The Flop House - Ep.#430 - The Garbage Pail Kids Movie, LIVE, with Griffin Newman!

Episode Date: August 3, 2024

Elliott long claimed we would NEVER do the Garbage Pail Kids Movie, due to its extreme unpleasantness, but it only took a live show and the participation of our most GPK-pushing pal, Mr. Griffin Newma...n, of the excellent Blank Check podcast to break his resolve. What other core principles can we make Elliott discard? Keep listening in the years to come, and we'll see!Also, for all those Hallie fans out there, remember that our next streaming show “Three Men and a Hallie” debuts tomorrow, with tickets on sale now! And while you’re watching, why not subscribe to our NEWSLETTER, “Flop Secrets?!”Paste into iTunes (or your favorite podcatching software) to have new episodes of The Flop House delivered to you directly, as they’re released.Wikipedia page for The Garbage Pail Kids MovieGo to for a free trial, and when you’re ready to launch, go to  to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On this episode we discuss the Garbage Pail Kids! Live from Brooklyn, New York! Yeah. That was a hot one. Yeah. It was. It was a hot one. You picked up your cue perfectly. Thanks for heating up. What were you going to tell me at a time? Hello. We are the Flophouse Podcast. We are a podcast where we watch a movie that's going to be a hit.
Starting point is 00:00:31 We're going to be talking about the Flophouse Podcast. We're going to be talking about the Flophouse Podcast. We're going to be talking about the Flophouse Podcast. We're going to be talking about the Flophouse Podcast. We're going to be talking about the Flophouse Podcast. We're going to be talking about the Flophouse Podcast. We're going to be talking about the Flophouse Podcast. We're going to be talking about the Flophouse Podcast.
Starting point is 00:00:39 We're going to be talking about the Flophouse Podcast. We're going to be talking about the Flophouse Podcast. We're going to be talking about the Flophouse Podcast. We're going to be talking about the Flophouse Podcast. We're going to be talking about the Flophouse Podcast. We're going to be talking about the Flophouse Podcast. We're going to be talking about the Flophouse Podcast. We're going to be talking about the Flophouse Podcast. We're going to be talking about the Fl perfectly. Thanks for heating up. Hello, we are the Flophouse Podcast. We are a podcast where we watch a movie that is purportedly bad, and then we...
Starting point is 00:00:52 Hedging his bets. Report back to you. Let's leave some wiggle room, Dan, just in case. And to introduce myself, I'm Dan McGoy. I'm Stuart Wellington. I'm Elliot Kalin, and joining us, we have a very special guest from a much more popular podcast. That's right, introduce yourself, sir.
Starting point is 00:01:10 I'm Grippin' Griffin Newman. Oh! We really should have prepped that bit ahead of time where we all had cool names. For the listener at home, a reference to, apparently, the only Griffin-themed themed garbage pail kid. I can't believe there wasn't one where it was like a Griffin like monster. No, and there's no Griffin door, there's no Peter Griffin, there's no...
Starting point is 00:01:33 Griffin Griffin is the only one. And he's a fucking wrench with a face. A wrench whose teeth are being broken by being used for his purpose, which is to remove a bolt. He literally eats nuts, is what he does. That's how much he sucks. I mean, it's a good source of protein. To be fair, the human tooth is not meant to be a wrench. So, you know, give him a little...
Starting point is 00:01:55 Learn something here. Yeah, I'm just gonna back away a little bit. So we watched... This is a movie that we have talked about quite a bit, and Griffin had been texting me I feel like almost every week saying yeah are we doing garbage bale kids are you doing garbage all kids is anyone doing garbage how can I see garbage bale kids again now there's a movie I have to take children and put them into garbage
Starting point is 00:02:17 tails to make this happen and this is a movie that I like I love the garbage bale kids when I was a child and I was fascinated by the concept there was a movie but my mother possibly wisely was like you're not allowed to watch that and it wasn't like it was also a thing that I had heard about or I saw in the back of like Mad Magazine or something but it didn't like play in the movie theater near me yeah can I ask a fundamental question about this? It's a very small thing but garbage... What a movie is? Yeah, a flicker. Garbage... Flicker, yeah. Garbage pail. Is this a thing that people say or did they just put
Starting point is 00:02:59 pail in there because it's closer to hatch? Midwestern dam over here, never heard of a garbage pail. Is that, I mean, it's like a garbage can, right? Like that's what we're being shown. Just an old way of saying trash can. Yeah, garbage pail. Garbage pail? Garbage pail. I just didn't know whether it was an actual thing
Starting point is 00:03:16 or whether it was just. Well it's not like pail and patch are that close. I mean they could have done garbage can kit and people still I think would have gotten it. I think pail was just, there was a little, it a little flair jazz to it. Yeah, yeah a pale Yeah, you put a gross thing in a pale. Yeah. Yeah, okay. I mean A can is for like responsible disposal and a pale is for boogers vomit I have to assume a pale is an open top holder.
Starting point is 00:03:47 Yeah. So these kids can just, and their sputum or whatever can just fall right out. Thank you for taking that trip with me. Even if perhaps it wasn't the most necessary trip, I found it rewarding. Okay, exactly. Now I want to say, Stuart, I saw this movie when I was a kid. Not in the theaters, unfortunately, which is surprising. In a screening room.
Starting point is 00:04:07 In a private screening room. I was invited to an industry screening event as a child. I saw it probably on HBO, because I saw it uncut on TV. And I have to admit, my memory was not of being like, oh, what is this? The same way it was when I watched Nothing But Trouble on HBO as a kid. I think this movie washed over me, entered the store of knowledge in my head, and I felt no need to comment on it or think about it. And it's only as an adult watching it again that I'm like,
Starting point is 00:04:34 what the hell is going on in this movie? Like, it should have traumatized me. And yet, I don't know what was going on in my home life at the time. The Garbage Pail Kids would somehow escape from that, you know? I think I saw this movie on VHS. My older cousin, when I came of age... Let me sit you down and tell you about the garbage pail kids. Eight or nine...
Starting point is 00:04:58 When Griffin, when you had your garb mitzvah. When I had my garb mitzvah. No, I think I was like eight or nine, and my older cousin, who I, maybe his, I don't know, his parents were cleaning out the basement. He gifted me his entire Garbage Pail Kids collection of cards of the stickers, which was fairly complete. I became very obsessive, and there was like-
Starting point is 00:05:22 You were obsessed about them? I know. There was one website that I think was called that was like a GeoCities style page that was the one... I got a virus just hearing that. It was like the one resource that had Garth's All Kid information because I became obsessed with cataloging these cards and trying to figure out what cards I was missing. In the early days of eBay trying to buy individual cards
Starting point is 00:05:51 to like, or there was a store in the Lower East Side called Love Saves the Day that used to exist. Yeah, yeah, I remember this. That used to have like a ton of Garge Shull Kids on the desk, I was constantly like, I'd carry around a little notebook in my backpack with the cards I was missing to try to fill it in. I honestly admire the organization.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Please tell me you had a rival collector who you were trying to chase down the cards before he could get them. The way like all Garret Schell kids' cards had two names, there was an A and a B. So there was like Gryphon Griffin and Renshi, Ricky or Reggie. But I remember saying to people as a child, like my greatest goal in life is to complete
Starting point is 00:06:33 my Garbage Pail Kids collection before I go off to college. Ha ha ha ha ha. Here's what I like about it. Yeah. Your least not- My number one greatest- At least it's not your life goal. No.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Before I shuffle off this mortal coil. No. There was some feeling of, look, when I go up to college it will be time to put away childish things. Yeah, yeah. But I need to resolve this right before that moment, at which point I clearly will become incredibly mature, never talk about garbage-filled kids ever.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Ever. Again. You won't figure into your professional life in any way. Won't own a hat or a t-shirt representing the brain. No, no, ever. Again. Won't figure into your professional life in any way. Won't own a hat or a t-shirt representing the brain. No, no, no. Won't show up to college and be like, is there a way that I can minor in garbage,
Starting point is 00:07:12 no, no, I'll major in Garbageville Kids. So I made my own major in Garbageville Kids studies. I'll minor in dinosaurs attack. But this website I think had like a pay because it would like tell you other merchandise and stuff like that and then there was like a page that said the movie and I was like what the fuck are you talking click on that and it was just really the poster my memory there weren't even images of it good I like ran to my parents and I was sort of like how did you not tell me
Starting point is 00:07:42 this existed and they were were like, that exists? It's a real blast from the past situation. How have you been keeping this from me? Found a video store that had a copy, devoured it, and was like, this is good. This movie makes sense. That was my immediate takeaway. Because I think on the website, even said like critically reviled box office disaster, barely released. And I watched it and I was like I don't under
Starting point is 00:08:09 this thing tracks for me from beginning to end. I get it very consistent chain of logic to the degree that it was it was in the limited selection of movies that I feel like I watched by myself and then I knocked on my brother's door and I was like you gotta come watch this. Yeah. And then just rewound the tape, did it a second time. I understand, I did that with a friend and Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Where I watched it, I rented it from the video store, and I literally stopped it halfway through the movie and I said, I have to show my friend this. And I rewound to the beginning.
Starting point is 00:08:38 And both those movies are roughly the same. Classics of comedy. I remember doing that with Monty Python, The Meaning of Life, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure and the Garbage Pail Kids movie. I stopped the presses, other people must know, and I think I eventually... You're just running out in the streets going, have you heard about this? It's like the end of Invasion of the Body Snatchers, but you're excited about it. I don't think I ever even owned it on VHS, but I rented it so many different times.
Starting point is 00:09:03 I went back to it. Yeah. And then finally it was released. It bears revisiting, yeah. Yeah, it finally was released on DVD like late 2000s and then Shout Factory put out a Blu-ray release. But I actually had not watched it again in a while. I was probably watching it like ten times.
