The Flop House - Ep. #339 - Zack Snyder's Justice League TWO: Pt 4 - Epilogue

Episode Date: April 3, 2021

We round out our discussion of Zack Snyder’s Justice League with another (find the first ZS cut episode here, and our discussion of the theatrical cut here). Now let us never speak of it again. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Previously on the flat house. He dies so loud that everyone across the world hears it You like the just like his death screen Goes all over the place. Yeah, it's like oh I'm gonna. It's like I don't know anyone anyone anything and he goes into the water and the women sing an ice landed For a long time because this is this is actually a Cut for a long time wonder Woman in the process of saving people destroys as much shit as possible. If I'm gonna complain about the flash,
Starting point is 00:00:30 it's gonna be the fact I think his characterization was inspired by the Bazinga T-shirts that looked like the flash logo. I understand that you're living on this special Amazon Island, but have like one phone. At one point he takes this fucking tank top off to go swimming and I'm like, but he's wearing jeans to swim
Starting point is 00:00:46 That's crazy. It's a blah blah blah exposition scene blah blah blah. I don't know. This is like they're like go someplace and fight people on this episode we discuss Zack Snyder's Justice League part two So light some candles break out the baby oil and queue up. Lay it down by rat. Because we're going to be going for hours. It's pretty hot, right? Hey everyone and welcome to the Flop house. I am Dan McCoy. What? I guess that means I'm Stuart Wellington? And unfortunately that means I'm the third of the group, Elliot Kalen,
Starting point is 00:01:57 not as handsome as Stuart, not as free-wheeling as spirit as Dan, weighed down by my family and responsibilities, and yet somehow with an-nobility that only I know, that I have been imbued with the great power of the cosmic conundrum. That's right. The cosmic conundrum, a question asked at the very beginning of the universe, which exists only in my own head. That question. Hey, so did the baby from dinosaurs get a chance to grow up, or did they all go extinct
Starting point is 00:02:23 at the end of that series? Because I want to see chance to grow up? Or did they all go extinct at the end of that series? Because I want to see that baby grow up. Uh, what? I think the positive thing. I think the positive thing. They all did go extinct at the end of the series. But let me finish this cause.
Starting point is 00:02:34 The conundrum has gifted me with strange and eerie powers. The ability to see three seconds into the future. Not enough to change anything, but enough to feel bad before something bad happens. Yeah. Yeah. OK. Kind of like a nice story. So I thought that way you were going to say, who's going to say, who's going to die into what I had said,
Starting point is 00:02:54 rather than just being enough of it. Well, you said, you said, no, but I didn't want to dwell on the fact that the most beloved television character of all time, the dinosaur baby from Dinosaurs, died at a very young age. Yeah. Tragically. Well, this is the block house. It's a podcast about that was the idea that that was what they said on the news ago. Tragic and now in a
Starting point is 00:03:13 sadder story, tragically, baby dinosaur has passed along with all other dinosaurs known for not being the mama. Well, no, excuse me, excuse me, right. I'm not a mom. Well, you know, it's the happy, happy, happy day. Excuse me, damn, excuse me, damn. No, it's right. No, it's right. I had to quote Phoenix, right?
Starting point is 00:03:27 I object, uh, counselor, uh, it is, it is, it is, it was Earl Sinclair, his father who was labeled not the mama. Oh, okay. It was the baby who was judging who was a mama. Well, you know, you said not the mama. By the goddamn transitive property, if Earl is not the mama, then everyone else is the mama? That's exactly what I'm saying. That's exactly what I'm saying until until judge dinosaur baby rules otherwise on each single
Starting point is 00:03:52 individual and you can't take issue with it because you got a love him. I mean Technically when you think about it the dinosaurs were mama's family I guess I got I agree with Dan on this one. I mean. I can't get it. Interesting. I got to agree with Dan on this one, Elliot. I mean, I don't want you to put the map is solid. The algebra is tight on that one. So, Dan, what do we do on this podcast? This is a podcast where we watch a bad movie and we talk about it.
Starting point is 00:04:17 Normally, this would be a week for a flop house many. Our off-week episodes where we sort of are more freewheeling and do whatever the hell we want. But- As opposed to this episode where we are sticking to our remit of talking about Baby Dinosaur and his judicial abilities. Yeah, yeah. Conan the Barbarian is standing over my shoulder and should we stray too long from the path we are supposed to tread? He will chop my head clean from my body. I never-
Starting point is 00:04:44 I never meant to indicate that on a normal episode we stick to to tread. He will chop my head clean from my body. I never I never meant to indicate that on a normal episode we stick to the topic just that the topic exists. And in this case the topic is the second half of Zack Snyder's Justice League. This is let's call this a mini full episode. We're going to tie up the plot of Justice League, but not do the regular end of a show stuff. But Stuart, Dan, if I was going to stick it on my shelf
Starting point is 00:05:11 with all the other soads and mini soads, where would I file it? Would it be a mini so the regulars? You know what? I mean, it'll still have, it will be numbered like a regular show. Okay. But it'll be like that time when they put out all those Simpson's box sets that were like
Starting point is 00:05:29 character cases. Okay. And it looks really lousy next to the normal boxes that you already owned. Uh-huh. Did you, but you kept the, did you keep those or did you, what happened was people wind long enough that the company that Fox issued DVDs that were in line with the original packaging, you know. Now what I like is that story seems like it was unrelated, but it is exactly that sort of total waste of every one's time answering of a fans whining complaint that brought
Starting point is 00:06:01 us this movie, Zack Snyder's Justice League. Oh, let's get to it. Yeah, so let's get right into it. We are, as I think we mentioned in the last so we have worked our way through chapters one through four. And we are now in chapter five title who is Harry Crumb? Wait. So, I handed you actually like looking on who's Harry Crumb in the HBO Max streaming library and watch that. Yeah, well the thumbnail was black and white and everybody looked really unhappy in the picture, so I assume there was just a leak.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Now I'm gonna, I promise myself I wouldn't do this anymore but I am going to jump on Dan's mispronunciation and say, wouldn't it be amazing if it was who's Harry Klum and it was about Heidi Klum's brother who pronounces it slightly differently? And spells it differently. And spells it differently, yeah. Okay, so. Now, do you think Harry Krum is related to Arkrum?
Starting point is 00:07:04 I never saw who's Harry Klum. is our crome the one looking for him? Well, as I said, that's the title of the chapter. So we'll find out. So the so we see our heroes who have now decided that they're going to use the mother box to revive the recently deceased Superman. So our heroes are doing a little bit of grave robbing. That's right. They, I'm all of this, I was trying to remember the police code for grave robbing. I think it's 138, right? So
Starting point is 00:07:34 they are digging up Superman's body. There's a little banter. There's a board like, cyborgs like, oh, you know, or like the flash is like, oh, we could do this in a nanosecond. You know that right. And cyborgs like, yeah, I know. As if like they're doing it slowly out of respect for Superman, whereas I'm like, guys, the earth is on the line. Just use your superpowers. It's not going to be less respectful. It's good point. This grave robbing grave robbing your do you do it really fast i'll get you what do you think are you uh... you uh... alice like no dance right this uh... i don't know i totally agree i told you
Starting point is 00:08:14 that it is the choice if it's the choice between uh... saving the world and respecting the memory of a man who killed thousands fighting general zod as collateral damage and then got himself killed fighting Doomsday for, I'm not sure what reason, because it seems like Lex Luthor was only out to hurt Superman and not out to do much of anything. Basically, my issue is I never really understand in these movies why I know why in the DC universe,
Starting point is 00:08:38 Superman is so respected and why when he died, it was a tragedy because he's the greatest of all heroes and he's been around for years saving the world. In the, in the Snyderverse DC, DCCU, the Detective Comics Cinematic Universe, Superman hasn't been around that long, so I don't know why he has considered the na plus ultra of humanity. Yeah. I mean, according to the previous movies, people seemed to hate him most of the time he was around too.
Starting point is 00:09:04 It's kind of like if Sully Sullenberger, burger he someday he will pass not be very sad about it but if when he did they built a huge monument for him he saved a bunch of people once and he's seems like a pretty good guy mostly they built a huge monument for him and then everybody in the world was happy ever again yeah I mean I feel like every the way that the DC universe DC cinematic universe deals with Superman is not unlike the end that the DC Universe, DC Cinematic Universe deals with Superman is not unlike the end of the Second Harry Potter film where all of a sudden the big end of the movie
Starting point is 00:09:33 is Hagrid gets his job back and all the kids are losing their fucking minds and you're like, what's the fucking big deal? I didn't think people cared that much. It's not like that was the point of the movie, but I guess it is. And it would be weird if he didn't get people cared that much. It's not like that was the point of the movie, but I guess it is. And it would be weird if he didn't get his job back and sharing.
Starting point is 00:09:50 No, but I'm sure they, I haven't seen all the movies. I'm sure most of the rest of them are about Hagrid's career development from that point on. Yeah, yeah. So yeah. I mean, the way that the way that DCU deals with Superman is the way they deal with Jesus Christ in the end of the Bible, where he is, you know, that he's the single greatest thing in the history of the world
Starting point is 00:10:08 and when he comes back, the trumpets were resound and so forth. So, I guess what I'm saying is maybe Superman should have had like two more adventures before he died. And it would have felt more justified. Just build up your resume Superman. Nope, the most important thing that Superman can do is die and then come back from the dead, spoiler. So meanwhile, Batman and Alfred are having a little heart to heart.
Starting point is 00:10:30 We get the sense that Batman, big surprise, is a little bit of a brooding dude. You know, he's got a chip on his door. Yeah, he's what's known in the community as a brood daddy. Oh, wow, he's got like an alien stuck in his belly. He loves the movie The Brood. Yeah, he loves the movie The Brood, and he's got like an alien stuck in his belly. He loves the movie the brood Yeah, he loves the movie the brood and he's also a dad I'm kind of these justice league family looks like Oliver Reed and his hand turns into an off-appausitor
Starting point is 00:10:55 And he can insert little eggs into other superhumans. Yeah, I've that's a that's a a loose reading of the brood But I'm talking about the comics. Um, okay. Oh, you're talking about the X-Men brood. I see. Yeah. So I thought we're, I thought this was a comic book podcast guys. I am missing.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Recently, it seems like it. Yeah. So our heroes all decide to do a little bit of a sneak in around and they break into the facility that has Superman's spaceship. It's kind of fun. Yeah, star lives. Because for the most part, these guys are so super powerful.
