The Flop House - Episode #393 - Ticket to Paradise

Episode Date: April 8, 2023

Huh. Traditionally, one gets TWO tickets to paradise, but I guess we didn't get a plus one. You know what? Climb into our luggage, so you can join us as we discuss Ticket to Paradise, a holdover from earlier era when we still had movie stars, and used them to paper over not having much else.Streaming TICKETS for THE FLOP HOUSE BATTLES BATTLEFIELD EARTH now available!Wikipedia page for Ticket to ParadiseMovies recommended in this episode:John Wick: Chapter 4Michael ClaytonChameleon StreetEver tried Microdosing? Visit and use FLOP for 30% off + Free Shipping.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Um, this episode we discuss, ticket to Paradise, which based on the blooper reel was a lot of fun to make. Yeah. Hey everyone, welcome to the flop house, I'm Dan McCoy. Hey, it's me Stuart Wellington. And I'm Elliott Kaelin trying to match Stuart's energy, but it feels forced when I do it. What's the purpose doing your voices like your 90s cartoon character cool because they were radical and tubular and I know it's a radical that's radical plus cool. Hey guys, here's the thing. Let's cut the crap. We've got something important to talk about. And it's not these cartoon characters, which I know are very important. And I want to talk about them. Thank you to our fans for coming out to last weekend. I believe it's the weekend before this episode
Starting point is 00:01:08 is released because we don't record exactly on the day of release. Last weekend's flop house live show at the bellhouse in Brooklyn, New York, you were a great audience. I say, as if I didn't record this ahead of the show, but you were incredible. You have never been fucking funnier and hotter. Thanks. Do you change the way I think about comedy in a good way? Yeah. Yeah. And Dan, keep it up. Wonderful stuff. Huh. That's a different. Exactly. For you. Good compliment. No. It's true. So I know a lot of a lot of our listeners out there are like, I don't live in Brooklyn. I couldn't get there. I missed the show. Why are you talking about
Starting point is 00:01:44 it? Rubbing my face and the fact that I couldn't get there. I missed the show. Why are you talking about it? Rubbing my face in the fact that I missed this amazing show. Here's the thing listeners. You don't have to miss the show because you're going to get your own chance to see it. That's right. The flop house battle with Battlefield Earth, our live Brooklyn battlefield earth show is going to be online for you to watch starting April 22nd, 2023, on April 22nd, 2023, 7 p.m. Eastern, it will debut online as a streaming thing,
Starting point is 00:02:11 and we will be there in the chat window to talk to you about it. Now, this is not the kind of thing that's gonna happen for free. Unfortunately, we live in a capitalist society. If it was up to me, we would not. We would live in a place where we could have whatever we want from each according to their ability to each according to their need. That's not the word we live
Starting point is 00:02:27 in. Here's the brass tax. You're going to have to buy tickets. Tickets are available. If you go to slash stream, you can buy tickets to this exclusive streaming event. How exclusive is it? Well, you'll also have the chance to get VIP meet and greet tickets where you'll have an opportunity to talk to us by yourself with us, the flop houses guys. I don't know if it's by yourself. I think there might be, well, anyway, some sort of chat, chat, chat, you'll get an actual chat, you'll get an actual chat and two with us if you're eating at the time. We probably won't be, but you can, that's fine. You'll be in the comfort of your own house. We'll exclusive merchandise be available
Starting point is 00:03:04 during the show. Yes, and we've seen it, and it looks fantastic. It's some of my favorite merchandise that I think we've ever had. That's the flop house, battle with battlefield earth. If you want tickets, go to slash stream. It's one of those things where it's kind of premier April 22nd at 7 p.m. Eastern, and we will be there in the kind of chat to watch it with you.
Starting point is 00:03:25 And you know, text talk to you while it's happening, but then it'll be streaming for a while after that. So if you can't make it that night, you can get tickets to watch it at your leisure from that moment on. Yeah. And we want to tell people to we've been working with a company to make it look real nice. Like, you know, it's not just, I don't know, someone set up a camera and that's what it looked like at the bellhouse. It'll be edited together. It'll look good. Yeah. It's going to look
Starting point is 00:03:50 good for you guys. And it's a way to see a show that maybe, maybe you would want to if you lived in the area, but you just don't. And it's going to include our presentations. And this will be one of the first times you can really see us doing our program presentations, which again are specific to this show. Yeah, on stage. Yeah. Usually you only get to see those if you go to the show in person. This time, you can watch them later afterwards. Yeah. And hopefully, and we don't know for sure, but hopefully by the time this episode drops, we actually should have trailers for that event on our social media. Yeah, it'll be neat. Yep. It'll be neat. So that's a pop house.
Starting point is 00:04:25 It'll make me feel like a real big time person. I'll be like, look, that's a trailer that has me in it. Dan, you've always felt like a big time person to me. Thanks. Medium time. No, I like it. I like it. I like it.
Starting point is 00:04:37 It's still doing some kind of a labor fit. It's, it's still trying to seduce Dan to get his, the riches that has been left in the flop house slash stream to buy your tickets. I'm super excited about you getting the chance to see it and about interacting with you. Should you choose that opportunity, flop house listener. But now let's get back to the show, which is called the flop house. What do we do? Yeah, what do we do on this? What do we do on the spot? The spot.
Starting point is 00:05:04 I'm so excited. The words can't come out my mouth fast enough. What do you do on the flop house? Yeah, it's a flop house. It's a show, it's a podcast, where we watch a bad movie. All right. And then we talked about it. Or, you know, a movie that has gotten maybe not the greatest, it hasn't taken either the either or the critical or the box office
Starting point is 00:05:29 by fire. Based on the, based on the rotten tomato meter, this one's seem to have a decent audience score straight down the middle, not so much. Critic wise, I felt like better critic had it at a solid 50 right in the middle of their school. And you know what? And it made a little bit of money. So I guess that's the end of the episode, guys. Congratulations. I'll take it to paradise.
Starting point is 00:05:53 We've talked yourself. You did that get flopped. Yeah, but it wasn't like, I think the reaction, even the positive reaction, was tinged with a little bit of meh, especially considering that it was like, oh, we've got these two big Hollywood stars, old-time movies, not old-timey, but what feel like our version of old-time movie stars heading to the book?
Starting point is 00:06:21 Yes, two-drip charisma. And are very, have a lot of chemistry together. And that's the thing. And this is the first time they've ever been in a movie together. Hold on, let me check my notes. Wait, oh no, the eighth or ninth time they've made a movie together. Yeah. But there's a reason why they've made a lot of movies together.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Yeah. Because they're generally they generally have chemistry. Yes. Julia Roberts and George Clooney. You pronounce their names correctly. $100 a day. Well, I realized that I don't think we actually mentioned the names of the stars, which would be helpful.
Starting point is 00:06:53 And we have a fresh crop of stars in supporting roles we have. Caitlin Deever. Yep. Star of the future. I love and, like I've loved since justified. Very great. Loved since justified. And great. Loved since justified. And also great in book smart. And Billy Lord, the daughter of Carrie Fisher. Very funny.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Lieutenant Connicks of the Star Wars universe. Yeah, so this is ticket to paradise. And I'm a deriving this plane, I guess. It's a party, it's a plane. Party plane, party boat. I mean, in this movie we see planes, boats, jeeps, and a motorcycle. So choose your vehicle, you can drive. Yeah, no trains or automobiles. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:07:35 You do see automobiles that a Jeep is an automobiles, but there are no trains. So the movie, I think Bolly has a dearth of trains, but you know. Sure, being an island. So guys, before I get into the plot, most of this movie takes place in Bolly, which I'm assuming in part was chosen because everybody wanted to go on vacation. Now I'm going to admit, I don't know that much about Bolly. Mainly I know about Indonesia from action movies and also that I know that Bolly is like
Starting point is 00:08:03 a vacation destination of choice for influencers and only fans creators. Yes. So do you guys know anything about Bali? I know less than that. I don't know much about Bali, and I know even less after watching the movie because according to Wikipedia, principal photography took place in Queensland, Australia. So the movie itself was not really made much in Bali.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Here's the thing about this movie. This is a movie that, for the most part, it's a George Clooney Julia Roberts charm off, but they go to Bali and the characters in Bali. And I think this is a small step in the right direction of progressivism and a big step in an inadvertent wrong direction. The characters are not played,
Starting point is 00:08:44 they're the fact that they are, Bolognese is not played for laughs, you know, but at the same time, the characters who are not George Clooney and Julia Roberts, but also especially the characters who are not the white American characters, have very little personality and very little point of view of anything.
Starting point is 00:08:59 And as we get into it, this movie is about a man, a woman who are not happy that their daughter is about to get married to someone she barely knows, his race doesn't enter into it. This movie is about to a man, a woman who are not happy that their daughter is about to get married to someone she barely knows. His race doesn't enter into it. But the fact that none of the, husband, none of the groom's family seems to have any opinion other than, this is wonderful. We love everything. We're great. It really struck me as weird. The characters are D kind of, they have no agency essentially. And I think that's an element of them trying to be like there's no racism to the movie, but it but it inadvertently makes them almost not characters. Do you feel the same way? And I'm jumping into two deep waters as they do in the movie when
Starting point is 00:09:37 Adolfin attacks one of the dead. It's true. It's a little bit of wacky business to do. The groom is himself just kind of a manic pixie dream boy. He's a non-entity, yeah. But I will say that I would agree with you more, Elliot, if I didn't feel like basically all of the characters are given the bare minimum of characterization. I had no idea really who Caitlin Dever was either slightly more with our leads, but not really. That's a good point is that the Indonesian characters have very little personality, but also so does the third lead in the movie.
Starting point is 00:10:17 I feel like the character, and we'll get to him in a little bit, I feel like the character who has the most character is Paul Julie Roberts character's boyfriend. Yeah. Okay. So the movie, before we get in, one thing I would say, it's not about Bali. This movie is directed by All Parker, and I guess the name is short for Oliver, I think. But every time I read it, I think it says All Parker.
Starting point is 00:10:38 And then like, who should we, who should we get to direct ticket to Paradise? Oh, well, I could take on your movie All Parker. What? said, you're tired. Yeah, you gave up that life of crime. You said, you know, I'm already ready to get pulled back into a wonderful game for a rock with a cloning and Roberts on vacation. I mean, I feel like that's the ultimate heist is stealing America's hearts. But he leads. Yeah, this is exactly. This director did Mamma Mia.
Starting point is 00:11:08 Here we go again. That's, I know that that's one of the other big credits. Yes. So this would be, Yeah, that's another old Parker joint. Yep. This movie is, is similarly sort of like vibrantly colored like vacation porn. And for, for a rom, like, it doesn't, none of
Starting point is 00:11:27 the cinematography or anything enhances the comedy, but it does enhance like, there's so many like films out there that are just sort of shot with no style at all. It was nice to like at least have something pretty to look at. It definitely helps the movies mood that it is full of bright colors, bright colors, sunshine, that kind of stuff. Yeah, it feels like around vacation. Now, before we, again, before we get into the plot, I was just talking to one of my bartenders, who is a film critic in her own right, Margaret Barton Fomo. And she was saying that this movie reminded her of a trend in the 30s of comedies of remarriage. Do you feel that is?
