The Flop House - Episode #396 - 80 for Brady

Episode Date: May 20, 2023

We watch a film about four octogenarian women going to the Super Bowl, because apparently that's a full concept for a movie these days? Like, just... older people seeing football? That's a movie? Anyw...ay, it's called 80 for Brady and we watched it. One of us even liked it, so if you enjoy listening to the other two being dumbfounded, this is the episode for you.Wikipedia page for 80 for BradyMovies recommended in this episode:Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (2023)Evil Dead Rise (2023)The Hellstrom Chronicle (1971)Ever tried Microdosing? Visit and use FLOP for 30% off + Free Shipping.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On this episode we discuss 80 for Brady, in which we get a little bit shady about this group of ladies who are 80 for Tom Brady and a little crazy maybe. Getting into some slight rhymes in the end. Hey everyone and welcome to the flop house I'm Dan McCoy. Oh hey Dan it's me, Stuart Wellington. And I'm over here, Elliot Kaelin, probably still manning the picket lines. We're recording this episode a little bit about a week early, but it's very possible that the writer's guild is still on strike. And I want to thank everyone out there who's supporting us for supporting us during these part times where we fight for what's best for us and also what's best for the entire entire entertainment worker creative community.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Yeah, like I support by sending you guys like low memes and funny videos in the group channel. Yeah, that's how you support us. You do, you send us and with the text message that says, drop whatever shit you're doing right now and watch this. Yeah, I can't always do it since you just not caring about. Yeah, but the thing about chanting, but I mean, Stewart is the wind beneath our wings. He is. He's clear about that.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Would I rather he went to and donated to the entertainment community fund to help film and television professionals? Sure. Yeah, but sending us silly memes is also helpful. The thing is, I'm a man who can do both, Aliens. I can feel your heart and your wallet. Why not both? Audrey just, Audrey has a picture of herself where she's like, don't I look so much like the why not both girl? And so she's made a version of it that she now uses with friends.
Starting point is 00:01:53 And like, it's got to a point that I don't even notice that's not the original why not both. I feel like that's the next level is instead of doing like me and immediately googling critters gif instead I'll make my own, my own little gif, my own little reaction video of myself. That's similar to how. That's similar to how I have a picture of my sons looking at the camera smiling while a house burns in the background. Much like the meme of the same.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Did they like that house on fire. I'm not going to say we're being recorded. Yeah. Okay. Well, we should probably explain this podcast for anyone. So this podcast range, I should go over it and with the grimes. They're just trying to live out their Manchester by the sea fantasy experience. I shouldn't have shown the Manchester by the sea. That was, that was a mistake. This is a podcast. They said they wanted to learn more about grief. So I showed them that and Margaret. And I second thought maybe that were, maybe they weren't ready for so much Kenneth Lonergan. Yeah. This is a podcast where we watch a movie that had a shaky reaction either at the box office or critically. Flop is used in a wide range of meetings here.
Starting point is 00:03:10 And then we talk about it, we discuss it, we see what we think about it. And this time we watched 80 for Brady, the film that I had, guys, I just want to take over quickly for a moment here. When I saw the trailer for this movie. You know, I saw the trailer for this movie. I saw the trailer for this movie. I was sure to be in charge, by the way. I tell everyone that you're in charge. Well, I'm naked. Seem like the others are in charge, but you're just borrowing it for a moment. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's the praises in the middle of the state of the
Starting point is 00:03:36 United States. And if I could talk for a little bit longer, and it's like, you got the floor, man, you're the president, just go for it. So I was're here, pulls a raspberry like excuse me, excuse me, can I talk? So really old reference anyway. No, did you have the same reaction that I did to the trailer? When I saw the trailer, I'm like, what is this movie trying to sell me? This movie is sold on the premise of like these four older women want to go to the Super Bowl. Can you believe it? Yeah, as if that's true. And like, the Super Bowl is the biggest event in the most popular sport in America. It's something that is not to my taste, certainly, but I do not find it unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:04:22 You would literally have a soup or bowl. You'd rather have a I would enjoy that yeah, yeah, well, for a movie. I think that also I don't know about Look at bowl soup. Yeah, Dan. How do you feel about the Super Bowl or just like football in general? I would say that I watch one Game of Football a year is usually a couple of the puppy bowl. Yeah. Uh-huh. Uh, I am there because I am, you know, either at a friend's house or Audrey's
Starting point is 00:04:51 family is having a Super Bowl party or you just smoked too much of the good shit. You ended up there, you know? I guess that's another type of Super Bowl you can have. But uh, when he emerged from his hate, he realized he was a Super Bowl party. But the way it all these chips, guy who just wandered in, oh, hey man, I was hungry. Elliot's practicing for his upcoming stoner comedy. I am.
Starting point is 00:05:14 This is my SNL character. I'm not sure if I auditioned yet as guy who's mad that a stoner wandered into a super bowl party or stoner who wandered into a super bowl party. I think they both characters in the audition. Yeah. I'll let Lauren figure out which one I'm best at. Yeah, but that's my, I mean, like I see a, I see a game a year. It's like I get wise exciting. I just can't sustain that interest in it. And I have all the usual like finger waving issues with, you know, like people getting seriously medically. Just because it destroys
Starting point is 00:05:42 people's brains and their bodies for the entertainment of others. Yeah, it's not to my taste, but I understand that it is extremely popular. So with this movie, can you believe these ladies? I'm like, yes, I can easily believe that for American women, such fans of football, and Tom Brady, a very popular sports figure, that they would want to go to the Super Bowl. You got to sell them these something else movie. I mean, and I guess the movie is selling me these four actors, these actresses who are wonderful.
Starting point is 00:06:13 And I know all the effects for it. Right up top. But before it gets weird, we can all agree. They can all still get it, right? Before and that's what we're talking about. When Dan was like, did you have the same reaction I did? I want to be like a rousal? Yeah I'm not going to be able to do that. I'm not going to be able to do that. I'm not going to be able to do that. I'm not going to be able to do that. I'm not going to be able to do that. I'm not going to be able to do that.
Starting point is 00:06:27 I'm not going to be able to do that. I'm not going to be able to do that. I'm not going to be able to do that. I'm not going to be able to do that. I'm not going to be able to do that. I'm not going to be able to do that. I'm not going to be able to do that. I'm not going to be able to do that.
Starting point is 00:06:35 I'm not going to be able to do that. I'm not going to be able to do that. I'm not going to be able to do that. I'm not going to be able to do that. I'm not going to be able to do that. I'm not going to be able to do that. I'm not going to be able to do that. I'm not going to be able to do that.
Starting point is 00:06:43 I'm not going to be able to do that. I'm not going to be able to do that. I'm not going to be able to do that. I'm not going to be able to do that. I'm not going to be able to do that. I'm not going to be able to do that. that they're gorgeous women. And that feel like if we bring it up now and get it out of the way, it'll say you all this like, I just said that. Bring it up first values that above, perhaps their acting ability, which is also tremendous. Yeah, I mean, so it's like, and like Jane Fonda's her various charity work and her activism like, come on, Dan.
Starting point is 00:07:01 There's a lot of stuff going on. There's a lot that Jane Fonda took a lot of shit for in her life that she was right about in retrospect. So let's just, let's be okay with that for a moment. Okay. Then you got, you got, how do I become the heel of this? Three quarters of them are asking her winners, right? I don't think Lily Tomlin has ever won an Oscar.
Starting point is 00:07:20 But they're all, they're an amazing group of talents. When I, in my neighborhood for a long time, there was a big 80 for Brady billboard that was I saw almost every day. When I was driving back to the gym. And you saluted it every time you drove. Every time while driving I stood up, I saluted, I stopped whatever I was doing. Are you starting to say I'm in the science?
Starting point is 00:07:36 I'm in the eighth of America. I was just, and the funny thing was every time we drove past it, my wife would be like, what is that movie just about that they like football? Like that's it, basically the same way I'm saying. And also, I had to keep reminding myself that it was not the book club, ladies, that Jane Fonda is the only crossover between book club and 80 for Brady, right? Yeah, but it was crazy.
Starting point is 00:07:56 It was a full on crossover. It was easy. It was easy. It was easy. Because then there'd be two Jane Fonda's where she leaned into double life. Yeah, that's the, I mean, these are the questions the trailer's going to ask and the movie will have to answer. I think I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say right here so we, so it's not awkward. Two Jane fondas, every American man's fantasy. So,
Starting point is 00:08:14 yeah. So stop. Don't we bring up that. And so it doesn't get weird later. Yeah. Look, yes, they're all very beautiful, but also, let's be like, let's be but touching about it, but also how they would like to let people grudging about it, Dan. And yes, there's a certain amount of why are these women at this point in their career making a movie like this? It's partly, I have to assume because there's not that many roles for women in their age group, there should be more. It's partly because they just have a problem together. Yeah. I mean, they're all big football fans. I don't know. I mean, you mentioned the club before, other than Jane, that's the obvious point of
Starting point is 00:08:50 counter of like reference for this movie where it's like, oh, this was successful with, if you put some older legendary actors in a movie that will oftentimes become like a sleeper hit, whether it be that like older people who would like that feel underserved or the gay community of ages who are like just admirers of these people want to come out and see this movie. I found this film a little thick. I would say it is extremely thin. It is if they filmed the outline. And this movie, so I don't know how much they actually, I don't know what stage they were involved in, but this movie credits as its writers Sarah Haskins and Emily Halperin who wrote Booksmart, which is, which I love.
Starting point is 00:09:35 I thought it was a really fantastic movie. And so it's, I'm very, I'm very, I wish that, I wish that we had them here so I could be like, was this movie rewritten a lot? Did they only give you two days? Because this was one of those like gig jobs the producers are trying to create, you know, to steal money away from writers and make it to our careers crash and burn and none of us can survive and support our families. Like what happened here?
Starting point is 00:09:57 Did they rewrite it all on set? Did the ladies decide they just wanted to add a little bit through and they didn't even read any of it? Because it is a movie that is, it is, there is one scene in it that I found funny, which I felt bad about, is there funny performers? And by coincidence, I was watching this movie at the same time that for another thing
Starting point is 00:10:14 I am reading the book version of the search for science of intelligent life in the universe. And so it was like, I was at which Lily Tomlin originated in the, as a one-woman show. She didn't write it, but she originated. But it's like, it was like I was experiencing the Lily Tomlin originated in the as a one-woman show. She didn't write it, but she originated it. But it's like, it was like I was experiencing the highs and lows of Lily Tomlin's career at the exact same time. And it was really giving me Lily Tomlin whiplash, you know.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Stuart's already making, you know, saddened. Yeah, my enthusiasm is draining away. Yeah. So, so, so, but you have you have unbunged my, what, my barrel of enthusiasm and enthusiasm dripping all over the floor. We're going to have to get a fucking mop. It's so sticky. But here's the thing guys, it just means it's time for another episode and by another episode, I mean, the first episode of flop court. That's right.
Starting point is 00:11:01 Flop court. We're starting. Is the lawyer for the defense? Oh, I do declare. Oh, he's just a simple catcher lawyer. Dan or me can be the lawyer for the, the, the, the plaintiff, the prosecution. And actually we should be the prosecution. And for judge, let's say, I guess, only the Lord can judge us.
Starting point is 00:11:20 I guess it has to be the Lord. So the Lord will decide at the end of the episode, who's right. So Stuart, okay, I was going to do the summary for 80 for Brady, but as the defense, you can go first. Would you rather I go to the summary and you defend the movie point by point as we go, or do you want to give a general overall opening statement, but why 80 for Brady is not barely a movie and a waste of everyone's time? See in this world of complicated entertainment options, sometimes you just want to watch something
Starting point is 00:11:50 simple, you know, maybe a couple old ladies who like football, specifically a football team captain by quarterback Thomas Brady, and a rehashing of his successful Super Bowl experience in Super Bowl, what is that? A million, which is the role of that way. Something, one of the Super Bowl, the one against the Falcons. Now could that movie also feature the likes of Billy Porter, Guy Fieri, Harry Hamlin? Of course it could run funchers. There's no longer an exact mouthful. I will say, I did audibly gasp when the opening credits include the name Guy Fieri.
Starting point is 00:12:30 He's got a larger role in this. And I have to expect that he deserves that opening credits billing. I think he has as much screen time as Billy Porter, I think, which is, which is, which is objectively strange and more than Bob Balabair. Yeah, that's true. Although that's true. Bob Balabair, you do get to see him without pants on, which I haven't seen since the movie Girlfriends where you briefly get to see him nude.
Starting point is 00:12:53 So this is, so that was for Bob Balabhan's out there. This is a nice moment. You finally got to see what he's hiding under those slacks all this time. So I feel like I made my point. It's, it's just a, you know, a fun time of the movie. Check your brain of the door. Uh-huh. Pop. Pop. Pop. Pop. Pop. Pop. Pop. Pop. Pop. Pop. Pop. The argument kind of fell apart. You're the end there. Wow. I didn't realize you were the fucking judge, too. I feel like you make stronger arguments as a Southern lawyer
Starting point is 00:13:19 than as a. So, as, so taking over for the, for the prosecution, I think I will just describe the plot of the movie. And I think listeners will get the idea. So the movie begins. It's bought we're in Boston. It's the 2017 AFC championship game between Boston and the Steelers and our ladies, Lily Tomlin, Jane Fonda, Rita Moreno and Sally Field. They are old friends who are getting together to watch the game and they are superstitious, especially Lily Tomlin as Lou, who's the biggest Pats fan in the house. And they all have to sit in exactly the same places they were and do the exact same things they did when they there was a kickoff that led to a victory once. Sally Field is on a ladder, chaining a light bulb.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Lily Tomlin has to spill a bowl of chips. Jane Fonda has to be reading a magazine at a table in the other room. And it feel it's supposed to be heartwarming, but it seems also like a devastating portrayal of excessive compulsive disorder that they're like, and we don't do these exact things, then the patriots will lose and Tom Brady will die. So we have to do them. And they all have a crush on Tom Brady. They are all incredibly open to how physically lustful they are for him.
