The Flop House - FH Mini 13 - Warhammer, What is it Good For?

Episode Date: August 22, 2020

Stuart explains Warhammer to Dan and Elliott, and everything is 100% cleared up forever and ever. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm so glad we were able to get together guys. You have been bothering me quite a bit and I think some of our listeners have been asking that I spent a little bit of time talking about a hobby that's very important to me and has been a big part of my life and that is the miniature wargaming hobby. That's the hobby where you build and paint model soldiers and play wargames with them. And I think specifically tonight, I'd like to talk about a little thing
Starting point is 00:00:32 called a Warhammer 40,000. I mean, I want to first just like dispute the premise that I've been clamoring for you to explain. I mean, I have all these, I thought you were, I got all these text messages from you. Wait, let me check my phone. I'm just worried, I haven't seen Warhammer one through 39,999, am I gonna be confused?
Starting point is 00:00:54 Oh, see, I have nicknames for everybody in my phone. And when I saw messages from Si guy, I thought it was you, but it's actually my friend Raphael. So, okay. Yeah, and then the rest of your friend, Sci Guy, who just sort of watched you. Yeah, that's that shy of a buff. Yeah. Or it could be my friend Charles Xavier. So, no, it's all right. I mean, you know, you've done all this work. It might as well, you know, continue rolling. So, well, Elliot, you don't have to worry about it.
Starting point is 00:01:26 You brought up the fact that it's Warhammer 40,000. The reason why 40,000 is because the game is set far in the future. The year 40,000 to be exact. Now is it 40,000 years after the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ? I think so. I'm not quite sure. But then they just say the common era. Yeah, exactly. So,
Starting point is 00:01:46 and also, I think it's particularly timely because a new edition of Warhammer 40,000 was just released. Let me hold up this rulebook. You guys see that the epic struggle depicted on the the front of that book. You have on one side you have Abaddon, the leader of the Black Legion, formerly the first captain of the sons of Horus, formerly the first captain of the Luna wolves, carrying demon sword, drack me in in one hand in the talent of Horus and the other, facing off against the pride of Ultramar himself, reboot Gullimon, the primark of the Ultramarines. Now you're probably wondering how much did you make up just now? Now Ultramarines like the color I assume? Well of course. Good question Dan, very good question. That is a good question. The Ultramarines of course are a chapter of space marines. That's right, Adeptus Astardes, the angels of death.
Starting point is 00:02:41 They are the elite soldiers that were created by the emperor ten thousand years ago using his own gene seed to be the perfect warriors and help him conquer the stars now back there was like the god emperor what i don't mean to slow you down so this doesn't take place in the united states of america ho ho that's crazy no it takes uh... takes place against a vast tapestry of stars, all the heavens, because humanity has gone out and conquered millions of worlds spread out
Starting point is 00:03:12 all across the galaxy. And you're probably wondering how are they able to keep track of such a vast empire? Of course, it's because they use a dimension that is outside of our own, normal, you know, senses. That, of course, is the warp, a, basically a dimension of chaos filled with demons and all their kinds of bullshit.
Starting point is 00:03:32 And they're able to communicate using, that's right, psychic humans that we're able to communicate with each other. And you're probably wondering how are they able to navigate through these fast, from one end of the galaxy to the other. Of course, they have to tarrow hole through the warp and then use the Emperor's astronaut icon to guide them to another hole in the warp.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Are you guys following the way I hold on? Here's a question. I mean, actually following it pretty straightforwardly, by this point. I mean, it slips off my brain, so I'm not. But here's a question I have. What? This is a game, correct? Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 00:04:05 Now, what is the advantage to having a... It's also a hobby in a lifestyle, but it's... Now, what is the advantage to having a story behind a game? Because, you know, see, there's games like, say, sorry. Where... There's a story there too. Sorry, sorry.
