The Flop House - Ep. #347 - Me You Madness, with Hallie Haglund

Episode Date: July 17, 2021

We'll level with all of you -- we ALSO prefer Hallie Haglund, and are at our happiest when she comes by to join us for some film talk. So we had to pick an extra-special movie to mark the occasion. An...d hoo boy. That movie? The wife of former Trump treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin and controversial figure in her own right, Louise Linton's vanity project (as writer, director, producer, and star) Me You Madness. It's the movie that asks "if I make fun of myself REALLY HARD, then you're not allowed to make fun of me anymore, right?"Wikipedia entry for Me You MadnessMovies recommended in this episode:Black WidowWerewolves WithinThe EarDiamonds of the NightA Very Curious Girl

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 On this episode we discuss Me, you madness! Did it fill us with sadness or gladness? You'll find out at this address on the floppos. Sort of a slant rhyme at the end. Yeah. Hey everyone and welcome to the flop house, I'm Dan McCoy. Hey, we're professional podcast and I'm Stewart Wellington. We're somewhat of a professional podcast and joining us is a very special guest. Although can you really be a guest when you're kind of a member of the family?
Starting point is 00:00:57 Wait, wait, wait. You didn't say your name though. I don't think. I said my name Stuart said his name and then you went into introducing Hallie right away because I was so excited I'm Ellie Cale and but no one cares about Ellie Cale and they care about our special guest Buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh- good to see your face, Halle. But also, what, look at this, we're in two different, we're in two rooms, not four, not three, not four, two rooms, Elliot and Halle are together in a room on the other coast and Stuart and I are together in a room. What I like about uh, Elliot and Halle is that, Ella, it's this like force perspective thing where LA looks like a fucking Gandalf. Yeah, because I'm sitting close to the camera. But Dan's right, this is a two-room special. Wait, that's how they did it?
Starting point is 00:02:07 Yes. If you wanted to make, that's, there's a lot of outtakes of Frodo handing things to Gandalf and them just missing. Because they can't quite get it right. But if it's a two-room special, if you wanted to make a 90s anthology film out of this, you'd have to add two more rooms for the total of four. So how do you need to promote today?
Starting point is 00:02:27 Oh, I know. I guess how he is voting the fact that we are neighbors we live close. Yeah, I'm promoting that I left my house to do something today. Very exciting. Check me out on the flop house. We are. Thanks. You look very happy, too.
Starting point is 00:02:48 How like to be doing something. You have a dreamy look in your eye. There's no small child here. Well, there it is, but it's not mine. No, there are two small children here, but they're in a different room. Yeah, that's the third room that we, I guess it's technically a three room special.
Starting point is 00:03:02 The two rooms that the recording podcast people are in and the third room that my children are in. Keep this all good. Very good. All good stuff. So good stuff. Now I think I feel like, I feel like, Halle, your appearances on the show,
Starting point is 00:03:15 you've kind of been plagued with Bad Luck in only the shittiest movies. I feel like we always pick terrible movies to watch. I'm excited to see if we broke that streak tonight. Okay. Well, let's get right into it. Is that my job? Yeah, so how do you...
Starting point is 00:03:36 Well, it seems like I should take charge here, but then again, I am the guest. I have an image now. Okay, so it's the conquering armies of Macedonia Alexander the great has been slow slain in battle slow knows about say the girlfriend from ferris billers day off he has been slow in battle and it's not that interesting but there's got to be something about our cuz ferris is interested in he's a super cool jirik right anyway Alexander the great has been slain in battle the army needs a new commander they turned to Halley they acclaim her They say Halley we need you to step in and she goes oh
Starting point is 00:04:09 Okay, and in that moment Macedonia turns to a different leader and Halley has lost her chance to be the conqueror of the Western world How does it feel Halley nobody directly asked me to take over it was only implied so I don't think that's an analogy You got to be one of those people just takes charge in a chaotic situation, you know. Okay, then let's get right into it folks. So what are we starting with, the movie? What are we doing on this podcast, Ali? He's talking about the movie. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:36 We talk about the movies, you know. Now, the bad thing for the listeners that they didn't see the hand motions that Hallie did when she was like, let's start it up. Yeah. A lot of crazy. It was like taking a little rocket ride on her pointer finger to the sky. I know, this microphone makes me feel like KC, K-so. Perfect, impressive.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Now, this is a podcast where we watch a bad movie and then we talk about it. Tonight's movie, Me You Madness. Madness now I like to get something not to be not to be confused with mutant madness the song from the movie Gremlins that was I think never released in on the radio madness. Yeah, thank you. I have that song though on On an LP. Oh, that's a weird non-character thing for you to do. Yeah, out of character for you. To own the Gremlin soundtrack. Yeah, anyway. Unless it's called Creepy Little Little's. And it's our favorite songs for movies about bad little things. So there's songs from Gremlins, Critters, Goolies.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Goolies, Munchies. Munchies, Hot Goblins, Munchies. Allie, what's, what can you think of? Popples. Yeah. Popples were, they were like toys, they were like a movie where they killed people. And they have a, mad balls.
Starting point is 00:05:50 They're called cartoon, a popples cartoon. Yeah, I think there was a popples cartoon. Yeah, mad balls, cushions. I would say, I would say half of the characters and small soldiers. Yeah. Okay, yeah, the bad ones, sure. So, Dan, so this, that tell us.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Well, I was, well, I just wanted wanted to get off the at the top of the show I would like to acknowledge that the Louise Lenton who's behind this movie and in front of it and Ed Westwick her male lead both Problematic figures in different ways one the wife of Steve Mnuchin of Trump's cabinet and also the writer of a weird racially tangist book about when she went to Africa among other things and at a Westwick you know accused sexual assaulter.
Starting point is 00:06:45 I didn't even know about that. I'm glad that you told me before I highly praised his performance, not which I was not going to do. I would understand a certain discomfort with this movie. I wouldn't recommend you give money to me, you madness per se. But it would say highly requested film. I was constantly interrupted to watch the movie. Shut up, Alan. Shut up.
Starting point is 00:07:05 All complicit. And now that's why Steve Venutian's rich, because we gave him $5 each to watch this movie. I'm just saying, problem metaphigures, perhaps even more so than usual, but a very requested movie, a weird movie to exist in the world, a strange vanity project for the lead and director and writer, but we should just get into it after that acknowledgement and after Elliot finishes adjusting his microphone.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Thank you. Just to make sure everyone knows we don't like the people who made this movie And are are having it on our bad movie podcast where we make fun of movies is not anyone endorsement of the people who made this movie This is not an intense we're not intentionally signal boosting them even though kind of we are but we know whatever Don't see it just take our word for it If ever if ever we were gonna say steal this movie and we wouldn't, but we would for this one I guess. But not the movie steal this movie,
Starting point is 00:08:10 which is a movie about Abby Hoffman I think. Yeah. So the movie begins and the movie is titled Me You Madness. Now Stuart, take me, what's the punctuation like on this? Are those commas in between periods? Well, nothing. Nothing, nothing. I have no, no, wait, is the title I had had no punctuation.
Starting point is 00:08:28 No, it's exactly, it's nude of punctuation, which is weird. Uh huh, yeah. So we're on. So we're on. So we're on. So we're on. Later on, we get what is nearly the title, not the exact title, but it gives a hint to how one should say it.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Uh huh. Yep. And just like the final chapter of Ulysses were introduced right off the bat, to not the exact title, but it gives a hint to how one should say it. Yup. And just like the final chapter of Ulysses were introduced right off the bat to a real girl boss. That's right. Catherine Black played by the writer director, Star. That's a lot of people. A lot of people say that about was it Molly Bloom that she's a real girl boss. Yes. Yes. I said, yes. Lean in. I said, yes. Yes, I said yes lean in I said yes So Katherine Black is a hedge fund manager She's fashionable. She's crass. She eats spiders and she runs her company her way Dan is there something wrong with my levels and I'm just worried that we're getting more
Starting point is 00:09:26 Audio bleeds than in the past, but you know, we'll see whether our outlook skin figured out figured out. So it was never that much of a problem in the years that we recorded it in the same room. Yeah. So I described the cheese fashionable. The movie begins with her wearing a like a white business suit that has shorts and she has knee high gold boots. And the whole outfit gets increasingly cheaper the more you look at it. So how do you get how would you this movie opens fairly stylishly, right? A lot. There's a lot of wall breaking and fast editing. Yes,
Starting point is 00:10:01 forth wall breaking, talking to the audience. I mean, she takes us to... Hanging a lampshade on the fact that she's doing a female version of American Psycho to some degree. That's the thing, you know, five or six minutes in, as soon as you're like, wait a minute, she's a high powered financial person who's immoral and amoral and violent, and she's telling us about her day and how amazing it is.
Starting point is 00:10:22 This is kind of a rip off of American Psycho. She looks at the camera and says, and this is not a rip off of American Psycho. She looks at the camera and says, and this is not a rip off of American Psycho. And it's like, wait a minute, you can't just say that. That's not okay. I kept wondering why I felt so bored. And I think it's because there's a lot of showing and telling, like everything that you, like,
Starting point is 00:10:40 stored the thing about, she's really fashionable. Like not only do you just see her being very fashionable, but she has like five monologues where she talks about how fashionable she is and like all the designers she buys and stuff. Yeah. Well, the most, yeah, the most influenced by American Psycho this is, I think is in the long lists
Starting point is 00:10:58 of things. Yes. Thank everyone loves most. And everybody's favorite part of American Psycho. I mean, and so, how would you describe her accent? Pan, pan something. Pan wills, because in real life, she's Scottish, I believe. She's lived in America a long time, but her accent sounds like an American trying to do an upperclass
Starting point is 00:11:19 British person in failing someone. I feel like, and it's only in the narration right in the scenes she's speaking with like an American accent right? Well it waivers all over the place like at certain point I'm like okay is she like I know she's Scottish is she's she trying to do British or is this like a like a like what what mid-Atlantic like what was it was the old like what did they call it? Yeah mid- yeah mid-Atl Atlantic when it was like you could play like you were from New England or Old England. Yes. Yeah, Carrie Grant, Catherine Hepburn type, you know, and I don't want to I don't want
Starting point is 00:11:54 to make this about anyone's appearance because that's not fair, but this it was many times during this movie that as I went what seeing her in the news, I had to be like, Oh, wait, she's like my age because she carries herself in a way that she is fifteen years older than me like she seems like an older woman who is trying to look young and she is less than forty yet that i mean again i agree we shouldn't
Starting point is 00:12:17 we should know her parents are the fact that the movie harps on it and it is strange that she talks like we are meant to believe that Ed Westwick is significantly younger than she is, and he is six years in reality younger than she is, and the thing is like they look about the same age because she looks like a wealthy woman who has the means to like try and preserve youth as long as possible, and he looks like a guy who's maybe lived a little hard so they've met me. Yeah, yeah, yeah, now I'm with you. I, yeah, they both felt like they were older than me for some reason, but that might be because I'm getting younger every day, you know. Well, you do have, you do a Benjamin Buttons disease, yeah, yeah, sad, really. It was always ends up with a dead baby, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:05 Oh God, wow, please. That was something that Daily Show and now, last week tonight, writer Tim Carvell said to me, what I was like, I didn't want to see Benjamin Button, I knew it was just gonna end with a dead baby. And I was like, yeah, that's true. Wow, I mean, he's got a point. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:13:21 So Stuart, so he's telling us all about how great her clothes are, how rich she is. She's amazing a point. So Stuart, so he's telling us all about how great her clothes are, how rich she is. She's amazing at business. She's mean to her, the people who work for her, and she has to deal with all the problems you'd expect her to have. Not her manicurist. That's a thing.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Now, she's complaining about her, she's, I guess she's not that mean to her manicurist, but she's complaining about getting a chip in her $120 gel manicure, and I'm like about getting a chip in her $120 gel manicure. And I'm like, that's kind of reasonable for a gel manicure. I'm like, I was like, I mean, I expected her to, like, there's a couple of times in this movie
Starting point is 00:13:54 where they kind of like undershoot how much something should cost her to be. She's a very different life. Yeah, Dan only gets like $10 gel manicures. These are like $5 at most. Wow, then you get no designs. Are you using non vegan gel and whatnot? Don't give me a trouble Stuart. It's just it's it's it seemed a little weird like I expected for this character who's like a multi-millionaire
Starting point is 00:14:22 To be like my $300 man, whatever it doesn't mean. Well, maybe she just likes the work he does because she likes playing trivia with him. Yeah, well, that's the thing is she's not paying for the manicure so much as for him to come into her house and spend time with her. That's true.