Starting point is 00:14:26 Was this before or after he showed up to the Kentucky Derby dress like Judge Doom? Did you remember that? Yeah, yeah, I tell it just like Judge Doom, it's a layer. With glasses and everything. Yes, that's, I mean, what else would he wear like a fucking crazy animated face? And when he was followed by cartoon weasels with razor blades and guns. Man, if that's my fucking goal in life, guys, is to have the weasels from Roger Rabbit. Follow me around and just do my bidding.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Granted, they would be bad at it. They wouldn't always. No, they always throw up. They always throw up. Especially one in the same time. Especially one in the same time. You're saying that's your dream. You're saying that's your goal, too.
Starting point is 00:15:03 It's a thing that you're working towards. Yeah, it's a smart goal. It's It's his five year plan By year three he has those weasels they can get to the next two years. What happens in the first year of this? This is a 20 year plan First step discovered tuned No, I think. First step, discover tuned. Yeah, that's gonna take a while. First step.
Starting point is 00:15:25 First and then I, and then I thought you put on, and then it's putting out a want ad in the tune town times. Yes. For looking for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a job, for a mention, I should mention, I don't know if it's before or after that. It's, I should mention that Tom, they all the Christian Tom Brady, except for Jane Fonda, who is a crush on Rob Gronkowski, Tom Brady's teammate who also has Gronk.
Starting point is 00:15:53 And she writes Gronkowski erotica, which at this point in the movie, I assumed was like internet fan fiction. But later on in the film, spoiler, we'll see that it has been published in a foreign cover. It's for sale at the Super Bowl. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think it was licensed resellers. It seems sort of confused effect that they, I don't know. She is surprised to see her work there, but she is excited to autograph and then lead a seated reading of her book of a her surprisingly tame Grand Cowsky Rodica. Really? It really doesn't cover the physical act of love making exceeded reading of her book of a her surprisingly tame bronchowski erotic it really it
Starting point is 00:16:25 really it doesn't cover the the physical act of love making it just I would say that it was leaving snail trails after here and okay well I was but only because I was watching this in the town from Uzumaki so I've been turned into a snail man that makes sense yeah yeah the spiral grew on my shell eventually I was eventually my family got me home and I was okay that's the thing Dan once you the fucking spiral, like you can't unsee it and then everything becomes as spirals, it's crazy. If you read his mackie, I have it. But I mean, it's like how ever since you've said snail trail, I can't stop thinking about snail trail getting grossed out. It's kind of like that.
Starting point is 00:17:03 It's like, listen to me. No, it's a mocky, this is a mocky, is it's, as for listeners to know, it's a Japanese manga. And it, it, it, it posits that spirals are like pringles and that once you pop, you can't stop. Once you see one spiral, you got to chase that spiral. That was good. That was going to be the tagline on the book cover. And I think my favorite moment in the entire series is when the main character, she has
Starting point is 00:17:20 gone through a series of important events. That's for sure. She's been in the hospital. She, she, her cousin is in the hospital. Her cousin becomes all the pregnant ladies in the hospital are using hand drills to steal blood from people. Their blood filled babies when they're born can talk and want to return to the womb. And they are a doctor re-inserts a baby into her cousin's womb.
Starting point is 00:17:41 The cousin emerges and starts drinking the blood of the doctor. And the main character leaves. And the last caption of the chapter is like, I never went back to that hospital. And that's it. It's just like throughout the series, horrific things happen. And the character goes, that was nuts. And then moves on to the next chapter, you know. Yeah, that's why he's the master of modern horror, you know. Oh, yeah. So anyway, we learn a little bit about each of our characters. To be clear, so Lily Tomlin, Loo, she had a cancer bit about each of our characters. To be so Lily Tomlin Lou, she had a cancer scare at one point and being a Patriots fan really got her through it.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Jane Fonda, she used to be a spokesperson model for like a department store chain or something like that. And now she writes, Gronka Radica. Rita Marano, she's a widow and she cannot stop talking about her dead husband. She just misses him so much. And Sally Field is the nerdy math professor who is married to Bob Ballabane, who is a very clingy husband who needs her advice on his academic papers. He just cannot, cannot function without her giving advice on his academic. And he's really holding her back. Yeah. And this, I'm glad that you, you know, outlined the characters as such, Ellie, because that's about as far as the movie does. Like, if a movie has ever relied on just the simple presence of the performers to give you like a sense of who the people might be, not even who they are, but like who they might be and for you to like them, it is this film because I, they're all basically ciphers
Starting point is 00:19:02 to me. The characters and it takes, and it took me I think 35 minutes to figure out that about their personalities. It is really just it is like you are watching Lily Tonlin, Jane Fonda, Rita Marano and Sally Field just walking around being them, you know, acting as if they were themselves, except from these tiny piece of character. When 80 for Brady does it, Dan, you don't like it, but when your favorite movie, Birdman does it and cast Michael Keaton, you're like, oh, yum, yum, Dan, you don't like it. But when your favorite movie, Birdman does it and cast Michael Keaton.
Starting point is 00:19:25 You're like, oh, yum, yum, yum, Jimmy. This video is gonna be a good show. I understand the connection between this and this. I love that Dan isn't even fighting the idea that Birdman is his favorite movie. That's how you balance you through him. Because he's, you know, you, Dan, Stuart's already won the war while you're still fighting the battle, Dan. But he has totally, totally made it impossible to see. You don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't,
Starting point is 00:19:47 you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, don't, you don't, you don't That's how massive it was. What a rhetorical ninja. Anyway, I thought you were going to make the point Stewart that the movie is just so full of life that it's seamless, like a, like a professional magician. You don't even notice the trick as being played. So you think there's no trick. But really it's that there's very little put into these characters. Here's the, here's the gist of it.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Lily Tomlin wants to go to the Super Bowl to see Tom Brady play and they can't afford it. Luckily, there's a TV hotline to Patriots announcers. And this is how lackluster and how lazy this movie is with some of the way things. I didn't even notice until halfway through the movie that one of these sports casters is Rob Quartry. Someone I know personally. He did the accent. He did the accent. Beautiful Boston accent. But I've heard him do that Boston accent before. but I realized I was like, wait a minute, were there no close-up shots of either of these two characters or was just, what am I, like I couldn't tell, but it was, it was way through the movie that I realized that it
Starting point is 00:20:54 was cordially. Maybe that's because he disappears into the character. I don't know. Yeah, this was, is this a, so this is supposed to be like a local sports show. I guess. Yes, but that's a national reach. Yeah, because it's shot like it's an internet show. Oh, if like the graphics are very like internet-y, I don't know. Like that was part of the confusion. I'm like, is this like something that is popular or is this like a local radio station?
Starting point is 00:21:22 It also seems to come on right after the game too. So it's all right, they don't change the channel, I don't think. So here's the thing, this movie, okay, it's set in 2017, but I think what it really is is very sharply positing the future that the writer's guild is trying to fight against in which all of entertainment is collapsed into one thing. There are no standards, there are no professionals. A local internet web series is also a national sports casting thing. Your mom's, Gronk, Aarodica that she's writing in her living room, is also a major bestseller published in hardcover.
Starting point is 00:21:56 There's no difference between professional and amateur. None of us get paid for any of it. And we're, because the machines have taken it from us, that's what the guild is trying to fight against. And 80 for Brady, I realize now is a chilling vision of that future. So Stuart, maybe you're right. Maybe there's more to this movie than I thought there was. Yeah. I guess we got to apologize. Well, I mean, we can we can do that during the final judge. Yes, I apologize to me. Anyway, they decide to enter the contest. That's the gist of what's happening there.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Read and Randall, she lives at a senior senior center and even though I believe she has her own home, she stays there because that's where her husband was. Oh, that's what it was. Okay, I couldn't quite understand why she was living there. And she is consistently not getting that Glenn Turman, another person there wants her bed. And it's like, that's Glenn Turman. He was married to a Ritha Franklin, like go for it. You know,'s he's a great catch i was glad to see that he had survived the grimline attack that he had been through yes i mean he's been in many things since since grandma yeah but my last name is dan soren in gamm's just, okay, because the mayor of Baltimore
Starting point is 00:23:05 quite some time, you know, in television. So, but that's good, it is good that he survives. I think the thing, I love the idea that this is now, this is now canon to me, is that's the same character. Yeah, he was a science teacher, you know, he was stabbed with some sort of hyperdermic, but you know what, he survived, maybe just really slowed his heart down or whatever. And now, you know, he's seen some things in his time
Starting point is 00:23:30 and he's retired. Eddie sensed move to the to New England and it is retired. Yeah. That's great. Yeah. I think that that sticks in my head from childhood so much because it was one of the first times I saw in a movie where like a character who was not bad, per se, just got killed in a horror thing. And it was just casually like, oh, well, there's his body. And he don't really have it, right? You don't really see the mom when he dies. They just find his body, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Yeah. And you're like, bad things could happen. It's all just chaos, right? To me right now. Yeah. It's chaos. There's no, there's no moral scales in this universe. There's no good. There's no evil. There's just man. No, no masters. Yeah. Yeah. There's no, and I, I do like the idea that a, we're getting rain. I was like, well, you know, ever since my husband died, he's like, I understand, I understand. You know, little laughing reptilian creatures with big ears once attacked the school that I weren't at. So I get what it's like. I get it. So anyway, it turns out that we see a
Starting point is 00:24:37 flashback where they stumbled on their first Tom Brady game when when Lily Tomlin's character was going through chemotherapy and she was ready to give up, I guess, on life. But then Tom Brady's persistence on the field and his ability to come back really inspired her. And she's ready to give up on this contest. There's never going to win. When a Tom Brady bobble head in maybe the most frightening moment in the movie starts telling
Starting point is 00:25:01 her, let's go. And it's a, this is the first time that we see this character hallucinate Tom Brady giving her advice personally. And it opens up a door to a more interesting movie that I wish that I wish that I get from all of them. That's kind of like a, kind of like a Harvey, except instead of Harvey the rabbit, it's Tom Brady, that is her imaginary friend. Yeah, I don't know if you're, like, it's a little later in the movie. I don't know if you're getting to it. There's like a scene where we get to actually see them all see Tom Brady for the first time. And I don't know if this bothered you guys, but they were all immediately like,
Starting point is 00:25:32 oh, you know, he's so cute. So I mean, like, and I've, you know, I looked up Tom Brady at that point in the movie. I mean, you see his full face later on. Yeah, I was like, sure, yeah. I look him up. I'm like, oh, yeah, he's a, he's a handsome man. But right now he has a big helmet on and like the little like black mark centers. I mean, some people love that. Dan, just look at international.
Starting point is 00:25:54 A man in uniform, dude. I just like, I don't think the shots that they used in the film indicated that like, I, I, I, it's because, because here's the thing, Dan, here's the thing, Dan. Tom Ray, this movie takes it for granted that you were already on the shots that they use in the film indicated that like I I was because the thing then here's the thing then Tom great this movie takes it for granted that you are already on board with Tom Brady being a god who's who strives the earth like a colossus and there is everything a man could hope to be want to be and work towards and fail to achieve because he's a semi divine being the movie just takes that for granted and does not bother to build it up and at a certain
Starting point is 00:26:24 point I mean Tom Brady is a producer on this movie, which is, which, so at some point I was like, I want to know, did he develop this or did they just attach him like, did he say, I won't I'm going to be a producer if I'm in it? Because if he developed it, then it is essentially like a vanity piece. We're about him being so great. He's like, it's like, like, it's rare that you see a movie where someone produced a movie. Like,, John Malkovich. Well, except in being John Malkovich, John Malkovich portrays himself as a jerk. He's a creep in a jerk. And what? What?
Starting point is 00:26:53 It's the most heroic thing he does in the movie is he is he's very polite when he's finding out what color towels are available when he's ordering them over the phone. But it's very strange to see a movie produced by somebody that's all about what a great person they are. And like, that's what Tommy Wazoo does. Like, it's a, it's, so, that the movie takes different granted that you are already a huge fan of Tom Brady.
Starting point is 00:27:16 Like, that you already know who he is, what he looks like, that you're aware of his history and you think he's the best already. They don't, a character never kind of like like has to explain what it is that makes Tom Brady great. Until it gets the very end when Lily Tomlin gives her inspiring motivational speech. Well, can I say a little bit? So because he thought it was the Brady bunch.
Starting point is 00:27:36 You thought originally this movie was about the Brady bunch because 80 kids. By the way, what I mean like 84 kids off of this, what little I know about the production? You know what I was called 84 Brady, is that yeah? Yes. Like 101 Dalmatians, yeah. What little I know of the production is, you know, at the end of this thing, they share like four women and they're like inspired by a true story. And they are truly using inspired in the like, the sense of like, oh, I saw a thing and it inspired me.
Starting point is 00:28:05 Like like the connection is there was an over 80 for Tom Brady club that developed with some women. And they went to the Super Bowl at one point. And that's it. I need to make a movie. I guess so again, it really is. And these women hung out with Guy Fieri. They did a dance. No, the shenanigans happen.
Starting point is 00:28:27 It just happened to be that there were some elderly women who likes Tom Brady. So wait, so Dan. Oh, that could be a cute movie. Why? I don't know. Why? So you don't like it that this movie played fast and lose the facts, but when your favorite movie, Birdman, posits that Michael Keaton had a psychotic break while starring on Broadway,
Starting point is 00:28:48 something that never happened. I know. Okay, with that, you're fine. Give it the best picture. The best movie of the year you say. Elliot, played faster and looser with the facts because so little happens in this film, but essentially it is, I guess, in the spirit of like, yeah. So which one is it Dan? I don't know why I'm on Stuart's side of the summit.
