The Flop House - FH Mini #22 - Prequels: What's Their Deal?

Episode Date: January 23, 2021

Elliott quizzes us about prequels. Does anybody like them? Why prequels? WHY?Also, remember to get a ticket for the Flop House VIRTUAL LIVE SHOW, on Saturday, February 6th, at 9 pm Eastern! Just $10! ...Buy a ticket HERE!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everybody out there in Flop House Land, my name's Elliot Kaylen and I'm here with my best buds and their names are. Stan McCoy. Stuart Wellington who is very impressed. That's right my best buds, uh, Dan McCoy and Stuart Wellington who is very impressed and we're coming to you not live with the flop house. But before we get into this mini episode, you know, when you can see us live Saturday, February 6th at 9 PM Eastern, 6% Pacific. That's right, I said 6%.
Starting point is 00:00:33 We're going to be watching, but we're not watching. We're going to be talking about that. Oh, we're wrecked. I put so much brain power into that voice that I can fix. Come on, come on. Come on, before we get into it. Let me finish the promo for the live show. We're gonna be talking about the,
Starting point is 00:00:48 we're gonna be talking about the hit film Teen Wolf starring Michael J. Fox. Should have started Michael J. Wolf, but it doesn't. Michael J. Fox as a teenage wolf that Saturday, February 6th, that 9 PM Eastern, 6 PM Pacific, only $10. Just go to
Starting point is 00:01:03 We're also gonna be doing original presentations, audience, Q&A, and more. And if you can't watch it live, it will be archived in video form for a week. Afterwards, if you buy your tickets, that's Saturday, February 6th, 9 PM Eastern, 6 PM Pacific, Teen Wolf Time, TWT. And I got a hot tip about that website. Don't put the HTTP colon slash slash or HTTPS because for some reason that screws it all up and you can't get there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:36 If you're an old person who still puts in the HTTP part, doesn't just type in the WWW. Just stop doing that every all your all your web browsers know what you're doing. They understand what you're doing. They understand what's going on. They'll just slap that shit in for you. So just W.W.W.W. in. So Ellie, I did, real quick, Jordan, can you go back to when I said I was impressed
Starting point is 00:01:55 and just scrub that shit out? Yeah, I have a few questions about this voice. That's what I wanted to get into. Now is this, now is it? Lane on me, brother. Is this guy supposed to be sexy or is it more of just kind of a local radio DJ? Those are the same thing, Dan.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Okay. That's pretty cool. What kind of card is this guy drive? A come arrow. Oh, wow. Now I assume that's because he finally divorced his wife and this is his second, you know, chapter in his life. The way he tells it, he divorced his wife, the way the law tells it, she divorced him. You turn it to, you have to answer this, Robert Evans there at the end.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Yeah, I mean, we all do in the end. Yeah, our mean, we all do in the end. Yeah, in our doughy. We, in the end, we're all just an old man who produced the Godfather lying in bed trying to pitch movies over the phone for that last final time. He also, I think he had a pool in his backyard and there was just grass all the way up to the edge of the pool, which seems crazy. I may be misremembering it. I think it's awesome.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Yeah. Anyway, guys. Well, I get infinity pool, but for grants. Not at all. No. Guys, we're not here to talk about Robert Evans pool or the pool of the Bob Evans, which I only found out later was not related to the movie producer Robert Evans. I wanted to talk to you today about a subject that's been on the mind of filmgoers for nearly
Starting point is 00:03:24 a generation now or more, which is crazy. And that's the prequel. Now guys, I know what you're thinking. You make a movie, it's a big hit. Then you make a movie that takes place after that movie that continues the adventures of the characters. Incorrect, that's not how we do it anymore. These days, they have what's called prequels.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Now that goes before the original movie. And that's, I just wanna make sure everyone knows that's supposed to a squeak wall, which is purely a chipmunk-based entertain medium, a prequel, which is when there's the third movie in a series that takes place after but not before, or a night-wheel, which is the Snuffy sneezing, coughing, so you can rest medicine, right?
Starting point is 00:04:01 Peter Quill is of course Star Lord. The movie Quills was about the Marquieta side. That's a Jeffrey Rush Starer, as they would say, in for I just think. And Peak Skill is a city in Westchester. It's all learned a little about playing. So I don't want to confuse prequels with all those and and with any of those things But in case people are familiar, there's some famous prequels out there There's episode one the phantom menace which I put this into my head mainly because I just recently watched it with my son on his seventh birthday He enjoyed it did not understand the plot. I didn't understand the plot. There were parts of it It was like oh, I think I understand what's going on here now Then you got other hits like Oz the great Great, and Powerful, Hannibal Rising.