Starting point is 00:11:31 They can do basically anything they want. It's just fun to see them like sneaking around putting on costumes and like trying to see if I can see guys and stuff. Especially that cyborg is covered in glowing lights and it's like put a trench coat on. At least dress up like Donna Tello when you'd go by a pizza. Like put a fedora on the trench coat on. Try to protect it. Pretend you're not you're not a, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:50 a super crazy perk looking, you know, ultrahuman. Cyborg's on screen a little bit more in this, in this cut of the movie, obviously, because it's four hours, but he, um, it really kind of brings up that like, just a still image of it. Like when he's walking around, he seems fine, but if there's ever like a still image of it. Like when he's walking around, he seems fine. But if there's ever like a still image of him or you spend too much time actually looking at him, it looks kind
Starting point is 00:12:11 of silly. I don't know if it just needed more texture or something because he's basically just silver and glowing lights with a little bit of skin. Yeah, and it's and it's very CGI. Yeah, I mean, I hate to use that term. It's just like I feel like there could have been a little more. I don't know if it's because that's his how he looks in the comics or something, but there's just not enough. It feels, he looks very bland, I guess. I always assumed he would look more robot copy.
Starting point is 00:12:37 And it's the first time and guys, this is me, I'm going to go, this is me reversing a long held belief. I am not a big fan of when they use superhero costumes and movies and they have to add a lot of texture to it. Like in the old Spider-Man movies, how his webs were all like three-dimensional. And it was like, just make it look like the webs are printed on. But cyborg needs a little more real texture, I think. And he is a little too smooth.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Smooth in some places, jagged in others. And he's got a bad attitude. Yeah, I mean, cyborg, baby. I mean, you just feel like you had for cyborg? Yeah, like, yeah, the texture is of like an appliance out of the box rather than like something that's been which he is, he's out of a mother box. It's actually true, good job.
Starting point is 00:13:19 Now, but it is funny that they're sneaking around and cyborg's dad is like, hey, this is a false alarm, nobody evacuated, and then he sees his son and he's like, oh, I mean, everybody evacuated, like this funny about face that he does. I want it to be like, good to see you're having, you get friends? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:34 No, man, Joe Morton's great. Okay, so they break into the facility, they go into superman's ship, it's like kind of organic and kind of not. It is intensely vaginal if vaginas were made for the display and extruding of Superman costumes. Yep. It's like a whole, it's like this,
Starting point is 00:13:54 the Kryptonian ship is like a hallway of vaginas that then ends in a big pit of the goop from Ghostbusters to the idea that somewhere there's a, there's a poster for this movie that has just a pull quote that says intensely vaginal. It's really funny. You mentioned the the consistency of the goop that they stick Superman's body, and which is kind of interesting because at no point do we like we see the
Starting point is 00:14:17 body from a distance, but we never I don't think we ever see his face when he's dead. No, they they're very respectful. And we're respectful. The people were with Abraham Lincoln's body, where one picture was taken of his face on display. There's been hundreds of years let it go, Ali. It hasn't been hundreds of years, Dan. It's been 150 years.
Starting point is 00:14:34 It hasn't been hundreds of years. Oh, Mr. Science over here. The, I will say two things. One, the vaginal ship really fits into my justice league is the Kray master of superheroes, analogy from last episode. But also, they're taking very great care of a Superman's body. The photograph of his dad that he was buried with,
Starting point is 00:14:53 just dropped that in the goo. Who cares if that gets right? This is so funny, is it first time like, is this water? But no, it's basically like honey, right? Because the way that photo sinks in there, it's like, man, that's like, you could scoop that shit up with a tortilla chip. Oh, yeah, it's very viscous, very viscous.
Starting point is 00:15:09 It's amazing. So let's see, they throw the body and the honey, they realize they're not gonna get enough power. Honey dip soups. They realize they're not gonna get enough juice from the ship, you know, it's been to beat up. So, flashes like, well, I'm fast, but I can also, if I move super fast, I, and I approach the speed of light, I actually generate a lot of juice, so maybe I'll do that. And everybody's like, oh, that's a bad idea. Batman's immediately into it.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Batman is like super dedicated. I guess that that's his character, right? But like, I feel like he would think about it a little bit. I mean, he definitely seems like I'll sacrifice as many flashes as I need to. Yeah. Batman is so there's a certain like Batman is he's the Batman we know he's brooding he's a planner more than a everybody's also a fighter but he's also there's a little touch of Kramer and him which is kind of like oh yeah, let's do the okay Get it Run it up flash
Starting point is 00:16:08 So they have this like plan where flash is gonna run super fast and Meanwhile Cyborg is tied in with the ship and like at the last moment cyborg has a vision of The future or possible futures where we see dark side finally using his fucking Omega beams like a boss and a couple other things like evil Superman probably. And Flash runs super fast and he touches the mother box at the perfect moment, right? Is it touching that fucking honey? Cyborg literally says like no and Flash goes go okay.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Yeah, I like that. He's like, what does this Scooby-Doo? Like, come on man. I do think there is something about like the obsession with the Flash and Superman being able to go so fast that they turn time backwards, that it feels like somebody just heard like snippets, like they just overheard somebody talking about shit
Starting point is 00:17:04 the Flash can do and they're like Oh, that's sick. We got to put that in the movie. Which like he's super fast. Just wouldn't be fast. He doesn't have to turn time. My theory is that my theory is that Zack Snyder was listening to a lot of share and he said, yeah, what if we could turn back time? Yeah, wait a minute. Which song was he listening to you though? I think it turned back time. Oh It wasn't it wasn't life after love or or gypsy strams and thieves Go on you have more It was half breed one of hers. I think it was right. Yeah, and also and
Starting point is 00:17:38 The you know the one her big duet with with Sunny. What was it? Yeah? I got you babe.. I got you, babe. That's what was on these. Wow. We are, we are showing our lack of share catalog knowledge tonight, guys. We are sharing. We are.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Oh, Okay. And saved it. Okay. So sharing it pro bono. So he, uh, flash hits that box. The box flips out. Flash gets knocked out and then all of a sudden, big explosion
Starting point is 00:18:05 time baby, mother box says, flipping out lands on a car. And he's like, let me just say, what you want to interrupt me? Yes, sorry, I just want to say, that is a perfect name for scob and big explosion time baby. Okay, continue. We're the interruption. Yeah, I think so. Or, yeah, or it is a poorly translated like subtitle to a porn movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:28 Big explosion time, baby. When you see the hand made posters in like the college quad, it uses an image of babies and Claire. So, we're gonna get it back around. Yep. So, of course, Superman's flying around. He like lands, he looks at the memorial, he is not wearing a shirt on and man, he looks amazing.
Starting point is 00:18:52 Like I am all about this, wish he had a mustache though. So he's like, what am I? I have some bad news for you. Actually millions of dollars of computer technology was used to erase a mustache off of his face. That seems crazy, because he would look amazing with a mustache. What would it be? Like, he made a musician impossible movie.
Starting point is 00:19:11 I mean, that was one of those things. And I think I've told the story before how I heard the story about how they used computers to erase that mustache. And I was like, that's ridiculous. He couldn't just shave the mustache. And then I saw a mission impossible. And I was like, they made the right choice. That mustache is amazing.
Starting point is 00:19:23 It makes the character. Like, his face is so, and his face and his personality feel so different with that mustache on, and I like him so much, not that I don't like him when he doesn't know mustache, but I like him so much more with that mustache. No, he's great. Well, I mean, it helps admission possible fallout
Starting point is 00:19:38 in such a good movie. Oh, it's a better movie, it's right here. It is, is okay. I mean, it's, you know, it does what it does passively well. But, but also like, yeah, with Henry Cavill, like, are we sure that this version of it has any digitally erased mustache, or was that all for restutes for the Weedon version? That's what I was wondering. I mean, these, I don't, I mean, I haven't compared it shot for shot, but this scene is in the Weedon
Starting point is 00:20:03 version. So I don't know, I think they are, I think there is, they took out Weedon's shot footage, but I don't know if they, like, reshot, if those reshot particular shots were removed. So I don't know. So I don't know, right in, right to Twitter at Danc McCoy and tell him about it. Right to Dan, doesn't really care that much.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Carro Stewart Wellington. Oh, wow oh wow okay i guess i'll just start stacking them up hitchell ansbar look it up so uh... okay at this point superman he's flipping out uh... by flipping out i mean he's just walking around looking at stuff uh... the just league is like oh hey superman let's have a conversation he's not up for that wonder woman keeps calling him calil which is really annoying it's like the guy who that she is like
Starting point is 00:20:50 i knew him it during study abroad so i know his is it the hit the nickname that is family calls him uh... hey calil like i'm closer to him than you guys it's very annoying uh... so of course they have a fight at this point uh... cyborg's defense system is like oh no i, I detect a threat. I can't stop myself. And it's like, yeah, I've said that before, dude. He goes all iron giant. Oh, super man. And, uh, yeah, so they fight Superman. And it's, like, it feels very, it feels even more silly in this cut. I don't know why. Like, it feels very tacked on.'s unfortunate because like you know, that's what we all Kind of want in the superhero stories, right for the heroes to like fight each other sometimes
Starting point is 00:21:33 I mean that's the whole selling point of Captain America Civil War I mean, it's what I wanted before the last 10 years of Marvel in will crossovers. Oh No, but it is it does feel like for that pretty pro-form. And also, yeah, like cyborg, maybe your dad should allow you to manually override your defense systems. That's a good, maybe for the version 2.0 upgrade.
Starting point is 00:22:01 It feels like the only safeguard he has is that his body will sometimes just shoot missiles at the things. You mean that you don't like Cyborgs philosophy of, I'm in a car, it's out of control. I'm heading towards a school. Gotta take my hands off the wheel and just see how this plays out.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Nothing I can do about it. I wonder if like Cybor is doing the same thing that I'm doing with my phone, where I just keep punching like later for the updates and this would have been fixed. Yeah, that's very possible. Yeah, I'm just not plugging in at night so it can't update. Yeah, and he gets the message next morning. He's like, oh, I should have just plugged it in.