Starting point is 00:29:07 Which one is it Dan? Did they deviate from the facts too much? Or is there nothing happening in the movie? You can't have it, but wait. I'm playing the game. I'm saying that it's not a premise for a film. Also, over 80 for Tom Brady, Walt Clunky at least makes sense as a cinema. Where's 80 for Brady?
Starting point is 00:29:24 It is. It's like 80's any for Brady? It is like, what for Brady? When they blew the rest of the dust off the book, it said how to cook 80 for Brady. Oh, no. Yeah. So the anyway, or had a survey for Brady, I apologize. Anyway. So the so they literally apologize to me, apologize to the grave of Rudd. And the writers of the tree house of horror, the story that was referenced it. So Lily Tomlin, she reveals her friends that she won the tickets and you're like, why wasn't there a scene where she won? Well, you'll find out movie going fans because it's very obvious what she's doing.
Starting point is 00:30:00 She says they won the tickets. Her object work in this scene and in a lot of scenes is kind of funny, because she seems so annoyed to have to do anything, that she's like, I'll just pull this stuff out of this. What, who cares? And she's like dropping things. It's really great, I like it. She has a gender reveal box to reveal the tickets, and they're like, what, a boy or what? And she's like, it's not a gender reveal, it's just a reveal.
Starting point is 00:30:22 And yeah, she seems very annoyed at the props they've handled her. It's great. It's so good. It's a little flash of the real Lily Tomlin, which I enjoy. So Jane Fonda breaks up with her boyfriend and Lily Tomlin cheers her up and, and we, and I like, I like this scene because this is a, I think this is one of the only scenes where Jane Fonda has, she's a care, she, you know, she's a, where Jane Fonda has, she's a care, you know, she's a, she's somewhat image obsessed. She has this large collection of wigs. She's always, every time she goes out, she's all done up. And this is, this scene she has no wig at all. Her hair is very short. She has no, but she has less makeup on. And it's good. Yeah, it's really cool. Yeah, so you get to see, you get to see her unshielded by the thing, the barriers she puts up between her and the world.
Starting point is 00:31:09 They, they're gonna, they've got to go to, they've got to go catch the plane to get to, is it Texas or the game is being held? I think it's Texas, yeah. And, but they've got a problem. Rita Moreno has fallen asleep while Glenn Terman is talking to her. She took the medication that Jimmy O Yang as a, as the as one of the aides at the retirement home is given her, so they've got to go. And they can't wake her up for some reason. So they have this bullshit reason. So don't skim over it
Starting point is 00:31:34 because this is one of the things that annoyed me the most where it's like, they try and make a bit out of it. But I'm like, even if you make a bit out of it, this makes no sense. Where it's like, we take sleeping very seriously here. And you know, you know, you're trying to be a little screen time and you're taking them over here.
Starting point is 00:31:49 Sleeping seriously. Which in another movie could be funny, but I'm busy being angry like, you just say to someone, we're going to miss a plane. Yes. Like, you don't, but they also not wake someone up under the circumstances. I don't know. We don't know if they did, maybe that would lead to a comically exaggerated situation, which would lead to laughter if Jimmy O'Yan refuses to allow any, and they're coming
Starting point is 00:32:15 up with greater and greater catastrophes that are happening. And that's why they need to wake her up and he's refusing, but they don't do that. Instead they trick him into showing pictures of pugs, which he's a pug enthusiast. That's a character trait. It's such a random thrown in thing. And it made me so mad that it was like, we've already established that Jimmy O'Yang's cat and Jimmy O'Yang is fine in this movie. I like him in a lot of stuff, but the, the, the, the, the, we've established that he takes
Starting point is 00:32:40 his job very seriously at this old folks home. That's his character trait. Use that in a funny way to like distract him. Out of nowhere, they introduce the idea that he is a pug owner who is so attracted to Jane fond his character that he, that she hits on him and asks to see pictures of his dog. That's enough to distract him. They wheel read a marina out. It's that, but then a Glenn Terman announces what that Pat SayJack is in the building, which
Starting point is 00:33:04 itself feels like a dated reference for like things old people like, but maybe they still like him, but I think he's the host of the show, but yeah. And they sneak around and she wakes up in the car. Oh, boy, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, I have to say. That's one of two moments that Nip Reino has in this movie that I laughed at. But luckily, they have overcome this gatekeeper. Joseph Campbell's 80 for Brady story structure continues to hold that they have reached past that they're not into the next portal as they get to the place where they will gain knowledge
Starting point is 00:33:37 they will then bring back with them. They overcome it, but that's part of my, so part of my problem with this movie, right? Like the normal version of this movie, or not normal, like the typical version of this movie. The typical version of this movie would be more of a road trip film, right? Yes, yes, yeah. Like what confuses me by this movie is it sets itself up like it's going to be a road trip movie.
Starting point is 00:34:05 And like that wins itself to this sort of ramshackle structure it wants to have where it's just like a bunch of encounters, a bunch of shenanigans. A Muppets movie type thing. Yeah. Yeah. And so in another movie, like maybe they would miss their flight because of this and then would have to cobble together ways to get to the Super Bowl where then they would have
Starting point is 00:34:23 more assholes to get over blah, blah, blah. This movie, they have this easily surmountable obstacle at the beginning. They fly to where the Super Bowl is going to be. They have a bunch of unrelated shenanigans in that area that have nothing to do with like the central
Starting point is 00:34:42 thing really. And then they have problems losing the tickets. We'll get to it. You know, the thing is, Dan, maybe it is inspired by true stories. So maybe they're dedicated to telling the real story. They said we wish that we could have had the Miss the Flight that would have been really funny, opened up a lot of comic opportunities. But the real ladies did not miss their flight.
Starting point is 00:35:00 So we had to, yeah, we had to stick to the facts. Yeah, their flight was very nice. In real life, it actually got in a little early, which is always wonderful. Wow. You can pull that off if the winds are with you. Yeah. They said they said they said we have to follow. We made this movie.
Starting point is 00:35:18 We made a promise that we'd follow Viruchitalova's law that you have to tell the truth on film. You've got to be honest. And so that's what we did. But I think the anytime there was any conflict or drama that threatened to break out, we said, no, no. That didn't happen. That would be truthful. Now, here I think you're right.
Starting point is 00:35:36 If this was a stronger movie, they would have obstacles that were real obstacles and it would be funny to see them overcome them. I think one, there's something about the idea of watching these performers face the indignity of having to go through acting out overcoming those obstacles. That is, makes me cringe inside. So it's like, in this movie, nothing much happens. They just skate through it. But I'm also kind of like, you know what, I don't want to see these, these, I love these performers. I, all, all four of the leading ladies in this movie, I feel like I'm a fan of. I've loved their work. I think they're, yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:06 And I don't, don't get, don't get, don't get, don't get weird. Just call it, just stand it down. We're doing a podcast. Yeah, yeah. The idea of seeing them go through like, scenes in a bad movie where they have to really exert themselves is kind of, if it was a good movie, I'd be like, yeah, the idea that in a bad movie, they would have to like, even later when they're like, they have to dance. I like that they're not, they have to like dance routine.
Starting point is 00:36:25 I like that they're not exerting themselves that much. Yes, even when they have to like do a dance routine, it is not a comically overwrought dance routine where it looks like they might hurt themselves. It's just kind of them jumping around and I'm like, you know what, they've earned it at this point. It does also make it a bad movie though. I agree with you on that. I think you could still have that sort of breezy skating through attitude while having,
Starting point is 00:36:49 you know, like a story that sort of hangs together. And what in your favorite movie? Birdman. Yeah, it does not hang together particularly. It does not. No. Yeah, the unexpected benefit of not hanging together is that. Something like that.
Starting point is 00:37:03 So the, the, the ladies fly off to the Super Bowl. They have a, there's, it's just a couple, a lot of little sketch scenes. Sally Fields never floored it before and she tries to flirt with their, with their driver. They all have to share a hotel room and the hotel is just decorated with stand up, cardboard stand, these football players and they lust all over them. And Lily, Tom, when she goes into another fugue state, you know, the Tom Brady one, and it appears to be talking to her that night. Lily Tomlitt gets a call from her daughter played by Sarah Gilbert. I was very excited to see her. I get somewhat
Starting point is 00:37:35 like, I feel like I'm gonna look, we said it already that the ladies, this beautiful, a lot of crushes in this movie when I was a kid, huge crush on Sarah Gilbert when she was on Roseanne when I was a kid. Of course. Yeah. And dark-haired sarcastic. Was she the writer of the comics or the, yeah, she was the writer and David was the artist, right? For sure.
Starting point is 00:37:54 Yeah. David wasn't going to be able to think of those things. He was kind of a lung kid. He's like a nerdy lung kid. He's kind of a lung kid. She was the, she was the, that lung kid made a lot of money on that big bang theory. So. Well, again, this is the character I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Not the actor, but anyway, so she's Lee Tom's daughter. She goes, the hospital's been trying to get in touch with you. Where are you? I went to New Hampshire with the girls. Oh, that sounds nice. Anyway, you should call back to hospital. They have test results for you. And so we have a ticking clock.
Starting point is 00:38:19 What more do you guys want? Yeah, we have the next morning, every morning, every one in the size. It's unrelated to ticking clock. Yeah, it's not related to anything that's going, it's a dramatic ticking clock. And it's not even really a ticking clock because we never actually see the result. We never get the results of those tests. It doesn't matter. It's like the bowling tournament in Bigglobalisky. It's not real. We can get by implication what, what what it was, but yes, never said it's the opening of Philadelphia's largest building. I get it. Yes, yes, thank you. Yeah, in that it is in that we are being so
Starting point is 00:38:50 teased, we're given such narrative blue balls by what's going to happen with that with that. Oh, the opening of Philadelphia's largest building. When James McIvoy goes and now to go to the building and then they tackle him again anyway., so it's morning. Everyone decides, Sally Field, you are the most responsible of us. You hold the tickets and she puts them in her fanny back. Fanny back what she refers to as a strap on, which leads to a comical reaction. Oh, yeah. Yeah, this is a joke that's repeated multiple times and did fail to get funny. It fails.
Starting point is 00:39:26 It doesn't really necessarily work. Although I will say, not since the bird that has a funny reaction to James Bond's boat in that, that turns into a car, has there been a more shoveled in reaction from an actor in a movie to like literally cut away to a waitress who goes, and like, and has wide eyes when she's strapped on, that we never see that extra again. We never see that. Yeah, I wish there was like a bulldog or something in there
Starting point is 00:39:51 that like would do a take. Obviously, I wish that later on with this whole strap on, joke that you would have to mention her strap on and somebody would pull out a big old strap on. Sure, of course. That would, I mean, not, I mean, not to use a stand, stand as a capper. So she can, so she can understand why people have been, it's weird all that time.
Starting point is 00:40:10 It's a joke that has no payoff. It's except, yeah. I just want to say that I'm glad that you elevated that pigeon to the level of actor. I mean, technically it is a piece of stock footage of a pigeon that I think they reversed. So it looks like it's like a time. Yeah, like three times. It does look like a triple tape. Look, Dan, Dan, I want all writers to be recognized for the work.
Starting point is 00:40:32 I want all actors to be recognized for the work. And that means sometimes animal actors too, even if it's just stock footage that has been manipulated to in a sort of cool, a shot of effect moment where it looks like it's reacting to something. Okay, so they go to the NFL pre-game experience. Now, my only experience with one of these events was when the writer's guild awards was held the same weekend that the Super Bowl was in the New York area. And I had to wade my way through the intense crowds of Times Square to get to the Edison
Starting point is 00:40:59 Ballroom. And it was maybe the scariest moment of my entire life. And I've flown in helicopters over Afghanistan when there was an active war going on for a week. I wasn't, it's not like I served there. And this was the scariest moment of my life was waiting through these crowds and feeling like if this crowd decides
Starting point is 00:41:13 it wants to go in a different direction, there is nothing I can do about that. I am just gonna be swept away, maybe never to be seen again. So, but this NFL experience is a little bit less. Oh, that's like, yeah. That's like when I go to GenCon and I'm there for the opening of the vendor
Starting point is 00:41:25 hall and everybody wants to get all the cool new games right away and I'm right up front every time. Exactly. I just want to be carried away, swept away into that big, hollow games. And this NFL experience is a little bit, a little bit lower key. It's a little bit more modest. They each have their adventures. Lily Tonlin defeats a Falcons fan in a football tossing contest and then becomes like a football tossing hustler. And she with her height man, Rita Moreno. Yes.
Starting point is 00:41:51 Rita Moreno's her height man. And Rita Moreno's betting on all of it because Rita Moreno, we now learn her second character trait that she is an excellent gambler. Her husband was a gambler who was bad at it, but Rita Moreno was the good gambler in the game. I did like, I did like the joke when the guy's like, the guy running the stalls like, hey, no betting, but I actually don't care that much about my job. So you can do it. Yeah, that was, that was a good joke. That was funny. Jane Fonda, her gronkarrotica book is
Starting point is 00:42:14 on sale in hardcover and she finds there's a lot of fans there and she holds a reading of it. And Sally Field enters Guy Fieri as they insist on pronouncing his name because I guess that's how he pronounced it. That's how he pronounced it. No, yeah. But it did stuck out every time since the every American says Fieri, although I'm sure Fieri is the proper way to say it. Yeah. Yeah, no, yeah, it's definitely a situation where he told everyone and they're like, okay,
Starting point is 00:42:40 that's, you know, we want to respect you. That's fine. Yeah. But it does seem odd because other than, I've never heard it pronounce away other than on my brother, my brother and me where they overpronounce it correctly as a goof. And that's it. So when Sally Field is running around,
Starting point is 00:42:56 running past each of the outhouses or the Porta Johns, saying Mr. Fietti, Mr. Fietti, it feels very false. Anyway, Sally Field, she enters a guy Fietti hosted a spicy wings contest, which she easily dominates. She just crosses everyone. For me, she's hungry. She wants to eat some wings.
