The Flop House - Ep. #345 - Chaos Walking

Episode Date: June 19, 2021

It's just back to the OP's this episode, for the discussion of the talent-packed, but passion-lite YA adaptation Chaos Walking, which honestly seems like a pretty heart-healthy way for Chaos to travel..., but maybe it should check out public transit.Wikipedia entry for Chaos WalkingMovies recommended in this episode:PolyesterSeanceThe Joke

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On this episode we discuss chaos walking and joining us as a special guest Mr. chaos walking himself Christopher walkin How are you doing Christopher? Heaven a great time Steward So we see a robot Hey everyone, welcome to the Flophouse house I'm Dan McCoy. Oh hey there Dan it's me Stuart Wellington back again. And also back again I don't know why Stuart got to the back again credit but I'm also back again and so is Dan is Elliott Kaelin me we're all back again that's right. Yeah we all saw the recording listed on our calendars and we click the link for the Zoom meeting
Starting point is 00:01:06 and we're back again. So now we're back again, Detective Moldoon back again. Uh oh, we were trying to get out of the detective job. But we got pulled back in for one last case. That's right, back again is back again in back again. This fall on NBC every episode, he's back again. This is following NBC every episode. He's back again. He keeps trying to quit, but they won't let him. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Sorry, Nathan Filion as back again. Oh man. But it's the three of us in a trench coat with Nathan Filion as on top. Yeah. Nathan Filion. Yeah, we're Nathan Philan, which is the substitute Nathan Fillian. Well, we haven't missed a beat. Okay, well, this is a podcast where we watch a bad movie and we talk about it. And for this episode, we all watched a film that did this get released to theaters or was this only but I believe released in theaters.
Starting point is 00:02:01 But let me double check that. I have a friend named Aria Wicke, Iped, and let's take a look what he says about it. Yeah, this is one of those ones that was meant to be a much bigger release though. It was released on March 5th, 2021 in the United States, and previously on February 24th in South Korea. Okay. It was previously scheduled to be released in 2019, but was delayed to accommodate reshoots. That was a bad idea because then they scheduled it during the pandemic 2019, but was delayed to accommodate reshoots. That was a bad idea because then they scheduled it
Starting point is 00:02:27 during the pandemic and it was delayed yet again. But it's back again. Well, they were doing reshoots for like two or three years, right? I think they started reshooting it back in like 2017. They actually began reshoots before they began shoots. That was the trouble production of the movie. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, I mean, this has been through a lot of,
Starting point is 00:02:44 I mean, let's just talk about it., I mean, let's talk about it. This movie's called Cast Walking. Cast Walking. Yeah, there's been, so Charlie Kaufman wrote the original screenplay for this a long time ago. I presume that much of that has been, or most of it, if not all, has been thrown out because he does not receive any
Starting point is 00:03:05 uh... guild credit for it uh... probably originally originally based on a young adult novel uh... and so it was back in two thousand eight yeah and then he it's looks like yeah he probably adapted at first and then uh... little enough is used of that that he receives no on screen credit since it was published back in two thousand eight do you think that like the publishers like well?
Starting point is 00:03:26 There's this hot new bad movie podcast called the flop-ass out there. Maybe if this does well We can make a movie someday. Yeah, with every delay they kept being like we just got to hope they keep doing the podcast We got we got a hope against hope these three knuckleheads continue for over a decade to keep doing That podcast nothing better to do continue for over a decade. Nothing better to do. Nothing, apparently. But Doug Lyman is the director, but the reskutes, I believe, were done by also Fetty Alvarez, who did the evil dead remake and don't breathe.
Starting point is 00:03:57 And you know, Doug Lyman, obviously, of born identity, swingers go edge of tomorrow. You got big stars in this, like Daisy Ridley, Tom Holland, Martin Mads, Michael Sin, we're mad about Mads. A lot of talent. I can't believe you mentioned Mads third at this film. Well, I mean, he is, I would say thirdly. He's the little and David O'Yellow, who like is a Oscar nominee. Did he win?
Starting point is 00:04:23 Are you in for some? He did not win. I don't think for for Selma, you mean I think he did not win. Yeah. who like is a Oscar nominee? Did he win? Did you win? Or some little bad? He did not win, I don't think. For Selma, you mean? I think he did not win. Yeah. But so this is a movie that is a-
Starting point is 00:04:31 This is your Revo, like it's crazy. Yeah, yeah. Although her part is very small. A cavalcade of talent. Now there's a lot of talented people. It's got a great pedigree. And yet, something doesn't quite work. Is this movie chaos walking? or is it merely chaos boring?
Starting point is 00:04:48 That's a question we'll answer today on the Flop House. But first, you want to take another pass at that one, Elliot? Okay, is this chaos walking going to get a chaos drumming from the Flop House boys? First a word from syrup. Hey, what are you putting on your pancakes? Not syrup? What's going on with what are you putting on your pancakes? Not syrup. What's going on with you put syrup on those pancakes? That is a huge new sponsor we got. Yeah, we've got just like the idea of syrup. Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:05:13 It's really national syrup council unfortunately the nation that it's the syrup council of his North Korea So hey North Koreans, what are you putting on your pancakes? You don't have any pancakes? That's terrible What a tasteless joke for me to make okay guys. Let's keep going. Wow Okay, and Here going on I don't have any pancakes, that's terrible. What a tasteless joke for me to make. Okay guys, let's keep going with the episode. Wow. Okay. And we're going on. So yeah, Stuart, you want to take us through this movie? What's it about? Because the title doesn't really,
Starting point is 00:05:34 the title doesn't really tell you very much. So when you, you obviously, you're at the movie theater, you have your tub of popcorn and you're like, what the fuck is this movie about? It's called Birmingham Scottsdon. It's warm and buttery. Yep, and you're like, what the fuck is this movie about? It's called Firmly in Scostenit, Warm & Buttery. Yep, and you're like, I hope nobody hears my thoughts because that doesn't happen in real life.
Starting point is 00:05:50 So the movie opens with a title card that is a quote that it gives it, sheds a little light on the title. The quote is, wait, I wrote it down wrong in my notes because I didn't want to rewind, but I have it here on my phone. I'm just gonna vamp for a second. So what's up with you, Elliot? Is that you vamping?
Starting point is 00:06:09 I think that's okay. I'm back in the game. Okay, so the title for this. The audience will never know what's up with me. Yeah. The noise is a man's thoughts unfiltered. And without a filter, a man is just chaos walking. And you're like, you read that and you're like,
Starting point is 00:06:25 oh, okay, so somebody famous said that, nope. It is attributed to unknown new world settler, a character made up for the movie. Yes. And at first you see that quote and you're like, oh, he's talking about Twitter. Okay, yeah, sure. Oh, oh, oh, man, who put it, man,
Starting point is 00:06:40 we're all wound up today. So the movie opens an outer space, perfect. Uh, it is a perfect place for a movie to hit. I mean, if you expand the definition far enough, every movie opens in outer space, because it's all on planets, you know? That's true, Ellie, it got me again. So the movie begins in outer space.
Starting point is 00:06:58 We fly onto, we get closer to the planet. It, the card reads that is the new world, 2257, so right around the corner. And this planet has been given the imaginative name of New World. I guess because the colonists in their generations long voyage over here were watching nothing but new girl. And that was all that they thought of. And they said to honor the sitcom that so I detained them during the many decades of space travel, they named it sitcom that so I detained them during the many decades of travel space travel they named it
Starting point is 00:07:26 after that I'm guessing and I mean I think I think the wish is that the men in this movie behaved a little bit more like Nick and a little less like Schmidt but we'll get into that so we're introduced to Todd hewitt who's just hunting around in the forest with his dog Manchi he killed some giant bugs and the whole time we are hearing constant narration from him, but it turns out that's not just narration. That's his thoughts. On this planet, human men, their thoughts are heard aloud
Starting point is 00:07:55 and their head emits like illusions or like a vapor. Like a corona? It's like a holographic cloud that follows men around and allows you to see their thoughts. And this is Tom Holland who's playing Todd Hewitt. He's really, and he's really breaking, he's breaking normal form here by playing kind of like a nervous, young, anxious, nebish guy
Starting point is 00:08:17 who like he's always kind of telling himself he's saying the wrong thing and is constantly second-guessing himself. And I'm just gonna jump in and say that one of the things you figure out right away is that this movie is not doing a fan, they're trying. They're not doing a fantastic job of representing at least what it is like to me to think
Starting point is 00:08:33 because most of the thoughts that you hear are just him stating what's going on or reacting immediately in full sentences to things. And he very rarely like his mind doesn't, he doesn't have a stream of consciousness so much. It's more like he has like Joel and the bots are in his mind doesn't he doesn't have a stream of consciousness so much it's more like uh... he has like joe joe in the bots are in his brain just kind of commenting on things that happen around right i mean yeah
Starting point is 00:08:52 i you know i i do not presume to be inside other people's minds i i know that so not like the danzig song possession which is it that but many people like her tomind, think in different ways. But I know that my thoughts are more in the vein of sort of a constant inner monologue, rather than sort of like, you know, later on, he like sees Daisy Ridley and he's like, yellow hair, yellow hair, pretty girl. It's all like, just like little phrases. Yeah, it's like the hair, yellow hair, pretty girl. Like it's all like just like little phrases. Yeah, it's like the dogs from up.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Yeah. Yeah, everybody, I mean, in an in-and-away manner, basically the dogs from up, but they're walking on two legs. But yeah, it's a very, so keep in mind more, time I had his thoughts, it's very like, yeah, it doesn't, the most accurate thing about thoughts that came to me during the movie was there's a scene later on where an old man is sleeping and he's just having dreams about baseball that are very loud
Starting point is 00:09:47 and I was like yeah okay I buy that yeah okay this this I buy you know. So we're introduced to this we're introduced to this little world he lives in a like a settlement that is I haven't checked but I think comic artist Simon Roy deserves royalties for this because it's this like kind of, you know, kind of futuristic, but also like kind of like Old West. It's this colony that's made up entirely of men. We're introduced to this like super intense preacher character played by David O'Yauu, whose name I'm sure I'm butchering at this point. We are introduced to Nick Jonas who is doing a really good job of playing an unlikable person.