Starting point is 00:04:20 Sorry, sorry. You want to go around the board. You want to get home and you don't want to be sorry And that's all you need to know no no, Dan actually each each playing piece It's so you'd have never read the top of the box. I'm sorry each playing piece represents one clod clone of the Imperial Magistrix or the No Magistrix is a sort of God being at the center of the universe who, as of game with himself,
Starting point is 00:04:45 has split his psyche into multiple shards and to see which one of those shards will make it first to home or enlightenment. And now when you hit a sorry what's actually happening is you are devolving to primordial stages until you end up as a normal human and you have to rebuild your XP classes until you get back to shard status. So that's, I mean it's right there on the inside of the box. It's very interesting, I don't like the game sorry anymore. I mean, I haven't played it since I was like eight. So maybe I would like it. So maybe you like a game like Clue Moore, which does have a story, Clue takes place on the holodeck of an imperial Navy starship in which they've decided to take a break from the bloodshed of trying to impose the Federation
Starting point is 00:05:22 rules on alien planets by pretending they're in a murder mystery. Yeah, Dan. That's what clue is. Now, the thing about the monopole is all about how capitalism destroys us. Now, you're probably wondering how many different chapters of space marines are there? Well, there's almost uncounted, but there's only about 20 primarks. Okay, and the primarks are like, kind of like the platonic ideal of a space mariner.
Starting point is 00:05:45 He followed me, okay. So you have your boot gully man of the Ultra Marines, Conrad Curse of the Night Lords. You got Jagati Khan of the White Scars. You got Perterabo of the Iron Warriors. You got. Am I just listing names of things again? Oh, yes, right.
Starting point is 00:06:03 You're writing all these down. I know he's getting them down in case he's okay. I got it. You got John Senn of the Dark Angels. Okay. I got to get St. Quineas. Of course, the favored son of the Emperor, the most beautiful of the primark,
Starting point is 00:06:17 St. Quineas of the Blood Angels. You got full groom of the Emperor's children. You got more Terry on of the Deathguard. So, when you, so this game, so are you playing as these characters, are you playing against these characters? I'm a little bit of both. Now, I want to, the opposite of Dan, I'm wondering where the game element comes. Yeah, and I just like going to recap here, we got Tri-Mark,
Starting point is 00:06:37 Dr. Robotnik, Lionel Richie and Fulcrum. Yeah, actually got most of them right. Okay, good. At least partial credit. So the, the thing is that the, the space Marines are just one part of the great puzzle of a war hundred forty thousand because you're like, do they only fight each other? Do they only fight the traitor legions? Like the Black Legion, the Death Guard, the Night Lords, etc.
Starting point is 00:07:00 But no, of course not. There's a variety of different aliens that humans also have to battle like the tyrannids the orcs the Tao the L Dar etc. El Dar the other Aliens that They'll do what I think we both have questions. So Dan you're saying that orcs are aliens, which is yeah And so bell dar from the cone heads is that's that's a common mistake. It's the L-Dar, which are kind of like space elves. They're L-av aliens that, when they die,
Starting point is 00:07:30 their consciousness is trapped in a soul stone, like a little jewel, and then they collect them all, and they stick them in a giant spaceship, made out of a wraithbone. Are you following me? Okay, so let me add two questions for you at this point. The first question, and I'll ask you the two questions the nice fact to answer. The first question is, is Warhammer kind of nothing more than fantasy tropes wrapped up
Starting point is 00:07:52 in a BS sci-fi story to make them seem like they're more than just a talking-esque ripoff? And two, when does MC Hammer come in? Yeah, that first question was basically, I'm looking at images of Warhammer, and so this is like fantasy people with robot suits. That's actually pretty close, guys. It did, I mean, Warhammer 40,000 has been around for quite a while, and I think it did kind of spawn out of your traditional Tolkien fantasy world, but it also had, it was basically an excuse for these English guys to play around with a variety of soldiers and to like kit bash their
Starting point is 00:08:30 models. And I think at the time there's a lot of fantasy models for people's D&D games or whatever. And they're like, well, let me take a gun off of like a little World War II soldier and glue it into this elf's hands. Isn't this an awesome thing? So I think that's kind of what happened. And then it, you know, over the years, has spawned into this much larger nerdy thing. And also the like kind of like, like kind of silly black humor of it
Starting point is 00:08:58 has kind of been, has kind of been washed away a little bit. And also I feel like the translation of that kind of English, like tongue and cheek, like fantasy futuristic humor, doesn't necessarily translate super well to American audiences, do you know what I mean? Like American audiences take it a little more seriously. There's a certain sort of nihilistic, violent, bleak science fiction humor
Starting point is 00:09:21 that you get from England. You're kind of like future shocks or Steve Ilet stuff for yeah, yeah, you're like your various 2000 AD properties. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, I got that makes it like judge straight is a joke in England and here he's like a super cool dude. So I don't think we've even talked about how we're playing the game now. I kind of want to know when MC Hammer comes in. That was my other question. We're gonna get there. I can't get there right away. I'll try and teach you how to run before you learn how to walk.