Starting point is 00:04:46 And of course, Prometheus kind of. Prometheus is kind of a prequel. So after watching the Phantom Menace, does your son just run around the house saying, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do you know that I mean he does love that song. He does he does love the dole of the face. So fucking Bob, he did have a lot of questions about who the characters were
Starting point is 00:05:05 and what was going on, and I couldn't answer all of them, but I will say on this viewing, and this is not what I mainly wanted to talk to you guys about. I was more into the character of Qui-Gon Jin, who at the time I first saw the movie back in 1999, when it came out when I was just a young and as opposed to the wisdom-dold codger that I am today, I was not impressed by that character,
Starting point is 00:05:25 and I thought he was a pretty bland, boring, like standard noble character, but watching it again, it came through to me and a good friend of mine by the name of Dan Brooks is going to take issue with this, if he hears this, as he did take issue with me over Twitter when I said it, but he strikes me as this kind of like religious zealot Jedi who is so sure of his own personal connection
Starting point is 00:05:45 with the force and what it tells him to do that even Yoda and the other Jedi's are like, uh, like don't take it too far, Korgon. Like, maybe you don't need to go so far with this. Sorry, I like that character so much. But guys, I wanna know, what are your feelings about prequels since there's been so many of them and the trend seems in no way to abating.
Starting point is 00:06:04 I was just looking at the news and saw how they're finally doing that Willy Wonka prequel. They've been threatening for so many years because so that we can finally find out how you become a crazy person who owns a candy factory that enslaves people from a mythical country. So are you into prequels?
Starting point is 00:06:21 Are you not into prequels? Or are you prequel curious? Is the Willy Wonka prequel gonna talk about how those old people got in the bed? Maybe that's what it's about. Maybe it's not a Willy Wonka prequel. Maybe it's a bucket grandparents prequel. I'm guessing it's because they're old stewards. Yeah, why are they all in the same room? Maybe like talking about old guests because they're poor. I don't know, like, is it a physical I don't know. Is it a physical thing that you want to see
Starting point is 00:06:45 like whether they use stairs to get in the bed or whether they just like leapt in original. I mean, it's certainly something that can get covered in the prequel. Right. It's a rich text, the lot to explore. I mean, there's the famous, you know, obviously there's the famous Pat and Oswald
Starting point is 00:07:03 routine about the prequels that, you know, obviously there's the famous Pat and Oswald routine about the prequels that, you know, kind of summarizes the problems with it where it's like oh, you know, you're like Darth Vader, right? Well, what if you see him when he's a little kid and it's like, well, that doesn't that's not why we like him and But that Dan I would I would counterpoint that with two words young sheldon. Uh-huh. People can't get can't get enough of their favorite characters as kids or little archie or a pup named scubi do any of those. You know, I mean,
Starting point is 00:07:32 up at babies perhaps. Sure. Young sheldon the name of that egg with the two legs sticking out in US acres. It was when he was young. Yes, that is sheldon. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Well, let's put this put television aside for a moment. I just I just Okay, thank you. I can't stop talking about us acres the cartoon show. It was called Garfield and friends. USA Curs was a portion of a larger sort of combination. Our field and friends was just was if was a
Starting point is 00:08:03 Garfield and friends was was a thin excuse for a US Acres television show. It was just everyone knows US Acres was the star. Kids couldn't get enough of horse in the pig that dumbed up with the with the rubber with the floaty thing around his that is a waste. Those sheep that had no personality and Sheldon the lovable egg that didn't finish hatching
Starting point is 00:08:22 and was too busy making the women in his life feel like morons because they didn't know hatching and was too busy making the women in his life feel like morons because they didn't know what the plank constant was or something. Am I getting my sheldon's mixed up? I think you're probably right, yeah. So, no, but it's sort of an adage of writing right that you are supposed to get in as late as you can
Starting point is 00:08:41 to like a scene or story and leave at the earliest possible moment. And the problem is- Yes, I do with parties. as you can to like a scene or story and leave at the earliest possible moment. And the problem is- Yes, I do with parties. The problem with prequels is like, you know, the original movie works because this is the story that wanted to tell.
Starting point is 00:08:54 They figured out the moment of most effectiveness, like the portion of the story that is worth telling. And the prequ's like, okay, we gotta make a movie that's probably not gonna be as good as that, because we don't have that same sort of like pure impulse. And it also has to end in such a way that it connects up with what we already know. So the story is partially dictated for us.
Starting point is 00:09:21 That's a very good point, counter-argument. Don't you wonder what made Nurse Ratchet so mean? Mm-hmm. Uh. Did you guys watch that one? I didn't watch that one, now. I haven't watched it yet. I find, as much as I love the performers involved,
Starting point is 00:09:35 I have never needed to know the backstory of Nurse Ratchet. And I am insulted by their portraying her in the ads as like a Michael Myers type figure, as if she is like a horror monster, like an iconic horror monster. Because I've never thought of one flew over the Kukus nest as like a monster movie, or like a nurse ratchet in that movie is so,
Starting point is 00:09:56 like there are moments in the movie where I'm so sympathetic to her because she is just trying to keep a lid on this place and a guy who's pretending that he belongs there but doesn't is causing all sorts of trouble. I know I'm not supposed to like her because she's a symbol of a system, but so the idea that it's like, now you're going to find out why she so screwed up. And I was like, yeah, how she got so twisted, how she became the Joker. Yeah, she's not Freddie. Like, so how did that guy become the Joker? I think he
Starting point is 00:10:23 did a stand-up set and everybody said it was bad and videotape. Yeah. Yeah. That's right. Now, Dan, you make it your right because when I finally watched Joker, that was the problem that the I was, I didn't like it very much. And then at the end, when he's finally the Joker, I was like, okay, I cannot wait to see him do some Joker stuff. And then the credit started. And I was like, Oh, right, I forgot. I forgot. They already did the good part of this. This is the, these are the parts they threw out at the end of the day. I thought they, yeah, I mean, I feel like,
Starting point is 00:10:52 I was really hoping he was gonna start delivering like packages, the post that say like from the, from the Joker to the mayor, got them, and the mayor's like, I should open this, any opens it and explodes or something. Yeah, I mean, that's what happens in Batman Things. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:07 So I looked through a list of prequels, and I could find how many good ones, yeah. Five ones that I thought were, Wow, at least worth something. Let people can disagree on their merits, but. And then I have a question for you if this movie is not on the list. I think that what kind of unites them all is they're not traditionally necessarily what you would think of as prequels.