Starting point is 00:10:30 I mean, it's just, it must be such a huge stretch for him, but he manages to pull it off perfectly. I don't know enough about Nick Jonas to know if that's a solid dig or not. I just don't know what you mean a dig, Elliot. I'm saying this honestly. I don't know what's wrong with you. Can you see my thoughts today? What's going on? So he is playing like a various stereotype,
Starting point is 00:10:49 typical though, just like this is the bad guy who is a, you know, an idiot, probable sexual assaultor like, I mean, speaking of which content warning, there's a lot in this movie like about violence against women uh... multiple animals die we will be talking so many horses die i was like they're really leaning into the walking part of this title yeah but it is funny like
Starting point is 00:11:16 odd green has gotten me in the woods shake away and so on that on the going to the joke about how north koreans suffer from famine and i'm shaking my head of that one still. Watching Nick Jonas, yeah, and this role is very, very strange. Just like, wait, you're supposed to be like, you know, telling some young artists, some bullshit that makes it seem like you care about saving them from America's wrath as a singer, rather than, you rather than wearing a big duster and licking your lips ominously.
Starting point is 00:11:48 It does lick his lips a lot. And also we meet Nick Jonas's father in this movie who is the mayor of the town, Mads Michelson, we love him, Flopas Fave here. And he's not, he's the mayor, but his name is David Prentice and the town is called Prentice Town. So, David Prentice, which is one of those great sci-fi names that you just love like george luke is must have written that down
Starting point is 00:12:08 been like how did i miss that one oh man perfect oh man uh... and he and the mayor is kind of uh... you know he he has this uh... he's almost like a father figure role model for our hero uh... for a brief period of time before before we realized he's the baddie uh... before that you before the uh... i mean you realize he's a bad guy long before
Starting point is 00:12:30 time Holland by mass michael said he's got a big scar and he said and he says the cool coat and he says he says to time Holland men need to kill and gives him a knife like you know he's a bad guy almost instantly you know but but i'll take a long time to figure that out so tade lives on a beat farm with his uh... to adoptive fathers played by kurt sutter and returning flopphouse they've been in bishir hey how you do oh man we got so many names in this movie so he uh... like he wanders around a bunch uh... you know we we learn a little bit about the town,
Starting point is 00:13:07 and then of course, now we go into outer space where Daisy Ridley from the Star Wars movies comes from. And she just says, I don't know. So Daisy Ridley comes from space other than, again, in the Margaret of the Outer. She's got the same accent as all the people from space in the movies, so that's in space. She's got the same accent as all the people from space in the movies.
Starting point is 00:13:25 So that's a space accent. Yeah. Yeah. So she's on like a landing pod and they are heading toward the planet. We learn that the colony has been cut off from the rest of humanity for some time, that they were late in arriving and this pod is landing and as it gets through the atmosphere, this like energy wave hits the pod and all the men start experiencing the noise, which is when they're...
Starting point is 00:13:56 Did I address that it's called the noise? The noise? In the other end quote, it's called the noise and now you maybe think that it's not as bad as if they were affected by the noise which would ruin all their pizzas instead this merely makes their thoughts come out loud and they get disoriented and crash their space. This is why I mean there are many reasons why we're friends but I before you said that I in my head was thinking a voice the noise is bad. That's something yeah yeah. Dan you can make up it, but I've been trying my head to figure out a
Starting point is 00:14:27 Ridley Walker Daisy Ridley chaos walking joke and I cannot figure out the math on it. So maybe you can maybe you can pick that up. Well, you know, let's open it up to the listeners. If there's any scientists in the audience, you can make that work, you know, make this joke. It's like in Apollo 13 when they put all the pieces out and they're like, we need to make this fit in this year your pieces daisy ridley chaos walking ridley walker by russell hoban those are the pieces you have just figure out a joke to make out of it there's there's plots similarities to see if you can
Starting point is 00:14:55 get it done so this uh... this pod uh... quietly crashes in the forest behind tots for yes it is quietly crash uh... when it was a question because it does crash quietly in an essay question if it's crashes in the forest behind tussle when it was a question because it does crash quietly and ask the question if it's if a space-pot crashes in the woods there's no round to hear it doesn't make a noise i don't know uh... it did make a movie i mean it made the noise because that's what right
Starting point is 00:15:18 you got me uh... didn't realize you're doing trick questions now it is not so you guys have you seen that movie noises? It's the musical about the the guy the young guys who started a union about noise. You know the sequel Noises off. There is power. No, he sees the decibel power. The more people who can yell together, the louder they'll be. Hey, when you got 100 voices singing, who can hear a lousy whistle blow? That's from newsies. Okay. Uh, so Todd Yeah, so do you want? Okay, let's don't so
Starting point is 00:15:53 Todd thinks he's chasing a thief of course and steady finds the crash shuttle he goes to town. Yep. Sorry I sure yeah, did this bother you because it bothered me So Daisy Ridley is part of this second wave of colonists that they're like, oh, they must be excited that we're coming. It's been so long. We should have been here much earlier. And she crashes.
Starting point is 00:16:17 And the first thing she does is sneak into town, steal something, and then run away from the person. Wouldn't she walk straight to town and just ask for help? Well, here's this is something that bothered me that I want to talk about. Yes, which is that we know she can talk. We know she can pilot a spaceship. But as soon as she lands on the planet, she is suddenly Nell or what's her name from the fifth element.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Suddenly she is refuted. She doesn't want to talk. You really multi pass. Yeah, thank you. Lulu multi-pass. You use her to get on certain to tall booths. And so to get through the highway parts. So it's like, suddenly she is acting like one of these like alien or savage women that you see in movies.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Who is like, there was a video I watched a while ago online about it where the guy refers to it as born sexy yesterday, where they're like sexy women that a man has to kind of teach how to, civilization, basically, teach how to talk. And she starts acting like this and it's very weird. So she's in a barn a later and Tom Holland is like, it's okay, it's okay.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Like I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm not gonna hurt you. And she's like, but I don't understand why she's not just talking to him and saying, what's going on here? I came with the other settlers. It's very strange. It doesn't really. It feels like there's a scene missing where she encountered had like a very negative
Starting point is 00:17:32 early encounter with some settlers or something. Or it's hit on the head and it's disoriented. Or yeah, there, yeah, coconut falls from a tree, it's not, it's around that. It's this new world.