Starting point is 00:09:18 By the time I was like 14 or 15 then I think I was aware like this is like a funny thing to show people. I like get that this is like fuck though. When did you ever try to show it to your parents? Yeah And how did that go? I was put up for adoption Pale outside of Anthony newly's magic store pointing and being like you get it This is funny and the kind of thing my dad would do, we'd go like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Ha ha.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Hello, men with butterfly nicks. Ha ha. So the movie opens with credits. Yeah. Notably, a credit for the Tops Chewing Gum production. Yeah, I think this is their only film. Yeah, I think so. There's IMDB trivia you know which is often user submitted and hard to verify does have a trivia fact that this is the first movie ever based on stickers. I don't know. I don't know. We can still that has to go
Starting point is 00:10:21 to the judges. We were trying to think if there was another movie based on a collectible card set. other than Mars attacks. Mars attacks. Greg Garza gets some Mars attacks. We're trying to think if there's another one. They never made a dinosaur attacks movie. They never did. Which is good because I would have watched that as a kid and those cards scared me enough. That was the original plan when they got the Mars attacks rights was that Tim Burton was gonna do Mars attacks and dinosaurs attack
Starting point is 00:10:41 back to back and America voted back to back attack America voted no yeah yeah so we get title cards flying at the screen over space and there's like a garbage can spaceship which play has nothing to do with the movie at no point are they I think it is heavily implied that they are from outer space and they arrived in this garbage can. It is never stated. No. It is never... Other than, we just see it floating through space
Starting point is 00:11:10 and the next time we see it's in Anthony and Nulia's story. It's storytelling. What are you talking... It's visuals. That's why the shot exists, to let us know. They're giving the audience credit that we can put it together. They're somehow aliens with an understanding of 50s greaser culture. Well, I mean, it also is implied that like they landed long ago and Anthony Newly has kept them in this pale prisoners because he is some sort of ageless Merlin figure or something.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Yes, he knows magic. Stuart not to haunt you before you're even one line down on your cart. But I do think we need to dig into this deeper. But no, so here's the thing this movie is missing is a shot of images of the garbage pill kids throughout time. They're in hieroglyphics. One of them has an alligator head. Old timey black and white photos of them like kissing Forrest Gump on the asshole. Just like in the movie. Exactly, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:02 I think in the movie it's what, JFK that does that? You want like a Transformers The Last Knight style reveal of they've been here longer than we thought. Exactly, there's a tapestry with the Garbage Bill kids and a unicorn is laying its head in their laps. They were working with Harriet Tubman. I mean, I do honestly actually in Transformers The Last Knight. They're there on the moon landing, no space suits,
Starting point is 00:12:22 they don't need it, yeah. I do honestly admire the degree to which this movie has no interest in explaining to you who the Garbage Pail kids are or why they're here. I want to dig into this. So the Garbage Pail is both their transportation device but also their prison. So it's implied inside the Garbage Pail, it must be some sort of... They're like a genie. It's like a tesseract, it's some kind of infinite dimension that they can all fit in.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Right. But it's still strong enough that if you put something on top of the lid, they cannot get out. Well, but here's another thing. You go like, OK, well, it's a normal size garbage... Because from the opening establishing shot, right? It could be huge. It could be the International Space Station, the garbage can.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Absolutely. Yeah. But then the can that's in Anthony... Yeah, get comfortable. Yeah, take off your jacket. I guess settle in. Give the people what they want. The can that is in Anthony Newley's shop, yes, which Occam's Razor we must assume is the same can we see at the beginning of the film perhaps. It would be, it would be a breaking of film grammar. Yes. To expect us to think it is
Starting point is 00:13:20 two different cans. Thank you. Yes. Much like Roger Ebert writes about Ebert writes about, I mean, not anymore, he's not a liner. Thank you for the clarification. He wrote about showing his students being there, and at the end, spoiler alert, you should see it's a great movie, Peter Sellers walks on water and his students saying, oh, there's probably some reason, there's like a thing he's walking on just under the water. And Roger said to them, you cannot add something that is not in the film. You have to take the film at its face value. So visually, we have to assume that's the same garbage can.
Starting point is 00:13:48 We can't just say, oh, well, there's a spaceship garbage can and then they lost it. Pull out some David Bordwell film texts and just really break it down, you know? Yeah, yeah. But they also need magic to get them back in the garbage can, right? Yeah, I mean, I guess... I mean I let's I guess I mean That's like that's if what's the actor Anthony newly plays?
Starting point is 00:14:10 Cap and man zini who's this lives if you're not like we're coded old wizard guy It's very much the poor man's Dudley Moore like he had his own career big Broadway star Yeah, he's very much the poor man you're watching You're like I guess I couldn't get Dudley Moore for this role. And yet he'll be in Santa Claus, the movie. Anthony Nulli's big thing was, like, poor man's Dudley Moore as an entertainer, but wildly successful as a songwriter. Wrote Pure Imagination for Willy Wonka? Yeah, yeah. Wrote, like... What Kind of Fool Am I is another one of his.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Yes, that was the song I thought you were asking. Cut the f*** off, Mike. Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. So, Cap'n Manzini owns an antique shop. Oh, right, right, right. That, where therein lies a garbage... a magic garbage can. Which, let's just clarify. Is normal garbage can sized? If we're assuming this is the same can we saw at the beginning.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Yes, no, you're right. You're surprised that it's not vehicle sized. I mean, it does occasionally squirt out like green ooze. Well, we're gonna get to that. So here's my explanation for that again. I just said we can't add things from the movie, but I'm gonna add things to the movie. Okay, the can is not a spaceship so much as it is a portal
Starting point is 00:15:14 that is flung into space to other places where there's some kind of jaunt-style interdimension made of goo that they live within. Maybe they've been imprisoned there because they're horrible creatures. They've been cast out of their own society. You're asking the right questions because this is the interesting thing in the movie
Starting point is 00:15:31 is that when you see the normal size can in Anthony Lee's shop. Captain Manzini's shop. Captain Manzini's mandolin, yeah. Yeah. You're like, well, is it a TARDIS situation? Yes. Right?
Starting point is 00:15:44 Or like Oscar the Grouch's can where somehow when you go inside the laws. Snoopy's dog house, exactly. You're like, well, is it a TARDIS situation? Yes. Right? Or like Oscar the Grouch's can, where somehow when you go inside the laws... Yeah, like Snoopy's dog house. Exactly. Right. They can come out. But I feel like Oscar the Grouch likes being in his can, whereas the garbage bale kids don't want to be in there.
Starting point is 00:15:55 They want to get out of that can. So much so that they would prefer to be working in a basement sweatshop than in their can. That tells me that... Yeah, they do work in a basement. That tells me that the can is not really their natural habitat, unlike Popeye, the sailor man who lives in a garbage can. Right. But they... How does he enjoy going swimming?
Starting point is 00:16:11 How does what? How does he like to go swimming? I don't remember how that one goes. I remember the part about he turned on a heater and burned off something. I don't know. So there's a... in the opening there's a moment where the garbage bale kids get loose, but we don't actually get full view of them. Do we want to talk about the individual characters?
Starting point is 00:16:28 Yeah, we gotta talk about the individual. These are all classic GPKs. There are seven of them, and I believe these are all actual classic sticker card characters. Yeah, I think they might all even be series one characters. The OG GPKs, yeah. We have Alligator, who later on is described as the natural leader of the group. Alligator is an alligator humanoid who eats human toes. Loves toes.
Starting point is 00:16:52 And has a lunchbox full of toes and eyeballs that he eats in this children's film. There's Wendy Winston, who farts. Farts a lot. There's Fowl Phil, who's a baby who has smelly breath. Mm-hmm. Valerie Vomit who only vomits once I think. Yeah. Well she has to, it's like her super power, she has to use it to defeat the ultimate enemy.
Starting point is 00:17:13 It's the Chekhov's gun of the movie. Because all the other characters, they do their gimmick early and often. Valerie Vomit saves it. You got Messy Tessy who's always uh, dripping snot. Yeah. She's kind of messy I guess. Must be like raising a kid these days, huh? It is, they pick their noses but they clean it because they need it. These days, it's all this TikTok. It over-emphasize, over-stimulates the nasal passages.
Starting point is 00:17:38 We have Dan's favorite character Nat Nerd. Who urinates down his boat several times during the movie and I think every time I yell, don't do that at the screen. Now he is Dan, but to be fair he has to be a character who pees himself because he is covered in acne and also wears a Superman costume. So of course he's going to pee himself too. And then there's Greaser Greg which I believe you can correct me, it was voiced by Andrew Diceclay.
Starting point is 00:18:05 Are you sure Greg's kind of your old school badass? I mean, Greaser Greg is basically the Gorge from Sharpling and Worster. Yes. But he is continuing, he threatens the child star of the movie with a switchblade more than once. And speaking of that child star, we cut to a park where Dodger, played by Mackenzie Asen, is running away and then gets shaken down by a gang of Tufts, Juice, Tangerine, Wally and Blythe. Juice is the leader.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Four names that have never occurred in nature together. No. Yeah, tell me about Juice, Elliot. Juice, he's the leader. He's your classic, I guess, outsiders, what, pony boy type, you know. He's similar, and he's also like, kind of like, pimp-coated, I guess? Yes, he is also, well, he's a pimp if pimps stole the money that their charges got from selling homemade fashion. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:58 So, the love interest, she is a... Tangerine. Tangerine. She's a budding fashion designer. She makes clothes, and then she sells them outside of the hot spots that the kids are hanging out at. And then Juice just shows up and steals the cigar box with the money in it. Yeah. So this gang of toughs shakes down Dodger, again, a child, 14-year-old child. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Who looks about 11, which is kind of a part of the key dynamic of this film. Yes. We should say, like, the actor and play Dodger, Hero, and Tangerine are actually one year apart. Like, he's 14, she's 15 when this is made. They look like 11 and 18. That's what happens with kids of that age, dude. Puberty's crazy. Never has the faster maturation of the female body seemed more evident.
Starting point is 00:19:43 It's not so gross when you more evident. Creepy and weird. Than when the romantic interest is a 14 year old boy. Speaking of creepy and weird, one of the Tufts picks- Dan, I didn't invent the timeline that people- I'm not blaming you. I'm saying Garbage Pile Kids makes it feel really creepy because they're like, let's make her look really old. They also say that she seems to live on her own, like she has a job.
Starting point is 00:20:04 She has a car. She has a car. Yeah, one of the toughs picks up Doncher, the kid, and... They try to kill him. ...holds him upside down, shaking him, doing like a standing 69, and I'm like, what's happening in your movie? I want to call out Juice's vibe for a moment because... Let's do it. Yeah, now's the time. A lot of bullies in classic kind of youth-based pictures, right? Or even in reality. The physical violence is sort of means to an end, right?
Starting point is 00:20:30 You want something out of the kid. Money. You want to create a sense of power. You feel superior. Because you're mad at yourself. Juice almost seems to live for inflicting pain. Like that is the point to him. And he's not like, I'm gonna beat up this kid, he-he.
Starting point is 00:20:47 He's like, throw him in the sewers, then open up the valves so that the water rushes in. Not to the murderer. Not to get a head kiss. He's a Batman villain. He genuinely wants to murder the kid and everyone else is like, hold back 10%. There is a point later in the movie where,
Starting point is 00:21:03 not spoilers, but Dodger is making a bit money of money for his criminal enterprise. Yeah, and he goes like oh god This is working against my natural instinct which is to kill him That he like hates he at least he understands himself, but they're like calm down You're making money off this kid It's like I can't get my fucking rocks off unless I drain the life out of him. Now, Juice's two main hench people, the guy and the girl who are both... Wally and Blythe, yeah. Wally and Blythe?