Starting point is 00:11:36 Maybe I would say one of them is. Solo. There's interesting so I've got Twin Peaks Firewalk with me Which is a prequel to the television show Twin Peaks so it's a little different Dan. I'll quote you You said set aside television. So let's set it aside, baby Then you've got you got of course temple of doom Which has many problematic elements, but it also has many exciting set pieces. You can feel about it, however you feel about it,
Starting point is 00:12:08 like it or dislike it, but I think it is a prequel with Merit, but it works because it is barely a prequel at all. It's just one in the series of Indiana Jones movies. The only reason it's made a prequel is because they're like, oops, well, we made him into like, kind of a nicer guy at the end of Raiders and we don't want that to be true. So I guess we have to set it before Raiders, but then that doesn't make any sense with Raiders because by the time Raiders comes around, he's already seen supernatural shit go down. So he shouldn't
Starting point is 00:12:39 be so like, like, wait a minute, the arc actually has power? Religious? I have that power. How many times did Scully have to get knocked in the head by an alien before she was like, you know what, I think there might be aliens around here. And that was a huge problem with the show. Now, I was wondering if you were gonna mention Temple of Doom since I think many people
Starting point is 00:13:01 don't even know it's supposed to take place before the other ones. Like, you could watch those movies and think they happen in order because he's in the first movie he has this amazing arc, second movie, in between you have to assume he got hit on the head with a coke and another one of his adventures. And then third arc, of course he would be irritable and distracted because he's with his dad and there's nothing more irritating and distracting than having to spend a trip, go on a trip with your dad that's not to a civil war site. Because when you go to civil war site with your dad, you
Starting point is 00:13:27 have a thing to talk about, the civil war, and you don't have to talk about anything else in your life, and it really helps to make the weekend go by. That's why some people get into sports I've heard. Oh. Yeah, the thing about Temple of Doom is, you can correct me if I'm wrong, but there's a scene where Indiana Jones encounters a snake and he's like, a snake. I've never seen one of these before. I do not like it.
Starting point is 00:13:52 And that's why he doesn't like snakes and register the Lost Ark. Well, that's actually the last crusade you see that. But, oh, when he's a kid. You know what? I can't believe I just plagiarized a joke from a movie. Uh-huh. Well, here's the thing though, there's the scene in Raider's Law Stark, where he shoots the swordsman.
Starting point is 00:14:12 And then in Temple of Doom, he goes for his gun, and it's not there. And it's like, is there a mo- Are you still supposed to believe that Raider's Law Stark, he went, well, this didn't work last time, but I'll check and see if I have my gun on me. I do. No.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Hey, it was a good idea. No, I think you're supposed to believe. I mean, obviously it's just a callback to the film that happened later chronologically, but earlier in actual release. But I think you're supposed to think if anything that in between times he was like, oh, I won't make that mistake again.