Starting point is 00:17:42 All it seems to have is beats and coconuts. And I know that it's straight and big bugs. And big bugs and an alien race that we see once and then never again. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-uh. Uh-uh. You know Todd goes they round up a posse they go looking for her they uh- eventually what they eventually catch her right and uh- they uh, mads michelson takes her back to the colony and he starts, uh, it like he, he isolates her and tries to explain to her what's going on. You know, she explains what the noise is all about. He explains about the evil aliens, the spackle who came and killed all their women one day. But filled all the holes in the walls.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Yeah, that was good. It does. It, there was a moment where he just, he refers to the aliens is calling being called the Spackel and I could see him, I could see the struggle there. Like that's a silly thing to have to say. But he pulled it off, he pulled it off, he's amazing. In odd name for your potentially menacing alien creatures.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Yeah. Why are they called that? Well, we never find out. No, we don't know much about. No, the fact is that are an under defined element in this scenario. I mean, she is immediately suspicious of them. Could you talk about Mads Meckles? Yeah. She's a Mads Meckles who is, look, is fairly scary looking. And, you know, he, I don't, I think it's funny there was in Death Stranding recently which is basically a game that could have been
Starting point is 00:19:08 called chaos walking but the so and she's in like a barn surrounded by men who are all shouting with their thoughts so I could understand why she would be a little nervous so of course the mayor leaves his son alone with her he gets super weird and then he somehow sets off a device that blows up a bunch of stuff and she escapes. And over here's Mads-Mickleson's real plan, which is of course, wait for a new ship of Collinus to arrive, bonk them all on the head with coconuts
Starting point is 00:19:38 and take their ship. Yeah. I think I think kill them. I don't know that it's just gonna be a bonking. I mean, they don't, do they clarify it? I mean, it's kind think kill them. I don't know that it's just gonna be a bonking. I mean, they don't, do they clarify Elliot? I mean, it's kind of the same thing. So, maybe they don't. But he sees these new colonists as a threat to his power
Starting point is 00:19:51 because he seems to have some sort of horrible secret that is, I mean, I wouldn't go ahead as to say incredibly obvious, but certainly very obvious. But yeah. And it makes me wonder, it makes me wonder, and here's an issue, and I assume it's a This is not to get into some kind of critical gender theory, but it feels like this Story is built around a very old-fashioned structure of there's a young guy
Starting point is 00:20:23 He encounters someone from the outside and that opens his eyes to the problems of the place that he's living in when I don't know why you don't just tell the story about Disney, Daisy Ridley. Like I don't know why you don't just make her the hero of this story, because she's the one who's totally out of her element and would not have a reason to have suspected these secrets before. Like I don't know why we're still holding on
Starting point is 00:20:37 to this old-fashioned framework of, you need a young guy to be your entry point into this story. Yeah, well, I mean, you know, not much of a spoiler because we were arguing to talk about the whole damn movie. But like, this movie, in so much as it has something on its mind, seems to have on its mind, like the male capacity for violence,
Starting point is 00:20:58 the way that the idea of being a man gets acquated to being violent because like, like that song in the lawn. Tom Holland keeps telling himself in his noise, like, you know, be a man, be a man, be a brave, be a man. And that is linked to Mads being like, a man needs to kill sometimes, you know. And him learning, like, no, killing everything is not the answer that you should not look on this as,
Starting point is 00:21:32 I don't know, like, to argue that, like, what we hold as masculine is toxic to put it in the language of our time. And so maybe they thought that they need to center a man learning that lesson and maybe like Trojan horse that message in for maybe men who are looking for an adventure story, but it does seem a little weird. Like that mean the story at this time seems a little weird for the reason of, yeah,
Starting point is 00:22:07 like should the guy be the main hero and also like it is so tied to the idea of gender being a binary that it opens up problems that it does not address at all, but. Well, that's a whole other issue. But it feels like it's the Margaret Act would quote that you see all the time where it says men are afraid women will laugh at them, women are afraid men will kill them.
Starting point is 00:22:27 This is kind of like, men are afraid women will laugh at them, women are afraid men will kill at them, the movie. Like that's kind of like it's like someone took that quote and was like, I better build a movie around that. And they did it. They did it. They did it. And they made it happen.
Starting point is 00:22:43 I couldn't make this damn Ridleyer joke work anyway. I can't They were able to make a movie out of this quote So I'm gonna make a boy out of pencils then pencils can Take some leaves and I don't remember they make a boy out of pencils I think you maybe miss remembering what happened in that movie And speaking of boys if you make if you make butter out a peanut, then maybe we can make a peanut out of butter balls. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:23:08 And speaking of peanuts and balls, let's talk about a beet farm. That's right. That's the farm that Todd lives at and Daisy Ridley's character, who we later learn is named Viola, as hidden out in his barn. There's a lot of talk about beets in this. Do you think that's a 12-night reference the fact that she's named by all yeah maybe i think it is or yeah uh... i i've heard this much about beets since the dog tv show
Starting point is 00:23:31 oh man you guys you gotta interrupt at that that's it that's it that was a joke from my generation the nick tunes generation anyway continue jen z do not apply to that joke don't worry about it uh... they'll probably reboot it um so, uh, they decide and Todd decides to protect her. Uh, he informs his two dads that, uh, he is, uh, that, you know, the cheese there because he can't hide any information because all his thoughts are read out in the sky. Um, so they, uh, his father, his father played by Damien Bashir Ben explains that he the uh... that that they got to get her out of there and he has to go with her and their only choice is to go to a place called far branch which has uh... there's some like dark mystery tied in there where he can't reveal that he's from printus town uh... which turns out to printus town's pretty shitty i think we we can all agree printus town just it just turns out that printus townown's pretty shitty. I think we can all agree, print a stown's yes. It just turns out that print a stown has a bad reputation because they're terrible.
Starting point is 00:24:28 They're terrible. They're terrible. They killed a lot of people. They take paths with their clothes on and they've never taken a hot one before. And they're not very, they're not, maybe Todd is not the best example is they're not very observant because there's a part where,
Starting point is 00:24:42 and this shows to me that they did not, they weren't paying super close attention to The to the writing when they cast the movie after we're not rewriting movie for the cast because that he when he finally hears Viole the talk he goes her voice is high kind of nice and I was like she has a deeper voice than you I know My notes It was it but by the me so it was like this is probably a line Maybe it's in the original book and it's carried through all this time. And nobody at any point was like, you know, Tom Holland's voice is higher than, than Daisy
Starting point is 00:25:10 really. It's like, we should probably change that line. Do you think they suggested it to Tom Holland? He's like, what are you talking about? He's like, oh, dude, you mean I should start talking like this throughout the movie. It's just me, your food will be able to, and they're like, yeah, they're like, we've already shot half the movie with his high voice. We can't do this now
Starting point is 00:25:25 but there must be there's an alternate cut that's on the dvd of him being like whoo let me let me june of orbransh uh... so before they can leave uh... the the the printus town posse shows up and they have to escape in a hail of blaster fire his father kill you is killed by evil nixonis but they get out of there they're chased by other guys on horses
Starting point is 00:25:49 and uh... the first another cardinal sin of the movie they he rides his horse off a cliff and his horse breaks his leg and he has to kill it and it sucks yeah sucks movie you suck house like was is the revenue yeah uh... yet uh...
Starting point is 00:26:05 so uh... taad and viola for me to help you know they didn't really kill a horse making the movie i'm sure no i i mean i checked the credits and didn't say they said they have a little horse or i got to assume it did say the indedicated to the memory of sparkles or anything like that uh... the horse name is whiskey uh... so they're uh... taad and uh... taad and Viola form kind of an uneasy
Starting point is 00:26:26 alliance because they got to get to Far Branch so she can call out to like the ship that her shuttle came from. To arrive. Watch out, we're now. Just yeah. I'm a celebrity. Get me out of here. She says. Yeah. I was in Star Wars. And but she can't go on her own because Todd the only map Todd has is his memory of a map and I'm like I don't remember. I'm I have a pretty good spatial memory and I couldn't remember a map perfectly but whatever. So we get like a bunch of scenes of questing.
Starting point is 00:27:03 You know they're like walking around different areas. We find out that it doesn't really ever get dark there. They go through swamps. You get the classic scene of the man stripping off his clothes to like jump in some water and her like looking at him and then looking away and then looking at him again just like in Pacific Rim basically. Or like in that or like that X-Men comic where Jubilee and boom boom see Wolverine naked and then they like lose their shit I don't think I've read that one It's crazy. No, it was a real comic like Wolverine's meditate. I've talked about this on the podcast before long time fans
Starting point is 00:27:37 They're gonna be like just quoting this verbatim But Wolverine is doing like you know like a nude meditation thing because he's like a badass. And BOOM BOOM and Jubilee go to grab him because they have to have a meeting or something. That's what the X-Men do. And so Wolverine gets up and walks past them. And there is a panel of both Jubilee and BOOM BOOM looking down at Wolverine's naked body as he walks past.
Starting point is 00:28:01 And then a shot of them with sweat bubbles shooting out of their head. Yeah, they do. They do the anime horny face with their eyes cross. Yeah, it's wild. It real common cannon. Somebody is going to somebody will email you the panels. Dan and great. Yeah. I'll have it. I'll add it to my file. I'll put it in my filing camp. And it's your print off files. Yeah, print off. After Wolverine comma, girls thirsting over. Yeah, put it tag it and then print it out. Put it on your wall, put a piece of red yarn between that
Starting point is 00:28:35 and I don't know. I'm not walking. Yeah. Yeah. So we have a lot of, you know, they have a lot of chatting about who the real aliens are, humans or the Spackel. We learn a little bit about Val's background about how she's been on this college shift,
Starting point is 00:28:50 her whole life. She's never seen rain before, this planet sucks. That her parents are dead. Did we mention already that Mads Michaels, the story at Prentice Town is always that the Spackel killed all the women in the town. Oh, yeah, that's important. That when Tom Holland was a baby, the Spackel arrived and killed all the women in town, including his mom. And all he remembers is a song she sang to him when he was a wee bab.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Yep. But he can conjure that image up whenever he wants. So it's basically like you still alive, right? I mean, it's one of those things where like, you know, I'm like, I know how kids memory works and my memory of being a child work. He is remembering the story, his dad told him about that song. There's no way he is memories that clear from when he said a little bit. Yeah, especially because he is remembering it from a...
