The Flop House - Ep. #360 - House of Gucci, with Audrey Lazaro

Episode Date: January 15, 2022

Up until now, Audrey has been like one of those sitcom characters who's oft-referenced, but remains unseen, but now it's time for her to take the spotlight! Did we mention that Dan married her in Nove...mber? Mazel tov, etc. And for such a joyous occasion the boys have given themselves a break by watching a movie that many people have goofed on, but they were all pretty sure they'd actually enjoy -- Lady Gaga's accent extravaganza, House of Gucci!Wikipedia entry forĀ House of GucciMovies recommended in this episode:The French DispatchI'm Not ScaredThe Power of the DogĀ 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On this episode we discuss House of Gucci. No, Dan, you mispronounced it, the title is... House of Gucci! Hey everyone, welcome to the flop house, I was buffering there guys. Oh, okay. Okay. Knock, knock guys. And Dan's not BB. No, we got the keys to the team.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Oh, look. Bruce, who's joining us today, Daniel? It's our guest, Audrey Lazro. Now Audrey, how would flopp house listeners know you best? By Dan's constant mentions of my brilliant insight to bad movies. Sure. You were the, you're the person who I feel like the flat pass audience at large was first queued into or clued into, I guess, by when Dan would be like, so I watched this movie with a friend
Starting point is 00:01:21 and we're like, oh no, no. No. We don't know who this person could be. Just you, you were the friend. And you were here with us. You're a separate friend. My plan has worked. You've been promoted from friend to wife and then promoted from wife to podcast co-host.
Starting point is 00:01:39 That's how it goes. Your grift has come to pass. Well, I have to say it's been my dream to work with my favorite podcaster, Elliott Kaelin, my favorite. I'm a little bit of a dreamer too. I'm a little bit of a nightmare in the middle. Yeah, it's a real monkey's paw situation. Yeah, it'll love him from the outside.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Oh, it's so much harder to love me from the inside. Ask the bacteria in my body. Yeah. They do not like it. Some of them help you out, you know, with digestion. But grudgingly, begrudgingly. They're like, all right, for just this once we're creating the alliance, you and me. Okay. So, yeah, Audrey married me in November. Yeah, but there's more, but there's more but there's more to that. But like, that's the
Starting point is 00:02:26 most whole person everybody I have in dreams. You're a main character. Dan is the support care. No, I'm fine. I'm not I'm just, you know, if you're listening to this podcast and you're wondering the chain of events that let us hear, one of the links is our wedding. of events that let us hear. One of the links is our wedding. No, but it's very much she's the Jean Grey to your Cyclops, Dan. She's the hero of the story and it turns out you're just the supporting character. Yeah. And so who would that make you? Yeah. I'm Nightcrawler or Beast. Everyone knows it. Maybe I'm one character made up of the two of them. Night Beast and Stewart is of course a Callisto leader of the more locks.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Oh yeah, I am. I, man, Callisto rules. Yeah, she's awesome. Hey, how did you guys know I was always Jean Grey when we would play X-Men when we were kids? Just context clues. Well, I'm done adjusting everyone's microphones slightly, so let's get into the, what do we do on this podcast? This is a podcast where we watch a bad movie
Starting point is 00:03:18 and then we talk about it. And let's be clear from the top. I would say that House of Gucci got mixed reviews. I think this is right on the edge of something we might cover on the show on the Ejaglory. I think it was... I mean, the fact that we're covering on the show means it's squarely something we're covering on the show. No, that's true. That's true. That's true. But you got it, Meliette. Boom. Yeah. By definition. You know, take him away, officer. I just want to say that we like walk into this one necessarily assuming like
Starting point is 00:03:46 the worst as sometimes we might even though I do think that we try and have an open mind about all of the movies we watch. We don't want to just be jerks about it. I mean, how this is a movie that will most likely get nominated for some kind of awards. Certainly for, yeah, certainly for acting and makeup awards. Yeah. It'll be nominated. be nominated. But it has had some detractors. We'll see whether we agree with it, but also during the pandemic, it's easy for things to be technically flops at this particular time.
Starting point is 00:04:17 I mean, it's actually, it's already made much more than its budget. Technically, a box office success. Okay. Well, maybe it's just that we wanted to watch something that we might enjoy from what. Yeah. I mean, I tell you when it comes down to it, listeners, if you are mad that we decided to watch a movie that we thought ahead of time might not be bad, then I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:04:35 If we're not, we're not, we're combining ourselves to the narrow purview that you've come to expect and to assume and demand from us. Tiny pleasure in our lives too. Tiny pleasure. Tiny pleasure in our lives too. Tiny pleasure in our lives too. Tiny pleasure in our lives too. Tiny pleasure in our lives too. Tiny pleasure in our lives too. Times are really rough, everyone deserves joy. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:04:49 Or not, we'll see. No spoilers. In this episode of The Flop House, Dan, let's start the show. Okay, so this is a movie called House Guchi. It's about the Guchi fashion family, a particular chapter of their lives. Should we do a quick warning that we're probably going to do a bunch of bad accents? I mean, so, yeah, so anyone listening to episode. I'm a good, you don't warn us, but.
Starting point is 00:05:15 That's the house of Gucci makes the strange, interesting choice, that even though the actors are all speaking in English, because they are Italian characters, they will speak with Italian accents. It was varying degrees of cartoonishness. Going from Jeremy Irons who speaks with an English accent tinge with Italian to Jared Leto, who speaks as Chico Markswood. Now you say that, but there have been several articles out there saying that Jared Leto is actually the one who does it the best. Well, except he has come closer to his character is. But he does, he will get to it. He there is one part where there's a joke that comes up a couple times that's based on a mispronunciation, which does not make sense if they're supposed to be taking, making
Starting point is 00:05:51 speaking Italian. Yeah. That he refers to a mouse as a moose, a couple times, which is a chico type joke. And if they're speaking Italian, why would he get those words mixed up? It only that joke only makes sense if they're speaking English with an Italian accent. Well, I don't know the Italian words for mouse and moose. Maybe they also say similar, why would he get those words mixed up? It only makes sense if they're speaking English with an Italian accent. I don't know the Italian words for mouse and moose. Maybe they also say similar, but. That's a separate issue. That is the, yeah, as you say,
Starting point is 00:06:12 the weird trick that movies try to pull once in a while or it's just like, maybe they'll think we're speaking this language if we speak with an accent on that language. That someone who's playing a Russian character if they're not Sean Connery will speak speak with a Russian accent, even though they're speaking English, or how everyone in ancient Rome has an English accent. You know, that's just how it's just the way we do movies here in the US of A, because not everyone can have our beautiful American
Starting point is 00:06:35 accents. Do you think it's better if there's no accents at all, or do you think it's better when, like, a death of Stalin's situation where everyone just says like, Bukwad, let's do whatever we want. Well, what do you guys think? What do you say, Stu? I feel like a consistency is key. I feel like House of Gucci kind of, like that's highlighted here because Lady Gaga's accent is a little bit, it feels a little...
Starting point is 00:06:59 Or Eastern European. Yeah, a little bit counter-accular, but she's very consistent with it. Just like Jared Leto is a lot like the Atsemata bit from the looney tunes cartoon. Yeah, I mean, I mean, Jared Leto is playing the guy on the box from the pizza. He might as well have his fingers in an okay symbol kissing his own fingers going, oh, that's a nice. That's so nice.
Starting point is 00:07:23 It's funny you say that, sir, because that is what I said to Audrey when we were talking about accents. Like the thing that bothers me the most, when I think something's a bad accent, it's when an actor seems just at sea and just keep shifting it within the scene. Like what matters the most is consistency of accent.
Starting point is 00:07:39 And everyone on this movie is doing totally different things, but they're all internally consistent to themselves. So I was reading something about what Lady Gaga's process was, and she really spoke in this accent for months and months and months. For nine straight months, she only spoke with this accent. Yeah, and she also will change dialect. So she starts off with a dialect where she's supposed to be from in the movie and depending on who she's talking to and depending on what the situation is and where the time of
Starting point is 00:08:10 her life she's at, she will change the accent and inflections. So there's a lot of thought that goes into it, but people who are Italian speakers who studied the language still think it's not that great. But it's really thoughtful. And that's right. Well, that strikes me as a performer putting too much thought into it. Instead of they're thinking, how would this person,
Starting point is 00:08:33 how would their voice really change? Because the character she's playing, which we'll get into, is very much a chameleon who wants to seem different ways to different people. But to the audience at home, who is only going to experience this character for about two and a half hours, and all at once, it's a, and who probably doesn't know that much about Italian dialects.
Starting point is 00:08:49 I certainly don't. It comes off as her being somewhat inconsistent. Ironically, the, I don't know if you guys saw this way, the person I thought had at least consistent accent was Al Pacino, a man who has made movies where he's shot scenes in Italy before. Who is an Italian American like who spoke Italian in a movie. So it's, and he's the one where it seemed like at certain points he was supposed to be like, he was like, oh yeah, yeah, I'm not playing Jimmy Hoffa. Italian character. Yeah, it's really hard when you're
Starting point is 00:09:12 like Italian American is very different from like an Italian person accent. Yeah. Oh, I just remembered his Jimmy Hoff accent, which was like in and out of Chicago. Well, that will be more accent talk we promise, but let's get into the movie. But yeah, but that was that was all because the warning that we'll probably be doing fairly insulting Italian accent at some point during this or cartoonish, let's say they're done with love for the Italian people and their great culture and all the wonderful things they've brought. I still dream. My dream, my travel dream is I want to go with my family to Italy and drive down the
Starting point is 00:09:47 entire, drive south through the entire country. That's something I don't, there's anything else in the world I want to do more than that. So, so anytime I, I make a piece of voice. I'll learn, I'll learn for that trip. Yeah. No, we're serving a car. I'm sure that we're going to use a stick like a broomstick, we're going to be playing quidditch all the way down the dumb nation.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Yeah, I'm sure they'll all forgive you, Elliott, knowing that you so desperately want to be a tourist in their country. Anyway, speaking of voices. Oh, he damn loud. Speaking of voices, the movie begins with a voiceover from Lady Gaga. As we hear about how coveted Gucci is, like what a revered name it is and Adam Driver is drinking coffee and writing a bicycle and doing all sorts of Italian things. And it's not just any coffee, it's a tiny little Italian coffee. Where they always show him sitting there for a while and then he takes a sip out of that
Starting point is 00:10:38 cup and I'm like, how many sips could he really be taken out of that little cup? Like, come on. Yeah. And there's two weird moments in this where she she's like, you will save all your life just so you can have enough money so you can afford the second cheapest thing in a Gucci store. News flash, you won't. And I'm like, you don't know me. And then also this is one of those fucking movies where they start at the end, right? Like, this is the moments before he's like,
Starting point is 00:11:06 I'm gonna live forever and then a dude comes and smokes and he's spoiler alert. So, yeah, so. Oh my God. So like, I don't know about you guys, but I'm very tired of this, unless it really matters. Wait, what is happening over here?
Starting point is 00:11:18 I had no idea, in my notes, I have it at the end. It's like, oh, he's riding a bike again. And in my notes, I have, after this scene, light Cpia filter to show us that this is in the past, but I didn't connect. Yeah. That was the same time. Yeah, the scene ends with the guy being like senior Gucci and he's about to pull out his silence, Pistola.
Starting point is 00:11:39 Well, it's a really, it's a really weird way to do it because you're right Stewart. This is something that we've seen a lot now where it's like We're gonna start at the end then it's like, er hey, you're probably wondering how me the heir to the Gucci fortune got Got got not assassinated well let me tell you it's a weird story But I didn't know the Gucci story beforehand so I didn't I knew something bad was about to happen because otherwise Why show this but it feels strange to not show, not show what's going to happen to him so that you get, because if you don't know the story, then you're like, I guess somebody's about to interrupt him while he's on the other side.
Starting point is 00:12:12 I say someone calls his name presumably the hitman, but that's my knowledge of it comes from, you know, knowing that this is a reason. But I think you do that, right? You do that when it's at the height of action. So like, it would make more sense if you see Gucci as a brand and you see how famous everyone is and like how successful it is. And then you drop, you know, the murder
Starting point is 00:12:36 and then you rewind. But this just shows us a guy on a bike who just had a coffee and he's just kind of like hanging out. And that's the thing, that gets to my, I think maybe my biggest issue with the movie. And I'll, I, this is a movie that I liked a lot of, but didn't like all of, which is that I'm not a fashionista. I know the name Gucci. I don't know much about it. He's a man. I know what you're saying. But I'm more of a, I guess I'm more of a sand in East, but, uh, which is someone who loves sand. The Clash House more or just a...
Starting point is 00:13:05 No, I love sand because it gets everywhere and it's very rough. But I needed a primer at the beginning that was kind of... And I didn't want them to do like a Star Wars letter, word crawl, but I don't really know where Gucci fits in the fashion world. And for the first hour and 20 minutes of this movie, it's just kind of taken for granted that you know what Gucci is, why it's desirable. And so when they're arguing, they're like, this is Gucci, this isn't just
Starting point is 00:13:28 this isn't Versace, it's Gucci. I was like, I don't know, I don't know what. So I wish that there was some scene at the beginning that kind of set up because later, there's a line later on where Adam Driver goes, Versace, it's like you're at a Hollywood premiere. And this other one's like this, Gucci, it's the Vatican of fashion. And I was like, I wish someone had said this in the first seven minutes of the movie. Because I would have understood what, like, kind of why people felt this way. Well, I think this movie kind of,
Starting point is 00:13:51 in some ways, wants to be a Martin Scorsese movie and he, like, toyed with doing it at one point, the script. And I think that a Scorsese version of this. He, he, he, he is doing it. He was like, maybe, how's the movie? Maybe, maybe. I just know I want to do a Marvel doing it. He was like, maybe house of booby.
Starting point is 00:14:05 I just know I won't do a Marvel movie. But you know what? Maybe I'll do a shutter island instead. Oh, wow. I'll do you. I'll do you house of Gucci. Oh, just kidding. I'll make silence.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Oh, Gucci. It's me. It's amazing. What a prankster. It's like sorry, Martin. There's not enough rolling stone songs that are blended with Italian opera songs. So you can't do this I mean, this movie would have what you want like I think it would have focused on like a lot of process and history and then like. So what would the one car Y version be because he was also up to direct this movie around 2016?
Starting point is 00:14:50 Well, and that would be beautiful. The one car Y movie version of this movie would have had another thing this movie is missing which is that this movie as we'll get into it is very cold. It's a Ridley Scott movie and this movie should have been warm and hot. It should have been a to yeah, it should have been it should be a passionate movie. But it's really Scott. It's very cold movie and like what I was watching it. I was like I wish I'm a dover.
Starting point is 00:15:12 I made this movie like I wish it like and and the and the then the performers are trying to get it to that level. But what really Scott is such a such a cool guy. What works in alien or like I don't know, matchstick man, you know, isn't quite right for this. But anyway, also, but someone mentioned the music, we'll get to the needle drops later, because there's this one is all boy. Some totally work for me.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Yeah, now I'm doing tests. Yeah. Okay. Anyway, so we flash back in time to, I think, I think the 70s, I didn't get the year. 1978 Milan, it says on the screen. And Lady Gaga is being awgled by construction workers as she goes for a job as her dad's secretary. She should really park closer to the trailer because she parks like three blocks down and
Starting point is 00:15:57 walks across the cross. She wants, you know, I'm most women, I assume, don't want this, but Lady Gaga seems to really enjoy these cat calls. I think that's what the movie is trying to say. Yeah. This character pretreats the O'Reggiano, right? Yeah. I'll call her Lady Gaga and I'll probably call what's his name, Maurizio. Maurizio Gucci. I'll call him Adam Driver for the most part. You know how it goes in this podcast. Anyway, she gets a call to go out that night. She's in a club where on the radio by Donna Summers playing and Adam drivers behind the bar. Lady Gaga tries to order a drink from him and he's like, I'm not a bartender, but he's never
Starting point is 00:16:35 really explained why he's behind the bar. Like, I mean, you need a meat. You need a meat. Cute. And that's that's it. And he's like and he's like charmingly befuddled like he is he is a straight nerd at this point, right? He is very awkward. And so my guess is that he felt weird talking to the bartender. So he waited for the bartender to go on break. So he could go back behind the bar and get himself a drink. That's my guess.