Starting point is 00:14:41 I'll always have my gun with me. Because I like to think as he's watching the swordsman, he's thinking in his head, he's like, okay, gun, I'm gonna reach for you. You better be there. You have let me down a number of times in the past when you have not been there. That's partly on me, yes, because you're in an animate object
Starting point is 00:14:57 and it's kind of on me to keep you strapped to my thigh. But that's also on you, because you know what? When there were only one set of footprints, it was me carrying you, because you're a gun and you don't have feet. So let's see if you because you know what? When there were only one set of footprints, it was me carrying you, because you're a gun and you don't have feet. So let's see if you're there. Unless it's gun is Megatron. Yeah, Megatron does have feet,
Starting point is 00:15:11 so it could be the giant set of footprints behind. Megatron sometimes carries people. So Dan, what other prequels would you say are good quals? Okay, so... But besides pre-Larson, it's short for prequel, Larson. So this is gonna be another sort of controversial one, but one that... Wait, Dan, you're gonna say pre-fantane
Starting point is 00:15:32 that is not a prequel to the movie Fantane. Oh, yeah. The biography of Joan Fantane. Exactly. So this is another controversial one. I fuck on my seatbelt, Prometheus, I like, but that again, not a typical prequel.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Like the stuff that is a direct prequel to Alien is the easily the weakest stuff in the movie, I think. It does very much feel like a movie that is intending at the stop to not be a prequel to Alien and then at some point during the process, the ghost of Alien possessed it and was like, no, you're my prequel now and kind of tried to force it into being a prequel to alien and then at some point during the process, the ghost of alien possessed it and was like, no, you're my prequel now. And kind of tried to force it into being a prequel. Like, if you've ever had like, like, it's like you have two plugs that need to
Starting point is 00:16:14 go together, but you don't have the socket to connect them and you have to go out and buy one of those plug to plug just where things were, it's two sockets on either end. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Thank you. That's like, that's what for me theist turns intoheus turns into. Yeah, I mean, I feel like there's a chance I've already talked about this, but I when I saw Prometheus in the theater, I saw it at the Battery Park Theater on a matinee. That was my favorite matinee theater in all of New York. It was great. I was always empty during the day, during the week. Oh, man, I miss it. I miss going to the movies. What's going on with this world? But I was watching, I remember being kind of bummed
Starting point is 00:16:50 because I went in hoping it like with my brain set on, I'm watching a prequel. And I didn't like it as much. And then when I ended up revisiting it, I don't know, because somebody said I should watch the like, a different version. I don't know. Watch the DVD or Blu-ray. And watching it, watching it a second time,
Starting point is 00:17:10 revisiting it, I liked it much more. Like I feel like all I had to do was have that brain shift and be like, oh, I'm not watching just an alien prequam. Watching this weird movie where two aliens have sex at the end. Yeah, okay, so and all of these again, I'm sort of grading on the curve of prequels not being that good in the first place. That's the trouble with the curve. Yeah, but I also have, I've got Monsters University on here, which I like. Don't think it's... I have to say, I saw that in the theaters and I did not like it. I watched it again recently with my family and I liked it a lot more. Actually, it really worked for me at this second time.
Starting point is 00:17:49 I think that's the closest thing to a traditional prequel I have on this list because it is very much like, how did these two characters meet and become friends? But I think it works again by being not a traditional prequel in that it sort of just takes the characters and like, okay, they're in this other movie before Now we're just gonna put them into a college comedy, you know like they just switch genres on the film Some degree Now and the other one I have here only half a prequel Of course godfather, but that, again, it doesn't, like, it doesn't
Starting point is 00:18:28 feel like, it's on lists of prequels, but it doesn't feel like one to me because it, you know, half of it is a prequel, half of it is a continuation of the story of the Godfather and- You call that a sequel? Yes, it's a prequel sequel and the whole point is to you know draw parallels between Stuff that happened in the past and stuff that's going on in the in the present of that movie So it sounds to me like you're what I'm getting from you is you don't love prequels that much from all these non-traditional
Starting point is 00:19:01 prequel choices, so yeah, here's my question What is a movie you would like to see a prequel for? What movie have you watched where you're like, you know it would be more interesting to me? How these characters got together? Oh wow, oh man. Because I'll tell you what I have a serious answer to this and did joke answer. Okay, I want to hear one of them, but don't tell me which it is. Okay, I'll tell you. So my serious answer is I would actually love to see a wish they had made a thin man, prequel, where we could see how Nick and Norcharls met, because I think
Starting point is 00:19:36 that would see them kind of discovering in each other that they have a worthy kind of like partner slash verbal opponent would be very exciting to me. My joke answer is twins and you finally get to see the experiment with their just assembling the team of guys who are going to I guess all contribute some sperm to make a perfect man and you see them discarding it ends with them discarding the baby Danny DeVito, which means that it's a prequel to Batman Returns, which opens with a baby Danny DeVito being discarded. Alternately, you could combine those movies into the twin man, which is about twin detectives who are married to the same woman,
Starting point is 00:20:09 which I could also call dead ringers PI. So having bought that time for you guys, what prequel would you like to see? Welcome back to FireSide Chat on KMAX. With me in studio to take your calls is the dopest tool on the West Coast all over Wong and Morgan Rhodes. Go ahead, caller.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Hey, I'm looking for a music podcast that's insightful and thoughtful but like most of it helps me discover art and how it's been I've never heard of. Yeah man, it sounds like you need to listen to heat rocks every week myself and I'm Morgan Rhodes and my co-host here. Oliver Wong talked to influential guests about a canonical album that has changed their lives. Guess like Moby, Open Mike Eagle, talk about albums by Prince, Johnny Mitchell, and so much more.
Starting point is 00:20:55 Hey, thanks for coming. Thank you. Thanks. These are real podcast listeners. Not actors. We took the identifying marks off this podcast. Just tell me your impressions. It's really sexy.
Starting point is 00:21:16 My first thought is like, radio lab? Definitely something popular. Yeah, really popular. A hit show. But funny too. Like, does Tina Fey have a podcast? Or the Marks Brothers? Yeah, is this podcast radio lab, but hosted by the Marks Brothers?