Starting point is 00:09:48 You're just going to fall on your little face, right? And then you're going to have to take an armor save. There's no way. I do have a little face. I do have a little face. No, my face is smaller than a normal human space. I'll admit it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Just saying you're going to have to take an armor save when you take that hit. Now, you're not falling particularly high distance. So it's probably only like a strength one hit. And it doesn't have an armor penetration value. So you're going to get your full armor saved. So why don't you pull up your stat block, Elliot? What is what's your what's your armor save there?
Starting point is 00:10:15 Okay. I don't know what the armor save is. I will say my face smallness. I will admit for a pillow, I do use a little pack of clean, portable pack of Kleenex, one of those plastic wrap packs. This is how small my face is, that's what it uses a pillow. And in order to wash my face, I do use a toothbrush and use that as if it was a regular brush. So that's pretty small. Yeah, and I also, as a mask, instead of a full size mask, I just take like, you know the plastic that you pop out of a package that
Starting point is 00:10:48 goes on a hook at a department store, there's that little piece of plastic that pops out, I just poke holes in that and I make a mask out of it. I want to talk about something you just said. Now you said you use a toothbrush to clean your face. Now, do you do you think that a normal sized person would use a brush to clean their face? Because I have, I'll let you in a little bit of my shower secrets. I have those long, that's why we're here. Seems like a subject of its own mini, but that's how long those long shower brushes. And I'll tell you, it's great for reaching your back when you can't reach that. It's great for getting your legs if you don't want to bend over all the way but I never
Starting point is 00:11:29 really use it on my face. It's a little rough for that. It's interesting to use that for your back because for to wash my back I actually take a tree with very harsh mark and I take it into the shower with me and then I scratch my back against to get all that dead fur off my belt Go on good Dan I just assume because the average human's face to me is a vast expanse like a football field I need a brush of some kind of clean or even a broom if you will Whereas my teeny-weeny itty-bitty little bit of space. I just use a toothbrush for that and again I live inside the front shirt pocket
Starting point is 00:12:04 I just use a toothbrush for that and again I live inside the front shirt pocket Computer programmer and I just peek at every now and then with a little night cap on and so I don't again I sleep in a sardine can so yeah, I remember I remember when I when When quarantine first started and we decided you know It was made known that everybody should be wearing a face mask I actually went to a department store and bought a doll's eye patch and I mailed it to you and you had to return it because it was Far too big for your face. It was exactly, I remember I received that package, the doorbell rang while I was taking a bath in the thimble.
Starting point is 00:12:30 And it took me hours to get from my bath tub, a thimble, to the door because again, this is a regular size human's house and I had to traverse it. I had to get on my aunt and ride it across the vast expanses of the hallway. And when I got there, I was so excited to get it. Of course, the package fell on top of me. And I had to call my aunt friends over to help lift it off
Starting point is 00:12:50 because I couldn't lift it myself. But once they opened it with the help of a friendly mouse, I was able to try it on. It was just a little too big. That's what's so great is that you're bringing up themes of both like a modernity of like a house and a postal service, but then also kind of like anachronistic idea is like riding writing like a writing beast in an ant and that's one of the great things about Warhammer 40 fast
Starting point is 00:13:10 And is that kind of mix between old and new and futuristic now you can really feel the the guy who used to manage a Warhammer store and stew, oh man a guy who would spend all day in a mall in Georgia Waiting for people to walk by eating anti-ans pretzels, and I would try and coax them in with a smile to try and play a demo game where I would explain how the space marines would battle a war band of orcs holding their bolt guns and missile launchers and the various sound effects that make when they fired those weapons. What do you work? Can you speak a little bit to the popularity of extremely complex games with a lot of backstory?