Starting point is 00:12:05 Elliot, I feel like you're the authority on this type of bullshit. Yeah, there's a lot of that stuff. I mean, the thing is it, comedies of remarriage were, there were quite a bit, you'd have movies like The Alpha Truth or my favorite wife or the, you know, there's one with William Powell and Merniloy too, that's a particular like that where it is a either married couple splits apart and then or Mr. Mrs. Smith splits apart and then realizes why they should be together or a mara or a, but it's also or his girlfriend, a is one of those also. I mean, that's 1940, I think, but, but it's this, you know, it's the same time basically. And I think it does fit into that, but overall, it
Starting point is 00:12:42 fits into the large, overomantic comedy trope of they hate each other. Now they love each other. Like, that's the African queen up till today. And I mean, the 30s are plenty of those two. And then I feel like that's a big, it's in a romantic comedy, the big challenge is making it clear to the audience, these characters are in love with each other, need to be together. And then coming up with reasons why they are not together.
Starting point is 00:13:06 And I feel like this movie does not a great job of doing that because these two people who are divorcees who don't like each other anymore. So they say, they just kind of snipe at each other in funny ways, but they don't really seem to have any real problems with each other. As opposed to some of the comedies of remarriage of the 30s, like there would be, you know, you know, they, they, they would kind of do a better job of at least showing the married people almost starting relationships outside of that, that previous relationship. And here there's, except for Paul, Julie Roberts, boyfriend who, from the first moment, it seems clear, Julie Roberts is not that into. Yes. Other than that, there's no other element like that.
Starting point is 00:13:46 There's no reason for them not to get back together. Yeah. So the movie opens with divorced parents, David in Georgia, again, played by George Clooney, and which is weird that Julia Roberts' character's name is Georgia, but not played by George Clooney. Is that weird? It's weird, okay? Do you think there's a report where George Clooney. Is that weird? It's weird, okay?
Starting point is 00:14:06 Do you think there's a part where George Clooney was reading his lines and he saw these addressing someone as George and he go, well why am I talking to myself? Oh, I just was like, the name has different than mine. Yeah, yeah. So let's get the writer on the horn. So they're in their respective cities.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Oh, partner, yeah, George, I got a question here. How come this character, how come this character, how come up Mike, I'm talking to myself? I don't understand. Well, did you finish reading the name, George. I got a question here. How come this character? How come this care? How come up Mike? I'm talking to myself. I don't understand. Well, did you finish reading the name of George? No, I didn't. Well, take a look at that last two letters. We'll see. They're different from the last letter. All right. I don't think you're going to be right. Oh, George. My apologies. Oh, I didn't call you up in the middle of the night. It's okay. My age. I don't sleep that much anyway. Trickney is acting up means it's gonna rain tomorrow. Uh-oh. Well, we have enough covered sets that we can work on for that day of the shoot. Uh-oh. Parker's been around the movie game more than once.
Starting point is 00:14:52 I know how to handle rain or the thread of rain. And who obviously if you be okay and then George hangs something that's women, I called him. But he may sound like he called me. That's an amazing way to get off the phone. Yeah, he's great. That's why he off the phone. Yeah, he's great. That's why he's the best. Yeah. That's why they had to bring him out of retirement.
Starting point is 00:15:08 So they're in their respective cities and they're recounting their former relationship to co-workers, friends, et cetera. George Clooney is what like a high-powered architect. Architect? I know, that's the way he goes. That's both rich. Yeah, and she is a-
Starting point is 00:15:24 I mean, the thing is, how you do is you see him at a building site. So I don't know if he's the architect. If he owns the building, what? I don't know. Yeah. And Julia Roberts is what like a, she runs a gallery. She owns an art get that, that's how, that's how kind of textbook rom com. This is that he's like a tech and she owns an art gallery. Like they're not even trying. He built a building, she makes it beautiful. What are some glamour adjacent jobs that people sort of vaguely understand, but don't know so much about that they'll scoff at when we talk. So this conversation, we're hearing both of their sides on their relationship and we get two very different spins on the same story.
Starting point is 00:16:03 But part of the backstory that has dropped is that we find out that George Clooney's character proposed to Julia Roberts, David proposed to Georgia at her graduation, which is to me a little insane because it was her day. It was her day to celebrate her achievement and he took it from her. Yeah, like just like the dad and big fish, everything's always gotta be about him. So but they were married for only five years, but they did have a daughter, Lily. They do not get along. It was not an amicable divorce.
Starting point is 00:16:36 But they have not seen each other very much, but they both have to go to their daughter's graduation from law school. I think law school. Yeah, she's graduation from law school. I think. Law school. Yeah, she's graduating from law school. We get introduced to Lily, played by Taylor. Wait a minute. Hold on a second.
Starting point is 00:16:54 My sister graduated from law school, and our parents are divorced, is ticket to paradise about my family? Well, I mean, when we follow the risk of the plot, perhaps. People have to see, I mean, I watched the movie, but I'm going to pretend that I don't know what happens. So I can compare it to my life and see if they've stolen my story. Yeah, as we go along, keep a document open, you know, see what you have, see what kind of legal action we can take against.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Yeah. And by say, we, I want to cut it this. Yeah, okay. I mean, you are a lawyer, right? I mean, I should be sure. My sister went to law school, but you should probably handle the case. So we meet Lily again played by Caitlin Deever and her best friend in roommate, Ren, like the bird. Now, did you throw anyone else off? That's the thing. Until I looked up the movie's cast on Wikipedia, I was like, oh, they spill it,
Starting point is 00:17:39 Ren, like the bird. And I kept thinking it was Ren, like, like, Ren and Steve. Yeah. Yeah. And I was like, well, it, it, it, it lines up. She would have been born like, you know, the parents could have been Nickelodeon fans. Yeah, yeah. Okay. So they're packing for their post graduation trip to Bali. Lilia's packing schoolbooks. Ren is packing a long string of condoms that really kind of defines their two characters. David and Georgia and the package. But all those books are hollowed out in their condoms inside. Well, with condoms, just loose, not even wrapped. Oh, no. Some used, but washed.
Starting point is 00:18:16 You can fit more in there. No, Stuart, God, hell. David and Georgia end up having to sit next to each other during the ceremony and they can't stop bickering and fighting, distracting people around them. They continue to argue all the way to the airport. It's just constant arguing. They argue all the way to the airport the next day when they have to take Lily and Ren to their flight at Bali.
Starting point is 00:18:40 There's a nice joke about having done 70-acre bombs, which which was only one too many Yeager Boms, which is not true. Any Yeager Boms is too many. I'm sorry, kids. That's a professional bar owner. As a professional, I can say Yeager Boms, no thank you. Let's see. Lily, and so we get a little bit of like fast forward. We get some Instagram pictures and Bolly, that's to show everybody that social
Starting point is 00:19:05 media exists in this world. We get worried. Yeah, we get to show them that, to show them that us that are having a great time in Bolly. They're having a great time. We get an opening credit sequence and having like had a vague idea of like what the plot of the movie was, you know, from like ads and whatnot. Like I sort of expected the whole like meeting between Caitlin Deaver and her soon to be a husband character, to be just be done during this montage, show it through photos too. And with genuinely just like skip to like Clooney and Julia Roberts getting like an invitation and like freaking
Starting point is 00:19:46 out, you know, but maybe I like, I think you could have been more efficient. Okay. So that's what I'm saying. You're not probably right. Actually, that interesting. The meat. No, especially because the, so that the groom's care, groom is named what guide. Is that his name? Getty. Getty. That's what it's getty. And he is not, he's very handsome. And I'm sure like he's not really given a chance to show us what kind of an actor he is because there's not much to him. And I kind of almost wish that it was like Bridesmaids where Tim Heidecker is just walking around and has no lines.
Starting point is 00:20:17 And the whole time you're like, is this some kind of elaborate fucking dip? Yeah, like do they know he was there that day? Like did he photo bomb a movie? Like how does this possible? I was at working. But the, in some ways, I think that would have made more sense because then you as the audience too would not know who is this guy, is it the right choice or not?
Starting point is 00:20:37 Right, yeah. It's the whole meat cut and it's clear that as with all people who live in other countries, he is close to the land and lives in a more traditional, you know, healthy way and is has a family and we get this great meet cute where Ren and Lily are abandoned in the ocean and before they die, get a show's up and it briefly turns into the movie Open Water before a getty shows up. Yeah, I assume that we were missing the scene where like whatever like snorkeling tour boat gets sued. We're not doing a headcat about who's on the boat.
Starting point is 00:21:10 And so yeah, she meets this handsome seaweed farmer, Gette, then they connect up a party which looks like a lot of fun. And then Lily wakes up in his bed, which is very much looks at his seaweed farm, which looks very much like a resort. But we learned that it doesn't seem to have a, it doesn't have a fourth wall, right? Like it's just open to the beach. Yeah, it looks very, yeah, again, it looks like the place influencers stay and they're like, I just roll a lot of bed.
Starting point is 00:21:37 I eat some granola and then I jump right into the ocean. And they spit that granola into the ocean for the fish. Yeah, well, that's how the cycle works. They don't want all the calories of the food. So Lily, after talking to get a realize her entire life is out of balance and that she wants to stay in this beautiful place and I'm like, you know, shit, everyone wants to stay on permanent vacation, dude.
Starting point is 00:22:04 It's because he showed her. beautiful place and I'm like, you know shit, everyone wants to stay on permanent vacation, dude. He showed her, he showed her, Kuranah Skasi the night before. That's actually how she realized. So he's much more of a dude than I thought. Yeah, I got to show you this movie first. I tell you what it means. There is a, this movie is planned and I mean, again, it's a romantic comedy. It doesn't have to be real.
Starting point is 00:22:21 Like it's a fantasy from top to bottom, but you're right, Stewart, it is playing off that feeling you get when you're on vacation where it's like, I love this place. I should live here, wait a minute. What I actually love is not going to work and relaxing every day. Like I've had that experience in San Francisco, in Paris, where I'm like, I could live here forever. Oh wait a minute, it's because I have no responsibility as well I'm here, except to just put food in my face when I'm hungry.
Starting point is 00:22:43 And so then you thought, but if I faked my own death, I could have no responsibility. Yeah, exactly. Like, yeah, I just want to lie around on the beach, read crazy from the heat all day long. That's balance to me. Sure. Dan, you know, you've read Maltese Falcon. You know, as soon as I faked my own death and I go somewhere, I'm just going to get another family, another job, I'll have all the same stresses.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Because that happens when girders aren't falling on your head. You just revert to the mean, you know? Yeah. I feel like, and also I feel like that's, like that, that kind of fits the Elliot I have built up in my mind, this one where even in your fantasy, you're like, but I need more responsibility. So this, I mean, I've always said to Daniel, I'm like, oh, I can't wait till I retire. And she's like, why? And I'm like, then I'll have more time for writing.