Starting point is 00:43:13 You guys, for me, Sally Field is the MVP of the, of the fourth of this. Very much so. Most valuable performer. Yeah. She, like, you know, the stuff that I did find charming was mostly her and like, her sort of lack of, just like, blasé attitude during eating all of this, like hot food. Yeah, like eating hot sauces called, like, the devil's taint.
Starting point is 00:43:35 It was very funny, but not like a, not like a, I'm cool, I'm eating all of this way. Like, oh, I'm, you know, I'm so good at eating hot food. As they, like, she genuinely is just like, really hungry. How would they show them, like, oh, I'm, you know, I'm so good at eating hot food. As they, like, she genuinely is just like really hungry. I would say, I'm showing them, like, Dutch angles and stuff. Yeah. I'm just saying that the joke could have been like, I'm so cool. And like, in some ways, that was kind of a really Tomlin joke of like, yeah, you don't expect her to be good at this,
Starting point is 00:44:00 but she's like, guess what? She's actually going to be showing up on Brady. Where is, there's just something about the casualness that it's going to be good at this, but she's like, you know, she's actually made sure I'm pretty. There's just something about the casualness that he feels and also the casualness in which Sally Field throws down on these wings. Yeah. Yeah. If you see, there's a lot of scenes of these women getting big plates of football food in front of them. And at no point do you see Jane Fonda even come within them. She doesn't even look at the smile. But Sally feels like getting it all over her face. Yeah, giving those wings, she says, I mean, there's, there's a part later on where Sally field is dancing. I, in my notes, I say, Sally field is adorable. Like, it's, you know, she's definitely, none of them come off badly from this, but she,
Starting point is 00:44:37 I think maybe because Sally field, like, I don't have a sense of like her as a persona as a, like she, she plays different roles. Lily Tomlin, Jane Fonda, Read and Reino, I have a persona in my mind for what they're like as a, they're er, character that travels between roles. But Sally Field, I don't. And Sally Field, really like, there's part of me that's like, I bet this is what Sally Field is like. If not, it's an amazing acting job because it feels so natural. But I bet she's just like a cute, lovable person, you know?
Starting point is 00:45:01 Well, I did, I did, I did see, you just can't, can't, can't stop Shevon Wings and her mouth, yeah. I did see a fair amount of, like, promotion for this get passed around on the internet, like interviews of these actresses talking to one another, because as you're a regular, a Reddit board that you visit.
Starting point is 00:45:22 As you can imagine, like, they're just very fun to see. You know, Jeeps' school had that famous thing where it's like, is this movie more or less interesting than these performers just hanging out and having lunch together? And it's much less interesting than that. The movie is much less interesting than these interviews where you just get to see the real people and Sally Field, I would say, is sort of charmingly grumpy. She's like, lovably kind of, it's like, yeah, prickly. I believe that.
Starting point is 00:45:53 I mean, it's only occurring to me now, which is amazing. I think this is the reunion of Jane fond and Lily Tom. Have they not worked together since 9 to 5, or did they work together in between the two? That should be a bigger thing that is exciting to me. And yet it's not. They worked together since nine to five or did they work together? Oh, no. That should be a bigger thing that is exciting to me. And yet it's not that they worked together all the time. They're on what Grayson Franky and Franky together. That's right.
Starting point is 00:46:13 They worked together all the time. I never watched that show because I don't want to watch anything. You don't, yeah, you don't support the LGBTQ movement. Yeah, I don't, I don't, if Baron von's doing something that's not mystery science theater, I'm like, Trader, I'm not going to watch this. But, uh, so I forgot they worked together all the time. They had their reunion, their reunion. They're, so no wonder with this, it's, it's nothing special to see them together.
Starting point is 00:46:31 Uh, anyway. I mean, yeah, it is. It's always special to see the two of them together. They're great. I just like it special for all of us to see one another together. Yeah, that's right. Old friend. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:41 Eventually will be as fruit friends as. That's true. Friends as the wind blows. It's different friends. I can only hope that when we're like 80, we'll be doing a movie or a podcast where we really want to see some sports figure that's half our age. Yeah. Well, I mean, when we're 80, probably less than half our age, probably, yeah. I mean, it depends on the sports figure. Maybe it's a golfer.
Starting point is 00:47:03 That's true. The golfer who is slightly older than us. Yeah, yeah. So, they all have those, and one of the, during this, during this wing's contest, Sally Field does something that doesn't make any sense, but we know it has to be done for the plot. She takes off her strap on, which has the tickets in it. And it is so telegraphed that this is something that's going to be a plot device. But anyway, other also, Jane Fonda, she's approached by a fan of her erotica.
Starting point is 00:47:27 That's right. It's perseus himself Harry Hamlin as in Callahan, a former Super Bowl champ. And he is totally into her. He recognizes her as a former spokesperson model for what I had assumed was a local chain of stores, but I guess is a national chain. Again, there's no, there's no sense of a frame of reference in this. Everything.
Starting point is 00:47:47 But he might have, he might have, he might have played football for the, for the, for the local team. Yeah. Uh, for the, for the local team, you know, I also played for the local team. Uh, and they all, they're all hanging out with Guy Fieri. They're invited to a big party by Harry Hamlin and Guy Fieri is like, you gotta go. I'm gonna be there. It's the biggest party about the Super Bowl.
Starting point is 00:48:09 And they go at the party, they lazily are handed and accidentally take pot gummies by, is it the host of the party's teenage daughter or college age daughter? Why is she there? What is she, she doesn't seem to want to be there. She's not dressed up for fancy party. Yeah. I mean, maybe she's paid to be there, you never know. It wasn't like she said she's a gummy service girl.
Starting point is 00:48:28 She's just as gummy service. Yeah. And one of these we accidentally had pot scenes. Like that movie we accidentally bought a zoo. Yeah. Yeah. Because we accidentally had pot. Um, man, I was still high last night.
Starting point is 00:48:43 I bought a zoo. Can you believe it, man, I was so high last night, I bought a zoo. Can you believe it, man? You got to be real high and I buy a zoo, man. Because you got to be real high. You ever been so high that you still high while you apply for the loan while you fill out the paperwork, licensing from the state man and you're still high. And you wait there. There's so many rare animals. They don't just let you have that. paperwork, licensing from the state man and you're still high. And they're so many rare animals.
Starting point is 00:49:07 They don't just let you have that, but I was like, the whole time. I was so high I learned how to take care of a cassowary. I didn't, I didn't, I wake up, I come out of it man and I'm feeding a cassowary. I'm like, how high was I? I guess I'm, I guess this, I guess that's my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my SNL. My SNL character. Yeah, that's why, that's why I said.
Starting point is 00:49:30 So I guess I'm going with the guy who wandered into, guy who was high and wandered into Super Roy. Man, I'm just glad I wandered into a Super Bowl party this time because last time I was high, I bought a zoo. Anyway, the point is, yeah. I wake up, I wake up and I'm laying out food for a scarlet I miss and I'm like what what do they do locally and mostly birds as I said exotic birds Cast away scarlet We've got corn marrants. Yeah, we got also
Starting point is 00:49:56 See man, man, we got a we got a spoon bill Oh man, what did I do last night and for for the past four years, it took me to go to zoo school. I come out of this high man and I'm in the middle of receiving a plaque for 20 years of service to the state owning this zoo, which is received numerous awards. It's like all my life, it just passed me by. That's how high I was. And anyway, kids, that's why I'm here to talk to you to stay off drugs. Because before you know it, your life has passed and you are a respected elder in the zoo-owning community. You wake up in bed one day, realizing, wait a minute, this is not my beautiful wife,
Starting point is 00:50:38 but it is Jane Goodall. You married her. Oh, wow. And so here's time. So really enough, she doesn't actually like her real life. Oh, you married her. Oh, wow. And so here's the time zone. Clearly enough, she doesn't actually like her real life. No, she's, well, chimpanzees, Jane Goodall likes chimpanzees. Oh, god, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:50:52 She probably does like that. She's like, did up again, Jesus. That would a great run until Stuart had to throw the nails to rip in our way and pop our tires. We had to fact check that one. Well, how many, how many, how many, how many kid promos we get from that one? That's what you get when you tell lies about champs, chimpanocchios, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:09 Chimpanocchios. Anyway, we'll come on down to chimpanocchios, the only Italian restaurant entirely staffed by chimpanzees. We get a lot of casualties. A lot of people don't leave this restaurant alive. I think, I think we have almost as many Pinocchio's as the 2023 movie slate. Yeah. The listeners can't see it.
Starting point is 00:51:32 It's Johnny Carson face after that one. So Dan, what we going to say about 80 for Braden? Just that usually if you're going to have a scene in a movie where someone accidentally takes drugs, it is in say a brownie that is easily mistaken for just a normal, like the fact that that's what you're saying. You're saying that you're saying someone in a party wouldn't normally take gummies out of a plastic bag. Exactly. And assume that it was not a drug.
Starting point is 00:51:59 Okay, especially because these characters have clearly smoked pop before at least some of them. Like they, like they, it's not, it's not something, it's not like they're like, oh my God, drugs. Oh no, what am I going to do? They're like irritated by it. They're like, oh, we took drugs by accident, you know. Yes, I got to ride this high out. Yeah, exactly. So anyway, they do that and they decide they need to find Guy Fieri as Reedom Reino really starts tripping. She wonders and she puts on a eyes wide shut mask and she wonders into her room. It's how you know it's a nice house. Yes, she wonders into a poker room where everyone has Guy Fieri's face, including her.
Starting point is 00:52:33 And it's just like the bubble. That's I was I watched it. I'm like, this is the same joke as the bubble has anyone in a Hollywood ever done drugs. Do they know at all what the effects of of pot art? Because again, as we talked about in the bubble episode, go see it. As seen in our bubble episodes, Smiley and Stan, that like the, there's no, they're like, we just not make you pollucinate. It doesn't make you pollucinate. Like you don't, it's at any way. So unless there's no, maybe it's like triggering an underlying condition. That's possible. That's possible. She is older. I mean, maybe they were acid-laced gummies. I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. Micro dosing. But even, I mean, I don't know, in the various times I've done acid.
Starting point is 00:53:12 I never imagined everybody's faces where someone else's face. Yeah. Dan, Dan. Well, Dan, you've gone through the doors of perception. The only psychedelic evidence that we're at rooms, that does more. We're at the seekers of the patterns. And I've never done psychedelics because my handle on reality, I think, is loose enough that I don't really want to push it over. Man, no time like the present ones. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:53:36 I didn't mean it, right? In your 40s, why don't you get into it? Yeah, that's it. I just, when I become comfortable with the number of things I see in my waking life that I know are not actually there. I should start throwing some, throwing some new things into my head. Yeah, that's what I like to hear.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Anyway, it just made, it's a kind of joke I would have expected from like Scoot-Doo, like a movie from the 60s where middle aged people are making jokes about drugs and they've never done it. But you know Jane Fonda's smoke pot. You know Lily Tondlin probably smoked pot that day, like you know this is not a thing that they know that doesn't happen. Anyway, so Lily Tondlin and Sally Field, they're mad that they can't find the tickets, but then they do dance on the dance floor a bunch.
Starting point is 00:54:11 And this was the time, I think the one time in the movie I orderly laughed and it's when Sally Field stoned, here's the music, once they start dancing, takes her jacket off and just throws it on a guy who's passing by. And I don't know, it's not even a joke. It's just she does it well, you know. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, she, I mean, she sells the material.
Starting point is 00:54:30 She punches a guy in the face. She then commiserates with him and learns how to flirt. And she tells her husband off and this guy falls in love with her. Yeah. It's great. It's great. And she says, no, that's not what we're doing. And anyway, Rita Marano comes out of her hallucination to find that she is dominating I just got to get a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a
Starting point is 00:54:45 little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a
Starting point is 00:54:53 little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a
Starting point is 00:55:01 little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a who we find later is a dance choreographer. And she just totally wins. And eventually, well, we'll get to what happens there. Lily Tomlin reveals to her daughter. Thanks for drawing out the suspense. Yeah. Yeah. So that Lily Tomlin reveals to her daughter that she is in Texas. And she's refusing to find out the results of the hospital tests because she's worried it's just going to tell
Starting point is 00:55:20 her that her cancer has returned. And she cannot handle that. She catches Jane Fonda making out with Harry Hamlin and is tells her about the tickets being missing. She's mad they're making out. Read them, Reino, she wins the pot at the poker game. She did it. They can buy new tickets. Oh, it was a charity poker game. And she and so I think she in honor of Billy Porter, she, she donates it all to Broadway
Starting point is 00:55:42 cares, right? Because that is cause much like you can donate to the entertainment community fund at entertainment to help us by support writers and other entertainment professionals who may be in need if this strike goes longer. Anyway, they still don't have tickets. They're, Lily Tomlins mad at Sally Field that she lost the tickets because she's like, this is my last chance. This is my last chance. And she hasn't told them she's expecting hospital results. She hasn't opened the hospital results, but she's assuming they are negative and that she is dying next morning.
Starting point is 00:56:10 And also, and also Thomas Brady, mirroring the end of his career. That's part of the take. As far as they know, yeah. They don't get, no, that Tom Brady will soon retire and then come out of retirement to play for the team. At the expense of his marriage. Yeah, well, we don't have to get it. At no point do they talk about Tom Brady's marriage in this movie.
Starting point is 00:56:32 And it seems like something they might bring up if they're ladies who have a crush on him, but maybe not. Anyway, I guess we'll say there's a Jazeal shaped hole in the heart of this movie. Well, maybe it's one of those things where they don't want to talk about because if they don't mention it, it doesn't exist.