Starting point is 00:14:37 When Jonathan Edwards got that $400 haircut and people were like, it's not that great at haircut and it's like, well, you're paying for the time of the barber to come to your house and do the haircut. It's like Jonathan Edwards. Yeah. Yeah. Jonathan Edwards the psychic and also the great awakening feature both of them got $400 haircuts from beyond the grave. And yeah so other than that like I think she I mean we mainly just hear her describe her like workout routines, her daily life where she wakes up by the end of the day.
Starting point is 00:15:07 And then we see it. We also see it. Yep. A lot of show and tell, a lot of CMC, yeah, or CMC. There's a lot of neon. Both her home is decorated with a lot of neon light sculptures. And she also, all like the place that she goes to do spin class is all drenched in neon and black lights. Yeah, you get the feeling that she hired Nicholas Wending-Ryphon as her interior decorator
Starting point is 00:15:29 for every place that she goes to. Which would explain some of the blood. She also we also learn that she is dealing with she has she's hired a potential house sitter which we later learn is a ruse, but she is running late. And so we get to see her speeding along, Pacifico's highway one, after she describes the expensive car that she owns, and we get to see a lot of shots
Starting point is 00:15:55 of the expensive car that she owns. But other than that, we don't get a lot of exteriors. The, we don't get a lot of shots of her actually driving the car. I'm assuming it was very expensive. Yeah, I think that's good it was very expensive and there are more extors in the movie interiors than there are in this movie well i feel like this movie was just like a ridiculous like admit
Starting point is 00:16:14 i didn't okay i didn't look up anything about this movie after i watched it but still for watching it and then when i looked up i was like all this movie is so much more interesting now. I wish I had had this information. Like I didn't realize that it was Steve Manuchin's wife until I, after the movie. But I kept being like, how did she get all this money to spend on the movie?
Starting point is 00:16:35 Because all of the music in it, I mean, she must have had to pay so much for the rights to that movie. The soundtrack is full of actual 80s hits, the original recordings, the original artists, not covers. The soundtrack must have, yeah, that was what kept hitting me. I was like, you can spend a bunch to rent a sports car
Starting point is 00:16:52 for a day, for a shoot. You can rent a mansion for a couple days. It's not impressive. Porn does it all the time. But to pay for that soundtrack is crazy. It must have been a huge incident. Yeah, gendered, general public play over your final credits. Now you're running into money.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Yeah, I mean, that wasn't the one that I was gonna say, but. No, no, there's a lot there. There's a lot of them. How interesting that you say that though, because like Audrey, when I was watching this, this is actually the second time seeing me, you madness, because there's like a bad movie watching like friend's stream where like people played it before. And he's like, and Dan does understand this.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Yeah, Dan doesn't understand that he only has one life to live on this. Yeah, we know about Dan. I know, I know. I know that Dan is watching bad movies outside of the podcast. You can't just show them like you. You can't just tip the hourglass of your life on its side and put it on pause. Like I just get to put it on pause for you. You can't just tip the hourglass of your life on its side and put it on pause. I'm just gonna put it on pause for the second time
Starting point is 00:17:48 I watch me, you madness. So she walked in, partway through having seen it with me before, not watching it, obviously, the second time, because she has better things to do. But she was like, do you think this would be more or less interesting if it was, you know, like other, or like you would like it more or less if there were other actors in these roles
Starting point is 00:18:09 because the actors in it are not equal to the task, but the only thing that's interesting about it overall really is like, oh shit, that Steve Mnuchin's wife doing this vanity project where she's kind of like trying to justify the fact that she's so rich by being like, no, I'm in on the joke guys. No, I get it. I get it. That rich people are horrible. See, I made this movie about how rich people are evil. Just like, well, and I would say I think the movie is really, it's a, I mean, it is a crazy movie, but it is much less interesting to me if it's not Steve Mnuchin's wife.
Starting point is 00:18:41 And if you, and if you had better performers in it, it would not achieve the strange pitch of, like just bizarre amateurishness that looks professional. Like the same way that one of the reasons the disaster artist doesn't quite work for me is seeing real performers doing those scenes from the room. It doesn't achieve the same weird magic as seeing people who have no idea what they're doing, playing those scenes.
Starting point is 00:19:02 But like the performers in this are so off. And everything about it is off. And yet it looks so professional because she has so much money to spend on it. And knowing that like, this guy who was busy like, helping wreck the country, that his wife was off making this movie where she like, keeps showing her butt in it. Well, he's like the secretary of the treasury.
Starting point is 00:19:20 Is a vet, like the backstory makes the movie. It's time. I think of those pictures of him like smiling because he has a very like, you know, shitty smile. He's got a shitty smile and I just couldn't get that shitty smile on my mind. So and you wonder you have to imagine Steve Manuch in the Secretary of the Treasury is like that is having to tell his wife why he's not going to screen it at the White House for the president this movie that she made. I've had to he's not going to screen it at the White House for the president. This movie that she made.
Starting point is 00:19:45 I have a idea that he would have been into it. I feel like I like imagining that her when she wrote the script and passed it over to him and he was like finishing it in bed and she was like next to him like, well, what do you think? I think it's adorable that you think they share a bed and they don't have separate rooms. They just got married. They're still in love, right? Yeah, that's true. They're still in love, right? Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:20:05 They're still in the first blow of young love. Now Steve Minuchin's totally into it. Let's be clear. Oh, because there's also the part, this is the gross part of it to me, is I imagine Steve Minuchin is like, yeah, make a movie about how hot you are. I want everyone to see how hot my wife is in this movie,
Starting point is 00:20:19 which is creepy, but it's also I guess there's a big history of that in movies going all the way back to Joseph Kennedy making producing movies for his mistress Gloria Swanson to star in them fit at the unfinished Queen Kelly footage of which was used in Sunset Boulevard where Gloria Swanson and Eric Monstroheim the original director Queen Kelly were playing characters who were an actress and a man who had directed her It's just the wheels within wheels in Sunset of art a brilliant movie that is not this one i like watching how is face during all this which is like what i guess i still
Starting point is 00:20:49 happy to be out of the house i know i keep thinking of things that i uh... wanted to say earlier but it's moving so fast all the person that i wanted to say when we were talking about her accent she sounds exactly like for the real housewives fans out there door read from the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. That's who she talks like, okay, that's all.
Starting point is 00:21:08 I don't know why I turned to Stuart because I was like, if anyone here's seen Real Housewives of Beverly Hills other than Alex, do you know? I was gonna say, like, her, she kind of gives off some like, Real Housewives energy in this movie. Oh, very much so.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Yeah, I mean, yeah. I feel like she's living the dream every Real Housewives has of being rich and being able to murder at will Uh-huh, and yeah, so over the course of her narration where she's describing her possessions and her lifestyle she keeps sprinkling in Hints that she is also a psychotic murderous So she has to rush home because as I mentioned before she has uh... put out an ad for a house sitter to watch her
Starting point is 00:21:49 uh... malibu mansion i think i think she's actually looking for a room mate it is the thing she's looking to rent out the route the extra bedroom in her house okay which is why it's like the reason for justification for why she needs to rent the room is that she travels a lot and you need some of the house does need a house that her. Yeah, that's true. Like in the hit movie of the same name. Now we do get a shot of her driving up the coast and the whole time I was looking for my friend Chris's house, but I didn't see it.
Starting point is 00:22:16 You're so friend of the podcast Chris's house. So she meets this guy immediately, we get nothing but sexual chemistry here. She takes a long time to make a drink too. There are a number of times where she does things in the movie that take much longer than a normal human being would take to do them. Yeah, so we're introduced to Tyler, who's the other lead played by the guy whose name I don't remember. Ed Westwick of Gossip Girl. Yeah, very disappointing, because at first I thought it was Britney Spears' boyfriend played by the guy whose name I don't remember at Westwick of gossip girl. Any. Very disappointing because at first I thought it was Britney Spears boyfriend and
Starting point is 00:22:48 that's what he looks like. That would be some casting. That would add a whole new layer. Oh, how would you get him? How could you possibly land him? He's one of the biggest stars in the world. So this guy Tyler is like a real Joe Millionaire type. Just a real six-pack. I mean except he doesn't have a million he's not a millionaire those the whole thing joe millenaire jomillionaire is a million dollar
Starting point is 00:23:09 that's right i forgot that was the pre i was thinking of do you want to marry a millionaire with the guy had like one point one million dollars that's right now this is that's right joe millionaires the one where they trick ladies right yes i think he only had like one point one million dollars also okay and he's so poor And
Starting point is 00:23:28 Similar to Joe millionaire Tyler is trying to trick one lady here because he is not looking to be a roommate He is looking to steal her stuff. He has a game going on where he Answers ads to be rich people's roommates And then he steals their stuff which is the stupidest con because they'll just find him right it's not like there would be some correspondence and yet when she finds him later he acts like this is never happened before yeah he's like I can't believe anyone saw through my room I do want to take a moment here as we are introduced to Ed Westwick's character
Starting point is 00:24:04 who um Tyler yeah not the creator particularly in these early scenes through my room. I do want to take a moment here as we are introduced to Ed Westwick's character who, Tyler, not the creator. Particularly in these early scenes, but throughout the movie, has been lit to give his eyes and mouth a weird pink purple color. But I'm sorry. I didn't notice that.
Starting point is 00:24:20 I mean, maybe he's just a fan. I didn't notice that. I can look at it. He has the biggest lighting on his face. Maybe I'm just addicted to, I'm just know that. I mean, maybe he's just a bit of a... I didn't notice that. I can look at it. He just, maybe I'm just... He's just lighting on his face. Maybe I'm just addicted to, I'm just, he has a spice addiction. Spice, of course, being in dune, the drug that allows you to bend time,
Starting point is 00:24:32 but it turns your eyes violet blue after a while. And you become addicted to it, yeah. That's the only, the Taylor, right? She had violet eyes. Yeah, and white diamonds. These have always brought me luck. I was sure that the only thing you guys would want to talk about was how weird the lighting on this guy's face.
Starting point is 00:24:48 Did not notice. Anyway, I just want to say, you ridiculed me for having seen this before, but the thing I wanted to say. If only we'd seen it the second time, we would have noticed his weird face lighting. We could have talked about it for hours. He's part of Piappree's Warlock Coven.
Starting point is 00:25:05 I am referring to the fact that when I saw it before, it came with a little bit of a pre-show that had been edited together by the screener of Me You Madness, which was, I don't know whether it was from the electronic press kit for Me You Madness, I assume. I don't think that there was a lot of actual interviews that happened for this movie but it was the two of the leads being interviewed and Louise Lenton like talking like show at length so happily about her vision for this movie and like what a great like rapport she and Ed Westwick had and Ed Westwick looking like he was in hostage video like wondering how his career got into this place like how soon he could video, like wondering how his career had gotten to this place, like how soon he could get at,
Starting point is 00:25:47 like how few words he could say in this story. So Dan, are you saying that we should just find a recording of you doing that instead of listening to this podcast? What? Maybe, what? Wait, you said you saw it for like a Switch Nevermind, forget it.
