The Flop House - FH Mini 106 - Birthday Twins

Episode Date: June 29, 2024

Dan briefly confuses everybody with talk about Garfield, before steering the boys into a discussion of their birthday twins, and related films. (Just listen. It'll make sense. Eventually.)Check out H...owell Dawdy (aka Producer Alex)’s new album!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone and welcome to a Flophouse Mini. That's what we do every other week on the Flophouse. We're not talking about a bad movie. We do minis. So named because they're mostly shorter than regular episodes. Basically, yeah. And they're a little more free form. Today I'm in the driver's seat and...
Starting point is 00:00:21 Buckle up. Is the Game Master in town? Well, maybe. Could be. Either you wanna buckle up or you wanna stay unbuckled so you can leap out the window at the right moment. Yeah. Remember to roll when you hit the ground.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Yeah, if you hit the ground at a specific angle, you will explode. Wow. Yeah, I heard it. This kid in my school told me about a guy he knew that it happened to. Just saying. That sounds like my younger son has been telling me
Starting point is 00:00:44 how his friend told him that when you're counting, it goes up to Google and then it starts over again at zero and that's how numbers work. And I was like, no, that's not how they work. You get so mad. He was mad that he was misled? No, he was mad at me. He's mad at me for saying that his friend's rooster is wrong.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Yeah, Dan's Googling this information as he... I mean, isn't that the way? It is in life like someone tells you a true thing and you're mad that you can no longer believe the fantasy On that note, let's go into the mini it starts like this starts right now You know tomorrow as we record this tomorrow is my Dan McCoy's birthday. What? Very exciting. It is the same.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Happy 6-0. Glad I remembered a gift. You don't need to. It's fine. Wait, no, I brought something. Stewart's going through his pockets. He took his shoes off and he's shaking them to see if anything comes out. You're coming to my birthday celebrations.
Starting point is 00:01:47 That's enough for me. Yeah, what'll fall out of my shoes that I can give to Dan? Anyway, my birthday, of course, is the same as Garfield's. June 19, 1978. Juneteenth also. Sure. Dan's birthday's a federal holiday?
Starting point is 00:02:05 It is. But that's not a birthday. My birthday is the same. It's the birth of freedom. As, that's true. But a new birth of freedom. To the year, Garfield the Cat, whom we all know and love from the comics pages, is the same.
Starting point is 00:02:23 I mean, Nermal doesn't love, well, Nermal probably still loves. Nermal still likes it, yeah. Nermal likes Garfield, Garfield does not like Nermal. What about Arlene? Does Arlene like Garfield? I think Arlene's position on Garfield is undetermined at this time. I think Arlene just sees money signs when she looks at Garfield, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:37 But yeah, Garfield celebrates his birthday, who knows? In the comics page every year, on his birthday, who knows, in the comics page every year on my birthday, making Garfield the oldest cat. But anyway, Garfield, of course, currently setting the box office on fire in the week of this recording still at number four on his fourth week of release. Of course, for the first three weeks, it had the advantage of being the only kids movie in theaters, so that probably juiced the stats a bit.
Starting point is 00:03:11 But it's made about- Inside Out 2 probably bumped it down quite a bit, yeah. Yeah, it's made around 218 million on a 60 million budget as of this taping, despite I hear eliminating most of Garfield's already meager personality from the film. But we aren't here to talk about Garfield. We're here to talk about birthdays and birthday twins.
Starting point is 00:03:34 No, this is a second time. Then why are you talking about Garfield all that much? Hold on. No, not Garfield specifically. We're talking about birthday twins. Oh, birthday twins. Okay. And the fact that Garfield has a successful
Starting point is 00:03:45 Movie in theaters was the hook to get us into this We're snared in the web of dance creation Down Garfield Avenue They love that that plus-size cat and his love of lasagna. We're not talking about that cat now, Dan. No, not anymore, but that's what got him in the door. Garfield was a loss leader. I like to see. The rest of this.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Dan, I feel like you could pull off like a Garfield costume for Halloween. Oh, for sure. Yeah, I don't know if that's a compliment, but. It's a compliment. I don't know what you mean by pull off. Like it's for Halloween. Everyone's wearing a costume. No, but. It's a compliment. Yeah. I don't know what you mean by pull off. Like it's not Halloween. You know, everyone's wearing a costume.
Starting point is 00:04:26 No, but I mean like you could also, like you could zhuzh it up and bring the personality. Yeah. Real s2, yeah. It's true. I don't know, Chris Pratt. There I said it. Yeah, I'll say it too.
Starting point is 00:04:36 They should have cast in. I do not care for spiders, so at least I have that in common. What about, what if for Halloween you had to dress as someone who shared your birthday? Well, we're gonna find out we're gonna find out this birthday twins episode if you let me get to it I can't wait can't wait. So I was prepping for this episode, right? I looked up that's new It is not new these many episode prep sessions actually take far longer than one would expect much of the day
Starting point is 00:05:13 yesterday that was not spent cleaning the apartment for Meredith okay anyway when I was prepping for this episode, uh, I, uh, I think that happens regularly. I checked to make sure I had you guys's birthdays down. I looked up famous people born on your birthday. Yeah. When Dan texted us to find out our birthday, I was like, is he trying to find out my fucking star chart?
Starting point is 00:05:43 I know I was for, I'm trying to steal your identity. So I texted my mom. I'm like I was trying to steal your identity. So I texted my mom, I'm like, what time was I born? And my mom's like, you're married, don't listen to her. Okay. Less squirming in your chair, you're banging the camera. I know, I'm getting excited. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Dan's mini sounds like so much fun, I'm just getting worked up. Yeah, we're talking about birthdays, not Garfield, unfortunately, as I was led to believe at first We could be might circle the circle. Well, who knows? I feel like I feel like every audience member during kangaroo Jack's first theatrical run who went in expecting a movie about a wisecracking rapping kangaroo and
Starting point is 00:06:19 Didn't get it. Yeah So I looked up famous people born on you guys' birthdays. Oh, okay. And to clarify, unlike with me and my birthday twin, Garfield, in most cases, the year will not be the same, but just the date, the date, the month and the day. So. Stan, do you have a framed copy of the first Garfield? I don't.