Starting point is 00:13:52 Because I'm joking a little bit before, but I don't want to work that hard to do a game. And I could see what you're in that world is really enjoying. It's not like I don't get that, but the idea of you coaxing someone in to play an example game, the whole process kind of baffles me. Oh, I mean, I think a big part of it is, I mean generally the way you get people interested in that sort of thing is you show them like painted models that look cool. And once you put a cool thing in somebody's hand, if they're interested at all, they're going to,
Starting point is 00:14:37 they're just going to listen. And also, when you got a great voice that just kind of creates this world around them. But I feel as far as complicated rules and backstory, I mean, it's all about like escapism. I mean, that's kind of what fantasy and all that stuff is built on is losing yourself in a world or a story. And tying that into a world that you can then create for yourself on your kitchen table, and then I don't know. Play it. Do a battle. I see.
Starting point is 00:15:01 And then I also have the shopkeep. You're saying you're selling the sizzle not the steak Yeah, exactly. That's see you could be you could be a trainer for games workshop Hi everybody. My name is Justin McElroy. I'm Sydney McElroy. We're both doctors and nope just me Okay, well Sydney's a doctor and I'm a medical Enthusiast and we create Sal bones a middle-to-earth misguided medicine. Every week I dig through the annals of medical history to bring you the Wildest grossest Sometimes dumbest tales of ways we've tried to treat people throughout history. And lately we do a lot of modern fake medicine
Starting point is 00:15:39 Because everything's a disaster, but it's slightly less of a disaster every Friday Right here at, as we bring you solvones, and we're gonna do a little of misguided medicine. And remember, don't drill a hole in your head. Hey, if you like your podcast to be focused and well researched, and your podcast host to be uncharismatic,
Starting point is 00:16:00 unhorny strangers who have no interest in horses, then this is not the podcast for you. Yeah, and what's your deal? I'm Emily. I'm Lisa, our show's called Baby Geniuses. And it's hosts our horny adult idiots. We discover weird Wikipedia pages every episode. We discuss institutional misogyny.
Starting point is 00:16:17 We ask each other the dumbest questions and our listeners won't stop sending us pictures of their butts. We haven't asked them to stop, but they also aren't stopping. Join us on Baby Geniuses every other week on Now Stuart, so is this like a game you play by yourself, or is this someone you play with another person or multiple persons? Well, that's kind of the thing that I like about it, is that it's something that you, in order to play the game, you kind of need someone else.