Starting point is 00:22:35 And so and so her man shows that he is better than all of the team in every regard. Like he's faster than the fly ash. He's stronger than Aquaman. He blasts more eye lasers than Bruce Wayne. I mean, that's any, yeah. I mean, I'm gonna have, I probably blast more eye lasers than Bruce Wayne. Okay, don't know what that means. I mean, well, he's a thankful character, so.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Okay, good point, fair point. Yeah. Take that guy who doesn't really exist. Yeah. But it's still more famous than you anyway. I think I'm too thoughts about this. What one is that yeah, this this scene feels really tacked on and I think they don't really have a reason for it and Superman has been built up to be such a Messianic noble figure that really rings false and they're trying to create this
Starting point is 00:23:23 This possibility that he has a heel turn where he helps dark side and that aspect of it just never feels organic. The other thing I'm gonna say is the moment when Flash is running towards him at super speed and Superman turns to look at him because he's fast in the flash is a really great moment. It's one of the it's that's a moment where it's that was one of the few moments in the whole four-hour movie where I was even having Remember every scene in the original cut being there's one of the few moments where I was like oh shit Yeah, like he's not supposed to be able to do that but he can yeah, no, it's it's cool
Starting point is 00:23:55 Yeah, I mean it definitely I've probably expounded at length on the show about how I'm not a huge fan of the Superman is evil now the show about how I'm not a huge fan of the Superman is evil now take that seems so popular in various versions of this of this character stories. And this feels even weirder and it seems like they're setting up a bigger heel turn for Superman, but I don't care about that because I probably will never have to watch a movie that has will never get made. So luckily Superman's C and Red until Lewis Lane shows up and is like, cut that shit out, dude. And so they just bounce. They fly out of there, uh, leaving Batman with two fewer arm bracers that
Starting point is 00:24:39 suck up, uh, Superman eye lasers. I know those are really powerful. But like, I like, this is the point. This is the, I have to admit something, guys. Like, as much as I don't necessarily find this movie emotionally involving at all, there's still something primal, like seeing Superman shooting his eyes,
Starting point is 00:25:00 his heat vision at Batman. Like, just like the fact that those characters themselves carry so much history that I'm just like still sitting there like clutching Audrey's leg next to me. Audrey totally bored by all of it, but me being like, oh no, he's a human being. You can't do that Superman, you can't take that. Like it was very, like it's very worried for a moment.
Starting point is 00:25:25 Yeah, and considering how brutal all the use of superpowers seems to be in this movie, like anytime anybody uses any kind of power, it shatters the world around them. And I feel like leading up to this point, they keep, I mean, they talk about Superman as a messianic figure, but they also talk about him as a figure of like fear,
Starting point is 00:25:47 like they keep talking about how the mother boxes are afraid of him and like, and at this point, they've like built him up as this like, oh, maybe he's evil, that's terrifying. And I don't know, I'm not into it. No, I think part of the issue is that, and here's where I'm gonna get into a larger problem with the movie Which I should probably save till later, but who knows which is that Superman to us having grown up with Superman in tons of different types of media
Starting point is 00:26:13 Whether we saw him in compokes or movies or cartoons or that the roller coaster at six flights create adventure or whatever like he represents kind of like ultimate moral goodness and nobility. Like, and the idea of him turning evil is supposed to be, it should be scary because even the most noble man in the world might turn evil. But in Zack Snyder's Justice League, he doesn't seem to represent nobility so much as he represents force, overwhelming God-like force that can be used for justice, hopefully, but might be used for evil and he's just power He's just strength and so to see him Beating up on Batman or to to think that he might go bad or something
Starting point is 00:26:52 He doesn't he doesn't really represent anything. He doesn't stand for anything into a larger extent One of the issues that I would have with this with this movie that The writer jeet here talked about on Twitter was that it borrows a lot from Jack Kirby's fourth world saga, which is this epically metaphorical saga about young versus old and closed-mindedness and repressiveness versus open-mindedness and kind of personal and social liberation. And he's using these larger-than-life cosmic superhero characters to have basically a philosophical metaphorical discussion, you know, and it's also really goofy and there's like a team of space hippies,
Starting point is 00:27:30 you know. But this movie, the characters don't represent anything, they don't mean anything, they're just about, they're just action figures that can punch real hard. So when Superman, like, spoiler, he helps the heroes at the end. When he shows up, he doesn't say anything about goodness, he doesn't represent anything, he just punches the shit out of the end when he shows up. He doesn't say anything about goodness. He doesn't represent anything He just punches the shit out of the bad guy over and over again All he represents is the strongest fist on the block And like that is a that was more chilling to me than anything in the movie was the idea that like this guy who is supposed to be like Friend of all children always does the right thing is just oh, it's a good thing
Starting point is 00:28:03 He's on our side because he because he can destroy anything in the world. Yeah, when he shows up in a jet black costume and just blast this shit out of the bad guy and you're like, dude, stop it. Calm down, you just like ripped his fucking ear off. Well, then, and then that the heroes, I mean, Swiller, they straight up kill him. And it's like, crazy.
Starting point is 00:28:21 I mean, he's a bat. He says, bad as dudes get, it's war, I understand. They're just, they're just really happy about it in a way I don't like. You know, if you're just kidding at the president, you're sending Steppenwolf after him. Speaking of which, Steppenwolf shows up. He heard the fucking call of the mother rocks
Starting point is 00:28:33 and he's like, boom town baby, I'm taking this boom tube right to Gotham City, I think. So he shows up, you rock it up this boom tube. Yeah, he shows up and he's like, what the fuck, where's that box Joe Morton's already stolen it he's taking it back into the lab so step and we'll just jumps into the lab and Joe Morton locks himself into a room and just like in just like in the classic beatle do song jump in the lab get the mother box guy okay
Starting point is 00:29:00 step them we'll now written in performed by Beelgees. Uh, the, so uh, step and wolf shows up and he's trying to get it and then Joe Morton uses a laser beam, blasts at the box and you're like, what the fuck are you doing? Dude, are you trying to kill it? Nope. He kills himself and you're like, that's a big whiff. Turns out he had a plan because step and wolf takes that box away after blasting cyborg. Cyborg's like, oh no, my dad's dead, which makes sense, cause that's his dad. He's not completely a robot yet,
Starting point is 00:29:28 but then they realize his dad had a plan, and he blasted that box so that it'll get super hot, and it'll show up on thermal imaging, they can track that box, baby. Yeah. That's the kind of plan that is only decipherable if you have read the script. Yeah, that's kind of what I was.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Yeah, we probably made this point in the earlier justice league theatrical cut show that we did. I don't know, I haven't listened to it. But there's no reason. Joe Morton has a remote control. He doesn't have to be in the death room with the box shooting laser set. And he's got so much to live for.
Starting point is 00:30:04 He's a powerful guy with a great career. His son is there with him. He's got a great stake franchise. I mean, as far as stake franchises go, it's kind of the top. It's yeah, if I was going to go to a chain stake house. Yeah, Morton's probably my favorite, right? And if I can't get a Morton,
Starting point is 00:30:20 I guess I'll go to a Ruth's Chris, but I'm going to look for a Morton. So I want to see the little show they put on where they show you what broccoli looks what broccoli I know Dan is here saying shoelaces the best and I get it because Dan was named after Dan Marino they wanted to name him after Don Shoelah that there was a typo on the Bruce certificate. No nothing about the steak houses. I just really. No I don't but this I just wanted to say this is one of those times where it's like a movie thing That happens just because it's like well, you know some character needs to die to motivate one of our heroes at this point in the script
Starting point is 00:30:53 So he'll make it dumb choice can't lose low is lame because she's too busy flying off a Superman to Kansas Where they check out the house that the bank is taking all man man, that big stupid bank that took away the Kent house. And that's where we went. Are we there, Sidestewer? Oh wow. Well, we'll get to that later. Okay. Leave you on that, do your seat, because you know what?
Starting point is 00:31:17 That is the end of this chapter, chapter five, who is Harry Krum. Hey, it's John Moe. And look, these are challenging times for our mental and emotional health. I get it. That's why I'm so excited for my new podcast, Depresh Mode. We're tackling depression, anxiety, trauma, stress, the kinds of things that are just super common, but don't get talked about nearly enough.
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Starting point is 00:35:43 It is a podcast. It is a new podcast hosted by my wife, Charlene Wellington, the owner of a couple of bars. And it is a podcast about bar people talking bar stuff. I have been a guest a couple times, which those are the worst episodes. But the, it's a great show. And it gives, if you're interested at all in the life of bar owners and bar tending and service industry in general, especially in a time like this where it's such a state of flux, check it out. I know the owner wherever you find podcasts. And is that the last plug?
Starting point is 00:36:24 They speak in comics, maniac in New York on Shelf's Now from after shot comics. Check it out. That's the last one. So back to the back to the story. Okay. So we are into chapter six, the big box bash them up. That's right. So the team only call it because the because the climax takes place in a home depot.
Starting point is 00:36:44 That's true. Yeah, so the At this point the team is talking about their plan for how they're gonna stop Step and Wolf they seem to the the and it's it's fine. They come up with a plan and everything But it is a little weird that I've what a woman seems very aware of exactly what the Mother Box is capable of they're talking about how they want to have cyborg trying to disrupt the unity of the three Mother Boxes and she's like No, that thing destroys worlds. It'll know all your deepest fears, dude And you're like what for real? It's just I think you're forgetting Stuart. She saw a mural. That's true
Starting point is 00:37:23 I've seen some very detailed. I've seen some murals by Gustav Klimt and I feel like they get me in ways that I never knew myself. But you're right, there's a lot of, at this point, now into the movie where the section of the movie where they've got to barrel towards the climax and they do not have time to learn things. So they start just spontaneously generating information that they need to get to the next step of the story. Yeah, like Bruce Wayne talks about how he had a vision of the future where the flash told him that Lois Lane is the key. It's very vague. It doesn't matter for the rest of the movie. I'm sure
Starting point is 00:37:55 it's all set up for a future movie. It feels very dumb. I don't know about you guys. Well, and he's referring to a scene from a previous movie, which at the time didn't make sense and is still not necessary as of this movie. So the... And Bruce Wayne, oh I wanna say, I wanna point out, Bruce Wayne has a really funny line. He says they're like, they're like, Stephen Wolf and Dark Side.
Starting point is 00:38:17 They conquered worlds, thousands worlds. And that one goes, he's never fought us, not us united. And it was like, yeah, he did, dude, in like part three. Remember any beat you? Do you don't remember that? That was in your time that was last night. never fought us, not us united. And it was like, yeah, he did, dude, in like part three. Remember, and he beat you. Do you don't remember that? That was in your time that was last night. Like, come on, dude.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Mm-hmm. Yeah, that was like, like, 12 hours ago. You have that dope spider tank and you just fucking wrecked it. Yeah, and I can only assume that all that heat vision from Superman has given him some short-term memory loss. And he's just like, he's like, this step in wolf, he's never seen us, he does no or fighting styles. He definitely hasn't seen my Nightcrawler tank.