Starting point is 00:21:33 Blythe, yeah. Yeah, Blythe, based on Blythe Daner. Now, are they supposed to be a couple also? I mean, it's not expressly said in the movie, so you can't assume that. That's right, I can't assume that. Because he has like a muscle-bound thug who is not very good at his job and is easily kind of defeated. But then he has this muscle-bound girl who's the thug who is a killing machine. Yeah, yeah. Much stronger.
Starting point is 00:21:54 To be clear, Wally and Blithe are both alternate spotters for you at the trim, right? Yeah, yeah. Yes. And their outfits are incredible. So Dodger, covered in garbage water, ends up at the antique store where Manzini takes care of him. Where he seems to work and is also maybe living. And you're probably wondering, where are all the fucking parents? Yeah. Because they're not in the movie. What is the relationship between this man and this elderly wizard?
Starting point is 00:22:21 This kid? It's like a Doc Brown thing plus magic going on minus parents. Michael J. Fox had parents at least in there. I mean the character. Yeah, no, Manzini is both his surrogate father and maybe just his default father. Yeah. Now there... You have to imagine again, you're not supposed to add things outside the frame of the film, that much as between the third and fourth Planet of the Apes movies a virus swept the earth killing all the dogs and cats, and that's why apes are now pets, that a virus swept the earth killing parents.
Starting point is 00:22:51 And that's... and anyone who owns an antique store is immune. And children are immune. Happening in the Night of the Comet universe at the same time. Yeah, yeah. The N-O-T-C-C-U, yeah. So, while he's like sharing various pearls of wisdom, they talk about the magical garbage can which Manzini describes as kind of like a Pandora's box, which I think adds some background to the Garbage Pail Kids.
Starting point is 00:23:17 Not really, but yeah. Later on Dodger tries to impress Tangerine, who's looking in the shop window. He gives her some stuff, and then Juice and the gang show up and start some trouble, and they end up knocking over that can. Juice and the gang does sound like the 70s punk act, yeah. Yeah, they end up knocking over that can, and green ooze starts spilling out. Now this is interesting, right? Because you're saying, okay, is this a portal to another dimension?
Starting point is 00:23:43 But we've also seen them basically traveling inside of it, because you do hear their voices rattling around when the can is closed. And sometimes the can is moving almost like it's breathing. Like, the can is alive. Right. But if it's still... If this was David Cronenberg's Garbage Fail Kids, the movie, the can would be alive. Don't tempt me with this.
Starting point is 00:24:01 But the kids don't crawl out of the can. They don't magically Mary Poppins-esque, you know clown car like leap out. Green goo comes out, the bullies get fucking grossed out and go like let's make a run for it. Yeah they see it and then it gives them the idea to then go into a nearby sewer, toss the little boy down there, open up a pipe that says toxic waste and have toxic waste all over a little bit. To be fair, they shouldn't have that pipe down there. I feel like all the pipes have labels on them.
Starting point is 00:24:33 Yes, and there's a little bit, every now and then the movie has a little bit of background social satire. There's a pipe that says broadcast television, like, ugh, that's where the gunk is, not knowing that broadcast television was the single greatest financial model for television in the world. All right. We wrecked it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:51 We wrecked it. It is like the power of the written word is a major running theme in this movie. This is one of the most well labeled films I've ever seen. It's a movie that believes in texts. Yeah. It's a series of texts that cry out to be interpreted. There's a hot tub pipe, every jail cell is individually labeled.
Starting point is 00:25:08 They're all labeled. We'll get to that. Yeah. Also to the broadcast television point, this is a director who directed several episodes of Gilligan's Island, My Mother, the Car, other great classics of the television art form. This was the movie that he went out on and somehow, maybe not the nadir of his career. This is a guy named Rod Amatow whose career started doing stunts for Rebel Without a Cause
Starting point is 00:25:29 and being a dialogue director in a lonely place and ended his career with the Garbage Pail Kids movie. And you look at his career. A life well lived. This is basically, like his career spans like the evolution of like modern Hollywood and TV and film and every genre and whatever and you're like oh and he made this film when he was really old and he died shortly thereafter. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:53 No, he died like 35 years after this movie came out. He just lived in shame for decades. I don't know, I think he went out on top. I feel like that's the entertainment career equivalent of collecting every single garbage pail kit before college. Yeah, that's true. He made the collecting every single garbage pail kids before college. He made the movie and he said, he said I've said what I need to say in my chosen medium. But this is his final credit effort.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Okay, so the little boy is left in the sewer covered in garbage. He is rescued by the garbage pail kids who then wreck the store. Now let's describe what they look like. I think that's an important thing because they are little people in costumes with masks that kind of move. With animatronic heads. I'm struggling for the language. Giant heads. If I had to describe them, I'd say bad. They look quite awful.
Starting point is 00:26:38 I was saying to my co-host earlier that we got food while watching the movie, and I am not a person, like, if there's a gross horror movie thing. I think Indian food was a mistake. Yeah because Dan usually you're like it's time for dinner throw markers on there. Yeah. No, if there's a gross horror movie thing it does nothing to me. I'm not one of the people who's like I can't eat during this but like there were a couple times where they just did a close-up of the face of the bad animatronic and I'm like, I can't eat. Yeah, I couldn't tell what was worse,
Starting point is 00:27:08 the moments when the faces just aren't moving at all or when they are moving. There's sort of like urban legend that the faces kept on breaking down and at certain points in production there was only one working facial musculature or whatever so that there are scenes where only one working, like, facial... Oh, God....musculature or whatever, so that there are scenes where only one character in a wide shot is expressing because they had to swap them out one at a time.
Starting point is 00:27:32 I mean, if only they had gone the Jaws route, where they say, the shark's not working, let's just imply the existence of the Jaws. Of the shark. Like, if only they had maybe used camera trickery to make us think they were garbage pail kids in a scene, rather than showing their faces fully lit right in front of us with voices coming out they're like
Starting point is 00:27:50 Urine running down their legs so and a lot of the scenes with the garbage pail kids They're like running around their faces aren't moving. There's like constant chat now are these Here's my other question the ooze comes out of the can. Are these their natural forms or are they that goo? And they have taken on the forms of the things they think are earthlings. Like in those Transformers movies, they're not really cars from outer space, right? They're like, there's lots of cars around here. We'll be like cars, right? I mean, I can't say definitively. I can say if this is not their form, they've taken this form long ago because Anthony Newley is like,
Starting point is 00:28:22 oh no, you let out my garbage pail kids. Yeah, he recognizes them right away. Which, as Stuart Anthony Newley is like, oh no, you let out my garbage pail Yeah, he recognizes them right away. Stewart pointed out is like so this guy's just been keeping these kids Yeah in a prison in a garbage can and he basically like contends that like they are the modern Representation of Pandora's Box. I mean he gives the full Pandora's Box I wish you'd been like you ever heard of a thing called the Hindenburg? They were the cause! Like, that would have been the best. Again, once again, garbage fail gets through history kissing assholes. So, speaking of Manzini, he returns and he tries to get them back
Starting point is 00:28:55 into their garbage prison and they're like, no. And then he spends the rest of the movie trying to figure out a spell that will get them back in it. Yes. Then a child takes a bath in a tub in the middle of the room. In the middle of the store? An unsupervised young child takes a bath surrounded by garbage pail kids and an older man. There was, for the Elliot's in the audience, there's a close-up of a child's feet.
Starting point is 00:29:20 Is that what I'm into, canonically? I don't know, I'm working on it. All feet? Trying to build a narrative. Or a children's feet. Is that what I'm into, canonically? I don't know, I'm working on it. All feeds. You're trying to build a narrative. Or just chopper its feed. I appreciate you spreading out the libelous lies. I mean, I feel like mine is, this one is much worse than the ones we usually throw in. We just say you're a racist or something, you know.
Starting point is 00:29:39 But it is a, this is maybe the most bonkers moment in the movie where they're like, yeah, this kid's covered in ooze. Of course he would get into a bathtub in the middle of a retail establishment, surround it with an older gentleman and also these bizarre kind of like alien grotesqueries. And they're... and they are... And the child gets comfortable enough to fully submerge himself nude and stick his feet out. And then later they're like... they're offering him a towel and the one, and the garbage field girl is attracted to him.
Starting point is 00:30:09 She's like, ooh, when he's about to get out of the tub. It's super gross and weird. There's a line, no sorry. It may seem like we're focusing on Julianas, but this movie is bizarre to the degree to which I think it sexualizes these teens. For like what is, I mean like like, you should never do that. But also, like, a children's film, like, it's a very strange vibe. There were certain things in 80s children's films
Starting point is 00:30:34 that filmmakers thought children were super interested in. One, corporate takeovers. And two, like, sex. And this, a Garbage Bill Kids movie, like, 14, 15, 16-year-olds are not really going to this movie. It's probably like seven, eight year olds. Yeah. For them to be like, yeah, yeah, that garbage pail kid wants to fuck that kid. Like that's not okay. It's also weird that this movie is all about very different types of teenagers.
Starting point is 00:30:57 Like it's not about kids the age of quote-unquote the garbage pail kids. Whatever the garbage pail kids are supposed to be. I mean they're ageless, yeah. That's true. Yeah. There is a moment. Like a fine wine. Because the gorilla.
Starting point is 00:31:12 Dan, do you or some wells doing an ad for garbage pail kids? Oh, the garbage pail kids. I've always been reviled for their grotesquery. We'll pail no kids before their time. There is an atom bomb who pushes a button on a remote and his head explodes. You tell me how to put the emphasis on gar
Starting point is 00:31:33 in Garbage Pail Kids and... Anyway, there's a moment later, I think it's around the bath scene, where, because the Garbage Pail Kids are constantly... Talking, yeah. They're constantly talking. Be sink-sleep. A lot of chatter. Shut up. scene where, because the girls who are kids are constantly... Talking, yeah. They're constantly talking. Be silent chatter.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Be silent chatter. Shut up. They keep talking about how ugly they are in this way where it's like the other characters are like, no, you're not. Like trying to make them feel better. And Valerie Vomit says something about being repulsive. And Dodger says like, I don't think you're that ugly, and she just immediately goes, oh, so you wanna suck face?
Starting point is 00:32:08 Oh. Which is horrible. I think roughly around the same time, Manzini, who is again the father figure, is like, well, being ugly is not a state of appearance, but rather a state of being, and then Wendy Winston immediately farts. Yeah, it is a hard lesson for this movie to sell that it is rather the handsome
Starting point is 00:32:29 juice who is ugly for his actions as a violent bully. Oh you think he's handsome? Is it because he wears like a sport coat with nothing underneath? Because he wears a sport coat with a sleeveless shirt, he's got fingerless gloves, he wears an ascot kind of thing. Yeah and he beats up little kids for money. The idea that like it's not your appearance that counts. When these Garfield kids are hideous and they're constantly peeing on themselves and farting everywhere.