Starting point is 00:16:58 So at this point, I was like, team lady Gaga, fun woman, looks at this shy awkward man and it's like, oh, he's kind of cute. Wait, why are you looking at me? No, because you're doing the summary so it's like, you're gonna get a go. And now there's no deeper implication there. No, no deeper implication about kind of a cool stylish lady who set her eyes on kind of a geeky kind of nerdy kind of quiet guy And who ends up turning into both of them to monster like Yeah, yes, if pale just kind of like a fact list
Starting point is 00:17:38 So near no Adam driver kept quoting Sherlock Holmes while he was peered at bars. And it's like, I'm like this. I'm like this. That would be so, I would buy that a mechanism. So hard. It was a shred of jazz. The one thing out of the, out of time of this. As a shred of jazz, I believe in a fairytale.
Starting point is 00:18:02 It's not even. Some of my body wants to call me, the world is gonna roll me. I'm talking about him, I'll reputation. It's another song this year. All the famous shrek quotes we were finding out are just songs that were in shrek. Other than donkey, there's no... There's an onion quote that's famous from shrek. An onion quote that's famous from Shrek an onion quote. Yeah
Starting point is 00:18:26 About onions Yeah, I think you're I think you're I think you're thinking of Harry at the spy Which is a lot like Shrek Anyway, so they dance together Adam drivers uncomfortable. It doesn't seem to know how to dance But she's you know cutting a rug and lady Gaga has clearly set her eye to this man. She makes it her business that they will run into each other. And I guess the library is that where they were? It's like a school bookstore.
Starting point is 00:18:57 Yeah, yeah, it's a university bookstore. Because he's in law school. Yeah. And yeah, she's falling them around town, trying to find the perfect place to bump into him. Because, and it's one of those things where it's like, okay, I was watching the movie, I'm like, it's early on, I don't know whether this is supposed to be creepy
Starting point is 00:19:12 or it's supposed to be cute. And as the movie goes on, you're like, okay, it was creepy. But at the time, it could be cute. I just realized something, there was a guy following them around in a car. I don't know who that is. That's the guy who's the lawyer, I believe, right? I don't think so. I think that was kind of like, there's this guy pulling around. It looked like it. At first, I thought it was a goon who was spying on him,
Starting point is 00:19:32 but then I think it might just have been his driver, which is a really good Adam driver. He needs a driver. Like, what would Adam drive? He's already a driver. Like, come on. It's like, why does many driver have a driver? All right, that makes sense. Yeah, but I have to be good. Wait, why did they make such a big deal out of it? I don't know. It was a weird, they made a big deal of it, and they made it seem as if he didn't know this guy was following him, but then later he's just talking to him. I thought he worked for his dad who was concerned about about like what he might be up to. Oh.
Starting point is 00:20:05 It's possible. Like, it's very unclear, you know, but it's not a, I don't think it's Dominicano, the lawyer. You know, okay. It becomes a bigger, bigger character. Anyway, lady Gaga stands in front of his Vespa until he crumbles to ask her out and she writes her phone number on his Vespa windshield and lipstick. Well, you have your hands. Audrey, you don't need to raise your hand. Let's Ellie, it's talking and then like.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Well, part of a silent gesture is that you can see it. Yeah. Audrey, Audrey, we still haven't figured that out. We've been doing this for almost 15 years. We still haven't figured out how to notify each other that we want to say something. I find that the clumsy or the show is the more people like it, but.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Sure, sure. Yeah, totally. Yeah. Yeah. She puts, that's what I was talking about. Yeah. She puts, let's just make this clear, because I don't know if you guys picked up on this, but she put her number on the wheel windshield, and then she used the lipstick. Uh-huh. That is so disgusting.
Starting point is 00:20:59 It's not more. Did Charlene say, because I know she recommended it last year. Yeah, Shar, uh, Shar didn't point that out. And that's a big thing. Maybe, I mean, maybe it's a love windshield. Maybe it's an Italian thing, but maybe like bugs and dirt are a key part of getting a perfect lip. You're right.
Starting point is 00:21:17 I don't know how the Italians do lipsticks. So maybe it's part of it. I think it's just a movie. Oh boy. I think she's just trying to be sexy in the movie. It's like a there's a scene in The movie the believer with Ryan Gosling where he throws up and then his girlfriend gives him a kiss right afterwards to like calm him down and it's Disgusting No, so they have a nice date together
Starting point is 00:21:38 And it culminates in an awkward kiss in a robot where they're just kind of trying to I mean it's a lot of their romance. It's a fairly awkward date. It's like she doesn't want to go into a fancy restaurant, so they kind of awkwardly hold street food, and then they get into a robot that they almost fall out of over and over again. This is a montage.
Starting point is 00:21:56 She's wearing different outfits, so these are separate dates. These are different awkward dates. So they're getting more, they're not getting any more comfortable with each other. She's really forcing the issue with him. Yeah. Well, okay.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Well, enter Adam Driver's dad, Jeremy Irons, who makes no particular effort at an accent. And he dials back the natural Jeremy Irons ham factor quite a bit. Yeah, because it was like, he doesn't even sound like scar. He doesn't sound like scar at all. He doesn't sound like a lion. He doesn't. Yeah, he doesn't look sound like scar. He doesn't sound like scar at all. He doesn't sound like a lion. He doesn't. Yeah, he looks like a lion. Although he looks like what I have written down here is if they took John Waters and somebody
Starting point is 00:22:34 was like, take John Waters and make him straight. And that's like, what you were just like. There's another scene where he's dressed up and my note says, Duna Dane goes to the Met Gala. And he's and he's playing Rodolfo Gucci, who was so that we start to get a little bit of the Gucci family tree here, Dan. You want me to lay it out for you? Yeah, I will get into it, but I think maybe having it ahead of time will be helpful. So, so, so the founder of Gucci was Gucci, O Gucciuchi. And of his children, the ones who are now running the company in the movie are his son's Rudolfo Gucci,
Starting point is 00:23:09 who was an actor who then became, I guess, a designer for the company. And his brother Aldo Gucci, who will later meet play by Al Pacino. And Aldo Gucci has been kind of running the business side of the business. And Rudolfo, Jerry Mirens, is Adam Driver's Dad. And Al Pacino is the father of Jared Leto's
Starting point is 00:23:25 character, Paolo Gucci, who's very, as Daniel said, we're watching the Frado of the movie, of the family. Yeah, yes, totally. If that movie had come out in the 90s, Joe Pesci would have killed that fucking role. Frado's, Audrey's got a quizzical look. And so, Frado is the goofy brother and the Corleone family, the one that no one trusts with the legacy. Okay. He's the one who he should be next in line after James Conzcaherter's sonny dies, but he's older than Michael. He's like, I'm smart. I'm smart. I'm your old brother, Michael,
Starting point is 00:24:00 but he's a moron. And so they're like, you go to Las Vegas and just be idiot. Just go do that, you know. So anyway, they all you go to Las Vegas and just be idiot. Just go do that, you know. So anyway, they all go out to lunch together and Jeremy Irons is, you know, like, taking enough with Lady Gaga, but is like, okay, he learns that her dad works in quote, ground transportation, which brands her as a poor in his eyes. And well, he, well, so his, her dad runs a truck company. It's not he says if her dad runs trucks, he's part of the mafia.
Starting point is 00:24:31 He, she's lower class and he goes, yeah, make her her in your mistress, but don't, you don't marry her. Yeah. This is it's like, uh, in, uh, in the, the marvelous Mrs. Maisel when Joel brings his, his, his rebound girlfriend, his secretary,
Starting point is 00:24:42 they left Mrs. Maisel for his parents and his dad is like Have sex with her do whatever you want, but you do not marry this girl. Don't you don't marry a girl like this And I know about you guys, but at least when I was a teenager and my dad didn't like my girlfriend Him complaining about to me did not make it make me not want to see you No, maybe your mom's a split. Maybe he's playing a classic Maybe Jeremy Lawrence is playing, maybe he's playing a classic, like reverse psychology game, where he's like, I love these two, but he's so awkward. Maybe I'll ignite their passion. It's just, you know what, it's just the plot of the Fantastices. Maybe he just saw the Fantastices
Starting point is 00:25:14 all the way. Could be. Yeah, so, yes. An Adam Driver has a little monologue about Jeremy Irons' characters. We're Gretz and and ghosts, which like Audrey and I both felt unearned at that point. The movie is we're like, we have no idea who you are, Jeremy Irons. Well, we're both jotting stuff down in once in a while. We see something and we both start typing and then we look and it's like, yeah, yeah, yeah, then we high five and then we dance. This movie took us six hours. We danced like a wave on the ocean. No, but it sounds like you really,
Starting point is 00:25:47 you really made the most out of it, you know, made it extraordinary. It's about you. Anyway, he says he's gonna learn. How did the other people, how did the other people in the theater take it? You just see, stop the movie and then dance for a little bit. We're like, you don't understand theater
Starting point is 00:26:01 and then we high fives. And somebody's like, they have a podcast. Yeah, then we high five that person. So he says he's gonna marry her and Am driver shows up at her parents for her hand in marriage and it's like I'm I just split with my father. So I have nothing to offer.
Starting point is 00:26:22 So can I have a job with you? He takes a job with her dad and we see him. I found this very charming at this point. Yeah. Yeah. An Italian cover of, I'm a believer, the monkey's song starts playing and he sprang treks off with water. Which is in Shrek.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Wait a minute. That's Shrek. How's the new chiclet connection? We did it. House of Shrekie. But Amdryver clearly is charming everyone by who you like gets into water fights. I love other trucker guys. Yeah, they're having host fights and playing like he loves it. Speaking of truck man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:55 I mean, it's the it's the best job in though. It's the best job in the world. You just play with have fun with your friends in the middle of the day. Your wife calls you into the office and you have sex and like that's it. That's your story. Esther was saying speaking of hose fights, Lady Gaga finds the soccer so cute that she calls them to the office and they have sex while opera plays and his sex style is Jack Hammer. It looks not, it does not look pleasant for either of them. They don't really enjoy themselves. And they also lingered on it in a way that they're like, like what I have is unbearably
Starting point is 00:27:28 long sex scenes. Like Ridley Scott was like stretched for time. Well, it's like, thank God a movie has a fucking sexy. No, yeah. Fumble with a button some more. Oh, no, and I like inches wearing her cute shed underneath her dress. It's great. Thumbs up says Stuart. But there's something, it's like, it's a very sexy scene until they start actually having sex.
Starting point is 00:27:50 And then it's like, and then it's like you're slowly driving by a car wreck and you're like, I should be going faster. Let's get to the chart. Yeah. When they're like grunting like animals, I love it. Can I just say that you look at Adam Driver and Lady Gaga and you don't think that they would really go well together, but I think they have good chemistry and I think like it makes sense to see the two of the months screened together. Yeah, at least in these early scenes, I think, and I like,
Starting point is 00:28:13 I like their later scenes too. Basically, I like the scenes with them more than basically anything else in this movie, but like they're like charming, they're like super awkward and charming and like nerdy. I kind of like it. Yeah. I think their, I think their performances are, are, yeah, they're at pretty much exactly the pitch they should be at for this movie. And I wish the movie was like meeting them at it because they're like, they're just like a little bit above realistic, you know, but I mean, lady Aga, as not, I'm not surprised at all by this, but she's just, I think she's a really good actress, you know? And she's a make-
Starting point is 00:28:48 Especially a role like this that plays to her theatricality, you know? And I think she's good at roles too, like, because the other one is, what's the shallow movie? A star is born. A star is born. Where it's like these very ambitious, like, clawing to the top type women that she's particularly good at. The problem with, I had the problem, the problem I have with the stars worn is it's the same problem I have with any movie that Madonna's in except for League of their own. You don't like women? I hate women.
Starting point is 00:29:16 So I'm like replace this character with a man. No, is that it's hard. A man's got a gun. Yeah. Sorry, gun guy. Is that Lord Gaga is that they are so powerfully charismatic in their their personas as who they are that it's hard to see them as it's something else. So luckily she's playing such a theatrical character here that I'm like, okay, that's
Starting point is 00:29:37 of this. Whereas in a star's born when she's first hanging out and she's just seeing a bar I was like, but that's Lady Gaga. Like what's Lady Gaga doing there? Like, she's a mean arena. Like, I was like, but that's Lady Gaga. Like what's Lady Gaga doing in there? Like put her on a, she's a mean arena. Like come on. Is anyone else seeing this? But she's also very good.
Starting point is 00:29:49 Like in this movie in the early scenes playing someone who's kind of like small and cute and like doesn't seem to be kind of like the... But theatrically small. The theatrically small. Yeah, yeah. Anyway, so... Well, that's that you kind of, you don't know
Starting point is 00:30:03 for a little bit whether she is, whether, yeah, whether she is the, the, the innocent who's going to be corrupted by the Gucci family, or if she is the all about Eve character who's going to, who's going to bring corruption to them. Yeah. And I think that's a really, that's really good on her part. Yeah. Um, well, anyway, they get married with hardly anyone on the groom's side.
Starting point is 00:30:20 George Michaels faith plays. Not my favorite of the needle drops. Let me know. No, it is. This is the one where I was like I could I spent so much time trying to work out the mathematics of why this is the song to play in this in this scene and I just couldn't do that math. So someone writing. But also I really want to know there's one there's two people who are on the groom side.
Starting point is 00:30:39 This like kind of elderly couple like couple in their 50s or 60s and I was like I want to know who they are. Like who are the one Gucci couple who decided to show up in his wedding? So although Gucci arrives in the movie at this point, Al Pacino, he sees about the wedding in a magazine. And he goes to see Jeremy Irons. They are both 50, 50 partners in the Gucci business. He comes in. Did you think it was weird that so the pop rats you're taking pictures at the wedding and the movie goes to black and white as the pictures are being taken. But when Aldo picks up the magazine, the picture is in color.
Starting point is 00:31:17 That he sees. Oh, interesting. So I don't know why. There's a couple of stylistic choices in the movie like that where I'm like, why is it doing this? Hold on, I don't, but anyway. What did we watch? French dispatch.
Starting point is 00:31:27 French dispatch. Audrey was like, how do you feel about it going back and forth from black and white to color? I'm like, I don't mind, but it doesn't, it does not seem to have any rhyme or reason in the, in the movie. Yeah. And I'm going to talk about French dispatch, maybe a little bit later in the episode, but that was something in it where I was like, it was like, yeah, why, I don't, I don't know why
Starting point is 00:31:44 he's switching between these two things. Yeah. Anyway, so all those here, in part, he talks about building a mall in Japan and Jermanyons is too tied to the old ways. And Gucci has this luxury brand. He doesn't want to make it for the masses. But also all those there to tell them to min bridges with his son and he invites lady Gaga
Starting point is 00:32:08 and Adam Dryer to his birthday party over the phone while getting a massage. Yeah, and and his, you know, this movie does a pretty good job of taking like very boring plot point conversations and trying to find something to be going on, like whether it's a massage or like just have like animals playing in the background or my favorites when Lady Gaga and Soma Hick are in my bed. You're like smearing, but on each other's faces. Yeah, they're plotting while out on spa date together. Oh, they're just even like later on, Jared Leto has to pick up Al Pacino at the airport and so to show that he's on the phone was complaining about how bad his crotch. That's pretty good. Yeah. Anyway, so there,
Starting point is 00:32:52 you had to make the choice to make that call at that time. Like, yes, fish out coins from his pocket. I mean, it's like a little, it has like a little purse wallet, you know, like with a little clasp on it. Yeah. Al Pacino guilt's Adam Driver into coming back to his birthday because he and his Jeremy Irons' character getting older. So we see it the birthday. There's a violent rugby game where we meet Jared Leto for the first time where he gets sacked and there's blood in his nose. And he then the subsequent scene has him with like tissue stuffed in his nose the whole time. I will say I didn't realize they were playing rugby because I didn't see the ball at first.