Starting point is 00:56:45 Like, when you buy a zoo, and you don't mention it. No, the zoo is still there still. You need to feed those animals. No, but if you don't tell anybody, it's not like real, right? Yeah, if you buy a zoo in the forest and you don't tell anybody about it, it's a zoo. Yeah, I haven't seen that movie. Do they do it? Like, if you don't check your bank account. Yeah. The money's still there properly. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:57:07 Do they do what we bought a zoo reveal party where they reveal what they bought to their friends and family? Is that a scene in the movie? Because I haven't seen it. I haven't seen it either. And you know what? I stuck with Cameron Crowe for a long time after I should have known better, but I missed that one.
Starting point is 00:57:20 Oh, okay. So this is a town, right? You did that one. He did do Elizabeth town. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So Elizabeth Town, right? He did that one. He did Elizabeth Town, yeah. Yeah, that has both moments in it that are like very interesting and fun and then the like a bunch of stuff that you're like, why is what? Did he get a loa, right?
Starting point is 00:57:39 Did he get a loa? Mumford? I don't think he did Mumford's now. Is that feels like an overcast in? It might be Lauren's cast now. I don't know who's a mumford. No, is that feels like an overcast in? It might be Lawrence Casna. I don't know who did Mumford's sons. Oh, yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:57:50 But as for Mumford and sons, I don't know. And yeah, and the camera, what was the last movie Cameron Crowe did? Was it a low-huh? He must have done something since then, right? He did that show about roadies on showtime. Oh, right. Maven called roadies. I think it was about roadies on showtime? Right. Maven called roadies. I think it was called roadies.
Starting point is 00:58:07 Anyway, the next morning it's game day, the ladies are hung over, but they've got to find a way to get those tickets. They split up to find a scalper and we have the one scene I thought was funny. Where Rita Marano is trying to haggle for tickets with a scalper and she keeps saying final offer and then adding more money. She goes, what if I paid you $100 and he goes, no way. You won't take my $150? No, I won't. Okay, I won't go as high as 200, 250. Like she just
Starting point is 00:58:27 keeps getting high. It's like, I think she's so funny in this. She's just so, she's so subtle with it. So that, so I guess, Reed Moreno, classy, perform. I mean, don't take that egot away from her. It's just let her keep it, you know. Yeah, let her keep it. She earned it. She earned that he got. So Jane Fondes was the first to... Well, it just took all the stakes out of this episode because I thought if we came down hard we would have to take the egotts away. Yeah. No, no, I think, let's leave it.
Starting point is 00:58:55 I mean, we may still take away the other awards, but Rita Moreno gets to keep her. Yeah. And you know what? Let's not erase the tape of her with animal on the muffin show. Let's leave that. Oh, great. Oh, thank God. I didn't know that was... I had no her with animal on the muffin show. Let's, let's leave that in. Let's leave that in. Oh, thank God. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:07 I didn't know that I had no idea that was on the table. And for a moment, I was terrified. And then you, oh, yeah, everything any of them has ever done is on the table. If we, if we decide against this, or we'll, we'll ever do. Or we'll, there's a chance that when we go to see fast 10, there'll just be a hole where her character was. Yeah. Playing Dominic Toretto's mother.
Starting point is 00:59:26 Yeah, exactly. And he'll just disappear, much like the zoo that you bought in the forest and therefore doesn't exist. Yeah, if you don't look at it, it's not really there. Yeah, if you don't find out if it counts, a pasta in a forest in New Jersey, then that pasta doesn't exist anymore. Oh, no, it's growing into giant stocks of pasta rising from the forest. We never should have done this.
Starting point is 00:59:48 So, so Jane Fonda, she goes to the sports casters. This was when I finally realized that one of them was Rob Gorgi, which I felt bad about again. Someone I know personally. She asked for help and they revealed that Lily Tomlin didn't win the contest. The contest was won by four guys who were in a support group for men named Tom Brady who can never hope to live up to the name because it's it's owned by such a hallowed Olympian of a figure and I was like, fuck you movie, like just shut up enough. It's like, if you can, Tom Brady, I'm not a football
Starting point is 01:00:13 fan, so whatever. But like, you can love an athlete without presenting him and like, they're not doing it. I feel like far enough for it to be a joke. But without presenting him has literally the greatest man who has ever lived. And even to share a name with him is to live in it eternally disappointing the universe and disappointed in yourself. Like, if you've spoken to Boston area sports fans about their feelings toward Tom Brady now. I have, but this is not a movie that is for clearly, I don't either make a movie just for Boston area sports fans. Like this is, but I'm saying that there was a billboard for it in my Los Angeles neighborhood, you know, but these characters are all Boston
Starting point is 01:00:49 area sports fans. So to them, that would seem like an impossible to overcome obstacle. Then I want that I still then I want them to make it even clearer that I am not supposed to buy into the idea that if that, oh, Tom. Yeah, this was one of the dangerous trans late the Boston accents. And this is one of my. That evolution was a teleological process that ends in Tom Brady. And now that it's happened,
Starting point is 01:01:13 the universe will disappear because it's last business has been taken care of. The high evolutionary throws himself off a tower because he can never achieve the peak of greatness. The time he cries because there's no, there's no empires left to conquer time he's- Yeah, yeah, he cries because there's no, there's no empires left to conquer because Tom Brady has evolved, yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:30 Yeah, Dan. Oh, no, I'm sorry. I- You were gonna say something? Well, you know, it took so long. I know, I agree, just in the sense that like, this was a big problem I had, the, the deification of Brady and the NFL,
Starting point is 01:01:42 like, look, it's a movie called 80 for Brady that was made with the cooperation of the NFL. Of course, it's going to make those things look good. You know, that's going to be a sort of celebration of Tom Brady and the NFL. But did you agree to which this felt like a, like, you know, a mild commercial for those things, like just irritated me? And I'm sure that if I was a football fan, I would eat it up, but as a non-fan, I'm like, I don't care how much I feel. Well, I wonder how my brother felt about it. I don't think you've seen it, but as a non-fan, I'm like, I don't, I don't, I don't, I wonder how my brother felt about it. I don't think you see it, but I should get in touch
Starting point is 01:02:07 with my brother who is the one of the world's biggest football fans and see how he felt about this move. I don't think he's particularly a Tom Brady fan, but I think I should ask him how he felt about the movie and whether he was like, yeah, I understand. Yeah, of course. Dan, I know that recently you watched fighting with my family, which is a similar sort of thing that's a celebrate based loosely on real events. And it's a celebration of the WWE. Would you say that it's a similar thing? Or- I mean, I did think that one of my least favorite parts of fighting with my family was when the rock showed up to be like, hey, look, it's me, the rock.
Starting point is 01:02:44 It's me, the rock. I's me, I'm talking to you about Remy sounds a lot like J. Biscuit. Yeah, I'm gonna run for president someday. It's one of the most famous wrestling. I'm doing it. Gotta go. And all you wanted was to see Florence, B.U. Nick Frost and Lena Headey just hanging out in the movie.
Starting point is 01:03:01 Yeah, that was what I wanted on the movie. Can I say that the weirdest thing about fighting with my family? I've been going to you about it, but the movie makes a point about like, okay, like the fights are fixed, but they're not fake, meaning that like, they really get hurt. Yeah, they really get hurt. The outcomes are fixed. But yeah, the outcomes are fixed.
Starting point is 01:03:17 And yet, the movies and the movies of main theme throughout it has been like, oh, Fjord's Pew's character has to find her voice. And yet, the big climax of the movie isn't that she finally like really like finds her voice and character in a way that, you know, she doesn't make like a big speech where you're like, okay, like, she's really trash talking. Like, I see why she's going to be a great WWE like, Diva or whatever. She's not able to get the audience on her side. Yeah, like that stuff should be the triumph.
Starting point is 01:03:47 Instead they treat the fact that she wins the round, the match as a triumph. And I'm like, but movie, you know that this is fixed, you said it. Like why is this Rocky all the sudden? Yeah. They'll Rocky didn't win, but he had a, you know, he did. Yeah, he wins in Rocky IV, right? In Rocky II through infinity, yeah. Yeah, he ran after the first one. He doesn't stop winning. Yeah. Anyway, that's a big round. So Rocky infinity is the one where Rocky becomes
Starting point is 01:04:13 one with all existence. And then, and then punch, punch is the idea of non-existence in the face. Yeah. Come in. It's so awesome. So anyway, they're running around looking for the tickets. Lily Tomlin is despairing until she hallucinates Tom Brady on a TV telling her not to give up. It's going to work out. And Sally Field runs up. She found Guy Fieri in the house. No, it's going to work out. It's going to be fine. Yeah, I apologize. I keep saying outhouse when I mean Porta Potty. They're not, they're not, it's not little abners. Superb. Yeah. She finds Guy Fieri in a in a in a in a portapoddy. This is when if Guy Fieri, look, if Guy Fieri had really had comic guts, he should have said, I left my strap on here
Starting point is 01:04:52 and he would have said, and he would have gone, oh, yeah, I found it in the out in the portapoddie and then handed her a strap on till. But again, the movie is not going to go that far. So he goes, oh, yeah, let's, I found your Fanny pack. Here it is. The tickets are here. But with it, oh, another obstacle. Joseph Campbell is cheering in his coffin because they, because they give the tickets to the ticket. One of the punches is Ron Funches and he goes, these are counterfeit tickets.
Starting point is 01:05:20 These are not real tickets. You got scammed. And they're like, but we won the contest. And Jane found us like, no, we didn't. And Lathatonlin admits she sold her car and cashed out, I think her savings, so that she could pay for this trip because it's the last, her last chance she reveals.
Starting point is 01:05:34 I got test results on the hospital, but I've been too scared to look at them and her friends say, hey, whatever happens, we're your friends, we're gonna be with you. And so it has taken this whole experience to show to Lathatonlin that the women who act out the same bullshit stuff every time they
Starting point is 01:05:48 watch a football game to appease her superstitions or her friends and we'll do things for her. Yeah. Yeah. And so I mean, sometimes you get lost in the weeds, you know, how friends you're in the weeds. If you accidentally take a gummy and you end up buying a zoo. Oh, I don't like it. I don't like it. I don't like it. I don't like it. I don't like it.
Starting point is 01:06:08 I don't like it. I don't like it. I don't like it. I don't like it. I don't like it. I don't like it. I don't like it. I don't like it.
Starting point is 01:06:16 I don't like it. I don't like it. I don't like it. I don't like it. I don't like it. I don't like it. I don't like it. I don't like it.
Starting point is 01:06:24 I don't like it. I don't like it. I don't like it. I don't like it. I don't like it. to keep a penguin alive. You are mistaken. So please take this zoo away from him. That's why that's in the we bought a zoo Bible. That's what we bought as you Christ said, please Lord, take this zoo away from me. Yeah, but not I will, but you're will. Yeah. It goes it when he and he and he and he as he was on the cross, the hyena started laughing and he said, Lord, they know not what they do because they're animals. They're not even really laughing. It's just a sound they make that sounds kind of like a laugh. And not even that much like one. So, Readam Rayno, she sees Billy Porter walking in, aka Goo Goo.
Starting point is 01:06:53 He reveals his lady, Gaga's choreographer. That's how he's named Goo Goo. And he helps them get into the game by proving to the, to Ron Funch is that they are his dancers by putting them through a very minimal dance. Because Ron Funch is one of the same, oh no, it his dancers by putting them through a very minimal dance. Because it's a different security guard. It's not wrong. Sorry, it's a different security guard.
Starting point is 01:07:10 But like that security guard and later on Ron Funches all seem to have gone to the same training school as Jimmy O' Yang because they all take their jobs very seriously. I feel like they're all on the same like Reddit message board, like complaining about people who like don't break the rules and shit. Well, except for this, I mean, this guy doesn't take it seriously because he says you're very clearly not dancers. He takes it incredibly seriously because he's, he lets them in because they're such good clearly professional dancers.
Starting point is 01:07:37 One, use the thing, there's two, there's, and former Secretary of State William Seward, when he was running for president in the, in 1860. You made it clear, there are two laws. There's written law and there's a higher moral law. The written law says you can't get in without a ticket or if you're a real backup dancer. The higher moral law says, Sally Field, you are adorable when you dance. I'm going to let you in to see this law. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:58 And so they get in, they did it, they watched the game and Jane Fonda is refusing to return Harry Hamlin's texts. She wishes she had a husband like Sally Fields and girls appear on the jumbo tron and that's when Ron Funches sees them and he goes, wait a minute, how'd they get in and kicks them out. But as he's kicking them out, he gets a shotgun and he shaves it down to turn them in and it's all about shotguns. Just bloody puts together a quad shotgun like in Phantasm and just to take them all
Starting point is 01:08:26 out at once. Actually, if there was like a little like arming up sequence, I would have liked it. Yeah, like where he puts his walkie talkie and stuff like that. He's he's showing them out when who shows up to save them like a Greek hero of old but Percy is himself Harry Hamlin and does not have to chop off Ron Funch's head as if Ron Funch's was a madusa. But instead, just his mere presence in Ron Funch's is like, you're a huge, you're an amazing star player.
Starting point is 01:08:50 Oh my God. That was amazing what you did. And he goes there with me, these ladies. I'm in the luxury box. They go to the sky box, which I have to admit, I was a little disappointed by it. Just looks like a sports bar over hanging over a game. You know, I mean, I guess it's impressive. What are you doing?
Starting point is 01:09:04 He's going to look like a hot tub and like, you know, like fancy stuff. Maybe like a dead, like a illusion game. Yeah, like the Maldives or something. Exactly. Yeah, yeah. You can look at the floor is clear and you can see the ocean underneath. Everything's pearls. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:09:20 There's an infinity pool. There's living statues that are there all day. Living statues. Oh, man. Turned his stone by a Gorgon no less. Yeah, exactly. That's last, like Percy is himself knows. And it's just like something that borges with him. Yeah, you're like, you expect there to be a giant coin, a giant like a two-way coin or
Starting point is 01:09:41 a robot. Exactly. A big joke of cards. That's a large reward. Yeah. I think the Alfred's ever like, sir, could we get rid of the giant coin? Because I have to polish that thing. And it's not like we can get, you know, a task rabbit in here to do this.