Starting point is 00:29:34 From another outside vantage point. He's going outside of, yes. Like rather than like maybe fuzzy images of like blurry mom face. Yeah, like his memory would be his dad's face telling him the story and maybe his dad would be conjuring some shit at the same time. So me actually, you know what? That's what it is. It's a memory of seeing his dad remembering it from his head. We guys, we fixed the plot hole. It's not a plot hole. He's remembering. He's remembering his dad's noise. Yeah, call it. Don't call this back. Oh, we did it already. You know, we don't need them to fill that one in.
Starting point is 00:30:06 And there's a moment where Tom Holland is obviously infatuated with Daisy Ridley's character. And he even has like an imaginary make out session with her, which is creepy and would be creepy if that happened. So I don't I think I mean, I don't get the noise power. No, I think that I think the way the movie handles it is I don't like that there's a, it's kind of a fake out where she kisses him. I don't think the movie handles that wrong. I know, well, they, she kisses him
Starting point is 00:30:32 and then we learn that it was actually a noise image. But the way he does it is not creepy. He's a young guy who, like, young guys have those thoughts. It's not like he is, he's not creeping on her and the movie is making it clear like that's an embarrassing thought for someone to see. So I don't think it was, it wasn like that's an embarrassing thought for someone to see. So I don't think it was, it wasn't that creepy, you know.
Starting point is 00:30:46 I mean, I'm just creepy in the sense I think all teenage boys are creepy and to imagine seeing all the other people be horrifying. Well, that's the purpose and the purpose of, I mean, the point of the movie is men's thoughts are horrifying and we shouldn't see the memory. Exactly, that is, that is the mission statement of the film. I mean, and why do I gotta see it in a movie? I had a whole season or so of Herman's head to watch. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:11 Well, when there were four people in Herman's head, there was lust, someone else, another thing, and I don't know what the other thing was. There's like a nerdy guy, there was a big, sloppy party guy. Was there a lady? There was like the hippie lady, and then there's one other one that I forget.
Starting point is 00:31:26 And more Smith was not in the head. Your Lee Smith was a, was the secretary where he worked, right? I believe that is true. I believe that. Okay. I guess I'm going to go back and review him and set up a little bit more. Dan's going to get more emails after this episode and this and that. So they, headcommer hermits.
Starting point is 00:31:42 So they find a, they find a spackle village And they try to avoid it and then they of course get attacked by a spackle dude who kind of looks like Kind of like a gray like a tall muscular gray alien, but like all like I don't know like oily And it's only got one arm and it's only got one arm, but I don't know his whole story Maybe they all have only one arm or maybe like it looks like it was maybe you know, they in a conflict between the speckle and these colonists that maybe lost. Maybe. You kind of have to read that into it.
Starting point is 00:32:14 It's another one of these things that I remember like with Cowboys and Aliens, what was like this is an intelligent, sentient alien being, but because it is not human, it wears no clothes and looks like a monster and acts like a monster. Doesn't attempt to communicate, doesn't move or act like it's thinking. But it does have the noise around its head. It seems put off by the fact that Daisy Ridley's character does not have the noise. At first, he starts being the crap out of Tom Holland, and then Tom Holland starts knife in it.
Starting point is 00:32:44 It's pretty brutal. And then Daisy Violet convinces him to not kill the spackle who then just leaves. And then that story's done. But he learned that you know, you can't just kill everything, which is a very important lesson to learn if you're running around with a fucking knife. Yeah, of course, yeah. So of course shortly after they find another settlement, that's right. We get to far branch and it's way nicer like they have all kinds of animals It's playing playing music. It's great. There's men and women and kids
Starting point is 00:33:14 It looks much nicer the mayor's or women which really throws off time Yeah played by Cynthia Revo. She's great and then of course Ray McKinning shows up And I'm like that's what this movie needed. It's like a western. Ray McKinney's in every fucking western now, right? Yeah. It is very much like a western. I mean, which makes sense because there's a movie about colonists. And I just want to, you know, in the interest of saying some things I liked about the movie, I think that the look of the movie I enjoyed. It Doug Lyman, I think, in general, is good at providing something with a stylish look without being aggressive about it, without being stylish in quotes where it'll have to be assaultive.
Starting point is 00:33:57 Like this alien world looks different enough to seem like, you know, it's another like unpleasant to live in for humans planet, but it is basically also just a physical space that you that looks not unlike Earth. It just looks like a frontier somewhere. Yeah, and I like that. I would say the only real design misstep is the the aliens themselves, which are, as you said, are new. Yeah, but everything else, I like the mixture of high-tech low-tech stuff. And there's some pretty shots. I like pretty wilderness shots.
Starting point is 00:34:37 Yeah, it's hard to look at greenery and forest and not find it pleasant. It feels tactile. It doesn't feel like it's all on a green screen. They do a good job with the design of it looking like a place where people with technology showed up and then had to make do either with what they'd brought with them or building new things that they didn't have
Starting point is 00:34:57 all the resources for and like it looks like a place that started with technology and has had to feel on the gaps that we didn't have. And the amount of work for the visual artists to be going in there and adding those like the noise to every man in a shot. That's a lot, that's very impressive. That's, yeah, they did it. I mean, it is, and it is so much, I don't think the movie is totally successful, they
Starting point is 00:35:17 do so much, it's so much more worthwhile, the work they're putting it in than in the Aquaman movie per se where they must have had hundreds, if not thousands of hours of digital artists making their hair and capes look like they were waving in water. And I was like, this is a real waste of, I mean I'm glad people got paid to do this work, but this is a real waste of effort when this whole movie could have been set on land just as easily, you know, but instead everyone's hair had to be constantly waving. I would argue, I would argue the premise of an Aquaman movie. I guess what I'm saying is I'm questioning...
Starting point is 00:35:48 What are they gonna call him Landlord? I guess I'm questioning the premise of making an Aquaman movie in the first place. I guess what it really comes down to. Oh, Kate, so let's see. I just wanted to mention that Stuart, yes, Remi-Kin and does have to be in every western now. It's called the Lukasque doctrine. There's one actor does have to be in every western now. It's called the Lukasque doctrine There's one actor who has to be in every western during a period
Starting point is 00:36:08 Lukasque was that for an earlier era and now it's Remicken and I can't wait to see who it is next. Yeah so Despite Todd is allowed to stay even though he's from Prentice town But he's not really accepted, you know, there's some grumbling, but he's not hung on site But they can't contact the ship from Far Branch because they dismantled all their Far Range communication equipment. So they are informed by the mayor that they have to go on to another settlement. That's right, there's more settlements on this planet.
Starting point is 00:36:39 They have to go to a place called Haven, which they should be able to contact the ship from there. We get a little bit of downtime. Viola reads Todd's mom's journal to him, which reveals the tragedy of Princess Town. We find out what really happened. Who wants to, Elliot, I think you're a champ at the bed here to tell us what actually happened at Princess Town. What actually happened was Matt's's michael sin and david yellow uh... riled up the men and because uh... for their reasons that uh...