Starting point is 00:33:35 So they walked into this party. There's just a group of dudes rumbling on the ground. I'm like, oh my god. This is why he doesn't want to come back to this family. This is how they handle parties. They just fight. First, it's like a scene out of the great. Like for that, you'll just have a party and they'll just be a huge brawl.
Starting point is 00:33:52 Like everyone's hitting each other as hard as they can. But then the ball shows up and you're like, oh, it's rugby. Okay, it's not just a 40-man fight for all those amusement that is first. Which is still a strange thing to have at a birthday party, right? Like you don't want to do an intense sport. I don't know. I don't know. Maybe you guys do.
Starting point is 00:34:10 I think it's a, I think it's a rich family's thing where every, every event is an opportunity for a competition of something like the way that the candidates would play football. Like you have to, at every party is a, is a chance for you to dominate somebody else. Very succession, you know. Yeah. Yeah, very succession. And I mean, and this movie is about succession. have to, every party is a chance for you to dominate somebody else. Very succession, you know? Yeah. Yeah, very succession. And I mean, this movie is about succession.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Let's talk a little bit more. Like, Jared Leto here is buried under a ton of makeup. I've heard people on the internet describe it as a situation of white face. No, I don't know about that. He has this character pitched. I feel like he has this character pitched at a, I feel like he has his character pitched to a different level from the other characters in the movie that he is like, he is basically doing a, because he's playing older than himself for at least feels older than he actually is. And he, it feels a little bit like Walton Goggins is Uncle Baby Billy from Righteous
Starting point is 00:35:02 Gemstones where you have a younger man playing an older man that's like herky jerky and weird, but like this movie isn't at the same pitch as Righteous Gemstones, which is a comedy, obviously a comedy, whereas House of Gucci does is like a drama that you have to remet like it feels like a comedy. I saw David Airellick review where I liked what he said. He said it was like, Cometia del Arte, Frado, and I think that that's what this, this, this movie is going for opera and he's doing opera, Bufa. Yeah. To put it on, to put it on, to put it in layman's terms. But I think, but no, he is, but he is, he's playing like a, like a caricature of that character. And he's doing it. I mean, he's I think he's doing just the right level. Like that's where I should be. I'm not saying.
Starting point is 00:35:49 I don't disagree with you. I'm saying it's just different than ever. Yeah. Yeah, but to be honest, I kind of feel like that's the experience of being in a movie or anywhere in a room with Jared Lito is that Jared Lito is at a different pitch of existence than everybody else. Well, and it's just like a this very much watching this. I'm like, yeah, this is the Gucci cousin who like males dead rats to his coworkers. I can see that. So I have to make a confession that, Dan, you know this about me,
Starting point is 00:36:18 but I don't know if you guys do where I'm very bad with particular faces and specifically a lot of white and look alike. And so it was very, very, very frustrating for me when I've seen pictures of Jared Leto in the makeup. And I know who he's supposed to be and the lawyer is in the same room who sort of looks like Jared Leto. And like, wait, is he playing two parts? Why did they hide Jared Leto under makeup
Starting point is 00:36:46 and then hire another Jared Leto look alike? That's a good point. I mean, and dance like they don't really look that much on. They don't look that much alike, but I mean, and the other one is like a full head of hair and Jared Leto is this huge ball. Well, no, no, we don't. Well, it's like a real guy.
Starting point is 00:37:00 She thinks that the other guy looks like how Jared Leto looks in real life. It's like I can see all the radio and play till to swim. Yeah. Yeah. It's confusing, but speaking. But there are two separate guys. Speaking of Jared Lotto, this is the scene where we learn about Paulo. This is like where he's really introduced. He's wearing a corduroy suit in kind of a lavender pink and with a belt that goes on the front only.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Yeah. And it's like a suit jacket with a strap in the front that buckles. Yeah. And as mentioned before, he has toilet paper in his nose and he's smoking a cigarette and he's arguing that his style is chic and it's the future. And you know, like, I don't mind his clothes. Maybe they're not, I don't know. They're not the classic Gucci, but I don't know. I mean, to be honest, I, his mind his clothes. Maybe they're not, I don't know, they're not the classic Gucci, but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:37:46 I mean, to be honest, his clothes are amusing to me, but also like, I'm not the, I couldn't quite tell, there are times when I could tell from his designs that these look not great, but it's like, there was no point where I was like, yeah, but the Gucci clothes look amazing. Like there's a part later on where they're like, look at these fancy Gucci shoes.
Starting point is 00:38:05 They're very exclusive and the people looking at them are like, oh, it's like the Holy Grail. But I was like, it looks like a loaf or with like a big fucking gold buckle. Like I don't know. Like, but you love the life in every fan of. Yeah, they love big buckles and that. Were they pilgrims?
Starting point is 00:38:20 Yeah, what are they like Italian pilgrims? Like fancy pilgrims, what are they? What are they, what are they, what are they? Solomon Keynes. Well, what was confusing like Italian billers? Like fancy billers. What are they, a bunch of Solomon Keynes? Well, what was confusing to me is that his style was really more 80s. So it was sort of the future. So I was like, yeah, looking at it from 2022,
Starting point is 00:38:36 it makes sense, it looks bad. But I guess like for 80s, this is where it was going. So he's not wrong. Well, also then. So that in the fashion show that gets shut down later, I'm like, I can't tell this is supposed to be bad within the context of the movie, but is it bad because it's progressive
Starting point is 00:38:53 and they're too conservative, or is it bad because it's progressive but not progressive enough? Yeah. Or progressive, done. But also there's a fashion show later on that's supposed to be the rebirth of Gucci and it's like satin-assless chaps and things like that. And I was like, okay, movie. Now I don later on that's supposed to be the rebirth of Gucci and it's like satin, assless chaps and things like that.
Starting point is 00:39:05 And I was like, okay, movie. Now I don't know what's supposed to be good. I was supposed to be good. I had in my notes I'm like, oh, you know, like everyone's reacting like this is good. So I guess that these like, assless leather chaps saved the company. Yeah, my notes are assless guys. My notes say boy, but boy, but boy, but boy, but boy but boy but boy but boy but. Yeah. I was just your you were gonna do tank twisters for. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Um, it's an ASMR practice. Yeah. That's what I was first to me as we go to sleep. Um, so. This whispers boy butt over and over say why dad Dan get to So anyway, they leave and Adam driver is like look, no, this is real like the Gucci family is not royalty They got into leather good is reality like the grand father was a bell hop and carried rich people's luggage on her own third. On her own third. Was a bell hop and carried rich people's luggage.
Starting point is 00:40:05 But Lady Gaga is clearly enamored of this lifestyle that she's had a peak of. And she's really fun in the scene. She's showing a lot of leg. It's great. They open a gift. Yeah, it's almost like it's almost like on the drive home. She decided to take her pants off. There's so much like on display.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Yeah. But the gift in the family is take us to New York. And then Lady Gaga is watching television. She sees a psychic on display. Yeah. But the gift from the family is tickets to New York. And then a lady Gaga is watching television. She sees a psychic on TV. Pena. Well, Dan, I think you're, I think you, you, you, you, you glossed over how so the tickets are to New York so that he can become part of the company. And then Lady Gaga gives him a blow job while they're driving to convince him to be.
Starting point is 00:40:40 I mean, it's not like you know, an antricle to the plot or anything. I'm just saying. Well, I think it shows that she's really driving the driving force behind who's driving the, who drives the drive man. That's what she's performing on the wall. She's a financial reward for him getting back into the family. She's really, she is already at the point where she's not just like, oh, I want to be a part of this.
Starting point is 00:41:02 She's like, I'm pushing my husband to make him be a part of this that I can be a part of. And at each point where people are offering him things, she's saying yes, he's saying maybe, and then she's going afterwards when it's the two of them and really saying, this is a yes, we're going to do this. Yeah. Yeah. Adam drivers like call me maybe and she's like, call me yes. Well, anyway, she sees the psychic on television, Pina, who is played by Samahayak. And at first, I think it's just like a psychic commercial. So I'm very confused when the lady got calls in and Samahayak answers the phone. Yeah, no, no, this is like, she's the Italian equivalent of Frazier.
Starting point is 00:41:40 You can call in and she'll answer your problem. Yeah. So was Miss Cleo Liver? Was it just an ad? No, it was just an ad. Those were just ads. Those were ads for a hotline. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:50 And also she was not a real psychic. And in case anyone's wondering, this is not Pina Bausch, the choreographer. This is a different Pina. So. But she asked whether she's going to get what she wants. And she's told she'll get a great fortune. So anyway, we go, uh, uh, uh, lady Gaga goes to a Gucci store to see Aldo to try and maybe there, maybe they're just that rich that they can call any show and the show has to answer the phone and talk to them.
Starting point is 00:42:16 And I or the Gucci switchover from being a commercial to being alive. Like if you, like if you were watching, like, uh, like yellow jackets and you're like, I have some advice for these girls and you're so rich that you call them up and they have to answer a phone in the show. Yeah. Sure. Yeah, they answer the phone, they get all the actors together, they set up that scene so that they could put in the live call.
Starting point is 00:42:39 Exactly. You have to wait for a while. And even though it totally breaks, it breaks the reality of that show for them to have a phone call in the show. Yeah, yeah. That power. They like pull open a panel on a tree because they're still stuck out in the woods in the 90s. And there's a phone right there. So they answered, you're like, Oh, I was hoping I was calling the modern day because I love Melanie Linsky and want to tell her that. Anyway, later.
Starting point is 00:43:00 Can you get modern day on the phone? Okay, hold on. They've got to send those actors home, bring the modern day actors in. They put modern family in. Oh, no. Oh, no. Now you're talking to Ty Burrell, which is its own sort of special pleasure, but it's not what you wanted when you called. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Yeah. She brings, although and Maurizio back together building bridges, mending bridges, whatever. Lady Gaga says she's pregnant. She says she's pregnant. That's also that's that when they go to all those second birthday party. Yes. Because like a toddler, he has multiple birthday parties. Oh, I think it was passage of time there, brother.
Starting point is 00:43:38 Yeah, I thought it was like a year past. It's very hard to tell time in this. I assumed that he had had his family birthday party. And now this was his birthday party with the workers of Gucci. Like they were going through like little leather fight. Elliot, I will split the difference, but not out of diplomacy. This actually is the way I feel. I couldn't tell what the movie was saying.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Whether it was possibly a second birthday party or they're saying, and a year past. And this is like a sequence where we see them both in, is it both in New York and in Italy, like looking at, like they get the tour kind of of the business from all this. Yeah, and I, I want to mention that lady Gaga was wearing foreign heels at a farm,
Starting point is 00:44:20 which I don't know if you guys know this, but if you're wearing a stiletto heel in the ground, it just like your heel sinks. So that is a lot of hard work for her. And real commitment. Real commitment. I mean, and the real problem is if it sinks too far and it takes root and it sprouts into a stiletto tree, and then you gotta just, you gotta bring in workers
Starting point is 00:44:42 to pick those stilettos and harvest them and take them to the Gucci stores. Yeah. He could make Lady Gaga. You could kill a million Steven Webbers with those things. Apologies for the siren outside that I'm sure you can all hear me. The, and there's a scene in here where after kind of getting the tour, Lady Gaga's trying to, once again, trying to convince Mauricio to take a stronger hand in the company, and
Starting point is 00:45:05 she does that while night-lotioning, which I'm a huge fan of night-lotion, as always. That's a key step. You got a night-lotion if you're going to try and convince somebody before bed. Anyway, Aldo meets them at Gucci store. He says, lady, I can't have anything she wants. They go, I'll go to dinner. He wants Adam Driver to be his right-hand man and maybe he's still dubious.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Meanwhile though, Paolo goes to Jeremy Irons. The tattle on what's going on between Aldo and his son. And I think Paolo's like, cool, maybe we can do a dad swap. So you can be my dad. How do a cool to land? Because he brings a lot of things to him. Oh, my dad be my dad. Do a cool collab because he like brings a lot of dad now dad. I don't call me dad. He brings Jeremy Irons a bunch of fashion drawings
Starting point is 00:45:51 to grind trying to get support for these designs and Jeremy Irons like humor is him for a moment to make him like seem like oh maybe it's going to be nice. And then he's like hide your drawings away because you're a triumph of mediocrity. And that's the one thing that he and Aldo his father can agree on that he's an imbecile. And he mostly seems mad that he's combined browns and pastels in his design. That's even more cruel than just denying the guy out, right? It's like making him have hope so you can crush it. It's like the instead of a reality you can crush it. It's like the instead of a reality show judge where you're like, I don't like this thing you made. I love
Starting point is 00:46:30 it. Yeah. Pack your knives. That's because he's an actor. He understands what suspense is. Yeah. And but Paulo gets his revenge when he takes Jeremy Irons signature scarf and peas on it. Yeah. I genuinely felt bad for him until he peed on the scarf, but Jeremy, no, what's his name? Jeremy's iron. No, what's a Jared Leto is doing such like his performance is so good. Yeah. And you genuinely feel sorry for him knowing he's that, you know, he's that guy who sent terrible things to his co-stars in suicide squad.
Starting point is 00:47:09 Yeah, well, he's definitely all the way in at this point. Like there's, we're getting a lot of Jared Leto on the screen here. Yeah. And he's acting in front of Jeremy Irons again, an actor who is known for a ham in the fuck up. So, you know, you know, Jared Leto's bring his egg. Yeah. Jeremy Irons is like, don't ever show these drawings to me again. Now I have to
Starting point is 00:47:27 go set a series of death traps before Bruce were listening to the live Jackson. Do not bother me. Yeah. Meanwhile, I'm a driver and lady Gaga have their baby and they're called back to Italy because it's called a bambino. Oh, bambina, because it's a daughter. Oh, my mistake. They tell me he has a granddaughter, Alexandria named after a driver's carers mother. At Lady Gaga's suggestion. And they bring him a lock of the baby's hair instead of bringing him the baby to see which seems weird.
Starting point is 00:48:00 I don't know why they didn't do that. And there's a father's son, you know, rap approach Mont right before Jeremy Irons is dead, cut to the funeral. The lawyer explains that because he didn't sign something more easy. So these are these are the, this is the certificate of shares that shows that he's a 50% owner and Gucci Rudolph never signed the paperwork. And so if they try to inherit them, they're going to be hit with an enormous estate tax. This is Italian law, I guess.
Starting point is 00:48:31 What rich people, what rich people do is give you everything beforehand so that it's not inheritance. You just have it. Yeah. It's like a gift. Yeah. Because of this, I assume because of this, this conflict between them. And then he also forgot, Jeremy, I just spent a lot of time just sitting in a room watching his own old movies. Yeah. So I mean, Jeremy, I'm not watching dead ringers. He's watching McDonald's movies. I feel like that's, I feel like that's going to be us when we're like super old is we'll be like sitting somewhere, just listening to our old podcasts wrapped up in a fucking show wearing glasses.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Oh, I would love that to sit sitting a little Italian garden with a tiny cup of coffee listening to the olives of the bottle. I was going to be great. And then you know, and there's, and you know we're dead because our head just slumps forward slightly and then some leaves fall off a tree. And that's it. I was going to say, I mean, a bird would 100% shit on my dead body at that point. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:49:25 You don't care. You're dead. Why not? It's a joke. You're just like, I gotta get one final larph in there. Yeah. I like one final larph. One last larph.
Starting point is 00:49:36 Last larph. The last larph. So, and Lady Gaga's outrage. Yeah. Like, they're like, so the lawyers like you to pay it off. No, and luckily we have already been introduced to the idea that lady Gaga is a master forger since she forges her father's signature when she worked for him. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Uh-huh. Yeah. Now, Salma Hayek. So she's, she's already been able to forge a signature she's seen every day of her life. Why can't she forge a signature. She's seen every day of her life. Why can't she forge a signature? She may never have seen. Selma, hi, it is now Lady Gaga's personal psychic advising her not to let others take what's hers.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Selma psychic. Yeah, and then... She got plenty of cats in her apartment. It's great. I feel loved by Donna Summer, kicks in. So that made me happy. And although... Sure, it's a great song.
