial jobs to make money, I was doing a lot of comedy at night. And frankly, while I was on the job, so I don't know, I guess I just... That describes Dan's workplace behavior pretty accurately, right? I mean, judging by his Twitter feed and the voluminous contributions to it, qualities I will not judge right now.
Starting point is 01:32:25 You worked at the same show. You realize that there are periods of intense work and periods of a lot of downtime. Yeah, sure. Time when you could be working on pitches, maybe wandering in a people's offices to see if you could help out, maybe moving prop errands.
Starting point is 01:32:39 Maybe you could be writing a side project with Halley, which is what you did. Yeah, exactly. I assumed you were working really hard on some kind of lucid dreaming based project. I mean, Dan, to be honest, well, I was a writer at the Daily Show. I was also writing a weekly newspaper column
Starting point is 01:32:53 working on a side project with Halley, writing a Spider-Man comic book, and a bunch of other things. So I can't tell you, hey, don't do other stuff at your job. Just maybe something more productive than Twitter. That's all I'm saying. I help run this fucking podcast. That's what I do. Now, Elliot, do you have advice?
Starting point is 01:33:11 Stuart, do you have advice? Yeah, I mean, when I finished school, I finished with an English degree and I kind of hoped to write and draw my own comics. And when I moved to New York shortly after school, and I got a gig that I thought was just going to be a temporary thing, and ended up being something that I enjoyed a lot more and became passionate about. That took over my life for a while, even though it was retail and retail is brutal. But yeah, I've been very lucky.
Starting point is 01:33:43 That was Warhammer, right? I was working for Geem's Workshop. And then, and I realized that retail kind of isn't for me, and I was really lucky to have an opportunity to break into neighborhood bartending. And I've that kind of, I feel like that fit my skill set and my, like, my mix of love of responsibility and lack of responsibility. And it, uh, yeah, and I've been doing that for a while, and I've been lucky to be surrounded like in, in all parts of my professional career, I've been lucky to surround myself with much more competent people. So I can just kind of coast
Starting point is 01:34:19 along, baby. That's good advice. And that's, and that's affordeded me many and that's afforded me a lot of really cool opportunities that my advice is if you have an opportunity that seems similar to something you'd like to do and you but you haven't ever tried it, try it out. Yeah, I have a my my career path. Well, people are familiar with it after they made that movie about me, but it's called. My years was much more direct than. It's called Boy on the Go, the Elliot Cale, it's right. I mean, I-
Starting point is 01:34:50 I thought it was a munchies. It was critters. They made critters about me. Oh, wow. I always knew I wanted to be a writer since I was about 12 or 13, or even a little younger. So I went to school for writing, and I was always pointed like a missile towards that job,
Starting point is 01:35:07 but it took me a while to get there. I mean, in the long scheme of things, not that long, but I started the daily show right after college as a production assistant and was lucky enough that every time I was getting feeling like I was in a rut and I had to leave and go do something else, they would offer me a different job or I would apply for a different job and get moved up a little bit. So mine is a special case and that like I always knew what I wanted to do and I still want to do that.
Starting point is 01:35:33 I thought I would write for movies, maybe that will happen sometime. I don't know. But so I would say is like if you don't know exactly what you want to do, that's totally okay. And to take a menial job or just a job you don't care about in the meantime, is totally fine because the number one thing you need to do is make enough money to provide yourself with food and shelter. Like that's the number one most important thing, and you should not lose sight of that. And there is something valuable to just having a job that allows you to live at the level of comfort that you want to live
Starting point is 01:36:05 at. But also, if you have a job you don't care about, it opens up so much of your brain space to really think about the other things you want to do and what's better for you to be involved in outside of your work activities that might scratch that itch more and help you explore and find out what you really want to do. And like Stuart was saying, any opportunity that comes up that seems like you might be into it, you might as well go ahead and take it, release, try it, and maybe that will take you to the place
Starting point is 01:36:31 where you're like, oh, this is what I want to do. This is what I'm really satisfied by, and also that I can hopefully make a career out of. And it's like, if you have a great ambition and a compulsion to do something creative, then you should try to make a living out of that. But if you don't, then try out lots of different things. Like, I know lots of people who have had
Starting point is 01:36:51 many multiple different types of jobs, and eventually they find one they really like a lot, and there's nothing wrong with that. Like, there's no failure in being at a job for a few years and deciding this isn't what I want and trying something else. Don't think that you need to start your career right now or you'll never be successful and you've wasted any time
Starting point is 01:37:10 because you won't have. So is that good practice for when you have that important conversation with Sammy? Oh, very much so I've started having that conversation with him a little bit where I'm like, Sammy, I want you, when you grow up, I want you. I know you wanna drive a garbage truck. But no, not anymore. You're gonna be a podcaster like Daddy. Yep, Sammy, I want you, when you grow up, I want you. I know you want to drive a garbage truck. But no, not anymore.