Starting point is 00:26:04 So do you think, so you're saying you don't think they did a lot of press for this movie in person press so like they never got interviewed by George Whipple or something? Yeah, for Whipple's world, the guy with the giant eyebrows who just had a baby for like two years ago, which is insane because he looks like a million years old. Yeah, but that baby's got a huge eyebrows too. It'll check. insane because he looks like a million years old. Yeah, but that baby's got a huge eyebrows too. It all checks out. That's a whipple-gop gossip podcast. Hey, it's, it looks like that's a baby.
Starting point is 00:26:30 And it's mine. Welcome to the, welcome to the Whip House. The only place we talk about Whipple anyway. So Stuart, what happens after she meets Tyler? There's instant chemistry, right? Yep, so then, and we get a little bit of a cat and mouse because we know that she's got a scheme going on. We don't quite know what it is yet.
Starting point is 00:26:47 And Tyler is also a thief, so they're like, both of them are trying to play the other one, I guess. It's kind of weird. It's hard to read. She takes them on a tour of the home. She keeps trying to give them booze. She has a couple different costume changes. She lifts an enormous barbell, like a cartoonishly large barbell.
Starting point is 00:27:05 It's hilarious. There's a lot of weird music. There's jokes about lifting weights. She's like clearly stalking him and the home. It's like a very long slim home with windows all over it. And a lot of neon. A lot of neon, yeah. And a very small kitchen.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Yeah. Yeah, that's true. It's like a kitchen nook, and I guess it's for someone who does not cook. But because she has a half of a grapefruit, and what's her breakfast? And an egg, but then she eats human beings later. That's true.
Starting point is 00:27:37 And she's such an excellent cook. That's true. There's an on and on about it. And I'm just going to tell you, there's not enough space in that kitchen to cook a human being. I know she butchers them in the garage, but that's it's just not enough space to do the work you need well in at one point She says that he ate Perhaps a combination of five different people which would mean she's juggling five different bodies in that kitchen
Starting point is 00:27:59 Yeah, it seems unrealistic. I think we found the problem with the movie gumbo or something I mean that's human gumbo. Don't not get till you try it. And that's just showing off her affluence too. Because I can't believe that those five different people tasted different enough that there's any point other than showing off. Well, she said one of them, oh, nothing but acorns and one of them,
Starting point is 00:28:18 nothing but like pecorino cheese. Like, you know, it brings a slightly different flavor to the flesh. And she also said, No, we're brings a slightly different flavor to the flesh. And she also, No, we're doing a Hannibal podcast all of a sudden. Yeah, I mean, the movie kind of becomes, it goes from being like, cut rate, American Psycho to cut rate Hannibal at a certain point. But and she also, she's, she's trying to mess with him now and she tells him she can fly and then laughs at him like, I can't fly.
Starting point is 00:28:41 And that was the point when I was watching movie where I felt like a hostage, where it felt like when you were like, a friend takes you to another friend's house that you don't know that well. And those friends start getting high. And the friend who brought you was like, I just gotta go use the bathroom and leaves. And suddenly it's 45 minutes later,
Starting point is 00:28:55 and you don't know what's going on and why you're with these people. That's what this movie felt like to me. I apologize about that, Ellie. I just had to go to the bathroom for a long time. I mean, that was, I, at a certain point, I was just worried about you. And then you came back and you were all sweaty
Starting point is 00:29:07 and you were like, we gotta go, I clogged it. And I was like, thank goodness. Uh-huh. And I tried to like pick some of it up and put it out the window, but I couldn't, I couldn't get the window all the way up. So I was just like pushing it through like a mail slot. Do you think, do you think that was a scene
Starting point is 00:29:23 that was originally written for Dumb and Dumber? And the Jeff Daniels was like like no, I'm not doing that Put as a lady fart noises underneath my Dumb and Dumber and the Jeff Daniels was like no, I'm not doing that Put as a lady fart noises underneath my violent diarrhea This movie has a lot of fart noises So, uh, let's see so she
Starting point is 00:29:38 Finally gets Tyler to have a drink with her Of course she gets he gets drugged. He passes out She has another costume change and leaves them on the couch, and then she gets her nails fixed, and she has a fun scene with her nail stylist. And then she does a comedic workout routine with a ton of sound effects. There's a lot of boings. Oh, wait, this is the scene where she's like in like this like Thong Unitarred. Yeah, but like there's a lot of like yeah like weird Santa Fe It's like it's like she she was like I ran out of money for the 80s pop hit
Starting point is 00:30:13 So I got him to do the Annabar Barra sound effects CD Well, I kind of felt like this was like the humble brag of movie scenes because it's like it's like it's clear that she wanted to show off like Oh, I've got a good body, but I'm gonna undercut it by putting a lot of like fart noises underneath it or whatever. I think they're like, this scene isn't playing for comedy like I thought it would. We need to juice it up, right? I'm the only one here who is an comedy writer, so maybe you guys can correct me. That's true, Halle as a professional, if you had a scene that wasn't working, would you just throw a bunch of Hannah Barbarist cartoons out of facts underneath? Yeah, that sounds funny Like a squeaky door while she's doing her squats
Starting point is 00:30:52 Yeah, yeah, the like the like bongo running sounds of a flinstone Jumping up in the air and running away. Yeah sure wait, but then isn't the following scene when she's like I really have to take a shit and then she goes to take a ship But then it cuts to her and she's like also masturbating. Yeah. I was wondering if it for at first I'm like, is she using her arm to like coax the shell? Again, something Jeff Daniels was asked to do in Dumb and Dumber and said, no, I'm not going to do which which reminds me of back in high school. My friend Jim had us all convinced that there was a part of your taint that if you pushed on it,
Starting point is 00:31:27 it would make you, it would make you shit super fast. And we're like, I don't believe you. And he's like, I'll show you. And I'm like, that's not gonna happen. And then one guy Doug was like, I tried to do it and it works. And I'm like, I don't believe you though.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Yeah. Oh man, the turbo ship button. For months, you're just pressing every single point, trying to, like, you'm like, I don't believe you though, man, the turbo ship. For months, you're just pressing every single point, trying to, like, you're like, maybe you have to be more exact when you're using chopsticks to try to get, like, there's just the one poor. And you're making little X's on all this box you've got. So you don't really trace your stuff.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Yeah, and, and, and, and, I wasn't for the first two quadruple, quadruple, no luck. Yeah, and, and, and Pete Possilweight sixes ahead of the toilet. He's trying different places. He's learning clever girl. Okay, so, yeah, so she, at this point,
Starting point is 00:32:15 she makes a casserole out of human flesh and she wakes Tyler up to join her. She's, I wrote down, she was like, she's like bragging about how smart she is. And she says that she has an IQ of 173, which again, I'm like, you could, you could juice that up a little lady. Like, that's not like crazy. Hi, you go over like 200. I don't know. I mean, what, what, what, like one, one, one 25 or above is genius. I feel like I feel like if you're already putting cartoons down to fix on your workout,
Starting point is 00:32:45 just say you got an IQ of 350. Like go for it. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. It's already so goofy. I'm not 125. Anyway. And it's around now when, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:54 Dan has an IQ of 125. He is. He told me I was a genius. To look. Tyler obviously is weirded out because he knows he's been drugged. He wants to get the fuck out of there. And then of course, her Catherine's friend lover, a complex character arrives and they
Starting point is 00:33:13 convince Tyler to stay by, I don't know, like implying there's a threesome that's going to happen. I mean, it's implying it. It's almost stated outright. Yeah. And I've missed, I missed this new character's name. She's Yu-Yan, it's her name. Yeah, and she speaks mostly in...
Starting point is 00:33:34 Almost exclusively Mandarin, right? In Mandarin to, and Louise Linton speaks back to her in, or whether the character's name is Catherine, in Mandarin. Catherine Blind. And they just are talking openly in Mandarin about how they're gonna eat this guy. And he's like, hey, hey, well, you know. Like it goes on for a while.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Mandarin, huh? Well, this is after the weird non-sequitur bit about how he fix a child's bike that happens to be in her kitchen, right? And I don't know why that was her first indicator. It's her nephew. Elliot, that she sees that there's some value in this man. Yeah, demonstration of value, dude.
Starting point is 00:34:08 No, but why does she have a child's bike? It's her nephew. No, she doesn't really have nephew, so. Yes, she does, I think. Like, anyway, it's just a way to get to your... The sister character is completely made up. No, I think it's real. I think it's real because I thought she was made up maybe, but then there's the bike.
Starting point is 00:34:26 And then also it's in the same breath as she's talking about her granny who we later learned is not made up. So I feel like it's all real. Okay. Maybe when she talks about family truth, all I know is he refers to the bike's pedals as going anti-clockwise, which is not a thing that I've ever heard that he would say. Yes. At that point, I'm like, did they make this movie in Canada?
Starting point is 00:34:44 What's going on? Yeah, so I mean, I think that's kind of interesting because her character for a person who is like super rich and murders people, she's not like a good liar, right? Like she's pretty open about everything. Yeah. So that's why I just assumed that the story
Starting point is 00:35:01 about her sister was true. Okay. So they have a lovely dinner of human meat, and it's here where we get another bit of, we get a little bit of- We'd say it was chopsticks, right? That was weird. I think so.
Starting point is 00:35:15 It's just the preparation style, I guess. Okay. Yeah. And this also- It was very pale meat. It looked like tofu. Sorry, go ahead. I mean, that's, I have an eating human testicles, maybe when prepared a certain way, they looked like tofu. Sorry, go ahead. I mean, that's, I have an eating human testicles
Starting point is 00:35:27 maybe when prepared a certain way they look like. I mean, I've got to assume they were not eating real human meat on camera, which so I think probably whatever meat they were doing was, was pale as maybe chicken or something. Which is much money as they have. That's what's keeping this like a smile. That's fair. That's fair. They could have done it. And he gives us some, some solid investment advice, right? And we find out that he's a gamer. What really turns her on for some reason? Well, this thing makes me mad because like Louise Lynn's character is impressed.
Starting point is 00:36:00 Like one of her lackeys calls is like, oh, this stock of ours is dropping. What should I do with it? And she wants to sell. And he explains like, no, no, no, you should hang onto that one for a while. And his brilliant analysis is like that big game that's going to be good is coming out soon. And it's like, if this was a big enough investment
Starting point is 00:36:21 that she's getting a call about it at dinner, she, they will know enough to be like, Oh, what's the game release schedule? Is a good game going to come out? Like this is not a fucking genius stock tip that he comes out with. Hey, look, just a subscriber to Game Bro magazine. Yeah. Yeah. He's a subscriber to Game Bro.
Starting point is 00:36:40 So he gets that extra page that they put in that gives you all the extra information. Yeah. Uh-huh. And it sometimes comes with a CD rom for you to play demos of your favorite PS1 games. Game Pro so he gets that extra page that they put in that gives you all the extra information. Yeah. Uh-huh. And it sometimes comes with a CD-ROM for you to play demos of your favorite PS1 games. Um, that sounds like a good deal. So of course, at this point, Dan, have you thought about subscribing to Game Pro because I'd love to hook you up.
Starting point is 00:36:56 Hey, they call me Game Pro, Gaelin. And I dabble in selling Game Pro subscriptions. Halle, Stu, Dan, are you ready to take your gaming to the pro level with Game Pro magazine? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, Halle, yes, I'm ready. Yeah, Halle and I are ready.