Starting point is 00:21:31 And sexy, like Shade. It reminds me of Shade. Exactly, and they're all writing in a BMW. Close, but not quite. Take a look behind these panels. Oh. And then watch this rocket blast off into space. And there's the pies we made you. Now let's show you the podcast. Wow, it was John Jesse go. John Jesse go. Hold on. Go hold on
Starting point is 00:22:15 That was 514 JD power and associates podcasting awards that was really scary but compelling I guess I should definitely Subscribe to Jordan Jesse go um, yeah, I'd say so Jordan Jesse go a real podcast. Hey everyone, just popping in here to say that the flop house is sponsored in part by Squarespace and this time of troubles we are so happy to have sponsors. Thank you, what can Squarespace do for you? Well, it can turn your cool idea into a new website. On that website, you can blog or publish content. You can sell products and services of all kinds. You can do much, much more evolving webspites.
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Starting point is 00:23:34 I got an idea for a website, can Squarespace help me? And I'd say, yeah, probably Elliott, what is this, and you'd be like, oh, I got an idea. It's like It's an enthusiast website for people who like to make that little squeaking noise with a balloon when you let the air out. I'd be like, okay, great, great. Let me get through this ad
Starting point is 00:23:55 Elliott. A cold action. Here it is. Go to Squarespace. Got not So, not We love our sponsors. Let's get it right. slash flop for a free trial. And when you're ready to launch, use the offer code, flop to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. Great job, Dan.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Oh, you really messed up that one. Thanks, thanks, thanks, imaginary Elliott. And now, back to the show. I'm going to go back and answer your previous question because I didn't get a chance on prequels I actually like. And I'm going to, I'm going to ruffle Dan's feathers here. So maybe we'll get Hollywood horror monster nurse ratchet in there to sedate Dan so it doesn't
Starting point is 00:24:45 flip out because I'm going to talk about TV. That's right. I'm going to talk about Better Call Saul because I think Better Call Saul is a prequel that works. Part of what makes it work is that they have all these great flashbacks where Bob Odin Kirk is supposed to be playing like a 20 year old version of himself. He just comes here for it and it's so awesome. It's like, it's like,ank the TV so but it's pretty man.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Yes. Did you guys watch Mank or not? I'm not. I'm not. Oh, because the single funniest moment in all of movie going from movie watching for me of 2020 this makes it the funniest movie of 2020 is when is watching my wife's reaction when at one point Gary Oldman says I'm'm 44 years old. And she went, what? Because he is a man in his mid 60s. Who is playing this character?
Starting point is 00:25:30 My funniest moment, movie moment in 2020 had to be a line in inception when Robert Pattinson explains the stakes of the movie. He's like, if and if this happens, all the entire universe will be destroyed. And Elizabeth to pick, he looks at the sky and goes, including my son. What movie is that in? That's in Tannock, my mistake. I'd say Inception. You did.
Starting point is 00:25:57 I was just very, very, I was like, I didn't even remember the Robert Pattinson's Inception. It was alarming and confusing. I thought I phased into a parallel dimension. That would be pretty weird though, right? I must have accepted myself. I mean, what a disappointing Mandela effect that would be. But again, I slipped into a parallel dimension where inception and tenet just had different names.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Again, better call Saul is like a different kind of prequel. They're like, okay, here's a side character, an interesting side character. We haven't told his story yet, really. So let's go back and see what his deal is. It's more of like, yeah, it's in that spin-off vein of like a phrasher, even though that's going forward in time. Like it's just like, okay, well, this is a character, people seem to like what's his deal, you know?
Starting point is 00:26:43 Wouldn't it be weird if Frazier was going backward in time like in Tenet or Merlin? It's like Times Arrow. He's, there's a, there's a homunculus in Frazier's head that is experiencing Frazier's life backwards. Yeah. Oh, wow. So spoiler alert, spoiler for the Martin Ames novel.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Times Arrow. I feel like, I think you're right. I mean, I feel like better also also, you know, still falls into the various traps of prequels where there's a ton of moments that feel like they're thrown in there just because you're a fan of the original work and you're like, oh, this guy's important because I know he's important. Although they don't do a ton of stuff where they're like, this guy's going to be important. So we have the prophecy of why, you know, slipip and Jimmy's gonna become Saul Goodman or something.
Starting point is 00:27:30 Well that's a thing. Like, I love that show. I love all of it, but I get much more frustrated with sort of the drug plot side of the show because I'm just like, if this was a show on its own that didn't have to link to Breaking Bad, this wouldn't be here. Like, this is the stuff that doesn't feel like. Well, that's like, I have that just, I mentioned solo earlier. Like, the things I like in solo are the things that are not Star Wars reliant.
Starting point is 00:27:56 And like, if that movie didn't have to service Star Wars stuff, it would probably be like a stronger, more fun movie. If it didn't have to explain how the nickname Chewy came from the name Chewbacca as if like that needed an origin, you know. I want to tell you guys about the so I, Ali and I don't have a good answer for your question. My joke answer was gonna be like, I wonder if there's a, if we can make a prequel to dawn of the dead, some sort of night of the living dead. But anyway, I want to talk about the weirdest prequel that I've seen. I showed it recently for a bad movie online viewing thing I do with friends. Cruel Intentions 2. Now this was, this has an interesting provenance. They were going to make a TV show, a spin off of cruel intentions, a prequel TV show called Manchester Prep. And this was going to be on Fox.