Starting point is 00:32:50 That the character is pulling their boogers out in a long strand and it's like, please don't judge by their... This is the thing. This man has an alligator's head for a head, but who amongst us has not? It doesn't... Don't judge him for biting people's toes off. If the thing is, don't judge someone by their looks, but their behavior, their behavior is ugly.
Starting point is 00:33:11 They're horrible people. Yeah, they're terrible. They are all assholes. They have horrible souls. It is what I find fascinating about this movie is you rarely watch a film where every line of dialogue directly negates the previous line of dialogue. Like, it cannot maintain a consistent point for more than ten words in a row.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Yeah. Because, like, I have a theory, and I can't remember if I've ever heard this supported by anything. Okay. But that Anthony newly wrote all of his dialogue for this film, because his language is very different than the way everyone else talks. Yes. And it's like he was on set. This is also his last film, his last theatrical film.
Starting point is 00:33:49 And it feels like... Go out on top, yeah. Yeah, he had said everything he needed to say, yeah. It feels like he was on set every day going like, this film needs to have a message. Like, he's trying to imbue it with this sense of like, don't judge people on the exteriors. And then the fucking actors playing the garbage hole kids
Starting point is 00:34:05 were not listening to what he was saying, and were just fucking acting a fool. It's part of the camera. I mean, if you're stuck with like an animatronic head that doesn't work, it's I'm sure hot and uncomfortable, and you're like bumping into each other, and you can't see anything, like yeah, you're not gonna listen to some weird old guy.
Starting point is 00:34:24 But this weird old guy... Probably the actors inside those heads should be listening to Anthony. Yeah, probably, yeah. So Manzini gives them one rule. If they're going to be outside of the can, they need to stay away from normies. That's normal people for fear that they're going to get, I don't know, arrested, which is grounded, I guess, in the rest of the movie. So they, and then the garbage mail kids agree to help dodge her romance, Tangerine. Yeah, I don't know if we've set this up properly, but Tangerine runs, she's trying to make it
Starting point is 00:34:56 in fashion. Yes. She sells her own clothes out of the trunk of her car in back alleys after shows. She'll go to like a club or a concert. She'll sell her clothes. Every nighttime sequence in this movie has the vibe of an Abel Farrar movie. And she's in these like really grimy back alleys
Starting point is 00:35:15 selling her clothes. All of which we're all, if IMDB is to be believed, we're all on a set. These were not real streets. No. So they somehow went out of their way to make them really dark and grimy and depressing and sad. Yeah, like it's a basket case or something.
Starting point is 00:35:27 And the shots all go so long that like a character will just wander out of the light into the darkness. Yeah. But Dodger is like in love with Tangerine and Tangerine not only it's... My memory of this as a child was like, oh this is one of these classic like Ducky and Andy kind of dynamics where he's in love with her. Andy from Toy Story? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Isn't her name Andy in Pretty Pink? I don't remember. Andy-I? I think so. Am I right about this? Thank you. Thank you. But you meant Andy and a rubber duck, ducky from Toy Story, right?
Starting point is 00:35:58 Yeah, that's what I meant. Andy, the boy, and his rubber duck. If Ernie can be in love with a rubber duck, why can't he? A different Toy Story. I remember this movie being a dynamic where it's like, oh she's kind of infantilizing to him and their close friends but she doesn't like him and he's trying to make her see him that way and the main thrust of this movie is him trying to use the Garbage Pail Kids to make clothes that she can sell so that she likes him. Yeah. But in fact, she is so mean to him.
Starting point is 00:36:27 She's using him from moment one. She is the meanest woman in the history of cinema. Which I get it. It's that's a red flag that I'll go after every day. I watched this movie. Oh, you're mean to me? Lovely. Rewatching it was a real like chicken in the egg thing where I was like, did this form the way
Starting point is 00:36:46 I think of romantic relationships? Or did I like this as a child because it already spoke to who I knew I would be? How did Garbage Pail Kids show me that all relationships are just a series of exploitation? Right. So love is inherently transactional. Okay, yeah, I get it.
Starting point is 00:37:02 A delicate boy who looks years younger than he actually is. Until there's an action scene. Tall looks much older. And he can really pull up a bow tie with a t-shirt with a spangly sleeveless jacket. Honestly, the fashion in this movie is amazing. While they did break up mid-filming, the two of them dated in real life.
Starting point is 00:37:23 Really? In real life, he? According to the TV. In real life, he achieved his tangerine dream. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Dan's running around the stage. Victory lap, victory lap, victory lap, victory lap. Fair's fair. Wow.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Sorry. Okay, so speaking of our two lovebirds. Dan, you know what I was wrong about you. Wait, what are you gonna say? No, don't worry about it. Still keep going. Yeah, Dodger and Tangerine go for a ride. They sell clothes behind a club.
Starting point is 00:37:51 Then Ju shows up and takes the money and the car and the babe, leaving Dodger zipped up in a bag. The garbage mail kids, while this is happening, are looking for their friends. That is what they're looking for. They're looking for their friends in, of course, garbage cans. They steal a food delivery truck and they run over Juice's car and flatten it. Then they eat a bunch of food and stuff in an alleyway and then they wake up super hungover. I don't know if it's from Justin or...
Starting point is 00:38:19 Yeah, they keep saying they're hungover from, I guess, eating too many hot dogs. Although they are sitting on a case of Miller High Life, so maybe they're drinking that too. Again, not shown on the screen. Miller hot dogs. They do convince Dodger to dress fancy, to impress Tangerine, but all Tangerine sees is dollar signs. She sees that fancy outfit and she thinks, hey, it's time for you to make clothes for me.
Starting point is 00:38:40 So he agrees to make 12 outfits in a week, which of course means the garbage pail kids are making those things. This is what's funny to me, is like the movie takes all the time it saves, you know, telling you what the garbage pail kids are, what they want, why they're here, any of that stuff, and it's like, no, we don't need that,
Starting point is 00:38:58 let's put it into this sort of fashion intrigue story for their sweatshot labor. That fascinates me most about this film is that, I know we've said this about five times, it's a movie of many fascinations. I would believe- It's a multifaceted gem, sure. This is true. You would believe if someone told you, oh a producer bought the rights to the Garbage
Starting point is 00:39:19 Pail Kids and had to make a movie in four months. Okay, I'll buy it, yeah sure I'll buy it. So he took a different script that he owned the rights to and mapped the Garbage Pail Kids on top of them because the whole fashion, tangerine Seems difficult, there's such a unique drama. and dodger drama, that feels like this weird kind of like
Starting point is 00:39:36 flash dance adjacent. It does feel like the Garbage Pail Kids are extraneous to much of the plot of the Garbage Pail Kids movie. Yes. It is almost incidental that the Garbage Vail Kids happen to be good at sewing. Yeah. On our planet we're all seamstresses. Which we all learn about because all of a sudden we have a musical number where they
Starting point is 00:39:57 sing the song, We Can Do Anything by Working With Each Other. It's a long song, yeah. They steal some sewing equipment from a nearby appropriately labeled non-union sweatshop. Says it right on the door. It's okay to steal from it, yeah. Ironic, because wasn't this production shut down briefly for using non-union labor? Yes, that is true. Courage of their convictions right there.
Starting point is 00:40:22 Now the garbage mail kids start to feel exploited exploited so they decide to sneak off in costume to the movies where they watch a public domain Three Stooges movie I'm guessing. You've never seen an audience losing their shit laughing like they are to this old Three Stooges short that they're playing for some reason. I'll give them the credit and say maybe the studio owns the rights to this one. Oh you think Elliot? You think that might be why? It's really not top notch three stooges. I do want to say this about the clothing. If this was a true Garbage Pile Kids movie, they would say,
Starting point is 00:40:54 we'll make those clothes for you and they'd sing the song and then they would deliver 12 outfits covered in vomit and Tangerine would be like, what is this? That's not what happens. The song is also so bizarre because... Don't play it. I'm not going to play it. I'm not going to play it.
Starting point is 00:41:10 But I have... I needed to pull up the lyrics. Don't go to your Garbageville Kids playlist. Griffin's doing it playlist. Garbage jams. Griffin Griffin. What I was saying earlier about every line of dialogue in this movie negates the previous line. This song is a really extreme distillation of it because it has the melody of an instructional kid's song.
Starting point is 00:41:38 Like a song that's about sharing is caring or whatever. It's like real Barney vibes. is caring or whatever. It's a real Barney vibes. Yeah. Do do do do do do do do do do do do do. But the opening two lines of the song are, and I'll do my best impression of the way Greaser Greig sings it. Why should we do something nice?
Starting point is 00:41:55 Let's quit now, that's my advice. And then the next line is, we can do anything by working with each other. The song can't decide. Beautifully done, yeah. Woo! Professional voice actor. It cannot commit to whether the Garbage Troll kids are assholes or they're learning to be friendly
Starting point is 00:42:14 and it goes back and forth every other line. They're like talking about like, fuck this kid, he really sucks. He can go and suck on ducks. We can't. And then they're like breaking into sweatshops and doing shit. It's never clear why they're helping him. No.
Starting point is 00:42:30 No. Well, the one- They're nagging him constantly. The one garbage-trill kid has a crush on him. Valerie Vomit wants to suck face. Valerie Vomit has a crush on him. And so she is trying to help him. This is good writing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:44 The relationship between Dodger and Tangerine is mirrored in the relationship between Dodger and Valerie Vomit but this is what Shakespeare would do he's being so upfront with them where he's like you guys I don't fucking like you and I don't like dealing with you but I need you to do some unpaid labor for me to impress a woman who is basically the modern-day nurse ratchet yeah it was mean to me all the time was I need you to do some unpaid labor for me to impress a woman who is basically the modern day nurse ratchet. Yeah, it was mean to me all the time. It was teenage Cruella DeVille.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Whose boyfriend stuck me in the sewer. Yes, and then also like seemingly like got hard at watching me nearly suffocate. Yeah. Like get some sort of like juice from it. But they, he's transparent. Like the reason I'm asking you to do this is to help me win over Tangerine, who they don't seem to like.
Starting point is 00:43:33 They don't seem to like him. But Garbage Pail Kids are nothing if not romantics at heart. This is true. Although there is a moment where they warn him, they're like be careful what you wish for because you might get it. And I'm like wow, wisdom from the mouth of garbage pail kids. So, while they, while.