Starting point is 00:16:45 But it's a hobby that you can do on your own as well because you sit around painting the models by yourself. So it's not just something that you like. It's not like buying a board game and you sit around waiting for your friends to come over. No, no, no. You buy the game and then you're building and painting the models. And then when you do have a few spare hours that you can go see one of your friends, then you can set up a battlefield in the back of your, I don't know, say a bar while it's closed one afternoon and play a
Starting point is 00:17:09 game with your friend. Now, how would you advise someone like me who's roughly the size of one of the models? How would I paint one of them myself? Because it's, I'm going to need like a roller, a little teeny tiny roller, and I'm going to need enough paint. But again, like, I'm, how am I going to get the top of the figure? I'm going to need like a little bitty blider and'm gonna need enough paint. But again, like, I'm, how am I gonna get the top of the figure? I'm gonna need like a little bit of lighter and all that stuff. I mean, I feel like knowing your ingenuity, you would create some kind of a pulley system using like a spool of thread and you would wrap it around the model and then you'd pick it up
Starting point is 00:17:37 and like, don't get into the paint pot entirely. And then you would create some kind of a thing to spin the model. So the excess paint would fly off like a dog shaking its back. And then you would also dip it again. You'd use a popular old popular painting of models where you would paint the entire model one light color. And then you would buy a container of minwax furniture stain and dip the model on that and then shake off the excess so that the whole thing gets a nice shade coat and also it makes it more durable
Starting point is 00:18:07 Is that all makes sense? So you'd be doing that Okay, it makes total sense. I liked when you were saying that Dan was nodding as if this was something he had done in his own life There's like, oh yeah minwax. He's that shit all the time. Yeah Maybe guys just stuff around the house Yeah, is that like Turtle wax which I used to wax all of my turtles every last year? You got to. You got to keep their shell slippery. Your all's eagles can pick them up. Or so that Mario brothers will step off. If you don't keep them slippery, a scorpion might
Starting point is 00:18:37 get on the back and convince that turtle to take them across the river, but that scorpion does not wish that turtle well. I mean, if anyone is should take the scorpion across, it's a turtle who has a hard shell, not a frog, as I've used in that story. No, I know the frog is the usual story. For the purposes of my bit, I was transposing a couple of aquatic animals. Yeah, I mean, it's just you shouldn't have picked one that is notorious for having soft skin with one that's very hard to The head would be extended while he was swimming
Starting point is 00:19:08 No, the hard shell also known for being wise and good at Ninja 2 Yeah, exactly. That scorpion tries to sting. It's just gonna block it with something that masters plentiful Yeah, so Oh, I don't know. So I was for anyone listening min wax is obviously the smaller version of max wax. Okay, so I Continue so we've I mean we've covered quite a few points Do you guys have any more questions for me? I think I've kind of gone over everything here. Oh, yeah, I think so Anything I feel like I know I think I forgot to mention the prime arc, the word bears is the lower garb. So what's a word bear?
Starting point is 00:19:48 A word bear is one of the first founding space marine chapters. I know you're imagining that it's a bear made out of words. That's because I said the word bearer shortened with my accent. But they are. Yeah, they're one of the original trader legions that turned to the gods of chaos. Now the gods of chaos, there's four principal deities here. You have corn, the god of slaughter.
Starting point is 00:20:13 You have nerve-old, the god of pestle. Wait, like a band? Nope, it's spelled K-H-O-R-N-E. Oh, but it still sounds like corn, like maize. Yeah, I did not mispronounce it. I pronounced it 100% correctly. It sounds exactly like the like maize. Yeah, it's, yeah, I did not mispronounce it. I pronounced it 100% correctly. It sounds exactly like the food and or band. Is there never an error?
Starting point is 00:20:29 No, is there ever a misunderstanding in the world of Warhammer between the food corn and the chaos god corn? I mean, you can say that. It happens all the time. Please pass the corn, or could I put some butter on my corn and that could lead to all sorts of misunderstandings?
Starting point is 00:20:42 It would be, it would, it would certainly cause misunderstandings, but it's not like problems, because then the, you do that, and then the corn berserkers would show up, and it would be attacking you with their chain axes, and you're like, yeah, you don't like that. I would make an axe with a chainsaw blade on it, and then you're like, I guess that makes sense,
Starting point is 00:20:59 because it's just gonna chop right through my armor. So there's a, Nurgle, the God of Pestilance and Plague, of course, you know, the Jolly grandfather. You see the God of Magic and Trickery. And then of course, you have Slamish, the Dark Prince, the God of Pleasuring, Pane. That's Dan's favorite, I would imagine.