Starting point is 01:37:26 You're going to be a podcast, you're like daddy. Yep, you're going to fill my shoes. That's, and he's like, I don't want to be on your podcast and I'm like, you're going to say some stuff. But he's told me already what jobs he wants for Negro's up. He wants to be a scientist, a cab driver, an architect, and someone who takes things out of boxes
Starting point is 01:37:42 and puts them on shelves in a grocery store. So those are his four career options. Well, the good thing is he's giving himself a wide span. Yeah, exactly. And I've said to him many times, as long as you're happy with what you're doing and supporting yourself, that's all I care about, as long as you don't go into investment banking
Starting point is 01:37:57 or hedge fund management, or anything else where you are slowly eating away at the things that make life livable for most of the people in the world. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Or you're the person who makes those 1,8, 7, 7, 7 cash now commercials or something.
Starting point is 01:38:14 Oh, the cars for kids and stuff like that. Yeah, yeah. Oh no, I told him I'm like Sammy, it refers to mortgages or something you should go into. You basically steal old people's houses and then they have to pay you to live in them. And then if they don't pay enough, you kick them out and you sell that house to somebody else.
Starting point is 01:38:28 And he's like, isn't that mean? And I'm like, it's mean of the old people to make an agreement that they can live up to the terms of. Guys, William Devane tells me I should get into gold. Should I get into gold? Well, gold has never been worth zero. Yeah, the Roger Moore movie gold. Yes, with the most amazing title sequence
Starting point is 01:38:49 Let's move on to the next letters from Dan last name with held. I've been meaning this has been a Dan McCoy What yes, this has been my inbox for a while I've been meaning to get to it. It slipped my mind last time Hey guys, who do you think is gonna win the 2016 election? I've got some ideas about it. Oh damn. Oh, sorry, Dan Dan says on a fateful day In September the year 2011 I took a stand for the truth. I never asked to be the voice of America's conscience But when I heard a drunk man on a podcast Aroniously claimed that a freak ripped off his own ding dong while living in a castle. I had to act
Starting point is 01:39:19 No, I can't wait to hear the rest of this fun story a year later Dan McCoy took a stand alongside me. I was ecstatic to have a fellow traveler in my quest for the truth. And a follow-up email titled, Vindication, I call Dan the Bernstein to my woodward. I was so grateful for Dan's support that I let him be the cool one. Smash Cut to 2019. Trump is in the White House, Snowden is living in Moscow,
Starting point is 01:39:42 America has lost its innocence or something, and Joe Bob Briggs is finally on the White House. Snowden is living in Moscow. America has lost its innocence or something. And Joe Bob Briggs is finally on the flop house. I was thrilled with the prospect of Mr. Briggs weighing in on the greatest controversy in the history of podcasts, if not cinema. So imagine my dismay when Dan McCoy claimed that he was the first person to notice that the cast freak didn't rip off his own ding-dong. You didn't just betray me, Mr. McEvoy. You betrayed the truth. The American people await your apologies sincerely, Dan Lasting withheld. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:40:11 Keep up the good work, guys. I just realized I've been listening for nearly a decade, so I think you're my family now. That's, sorry about that, Merle ones. Yeah, I would like to apologize. I remember this now. I remember that the email is what, oh you remember when you were watching this movie that Stewart was right and he was
Starting point is 01:40:33 No, the Fisher sounds it was just that was kind of the breadcrumbs were leading me to it. Yeah, I was not the The whistleblower in the situation. It was Dan. Actually, Dan, I have an apology to make. Yeah, there's a reason that you didn't remember that you weren't the whistleblower and it's hard for me to reveal this truth to you, but Dan a few years ago, do you remember when we were going on that boat vacation? And we were driving to the boat. I mean, only vaguely, only it's like it's it's pretty fuzzy for some reason. Yeah, Dan there was a car crash and you actually died on the way there. Cool.