Starting point is 00:37:12 I think Dan's the holdout over here. Yeah, Dan, what's the matter? Do you see what your friends are doing with your gaming to the pro level? Are you serious? You see, you see, you see, you see the amateur level for some reason. If you want to stay with Game Am, not a magazine,
Starting point is 00:37:23 just a poor, pitiful way of life, sure. But if you level up to Game Pro, give me a call. Okay, I'll keep it in mind, thanks. So, I think it's very funny that there was a Game Pro magazine back when you could not be a professional video game player, but now you can. And I don't know if that magazine still around. Print magazines are having a rough time.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Maybe only the people who are real professionals get it. Maybe it's like a private subscription. It's like the cook report. Or one of those things where you have to subscribe to a newsletter. Yeah. Wait, you can get the cook report, can't you? Yeah, if you subscribe to it.
Starting point is 00:37:57 But I'm saying maybe it's like a. Like a secret one. Yeah, exactly. Oh, okay. Yeah, it's like a right, you have to apply for it. Dan, don't you be cool and get a secret magazine? It's called Game Bro. Is it about video games? Because I kind of usually buy one and then sort of interested in it for a couple of days. I keep thinking like, Oh, this is the
Starting point is 00:38:19 one that got me back in the gaming. But I'm like, Oh, I forget that I own it. And I stop playing and I don't care. And you're stuck with this gamer chair, all the game fuel that you bought. And you've already taken out the billboards advertising your Twitch live streams. So you just gotta sit there in the chair and be like, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:38:38 So what are you doing? Any articles about bubble, bubble? You are in luck, my friend, because I will go write some right now and print them out on regular printer paper and just stick them into your copy of the magazine. What a commitment. So at this point, they all do Molly and they dance around and swim suits in fur coats. Tyler throws Catherine in the pool, which I assumed based on everything else about her character. She would be very annoyed by, but she rolls with it.
Starting point is 00:39:08 At this point, this is when I start realizing that I don't think we're going to get other locations in this room. We're like 40 minutes in. At one point you see Tyler in his car somewhere, just sitting there, but it looks fearless. Yeah. Yeah, but it did not look like let's feel it, though. No. He's very messy eater, too. Oh, for sure. Well, you know, he's a cuz he's a slob to her snob
Starting point is 00:39:29 Yeah, it's a getting yang that way opposites attract MCS cat cat you know talking about yeah beauty beauty in the beast otherwise When a spall of dual and MCS cat cat Have you guys so the original video for opposite attract MCS cat cat? He kidnapped pull up dual and then she fell in love with him Anyway, very problematic, but just the beauty in then she fell in love with him anyway, very problematic. But just the beauty of the Beast story, tale is old as time, you know? Song is old as rhyme, that song being opposite to tract. Anyway, Stuart.
Starting point is 00:39:52 So, this is our turn here where we get a fairly chased straightforward sex scene. There's a lot of like kissing and like, I can only imagine like some some super vanilla missionary stuff would I just love the way it was being described. You know a chase sex scene a lot of kissing you know your usual Yeah, I mean, but I mean this is a movie that's kind it's been kind of wacky It's been a little silly and it it also is about like a super intense murderous. You would assume that it would have been like,
Starting point is 00:40:28 I don't know, I just assumed if she specifically said that like one of her addictions is sex, I would imagine this would have been like more than just like a PG. Not if it's kinky enough, Stuart. Yeah, I think this is where the intention of the movie, which is to be real like transgressive and shocking and challenging, meets the rubber hits the road of what Louise Linton actually
Starting point is 00:40:53 wants to do with this actor as the creator of the movie. And since she is the director and writer, she can't be blew as the warmest colored into having a more extreme scene than she would't be blue, blue is the warmest colored into having a more extreme scene than she would actually be comfortable with. So instead I imagine there were a lot of ground rules about what Westwick could and could not do in this scene. And that's what happened. Or otherwise the character is a sex addict, but she's addicted to vanilla sex, a real vanilla
Starting point is 00:41:16 holic, you know. Yeah, I mean, yeah, you could be an alcoholic, but you only drink like Miller Light or whatever it is. You know, it's a quantity. You have to go's a quantity. Yeah. That's a lot of bulk you put on though. But I'm not sure in which direction, like,
Starting point is 00:41:34 or against. But it's one of these things where the, it is the one part of the movie where it feels like a woman taking control of a film, you know, which is weird since so much of the rest of the film is the movie kind of like ogling her body, but I guess it's on her terms. So I guess if there's anything positive about this movie, it's a woman presenting her body on her terms rather than on the male gaze terms, but otherwise she's a terrible person.
Starting point is 00:41:57 It's a bad movie. Yeah, slap it on the poster. If the quote Elliot Kaelin of the Flop House raves, if there's anything good about this movie, it's a woman taking control of her own body on film, you know So and this is this is a clear Turn in their relationship because before it was fairly they were like kind of fighting and it was a little bit of cat and mouse And she was clearly like stalking him to what end we don't quite know yet To kill any of his point. Yeah, but Yeah, but at this point, she, like,
Starting point is 00:42:26 they have a very emotional connection in the morning. They seem to actually be like a couple at this point. And then they manage to get, she leaves him in the home and goes to the gym where she murders a rude guy. In, like, I think like the only murder in the movie, which I'm like, I could use more murders, right? That's true.
Starting point is 00:42:51 Yeah, I mean, I'll move you with madness in the title, you kind of assume there's gonna be more murder unless it's marble madness, in which case, you expect more marbles. But during that scene though, that's when he's dancing around, right? Yes, he gets his big satin robe dance off, howdy. I love that. Tell us,'s when he's dancing around. Yes, that's when we go toes. Yeah, yeah It gets his big satin robe dance off. I love that tell us this is something for the ladies
Starting point is 00:43:09 I loved that it was very fun to see him dance So she think in his little robe and his in his work boots. Yeah, like Doc Warren boots. Yeah Yeah, I don't know I'm I think more except it was just fun, you know. It explains how late like later on he He's Yeah, that's that's what we're here for fun Like he falls for later and it's clearly because he's he has so much fun dancing around in her house Yeah, that's right. I can sense that while I was gone. You had a great time dancing
Starting point is 00:43:42 I can sense that while I was gone, you had a great time dancing. But when she comes back, she's covered in blood, and they have a big fight because he's being supportive and clingy and she's a murderer who needs space. And she's like, if he's around me, I'm gonna eventually murder him and I love him now, so I don't wanna murder him anymore, so I want him to leave.
Starting point is 00:44:01 It's some complicated dynamics going on. New madness. It tells us all this time. So on this old as rhyme, lady and the victim. Yeah. So she is the tram. She is all this spaghetti. No one in Bella not a no one remembers any of the other scenes. Lady and the Tram.
Starting point is 00:44:25 There was a little Scotty Dog that they thought was an Ottoman, right? Oh, no, maybe I'm thinking of Beauty and the Beast now. There is an Ottoman that's a dog. There's an Ottoman, yeah, but there's also a Scotty Dog in Lady and the Tram. Yeah, you combined them in two. There's a racist scene at the other side of the... Yeah, with Syamy's cats, yeah. So you combine them into a movie called Beauty and the Beast and Lady and the racist scene at the other time. Yeah, the Syme's cats. So you've combined them into a movie called Beauty
Starting point is 00:44:46 and the Beast and Lady and the Tramp, which is I guess is about swinging. I mean, the fucking Italian chef at the restaurant's happy. Okay, so she has a sad shower montage where she's, you know, you know, she's getting, she's getting all the blood off her. I think this is when LA could see her butt. But not her boobs.
Starting point is 00:45:12 You think you keep thinking you're going to see your boobs and then you don't see your boobs. Because a secretary of the treasure is why I have to have some limit salad. Yeah. Yeah. So, and while she's doing that, Tyler steals her car in a bunch of her jewelry and drives away. And he tells his friend, he's like, I got all the stuff, let's sell it all. Then she realizes that he's robbed her.
Starting point is 00:45:35 She starts wearing t-shirts and jeans instead of crazy dresses. She realizes that she's kind of falling for him and is kind of knocked off her game so she's gonna try and track him down and crush him and kill him. So she what finds his phone, how she track him down? Oh, she left a dead body in the cary stole. That's why she had to track him down. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:58 That makes sense. I forgot about that too. And yeah, she tracks down his phone and she calls him and is like, bring my car back. I've already hacked and figured out all the other addresses you've stolen things from. And I'm gonna call the NYPD, which I thought was kind of crazy because they're in Los Angeles.
Starting point is 00:46:13 It's totally out of the NYPD's dreams. But they actually call her on that, right? That was really funny. I thought that was genuinely funny. And she was like, I'm calling the NYPD and they're just like, you mean the LAPD, right? And I was, I had been looking at my phone at this point and I was like, wait, that's such a weird joke. That has nothing to do with anything. I gotta say, there's a
Starting point is 00:46:38 joke coming up pretty soon that I left fairly hard at genuinely. So we'll get to that as well. So she basically, yeah, she blackmailed into giving back her car. So he, and then she has a montage trying to decide how she's going to murder him. She talks about a bunch of different movies. She talks about a bunch of different weapons. She wants a weapon that hasn't been in a movie before. And so she's picking up weapons and saying what movies they're in.
Starting point is 00:47:06 And one of them, she says is James Bond, which is not a movie. Well, also one of the weapons she picks up is just a gun. So, it's been a list off a bunch of movies that guns a bit, man. That's true. And what I like is that a lot of the movies
Starting point is 00:47:24 that she lists are like pretty current, like they're not all classics. So it feels like it's like me dumb moviegoer who's doing the movie quiz and all the answers are the movies that are currently playing at the movie theater. I'm glad I don't need a fucking criterion channel subscription here to be able to participate in the-
Starting point is 00:47:42 Finally, finally, the movie for me. It's not a gun and Betty lose handbag. Oh, I'm not admitted. You forgot in classic. Is Tim daily of that one? It's Penelope. What's her name? Penelope and Miller is the main one.
Starting point is 00:47:59 But maybe I'm co-hosting from kindergarten. I think of you of the comet because she was in that with Tim daily. But she doesn't think she's in the other one. I don't think anyone in the year in the year the comment has a gun in their handbag. No, no. No, you're thinking of inner space where a woman has a gun in her handbag. Yes, yes. I was thinking of outer space where the planets are.
Starting point is 00:48:18 That makes sense. So she returns back to the home. I think it went like before he even goes inside inside he has a fantasy of them hooking up again Sorry hold up hold up just breaking news After Penelope and Miller you heard it here first folks. It's a break in the news about the gun and Betty lose handbag Breaking all these of news about the gun in Betty lose handbag. D do you think are the next two top-build people in this movie? Catherine C. DeJunz. That's a good guess.
Starting point is 00:49:10 Timothy Shalamay. That's what you get guessy. I'm gonna say Dick Miller. No. Greta Garbo. Wait, let's keep guessing. Yeah, let's keep guessing. We'll figure it out.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Bill's a bit shoe shoe it's a good guess billy barty and trooper carthie mm-hmm third and fourth build in this movie alpha wooded and julien more are the like what fucking star power in the gun and pay lose pan that's how movies work oftentimes before people are famous, they're in other movies too. No, but it's not all acting. That is more acting power than I thought.
Starting point is 00:49:52 So it's gonna fly. It's not all Audrey Hepburn going straight to the top with Roman holiday. Often people don't debut as the stars in movies. Anyway, a nation reels as this information hits us, this new development in the story of Betty lose hand-byes gun Luzhandbite's gun. Feel it, your family's tonight.