Starting point is 00:37:08 the world of the men and convinced them to kill all the women uh... mad's michael sin because he was ashamed of the things that people of women seeing the way he thinks and david and because he's the kind of poorly characterized religious zealot who only thinks in terms of fire and brimstone all the like his thoughts are constantly like a martyr is needed blood for the sin fire and it's like does he never think like I have to use the bathroom I'm hungry now
Starting point is 00:37:33 is he from a resident evil video game I will say that like I yes he is he is he as a character he is a mystery and tell sort of like his final scene like I think he snapped into focus for me a little bit more later where like You know part of the thing with the the noise is he like Could not distinguish it from the voice of God like and he could hear the voices of the men like and he could hear the voices of the men. The women had no voices, so he says like, oh like, you know, to him they had no souls and it's a case of like, I think we're meant to believe that because of the shame of women being able to keep their secrets and men's horrible thoughts on display all the time, like the madness of society breaking down
Starting point is 00:38:31 and the difficulty of this hard-scrable, like colonist life, like turned him towards, you know, even greater zealotry. Well, no, but I think it's like, I would buy that character if he was an outcast from the village, because he is so off-putting and so insane That he should be Worshack basically. He should be someone who is on the fringes of this community But he seemed but everyone kind of like even though they're kind of afraid and annoyed by him
Starting point is 00:38:55 He seems to hold a still a level of authority in the village that he's not dismissed and it was like I don't I don't buy that character being nonstop religious violence in his mind that he is shouting at the world and everyone just being like, oh, preacher, yeah, preacher, what should we do? Okay, preacher, there's definitely times where he's like leading groups of men. And it doesn't, like you get the feeling obviously
Starting point is 00:39:19 from the Todd character that, I mean, he mentions multiple times that nobody nobody needs a preacher anymore yeah and like and obviously Mads Michelson seems to keep him at arms length but I agree with you Elliot I wonder if the idea is maybe that he was at one point more useful to Mads in like sort of keeping his power and they're now they're bound together by like sort of the sin of what they did killing all these women. I don't think we actually got into the fact before or at least we didn't dwell on it that the thing that makes the mayor special is he can control his noise very well like he cannot let you know he does not let people into his thoughts and he seems to have sort of mastered it
Starting point is 00:40:04 enough that he kind of can control other men's thoughts into his thoughts, and he seems to have sort of mastered it enough that he kind of can control other men's thoughts. Like his thoughts are so strong that they can overpower others. And he's like the shadow. Yes, yeah, exactly. And there's a hint that he recognizes in Todd that same level of ability. Like Todd does early in the movie, Todd gets Nick Jonas to back off by imagining a giant snake lunging at Nick Jonas And it's so real that Nick Jonas gets out of the way and Todd and magic like good good use of your noise Todd
Starting point is 00:40:30 And it's like the it's a terrible match. That's not a good impression. I apologize mr. Mikkelson But I'm pretty proud of you Oh bad man. It's me mad's Mikkelson also a vampire The uh, well But this is my design. I don't know why, yeah, why is he revealing the vagays of vampire? It makes sense. Because it's anti-vampire weapons. And I'd like to play against the tide.
Starting point is 00:40:53 People think of me as just a great actor, but I'm also a vampire. And people don't know that and explains why I don't go out doing the day very much. But it's really, it's demo-reel to be a guest on what we do in the shadows. Yeah, yeah to be a guest on what we do in the shadows. Yeah, yeah, to be going what we do in the show is as the Jewish vampire trying to trying to hide the fact that he's Jewish, but it keeps coming out.
Starting point is 00:41:12 So yeah, he's so he has got the, but he's got this, yeah, he and Todd are special and that they're a little bit better to control their noise, but Todd is his leaks out because he's young and then he just for always goes back to him, I'm tied, you it. I'm tied, you it. I'm tied, you it. Yeah, which is a very suspicious thing for him to be thinking later What are you hiding boy? I'm tied you it. I'm tied you hmm. You seem to be saying your name to yourself a lot Something something wrong Do you forget your name?
Starting point is 00:41:38 So before they can head off to Haven a posse from printus town arrives at far branch And they got their big laser blasters and they got a bunch of guys and there's a standoff. But Prentice manages to start convincing the locals to just let him grab the Viala, grab a girl. A guy tries to kidnap Viala but she saves herself. She doesn't need Todd to help her. And then the two of them sneak off and hide in a barn for a little while.
Starting point is 00:42:10 This movie loves hiding and barns. Uh huh. Yeah. Father Ben, who has been forced to come along, is then forced to convince Todd to give over, give up Viola to the mayor. Ben goes out and makes it, he uses a handy illusion to trick the mayor for a second, giving Todd and Viola enough time to escape. But not enough time because the evil preacher chases them, there's a river chase, Manchi the dog who we have at this point come to love, is joins them on a river boat and then in the scuffle,
Starting point is 00:42:51 I'm like a little boat, it's not like a paddle wheel river boat, but then that river boat game is a marriage. The man boat they were. I was saying, we're on the run, we got to hide our noise. The game's ph, boys and girls. Sit down. Take a look, please. Well, belly up to the table.
Starting point is 00:43:11 That would be great. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen, which would be great. Nope, the worst thing in the world happens. The evil preacher slowly kills this dog that we love. And it sucks. And I do not like it. Okay, so then they escape and they find they find the generation ship this massive ship that the original colonists came on. It's
Starting point is 00:43:33 crashed in like half buried in the earth and Daisy Ridley's like, huh, leave it to me. I'm an expert exploring old ships. And then... reminds me of jacko and then that's correct this is a reference to a character she played into a movie uh... so they find the long and i guess that's that's uh... that's uh... that's uh... synergistic stang so they find a long range common but they need to reconnect the antenna so of course they need somebody to do some climbing
Starting point is 00:44:03 and tom hollins like a that's my expertise I'm a character who climbs a lot in another movie. Climes around like a spider. They're both like what? What I was referencing. They're like, what skills do we each have in Disney-owned IP? We'll use both of them in this scene. So they, he climbs up there and reconnects the comm unit. Meanwhile, the posse from Prentice Town show up and surround the crash ship. The apprentice starts trying to coax Todd out by threatening his father, Ben, who
Starting point is 00:44:41 has been beaten and dragged along. And the preacher sneaks aboard the ship and starts attacking Viola. But then Viola uses some of her fancy equipment and totally roasts him hooray. But also this is a scene where like, I found this honestly kind of interesting because you can hear his noise
Starting point is 00:45:02 and it's clear that like whether or not it's conscious thought or or his like the truth sort of like coming out from his brain but like he knows that killing all the women was an evil deed that like that he did this horrible thing and he wants her to kill him. He's attacking her not to kill her, but so that she will be forced to kill him too, as a form of repentance or penance. And as the mom of the papa said, the preacher likes the cold,
Starting point is 00:45:36 and this preacher probably does, because he burns to death. So. Oh, yeah, that's a nice example. It's another piece of yarn from. Yes, so if you can put that over. the the red dot the california dream and i guess single cover and put that with with yarn attached that to
Starting point is 00:45:56 uh... and outside the ship we got uh... pod confronts print us uh... father bend gets shot and killed uh... god gets shot uh... and then the fight there's a lot of like conjuring illusions it's very mysterious versus spider-man uh... and everyone is using their illusion yeah that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that would almost call this a civil war, the opening track on user illusion too. Yeah, sure. You don't use your illusion, you'll lose your illusions.
Starting point is 00:46:27 So that's the problem. That's true. Then you have a spaghetti incident. I'm trying to use democracy. So, no, that's all lies. Okay, so the... So you're saying that using the noise they both have an appetite for distraction. Oh no. So you're saying that using the noise they both have an appetite for distraction
Starting point is 00:46:50 That's gonna continue someone so much you has no Versing I mean if they're not familiar with GNR then they can they can figure it out themselves You know, I mean we talk about the the music video from November rain like every other episode And that fucking dude who dies through the cake what's going on? like every other episode, right? And that fucking dude who does through the cake, what's going on? He hates cakes. He's done that, or he does that in every wedding. You know that guy does that before.
Starting point is 00:47:09 Yeah, that's his, they're like, don't invite him. He's gonna dive through the cake. Like he had promised, I won't do it this time. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're like, bring out the first, bring out the decoy cake, so he'll dive through it. Then we'll bring out the real cake. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:21 I have to wait. Sadly, yeah, sadly he died while diving through a king cake and the baby cut right through his body But having was the little baby figurine just split him in half like like Who's who's who's raised her hat? Is that moral comment? Kung Lao Kung Lao, yes or like the thumb from Takeshi katano's character from Johnny Nmonic depending on what reference is better for you. Which preferential better get the across the idea of a guy diving into a cake at a tiny baby figurine cutting into? A monomolecular tiny baby slicing a man in half as he does the cake
Starting point is 00:47:58 in a New Orleans themed wedding. When it's raining. Yeah, okay, So Todd Conchers, a Greek chorus of women, berating Prentice, and then Viola shows up, the real one shows up, and blasts him with a pipe, and knocks him down a hole. The end. The ship arrives, the posse runs off. Todd wakes up from his injuries, climbs out of his back to tank, he's on her ship. And the new colonists
Starting point is 00:48:25 are gonna stay movie over. I did it. Perfect score for Stewart. And you did a great job. And one thing I want to mention is that the movie does not have them kiss at the end. At the end, there's still that kind of hint of like, maybe they like each other now, but it does not go all the way to have them suddenly be in love after several stressful days together, which I was very not. Yeah, that was a good choice by the movie. Like who knows, maybe, but who cares on the other hand? And then Stuart, do you want to summarize the 10 minutes of end credits that follow? Uh, I wasn't paying that.
Starting point is 00:48:58 I was just, I mean, I was paying attention, but I wasn't paying that close attention because I was just looking again for that. The no horses were. I mean, you could summarize them by a bunch of words words went by. Yeah, but I just just one of the things I was like, okay, there's still some of this movie left right and it cut to black and that and I was like, I just so I could see on the timeline on the screen that there was a lot there were 10 minutes left and I was like, wow, there's a lot of credits. They mean, but that's the visual artist working on the noise, I guess.