Starting point is 00:38:50 And they're like, no, no, all that happened. Yeah, don't, don't let Bruce look at the Nightcrawler bin. He's going to be buried disappointed. Bruce is like, you know what we should do, bring Superman back. Why didn't we think of that earlier? That would go great. They're like, Bruce, why don't you sit should do, bring Superman back. Why didn't we think of that earlier? That would go great. They're like, Bruce, why don't you sit down here,
Starting point is 00:39:06 have some lemonade. Meanwhile, in his energy testicle fortress, Steppenwolf is sinking the mother boxes. And one of the things I like about this scene is that Steppenwolf is a lot like me when I'm trying to get my fucking phone to sink with the blue tooth player in my car. He's like, come on, sink. Like he's so fucking frustrated.
Starting point is 00:39:29 It's awesome. You know if he could he just keep clicking the button over and over again. Yeah. Part of me is wondering if that was just some kind of like outtake from Kirin Hines, like trying to record his audio through his fucking microphone and was it working. So, uh, now let's just get some wild lines of you getting the mutt-wanting and mother-brother's to sink. What should I say? Something technical? No, whatever.
Starting point is 00:39:51 Just say whatever it comes to your mind. Sink. Come on. Yeah. Yeah, I want more money. That's just too much. It's time is money. So Superman sees his mom and she's like, for real,
Starting point is 00:40:03 and he's like, for real. And then he's like, I'm going to go help everybody. I'm going to get the battle again. You're like, no shit, you're Superman. That's where all you do is. I see Martha Kent in this movie. I'm like, is she the Martian man? Man, Hunter?
Starting point is 00:40:15 Man, Hunter? It is established. One of these times she was the Martian man, Hunter. It could be. You never know. See, because I have the same thing. I'm like, shouldn't she be putting on a show in the streets of fire universe right now?
Starting point is 00:40:29 Like why isn't she singing nowhere fast? Yeah, that's right. Why isn't she under the Tuscan sun right now? Wait, was Martian man hunter and under a Tuscan sun? I don't know. I don't know which of her roles were Martian man hunter. Was Martian man her one of the fabulous stains. I don't know I can't tell Watch them all okay So Superman's like he's made of his mind. He's gonna do a battle so he got to imagine in history of violence when when Vigil Mortensen's like
Starting point is 00:40:59 Yeah, I'm secretly a assassin, but like you're the Martian man hunter. So maybe let's not throw stones, okay? Let's not talk about keeping secrets in a marriage, but like you're the margin manhunter, so maybe let's not throw stones, okay? Let's not talk about keeping secrets in a marriage, okay? That's a different wait a minute Wait, was she in the history of violence or was that Maria Bella? I thought that was Dianne's and Maria I know because she wears a hat because she's the hat to take I forgot she wears a hat because she's the hat to take. It's right, I forgot. She was, I forgot she, without her hat, I didn't recognize it.
Starting point is 00:41:28 Yeah, it was a... We're sure said we have to go through all, we've got a lot of movies, we've got to go through. I was now imagining someone who saw Justice League doesn't understand how movie works and they're like, oh my god, from hell, oh, we have to go back through all of Diane Lanceance films and see,
Starting point is 00:41:46 look for clues. We gotta find the Easter eggs that prove that she was really John Jones, the Martian man hunter, who has the single funniest line in the movie, which we'll get to at the end, I think, but. Yeah, it's great. So Superman decides to fly back to his ship and he passes those Superman costume for John
Starting point is 00:42:04 is that LA.A. talked about. And then he sets his eyes on something special. That's right. And all black Superman costume because that's what this movie needed is less color. So he goes flying off and you're like, okay, I guess he'll show up at some point. Okay. So Batman decides to Batman takes the team. They fly to to Chernobyl they see the energy testicle The ship that he'd been building finally works thanks to cyborg fixing it up like that's not a big surprise Batman has a plan he drops off the team and then he flies the little ship over he blasts the testicle a bunch of times with missiles because again Batman never uses guns. He blasts open the thing, he knocks out an energy
Starting point is 00:42:46 tower that is creating the energy force field and then he crashes his plane and then a bunch of paradigms go after him and he's like, don't worry about me, I'm a baby boomer, I could do it all myself. No, here's, I want you to explain Batman's plan to me because he's like, we have the plan. Follow the plan and don't worry about me. And the plan seems to be that they protect him as he does all this stuff and to keep parody even soft like I don't understand how the plan is a plan his plan was like I do it all myself I'm a tough guy I don't care anymore but then as soon as she gets re-election so as the plan like with plans like you guys stay here and watch me do this shit make sure to get it on the GoPro so we can
Starting point is 00:43:25 Upload it later to Tik Tok. I'm gonna go beat this guy single hand it picture me stun So while he's while he's fighting parody evens he's like smash that subscribe button smash that like button Shabbat has part here right? Hashtag Batman do it all so Batman breaks into the testicle But what once they're in there like what we got is basically a back to the future scenario right where like Cyborg is holding Where Batman's Batman's mom really wants to sleep with him because she doesn't know that it's like the flatman's gonna go up to be a son The flash has to race by and charge up cyborg so we can shoot into
Starting point is 00:44:04 Yeah, that seems to be there The flash has to race by and charge up cyborg so we can shoot into a lot more. Yeah, that seems to be the, that's like the fucking fastball special of this team right? Yeah. They just like they keep doing this shit over and over and again. So they have a, there's a, so it's really, this movie is really in a big way. Much more in the original and this is the flash and cyborg's movie. Yeah. Like it's, I feel like part of Josweedon's missionist statement was like we got a D flash
Starting point is 00:44:24 and D cyborg this movie, because they get so much more to do here, and it's so much more their story. But I don't remember them that much from the original version of it. And also, I mean, let's be honest, like they are given the most character to play too. So it's weird to me that they were like,
Starting point is 00:44:39 so cut down in the shorter version, because they're the only ones who have anything that approaches a personality. Yeah. Yeah. Everybody else feels like kind of established characters that you're supposed to already give a shit about and the two of them, you actually,
Starting point is 00:44:56 they feel like they have arcs. So there's this action sequence where they're running through, I'm hoping in a band in town because they blow the fucking shit off. It was established in earlier on. It is a man that it's the radiation levels are so high. No one can survive. They have a set super here. Although Steppenwolf took all the radiation when he built his cool ass energy testicles.
Starting point is 00:45:17 So maybe Steppenwolf's not the bad guy. He's de-eradiating towns. This is like at the end of Godzilla King of the Monsters. And it was revealed that to solve climate change we just needed to set a big bunch of kaiju around to smash buildings and that would make everything better. I don't know how come to rely on with LA doing PR for Stepin Wolf right now, but we'll talk about that after the episode.
Starting point is 00:45:35 I'm just saying there's two sides of the story and it has nothing at all to do with the payments I recently received from Step and Wolf. It's a law firm in no way affiliated with Step and Wolf, the cosmic supervillain. I'm just saying, hey guys, have you thought maybe this whole Step and Wolf hoax is just the deep state, trying to get at someone who's really trying to get to the bottom of the questions of our time,
Starting point is 00:45:58 questions like, what happened to Baby Dinosaur? Is he still around? Or did he go extinct with all the other ones? I'm just saying maybe Step and wolf got a little too, and I know I said step and full. Maybe step and wolf, or also this might step and full. That's, yeah, that's the laser wolf. Step and wolf, too close.
Starting point is 00:46:14 Maybe step and wolf descended from laser wolf, the butcher, from Fiddler and the Roof, whose name now they think about it, is more of a super villain name than step and wolf's name. Cause if he was called laser wolf, you'd be like, yeah, definitely, he works for dark side choice or wolf who shoots lasers side of his eyes but anyway I'm just saying stephenwolf shall we I got I admit yeah as much as I did love Fiddler on the roof when you showed it to me Ellie and I I love I thought it was fantastic I was a little disappointed when the character laser wolf showed up and he was just a guy. Yeah, it is disappointing.
Starting point is 00:46:46 It's disappointing. I can only hit up to the fact that in Yiddish, laser and wolf are different words than in English. That makes sense. Yeah, you're so interesting. I assume when Sholam Alechum was writing the original Tevye the Dairyman stories, he didn't think, yeah, I'm gonna give this character a bad ass
Starting point is 00:47:01 superhero name. And then I'm gonna reveal that he's just a butcher. He's just a middle-aged butcher who's lonely and would like to marry Tevye's daughter. Now, the people who... Doesn't work out. ...was it Harmon and Bach? I'm trying to remember who wrote the stage show, Fiddler and the Roof, they should know better.
Starting point is 00:47:18 They knew English. They should know that Laser Wolf is writing checks that they couldn't catch. Let's just call him Joseph. You don't do imagine these, these, these, it's 1968. These audiences of like synagogue groups are being bust into Manhattan to go see Fiddler on the roof. And they hear the name laser wolf and all the men in the audience go, oh, interesting.
Starting point is 00:47:37 Okay. Let's check the play bill to see who's playing this. Is it Hugh Jackman? I love him. Is it Jason? To be honest, the,, I can't I can't imagine a world where Jack Kirby, who was of course Jewish, went to see Fiddler on the roof and heard there's a cabinet laser wolf and had already in his mind had built up a 40 book epic about this guy who is he's a werewolf but he also can turn into a laser
Starting point is 00:48:03 because of something that happened on the light of a full moon, and then the character shows up, and he's like, well, hold on, my version of, my version of laser wolf would be so much better. At least my characters will be so clearly defined that they could never be misinterpreted in this way.
Starting point is 00:48:18 And then Stanley was behind him taking notes about the character, the Jack Kirby was coming up with. And then, and then wrote at the bottom. Laser Wolf copyright stay at the bottom of the bottom. There was a Twitter at the time, the like sketches that Jack Kirby would have posted immediately after seeing the show would be amazing. Yeah, would be amazing. Or or or here's the other thing that might have happened is that Jack Kirby was brought in as a script doctor when they were out of town tryouts,
Starting point is 00:48:45 the filler on the roof and he's like, there's just one problem, that butcher. He shouldn't be named Yaka but anymore. What do we name him, laser wolf? Okay, it seems inappropriate for the character. He doesn't have lasers, he's not a wolf. Well, let's see how the name works and then we can go from there.