Starting point is 00:43:49 You might just get it. While many of the kids are enjoying the antics of the Three Stooges, Wendy Winston and Allie Gator get on one of their, what, they're like mopeds or whatever. They're power wheels and they drive off, but they break down in front of the titled toughest bar in the world. That's what the sign says, toughest bar in the world. Wendy Winson, yeah it's one of my bars. I saw them like,
Starting point is 00:44:15 that's actually a really good name. And you mentioned earlier that when they go out on this expedition they're in disguise. Let's be clear, their disguises are tiny trench coats and sunglasses and fedoras. Yeah, very much., they're in disguise. Let's be clear, their disguises are tiny trenchcoats and sunglasses and fedoras. Yeah, very midget turtle. Yeah, the classic disguise, you know. So, of course what happens is they start a big bar fight. Wendy Winston Burstyn. Not a bar fight, just a bar fight.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Wendy Winston Burstyn and he farts a bunch on a bunch of people, which earns the respect of the bikers. Stewart, you were showing off physically the fart. Yeah, so he really goes... So he does... For the listener at home, there's sort of a waggle of the butt involved in the farting. And he puts his hands out as if he's doing like a surfing dance. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Surfing bird dance. Also, meanwhile, he's atop the bar doing that. Below the bar, alligators munching on biker toes. Which also seems to earn their respect. I do like that the bikers here all have tattoos that feel that look very drawn on Sharpie. And also one of the farts blows a guy's mustache clean off his face. That's comedy. That's how comedy works.
Starting point is 00:45:24 That's funny jokes. Yeah. Every movie has one funny joke. Why the garbage bale kids end up back at Mancini's. Then there's like, we get the garbage bale kids theme song, which is a little bit rowdier. And there's like a short hijinks montage. You can be a garbage bale kid. Yeah, it's pretty cool. If you're really fucking gross and you do a lot of bad stuff you can be I don't remember the now the montage mainly features the garbage pail kids in the sewer redirecting toxic waste into I don't know toilets the toilet juice is using which they know the exact pipe right yeah seems strange and he's as all because it's a children's movie he is
Starting point is 00:46:02 wearing his pants as he sits on the toilet. So he's lifted up in the air and he's like, whoa! Yeah, Elliot neatly takes off his pants and folds them every time he goes to the bathroom. If I am in a public bathroom, I take off my pants, I hang them over the side of the stall, in the hopes that whoever's on the other side will press them and then return them to me. Every now and then they get stolen and I end up in a sort of Mr. Bean style scenario where I have to get home without pants on. It's hilarious, it's my kink, no one gets hurt. So.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Took a turn at the end. So speaking of good writing, we'd heard the idea that the garbage mail kids are looking for their friends. Right. And there's a belief that these friends are being kept at the state home for the ugly. So Manzini and Dodger decide to just wander the streets in daylight until they happen upon a pair of like dog catcher-esque fellows who are carrying a giant net and throwing it over any children wearing masks, thinking they might be ugly.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Hey, you can't wear masks outside, it's not Halloween yet! Exactly. Man, we don't even need to play Cliffs. We got Rich Little joining us tonight. The movie is kind of quietly establishing this quid pro quo, which is like Manzini's trying to figure out the spell that will get them back in the can, which seems to be a song. He's just at a piano playing different things,
Starting point is 00:47:29 waiting for one of them to click. And then Dodger's got them working, making clothes for Tangerine, which she loves. As you point out, not only are they not covered in vomit and pus and shit, but Tangerine thinks the clothes rule. I'd say most of them... They do. They're like jazzy military.
Starting point is 00:47:47 Yeah. Like if you were on Kids Incorporated, you might wear something like this if you're like leading a song, I would say. And the Dodgers vaguely like offering to try to find their fallen brothers, the cans that landed in other places. Yeah, yeah, they have that POW garbage pail kids MIA flag hanging in the window. Right. So they're sort of like, oh, we might have a lead.
Starting point is 00:48:10 The home for the ugly might be where your friends ended up. It's one of those, they're like, we can't let these garbage pail kids be imprisoned in the home for the ugly. We got to stuff them in a garbage can and put the lid on and never let them out. There is a, like at one point Manzini's like, it's the only place you're safe is in your garbage prison. Sounds like something an IP user might say. I'm doing this for you.
Starting point is 00:48:32 Yeah. So they find the state home for the ugly... Which is kind of the plot of Hotel Transylvania, right? Yes. Yeah. So I guess Garfield Kids casts a long shadow. So they do find the state home for the ugly, it's a very like institutional place, but they can't get inside, but they assume the kids are there. The wayward Garbage Pail Kids. Can we talk about some of the well-labeled prisoners?
Starting point is 00:48:55 Well we haven't gotten inside. There's plenty of time for that. The idea that the movie will suddenly, is out of nowhere, they're like, oh they're probably at the State Home for the Ugly. They're like, that's not a real thing. And then the movie out of nowhere introduces that there are roving bands of ugly catchers who are kidnapping children. And this is just a service the government provides the city. Like, it's a... Ellie, it's like, my tax dollars shouldn't go to that.
Starting point is 00:49:20 This is not what I'm supporting. Show me the receipts. I do need to support the schools, so... But it's just, the movie is like, look, we haven't introduced a bonkers, dumb idea in minutes. Yeah. Let's do this, too. Speaking of bonkers ideas,
Starting point is 00:49:37 Dodger introduces Tangerine to the garbage pail kids. It doesn't go particularly well. But she does decide to exploit them further and throw a fashion show at a local department store, which begs the question, what department store is like, yeah, this teenage girl can have a full fashion show. She's had a lot of success selling out of her trunk of her car near this club I'd go to.
Starting point is 00:49:59 It's an easy way to get publicity on the local news. It's a very like, Sav saved by the bell type thing. Local teen who has no parents throws fashion show at local department stores. Or the other post-nuclear mutants in this parentless world we all live in. I don't know why I'm explaining this to you on the news, you already know. You know it already, you're living in this reality. This movie makes so much more sense if it is happening after a nuclear war. However, Tangerine, while happy to exploit the Garbage Pail Kids, does not want them
Starting point is 00:50:27 at the fashion show. So, on the night of the show... Understandably. Yep. I mean... Should I have the monster that eats toes at my fashion show? Probably not. So, she locks them up using a lock and she keeps the key and it's weirdly...
Starting point is 00:50:41 She's trying to be weirdly sensual. I'm not a fan of it. But her outfit is pretty cool. So she locks them in the basement. That's when Juice Cloriform's Manzini, right? Right, yeah. He knocks them out, and then he and his gang kidnap the garbage bale kids and sell them
Starting point is 00:50:59 to the state home for the ugly as like a bounty. Yeah. So they don't just catch ugly people in order to keep the streets safe, they also buy them? It says wanted, ugly or alive. So Griffin, what is the state home for the ugly like? Here's what it is. It is vertically stacked cells. Yeah, it's like the end of Cabin in the Woods.
Starting point is 00:51:25 Almost as if there's no fourth wall to the set. Correct. And cells can only be on one side. It's a series of jailed cells that are arranged like the Hollywood Squares set. Because what is Hollywood Squares? Not a jail for formerly much more famous people. And each cell has one ugly prisoner in there, someone too ugly to be seen in public,
Starting point is 00:51:52 with a clearly labeled sign. So there's one that says like... The sign is the explanation of what makes them ugly. Such as too tall. And the person inside that cell is Abraham Lincoln. Yeah. Too bald. Resurrected in this post-nuclear... Too bald is of course Mahatma Gandhi. Yes. Too fat was Santa Claus. Not a particularly fat Santa Claus at that. No. Yeah. No and it's the movie's not making clear if these are professional impersonators or the true people from time and mythology.
Starting point is 00:52:28 A clown that was too silly builds is too silly, this clown. That seems like a weird thing for ugly, but they're making a bold statement about the police state and conformity. Rod Serling was watching this in his last days going, Why didn't I do it this way? I'm being beaten at my own game. Now you're probably wondering, what about, are there other garbage pail kids there? Well, in a brief bit of dialogue later on,
Starting point is 00:52:52 it's explained that they were just crushed in a garbage compactor. They were too late to save them, they already did. Which also means that Gandhi is going to be crushed in a garbage compactor and Santa Claus. It's wild that the movie, at this point, there were like hundreds of characters from the cards. I'm watching the film for the first time as a child and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:53:10 okay, we're not gonna see other garbage collectors. And you have your whole, like, book with all the fucking cards there. Absolutely. But it's like, budget, I'm guessing we're not gonna suddenly reveal ten more kids at the end of the movie, but you don't want to keep the door open for the sequel, or perhaps there are other kids out there. For this movie to go like, no, conclusively, they're all dead. These are the sole survivors. We dealt with them. When we get to this scene of the movie, this is one of those moments where I'm like,
Starting point is 00:53:35 if John Waters made this movie. Elliot? Same movie. I had the same thought. I had the same thought. And I would feel so differently about it. It'd be a masterpiece. It would make the site soundless. Yeah, it would.
Starting point is 00:53:50 It would go Tokyo Story, Vertigo, the garbage-looking smoothie, then Bicycle Thieves, I guess. So, back at the fashion show. And this fashion show is fairly professional, right? There's an announcer, there's an audience that seem very into the fashion. A surprising turnout for the local fashion show of 18's fashion line, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:12 Tangerine has her like sitting in front of the makeup mirror moment where she reveals her deception to Dodger. Juice shows up, he throws Dodger in the trash. That's another thing in this film is that the more normal conventional, by the book version of this narrative, right? Even if Tangerine didn't see him as a sexual romantic figure, she would be kind to him. The child you're talking about, yeah. But she isn't. She's an asshole to him at all times. But you're also like, this type of movie is eventually,
Starting point is 00:54:45 she goes like, what am I doing with this jerk? Juice is such a jerk. And instead she's so into Juice, the whole movie. He will like come an inch away from murdering someone and then turn around and she'll jump his bones, make out with him so hard. Even beyond, you're exactly right. There would be a moment where she's like, what am I doing?
Starting point is 00:55:04 Beyond the fact, her career is entirely reliant So hard. Even beyond, you're exactly right. There would be a moment where she's like, what am I doing? Beyond the fact, her career is entirely reliant on his access to these designs. So she should at least be knowledgeable enough to know, like, well, everything in my fashion show was designed by your weird monster friends. Maybe I shouldn't piss you off right before the show. And maybe I shouldn't sell your weird monster friends who made all this shit. Yes, that's also true. Okay. I feel like that's Juice and Tangerine where you can't cross-breed.
Starting point is 00:55:27 Yeah, cross-breed. It's a great game of thrones. I don't know, that one keeps peeing himself and it's really disturbing. Can we just get him out of here though? Yeah, I don't know. I'm not having a show, at least. But he's essential to the process. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:37 Another thing with Nat Nerd, by the way, is all the other Garbage Pail kids seem to kind of relish in doing their thing. Yeah. Like, Wendy Winston loves farting. Nat Nerd is so mortally embarrassed every time he pees. It is so unc- like, it feels like you're briefly getting glimpses of like a Todd Solons movie, where he's like crying going like, Oh no, I can't pee again, oh no.