Starting point is 01:09:55 This is a secret layer. Yeah. Instead of developing technology to monitors everybody's like cell phones and shit, can you like teach the bats to clean stuff? That man's like, sure Alfred, I'll just get rid of all of my memories while I'm at it. Sure. Oh, yeah, yeah. Let me just think back. Do I have living parents? It was all right, sir. You're right. You're right. Alfred, I will get rid of the penny. Oh, no, who's on who pays? Who's salary here? Do you pay Batman's salary? No, Alfred. Batman pays your salary. Do what you're told, because you know what?
Starting point is 01:10:27 I don't care. Batman, look, Batman, he's still a rich guy. He's still one of the part of the 1% he's terrible. Do you think, yeah, well, but, he's a violent, he's a violent solution to a mental illness problem. And that's, and that's really happened. No, that's true, it's true, but,
Starting point is 01:10:39 do you think he's going to be that cavalier with the mistreating Alfred when Alfred could go out there and write a tell-all like that. No, because Alfred signed an NDA, Dan, because Batman goes, go ahead Alfred, write your book behind the cowl. I will sue the shit out of you old man. I'll sue you so hard you'll wish you died in World War II when you were a spy or whatever you did.
Starting point is 01:11:00 I didn't watch that show, says Batman. And Alfred goes, you didn't watch Pennyworth. We're just a Batman's Butler. It's about to be the season finale of Pennyworth or series finale. Sorry. Anyway. Yeah. Wait, series finale.
Starting point is 01:11:15 I had hope for a moment that we'd come back. Yeah, Alfred's like shopping his resume around, trying to get a new gig and they're like, well, there's a pretty big hole in your resume. Why keep talking about that? Now it says you were a spy until 1946 and then there's nothing until just now. Well, I worked for a prominent family, but I signed an NDA. Can you, well, can we call them for a reference? No, I'm not allowed to say which one they are or what vigilante their son grew up to
Starting point is 01:11:40 become. Or what sort of flying mammal they the something to his career on. Oh, yeah, yeah. Squirrel man. Yeah. Of course. Of course. And Alfred's like, no, they don't truly fly.
Starting point is 01:11:51 They merely glide. There's only one kind of flying mammal. You mean humans? Because we have airplanes? Okay. I guess there's two kinds of flying man. If you have to fly. I guess he's also a human.
Starting point is 01:11:59 So I mean, he shouldn't be arguing with his potential employer. Oh, no. Alfred is already tanks the interview. He knows that he's not getting this job. Yeah, yeah. That he just wants the minor victory. So, so, so, so Jane Fondo apologizes to Perseus. Glenn term in calls, Rin-Rain-O, and is like, hey, the people here think that you've been
Starting point is 01:12:18 kidnapped, is everything okay? And she goes, you know what, I'm going to move back into my own house, because there's no reason for me to live in an old folks home. And you can come visit me whenever you want. And I think it's supposed to sound flirty, but it doesn't. And Glent Herman takes it not in a flirty way. He's like, oh, okay, like he takes this. He's been dumped.
Starting point is 01:12:35 So then she runs into Andy Richter, who is a huge Falcons fan who has paid for this sky box. And from this point on, for a long time, it's just them watching the actual game footage of the game. It's like the end of the fighter when you're just watching a boxing match on TV. And it's like, okay, I thought this was a movie I'm watching, but I guess it's an NFL films movie where I'm just watching game highlights. How did you guys feel about this section?
Starting point is 01:12:57 I know you're big leatherheads, so. Uh huh, yeah. I don't mean the Ninja Turtles Gator Bad Guy guy leatherhead. I mean, you know, football fans. Yeah, this is a time, this is a time that I allowed myself to take a little more leeway with the amount of tension I was paying to the screen when it was just game footage. Now Andy Richter is not playing Andy Rick. No, he's playing for the next clock. Yeah, okay, that makes sense.
Starting point is 01:13:20 He wears glasses, maybe he's Clark Kent, and he just had to get, he didn't invite Batman to this super phone game. Nothing on the screen would say otherwise. There's nothing in the movie that fights the idea that he's Clark Kent playing Clark Greg actually. Oh, well, that's good. I'm glad Clark Greggs and more stuff, you know. Yeah. Yeah. Well, someone playing him at least. So the, so the Falcons are winning. The ladies are just upset, but they realize across the stadium, I think, is the coordination booth where they call the plays. They race over there and Sally Field, they break in.
Starting point is 01:13:51 Sally Fields gets on the mic and starts calling winning plays using her math ability. I love it. And Lily Tomlin uses the headset mic that is a direct Batman to Commissioner Gordon call line to Tom Brady to talk directly to Tom about how he's playing inspired her to get through chemo. He turns around and looks up at her. She must be several hundred feet up in the air, but he has a face to face. He has eyeballs like a hawk, Elliott. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:17 I guess it's like he's like mecheneck. He can just see huge distances, you know, but it's again, and I should again, again, like fair and munchows and should scoop this dude up and put him in his team. He is more than human. He is the greatest of all of us. So yeah. And he is so inspired by his speech that he's not going to give up. She says, if you don't give up, I won't give up either. And he goes, if you, she goes, if you fight off fight and Tom nods and understand the inshouts, let's fucking go to his teammates. And to be honest, I was kind of surprised to see a major athlete in a movie using a swear
Starting point is 01:14:51 word when he's talking to his teammates. It's the kind of thing that like, I feel like in the old days, the NFL would be like, the majorly baseball certainly would not have allowed that kind of thing in the past, but that NFL would be like, we're good, we're good clean people. We don't swear. We're, we're Boy Scouts. But he, but he just says it just lets that F bomb fall, you know? Well, also this movie that is clearly geared towards families for that matter that there's
Starting point is 01:15:11 just like, okay, you've got one use of the word fucking. You're going to use it here, I guess, for the amazing, fest be a top rating. It should have been when, when Jane fond was reading her Grunk erotica. Yeah, it should have been. Well, when her reading her gronker radica. It should have been her gronker radica. That's so change. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:29 That's when gronk fucked me. He said, as his wants his own name, wrong. He's just repeated it over and over again. And Tom Brady goes off and newly emboldened leaves the Patriots to the comeback period. It is part of the historical record as we watch more real NFL footage. And at this point, we're just watching the football. I remember watching this, this Super Bowl match at, at the bar and being like, yeah, the patrons are losing. I can't wait to see that happen. And then it turned around them like, fucking lily Tom. Well, that's the, that's the other thing is that this movie takes it for granted that
Starting point is 01:16:12 we understand also. Tom Brady is amazing. That's why he can say fuck because his tongue is the philosopher's stone that transmutes the base metal of the, of a swear word into the gold of, of beauty, of poetics. And, uh, but they take it for granted when for much of the country, they hate the patriots. They don't like Tom Brady. And the gold of beauty, of poetics. But they take it for granted when, for much of the country, they hate the patriots. They don't like Tom Brady. And the owner of the patriots is generally accepted to be a bad dude, right? Like not a good person. So the idea that like, anyway, just the base assumption of the movie that we're all on team Brady and T Patriots.
Starting point is 01:16:39 Anyway, so everyone celebrates, of course, Lily Tomlin is now bankrupt. But Reenem Reano reveals she made a bet with Andy Richter on who's going to win the game. And she has won enough to pay Lily Tomlin back for the whole trip. Oh, cool. And pay for her potential cancer treatment. Yeah. Well, I hope so. She hasn't found out the results yet. So we don't and we'll never find out the results in the movie. She did just get the one watch from that guy. That's true. I mean, I know that they're very expensive, but it seems like. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:09 Yeah. Anyway. So, and Ron Funches comes over to them and says, and you come in. This is the thing about watches is like, you can either get like a hundred dollar watch or like ten thousand dollar watch. There's no like in between. I guess ten thousand won't really cover cancer treatment, right? Cancer treatment. No. I mean, I don't really cover cancer treatment, right? Cancer treatment.
Starting point is 01:17:25 No. I mean, I don't know what her insurance is like, yeah. But I mean, also she has to pay back for the tickets and she has to get a new car. She sold her car. Well, yeah, that's a big part of it. So we better hope that this is not like, she's not like, I won his watch and she takes it to the jeweler and he's like, well, this is a Casio calculator watch. Yeah, here's your problem.
Starting point is 01:17:42 I see you in that. You ever, now, you've ever heard of a thing called a swatch, is this worth anything? No, but you can write boobs with it. I want to introduce you to someone in Fido, Dido. I think this may explain some of the situation. So anyway, they think they're in trouble, but they're taken to the locker room where thankfully all the players are still sitting around in their clothes. They are not in various states of undress as they normally would be in the locker room. They meet the players. It turns out grown.
Starting point is 01:18:09 Basically on this pornographic film said Elliott watches. Yeah. Anyway, that's, I mean, when, why wouldn't I? Why couldn't I watch a short pornographic film of that nature, you know? Yeah. I mean, if Tom Brady's going to be in, yeah, this is America. Yeah. I'm curious about it. Look, did I, was Look, did I want to see that nude photo of Harpo
Starting point is 01:18:28 that recently went up for auction for sexual reasons? No, but I wanted to see it, yeah, sure. Yeah, did probably most of your close friends text it to you. Yes, it was text it to me and also the link was tweeted to me by a number of people because they understood. If there is any person's penis that I want to see, it's Harpo Marks for sure. And also, like I've read so many stories about him taking off his clothes as a joke. It was like, that's great to have photo graphic.
Starting point is 01:18:51 Like it's like it's a goof. As a goof that he would show up naked at things and things like that. He was very funny. Oh yeah, that's a, that's a pretty good goof. What do you think? Yeah, yeah. I mean, there's a harassment angle that I want to learn a little bit more about the, yeah, I might want to tamp that.
Starting point is 01:19:04 No, Dan, I agree. Someone, someone, I forgot who was, said that when you're famous you get to do that kind of thing and it's people okay with it. Sure, sure, sure, sure, sure. Anyway, the evilest man in the world said that, so I think it's... He certainly wouldn't be found guilty of a sex crime, thus making my nickname for him. Well, a found, found legally liable in a civil case, Dan. That's true, he's not. We are in flopcourt, otherwise liable in a civil case. That's true. I hate
Starting point is 01:19:25 it. We are in we are in flop court. Otherwise, I would hate to. Yeah, that's true. It's that way. Man, I am, I'm winning this one. I think. Yeah, maybe. So Gronkowski has a copy of Jane fondness book. They meet each other. It is implied that they're going to bang. And I found, and Gronk only has like a word to say, basically, but I found him funny and charming in a way that then like Tom Brady has a long model that he's not up to. Rob, Rob Grunk counts the is, I've seen him in other things and he is a genuinely charismatic and like funny, like performer. You know, he's, he's someone who, if this was, if this was called 80 for Grunk, I think
Starting point is 01:20:02 it would have been a better movie in a lot of ways. It would have been a sillier movie. But anyway, Lily Townlin finally meets Tom Brady and he tells her that she inspires him with her courage in facing cancer. Oh, wow. And this is the long speech that he gets that he does okay with. It's not great. He wants to swap jerseys with her, but his is missing.
Starting point is 01:20:22 And this is not a plot point and I don't understand why it happens. I don't know why they couldn't have just had them swap jerseys, but instead he looks and is like, oh my jerseys not here doesn't pay off in any way. I feel like they're coming back to Ben is seeing where one of them already had stolen the jersey that then this was orphaned from that. Maybe I know it. It really feels like a weird moment. Cut to its 2020 Tom Brady is back. He has retired and returned. Everyone's at Lilly's house. They're all wearing jerseys. I think for Tom Brady's current team and they are reenact Tampa Bay Tampa. Something that the Tampa Bay tampons are some, I don't know what the team is. That's
Starting point is 01:20:57 like, but anyway, they they reenact the superstitious game ritual credits. And then we get a little bit of a, we see that it was shut based on true story. And then we get a little bit of a, we see that it was shut based on true story. And then we get a little pre credits scene where the ladies are hanging out on the beach in Florida with Tom Brady. And he's like, and he's like, you know, I don't, I don't know why you would retire. And they all laugh and laugh. They're all buddies now. And I assume they all get, they all get a night with Brady and they live out their fantasies off camera. Yeah, that sounds great. And that is 80 for where they're, where they're two skies.
Starting point is 01:21:30 I expected. They were no, I did not see any goofs. No. Yeah. Was there a scene where the characters are dancing over music over the credits? I mean, we already saw that in the movie. Oh, yeah, I guess during the movie, but they didn't just loop that footage. Okay, that's fine.
Starting point is 01:21:43 No, with a hamster. I don't think that hurts my case. I think it's fine. I think it's fine. I would have had so much more respect for the movie if they had looped that footage over the hamster dance for the entirety of the credits. It's by the way, it's just a sped up version of Roger Miller's music from the Robin Hood movie.
Starting point is 01:22:03 Yeah, yeah. That is off, off to reference here. Anyway, so I've, I can't on my last, the sexiest movie of all time. Robin Hood, you very much. Sure, here, Robin Hood with, with Russell Crowe, yeah. So let's move on to final judgments. Whether it's a good bad movie, a bad bad movie,
Starting point is 01:22:19 a movie, we kind of like, Stuart, why don't you go first for once, it's your closing argument. Yeah, here's my closing argument. You know what, guys? I watched this the second time, and again, because I watched this previously, and I didn't hate it. Didn't hate this movie. Part of it, I didn't hate it, rapes.