Starting point is 00:49:00 And the name is such a hit with audiences. They would say, Yento walks in, she goes, I have a match for your eldest Cytle. Who is it? Who lays her wolf? And audiences were just standing ovation and lost their shit. They didn't even know the rest of the show. He goes, Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, it's when it's like when I heard about that comic that was written by little kid and drawn by his like uncle or something that comic axe cop I'm like yeah, not nearly like sorry kid
Starting point is 00:49:29 Sorry low kid, but laser will be shit of the punch, dude So the team runs around the streets Batman again Traditionally doesn't use guns goes ape shit with all kinds of guns. He uses the guns on his tank, and then after he's done using that shit, he takes alien guns and starts blasting him with their own shit. It's fucking nuts. He likes to point at you like that. He shoots him on the head and shit.
Starting point is 00:49:56 He's probably like, thank God, I've been mean to shoot dudes, couldn't do it because they're humans, but since you guys are parigms, I can go crazy. Yeah, it just because you walk on two legs and have faces doesn't mean you're not just animals. I can blast to pieces with these lasers. And the paradigms, they don't put up the best showing. You've got to imagine that at some point in the history of the many thousands of years that Darksight has been conquering worlds, someone has gotten a hold of one of these laser guns on another planet and done some damage to the Parademons. The Parademons are the most canonist of fodder.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So we have a battle, like everybody gets a chance to do some fun, cool stuff, whatever. But it all boils down to the majority. I think it was around the point that Aquaman impaled two Parademms with his trident. And there was green blood everywhere that I was like,
Starting point is 00:50:47 I think I do want my daddy's DC heroes. Yeah, yeah. You're like, is there a different cut of this? Is there a cut of it where the heroes take less glee and slaughter? Is there a cut of this that's just the iron giant? So it boils down to Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Cyborg in that reactor while the the mother boxes are syncing up. As you can see, there's a little status bar above them and it's almost full. And Steppenwolf shows up and we have a battle,
Starting point is 00:51:21 Steppenwolf is super tough. They keep trying to get them away from the box. It's not a terrible action sequence. I kind of like the idea that they keep just trying to like lead this tough guy away from the box. So cyborg and I guess meld with it or whatever. It's a good setup. In my notes, I did write pretty dull. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:39 Okay, cool. It's a, I think after you've seen one fight in a dark warehouse of these guys punching each other to see another one, it's like, I think after you've seen one fight in a dark warehouse of these guys punching each other to see another one, it's like at least make it look a little different. Oh, of course. Yeah. And Cyborg's plan seems to be like, yeah, jump into the unity, question mark, question mark, question mark, save world.
Starting point is 00:51:59 Yeah. So meanwhile, I know computers, I'm like Donatello, I know machines, I can stop the unity. And meanwhile, flashes running circles around this thing. He's just waiting for the go ahead. So he can touch cyborg on the shoulder and they can activate, they can de-unity it or push him into the unit. He's gonna give him some kind of super shove. Yeah. Allow him to enter the unity and become a being of pure information, I suppose. He has to have, one or woman needs to, like, you know, be on all fours, like,
Starting point is 00:52:28 like, like, to trip cyborg behind him. He'll shove him into the unity. And it's gotta be a surprise, or else it doesn't work. That's the unity rules. Yeah. And things are looking at their worst, the unity's happening. Flash gets blasted by an alien cannon.
Starting point is 00:52:47 And a steppin' wolf is ascendant at this point. And then of course, that's when Superman shows up. He takes a steppin' wolf ax to the check. The chest, he's like, mmm, unimpressive. I don't care. And then he proceeds to beat the shit out of steppin' wolf. He starts blasting his armor off with his laser beams. It's kind of fucked up.
Starting point is 00:53:07 I'm like, whoa, chill out, dude, it's cool. It feels like every movie about how bad revenge is, where you're like, yeah, I can't wait to see this guy get revenge. And then they torture the bad guy and you're like, this is not, oh, this is an anti-revenge movie. This, I feel bad now. Immediately, immediately, Audrey's like,
Starting point is 00:53:25 I kind of feel bad for sure. I'm like, yeah, superman is being wailing on. And then he like, lasers off one of his horns and I'm like, that's part of his body, dude, he's bleeding. I'm at the end of this part of his helmet. You think it was part of his head? Yeah, there's blood all over the place. Yeah, I like that.
Starting point is 00:53:43 I didn't notice the blood. Yeah, it's crazy. I'm gonna shield my eyes. Yeah, there's blood all over the place. Yeah, I like it. Why didn't you notice the blood? Yeah, it's crazy. It's shielding my eyes. Yeah, LA had a close eyes because it was too scary. Yeah, I think the part where Superman picked up the last photo that Stephanie Wolf owned of his mother and then burned it with his laser vision was a bit much. Stephanie Wolf's like, Martha!
Starting point is 00:54:02 He's just calling up girl Stephanie Wolf had crushes on in high school and telling them what a loser step and wolf is. You can't savage, right? It's crazy. So Flash realizes, oh no. Despite beating the trash out of step and wolf, it's not enough. The unity's happened.
Starting point is 00:54:19 The portal's opening. There's only one thing you can do. That's right. Run fast enough to rewind time a little bit, so you can fix it. Again, not into this, and it's like a weird like Prague metal album cover of the Flash Running Super Fast hit, cyborg, and cyborg goes into the unity. You're so bored by this, and I have to admit, like, this is the one time where I felt like there are any like stakes in any of the the fighting scene because like it You know like usually I'm not into like the whole like the one thing
Starting point is 00:54:52 I've always tried to avoid doing is the one thing I must do it but like it did have a nice feeling of at least like this part of it Had some sort of import especially because like the flash has just been like severely injured and he's pushing himself so hard. I can't. And you've seen the mother box scour the earth of living beings. Yeah, I can't allow that. I guess there's the road recostitutes in front of his feet. Now just to provide a competing opinion to Dan's,
Starting point is 00:55:20 a Dan I know knows all about stakes and not just because he's such a devotee of Don Chula and his eponymous stake chain. Which again, is a pretty good stake chain. I call it maybe a solid three after, of course, Morton's and Ruth's chris. I'm sure there's others I'm forgetting that maybe you're better than Don Shula's. But if you're going to put tads on there, that's like number 70, you know, the right and real stakes are sandwiches. Anyway, so I took a, I took a break between the first half and the second half of this movie and watched another movie in between because I needed something else. And this is going to be a stealth recommendation because we're not doing recommendations
Starting point is 00:55:54 this episode. But I watched the movie Straight Time with Dustin Hoffman. It's a movie from the 70s where he's a guy who gets out of jail, tries to go straight, cannot do it, and falls back into crime again. And there is a scene in that movie where he and her 18th Stanton are robbing a jewelry store that Dustin Hoffman has previously brought his girlfriend to. He showed her a watch that was too expensive for him to buy. But one of his motives in robbing this jewelry store is he wants to get that watch for her. And he's plotted it all out with her 18th Stanton. They have a minute and
Starting point is 00:56:20 a half, after the alarm goes off, to get to the getaway car and leave before the cops get there. And he's a dust and often is smashing all the jewelry cases and he's looking for that watch and he cannot find it and he's screaming at the people who work the store. Where's that watch? There was a watch here. Where's that watch? And Harry didn't say it and who doesn't know that doesn't often wants this watch. Where his girlfriend is yelling, gotta go man, gotta get out of here, gotta get out of
Starting point is 00:56:41 here man, we gotta leave. And dust and a half and is losing it. Like smashing this stuff and just digging through the glass in the cases, trying to find this watch. Well, Harry Dean's name is just going, gotta go, gotta get out of here man and I was so in such suspense. Like the stakes in that moment were so high for me and I was so, I was like cringing because I knew they had, I was like, get the hell out of there, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:57:01 And then I watched the second half and I was like, oh, Flash has got to run fast enough to go back and save all life on earth. Ho hum. Like, so it was like, there are stakes in this moment that they're still such. If only Harry and Senn could run that fast. I mean, I mean, if only, when compared to another film, yes, you're correct.
Starting point is 00:57:20 I am grading on a curve that exists within the film just to see. No, and that's fair. And that's fair. But it pointed up to me seeing those two things back to back just kind of like how little humanity there was in this. It is on that big cosmic metaphorical level, but I don't know what it's saying. And so there's big stakes, but it just couldn't match the stakes of like, doesn't often
Starting point is 00:57:41 looking for a watch that he couldn't find while Harry Deans or Harry didn't stand in yells at him, you know. Yeah. So of course he touches cyborg. Cyborg goes into the box. Cyborg sees himself and his parents who are both dead. And they're like, hey, we did it. We can stay here forever.
Starting point is 00:57:58 And he's like, not so fast, guys. You're the three mother boxes trying to trick me. So he sticks his little hands at him and they turn into boxes like demons for a little bit than they turn into boxes. And then cut to the real world, Superman's helping him pull those boxes apart. Just we see through a portal dark side, it's not happy. He's like bumming out, he's hanging out with Dessad
Starting point is 00:58:19 and I'm assuming Granny goodness, I can't really tell. They don't name him. It looked like it was probably Granny goodness. Yeah. So they managed to separate the boxes and then they beat the shit out of stepping a little some more. Aquaman like spears him through the back and blood flies everywhere. And then they like chuck him through the portal and wonder what it makes a
Starting point is 00:58:38 point to like do a dope flip maneuver and chop his head off while he's flying. And she chops it off so fast that both the body and the head fly through the portal at the same time. To land at dark side's feet, yeah, as if just to say like, hey, we're worse than you. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, they send a message and dark side like,
Starting point is 00:59:01 like does a proper trap with his foot like, wow, has he been, does he play soccer in his free time? And he like, smushies plays a lot of, he does play a lot of soccer in his free time with the, smushies the head a little bit. And you're like, whoa dude, I know like, you're kind of an asshole. I mean, that's his character, right?
Starting point is 00:59:20 But like, you know this dude, don't step on his face. And this is, he thinks that a dark side from the other team is going to come in and try and pick it away. I get it. So, as the everyone knows in soccer, if you squish the ball, you automatically win the game. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:37 So, here's, this is me giving some script notes on a movie that is already finished and also re-edited once. What is it? So, it's been released twice. If you're gonna go back and do another cut of it, I still don't know why they chose Steppenwolf as the bad guy, rather than Callabac, because the movie is building up this theme of fathers and sons.