Starting point is 00:06:41 That'd be a great birthday gift. Yeah. That'd be a great birthday gift. Yeah. That'd be a great birthday gift. Yeah. Oh, probably pricey these days. But who knows? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What's the comic buyer's guide valuation on the first strip of Garfield? Near mint. It doesn't have to be mint. No, it doesn't have to be total mint. I mean, a little bit of raggedness adds some character to it.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Yeah. Let me check this edition of wizard and see what they say. Yeah, we're covers a lot of comic strip prices Yeah, that's the gag. I guy no, I know right anyway when I was okay. I said that part already From that list of famous people. Yeah, I have for each of you I've assembled a special birthday themed movie playlist Okay now There it's gonna be you have six movie twins each Each of these movies I'm gonna talk about is related to someone born on your birthday
Starting point is 00:07:37 First I'm going to see if from what I say Well, not really from what I say, but I gonna see whether you can guess who your birthday twin is, who's associated with this movie. And then I'm gonna ask you what characteristic you think you share with this person who shares your birthday. Okay, interesting, interesting. So we started with me addressing my birthday. So in descending age, we'll go to the second
Starting point is 00:08:02 most decrepit Flophouse Coho's, Stewart. Yeah, I'm just falling apart over here, folks. Despite being in the best shape of all of us, Stewart is actually 10 years older than me. So, Stu, you were born on February the 26th and in your birth year on February 26th, yeah, February 26th, Kramer versus Kramer topped the box office. And then also doing well in theaters, Fox's starring a young Jodie Foster.
Starting point is 00:08:33 And then after that question mark, question mark, question mark because records for that time are oddly spotty. I could not find further box office information, but that's just a little color that said You're just painting a picture. I know this is just the Garfield moment for this this part. Yeah, I'm necessary information Yeah to confuse us Journey homie, it's not the destination it is on the on the flop house. He does 100% the journey
Starting point is 00:09:00 The premise for this is thin is the it's the cur curlicues along the way that make it interesting. Okay, the first movie, Walk the Line from 2005, a musical biopic, of course, about legendary country star Johnny Cash, directed by James Mangold, and starring Joaquin Phoenix as Johnny Cash, Reese Witherspoon as June Carter, and Robert Patrick as Ray Cash,
Starting point is 00:09:22 the non-comedy version of the wrong kid died character from Walk Hard. A little fact I found out about this movie. It had its origins in an episode of Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, where Johnny Cash guest starred, became friends with Jane Seymour,
Starting point is 00:09:40 and began talks with her ex-husband, James Keach, who was directing that episode about making a movie of his life, Johnny Cash. Of course, you know, went through a lot of changes since then, but that's where it started. And so who do you think Stewart, maybe you know, maybe you know who was born on your birthday, who do you think inspired the inclusion of Walk the line on this birthday movie mega mix. I
Starting point is 00:10:08 Don't I'm kind of struggling here. Is it? It's not Johnny cash. It is Johnny cash was born on February 26 1932 So let's see. What do I have in common with Johnny? What do you have in common? Do you think with Johnny? Hell, that's one thing.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Yeah, somewhat self destructive at times. Yeah, that's 100% true. Let's see. Something about a ring of fire that works. Yeah. I don't know. I think I feel like I could do a show, I could do a show at a prison, right?
Starting point is 00:10:49 Yeah, like what kind of show would you do at a prison, do you think? Uh, well, what's your answer? Like, I'd like to teach them how to paint Warhammer guys. I think they'd give it a try. Okay. Yeah, I think they'd love that, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:59 It's meditative, that would help, you know, with, Pass the time, man. I mean, the warden may ask you to use a slightly less violent form of painting object, you know, with, uh... Pass the time, man. I mean, the warden may ask you to use a slightly less violent form of painting object, you know. But maybe they won't, I don't know. Yeah, I'll use... Love hammer. But I'm using a, yeah, I'm using a gun, a paint gun. An airbrush.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Okay, so that was... I started out on an easy one, of course. Johnny Cash, the obvious guess from a movie about Johnny Cash Jonathan Cash. Yeah No, so wait, it couldn't have been one of the the actors in the movie or talk about it Okay, could have been but wasn't you'll see as we go on the associations may become more whimsical Like yeah, like Joaquin Phoenix doesn't have like Like Joaquin Phoenix doesn't have like a Pisces vibes. A birthday. No.
Starting point is 00:11:44 He doesn't have birthdays. He doesn't have birthdays. He is and always has been and always will be, the Alpha and Omega, yeah, without beginning or end, Joaquin Phoenix. Now the next film is also from 2005, and it is- Is this for me or for Stuart? This is for Stuart, they're all for Stuart,
Starting point is 00:12:04 and then they go to you after the break. Okay, you got it. Dave Chappelle's Block Party. Now, while I'm not a fan of the man Dave Chappelle seems to have become or perhaps always was, this is a great concert film. Fortunately, you can mostly ignore him and enjoy the amazing performances directed by Michelle Gondry and featuring the Fugees, Dead Prez, Erika Badoe, Common, The Roots, Black Star, and Jill Scott
Starting point is 00:12:31 shot very close to one of my old apartments, a great Brooklyn concert film. I remember you're in the movie, right, leaning out your window and yelling at them to turn it down. Uh-huh. A little bit, but. To stop that noise?
Starting point is 00:12:45 Who would you say, who would you guess? I think this is still a guess, but I think I'm right. Is it Mos Def? No, actually. Oh, wow. Your birthday twin is Erika Baju. February 26, 1971. I saw her in concert at Celebrate Brooklyn.
Starting point is 00:13:07 She, it was a very, very, very hot night. She apparently had plane troubles, took the stage very late. In the meantime, I saw several people being taken out on stretchers because it was either so hot or maybe substances were involved, but the great compliment I can
Starting point is 00:13:25 give you that concert is she was so good by when it started no one cares no one cared how hot it had been but she is your birthday twin what do you think you have in common I don't know enough about neo soul artist Erica body I do know that if I show up late I people forget that they were mad at me that I was right. You're so charming once you're there. I am late a lot. Let's see. That's true. I think that that's a that's pretty good. Pretty good connection. So yeah that's your place in the Flophouse. Okay. Late, late coming charmer. Okay, so moving a little bit back in time.