Starting point is 01:22:41 Didn't, well, in 10 of the vlog, I mean, I'll say that like, it's hard, even when with the material they're working with, I can't help but enjoy watching these four women do stuff. Like they're such fun performers and just having the excuse to watch them be even a little bit silly is great. So do I like the NFL and or the Patriots or Tom Brady or anything? No, of course not. I don't give a shit about that. But I think this movie is fine. It's absolutely fine. I kind of like it. I didn't know that absolutely fine and whether we hated it or not. What's the the more traces? Yeah, I mean, like certainly I did not find this as unwatchable as many of the movies we
Starting point is 01:23:27 End up, you know proving me wrong by watching for the fluff house but Yeah, I didn't the mitigating fact of having these Women and as the leads only went so far for me If anything it probably made me more angry that they had so little to work with. I don't want to give this film credit for having good actors and then giving them nothing to do.
Starting point is 01:23:56 Stunt casting? I wouldn't call it stunt casting. It's just good casting, but it's like, yeah, I don't know. This movie was a whole lot of nothing. They didn't even do the basic minimum of making this type of movie, which would be to have a plot that had some sort of connective tissue between the individual scenes rather than just a series of stuff. The major conflict of the movie would essentially be solved by visiting lost and found.
Starting point is 01:24:27 And that the movie builds up hospital test results that we never actually find out. Like, it just never, we don't even get closure. I don't know. They imply there's a chance. There's a moment in the flash forward when they're all setting up to watch the game and they imply that there's a chance Lou could be dead. But then she comes out. That's true. They do have a they do have a brief moment where they're there. She is not there. So you think maybe she's dead, but she's still there.
Starting point is 01:24:55 And even that like the the movie just doesn't have the the courage to make more of that moment. Like it doesn't they don't do much with it. But it's a it is a agree with it's a real nothing of a movie. I would call this a bad, bad movie with the caveat that like, I like a lot of the people in the cast and I'm glad they got paid for doing something. But I wish, but it does feel like a huge waste of,
Starting point is 01:25:16 a huge waste of potential talent and potential, potential laughs, potential drama. It's just a, it's a real, it is a movie that feels, it's like this is the kind of movie I expect to see after the writer's strike where they had to put it in production. They didn't have a finished script. They're working off of an outline. They've got to add a little bit on the fly. Like that's what it feels like, but so wait, are you telling telling me that the with the writer's strike, I could get more movies like this. Yeah, so I, and I'm saying it's turning it. It's turning it against this.
Starting point is 01:25:46 Oh wow, let me get my drool, boy. I mean, I will also add a caveat, which is like, I mean, I'll have it. Obviously to some degree, this is true of every movie, but like, but it's not real. This, the movie is not for everybody. Like, and I could see a different audience.
Starting point is 01:26:05 One that is less snobby about comedy or story structure and just wants to see like their old friends together and likes football. Like, if you think that you're into this type of movie. I'm willing to bet that those are not the listeners to this podcast. Sure. I think with this movie fails, I think on the, with my mom like this level,
Starting point is 01:26:26 there's a bunch of movies we've seen where my mom would have liked them. And I think this would have even failed to have enough to keep her attention. Yeah. Yeah. But you're right Dan, I sure there are people who are like,
Starting point is 01:26:38 I wanna see these stars, I like Tom Brady, finally they're all together. And it's everything I've always dreamed of and now it's my I've always dreamed of. And now it's my favorite movie of all time. Yeah. Okay, well, you know, as we
Starting point is 01:26:49 said, God will render his judgment. I assume upon I haven't been struck down. The day of reckoning. Yeah, unfortunately, it's not going to happen until the day of judgment when the
Starting point is 01:26:57 dead rise again. And the souls are weighed and 80 for Brady is finally given it's just just. Yeah, yeah, they're saying to heaven or hell. But it's held up. And I, they're saying to heaven or hell.
Starting point is 01:27:09 But until that time, you know what, we got a few sponsors for the podcast and one of them is the new England Patriots. No, no, no, no, it's a loomie lab, it's loomie lab is microdose gummies are showed today is sponsored by microdose gummies. Our show today is sponsored by microdose gummies. Microdose gummies deliver perfect entry-level doses of THC that help you feel just the right amount of good. Say, I don't know, you want to relax after getting all tense watching 80 for Brady
Starting point is 01:27:38 and yelling about all the rich veins of character conflict and plot incident that they have left on the table. I mean, I was with a microdose gun. I guess what I was mad about the infrared is I've paid for the whole seat, but I was only using the edge. I'll tell you this about microdose. They're available nationwide.
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Starting point is 01:29:57 Trayvell Anderson, and me award-winning journalistic media personality, Sharja Sel. All of it is based on my book, We See each other a black trans journey through TV and film. Now listen folks, we're having a very different kind of conversation. It's giving kitchen table talk. We get into the discourse, honey. Tune in to we see each other the podcast
Starting point is 01:30:16 at or we'll have you get slayworthy audio. The Legend of Zelda, Tears of the Kingdom. Diablo IV. Final Fantasy 16. Street Fighter IV. Final Fantasy XVI. Street Fighter VI. Baldur's Gate III. Starfield. Spider-Man II.
Starting point is 01:30:31 Master Detective Archive's Raincoat for Nintendo Switch? No, it's such a thing. Ha ha ha ha ha. It's a huge time for video games. You need somebody to tell you what's good, what's not so good, and what's amazing. I'm Jason Shryer. I'm Maddie Myers.
Starting point is 01:30:47 And I'm Kirk Hamilton. We're the hosts of TripleClick, a video game podcast for anyone who likes games. Find us at or wherever you get your podcasts. Bye. Any more business before we move on, fellas? Let's move on, fellas? Let's move on. Well, let's move on then to letters from listeners.
Starting point is 01:31:10 Listeners like you. We've written letters to us. This one is me. Yeah, that's what's from a list. Listeners like you, writing letters to podcasters like us. Listeners like you, writing letters to podcasters like Stu. Listeners like you, writing letters to podcasters like us listeners like you writing letters to podcasters like stew listeners like you writing letters to you don't write letters to you because you're already you write letters to us and specifically to stew.
Starting point is 01:31:34 Stu gets lonely. He doesn't get enough letters to see the way that he runs to the mailbox each day. He opens the letter and to his dismay, there's no letters in there. Even though he has great hair, thank you. Stu needs letters. So send him some letters, send him some letters today. Something to read. Wow. Been a while since we had one of those. Okay. Dan gets too many letters. He doesn't want any more of those letters. That's not true.
Starting point is 01:32:06 He can't even shove the door shut on the mailbox. Dude, dude, dude. He has to put some locks on his mailbox. Because the mailbox won't say shut too many letters. That has a bunch of different. Too many letters. Okay. Well, this is from a little.
Starting point is 01:32:24 It is happy with the amount of mail that he gets. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, he doesn't get too many letters. I guess he gets too few. He likes the letters he gets from you. And he'd like you to maintain the current frequency of letters that you send to him. Dan, where'd you go? That was my letter's sweet.
Starting point is 01:32:46 Dan needs to plug his laptop in so that we can, up, no, he needs to plug his phone in because all the stuff he's done loading is fucking up his phone battery. All right, I guess there's time for more songs then. We heard some stories about letters. I'm breathing. We heard some stories about the better ways that we could write to stew and the ways that
Starting point is 01:33:08 we could write less to Dan and write just the same amount to me. I'm reading. I'm reading that. People like to get letters, but not too many or too few, because in this life, we've only got a certain amount of time for letters brought to you by cheddar. I'm reading the cheddar popular cheese. There is off my, I think so. I'm reading letters off of my phone and my phone was very close to dying. And I thought that it had been a good long, long, long, I wouldn't have any more juice. So I had to go anyway.
Starting point is 01:33:45 So listen, there's Rickins. We got a by Dan a printer, because he's reading the letters off his phone and that phone is running low on energy. If he could print out those letters, he'd have paper copies for his archives. And when he dies and leaves his papers to Earlum College, they'll have your letters.
Starting point is 01:34:06 And you'll know that you live on whenever a student writes a thesis on dance, reciting and thing of letters, brought to you by cheddar, the most popular cheese in the world. Anyway, this letter is from Olivia last name with Coleman, who lives in Ha Olivia Lissing with Coleman. Who would you have, Lint? Hi guys. You know what? I'm just gonna say I'd be excited by either of those Olivia's writing us.
Starting point is 01:34:31 I know right. Olivia the pig from the kids book of the same name, not as exciting to me. Oh, awesome. It's still exciting. Yeah. Pretty exciting. Hi guys, I'm doing my yearly flop house relic in. Don't worry, I don't start all the way back and I skipped some guest episodes, movie minutes. And you got me thinking, thank you, I was worried. You got me thinking, what movies have each of you seen the most times?
Starting point is 01:34:52 Has Stewart really watched Castle Freak head of the family, the invisible maniac and the granny as many times as he's recommended them? I feel like the granny is not liar on that list. It's hard to define. Still come back to as used to be frequently referenced CD shelf to watch the monster squad. Does the Elliott have dish washing favorites? Thanks for all the hours of listening. Olivia last name with help. What movie have you seen in the theater the most? The theater. Oh, in the theater the most.
Starting point is 01:35:22 I know this isn't directly the question. My answer is 100% fellowship of the ring. I think I've seen it like nine times in the theater. I, so I, I am not one to go and rewatch new release movies in the theater. Not even like Mad Max Fury Road or something. No, I only saw that the one time. But in the, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I saw twice in the theater. I did go and rewatch that one. I think I saw that twice within a 12 hour period. But it tends to be more like, okay, over the course of several years, if there's something that's like a repertoire thing.
Starting point is 01:35:59 And I, I mean, I've probably seen stop making sense three or four times in the theater. Yeah, I just got to get, I just got to get to a rip-dory screening of reanimator. Never seen the theater. Can't wait. In the theater, I've probably seen 2001 a space Odyssey the most times, but also maybe the taking of Belm-1, 2, 3. It's possible. If your time movie is overall seen in any medium, I feel like I used to rewatch movies a lot.
Starting point is 01:36:26 Now I feel like I never have the chance to, because there's so many movies I want to see, so I guess I rewatched them when I watched them in my kids, but probably either one of these four is the one I've seen the most overall. Star Wars, the first one. A night at the opera, the taking of Palemone 2.3, we're singing in the rain.
Starting point is 01:36:43 One of those is the movie I've seen the most and I'm not sure which it is. I've seen those. I don't know how many times, many, many times. I had some VHS tapes that I had dubbed off of TV that I watched over and over again. And it's quite possible. Late at night when no one else was around. Yeah, those are the movies I'm talking about. Well, there was, there were those, but it's quite possible that it's one of these three aliens, hethers, and kind of an outlier army of darkness.
Starting point is 01:37:17 I just watched that over. Almost a plural. I like that the first two were plurals. Yeah, any chance, any of those were taped off of TV. So you had the commercials in there. I think it would have been taped off HBO because I really tried to avoid taping stuff with commercials. I didn't like it. But nowadays you're like, I wish I saw those commercials. No, I know. Now that I'm old, I want to see those commercials get all go to the top. If I saw those goddamn commercials with the fucking McNuggets doing
Starting point is 01:37:43 the skip to Maloo McNugget, you just make me so happy right now. Sweet memories. Guys, I thought of two other movies I should have put on my list that I can't believe I forgot about. Yeah. Gremlins and Gremlins too. Well, I'm combining those. Gremlins, Gremlins too, I'm combining, but that and the Wizard of Oz, which I can't play that, that might be the movie I've seen more than any other.
Starting point is 01:38:00 It's probably the Wizard of Oz, but Gremlins was one when I was a kid I watched over and over and over again. So it's one of those. I've certainly seen it's wonderful life a lot too, because I used to just, you know, whenever I would run across it during the Christmas season, I would watch it because I really loved that movie. See, I'm deaf. I'm deliberately not counting a Christmas story because those times when TNT would run it for 24 hours straight. Yeah. I don't celebrate Christmas. I'm not doing
Starting point is 01:38:24 anything that day. So me and my brother would watch it a 24 hours straight. Yeah. I don't celebrate Christmas. I'm not doing anything that day. So me and my brother would watch it a couple times. But I feel like that's inflate. That's pumping the numbers. Yeah. That's messing with it. I did not only watch Rikio Story of Rikio Lot, because I'll find people who haven't seen it.
Starting point is 01:38:36 I'll be like, I guess we're going to watch this together. Be prepared for this journey. Let's move on to the next one. It's from Zach last name withheld. And it's kind of, let's call this an epilogue to last weeks behind the scenes, many, because it's behind the scenes question. And it's one that I think we have. It's surely the higher level of production than we usually do.
Starting point is 01:39:00 I like that production for me. This is a question that we have answered on the air before, but you know what? We do pick up. Listen to you. Has anywhere of the years who don't remember every little bit of lore. So it's good to remember every little bit of lore. We tell them every little thing we say on here. I was wondering every little thing we say on the podcast that you take in through your E. little thing we say on the podcast that you take in through your eee. You got it. You got it.
Starting point is 01:39:28 You got it. I guess I do have to give it to him. And what I'm giving him is this lawsuit from the police. Wow. Hey, cab. Oh, so there's nowhere when they're needed, but they'll sue me over their songs, huh? Guys, I think you both are showing a, like, understanding. So the police are either, they won't protect people, but they'll hassle protesters and
Starting point is 01:39:49 they'll assume me. Okay. Uh, yeah. I'm sorry, I'm getting questions from Audrey about dinner. No, please talk about on there. Well, I mean, I'm, I'm saying that so you guys can vamp a little while. Is that the question now that we're going to answer is the dinner? So what is Dan gonna eat
Starting point is 01:40:05 for dinner tonight? Yeah. What if it's my tummy feel like putting in it? Are you still on your, are you still on your like low-fod Matt diet? I, well I am, I have started to add a few things back in. Oh cool. I'm sure you all be glad to learn that
Starting point is 01:40:20 onions and garlic aren't profitable. Yeah, that would be horrible. A lot of trouble. You need those. Those are wonderful. Corn syrup that I, you know, could, would be good to eliminate in general, but it's not good for you. It's not good for you.