Starting point is 00:59:56 You have cyborg and his dad, flash and his dad, you have Superman and his memory of his dad, you have Bruce Wayne who never had a dad, but Alfred kind of functions as a father for him. Wonder Woman, she's a lady, she's dealing with her mom. That's how this movie works. And you also, and you deal with your dad if you're a woman you feel, deal with your mom.
Starting point is 01:00:12 And there's also a Lois Lane scene where she is missing a dead Superman and she very clearly opens up a nightstand drawer and there's a pregnancy test there. Yes, so it's like they're dealing with this thing of parentage. He clearly opens up a nightstand drawer and there's a pregnancy test there. Yes. So it's like they're dealing with this thing of parentage. So why not have the bad guy be calabac, Darksides actual son who is always mad because he lives in the shadow of Orion, the secret son that Darksides really likes more even though he's
Starting point is 01:00:39 dedicated to overslept Darksides. Maybe they're saving them for the new gods movie? I don't know, but it was like this is, this is NFTs on the table that you're leaving here. Zack Snyder's Justice League should have made it Calaback. And then it's like how brutal is he to squish his own son's head? Because he's disappointed in his son. That makes Dark Side even better mother.
Starting point is 01:00:57 But the worst mother of all? Probably it's Superman's mom who disappears from the movie and doesn't seem to want to spend time with her, revive from the dead son anymore John John Marshman That's fair that's fair that's true so so but he's gonna keep up the rules He's got to keep taking Superman out for dinners and things like that and arguing over who's gonna pay the check and stuff
Starting point is 01:01:15 So it's jumping on the front right so we uh we have a little bit of hero moment They all stand and they look the survey the world they've just saved and now we are into epilogue That's right. There's 30 minutes left and that survey the world they've just saved. And now we are into epilogue. That's right, there's 30 minutes left. And that's the epilogue, epilogue titled, Daddy Issues. That's right. Aquaman's like, fuck this. I don't want to go back to Atlantis.
Starting point is 01:01:36 I'm going to ride around in a truck and you're like, fair dude, that's cool. Well, he says he's going to go visit his dad. That's more dad stuff. Yeah. Batman decides to turn the ruins of Wayne Manor into Justice League headquarters. Okay, man, whatever. Uh, Flash gets a job while talking to his dad. Uh, I don't think it gets it. Well, I think he announced it to his dad. I don't think they baited and hand him the letter while he was like, hey,
Starting point is 01:02:03 can I do the job interview on in the Prison while I'm just being my dad? I mean, he moves really fast. He could have done it at the same time. That's true. You're right. You're right. That's true. He gets a job in a crime lab, speaking of labs. We see star labs briefly and we get it. We realize that the guy who's been working for Dr. Stone this whole time was Ryan Choi, who specializes in nanotechnology.
Starting point is 01:02:23 That's right, guys. It's the atom. He's going to be in a future movie I guess. Oh, okay. Yeah, I saw it while I looked in the Wikipedia that like, they said that there was a proposed Adam spin off that they didn't do, but it just makes it even more glaring at the end though, because that character has been given next to nothing to do for the entire movie.
Starting point is 01:02:44 And then at the end, there's this little wink like, I'm important. You know? Yeah. The Superman manages to get his mom's house back and Bruce Wayne's there and he's like, how do you do it, Bruce? And we've already established the Bruce Wayne
Starting point is 01:02:59 is super rich and he's like, I bought the bank and you're like, oh, cool, I guess dude. It's also like, once just by the house, dude. Yeah, I think like, I bought the bank and you're like, oh cool, I guess dude, like. It's also like, once you just buy the house, dude. Yeah, I think like, you gotta flex. Exactly, the bank doesn't necessarily have an interest in keeping the house. It's the value of the house with the bank is interesting. Yeah, fucking, this is.
Starting point is 01:03:17 Thicks flints water, dude. This is why he's like, he's not only, he's just a bad, bad at being a billionaire really, that's what it is. Like, they're like, hey, all these guys were given money to fix Notre Dame, I bought France, done. But it's not gonna solve the problem, Bruce.
Starting point is 01:03:35 Yeah, I mean, it's gonna be a lot of money that can go to crime fighting. It's because every time Bruce Wayne tries to get a work done, like a Martian manhunter shows up in talk soon, but we'll get right in. Yeah, that's get that straight as Philip Johnson glass house and he's all like he's all like I don't want to I don't want to care cancer I want to turn people into dinosaurs that's right referencing my own work. Oh, I don't know I thought that was written by a popular comic book writer whose name I don't
Starting point is 01:03:58 remember because I thought it was written by anonymous internet. Yeah, it was written by the distal mind of Twitter. Yeah. So they get the house back. We get a Lex Luthor, his manager, to break out of Arkham Asylum. And he is hanging out on a cool yacht and a little guy named a Slade Wilson shows up.
Starting point is 01:04:20 That's right. That's right. That's right. The coolest guy US2 cool names mush together. He shows up. That's right. Joe Manchinello. He's only got one eye, but he's got probably two swords. Maybe three. I don't see him all. And they're just hanging out on his yacht. And Lex Luthor, very twitchy, played by Jesse Eisenberg, is like, hey, I'm gonna make it worth your while. Guess what? Batman is this guy Bruce Wayne and you're like, no shit.
Starting point is 01:04:46 He's been like super casual with that lately. It tells everybody who he is. Yeah, he doesn't give a shit anymore, he's old. And Deathstroke, I guess I will toast to that. You're like, really, for real? I wanna ask a question. Does it do, do you also agree with me? And maybe this would be being too nitpicky.
Starting point is 01:05:04 That Deathstroke's futuristic eye patch looks dumber than if he was just wearing a cheapo costume eye patch that you would buy at like a Halloween store. Yeah, is that like a tactical eye patch? Is that the kind of eye patch they seldom remember? Dads who don't want to wear a normal baby Bjorn, they want to wear one with like a fuckload of pouches? Yeah, well that's Rob Lifeheld's baby Bjorn has all those pouches on it.
Starting point is 01:05:26 Yeah, I'm gonna look it up. The tactical eye patch. Yeah, so. But guys, we're about to go into the epilogue that is actually a prologue for the next series. You are correct though. This looks like he has some electrical tape that he just slid in around his head with. Yeah, so, yeah, so this is the big, I guess this is the big additional scene
Starting point is 01:05:48 because I feel like the other one was like a post-credit scene. But this scene is Bruce Wayne is having one of his nightmares and this is a future nightmare where he knows exactly what he predicts the future and this is set in another post-apocalyptic hellscape covered in parodies. And this is canon.
Starting point is 01:06:04 It's well known in all of the different versions of Batman and all media that he has the power of premonition and is a seer who can have visions of the future. Yeah, yeah. If you remember, and Batman wins. Such a place. Right. Adam West Batman was constantly going into trances and having
Starting point is 01:06:20 visions of horrible futures. Batman and the animated series is very common. Yeah. Robin sit at the crystal ball with me Robin I've I've got a scrying glass Harvey Dent can we trust him forget I asked that I just swatched 20 years in the future. We can't he turns into two face Well, I didn't know I didn't know you had second sight Batman Why didn't you use that to save your parents?
Starting point is 01:06:46 Hey, man, I'm a kid. Get off my, I was a kid then. Get off my back. So this, uh, so we have, you know, second sight, to not walk down crime alley. I was too high on Zorro movies. Like, I didn't know what I was doing. So, uh, the Batman is hanging out in, uh, post-apocalyptic
Starting point is 01:07:03 future desert type place. Uh, of, he is still dressed up as Batman, but he's wearing a coat and he has goggles, which is kind of cool. He's now steam punk Batman. And he's carrying like an assault rifle, which I'm like, okay, I guess at this point, he doesn't care. Like I just give up in this argument. I'm just a killer now. The, the, the, you know, the, the, the, the,, the supposed pocket of the world because the air is tinged yellow as if they are living in a tank of urine, which ironically makes it the most colorful scene in the entire movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:34 Yeah. It's got the, the ochre tint that any American movie that is set in Mexico uses. Yeah. Yeah. Just fucked up. It's true. Uh, so the, they're hanging out on a, they're hanging out on like a ruined highway that we get a post-apocalyptic version of Batman.
Starting point is 01:07:53 We have Mira from Atlantis who is mourning the death of Jason Momoa, which I get it. He's great. Little of Aquaman. Yeah, we also have... Not the actor Jason Momoa. That would be weird. They can Not the actor Jason Mamo. Not that would be weird. They can't exist in the same universe. There's Slade Wilson is there with a Mohawk and you're like, I just saw you without a Mohawk.
Starting point is 01:08:13 I guess time's fast. Who else? We have cyborg. Cyborg? We have the flash in like a weird like metal suit. Yeah. And it's not clear at first that the flash is with them and then you get a close up of him later in the scene out of nowhere and I was like, oh, first that the flash is with them. And then you get a close-up of him later in the scene out of nowhere.
Starting point is 01:08:27 And I was like, oh, I guess the flash is with them. I guess that didn't want to introduce Johnny Quaker or something. Is that metal suit part of the flash background that I don't know? Is that like a comedy team? I think it's just more general post-apocalyptic stuff. Like a flash.
Starting point is 01:08:41 But the most important character. The most important characters right there. That's right. Academy Award winner Jared Leto as the Joker. Mr. Joker. He somehow managed to get his tattoos scrubbed from his body. That was part of part of his reform program, I guess, was the tattoo removal. Now, according to the internet, this is the greatest Batman Joker scene in any media. Do you guys agree with that assessment? Because after you tell yours,
Starting point is 01:09:09 I'll tell you how I feel about it. I really, how they were reacting to it. This is just, I mean, this is just like an unplugged scene and it's unnecessary because all of this is setting up sequels that will not happen in the form that they originally were planned. So like if anything should not be in this movie, it's this stuff. But yes, and I would also go as far as to say that if they had changed the name of the character, instead of addressing Jared let it was Joker, they had addressed him as Jim Kerry.
Starting point is 01:09:40 I would have been like, yeah, that's who he is. He's just doing a bad impression of Jim Kerry. And I kind of I kind of like the supposed to follow took a world where the Joker is died and Jim Carrey has taken his place He played him once why not blame in real life, you know, yeah, the Riddler come on. Oh, that's right The joke come yeah, he got that's true. The Riddler is just a it's just cut right joke, you know You're right. I'm sorry. I can't believe I got that wrong. It was the riddler. It seems like a real waste that he didn't play the Joker. But he kind of is since Jared Leto is so clearly channeling.