Starting point is 00:49:19 It was a big movie. And there was a ton of reshoots. So I would imagine that were spread out over, because they, and it was shot on location, they were shot, and a lot of the reshoots were done in Atlanta too. So, I imagine a lot of different people got a crack at this thing. Yeah, that's true. So, guys, final judgments.
Starting point is 00:49:38 Is this a good bad movie, a bad, bad movie, or a movie you kind of like? This is a tough one, and I I'm gonna get a little controversial here. I kind of like the movie. We talked about it, there's a lot of flaws, even more flaws, the more we talk about it. I think the biggest problem with it is it is a potentially very interesting idea that has been flattened out into a pretty standard YA screenplay, and I am very curious what the Charlie Kaufman version of it was before this version came up.
Starting point is 00:50:17 But it has like Mads Michael Sanders great, the stars, like the roles they're playing, not particularly deep, but Daisy Ridley and Tom Holland are extremely charismatic people and it was fun to watch them. I like the look of the movie and I like that it like tried to have some ideas and tried to be saying something about something. I mean, it's like the novels want a shitload of awards.
Starting point is 00:50:42 Yeah. But the novels want a shitload of awards. Yeah, I just think it's, you know, but it is like, it does feel like it could be kind of a mid-level sci-fi series as much as like a film. I don't know. I don't know. I marginally enjoy it just because I think it looked kind of neat and it was easy. It went down easier than I expected, but I wouldn't recommend it necessarily for anyone. Yeah, I don't think it was. I think it was neither good, bad, nor full-out, bad, bad, but it is very, it feels very generic to me. It feels like they did take, they were like, what's the one gimmick of this thing?
Starting point is 00:51:23 And now, like you're saying, they just kind of got compressed into the same kind of old structure that You've seen in a lot of movies and you kind of know where it's going all the time and it even it looks very like the way it's shot Looks very hunger games at times and like it it say it was the movie where I was constantly waiting for the moment where it was going to Like surprise me in some way and so so it didn't strike me as bad, but I did find it dull because it was, but if you haven't seen a lot of these movies, then go ahead.
Starting point is 00:51:52 If you've seen a lot of these movies, then you're gonna be every beat of the way you're gonna know what's gonna happen. But maybe this is you've never seen a movie before. Go ahead, watch Chaos Walking. I don't know. It's gonna blow your mind if you've never seen a movie before. Yeah. Yeah, I feel like, I don't know, I guess when it actually started moving, like obviously I've already mentioned,
Starting point is 00:52:11 there's a few things the movie does that I could not, I don't enjoy it all, involving animal death. You don't enjoy seeing dogs drowned. Exactly, I don't enjoy that. That's fair. Yeah, we can disagree. No, I don't like it. So, good say. The, so I feel like once the movie gets going and I had to take fewer notes, I found it to be more enjoyable because I was actually kind of just watching
Starting point is 00:52:36 the movie and stuff was happening. And it's like the locations are beautiful and the performances aren't bad. And I like at least some of the design decisions, but like that first chunk is fucking the labor that goes into trying to explain the setup. When I feel like you guys hit on the head when you were saying that like, if you focused on the Daisy Ridley character
Starting point is 00:52:57 at the start and you saw it through her eyes, like her perspective is so much more understandable. So if you just, if you showed that through her, it would make way more sense. It would feel a lot more fleet. But yeah. And I don't know if it's just because I'm like thirsting for like weirder sci-fi, like something like
Starting point is 00:53:17 raised by wolves where this feels just kind of bland. Maybe my taste buds have been so desensitized by stranger offerings, you know? Well, and also, with this many talented people on it, you expect something that's more than just kind of like the same old, you know, and it feels very same old to me. That, I think there's a version of this movie here. This is gonna be, this is our new segment, movie MD, where we're gonna fix, we's a version of this movie here. This is gonna be this is our new this is our this is our new
Starting point is 00:53:45 segment movie MD where we're gonna we're gonna fix it. We're gonna doctor up this movie I think because I know that it is a lot of people grow up in systems where they don't recognize the the sin inherent in the system or the things being This the lies being told to them until they're older because you only know what you grew up with There's a I feel like like every generation has this moment where they're like, hey, wait a minute, like capitalism's not good for most people. And then the next generation has to figure that out again because it's so big into the way we live.
Starting point is 00:54:14 But the town is so obviously sinister that for Todd not to recognize it is ridiculous for the audience to buy, and it's like in real life I would buy it in a movie, it's hard for me to buy buy. And it's like in real life, I would buy it in a movie, it's hard for me to buy it. And so if there's a way, a version of this movie, I think starts with Daisy on the ship and they're talking about how great this place is gonna be
Starting point is 00:54:33 that they've been journeying to for decades. She talks in the movie about how my grandparents got on the ship and my parents and I was born on the ship and they told me we're leaving for a better life and they're telling her how great this place is gonna be. It's basically, this is the American tale version of it, I guess. And she crash lands on it. She does not know what the noise is.
Starting point is 00:54:50 She's being confronted by guys whose thoughts are screaming at her all the time. She's got to figure it out. And she kind of like has to team up with this kid who is like, well meaning, but kind of slow when it comes to figuring out what's going on around him, you know, who's just kind of oblivious to anything outside of his own head because he's a teen guy. Why are you pointing at me while you're saying that slow? Maybe he's painting managers a lot. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:55:13 Maybe he's got a cat named Muscles, but anyway, so, and the, like that's a version of the movie that I think would be more interesting, but it's just not the version of the story they're telling here. Instead, they go in a more traditional path, you know? So I guess I didn't come up with a... Yeah, it doesn't really fit our categories. There's elements that I kind of like but also, you know, what I guess would be a bad bad movie.
Starting point is 00:55:39 So was chaos walking, chaos watching? No. Or are we chaos blocking at the prospect of recommending it? I mean we are cast blocking. I don't know I can give us Dan give us a chaos walking pun or plan. Yes, stumbling Okay, yeah, that's your review title. Well, that was our that was took an hour, but we got there Yeah, great. I had it before. I just didn't think it was worth saying. Yeah, guys, let's just end our regular segment chaos
Starting point is 00:56:09 talking where we talk about the movie chaos walking and move on to the next segment. I'm going first. It's me Jackie K. Shutt man. She's always this bossy. I'm Laura Kilhart. We're a bunch of stand-up comics, and we've been doing comedy like 60 years total. We both of us, but we look amazing. And we're running out. We drop every Monday on Max Fun,
Starting point is 00:56:38 and it's called the Jackie Lorry Show, and you could listen to it and learn about comedy, and learn about anchor management, and all the things. And Jackie is married, but childless, and I'm unmarried, but child full. So together, we date one complete woman. Is that just look at what's going on? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:58 And we try to make Kyle laugh just like that, so, oh my God, every episode. It's a good job. Jackie and Laurie show, Mondays's only on Maximum Fun. We are the host of my brother, my brother, me, and now nearly 10 years into our podcast, The Secret Can Be Revealed. All the clues are in place,
Starting point is 00:57:18 and the world's greatest treasure hunt can now begin. Embedded in each episode of my brother, my brother, me, is a micro clue that will lead you to 14 precious gemstones all around this hunt can now begin. the better ones, the good ones, clues a hoi. Listen to every episode repeatedly in sequence. Laugh if you must, but mainly get all the great clues. My brother, my brother, me. It's an advice show, kind of, but a treasure hunt mainly. Anywhere you find podcasts or treasure maps. My brother, my brother, my brother, me.
Starting point is 00:58:00 The hunt is on. The next segment is a quick word from Squarespace. One of our sponsors for this episode, with Squarespace you can create a beautiful website, put your cool idea into a nice site everyone can see on the internet. You can blog or publish content, sell products and services of all kinds, and much, much more. And Squarespace does this by giving you beautiful customizable templates created by world-class designers. Everything optimized from mobile right out of the box, a new way to buy domains and choose from over 200 extensions and free and secure hosting. So go to slash flop for a free trial.
Starting point is 00:58:50 And when you're ready to launch, use the offer code flop to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. So Dan, I had an idea for a website. That's why squarespace might be able to help me with it. We'll bring the pause right there. They might. Okay, now, we saw the movie chaos walking. We know that there's a problem guys are having where people can hear their thoughts and
Starting point is 00:59:13 it's called the noise. It's a problem that we're all having these days. Everybody's going through it. At the same time, look, kids need toys and we don't want to make them out of plastic anymore. We want to make them out of biodegradable materials. So, I wanted to start a website where we could hire people with noise problems and harness their ability to come up with new ideas to then design toys to be made out of more biodegradable organic products. And so, that's my website, It would be your place to get toys made of
Starting point is 00:59:47 soy made by boys dealing with noise. Now, you know what I know what sparks when said, noisy boys are happy boys. So who better to design the soy toys that our kids need? The noise boys. So is your place to buy soy based toys made by boys dealing with noise. We're giving them something to do to take their mind off of the noise. And we're making better toys at a soy. So Danny thinks we're supposed to be able to help you with this website. Now, keep in mind, I don't have the company yet,
Starting point is 01:00:12 but I want to set up the site so it's ready when I finally get the ability to make toys at a soy. I think they will. Elliot, you broke up a little bit. I think you said something about sparks. Did you say something about sparks? I did. I said that. I'm going to see that at your right,
Starting point is 01:00:24 documentary on Friday. i'm very excited i think i'm gonna be seeing it this weekend too it's the movie i'm most looking forward to this year but yeah i was because sparks as you know from their uh... from their album terminal drive uh... on the song noisy boys they say noisy boys are happy boys so who better to design the toys of tomorrow out of soy than boys with noise that's noisy boys toy toys dot com boys. So who better to design the toys of tomorrow out of soy than boys with noise. That's noisy boys. So it's .com. Oh, you know, thinking about it, this this podcast is coming out on my birthday.