Starting point is 01:40:33 Yeah. It's hard to avoid. What if we lived in a world where onions and garlic were in everything except for corn syrup? What a heaven that would be. Yeah. Yeah. And, you know, soy sauce, we eat a lot of soy sauce.
Starting point is 01:40:43 So those are back in. Those are back in. Those are back in, those are back in, those are back in, baby. If you, you know, listeners who, you know, if you want to track it on the big board, yeah, yeah, fill those in on your, on your bingo cards, about that. And your dance current diet bingo cards.
Starting point is 01:40:57 Don't cause me to have violent bowel movements. And just, yeah, we can just normal, bowel, normal style ones. You should be eating, you shouldn't be eating guns and swords. That's, I think, part of the problem. Yeah. Uh, but I needed more iron. Oh, it does.
Starting point is 01:41:14 Let's take out of the handle. Just my shoes. Yep. Okay. Well, and we done it. People we have our bazooka Joe for the week. That was a hard one. All right. Come back on Monday with three ideas each. We cannot have another week like this three ideas each
Starting point is 01:41:32 We have put off answering this question for a long time. Anyway, it goes like this I was wondering about the theme song. I've never heard you or the other flop floppers talk about it It's great. What's its story who made it what kind of direction did you give the musician who created the created it? Sac Blasting with withheld um it has been mentioned before but as stated Probably a long time to go. It is done by Keith Bergun A guy that I knew through Brock. I think recommend him. Yes, so so my My former writing partner and sketch partner and one of my close friends, Brock
Starting point is 01:42:06 my hand, he is one of his close friends from childhood, I believe, is the man in Keith Pregon who now works mainly in kind of gaming, roleplaying, gaming and video gaming, I believe, but it's also a very talented musician and he wrote that song for us a long time ago. Yeah, and as for the instruction, he originally gave basically the same tune, but it sounded a lot more bluesy. He said he was like inspired by the idea of Blop House to do a bluesy thing, which makes sense. But, you know, for our show, I was like, I don't know if that's right.
Starting point is 01:42:40 Could you Simpsonsify it a little bit more? Like I want a little bit more like the circus kind of energy of like that goofy theme song and he just took the same tune change the instrumentation around a bit and goddess our our theme song and that's the story and now you know the rest yeah of the story it's great. You're familiar with the podcast. Yeah. And if you're familiar with, was that Paul Harvey? Yes.
Starting point is 01:43:10 If you're familiar with the reference to Paul Harvey, a radio storyteller. I thought he was, I thought he was like an invisible rabbit or something. No, that's just Harvey. I don't know. He has another name. Is he his first name, Paul? I know. No, Harvey was his last name might be Paul. Harvey Paul. He's one of the Paul brothers. Yeah, he got in trouble because he has, he has, he has, he name Paul. And no, no, he's last name might be Paul.
Starting point is 01:43:26 Harvey Paul. He's one of the Paul brothers. Yeah, he got in trouble because he was an imaginary rabbit at a suicide forest in Japan and he made light of it. Oh, that's too bad. Oh, yeah. Now he's named a trooper. I know those are two different Paul brothers. I think that's the same one. Elliot's cast a Paul over the proceedings. That's a different Paul. Wordplay, wordplay, word play, word play, word play. Oh, I gotta join that piggy line.
Starting point is 01:43:50 I'm a writer now guys. I gotta do it. You are a writer. Yeah. You know what? Talking about, you know, I should talk about it. We're here. Talking about stuff.
Starting point is 01:44:03 I forget the segue I was going to make. I started. So you went for the most, the most general universal segway that anyone could use. That the one behind the glass that says break in case of me the segway. Stuff. So this is the part of the podcast where we recommend a movie that you might want to watch after watching 80s for Brady. Or instead of.
Starting point is 01:44:22 I'm going to recommend a movie that I watched with my good ol' pal Dan McCoy. We went to a movie theater. He's this cool dude. Sit next to me. He's got a little bit of an attitude, but I love him for it. We went to go see Evil Dead arise. We went to an afternoon screening. There were a lot of children there, which is crazy for a movie about a demonically possessed
Starting point is 01:44:43 mom who kills her kids. Movie that has evil dead. Bucket's a blood. Several more buckets of blood than the film titled Bucket's a Blood. Surprise. A little blood in buckets of blood. Yeah. Only one bucket full.
Starting point is 01:44:55 Yeah. Evil Dead Rise. It's been like what, 10 years since the Evil Dead remake, it is not related that I understand. The Evil Dead remake, I recently rewatched a lot of fun, not goofy at all, just very bleak and super gross and gory, but what an ending shot. It's amazing. And a great setup. But Evil Dead Rise is kind of like a mix between the bleakness of the remake and the goofiness of the original trilogy. It has a, like a lot of horror movies now, it has like a big opening with a scary part. And then we pull back and we have a lot
Starting point is 01:45:33 of setup. And it takes its time and it kind of introduces the world in this apartment building that the deadites will slowly turn into a horrible hellscape trap. If I guess if there's a, if I have a critique, it's that it is very obvious with seating, it's check-offs, I don't know woodchippers, tattoo needles, etc. But it's fine. That's awesome. And it also feels like it's a piece with evil dead movies. Like evil dead movies don't hide a piece. They're not subtle movies. The evil dead series has never been a subtle. Yeah, I think to me, it was tipping its hand in the same way that like, you know, a three stooge's short would tip its hand where it's like, now I'm going to go away while you
Starting point is 01:46:16 clean, don't break anything, you know. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I enjoyed it too. It was good enough that there was a woman next to me who I had to tell to turn her phone light off and who then gave me a look like I was an asshole for pointing out that that was not allowed. But how do you say it? How do you say it? Did you say like an asshole would say it? I said, you can't have your phone on in here. Oh, okay. I can't have now. I don't know that you're the hero of the story, Dan, but I'm glad, but it is your main to the audience is understanding of evil dead rise. So what are you talking about?
Starting point is 01:46:53 You can't have your phone on it. No, it's literally true. No, no, we need you on that wall, Dan. I'm just saying, you know, I got to look like, you know, I'm the problem. And the fact that I didn't stress over that for longer than seven minutes is a testimony to the power of the movie. Yeah, it's really put it behind me in a way that often a lesser film Dan would be stewing about that for the entire time. Yeah, it's it's good and gross. It's gory, it's fun, it's goopy thumbs up.
Starting point is 01:47:26 Got the 4G's, good gross, gory and goofy. I want to make it clear also that this woman was not doing anything arguably necessary on her phone. She had her photo album open, it was scrolling through it during the first- Was it the hidden folder? Five minutes of the film. It seems like the movie wasn't really grabbing her attention. So maybe we should get on her here, get her on here to rebut Stewart's recommendation to film. Yeah, I think that's actually a good idea. And if anything to reunite the two of you guys, so you could squash this, blah, blah, blah, blah, on today's flop court.
Starting point is 01:47:59 I mean, it seemed to be fine. They're married now. Yeah, I'm on. Look, it's not. Usually I try and find something that's not literally not going on this movie. I'm not using the recommended 80 for writing. You know, it's nicer to shine a light on something people maybe haven't heard of. But I haven't seen a lot recently and the thing I enjoyed the most was the new Guardians film Guardians of the Galaxy volume three. Okay, Adam Warlock movie. If you have- I haven't seen it yet, but from what I've heard, they do not do Adam Warlock justice. Hey, let Dan finish his recommendation, I mean, if all you care about is Adam Warlock, this movie is true.
Starting point is 01:48:41 Is not going to serve you well. And Warlock wise, if you have enjoyed the previous two Guardians movies, I think you will enjoy this one. Jim Stone and Ty's off part of this. I think that one of the reasons I know that Marvel fatigue is real is that no one, I've heard very few people talk about how absolutely bizarre a lot of this movie is. Like I feel like, you know, 10 years ago, if there was a blockbuster where part of it was, I don't know, they go to a living space station where they have to carve through the organic skin of the station to go in to do a little heist. That would people would be like, can you believe that this giant blockbuster
Starting point is 01:49:26 has this weird stuff in it? But now... I guess, I mean, it's the third movie in a series that stars a talking raccoon that shoots people, so... I know, but part of my point is we become a nerd to it, and I'm saying, if you are a little marveled out, this is a movie that still has a lot of the weird spirit and still pushes further than I think you would expect out of a big silly blockbuster with like having weird fun stuff going on at all times. And emotional stakes that actually mean something,
Starting point is 01:50:03 like jokes that come out of the characters rather than just being like, let's, we need to quit here, you know. Yeah, it's like it's genuinely fun. I've seen this as well. And it's genuinely funny and it is like, I feel like I'm winning kind of with a chip of my shoulder. And there was a few things that I had some issues with the, the animal cruelty and the emotional manipulation
Starting point is 01:50:28 of it. But maybe that's just me. I don't like seeing animals getting hurt. No, I love that stuff. Yeah, I don't know why I am a big time animal lover. I think it is, for me, number one, the fact that they're all CGI animals, like that helps. And I know that the higher brain functions, you know, are still locked in. And you're just, I don't need to. But, but also just like, I think it is too an end. Like, it's clear that James Gunn is upset about the idea of like animal cruelty and animal testing. And this is his vehicle towards that rather than just being like, let's show some fucked up shit or something. Yeah, yeah, but I mean he also
Starting point is 01:51:12 shows some fucked up shit. Yeah, it's good, it's fun. I'm recommending also a movie that I guess has some fucked up animal shit in it and it's kind of a horror movie, but it's also a documentary somehow. And that is the Academy Award winner for Best Documentary in 1972, the Hellstrom Chronicle. So the Hellstrom Chronicle is a documentary about insects that is factual. It has some of the most amazing close-up insect footage I've ever seen and it's telling you
Starting point is 01:51:42 real things about insects, but it is narrated by a fictional scientist who's trying to convince you that we are in a life or death battle between humans and insects for who will be the ultimate owners of the planet. And it's the first time I've seen a documentary where it's like, it's a documentary told as if it's a horror story, you know, and with a with a with a fear as its main impetus, but also the fear is so over the top that it times it's funny. And some of the, so there is some footage of ants overrunning animals at one point that is very, that is genuinely very frightening and disturbing. And it was
Starting point is 01:52:12 directed by Whelan Green who has done a lot of TV writing work, but also wrote the screenplay for the wild bunch. She wrote the screenplay for sourceware. You also wrote the screenplay for solar babies, but you can't, you can't totally hold that against them. Oh, man, he nailed it. And it's, it's just a, it's, it was a really like, and it's written by David Celter, who wrote the screenplay for the Omen, among other things. So there's, it has a real horror feel to it. It feels scary, but it is a real documentary with real footage of insects and real facts about insects. And I thought it was a really cool way to get that information across, but also it was
Starting point is 01:52:49 really fun to watch a, like a horror documentary that wasn't like a found footage type, you know, thing, but instead felt like a documentary. So that's the hellstrom chronicle. And I believe it's on to be. Oh, no, actually, I actually, I actually watched it on YouTube. Never mind. Maybe it's on YouTube be. I went to to actually I actually I watched it on YouTube. Never mind. Maybe I might say to be. YouTube.
Starting point is 01:53:08 Yeah, the original to be YouTube. I went to put it on my letterbox watch list and I found that something had already landed it there. So you're only doubling up the recommendation, making me more. Oh, it's salivating. It's real good. I do want to mention we talked about Guardians of the Galaxy
Starting point is 01:53:24 and how it does not necessarily service the needs of Adam Warlock fans If you're going to the Hellstrom Chronicle hoping that it services your need as a fan of Damon Hellstrom son of Satan Another Marvel character. He is not he does not appear in the film. I think the Yeah, where that character was was about what about mad scientist Darius Hellstrom from the deadlands universe tabletop role-playing game universe again does not in it. There is a scientist who is mad about things, but I don't know that's the same character. And what about Stromb Thurmond, who is currently burning in hell? Yeah. That's a good question. Also not, he was alive concurrently to when this movie was made,
Starting point is 01:53:57 but it does not appear in it and is not referenced in it. Okay, interesting. Yeah. Well, full of facts. effects of floppas. Hey, we've gone long enough. Now it's time to say goodbye. And every time we say goodbye, I think to talk about 80 for Brady. How about for 85 Brady? Thank you as always to Alex Smith. He goes by the name of Howell Dottie on various socials. Now, if you're wondering, is this howell, like it's spelled in Howell's Moving Castle? It is not. It is spelled Howell, H-O-W-E-L-L. I was going to say Howell. I was going to say Howell. But like that would be- Or William D and Howell.
Starting point is 01:54:43 You get a double W in that. So think of how well, but then remove one of those. Okay, that's really helpful. Yeah. Space. And to put it into layman's terms, it's like William D and howls without the S at the end of howls. Yeah, yeah. I hope that that was edifying. Or like how is moving castle ball with an E in an extra L. I guess we could have just spelled it. That would have been the short. Yeah, that would have been the short. But anyway, if you're interested, look up all of his other endeavors.
Starting point is 01:55:14 Thank you. Just to imagine you're saying, oh, well, like you're like you're Robin Hood or something. Yes, exactly. But with no space. Anyway, you're not Robin Hood in space, Dan. Like he lived hundreds of years ago. It's like you're saying how in the hell, but you remove the Inda and the Asia hell
Starting point is 01:55:32 because you're from jolly old England. And then it's pushed them together into one word, yeah. Made it very clear for all of you. So you can out, you're welcome. And thank you to MaximumFun. Go to to find other great podcasts on the MaximumFun Network. But for now for the flop as I've been Dan McCoy, I'm Stuart Wellington.
Starting point is 01:55:53 I'm Elliot Kaelin saying WJ Strong, please support us. We appreciate it. Okay, bye. Hey. Oh. Oh On this episode we discuss 80 for Brady and we'll see if it's a home run or a strikeout I think that was pretty good, yeah, that's great. Yeah, we might have to do both Okay, and, here we go.
Starting point is 01:56:29 Comedy and culture. Artist-owned, audience supported.

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