Starting point is 00:50:09 We'll return with more updates as events warrant and now return to the previously scheduled episode of the flop house, Me You Magnus. So Tyler shows up to her home at Stark. He takes a knife to defend himself. He runs into Catherine who is wearing a gold facial mask because she thought she had more time to have a facial But he managed to get there because traffic wasn't as bad as he expected As somebody who doesn't live in LA. I don't know what that's like. And then they have a little bit of a jockey conversation about how he is wearing the jewelry
Starting point is 00:50:47 stole and how, you know, it actually looks pretty good on him. And you know, this, also, this scene is the part that I was talking about before that genuinely made me laugh. I thought it was funny when she had like had all of this in her mind based on the ways estimate. And then he's like, well there was a there was a Accident cleared up pretty fast and so he surprised her while she has like her like facial mask on and then Then a dumb end to the scene that I didn't like is this the one where where they say they're the cutest and they just keep saying
Starting point is 00:51:18 No, that's not the worst. Oh, that's later. This is when our face mask falls off like a piece of baloney That's like a woman of bologna That was On her face at some point Like it was really embarrassing and I didn't think it was funny anymore Yeah, he was they were like making a comment about how it's not a good look and I'm like no She looks like a superhero kind of like she looks it looks like a little domino mask now I said another good and big loose handbag It looks like a little domino mask now. Guys, I have another gun and Betty lose handbag. Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, further development of the story, Dan. Hey guys, you know what else is in this movie?
Starting point is 00:52:05 Not only is Meatloaf in it, but Catherine Keener is in the gun and Betty lose handbag. More top shelf acting talents in this film. You heard it here. First, day two in Betty's, Betty lose hand, gunbag, handbag, gate. Dan McCoy will bring us, I'm sure, more developments
Starting point is 00:52:26 as we get through the story of this movie from what year, Dan? That movie would be from 1992. A lot of moving developments in the story of this 29 year old movie will be back with more. Probably later in the broadcast, we'll have to tell our affiliates that we're going late tonight with this episode of the flop house in case they're waiting. Wait, hold on to a question back.
Starting point is 00:52:47 No, I'm getting out. I'm getting further word that Dan McCoy has some new developments. Dan bring it to us. Famous musical producer Adam Shankman is also in the gun and Betelose Hambeck. And it seems like we're reaching real diminishing returns with the story of the gun and Betelose Hambeck. Well, we're want Frank Welker. Does a voice about that.
Starting point is 00:53:08 Wait, he does a voice? He does a voice in every movie. It'd be more impressive if Frank Welker did not appear in the film. He's got a huge filmography. There's one person on Twitter who continues to ask me about Frank Welker and I'm not sure why. Why does he just do a voice? Is there like a puppet part of that movie?
Starting point is 00:53:24 I mean, he's known as a voice actor but he might have done an animal sound effect. He does a lot of animals. He the gun He might have done vocals what he's credited as Starlet vocal I mean he does a lot of ADR But if I knew Frank you know if I know Frank Welker known for doing a lot of animal sounds new frank you know if i know frank welker known for doing a lot of animal sounds scarlet's vocal i would uh... hazard a guest that perhaps the joke is that some of the singing voice sounds like an animal of some kind or perhaps
Starting point is 00:53:53 scarlet is a dog yeah animal some kind yes i guess we'll just have to watch the movie find out so stay tuned folks uh... we'll be back later in the show as we watch all of the gun and betty lose handbag live on the air. It's the only way to get the story. Stick with us for the only network covering this ongoing story of the 1992 cults, clat, cults favorite.
Starting point is 00:54:14 I don't know how you'd start exactly. Sleeper hit doesn't, well, it seems a bit much. The Gunn and Betty lose handbag. I remember enjoying it on VHS at the time, but I don't think it was popular at all. Dan McCoy-Raves enjoyed it on VHS at the time. That's on the poster. So join us for day three, later on, of the continuing story of the gun in Betty Lou's handbag.
Starting point is 00:54:38 We now return to the flop house already in progress. Okay. So she renegs on her deal and she is not going to give him, she's not going to give him the, or delete the information about his past crimes. And because he finds the bodies. Oh, has he already found the, does he find the bodies at this point? Yeah, did he find the case at the point? I thought she said that that's why she took it, that's why she said she was going to kill him because she she wasn't actually going to kill him but I know some of bodies. I don't know I feel like she's like struggling with whether or
Starting point is 00:55:11 not she wants to kill him or not and she stabs him with a broken martini glass and then selects a knife to murder him then they have this like wine and white sofa standoff scene where he's going to keep threatening to pour wine on her white sofa. Well, and they, the whole joke of it is just them arguing whether it's the sofa or a couch, which, you know, I gotta say, was not aware that that was a distinction in America. It's not used as a distinction, but there is a distinction. A sofa has arms, so. And a couch is tentacles. Couches legs. That's why a couch is tentacles. Couch us legs. That's why I catch as late.
Starting point is 00:55:48 And so legs to go all the way up to the place where you sit. That's that's how he's new character of the vaguely creepy furniture salesman. You should do that in your SNL audition. Okay, okay. Here's another thing you could put your butt on. That's it. So she stalks him around the house with a curling iron. They, she beats him up a bunch. I think this is when he finds the dead bodies, right?
Starting point is 00:56:19 In her basement. There's that nun chucks scene where there's a really bad body double. So because they're only filming below her neck, but wearing this expensive dress. Yeah, like, I feel like you could see the Ninja Turtle costume underneath the dress. As she's playing with nunchucks. So you're saying wait, so it was that they hired a Ninja Turtle as her body double. Michelangelo, the Ninja Turtleurdle with nonejobs.
Starting point is 00:56:45 Yeah, that's the only way to do it was to dress up as Michelangelo, to get in the character of someone who news his nonejobs. I mean, I think either one I'm not, I'm not sure they don't show above the shoulders. So there's a chance that it could just be a guy in a Michelangelo costume. It could be Michelangelo, the actual injecturdle, it's always possible. You can't rule it out. You can't prove a proof of proof of something's negative. You can't. There's no way to prove it. They can't rule it out. You can't prove something's negative. You can't.
Starting point is 00:57:06 There's no way to prove it. They can't just prove something. So she and she starts, so he finds her like her freezer full of dead bodies. And this is where she goes on this justification for all the people she's killed. And she's listing all, they, they lists like what? Two dozen, maybe three dozen, parts of different bodies, and she's explaining the crimes of each of the people
Starting point is 00:57:30 she's killed. She's like Dexter, right? She's a killer killer. And other killers. Yeah, that's another one. That's another one. There are many scenes in this where I'm like, okay, you're close to doing it.
Starting point is 00:57:41 You know what I'm like, okay, I get it. It's kind of there. Like, because like for a long time, she just like rapid fire. It's rapid fire editing. She's explaining why she killed various people. And it's kind of funny, I would say, or in a better movie, maybe I would find it funny. But then she gets through. It has the structure in form of jokes. Yeah. But then she gets something. There was something that happened in the middle of it. What was it? It turns into a PSA about...
Starting point is 00:58:09 That's what it did. ...that turns into a PSA about not leaving a dog in a hot car, that part. That was that, but also there was something else where he made a funny noise or something? Well, I don't know about that, but I was going to say that the place where it falls apart. I think that the PSA is good. I think the repeating thing is okay. Like, but then there's also a point where she's just like, that one was Republican like a cricket sound.
Starting point is 00:58:33 And then this one was a Democrat. This is like, it veers off the idea of like actual justifications to like her sort of winking at the audience. Like remember Steve Manouchan's my husband. Mm-hmm, wink, remember Steve Mnuchin's My Husband, Queen Queen. Yeah, it's a, but, and that leads me to something I wanted to say before. Do you guys think Dexter from Dexter's Laboratory
Starting point is 00:58:52 grew up to be Dexter the serial killer from Dexter? Because they both have sisters. I'm not a concerter. You think so? Yeah. That same casual disregard for human life. Yeah, and he had, it's like a flowers for Alginon thing where he got dumbies, so he lost his ability to make cool inventionson thing where he got done. So he was really to make cool
Starting point is 00:59:06 inventions. I get it. It again to dark passenger. Okay. So yeah, I think that was when she says or that was or she he was a Republican. It's like, yeah, it's like you don't wait a minute. I'm not it's one of those things where I'm like I'm trying to figure out what the what the purpose is of that moment. Like because she is married to a Republican. Like, it's, and you know that, and it's, I don't know. I don't get that. Yeah, and so around now, she's chasing them around her house and she also, he like drops his cell phone and she opens it up, I guess he doesn't pass her
Starting point is 00:59:37 protective phone, which is stupid. I mean, it comes automatic at this point. Like, I don't know if it is a phone, you can just open up and it goes straight to your text messages. Yeah, yeah, where he has messages and like thought picks from some lady that he's been texting with. And that does not make Katherine happy. Although she was already trying to kill him,
Starting point is 00:59:58 I think this has given her additional fuel that he has. Well, also the fact that they just met the day before. Yeah. She can't really get mad about messages he received before the before yesterday but you can't explain like you can't logically explain jealousy LA it just happens you know it's true the heart wants what it wants yeah so they get they get in a fight in the living room again and in the fight she manages a pretty impressive maneuver where she manages to fart directly in his face.
Starting point is 01:00:25 Was it expected to happen? He said I have to learn the principle of rage. You think she picked it up from primal rage? She just loved that game so much. Yes. She obviously loves gamers. Yeah. Or is it something that just happened in the filming and she said, no, leave it in?
Starting point is 01:00:46 Steve says leave it in. Okay, so then we find out that they continue to talk. We find out that Tyler in one of his previous grifts had stolen her granny's life savings. A little part of me is like, how is this such a big deal because she's got like millions of dollars. Yeah, it's not like granted, like, you know, she can, she can share her money, right? There's not like a rule against sharing with granny. You can share with granny, right? Not a granny lawyer. I don't know what you can really can't share with granny. I'll look at my airbud book and see what the will say. Okay, I mean, air, air, air buds guide to laws that
Starting point is 01:01:28 aren't in the rule book. So they fight more. They chat, they tell jokes. He runs away from Ernie gets distracted by her fancy car in sports memorabilia girl. It's very strange. Yeah. He's like, what? A signed basketball and a football and a shoes. And fancy cars? Yeah, it's crazy. She keeps attacking him, he keeps running or running. But at the same time, he's like becoming more and more
Starting point is 01:01:58 understanding. Like, he clearly has a thing for her. He does it like at first I was like, is he just trying to survive? I don't think so. I think he is trying to survive and the only way he can do that is by convincing her to love him because without her he'll die. So they express their love. And possibly with her. I think that's true. They somewhere in there is where they do the worship. That's somehow. That was horrible. But also, this is way back. We skipped, I don't know when it happened,
Starting point is 01:02:27 but I referenced the title. And the title is meant to be like, me, you, it would be madness. Yeah, that's the idea. Well, they have this bit, this cute bit, we mentioned where he's like, we're the cutest and she goes, we are the cutest. He's like, the Qtie Qtist, she's like, the Qt and she goes we are the cutest. He's like the cutie cutest
Starting point is 01:02:45 She's like the cutie Buddhist and it goes on forever To foodie to foodie cuties. I mean it literally sounds like something you would do Ellie it but I would do it for the purpose of annoying people It reminds me of a lot of in a lot of modern So that's okay Because he sees so much of himself in it. Yeah, yeah. I'm like the me in you madness was me the whole time.
Starting point is 01:03:11 But it reminds me of a lot of like a lot of modern comedy movies. They'll improv a lot of different scenes. And they'll be like, they're all funny. Put them all in. Put them all in. And this feels like that, but these people are not comedians.