Starting point is 00:14:10 1997. The year is 1997. The film on your Megamix is Hercules. The animated Disney take on the legendary Greek hero whose adventures you can continue to enjoy in comics form By uh due to a comic written by checks notes. Elliot caitlin. That's right on comic store shelves now from dynamite entertainment It's hercules alex eddie edit out elliot's plug because this is my section Don't do it alex don't do it make sure people know they can buy hercules Don't do it Alex, don't do it. Make sure people know they can buy Hercules in comic stores now written by me.
Starting point is 00:14:47 A little bit more about Hercules, maybe there's something in here, maybe there isn't. Directed by the legendary animation team of Clements and Musker starring the voices of Tate Donovan, James Woods, Danny DeVito, and Susan Egan as Meg, the sexiest Disney heroine not named the last to girl. Yeah, what, Esmeralda from Hunchback's pretty hot. Yeah. I mean, that's the whole plot of that movie. The whole plot is that she's so hot that the bad guy is losing faith in God, right?
Starting point is 00:15:18 And he is like a legit banger of a song about it. Yes, he does. That's a great, Hellfire, that's a great song. Yeah. What about Maleficent, Dan? Is she not a protagonist? I don't know about the animated one, he does. That's a great, Hellfire, that's a great song. Yeah, it rules. And what about Maleficent, Dan? Is she not a protagonist? I'm talking about the animated one, not the live action one, the animated one.
Starting point is 00:15:31 I, you know. The one who can turn into a dragon in bed. For me, yeah, that makes it a little too scary for me, for my own personal taste. I like that. Okay, that's fair. Like Meg has a real sort of like sadder but wiser sardonic attitude I respond to. And you'll be seeing a lot of that attitude with Meg in the Heracles comic book.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Meg's a big part of it. Okay, that's great. So, first off, yeah. Not the movie The Meg. What about The Meg 2? I was so disappointed when I went there. I was like, oh, finally, more adventures with my favorite, Doofy Heron. Where's Megara?
Starting point is 00:16:02 Oh, it's a giant shark. Let's see. And the movie's Heracles? Yep. Belle with a K. Let's see. Why would it? Well, I have, in a way, my life has been 12 labors.
Starting point is 00:16:22 Doesn't even have to be someone I mentioned. So. And you know, I was born to greatness, In a way, my life has been 12 labors. Doesn't even have to be someone I mentioned. So, it's cool. I was born to greatness, but I really had to learn about it and really push myself to really achieve greatness. Let's see. You didn't have trust upon you. You achieved it.
Starting point is 00:16:38 There was that one time I wrestled a guy, but I could only beat him if I lifted him up off the ground. That was really cool. And I had to clean out that shitty stable that one time. Yeah, you moved a river, yeah. That was horrible, but I did it, you know, that's the thing. Some would say that was kind of laborious, I don't know. So you think that you're, you think that you share a birthday
Starting point is 00:16:58 with Path God Hercules. Yes, yeah, I'm saying please don't be James Woods is my guess You're in luck. Your birthday twin is Michael Boat Bolton who was born on February 26th 1953 he of course sang the soft pop end credits version of go the distance for the film Hercules Now, what would you say you have in common with? Michael both notable heads of hair. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Strong jawline. Yeah. Yeah. And surprisingly funny when put in the situation. It's true. When asked to do comedy, Bolton delivers. All right. This is a good mega mix so far, Bolton delivers. All right. This is a good mega mix so far, Dan.
Starting point is 00:17:46 Yeah, honestly, I have to say, your mega mix is movies that mostly, we got a questionable one coming up, but mostly I think would be a good- A good birthday mix for me? Yeah, Elliot gets into, well. Okay, well we'll get there, we'll get there. Thanks for the like tease.
Starting point is 00:18:12 You know what, Elliot's is not bad except for maybe a few notable. Anyway, so moving on. The next film is Les Miserables, the 2012 version based on the classic novel. It is the 48th adaptation of the book worldwide and thus far the last one, although there is another one in development. Now this 2012 version is based on the popular Broadway musical of the same name. And it stars Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, and Anne Hathaway, who won an Oscar
Starting point is 00:18:50 for her performance as Fantine. And here's some trivia for Les Mis 2012. Russell Crowe thinks he can sing. So that's a little- He is a rock star, Dan. He does have a band. He does have a band. He does have a certain number of feet of grunt. He does have 30 odd, about 30 odd feet of grunt, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Okay. Yeah, around 30. Not an exact measurement of grunt. Yeah, I don't know. I don't think it's Anne Hathaway. But I want it to be. Who is it Dan? Who's my birthday twin?
Starting point is 00:19:26 This one's a bit of a trick. It doesn't matter that it's the 2012 version because your birthday twin is Victor Hugo. More like Victor Stugo! February 26, 1802. Almost actual birthday twins. Yeah. Yes, exactly. Almost the same year.
Starting point is 00:19:47 What would you say you have in common with Mr. Victor Hugo, one of the most famous French novelists? Well, I would say both. I would say probably my second favorite Street Fighter character is Hugo, and I bet that's the same thing for Victor Hugo. Yeah, probably. You're saying so yeah, if Victor Hugo was a selectable character on Street Fighter, you know what I'm saying is that if Victor Hugo and I were sat down in my apartment to play some fucking Street Fighter, we would be fighting over who gets to play Hugo.
Starting point is 00:20:22 Yeah. I'm not playing me, it's my name, Hugo. And I'm like, well, okay, then I'll just play my normal number one favorite, Zangief. Yeah. Or Zangief, as he sometimes- You show him a DVD copy of Hugo, you're like, why don't you watch this instead?
Starting point is 00:20:41 That's a powerful finishing move, is distract him with a DVD of Hugo. He's never seen a movie before, so he's like, what is this? Enjoy the magic of the movies, idiot. He's trying to chew on the DVD. He doesn't know what to do with it. That's not a baguette, buddy.