Starting point is 00:56:04 And then they all sort of look at him and go like, you fucking idiot, why you pissing yourself like a goddamn baby? Even foul Phil keeps it in his diaper. Yeah. Because he is a baby. Oh no, I'm peeing. Man, I want to smash cut to last night while Griffin practices all these in front of the
Starting point is 00:56:28 mirror. They're so close. And there is a moment, I will give them a bit of credit, Tangerine is very evil and she's very nasty to the models at her fashion show in a way that I thought was very funny. She's essentially like a teenager who is going, who's like, a little bit too much makeup there, miss. Like she's, it's very funny little bit too much makeup there miss like she says she's it's very 86 the gum so Dodger and Manzini team up they need to save the garbage bale kids from the state home for the ugly they enlist the
Starting point is 00:56:53 bikers from the bar their buddies then we have our like cabin in the woods save the freaks moment where all the everybody's let loose it's great they rip the pants off the security guard. They breathe and fart on until he passes out. They all do their thing. They all use their powers and special moves. They do, again, after learning that all the other garbage pail kids were crushed to death, they celebrate and leave.
Starting point is 00:57:18 It is great that when the bikers depart, you don't even get a single shot of them riding land bikes. They're like, we can't afford this. It's all sound effects, right? Yep. Then, they're riding so high off their success, they decide to attack the fashion show. This is where the garbage pail kids sneak in
Starting point is 00:57:32 and then rip the clothes off all the models, which I'm like, you're not to blame. In the 80s, women had their clothes ripped off and then they ran around. They ran around in circles. Understandably. Squealing. Not finding an exit or cover up. Yeah, they ran around. They ran around in circles. Understandably. Squealing. Ran around.
Starting point is 00:57:45 Not finding an exit or cover up. Yeah, but ran around screaming in terror. Confused also. But this is, it's like, there's so much in this movie where I'm like, yeah, that was the 80s, it was a bad time. It was. Not everything that came out of the 80s was War Games or Breaking Moran.
Starting point is 00:57:59 They were bad movies. What is this movie if not Trenchant Reagan era satire? We were all running around in circles as if garbage belt kids had ripped off our clothes We didn't know what to do. We they truly were asleep walking through history. You're right. Yeah, luckily They were all where they're wearing bikinis underneath And the entire fashion show descends into chaos and in the midst of that chaos Dodger and juice finally have a fight and what's great about this is not only is it really intense, but also most of the shots,
Starting point is 00:58:30 the actor who's playing Dodger is a grown man. Ha ha ha ha. They make very little attempt to hide this. It's amazing. Unlike the actor who is a 14-year-old boy. Okay. There's this sort of classic moment where somehow Dodger finally gets one up on Juice, right?
Starting point is 00:58:49 There's like some crazy sort of like Golden Harvest backflips and crazy moves, but finally you just got him pinned to the ground. And he's just like wailing on his face. And they cut to a close-up of now not adult stunt double, but real Mackenzie Astin, like crying hysterically as he punches his bully. Covered in blood. Yes, but like hyperventilating. And then Captain Manzini has to come up and be like,
Starting point is 00:59:13 do not sink to their level. Like, know your limits. It's an oddly like sad and realistic moment how destroyed he is that he has like reverted to pure violence and beaten the shit out of this other kid. So once again, unverified, unsubstantiated, but I need to be a trivia claims. Ha ha ha ha. That the actor who played Juice claimed that he tried to employ method acting
Starting point is 00:59:38 during the production of this movie and genuinely bullied Mackenzie Astin to try to get a more realistic performance out of him. In the Garbage Mail Kids movie. And with distance, recognizes that perhaps he went too far. But the moment where Dodger starts punching Juice feels like you're seeing something very real and very uncomfortable. Yes. Yes. So they...
Starting point is 01:00:02 It worked is what you're saying. Dodger is dragged away. I It worked is what you're saying. Dodger is dragged away. I guess this is resolved at this point. Shortly after, Tangerine approaches Dodger and she's like, she tries to apologize. She says, maybe we can be friends and do fun things. You know?
Starting point is 01:00:18 Dodger, to his credit, says, no thanks. I don't think you're pretty anymore. Yep. Oh, yeah. It're pretty anymore. Yep. Oh yeah. It's fucking savage. Yeah. And then a jaunty song about being a garbage pail kid plays yet again. Yeah, Mancini plays the song backwards hoping it'll suck the garbage pail kids with their pail.
Starting point is 01:00:38 Instead they just run off. He gets sucked into the pail himself. And they ride off on their hot wheels and they like wave to the camera and then we get the Garbage Pail theme song credits. Yes, so there's the Garbage Pail Kids theme song with lyrics that they play in the middle of the movie and they're sort of like causing trouble montage and then plays again in full in the end credits. The one that was nominated for an Academy Award. We all know it. And then there's the Garbage Pail Kids sort of like score theme, like the character theme
Starting point is 01:01:11 that will play throughout the movie that doesn't have lyrics and isn't the same as the theme song. And Manzini has the aha moment late in the film. It's like the fifth time you cut to him at the piano being like, Um, seas are filled with whales, put them back in the pail. No, that's not it. Like he keeps trying to write a song that he thinks will put them back in, and then he starts playing the score from the movie, as if he knows the music that's playing in his reality for the audience watching him.
Starting point is 01:01:43 And his aha moment is, well, if that's their theme forwards and I need them back in the can, then I play it backwards. And he brings them all around the can and he's like, now, unfortunately, it's time. Explains the whole thing to them. You little assholes are going back in the can.
Starting point is 01:02:01 And they're like, ah, we don't want to. And he's like, come on now. And then he basically says, come on now. And then he basically says, now stand here like good little garbage pail boys and girls while I play this instrumental theme backwards and you go back in. And I'll close my eyes the whole time
Starting point is 01:02:17 because I'm feeling the music so deeply. And that's when they sneak off. Yeah, and they're like, oh, going back in the can now. Oh, see ya, buddy. Like they're like, oh, going back in the can now, oh, see ya buddy. Like they're just, they're really narrating it. There are all these moments where Manzini, and these are the stretches of dialogue
Starting point is 01:02:32 that feel written by Newly trying to give the movie some point, where the movie's trying to wrestle with like, is the point that we as a society judge people based on their looks, and that's a problem, and we're the real garbage pail kids? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yep. Are garbage pail kids. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:45 Yep. Are garbage pail kids these sort of like... It's funny games. These demons, are they like the embodiments of our worst traits? Like they are us. It's not about us judging them on visuals. It's about like they speak to the inner evils of man, much like Tangerine's behavior does.
Starting point is 01:03:01 Or is the point that the garbage pail kids are kind of cool and that Zini is trying to just like Henry do little them and make them a little more polite but the main Garbage Pail Kid theme song similarly the lyrics cannot decide what the message is. Here's how the chorus goes if your teacher says you're bad and sends you to the principal, you can be a garbage pail kid. Uh-huh. Okay, so that's sort of saying like checks out.
Starting point is 01:03:28 Sort of a Jeff Foxworthy sort of premises being set up. If you vomit so much that your last name is vomit, you might be a garbage pail kid. If your response to any situation is to fart on the person nearest to you, you may be a garbage pail kid. Yeah. If you go to a restaurant and the waitress says, what would you like to eat? And you say, human toes. You may be a garbage pail kid.
Starting point is 01:04:00 I can't believe you're not strutting around this day. Oh, shut up, you're right. If you're listening to this on the podcast, please imagine that I'm walking back and forth on the stage. So these lyrics are framing it in this sort of way of like, we're all garbage pail kids. If you're a kid who has been misunderstood by adults, right? Oh yeah, sorry, yeah. If your parents say you're dressed like you should be in a
Starting point is 01:04:25 carnival, you can be a garbage pail kid. Like it's that kind of, right. And then the next couple of lines are, it's international, radical, how anything unusual ends up like a garbage pail kid. Like now it's a we are the world sort of sentiment. Yeah. It's so easy. He's just a rock star. As a garbage pail kid. You think you're all so brave and all so cute, but you don't understand, you try to persecute. Well here's a pail and here's a lid. You can be a garbage pail kid. What the fuck does that mean?
Starting point is 01:05:00 Now it's sort of an en vogue sort of message song. It's like at odds with itself in real time. Yeah. Yeah. Well those are the contradictions that fuel great art. Yeah. It's been said there are two garbage bale kids inside of each one of us. If one of mine is a nerd, get the fuck out of me.
Starting point is 01:05:22 Stop peeing at me. Get out of here. Guys, I actually finished that summary. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Good job, Stuart. Thank you. Good job, Stuart. Oh, that...
Starting point is 01:05:33 Let's applause for doing the bare minimum. No, no, don't, don't fart, Stuart. He's doing the fart dance. Please, Stuart, don't hurt him with your farts. Alison Brie was the star of the Netflix series, Glow. Being a gorgeous lady of wrestling isn't easy. Especially when it's time to get in the ring. Wrestling is so interesting in that
Starting point is 01:05:55 you can't do anything halfway. Okay, so now it's time to run at that woman's body and dive over her head first. Like you can't do that halfway. You can't do that in slow motion. Alison Brie on Tights and Fights. Max Fun's Perfect Wrestling podcast, available now. And if you don't listen, I'll see you in the ring.
Starting point is 01:06:14 Oh. Oh. Yeah. Yeah. Hi, this is Biz, and this is the final season of One Bad Mother, a comedy podcast about parenting. This is going to be a year of celebrating all that makes this podcast and this community magical. I'm so glad that I found your podcast.
Starting point is 01:06:37 I just cannot thank you enough for just being the voice of reason as I'm trying to figure all of this out. Thank you, and cheers to your incredible show and the vision you have to provide this space for all of us. This is still a show about life after giving life. And yes, there will be swears. You can find us on And as always, you are doing a great job. Hey there, it's Dan cutting into this live show with an ad break. Hey, the Flophouse is sponsored mostly by you, the listeners. But you know what?
Starting point is 01:07:15 We do have a couple of ads. Here's one of them, Squarespace. It's the all-in-one website platform for entrepreneurs to stand out and succeed online. Whether you're just starting out or managing a growing brand, Squarespace makes it easy to create a beautiful website, engage with your audience, and sell anything from products to content to time all in one place, all in your terms. Foolish Squarespace, no man owns time. Time is one of the fundamental forces of the universe.
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Starting point is 01:09:11 We also have a Jumbo Tron. This message is for Jeff the Canadian. If your name is Jeff and Canadian, is this for you? Possibly. It's for Jeff the Canadian from Flink. Jeff, if you don't mind me saying so, I think you've had a hell of a year with highs and lows and maybe most importantly,
Starting point is 01:09:33 us turning 50. After all this time, I'm finally ready to admit that you're the stew to my Dan. And I guess that someday we can try to figure out which Star Trek bridge crew we would want to be in Happy belated but buddy. Love you. How sweet and Also, hey, why not a plug for us the flop house your friends?