Starting point is 01:10:11 Yeah. So it's and it's a scene where like the Joker's talking shit. They seem to be unlikely allies, even though the Joker is wearing a band-a-leer of like police badges. I'm assuming from police people he's killed. And the yeah, and they like they have the verbal sparring of talking about other characters that are dead. And now Joker says that Batman caused all this by letting her die. And of course the her we have to assume is Lois Lane or maybe Lana Lang. It could be any number of female
Starting point is 01:10:43 characters from DC who have two L names. And they also mentioned that Harley Quinn died and there's mention of a boy wonder. Interesting. Who could that be, perhaps a baby dinosaur? That was quite a wonder of a boy. I like this, the baby dinosaur gender. It was not really clear, which is fine.
Starting point is 01:11:00 We don't need to know it, you know? That's up to them, you know? But this whole scene, it just feels like it is a, like it is in a movie that kind of verges on fanfiction at times, this feels like the most fanfiction scene to me, partly because it is not connected to anything else in the film. So it kind of feels like, they're just like, let's go crazy, let's go nuts, these characters, and also does that thing where like the scene ends where like Batman's like, I'm going to fucking kill you with you.
Starting point is 01:11:27 Like I don't care. Like what? Like you don't have to impress me movie. I know your badass. It's also it's one of the it's the same issue I had with with Harley Quinn and suicide squad where I was like, what is the power that this person brings to the table? Not that Harley Quinn is an amazing fighter and a great gal, but that you have this team
Starting point is 01:11:47 of super-powered individuals, and I fail to see what power the Joker brings to it, because he's the kind of guy who's good at committing crimes, but he's not like he's good, he's not good in a fight necessarily. And unless he's got a lot of henchmen and an unlimited budget for stuff, it's not really gonna help you that much, you know?
Starting point is 01:12:05 Well, he's got a full, like, team building a giant Joker-faced monolith. Oh, this is a, oh, man, if I ever get to pitch this to DC, I would love to that Joker is basically like a Christo-type artist who comes up with big ideas and it's up to his team to execute them, but he gets all the credit for it. And he's like, he's like, hmm, I wanna blow up smiles on Mount Rushmore on all the presidents. Make this happen, team.
Starting point is 01:12:29 And they're like, all right, let's do some research into what kind of explosives will make it make the right impact without blowing up the heads of the presidents. I guess Joker's too busy doing interviews on the gallery circuit, you know? Yeah, I mean, somebody's gotta do the work, you know? Like, and that's why he's, yeah, a bad suicide squad member or like a team member or anything member, like because it's just like, well, he's very good at something, but that something
Starting point is 01:12:53 is sort of like just spreading chaos and looking out for himself. So like, that's not, you know, you don't want that on a team that's going to do anything. And he's not even there as like the funny morale builder because as we've seen over the past several Batman related movies the Joker stopped being funny at a certain point like he stopped being good at telling jokes and so it's not even like you'd be like well he's crazy he doesn't add much in a fight and he might murder all of us but you know what sometimes you just got a laugh and blow off steam you know. So you should you're suggesting they just change his name to like twisted guy or something Yeah, yeah damaged that's his name is just like his tattoos says, you know, I mean before it got scrubbed off by I guess the sand that was blowing
Starting point is 01:13:39 Now he's essentially he's essentially just hot topic the man, you know, that's that's basically what he is so after that, we have Bruce Wayne wakes up from this horrible premonition nightmare. He's in his beautiful Blake side home. When I wish I wish he had looked at the camera and said, that's it. No more hoagies for dinner. And that was the end of the movie.
Starting point is 01:14:01 Great, right? Cause hoagies are the regional food of Gotham City. Maybe they call grinders there. I don't know. I've never been there. Yeah. And he goes out on his little deck, a figure is flying down. And you're like, oh, cool.
Starting point is 01:14:15 He's going to say hi to his buddy Superman. Nope. This is a person he's never met before. That's right. It's Martian Man Hunter. Maybe he has met him, met Martian Man Hunter before. We don't know. Martian Man Hunter could be you. He reacts as if he has not him met Martian man hundred before we don't know Martian man I
Starting point is 01:14:26 He acts as if he has not seen him and he does introduce himself at the end of the conversation So I'm guessing they haven't met. I don't think that I mean Batman, you know Maybe not the best tactical move when you're in the line of work that you are to just like sort of wander out To a strange alien who's floating down at you, you know, just wearing your PJs. That's because you don't have powers. That's he doesn't have powers. Although he's... No, no, he didn't. He does have the power to see the future and he knows he lived to destroy the world. So, he's a Martian man, and he's not going to just put... Even the easily Martian man could just push him off that deck and
Starting point is 01:14:58 I mean a regular person could do that. Yeah. Yeah. Oh wow. Yeah. So, Martian man under shows up. They have like a cool little chat and then Marshmallown under flies off and music swells and of movie. After after saying my favorite line in the movie, they go, what's your name? And he goes, some have called, I've gone by many names, some have called me Martian man hunter and I was like impossible. That is an impossible name to say seriously in that way. Because at least, and what gets me is, is the Martian part. Say it say Bruce Wayne should have been like bullshit. I call shenanigans buddy. I call, nobody, either nobody calls you that
Starting point is 01:15:40 or they call you that as a joke. If he said, they call me the man hunter. And Bruce Wayne was like, all right, some kind of Martian manhunter. Like, the fact that he owns Martian as the name that he introduces people with seems silly to me. But it's also like when I go to another country and I'm like, hello, I'm American Dan. And they're like, American Dan? You're hilarious.
Starting point is 01:16:02 I'm like, no. Thanks. But I am not that popular except Seth McFarlane show. Yeah. And also, we haven't seen him hunt any men. Yep. And this is the first we learn he's from Mars, to be honest.
Starting point is 01:16:14 Like, he could be just a human who has superpowers. So it's almost like he should have been like, some call me Martian mom and personators. And then flew off into space. Yeah, we've seen him did. That's true. We would all buy it. So are you saying that like it's kind of like some call me some call me Martian meal
Starting point is 01:16:31 hunter flies off into space. Oh wow. Oh, watch out. So do you think he's do you think he's like approaching this where he's like time to reinvent yourself, John Jones? This is like the first day of camp. I got to give myself a coolistic name and Bruce Wayne's like the first day of camp. I gotta give myself a coolastic name. And Bruce Wayne's like, laser wolf was right there.
Starting point is 01:16:50 Why did you call yourself Martian Manor? Should have said, the idea that Martian Manor beforehand is psyching himself up in the mirror and he's like, come on, come on, you gotta show him you're just as good as them. You deserve to be on their team. You can do this and you're gonna give him their cool name.
Starting point is 01:17:04 You're gonna say, some call me. Oh, what are they going to call me? Uh, I'll think of it on the flight over. I'll get. And if Bruce Wayne presses me on what I've accomplished, I can tell that my convinced Lois Lane to get back into journalism. The, I think it also, it points to a, uh, I would say a shallow bench in some ways of the DC heroes that they're already, I mean, they've done a bunch of movies already, but that they're
Starting point is 01:17:31 at Martian Man Hunter, but they're still treating him as if the audience at home, after they've seen Superman, Batman, Flash, one woman like, superheroes, the average American, I'm sure is aware of the name at least. That after, at Martian Man Hunter, they're going to be like, yeah, American, I'm sure is aware of the name at least. That after at Martian Man Hunter, they're gonna be like, yeah, okay. Martian Man. I think I was like 30 years old before I ever heard the words Martian Man Hunter put together.
Starting point is 01:17:54 Because he's a goofy character. Certainly he's joined together. He has all the powers of Superman, plus shape shifting, plus telepathy, and they're like, but he has a big weakness, fire. Okay, that's my weakness too, dude. Like, that's not that crazy weakness, you know? Yeah, yeah, silver bullets.
Starting point is 01:18:10 But what about is Metamorpho, a DC character? Oh, I would have loved if it was Metamorpho, but he's goofy. He's goofy and he looks insane. What about Dead Man? Is Dead Man a DC character? Dead Man is a DC character, Boston brand. Yep, he's just a floating corpse that can sometimes possess people's bodies.
Starting point is 01:18:28 All great options. Detective Chimp, bring him in. Why not? What about the Metal Man? They bring all the Metal Man in, yeah, and bring in the creeper or why not? But I think, what about the Heckler? He's funny. Yeah, why not? But I guess maybe I am being hypocritical
Starting point is 01:18:47 because at the end of the first Avengers movie, I was super psyched to see Thanos and I had to know that most of the audience would not know who Thanos was. So maybe there is somebody out there who just loves Martian Manhunter, never thought they'd seen Martian Manhunter in a live-action movie and was just...
Starting point is 01:19:00 Well, alone, saying his own name. Saying his own name as if it wasn't a goofiest name that could only have come out of the 1960s. Now, imagine the end of Avengers when Thanos turns his face at the camera and he's like, on Thanos. Okay, that would have been stupid. That would have been really stupid. I think it's also the sum call me because you expect something pretty legendary and bad
Starting point is 01:19:25 as off of some call me. But if you just said, I'm the Martian manhunter and flown off. It wouldn't have been as silly as some have called me Martian manhunter and it's like, did your friends call you that? It's a weird thing to call somebody. Okay, guys. Well, let's do final judgments whether this is a good bad movie, a bad bad movie, a movie you kinda like.
Starting point is 01:19:46 I actually have a lot of thoughts, so I'm gonna go fast, try and go fast here. I apologize that I took up so much time on Martian Man Hunter and Hitler on the roof. I just like, look, this movie is fine, it's fine. You know, it's better than the other one, which was not a high-barned clear, but sure. And like, I do think that it's kind of strange.
Starting point is 01:20:06 Like, I'm not necessarily one who subscribes so much to the view of like, it is inherently bad that this was a cut that was made, because it's gonna like encourage bad behavior in the future. Bad behavior is gonna continue. I'm not gonna like that bad behavior in the future. Bad behavior is gonna continue. I'm not gonna like that bad behavior, but I don't necessarily think that this is like a repeatable like lesson in that way, where it's like, okay. Sounds like somebody who doesn't wanna release the gun cut.