Starting point is 00:23:25 And so it's like it. It's a, yeah, I'm a ceaseless engine, unfortunately. Uh, okay. So then we get a, we get a title card, guys. 37 days later. So at this point, Killian Murphy has gotten on the hospital. So Killian Murphy's been out of the hospital for nine days at this. There's already an ad like Quasie.
Starting point is 00:23:45 He's aware of what's going on. He knows the situation. He's not surprised anymore. Yeah, yeah. I mean, he's still a surprise of the depths that humans can, uh, different. Yeah. Oh, sure. So we then see what if we wait a minute, what if the, now I want to believe these are happening
Starting point is 00:24:01 the same universe and when Killian Murphy sees that airplane at the end of 28 days later, he is seeing George Clooney and Julia Roberts heading to Bali for their daughter's wedding. There's nothing in this movie that doesn't say that England has become a quarantine zombie wasteland. It's the shared ticket to Wright universe, ticket to Wright, ticket to Paradise. If I was, if I was lily at this point, I'd be like, yeah, I'm staying in Bali. It seems safer here. Yeah. It's an island that in Bali. It seems safer here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:25 It's an island that the rage virus can't get here. So while the rage virus is raging, it's destroying England. Meanwhile in Bali. Yeah. Meanwhile in what? LA, we see a very large building that in very large letters reads the Georgia cotton gallery and I'm like, oh, she's rich, rich. She's very well off. You see a very large building that in very large letters reads, the Georgia cotton gallery, and I'm like, oh, she's rich, rich.
Starting point is 00:24:48 She's very well off. And she is taking a meeting with a client. She is wearing a suit that incorporates shorts. That is very tasteful, I would say. You know, when you said the fourth recording that you hadn't edited down your notes, I thought surely that's not the case. Okay, so. No, I, for one, love Stuart's fashion. recording that you hadn't edited down your notes. I thought surely that's not the case. Okay, so I for one love Stuart's fashion
Starting point is 00:25:11 yeah, stuff that is often overlooked by Elliott. Yeah, very much so. Yeah, I'm going to like. So, uh, she get, uh, Georgia gets a phone call from David because turns out, Lily is getting married in Bali to a fellow she met in Bali. And David and Georgia immediately decide they have to break this up, though they don't talk to each other about it then. They end up bumping into each other on the same flight to Bali. They're sitting next to each other on the same row. And to make matters more interesting, Georgia's hot young boyfriend, whose French Paul is the pilot on that flight. Dan described Paul for us. He just seems like a big little puppy dog. Like all he cares about is Julia Roberts.
Starting point is 00:25:56 To the point of having almost no character, a drive himself, other than his need to be with Julia Robertson supporter. Which is a red flag, ladies. He definitely has, he is, he is supportive to the point of almost being a horror character. Mothering. Yeah, just mother, it's like a real
Starting point is 00:26:14 monkey's pause situation. You wanted a supportive boyfriend. Here you go. I mean, I would say that was true in real, I have complex feelings because I like, yes, the movie presents it as his trait in a way that is like, you know, surface level like nice, but then like, later on her daughter is
Starting point is 00:26:33 like, you know, this is like being loved isn't the same as loving, you know, like, and the idea is that, yeah, clearly this guy would become smothering over time and doesn't seem to have his own stuff going on in a way that is probably not good for a long-term relationship. That said, I feel like Julia Roberts and George Clooney both act so unpleasant towards each other and so abominably towards their daughter for the first half of this movie that in contrast, I'm like, this guy is too good for her. Yeah, I mean, that's the other thing is that he has that trait.
Starting point is 00:27:07 He is a kind of manipulatively toxically supportive guy, but if you take that away, he's an incredibly handsome French pilot. There's no reason that he should be with, I mean, and Julia Roberts is a beautiful charismatic woman. She owns an art gallery. I'm sure she has a lot of interesting things who own her life that they can relate to about each other. But like that she is an older woman who is already a divorcee and has a child. It doesn't make sense to me that this guy would be in a relationship with her at his point in life. I know. I don't think that's enough
Starting point is 00:27:37 of a red flag. I would say her status. I wouldn't call that. I don't think that's a red flag. It just seemed unrealistic to me. I would say the unrealistic part is that he does not notice the very clear sexual tension between her and her bickering ex-husband. Yes, and also it doesn't seem to notice how little she seems to like him. Yes, and how good affection she has for him. Although, guys, sometimes that's a real turn on her. I mean, that could be Paul's gank. You're right.
Starting point is 00:28:04 Is he wants to be the loving one? He doesn't want to be the more loving one. Yeah. that's a real turn on. I mean, that's, you know what, that could be Paul's think. You're right. Is he, he wants to be the loving one. He doesn't want to be the more loving one. Yeah. It would be the more loving one and the less loved one could be it. You know what, he's complicated. He's friends. I wouldn't say that like, he's unaware of like what's going on between her, including.
Starting point is 00:28:17 He seems to be aware of it. Yeah. But he's like choosing not to be bothered by it, which honestly made him more attractive. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, Yeah, that's very, at least he's just letting it play out and see what happens. And then like he'll make his choice. Not to jump ahead too much, but there is a part where he knows that she has spent the night in George Clooney's room and he is totally okay with it. And I wanted her to be like, look, Georgia, that's what I'm into.
Starting point is 00:28:42 I am into you cucking me. This is what I want. Finally, we're getting somewhere in this relationship. Like I wanted that scene, but it didn't happen, unfortunately. Well, yeah, you can write it right into your movie. Right in the margins of your movie. Let's get me called Cuck to Paradise. And it's going to be just from Paul's point of view and how turned on he is by the whole
Starting point is 00:28:59 situation. Like nothing makes him hotter than the idea of losing her to her ex-husband. They're plenty of websites, I think, that would be happily exhausted. Yeah, it's a short story. Well, do you think they printed the Atlantic? That's what I'm really aiming for. Maybe. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Is there a news hook? Maybe they could have had. I can find something, yeah. Yeah. Okay, so the Georgian, David, trying to come up with a plan, taking the ferry to the, I guess the family farm, the island that they're going to, but they can't seem to agree, although they kind of try and play it cool when they see their daughter again. They try to play it cool and supportive, but then like, they're hoping to like undercut it and cause a rift between the two between
Starting point is 00:29:45 their daughter and her husband. Initially, Lily seems onto them, but then kind of forgets about it until like the beginning of the end of the second act or so. Lily has is aware of the situation when the movie demands her to be an unaware when the movie demands her to be. Yeah. So they go to a big pre-wedding party, which is, unless off camera, she's getting hit in the head with coconuts and forgetting things, which it can't be an interesting choice to make in the movie.
Starting point is 00:30:11 It's really good. The whole party wanted to do that. Well, we shot the scenes with the coconuts, but the movie was running a might long and I know you modern day movie people, you sit for two and a half, three hours for your movie, but I don't want to go much farther over an hour, 30 And this was an hour 44 with credits. And that's the sweet spot for Old Parker. I was using Kubrickian precision. And I had to hit Caitlin on the head with a cocoa nut of more than a hundred times when she then had to be airlifted off the island to a hospital and then the producers stepped in and said,
Starting point is 00:30:45 is this scene really necessary? They said the insurance company was starting to ask questions and I said, you don't know how many times I threw a coconut at the head of Joan Fontaine when I needed to. We had real movie making in those days and the actors and the actresses while they never complained because they knew this was their ticket to Stardom. Talk about a paradise. And they're like, I'll let you go. Wait, but we call it a party to talk complaint about the scene. But then you have to let you call us amazing.
Starting point is 00:31:13 I'm going to pass that. Okay. So they arrive at a pre-wedding party, which is supposed to be close family, but it turns out that close family is a relatively large community. And Lily has grown very close with this family, but Georgian David are very out of their element. We get some jokes about them not understanding the language. There is one, there is a character who ends up being the translator for some of the other family members who can't speak English. And I think she gets a couple of good laugh lines like, you know, hearing a big string of, is it like Indonesian or Bollinese? I don't know what the word, what the language is. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:31:49 But she'll hear like a long string of words and then just be like, she says hello. That those kind of questions. Yeah, that character, she's, she's very much kind of like over at uninterested boards, you know, teen or whatever. And it's her and Ren have so much more personality than Lily does. And I wish they had taken some of those traits. Like, Ren, Lily's best friend, Ren, she drinks too much, she's, everyone thinks she's kind of a loser, and she's like a mess loser.
Starting point is 00:32:15 And I wish that, I just wish they had kind of like, as much as I really like Caitlin Diver, I wish that they had kind of like moved Billy Lord over and made her the daughter because to have it with just the movie would have made more sense to me that way. Yeah. If the daughter had that kind of like impulsiveness, you know. Yeah, but it also shits like the sort of like that character has this sort of loopy emotional
Starting point is 00:32:38 intelligence to like, you know, counterweight the other stuff. That's true. I mean, there's at least that, again, still a more interesting character. Yeah, no, no, no. A lot of rom coms are like that, where the sidekick character is like the funny one with personality. And so I like, if you're in romantic comedy,
Starting point is 00:32:54 the sidekick role is often like the breakout role. Like that's where you want, you want to be like, rooper Everett and by best friends wedding, right? Right. It's like, you want to be the sidekick, but the, it just leaves you off with a main character who is not, and I guess Lily's not the main hiter, but you leave with a pivotal character
Starting point is 00:33:10 who doesn't have a lot going on. Yeah. Yeah, so Get A takes David on kind of a tour of the farm and David tries to scare Get A off, saying his daughter is going to get sick of this lifestyle. But then it's also revealed that this farm sells to Whole Foods, which is only wild because the farm doesn't seem that big, and it almost never seems like anyone's working. That's the thing. The seaweed really farms itself. All they seem to do is gather it for like an hour in the morning and then the rest of the day's, but on the other hand, they might not be working
Starting point is 00:33:41 as hard since this is his wedding weekend. That's true. That's true. There is a scene where a character refers to Julia Roberts as looking like a very attractive horse, which was a little weird. I enjoyed that scene for Julia Roberts playing of it. It was like she really, it's a scene where, you know, she is throwing off kind of any sort of movie star ego and just being like complimented in this insulting way and her sort of like polite acceptance of it was very funny to me. So, and then David and George, it turns out that they're staying at a nearby resort,
Starting point is 00:34:29 which looks kind of similar to where the farm. And of course, he and George are staying in rooms that are right next to each other, which is kind of interesting because they booked all their travel completely separately. So it's interesting that they ended up being right next to each other. It doesn't really matter. I think they might have used the same travel agent. It's called Divorce's who should be together travel. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:50 They hook you up with all the things that are necessary to get you back together again. It's called parent trap travel. Yeah, I mean, I feel like that's a, if you were to do that, I feel like there'd be a lot of fun in creating a travel agent character who's just really into trying to set people up. Yeah, that'd be really funny. Okay, so David can't sleep. So he ends up at the hotel bar and Ren shows up and they have a not on romantic catch-up scene, which I appreciate it. This was honestly, this was I think my favorite scene in the entire. I'm such a fucking sucker for
Starting point is 00:35:26 Hotel bars and George Clooney's hotel bar scene in out of sight is like one of the sexy scenes. Yeah, I love that shit What I really liked about this was that George Clooney is feels like they both feel like real people here. It feels like oh, this is a conversation between a guy who has regrets, who isn't really sure of what's going on in his life or what's going on with his daughter. And his daughter's friend who feels like a daughter to him as well, who he's very close to, but who he can speak to a little more openly because she's not his daughter. And the fact is, he's so charismatic and so handsome that I was worried they might end
Starting point is 00:36:03 up sleeping together. And that didn't happen. And because her character is kind of like, I'll drink anything. I'll sleep with anybody. Yeah, yeah. But the fact that didn't happen and the scene ended and it was like, oh, this felt like the kinds of thing that happens when people meet up with each other at weddings and are just kind of around each other and they open up in honest ways.