Starting point is 00:50:23 She shows Adam Driver's new office and everything seems fine. Lady Gaga sees that the housekeeper has a handbag that's a knockoff Gucci. And so she goes downtown and she finds people selling these counterfeit bags on the street and she's mad that Adam Driver doesn't seem to care about it. But and she's like, it damages the brand. And they take it to Aldo who doesn't mind because it kind of means that Gucci is this aspirational thing like who cares if people are having one not. Well, I think it's also now, am I make understand this incorrectly that Gucci was, I think
Starting point is 00:50:58 they're implying was the source of those fake Gucci's. These are lower quality Gucci bags that they're allowing to be sent. I thought that there was that implication as well, but it was hard to read exactly what was being said. We debated over this and I don't know. I think what the uncle was saying is that the name is what's important. So if like it is aspirational for people, whatever, let them have it. It's the luxury item that the rich people will get the quality anyways. Well, I think that, but I think that's what he's saying is that,
Starting point is 00:51:28 look, we make the quality, I'm sure the rich people, and we make a lot of money off of these crappy versions that people think are counterfeit, but we still make some money off of it. Like, that this is the real, that I think what he's saying is, this is really what we make our money.
Starting point is 00:51:40 I don't think that was implied, but not stated directly. And in real life, they do a lot of this, a lot of the like, the fake ones are ones that come from the companies. It's like, that's the, that's the scam, you know, it's fake luxury, you know. But he also just like tells them like, oh, without me, you'd be shoveling shit and tuskety. So. He's basically like, look, I made this company what it is by being a schemer and kind of a con artist. So get mad at me if you want, but that's the only way you can afford that huge apartment
Starting point is 00:52:08 that you have. And it seems like, you know, Aldo has a good point, but then we cut to a fashion show where Adam Driver learns for designer that Gucci isn't respected anymore. So maybe Lady Gaga has a good point. And she's like, you got to take out the trash. And that means Aldo and Paulo. and Apollo has started his own clothing line, which Lady Gaga wants to talk to him to fix like this competition.
Starting point is 00:52:32 She goes see him and flatters him. Jared Leto does a lot of funny dancing in the scene. Yeah, and this is great. And this is great. She does a lot of like very fake like, oh, you're so smarter. Oh, how do you become such a good dancer? It's really good. Yeah. And he's like, I am a good dancer. Thank you so much. I am a glad
Starting point is 00:52:49 of you. Notice nobody notice, buddy. That's where you move in. And this is where he says, he says, moose when he means mouse, which again, only makes sense if the conversation is in English. It doesn't really make sense if they're speaking Italian because he's from Italy. He speaks Italian and he knows and they don't have mousse and Italy. So they have a word from outsizing. I don't know if he's Italian, but you know, but she's pouring poison in his ear trying to get him to break with his dad. But not literally not.
Starting point is 00:53:12 Yeah, it's not hamlet. They're not really literally poison for him. Well, I mean, that's the tale of Gonzago. It's not really. So how do you think they can handle it? So how do you think they killed the king? How do you think Claudia skilled him if? So how do you think they killed the king? How do you think Claudius killed him if it wasn't boring poison in his ear?
Starting point is 00:53:27 Oh, you think that's like the direct thing that happened? I don't know. That was my guess was that it was like this play is saying exactly what we just did. Whereas I think Claudius would be able to shrug it off. Like, hey, that's how they're killing the king. I killed him in a different way. Anywho, up on it, up on it.
Starting point is 00:53:41 I don't know, I don't know. What if a wink eating? Well, not too much of a wink eating. If there's a poison expert tell me out there I'm not a bad. I'm not a bad. I'm not a good. What a quickie dink. Not too much of a quickie dink. If there's a poison expert, tell me out there, would pouring poison in someone's ear, be it killed gunzago and I was swimming in Hamlet's dad. So anyway, so she's like trying to get him to break with his dad and Jared let us like, can you keep a secret?
Starting point is 00:54:02 And this is where she does the father, son and house of Gucci line. Oh, yeah That's where if I was in the movie theater watching this I would be hootin and hollering According to according to the internet ad live by lady Gaga. Yeah and Pallos like what am I gonna get out of it? And she's like we'll do all we'll we'll make your line your clothing line and like we'll do, we'll make your line, your clothing line. And Adam Driver's mad that, you know, she's making these deals without him, but she's like, those lines will never see the light of day.
Starting point is 00:54:31 And Adam Driver seems disgusted by her schemes, but he also is like going along with all of them, which is like later on when he rejects her for all the manipulation she's like, dude, you took, you played your part in all this. Yes. Well, I think this is the, we're getting to the inflection point where she goes from being the malevolent one to him becoming the malevolent one.
Starting point is 00:54:55 It's like this movie, it really follows a godfather model in a big way with Adam Driver being the closest equivalent to Michael Corleone where he starts out as the innocent. And by the end of it, he's in as deep as anyone's ever been and he's gone farther than anyone's ever gone in his corruption. But it's like there's such a, I mean, one of them, I mean, that's one of the greatest movies of all time. Like his, his corruption descent is so clear and it's so understandable. And this one, that's one of the, yeah, I'm going out to live here. So the Godfather's one a lot of time. But there's a, there are times during this where like the corruption arc is just not quite as clear. And I got, I have to admit that I got confused about what their business machinations were.
Starting point is 00:55:34 There's a part where how low finishes a fencing match and Mauricio talks him into some kind of scheme. And I'm like, I don't really understand what they're talking about. Yeah, I think that happens shortly after. Yeah, right. Well, that's, they're, about. Yeah, I think that happens shortly after. Yeah. We're right. Right. Well, that's their Paulo needs with them, driver. Basically, Aldo has been doing tax fraud.
Starting point is 00:55:50 And so they're going to use that as leverage. Paulo tries to phone Aldo to threaten him. And because he's kind of just like, like, simpering in his attempts to be like a blackmailer, but you know, just hangs up on him. Yeah. Cause the first he's like, no, no, no, tell me what you want to tell me about and chair loves like, ah, no, no, no, let's wait until you're free. He's like, no, tell me now he's like, it's about taxis like, oh, tell me later.
Starting point is 00:56:14 No, he said taxis. What about a taxi? I don't know about a taxi. Bye. I mean, I could watch so many scenes of Aldo and Paulo. They're so great. Like I want to see, I want the web series where it's just like six minute episodes of Paul Aldo and Paul.
Starting point is 00:56:32 Yeah. What emotional tool that they just left on the table right there? Yeah. They just let this end. We'll get to it. My favorite scene of the two of them were, Paulo gave all those same bad news. And he just, he's just, yeah, this was was, this was the, this was the, this was the must see show that Quibi needed that they didn't have. They were wasting their time with
Starting point is 00:56:50 the, I, you know, what's your name being a judge and stuff like that. But anyway, so. But yeah, I, maybe, that's what it was. She was a judge or something. Maybe although should have not hung up on it it because the next scene is cut to Department of Treasury men showing up to his squash game to rest him. And Paulo, Jared let us regretful scene on the phone where he is at his biggest comic comic opera. I feel like, uh, just like sad over the phone and like moving back and forth from that to being like, do you think he's going to suspect it was me? Yeah. The guy who threatened him to do the thing with that was before.
Starting point is 00:57:33 Aldo is guilty. He's sentenced to jail for a year and a day, which seems very specific. And we go to Powell's fashion show of Brown and Pastael Clothes, And we go to Paula's fashion show of Brown and Pustel Clothes, which is shut down immediately by a copyright lawsuit saying that he shouldn't have the right to the Gucci name and his wife is So upsetting. It was really only, and this is the only diagetic opera in the whole movie, right? Every other time it's like, well, we got something to do. Buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, but it's just like this. We get this Tracy Chapman song. Wait a minute. It turns into an opera.
Starting point is 00:58:17 Fast car? Yep, it is fast car. No, it's not fast. But Paul was like, I don't even look at me. You're lying, you sack not fast. But Paul is like, I don't you even look at me you lying a sack of potatoes and He said that's the line. That's what that's he has the immortal line never confused shit with chocolates What's crazy about that line is he says it he's like because I know the difference and then it cuts to Adam driver and lady Gaga And they're like stunned because it looks like they're considering
Starting point is 00:58:43 lady Gaga and they're like stunned because it looks like they're considering he knows it. Did he eat? Did someone trick Pollo into eating shit or did he eat it? Or it fits within his character arc? I think they paused the movie at that point and I was like, 10, he's saying he ate shit, right? Yeah, they're like, here in Italy we do have toilets that sometimes look like bowls. Did he just walk up to one and think it was a bowl of chocolate and chow down and start
Starting point is 00:59:07 digging in like, Pallet, what are you talking about? Oh, it could have been one of those Pittsburgh toilets where it's just a toilet in the middle of the room without any walls. That is so wild. Yeah, what do you do with that? I don't, apparently, in the case of Pallet, you just eat the turrets, you'll look bowl. You assume it's chocolate and you just go for it, yeah. Anyway, Gaga wants to buy the shares of Gucci.
Starting point is 00:59:30 The only thing that would have made it is that I know the difference. And they start to mean milk, milk, lemonade. All around the corner is aware of the fudge, as I made. And like, as I left telling it. It doesn't taste like fudge. But I'm not a real fudge. I'm not a saying it's a real fudge. Don't eat it. Okay, okay, Balo.
Starting point is 00:59:47 I've learned my lesson many times. Yeah. Yeah. So, uh, Palad is like, I'm like you. He looks similar, but it smells very different. That's what that's how you can tell. Okay, Palo, we got it.
Starting point is 01:00:02 We got it. I got a jar of letter. It's a chocolate. You should not come in a soft tubes. Yeah, chocolate, he's a, you did. It has got a kind of a bitter taste, depending on how sweetened it is, but she just, you know, it's just poop. It's not, it's just a taste like poop,
Starting point is 01:00:18 and it's not like, you understand. If there's a corn in it, it's probably poop. A little like, Paulo, we understand. If there's a, I'm digested, it's probably poop. A little like, Bower, we have to say, if there's a undigested girl, who would put that in a chocolate? A chocolate lab with a corn in the kernels? It's a weird, I heard a big hit scene in the corn. I don't do it for someone kind of joke.
Starting point is 01:00:35 I don't need, I don't, let me be honest, let me be frank. Let me be frank. Now in the cash shack, they mistake poop in the chocolate. For a shit, it chocolate. A photo shoot. It's a very different, though. That's the opposite of situation. I don't even like it when you put a sea salt
Starting point is 01:00:50 in a chocolate. So why would I like a corn or all the things? If it's like a baby's chocolate and they swallowed like a penny. Okay, there's a penny in it. Why would someone put that in a chocolate? Why would they put a chocolate in a diaper? So don't eat that either.
Starting point is 01:01:03 And they're like, and they've already left and walked into the house. He's talking to nobody at this point, you know. Well, anyway, the police raid, Audrey, Audrey, the look at Audrey's faces, I think is just confusion at whether I'm saying this or whether it's still the character of the bit or how far it's going or any of that. No, I was thinking about you ever. Well, I don't know. Do you guys go to baby showers? There's a baby shower game.
Starting point is 01:01:25 I used to. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're like, you don't have a diaper. Yeah, chocolate. Uh huh. Why? It's disgusting. It's gross.
Starting point is 01:01:32 I don't want that. I don't understand. Because so many social rituals are about humiliating the person that you're there to celebrate. Um, yeah. So would you rather eat the chocolate from the diaper or do the race to, uh, to have the baby bottle that you're trying to empty by sucking on the baby bottle
Starting point is 01:01:50 until it's finished? And it's full of beer. I don't want anything like that. Yeah. Yeah. What happens if I lose, do I get shot? Is it squid? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:59 Yeah. It's like squid, dude. Push the dirt on top. It's like a nice life and you know what? I get it. It's fine. It's cool. I's called. You know what? It's called nice life. And you know what? I get it. It's fine. It's cool. I get it.
Starting point is 01:02:08 Welcome to squid shower. There's 250 of you. And we're going to do some baby shower games. I thought this was squid bridal shower. Sure, we can do some of those two last questions about your fiance. And if you get them wrong, then I guess you'll be shot by this giant robot girl. So the literal house of Gucci, not the figurative fashion house, but the house that they're living in gets rated at this point by the cops because one assumes that Palo has
Starting point is 01:02:35 tipped them off to the forgery that has allowed them to have their inheritance. And Lady Gaga is trying to clean up the mess while, meanwhile, Adam Driver flees to Switzerland on his Vespo, which is very cold. It's like a movie with his loafers. Yeah. And this sounds like a tense scene. So is there like tense kind of thrillery music playing during the scene? Right down the music.
Starting point is 01:03:00 Did you have that? Well, no, it's ill-fetched. It's all barbers of ill music. It's all comic opera. So yeah. Yeah. And this is, like, this is the start of another act of the movie. So of course, Lady Gaga has a very different haircut and outfit.
Starting point is 01:03:15 Like, she has got, she looks much more severe than she had previously. And then this is going to lead into a sequel, a number of scenes that I probably is the highlight of the movie for me. I think it might even top the Aldo Palo Sto, which is, of course, Maurizio and Patricia hanging out in Switzerland. It's so much fun. Wearing foot. Yeah. It's so hard to tell how much time has passed because like the birthday party, we don't,
Starting point is 01:03:39 like I thought that was a year and everyone's like, oh, it's the same. Yeah. It's the same birthday. And like Lady Gaga looks the same. Adam Driver looks the same besides these haircuts that you're mentioning. So it's really like, you don't know how much time has passed. We don't even see the kids getting that much older. Well, that's the thing. You think that you would use their daughter getting older
Starting point is 01:04:00 to like help mark that time, but they're not. But you barely see her. And interested in the daughter. Yeah. Yeah. But this is, yeah, And interested in the daughter. Yeah. But this is, yeah, this is when things start, start to go bad. Marie-Zoe is skiing in Switzerland, runs into Camille, Koten, an actress who Audrey knows a lot from Collier.
Starting point is 01:04:17 Yeah, she's one of the leads and call my agent, that French show. Oh, okay. It's super fun. Everyone should watch it. They have real life French actors. And I think there's an American actor in one of the episodes where they are the agents for these actors. Yeah. I'll watch it. It's West. You have to watch and see. And she plays a character named Paolo, which is kind of confusing. So we already have a Paolo. It's very, do you think at any point, because spoiler
Starting point is 01:04:51 alert, they, they begin to have romance. At any point, they're making out of something and he's like, you know, your name is the same as my idiot cousin's name. Probably, probably that happens. But and I just, I like, you mentioned the opera thing when they were raiding the house. This actress is like a comedic actor in France. So, like, I know everyone says it's supposed to be a drama, but are we sure that it's not supposed to be a little comfortable? I think it is supposed to be funny.
Starting point is 01:05:23 I think it's supposed to be funny, and it's supposed to be an over the top melodrama type thing. But I don't think it's supposed to be a laugh out loud comedy, but it's supposed to be like the way that like Goodfellas is a comedy in a lot of, it has a lot of funny scenes, you know? But it's, but really Scott is just like, his comedy is not his thing and like excitement and big emotions are not his thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:47 So the movie is so visually, it's so gray and white and you're like, there's some color on the screen. Come on. The emotions are so big. Let's make it colorful. Well, I do really like one of the reasons I like the Switzerland sequence is I like how like bright the clothes are. I love Lady Gaga's fucking ski outfit that's all red
Starting point is 01:06:05 with like, goggles and shit. It's amazing. It's awesome. I love when she sits down. She's wearing this big like Russian fur hat that is the size of a globe. Like it's amazing. What's the first image from this movie,
Starting point is 01:06:17 the picture of the two of them in Switzerland and everyone went wild. Like, oh my God. I want to see that. And I feel like this sequence kind of lives up to that. I love like what she confronts. Paola and she's like, oh, no, we're just friends on co-star. We're just checking out if our alignment is bad.