Starting point is 01:09:56 I've talked about this a lot so I won't belabor it too much But this Sunday tomorrow if you're listening on the day of release Sunday August 4th at 8 p.m. Eastern Time we are premiering a three men and a Hallie this is the Beautifully shot and edited record of our live show where we talked about three men and a baby in Los Angeles with our good friend Hallie Haglund it's got a few small extras in there for people who Saw the live show. There's a little behind-the-scenes extra stuff that even you didn't see, but you know it's one of our live shows. It's the full live show. You know usually if you
Starting point is 01:10:35 listen on the main feed in addition to only getting of course the audio and not the visuals, you don't get our presentations here. You get our presentations, our hilarious PowerPoint presentations, you get our presentations, our hilarious PowerPoint presentations, you get the audience Q&A, and of course you get a lot of talk about three men and a baby. And if you watch on Sunday, August 4th at 8 p.m.,
Starting point is 01:10:58 myself and Elliot and Stuart will be in the live chat, watching along with people and chatting it up but you don't have to be there for the premiere that's just the advantage of being there for the premiere this is available to view for two weeks after for all ticket holders you can rewatch if you like so if you're interested you can get tickets at either slash baby or slash events. And now, back to the show.
Starting point is 01:11:34 Quickly, quickly we should say our final judgments on the Garbage Pell Kids movie. This is a good bad movie, a bad bad movie, a movie we kind of like. I am going to... Abstain? I mean, I do think it is an experience more than a film. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:54 It's only in a war, yeah. An unpleasant one, a baffling one, but one that invigorates. And so I'm gonna say... It's the movie... It's like a cold blood. Yeah, yeah. You get hit with a birch stick at a rushing... And so I'm gonna say, it's like a cold blood. Yeah, hit with a birch stick at a rushing time. You wouldn't want to do it all the time, but sometimes you just gotta shock the system.
Starting point is 01:12:12 So I'm gonna say it's a good bad movie. What do you say Stuart? Yeah, I'm with you Dan. This is, you know, I had had expectations. Elliot had already poisoned the well a little bit by saying it was worse than Newke. And I'm like, I can't imagine that's possible. I think it's a fun bad movie to watch with friends. I would say this is a good bad movie. I think if you were watching it with friends,
Starting point is 01:12:36 it could be a good bad movie. Or like your family, your two children. That's what I think it's hard. This is what I was going to say earlier on in the show. It is now looking at it from the point of view of a parent and being like, I watched this as a kid and I can only imagine the damage it would do to my sensitive little babies to see this. So judged on its own merits as a film for children, it should be put into a capsule
Starting point is 01:13:04 and buried beneath the earth and never let out. Crushed like a garbage bin. Yeah, but if you're an adult you're gonna watch it with friends and have a drink, sure it's a good bad movie. You think it should be put into a home for ugly movies. I think this is a great good movie. I think it makes sense and works. Just the script writing is impeccable. The structure is impeccable. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:33 No, I think, look, there's a reason I've been pushing this movie. Did this make you uncomfortable, Elliot? That's art, buddy. That's art. That's your right. You're right. That's my fault for being a square. It holds up a mirror to your face and that mirror has a Garbage Pail Kids logo above it
Starting point is 01:13:48 and your name butchered underneath it. Elliot Mass. No, I think I've been trying to get you guys to cover this movie for so long because I think this is like a one of one film. I think this is like a unique bad film. I think there was no other movie like it in history. It feels like just magnets being held in the wrong direction, being forced together. Every scene is fighting with itself, every line is fighting with the other lines, every character is in a different movie. The
Starting point is 01:14:21 Gargeable Kids aren't even on the same wavelength with each other. I mean the moment they break into a song in the middle of the movie, I'm like, what the fuck happens in this? It's late to introduce this being a musical. Yeah. I will say this. It is similar to maybe my favorite movie
Starting point is 01:14:37 we've ever done on the Flophouse, Cats. Because that is another movie where you're watching it and you're like, making a movie is making a series of storytelling decisions And they've made every single wrong decision every single time every time there's been a decision and there's been a door marked good and door Marked bad they've been like wouldn't it be more fun to go through the bad door But whereas cats comes out sublime this comes out. This is the opposite Well see I agree with I agree with you and in cats
Starting point is 01:15:02 I put into a similar bucket of like it's that thing of if you get every single answer wrong on a test, they have to give you a hundred. Yeah, yeah. These are movies that shoot the moon. Legally. In some way, the only way you could be that wrong is to... And they also... kids listening at home, they don't have to give you a hundred if you get the wrong answer. You can't be that wrong by accident. The only way to be that wrong, it defies statistics. So it's like that King of the Hill episode, where he needs to have his house not pass the inspection test, but he does it so perfectly that the inspector is like, whoever did this
Starting point is 01:15:33 knows what they're doing. Every single rule was broken. Good job. You can only be this wrong if you know what right is. Right? This is Miss Griffin, this might be where you and I disagree. And it's a movie that makes you rethink filmic language, because at first you might go, well these pieces don't fit together, but you go, but they do, because I'm watching it,
Starting point is 01:15:57 and the movie is continuing. It is not breaking down. Reality did not end. It does, it does. We are all still alive. We're talking about it. Our devices did not catch. It does, it does. We are all still alive. We're talking about it. Our devices did not catch on fire, right? But like, and because of that, it's a very unique experience.
Starting point is 01:16:12 I want to just sort of read this in summation to sort of say like, there were the two garbage felt kids that live inside of us, right? Inside all of us. We've been a lot of time. Feeds back into my theory that, you know, people like to talk about film from a tourist perspective, but of course it's like, it's a collaborative medium, right?
Starting point is 01:16:27 That's the beauty of the art. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You have someone like Art Spiegelman on the way to winning a Pulitzer for Mouse who just goes, let me just doodle off some garbage pail kids. And then it takes on a life of its own. By the way, I met Art Spiegelman once and I asked him if he had ever seen the Garbage Pail Kid movie.
Starting point is 01:16:47 And he punched you in the face. My first and perhaps only question, and he said that he went to see it opening weekend with his wife, who's another renowned underground cartoonist. One of the greatest cartoon editors, too, of all time. Francois Moulli. Yes, Ren Zap? Am I wrong about this? What? Ren Zap? The greatest cartoon editor, Sue, all the time. Yes. Francois Moulli. Yes. Ren Zap? Right?
Starting point is 01:17:07 Yeah. Am I wrong about this? What? Ren Zap? Who? The comics anthology? Oh. They went to go see it opening weekend and he framed it as, I felt like Robert Oppenheimer
Starting point is 01:17:19 in English. Wow. So topical. I like the existence of the movie so much more imagining them going Right like look. I know I had nothing to do with this movie directly, but like I created the formula I created what is he I like to imagine art Spiegelman going back to the projection booth like is it was this a prank Did you know that I was going to be here? And did you know my relationship?
Starting point is 01:17:45 Did I did this kind of? Now I imagine him, though I imagine him doing the scene from Offenheimer where he's giving a speech to the other people at Tops about Garbage Pail Kids and he's just hearing the screams of audience members in the background. He's losing it as he gives this speech. In his telling, the only other person
Starting point is 01:18:02 in the theater opening weekend was an unhoused man who slept through the whole thing. Um, but, uh, Anthony Newley, who was, I mean, look, we said poor man's Dudley Moore, but the guy has some old school showman charm. Sure, yeah, yeah. He has moments of touching grace. He almost sells what he's given. Yeah, even a poor man's Dudley Moore is a Dudley Moore. Right. And, and this is- Not a Dinty Moore.
Starting point is 01:18:27 That would not accomplish things at all. In my opinion, his finest monologue in the film, if I can just read this. Oh, I forgot you had a thing to read. I would have said less. This is all lined up to something. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Why not? We're on stage.
Starting point is 01:18:38 We all have microphones. It's not a holiday. He says to Dodger, Patience is a bit of vine, dear Dodger, but it bears sweet fruit. That's from the Greek. Loses a little something in translation. Let's add a little sparkle to our merchandise. Funny people should call this junk, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:18:57 When every piece is a diary of the human spirit. Take this, for instance. To my darling Mary from Herbert. This is more than a book, It's a testimony to love. And this, ah, did the child who slept with this grow up to shake the world? And then over here, an early form of air conditioning. Also a tool of romance that could beckon or rebuff.
Starting point is 01:19:21 He's holding a paper fan at this point. Yes, I also or rebuff. He's holding a paper fan at this point. Yeah. Yes, I also got rebuffed. But like me, this is a relic from a simpler age. When good and bad was black and white, and a man could settle all his differences with one of these, holds up a fencing sword, hands it to Dodger, then some damn fool
Starting point is 01:19:40 invented gunpowder. Wait for it. And a bigger damn fool split the atom. That's when I decided to leave mankind to its folly and retire here into this world of memories. Now, to this point about this film holding multiple realities at once, another line from this same quotes page attributed to girl number two is, you want to see a dog wanking off into a garbage pail? I'm so glad we got that preview of the Anthony Newley and Garbage Pail Kids monologues,
Starting point is 01:20:23 your one person show. I'm doing Mr. Manzini off Broadway. You had mentioned that maybe Anthony Newley wrote those lines. I think he was just pre-associating. He was so high. So it's very hot in here. We've gone long. We'll answer five questions from people who line up at that thing, and then we'll get out of here. Five.
Starting point is 01:20:49 Yeah. All right. I'm going to stand up for this part. I've been standing for a while. That was the most anyone has ever talked about, the Garbage Man. Yeah, yeah. All right.
Starting point is 01:20:58 I can't believe you waited that long to tell us that Art Spiegelman story. That's amazing. Hello. Hello. Hello. Alex, last name withheld, from Boston, state withheld. Good, smart, smart.
Starting point is 01:21:11 Alright, so if John Waters made this movie, what part do you think he would cast Devine in? Oh, you've got to believe Devine's going to be either that big baby, or Valerie Vomit, you've got to believe Divine's going to be either that big baby or Valerie Vomit, right?
Starting point is 01:21:28 Or Tangerine. Oh yeah, you're right. Or I mean, or the like the heavy, uh, Blithe. She could be Mancini too. Yeah, that's true. You know what? I feel like Divine's playing every part except the kid. That's the perfect version of this film.
Starting point is 01:21:43 Yeah, the kid is like a young Eddie Furlong. Something, yeah, yeah. Thank you. Oh, if only, yeah. Good question, good question. I hope John Waters is listening so he can make it. Hi there, Ian, Last Name Withheld. Hello.