Starting point is 00:36:21 I thought it was a really great scene. Yeah, it was great. And it, like it made me wish that there was, so George Clooney does a lot to explain his motivation at different times. Like he talks about how he had bought a plot of land and he was building a dream house for him in Georgia to live in and then it burned down.
Starting point is 00:36:40 And I would have liked a little more background because he doesn't have, he doesn't have a person in his life. And I would have liked a little more background on like, has he not dated anyone in the 20 audience since his divorce or had he had every single relationship in sabotage because he is still clinging to this like fantasy of his past relationship. I don't know. I'm reading too much into this movie. No, but I think you're doing it. It's the kind of reading that the movie could have done a little bit more of and it would have elevated the whole thing
Starting point is 00:37:15 because as it is, it does feel like these characters are born the moment the movie starts and then their backstories filled in as necessary and it's like almost they're remembering those things as they need to as opposed to these we us finding it up these people at this moment their lives when they've lived, you know, for X many years beforehand. But also at least he gets that I don't even think Julia Roberts gets as much development. No, the closest she gets to that is when she talks very briefly about being a mom after the divorce. And that's about it. And she gets very little to sketch in her, who she is.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Yeah, and the daughter keeps talking about how amazing her parents are, particularly the mom. And we believe it, because it's Julia Roberts, but the movie doesn't do that. This movie, more than most things we watch really coast along on the fact that like these are people that you like. And I think that's part of its strategy, but it does it too much. I mean, it's the benefit of that's why you cast George Clooney and Julie Roberts or something like this. It's what Alfred Hitchcock would do.
Starting point is 00:38:19 And he would cast actors. He'd say, I'm casting Jimmy Stewart because he brings with him the Jimmy Stewart study was in other movies. I'm casting Carrie Grant because you already know who he is as soon as he shows up on screen. But even there, they would give you like a little bit of the, a little bit more meat for the characters in here yet. It's just, there's not a lot of, especially for Julia Roberts.
Starting point is 00:38:34 Yeah, it's like you cast Vin Diesel. So you're getting Dominic Torredo. You're getting Zander Cage. You're getting the last witch hunter. You're getting all these, you're getting a pitch black. You're getting all these guys. That was his name. He was like, there were later sequels to that movie that were just his name. And yet, his name is dumb. His name is pretty, right? That's a dumb. He's a furion. He was in love with Kyra, but she died.
Starting point is 00:39:06 I'm sorry. I'm trying to remember the song, Heart of the Furion by Dyer Parall, which lists all this shit. And when you write, and you also get bloodshot when you cast him, a lot of people forget it. You get it all, you get the whole, the whole thing. That's why you cast Vindy's own things. You know, I want to cast him to like be a guy who can tie ties realistically.
Starting point is 00:39:23 And I wonder if they're trying for that with Caitlin Dever too, but she, because this character fits in a lot with a previous characters, she's had another movie. Yeah. But I feel like she doesn't automatically bring that with her quite the same way because it's not that, you know, I just had the years to do it. Yeah. Like Max Fun, Max Fun founder, Jesse Th fund, uh, max fund founder Jesse Thorn. He recently was hanging out with him and he was reminding me of an old SNL sketch that Jack Handy wrote.
Starting point is 00:39:50 The George Clooney is in is about tales of, like, railroad management, malfeasance or something like that. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, malfeasance and railroad hiring practices. And this is sketch from 30 years ago. And George Clooney, when I watched it again, I was like, he looks so young. I forget. I think of him now as like an older handsome guy, but before that, he was a young handsome guy. And that's what informs the older handsome guy. And like, she just doesn't have enough of that built up yet for her to automatically
Starting point is 00:40:12 bring the character with her. Yeah. Yeah. So the next morning, David convinces Georgia to steal the wedding rings from a child and she uses a trick where she explains in America, we slice bananas before we peel them. I don't know how this trick works. Well, okay. Well, you need a, you need a, you need a sonic brain.
Starting point is 00:40:32 You need a needle and thread. There's a, it's an old, she uses a sonic gun that you'd use to break up a kidney stone and she just hits the banana with it. Well, she doesn't need the gun. She can just do the sonic boom that guile doesn't street fighter. Yeah. Oh yeah, this is an old quote unquote Magic trick you would find in like a kid's magic book where you do like a couple of dance looking at me right now Like I'm some dumb kids
Starting point is 00:40:55 He's like the the discussed with which Dan is applying the word magic to this like the ghost of Ricky J is like Inside dance had being like you make sure this is not real magic Most of Ricky J is like inside Dan's head being like, you make sure this is not real magic. Well, I'll tell you why. This is like a terrible. Yeah, you use a needle and thread. You basically like pass a thread through. So the thread is cutting the banana inside the peel.
Starting point is 00:41:16 You're essentially coroning the banana in its own skin. You get a couple of holes. Pretty cool. Because of it. And if you know anything about a banana, if you damage the peel, it will brown up right away. So this, this gagged banana, this tricked banana, will look like it's not, it's not obvious that they're a bunch of fucking holes. But it's not like the banana browns
Starting point is 00:41:40 up instantly like Dorian Gray crumbling to dust. Yeah, I like it. I just don't know fucking goblet. We did Julia Roberts. That's the way it's like. It's like she's carrying around a divided banana and her luggage like the banana. She has a sewing kit. She did it moments before. Moments before.
Starting point is 00:41:58 I'm saying that banana would be brown. No, no. It's a key of banana and you set it out to eat. It's not like it instantly turns brown. It takes a little bit of time. Brown. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Now that Georgia has the magic dreams. The new time lapse of us. I can't put the music on it. You already made your own Koyana Scottsy. Congratulations. Now that I've got the... Now that Georgia is stolen the magic rings, I think it delays the wedding ceremony a little
Starting point is 00:42:34 bit and buys them a little bit more time to break up this couple. So then they go swimming with dolphins, one of them bites David in the leg and he has a real meltdown about it. And we already can tell that Get a believes that David and Georgia stole the rings and are doing are up to no good. They're up to mischief. David tries to play dumb. Georgia keeps lily busy, but Get a doesn't tell lily suspicions, which is not cool. You should be more open and honest with this stuff. I mean, he should, that I understand that he's trying to preserve the relationship of her and her parents because she would be so mad if she knew what they were doing.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Next morning, George and David are woken up early to help bring in the seaweed crop alone. Again, they're the only people out there. They get to have a little fight flirt, and nothing more romantic than picking seaweed together. Yeah. It becomes competitive because they're both, you know, alphas, they're high functioning people. No type A's, yeah. Then they watch get a get his teeth filed down. Now, there's a couple different things. And now I don't know anything about down. Now, there's a couple different things. And now, I don't know anything about a Bollinis or Indonesian wedding practices, but they go to a couple different, like, rights of passage for the wedding. And I'm curious, I guess I could do the research. How much of
Starting point is 00:43:53 it is real stuff and how much of it is not real stuff, because if it's not real stuff, then they're, then they are making up things. But it makes real stuff. I don't know. I've never heard of it before. So then they go to ease the pain. They all go out and drink moonshine and play beer pong. This leads to a lot of dancing and they dance embarrassingly two songs that I remember growing up with as a kid. So it made me feel very old. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:21 Now, because Stuart, these are the songs that we listened to as kids and they would have heard as 20 stuff things. So at least one of these are the songs that we listened to as kids and they would have heard as 20 somethings. So at least one of these songs, I think it was jump by House of Pain. I have done a single, everybody. Now, Dan, are you going to ask me how I felt about this because of my, I'm on record as hating scenes where actors are just dancing. Here's something to tell you. Well, no, wait, hold on.
Starting point is 00:44:43 I was going to ask it. Let me ask it in my way, but the great mind-meld Elliott. So I watched it and I was thinking like, okay, I know Elliott hates stuff that's just like, see how much of a good time we had. Yeah. You know, and I understand that in many situations, in this case, because of all that history with these actors, and the movie is absolutely coasting on this, it is not about like, oh, these characters are cutting loose, it's like, isn't it fun? You're seeing Clooney and Julia Roberts, Actronk, Play Beer Pong, and Dance Around, real silly, you know, like, that's what this is being sold
Starting point is 00:45:23 on. Like, it was fun to me. And I still I enjoyed it. I understand how it could be a rejection, but I was like, don't wonder what Elliott thinks about it. I want you to ask me because I did enjoy this part, but I'll tell you why, because to me, this was the character I've seen this paint. It is the characters dancing this way. They are those characters with their shared history, getting drunk, and having a moment where they are deliberately embarrassing their daughter by dancing in a way that I can fully relate to as a parent because I love to embarrass my children. And so it was like, it wasn't just like someone.
Starting point is 00:45:54 If you already picked out the like stain, tidy whiteies, you're going to wear to answer the door when your son starts to bring dates home. No, that's a brilliant idea. I can be doing that. I got to pre-stain them with just like, you know, also like wood wood, like something No, that's a brilliant idea. I can be doing that. I got to pre-stain them with just like, you know, also like wood wood, like something you would say to deck with, yeah. Yeah. So this, for me in this moment, it wasn't, oh, everyone on the in the cast is having a dance
Starting point is 00:46:16 party now, Lily's dancing, now Ren is dancing. It was the two of them, those two characters having fun dancing and the younger characters being embarrassed by it. And I was like, yeah, I like this. I like seeing these two, I like seeing these characters having fun dancing and the younger characters being embarrassed by it. And I was like, yeah, I like this. I like seeing these two, I like seeing these characters having fun in this way. I'm sure I like seeing Julia Roberts and George Clooney having fun in some way. But I think the fact that it was partly for a story purpose and a character purpose made it for me where I was like, okay, I do enjoy this. This is a funny thing as opposed to like, hey, we had such a great time making this movie.