Starting point is 01:06:32 It's also really strange to find out he had friends all along because this whole time, you just see the family members and people that work for the family. And now it's like, wait, shut up. You have like a group of friends that they all know you and they think you're fun. Where did these people come from? Yeah, well let's get back. Sorry. The friction between this new woman and Adam Driver,
Starting point is 01:06:53 romantic friction between them. Romantic friction. Romantic friction, isn't it? Interesting way to put it. Yeah, a free song. And then there's negative friction with Lady Gaga, as Stuart said. Oh, I see.
Starting point is 01:07:06 She sits down and is like, hey, I don't understand people who steal things, wink, wink, get it. Look, I may not be the most moral person, but don't steal things from other people, okay? I mean, this is when Lady Gaga is really, her performance has really come into its own. And she's, she's done entered like Cruella de Vil territory. Yep.
Starting point is 01:07:28 It's just like, great, good. And Dan, I think you've, you've, uh, get into the scene. Let's mention they do you, they do have one marker of, of the time period here. The same. Christmas. Christmas and they're, they're playing with a Simon and then they give their daughter a Teddy Ruckspin and it's like, come on, God. And that's so fucking great because they give her a Teddy Rucksman.
Starting point is 01:07:47 You're like, hell yeah, Teddy Rucksman. And then she gives him a watch and he's like totally shitty about it. And he kisses her forehead instead of her mouth. And then he gives her her gift. He doesn't even give it to her. He lets the daughter give her a gift. Yeah, the daughter he hands it to her. And she lets his wife think that he didn't get her a gift for Christmas.
Starting point is 01:08:03 Yeah. And then she opens the package and it's a fucking gift card to balloon again. A place she doesn't shop and he's like, hey, people can change, you know, it's it's fucking so harsh, man. It's great. Yeah, it's a hard scene and it's and it's the like the the I mean, I do like it as seen because that that as a way of showing how cold he's gotten to her combined with how goofy it is that it's like got to show it to the 80s Simon, Simon, Simon, Teddy, that's great. I love that. Yeah. But well, that night, he's like, I'm sending you home. It's clear that like the relationship
Starting point is 01:08:36 has reached a breaking point. The next morning, he's like watching her leave out the window as he's on the phone about other possible investors for Gucci. Meanwhile, lady guy guys getting another pep talk from her psychic. And you miss the when he sends her away. This is like Charlene made a comment when we're watching it about how she hasn't seen Adam Driver play a character that's like goofy and like nice. And then finally during their fight, like he gets fit, like he gets physically violent. Like he, he taps into the traditional Adam driver range of emotions. And he like, Showsr and he's like, he's like, like grow up or grow a little and she's like, oh, then put some inches in me, loser. And it's crazy.
Starting point is 01:09:18 I have a video that I got to send to Charlene then if she hasn't seen him be funny because he was on SNL as a host and he is hilarious hosting a cat. Funniest home videos thing. It's pretty great. Everyone co-signed this cat. Everyone watching it. It's America's funniest cats. I haven't seen that off to watch it.
Starting point is 01:09:41 Anyway, so Adam Driver meets with the investors and he's like, you know, let me entice you with this fancy loafer that Elliott mentioned earlier and they're on. They made him. He's like, you, he's like, you can't, you can't, you can't, former gofers. Yeah, he's like, you can't buy these. These shoes are in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. And I'm like, yeah, they're just shoes. I don't know. I mean, they look like expensive shoes, but it's not, you know, they're not like Chuck Taylor or something cool. And out of the wall of hands, you know, does it say supreme all over it? Doesn't the Pope wear Gucci or the baby is a Gucci. Maybe the young boy said that. Aldo and Paula reenacted the Pope Pope. Where is the Pope? Where's Birkin stocks year round? I know that the Pope must die parentheses T diet.
Starting point is 01:10:28 I saw that all you know, all you know about the Pope is just that. That one maybe they had to change the name. And the investors they go to is called, and I'm sure it's the real one is called invest corp, which I think is kind of great. Like, yeah, it's such a blame. They're, they're, it's an Iraqi investment group, right? Yeah, but the moment we've all been waiting for happens, Aldo and Paulo reunite in the airport as Elliott mentioned before.
Starting point is 01:10:54 Paulo's on the phone talking about his crotch smell to somebody and they've trouble finding their car in the parking lot. Wait, he's in, He's in a matching track suit that's got multiple colors and triangle angular things on it, right? And. Yeah, it looks like a fucking trap or keeper. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:17 He should have been designing, homework supplies all the time. Him and Lisa Max could have just divided up that all that business between themselves. So put a dog with a baseball bat in his mouth and it says a babe rough on it. That's it. Here's a my idea.
Starting point is 01:11:32 Here's a my idea. It's a folder, like a folder, that kids put the homework in the folder. And on the front, it's a tyrannosaurus with a mole hawk and he's a surfing with sunglasses on. And they're like print a billion of these things. You're genius. Kids are going to love this. See, they should have let Paulo run the show. Yeah. They've been a billionaire man.
Starting point is 01:11:53 Paulo, although it's mad at him for selling his shares, but here's a, here's a what I think. You cannot have it too many of floating at triangles and a kind of neon squiggles. Oh, like they go home. These like they make up your dishes. You don't wash them. Yeah, it's so like look at this place. It's a mess. These dishes.
Starting point is 01:12:13 We got to wash them together. And this is my, maybe my favorite moment in the movie is them washing these dishes and and pal goes, Hey, I sold my shares in Gucci and Alpuchino just goes, oh! As if someone just shot a rocket up his butt. Like, that's the sound that he's making. It's amazing. And so meanwhile, I'm a driver in Paula Hevesx,
Starting point is 01:12:40 Pina sees this psychically happening somehow, maybe. This part is also, at this point, the movie is suggesting that Pina has this psychically happening somehow maybe. That was, this part is also, at this point, the movie is suggesting that Pena has real psych capabilities as watching them have sex and, and Lady Gaga is like, what are they doing? What are they doing? And she's like, oh, I can't tell you. I can't tell you.
Starting point is 01:12:54 It's like show me where they are. She's sitting on a couch that looks like lips. She's like, that's fucking hot. And the Gucci lawyer comes Lady Gaga at her daughter's school with divorce papers. She refuses to sign. Aldo and Paulo are going to sell to these investors, but Aldo notices this shoe and he's like, I know what's up. I know I've been betrayed.
Starting point is 01:13:18 It had to have been Maurizio who gave these shoes, calls him a fucking trader, but signs away the shares anyway. We get a bit of a montage where he's being interview, Adam driver's being interviewed who gave these shoes, calls them a fucking trader, but signs away the shares anyway. We get a bit of a montage where Adam Driver's being interviewed for folk, getting pictures taken. He's on top and I think this is the stuff that's kind of the weakest part of the movie for me because I don't really give a shit
Starting point is 01:13:37 about watching a nerd barely run a company. Yeah. Well, at this, the movie has been so much about the fight to control Gucci. And now they have it. And it's like, now he's going to run this company into the ground. And it's like, yeah, I don't really care about Gucci, the company. Like the character I've been following up to this point is Patrizia is Lady Gaga. And now she recedes so far into the background. And it's like, okay, he's not running Gucci very well. Great. I don't care.
Starting point is 01:14:06 You know, well, it's big. You have Lady Gaga. She shows up to plead with him. Wait, I did like, I did like when he's wasting, so he's spending money poorly and he buys this incredibly expensive car where the doors slide up and he's so cool. So cool. Lover, any kuntosh? Something like that. Yeah. And he's, and he's so tall that he gets into it so clumsily. And I thought that was a great moment. It's like this guy is not fit, and he's and he's so tall that he's he gets into it so clumsily and I thought that was a great Moment. Yeah, this guy is not fit for what he's doing. He's playing a role that he is he really doesn't know how to pull off
Starting point is 01:14:31 He can barely get into this super expensive car that he just had the company buy for him. That was a funny scene where Lady Gaga's waiting outside like like the most spurned like Staten Island Italian wife It's it's amazing because he's so fucking mean to her. And she's like trying to win him over with the fucking photo album, the pictures of their family. And she says, look what we created together. Like, oh man, like, oh.
Starting point is 01:14:59 And she's like, nope, sorry, don't care, bye. He goes, he goes, he goes, Alexandra. I feel you. He goes, Alexandra misses you. He goes, I saw her two weeks ago. I'll see you again next weekend. And it's care, bye. He goes, he goes, I'll attend you. He goes, Alexandra misses you. He goes, I saw her two weeks ago. I'll see you again next weekend. And it's like, wow. And he's like, I'm busy.
Starting point is 01:15:09 You have to. Yeah, like, yeah. He is like peak evil ex-husband here. Yeah, and she's. Oh wait, Dan, I'm looking up Invest Core is a real company. Oh, okay. Yeah, so Invest Core founded in 1982,
Starting point is 01:15:23 had courted in Bahrain. So. Well, she rages about 1982 had courted in Bahrain. So Well, she rages about being spurned to Salma hack while they lie around in mud baths as we talked about before Just you know, smearing smearing mud on each other's faces Not a thing ladies do when they're like maybe you would take mud baths together, but we wouldn't put the mud on each other. What if you're like lady Gaga and you're being like really like menacing.
Starting point is 01:15:50 So wait a minute. What would you instead? I don't know. I'm not playful. Yeah. Yeah. Perhaps like maybe you have like a pillow fight. It's like kind of playful, but you know, you have enough force that the pillows rip open.
Starting point is 01:16:02 And there's like, I mean, we're not talking about modern pillows that are full of what like rubber. You're a buck buck, like the buckwheat shells or something like that. Yeah, that's less fun. Less sexy for the pillow to rip open and just buckwheat holes fall everywhere. Yeah. Well, anyway, she leaves threatening messages. It is very funny to see them suddenly plotting while they're at a spot.
Starting point is 01:16:25 And I was like, oh, so they took a spot together? Yeah. It's also interesting to see, like, I think the scenes with Selma Hayek, you realize there's no women in this movie. Yeah. And this is like the most women interact with each other in this movie. And it's sort of sad that it's like she has no friends. Yeah. And she can turn to just the psychic that she pays.
Starting point is 01:16:48 There's a scene earlier in the movie where they're talking about how to handle Paulo and Lady Gaga's like, well, he's surrounded by all this masculine energy and I'm like, you know, shit, the whole movie. Yeah, it's not house of Beckville test. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. Well, there usually isn't enough women to have a conversation between two women. So it's not even like there's a chance. Well, we see Samahaik and Lady Gaga in the next scene wearing black jackets and
Starting point is 01:17:16 jeans, which shows that they are serious. Yeah. This is so funny. This is like a fucking community theater of Rizzo. Yeah. It's so funny. They're like, we're gonna go to a roadside dive to hire a hitman. We got to dress up like moms on their night out pretending to be bikers. Yeah, and they also argue over the cost. Lady Gaga is not gonna go above 600 million Lira for a hit, but they pay.
Starting point is 01:17:42 Which is roughly $75. That's a lot of money, yeah. We, we, we, we had to, we googled it, and I think it's like $35 grand, maybe. Yeah. That's a lot of money. Yeah. But the Lira is notoriously non-valuable currency. Yeah. And we go, we see Adam Driver at the Fashion Show with the Asseless pants. Yeah. So this is a big inflection moment in Gucci history, apparently. This is when they, this is the first show that Tom Ford was their, their designer.
Starting point is 01:18:13 So this is director Tom Ford. Yeah, director Tom Ford. Yeah, and this is related to Harrison Ford. Uh, no, no, I don't think so. Cole of Ford's fuel station in the LAX, uh, JetBlue terminal. I don't think so. Tomal of Ford's fuel station in the LAX, Jeppe Blue terminal. I don't think so. Tom Ford's involved that, but it's the Ford Fiesta. Are they really?
Starting point is 01:18:31 Well, Ford does. Yeah, that's one to have. Tom Ford does one. The fashion show is quite a Fiesta. But this again, one of those scenes where it's like, this is an important moment for the history of the business, but it doesn't, it doesn't really carry much because you're not, you're not interested in the business. But I will say the reason I bring it up, Tom Ford is played by Reeve Carney, who I did see
Starting point is 01:18:48 on Broadway in Spider-Man Turn Off the Dark. Oh, yeah. And the, there is a moment where, where Adam Driver looks over and he thinks he sees Lady Gaga standing in the corner like, in the shadows, like lit by flash bulbs, like she's a fucking twin peaks villain or something. Yeah. But that's just all in his mind. That's just foreshadowing of his doom.
Starting point is 01:19:10 He's just haunted by it. And so, and then, and this is, and they, they, they spent a long time reading a positive review of this fashion show, which again, watching it, I was like, yeah, I guess everyone loves this. It's like a lot of guys wearing leather vest with no shirt and like, you know, kind of, kind of billowy pants. Like, okay, I don't know. That's what everyone loves this. It's like a lot of guys wearing leather vest with no shirt and like, you know, kind of a kind of billy pants. Like, okay, I don't know. That's what everyone loves, Elliot. You don't understand fashion. I mean, I don't understand fashion. It's very true. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:34 So they go to the investors dinner afterwards. And they're like, the investors are telling Ab driver that like, look, all those stuff that was sheepening the brand arguably was also profitable and that profit's gone now. And meanwhile, Mauricio has been too much on personal items. They mentioned a $3 million watch, which is, they're like the $3 million watch, the $7 million dollar townhouse. And I was like, if you, even the townhouse, that's expensive. But like when you know your watch is slightly less than what you pay, it's less than half what you pay for your building. Yeah, you know, you know, fucking clocking,
Starting point is 01:20:11 heard that line. He's like, oh, I mean, is it a, does it a watch that travels through time? Cause then I could see it being worth it. But yeah. So they want to buy me. Dan, so Dan, wait, Dan, so what's the most you want me for a watch, Dan? Why do we wait? That's what we're so close to. I want to get to Dan? What's the most you would pay for a watch? What's the most I would get really expensive?
Starting point is 01:20:31 I mean, I would like a my it-priced watch. You can't be like I want to spend like a hundred and some dollars You know, they could be cost either $20 or $17,000. The museum of The MoMA store the MoMAor has pretty good, interesting watches. Okay. Yeah, do that. Okay, cool. That's right. Okay, we're going to go to the store right now.
Starting point is 01:20:53 Let's go to the store. Let's go to the TikTok. Okay. Well, the mo-mustor sounds great. Let's go over there right now. And I snap my fingers and suddenly we're at the mo-mustor. And there's someone from the store showing off the watches. Wait, this is that British show that, the guy just snaps his fingers and like they
Starting point is 01:21:07 change the backdrop. What was that connection? I don't know this show. Oh, anyway, let's, let's, let's get back to Tom Ford. They don't say his name at all that like, Dan was confused about. Well, they, they don't say it until he's reading his review. Yeah. So until then they're like, they're like, we got this young guy from Texas. And I was like, okay, I, who is this? I don't say it until he's reading his review. So until then they're like, we got this young guy from Texas and I was like, okay, who
Starting point is 01:21:27 is this? I don't care. Tell me his name. I don't know it. Whereas I'm sure the people, it's the moment this is for the fashion fans, what it was when like Thanos shows up at the end of the first Avengers movie where I was like, Thanos. So they're like, someone had to whisper to their date.
Starting point is 01:21:41 That's Tom Ford. But they really waited for that payoff because you meet Tom Ford in a different scene and then things happen that the fashion show happened. And then you get a win tour showed up. But he's also reading his review about himself and the third person. So I was still at that point confused like whether he was Tom Ford
Starting point is 01:22:03 or whether someone else that we saw. I only knew because I looked up the like the cast and I saw. Yeah, but they like to it's if ever there was a movie that could have benefited from like the way they do in the Irishman where people's names come up on screen. Yeah. And they appear like this could have benefited from that. Point is they want to buy them out for $150 million and make the lawyer CEO, but he throws his food down the floor and walks out.