Starting point is 00:28:57 And it didn't get picked up after the pilot. So Roger Cumble did the old Mulholl and drive and turned the unused pilot into to similar results. Well, I mean, oddly, one of the things that was... It won it, it won it can. And it grew and then it stood, did win it can. And, well, like a gratuitous lesbian nude scene was slipped into the movie once it became a movie. So there are like you're saying slipped in makes it makes me imagine that the movie was screening at a theater and a guy a shifty guy in a in a trenchco which is kind of like cycled up to the screen and it's kind of like through something.
Starting point is 00:29:40 Well, I mean, it is one of the funniest things about cruel intentions to is like most of it plays like this what it is like a bad 90s pilot for a Fox TV show and then they will throw in like a few scenes that are So ridiculously more sleazy than the rest of the movie that you're like, okay Well, this was the thing that was added like there's like I mean clearly in certain cases if it's like stuff that they couldn't go It was like the tone ships so radically. And because it is like a prequel, they have to end that like, it's one of these sequel slash prequels, where it's just like they've just remixed the actual elements from the original story, like up to a certain point, Cruel Entagents 2 is just Cruel Intentions done for beat.
Starting point is 00:30:26 And then at the end, they have a weird sleazy twist so that he can be in the same place where he is at the beginning of the movie, Cruel Intentions. I forgot to mention Amy Adams is at a very young Amy Adams. So... I don't know why that was necessary to mention. Because it's so weird to see this anyway. You know, let's find a spinning picture of it. It's fun to see.
Starting point is 00:30:49 There's the thing of gray sex years to think about. There are really rules. Oh, okay. I'm gonna say, look, we've all seen, we've all, look, if for every Jake Jill and all has his bubble boy, you know, everyone's got to start somewhere. Although, I guess he started with city slickers. Who was, was he he was he Jack balance? Jake Hillenholt. He was in the makeup chair as a kid for 10 hours every day to look like he's he's he's really crystal sun in these
Starting point is 00:31:13 like. Like one scene. Okay. I'm going to I just thought of something. But what about ginger snaps three? I thought that was that's a prequel right? It takes place in the old and times. And I remember liking it. I like that movie. It's kind of a prequel. It's like not the same, it's not like here are the same characters. It's like here's the same actors in similar dynamic
Starting point is 00:31:33 in the 18th century. Yeah. Yeah. I guess you're right. I think this is partly because I saw on Twitter, there was a little bit of commenting. This is also partly put into my head about the concept that after hours is a prequel to Home Alone
Starting point is 00:31:47 because John Hurd and Catherine O'Hara who played the parents in a Home Alone are both in after hours and that maybe this is how they met in downtown Manhattan and then they like settle down and had all their kids and forgot their son and I was like, oh, I love the idea of this being, of these movies being connected somehow because it's also such a stunning
Starting point is 00:32:05 indictment of the people who are part of that scene who have since sold out and become you know Just live in a big house in Chicago Yeah, whatever it is. Over there. You know, it's and are so obsessed with their flights to Paris that they forget their own son also we watched home alone recently and it was the first time I think that my son had ever seen a movie where the word ass was used and he was like what? What is this word? Yeah, people's dilate full recuium for a dream montage style. But guys, so I wanted to pitch another prequel idea to you. Obviously you guys loved my twins prequel, which is called Parent Island. And you loved my mashup, the twin man, the twin detectives married to the same woman who saw crimes. I was thinking, what if we revived the
Starting point is 00:32:55 Lukus talking series with a prequel called Lukus not talking yet, which is about the adult cast members. When they were children, they're not old enough to have children, but when they were kids, so we see how they got to the place that they ended up. Now, obviously, Chris Dialli and John Travolta, they don't know each other when the movie Lukus talking starts, so there's gonna have to be some way
Starting point is 00:33:16 to explain how they don't know each other at the end of the movie. How do we do it? How do we thread that needle? Well, one of, wait, okay, memory wipe. Yeah, coconuts. Those droids get wiped. That's the thing. That's the thing.
Starting point is 00:33:36 They were at his wedding. Yeah. Now, Elliot, look who, I mean, there's memory right wipes and there's rudeness and not remembering when you're one of two guests at a very private wedding. Look who's not talking yet. Now, the question I have about this is, so are the Travolta and Kirstie Allie babies
Starting point is 00:33:56 not talking in the movie? They're not babies. No, they're kids. They can talk, but their children can't talk because they're not born yet, because they're on the future. talk, but their children can't talk because they're not born yet, because they're on the future. Okay, here's another idea. Why do you have to go all the way back
Starting point is 00:34:08 to when they're kids? Can't it just be a talk? Characters, before they meet them. So, like moments before, I mean, Christianity, like, yeah, I mean, I guess Travult is not the dad. It's just the, It's the other guy.