Starting point is 00:20:58 It's a tribute to the early days of silent film, asshole. The next movie in this premise. I've never actually seen that Les Mis movie. Is it good, bad? It's not great. I respect the choice that was made to have them record the sound live for the singing rather than you know juice it up in the studio and make it sound like auto-tune the shit yeah so crow but it's shot in a lot of extreme close-ups which are kind of weird and as previously said like Russell Crowe he does fine for a man who's not a Broadway singer but he's not a Broadway singer And Hathaway is very good in it though Anyway the next movie
Starting point is 00:21:55 Buffalo Bill and the Indians or Sitting Bulls history lesson 1976 this film is directed by Robert Altman one of my personal faves So it is odd that I have not seen this movie similar This is what I've been actively putting off seeing for many years. Really? Yeah, just because I'm worried it's not going to be very good. Yeah, I'm maybe... Altman, sometimes you get a great movie from Altman, sometimes you get a quintet where you're like,
Starting point is 00:22:15 I should have not watched this, you know? Well, you know what? I'll skip to some trivia for this, maybe that'll make it more interesting to you. Apparently, Paul Newman cites this as one of his favorites of his own work. So it edges out movies like The Verdict, Butch Casting and the Sundance Kid, salad dressing commercials. So he likes this one.
Starting point is 00:22:40 But IMDB describes a plot thusly, a cynical Buffalo Bill hires Sitting Bull to exploit him and to add his credibility to the distorted view of history presented in his Wild West show, starring Paul Newman, Joel Grey, Kevin McCarthy, and Harvey Keitel. Where do you, what do you think? I'm gonna shoot the moon and hope that it's Paul Newman.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Close. Your birthday twin is Buffalo Bill. Oh. Birth name William Frederick Cody, February 26, 1846. And presuming that you know as little about Buffalo Bill as I do, I will present what I gleaned very quickly about him a Union soldier in the Civil War he got the nickname Buffalo Bill as the result of a contract to supply workers for the Kansas Pacific Railroad
Starting point is 00:23:37 with buffalo meat he killed many buffaloes to a Buffalo meat. A writer named Ned Buntline wrote highly fictionalized stories. Buntline, Ned Buntline. Sound like you said Buzz Line. Okay, anyway, wrote highly fictionalized. Because there is such thing as a butt line, it's just the line in the middle of a butt. Pretty sure I did say Buntline, but let's, I mean, I enjoyed the butt talk.
Starting point is 00:24:04 He wrote highly fictionalized stories and a novel based on Buffalo Bill's tales of his life, which became a hit play and led to Bill having his touring Wild West show, which had various incarnations, but combined theater with horse tricks, with shooting, with lies about Native Americans. So that is Buffalo Bill.
Starting point is 00:24:22 What do you think you have in common with historical figure? That's... Buffalo Bill Covert. You know, I would say the fictionalized story of Stuart Wellington is a little bit larger than the man himself. And also I could use a cool little animal nickname in front of Stu like buffalo stew.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Buffalo stew. That's pretty good. I mean, but that sounds like a dish like buffalo stew. It does sound like something you would eat. Instead of buffalo bill, which sounds like a... The buffalo bill you get for eating buffalo stew. Can you bring me the buffalo bill please? Waiter, buffalo bill please.
Starting point is 00:25:12 So this next and last for you Stuart film is... What a mix so far. Pretty good. Very unexpected. This one is just short. It comes at the end, odd to put the short at the end, but that's the way I did it. It's Red Hot Riding Hood from 1943. Classic.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Seven-minute animated short in which a wolf is horny for a human female nightclub singer. Makes sense. Directed by Tex Avery. Sarah Berner provided Red's speaking voice voice Connie Russell was her singing voice and Dawes Butler whom you may know as Yogi Bear Snagglepuss huckleberry hound is one of two listed voice actors on IMDB who did wolf howls for that Short while two other voice actors did wolf dialogue
Starting point is 00:26:02 So it took four actors to bring the wolf to life in Red Hot Riding Hood. And here is some trivia I got from the Wiki. Apparently, the short originally ended with a shotgun wedding between Red and the wolf, but censors nixed that because they thought it implied bestiality. So it was replaced with the family friendly existing ending
Starting point is 00:26:25 where the wolf merely commits suicide by shooting himself in the head with two pistols. So that's what he. The whole cartoon is about how much this wolf wants to fuck this woman. And they're like, we can't show them get married. That implies that there's a sex thing involved. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Well, that sounds like me. The wolf can lust for the woman, but. Yeah, I see. But she can't give into it, yeah. Yeah. Well, that sounds like me. The wolf can lust for the woman, but. Yeah, I see. But she can't give into it. Yeah. Yeah. So what do you think? What do you think of this situation? Well, do you think it's Red Hot Riding Hood? Do you think that's the right way?
Starting point is 00:26:56 I think the character is probably not me. Yeah. It's probably not the the wolf character. We do have some something in common. Wait, who's the animator? Tex Avery. I'm gonna guess Tex Avery. You are correct. Yeah!
Starting point is 00:27:12 Born Frederick Bean Avery on February 26th, 1908. So what do you think you have in common with famous animator, animator, I can't talk today, guys, animator. It's okay, you're just a podcast-er. I would say, I don't know, like we're both horny weirdos who like comics and stuff. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:27:41 That's pretty straightforward. You are a horny weirdo who likes comics. Yeah, that's me. And stuff. And stuff. You like that's- Or any weirdo who likes comics. Yeah. And stuff. And stuff. You like stuff as well. You don't, don't pin them down. I mean, I don't want, don't pigeonhole me. No, no, it could be lots of, you were also instrumental
Starting point is 00:27:51 in the development of Bugs Bunny, right? Just like Tex Avery was? That's the other thing, yeah. Hey, we've reached the midpoint of this mini, so Elliot, why don't you plug our Boston show and also maybe if you have any personal projects you want to talk about. I'd love to, well, I'm always working on myself,
Starting point is 00:28:09 on my own emotions, on how I'm either resilient or resistant or active in this world. So that's the biggest project right now, it's called me. But before we get to that, let's talk about how the Flophouse is gonna be in Boston, Massachusetts. That's right, we're going to Bastan. That's a Boston accent, right?
Starting point is 00:28:26 Now is the part of the episode where I, Elliot Kalin, tell you about our upcoming live shows, and I do it at the same time we record the rest of the episode. It's certainly not a message that was recorded later using information we didn't have at the time we were recording the episode. We're all right here in the room together,
Starting point is 00:28:42 just like normal, recording the whole episode, right Dan? Yeah. Right Stu? Oh yeah dude. So let me tell you about it in this perfectly real time explanation. On July 26th, we will be in Boston, Massachusetts doing a live show courtesy of WBUR at WBUR City Space.