Starting point is 01:22:28 We return now to the beginning scenes of the movie, which take their sweet time replaying considering that this movie is almost three hours long. And we've already seen this footage before. Yeah, but we get some full on like, I'm going to live forever, King of the World type bike riding from our boy Adam driver. Yeah, but totally, totally unearned on, he's just been told that his company is falling apart and they want to push him out. And he's like, you know what? I think it's our great. I would argue that he is, he is realized that he never actually wanted to be in
Starting point is 01:22:57 that. Oh, maybe. And that he is free again. He's riding a bike. He's living his fucking best life, baby. Unfortunately, it's running out. Sands through the air. And he's, he's right now, bike, he's living his fucking best life, baby. Unfortunately, it's running out. Sands through the air. And he's he's established himself as his own man, which he never could before before he was always his father's son. That makes sense. I see that now. Yeah. Sadly, at his moment of greatest triumph at getting bought out, he gets shot multiple times and dies. We see Lady Gaga right. D. So in her journal in really shaky handwriting for reasons that I'm not quite clear on. Which is, which is what happened because it happened in real life, because that's what Patrice Earegionne, Regionne, didn't realize. So. Well, she shows up crying. Crazy. The house where her husband's mistress is and hugs her and
Starting point is 01:23:43 then kicks right out of the house. She gives her a hug and then she's like, okay, escort her off the property. Beautiful moment. Yeah, she like, buddy. She's like, yeah, like that's the kind of moment the movie needed so much more of is like, it's like the movie picks up momentum as it, as it goes, like a snowball rolling downhill. So by this point, Lady Gaga is doing this type of dynasty level soap opera stuff. It's great. We really wanted the whole movie. Yeah. rolling downhill. So by this point, Lady Gaga is doing this type of dynasty level soap opera stuff. It's like we really wanted the whole movie. Yeah. And she, she's crying and she hugs the crying
Starting point is 01:24:09 mistress and it goes as quarter out of my house. He and that's from the way. Yeah. For, for as slow as the recap for scenes where then we abruptly cut to two years later, we're in court. Lady Gaga, peanut, the hitman are sent to jail. We are told with text on screen. She clarifies that it's not between Cia Reggiani. That's true. She's too Gucci. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:34 But they're all sent for from between 20 to 30 years in jail. One gets a life sentence. I can't forget which one. Probably the best. The whole show. Yeah. Although and Palo die, We learn and Gucci is successful under Tom Ford, but no more Gucci's actually serve for the house of Gucci. When they said Aldo
Starting point is 01:24:57 and Palo died, it was going to be through some like kitchen hijinks. Aldo and Palo died with a pretzine cooker accident died trying to catch a mouse that was running loose in the apartment. Turns out it really was a moose. Yeah. They had put out a mouse trap and then a moose came out and stomped on them. Yeah. Hit them with their antlers. But they say at the end says no good. There are no Gucci's involved in the Gucci Gucci and business like, okay, there's no McDonald's. Is that McDonald's? Yeah, I don't know what to do. They tell us how well the fucking brand is doing. And I'm like, I don't give a shit about that. Capitalism sucks. Yeah. Yeah, like we're supposed to be in all, like, wow, the Gucci brand lives. All that stuff happens, but Gucci indoors. I guess there is justice in the universe,
Starting point is 01:25:45 you know, but it's, but it is very, it's very abrupt that how the, the movie has spent so much time building everything up. And then it's, she, it's like, he's dead. They're on trial. Goodbye folks. That's the end of the movie. They could have cut some of that like button fiddling in the sex scene and spend a little more time at the end. Or make the sex scene longer and have Lady Gaga use the little heels to pop the button off of his pants. That was so good. Okay, well, let's do final judgments whether it's a good bad movie or bad bad movie or movie we kind of liked. I'll start off very quickly. Yeah, I like this movie. I think that I think it was too long. I think it could have, you know, benefited for someone from a director who was, you know,
Starting point is 01:26:31 not afraid of being a little sillier. Like, I think that, yeah, I think that it really needed to lean into the, like, murders of the rich and famous element of it, like, at a start. It should have been so beer and, you know, stoddrier. I will not say this very often about anything, but like, I feel like Ryan Murphy could have handled this, like one of his shitty shows, like, he can hit that kind of tone right. I feel like, yeah, you wanted either, like I was saying earlier, you wanted either the Elmo Dovar version of it, which would be like the art trash version of it, because his
Starting point is 01:27:04 movies as beautiful as they are have like their sleaze elements, which they, he, he revels in. Or the Ryan Murphy version of it, where it's just like, ooh, what did she say? Can you believe that? Oh my God. Yeah, yeah. You know? So, yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:18 Yeah, I would say this is a, this is a rare Flappass movie that I've watched twice now. And I'm going to say it's a movie I kinda like. There's sequences that I really enjoy. I mean, I feel like there's, as I think I've explained, like there's all sections of the movie I don't really care about. But I do really enjoy, basically anytime Lady Gaga's on screen, I think she's great and makes the movie really fun.
Starting point is 01:27:40 And of course, the Aldo Palo stuff's great. Everyone's giving it their all. It's a lot of fun. Like you said, they either needed to cut or expand Selma Hayek's role in it, where I understand why it's there because she's part of the murder, but also it was like, they would cut to these scenes and nothing happens and cut away again. So if they could cut some of that out,
Starting point is 01:28:05 this would be a lot more fun. Everyone was really good at it. So yeah. Yeah. This is what's the options. Yeah. Do you like it? I liked it. Yeah. I also liked it. I mean, this is one of the things where it's like, I feel like too often we work on a, on a binary of good movie or bad movie. And this is like, it's not great, but it's a, it's not a bad movie. And it was, and I enjoyed a lot of it. And it was like to watch a movie where it's like, okay, like there's flaws in this and I can recognize the flaws. But yeah, like the acting is, the performances are great. And the makeup's fantastic.
Starting point is 01:28:40 And there's a lot of fun scenes and like genuinely like the choice to take like popular songs that are like blended in like either Italian versions or versions that have like Italian opera elements. I think that matches with like the tone. So I think it's going it's a tone they're going for. I feel like the opera whenever the opera started playing it was like when I'm seeing on screen is not as is not, is not at the level that the opera's at. Like I want to see it being nuts. Like I mean, the idea of like, of like blending American, like pop culture, like trash culture with something that is like elevated in a way.
Starting point is 01:29:15 Yeah. Because that's, we saw Natalie Walker's cabaret shows. That what you would call it. Yeah. And one of the things she did was sing opera while video of the real housewives were on in the background, and so there's the captions of what's happening there. And she's like, no, look, it's the same thing, opera, and the real housewives is the same thing. And I think that's sort of what this movie was trying to do. And it just needed just a little, like everyone just needed to get on Jared Leto's level. Yeah, and the look of the movie and the way it was edited and stuff like that needed
Starting point is 01:29:51 to be on, like it, yeah, it needed that the thing that opera and real housewives have in common is like emotions that they're highest pitch, and like that's what this movie needed more of. But at the same time, that doesn't make it a bad movie. It's like a solid three star movie, you know, it's a movie that doesn't make it a bad movie. It's like a solid three star movie. It's a movie that's trying to be a four star movie, but it's a three star movie. That's okay.
Starting point is 01:30:09 But it'll probably win costuming makeup. Yeah, makeup of the best. Maybe one of the actors depends. Yeah. It's a rare movie that makes you think, though, like, oh, I wish you could be more like Jared Leto. Like, very rare. All the stuff never happens.
Starting point is 01:30:25 Wait, let's explain why. Why? It always never happens that you're like Jared leto. Yes, do do that. I want them to be what. What. What this is. I thought you were saying that it's the rare move that makes you want to be Jared leto.
Starting point is 01:30:38 And I was like, you want to be Paulo? Like that. He's having fun. Hey, yeah. Hello. I died in poverty. Modest dreams. Hey, I, before I look, I'll be Died in Poverty. Modest dreams. Hey, Died in Poverty before the final event.
Starting point is 01:30:49 So this is also this is a tiny thing, but the movie is like in this year, the murder happened. And then text it's like, Aldo and Paolo died in these years. I'm like, wait, but that's before, before the murder stuff happened. So, but anyway, House of Gucci, runway, don't walk away to House of Gucci. Runway, don't walkway
Starting point is 01:31:05 To House of Gucci. That would be my quote if I really loved it. Terrible. She'd be ashamed. You're in a theater, the lights go down. You're about to get swept up by the characters and all their little details and interpersonal dramas. You look at them and think that person is so obviously in love with their best friend. Wait, am I in love with my best friend? That character's mom is so overbearing.
Starting point is 01:31:31 Why doesn't she just stand up to her old god do I need to stand up to my own mother? If you've ever recognized yourself in a movie, then join me, Jordan Kershola, for the podcast Beelings Scene. We've talked to author Susan Orleen on realizing her own marriage was falling apart after watching adaptation, an adaptation of her own work, and comedian Harry Contabolu, on why Harold and Kumar was a depressingly important movie for Southeast Asians. So join me every Thursday for the Feeling Scene podcast here on Maximum Fun. I'm Lisa Hannah Walt, and I'm Emily Heller. Nine years ago, we started a podcast to try and learn something new every episode.
Starting point is 01:32:06 Things have gone a little off the rails since then. Tune in to hear about Low Stakes Neighborhood Drama Garden Hang The sorted, nasty underbelly of the horse girl lifestyle Hot Sauce Addiction to TV and sweaty takes on celebrity culture And the weirdest grossest stuff you can find on We'll read all of it no matter how gross.
Starting point is 01:32:27 There's something for everyone on our podcast, Baby Geniuses, hosted by us, to horny adult idiots. Hang out with us as we try and fail to retain any knowledge at all. Every other week on Maximum Fun! What I have now is an ad. It's from Squarespace. Squarespace is one of our sponsors. Actually, the only one other than you, the listener right now, for this episode, not in general. What am I saying? I'm getting it confused. Let's start over and say that this show is sponsored in part by Squarespace, where you can turn your cool idea into a new website,
Starting point is 01:33:06 blog or publish content, sell products and services of all kinds, and much more. Squarespace does this by giving you beautiful customizable templates created by world class designers with everything optimized for mobile right out of the box, a new way to buy domains and choose from over 200 extensions and free and secure hosting. So why not head to slash flop for a free trial. And when you're
Starting point is 01:33:32 ready to launch, use the offer code flop to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. Now, Dan, I had an idea for a website and I was wondering if Squarespace could help me out with it. I would love to hear it. So it's a website. I was inspired by the movie. It's called Let's say you got an animal in your house. You call one. Is it a mousse or a mouse? You don't know. Send it to us. Our team of experts will figure out whether it's a mousse or a mouse and will give you the results within four to six months. Now, what's the postage situation on this? Because I mean, postage for a moose obviously much higher than a mouse. One would.
Starting point is 01:34:08 Yes, that's true. We don't, you have to pay postage. Okay. And if you want it sent back to you, you have to pay postage back to you. Otherwise, we just release it into a parking lot. But what about moose the cake? Like the dessert deal all that.
Starting point is 01:34:21 What about moose the character that attends for everyday art school? For a long time. These are all things you So look into that. What about moves the character for the detent's for every day? Oh, yeah. From our two. These are all things you can send to us. But Audrey, I'm very glad you mentioned moves the cake because we have a sister site,
Starting point is 01:34:33 Where just don't, but don't, you don't have to send it to us. Just just just send us a picture. And we can usually figure it out from that. Yeah. Context clues often is good enough. Yeah. So there's a real Japanese show where people take bites out of things and it could be chocolate or it could be the real thing.
Starting point is 01:34:52 So it's like they'll put a shoe in front of you. Wait, the real thing? Like the fake no more owls. Yeah, so it's like chocolate or it's like a chocolate shoe or a real shoe. Yeah, so they'll just shove something in your face. You just leap a faith, take a bite and you're like, oh, okay, who that was chocolate or sometimes, oh, that was leather from a shoe. I don't, I don't, sorry.
Starting point is 01:35:16 This is a, for what I recall, I don't think they just shove things in your face and they're like, take a bite. I think you're like, if I remember the clip, we watched. Well, there was what that was a table. So then you get down to the table's leg and you bite it. Like they don't bring the table to you. Well, no, but you have to figure out what in the room you're going to bite and then you're like, oh, I hope it's chocolate and rest.
Starting point is 01:35:37 I don't know. It was it was in Japanese. So I couldn't tell if that's the rules of the game. Yeah. And I'd also like to remind listeners that we have not a sponsor for the show exactly, but a thing that I did that is available for sale. That's right. The maniac of New York, the Bronx is burning.
Starting point is 01:35:52 My new maniac of New York series, Maptura Shock Comics, number two issue number two should be on Compact Store shelves as you listen to this episode. So that's the new series, maniac of New York, the Bronx is burning. Please buy them. And if you like them and you buy them, then maybe I'll hopefully get to do more of them. So go to your local comic store and tell them, make mine, Maniac of New York, the Bronx is burning. Yeah. Thanks for adding the extra words at the end, because it might confuse them if you just said the first part. Yeah. And they'll give you a blue rake, a 4k blue rake copy of maniac. Yeah, the remake starring Elijah Wood.
Starting point is 01:36:27 Wow, not the William Lustig. I've heard of Los Elijah. Everyone loves Elijah Wood. It says Audrey. E. L. Cool E. J. E. W. Everyone loves Cool Elijah Wood. Hey, this letter is from a listener. And a listener is called Tyler Lastname withheld. Hi, Perry.
Starting point is 01:36:48 Who writes, after quitting on Fear the Walking Dead after its first season, I was recently surprised to find out that one of its most recent seasons featured a doomsday called Nuking Texas. What are some examples you've had of being temporarily detached from an ongoing media and being baffled by how, how wild a shift it underwent? Thanks, Tyler left, last name withheld. I got to be honest, like, I couldn't think of a situation where I like dipped out and dipped back in because usually, if I dip out, I'm out. But I will say that the example I think of,
Starting point is 01:37:29 I thought of for this was Angel where they in the last season. Student by day, stripper by night. And spoiler alert for the show, Angel. Oh man. They made a show about that, Elliot. I guess Dan's talking about it. In the last season, they become, they
Starting point is 01:37:46 are put in charge of what was previously their largest enemies in the idea that they could change it from the inside, which was a big shift in what the show was. And honestly, I thought that that last season finally found its footing before then going off the air. But do you guys have thoughts about it? Yeah, I mean, this is kind of a tough question. I think I can think of plenty of examples where I took time away from a media that I really liked.
Starting point is 01:38:18 And then when I went back to it, I had changed in some way, like, I mean, I hate to say it, but I love the venture brothers, but when I came back to it after a long break, I realized I'm like, this just isn't for me anymore. Like this is for whatever reason. I don't know if it's, I don't think it's any different
Starting point is 01:38:38 than it originally was. I'm just a different steward now. This is not my, my couple worms. Or like something. Do you, I mean, a couple of worms is something you would normally like, but if it's under the right circumstances, gummy worms, duh. Okay, fair point, fair point. Uh, I'm cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. It didn't just assume that the, or something we're like, I started a show and then I put
Starting point is 01:39:02 it down because like something like I remember I started you and I watched the first season I started the second season and I'm like uh, I'll take some time away from this because I ingested so much at once and I wasn't really vibing and then when I came back you know like a year later I was like oh wait I really liked I like this more than the first season. Dan loved that second season so much. He was texting me. I remember he was not at home.
Starting point is 01:39:28 He was texting me the ending of it. I never watched the show. And he's like, you won't believe what happened. This show is wide. I'll be clear that I made sure that Audrey was not going to watch the show. Wow. You were saving yourself and taking some serious anti-spoilers heat from me. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:48 I had that experience, not exactly the same experience, but a little bit with where the X-Men comics are right now. That's a, I've been, I realized recently that I've been reading, I've been following Marvel Comics characters for almost 30 years, which is ridiculous. It's not something anyone should do, but I've been doing that. And I took a little bit of break from the X-Men family books, and then there was a big kind of reboot of them, or not reboot, but a change of the way they work and everything like that. And it's ongoing now still, and there's a lot of fans for it, but it's just
Starting point is 01:40:19 not to my taste and all the characters are acting, not in the way that I am used to them acting. And so it's like, there was this big status quo shift in the comics where I can't quite wrap my mind around these characters doing these things now, but at this point, it's been the status quo in the X-Men for over a year. So it's not like, so at this point, I'm the one who's out of step with it, you know. Give me a taste to the example, because I probably checked out on X-Men at a similar. So the big story line now is that the X-Men have started their own country, which they've done before, but now they're really doing it.