Starting point is 00:34:22 No, but okay, so fine, we'll have Christie Ali and John DeRolta in makeup to become, to look like kids. It's the other guy. Okay, so fine, we'll have Christie Alley and John DeRoll to end makeup to look like kids. That's the thing, because we gotta get those star names in there. I don't know, I mean, I feel like Christie Alley, I guess her name is on Twitter a lot lately. But yeah, for necessarily good, maybe a problem cancelling.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Well, then you know what, then I forget, forget, look who's not talking yet. Do you guys remember the movie I think it was called, did you hear about the Morgan's? What if, what if we had a prequel that showed you what happened to the Morgan's? I got, I got to get, I got to get a prequel. For prequel, I was like, wow. You ready?
Starting point is 00:34:55 It's going to be a hot one. Good news mom, the babysitters alive. How about that? How about that? Hot dog. Now that's what I'm, yeah, that's a great, and again, you'd have to kind of ease over the fact that this is the second time they're hiring the babysitter and she died. Maybe she was in a horrible accident, that's why they don't recognize her, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:35:13 But that's the kind of thing I'm looking for. Yeah, yeah, is that kind of where we can take an old piece of IP and really revitalize it by going back in time and seeing what it was like before. And you want to get all the characters back. So Josh Charles will be in there for some reason. Yeah, David Covney. Yeah. Oh, yeah, David Covney was in there.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Man, he was cool. Yeah, man. Yeah, we can digitally DH them. Like the Irishman, I don't know. That's the part I'm not sure about the to gain. I don't know. I mean, as I said, I think if you just brush their hair forward. Yeah, Saul style, better call Saul style. Like you could do a prequel to like the 10
Starting point is 00:35:53 commandments. That's just called eight commandments. And it's about God figuring out what those last two commandments are going to be. And what I like about is that you're also leaving the door open for a sequel to the prequel nine commandments. Exactly. We've got to build it. We could do a Cleo from three to five, really dig into what happened earlier in that day. You could have the fast and furious prequel could be faster than movie. Let's pick it up next time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:24 You could do the prequel to January man, December man. would be faster movie. Let's pick it up next time. Yeah. You could do the prequel to January man, December man. It's called December of the previous year, man. You got to clarify, thank you. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, that might be was super, thanks for fixing it. No, no, yeah, there's the prequel to kindergarten cop, pre-school cop. And the prequel to cop at a half just one cop.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Well, I don't think, I don't think just because it's a prequel to kindergarten cop. He has to go to an earlier school. So how is the prequel, Dan, if it's not, how is the prequel? He would be younger and maybe, yeah, yeah. Yeah, that prequel to stop her, my my mom will shoot stop her my mom will shoot It's called it's called stop on my mommy will shoot. It's in a baby voice. Yeah, yeah Okay, yeah, then of course there's you know the prequel to Oh boy, what are some other movies that exist that have titles?
Starting point is 00:37:24 to, oh boy, what are some other movies that exist? That have titles? Most of them. I think there's the People of the King Kong, Prince Kong, which is about how Prince Kong Game of Thrones is way to the top. Is there a white album of movies? You know? I don't understand what you're asking.
Starting point is 00:37:41 If a movie has no title in the forest, will anyone go see it? No, it's not our title of this movie. Is there a movie whose title is a void rather than a man's movie called The Last Movie? I mean, there's a movie called The Last Movie. And you can make a prequel to that called, still got one more movie left in me.
Starting point is 00:38:03 The penultimate movie. I still got one more movie left in me. The penultimate movie. You could do, let's see, I guess the prequel to Hot Dog, the movie, would be ground up pig ain't in the movie. And it's before they put it in the tube. The casing's on it, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:21 That's the tagline actually. Did you ever wonder what happened before the casings? Here's how the sausage really gets made. Did you guys suggest this one the prequel to nine and a half weeks, nine weeks? They'd just really added that last half a week for the movie. You guys said that one yet? There's the prequel to the Nicholas Cage through eight millimeter, which is called seven millimeter. I did that last half a week for the movie. You guys said that one yet? There's the prequel to the Nicholas Cage through eight millimeter, which is called seven
Starting point is 00:38:48 millimeter. Yeah. You know, the... A dead Dan. Oh, I was just going to say that the writer of Hot Dog, the movie, went on to be the director of Hamburger, the motion picture. I mean, he's stuck with what he knows. That seems like a pretty clear career progression. Yeah, although, I mean, he, you know, he stayed stuck with what he knows. That seems like a pretty clear career progression.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Yeah, although I mean, it's weird. And then he ended up, he ended up running Taco the series, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, he was involved in the meatballs series too. Yeah, yeah. And the pizza concept album.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Sure. Is that where you just put a pizza on the turntable and put a needle down? Yeah, that's the concept. It was real, it was real John Cage type stuff, very avant-garde. Yeah, the concept is you and of course, you went on to work, went on to work with meatloaf. A real person whose name sounds like food. Was a pizza on a turntable, was that something Gremlins did or 16 candles did? Well, when a a pizza on a turntable, was that something Gremlins did or 16 candles did? Well, when a pizza's on a turntable, you can eat pizza any time.