Starting point is 01:03:22 So it's like not funny. It's just put them all in. Put all the dumb things in, the things that don't work on it. And have it be two people talking about how cute they are, which everyone loves. Yeah. And have it happen in when you've just seen these people have the same basic conversation four times,
Starting point is 01:03:38 and he's been running around being chased by her for forever, and we just want the movie to be over at this point. Yes. And let's do the rooms in the house you going to show me, which there aren't. But that's so much of our sports. It feels like science stuff. Yeah, more science stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:50 Ellie, it's like, I'm thinking of wrenching this house, please. Please go behind that one door that you haven't opened yet. Yeah, I want the walkthrough. I just thought of a joke that I should have pitched when I was in the punch up room for me, you madness. I forgot to tell you guys, I was in the punch room over this one. Oh, wow. Is that the sports memorabilia? She also should have had more sports. How was it? the punch up room for me, you madness. I forgot to tell you guys, I was in the punch room over this one. The sports memorabilia, she also should have had horses.
Starting point is 01:04:07 How was it fucked up that you're doing a podcast about it now? I mean, I've heard of more on ethical things. Anyway, so the, she should have had a case with the, like, the bottom of a horse's leg cut off and on the hoof, it would be signed secretariat and she has like one of the secretaries who have signed by him Ultimate memorabilia piece that's a good joke. So they eventually run out of rooms and they have a final show down Outside by the pool she has a crossbow. He has what like a little knife Yeah, yeah like a butter knife. Yeah, she's like at one point She's so excited that she's like fighting with a curling iron I think it the movie really overstates the novelty of that as a it wasn't even on
Starting point is 01:04:49 Yeah, that's I don't know that's the thing is it's not plugged in so I don't know what you're gonna do with it That's not just hitting somebody. Yeah, she's back in him over the head. It's just a baton at that point It might as it might as well be an old lady's umbrella at that point And I've seen people get whacked over the head with that so at that point. And I've seen people get whacked over the head of that. So, uh, and this is Dan looking at his phone. Danny, any, any up, Dan, any updates from, uh, videos? I do have like, I do have like, better, better, better update. Does William foresight do anything for you? How about that?
Starting point is 01:05:19 Dynamically entertaining, heavy set, US actor with piercing eyes. This is IMDb's. intertaining heavy set us actor with piercing eyes. This is IMDb's Yeah, Bill porcise. Yeah, really really church and love a bit a superb talent for playing some truly unlikable and downright nasty characters That dominate the films within which he appears exclamation point So not not so much an update on the movie the gun is But on another an actor who's in it character Character actor with a fourth site. Okay, so, uh, Catherine and Tyler express their love for each other. Uh, they end up together. We get a little bit of a flash forward. Uh, they decide to get married. They end up together and they fix their lives. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:00 There's these to be anything like their original characters. Uh, they we get an update on their new routine, which sounds super fun. And you get that same vibe whenever you see a new couple and you're like, just you wait until it goes to shit. Yeah. And it's very, is she very clearly states that she's now on a cocktail of anti-psychotic drugs.
Starting point is 01:06:22 And that's how she can have this. That makes it like that. Yeah, well, and during this, the movie like made me like kind of the angriest at it. Like there's like a little side where it's just like about how, now that she's healthy, she doesn't, you know, like like, like, hey, everyone be nice to each other. Don't judge people for like, whether like they're political views or whatever. And like knowing who she is and like when this was in production, like how she had gotten rid of guilt.
Starting point is 01:06:54 Like it's just like, hey, sure, everyone should endeavor to treat each other with a recognition of our common humanity. But also like, we don't dislike you for no reason, like this is good. Yes. You've done a thing that like yeah, like that's the problem anyway. So whatever.
Starting point is 01:07:13 I'm not going to. No, you're right. I'm not going to rant against President Seck's criminal in his cabinet. Uh huh. I mean, he's at an office. So and then as the credits roll, we get like a fun little montage of their future together. They have a baby, they raise the baby. I stop kind of paying attention after a little while, so maybe the baby grows up.
Starting point is 01:07:34 Or something. It's just assumed that they have a great life from that point on. And it's, you kind of are waiting for the moment when Brazil style is revealed. This is all going on in her head. And she sits in the bloody mess of this man she's killed. But I don't know. It just kind of, it's just kind of the end of it. It's just kind of like, yeah, everything.
Starting point is 01:07:51 Our love allowed me to go into therapy and become a nice person. And now we're great. And we're just rich. Well, and, you know, I mean, like the idea in so much as this film has any ideas, I think, is that love of any kind is this leap of faith. And like a smarter, better movie. It's a great, a great message to you, Madness. It's like, what, what you're going to toss that in at the very end? I don't know. I don't know if you've earned having any sort of moral here.
Starting point is 01:08:20 Well, so this, because here's what this movie feels like to me. It feels like a College film. This is the film that a college student makes but it was made by a very rich approaching middle-aged lady who is married to a government Official and so it's like I don't know if after it this point in life You're allowed to make the kind of movie that like a junior in college would make rich so openly stealing from other people's movies It's so messy. Check the airbud rule book. Check the airbud rulebook. Can a lady who should know better be making the same movie that like a 19 year old would make and be like I'm saying a lot here. I'm being real edgy. I'm really saying stuff and it's just nothing, you know. Yeah. I think I mean, I think you can make it. I mean, I think she did. I mean, she clearly she did. She got me. I mean, again, there's no law against it.
Starting point is 01:09:06 But should there be for the pros for saying there should be a law against middle-aged people making this kind of college student movie, Halley Haglett, Halley? Uh, I, I actually, I mean, I, I guess I feel like I haven't thought through the political implications of what I really, the impression I really went away with, but once I realized who she was, I was sort of like, yeah, like do this instead of all the other worst things you could be doing with your power. That's true of all. The bad thing Steve Manuchin has done producing crappy movies, which he's also done is kind of the least bad thing. And I found it fascinating. Like her determination and her weirdness and her mediocrity all combined. It's like a very fascinating document of all that stuff of just like executing something
Starting point is 01:09:55 and not being that good at it, but putting everything you have into it. I don't, it was just like, you could tell how much she wanted it to be made and she cared about it and it was like, it's weird to know something that personal about this woman. Yeah. It's a little bit like if the movie The Queen of Versailles was about making a movie instead of making, if the woman in that instead of building the biggest house in America had been making a movie, like this is what it would have turned into.
Starting point is 01:10:21 Yeah. It's fascinating that this is like a very personal, it seems document from this thing. Yeah. Well, I think we're in, like, let's go into final judgments. I know it's not officially supposed to say this stuff until Dan calls final judgments, which you know.
Starting point is 01:10:39 Let's go into final judgments whether this is a good bad movie, a bad, bad movie, or a movie. Or if it's the gun bad movie, a bad, bad movie, or a movie. Or if it's the gun in Betty Lou's handbag. Well, I'll get back to getting Betty Lou's handbag in a second, but. Oh, good. Please, shit. I feel like I feel like I feel like there's still a splinter
Starting point is 01:10:57 of wood left in the bottom of that barrel. But I wanted to say, like I wanted to get into it because I think that I'm pretty sympathetic with what Halley is saying right now, in terms of my reaction to this, where there's part of me that almost enjoys the movie because she so desperately wants to make it work. And I think her acting is by far the weakest part
Starting point is 01:11:24 of all of it, but I think that there's ability there that you see in the movie where you're like, okay, well, you got the idea for this thing or that thing. I could see where, and the fact that there's so much desire to make it work, kind of makes me want to root for it other than the fact that I don't think I would like this person. And but that is like the part of it that gives it like interest. The fact that it's like, okay, let's look inside this person's mind. And the weird thing about it is it seems like it's, it wants to be satire, but the problem is she is in the group that she wants to be satirizing.
Starting point is 01:12:10 So it is the equivalent of one of those Saturday night live sketches where someone goes on and like tell some mildly insulting jokes about themselves and like, see, I get it, like, I'm not so bad. Like, so anyway, I, good bad movie, but don't pay for it. That's what I actually say. That's the, it's like my feelings about the movie are so separate from my, it's hard to separate from,
Starting point is 01:12:32 I always say you gotta separate the art from the artist, you know, it's the only way I can watch certain movies because they were made by terrible people. But the, in this one, it's so difficult, but it's also there are things in it where I'm like, if this one, there are parts of it where it feels a little bit like If that if John Waters was doing this scene it would be the same exact scene like to have to have a scene
Starting point is 01:12:52 Where to so where she is sitting on the toilet going to the bathroom and watching a TV watching a TV screen in her bathroom that just has stock Updates and she's masturbating to it is like as like on the nose that kind of satirized you can get, and the hands of somebody else, I would've been like, that's a crazy scene, it totally works, but here it, it doesn't really work. But part of that's because, like you're saying, she is the person that she's satirizing, which means it's hard to take the movie as anything,
Starting point is 01:13:19 at times it felt like she was both trying to try to curry favor with the world, being like, see, I get it, rich people are bad, you know? But also that she's trying to like rub your nose in the fact that she, like, there's a part of me that where she's like, I can make a movie about how people like me are awful and there's nothing you can do about it. I'm telling you how awful we are and there's nothing you can do about it. And you know what? You're happy ending it then too. Yeah, and you know what?
Starting point is 01:13:45 Because I'm rich. I can do whatever I want. So it doesn't matter. You know, like the ending is made me so mad for that reason where it was like, but I'm rich. So I get to be happy forever, you know, and it was, you know, anyway, it's so hard for me to take that from it. But honestly, the first six minutes in the movie, I was like, you know what?
Starting point is 01:14:00 I'm into this movie. It's all in the end. It's all 80s synth music and it's like super fast cut. And this lady's voice is very weird. And you know, but then at a certain point, I was like, then it was when I was like, wait a minute, this is just American Psycho. And then she says, but I'm not ripping off American Psycho.
Starting point is 01:14:15 And I was like, movie, frick at it. You're too aware of how crappy you are to get away with how crappy you are. But I would say it's a good, bad movie. Yeah, I feel like I had, I feel like if this were, if this were my friend who made this movie and I saw it, I would have like an incredible generosity of spirit about it. And I would feel like there was a lot of, I don't know,
Starting point is 01:14:38 there was like a lot of pretty good stuff in there, you know? It'll get like eventually, they can make in movies, they'll get there. I mean, and it looks great. Like she hired professional people to make it. So right off the bed, it looks better than most independent vanity projects. Yeah, but I also think, I don't know, maybe, maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like you're giving her too much credit for trying to make a statement about rich people or trying to be like in on the joke about rich people because she's like if her past is any indication she's like so lacking in self-awareness and and like how she puts herself out there that I feel like the the attempt I don't know I'm just like
Starting point is 01:15:20 I feel like I said it before but like making this is so much better than like writing a memoir where she's talking about how like you know she was the object of desire for like you know this African village where people wanted to kidnap her or whatever. Is that what the book is about? Yeah, it's about how she was in yeah, it's it's it's a fun. What? Ask Lauren about it sometime. That's why I get all my information about it. I will. It's funny stuff.
Starting point is 01:15:48 It seems like a right up rally. But it does feel like it is, I guess you're right. It feels like the way she kind of shows off how the stuff she's got is by making a movie about a killer who has the stuff she's got or something like that. I don't know. There's a certain kind of like rich, bad person glamour that there's a lot of, in our media right now, I feel like the Kardashians are a lot of that too, where it's a lot of like,
Starting point is 01:16:11 we're rich, we're crazy, we do whatever we want, and we can do it because we're rich, and we're not good people. And like they, yeah. But I mean, but I mean, but I don't think that they think they're bad. I don't know. I feel like it was more of like, you know, you sort of write the world that you know. And so she was like, let me imagine,
Starting point is 01:16:31 you know, what's the craziest scenario I can come up with a, you know, with a very limited imagination. Well, this is the world I live in, like rich people that have all this nice stuff. So yeah, I don't know. Yeah, I mean, I mean, it doesn't help. Did you read the backstory about how she said she passed out in a hot car and had a vision of an Native American man telling her to make this movie? Oh, wait, is that true? It's
Starting point is 01:16:51 something like that. Let me look at it from a long time. Okay, hold on. I feel like your final judgment is now look this up. So what I, what I will say is, I mean, they're clearly trying to make some kind of a satire like they're some of her like rich Over-the-top rich behavior is intended to be a joke But I feel like that's that's an example somebody who's like I know people just like this not realizing that she herself is Yeah, that's right. I bet that's that's a good way to put it But yeah, I mean the people who made this movie are bad, but this movie is kind of a fun, bad, movie sort of fascinating.