Starting point is 00:21:17 He's like a centabyte. He's a centabyte, sounds like. So what's God you prayed to if you're like opening a business? Well, I mean, it kind of depends on the picture of the business, right? Yeah, I guess so. I guess, okay, so let's say it's a container store. Okay, well, if it's container store,
Starting point is 00:21:31 now no container store is the opposite of chaos because you're literally buying things to organize your life. But it's a good point. That would be like more of Malal's territory, but we're not talking about Malal today. But there's always a chance with a container store situation that you buy these containers with the best of intentions and then you get them home and it's just more
Starting point is 00:21:50 stuff in your home because you just don't. You're the sort of person who needs containers, well, and you buy the containers and then you're like, let me buy more stuff to put in these containers, right? And I feel like that's why I think this, I think you guys are answering your own question, right? That's right. Let's say it all together. That's ZeeNch, the chaos got a mischief. The chaos got a, what was it? Oh, the magic and sorcery. Yeah. Magic and sorcery. And of course, and ZeeNch, of course, the chapter space Marines that turned to him were of course, the thousand sons led by Primark Magnus, the Red, the
Starting point is 00:22:26 Cyclops. Now, when the Chaos got a magic beat Orco from Masters of the Universe, because his magic never works. Or that guy from the last unicorn, his magic was pretty... Shmendrick the magician. Yeah, Shmendrick the magician I feel like with worship seems to got a magic. So, I think, I mean, I'm covering pretty much everything, but I'm going pretty fast. If you guys have any more questions, are you wondering what the stats on a bolt? I mean, yes, I am, but I don't know if I'm there yet. Did you say anything about gameplay? Did I just space out for that entire part? No, or okay, you know you need another person unless you're painting.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Uh huh. Now, humanity, of course, is beset on all sides. Of course. You know, not only the enemy within the gods of chaos, and then there's the enemy without that's that's Zeno's threats, like as I said, the Eldar. And then there's dark, sea, and woods. The two are in there. Yep, Doug Downham's the orcs where the orcs are a play on your like
Starting point is 00:23:27 traditional fantasy orcs but they're kind of like a fungus based life form who have this collective like this collective psychology where just getting a lot of them together they harness this energy called the law and the law energy allows them to kind of do all kinds of stuff like make their machinery work and also make them better at battling Okay, now I apologize. I think I stop paying attention for three milliseconds and I've no idea what you're talking about anymore Now the tyrannids of course they are a play on your traditional Xenomorph their original versions kind of look like a mix between like a bug and HR guy, Grizino more. If they kind of got even more like the Xeno more, like the Alien Queen from Aliens.
Starting point is 00:24:08 And that was when Sigourney Weaver came into my games workshop store and I was like, hey, recognize anybody. I didn't actually say that because I was a little bit too nervous. It's a great flavor. But she bought a pot of paint for me and left. I think she was trying to fix a piece of like a lamp that had been shipped. I was pretty nervous.
Starting point is 00:24:24 So she didn't start talking to you about chaos gods or what? She'd been told for Maria, sorry. I got to know some. You talked to me about the ultramarines. Much more interested in beloved actors. Sigourney Weaver. How was your interaction? Was she nice?
Starting point is 00:24:40 It was very brief. I was very nervous. I asked her what she needed the paint for, and she told me, and then I rang her up and She left and then I called my mom Yeah, that's right. My mom was very excited So if I can okay, so if I want to summarize what I've learned about Warhammer 40,000 today It is that one it is very complicated and there's a lot of names in it. Did I even, did I even mention the necrons yet?
Starting point is 00:25:06 I haven't even talked about the necrons. If I want to get the summary points, okay, one, it's a game that's very complicated, two, I still don't know how you play the game. Three, Sigourney Weaver does not play it. Is that accurate? That's the summary. So far, so far, yeah. Also, you don't play it alone.
Starting point is 00:25:22 We do know that. You, I guess you theoretically could, but I don't think you're going to get much out of the experience. It's like trying to play chess against yourself, right? Yeah, yeah, okay, sure. Okay. We should probably wrap up pretty soon because I feel like I've ingested enough facts about Warhammer that my head will explode if I take it in.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Yeah. So here's my, so let's say I'm so going to weaver, I came in for that hot of paint. You got to sell this Warhammer that my head will explode if I take it in. Yeah. Okay. Well, so here's my, so I'm, let's say I'm Sigourney Weaver. I came in for that hot of paint. You got to sell this Warhammer to me. Just give me your, your best 10 second pitch. Okay. My 10 second pitch to Sigourney Weaver. I would say, hello Sigourney Weaver.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Okay. You're coming in here. Time. I'm just, I'm cutting him by time, but I'm trying to give him a note. He's making like a personal connection, but showing he remembers her name. Okay. Establish her report. That's the first thing.