Starting point is 00:28:59 Now, as we know and certainly didn't learn after recording the rest of the episode, that show is sold out right now. You can no longer buy tickets to see it in person, but WBUR has opened up the ability for you to live stream it. So go to slash events and click on the info and ticks button for that show.
Starting point is 00:29:19 It'll take you to the page where you can buy a live streaming ticket. Now I should warn you, this is just gonna be a pretty basic, straightforward, in the moment, live stream. It's not gonna be the kind of beautifully polished, beautifully edited, immaculately shot show that we've been doing with StagePilot lately.
Starting point is 00:29:34 If you saw our Speed 2 show, you saw how gorgeous that looked, how well put together it was. That's thanks to the fine people at StagePilot. This is not gonna be as polished as that. This is gonna be a little more ragtag. So don't expect the level of production that you've come to expect from the Flophouse stage pilot collaboration.
Starting point is 00:29:50 This is just us and WBUR live streaming a show that otherwise you wouldn't be able to see because it's sold out. So please go to slash events, click on the info and ticks button for Boston. And it'll take you that page. If you would like to live stream the episode because you can't make it there in person or you couldn't get a ticket or you decided maybe you want to watch it both ways and you'll be sitting in the audience with a computer in your lap live streaming the show as it happens in order to do it do
Starting point is 00:30:18 a lag test I guess maybe anyway that's what you do. So we'll be in Boston July 26. That show is sold out, but you can live stream it. Just go to slash events for more information. I also wanted to mention two personal projects of my own. One of them was mentioned earlier in this episode. That's right. The comic book Hercules or Disney Hercules is out in comic book stores now. It's on shelves written by me from Dynamite Comics
Starting point is 00:30:46 and it continues the adventures of Hercules, the world's mightiest mortal hero of Olympus and champion of ancient Greece. And it is a series that starts out with kind of individual issues and they build to a larger story. And I'm now currently writing the second to last issue of the series. It's projected to be a 12-issue series. And things have gotten big in scope, epic in scope, and very exciting. And I'm really loving writing it. Be ready to see all the favorite characters you love from Hercules, and also a bunch of new characters from Greek mythology.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Does Polyphemus show up? Polyphemus does not currently show up, but you know what? I wish I'd thought to have him in. Yeah. He's pretty cool. You can make a joke because he only has one eye, Dan. I mean, I don't know what his deal is. I'm not a Greek mythology person.
Starting point is 00:31:34 Well, then we won't we won't make Dan feel dumb by talking about Greek mythology too much. No, I'm curious about this guy. He seems to be Polyphemus. You'll never know. You'll never know, Dan. Sometimes you have to find out for yourself or else it won't mean anything if I just tell you. So the other thing I want to mention is if you want to hear more of me podcasting, why
Starting point is 00:31:50 not head over to the 99% invisible feed and listen to the 99% invisible breakdown, the Power Broker, where every month Roman Mars and I are breaking down 100 pages of the Power Broker by Robert Caro. Not the same 100 pages every month. No, no, no. Each month we will talk about- That would be the worst idea of all time. It would be the worst,
Starting point is 00:32:08 second worst idea of all time maybe. The original worst idea of all time. I still think would be the worst idea of all time. We're covering the entire length of the book over the course of the year. Please join us, won't you? We've had a lot of great interview guests. We talked to AOC.
Starting point is 00:32:22 We've got one coming up this month with Mike Schur, creator of The Good Place among many television shows. And- I'm rewatching right now. That's exciting. That's a good tie in, Dan. I'm glad you mentioned that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Now's the time to listen to it. Now that Dan is rewatching The Good Place. It's a very seasonal topical. So go on over to the 99% invisible feed and then come on back and listen to some more Max Fun podcasts, but enjoy it. It's fun. Come on. It's the power broker. It's great. It's municipal history. Super fun. Yeah. Hey you, this is Stuart from the flop house inviting you to a secret little event on Friday, July 5th, 8pm Eastern Standard Time. Dan and I are going to be hosting another episode of the slop house. standard time. Dan and I are going to be hosting another episode of The Slop House. That is a live show from Dan's kitchen where he makes me a meal, I make some
Starting point is 00:33:09 cocktails, and we hang out and chat for a while. All you have to do is head over to my Twitch channel Stuart Wellington to catch the whole show. That's Friday, July 5th, 8 p.m. See you there. who love cooking shows and winning. We'll cover Top Chef, Master Chef, Great British Bake Off, whatever's in season, really. Ooh, you know chefs love cooking whatever's in season. We draft a team of chefs at the top of every series. And every week we recap the episode and assign points based on how our chefs did. And at the end of the season, we crown a winner.
Starting point is 00:33:57 You can even play along at home if you want. Or you can just listen to us like a regular podcast about cooking shows. That's cool, too. Subscribe to TV Chef Fantasy League on or wherever you get your podcasts. Hallelujah, hello, welcome everyone.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Step right up, we're going to heal you. We are the healers Ross and Carrie. Yes, yes, you there, you look like you're upset. Come up here. Yes, you are healed because you've listened to our podcast. Yes. Have you been having trouble with demons?
Starting point is 00:34:26 Are you sleeping too much? Too little? Just right? We have the solution. It is to listen to Oh No Ross and Carrie. A show where we examine unusual claims. We show up so you don't have to. Find us on
Starting point is 00:34:41 We won't actually heal you. Let us get back to the mini, turning to Elliot. Elliot Kaelin, that is. Now it's time for me to get the treatment. Oh boy. Elliot, of course, born on December 3rd. I know it. And Elliot's birth year, Raiders of the Lost Ark was tops of the box office.
Starting point is 00:35:09 Well, not his birth year, his birth week, like the weekend after your birth. Raiders of the Lost Ark was tops, also doing well in theaters, Reds up next, Time Bandits, Arthur and the French Lieutenant's Woman. Wow, all the fingers. A little snapshot of your birthday, B.O.