Starting point is 00:46:45 Right. Don't you wish you were here, you know? No, no, it fits in the movie. And I guess I was too extreme in the way I put it. Like, I don't think that, like, it does work on a character level. Like, it makes sense in the movie at this place. And that's, like, it doesn't feel like just a fuck around that they like, it's time to keep in. But if the movie ended, if the movie ended as the movie nailed, Slice Accident to Love does it. With a wedding scene where it's just all the actors dancing with each other, then I would have been like, shut this movie down and did already.
Starting point is 00:47:14 I don't need to see this, you know? But I do think that like a big part of it is like, if these were other actors doing this, it wouldn't have the same charge as like, oh, look at our Hollywood royalty, like what we have as Hollywood royalty these days, like you fucking are. You say that, but if it was Julia Benotian, Stellan Skarsgard, I think you'd be pretty, you'd be pretty, pretty, and pretty. Yeah, you'd be pretty, pretty.
Starting point is 00:47:41 So they drink a little too much, and George and David wake up in bed together, very hungover. But they insist nothing happened. Although, you know, they're a little uncomfortable. And especially so because they're in George's room and who arrives first thing in the morning, that's right. It's Paul, George's boyfriend. They make a big hullabaloo about trying to trick him into thinking he was somebody else's room. That they switched rooms. But he like it's kind of no point. I want to call figures that call something out here that annoyed me and I also saw that.
Starting point is 00:48:14 Go for it. This is the perfect venue for them. Yeah, our friend Matt Singer also made this point on his letterbox review. But like, you know, he has to put on some pants. And so he puts on Julia Roberts' characters, yoga pants. And she's like, and he's like, they're too tight. You know, and he's like, they're yoga pants, I'll stretch. And then you see him in the next scene, he's wearing these baggy. They're like, they're like, they're like, they're like,
Starting point is 00:48:37 they're like, hey, room pants. And like, the gag would be, the joke would be put, Cluey and Spandex, like, put him in some like, Lulu Lund, our Cluey and Spandex like put him in some like blue little lunch. I'm cluity. Yeah. I want to see that ship flopping around. Just cluity it up. Yeah. I mean, it just doesn't look weird that he's wearing these pants at all. I didn't clunk down my hard earned money for a fucking peacock subscription to not see George Cluity's fucking stuff smashed into a tiny pair of yoga pants.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Yeah, yoga toe. What Stu says. Wait, yoga toad? Yeah, yoga toasters. Oh, okay. Yeah. Okay. That's one version of yoga hoses, which was more prop profit.
Starting point is 00:49:20 One of the yoga. It would have to be. Most people didn't know it was a parody. That was the thing. They just thought it was a straightforward porn. Yeah. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:49:30 It's like airplane in zero hour. People don't know the source material. Yeah. Exactly. Okay, so they end up doing a little family trip. And David bulls ahead like he's a dad and makes them all go on a trip to a temple that is bad luck to visit to if you are an unmarried couple. Now this is a real temple. I don't know a temple that is bad luck to visit to if you are an unmarried couple. Now, this is a real temple. I don't know if it's really bad luck to visit
Starting point is 00:49:49 if you're unmarried. At the temple, Paul decides to propose to Georgia, which again, don't fucking do this shit. Don't propose to people at, don't propose to somebody at someone else's fucking wedding. That's their function, dude. Let them have their moment. Save it. Take her on a different, you're a pilot. You can take her anywhere in the world. Okay. But that works.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Yeah, nonetheless. Well, it's not too far. Like I think we're in between. Yeah. So Paul, yeah, guys, I'm known for having a gift of hyperbole. Yeah. Sometimes people, sometimes I think it's a curse. Yeah, hyperbole is the muse that you that you worship and who gifted you with with your talents.
Starting point is 00:50:30 Yeah. Again, sometimes it occurs. Sometimes, you know, a pile of sure. The ancient Greek story of stew, who was cursed with the gift of hyperbole. One time he walked into an ancient Greek diner and unfortunately ordered 10,000 eggs. I would eat every one of them because a, they're very expensive now and b, a great source of protein, you know? Yeah. And you can do so many different things with an egg.
Starting point is 00:50:59 Yeah. Scrambled. You walk in scotchet. Egg council commercial, I don't understand where we are. Yeah, I mean, if we could get sponsored by an egg council, so if you have more eggs, if you have eggs, you can sponsor us. Yeah, eggs, if you're listening, please consider sponsoring the flat pass. If you heard a desperation in my voice during the Max Von drive, it's because I need more
Starting point is 00:51:18 eggs. Okay, so they're at this temple. He proposes the Georgia. She is immediately nervous. We all knew this was happening. She was not going to be into it. But before she can respond, he gets bitten by a venomous steak and they have to rush him to the hospital and the whole family's there.
Starting point is 00:51:36 She has to suck the poison out and it had the gag that I've always wanted to be in it where like her lips then get like numb and she seems woozy. Like they don't do anything with that. She seems fine. The next thing I always just the idea of Julie Roberts being poisoned by a snake is terrifying. It's hilarious. It's traumatic. The idea that that could happen to America's sweetheart.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Yeah. Unless it was her character from my best friend's wedding, who's basically a villain, right? Yeah. Yeah. Sure, sure. Yeah. She's a a villain, right? Yeah, sure, sure. Yeah, she's a bad guy. Yeah. Okay, so the family's kind of divided when Lily finds out her mother was proposed to
Starting point is 00:52:11 she's like, that guy, he's boring. And David tries to put on a brave face like he has in many situations in this movie, but you know it's bothering him. And she doesn't respond. So David goes ahead with Lily and get a on the next part of their trip, which Georgia quickly follows them on. Though it's a little weird because they end up going to a more remote island, I guess. And David forgets or just is unable to successfully tie up get a boat, which then floats away.
Starting point is 00:52:42 To be honest, why is David being given the job of tying up the boat? That doesn't make it. Yeah, I mean get a is already suspicious of him. Um, so the boat floats away. And then and Georgia showed up right around That's what she gets this boat floats. Oh, well, I mean most boats float. So it's not really made out of hope. I just made that A big thing to say. That's attracts more of me not a witch. Like if I was showing about my first question, wouldn't be does it float? Because I was not even left. And I guess because his first question would be does it float? So they really, I guess so they end up getting stranded.
Starting point is 00:53:18 It's David Georgia, Lily and get a they get stranded in the jungle and they realize that they're going to have to spend the night out there camping, which seems a little extreme, but everybody's kind of okay with it. I mean, they are very quickly talking about killing a pig and blushing at the guys go out and hunt this pig. And I got to say that I honestly sort of think this movie is better at a romance between Clooney and the groom than yeah, between Clooney and Julia Roberts. Like I get the sense of like how he warms up to this guy over time in a way that I don't really understand
Starting point is 00:53:55 why they get back together. And also, and also you can tell the actor playing get a really once George Clooney to like him. Like even when he's like disappointed in him, there's still this feeling of like, the workable, right? Like George Clooney, you know, so I think, I think to be honest, George Clooney's like, if we're cool, we're cool. It's fine. It's his movie was not nothing, nothing against really Roberts, but if this movie was George Clooney and his perspective, son and law out in the jungle bonding while they get lost.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Like that's a, that could be a really funny movie. Yeah. So while they're on the ball of love and he breaks up the wedding by marrying the group. Well, while they're hunting a page, it's okay. His daughter is terrible. Oh, okay. In this version of the movie, yeah. Lilly is searching for matches in her mom's bag and she finds the stolen rings. So we have a big, just a little rings. Everyone here cut banana. Everyone kind of airs their concerns and fears, all their grievances. And at the end of the day, it just kind of brings everybody closer. The next morning.
Starting point is 00:54:59 The fact is that, yeah, they're talking out, yeah, they're talking out the problems a little bit. Yeah, that's good. So that's a healthy way to deal with things instead of lying about everything. So stealing, cutting bananas and weird unnatural layers that Dan does not approve. I just don't agree with you. Just not a magic. That's, yeah. Because when you use magic, there's a cost.
Starting point is 00:55:19 And in this case, it burned up some of her goodwill with her daughter. Yeah. Okay. By the way, if you, here's a little teaser for the guys, you don't know anything about it yet. But I'll say it now for the, you and the listeners. If you like me talking passionately about magic, you're going to want to watch that streaming show that we did for the bellhouse.
Starting point is 00:55:40 Anyway. The movie magic starring Anthony Hopkins as a, as a eventually a ventralist. Magic Mike, etc. Okay. So the next morning, I just I just I hate to trip you more, but the idea that magic has a cost that like Julie Roberts is like to steal those rings. I'm gonna have to fake that I cut a banana inside the peel. It's gonna take three days off the end of my life, but you know what? All magic has a cost and I've got to pay it. That's yeah, that's the bill is gonna come eventually.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Yeah. Okay. So the next morning, David is watching the sunrise and he revealed to Georgia that he never sold the land that he had attempted to build their dream house on. And then they exchange a little kiss before realizing, no, this isn't for us. Also at this point, I'm like, there's still 30 minutes in the movie. So they end up not getting together. Yeah, the rest is just one very long sex scene between George Clooney and Julio Roberts, 30 minutes long. I mean, that's a, that's a decent scene like a 10 bucks in that PPV.
Starting point is 00:56:38 Yeah, I mean, it would, it would make it instantly one of the most successful movies ever made. Yeah. Um, so the blue is the warmest color style. I mean, very movies ever made. Yeah. So the blue is the warmest color style, very extreme sexy. Yeah. There's so little socks and movies these days, that would be interesting if we just chose one a year that had all of the sex. Like, let's get in.
Starting point is 00:56:54 I mean, here's the thing, Dan, here's the thing, Dan, there's plenty of access to sex videos. I know. That's not the same fucking thing, Dan. I'm not talking about that. That's not the same fucking thing to me. I'm talking about the same. That's a talk about you. Not the same, yeah. Yeah, the argument that pornography is available, so we shouldn't show any chemistry or sex in movies.
Starting point is 00:57:12 Well, that's not what I'm saying. No, I know. I'm just putting words in your mouth. When normally words come out of your mouth at a rapid speed, it's much, somewhat safe. Yeah, that's why I'm trying to put some of them back in. It's probably not extra words in to back. Yeah, it's probably actually worth in to close the mouth to keep it blocked up. The more words can come out.
Starting point is 00:57:29 He's worried that like when Ant Man gets big, you know, like there's so much energy expended. You got to eat when you come back down to that. Yeah, that makes sense. Sure, yeah. It's not so sort of deparized and junk shot. Reason to fill my mouth with crap words. Yeah, stop the spill.