Starting point is 00:26:09 I'm so going to weaver. My back is up now because I know you've recognized me as a celebrity. Uh-huh. I'll say, you're probably going to ask me to autograph your copy of Death in the Maiden, and I don't autograph anything anymore. So what do you say next? I say, don't worry about autographs. I don't like them.
Starting point is 00:26:26 OK, now I think it's even weirder than if you had asked me. And I'm making eye contact with a capital I. No, you're doing it all wrong. So then I'll lead her over to the demo game table. And I'll say, see anything cool. Still making eye contact cool time. So you would over like letting your hands. So you would over like letting your hands.
Starting point is 00:26:50 So you would over like letting your hands. So you would over like letting your hands. So you would over like letting your hands. So you would over like letting your hands. So you would over like letting your hands. So you would over like letting your hands. So you would over like letting your hands. So you would over like letting your hands.
Starting point is 00:26:58 So you would over like letting your hands. So you would over like letting your hands. So you would over like letting your hands. So you would over like letting your hands. So you would over like letting your hands. So you would over like letting your hands. So you would over like letting your hands. So you would over like letting your hands. So you would over like letting your hands. So you would over like letting your hands. So you would over like letting your hands. So you would over like letting your hands. So you would over like letting your hands. So you would over like letting your hands. So you would over like letting your hands. So you would over like letting your hands. So you would over like letting your hands. So you would over like letting your hands. So you would over like letting your hands. So you would over like letting your hands. So you would over like letting your hands. So you would over like letting your hands. So you would over like letting your hands. So you would over like letting your hands. So you would over like letting your hands. So you would over like letting your hands. So you would over like letting your hands. So you would over like letting your hands. Are you wearing a cape that you can use to gesture dramatically or? I don't need a cape.
Starting point is 00:27:09 It's just the way my shoulders are positioned and the way that my legs propel my body toward the cape. I don't know. It feels like maybe you're blocking the door. Yeah, now, now it's a subordinate example. I can't block an exit. I didn't have to say that. I assumed it was kind of built into what. So I say notice any do you see anything cool?
Starting point is 00:27:28 I browse arch at this well. Well, okay, I think supporting. She would say yes at this point. So I would say yes, whatever you will. Yes, sure, whatever because she just wants to get out of there. Yeah, so I would I would put some dice in her right hand. Uh-huh. And I would put a ruler in her left hand because you're going to need a ruler when you're playing the
Starting point is 00:27:48 game. I would say very exacting gaze upon this battlefield. So Gourney Weaver on one side we have the fierce warriors of Calth ultra Marines from Altima are fighting an army of space work. I think we've gone around the I think we've laughed ourselves here. I think I think okay. Let's I'm just going to Weaver weave on just like, yeah, I'll buy it. Okay, sure, I just want to get out of there. So yeah, you sold a war hammer. Uh-huh. So I would then turn to the camera and I would do a fist bump and say, yes.
Starting point is 00:28:15 And that's how you play that hammer of my staff ring her up. And I would be, uh, I would be like rubbing my palms together the whole time. And then I'd say, see you next week for a painting lesson. And then she would say, what's going on? I don't understand. And then I nod knowingly, and I'd expect her to show up next week for that painting lesson.
Starting point is 00:28:38 So that's more him or 40,000 guys. I think we made it pretty clear. You guys both seem sold on it. So I guess I'll see you guys back next week for the end of the show. Sure, I guess whatever. Yeah, I think so. That's all I needed. Someday we'll learn how to play it.
Starting point is 00:28:54 Well, thanks for listening. Bye. Comedy and Culture Artist-owned, audience supported you

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