Starting point is 01:40:52 They've started their own country. Only mutants are allowed to be there. It's a mutant paradise, which the comics represent as it being a place where people are constantly just drinking. And all they do is dance and drink all the time. And nothing else goes on there. Is that not paradise? Well, I mean, there's got to be some, I mean, the part of the problem is that the characters
Starting point is 01:41:09 do nothing recreationally except drink. So there's nothing going on in the island but drinking. But they've decided that instead of living in the shadows, they are now going to become the most powerful nation on earth and kind of push all the other nations around. And they made a big show of taking Mars and saying, this is ours now, it's our planet, we're colonizing it. And it just feels like the, it's a different morality than the comics I'm used to wherein the traditional ex-min comics were like,
Starting point is 01:41:35 we got to figure out a way to live together, humans and mutants. And this morality is, we've been pushed around long enough, it's time to start pushing the rest of the world around. And it's very separatist as opposed to integrationist. And characters are going along with this plan that it seems unrealistic to me, that their personalities would.
Starting point is 01:41:57 But maybe I'm just out of touch and we live in more confrontational times. And the old soft liberalism has given way to the hard-edged liberalism of today. So, I don't know, I can't forget out, but eventually it'll be rebooted and they'll be back to like being in a school and like going into space every now and then. So, you know.
Starting point is 01:42:16 Well, I have an answer. Oh, sorry, I'm gonna have to answer that. So this is actually a multiple answer. Wow, wow, wow. You know, Audrey always asked me what the questions are for the podcast and I think gives them a significantly more thought than I do. Yeah, Dan, there's just one word I can say
Starting point is 01:42:34 to the way you treated Audrey, and that's wow. Let me say it backwards. Wow. Let me say it upside down. Mom, anyway, Audrey, continue. The three examples I can think of start off more conventional and I think at some point they realize, oh, we could go weird with this. So number one, Archer, which they've gone through so many stories that they're like, let's take this. What was it like a country, like southern thing?
Starting point is 01:43:02 Well, it was like, it's a Noir one. There's a Noir one in the 40s. Okay, now it's like an 80s, like a drug run thing. Now they're in outer space. And now it's like an Indiana Jones type thing. And they, they definitely lost me through those because it was like, am I gonna watch a whole season of what kind of feels like fanfiction?
Starting point is 01:43:19 No, no, no, no. I think too that. So there's that, I mean, communities a big one. That's not, that's not even one of the thing. Oh, yeah. Well, I mean, that was just So there's that. I mean, communities a big one. That's not even one of the things. Well, I mean, that was just like they just turned over basically the entire cast by the end. Well, like, so the two other ones are Search Party and AP Bio. So Search Party's first season was really a little more straightforward in the, like,
Starting point is 01:43:41 this group of friends trying to find their friend and those adventures that they have while doing it. And then it just kept turning into a different thing. And it all equally good. Do you do you watch search party or? I watch I think I'm like halfway through the second season. Yeah. It just like drastically changes what it is.
Starting point is 01:44:02 Should I? I'm a fifth season and it's almost in like sides fiction territory now or I should give another try. I watched the first episode of the first season and I found the characters so unpleasant to spend. Oh, you will.
Starting point is 01:44:13 But I just there are very unpleasant over time you'll kind of learn to Oh, I mean, but over time I can also I can also choose not to spend my time getting to know and present care. It's the same way anytime someone's like, start this new show, it starts out rough by the end
Starting point is 01:44:29 of the first season, it's great. And I'm like, see, I don't know. I spend 11 hours, 12 hours for, why can't you do what you want? I both get it in that there's some characters that I'm like, I just can't spend time with you, but also, I don't look for defiction for people that I necessarily want to spend time with.
Starting point is 01:44:46 No, I mean, there are many shows where there are unpleasant characters that I mean, I love Mad Men, most of them are casuals. But that's the way it maps on to your ethical and moral fucking standards, Elliot. Mad Men. Mad Men. That's the thing. Yeah. Because anyway, what happened to men that were not allowed to be like men anymore?
Starting point is 01:45:03 Anyway, but they might have. So what madmen's about that? Yeah, well, it's kind of not about that, but the, I get what I'm saying that they're unpleasant. Like, I only want to watch things with characters I like. It was more like these characters were not, it was not, it was not, it was the, I didn't get to the point where I was like,
Starting point is 01:45:21 these characters are intriguingly unpleasant to me. With the same way that like, that show forever that came out with my Rudolph and Fred Armason from a couple of years ago where I was like, I was like, show, I do not want to spend any like, I do not like these people. And this show is not intriguing me to figuring out why. Like as opposed to something like, like, I don't know, any number of other shows where it's where it's an unpleasant character, but you're like, oh, but this show is really grab me.
Starting point is 01:45:49 But I think it's more a matter of personal taste. So take it or leave it. I'm not saying it's a bad show, nor am I saying that nobody else would watch it. Yeah, I wouldn't, I wouldn't try to convince you to do something you don't want to do. I do think that there are certain shows, it's hard to find a show where they like they can take it to somewhere that's so different, that like just the idea that
Starting point is 01:46:13 you can start with something and just keep shifting it in this way that they're letting them do is interesting. But I mean, don't watch it if you don't want to. I mean, I should also mention, part of the issue is that unlike, unlike you guys, I live in a world where I have roughly a half hour at the end of every day. That is my, that is my entertainment time for grownups, which we, putting a child to bed and then finishing my chores before going to bed. We all, we all make choices, dude. I didn't tell you to have kids.
Starting point is 01:46:40 No, that's true. This is, no, I mean, I'm in a world entirely of my own choosing, But it's one of those things. I like it. But I love I love Stewart's Resoluble Refuseful to give you any sympathy for. I know you made your own change, dude. But it reminds me like when when the wet hot American summer show came out and my friends who at the time did not have a child yet were like, we just had to sit down and watch the whole series over a weekend. We just couldn't, basically in one sitting
Starting point is 01:47:07 and I was like, well, I don't have that option. And I know I have removed, that door is one that I closed myself, no one closed it for me, but the door is closed, you know? Yeah. And the last one is AP Bio, which started out as more of a traditional sitcom. Yeah, traditional sitcom.
Starting point is 01:47:23 And I think it moved to peacock and they realized, oh, we can do whatever we want. And it really is just like an experiment in what a sitcom could be. I think one episode is just, what are those called when it's like previously on? Oh, yeah, they just usually call them pre-camps. Yeah, they just kept using recaps throughout the whole show for, you know, 20 minutes. That sounds great. And so it's like Momento, the show. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:52 I should, I forgot, I forgot to wait. I forgot to mention one thing about that X-Men series, I mentioned, is that they've also part of the society they've created on this X-Men island is that everyone can be brought back to life. No one dies forever. But if you, but if you, all these mutants have lost their powers
Starting point is 01:48:08 and if they want their powers back, they have to be murdered in a gladiator arena by some one of the, one of the X-Men so that they can be reborn. Is this just dragon ball Z? What? Maybe, but there's funny, it's like, I kind of can't buy a world where the heroes
Starting point is 01:48:21 have to like murder people in order to reward them with getting their powers back. So X-Men has passed me by. I'm too soft. I'm too old. If they want their powers back, they have to open the powers booth and step inside. I mean, it's only that when it's like a it's like a tell of an old-fashioned police box. Yeah, but it's got. But it's got but with how long the space on the top Stewart, that's what I'm saying. It's a booth with a space on here. Okay, fine. You get that.
Starting point is 01:48:49 I'm sure. This is everyone's Stewart's really bobbing his head back and forth like, oh, wow, I guess. Yeah, real Bob. This is from Amelia last day with hell to write. Dear peaches. It has to be.
Starting point is 01:49:06 It would be a million. It has to be a Bidelia. She, I'm assuming Amelia heard that for the first time ever just now. The podcast recently we discovered three wasp nests inside our chimney. We found this out when dozens of wasps started pouring out of the fireplace one afternoon. As are well. Wait, do they, are they sure it wasn't that a mummy had been awoken somewhere in the found this out when dozens of wasps started pouring out of the fireplace when after noon. I just are well. Wait, do they, are they sure it wasn't that a mummy had been awoken somewhere in the
Starting point is 01:49:29 house? It could be. Well, as, as the rest of the family screamed and proceeded to make human shaped holes in our walls, I began the job of getting the wasps out of the house and taping mosquito netting over the fireplace. The whole time I was swatting angry insects out of my way, I kept thinking, wow, candy man is scary. I hope the new movie captures this intense, horrifying confusion of swarming bees coming at you from nowhere. Which made me think, have the flopsters ever lived through a moment that was straight out of a movie or has something ever happened that
Starting point is 01:50:02 was so perfectly timed slash orchestrated that you swore a director had set it up Amelia Is anything I mean I'm gonna credit Amelia for being so not like Amelia Bidelia who would have totally screwed up that situation Yeah, and this Amelia was on top of it right good night. That's really fast thinking and she's like I applaud you Yeah, I got a swat the wasps. Amelia Bidiliak calls the SWAT team in. And they're like, oh, Amelia Bidiliak, are are full. It's where no use against these wasps.
Starting point is 01:50:32 Yeah, she calls the SWAT team on a mainline Protestant church in Connecticut. And then she gets the name against them in call of duty. I mean, I've had my own run-ins with Stinging Insecs. If you listen back to an early mini where I was trying to get Firewood and I was kicking a log and all of a sudden beer, beer, beer poured out and I lost my feelings. If only beers poured out. That would have been great. Beer and poured out. Oh, yeah. Yep. Sponsored McKenzie showed up. It was just like a movie. Mm hmm. Stuart still be kicking.
Starting point is 01:51:07 Yeah, be kicking everyone out. Every one of you like a better game character. Any any any. Bearing the slaughter from the background. He was a kick to me. Yeah, yeah. There's barrels around. I am definitely rolling through. Similarly, I think I've talked on the podcast before about a time when my family, we went on a trip to, we visited, we were visiting my family in New Jersey, but then I had to leave my family with my parents so that I could go work for the weekend in Atlanta on a pilot
Starting point is 01:51:38 for a show. And while I was away, my family had this big reunion where like my sister's family from London was there and my mom and dad who don't always get along were on like the best behavior. And I missed this amazing family reunion. And on the way back from the airport when I was coming back to pick them up, so we go back to LA cats and the cradle started started playing. And it was like to come on life. This is two on the nose like a scene in a movie. You know, that's what we playing while I'm missing out on a great family event. Oh, you're all looking at me.
Starting point is 01:52:08 I mean, I look, I don't wanna get too sappy or too detailed, but because Audrey's on the podcast, I mean, like, no, I just, I just, I just, Oh, geez. No, the fact that like, we, Because you're gonna talk about a story you don't want her to hear.
Starting point is 01:52:24 Yeah, no, we, well, you know, we, we, we, we you know we we've never watched very bad things. So anyway that happened to us. We went out a couple of dates and I foolishly was like not for me but we were still friends and we became ever closer friends to a point that like I just kind of I almost had to like math inside my head to realize that I'd fall over her because I'm dumb. And then by that time she had almost moved on and I had to make a big declaration of love and et cetera. I remember you telling me at another person's
Starting point is 01:52:59 bachelor party while I was totally fucking hammered about this that you were in fact in love with Audrey and I put my head on the bar and my hair caught fire. Yeah. And I had to but did you remember it? Did you remember it? Did you remember it?
Starting point is 01:53:14 When you should have been slapping his own head. Yeah. Well, yeah, I remember Stuart was like talking to him about it and he's like, oh, that explains why my hair smelled in the shower this morning. He had forgotten that he had said his hair apart. But Dan, you had to run to the airport to get to her before she flew off to take another job, right?
Starting point is 01:53:30 But I'm getting at it. It felt like a much more romantic comedy, a progression of things that I had ever experienced before. Yeah. And you should have seen when we were at Cat Stelly, it was a real thing. Yeah. You're like, oh, I'm going to have to catch some of this. I'm going to catch some of this. I'm going to catch some of this, I'm a chastity. I face such an orgasm, I guess it's Ellie.
Starting point is 01:53:47 Dan, I face such an orgasm. The place was a mess. That's it. It's spraying mayonnaise everywhere. Yeah, because he had like a catcher bottle of whole mayonnaise. It's full of mayonnaise. Super, super, super. Super, super, super, whole mayonnaise.
Starting point is 01:54:02 He's a blinded victim. He's really prepared for that happy dinner. I'm super sick. I'm super sick. Super sick of rollin' mayonnaise. You can divide custom. Yeah. He can really prepare for that happy dinner. Yeah. He was like, look, you need a wider nozzle to get, so it doesn't clog with mayonnaise. So I had to get this made, this mayonnaise super-sauke. A lot of years ago.
Starting point is 01:54:16 Yours looks like mayonnaise. Mine's more like a cottage cheese consistency. No. Audrey, you had one, though. I do have one where, wait where I had many, which one's the least bad. That's up to you. The store of the podcast. There was one time where I ran into somebody I did not want to run into. It was boy troubles.
Starting point is 01:54:43 It was a love triangle of sorts and she messaged me up really a lot and It was very traumatic. Anyways, I never thought I'd see her in person. I just saw her profile picture And then we were in a Sephora the one in Soho and I saw like we could see each other and we spoke to each other and like I was like Saying something like oh is is that brand good or whatever you say at a Sephora? Yeah. And she's like, it's you.
Starting point is 01:55:12 And I said, yeah, it's you too. And we had this conversation. And I was dating the guy at the time, not Dan. Yeah, it was yours. And it was really like your heart rate goes up and you know, like I walked out of there and I was in the strange mood of like being very shaken. And so I walked down. So that's, that's and so I walked down a print street in front of the place where there's
Starting point is 01:55:39 like vendors set up. And I'm still shaken. And this woman is selling jewelry and And she's like, she had a very soft voice. And she was like, Oh, touch whichever one you want. This is before COVID. Well, way before COVID, obviously. And she's like, each one has a story and a meaning. It's like like that one that you're touching. It attracts the spiral in it, attracts good energy to you. I'm like, which one's the one where you want to keep all the bad energy?
Starting point is 01:56:08 She's like, I didn't make any of those yet, but you know, that's a good idea. Maybe I should, and then boom, a pigeon drops in front of us. It just like died in front of us. And I'm like, oh my God. And we were freaking out, because a bird just like dropped in front of us. I'm like, oh my God, And we were freaking out because a bird just like dropped in front of us. I'm like, oh my God, I killed a bird with my bad energy.
Starting point is 01:56:29 I can't believe I did this. Like I don't believe in this kind of stuff. But you know, if you're at a heightened point, and she was calming me down and the person at the next stall was like, it's okay. And then put them in a box. And then the woman's calming me down. It's like, it's fine.
Starting point is 01:56:44 You know, it's fine. I'm just like, yeah, it's fine. It's fine. it was like, it's okay, and then put them in a box, and then the woman's coming me down, it's like, it's fine, you know, it's fine, and it's like, yeah, it's fine, it's fine, and I calm down, and then the bird flew away. What? The bird flew away. It brought back to life. I was like, oh my God. Can our podcast be about this instead?
Starting point is 01:56:59 I want to talk to you. I just want Audrey to tell us the first. And then I bought like $100 worth of jewelry. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:09 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The bird trick worked. Yeah. Hold on. The bird trick worked. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:17 Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. I'm out there fighting for my life. It hurts to keep dropping like that.
Starting point is 01:57:27 You don't understand. I mean, it's much longer. The doctor said I got a stop. Wait, wait, just one big score. There's another unhappy woman walking out the street. Well, we can't do better than that. So let's move on to our last segment of the show. Recommendations.
Starting point is 01:57:44 This is where we recommend a movie that we saw, that we liked. I don't know, I feel like I fear I may have, I don't know, are you gonna recommend the French dispatch, Ellie, based on what you said before? Because I am gonna recommend the French dispatch. Let's both do it. And I was like, oh you guys, that's so cute.