Starting point is 00:57:46 So they end up back at the resort. Lily puts her foot down that she is getting married and her parents are either on it, on board or not. Paul again tries to propose to Georgia and he does the old classic bit where he stands up too fast from being on his knees and he bangs his head into her nose. This is the kind of thing that doesn't cause any last damage. When you're in a relationship where you spend a lot of time physically close to someone, you do end up bumping into them a bunch. And then David tips the, and then David tips the, I just say, so just want to say this is something that this is a realistic touch in
Starting point is 00:58:22 the movie that every now and then every now and then you might bump into somebody that you close to. Yeah. So I don't know how meanwhile David is swimming in the pool fully clothed and he tips the bell hop with a wet bill, which I'm like, in Indonesia, do they like, I don't, maybe I was just assuming that they had like similar bills to like Australia or New Zealand. That's that like plasticgy stuff that doesn't get wet and soggy. Again, don't know enough about Indonesian currency. Okay. So let's follow that under the possibly a goof. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:53 Yeah. Right. It's a new, not very popular section of, of IMDB. Yeah. It's actually, I feel like it would be super popular because people are always anything could go in there. Well, that's that's on SMDB Schrodinger's movie database, where it could be a goof or could be not be a goof until we find out we won't know for sure. Yeah. Yeah. So everybody is supposed to SMMDB, which is a different database. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:59:17 Yeah, but people are really more popular. Mouth. Very much more popular, yeah. So everybody gets over their bullshit and time to see Lily and get a get married. The ceremony is very colorful and there is no mischief at all. Get a even gives David a chance to object and he doesn't. He turns it into a way to puff everybody up. But then what does Lily pull?
Starting point is 00:59:42 I don't fucking remember. I'm only watching movies twice. Lily does, he's about to, he's about to stab a hanker chiff with a knife to seal the marriage and she goes, wait, and everyone stops and he gets this look on his face like, oh no, the groom does. And she goes, just kidding. And if I was the groom, I would have been like, this wedding is off. Good bye. I love you. And I cannot handle that. You know how vulnerable I am right now. There's been too much mischief already. Okay. So everybody's happy. Georgia says no to Paul who takes it. Okay, actually. David and Georgia board the ferry back to the airport and they
Starting point is 01:00:19 reconnect and they're like, you know what? Let's just stay in Bali. And then they jump off the boat, jump off the boat. And the movie, they jump off the boat. And they just say, I just stay in Bali, which is good, because the rage virus is all over the rest. It's right. By this point it's spread, yeah. Right, you're like a cagin. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:33 And this is when you, I always realize, how rich these characters are, because it's not just that they stay at this very fancy hotel, but they're like, you know what, let's just do it. And they jump off the boat, not worrying that their phones will get wet, because who cares? They'll just buy another phone. Yeah, I don't know. They're like, you know what? Let's just do it. And they jump off the boat, not worrying that their phones will get wet. Because who cares?
Starting point is 01:00:45 They'll just buy another phone. Yeah. I don't know. They're old. Maybe they still have like flip phones. Yeah. And they're going to like arrange for like, I guess all of their stuff to be moved to them there
Starting point is 01:00:56 rather than going home first. Yeah. Yeah. They'll just have it packed up and they'll instantly buy a house and Bali. Yeah. I mean, like George Clooney's just going to get a job at like a beach bar. And you know what? He would be fucking incredible.
Starting point is 01:01:08 He would be great at that. Now, and then they don't show, I don't, they don't show the moment when, when Lily and Getty are like, wait, but we're about to have our honeymoon here. Why are your parents just sticking around? That's part two ticket to paradise to. I will say to take it to the ticket to VIA number two. I do think it is the power of or to get to paradise. Two get to paradise. And then it would be take it to paradise three instead
Starting point is 01:01:32 of the E two get to paradise. First one or the second one rather. Sorry Dan. No, I think it does show the power of movie stars that like this ending where they're like sort of like tentatively like holding hands of the boat and seeing like if they're like sort of like tentatively like holding hands
Starting point is 01:01:45 of the boat and seeing like if they're ready to like like I found it moving but it's great. That's a great moment. Yeah. But it's also like me like as a man who is now middle-aged like tearing up at the idea of like new directions in your life, new starts, all that, having a shot and changing your life, and not that I'm unhappy right now, but I've been through life changes. I'm bringing a lot to that, the movie isn't bringing. It's me plus the star power and the rest of the film. Actually, I just got a text from old Parker. He says, no, that was his plan.
Starting point is 01:02:27 Oh, you're reading text and not something. Dan, is this like the time when you saw your reflection in a snow covered hill with a landslide coming down? Yeah. That's exactly like that. No, but I mean, you know, it's, I mean, I felt genuinely moved and then they jumped off the boat and I'm like, oh, come on. So they're going to do it this way. Oh, it broke the spell. It broke the spell. Well'm like, oh, come on. So they got to do it this way.
Starting point is 01:02:45 Oh, it broke the spell. It broke the spell. Well, well, it's me, old Parker. I'm calling in now. Uh, uh, uh, Dan, I wanted to end the movie with them holding hands. And then of course, a big, the end. Bap-bap-bap. Like the old way we used to do it in the old ways,
Starting point is 01:03:00 but they said they wanted them to jump off a boat. And I said, well, you're the boss is I'm just the director. I'm not in charge. The studio heads in charge. And he could black to jump off a boat. And I said, well, you're the bosses. I'm just the director. I'm not in charge. The studio heads in charge. And he could blacklist me in a moment. So, uh, and say by saying I'm a communist. So I'll just do what he says and keep my whole park
Starting point is 01:03:15 or park or make it move. Don't you have, I thought you insisted on final cut for this one? Oh, well, no, I insist on final cut for all the bananas that I, you know, I want to cut them inside the bill, but not too soon because they turn pretty brown. You don't want to eat a banana that's too rotten, you know? I want to, you know, a freeze frame that said David and whatever Julia Roberts character's
Starting point is 01:03:33 name is, we'll return and to get to paradise. And to get to paradise three. That's right. The sequel will be both the second and the third movie in the series. Part of the innovations we're trying to bring to this franchise. And then of course we do the fourth one, which is called Forkett to Paradise Slash 56 days later, which is 28 days later times two. And we'll finally combine these movies in the shared universe that they're in.
Starting point is 01:03:58 So Stuart, I don't know if you're aware of this, but the movie also ended with some bloopers. And I turned it off immediately. I wanted to say about the bloopers that, for a romantic comedy that is both light on the rom and the calm, there are certain takes in the bloopers that I'm like, why was it, like that's a funnier take? Yes, I think it's a usable funnier take. Why didn't you use that? The bloopers really pointed towards a slightly funnier movie.
Starting point is 01:04:23 Yeah. And it seemed like it was like, I guess if you just let it Clooney and Julia Roberts hang out, it would probably be a charming hero. Well, that's like during the press tour, anytime the two of them would be seated and chairs next to each other, I'm like, I'll watch this. Yeah. Yeah. Well, speaking of ways, let's give our final judgments about whether you should watch
Starting point is 01:04:42 this, I mean, or not, like even whatever we say, it doesn't have the effect. I'm glad Danny clarified that this is not a legally binding order. We will not show up at your home. Dan's like, what's the point of seeing you winning right here? Dan, we just banged down their door. Why the fuck aren't you watching tickets a paradise right now? You have no excuse.
Starting point is 01:05:03 Final judgments, this is a good bad movie, a bad, bad movie, a movie kind of liked. I gotta say, like, ultimately, I did kind of like it. Like, it's the least a movie can be while still being kind of enjoyable. Like, I, to pull back the curtain a bit, I am moving right now. So, I was not paying the utmost attention at all points
Starting point is 01:05:27 to take it to paradise because I had other business that will need to be attended to because tomorrow is literally moving day. Dan was busy filling crates with straw and then nailing the top shot. Yeah. And honestly, if you are in a similar situation, this is the alien idols. This is the ideal kind of movie to watch, because you will always know what is going on. And every once in a while, you'll look over and you just see your movie buddies, George and Julia hanging out together,
Starting point is 01:05:56 and it'll give you a smile. And you're like, I bet this vacation was super fun for them. Yeah, it's just a mile, I mildly liked it. I didn't have, I didn't feel negatively towards the movie other than feeling like it was just sort of bland. What do you say it's to? No, I'm on, I'm kind of on the same boat as you like. It's, it's a very pretty movie to look at. It is not, it's not going to challenge you in any way. You don't have to think too hard about how
Starting point is 01:06:26 you feel about the characters. There's not really any twists and or turns. Yeah, it's basically like a bath of a movie. So if you want to take a long bath and watch a movie, take a paradise. Yeah, I can't say it's a movie that I liked, but it also, I feel similarly, it's a real comfort food, easy going, sit down and just kind of let the movie take you through jungles to beach's type of movie. It's not, it's, everything you guys say. And this was Australia, where this was shot?
Starting point is 01:07:03 In Australia, yeah. Okay, time to book my trip. Hopefully I'll run into George and Julia since they stuck around, right? You guys. And this was Australia, where this was shot in Australia. Yeah. Okay, time to book my trip. Hopefully I'll run into Georgia, and Julia, since they stuck around, right? Yeah. I mean, they stayed at the end. They jumped off that boat. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:14 Listeners, give me a list of things I need to do when I go to Queensland, Queensland, Queensland, Australia, the Queensland. The Queensland, yeah. Well, I'll give you a list of something to do right now. And that's probably a microdose. You've probably heard about microdosing. If not, just know that all sorts of people are microdosing daily to feel healthier and perform better.
Starting point is 01:07:34 And our show today is sponsored by microdose gummies, which deliver perfect entry level doses of THC that help you feel just the right amount of good, hey, you know by now that I am a user of this product, I find that it is relaxing, a pleasant way to wind down. Sometimes it boosts my creativity. I enjoy it for, you know, when I want to relax without feeling so blazed, but I can't do anything else. If that sounds appealing to you, microdoses available nationwide. It's to learn more about microdosing THC. Go to and use code flop that's FLOP to get free shipping and 30% off your first order. Links can be found in the show description, but again, that is code flop.
Starting point is 01:08:30 Hey, in addition to microdose gummies, the show is also sponsored by Squarespace. That's right. Squarespace is the all-in-one platform for building your brand and growing your business online. Stand out with on your website. Squarespace has powerful blogging tools to share stories, photos, videos, and other things that you can do to get your feedback.
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Starting point is 01:09:33 10% off of your first purchase of a website or domain. Hey, we've also got a couple of jumbo tron. jumbo tron. Yeah. Thank you. The first is a promotional jumbo tron that comes with courtesy of Jason Schupper. I think I pronounce his name correctly. And it reads like this, Billy Crudup, Keith Gordon, Ray Leota, Roda Mitchell. These are just some of the actors who receive the deep dive treatment, starting with their
Starting point is 01:09:59 first film from Jason and Jules and their podcast, We Doing Filmographies. Who's next? You'll have to tune in every Saturday to find out. So subscribe and listen to we doing filmographies everywhere. You get your podcast on and be our friend on all the socials parentheses. We're lonely.