Starting point is 00:35:27 It's amazing how, it's sad to me, how few of those movies would be Tops at the box office now. Basically, maybe Raiders and the rest, they just don't make them like that anymore. You don't think Arthur would be huge at the box office? I could see Arthur possibly, I mean, if they would make a feature length comedy, then yeah, it could be.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Yeah, I mean, in the world that we live in- Wait, Arthur's a comedy? What are the jokes? I know we're still feeling the reverberating effects of the strike that we took part in, but these days it's like one movie opens a week, it seems like, and that's it Don't blame the strike for that Dan. This is the culmination of a lot of bad decisions by a lot of top executives
Starting point is 00:36:15 No, I agree. I agree. It's it's one factor of many About my birthday here. Oh, come on. Okay. Well, let's get let's get back to it Shall we in the first we still have Garfield for some reason let's get to to it, shall we? In the first slot. We're still talking about Garfield for some reason. Let's get to my birthday finally. Well, let's stop talking about cartoon cats and start talking about a cartoon monkey. What? Is there such a thing? Monkey Bone, 2001. A mere two years after one of his biggest hits, 1999's
Starting point is 00:36:39 The Mummy, Brendan Fraser stars in one of his most notorious flops, Monkey Bone. The live action animation hybrid that put its director, stop motion legend, Henry Selig in director jail for eight years until Coraline in 2009. It's sort of like a less horny cool world, a cartoonist falls into a coma and is trapped in a limbo
Starting point is 00:37:01 that looks like his own underground comic while his creation, the mischievous monkey boy, monkey bone. Dan, the name's in the title. You know it's not monkey boy. You know, I've been to a neurologist. I just have a, Ah! Oh, now I feel sad about it.
Starting point is 00:37:19 I just have a clumsy tongue. Anyway. It's like if you were talking about Kramer versus Kramer like you did for Stuart and you're like, it's telling the story of Kramer and his court fight against Kamalu it's like come on wait a minute so monkey bone anyway hey the mischievous monkey bone voiced by John Totoro inhabits his body in the real world it's a movie that definitely has flaws but I maintain is underrated it has a long sequence where Chris Kattan plays a corpse
Starting point is 00:37:47 That's the most I've ever laughed at Chris Kattan also according to IMDB trivia Cartoon Network went on to make their hit late-night block adult swim after receiving criticism from parents for Supporting this movie during their regular programming So apparently adult swim exists in part to have the freedom to support things like Monkey Bone. I've never seen Monkey Bone.
Starting point is 00:38:11 I've heard people told me to see it. It has its charms. It's a mess, but it looks interesting thanks to Henry Sully. It has some funny bits. Monkey Bone. Who do you think out of the rich tapestry that is Monkey Bone, is your birthday twin? Now, it could be Chris Catan,
Starting point is 00:38:30 because Catan and Kaylen kind of sound a little similar, but I'm going to say, is Whoopi Goldberg in it? You guys bring the same energy to the party. Yeah, yeah, so I'm going to say Whoopi Goldberg. She's in it, right? Whoopi Goldberg is in Monkey Bone, but your birthday twin is Brendan Fraser. I started with you on an obvious one.
Starting point is 00:38:47 I had no idea. He was born on December 3rd, 1968. What would you say you have in common with internet favorite Brendan Fraser? Hmm, what do I have in common with internet favorite Brendan Fraser? I mean, I actually- Did you receive like a super,
Starting point is 00:39:06 you received a super long standing ovation at Cannes, right? Yes, I did, that's true. And I did win best actor for The Whale. Yeah, I think I once, I remember there was a, he did a promo for Comedy Central once where he was correcting his name as Fraser and not Frazier or something like that, or maybe it was the other way around.
Starting point is 00:39:23 And I'm also very sensitive to my last name being mispronounced when people say Callan or Kalan instead of Kalan. So I think that's what we have in common is we're both prickly about making sure our last names are pronounced correctly. I probably pronounced it incorrectly despite having it right in front of me. It is F-R-A-S-E-R. So there's just not like- I think it's Brendan Fraser.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Yeah. Yeah. It's not like the's Brendan Fraser. Yeah. Yeah, it's not like the radio Psychologist we all know and printer Fraser. Brenda Fraser knows what to do with scrambled eggs and toss out Yeah, even though sometimes baby the Blues are calling. Yeah, of course. He's very open I think about how the Blues have been calling him at times. Yeah. Oh, that's the other thing I think I think an open struggle with depression. I think I think would be the other thing I've become says while laughing. Hey, you gotta laugh, too, come on.
Starting point is 00:40:09 That's what we do, you gotta laugh. You gotta laugh. You gotta laugh. Laugh of sad clown, it makes sense. Your next movie is from 2009, and it is titled Chloe, an erotic thriller, where Julianne Moore hires Amanda Seyfried to test her husband Liam Neeson's faithfulness, but instead, Lauren Seyfried end up fucking each other.
Starting point is 00:40:31 In the film, I can only assume was made as the answer to some horny prayer I made while asleep directed by Canadian art house fave, Adam McGoyen. Oh. Chloe. I'm going to say. Chloe. I'm going to say Adam McGoyen. I'm afraid you're incorrect and this one is a trick.
Starting point is 00:40:51 Both Amanda Seyfried and Julianne Moore were born on December 3rd. Oh, I did not. So you think they celebrated a double birthday during the making of the movie? Yeah. Seyfried in 85 85 more in 60 so they are birthday buds together in Chloe What do you think you have you ever want to see a movie where two people with the same birthday have sex?
Starting point is 00:41:14 Yeah, Chloe is it if that's your specific kink? Yep They got Chloe your local library. They both get to use the but it's my birthday Argument right Dan, you know Chloe, your local library. They both get to use the, but it's my birthday argument. Right, Dan? You know what I'm talking about. Mm-hmm. I guess so. What do you think you have in common with these two fine actresses?