Starting point is 01:58:00 Yeah. I was, I was, I was, I was going to, and I was gonna start by saying this is gonna make some people angry that I'm, that I'm recommending the French dispatch. And we both need to steer it. Yeah, because I know was I was about I was going to I was gonna start by saying this is gonna make some people angry That I'm reckon that I'm reckon any different Yeah, I know he doesn't like Wes Anderson Makes him so I don't you like a beautiful aesthetic I just I don't connect with his movies emotionally I think that's totally cool
Starting point is 01:58:20 But what if all the captions were in that that metal font? But what if all the captions were in that metal font? I changed my mind. Because I think his style is so, at this point, has gotten so ridiculously distinctive of himself that if you don't like it, don't bother. But at the same time, I'm a big fan of his stuff, not his animation stuff. Don't love his animated movies. That's what I kind of don't understand when people like go out of their way to like bad mouth, West Anderson. I'm like, at this late date, do not know what you're going to get from this movie. And it's so easy to avoid.
Starting point is 01:58:51 Yeah. No, it's not like, it's not like, you're a big, you're a big comic book fan and you feel like you got to go see all the DC movies. So you can be in on the conversation. Like, yeah, just don't go see him. You're like, oh And Spider-Man got pushed out of the IMAX theaters because of the French douche-spot together. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Like, I don't get mad at Stewart for not liking because I can totally see why someone would not like it.
Starting point is 01:59:14 For sure, it does me the courtesy if not bring it up all the time. Although now he looks, he's got a gleam in his eye. Like he's going to. A little grim. I'm in goblin mode. But since we're both recommending it, Dan, you do talk a little bit about it,
Starting point is 01:59:27 then if I have anything else to add. I'll talk very quickly, which is just to say that, this all being said, there were moments early on where I was afraid I'm like, oh, is this going to be the world's most specific and esoteric sketch comedy movie? Like, because it did have that very rye like sketch comedy movie, like, because it did have that like very, rye like sketch comedy vibe almost. So that's it is a, it's explicitly a movie that is a movie of,
Starting point is 01:59:52 it's a movie version of a fake magazine. And that magazine is a copy of the New Yorker. So right off with a little bit of Paris Review thrown in. So right off the bat, you're like, well, this is a movie for a very specific audience. Yeah. This is a movie that's reliant on knowledge of a magazine, you know. Yeah, but fortunately, I am a member of that specific audience. Like, you know, it is one of those movies when I'm like,
Starting point is 02:00:14 well, I'm glad that someone's making this movie because it feels specifically for me in a way that like these that normally wouldn't get made. Like, it is such a specific vision that like, it normally wouldn't get made. Like, it is such a specific vision that like, I'm glad to see it. And my biggest problem with it, like I would be suggested by the sketch comedy remark is that like, I did think like, oh, am I not gonna emotionally connect with this one
Starting point is 02:00:40 in the way that like, you know, Stewart was like, you often find trouble with it. But like, as kind of Stewart was like, you often find trouble with it. But like, as kind of goofy as all of the stories are in certain ways, I think that the thing that the movie does well is that by the end of each segment, you are emotionally engaged. There is some sort of catharsis, there's some sort of like bigger thing that's being sort of gotten at even though it is kind of beautifully unclear in certain cases what exactly it is. Like, but not a way that feels like a mistake
Starting point is 02:01:15 in a way that feels like it leaves open possibilities. And I think that as it goes on each successive story, I found more moving, but what were you gonna say, Elliot? No, no, I think that it's like, it does feel at times like it is a Wes Anderson sketch movie, but it also feels in the same way, like you are reading. It's like one of the, a book that I love is Maurice Sondex, not Shell Library,
Starting point is 02:01:40 which is just four little picture books, and this feels a little bit like Wes Anderson's version of that, where it's like, here's some miniature Wes Anderson movies. And they have the strengths of Wes Anderson movies, and they have the weaknesses of Wes Anderson movies. Like, he's still every story for the most part, except one of them comes at it from the point of view of some sort of like artistically sensitive man
Starting point is 02:02:03 who needs a woman to support him without question, in a way that is not always that doesn't always sit well with me but uh at the same time like the i feel like he's gotten to the point where the complete you always see and reviews about him is his movies feel so precisely constructed like it's like you're looking in a little dollhouse rather than a real world And he has so fully embraced that in this movie where it is at such a high level of aesthetic artificiality that I really like a lot. To the point where there are these, he is digging into into real emotions, but in a way that is like put across in this very like not realistic artificial way. While I was watching, I was like, he's basically, he and Guy Madden are converging at certain points, which is something I never expected before.
Starting point is 02:02:52 And so, I also just love, he'll construct an entire room with a ton of weird details and a ton of people doing things, and you'll see it on the screen for four seconds. And it's like, wow, they put a lot of work into every single moment of this movie. And at the same time, it's also a movie that is not afraid to get silly enough
Starting point is 02:03:11 that there's a police chase that involves like a strong man dressed like a circus strong man, whose entire job seems to be to cling to the hood of a car and then and not let go for the entirety of a car chase. So I really enjoyed it, but it's like, you're watching the apotheosis of Wes Anderson. It's like, it doesn't get more Wes Anderson than this. Audrey, what did you want to say about it?
Starting point is 02:03:32 Did you think that it would be seen as more successful if it was given a buster, scrugs treatment, where to Netflix thing, where it's meant to be short stories. I don't know, because it's very explicitly like you're looking at a movie version of a magazine
Starting point is 02:03:50 and it's this story and then this story. I think that it's, I think there's a, Wes Anderson has just reached a point with his way of doing things that you either like it or you don't like it. And I think if you wanted to get someone into Wes Anderson movies, this would be the last one to show them. Because it's like, do you want to say last one to show them. Because it's like,
Starting point is 02:04:09 do you want to say it's it's it's it's it was like and he's he's still he's not a young man, but he's a youngish to be doing this. They're like it felt like there are a lot there's a tradition of directors getting to a point where they start doing kind of omnibus films where you have like fritfully need doing Roma or a cure kersawa doing dreams, where it's like, I am going to explore my interests and my style in ways that doing one story in a movie can't really afford me. I'm going to take as many opportunities as I can and this is him doing that, where it's like, yeah, I'm going to do like a bunch of different little things and there are each going to be in my style, but I'm going to be doing different things with that style and
Starting point is 02:04:42 I'm going to let it just go out as far as I can go with it. And we watched it at home with Dread, because people kept telling me, this is the movie where Wes Anderson, where no one said no to him, and he just didn't know what to do. And the whole time watching, I'm like, I'm really enjoying this.
Starting point is 02:04:57 Am I wrong for enjoying this? That I'm like, that I'm really enjoying it. I thought you meant that you did it as like a double feature with the movie Dread. I thought he was watching a judge's Dread. Yeah, no. We watched it with Dread because I was like, but the thing is, which one do I watch first? Which is the proper set up for the other?
Starting point is 02:05:15 No, yeah. And because also like we were watching Dread in 3D and West French dispatch is not in 3D, but the also, I don't know, I really, I really liked it, but it was me seeing an artist I like exploring what he's doing, pushing what he's doing as far as he can go. And there are a number of really silly jokes in it. So, Audrey, why don't you go next? The movie I'm recommending is an Italian movie based on a true story based on a novel of a true story. And it is, it'll lead in the 1970s. Hold on a second, that Dan's alarm just went off
Starting point is 02:05:55 while Audrey was speaking. Dan, that is the height of male aggression. Terrible. I think it's to remind me to take a pill. I need to, you're like, I need it a reminder to interrupt Audrey. This is my interesting. Anyway, it's amazing. It's so perfectly. Yeah. It's called, I'm not scared. And it's about children playing in rural Italy and they find one of them finds that there's another child hidden away that, I guess, the parents kidnapped.
Starting point is 02:06:32 And it's a pretty dark story, but it's told through the eyes of the kids. And so there's a little bit of that wonder in it. And it's a pretty good story, and it's just a different way to, you know, see the tumultuous times of 1970 Italy where there is a lot of kidnappings. I think that's when the Getty Sun was kidnapped. Do you guys know that when... Both of us are, Getty. I know that Ridley Scott also did a movie about that, but I don't know that it entails
Starting point is 02:07:03 the story. Oh! I know that really Scott also did a movie about that, but I don't know. I don't know if it entails the story. But yeah, so it's that time period and so it's about the kidnapping of this kid and another kid finding him about their friendship. And how that goes. It's a movie that has a movie that has super dark subject matter, but yeah, they manage to make it not bleak. Like it doesn't feel like a bleak depressing movie and they really pull off that kid point of view.
Starting point is 02:07:23 Yeah, it reminds me of the devil's backbone, like that same sense of wonder as a child, but also there's dark things happening around them. Yeah, it's like devil's backbone or spirit of the beehive or like a, there's an old French movie called Forbidden Games where it's like kids, kids dealing with darkness and seeing it through their, through our their eyes in a way that like, imbues it with like poetry. Yeah. Yeah. That's a good movie. I'm not scared. Okay. Well, I have a recommendation. That's a better recommendation than Dan and Mayas recommendation. Yeah. I've been watching a lot of movies because it's kind of award season. So I'm trying to catch up on shit that people are talking about. And I guess I will today I'll recommend a movie that's on.
Starting point is 02:08:08 It was, it went straight to Netflix. Well, not I guess not straight in Netflix. It stopped in theaters first. I'm gonna recommend Power of the Dog. That's right. P-O-The-D. It's great. Can I do, wait, can I do, can I do my, P of the Dick, right?
Starting point is 02:08:23 Can you know the D? What? Can I do the audio version of a joke I tweeted yesterday? Which was Huey Lewis. Huey Lewis reviewing it and going, power of the dog is a curious thing. In a lot of ways it is and it's directed by the champion, Jane Campion, or should I call her Cambian? I love it. I love that. She's a little devilish with the twist. I love that you are. I love that you're becoming Jean Charlotte.
Starting point is 02:08:49 All your recommendations. Benedict Cumberbatch is a cumbers snack. This amazing performance. Not a success. But still a good try. So I don't know if you know that. What I'm going to say is this is a great little movie directed by Jane Campion with where Benedict Cumberbatch and Jesse Plumman's play a couple of brothers who run a ranch in
Starting point is 02:09:15 Ye old and cowboy times. And they are. They wouldn't say that. That's the guy from Breaking Bad, right? That is the guy from Breaking Bad. And of course, Friday night lights. And his real life wife, Kierzen Dunst is in the movie. Kierzen Dunst, star of movies forever and is great. And when she got her Hollywood walk of fame star, I think I saw a new story described her as spider man's Kieres and Dunn's. And I'm like, fuck you, take her name out your mouth, dude. She's been in so much shit. Don't
Starting point is 02:09:56 just say spider man. But she did they, did they make, did they meet on the set of Fargo? Or did they know each other before then? I think they're not on the set of Fargo. Oh, that's sweet. I mean, I think he murders her and that's, no, no, or do they know each other before then? I think they're not just a set of Fargo. Oh, that's sweet. I mean, I think he murders her and that's, no, no, they're out of balance. No, they're out of balance. There has been a wife in that, yeah. But I think he has a lot of on spoil for me.
Starting point is 02:10:13 You have a Gregor and Mary, what's her name? Mary Liz was a wind steady. I also met on the set of Fargo. That's a real, that's a real love message. It's a love message. It's a love message. They're together. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:10:24 If you want to find a partner, you go and you work for Fargo and you find your spouse. Yeah. That's why the two list has already been on. That's what they sing that song. No, Holly, no, Holly, make me a match. Find me a find. No, Holly. So it is a, it is a tight thriller. It is shot beautifully. It has a Johnny Greenwood
Starting point is 02:10:48 score. So you know you're going to be jamming that shit. Benedict Cumberbatch gives a great performance. His accent is an American character is, come on questionable. It's been a comfort batch. You can't expect it to do an amazing American accent. It's like expecting Al Pacino to do a normal voice. And it's got some twists and turns and it's just fucking great, man. I totally recommend it. Power of the dog or when you go to your grocery store, just ask for, that's right, pee of the D. Wait, so was the buying a movie at the grocery store? You never did that from like the bargain bin where you just are there rental at the grocery store? You never did that from like the bargain bin where you just
Starting point is 02:11:25 or is there a rental at the corner like some stores when you say I didn't have to ask the cleric for a specific movie. I just see what was available, you know. Dude, I don't give you shit for saying make my movie I can do you. I mean, before you do a little bit, I do give you shit for that. So, fair for me. It's great. You little bit. I do give you shit for that. Um, so further than I, it's great. You should check it out. Okay. Yum yum yum. It's going to win awards. Well, Audrey, thank you for being our guest. I know it was probably hard for you to get
Starting point is 02:11:55 here and all the snow. So thanks. Yeah, thank you. I didn't have to, uh, sure. I have didn't have to, uh, sure, I have, um, neuter your pets, right? That's what sure, I read a good book lately. It's called Good Neighbors. You should read that. Hey, you know who Good Neighbors is written by Sarah Langen, whose JT Petty's wife. Okay. I thought that that would mean something to you.
Starting point is 02:12:22 No, it's, I mean, I like him a lot. He's a great guy in the like his movies. Yeah. Anyway, great book. Um, but it's not like, I, it's, I something to you. No, I mean, I like him a lot. He's a great guy and I like his movies. Yeah. Anyway, great book. Um, but it's not like I, I don't know what the, if you were looking for like a big like viral moment where I'm like, what? What? What then I apologize?
Starting point is 02:12:35 Uh-huh. Sorry. Well, wait, Ellie, run into the other room and tell your kids and watch them lose their mind. Yeah. They're, they're going to love it. Well, that's like reminds me of a, so there's a video of a kid, these kids watching Empire Strikes Back and they find, and he says,
Starting point is 02:12:48 Luke, I'm your father and the kids have this big reaction. And I was like, that'll happen when we watch it. And I watched it with Sammy and he goes, Luke, I am your father. And Sammy turns to me and he goes, is that true? And I go, yeah, and he goes, okay. And I was like, that was it.
Starting point is 02:13:00 That's really processed that information quickly. Yeah, I mean, good for him. I mean, he's good at fact-check that information quickly. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, good for him. I mean, good fact checked it though. That's. He did fact check it. He knows our Vader's a bad guy and maybe a liar. So, you know, kids nowadays are more accepting of what a family looks like that's not traditional. So that's really good. Yeah, that's very fair. He's like lots of my friends at school that they they were raised by their uncle and aunt, their dad's an evil cyborg. They don't know their mom. Yeah, it's like, oh, that's that's true. Well, okay, that must be tough for Luke, but we'll see where it goes. Maybe he'll take that disappoint and make him stronger,
Starting point is 02:13:35 like in great expectations. And I like that's not exactly what happens in great expectations, but anyway, well anyway, um, thank you for listening listeners. Uh, why you head on over to If you like podcasts, there's many more on, uh, the network that we are on, which is called Maximum Fun. And, uh, you can see what they have over there that you might like. Uh, and thank you to Alex Smith, who is our producer. Mm-hmm. A big fan of French dispatch as well. and thank you to Alex Smith, who is our producer. A big fan of French dispatch as well.
Starting point is 02:14:06 So I'm sure he'll like put some cool sound effects underneath your recommendation. Like, woo, woo, woo. Wow, it's cheering, yeah. Lots of applause, yeah. But what a treat to do this movie with all of you. This is a blast. For the Flop House, I have been Dan McCoy.
Starting point is 02:14:27 And I have been Stuart Wellington. And I've been Elliot Kaelin. And for this time being, I'm Audrey Lazaro. Bye. I like Audrey that you left the door open to become something else someday. Mm. Mm.
Starting point is 02:14:50 Did you guys know that the founder of Gucci was named Gucci O'Gucci? I did see that. It was first name, right? His first name was Gucci O, and there's a lot of Italian names in between and there's the last name was Gucci. Oh. And I'm like, what a country. I love it. Because Gucci O'Gucci sounds like an Irish Italian man.
Starting point is 02:15:03 Yeah, yeah, that's it. Yeah, that's Gucci O'Gucci an Irish Italian man. Yeah, yeah, that's it. Yeah, that's Gucci O Gucci. Comedy and culture. Artist-owned, audience supported.

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