Starting point is 01:17:33 Well, I mean, if you can, kind of fascinating. I feel like if you can separate it from the person, then this is a good one to watch with the good people and be like, what? The crazy, the thing that keeps it from being a good bad movie for me is that it's actually very boring to watch alone. Which is, I feel like the problem with a lot of good bad movies is that you want to be able to turn to somebody on your couch, slap them on the arm and say, did you see that? Get a load. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:01 How did you find your one you know what you were looking for? This is a point to define you. Yeah. This is a point to the IMDB trivia. Louise Linton came up with the concept for you, me. It's a, it's, now this calls it you, me madness, which is not the name of the movie. But after falling asleep in a hot car, falling a trip to the pharmacy, she described a doors-like vision of an indigenous man telling her to make a movie about a girl boss serial killer. So she did.
Starting point is 01:18:21 Wow. Interesting. Okay. I, I do have one final bolt in from the gun and Betty lose hand. Back to America's Betty Lou gun handbag news center. I'm here and throwing the Dan McVoy as another date for us. Hey, did you have happen to know that I can't only award nominee Kathy Moriarty was in the gun and Betty Mouset. Well, the bulletins keep coming in. I think we're going to be here all night.
Starting point is 01:18:54 Why don't we why don't we go back to your regularly schedule program and we'll just save up some of these bulletins and make it. Well, let's take it as tie off. Yeah, somebody put a bottle of coffee on because something tells me the story of Betty Luzhandbags gone. Oh, Ellen's texting his wife to put dinner in the leave dinner in the oven for him.
Starting point is 01:19:11 He's not coming home till late. Yeah, yeah. He could know he's at his own home. Hello, I'm Marley Smirl. I'm Sydney McAroy and I'm Taylor Smirl. And we host Still Buffering, a cross-generational guide to the culture that made us. Every week we share media that made us who we are, things like Archie Comics, Sailor Moon, and lots of Taylor Swift.
Starting point is 01:19:39 And now that Riley's an adult, it comes with 100% more butts. And now I am totally comfortable with it. So check out new episodes of Still Buffering every Thursday on But Sputs, butts, butts. Join in Riley. Sputs, butts, butts, butts, butts, butts, butts, butts, butts, butts, butts, butts, butts, butts, butts, butts, butts, butts, butts. Hi, I'm Joe Firestone.
Starting point is 01:20:03 And I'm Manolo Marano. And we host Dr. Game Show a podcast where listeners submit games and we play them regardless of quality, with a dozen listeners from around the world. We've had folks call in from as far as Sweden, South Africa, and the Philippines. Here's an example. This is a game we've played called Cotton Candy Chicken Nuggets, where you have to sing any eight syllable phrase to the tune of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. You have an example, Minolo?
Starting point is 01:20:31 Yeah, here's one. Little baby turkey turnips. Oh, nice. Thanks. That's your game shows new episodes every other Wednesday on Maximum Fun. Chuck us out. Please.
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Starting point is 01:22:54 So if you don't like it for any reason, the refund your money, no questions asked. Now that 100% happiness guarantee again, is related to the cereal. Happiness of the cereal. Happiness of the cereal. Yeah, you want your own personal happiness, that's another issue. But if you can get your next delicious bowl of cereal
Starting point is 01:23:14 at slash flop and use the code flop to save $5 off, thank you MagicSpoon for sponsoring this episode, Elliott, your turn. Speaking of your personal happiness in a non-serial sense, we are also sponsored in part by Better Help Online Therapy. And this is an ad for Better Help with a P therapy. Look, it doesn't matter who you are
Starting point is 01:23:39 or what you have in your life, life can be stressful. As we saw, even for Louise Linton, life is apparently stressful at times, and she just needs to make a movie to get out of her system. You may be feeling depressed right now or you may not. You may just be feeling down or you may not. You may feel like you kind of don't know what's going on. I know that sometimes I get very stressed and rather than feeling what you would call
Starting point is 01:23:59 a, even an emotion, it just becomes kind of a cloud remist between me and the rest of the world. Uh, and it's something that I have trouble getting through on my own. And the only way I can get it through is to kind of unload it and get it out by talking, talking to somebody who is not a part of my life. Someone who I know will talk to me in an unbiased way and listen in an unbiased way. Someone who doesn't have a stake in me and so isn't going to judge me or take sides or anything. It's just very helpful and a lot of people who have never tried before I think will be surprised by it. Now, I have, again, not used better help specific therapists, but I have used therapy many times to get through
Starting point is 01:24:38 these kind of great times, these kind of like descending fogs, you know, and better help if you've never used therapy before, it might be a good way to go into it. Better help is customized online therapy that offers video, phone, and even live chat sessions with your therapist. Whatever is the method you feel most comfortable in reaching out to someone, it's more affordable than in-person therapy.
Starting point is 01:24:58 And at this point, you might feel more comfortable doing it than in-person therapy, sharing a room with somebody. See if it's for you. We're sponsored by BetterHelp and Flop House listeners get 10% off their first month at slash flop. Have your first session in under 48 hours and 10% off your first month at BETTERHELP.
Starting point is 01:25:18 As in, please help slash flop. And again, cannot say enough, if you feel the need to talk to somebody, then feel that need. And yet to do it, there's no, the only downside is that you might be like, okay, well, I got off my chest at least. There's no, you know, there's nothing that hurts
Starting point is 01:25:39 from getting out the thing that might be bothering you and whatever way you choose to do it, it's good and it will help you and is worth doing. So why not try it with slash flop? And if not, it's not the way that works best for you. Find another way to do it. I think it'll help you out. Stuart?
Starting point is 01:25:57 Yeah, we've addressed your serial happiness needs and your non-serial happiness needs. Stuart, I believe you have a jumbo tron. Jojojojumbo tron. J-j-j-j-j-j-j-jumbotron! Okay, speaking of happiness, happy anniversary! This is a message for Lev and this is from Jean. We've been married nine whole years. That's almost a decade of dog and rabbit shenanigans, cooking experiments and road trips in questionable roadside motels. And of course, movie nights from blood sport
Starting point is 01:26:35 to my octopus teacher, the whole movie came. You've never led me astray. I'm looking forward to the next nine years and beyond. Oh, that's adorable. So that's serial happiness, the rest of your life happiness, and relationship happiness. We did it guys. The happiness trifecta, all of them. LA, do you have anything to plug?
Starting point is 01:27:00 Nothing in particular to talk about except the show I wrote for on Fox Housebroken continues Monday nights at nine o'clock on Fox, look check your local Fox affiliate if you like dogs telling jokes, and I don't know why you wouldn't then Watch this show it's called Housebroken and of course maniac New York My comic book with under moody from after shot comics. It's on comic stores now the trade paperback will be coming out later this year But if you just can't wait, pick up those single issues. Good, the floppy. Yeah, and I'm gonna, I'd like to promote. My wife has been doing a podcast these last few months.
Starting point is 01:27:33 I think she has almost 25 episodes more now. It's called I Know The Owner, and it is a long time bartender, bar owner, talking to other bartenders and bar owners about bar stuff. And it's fun conversations. And if you've been missing that kind of a, that kind of like the, the sound or feel of having a conversation in a bar, this might bring you back. And or shed some light on the industry a little bit.
Starting point is 01:28:04 I am a let's say frequent guest. So if you're not tired of me yet, maybe you can test that. So check it out. I know the owner wherever you get your podcasts. Hey, sometimes we get letters from listeners like you what here's some of them It's not about that. Madness. That's a great. Yeah, that's a good. Here's some of them. Yeah, here's some of them by catchphrase This is from Liz I carry jelly beans in my pocket. Here's some of them Dan Dan deals down and takes off his shoe. I have ten toes. Here's some of them.
Starting point is 01:28:47 Half of them to be precise. Liz, last name with Hello's Rights. Hello, and thank you for years of lapse. I'm writing to recommend a movie to flop, perhaps with romcom special guest Halley. After years of my Catholic husband showing me all the Christmas movies I missed as a kid, we set out to find a Hanukkah movie this year. Perhaps something we could one day show our interfaith daughter. We failed miserably, but the most spectacular failure of all was Mizzilto and Menorahs. I realize lifetime movies are super easy targets, but it would truly delight me to watch Elliot take on a movie containing the line.
Starting point is 01:29:33 Hanaka, so random. Wait, what's there? There's nothing random about Hanaka. Wait, there's reasons behind everything in Hanaka. Who's in that? Is Lacey Sharbear in that? Yeah, I can only assume. Yeah, she does a lot of those right
Starting point is 01:29:47 I was hoping that I got it got it got it Betty lose handbag yeah it's got it's IMB be it's new center right now it's called it's called internet movie gun and Betty lose handbag that's minores I was hoping this was Kelly jackal and day of the jackal Epstein I was hoping that whistle to and minores would be a buddy cop movie oh yeah I haven't seen this in contrast to the gun and Betty lose handbag I recognize none of the names Julie and more is in this
Starting point is 01:30:37 What okay anyway, so paragraph two the final paragraph of this letter goes like this paragraph two the final paragraph the Saga concludes Alternatively, I'd also be thrilled to get any recommendations from Elliot on a less food fight-esque borderline anti-Semitic movie for Hanukkah to balance out all the Christmas stuff my daughter who is taken to dancing to your theme song We send a video we'll be consuming thanks and stay healthy Liz Well, diehard is a popular Hanukkah movie, right? Uh-huh a lot of people don't realize that diehard is a Hanukkah movie because it takes place around the same time of year as Hanukkah. Actually, here's, I'm going to, look, I'm going to break it down.
Starting point is 01:31:13 And I would love to be proven wrong by our listeners if they want to tweet at me or email me or send a letter to Dan's house at Dan McCoy, one, two, three, fake street Brooklyn, New York, zip code. There are no good Hanukkah movies. There's like eight crazy nights. No, thank you. And there's like, there's another dumb one. But there's really nothing good. There's no end to Mel Gibson never made that Maca Bees movie
Starting point is 01:31:38 that he was going to make. So there's really no good Hanukkah movies. So here's what I tell you to do. Just watch the first half of Fiddler and the Roof go right through through the wedding and the minute you see those caustic torches in the distance, you turn that movie off because it gets sad from that point on. So that's what you do. You watch the first half of Fiddler and the roof that says, Jewish as movies get. Now I know this is a very specific Jewish experience. It is kind of romanticized Eastern European Steadle Ashkenazi Judaism. Maybe you're Syrian Jews or Spanish Jews.
Starting point is 01:32:05 It's not the same thing as Ashkenazi Jewish. That's okay. Look, there's not a lot of movies for you either. So just start with this one. Watch the first half of that because most other Jewish movies are either an American tale or very sad. So I would say, just watch the first half of that. It's probably an American tale.