Starting point is 01:00:51 So I just like to extend to you the chance to say happy birthday to me, guys, if you wanted to, you know, it's not your birthday, but recording this. No, but it's the podcast coming out on my birthday. So maybe I mean, I'm gonna do it, Elliot. I'll do it. Okay. Okay, so happy birthday. Happy birthday, Dan. Thanks.
Starting point is 01:01:16 Thanks. I appreciate it. Hey, Dan, happy birthday when this is released, but not all the word again. I appreciate it. Keeps a foot on base there. I like it. Stewart, Stewart, I appreciate it. Keeps a foot on base there. I like it. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:25 Okay. Stewart, I think you have another. I have another one. I have a word from another sponsor. That's right. Dan, was that an ad for your birthday? Yeah. That was a little plug for my birthday. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:35 Yeah, just drop the drop the cash app after the episode. You're going to put that birthday noise sign effect in here. I was sort of hoping nobody even remember my birthday. It was like that, it was like a noise maker. Noise maker, is it the whole song?
Starting point is 01:01:52 Who knows? So hey everybody, Sport for the Flop Pous is brought to you by Manscaped. Manscaped is dedicated being the best in men's below the waste grooming. And Man'scape just launched their new fourth generation trimmer, the lawnmower 4.0. And oh boy, I've been making some use. I'm sure Dan's going to be updating the floppas insta with all kinds of picks.
Starting point is 01:02:20 But no. So, it's going to happen. It is a sleek, well designed and optimized trimmer. It makes shaving time much easier, having used a variety of different trimmers over the years. This one is by far the best I've used. There's some interesting topography down there, and I found the very Not to be pretty in the geography's job
Starting point is 01:02:58 I'm non-uclidean geography to networks. Yeah, and also I can't stress enough. There's also the the area that I'm shaving Because I'm gonna talk about my experience with the area that I'm shaving Because I'm gonna talk about my experience with it. The air that I'm shaving. When I'm shaving, I don't have a lot of natural light going on down there. There's a lot of shade being cast. You don't have a ring light. I don't think a lot of people have a lot of natural light
Starting point is 01:03:16 around their general steward. I think. Wait, Dan, are you saying the sun doesn't shine out of your ass? Okay. So one of the great features of this new trimmer is that there's a built-in LED spotlight which I can't stress enough is very very useful. And it also has a travel lock so that your trimmer doesn't just turn on and your bag when you're traveling around with your trimmer. That would be a nice one. And waste all your precious fat. I don't care about the embarrassment. I just don't want to waste all my precious juice.
Starting point is 01:03:47 So why don't you clean yourself up, you deserve it. You deserve it. It's great with a, with a man'scape trimmer two day to make your me time the best time. Yeah, so I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I going into too much detail I have in general avoided doing too much Trimming in the past just because I find it ends up being Tremendously itchy and I've not had that issue with this product So I assume it's some sort of miracle design that keeps you from itching.
Starting point is 01:04:27 That's it. Hey, no, it's all good info. So you can get 20% off and free shipping by using the code flop over at That's 20% off with your and free shipping at using code flop. Unlock your confidence and always use the right tools for the job with Manscaped. And Elliott, I think you have a jumbo tron.
Starting point is 01:04:51 I do have a jumbo tron. Here we go. Fake Presidents, a podcast that looks at fictional US Presidents from pop culture to see just how much fiction there really is. Hosted by a former political consultant and a former speechwriter who do like talking politics, they just don't like talking actual current politics. In other words, it's for flop house listeners who wish Ellie would share even more presidential trivia while deconstructing the politics of films like Dave, Air Force One, and of course, machete kills.
Starting point is 01:05:15 Just look for fake presidents wherever you get podcasts. We're the only show with that title. I'm glad that they pointed that out. That's very helpful. Sounds like a fun podcast to me. I'm looking forward they pointed that out. That's very helpful. Sounds like a fun podcast to me. I'm looking forward to checking it out. So, let us return to the non-sponsor-related portions of our show with everyone's favorite segment
Starting point is 01:05:37 is what I'm going to claim as true letters. That's a big claim. A big, big claim. It's probably untrue, but. Yeah, it's a probably untrue but This first one you're hedging it okay First letter. Yeah, I made a bold claim and then I immediately just back off. Yeah, yeah This is from Juniper last name with held the name And This goes howdy peaches me. I was just taking a listen to one of the episodes
Starting point is 01:06:06 in your backlog where Dan said this. But if it was a backlog though, and it was Batman's backlog, or just a log Batman like sitting on it, thinking. Yes, it's until he built. It's very hard to walk around with a log on his belt, but he does it. But when he gets his best ideas sitting on it.
Starting point is 01:06:23 Yeah. I was just taking a listen to one of the episodes in your backlog where Dan said that Stuart was yammering like a yam. I immediately had a laughing fit at my desk that lasted for at least a full minute. I assume complete with laughter aftershocks or laughter shots. Still hurts to hear it. When I thought about it in the car hours later, and even when I write this letter, my question to you three is this.
Starting point is 01:06:50 What is the most simply inane line or moment in media that sent you into such an episode of disproportionate laughter? Keep it yammy, you're always Juniper. So an inane line that sent you into hysterics. Juniper Yammy sounds like the name of a character from that was an Amazon show or Netflix show where it was like a murder mystery among fairies and elves. Was that show called Carnival Row? Carnival Row, yeah. Juniper Yammy. Well, this isn't exactly an inane line, but I think but I said I think on the
Starting point is 01:07:23 podcast I've said it on Twitter the biggest laugh that a movie got out of me in 2020 was the moment in bank when he said I'm 43 years old and I was and I went what it was I'm seeing my wife's reaction that line it was hilarious but I will say the other big my big laugh line of 2021 is Rebecca Hall saying Kong bows to no one in in a Godzilla's delivers con because it's just a very silly line oh man i don't know uh... i mean just for like like uh... i don't know if i called a in a line but just the constant mentioning of uh... official couples in barben stars funny that i've heard twenty twenty one three we've got
Starting point is 01:08:01 but then i would say for like a name line there's. I mentioned it before, but that line and fucking tenet where after having the reality that playing around with all this time shenanigans could lead to the destruction of the universe That beautiful giraffe turned into a woman like last unicorn Elizabeth the bicky leans back and says Including my son that it was so fucking silly because i get a shit dude so we're talking about bad in a lines then similarly i think that ready player one where he's upset that the billen has killed his mom sister rather than just saying his
Starting point is 01:08:41 uh... uh... is a pretty good one. Well, that's like the line in the happening where John Ligosama goes, I'm on a train going to the town of Princeton, which is like, if these people live on the East Coast, they know, for instance, a town. Like, I don't know why I had to explain that. The train doesn't stop at the college.
Starting point is 01:08:59 Is that what you're telling me? Yeah. But in terms of more deliberately enane, like a funny line that I am shocked to have funny I find it just because it's so stupid, I always go back to the classic look around you where they just go, thanks, aunts, thanks, which is just an encapsulation, I think,
Starting point is 01:09:24 of the flop houses either. So it comes to words. Yeah, is that you met her around? Yep. Yeah. You mushroom around in your mouth and they come out different.
Starting point is 01:09:35 Anyway, so this second and final letter is a, oh, it's a lot of word play as well. This is from Josie last name with held. Josie and T pussy cats, yeah. Mm-hmm. Josie writes, just wanted to say that a group of my eighth grade students is reading Dune for a student-led book group. I told them about the Duneys and McDonald's menu items, and they got inspired. Here are some of their ideas. Freminems, chocolate coated bite-sized
Starting point is 01:10:09 candies, Bine and Jeserit spice cream on a harcone. The problem with the problem with Ben juniors, mintats, Pumpkin spice latte and thopter with cheese. So yeah, I think somebody on Twitter already mentioned the gurney haddock. Yeah, I think Josie got on Twitter and I think it was maybe them who tweeted some extra ones after. But this was the, yes, this is the mother load of... I love that thanks to the internet.