Starting point is 00:41:38 It's hard for me to think. I mean, we all breathe oxygen in and let carbon dioxide out. We all have to bring in food and excrete waste That's all I can think of. He's gonna use this answer for everyone. I'm open to suggestions. But, well, let's see.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Let's see. I think Amanda Seyfried had showed some real comic talent in Mean Girls. Yeah, she's kind of nerdy in Jennifer's body, right? She wears glasses and that, right? Yep, that's true. So there's that. Yeah. And I assume that, like in shortcuts,
Starting point is 00:42:16 you argue with your spouse with no pants or underwear on a lot. I don't know about a lot, but it's happened, sure, yeah. Sure, so that's what you have in common with Julianne Moore, or at least her Short Cuts character. We also are known for performing with strong Boston accents, like she did in 30 Rock, and I did in that promo, yeah. That's true.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Oh wow, yeah, perfect. See, you just go digging and you find all these connections. You find gold, yeah. You just go digging and you find all these connections. You find gold. Yeah. Yeah The next film from 2001 Moulin Rouge As Lerman's anachronistic musical extravaganza about love and pop music and the famously sexy Parisian nightclub starring Nicole Kidman Ewan McGregor Jim Broadb, and John Leguizamo not playing a cartoon monkey,
Starting point is 00:43:05 but instead famous artist Toulouse-Lautrec with cartoon energy. We rewatched, Audrey and I rewatched 80% of this recently because we saw the Broadway show, which we, it was fine. We didn't care for it that much. It mostly made us appreciate the movie which held up well. So What do you think? What do you think your birthday twin is could be? Perhaps is someone completely unmentioned thus far. Oh, okay. Um Don't look at this so much as a game as I would say content for our podcast
Starting point is 00:43:43 I'm throwing in a guess i'm throwing in a guess. I'm throwing in a guess. I'm jumping in here. Based just on Elliot's general vibe and attitude, I would say Little Kim from the Lady Marmalade song. It's a solid guess. Yeah, I think that's, I know it's not, so there's no, let's see. What about Madonna?
Starting point is 00:44:04 There's a Madonna song in there, right? There is. They use Material Girl as part of the Diamonds medley that introduces Nicole Kidman. But your birthday twin, my friend, is Ozzy Osbourne, who is one of the voices of the Green Fairy. Kylie Minogue is the onscreen Green Fairy and does some of the singing and noises.
Starting point is 00:44:27 But when the fairy does a rock and roll scream, that's Ozzy. I knew Ozzy Osbourne was the birthday twin of mine. I didn't know he was in the Lone Rouge. December 3rd, 1948. What do you think you have in common with Ozzy Osbourne? We both love metal. We both... Bats and chickens.
Starting point is 00:44:44 Love eating bats. Yeah. We love love metal. Bats. We both... Bats and chickens. Love eating bats. Yeah. We love eating bats. Yeah, we love both. We're both carnivores. We both have trouble hearing sometimes. I ask him, getting older, my hearing is getting worse and I have to assume his is non-existent at this point.
Starting point is 00:44:59 Do you wander around your house like Yoda complaining to your family? I mean, yeah, pretty. Yeah, I think so. I feel like that sounds like Ellie to me. Okay well we found out a lot here. This is going really well. One Osborne Osborne yeah. The next movie is Girls Trip 2017.
Starting point is 00:45:21 The raunchy woman-led we're all going on a sexy trip to New Orleans comedy hit starring Regina Hall, Queen Latifah, Jada Pinkett Smith and Tiffany Haddish, directed by Malcolm D. Lee, who did Undercover Brother, but also unfortunately Space Jam, A New Legacy. So, a checkered history. I saw a girl's trip on a plane, as I do many movies. I was loving it, but we landed 20 minutes before the end,
Starting point is 00:45:47 so I went home and rented it to see the ending. They got you. Only to discover that the comedy parts had ended and we just had these soggy, sentimental making up parts at the end that I probably could have gone without, but still very funny. You got closure, it makes sense to me. I got closure.
Starting point is 00:46:03 Not disclosure. No. Very different. We got closure. It makes sense. I got you know, not disclosure. No very different. We got that last week Who do you think your birthday twin is Elliot who do you think you share a birthday? It's that's four stars in that movie. Who are the stars in it again? You got Regina Hall got Queen Latifah. Yeah. You got Jada Pinkett Smith and you got Tiffany Haddish. Show me Queen Latifah. No, your birthday twin is Tiffany Haddish. Just one year off, I believe, no two years off. December 3rd, 1979. One year off of me. But that's not your birthday. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:46 Almost his year twin. Yeah, my year twin. Otherwise known as someone who's the same age. Yes. You only have millions of those. Yeah. Tiffany Haddish, of course, I think the parallels are clear. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:04 I think Elliot, I think Tiffany Haddish. When I look in a mirror, that's what I parallels are clear. Yeah, I think Elliot I think Tiffany Haddish when I look in a mirror That's what I see Tiffany Haddish. Yeah big comedic force. Mm-hmm Fearless feel not afraid to go there. Mm-hmm Yeah, she played a detective on the after party you've got kind of a boy detective vibe. Sure. Yeah Yeah, that's yeah, that's possible. Mm-hmm that's possible mm-hmm mm-hmm I think we did it yeah there's one more one more we're in the interests of keeping things tight yeah that double one counted for two so that was my that was my okay. That's seems like it not really well. I didn't get as much as Stewart, but that's okay What are you getting?
Starting point is 00:47:50 I mean, what are you gonna do what you get is you get out of this mini in time for your heart out that you? Pitched it early. I do have a meeting to go to that I have to drive to across town. Yeah. Yeah, so the final film is From 1993 we all remember it. Reckless Kelly, the second film on this list I have not seen. So again, I turn to the IMDb synopsis. I've definitely seen this movie. Let me interrupt. I watched Reckless Kelly the first time I ever dropped acid. We watched Captain Ron and Reckless Kelly. And we also played a shitload of Killer Instinct in my friend John Klippstein's basement and I remember watching it and being like this is the funniest fucking movie I've ever seen in my life and I was like quoting
Starting point is 00:48:34 it for days and I've never watched it again. I just remember there is a character named Robin Banks in it. Okay, yeah, that's pretty good. That would only spoil your experience of Reckless Kelly, which is a- Starring James Heeris here. Famous midnight movie, people just dropping acid, getting high, going to see Reckless Kelly. Man.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Described as the Australian Robin Hood, Kelly is a bank robber, a pop culture hero, and video shop owner. This modern story tells how he is furious when a Japanese company wants to buy his band's farm. So I'm sure that's not insensitive in any way. Probably, no. And the movie features such respected actors
Starting point is 00:49:17 as Melora Hardin and Hugo Weaving. And of course, it stars. Made in Australia, yeah. Yeah, it stars stars was written and directed by Australian comedian, Yahoo Sirius, during his brief flirtation with international success and one tidbit from Yahoo Sirius's Wikipedia page. In August 2000, Yahoo Sirius sued the search engine Yahoo
Starting point is 00:49:40 for trademark infringement. The case was thrown out because Sirius could not prove that he sells products or services under the name Yahoo, and therefore could not prove that he suffered harm or confusion due to the search engine. So a standing issue for Yahoo Sirius. He was unable to take his case to court. So who do you think your birthday twin is
Starting point is 00:50:04 in this whole morass, this whole mishmash of things? It better be Yahoo! Sirius, right? Or Ned Kelly, was it Ned Kelly? Stuart, you're correct. Your birthday twin is Ned Kelly, the actual person. The folk hero Australian outlaw who inspired reckless Kelly I don't have the last one here I forgot to get oh I'll mention I'll mention a
Starting point is 00:50:33 missed opportunity Dan is you could have choose chosen apocalypse now because I am also a birthday twin with Joseph Conrad who's been part of darkness apocalypse knows based on or you could have chosen any home movie of an old birthday, since I have a twin. I have an actual birthday twin, a twin sister who was born on the same day as me, from the same womb. But what movie was she in?