Starting point is 00:39:49 So. Oh, yes, you're right. That's what the old ad said. That's what the old adage says. Yeah. So guys, I think we've, I feel like we've really answered a lot of questions about prequels tonight. Uh huh. Correct it. I think we finally like, I feel like we've really answered a lot of questions about prequels tonight. Uh-huh. Correct.
Starting point is 00:40:05 I think we finally, like, I feel like prequels are a big part of movie discourse, and I think we finally closed the book on them. I think we gave the definitive answer that everybody's been looking for. Until we look at the previous book and we start, we have the prequels of this discussion. Oh, okay. I like it. Mm-hmm. Now, it's someone, someone on Twitter Twitter they once asked me, they said,
Starting point is 00:40:28 have they ever made a prequel to a movie that didn't exist yet? And which is just a movie. And I feel like that's how distorted the conversation has gotten is that now the kind of assumption that you get of a prequel to anything is troubling. You guys, we get to be kind of... Every one of our episodes ends sort of with a prequel, like a regular full episodes when there's an outtake
Starting point is 00:40:49 from the beginning of the show, opinion. Oh, weird. I feel like Guy Richie's, what is it? Rocker Rolla felt a little bit like a prequel to a Guy Richie movie that hasn't been made yet. Hmm, fair, fair. It's not an adaptation of the Judas Priest album of the same name. I don't think so, but I'd have to look at the liner notes. Of the movie.
Starting point is 00:41:12 In the sense that like the movie felt like it felt like I was supposed to know these characters and it felt like the whole time it was building up to something that you never really get to. So the whole thing just felt like a like one setup. Oh, you didn't see the, okay, so you didn't see the director's cut, which ends with those characters. It's revealed that they're the characters
Starting point is 00:41:31 from the Big Chill. Oh, interesting. It's a prequel to that. Rockeroll is a prequel to the Big Chill. Yeah, okay, that makes sense. Which itself is a prequel to the 2016 election of Donald Trump. Who, who, because you've got to assume a lot of the people in the big chill would have gone on to vote
Starting point is 00:41:47 for him as their minds were destroyed by social media. The big chill is a movie. The big chill is a, my parents had the movie poster for the big chill in my basement and I looked at that poster basically every day growing up and I've never seen that movie. I mean, it's just boomer nonsense. It's fun enough because there's like good actors in it. But it's one of those movies that like, I like to, I like better as a kid, which is weird,
Starting point is 00:42:15 because it's like all of that people who are old and have been disillusioned in their life coming back together. But now I associate so much with like that generation that like dominated movies for so much. And you know, guys, what will be our big sale? The one that like everyone younger than us is annoyed that it's just like naval gazing a bunch of people. I mean, well, we had we we had our big chill. Unfortunately, it was chill factor with cuba good engineers keyed Aldrich
Starting point is 00:42:45 But uh, you know where they had to keep that that explosive cold or it or it so he gets an ice cream in I feel like I feel like the generation like immediately preceding us. It was something like beautiful girls or some shit Yeah, it was or like reality bites. Yeah, like that was that was right before us and the one for us is probably gonna be Avengers endgame Yeah, like that's probably our generation's big chill Dan's bracken his brain. He's like what what movie speaks to our culture the best and it's Avengers end game obviously It's got to be Avengers end game because that moment when everybody comes back and they're like I'm with you cap I don't know that that really spoke to me as a as a what's our generation like older millennials. You're an older millennial. I am a younger exer. So I'm on I'm on the cusp baby. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:43:36 Stuart is racer X who secretly speeds brother. Well guys, I think we've talked out prequels well enough. I think this is a good question for our audience. What do you think is the Big chill of now. What's the movie where it's a bunch of people who are approaching middle-aged just kind of yammering on about their own selfish garbage? Just until they're tired of it, you know in a house together morning Kevin Costner. So guys What's the what's the modern version of that? Let us know, talk to us on Twitter, and if you'd like to see us talk about Teen Wolf, which will be somewhat more organized in this discussion, just join us Saturday, February 6th at 9 PM Eastern, 6 PM Pacific. We're going to be selling tickets right now.
Starting point is 00:44:17 When you listen to this, just go straight there at Don't bother with that HTTP garbage. That's for big chill old people. Just put in, the price is only $10 or as much as you'd like to spend above that, but you don't have $10 is the minimum. You cannot spend less than that. We're going to have all new presentations. We're going to be answering audience questions.
Starting point is 00:44:40 And again, we're going to be talking about the big chill of our generation, Teen Wolf. The movie that perhaps branded itself more on American pop culture than any other film about a basketball playing werewolf. Prove me wrong, Dan. Prove me there is a more dominant film about a basketball playing werewolf. I don't think there has been one. Do you guys have anything else you want to say before we say goodbye to our gentle listeners? No, let's just do it.
Starting point is 00:45:02 Okay, for the flop house, I am Inelie Kaelin. I have been damn boy. Hey, it's me, Stuart Wellington. Welcome to the flop house. No, God. No, no, no, he's doing a prequel. He's trapped in a prequel. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:45:15 Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no. Comedy and culture. Artists owned, audience supported. Comedy and culture. Artist-owned, audience supported.

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