Starting point is 01:10:51 Thanks the internet, we can reach out and connect with people who are also amused by the idea of dune themed menu items at a fast food restaurant. That's the power of the internet. It almost makes the destruction of democracy worth it. That the internet has made such a thing possible. So thank you Tim Berners-Lee. Is that who I should be giving thanks to for that? I guess. I guess. But hey, there's one more segment on the flop ass and that's where we recommend movies. This is the, if this is a centipede, this would be the butt segment. It's the last segment. Yeah. My favorite segment. Because a normal centipede is made up of three segments. It's the last segment. It's the butt segment. Yeah. My favorite segment.
Starting point is 01:11:25 Because a normal centipede is made up of three segments. Yeah, it's got a butt, it's got a butt, the head and letters. Somebody's been watching Wildcratz, the PBS Animal Show, the centipede has three segments, head, letters, and butt. Thanks, centipedes. What if we had a Santa Fe's letter powers? What if? And it's a show my kids watch a lot of. So I would like to recommend, so I had the first in-person hang
Starting point is 01:11:57 with some vaccinated friends to watch a movie. In the world? Yours was the first one? What? The first one. Not was the first one. What? Not the first of everyone. The first time since you did. Quarantine that I got together with a group. Did they show you their vaccination cards
Starting point is 01:12:15 or their Excel CIRPAS? I guess they did not, but I am vaccinated. So they're just taking their lives into their own heads, hands if they're not. But they all claim to be vaccinated. So they're just taking their lives into their own heads hands if they're not But they they all claim to be vaccinated and we watched The movie polyester the John Waters film from 1981 Our friend Kevin who was hosting it had found enough odorama cards for all of us to Scratch and sniff at the appropriate times during the movie. It is, it is, uh, the instructing. Yeah, every time I drink polygaster.
Starting point is 01:12:48 I remember watching that movie on TV when I was too young to really fully understand what the movie was doing. And the part where they're explaining Oda Rama in the beginning, I was like, what? What? Am I, I don't have this. Was I supposed to get this and understand? Should I stop the movie? I scratch the, the TV screen. What happened?
Starting point is 01:13:05 I just smell the things that are around me at the moment. But I thought I found it so funny. I've prior to that, I had only seen John Waters movies from hairspray onward. The more mainstream, the squareer, John Waters movies. Yes. And I have still not seen any of the Truly transgressive ones, I guess, but polyester is kind of a in-between movie and I find it so so funny It is kind of in the form of a parody of like a Douglas Cirque style Melodrama
Starting point is 01:13:43 a Douglas Cirque style melodrama, a woman's picture, a weepy of the 40s or 50s, but it also is just kind of an all out assault on suburban life. And it was funny to me, I was thinking about it. I'm like, okay, like you watch a movie from Hollywood that sort of takes down suburbia or whatever and it feels sort of gross and smug because it's like, you know at some level, this is the wealthy, you know, like making fun of this in their satire. Whereas watching Polyester, you know, it comes from this like very like obviously queer kind of punk energy. Like we may have affection for what we're satirizing, but we're also extending a middle finger at so-called like polite society that would exclude us and make us feel lesser. And so, like, even though it's a very mean movie in that way,
Starting point is 01:14:46 in the way it really makes fun of everyone, it is full of joy because it's like, you know, like, fuck you guys for, like, making us outsiders. And it was really, really, really funny and a lot of fun. That's a great, and that's a great, like, movie hang, like, first movie hang back. Yeah. Yeah, it's fun for the family. I'm gonna recommend a movie that's a great like movie hang, like first movie hang back. Yeah. Yeah, it's fun for the family.
Starting point is 01:15:06 I'm going to recommend a movie that's a bit of a qualified recommendation, but I still enjoyed it quite a bit. I watched the new movie, I guess, directorial debut, I think, of Simon Barrett. He's known for writing the screenplays for the guest and your next. Both movies that I hold in pretty high regard. And his new movie is called Seyance. It takes place in a high-end girls boarding school. And it has, you know, it's a bit of a ghost story.
Starting point is 01:15:38 It also borrows a lot from like G.O.L.O. Which I find like more and more that I love movies that are more that are inspired by Geolo as opposed to actual Geolo, but you know, that's something I'm going to have to take out with my therapist. So, yeah, it's, I don't want to talk about too much because there's like, there's a mystery involved, but it's gory and funny and it, you know, like it looks interesting and the music's good. It's fairly light, but I like that kind of thing
Starting point is 01:16:13 every once in a while. So say on. I'm going to recommend a movie that, hey, if people have been listening to these episodes in order, they can probably guess what country it came from and what film movement it was. Which wave wave was it was it the old wave? It was not it if you're guessing it was in old wave you're wrong it was the opposite. How big is this wave because it seems like this wave has been crashing for a while on
Starting point is 01:16:39 the shores of Elliott Beach. So this is as new listeners will not know that this is the check new wave that i've been going with through the criterion channels check new wave collection which is a fair number of movies and i had seen probably about a third of them and not a lot it's like an eighteen movie collection is that i've seen like a third of them so i'm almost done with them there's only one that's more than twice as many that's more than twice as many saw movies Yes, it is it's it's too fast and furious is basically of movies and
Starting point is 01:17:10 And in a more metaphorical sense It's worth many many many more billions of some yes, and so I were gonna be Certainly reaching the end soon of my check new wave recommendations. I have one today I have another one. I'd like to recommend in the future. There's only two movies left for me to watch in the series. I've started one and there's just another one left. So, unfortunately we're going to be bidding a fond farewell to the check new wave in probably
Starting point is 01:17:34 another couple episodes. But today, on our recommend another one, this is the movie The Joke, directed by Yerimiel Yaris, and it stars the actor Joseph Summer who is, is all who plays a supporting role in my favorite Check No Wave movie, Closely Watched Trains, which is one of my favorite movies. And I would recommend, if you've never seen a Check No Wave movie, then I highly recommend Closely Watched Trains or Fireman's Ball, I guess. Or maybe Intimate Lighting.
Starting point is 01:17:58 No, Closely Watched Trains or Fireman's Ball. Those are the ones I recommend, if you start with. But if you've seen those, why not try it? The joke. It's a story of a man who, while he was a college student, it was still during the kind of Stalinist era. And after making a sarcastic reference to Trotsky on a postcard, he is kicked out of the Communist Party,
Starting point is 01:18:17 kicked out of college, and sent essentially to decades of being in the worst unit in the army and then a labor camp. And now he is a man basically in middle age who has decided he's going to get revenge on the guy who presented the motion to kick him out of the party in college by having an affair with that man's wife and things do not work out the way he thinks they're going to. And there are parts of it that are really funny and parts of it that are just kind of strange, but by the end of it there was a certain feeling of like the futility of revenge and also just how once you, if you're in a system that stamps you as an outcast young,
Starting point is 01:18:57 you can never really fully shake that branding even after other people have stopped treating you that way. You can't shake it from yourself. and I thought it was a really good. So it's called The Joke. If you have a criterion channel that's on there, you might also find it elsewhere. But it's yet another Check New Wave movie. Gotta love those. Check New Wave. As it was... Like if that were to... The bargain bin of a... A rest stop or something. You probably...
Starting point is 01:19:22 Yeah, if you stop at... Yeah like a rest stop on the highway, you look in the DVDs available, you'll probably find the joke in there. It's from 1969. It's based on a Milan condor. And the check new wave section, though. Yeah, it's probably on one of those, just as a couple of different movies on it's got me,
Starting point is 01:19:38 myself, Irene, and Irene. Yeah, yeah. And I'm from October. And this. Yeah. And so I'm just going gonna remind people of the original slogan of the Czech New Wave when it was first being brought to United States in the late 60s check check check check check check this new wave so that you used to play on the radio and on television
Starting point is 01:19:53 Oh, so go ahead and check this new wave film the joke. Thank you Well, it's okay. I didn't know you could do it. He didn't Thank you. Thank you guys and thanks to our listeners. Thank you to MaximumFun. Go to to check out all of the other shows on the MaximumFun podcast network, the network that we are a part of, provides us with great support.
Starting point is 01:20:21 I'm sure you'll love other shows there. Maybe something like Fanta, which is also edited by Jordan Cowling, our editor and producer. Best in the biz, Jordan Cowling. Yeah, be in the B, best in the biz. Thank you to her. But for now, for the flop as I've been Dan McCoy, that's right. I'm Stuart Wellington. And I'm Check New Wave fan, Elliot Kaylin. Hey, keep flavin' and keep checkin'. Byeee! Oh boy, someone's got something in mind. Woohoo! Oh man! Who put a nickel on me? Oh boy, someone's got something in mind.
Starting point is 01:21:05 Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho! Oh man, who put a nickel on me? We'll have some chaos walking today. Oh, we liked. Is this a show? Comedy and culture. Artists-owned, audience supported.

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