Starting point is 01:41:09 When I brought you back to life, I saw... Oh, cool. Yes, that's objectively cool. I guess you're right. When I brought you back to life, I didn't have your brain waves. And so I had to recreate them from memory. And for a few places where I wasn't sure what to do, I used a cat's memory.
Starting point is 01:41:29 A cat's memory, Dan. And I think in the place where you should have remembered, Dan originally bringing this to your attention, you might remember pooping in a box full of sand. Is that true? I mean, among us, hasn't pooped in a box full of sand. I mean sometimes you just got to go and somebody else is in the normal bathroom and you're like, well I have to sand here. You're like step aside muscles. I'm going to use this one. Yeah I mean I paid for
Starting point is 01:41:56 it. And so Dan I should apologize. I must have erased that memory or rather never remembered it and put a cat memory instead. So Elliot, how often do you use the IPade for an argument where you put on a pair of Sammy's pull-ups? Well, one Sammy is toilet trained. He's five years old and he no longer wears diapers. I don't keep track of everything, dude. I mean, I'm glad that you don't know you're not fully on top of my son's toilet habits.
Starting point is 01:42:27 That's true. You don't need to know that. Yeah, I mean, for the purposes of the joke, it's not like people are going to write in and be like, say, I'm still using pull ups. LA, you might want to have a conversation with it. I mean, they would just be wrecking up because it's hilarious. Well, to answer your question, zero times, they wouldn't fit me. I'm not that small.
Starting point is 01:42:43 Come on. If only they did fit me. For some of this this LA traffic it would be great to have a diaper. Uh huh. Or it would probably cushion your bottom for those long sits. Yeah exactly. Let's move on to the next part of the show where we recommend movies that we saw and enjoyed and as much as we kind of liked replicas, maybe you should see these first. Okay. I would like to recommend a movie that I, you know, guys, sometimes I recommend movies on this podcast that are, let's call them plane movies
Starting point is 01:43:14 that are like planes from Disney. Yeah. They're pleasant enough. I recommend them because they're a movie adaptation of Sarah Plain and Tall. They're a thing I saw recently that I found enjoyment in, but I'm not gonna put my full weight behind. This week I'd like to put my full weight behind
Starting point is 01:43:31 my recommendation. I saw Booksmart and I loved this movie. I thought it was so good. I think it's the most I've laughed at a comedy in recent memory. So on the, just the comedy level it delivers, but also the movie, like the two protagonists, the actors who play them, and the writing of the movie makes you just on the side of these
Starting point is 01:43:57 two young women immediately, like they're so lovable, so easy to kind of sympathize with, They're so lovable, so easy to kind of sympathize with. And the movie is really great about, it's a movie where everyone in the film is a fleshed out character that you care about and empathize with and no one's a bad guy. Like even the people who are mean sometimes, you understand them and you sympathize with them and overall you're
Starting point is 01:44:25 like oh this is a good person and it's but the movie manages to do that without being over-sweet. Yeah, you know what I mean. So even those like like say the the evil manager who is actually like working for a military company is fully fleshed out in Booksmart. Yeah exactly. That character that exists in Booksmart. Yeah, exactly. That character that exists in Booksmart. But I also want to say, you know, in 2019 there should be more movies where say a range of sexualities is just treated very casually. But unfortunately there are fewer than there should be. And it's nice to see like a big mainstream crowd pleasing comedy that does not make any kind of big deal about the fact that one of the protagonists is a lesbian. And I don't know, like it's just,
Starting point is 01:45:13 there are times in this movie as funny as it was where I was on the verge of tears, not because something was particularly sad, or not even because something was making me like super happy, but because not even because something was making me super happy, but because I felt so like on these girls side and wanting them to just have a good life, like for things to work out for them in this period of time where they're graduating school and going through like a lot of tempestuous situations. Like I just cared about the characters.