Starting point is 01:32:22 Yeah, just watch a serious man. Yeah, just watch a first half of it. It's probably the American tale. That's why I think. Yeah, just watch a serious man. Yeah, just watch a serious man. It would grapple with Jewish issues in a way that I found interesting, but my wife did not care for. Maybe because as she put it, every Jewish woman in the movie is a shrew. And the only cool Jewish woman, the only cool woman in is the non-Jewish woman. But anyway, just watch the first half of Philip on the roof. And then when it's time for the sad holidays, young people are in so forth, you watch the first half of Filler on the Roof. And then when it's time for the sad holidays, young rapport and so forth,
Starting point is 01:32:47 you watch the second half of the movie. That's what we do in my house. But I don't know what for Hanukkah, I don't know what I'm gonna show my kids, right now they're just obsessed with the nightmare for Christmas, which means we're seeing a lot of Christmas E songs, but they're also Halloween songs, so I know what to tell you. Interfaith.
Starting point is 01:33:02 As? Yeah, interfaithith both Christmas and Halloween. This second and final letter is a very sweet letter. I will, it's from Fletcher, last name withheld, who writes, a Hoi floppers. Your surprisingly soothing show has been my constant companion through months of working alone from home. Between Elliot's melodies, dance sides, and Stuart's audible handsomeness you've saved me from endless hours of doom scrolling and anxiety.
Starting point is 01:33:33 I'm usually content to listen passively, but episode 337, Tom and Jerry compelled me to write. The final minutes of that episode included both a rip, a riff on Jerry Orbox famously donated eyes and a record. I don't remember anything about this document. And a recommendation of the Oregon theft comedy slash horror movie, 12-hour shift. Through my medical adjacent job, I've met many people who are alive today because of transplants. I was wondering if you might take a moment to tell your listeners about the importance of Oregon, I, and Tissue donation. Flop has completists already know that Dan's knee benefited from the ACL Tissue transplant.
Starting point is 01:34:15 That's true. They may not know that there are more than 39,000 life-saving Oregon transplants in the US last year, or that more than 80,000 people have their site restored with cornea transplants each year. The positive effects of these transplants isn't limited to the recipients, their families and communities benefit from the health and healing, made possible by the generosity of donors. A single person can save up to eight lives through organ donation and improve many more through tissue donation. With bad, bad movies like seven pounds out there, we need to share good information.
Starting point is 01:34:50 Thanks, keep on flopping. Fletcher last name withheld. More transplant information and a donor registry form are online at So not the most hilarious of letters, but a important message. I don't know, you read it with like a certain penache. It was pretty funny. Yeah, it was just throw some hand of our barbersound effects on there. And I think it'll work out okay.
Starting point is 01:35:14 You know, that's a great message. I'm happy to stand behind, as I'm sure you guys all are, to stand behind the call for organ donation. Look, you're dead. You don't need that stuff. Give it to somebody who can use it. That's what I say. Yeah, maybe you were shot with the gun and Betty lose the game.
Starting point is 01:35:30 A movie that Zander Berkeley was in. You may recognize him. No, I'm a Terminator 2. Oh wait. Todd Voigt, he played Agent Gibbs in Air Force One. If you were shot, by said a said gun and you need an organ transplant, you would be mad. You get one. You're right. Thanks for looking at me when you said that. Yep. Yeah. Cause it was about to say that he didn't want any, but you're right. He would be very happy. I don't want to. He said, take it and go. Oh, such nice letters. What's the next part of this podcast, Danny? The next part is what is the movie was called the gum? It doesn't raise as many questions as the He says the bed. It was the bed. I guess what flavor gum.
Starting point is 01:36:25 Sure. Is it raptors at ABC gum? Hmm. Gross. Just have an old plug of gum sitting in your bag at the bottom. Uh huh. Yep. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:38 Well, what if it was the bag and Betty Lou's hand gum? How did she fit it in there? Uh huh. Good. Good questions all. The last segment. What is the Betty Lou in the gun's hand bag? She fit it in there. Uh-huh. Good questions, all. The last segment. What is the Betty Lou in the gun's handbag?
Starting point is 01:36:49 What is the question? What is the Marvel's What If? I'm a watcher, the watcher. I see all different realities. We all know the world where Betty Lou had a gun in her handbag. But what if the gun had Betty Liu in the handbag? It might go a little something like this. Wouldn't have taken away some of the gravitas of the watcher if he had been like,
Starting point is 01:37:11 but what if Daredevil had not lost his sight? I think it would go a little something like this. And then for some reason you just does a Jack Nicholson impression every time. Yep. What if Jack Nicholson had been bitten by the radioactive spider? I think it would go a little something like this. I'm spider Nicholson. I got the proportionate strength of a spider.
Starting point is 01:37:33 Yeah. Wait till they get a load of me and my spider's strength. I'm, yeah. Whoo. Recommendations. recommendations, recommendations of movies. That's our last segment. And speaking of Marvel, it's not the most creative recommendation, but I went out and saw Black Widow and I just want to say because I feel like it's been getting kind of more mixed reviews overall.
Starting point is 01:38:00 I enjoyed it quite a bit and I thought that it was interesting to see a slightly more sort of human emotion-based Marvel movie and it was a movie that I think weirdly dealt with trauma and gave that character a lot more depth than she had been given in the previous films. And I enjoyed it a lot. I thought the I thought all the supporting cast David Harbor, Florence Pugh and Rachel Weiss were also both very funny and sort of weirdly heartbreaking. And so I enjoyed it. Black Widow. Stewart, why don't you recommend something? Yeah, yeah, something yeah yeah i'm gonna recommend a movie uh... that i saw the other day uh... it is a horror comedy i don't know i think i rented it uh... uh... i think it's in playing select theaters now it's a movie called werewolves
Starting point is 01:38:57 within uh... it is a movie about a small rural town that is plagued with a werewolf problem. And it's got a lot of energy, it's fun. It kind of reminds me a little bit of some of the energy you get out of the Cornetto trilogy and the leads are all great. It's our Sam Richardson who's very funny and charming.
Starting point is 01:39:27 And her name, I will butcher, is Malania Vane Trabbe, who you would recognize if you were low-key Googling girl from AT&T commercial. Yeah. And they're both very good in it and a lot of them. How would you high-key Google that would you? You would tell people on a podcast that you're Googling it as opposed to like trying to be sneaky about it. That's Josh Rubin directed that. I liked his last movie before this. Scare me, which is unshutter I I think. Oh, I gotta watch that one.
Starting point is 01:40:06 Yeah, I like that one a lot. I'll recommend some movies unless Hallie, you wanna go first. No, I'll go for it. Guys, it's that time again. When I come to the end of the Check New Wave package at the Criterion channel, I'm gonna do two movies just so we can wrap up
Starting point is 01:40:22 the Check New Wave package because I know I've recommended a lot of Check New Wave movies. Two that I really liked a lot. One was called the ear. It is about a politician who believes that he has now gotten on the bad side of the ruling Communist Party and is, it's all takes place over one night where he and his wife are having an argument after a political, after a party that they went to those political figures, and he comes to believe that he has been marked for arrest and imprisonment just as a political, just for being on the wrong side of a report about a brickmaking factory, I think, and comes to believe that everywhere in his house are surveillance
Starting point is 01:41:02 things, listening to him. And I thought it was really good and very tense and just reminded me how terrible it was to be living under communism in those countries. That's directed by Carol Cachina, I think is the name, House of Finance. The other movie I recommend is called Diamonds of the Night. It was directed by Jan Nemek and is about two young boys who have escaped from a train taking them to the concentration campstrip in World War II. And it is a kind of very stream of consciousness and very poetic and kind of beautiful at times
Starting point is 01:41:36 movie of them running away and just what's going through their minds and the experience of being kind of escaping into the woods and being eventually chased by a group of very elderly hunters who have been tasked with bringing them down. And so both of those, I thought were really good. They're both somewhat chilling and yet have their moments of lyricalness. There's diamonds of the night and the ear. And with that, I bid a fond farewell to the check new wave package on the criterion channel. Who knows what criterion channel packages collections
Starting point is 01:42:08 I will bring up next time. Howdy, what would you like to recommend? Well, have you guys seen that French movie, a very curious girl, it's from the 60s. I think in French, it's called La fiancée d'oupirette or something, the pirates fiance. It's a lot of fun. You know, just sort of randomly watched it one night,
Starting point is 01:42:33 also off criterion. It's about a woman who lives in poverty and this village and is treated like shit by everyone in the village. And then her mother dies and she decides to become a prostitute and get revenge on everyone in the town. And it was just surprising, a lot of fun. I also have a question for you guys. Have any of you guys seen the movie? Shoot the moon? in the movie, shoot the moon. No. Yes.
Starting point is 01:43:07 Does that have like Sean Penn in it or like? No, it's Diane Keaton, an Albert Finney. Oh, no, I'm thinking of a different movie. No, I haven't seen that. OK. You're thinking of Carlitos Way. You know, Dan is thinking of the gun and Betty lose handbag.
Starting point is 01:43:22 We know what movie Dan is thinking about. Well, I watched this movie the other day by myself, and I really wished I had watched it with someone else because I had no idea what I was supposed to take away from it. It ends with a very dramatic and violent scene that was, I think, supposed to send me away with a message that I am at a loss for, and I read all the old reviews of it and they didn't seem
Starting point is 01:43:46 to clarify. If anyone knows what the hell this movie was about, let me know. Okay, get in touch with Halley. If you've got answers about Shoot the Moon, I haven't seen it, but I guess now I have to watch it. Yeah, you should. And tell me what you think. Okay.
Starting point is 01:44:02 In our new podcast, Shoot the What? Oh, this is by Halley. I can in our new podcast, shoot the what? Oh, this is by Halle High, I think it will be the other camera. Yeah, I think he's the, he's kind of a hunk, right? Karen Allen, Peter Weller's more than a hunk, he's a Robocop. Oh, yeah, oh yeah, he is.
Starting point is 01:44:18 That was the original subtitle of Robocop. He is more than a hunk. They changed it to, what was that? Half man, half robot, all cop. But for a while it was just he's more than a hug. He's a RoboCop. And they were like, we're not really feeling like this is getting at the tone of the movie.
Starting point is 01:44:40 Well guys, what a pleasure. Talk about me, you madness, with all of you into being two rooms. Yeah, yeah. Feel the real energy, you know? What the fuck? What happened to that? I'm just gonna-
Starting point is 01:44:56 Just a creepy way to put it. As always, hey, why don't you go over to Check out the other podcasts there. There are network, they're very nice to us. They help us get advertisers and money and all sorts of things. And I want to thank Alex Smith, our new editor, Stuart's good friend of many years,
Starting point is 01:45:17 our good friend who has been on the podcast way back when, and does all the music for the flopp tales. Thank you, Alex, for rescuing me in particular. Before I say my name, I just want to say that in the gun and belly lose high handbag, you can see Paul Bates. Paul Bates, so you might recognize from coming to America and coming to America, both.
Starting point is 01:45:43 But I've been Dan McCoy and Y'all. Oh, I guess I'm Stuart Wellington. Thanks for having me on the podcast. It means a lot. I'm... I'm Ellie Kaelin. I'm a maze-dandon mentioned that Stanley Tucci has an uncredited role in the gun and Betty Luzanhan.
Starting point is 01:46:01 What? According to Wikipedia. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I bet he looks incredible. I'm Hally Hagland with your top hit podcast. I'm going to hit it. And nailed it. And nailed it.
Starting point is 01:46:19 On this episode we discuss, me, you madness. The first ever movie to feature a secretary of the Treasury's wife's, but sorry Mrs. Albert Galatin. Let me just make sure that I got Galatin's first name right? Yeah, you don't want to be called out for that blunder. Okay, yeah, there you go. Albert Galatin, great, got it right. Oh, I, I, Abraham L. Fond's Albert. But he went by Albert.
Starting point is 01:46:49 Okay. Okay. Comedy and culture. Artist-owned, audience supported.

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