Starting point is 01:20:37 No, just like, okay. But of the air's cut, the air's cut, that's what it's the air's cut. Like DC had all, like the companies, the production companies, like they had all this stuff already, like it was mostly existing footage. And so for like a little bit of a small investment, they get to double dip, like they get to release it right now during a pandemic where like it's going to make this huge splash.
Starting point is 01:21:03 Like I don't think this is necessarily like the repeatable scenario That's gonna make us like scared about Idiots being bullying on the internet. I mean and on top of that like you know if this was like a better More respected director like if this was like us being like people like on Twitter being like oh release the the like us being like people like on Twitter being like, oh, release the original Robert Altman cut that you butcher. I was gonna say Altman too. Yeah, like, I mean, like the Altman Justice League got the dip.
Starting point is 01:21:36 I mean, that would have been a very different movie Robert Altman's Justice League. The difference is, we're sound recording. The difference is like, don't be a dick, don't be like an asshole about it, don't like want these things for like shitty reasons, but like inherently like wanting this cut is not so bad. It feels a little weird because we kind of have a platform on the internet and we are occasionally
Starting point is 01:21:59 assholes I guess, I don't know, I don't think so. But like, and I feel, it just feels weird to like complain to the movie people to like give you what you want. Oh no, no, I mean, complaining is one thing. That's our right as Americans to complain, but to give the point of threatening people and harassing them at the Pride Awards. That's the first thing. I'm trying to make a division between like the behavior and like
Starting point is 01:22:27 You know like I the fact just like the fact of the movie existing I like it like the fact that it exists doesn't bother me like necessarily from the idea of like This is where it all falls apart or something But like you're saying since people already tried to violently overthrow the government Maybe as ex-nighters Justice League is not the tipping point Yeah, exactly But I mean as for the movie itself. I don't know like it's weird like I've had people on the internet
Starting point is 01:22:53 Like accuse me of not liking superhero movies and like if anything I feel like I'm the least tired of them of the three of us on the show like this is like I like stuff like this and I and I think that people who sort of I feel like it's if I point out that something's a little silly comic book fans and particularly comic book fans of the Zack Snyder stripe might like be upset that like I'm not taking the thing seriously, which is not like the it's not an issue of me like taking it seriously or not. I'm just recognizing that like a thing is silly and you can still find value in a silly thing. You can enjoy a silly thing like to like have discourse over this doesn't
Starting point is 01:23:43 mean that like I am destroying your identity as a person who likes this thing like you know like there's silly stuff in comic books and that's why I like comic books and if anything my problem is like this isn't silly enough I would prefer a a sillier more fun movie because I think that Zack Snyder is one big idea that he like keeps trying to hammer home and this is like oh what if like superheroes were lonely gods and you know what that's not that interesting an idea because it doesn't really shed any life light on like humanity like it's not like I like look at that I'm like oh yeah yeah now I understand something about the world that I live in.
Starting point is 01:24:26 Like it doesn't do anything beyond the level of like spectacle. That being said, I kind of liked it. Elliott, what do you have to say? Well, I'm of two minds on it. Three minds. I'll give you all three minds. They're all mother boxes and they're combined in a beautiful unity that will wipe out all life on Earth by the end of my judgment. I think one, obviously, that I am, when it comes down to it, I am not bothered by the idea of movies being recut and money being paid to people to do the work, because people need work.
Starting point is 01:25:01 These are tough times, like give them work. I think also that the way it was lobbied was often horrifying and disgusting. And there is no movie in the history of the world that is worth harassing people. Well that too, but that's worth harassing us with three episodes. That's worth harassing people over. Unless maybe it's that movie from that one episode of Masters of Horror that was a John Carpenter who did it, where it's that film that drives people mad. Maybe that's worth harassing people for it because it's like an angel getting his wings
Starting point is 01:25:33 cut off, which is pretty edgy. But I don't mean edgy because it's a knife that they use to cut the wings off. So separating all from, just looking at just as a movie, like you're saying, separating it from the process of its creation and saying also that it is money they could have invested into like a new movie, which would have been more preferable to me in some way. This is a movie that I'm of two minds about and I feel like I did a disservice by splitting it up and watching a better movie, Straight Time, Starry Destiny Hauvin, in the middle of it, because the first half of it, I was like, or the first two and a half hours. I was like, you know what?
Starting point is 01:26:06 I'm actually liking this a little bit. It's not totally to my taste. It's very Zack Snydery and his style is not my style and I don't I also am not so into non-stop, Mopey depressed superheroes, which is weird coming from a Spider-Man fan. The most Mopey depressed superhero comics, but at least he tells jokes sometimes. But the farther the movie got into itself, the more it became beholden to this step-in-wolf mother box plot, and the more it just became gobbledy-gook.
Starting point is 01:26:35 And the spectacle didn't do it for me because the spectacle was so repetitive and so just like dark and how many times am I gonna see the superheroes beating up on paradigms that are no threat to them and then fighting the same mostly personality list. He had more personality in the original cut but stepping off the end until Superman comes in and as we said before just like an angry fist of divine wrath with no humanity behind him just beats up this guy.
Starting point is 01:27:06 It felt like the second watching the second half of the movie it felt like at which was shorter, felt like more of a slog than the first half. And I would have really just wanted is more humanity and more color from it, more life from it. And when it has those flashes of life and personality, I'm like, oh yeah, this is not so bad. But it doesn't have enough to justify four hours. People complained about the length of like the Irishman,
Starting point is 01:27:28 but the Irishman is so packed full of like stuff at moments and is so easy to look at that. The Irishman is a movie where like, it both feels too long to me, but also I don't know what I would cut from it. Not even that fucking scene where he like curb stunts that dude. And he's supposed to be a young guy, but he's clearly the oldest man of the universe. I mean, that's what I would cut as the flashbacks to World War II where I'm like, oh, they
Starting point is 01:27:54 were driving guys and they're 50s to go to World War II at that point. But I guess I guess he lied on the list informance that he was 22. But, Ellie, and I did have the same experience though. I also watched the movie in two parts just, you know, so it would be more fresh, you know, each part when you were recording. So you wouldn't go mad like a lovecraft hero. Yeah, but um, but I also found that like the first half had most of the stuff that I enjoyed in the movie.
Starting point is 01:28:21 And then as it went on, like, yeah, it just, it was it sort of devolved into like a bunch of like gray stuff swirling around. But that's also a flaw in Demick to modern superhero movies. The last third of almost any modern superhero movie is the least interesting. Even in Marvel movies, aside from like end game, maybe, the last third is usually like, we got to shut off this blue light before things come out of it, you know, or something. And so I wonder if there's a, that's a flaw in the current interpretation of the genre
Starting point is 01:28:51 that just becomes that much harder to sit through when the last third of the movie is an hour and a half long. Yeah. Which is one of the things that I like. I was just thinking about how in Doctor Strange, the ending kind of is like shutting off a blue light, but it isn't like a big battle. It's just like, I don't know, fucking, like a bluffing game
Starting point is 01:29:12 or something. A thought battle. No, I'm with you. I was surprised at how much more I liked the first half because I mean, when I'll admit that when I sat down to watch it, I was not particularly excited to watch a four hour Justice League cut because I did not like the last cut and I have not liked either the previous X-Nighter DC movies. But I ended up liking the first half okay.
Starting point is 01:29:42 I mean, with my various other complaints aside like I wasn't I wasn't really bored but then the second half was it was just a little bit rough and it is like it is so beholden to the plot that like writing down notes for it I didn't really like to take notes for it I could you know go 20 minutes and then be like, yeah, so they, I guess they fight this guy for a while and then like superman's unhappy. Like it was, there just isn't that much, there really isn't that much to it.
Starting point is 01:30:16 And it is, it's not a good movie. I feel like if you're dying for a superhero spectacle, there's better options. If this, yeah, it's not a good movie. I feel like if you're dying for a superhero spectacle, there's better options. If this, uh, I, yeah, it's not for me. It doesn't speak to me. Bad, bad is what I would say. And I wonder if I wonder if it would speak to me more if these were characters that I... Yeah, that's possible. felt more of a connection too. Because again, I'm a Marvel zombie. It's in my blood. It's in my bones. But, uh, at that point, but then it that point, but then it is an irritating aspect of modern
Starting point is 01:30:46 popular culture right now that I feel like I have to watch a four hour movie about characters I don't really feel a connection to, to be, to like get what's going on. And unfortunately, what it makes me feel like, is it makes me feel like a comic reader in the 90s where it was like, I guess I got to buy every book that Marvel's coming out with this month so that I know what's going on in the Marvel universe and you talk about it even though I don't really care that much what's going on with X-Caliber right now, or what's happening with the new warriors. We've reached the point in comic book movies
Starting point is 01:31:15 where we were with comic books 30 years ago during the like speculator boom. And as someone who came of age during that time, I'm just saying there there's going to be a spider clone movie guys, and it's going to be bad. And it's going to be like 20 hours long. So just gird your loins for it for this endless spider clone movie that is bound to happen. Well, okay. So it is very late here and Stewart has a job that requires them to stand upright during the day and for long stretches.
Starting point is 01:31:45 So, I'm gonna try to... Can you do most of your job lying down, right? Well, I can, in a seated position. Oh, okay. Well, only because it's Passover right now, Stuart. That's why he does his job reclining on a pillow. Yeah. But as a mercy killing for Stuart Stuart I'm gonna shoot this episode and
Starting point is 01:32:07 end the show It's very Superman of you. Yeah, very bad man of you Thank you to Jordan Cowling for producing the show the best maximum fun our network Go to maximum fun dot org to find a bunch of other great podcasts. I am not just a podcaster, I listen to mini podcasts and very many of them are maximum fun podcasts. And you know, thanks guys for coming on this journey with us through two episodes of Justice League. Now we will never do it again, no matter what other cut they do of this film. For the flop house, I've been Dan McCoy.
Starting point is 01:32:52 Hey, I'm Stuart Wellington. Bye-bye. Some have called me Martian Elliott. Julian. They didn't really call me the Martian part, but I thought it sounded cool. I expected when you said that, you were gonna do a morph, but you didn't, you just stayed the same. Yeah, I don't have that power, just imagine that I'm someone's mom.
Starting point is 01:33:13 Bye. On this episode we're going to discuss Zack Snyder's Justice League, Part 2. Where we learn the valuable morals that were all stronger when we worked together, and also, you can't cut Steppenwolf's head off till Superman punches him in the face a bunch of times. Comedy and culture. Artist-owned, audience supported.

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