Starting point is 01:45:44 Yeah. And so I just so it's not getting the box office that deserves for being such a crap. Like everyone I saw it with was reacting like crazy. And I think if you want to see more movies, I mean this was directed by a woman, it was written only by women, it stars to women. Like if you want to see more movies like that, it's good to get out on the theater and see it. Yeah, yeah, people should go see it. So that's my recommendation. I'm going to recommend a movie kind of
Starting point is 01:46:10 long the same lines. This just came out. You can watch it on demand. It stars Marshall Arts, actors, Scott Edkins. In a quite a character performance for him, the movie is called A Vengement, which I don't know what that word means, but I'm assuming it was selected
Starting point is 01:46:30 because it means that it shows up at the top of your VODQ under A, and it is a kind of a mix between his typical, like martial arts beat him up movies, and a bit of like a cockney London gangster movie. So it's filled with fun accents and it is about Scott Adkins plays the younger brother of a criminal guy and he does a job for his brother in order to open up a gym. And in the process, he gets arrested
Starting point is 01:47:07 and causes the death of a poor woman. And he goes to jail and jail is horrible and it heartens him and he becomes this like monster of a man who is also very good at fighting. And he breaks loose and gets his revenge. And I think it's kind of fun. It's fun to see an actor who's been in a bunch of these like action movies really have an opportunity to kind of stretches
Starting point is 01:47:30 acting wings. And it's also incredibly violent and gory. So if those things sound fun, I would check out Avengeman. I read a review of this online and it sounded a lot of fun like it would be my cup of tea. Yeah, yeah, it's fun. Yeah, like Booksmart. Yeah, there's the same movie, Basic. Yeah, this movie puts the act in action. I'm going to quickly recommend. I finally got to see Cold War, the Polish movie that came out last year,
Starting point is 01:47:59 directed by Paweł Paweł Kowski. Paweł Kowski, I'm going to pronounce it wrong. Anyway, about a man and a woman, the man is a composer slash musical director, the woman is a singer with a, with a, not shady past, but with a troubling, troublesome past. And the two of them meet in Poland in the 1940s, and it follows their relationship as they kind of intersected in and out of each other's lives. They're deeply in love, but one of them leaves Poland for the West and the other one sticks and stays in Poland and how the two of them kind of change and meet up again and again
Starting point is 01:48:33 a few times throughout their life and how their relationship, whether's and does not whether the differences imposed on them by geopolitics. It's a really beautiful looking movie like it looks gorgeous and I found it really affecting. And to be honest, it was like the movie that I wanted La La land to be, which is like a movie about creative professionals who's who love each other, but their lives are imperfect and don't really mesh partly because of their art and partly because of the burdens that the outside world places on them and their relationship. And so it's a very different type of movie than that, but I really liked it a lot. So that's Cold War, and it's currently I think streaming on Amazon Prime.
Starting point is 01:49:16 Cool. Three movies to watch. That's your sign went. I expect reports on my desk next week. Hey, before we go, let's plug those live shows again. I don't think we need to belabor it. You can go to the page, the website, and click on events, but we do have a show tonight when you're listening to this in Portland. Tonight in Portland, Oregon, if you're listening to this on June 8th. Allow yourself to say it real quick.
Starting point is 01:49:44 Tonight in Portland, Oregon, then July 13 listening to this on June 8th, allow to say it real quick. Tonight in Portland, Oregon, then July 13th in Minneapolis, September 28th in Boston, October 12th in Los Angeles. Yeah, hopefully we'll see some of you folks out there. And if we don't see you there, we're just very disappointed in you. Okay. It's always a pleasure, guys. Yeah, we did it. Okay. So check out podcast over at There's tons of cool shows where we really have to be part of the network for the Flop House podcast.
Starting point is 01:50:15 He's been Dan McCoy. Okay. Thanks. That guy talking with Stuart Wellington. And over here, once again, introducing himself, Elliot Kaylin. Please leave us a review on iTunes or wherever you listen to your podcasts. For the Flop House, I'm Elliott Kaelin. I'm just a New Yorker, Wellington. I can't make money.
Starting point is 01:50:31 We're cutting the loop. All right. Bye! Okay, now that he's gone, let's talk shit about it. Okay, can you believe how little he brought to that bit? I know. You were giving him all those great prompts. I thought you were going to be like, could you believe how little he is? Comedy and culture
Starting point is 01:51:05 Artistone? Audience supported. Comedy and Culture Artistone, audience supported

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