Starting point is 01:10:14 Oh, yeah, go help them out. And we like that title. Yeah, we doing filmographies. And we also have a personal jumbo tron. This is forecast and it's from Jeff and Jen. And it says wishing a wonderful 19th birthday to our son, cast, we missed the days when you were home with us watching the uninvited.
Starting point is 01:10:30 We're listening to the peaches, but we are glad you are living your best life at college, best of luck in your computer science and Russian cinema classes. We hope you find time to found that bad movie club. And we love you. Well, that's so sweet. Wow, sounds like cast takes after our approach to college. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:47 Being super cool. That's our approach. Yep. I majored in cool. With Max Fundrive in the books, we'd like to welcome our new members and say thanks to everyone who supported us over the years. Welcome! Thanks!
Starting point is 01:11:07 And now, onto the sticker sale. A lot of this year's drive gifts and live streams focused on food. We love how food can bring communities together, but not everyone has access to the food they need. So we'll split the proceeds from our sticker sale among five U.S. food banks in areas disproportionately affected by poverty. The sale ends Friday, April 14th. Members at the $10 monthly level and above can purchase any stickers they'd like.
Starting point is 01:11:32 There's also a special Max Fun sticker featuring Nazi this squirrel that all members can purchase. For more info, head to slash sticker sale. And thanks again for your support. or a slash sticker sale. And thanks again for your support. [♪ music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, of footprints. So the man said to God, why is there only one set of footprints when times were hard? Where were you? And God replied, my precious child, I was in my car, listening to the Beefent Dairy Network Podcast. The Beefent Dairy Network Podcast is a multi-awinning comedy podcast, and you can find it at or wherever you get your podcasts. Okay, well, now let us move on to letters from listeners.
Starting point is 01:12:36 And the first letter is from Brian Lestane with Held, who writes? Blessed. Hi, floppers. Oh, wow, Brian. Blessed, then you got to read in the cool voice. Yeah, I got. Oh, wow, bruh. Blessed. Then you got to read in the cool voice. Yeah, I got a yell it. I got a yell it.
Starting point is 01:12:48 The recent. Yeah. Sorry. Dan, 100% are trying, a for effort. Oh, oh. And glad you stopped before you blew out your throat trying to start like my blessing. The recent discussion of the podcast, repeated discussions of a goofy movie made me think of a scene. I was just talking about this the other day.
Starting point is 01:13:08 I still haven't seen that. Maybe I made me think of a scene from the film that always sticks out to my mind. Max said his dad goofy are playing 20 questions in the car. Goofy says man or woman, max size, it says man, to which goofy immediately and correctly guesses Walt Disney. This is akin to playing Guess Who With Your Dead and his car has the true a noble name of God on it. It truly brings up some horrifying implications.
Starting point is 01:13:34 My question is, do you have any favorite or least favorite instances of breaking the fourth wall? Also, Stu, you should watch a goofy movie. Keep it always brine last thing with him. He's in the room. Gotcha. Yeah, one of my bartenders yesterday was so angry that I had not seen a goofy movie and she was just quoting lines from the movie, which was funny because I'm like, I couldn't
Starting point is 01:13:59 tell if this was real or made up because I haven't seen it yet. Yeah. It was either a very impressive improv or it was just, it was actual recollection. I mean, I want fans of the, listeners the show, please let us know. Do you want us to do an episode on the goofy movie at this point? At this time, first of all, I know you guys like it. It's a real touchstone for the generation that's like what, 10 years younger than us. But what's, yeah, goofy movie, should we do it?
Starting point is 01:14:23 Let us know. Okay. So least favorite, bring the fourth wall, all of Deadpool. Okay, Dan, what about you? Oh, yeah, but do you have a most favorite or are you just choosing to do the least favorite? I was just starting off with fine. I figured we're just, this is like a like a jam session where we're just going to like, yeah, I was going to say that one one breaking of the fourth wall that I like is I remember there's one point in one breaking of the fourth wall that I like is I remember there's one point in trading places where the brothers are being very condescending to A. Murphy.
Starting point is 01:14:51 And he just like the one example of breaking the fourth wall in the entire movie is him making a face to the audience. And it's all the more powerful just this like this other lies entirely traditional narrative film. Elliott, what do you got? I like the bit in the funny games remake where where something good seems to happen. They're like, nope. We want in your face. Like, fuck you.
Starting point is 01:15:22 You wanted a good thing to happen. Forget it. Hannah, you don't play that way. I have a lot of favorite fourth wall memories to be honest. I feel like that's one of the reasons that Gremlins 2 was such a like pivotal movie for me growing up was that it kept pushing the the boundaries of what it could do as a movie that exists. And then finally, when the Gremlins break the film and are just like in the theater with you making shadow puppets and in raging Usher Paul Bartell to the point that he goes and gets Hulk Hogan to scare them away like that. And that's something that and then when the movie was on.
Starting point is 01:15:58 I do like that Hulk Hogan waited until the Usher got him to get involved. Yes, because he was curious whether that was the show or not. And that when they released the movie on video, they re-did that segment to have it be them changing channels while you're watching the film. That was something that really blew my mind as a kid, which I still love. That's a fourth-while breaking moment, right? I just remembered one that I like even more that in the Muppet movie where they meet the electric mayhem and they start explaining what happened, like their story.
Starting point is 01:16:24 Can we read the screenplay? And they're like, oh, you know, like we can't do that. We can't explain what's happened so far. We'll board the audience. Just have them read the screenplay. Actually, I have another favorite one. It's in the game Metal Gear Solid, when Psycho Manus starts reading the contents
Starting point is 01:16:37 of your memory card and he's like, you like Castlevania, you don't, you know what I'm like? I did play Castlevania. This guy is psychic. Wow. Another one. Castlevania games are the new, you know, I'm like, I did play Castlevania. This guy is psychic. Wow. Yeah, another one. Guys, the Game's are the new movies. Get on board.
Starting point is 01:16:49 Or let's see if he does. I have to use the new novels. Video game is the new movies. And mine is the new pop song, which is interesting. So the another one is this is a movie that has not aged as well for me as Gremlins II, but the scene in Space Balls where they need to find the heroes. So they get the video of Space Balls. And they're watching it and they go through the part where dark helmet gets hurt and he goes, race that part. They never
Starting point is 01:17:12 watch that part again. Like that, that was a joke that I was really liked. Yeah. Okay, well, the second and final letter is from Eve spelled in the French manner with a YVES. Oh. Last name withheld rights. Like Saint Laurent. Favorite Warhammer movie. Hello, peaches. My friends and I.
Starting point is 01:17:34 My friends that I like to watch movies that share themes or plot points with Warhammer while we paint our miniatures. A good guiding principle is if the movie could be described as, quote, grim dark, a term coined in an early Warhammer rulebook describing how, quote, in the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war. I love any time. Hammers. Well, anytime that Stewart has an excuse to talk hammy, So I figured I would write into ask each of your favorite movies that share themes with Warhammer. A few examples of movies we have watched recently are
Starting point is 01:18:10 Adventure Rising, the name of the Rose, and Mad God. Anyway, I hope that makes it clear enough, and if it's, if not, I'm sure Stewart can point you in the right direction. Love you guys, Eve. I'm going to let Stewart point me in the right direction. Yeah, point us in the right direction. There's some obvious ones like like dread or starship troopers or let's see. Would you say would Mandy fall under that category or no? Maybe, maybe a little. That's a little, I mean, I feel like that's a little more psychological than Warhammer stuff, gentlemen.
Starting point is 01:18:44 Maybe. I think there's a little bit there. Man, that's tough. I feel like a lot of sci-fi movies kind of air on the side of like Grim Dark, and I'm probably fucking forgetting a bunch of good ones. Valhalla Rising is a good one. That kind of shit. What about Johnny Numanik? Yeah, maybe it's again, that's need to be more Numanik. That's a little more cyber punky. But yeah, I can see it is like depending on like if you're painting some stuff that's like from like a Necromanter gang or an inquisitorial written new. Okay. Perfect sense. Or the movie Dragon Slayer, you know, that kind of shit. Oh, Dragon Slayer, a favorite for my childhood. Great effects, great special effect.
Starting point is 01:19:32 Classic IELM stuff. Let's go on to. You know the movie Conquest, the Fantasy movie, Italian fantasy movie? I don't know that one. Oh, okay, it's a luchiofulgy fantasy movie. I bet that was fine. I don't know. Where are they, it's a luchiofulchy fantasy movie. I bet that was fun. I don't know. Where are they conquesting the planet of the apes?
Starting point is 01:19:48 No, just a fantasy world. Okay. That's the thing you're thinking of conquests to the planet of the apes. You're saying story. So it's not like a movie based on the villain from the Invincible comic book that like rips the main character's spine out or something.
Starting point is 01:20:03 No, I don't think so. That's a violent comic book, dude. Yeah, it is. Okay. I don't know why you're mad at me. I'm just saying you want it. I mean, I have my own violent comics, but you know. Let's move on to recommendations of letters of letters.
Starting point is 01:20:21 So letters we've loved in the long term. You're violent. You're violent. Let's look at the letters that we we've loved in the long. You're following the limitations. Let's, let's look at the letters that we, unfortunately lost this year. In Memorium. A letter E. Um, that's an important letter.
Starting point is 01:20:34 There's no big thing if it letter died. Yeah, one of the, it's very personal to me. I use that letter every day. And will the mainstream media cover his death? No. No, well, not the way, not how it happened anyway. It stands for entertainment, right? Well, only if there's an explanation point afterwards, and it's on a mic cube at a red carpet for me. Only if, only if Charles is in front of it and
Starting point is 01:20:56 cheese is behind it. So you say the restaurant's called Charles E. Cheese. Yeah, that's what Androgy is all about. So sorry, let's recommend movies, movies that we've seen in the likes. Like I said, movies. I've been busy with a lot of movie. You've been too busy with moving for movies. Moving, sorry, I don't think that's for sure. I'm sure Dan has seen more movies than L.A. We recorded two in a row and I'm in the middle of moving. Sorry. I don't think that's for sure. I'm sure Dan is seen more movies than L.A.
Starting point is 01:21:25 We recorded two in a row and I'm in the middle of moving. My brain is moving. I've been busy. I was only able to go to the theaters twice every day. We had Max. We had Max fun drive moving. I got sick. What else? So you cannot watch movies for the live show. Like a lot of stuff is going on, but we did actually go out to the theater. Audrey was kind enough to see that I needed a break and be like, why don't we go see John Wick for. She's like, what's up, John?