Starting point is 01:21:57 My question, not garbage pail related, but just a little... I'm sorry, I'm sorry. No, please, please take us out of that world. It's a simple fuck, marry, kill, and I'm really interested to hear your responses. Okay, yeah, simple. Gun to my head. Your options are as thus. Idris Elba as the Djinn from 3000 Years of Longin.
Starting point is 01:22:19 Okay. Idris Elba as Macavity from Cats. Or, last but not least, Idris Elba as Knuckles from Sonic the Hedgehog 2. I know which one Dan's gonna fuck. No. Mike. Goes without saying. My cartoon notwithstanding, my presentation before the show,
Starting point is 01:22:40 you gotta kill Knuckles, you fuck McCav. I am so not on the same page. He's committed every human crime, so he knows a few things. And then you gotta marry that genie. That genie's a great catch. Okay, so I'm gonna... You marry Knuckles. He's hilarious. You gotta fuck the genie, of course. Because he... I'm with magic and stuff. You can't have sex in the cavity, he has no genitals, Dan.
Starting point is 01:23:07 We've seen it. Sex is not just penetration, Ellie, there are things that can be done. Dan has a series of diagrams he can show you. Anyway, I will kill Macavity before committing every human crime. Yes, yeah. I think that's obvious. You kill Macavity, you marry the djinn, because, I mean, he that's that's obvious you kill McCavity you marry the gin cuz I mean he's just reliable He's there forever. Yeah, and yeah, does that have to have sex with knuckles? Okay, bring them out on
Starting point is 01:23:36 Thank you for asking that Griffin didn't even get to answer Different answer than than you three. I would say I fuck Allie Gator because he's nasty. No. I marry Valerie Vomit because she's nurturing. She's nurturing and dependable. And I kill Nat Nerd because he's pathetic
Starting point is 01:23:57 and doesn't deserve life. So sad now. Sad. I hate him. Our next question asker was appalled by that answer. Apologies. It's a gross man. Catherine, last name withheld, also not Garbage Pail Kids related.
Starting point is 01:24:17 Yay. So several years ago I watched Gangs of New York and Leonardo DiCaprio opened his mouth and spoke in an Irish accent and I went, ew. And then several years later I watched The Departed and thought, oh great somebody told him not to do that again. So what is the most memorable moment you have of watching a movie you're enjoying and then someone speaks in an accent and you go, eww. I mean, I would say now I appreciate gross, horrible accent work. But I mean, I don't know, recent ones,
Starting point is 01:24:53 the first couple times when Benedict Cumberbatch showed up as Dr. Strange with his New York accent, I'm like, what the fuck is happening here? It's Stewart, what are you talking about? He sounds like a normal American man. Well, here in the city that never sleeps. Just your average New York magic doctor. But you have to admit that the movie never would have worked if he had his normal voice, right?
Starting point is 01:25:19 Like, you never would have bought him as a wizard if he had an English accent. That would be crazy. I think similarly, there's a voice that, I love Tom Hardy, I love his accents. The voice he does as Venom, I feel like I call English guy doing a lower class New York accent. Where he's like, and it always sounds like Marlon Brando
Starting point is 01:25:42 doing a bad English accent. That rubs me the wrong way. I feel like if he heard you say that he'd be like, that's what I was going for. He got it. The same way I assume he heard me talking about his vain voice and how it sounds like Tevye from Fiddler on the Roof. And he was like, exactly. That's what I was going for.
Starting point is 01:25:59 A Batman on the Roof? Well, you know. I've been racking my brain. I can't... I am so forgiving of this shit. I know that there's some stuff, but like most of the times that people are like, what's that? I'm like, that's fun. They tried. I have like a parents at a kid's recital attitude towards them. Yeah, you know, they're doing the work. Whatever. Griffin, you're an actor. What do you think about this?
Starting point is 01:26:24 You know, I mean, you brought up Benedict Cumberbatch but and I've been a beautiful speaking voice right like one of the greatest speaking voices. We have and they announced he was gonna play the the Granch in the animated Granch and I was like what a slam dunk like he's sort of like a modern Boris Karloff he has that buttery eloquent. Yeah, he was smug. And then I saw the trailer and he's like, I hate Christmas. And there was something about,
Starting point is 01:26:52 I think I would have reacted negatively to the grinch sounding like that. You're like, that's our voice. Yes. Yes. That's saved for movie podcasters, not the Grinch. It does bother me when you bring in a famous actor
Starting point is 01:27:06 to do a voice and they're doing like, like Chris Pline as a, sorry, Chris Pratt as a Mario. Yeah. Where it's like, there's so many. Not Italian enough. Not even not Italian enough. Why would you bother bringing him in to do a voice that's not really in his wheelhouse
Starting point is 01:27:21 when there's a billion other people who do that voice? But Cumberbatch is, the Grinch is the opposite where it's like, this is right in your wheelhouse when that's, there's a billion other people who do that voice. But Cumberbatch is, the Grinch is the opposite where it's like, this is right in your wheelhouse. He's like, I have an idea actually. You know what? It's like Nicholas Cage in Peggy Sue Got Married, right? Where everyone was like, do not use that voice. Give us a take without that voice.
Starting point is 01:27:37 He's like, nope. Like. All right, thank you. Good question, good question. All right. Woo! Alright, thank you. Good question. Good question. Alright. Sam, last name withheld. So The Holdovers was a really great movie.
Starting point is 01:27:53 It is... Thank you. I worked on it. Paul Giamatti's performance is sort of Paul Giamatti and Paul Giamattiist. Are there any beloved movies you guys have where, you know, one of the actors sort of gives their kind of platonic ideal performance that sort of is the default? I mean, speaking for me, my favorite movie of all time, everyone knows I'm on record,
Starting point is 01:28:16 The Taken Opel in 123. Walter Mathow is so Walter Mathow in that. And it's one, every moment of it is wonderful, except the one moment We all know that's not so wonderful, but just that he's like he just seems to be this the two sides of Walter Mathau Which is I don't give a shit about whatever I'm doing at this moment and also I'm so mad and I'm so stressed out What's happening? And that's yeah, just if he doesn't get more Walter Mathau. Yeah Three-quarters of us were at the BAM screening of Clifford last night. Let me get away from the fact that I did not join you at this Clifford screening. It was your mistake.
Starting point is 01:28:52 We were scheduling something else and Dan's like, well of course there is the Clifford screening. And I'm like, what are you talking about? This nationwide news. Everyone was there. It crashed the BAM website. I think we all forgot when Joe Biden at the State of the Union said, and I'll see you America at the Clifford screening at BAM. But one of the great pleasures of it is seeing Charles Groton, just like really Charles Groton it up and that just being like a slow burn of like utter rage covered with like this false cheer that he has to
Starting point is 01:29:27 maintain it's just a beautiful thing to watch like pure Grodin. Oh man I can't really think anything Griffin. I was weirdly gonna say Grodin in Midnight Run. Wow. He was a guy who knew how to do his thing really well. Yeah. That's it. Stewart tells it how it is. All right. Hi this is Liz, last name withheld and semi-related to this experience. I don't know about calling it a movie. But semi-related to this experience, we're sort of in this Renaissance right now of Not necessarily just animated but like more cartoon stuff being adapted to live-action But we haven't really seen the reverse your animatrix is so to speak
Starting point is 01:30:17 Um, is there any like live-action piece of media that you think would be a good fit for? the reverse Setting so to speak. I mean it's already happened but like you know I think that the Incredibles proves that like maybe the best version of a Fantastic Four movie would just to do it in animated movie but uh like there's so many things that you know on the last Sonic episode I was like there's so many things that, you know, on the last Sonic episode, I was like, there's like three CGI characters on screen right now
Starting point is 01:30:51 interacting with a big CGI robot. Why is this quote unquote live action? Just make it a cartoon. And then they could get pregnant, right Dan? I mean that started, it started as a cartoon, but... So it's not exactly... Make it a cartoon so it can get nice and horny. I like to reuse an answer I've said a lot on my own podcast, but like I desperately want there to be a like 80s, the whole sort of like Rambo, Robocop are all on Saturday morning TV and you have these kidified versions where no one dies.
Starting point is 01:31:26 I so badly want the John Wick animated series where it's him and like a squad of talking dogs and no bullets are ever fired. I mean, like your beloved Fast and Furious franchise would be a perfect animated series. They've done a series for a couple seasons on Netflix that I would say is the Gryphon Griffin of the Fast and Furious universe and how much it sucks. It's not that, like, which is what it should be. It's Dominic Toretto's
Starting point is 01:31:58 nephew and some random kids who like tech a lot. Not into it. No. I mean this is kind of a step removed in something else, but they did the random kids who like tech a lot. Not into it. No. I mean, this is kind of a step removed to something else, but they did the Sandman TV show. I wish that had been an animated show. I think it would have been beautiful. I think they would have done some amazing stuff with it.
Starting point is 01:32:15 And it's not beautiful as it is. They did a very good job at it, but watching that I was like, if only this was like, if they had done this in a mature animated show, it could have been... What, like Family Guy? Yeah, exactly. Yeah, you know.
Starting point is 01:32:28 Like Heavy Metal? Yeah, exactly. Like Heavy Metal? Yeah, exactly. Yeah, I mean, it'd be like Heavy Metal if Heavy Metal wasn't bad. Yeah, sure. But I mean, particularly in this... Shots fired, shots fired, bam bam.
Starting point is 01:32:37 Oh, I think there's some good stuff in there. At this post-Spider-Verse time, too, where we're getting away from all cartoons that are theatrical release look kind of insane. They don't have to look Disney Don Bluth, they don't have to look photorealistic Romeo and Juliet style, that they could do... Photorealistic Nomeo and Juliet? Those gnomes. That is your example for photorealism?
Starting point is 01:33:00 Yeah, I have seen that movie. That's not how I would describe it. I guess you don't live in a world of magic and whimsy. I wasn't watching that movie going, where did they shoot this? What lenses did they use? Can I meet that gnome? I'm so used to Elliot just talking
Starting point is 01:33:19 that most of it just slides over me, Griffin. I'm like, I'm not gonna challenge it because I don't want to know the answer. As an American who paid full ticket price to see Gnomeo and Juliet opening weekend I must take a stand against this. I cannot let that statement float by. I will retract that example. Is that part of the Sherlock Gnomes universe or is that different? That's the sequel. Yeah. Thank you. But yeah, I would love to see a Sam and Amy thing. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 01:33:47 And also, thanks to all of you for bearing with far more talk about the Garbage Pail Kids movie than any rational human being should ever have to. No. Thank you, thank you again, thank you to Bell House. For the Floppers, I've been Dan McCoy. I'm Stuart Wellington. I'm Elliot Kalin.
Starting point is 01:34:06 And this is... Grippin' Griffin Newman. Thank you so much. Thank you for coming. Thank you. Thank you.

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