Starting point is 00:50:58 That's a good point. Yeah, yeah. What feature film? Jurassic Park 3. Oh, okay. No, she wasn't really in that. If only. Wouldn't that be cool? That would be great. What feature film? Jurassic Park 3. Oh, okay. No, she wasn't really in that. If only, wouldn't that be cool?
Starting point is 00:51:07 That would be great. She's just listed as additional dinosaur sounds. Yeah. Yeah, Ellie, what would you say you have in common with Ned Kelly, just sort of an outlaw attitude? Yeah, I mean, we're both rebels, we refuse to be tied down, we refuse to play by the rules.
Starting point is 00:51:23 I feel like you do both those things a lot. Yeah, you get tied We refuse to play by the rules. I feel like you do both those things a lot. Yeah, you get tied down and you play by the rules. No, thanks. We're both Australian. Wow, he's gone way off. We both have a last name that starts with K. You can't take that away from me. There you go. That's actually true. The letter K.
Starting point is 00:51:39 I share a couple letters with the famous outlaw, Ned Kelly. Yeah. Well, this was a podcast. No one could argue with that. Good try, but I think that factually you will find... You'll be thrown out of court on a standing issue, should you try? It will be like Yahoo serious, arguing that Yahoo the search engine can't exist. That is the idea that he has the rights to the word Yahoo is pretty ridiculous. That's a ridiculous argument Yahoo series.
Starting point is 00:52:08 He could not be serious at that moment, right? Yeah. He could have done a little more Chandler Bing on that line, but that's okay. Do you think he sells t-shirts that say why so serious? It's a picture of him, Yahoo serious, perhaps. His young Einstein hair, you know, gone crazy. Yeah, that he's in the bootleg t-shirt business. Yeah, of himself.
Starting point is 00:52:30 That he's bootlegging his phone page. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's like, dear Boardwalk stores, I have a product for you. You know all those t-shirts of Marilyn Monroe with Photoshopped tattoos and pistols in her hands? In reparations, I demand a bunch of Rasta Bart shirts, please. Oh, man. Nothing like a bootleg Bart. I need at least one t-shirt of Mickey Mouse puffing on a joint. Thank you, love, why serious? I want Rick and Morty, I don't know, dressed up in like something kind of cool, like cool clothes, maybe
Starting point is 00:53:08 looking like they're rappers or something. I will accept a Ninja Turtle shirt where the coloring is wrong and the bandanas are all the wrong color or a t-shirt of Barack Obama as Superman dunking a basketball, which is a real shirt that I saw being sold on the streets of New York. That's amazing. Well, anyway, happy birthday to me in the future or the past when you're listening to this, and happy birthday to you guys when it comes around to your birthdays.
Starting point is 00:53:34 I mean, I guess it's both in the future and the past, Dan. I know, I created a weird- It happens once a year too, yeah. Paradox. So this is a tradition from now on, you listeners should be listening to this episode on your birthday every year. Every year, put it on.
Starting point is 00:53:50 Your family will say, why are we doing this? Turn your laptop speakers. Seems like a flimsy premise to build a tradition around. Yeah, yeah. Aircast this podcast to your family's TV so they can't escape it. Just get ready for them to be confused when it abruptly switches subjects from Garfield to birthdays. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:13 That's going to be everyone's favorite part every year. Here it comes. You always bring a new person in who hasn't heard the episodes. You can watch them experiencing it. I thought this was about Garfield. It reminds me of the reaction video I saw years ago of someone had taken Toy Story 3 and edited it so that as they're going into the furnace, it just fades to black and cuts to credits and showed that to their family. And their mom was like, what? That's it? That's
Starting point is 00:54:41 how it ends. So good. What a great prank. It means you have to watch all of Toy Story 3 to get to that moment. Toy Story 3 is a great movie. It's fun to watch. The idea that we're gonna sit down and watch this movie, you watch the whole thing, you change the ending.
Starting point is 00:55:00 Well, I think of this podcast as a prank we've played on you, the listener. Yeah. But like a fun one one that you enjoyed Oh, yeah. Yeah, one of those pranks where you're just like, oh you guys, you know, yeah mad what scamps? Um, This is a podcast that's on the maximum fun network go to maximum fun org to check out other great podcasts on our network it is other great podcasts on our network. It is edited, produced, made to sound good by Alex Smith. He goes by the name Howell Doddy.
Starting point is 00:55:31 Check out his new album, which is great. I listened to it just the other day and enjoyed it very much. Thank you for listening. Thank you for being with us. Tune in next week, but until then, I've been Dan McCoy. I've been Stuart Wellington. And I've been not birthday boy, Elliot Kalin.
Starting point is 00:55:51 So wait a minute. Can there be scampies that don't have shrimp or is scampy a shrimp specific food? Let's look it up. That's the end of the episode. I'm turning the thing off. I want that to be your new catchphrase, Dan. Let's look it up. See you in the episode, I'm turning the thing. I want that to be your new catchphrase, Dan. Let's look it up. Ha ha ha ha ha.
Starting point is 00:56:08 ["The New York Times"] Maximum fun. A worker-owned network. Of artist-owned shows. Supported. Directly. By you.

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