Starting point is 01:21:53 We're just going to go for our movie. Well, we saw it like nine in the night. We were not going to be doing anything else at that point. So yeah, we went and saw John Wick for it. No big surprise. Everyone's already said it's good. It's not recommending some. Yeah, what's your hot take on John Wick Ford? So sleeper. My hot take is, hey, look, if you put care into stunt work and you don't chop it all up and you shoot it real nice.
Starting point is 01:22:25 It's a good movie. Dan, I'm gonna see it in a couple of days, but can you, can you like break it to me? Is how is Scott Adkins in a fat suit? Amazing, okay. Amazing. I really think that like John Wick for like feels kind of like the fury road of like shoot about moves.
Starting point is 01:22:46 Oh, high praise. Like it has to be shooting. Most of the viewers, one of the greatest movies ever made. That's very high praise. I mean, it's not quite to that level, but it has the same sort of like consistent relentless ness and meticulous attention to like the action and just like the beautiful looking. It's very good. Okay. Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. I'm going to recommend a movie that also received a
Starting point is 01:23:09 fair amount of accolades, at least when it was first released. But I rewatched it and it also features one of the leads of this movie. I'm going to recommend the movie Michael Clayton starring George Clooney and also featuring a number of great performances, Sydney Pollock, his great-knit, and also my girl Tilda Swinton. She's so good. You're favorite. In like super norm core, Tilda Swinton, it's amazing. It's amazing. It's amazing.
Starting point is 01:23:34 It's amazing. It's amazing. It's amazing. To see her playing that norm core character and to be doing it so like, powerfully. She's so good. I'll just think about it sometimes, that performance. And I'm like, what an amazing performance that was. And Clooney, watching that movie, I was also like, how old was Clooney here?
Starting point is 01:23:48 And he's not much older than I am. Timeless. And there's something about it, like, I'm a sucker for movies where you have a protagonist who is very skilled at something, but also very bad at other things. Like somebody who is good at it. Well, Spider-Man or like, I mean, the one I always lean into is like Jack Aubrey from the Master in Commander books.
Starting point is 01:24:11 Like somebody who is very talented at one specific area of their life, but a lot of the rest of their life, they're a total fuck up. And George Cleans, Michael Clayton is a little bit like that. Like he is a lawyer, he's very powerful, but also that power is controlled within the firm he's in,
Starting point is 01:24:27 and his personal life is kind of a mess, and he is brought in to fix an issue within his firm. That problem being Tom Wilkinson. And yeah, it's a movie that like watching it again, I'm like, this is an adult movie. This is like a movie for grownups, because it's not particularly flashy. You have to pay attention. There's a lot of little nuance and details and the performance is incredible. And it just, I think it just dropped on HBO Max. So go check out Mike gol clay 10. Yeah, that's another great movie. I'm going to
Starting point is 01:25:01 recommend a kind of a lesser and it was directed by the guy who wrote the screenplay for the Cutting Edge. Interesting. The Cutting Edge is a movie that had a big impression on me when I saw it in the theaters of the kid, because it was the first time I had ever seen a movie with a non-conclusive ending, where it was left up to you, the audience, decide whether or not they were going to win this metal or competition or whatever. Anyway, I'm going to recommend this this medal or competition or whatever. Anyway, I'm going to record a movie.
Starting point is 01:25:26 That's a little bit of a smaller movie. This movie from 1989, it's an independent film called Cammulian Street, written by, directed by and starring, Wendell B. Harris Jr. and it is based on the true story of a con artist from Detroit who in a, it's similar in some ways to a harder edged catch me if you can't. He was a con artist who would pretend he pretended to be a doctor for some time, for a certain amount of time. He pretended to be, I think, a lawyer at one point. He faked a kidnapping to try to get some ransom money or fake to extortion, not kidnapping.
Starting point is 01:25:58 Faked it in a blackmail type scenario. And basically, the movie is presenting, and he was also black. And the movie is presenting this character as someone who is finding that it is easier for him to take on fake roles and fool the white world around him into thinking he's something he's not. Then it is for him to succeed through the normal channels. But some of that might be because he is afraid of admitting he might fail, if that happens.
Starting point is 01:26:24 And so it's a really, through the normal channels. But some of that might be because he is afraid of admitting he might fail, if that happens. And so it's a really, I felt like thorough portrait of this very out of the ordinary character. But it's also a pretty funny movie. By the end of the movie, it starts getting a little disturbing because the character is kind of pushing what he's capable of doing in terms of fooling people. But at times, it's really funny. And Wendellby Harris, who made the home movie and started it, is super charismatic and fun to watch.
Starting point is 01:26:51 So that's from recommending Camillean Street. Sorry, I just have to jump back a second to Stuart. And get started. It's a Stuart and he's checking, checking my, checking my mercy that by the writer of the cutting edge, Stuart was talking about who I thought he was talking about Tony Gilroy. More notably right now is known for being the person behind and or let's say like right in the zeitgeist, but many many other major pictures.
Starting point is 01:27:17 I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. a wonderful film, but it's a funny way to refer to. And I think and didn't he also write, oh no, Dan Gilroy, real steel, never mind, that
Starting point is 01:27:27 was Dan Gilroy's brother. There's no reason can't say I'm the writer, say the man by the cutting edge. But I'm still correct. No, you are. Look, I love the cutting edge. I have a lot of the things really cutting edge, it's just a funny way to rank them. Yeah, it's like what people say. People talk about, when people talk about Martin Scorsese and I go, oh, you're the director
Starting point is 01:27:49 of Boxcar Bertha. Everyone knows what I'm talking about. Well, it's like how Audrey had like cable for a very specific part for childhood. And so when she hears Wesley Snipes and Woody Haleson, she doesn't think Whiteman can't jump. It's all money training. Right, right. Maybe. And she made you watch money-train, right?
Starting point is 01:28:08 Yeah, that is a confusing movie. That's a movie that does not know what it's about. It has like three plots and they all seem to want to like wraps up 30 minutes before the end of the movie and you're like, I thought that was going to be a bigger thing. But there's a train full of money, right? There is a money-train. So on that level, it technically says. Technically correct. Yeah,, technically, technically correct. Yeah, the best kind of correct. As Hermes Con, no, it's the other guy, the head bureaucrat in future, I'm going to say
Starting point is 01:28:35 anyway. Hey, this was fun, but now it's done. Not a good time. So in a way, it was a lesson that all things are transitore. Thank you, Dan. You really did achieve enlightenment recently. Yeah. Life can't just be peaks. There must be valleys. Yeah, ups and downs. You know, in valleys and hit belly ranches. One of the one of the ups is going to be coming up pretty soon here on the 22nd. When we debut the stream from our live show, which you should totally tune in,
Starting point is 01:29:06 it's our first time, it's going to look super professional, you're going to be blown away, you're like, who are these movie stars? Those movie stars are us, just regular Joe Schmoss. I mean, I'm not Joe Schmoss. I'm not Joe Schmoss. I'm not Joe Schmoss. I'm not Joe Schmoss. I'm not Joe Schmoss.
Starting point is 01:29:18 I'm not Joe Schmoss. I'm not Joe Schmoss. I'm not Joe Schmoss. I'm not Joe Schmoss. I'm not Joe Schmoss. I'm not Joe Schmoss. I'm not Joe Schmoss. I'm not Joe Schmoss. I'm not Joe Schmoss. I'm not Joe Schm hope that I'm not, you know, talking about this. I'm really excited about it. You said it's about magic. So I can only assume it's about
Starting point is 01:29:35 like your hunt for a fucking like a white load. Is there some other like Lord of the pit or some other rare magic the gathering card? Yeah, exactly. Something is something he really needs. It's really rare. But then they just ended up with what a prodigal sorcerer is like. Oh, yeah. Yeah, dingin' from one headpoint, sure. Yeah, yeah, might as well just get a land for that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:55 But that's the flop house April 22nd. Do you want tickets for it? Do you want a chance to get a VIP ticket where you get to talk to us directly? Then go to slash go to slash stream, slash stream, tickets are available now. And during the show, you get a chance to get some of the exclusive merchandise. So maybe my favorite merchandise we've ever seen done for the flopphouse. This is going to be a real professional show.
Starting point is 01:30:19 And then yeah, watch the video is just a total crap show of us following over and things like that. As long as we're talking about stuff in the future, unless something dramatic happens and we have to change plans, the next episode will also be a romcom and we'll have Halley Haglund back on. Everyone's favorite, my certainly my wife's favorite member of the flop house family. I will return. Don't worry, as you were recording, I received an email in which she was trying to make plans for that day with me and some other people, and I reminded her, no, no, you have plans for
Starting point is 01:30:49 that day already. Oh, okay. Don't worry, she'll be there. Okay, thank you. But yeah, this has been great. For the flop hat, well, I'll thank Alex Smith, I guess, before I say for the flop hats. I'll thank our producer, editor, sound guy. He writes music for us sometimes.
Starting point is 01:31:05 He's really quite a talented man, Alex Smith. Yeah. You can find him on the socials at Hall Doddy. Thank you to Maximum Fun, our network is go to for other great shows. But for the Flop House, I have been Dan McCoy. I've been Stuart Ticket, Stu Paradise, Wellington. Oh. I'm Ellie Kaelin, saying again, go to Flop House slash stream and also I've been steward ticket stew paradise Wellington. That's a good way to feel good, so thank you everybody, Ivan Elliott, Kay Lynn of the Flock Apps.
Starting point is 01:31:47 Bye! Yeah, you know, you want cool people to like you, I get it. Yeah, that's, it's a basic human need, goes back to the caveman. Mm-hmm. And that one caveman with sunglasses? That was the first invention before fire in the wheel with sunglasses. He goes, hmm, Augs Future so bright, Aug needs shades. Wow.
Starting point is 01:32:10 Gary Larson's like, I can't believe these dickheads are stealing my bits. Hey, he gave it up. He walked away from the game, man. Yeah, we want to make it. We want to make it. Cartoon about a cow, that's our prerogative. I will say, maybe it's because I read them so many times that I remember all of them and that it surprised us gone,
Starting point is 01:32:27 but I was doing some joke writing research and I was like, I'd love to get some far side stuff in here and I'm rereading far side comics and I'm like, these are not quite as funny to me as they once were and I wonder why that is. Maybe it's just because that kind of off-kilter thing is so prevalent now, I don't know. Maybe Gary Larson just needs the right project pitch to him.
Starting point is 01:32:45 Like maybe I feel like you'd be a great pencilor for like a Punisher book. I would love to say, I mean, and then Jordan can do a Predator series at one point. I mean, like, you know, that's, he's great. We're talking about talent at Artis here. I'd love to see Gary Larson do a Punisher book.
Starting point is 01:33:01 Yeah. The Punisher is just constantly blowing away women with B-Hive hairdo book. Yeah, the Punisher is just constantly blowing away women with beehive hair, do you? Comedy and culture. Artist-owned, audience supported.

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